

Thursday 4 February 2010 05:01


In the following analysis, everything starts coming decisively together. We now prove that former President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, working with former US President George H. W. Bush Sr., former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Dr Joseph Ackermann, all partners in Deutsche AG (formerly called Barrington Investment Group), Switzerland, stole a contract using the electronic tag to the securities account owned by Michael C. Cottrell’s Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., with Benchmark Securities, In., New Jersey, at a table-top meeting in Geneva on 7th October 2002 by the means described below, which included the electronic ‘forging’ of Mr Cottrell’s signature. This theft was preceded by seven related thefts from Mr Cottrell’s firm’s securities account, itemised below.

This means that former President Mikhail Gorbachev and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl are financial criminals like George H. B. Bush Sr. and should be treated accordingly. Mr Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl have, as partners in Deutsche AG, by definition been profiting from the theft of Mr Cottrell’s contract and property, and also, as further revealed below, from proceeds from the theft of The Queen’s gold, which, we were informed at 1.15 am on 4th February 2010, have likewise been channelled through Deutsche AG, Switzerland. As of 2nd February 2010, The Queen’s gold had not been restored. [In view of what we allude to but cannot divulge below, this grim situation may have changed on 3rd February, but we don’t know whether this is the case, yet].

• The proceeds of innumerable corrupt transactions involving these characters have been run through the DVD’s main institutions, Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank. So what is being exposed is that George H. W. Bush Sr. (CIA/DVD) and Mikhail Gorbachev (Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) and KGB/FSB) have been ransacking American and non-American victims alike, and running this colossal open-ended racketeering through Germany, with the assistance of the former STASI of East Germany (who are GESTAPO in relabelled clothing). Hence the presence on the scene of STASI operatives such as Eva Teleki, a Swedish opera singer, and other operatives suspected of being continuing STASI agents, such as Chancellor Angela Merkel (the former Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx Lenin University, in East Berlin). This explains why Merkel was earlier fingered by this service as guardian in Germany of George Bush Sr.’s stolen and exploited racketeering assets with German institutions.

• Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who is a senior Soviet GRU operative, was based in East Germany before he migrated to Leningrad, and is believed to have been responsible for orchestrating, at least from the Soviet side, the clockwork ‘collapsible communism’ operations in Eastern Europe. Gorbachev has been reported to us to operate from a large wing of the Kremlin, as though he never left the place. Which he didn’t. He’s been at the centre of this criminality THROUGHOUT.

• Leo Wanta, who answers the phone in German, was the courier between George H. W. Bush Sr. and Mikhail Gorbachev. Although he says he’s Polish, we think this felon and fraudster (who has stolen this Editor’s loan plus interest) may be a DVD operative/double agent, possibly STASI.

• Note: It is standard CIA ‘tradecraft’ practice to usurp the expertise of outside professional talent if it is not available in-house or by some other means. In this context, the CIA perpetrators needed a US securities expert with impeccable credentials and a securities account. What the CIA does is apply its standard Bush-style ‘bait and switch’ technique, exploiting and maximising the potential of the usurped professional expertise, before rejecting it and stealing the assets associated with it.

That’s what happened to Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. This procedure also explains Wanta’s ‘use’ of Mr Cottrell for his failed AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. operation, because Mr Michael C. Cottrell has the requisite securities market expertise and account facilities, which were applied for the benefit of Mr Wanta. Note also that Steven Goodwin, the Wanta Attorney in Richmond, VA, who accepted this Editor’s $35,000, which Wanta stole, was born, as stated previously, in Dusseldorf.

It was reported to us at 1:00am on 4th February 2010 that the forgoing were both ARRESTED on Wednesday 3rd February 2010: see below for outline details. BREAKING.



























‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

‘Seeing what’s at the end of one’s nose requires constant effort’. George Orwell.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

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Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and ‘politically incorrect’ [i.e., correct] intelligence books online from this website.

Press Archive for this report [29th January 2010]
Case Number CV10-00031 JVS (MLGx):
The biggest lawsuit in world legal history: The phantom share giga-scandal.

Note: If the current report [4th February 2010] is displayed, access the Archive for immediate display of our CMKM/CMKX report dated 29th January. All preceding reports, at least back to December, are also relevant to the current state of tension brought about by these gangsters.

• And note that this report EXPANDS our understanding for WHO has been involved all along.


In our report dated 31st January, referencing the appearance of Jeb Bush at the White House on Saturday 30th January accompanying Godfather Bush Sr., we stated as follows: ‘Furthermore, the reason Jeb Bush suddenly surfaced was that Jeb Bush was involved when the Delmarva funds were stolen in August 2002. It will be recalled that Jeb was on record earlier as protecting his own interests under the smokescreen of the lie that his father was too gaga to know what he was doing, which has always been baloney. So Jeb has been caught too’.

The underlying facts here, which are central to the state of affairs reached at the end of January 2010 and which explain Jeb Bush’s sudden surfacing at the White House, as well as his sombre appearance when photographed leaving the official residence in a snowstorm, are as follows:

(1): Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. had served as a Trustee of Delmarva Timber Trust
and remains a Trustee of the Trust.

(2): In 2002, given Mr Cottrell’s status as a Delmarva Timber Trust Trustee and his security and background check credentials, Mr Michael C. Cottrell’s corporation Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.,
had been offered a contract to trade $500 billion by Deutsche Bank AG.

(3): This contract was stolen from Mr Cottrell’s computer, complete with his signature and passport image and details, by specific instructions of Dr Joseph Ackermann’s co-partner in Deutsche AG (formerly Barrington Investment Group), George Bush Sr., and his criminalist associates, Richard B. Cheney and George W. Bush Jr. between 19th August and 7th October 2002, using the National Security Agency (NSA) T-2 program. Mr Cottrell’s signature was ‘forged’ in the sense that it was lifted from his computer and used to seal the consequent illegal transactions accruing for the benefit of Gorbachev, Kohl and Bush. Further details of these thefts, will be found below.

(4): On 19th August 2002, Jeb Bush attended a meeting with Delmarva Timber Trust personnel, the subject matter of that meeting being how Delmarva could make a deal with George H. W. Bush Sr. and with George W. Bush.

(5): In our brief reference above and in our report dated 31st January 2010, the statement that ‘the Delmarva funds were stolen’ contained a misunderstanding by the Editor. It was funds deposited in a securities account belonging to Mr Cottrell’s Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., that were stolen, by means of the electronic ‘forging’ of Michael Cottrell’s signature, on the specific instructions of the Bushes and Cheney, from the White House. Mr Cottrell had been offered the contract by Deutsche Bank given his Delmarva Timber Trust background and his securities credentials.

As BREAKING EVENTS are showing, this was a fatal theft too far by the DVD’s Bush Crime Family and their lackey, MK-ULTRA operative Richard B. Cheney.

Deutsche Bank had been more than content to approve the securities market credentials of Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. a Delmarva Trust Trustee, with rollovers and extensions. His firm’s securities account was held within Benchmark Securities, Inc., New Jersey. Deutsche Bank had concluded that he was the ONLY American they would be prepared to consider for the intended trading purposes; and after they had checked him and his credentials out, they were delighted and so approved him for the $500 billion contract.

Funds had been procured and tagged to Pennslyvania Investments Inc.’s securities account within Benchmark Securities Inc., New Jersey, for the purpose of using the funds with the contract.

Between 19th August 2002 and 7th October 2002, the Bush II White House, using the National Security Agency’s T-2 program, fraudulently ‘pinged’ Michael C. Cottrell’s securities account on seven separate occasions. The perpetrators were consequently able to purchase several billion dollars’ worth of contract paper on each occasion.

At the end of this exercise, at a table-top meeting in Geneva on 7th October 2002, they activated the electronic tag to access the contract enabling them to steal the contract for Deutsche AG and the funds in Pennsylvania Investments Inc.’s securities account within Benchmark Securities Inc.

In order for them to achieve these thefts, Michael C. Cottrell’s signature was electronically copied for the purpose – the electronic equivalent of forgery of the principal’s signature. Therefore, in addition to conspiracy to commit theft, and to the thefts themselves, the criminals concerned, who include Mikhail Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl, perpetrated forgery as well.

As previously reported, partners in Deutsche AG, formerly Barrington Investment Group, include Dr Joseph Ackermann, the DVD’s main banker, George H. W. Bush Sr., Helmut Kohl, the former Chancellor of Germany, and former President Mikhail Gorbachev, all of whom, therefore, are co-conspirators in perpetrating the theft implemented in Geneva on 7th October 2002.

Former President Mikhail Gorbachev and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl have shared the proceeds accruing to their partnership in Deutsche AG (formerly Barrington Investment Group), so Gorbachev and Kohl are identified as having STOLEN THE CONTRACT AND FUNDS BELONGING TO MICHAEL C. COTTRELL, B.A., M.S., elaborated above.

Also implicated were George W. Bush (Jr.), Richard B. Cheney and Cheney’s aide, Libby. Since Deutsche Bank had approved Michael C. Cottrell’s credentials as stated above, in allowing these illegal transactions to go through on the basis of an electronically stolen (and therefore forged) version of Mr Cottrell’s signature, Deutsche Bank itself became a co-conspirator, with Deutsche AG and its partners, in these successive thefts and exploitations of the funds which had been placed with Mr Cottrell’s securities account at Benchmark Securities, Inc., New Jersey.

The named highest-level US perpetrators, who erroneously imagined that they are covered by the National Securities Act of 1947 et seq. and are accordingly ‘licensed’ to abuse their high offices by committing theft, fraud and forgery, then intimidated and bore false witness against Mr Cottrell and arranged for the FBI to utter threats against him. Specifically, on 2nd October 2002, FBI Special Agent Jan Trigg and FBI Special Agent O’Grady [telephone number: 718-286 7307] telephoned Mr Cottrell at 3:44pm, accused HIM of conducting fraudulent transactions, and accompanied this lie with threats. In reality, the fraudulent transactions were being conducted by George H. W. Bush Sr., Richard B. Cheney, President George W. Bush and their foreign high-level partners.

At 1.00 am UK time on this date, 4th February 2010, the Editor was informed that the following were arrested on 3rd February 2010:

• Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister.

• Dr Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board

• Please note that the foregoing statement IS ACCURATE. CONSTRUE what has just been stated: The Editor was informed by transatlantic telephone at the time and date stated here, of the above arrests. This, we repeat, is 100% ACCURATE as presented to you. That’s what we’ve been told.

• Note: The possible ‘cover’ for the arrest of Blair may have been the fact that when the respected former British Labour Government Cabinet Minister, Clair Short, testified on 2nd February 2010 at the Chilcot Inquiry into whether Britain’s participation in the Iraq War was illegal, she denounced Blair as a liar, deceiver and con artist. Specifically, Ms. Short stated that Blair lied to his Cabinet and misled Britain’s Parliament over the Iraq War, accusing Blair of personally ‘conning’ her and of ‘deceiving the Cabinet, Parliament and the public’. Ms. Clare Short said that when she tried to question the legal case for war in Cabinet, she was jeered at, and Blair told her to ‘be quiet’. [Sources: Daily Telegraph, 3rd February 2010, page 12; The Times, 3rd February 2010, page 14].

• At 1.15 am UK time on this date, 4th February 2010, the Editor was informed that two top MI-6 personnel travelled to the United States to supervise matters currently in hand.

• The Editor was also informed of travel arrangements to the United States concerning a top personage but chooses to withhold this information at this time.

Of course what has happened is that due to their criminal greed in general, and as a consequence of this colossal theft in particular, involving the electronic ‘forging’ of Mr Cottrell’s signature, it has been possible to turn the tables on these careless and overconfident gangsters – with the noose being tightened progressively round their necks by stages.

• They are now metaphorically standing on the platform, with the executioner poised beneath them ready to shift the lever to open the trapdoor into which they will be dropped.

You may well ask yet again why have these people not been arrested in front of the TV cameras – as so many furious observers, including ourselves, have understandably been demanding. Among reasons for this not happening, we suppose, are included feeble fears for the future of the dollar system and the Republic; but the most likely generic reason for this not happening to date has been an unwarranted expectation by almost all elements within the US structures involved in the criminality and in covering it up, that they would all get away with everything in the end, given that their criminalist foreign associates are such big names.


The real opposition has not crumbled – highlighting the central problem that these organised gangsters face, which can be summarised as follows:

• On the one hand, they have ‘successfully’ and comprehensively subverted the Rule of Law, the financial system, the domestic and world economies, the US intelligence community, many other intelligence communities and governments, the US military, elements of the US judiciary and law enforcement, and Wall Street. You would have thought that this would be more than enough to guarantee these gangsters open-ended ‘success’ for ever more, wouldn’t you.

• Yet on the other hand, since EVERYTHING they do is illegal, criminal or borderline ditto, and since they lie through their teeth and have to continue lying through their teeth because each successive lie has to be propped up with further lies, they recognise that they must operate within what remains of the Rule of Law and the judicial system that they despise. Otherwise they wouldn’t get their lies so entangled, and they wouldn’t go to such lengths (such as citing ‘national security’ as cover for criminal activity) to cover up their endless criminal behaviour.

As was inevitable given their overconfidence and the web of conflicting lies with which they are strangling themselves, the residual Rule of Law and the judicial system have caught up with these inveterate gangsters. We know for a fact that ‘they’ never expected that the lawyers acting for the CMKM/CMKX Plaintiffs [see Archive reports dated 9th January and 29th January] would actually FILE their devastating Complaint requesting monetary payment of $3.87 trillion given the floatation of an estimated 2.0 to 2.25 trillion phantom CMKM/CMKX shares from within the SEC itself.

However the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mary L. Schapiro, has been served with the Summons, and the other defendants have been or are about to be served their Summonses, as well.

Given updated indications of failure hitherto to perform across the board financially, subpoenas are pending against individuals whose careers and ‘stellar reputations’, whether hospitalised or not, will be abruptly terminated as a consequence.

• Ignoring Summonses is not an option. Such behaviour would ensure summary judgment against the defendants, probably associated with jail sentences for contempt of court.

Meanwhile a routine old lie that is being revived in order to obfuscate the desperate plight facing the gangsters, is that the World Court has no jurisdiction in the United States. This obfuscation has been trotted out for years, and is being irresponsibly promulgated by some disruptive US websites. Like parallel spurious ‘Black’ propaganda with similar cover-up intent, this reiterated assertion is both irrelevant and malicious. Readers are misled by such diversions, perpetrated by operatives who are perfectly well aware of the true situation, and are deliberately instructed to cover it up. In what follows, we have no choice but to mingle geopolitical analysis based on our deep experience, with the necessary financial and gold information. You can extract the financial and gold information from the analysis, and it will stand unaffected as precisely described here.

Underlying facts associated with the World Court lien against the US Treasury reported by this service include the following, and concern the theft of The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007. Contrary to what we were led to believe later in 2007, this matter has NOT been rectified, according to the most recent information obtained from US inside (official) sources and passed to this Editor at about 7:00pm UK time on 3rd February.

• Therefore, The Queen’s gold has remained STOLEN now for the best part of TWO years.
[Note: We are not able to discuss this matter beyond what is published here].

This scandalous state of affairs has been deliberately exploited by the large pan-German Nazi Fifth Column in the United States as a wedge to destroy the British Monarchy and to create tension and confusion between the two wings of the ‘Main Enemy’ (as the continuing Nazis and their covert Soviet associates see us), Britain and the United States. The ultimate objective is to destroy what remains of the Anglo-US Alliance – to drive a wedge between the two countries, and this operation which is far advanced. It is now being comprehensively THWARTED.

(1): On 20th-30th March 2007, a highest-level US criminal intelligence operation serving the interests of the pan-German Fifth Column was mounted to steal gold belonging to the British Monarchical Power. As indicated, it is a primary objective of the ongoing pan-German Nazi ‘Black’ counterintelligence apparatus, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), the heirs of the Abwehr – before whom Chancellor Angela Merkel, genuflects – to destroy the British Monarchy.

The British Monarchy provides national stability and stands in the way of the completion of the pan-German long-range strategy for hegemony in Europe and beyond. Even more to the point here, the British Monarchical Power is the ONLY power standing for the true Rule of Law – the ONLY power standing firm in the face of the ‘Black’ forces bent on thrusting the world into irretrievable chaos, not least by continuing ad infinitum their Fraudulent Finance operations.

• That’s why the Monarchy is targeted as described

(2): On Friday 29th March 2007, British banking system went ‘dead’ – such that the Editor of this service, who attempted a small VISA Credit card transaction in Victoria Street, London SW1, that afternoon, was unable to complete the transaction. When the Editor made some enquiries, it later transpired that Credit Card transactions had failed across the board in the United Kingdom. Further enquiries eventually yielded the following astonishing state of affairs:

(3): The banking ‘blackout’ extending into Saturday 30th March 2007 (separately confirmed to us, incidentally, by top Westminster political sources on 13th December 2008, and on subsequent occasions, the most recent of which, as noted, was 3rd February 2010), was used as ‘Blackout’ cover for the stealing of gold belonging to the British Monarchical Power.

This theft forms part of the basis for the action taken, in collaboration with Chinese parties, by agents for the British Monarchical Power against the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, resulting in the lien for $47 trillion on the US Treasury referenced in some of our earlier reports. This lien is in force and has not yet been discharged (although this may be ‘in process’).

• As a consequence, the United States is temporarily not sovereign, a state of affairs that will unfortunately remain the case until this matter is resolved.

(4): By early May 2007, research conducted by this service had confirmed that a massive theft of gold directed from the highest levels of the criminal US Government structures (in conformity with the long-range pan-German strategy to destroy the British Monarchical Power) had indeed been secretly perpetrated on 29th-30th March 2007. On 15th May 2007, the Editor happened to mention to a US party that US criminalists had stolen The Queen’s gold. The person retorted that ‘I find that hard to believe’ and the Editor replied: ‘In that case, as you don’t believe what I say, don’t ever contact me again’. This conversation was recorded by the eavesdroppers, disrupting certain operations being conducted against the Editor of this service.

(5): At 1:45pm UK time on Tuesday 2nd February 2010, the Editor was engaged in a transatlantic telephone conversation with Michael C. Cottrell B.A., M.S., in which the Editor had raised the issue of ongoing attempts by controlled websites to obfuscate the jurisdiction of the World Court in the United States (an old diversionary ‘line’). As this matter was being reviewed, Mr Cottrell said:

‘They stole The Queen’s gold in London, not in the United States. Hence she can prosecute them under the British anti-terrorism legislation’.

(6): As soon as Mr Cottrell had said ‘They stole The Queen’s gold’, the transatlantic phone call was heavily jammed electronically by eavesdroppers. [See our observations about the stupidity of the eavesdroppers, below]. Every time they do this, they simply confirm the accuracy of what is being discussed. It was just possible for us to conclude the conversation above the din, and the Editor therefore managed to add that, thanks to this further confirmation (now afforded by the electronic jamming), the matter of the stealing of the gold in 2007 would be revisited by this column.

• The theft of The Queen’s gold was discussed internally in the United States on 3rd February 2010, and as indicated above, the Editor was susbequently informed that this matter remained outstanding and had NOT been resolved.

(7): Two of the actual criminal events which have given rise to this crisis and to the lien, took place in Europe: in London (the stealing of The Queen’s gold) and also in The Netherlands (the operation against ABN Amro). Thus BOTH criminal events afford the British Monarchical Power jurisdiction under British and European anti-terrorism legislation, which embraces ALL financial criminality – providing a further reason why our description of the US high-level operatives and gangsters as Financial Terrorists, is accurate. The relevant British and European anti-terrorism legislation is believed to have been duly invoked.

(8): Proceeds from the trading of The Queen’s gold have been systematically channelled, we now understand, through Deutsche AG (formerly Barrington Investment Group, Switzerland), which of course means that Messrs Gorbachev, Kohl, Bush Sr, Ackermann, et al, HAVE PROFITED FROM THE STEALING OF THE QUEEN’S GOLD. Hence, they are themselves criminal Financial Terrorists.

Since the United States is the defendant in this (and the Chinese) World Court case(s), World Court jurisdiction most definitely applies in the United States, contrary to the mischievous disinformation being recycled for obfuscatory purposes, by US agents of influence who have been so instructed. The World Court is, moreover, an offshoot of the United Nations, arising from the Bretton Woods Agreements. The World Court also has an American Justice; and enforcement, auditing and other relevant personnel associated with this World Court matter were indeed sworn in at the US Justice Department at the beginning of December 2009, as we reported – given that it is necessary under international law for foreign personnel engaged in enforcement of World Court orders to be sworn-in on the soil of the defendant country.

It was clear from the electronic jamming which interfered with the foregoing transatlantic telephone conversation that US electronic intelligence services wished this matter to be suppressed. In view of what is transpiring in ‘real time’ as this report is being finalised, their anxiety is understandable. But precisely because of that intervention, we are hereby taking this opportunity to lay out the facts more fully than before, as known to us – bearing in mind that this service exposed the gold theft in 2007, within a matter of weeks after that assault by Germany’s agents within the US structures against the British Monarchical Power.

You may now perhaps understand why, outraged at this development, we then called for the US Ambassador to be recalled from London, for him to be ordered to procure the rectification of this assault within a specified period, and in the absence of any progress within two months, for the US Embassy to be closed and US bases operating on British territory to be evacuated.

Of course, given innumerable other considerations, we did not expect any of this to happen: but strong language needed to be used in order to convey, to those with ears to hear, the extreme gravity of the situation, and to advertise the theft which no-one else (of course) was reporting.

Because Britain is enmeshed in the sterile European Union Collective – the long-range pan-German hegemony collectivisation operation mapped out under Hitler and delineated in the compendium Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft, published in Berlin in 1942, which we have extensively exposed elsewhere [in particular in The New Underworld Order], it is still taboo to describe Germany as THE ENEMY.

• But there is no doubt whatsoever that this is an accurate statement.

In the European sphere, France covers for Germany under the terms of the Treaty of the Elysée (January 1963), which is of indefinite duration and provides for both sides to reach ‘an analogous position’ in respect of all external matters of common interest.

The indefinite treaty was signed by the duplicitous General Charles de Gaulle, no friend of Britain despite his exile in London during the war, and Dr Konrad Adenauer, the former Hitler-era mayor of Cologne, and friend of Hitler’s favourite German bankers, Drs. Abs and Pferdmenges. New plans to integrate dimensions of the French with the British military structures, reportedly being discussed within the British official circles, appear to overlook these fundamental considerations – given that British policy remains dominated by brainwashed, second-rate people who do not understand, are ignorant of, or refuse to accept, the reality that long-range pan-German DVD strategy is viscerally opposed to the continued existence of Britain as an independent country – just as it is focused on building ‘the Thousand-Year Reich on the ruins of the United States’.

The current wheeze in London is that a new revival of the Edwardian ‘entente cordiale’ would be appropriate, given Britain’s weakened position following the corruption of elements of the City of London by the DVD-serving Bush-worshipping George Bush Center for Intelligence, Langley, VA.

Such a démarche should not even be contemplated unless and until France denounces and exits from the 1963 Treaty of the Elysée with Germany. Otherwise further entanglement with France will simply mask further lethal entanglement with the long-range subversion strategy implemented by the secret pan-Germans – which the prevailing financial showdown is, at least, destabilising.

The offensive against Britain and the British Monarchy is being directed from three centres: Germany (Dachau) itself; the Germanophile component of the subversive Bush-corrupted US Intelligence Power; and Germany’s wartime ally, Japan, also known to be targeting British power, which is extensively centred within the British Monarchical Power.

A constant campaign of vituperative venom, very typical of familiar old Nazi hate propaganda, is disseminated via several notorious US websites – with no tangible impact other than to confuse Americans who do not possess access to the underlying accurate information, or who want their prejudices reinforced. These cynical CIA/DVD Psy-Ops activities are leading nowhere, given the prevailing ‘evolution of events’ (to cite Lenin); but are cruelly misleading Americans who deserve better than to be constantly lied to by operatives working for the criminalised Intelligence Power which is itself an instrument of foreign interests.

The barrage of disinformation directed at well-meaning Americans by evil elements within the US official structures is, of course, an ongoing scandal of immense proportions which no-one in the United States seems to be interested in addressing. People with influence and contacts that we know well, seem to accept this state of affairs as perfectly normal. It is NOT in any way normal for a Government to deploy crude Psy-Ops specialists and agents of influence whose job is to spew out disinformation and lies 24/7 for the specific purpose of deceiving and misleading its own people.

This abomination has matured from the poisonous Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s Psy-Ops offensive against, and to subvert, the US media implemented during the Cold War period – with the covert aim of preventing the press from investigating embarrassing and criminal operations by the Intelligence Power itself as it consolidated its control over the US Federal Government structures behind the Cold War smokescreen – becoming far more of a menace than the GRU-KGB ever was.

This monstrous, self-financing, criminalised US ‘State within the State’ – which will tolerate no interference with its criminal operations, is responsible for perpetrating the biggest portfolio of criminal finance scams in history, and has absolutely no intention of reforming itself – is thought to have perpetrated three or more hidden giga-scams that are comparable in size to the incredible CMKM/CMKX phantom shares fraud that we have exposed on this website. We are aware of two comparable scams in the United States, and another in Canada (which has been comprehensively corrupted by the Bush Crime Syndicate operations there, FBI Division Five which sits inside the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the compromised Canadian intelligence community, and a number of well-known Canadian banks). The US Intelligence Power recognises no limitations to its arrogant abuse of the power that it has usurped from the American people and that it deploys to coerce and subjugate the Executive Branch, in particular.

Enron was NOTHING compared to what is emerging as this monstrosity’s financial and related crimes – dancing to the tune of the Bush and Clinton DVD Crime sub-Syndicates of the George Bush Center for Intelligence, Langley (which in turn serves even darker interests identified at the top of this report) – are progressively being exposed.

For the US Intelligence Power has penetrated and subverted not just the Financial Sector, both at home and internationally – exporting its corruption abroad in order to escape the US monopolies and securities legislation, and maximising the potential for perpetrating ever more open-ended fraudulent finance operations at home under cover of the National Security Act of 1947 et seq. (a crooks’ charter) – but has, in parallel, exploited its entrée inside official structures, such as the SEC, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the CIA itself and the Pentagon (the Halliburton scamming operations) to perpetrate unspeakable frauds against targeted constituencies from inside the Government itself. After all, since the White House has for years been doing not a lot else but engage in open-ended corrupt financial operations, what’s the problem?

This abominable US Intelligence Power monstrosity needs to be decapitated, decimated, trampled under foot, and buried in concrete. Furthermore, when that imperative reform finally takes place, as it surely will – given the extreme shocks in store – not a single member of its corrupted staff should be ever eligible for re-employment in a new, slimmed-down US intelligence sector subject to proper checks and balances with very sharp teeth.

If you say this can’t happen, you have already fallen victim to a central ingredient of the cynical CIA Psy-Ops offensive that’s being waged at maximum intensity against the American people – namely, a defeatist mentality. They want you to think like that – because defeatism protects their continued illegitimate hegemony. But everything’s collapsing onto their heads now, we think.

FACT: These people CAN be defeated. Look what immense progress has been made since it ceased to be the case that they always got their own way. Further progress is being made every day, and the pace at which these people are being destabilised is rapidly accelerating. Remember: They never thought there could ever be any real opposition, so they weren’t prepared for it when it materialised: and they have been scared and on the defensive ever since.

The fact is, they don’t have the initiative, although they may kid themselves that they do: all of us who are standing up to these vermin, have the initiative. These CIA marionettes are spinning like tops. Many may wind up spinning in their graves or dangling from George H. W. Bush’s lamp posts. And an awful lot of people are likely to wind up in jail.

One egregious example of the contemporary manifestation of Operation Mockingbird, which we have exposed several times already in this column, is the fake so-called ‘Sorcha Faal’ operation.

These reports typically begin with the weasel phrase ‘Rumours circulating in the Kremlin today’ or else ‘Reports circulating in the Kremlin today’, for the purpose of conning the gullible reader into believing that he or she is reading inside information from Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) or the successors to the KGB (FSB). As the Editor of Soviet Analyst, the Editor of this service is naturally aware of the fact that, as we have said before, the Kremlin doesn’t ‘DO’ rumours. So it is incredible that such a naïve and uneducated ploy has any traction at all.

As we have stated on several occasions in the past, the ‘Sorcha Faal’ warmongering drivel – much of which agitates for a world war as soon as possible, it seems – is disseminated by an Office of Naval Intelligence operative named J. Forrest Sharpe, working out of Vienna, VA.

The Office of Naval Intelligence is one of the snakepits within the US Intelligence Power that has been most viciously scrabbling, for years, to control the money. Its warmongering agitation and propaganda is associated with the ‘War Party’ who imagine that the financial crisis can be buried beneath the rubble of a World War.

This is an extremely malicious disinformation operation serving the interests of a particularly nasty component of the US Intelligence Power: ONI has a reputation of being much the most ruthless and aggressively dangerous of the various CIA ‘subsidiary’ and competing entities which are often at loggerheads with each other.

On 2nd February 2010, the Editor of this service emailed David M. Dastych, a Polish journalist and ‘former’ intelligence operative based in Warsaw, to inform him of the above facts, given allusions to Sorcha Faal disinformation in one of his reports (although Mr Dastych was not in fact buying the line). At 17:06 UK time (same day), the Editor received this response from Mr Dastych:

Dear Mr Story

I’ve checked about J. Forrest Sharpe and his publications. You’re perfectly right, this ONI officer pretends to be “SORCHA FAAL” and his publications pretend to be from a “rumour mill” of the Kremlin and the Russian Intelligence [services] (GRU, FSB).

My respect.

David Dastych.

The incident at 1:45pm UK time on 2nd February, itemised above, when the mention of the stealing of The Queen’s gold in a transatlantic telephone call was immediately followed by loud electronic jamming (which however was not replicated when the Editor called back a few minutes later), is simply the latest in a long line of such interferences with our communications which have confirmed or reconfirmed elements of research on which we were working.

Of these incidents, the previously most important occasion was a conversation in 2006 between the Editor in London, Mr Wanta in Wisconsin and ‘Mr Nasty’ (Thomas Henry) in Nebraska, in which the Editor mentioned in a few words his analysis of pan-German long-range subversion strategy and its implementation against the ‘Main Enemy’ (Britain and the United States) by the Nazi-DVD.

This ‘unexpected’ observation by the Editor – based, by the way, on documentary evidence, as well as on ongoing research – was immediately greeted not by one, but by no less than THREE gasps – none of which were emitted by parties to the conversation. Bearing in mind that Wanta answers the phone with ‘Guten Tag’, this was ‘quite interesting’.

All our phone calls (domestic as well as international) are listened to, and one can hear the various despicable eavesdroppers clicking in one after the other. These people may not understand that this behaviour is not merely tacky and sordid: it also enables us to inform them what we want them to know. It’s a two-way street. They probably never thought of that.

Finally, as we recently reported, the Barack Obama Administration will have the distinction of having presided over the accumulation of $4.5 trillion of Treasury ‘background’ debt – all of it wholly unnecessary – in the space of just two years. But it took from 1913 to 1994 for the US Treasury to incur Gross Federal Debt (as reported) of $4,643,307 million – and until 2005, if the Office of Management and Budget’s ‘smoke and mirrors’ device, mandated by Statute, whereby the surpluses in the so-called Trust Funds are ‘invested in’ the Federal Funds, is used as the measure.

Now as we have repeatedly stated, incurring this vast accumulation of new US ‘Trashets’ debt is wholly unnecessary, and therefore represents a further form of Financial Terrorism against the American people. Because if the Group of Seven-mandated Dollar Refunding Programme, requiring a regular calendar of fully taxable, transparent, on-the-books trades to take place on a continuing basis, had been implemented, the US Treasury Department would long since have been at the receiving end of a cascade of windfall tax receipts at 35% per trade – and wouldn’t have needed to have incurred much, or any, of this extra garbage debt at all.

Of course, implementation of this scheme would have, and will, knock out clandestine, off-balance sheet, tax-evasive derivatives trading, with the proceeds stashed in offshore bank accounts. But the proceeds from these discredited money laundering operations are basically stuck offshore anyway, and cannot be surfaced onto the balance sheet under Basel II and Basel III, except through crooked banks – making a laughable mockery of the observable persistent intent among bankers generally to try to rehabilitate fully the discredited derivatives mayhem.

To some extent, according to Bank for International Settlements data, the derivatives sector was somewhat restored in the first half of 2009 – given that, after peaking at $683,725 billion in June 2008, the notional derivatives contracts amount outstanding had ‘recovered’ to $604,622 billion by the end of June 2009 (taking account of double-counting) compared with the reported aggregate of $547,371 billion to which this notional figure had slumped by the end of December 2008.

That collapse had represented a notional value wipeout of no less than $136.4 trillion in the space of six months (actually, from mid-September to December 2008). In the first half of 2009, the notional value of derivatives contracts outstanding was clawed back up by $57.3 trillion, a 42% ‘recovery’ – indicating loud and clear that no lessons whatsoever had been learned from what happened, and that the financial community wasn’t inclined, even in the face of the massive slap in the face that it received from mid-September 2008 onwards, to go back to school.

This is not only the view of our soundest advisers, but it is echoed by the only figure other than Paul Volcker within the Obama Firmament who has been talking any sense at all – namely, Mr Neil Barofsky, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, whom the Obama Administration are obtusely ignoring.

As required by law, Mr Barofsky delivered a 224-page quarterly report to Congress on 30th January 2010, in which he yet again complained that Congress had been fiddling while Washington, DC, burned. US policymakers, he reiterated, had taken NO STEPS SO FAR to address the fundamental problem that triggered the financial crisis.

• Mr Barofsky did, however, reveal the small matter of 40-odd investigations into misappropriation of the $700 billion of TARP money (which was exactly what we had predicted in late 2008 when the criminal financier Paulson was orchestrating that operation). The $700 billion was leveraged to at least $23 trillion – which, by the way, belongs exclusively to the American people, as it’s ALL been stolen. ‘The money you make exploiting my money is my money’.

Specifically, Barofsky berated Congress, saying that ‘it is hard to see how any of the fundamental problems in the system have been addressed to date’. Echoing views expressed to us repeatedly by the securities expert, Michael C. Cottrell, Mr Barofsky elaborated that the bailout ‘will have been for naught if we do nothing to correct the fundamental problems in our financial system and [we will] end up in a similar or even greater crisis in two, or five, or ten years’ time’.

However the ‘fundamental problems’ embrace rampant criminality inside the highest ranks of the US Federal Government, starting at the White House, the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and, of course, the criminalised Intelligence Power, which controls all three. The only progress that has been made in this connection has resulted from the determined opposition that the serpents have encountered not from within the Government’s own structures – but from beyond.

Like everyone else except this service, Mr Barofsky is unwilling to use straightforward words and phrases like ‘fraud’, scam’, ‘corruption’, ‘criminal finance’ – for fear of offending, in this context, US legislators who are themselves involved in clandestine money-laundering, tax evasion, Fraudulent Finance, and other manifestations of Financial Terrorism. We understand that when Paul Volcker testified before Congress on 3rd February 2010, it was possible to tell, from the questioning, which legislators had been bribed by Bernanke, Panetta, Geithner, or all of the above.

• And yes, as he can’t bring himself to use the appropriate vocabulary, Mr Barofsky naturally ALSO avoids mentioning Financial and Economic Terrorism altogether.

The gravely damaged financial system, rotten to the core, and riddled with cancerworm, cannot be ‘repaired’ until the contemporary preference for Fraudulent Finance is cauterised first. Judging by reports of stand-up rows behind the scenes at bankers’ meetings in Davos, the self-destructing, complacent Wall Street, London, Paris, Zurich and Frankfurt élites, are losing their cool – as they contemplate the wreckage brought about by their own unfettered criminality and greed.

Yet by all accounts, their attitude is that any reforms that belatedly emerge from the US legislative process, and from the confused goings-on in London, they will be able to circumvent.

If that’s their attitude, Neil Barofsky’s two-year timeframe is much too optimistic. When inflation primed by this unprecedented outbreak of monetary waywardness and permissiveness takes off, the nitro-glycerine will be ignited – and the last chance to prevent a global calamity will have been squandered by these greedy money-lending opportunists, who have so far escaped scot-free from the consequences of their financial criminality (give or take their bonuses).

Two generations ago, these people would have been shot at dawn for speculation in time of war. They may fear that a similar fate awaits them ‘down the pike’ – so they may prefer to grab what they can now, before the destruction for which they and their criminalist associates in high places are responsible, drags them down to economic hell along with everyone else.

It is reported to us (as has been the case at tense stages of this crisis in the past) that criminal financiers are fleeing the United States – taking some of their loot with them. This time round, however, the reports have an urgency about them that we hadn’t noted on earlier occasions.

Fleeing abroad won’t do them much good, for two reasons. First, if they touch the funds, they will immediately be fingered. Secondly, they are just as likely, if not more so, to be picked up in Europe, than in the United States.

INTERPOL are on worldwide alert for these criminals, and the British and European anti-terrorism legislation has very nasty, sharp teeth. So come on over, folks: our cops will happily pick you up.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Hauppauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• BEWARE OF MALICIOUS IMITATIONS: It has come to our notice that certain websites have been in the habit of copying reports from this site, attributing the reports to the Editor of this service, but at the same time AMENDING AND INSERTING TEXT NOT WRITTEN BY THE EDITOR.

• This is a very old, malevolent US counterintelligence DIRTY TRICK.

Therefore, you should be advised that the GENUINE ORIGINAL REPORT is, by obvious definition, accessible ONLY FROM THIS WEBSITE. If you come across an article elsewhere that is attributed to the Editor of this service, you should refer to the ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE and you should bear in mind that the illegally duplicated article may contain text that was NOT written by the Editor of this service, but which was inserted for malicious purposes by counterintelligence.

Likewise, although we haven’t yet had time to elaborate this issue, we have taken drastic steps around the world to close off the malicious piracy of our books. One technique used by several disreputable sites (in the United States, the Netherlands and Switzerland) is to copy our title(s) and (a) to display an image of the front cover WITHOUT THE ISBN DATA at the top of the cover; and (b) to DELETE THE COPYRIGHT PAGE. In so doing, the criminal pirates proclaimed that they knew perfectly well that they were/are engaged in theft and can be prosecuted for stealing copyright.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

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It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

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The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

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*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.




Monday 28 December 2009 03:30

NOTE: The Editor’s late Christmas and New Year essay on Temptation can be accessed at the ARCHIVE. An extended new report on the current situation with massive exposures is pending.




28th December: A trusted source informs us that Kurt Haskell, a lawyer from Michigan, is the source of the following UNCONFIRMED information: The Nigerian involved in the suspected false-flag attempt on the aircraft flying from Schiphol, Amsterdam, to Detroit, was accompanied by a well-dressed Western male who accosted security staff at the Dutch airport and ordered them to allow the Nigerian to pass through security without a passport check and a proper security search. The security staff stated that they would have to consult superiors, which they did. The Nigerian was then allowed through controls without any impediment. Looks like a US Homeland Security set-up.


UPDATE, 30TH DECEMBER 2009: Far-reaching developments have been reported to us from Paris, London and Dallas, which will be incorporated into the next report, after the prevailing situation has ‘crystallised’. It was reported to us that some 12-14 banking employees were arrested in the City of London yesterday. The Editor sought guidance as to whether the hanging of a British-Asian jailed in China in 2007 for importing cocaine into the country had any implications in the ongoing context of the joint Lien Holders’ activities, backed by INTERPOL and the international community, and has been informed by intelligence sources that our initial impression of a split is unfounded.

NEW YEAR’S DAY, 2010: The current state of affairs will be updated when it is appropriate and helpful for us to do so. It would be nice to do so now, but we can’t responsibly do it!

HAPPY New Year. It will be much better than advertised.

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.


Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard. Or press the live Donate link at the top right-hand corner of this page. See also the ADVERTISEMENT below.

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ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation, are appended at the foot of this report, below the legal data. See also our catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.






































We can now reveal, on the basis of impeccable authority divulged to us on 26th December 2009 from ‘inside the US structures’, that the US Department of Justice within the Executive Branch has implemented a fundamental POLICY CHANGE and has determined, within the past three weeks or less, and against the background of the calamity surrounding the Lien in the immense sum of $47 trillion activated on about 6th December and imposed by the sovereign Lien Holders – the Chinese parties and the British Monarchical Power – as follows:

ALL individuals and entities within the United States’ jurisdiction that have participated in the stealing, diversion and conversion of funds belonging to others, INCLUDING past and present officials. both elected and appointed, within the US Government and its structures, WILL BE INVESTIGATED AND PROSECUTED FOR ECONOMIC TERRORISM perpetrated against the United States and the American people (and the Rest of the World). Specifically:

ANYONE, whether officials in, or formerly in Government, whether CEOs of financial institutions or lower-ranking bankers, partners in ‘involved’ US law firms, intermediaries and US intelligence operatives and others who have been engaged in obstructing the Settlements process by ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER AND AT ANY TIME IN THE PAST, and who have, by their actions or by their inactions, contributed to the DELAY, are now being treated as ECONOMIC TERRORISTS.

This policy applies to the holders of the highest officers as well as to their subordinates, both past and present. It will inevitably lead to exposure of the 9/11 abominations [see below].


The penalty for TREASON IN TIME OF WAR is summary execution.

This decision PRECISELY REFLECTS what we have been proclaiming via this column for the past three years. We are informed that the US Justice Department has at long last understood what we have been saying, and has been galvanised by the horrendous implications of the $47 trillion Lien on the US Treasury and its decisive ramifications, into adopting the foregoing as CONFIRMED OFFICIAL POLICY from which no deviation will be permitted.

It follows that the US Attorney General and all the State Attorneys General are now obliged to act vigorously on the basis of the mentioned POLICY CHANGE, or they themselves can be arrested for obstruction of justice by INTERPOL personnel and then extradited to a relevant jurisdiction such as the British jurisdiction for defying obligations imposed upon them by International Law, OR ELSE SUBJECTED TO THE FULL RIGOURS OF AMERICAN LAW, WHICH PRESCRIBES SUMMARY EXECUTION FOR TREASON IN TIME OF WAR. ECONOMIC TERRORISM IS TREASON.

It should NOT be assumed that this POLICY CHANGE arises because of a change of heart at the US Department of Justice (resulting for instance from reading our reports). On the contrary:

This POLICY CHANGE is a direct consequence of the situation arising from the implementation of the Lien and the drastic enforcement measures being taken inside the United States by the massed international cadres and ‘men in suits’ referenced in recent reports and below.

President Obama’s Executive Order Amending Executive Order 12425 dated 16th December and publicised by the Office of the Press Secretary, at the White House, on 17th December, to ‘extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)’ is associated with this POLICY CHANGE at the Justice Department.

Finally, since this is, as reiterated, an officially determined POLICY CHANGE, its implementation is NOT dependent upon finalisation of the Settlements. This reality should quickly lodge itself inside the brains of the official and financial sector criminal financiers, who all now face investigation and prosecution ANYWAY. Obviously, if they still persist with their obstruction, thefts and diversionary operations, they will merely be increasing their chances of being summarily executed for treason.

This places an entirely new slant on what follows in this report, all of which (except remarks at the end) was written BEFORE the above information was made available to us. It indicates that shifty operations such as the examples cited below are in severe trouble and it probably spells the end of all such attempts to steal and divert funds from the Settlements or in any other context.

The entire focus of the gangsters holding high office in the United States, and their collaborators at the top and within the co-conspiring criminal financial enterprises (Citibank, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Morgan Stanley, JP MorganChase, Wachovia, Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Barclays Bank et al), has all along, since the discontinuity of 10th-12th September 2008, been to reconstitute the Fraudulent Finance carousel as though there had been no discontinuity.

This focus has nothing whatsoever, obviously, to do with good governance, with high officials privileged to serve the people meeting their responsibilities and top bankers carrying out their fiduciary obligations in accordance with the Rule of Law, but everything to do with perpetrating economic and financial terrorism against the American people and the Rest of the World.

So far, the Obama Administration has achieved precisely nothing, and if matters are not rectified forthwith (and we mean forthwith) his first two years in office, if he survives at the White House, will have been two years of criminal operations and zero legitimate achievements.

Even his dubious 2,000-page pork-barrel health care legislation, approved by the Legislative Branch on Christmas Eve, like the convoluted and prescriptive Copenhagen Climate Change umbrella deception [see below], was intended to free up open-ended funds so that they can be surreptitiously diverted for illicit fiat trading purposes. THIS CAN HARDLY BE ATTEMPTED NOW.

Just as the $4.5 trillion ‘released’ in May 2006 by the People’s Bank of China ostensibly to ‘pay’ the since wholly discredited operative Leo/Lee Wanta, was actually an operation the purpose of which was for the $4.5 trillion to be stolen inter alia to refinance Bush operations out of Australia (under the ‘protection’ provided by that criminal operative Henry M Paulson, currently held in Bermuda to account as we have reported, for the stealing of the sovereign $6.2 trillion LOAN, according to our sources) using the ‘Wanta payment’ as cover – a clumsy operation which led to the exposure of the criminality by this service – so have the same, unreformed criminal financiers remained intent on ignoring the immense international pressures that have been brought to bear on them, including horizontalisations of prominent participants, in order to try to ‘reconstitute’ the Fraudulent Finance environment which enables them to rape, pillage and ransack Americans and humanity generally with impunity. The primary factor underlying this corrupt mentality – which may finally be cauterized by the announcement given above – is that Fraudulent Financing operates today across national borders, encouraging the (false) assumption is that no enforcement jurisdiction can eliminate these decadent abuses. Globalisation is both a cover and a pretext for Fraudulent Finance.

Hence, the criminal engineers behind this scandalous state of affairs have been frenetically trying to cobble together various alternative money trading mechanisms, together with their ‘necessary’ associated covers which are intended to provide false legitimacy – in the expectation that at least one of these will ‘come good’ and won’t be aborted and/or ‘shot down’ by nasty observers such as ourselves who are on the lookout for the next wave of financial corruption.

The reality of these successive ongoing attempts to construct clandestine transnational trading operations behind variegated covers is evidence of the continuing criminal intentions of those concerned, and of the fact that US Law Enforcement has hitherto disgracefully and weakly allowed these organised criminal financial scams to proliferate, discrediting itself in the process.

In this connection, the representatives of foreign creditor countries and their specialist staffers, intelligence personnel, bankers, IT specialists and enforcement personnel, assisted by the eighth planeload of heavily armed INTERPOL officers, are concerned explicitly with requiring performance under the terms of the Writ of Enforcement and the Lien held by the Chinese parties and the British Monarchical Power in the sum of $47 trillion, exercised against the US Treasury and de facto the Federal Reserve on or about 6th December 2009.

These powers now ‘own’ the United States, so that the continued intent of holders of high office and their banking co-conspirators to try to forge parallel illicit trading mechanisms behind the radar itself represents a family of subversive criminal insults and offences against the American people and the international community for which, in time of war, those concerned should, we are being repeatedly advised in recorded and monitored calls from the United States, be rounded up in front of TV cameras, and shot at dawn.

This is the first time that we have had to be explicit about this: the statement reflects repeated assertions along these precise lines by responsible parties in the United States to us on open transatlantic telephone lines, all of which have been recorded. In the light of the Judicial Power’s POLICY CHANGE announced at the top of this report, it is no longer at all fanciful to anticipate that summary execution is indeed a prospect that these people may face on conviction.

According to the US press, the Debt Subject to Statutory Limit, set at $9,959,850 million for fiscal 2008, has just been raised to $12.4 trillion. The FY2010 Federal Budget documentation estimated that the 2010 Debt Subject to Statutory Limit would be raised to $12,843,344 million, an historically unprecedented increment of about $2,884 billion (1).

Therefore we naturally searched for the reason why the latest increase in the Statutory Debt Limit appears not to have embraced the maximum as estimated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). When something like this happens, there is always a reason.

And indeed, the reason stares us in the face. In parallel with the above, the debt cap of $400 billion previously applicable to the former Government-Sponsored Enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, was removed. Therefore, another $400 billion or so of debt based on fraudulent Collateralised Debt Obligations and Collateralised Mortgage Obligations ‘can be’ floated, as the old cap has been discontinued. Thus, while it ‘looks’ as though the Congress is being prudently ‘conservative’ within the permissive arithmetic cited by not raising the Statutory Debt Limit by the full amount estimated by the OMB, in reality this, of course, is not the case. On the contrary, it looks as though the entire US Congress is conniving in ‘authorising’ cover for the intended $4.0 trillion financial scamming operation previously referenced – which means that Congressmen who voted in favour of these adjustments may be co-conspirators in organised criminal finance operations.

Because on top of this $2.4++ trillion (or $2.8++ trillion) of ‘real’ on-the-books funds that can now be diverted for illicit transnational trading purposes [see below], is [or |WAS] the convenient cover to be provided by President Barack Obama’s 2,000-page instrumental social engineering healthcare legislation, which would generate open-ended pipelines of clandestinely accessible contribution money, as well as being financed by an initial $1.0 trillion of ‘seed money’.

And since the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac cap has been removed, THERE is the $4.0 trillion which appears to have been ever so carefully and surreptitiously ‘made available’ for the intended illicit reconstitution of ‘winked-at’ leveraged hypothecation operations across national boundaries, for the enrichment of the crooked participants and no-one else (except that in the prevailing climate, the proceeds will have to be hidden offshore, mainly in the bowels of corrupt institutions such as the DVD’s Deutsche Bank – care of the arch-financial criminal operative Dr Joseph Ackermann, the long-term partner of George H. W. Bush Sr., Mikhail Gorbachëv, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and other world class criminal operatives in Deutsche AG (previously Barrington Investment Group).

In the preceding interim report, we alluded to a split within the Chinese constituency. We can now pinpoint China Trust Bank as the Chinese end of this intended Fraudulent Finance operation, with Dr Ackermann’s Deutsche Bank to serve as the book runner, and the British institution Barclays Bank as the entry point, handling sales of trading contracts through China Trust Bank.

This is a classic Bush-Clinton Crime Family/CIA/DVD, possibly Metabridge (= Mossad, CIA, DVD, MI-6) operation, and its intent is to bypass ongoing operations by the international financial community to impose order upon the chaos deliberately fomented by all these revolutionary forces, and which is now intended to be escalated to create a situation beyond recall.

More generally, these successive planned abominations represent elements of a gigantic, crumbling, doomed master plan to impose revolutionary Communism upon the whole world, facilitating the monopolisation of global real and financial resources, of which The Perestroika Deception presided over by George Bush Sr.’s colleague and Deutsche AG partner, Mikhail Gorbachëv, was just the first stage.

Meanwhile the following extraordinary equation also applies. Release of the hijacked Settlement funds by the end of THIS calendar year in the context of the necessary restitution of the $47 trillion of stolen funds/assets owed by the US Treasury to the external sovereign Lien Holders, will trigger substantial immediate taxation obligations which will be realisable on the books for US Federal tax purposes in 2009. These tax accruals will therefore become payable to the US authorities by 15th April 2010 – covering a sizeable proportion of the Obama Administration’s creative accounting operations to the ‘satisfaction’ of all concerned.

More to the point, the availability of these exceptional tax accruals over the year-end will PREVENT A HEADLONG TREASURY DEFAULT beyond the DEFAULT ON THE LIEN already in existence.

But what the criminal financiers and their corrupt political associates may intend is to frustrate Settlement into 2010, so that these immense tax accruals do not crystallise within calendar 2009.

This would ‘give’ the criminal financiers until 15th April 2011 to play destructive derivative trading games, as they see it (assuming settlement were to occur in 2010). However the likely outcome of such an immediate act of financial terrorism will be to guarantee a probably catastrophic squeeze – with numerous US States being bankrupted as a consequence, and the level of on-the-books dollar liquidity dropping below the tipping-point at which hundreds of thousands of businesses would be liable to go to the wall, and millions will be thrown out of work.

Now, perhaps, our repeated references to the fact that these criminals are committing financial terrorism against the American people and the Rest of the World – NOW ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO BE CORRECT AND JUSTIFIED – may start to be understood.

On Christmas Day, the Editor was informed from the United States that the perpetrators are actually now being referred to as TERRORISTS within uncorrupted elements of the US Intelligence Power (who do exist, although you’d never know it). [Note: This intimation preceded the firm confirmation summarised at the top of this report].

During the run-up to Christmas, key relevant parties with whom we are in contact were repeatedly assured that the Settlements payouts would be completed ‘by Christmas’.

Such undertakings of course are devoid of meaning, seeing that this crisis has escalated behind the dialectical screen of pavlovian promises and aborted undertakings, since at least 1992.

The only difference between then and now is that the international community has got off its hind legs and has taken strenuously decisive steps to bring these matters to a head, and hopefully to a conclusion – in conformity with Her Majesty The Queen’s message to the Group of Seven Financial powers in June 2006 that the crisis needed to be addressed and resolved urgently ‘for the sake of the whole of humanity’. We know from that reported message that The Queen’s advisers (not to be confused with MI-6) have had a keen understanding of the immense proportions of this crisis, and of its implications, for many years.

Although, as one would expect given that New York is always in the public eye, the Editor noticed no signs of goods scarcities in stores in New York City on his recent visit in December, first-hand anecdotal evidence of bare supermarket shelves in certain US ‘provincial’ cities indicates that not only has demand for many lines slumped, but stores are conserving liquidity in the face of rapidly deteriorating trading conditions.

Agitation and propaganda to the effect that the US economy has been growing cannot be trusted, as it all emanates from controlled and prospectively doctored official spin-sources – just like the diversionary claptrap pumped out non-stop via controlled websites, the purpose of which, as we have repeatedly stated, is to maximise the potential for the fog of confusion so that observers are diverted from perceiving the grotesque proportions of the thefts, pillaging, mortgage fraud and other financial abominations that have been and continue to underlie the organised Ponzi-style Fraudulent Finance activities referenced inter alia in these reports.

Meanwhile, we can now identify BY NAME two more prominent criminalist financiers operating behind the scenes in the ‘service’ of the Bush Crime Family and its associates, who have been engaged in sabotaging the Settlements process, certainly for as long as we have been attempting to monitor this crisis, namely:

Paul W. Siegé, of Wyndham, CT, who’s often been referred to as ‘the Connecticut Trustee’, or ‘CT’ for short. ‘Working for’ George H. W. Bush Sr., this fellow’s activities embrace the stolen Delmarva Trust assets, via Loca France-U.S. Corporation and C.T. Corporation Systems, Miami, identified as Bush Sr. Fraudulent Finance operations.

Peter Silverstein, operating out of Fort Pearce, Florida and Kenilworth, New Jersey.

Silverstein ‘just happens’ to be the name of Silverstein Properties, holders of the leases on the Twin Towers, which were demolished precisely 30 years to the day from the date that construction work on them began on 11th September 1971 after Silverstein had taken out a special catastrophe insurance policy. As we have recently reported, the number of people who were murdered when the Twin Towers were demolished is put at around 12,000 by legal sources serving the interests of the bereaved families – which accounted for the pungent stench of rotting flesh that the Editor noted in Midtown Manhattan in late October 2001 and again in February 2002.

The two operatives mentioned above have of course been engaged all along in CIA fraud, under cover of ‘working for’ the Bush Crime Family, which is integrated with the Intelligence Power – the Langley base of which is named the George Bush Center for Intelligence [= TERRORISM].

Bush Sr. and associates, including the Silverstein connection, mentored by his loathsome German Jewish Zionazi associate and DVD ‘handler’, (the late?) Dr Henry Kissinger and others, including of course ex-Vice President Richard B. Cheney, the ‘former’ MK-Ultra chief, masterminded the 9/11 atrocities, which were executed by detonation, employing the services of complicit elements of the US official structures. New York firefighters who found immediate evidence of the means used to procure the detonations of the stricken buildings and who were carrying the necessary physical evidence out of them as they were collapsing, were immediately eliminated (shot dead on sight) (2) .

George Bush Sr.’s primary motive was to avoid having to pay out on the bonds held in custody by the money brokerage firm Cantor Fitzgerald on behalf inter alia of the William J. Casey/Bush Trust (Barbara Bush) operated out of Seattle and Vancouver, issued to finance the First Rogue Gulf War and which fell due for settlement on 12th September 2001, the day after 9/11.

In this endeavour, the Bush-linked criminal financiers and mass murderers shared a community of vested interest with Silverstein Properties and others, and the US Congress, who then faced the immensely expensive problem – which would have been passed on to Congress: see below – that the Twin Towers, constructed in the 1970s, needed to have all the asbestos built into the buildings removed: an operation that was liable to cost a COLOSSAL sum of money.

Demolition of the buildings in order to avoid claims being placed before Congress for the financing of such immense financial outlays was therefore disguised as an ‘Act of War’, for which no liability applies. Murdering 12,000 people to achieve this was a crime of monumental proportions for which George Bush Sr., Kissinger and associates, should long since have been executed under US law. That certain US Legislators were complicit in this mass murder is also implied by what follows.

Asbestos removal is a deliberately unresolved issue that has been endlessly debated by the US Congress and was being debated before 9/11. To obtain compensation for asbestos removal costs entails a Congressional claims process.

The 9/11 abomination and mass murders therefore achieved at least three identifiable criminal objectives simultaneously:

First, by disguising the abominations as an ‘Act of War’, the immense cost of removing and replacing the asbestos in the Twin Towers buildings was avoided.

Secondly, the ten-year bonds floated in 1991 (in order inter alia to finance Bush’s First Gulf War, mounted against Bush’s ex-trading partner Saddam Hussein), which fell due for settlement on 12th September 2001, were not paid out (as there was never any intention that they should be), given that the contract originals were destroyed with Cantor Fitzgerald staff in the Twin Towers complex.

And thirdly, massive evidence of financial corruption and Fraudulent Finance was also destroyed (along with the 600+ employees of Cantor Fitzgerald, to begin with). The families of the victims were later informed, under an elaborate CIA-controlled obfuscation operation, that as the buildings had been destroyed by an ‘Act of War’, no compensation was payable: but ‘out of the goodness of our hearts, and given your suffering, here, take this compensation payment, and be grateful’.

FACT: The current ‘Pay Czar’ for the banks under the TARP arrangements is the same individual who negotiated the (controlled) victims’ compensation payments.

We also know that Condoleeza Rice made telephone calls to Jeb Bush and to several other people advising them not to fly on 9/11. Many other instances of pre-warnings have been reliably recorded by conscientious researchers, procuring outcomes such as that some of the Morgan Stanley staff were absent from the Twin Towers on the day of the atrocities*. There is no need for us to reiterate these well-attested findings here, as we have pressing matters still to expose.

* As an immediate consequence of this posting, we are happy to elaborate with the following information received on 28th December from a trusted correspondent. He corrects the Editor’s earlier information that the whole of the Morgan Stanley staff were not in the buildings on the morning of 9/11 with the following contribution, for which the Editor is most grateful:

‘My cousin who was working there [in the Twin Towers with Morgan Stanley] at the time, was at work that day. She worked as a Secretary/Liaison for their big brokers, all of whom were there. I believe she was on the 75th Floor of the second tower that was hit. I would not be at all surprised, though, if the higher-ups of Morgan (CEOs, VPs etc) were absent that day… I was in New York City on 9/11 and thought I had lost my cousin. The stench was obscene’.

Anyway, what we have all been living through is nothing less than a massive cover-up by the complicit criminalised elements within the US structures – especially the Intelligence and Military Powers – who understand only too well that when 9/11 ‘blows’, THEY, too, may well be arrested or horizontalised along with the main revolutionary perpetrators such as (possibly) Kissinger [see at foot of this report] and George Bush Sr. and all his criminal associates.

This consideration, then, throws a glaring light on the underlying REASON why US law enforcement has hitherto failed to do its job of bringing the financial criminals to justice. For crucial elements within US law enforcement are either co-conspirators in the murder of 12,000 people in the Twin Towers alone on 9/11, or else are tainted by association with that crime.

Because of these hideous linkages with the 9/11 atrocities planned by Bush Sr., Kissinger, Cheney and the others, the law enforcement elements within the US official structures have been de facto BLACKMAILED either directly or by association, and thus rendered effectively impotent in the face of the ongoing financial outrages that the DVD infiltration Fifth Column headed by George Bush Sr. and Kissinger (as was?), with the 24/7 assistance of criminal lackeys such as Greenspan, Paulson and Geithner, have been able to leverage and perpetuate.

But as stated at the top of this report, all this is belatedly changing, now that the US judicial authorities have determined – three years AFTER we started promulgating the truth that these people have been engaged in systematic FINANCIAL TERRORISM – that every single one of their number, INCLUDING elected, appointed and career officials, will be investigated and prosecuted.

Before Christmas, it was suggested that we should ‘be quiet’ as everything was under control. As on several previous occasions when this ruse was attempted, and promises turned out as always to be worthless, advantage was taken of our silence (and the Editor’s travel and work schedule) to develop the mechanism for trading $4.0 trillion under the radar, outlined above, and probably other parallel mechanisms which remain undetected.

When the ‘Christmas promises’ were broken, certain parties were informed that the exposures of this criminality will now be ratcheted upwards by several further notches – a message which was greeted with considerable annoyance. You can draw your own conclusions.

On the other hand, the fact that nothing that any of these people ever say can be relied upon (as experience demonstrates) also works to the ‘advantage’ of the DELAY merchants and their criminal finance operatives. For so far as they are concerned, it has been neither here nor there whether the dialectical pavlovian ‘on again, off again’ charade is still operative, or whether it is generally perceived that nothing from official (let alone controlled website) sources can be relied upon.

Indeed, an environment in which lies and a total lack of official credibility is the established norm, is just as helpful as ‘ying-yang’ from the criminalised cadres’ perspective – except that it makes them doubly careless. And believe us, these demented people are extremely careless, as well as being fundamentally STUPID. By definition, ALL LIARS ARE STUPID, as all lies decay, like plutonium.

Hence Story’s Third Law: ‘Sooner or later, all covers and operations are blown’.

An indication of their endemic carelessness and stupidity, on a global scale, was afforded by the ignominious collapse of the Copenhagen ‘process’ – another, and even more ominous, global cover for intended Fraudulent Finance operations of gargantuan proportions.

That ‘collapse’ can be linked DIRECTLY to the obtuse determination of criminal operatives ‘working for’ the US Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton (Queen Melusina), a senior CIA operative with a notorious background and reputation.

Specifically, we learned on 18th December that four of Mrs Clinton’s senior personal aides had been arrested on 17th December and were accused of wire fraud, a felony which, on conviction, entitles the recipient to 20 years in jail. These operatives had been surreptitiously moving money, on the direct instructions of Mrs Clinton who, as Secretary of State, is in charge of ‘international economic development’. (Whether Jezebel has received the ‘Geithner treatment’ is not yet known).

Whereupon the Copenhagen conference effectively collapsed.

Reports from the colossal army of media reporters in Copenhagen painted a picture of total chaos, anger, disaffection, strife and confusion – precisely what is to be expected with every dimension of the World Revolution, a.k.a. The New Underworld Order, which is built on a foundation of deception and lies. Since Satan is the author of confusion and lies, all these endeavours are destined to fail in various ways, usually collapsing from within.

There is no need to waste time and space elaborating the nexus of deceit and lies underlying this colossal failed initiative (although it is not dead yet). But in passing, we can take note of the many graphic descriptions of the shambles which predictably overwhelmed this shambolic globalist One World deception operation. The fact that such a massive [see below] UN globalist revolutionary operation collapsed in chaotic ignominy, somewhat like the shambles at Brown’s G-20 meeting in London last April, is not the main point we intend to make here: but we must cite, for the record, the representative impressions of a Financial Times journalist of that pathetic, doomed event:

‘For an event billed by some as the most important international summit since the Second World War, it was an uninspiring location. The Bella Centre, a cavernous convention hall set amid the windswept wastelands on the outskirts of Copenhagen, is typically used for trade fairs rather than high-stakes diplomacy’.

‘Among the events scheduled for the next two months: an interior design show and conventions dedicated to golf, camping and Lego. The charm-free venue helped feed the fractious atmosphere as delegates were trapped for hours on end in windowless rooms’.

‘Tight security added to the tension, with road blocks surrounding the site, and airport-style screening before entering the building’.

‘The roads leading to the Bella center were illuminated with red flashing lights on lampposts to illustrate the level to which sea water might well rise if nothing is done to tackle climate change’ – notwithstanding, of course, that the climate in this world always changes, while it has been getting progressively colder since average temperatures peaked some years ago. ‘It was tempting to think that, in this austere corner of Copenhagen, it would not be such a loss’.

‘It did not help that the Danish hosts had accredited 45,000 people for the conference, when the Bella Centre has a capacity for just a third of that number. The result was agonisingly long queues for registration on peak arrival days, with thousands of people forced to wait outside for hours in freezing temperatures’.

‘Once inside, delegates were faced with overcrowded corridors and more queues for food and drink, with catering staff as frazzled as the negotiators. The periodic demonstrations and “street theatre” by activists from the many non-governmental groups allowed into the building tended to grate rather than inspire’.

‘In the media room, thousands of journalists sat in front of laptops at desks covering a space the size of a football pitch. Never can so many from many countries have gathered in one place…’.

‘With no access to the negotiating rooms, only the best-connected journalists had a clear sense of what was going on. The rest had to make do with occasional gloomy press conferences held by key countries to blame others for the lack of progress’.

‘In the corridors, people rushed around purposefully talking into mobile phones, the atmosphere becoming more intense and harried with each passing day’.

‘Only a fraction, however, were real players in negotiations. The rest were hangers-on, such as business leaders burnishing their green credentials, the NGO lobbyists and an army of spin doctors helping to feed the information-starved press’(3).

This is quite enough of a word picture to illustrate the following laws:

All initiatives of the World Revolution globalists represent
attempts to achieve deliberately unachievable objectives.

All such initiatives are mobilised in pursuit of agendas that are
hidden from the public, and therefore represent deception operations.

The foolish journalists, the second-rate businessmen and industrialists idiotically burnishing their ‘green credentials’, the paid spin doctors spieling lies, acronyms and gobbldegook newspeak to gullible journalists, the amoral and cynical lobbyists, the organised street demonstrators and the brainwashed ‘street theatre’ agitators, and the frazzled officials trying to sustain the non-existent credibility of the lies and frauds that they had been called upon to institutionalise, were in fact all engaged in one gigantic fraud and deception.

This was arguably the most cynically ambitious operation of the World Revolution since the criminal operative Mikhail Gorbachëv, who had sat on his backside for three weeks to observe the public relations fallout from the deliberate sabotaging in 1986 of the Soviet Chernobyl nuclear reactor over which he presided in order to inject the revolutionary ‘green agenda’ with ‘irrefutable global significance’, subsequently pronounced that environmentalism had gained the World Revolution more traction in just a few years, than 72 years of revolutionary (overt) Communism.

So what was the underlying purpose of this massive cooperative intelligence operation?

To understand its underlying purpose we must first recall that Western populations have been under massive Psychological Operations (Psy-Ops) assault from the orchestrated and controlled World Revolution environmentalist lobby for over two decades.

In response to this mass brainwashing, people have been hoodwinked into taking ‘personal’ measures to ‘save the planet’, such as driving hybrid cars, buying products carrying labels promulgating some dimension or other of the fraudulent environmentalist propaganda, and generally behaving as though ‘the planet’ (a key-word) is doomed – which is absolute tosh.

Biblically, we were told to worship the Lord and multiply ‘as the sand that is on the sea shore’.

Just as the human population, numbered in the millions, of two thousand years ago, breathed air, so do Earth’s seven billion people today. If there was a problem, this would hardly be the case. The fact that seven billion people, rather than a hundred or so million, are breathing, serves as proxy for indicating that the Earth’s resources, in the aggregate, are indeed limitless – and that Earth was designed specifically to host a population of multiple billions.

There is no overall objective truth to any of the subversive and cynically oriented environmentalist ‘green’ propaganda inculcated into gullible brains for the past 2+ decades.

For instance, temperature measurements made from weather balloons and satellites since the late 1950s show no atmospheric warming since 1958.

Averaged ground-based thermometers have recorded warming of about 0.40C over the same period – an effect thought to be biased by the Urban Heat Island effect and other artefacts. No unambiguous human global warming signal has been identified, even though some $50.0 million has been spent since 1990 looking for it. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would be so far below deep freezing that no life could survive. On both annual and geological (viz., up to 100,000 year) timescales, changes in atmospheric temperature precede changes in CO2. Carbon dioxide is a minor greenhouse gas, so it cannot be a primary forcing agent for temperature increase.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the main revolutionary scaremonger driving this fraudulent operation, is a political (World Revolution), not a scientific body. Some open information about the immense corruption with which this revolutionary entity is associated, and the damage it is inflicting on Western infrastructure thanks to the extreme mind-controlled stupidity of brainwashed, self-interested elements within the international financial and industrial communities, is appended as Note 4 below (4) .

The retired Director of Research at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, Dr Hendrik Tennekes, has stated that ‘the IPCC review process is fatally flawed’. The Russian Academy of Sciences has stated that the Kyoto Protocol has no scientific basis. Indeed, ironically, Mr Andre Illarianov, a prominent Kremlin adviser, has stated that ‘Kyoto-ism’ is ‘one of the most aggressive, intrusive, and destructive ideologies since the collapse of Communism and Fascism’ (even though Gorbachëv presided over its launch in the 1980s).

Finally, for our purposes here, climate change is a non-linear (that is, a chaotic) process, some elements of which are not understood at all. Therefore no deterministic computer model can ever make accurate predictions of climate a century or more into the future (5) . We could get much more technical, as others have done: but the point is adequately made.

It is reinforced by the laughable drivel that has been written supporting this colossal false revolutionary propaganda and mass mind-control operation. As another source has helpfully pointed out, crass articles devoid of reliable intellectual content, designed to scare gullible people with scant or zero knowledge of Scripture into fearing that life on earth is doomed ‘unless we do something’, have included the following:

Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution.

Eating kangaroos could help fight against global warming: scientist.

UN says eat less meat to curb global warming.

EU to ban inefficient fridges and TVs in global warming battle.

UN Chief: Global warming caused Darfur genocide.

Schwarzenegger set to ban ‘energy-guzzling’ big screen TVs.

Global warming is as dangerous as war.

Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism.

Enhanced ‘greenhouse effect’ causes global warming.

Climate changes causes birds to lay eggs early.

‘Contraception cheapest way to combat climate change’.

Limit families to two children ‘to combat climate change’.

Global warming pushes polar bears to cannibalism.

Gore calls Myanmar cyclone a ‘consequence’ of global warming.

John Kerry: We can’t ignore the security threat from climate change.

Global warming to fuel rise in asthma, malaria.

Now the Pentagon tells Bush climate change will destroy us.

Fat people cause global warming.

Scientists: Humans ‘very likely’ cause global warming.

Global warming could increase terrorism, official says.

ABC website tells kids when they should die.

Climate change causes health concerns.

Global warming causes 300,000 deaths a year, says Kofi Annan thinktank.

Climate change causes 315,000 deaths a year: report.

Climate change ‘causes conflict’.

Global warming causes extinction.

Global warming skeptics are like Holocaust deniers.

Al Gore: Climate change more dire than terrorism.

Bill Clinton: Global warming bigger threat than terrorism (6) .

With one of the world’s leading financial terrorists and murderers, William Jefferson Rockefeller Clinton, telling us that global warming is a bigger threat than he is, one can be certain that Clinton, like his ‘CIA wife’, has had a vested interest in the outcome of the colossal revolutionary Climate Change agitation and propaganda operation. And indeed, this is precisely the case: he is involved in a lucrative related project on the Indo-Pakistan border, among other ‘Climate Change’ schemes.

Given that this operation took over two decades to ‘build’ – until the point had been reached at which the revolutionary reorganisers of the world thought that ‘public opinion’ (according to their controlled opinion polling operations) could be relied upon to ‘insist upon’ and to ‘lock down’ a global ‘Climate Change’ agreement – it was manifestly regarded as a top priority operation by the manipulators. Finally, so confident were they of achieving their objectives, entailing a ‘Great Leap Forward’ that they took the immense risk of attempting to dragoon 192 squabbling countries into reaching a ‘common position’ which could be formalised into a GLOBAL ACCORD – ANY accord.

And that’s the point.

As far as the World Revolution was concerned, it would be neither here nor there what accord Copenhagen produced, as long as a global agreement was delivered. Why did they ‘need’ a global agreement, ANY AGREEMENT, signed off by the whole world?

Because what was recklessly sought here was a document signed by 192 countries, backed by manipulated and brainwashed ‘global public opinion’ which, the planners gauged, would thereafter be embued with an aura of infallibility and sanctity.

The object of the exercise was nothing less than to procure a ‘Climate Change’ accord to which the representatives of 192 nations had appended their signatures – A GLOBAL AGREEMENT which no-one could thereafter dispute, so that anyone who remained so foolish as to QUESTION the wisdom of the representatives of 192 countries, could be discredited as mentally defective.

After all if the whole world had signed up to the accord, how could it POSSIBLY be suspect?

Furthermore, the new, infallible, monumental global accord would be of such stature that it would ‘serve humanity’ for the next half century. It would be billed as having ‘saved’ us all, too.

WHY the ‘need’ for such an agreement – ANY agreement, so long as it was truly GLOBAL? Because the Climate Change agenda is a cynical cover ‘line’, an elaborate ruse designed to hoodwink the gullible ‘mainstream’ media and the masses.

Behind this cover smokescreen, sanctified by the WHOLE OF HUMANITY, the organised criminal financiers had intended to maximise the potential for wholly Fraudulent Finance operations (e.g. trading ‘carbon credits’, later ‘carbon dollars’), for their own enrichment and in further pursuit of their mad and failing, but ongoing, revolutionary agenda to generate funds with which to acquire and redeploy the real assets of the whole world.

When it was discovered that global warming was not in fact ‘happening’, and the science didn’t support the underlying deception, the master slogan had been hurriedly switched to ‘Climate Change’ – an idiotic public relations error, as the climate always changes.

This slip by itself illustrates the fraudulent nature of this discredited World Revolution initiative, which has almost (but not quite) collapsed in total disarray.

And the reason it all but collapsed was that four personal aides working for Mrs Clinton were arrested for wire fraud, in a perfectly timed operation – as they were engaged in switching funds from the Settlements in order to finance the Copenhagen ‘infrastructure’.

All of a sudden, the stolen or diverted funds upon which the intended infrastructure would depend, were not forthcoming; while the four aides were arrested for wire fraud.

The conference collapsed IMMEDIATELY. The arrests for wire fraud CUT OFF THE FUNDING that was to have been diverted and stolen. In other words, the ‘first’ transactions that were to have been covered by the lusted-after accord, were INTERCEPTED.

So the whole charade just imploded.

The consequence was that Führerin Merkel – the former Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Communist Yugend organisation at Karl-Marx University in East Berlin – plus Mr Gordon Brown, President Sarkozy, President Barack Obama, Sr. José Manuel Barroso, the Swedish Prime Minister, and lesser mortals, were pictured in the papers sitting round like grizzled students in a huddle in a pub, arguing with each other – with Merkel doing most of the talking, it seemed, as she struggled to prevent the collapse of Ackermann’s derivatives-crammed Deutsche Bank.

With the intended protection money racket based on fear that ‘the planet’ will overheat, having collapsed in the presence of the whole world’s ‘mainstream’ media round their cloth-ears – and camouflaged scope for surreptitious money-movement operations stretching out for half a century ahead having consequently disintegrated before their greedy eyes – the stupid participants in this criminal gathering were left arguing pointlessly amongst themselves and in front of the media, over the latest mess and gross public relations disaster that they had precipitated, in conformity with their endless propensity to engage in subterfuge for ulterior internationalist motives hidden from the general public, instead of getting on with the jobs that they were elected to perform.

For, rather than attending to the requirements and priorities of their electorates, these World Revolutionary so-called leaders – each of whom dances to the internationalist agenda rather than to the demands of the people who placed them in power – are all negligently fiddling around with discredited, collapsing, disintegrating globalist operations, which are in various stages of terminal decay and decline – the European Union Collective being no exception.

And because these disreputable characters are integrated with these operations, they can’t even see that that they are falling apart before their clouded eyes. One must never underestimate the propensity for such cynical false ideologues to deceive themselves, even as they practice double-mindedness and deception of others, as a matter of course.

On 23rd December 2009, it was suddenly reported (7) that Lord Mandelson, the Rothschild agent, has again fallen out with Gordon Brown.

This was predictable, as Mandelson is an unstable homosexual, like both Blair and Brown, with both of whom he is reported to have been involved. So tense were relations at times between Blair and Mandelson, that Mandelson was forced out of his Cabinet post. Thereafter he was banished to Brussels, where he became the European Commissioner for Trade, only to be hauled peremptorily back into the Cabinet when Gordon Brown put a 14-year rift with Mandelson behind him in June 2008 by abruptly recalling him at a point in Brown’s political fortunes. A few months ago, Mandelson was reported to have been chosen to mastermind the Labour Party’s General Election strategy.

But The Daily Telegraph now suddenly reported, on its front page, that ‘a rift between Gordon Brown and Peter Mandelson is threatening to derail Labour’s plans for a New Year fightback…. A series of disagreements has strained the close political relationship between Mr Brown and Lord Mandelson that helped the Prime Minister retain his leadership earlier this year’ (in June 2009).

The newspaper reported that Mandelson ‘has grown increasingly disenchanted with Mr Brown and in recent weeks the relationship has deteriorated further’.

‘Last night, a close friend of Lord Mandelson told The Daily Telegraph: ‘Peter thinks that Gordon has used him to stay in place and has now just disposed of him. He clearly thinks he has served his purpose and Peter is upset about that’.

‘Disputes over policy have stretched the relationship to breaking point. A source claims that Lord Mandelson feels he has been “ganged up on” over various issues’.

‘This month’s pre-Budget report, which attacked the bankers and failed to offer a more credible route for reducing the deficit, infuriated the Business Secretary [Mandelson]. He made it clear that he did not agree with “banker-bashing” but he was overruled by Mr Brown’.

‘He also felt slighted when Mr Brown did not push him for the European Union foreign affairs post when it was within his gift last month’.

As a result, the previously close working relationship between these two rogues is falling apart. ‘Those working in Number 10 have reported that while he still has some control over the Downing Street “war room”, Lord Mandelson seems unprepared to use it. One ally of the Prime Minister said: “He has become disengaged”’.

As usual, the explanations leaked into the public domain to date, do not reveal what lies beneath. This report surfaced a few days after the ‘Copenhagen collapse’, which left Mr Brown without the payoff that the four aides of Mrs Clinton, who were arrested for wire fraud and diverting/stealing Settlements money to the chief Copenhagen payola participants, may have anticipated.

To add to this incendiary mixture, Lord Mandelson, as a Rothschild agent, is required to do as his master dictates: and, given the incredible level of tension behind the scenes arising from the continued intransigence of the US official criminalists in the face of the $47 trillion Lien on the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, Rothschild’s primary objective, we may speculate, is SURVIVAL and the prevention of a global collapse.

But Gordon Brown, a notoriously duplicitous and compromised intelligence officer, was engaged (in the Copenhagen context), in an operation, which has been aborted by the enforcement cadres and INTERPOL in the United States, to participate in diverted funding contrary to the requirements of the international community represented by the Swiss and Chinese controlling parties, and the representatives of the British Monarchical Power (which is entirely separate in this context from the British Government). It will be recalled that we caught Brown in Belfast with George Bush Jr. in the summer of 2008, engaged in banking activity which was hardly, to put it mildly, consistent with his responsibilities, including those towards Her Majesty the Queen.

Mandelson has therefore discovered what of course he already knew – but had chosen for the sake of his own self-aggrandisement, to forget – that Gordon Brown is a particularly slippery snake with whom NO AGREEMENT can ever be reliably reached. After all, Gordon Brown is a revolutionary (Leninist) internationalist. While Lord Rothschild consorts with certain known unsavoury Soviet characters, he has his own priorities to consider; and in respect of this dimension, his priorities complement, but are separate from and unrelated to, those of the British Monarchical Power.

Therefore, we believe that the arrest of the four Clinton aides for wire fraud has had much wider-reaching consequences than were immediately evident.

For starters, the already shattered British financial and economic environment is now yet further threatened by a manifestly brittle political state of affairs in London, which could have ‘unintended consequences’ – especially since a huge number of MPs will be leaving the House of Commons at the election, either in disgrace or in order to get away from the nasty expenses witch-hunt, while the so-called ‘Conservative’ Government-in-waiting has hardly any experience and is led by a man who attended the ‘right school’, but whose mind is nonetheless stuffed full of spurious ‘green’ garbage resulting from the mass environmentalist brainwashing reference above.

David Cameron looks to all observers like a prospective pushover, a piece of putty in the hands of the usual unscrupulous geo-manipulators.

Back in Washington, President Obama’s widely cited Executive Order Amending Executive Order 12425 which extended ‘the appropriate privileges, exemptions and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)’ promulgated on 17th December 2009, revealed the stark reality that the Chinese and British Monarchical Power Lien Holders were continuing to force the pace – in collaboration here with President Obama who has at times appeared to be out of his depth and has shown some evidence of flip-flopping between the international community, and the harsh pressures placed on him by the arrogant appointees who have continued to defy the Lien Holders (and the President), such as Leon Panetta, the Director of Central Intelligence.

However that phase is now almost certainly at an end, given not least the very open promulgation of this Executive Order by the White House Press Office.

Promulgation of this Executive Order triggered the predictable knee-jerk responses from those who have not understood what is going on, and who have failed to take on board that the Lien Holders and their servants take precedence over the highest office-holders in the United States, including the President, all of whom, with their predecessors, have been, and remain engaged in criminal conduct which the World Court has condemned. The perception that this represents a setback for the United States is nonsense in the prevailing circumstances – which entail the greatest crisis that the Republic has ever faced, despite it being successfully hidden from the people with the assistance of the co-conspiring so-called ‘mainstream’ press.

Various anecdotal reports were received after we posted on 17th December, indicating that heavy operations to procure the necessary resolution were continuing. On 21st December 2009, we had established that an unspecified number of people (whether bankers, trustees, intermediaries or operatives, was not stated) had been ‘taken out’ over the weekend of 19th-20th December on both sides of the Atlantic and, in the words of informants, ‘brutally horizontalised’.

On 18th December it was reported to us that a female accountant based in Dallas who had been working as a consultant for the Federal Reserve Board conducting internal audits, was called back from Texas to Washington, DC, where she was bluntly informed that there was no longer any need for her services, and that no funds were available any longer to pay her for consultancy work.

By way of explanation, Federal Reserve officials told her that there were ‘suits in town’ who were ‘doing the books’ (8).

This was a reference to the audit that has been going on since the massive force of international enforcement, audit and related personnel descended on Washington aboard the seven aircraft on 2nd December. The consultant was also openly informed by Federal Reserve officials, to her face, that ‘Geithner is history’ – which is consistent with the fact that Geithner, as we have reported, is under a form of house arrest and has had a monitor attached to him given his resistance to his obligations under the World Court Writ of Enforcement and the requirements of the Lien Holders.

On 22nd December, given the snowstorm, Reagan National Airport serving Washington DC, was widely described as ‘a mess’. But in the late afternoon of 21st December, a certain woman walked to catch a flight that had been rescheduled – only to discover that, along with hundreds of others, she was prevented from proceeding through security.

On the contrary, FBI personnel, Homeland Security operatives and ‘top cops in suits who looked foreign’, with dogs, had stopped the lines going through security for several hours. This situation continued from about 4:30 pm to 7:00pm.

The lady reporting this situation noticed that it was the ‘top cops in suits who were operationally in charge’, and that they were looking for someone. The person concerned eventually made her long delayed flight back home for Christmas, but has repeatedly queried why these events were not being reported, and have still not been reported (9) .

The short answer to that question is that an official lid is being held tightly down on all dimensions of this crisis, with ‘mainstream’ media being kept deliberately in the dark, and exposures confined mainly to this service. The original cynical presumption appears to have been that as long as the exposures could be contained and confined, the ‘mainstream’ could be distracted for as long as the crisis continued. There is also the problem that the colossal sums of money that the embedded financial terrorists in Washington have diverted and stolen belong to sensitive parties, which also have an interest, to some extent, in minimal publicity.

But the reality is that THIS STORY IS SO HUGE that this service, by default, has done an end-run around the ‘mainstream’ media, which started calling the Editor while he was in New York City. If these people want to catch up at this late stage, they need to appoint someone to read our reports, which will take them weeks or months. As we have said in the past, it has been a relief not to have had to deal with ‘mainstream’ journalists, with their preconceived notions, pat responses and their tendency to twist and distort what has been explained to them. As reports of the crisis have been mainly confined to this service (by default), we have been left free to develop the story without interference and having to spend time correcting deliberate misconceptions and distortions.

As a former freelance Op-Ed writer on The Daily Telegraph, the Editor knows whereof he speaks.

However before Christmas we were informed that Chinese officials had made it clear that if matters were not resolved by the holidays, they would, inter alia, reserve the right to release details of the corruption at the highest levels in the United States into the public domain. This threat has been blunted by our knowledge that China Trust Bank has since been readied to participate in renewed corrupt Fraudulent Finance operations, as indicated at the top of this report.

But THAT development, in turn, is itself compromised by the POLICY CHANGE publicised at the top of the report, which will probably mean that the US participants back out of the deal.

As indicated, the chief saboteur identified to us most recently is Mr Leon Panetta, the Director of Central Intelligence. It is not yet known whether Mrs Clinton has experienced ‘blowback’ from the reported arrest for wire fraud of her four personal aides.

We continue to suspect that Dr Henry (‘Heinz’) Kissinger is ‘no longer with us’, as all enquiries on this subject are routinely met with: ‘Nobody wants to talk about Kissinger’ – for the fairly obvious prospective reason that he’s either in jail or has been horizontalised. For the time being, however, we can only reiterate that this DVD triple agent is missing.

However the game is now up for ALL OF THESE PEOPLE – including Panetta, Geithner, the Clintons, the Bushes, Bernanke, and every single one of their associates including corrupt US Legislators currently and formerly within the US Government structures, as well as the CEO’s of the complicit criminal financial institutions and their co-conspiring associates, and their corrupt firms of lawyers, who have been engaged in blocking the Settlements, and moving money illegally – as they face investigation and prosecution by the US Department of Justice, which has finally been compelled to LISTEN TO WHAT WE HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG.

But the fact that the US Department of Justice had to be browbeaten into doing its job by the Lien Holders and the international community shows just how decadent the entire pariah US system of governance had become. It is a shameful disgrace that it has had to come to this.

Notes and References:

(1):Office of Management and Budget, The Budget for Fiscal Year 2010, Historical Tables, page 129.

(2):Intelligence special to this service.

(3): ‘Copenhagen Climate Change Summit Review’, Financial Times Supplement, 23rd December 2009, ‘Fractious and Freezing: Delegates gathered in an overcrowded, charm-free convention hall’, Andrew Ward, page 9.

(4): The world’s so-called ‘top climate official’ is an extremely sinister-looking bearded Indian guru dressed from head to toe in black called Dr Rajendra Pachauri, who is accustomed to appearing on public ‘Climate Change’ platforms with Al Gore – one of the primary operatives behind this massive scam, along with Mikhail Gorbachëv, who is confirmed to be the ‘partner’ of George H. W. Bush Sr., Helmut Kohl, Dr Joseph Ackermann et al., in Deutsche AG, a.k.a. Barrington Investment Group.

Since 2002, Dr Pachauri has been Chairman of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the phrase ‘Global Warming’ having been officially discarded when the underlying science failed to authenticate the lie that the planet is heating up with prospectively disastrous consequences for humanity).

This self-serving Indian guru is also Director-General of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, the influential ‘private’ body in India involved in ‘Climate Change’ issues as well as in renewable energy projects and ancillary ‘consultancy’ services.

Dr Pachauri also holds more than a score of positions at banks, universities and other institutions that are besotted with, and benefit from, the now massive worldwide industry based on measures to ‘halt Climate Change’ (even though the climate changes all the time and is a non-linear (chaotic) phenomenon). In this connection, it is important to remember at all times that certain fundamental revolutionary platforms entail objectives deliberately selected so that they can never be achieved, and issues that can never be resolved: after all, if resolution were ever on the cards, the entire edifice constructed on the base of manipulated lies would collapse.

Among financial institutions with which Dr Pachauri is linked are Crédit Suisse, one of the most relentlessly dubious institutions in the world, Deutsche Bank (ditto), and Chicago Climate Change – the world’s largest dealer in the buying and selling of the ‘right’ to emit CO2 – which, as stated in the main text, is a minor gas that is necessary for the greenhouse effect that allows life to flourish on earth, and without which the temperature on Earth would average – 180 degrees Centigrade.

Pachauri lives in immense luxury in an exclusive residential enclave and in one of the most expensive homes in New Delhi.

Writing in The Sunday Telegraph on 27th December 2009, the investigative columnist Christopher Booker gave several examples of how this immense revolutionary operation is indeed inducing the transfer of assets and infrastructure from the developed world, to emerging economies:

‘Next month, TATA [the huge Indian conglomerate with which Dr Pachauri is also associated – Ed.] is to close down its Corus [formerly British Steel] steelworks at Redcar [Tessside, UK], so as to make a potential £600 million in ‘credits’ by building a plant of similar capacity in Orissa [India]. It will thus make a potential gain of £1.2 billion, at the expense of 1,700 [British steel] jobs on Teesside, for no overall reduction in the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere’.

Trading in the entirely fake ‘virtual’ carbon markets has grown to £75.0 billion since the so-called EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) [cover for yet more Fraudulent Finance and off-balance sheet operations – Ed.] was launched in 2005, with London having since emerged as the leading centre for ‘investing’ in carbon credits. So-called EUAs, or rights to emit a tonne of carbon dioxide, are traded on the European Union Collective’s Emissions Trading System.

The price of EUAs for December 2010 delivery ended at 12.45 Euros per tonne on 18th December, some two Euros lower than the price two weeks earlier.

Under this mischievous ETS scheme, the plan had been to raise CO2 emission reduction targets from 20% to 30%, reducing the number of permits issuable under future phases of the carbon-trading arrangements, thereby raising the price of EUAs – which, in turn, would be supposed to create an incentive for industry to reduce emissions.

But this convoluted and comprehensively ersatz scheme is in fact, like everything else the EU Collective fiddles with, going badly wrong (in terms of the original underlying objectives, based on false science): according to Société Générale, European industrial firms, which are fully signed up to this nonsense, may already be holding as much as 100 million tonnes of these carbon ‘credits’ or allowances. On top of all this, the recession has left energy-intensive companies with more EUAs than they need in order to meet their 2009 ‘CO2 emission targets’. Unused allowances can be rolled over into the following year, so a glut of these entirely fabricated ‘credits’ will drive prices of EUAs down even further. In other words, the mentally deranged idiots behind this convoluted control mechanism have shot themselves, as usual, collectively in the foot.

(5): Derived inter alia from published work by Professor Robert M. Carter at James Cook University, Queensland, Australia and the University of Adelaide, South Australia. Carter is a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with more than 30 years’ experience.

(6): Communication received by the Editor from an observer on 16th December 2009 at 08:21:38. It contained this incomplete list of fearmongering agitprop articles and ‘mainstream’ drivel pieces that have appeared in the press to scare the world’s bemused population into accepting the farrago of ‘Climate Change’ lies as gospel.

(7): ‘Mandelson in feud with Brown’, The Daily Telegraph, 23rd December 2009, pages 1 and 2: article by Andrew Porter, Political Editor.

(8): Personal communication from a source inside the Beltway to the Editor, received on 18th December 2009 at 10:14:56 UK time.

(9): Personal communication from a source in the Washington, DC area, to the Editor received on 22nd December 2009 at 17:12 UK time.




On 28th December, we appended the following at the top of this current report [see above]:

A trusted source informs us that Kurt Haskell, a lawyer from Michigan, is the source of the following UNCONFIRMED information:

The Nigerian involved in the suspected false-flag attempt on the aircraft flying from Schiphol, Amsterdam, to Detroit, was accompanied by a well-dressed Western male who accosted security staff at the Dutch airport and ordered them to allow the Nigerian to pass through security without a passport check and a proper security search. The security staff stated that they would have to consult superiors, which they did. The Nigerian was then allowed through controls without any impediment. Looks like a US Homeland Security set-up.

A further (new) trusted source in St Louis, MO, has just drawn our attention to the following links, from which you will observe that Kurt Haskell was on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, to Detroit on Christmas Day. The links contain a photograph of Mr Haskell’s Boarding Pass, CONFIRMING that he was on the flight, as well as a photograph of Mr Haskell and his wife, who were returning to Detroit via Amsterdam from a safari trip in Africa.

The report is therefore CONFIRMED. A suggestion that Mr Haskell was the Nigerian’s handler is almost certainly a piece of far-fetched disinformation disseminated for diversionary purposes. Some of Mr Haskell’s comments appear naive, but that does not prove he was the handler.

The source for these two reports, Sheena Harrison, serving Metro Detroit Local News, quotes Mr Haskell verbatim. The US lawyer thought that the man looked Indian. But our new trusted source very accurately and cleverly points out:

‘Mr Haskell describes the man [the well-dressed accomplice] as “Indian”, but this could have been INDONESIAN’. She elaborates that Indonesians are now routinely found at all levels of society and Government in The Netherlands.

This is accurate, as the Editor knows first-hand, having in the past purchased printing services from The Netherlands, which entailed flying from Gatwick to Rotterdam for meetings.

Given President Obama’s INDONESIAN BACKGROUND, this insight is prospectively of IMMENSE GLOBAL IMPORTANCE, and also throws new light onto the crass terrorism dimension of the World Revolution, while at the same time revealing, yet again, how careless, clumsy, stupid, cack-handed, amateurish and demented are the controllers of this satanic revolutionary activity, as they seek to hide behind deniability at all times for their planned abominations.

Recall that as Satan is the author of lies and confusion, everything that these infested maniacs do, winds up in total confusion, and goes badly wrong, so that they lose control of everything.

What then happens is that their criminalised intelligence associates are lumbered with the task of developing elaborate cover-up operations to hide the truth of this revolutionary activity from the Rest of Us. But as these people ‘mess up’ all the time, we wind up knowing about it, anyway.

If there is indeed a revolutionary counterintelligence-linked Indonesian dimension, this would be no surprise whatsoever, as the Japanese buried gold stolen from their ransacking of 12 East Asian countries during the years of their Far Eastern Empire (1895-1945) in Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) as well as in the Philippines.

The texts that can be checked out from the links given here, are appended here below the links. The Editor thanks our new correspondent for this information and the Indonesian linkage insight, which is a brilliant piece of lateral thinking:



The first report by Sheena Harrison is timed and dated 6:49am Detroit Time, 26th December 2009. It cites Mr Haskell as having reported as follows:

‘I was on this flight today and am thankful to be alive. My wife and I were returning from an African safari and had this connecting flight through Amsterdam. I sat in row 27, which was 7 rows behind the terrorist. I got to see the whole thing take place and it was very scary. Thanks to a few quick acting people I am still alive today’.

‘For those of you talking about airline security, I was next to the terrorist when he checked in at the Amsterdam airport early on Christmas. My wife and I were playing cards directly in front of the check-in counter. This is what I saw (and I relayed this to the FBI when we were held in Customs):

An Indian man in a nicely dressed suit around age 50 approached the check-in counter with the terrorist and said: “This man needs to get on this flight and he has no passport”. The two of them were an odd pair as the terrorist is a short, black man that looked like he was very poor and looks around age 17. (Although I think he is 23 he doesn’t look it). It did not cross my mind that they were terrorists, only that the two looked weird together. The ticket-taker said “you can’t board without a passport”. The Indian man then replied: “He is from Sudan, we do this all the time”.

I can only take from this to mean that it is difficult to get passports from Sudan and this was some sort of sympathy ploy. The ticket-taker then said “You will have to talk to my manager”, and sent the two down a hallway. I never saw the Indian man again as he wasn’t on the flight. It was also weird that the terrorist never said a word in this exchange. Anyway, somehow, the terrorist made it onto the plane. I am not sure if it was a bribe or just sympathy from the security manager.

FBI also arrested a different Indian man while we were held in Customs after a bomb-sniffing dog detected a bomb in his carry-on bag and he was searched after we landed. This was later confirmed while we were in Customs when an FBI agent said to us: “You are all being moved to another area because this area is not safe. Read between the lines. Some of you saw what just happened”. (The arrest of the other Indian man). I am not sure why this hasn’t made it into any news story, but I stood about 15-20 feet away from the other Indian man when he was cuffed and arrested after his search.

What also didn’t make the news is that we were held on the plane for 20 minutes AFTER IT LANDED! A bomb could have gone off then. This wasn’t too smart of security to not let us off the plane…’.

The second report by Sheena Harrison is timed and dated 2:22pm Detroit Time, 26th December:

The caption to the photo of Mr Haskell’s passport reads:
Kurt Haskell’s boarding pass for NWA Flight 253.

Update: Dutch police investigating report of accomplice in Northwest Flight 235 terror plot:

A Michigan man who was aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 says he witnessed Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab trying to board the plane in Amsterdam without a passport.

Kurt Haskell of Newport, Mich., who posted an earlier comment about his experience, talked exclusively with MLive.com and confirmed he was on the flight by sending a picture of his boarding pass. He and his wife, Lori, were returning from a safari in Uganda when they boarded the NWA flight on Friday.

Haskell said he and his wife were sitting on the ground near their boarding gate in Amsterdam, which is when they saw Mutallab approach the gate with an unidentified man.

Kurt and Lori Haskell are attorneys with Haskell Law Firm in Taylor. Their expertise includes bankruptcy, family law and estate planning.

While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said: ‘He’s from Sudan and we do this all the time’”.

Mutallab is Nigerian. Haskell believes the man may have been trying to garner sympathy for Mutallab’s lack of documents by portraying him as a Sudanese refugee.

The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to her manager down the hall, and Haskell didn’t see Mutallab again until after he allegedly tried to detonate an explosive on the plane.

Haskell said the flight was mostly unremarkable. That was until he heard a flight attendant say she smelled smoke, just after the pilot announced the plane would land in Detroit in 10 minutes. Haskell got out of his seat to view the brewing commotion.

“I stood up and walked a couple feet ahead to get a closer look, and that’s when I saw the flames”, said Haskell, who sat about seven rows behind Mutallab. “It started to spread pretty quickly. It went up the wall, all the way to ceiling”.

Haskell, who described Mutallab as a diminutive man who looks like a teenager, said about 30 seconds passed between the first mention of smoke and when Mutallab was subdued by fellow passengers. “He didn’t fight back at all. This wasn’t a big skirmish”, Haskell said. “A couple guys jumped on him and hauled him away”.

The ordeal has left Haskell and his wife a little shaken. Flight attendants were screaming during the fire and the pilot sounded notably nervous when bringing the plane in for a landing, he said.

“Immediately, the pilot came on and said two words: emergency landing”, Haskell said. “And that was it. The plane sped up instead of slowing down. You could tell he floored it”.

As Mutallab was being led out of the plane in handcuffs, Haskell said he realized that was the same man he saw trying to board the plane in Amsterdam.

Passengers had to wait about 20 minutes before they were allowed to exit the plane. Haskell said he and other passengers waited about six hours to be interviewed by the FBI.

About an hour after landing, Haskell said he saw another man being taken into custody. But a spokeswoman from the FBI in Detroit said Mutallab was the only person taken into custody’.


Mr Haskell disseminated the following update at about 9:30pm UK time, so 3:30pm CST:

‘Just to give everyone an update. I had a visit from the FBI yesterday. They brought in several photos including one I casually identified to them as “The man they won’t admit exists that they detained in customs”. Amazingly, they changed their story and admitted that this 2nd Indian [sic: Ed.] man was still being held in Customs on “immigration issues” (i.e. no passport) last night. So, their first story that only one man had been detained was apparently untruthful’.

‘I got a several minute close up look at the terrorist in Amsterdam and he has quite a different look about him [sic: Ed.]. Further, there were very few black persons on our flight or at the airport and he was rather easy for me to identify later. Hope this helps. Thanks Mlive and those that continue to be supportive. KH’.

Note: The Dutch security service is reported in the British press to have DENIED that the Nigerian passed through airport checks without a passport. Specifically, a spokesman for the Netherlands Counter-Terrorism Office said on 29th December 2009:

‘He had a passport and a valid visa for the United States and KLM had clearance on the passenger list to carry him to the US’. So someone is lying. The procedure when these World Revolutionary operations are botched (whether deliberately so or not) is for conflicting information to be piled systematically upon conflicting information, creating a picture of total confusion that they hope cannot be unravelled. The following link contains a further report from the same source cited above. We haven’t extracted the text, as it can easily be accessed from this link:


Kurt Haskell is engaged in a head-to-head fight with the US official liars, and is doing extremely well. We won’t reproduce what he says here, as you can read his latest update at:

http://www.mlive. com/news/ detroit/index. ssf/2009/ 12/flight_ 253_passenger_ kurt_hask. html

However we comment as follows: This macabre fiasco is developing into a DIRGE accompanying the ongoing discrediting and implosion of the ‘Black’ Forces that inhabit the Intelligence Power. The FBI (GESTAPO) is effectively a SUBSIDIARY OF THE CIA and it is now being comprehensively discredited along with the CIA and its ancillary criminalised so-called ‘intelligence’ agencies itself. The FBI has forfeited its credibility over the years due to its insistence on promulgating lies and diversionary ‘lines’ to hide the abominations committed by compartmentalised intelligence cadres.

Now it has come face to face with a very determined and respected lawyer who WON’T PUT UP WITH THIS REPROBATE BEHAVIOUR. After all, Kurt Haskell and his wife Lori survived a horrific incident clearly orchestrated by ‘intelligence’ operatives (ALL terrorists are agents or else are connected to the criminalised intelligence structures).

Once again, THEY NEVER THOUGHT THERE WOULD BE ANY OPPOSITION. But the worm has turned, and these STUPID PEOPLE are all going to have to wake up to the NEW PARADIGM which became reality just before the turn of the year and decade. THE BELL TOLLS FOR THESE FILTHY CRIMINALS, but as we have seen, THEY NEVER GET THE MESSAGE.

In 2010, they will, they will.

Further analysis has revealed that the Nigerian terrorist agent’s father, Dr Umaru Mutallab, is one of the richest people in the world, the former Chairman of the First Bank of Nigeria, former Cabinet Minister, head of the national armaments industry, friend of the US Ambassador, and is well known in ‘Black’ circles around the globe. Nigeria’s intelligence agencies are tied to and trained by Israel.

Passengers flying to the United States from Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport are routinely grilled, according to Wayne Madsen, by security personnel linked to an Israeli firm. The same investigator points out that ‘the security company that allowed the shoe-bomber, Reid, to board the American Airlines Flight 63 at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris several years ago was ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security) International, the senior management of which are all Israeli officials’, many of whom worked for El Al security which is intimately intertwined with Mossad.

Detainees released from Guantanamo are reported to be operating in leadership roles in Yemen under direction, training and guidance by Israeli and CIA operatives. Interim analysis published by the respected website Veterans Today points to an operation directed by the discredited but still hyperactive ‘Black’ CIA operative boss and former US Vice President Richard B. Cheney, of Jewish extraction, and the disaffected Bush Crime Family as being complicit in what is rapidly escalating, as we have predicted, into a colossal crisis for the Langley Botch Factory and its mental defectives elsewhere inside the Intelligence Power, notably the Federal Bureau of Investigation (GESTAPO).

One of the two Veterans Today reports referenced by the links below headlines the following: ‘WHY THE STORY HAS TO GRIND TO A STOP OR… ‘THE WHOLE DIRTY MESS WILL COLLAPSE’. Yes INDEED. That’s exactly what is happening. THE BELL TOLLS FOR THE DEMONS INSIDE THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE POWER AND THEIR EVIL FOREIGN ASSOCIATES who have yet to grasp that the ground has shifted violently from beneath their dirty feet, as will become increasingly apparent to all when recent developments can be divulged and the new paradigm put in closer perspective.

Again, we won’t duplicate the work of others at this stage. See detailed reports at:





LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

“ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

“THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


“FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

“The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


“FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

“Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


NASD Rule 3120, et al.
NASD Rule 2330, et al
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
Anti-Drug Abuse Act
Applicable international money laundering restrictions
Bank Secrecy Act
Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
Economic Espionage Act
Hobbs Act
Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
Maloney Act
Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
Money-Laundering Control Act
Money-Laundering Suppression Act
Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
Securities Act 1933
Securities Act 1934
Terrorism Prevention Act
Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

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It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

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The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

It is suitable for PC’s but not Mac computers. As with all such programs, the License is renewable at a modest fee annually. This is done on-line in the usual way [with the supplier direct].

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.




Tuesday 24 November 2009 21:30

Plus: Fraudulent conversion of private debt at Fed into public debt under cover of Fed audit.

THIS report, dated 24th November, has been reposted as it was overtaken by the later report…















































• WARNING: Despite signs of movement towards resolution, summarised in this report, we remain braced for the likelihood of very dirty tricks at this late stage of the proceedings.

• FURTHER WARNING: We diagnose a sinister implied criminal intent to reignite the corrupt off-balance sheet, untaxed Fraudulent Finance derivatives trading using the collateral provided by the recovered Chinese 1933 and 1934 USD currency boxes as base for the ‘new’ fiat dollar money, so that a vast new eruption of funny money accruals arising from fraudulent trades achieved via new platforms that are being hastily put together by people who have no idea what they are doing, is anticipated, planned or intended. Any such development will lead straight into a global financial catastrophe within a short space of time, given that Governments, already strapped because of their rash bail-out operations in the present crisis, will be UNABLE to provide lifelines when this next generation of Fraudulent Finance ‘blows’, as it most certainly will, much faster than last time.

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard. Or press the live Donate link at the top right-hand corner of this page. See also the ADVERTISEMENT below.

• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications. This has its own Archive, giving details of earlier publications.

• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation, are appended at the foot of this report, below the legal data. See also our catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.


Before we go any further several basic issues about these reports need to be revisited, given the propensity of some critics to blame the messenger.

• First, we have been operating in a dense fog of deliberate disinformation, lies and diversionary tactics perpetrated by compartmentalised agents of influence and operatives working for various competing US and foreign interests and structures with conflicting agendas and axes to grind – all concerning MONEY. By definition, therefore, separating truth from falsehood remains a continuing challenge – especially since certain well-known malevolent websites are tasked to specialise not in seeking to convey accurate insights and information, but rather in cynically and deliberately sowing diversionary confusion in accordance with instructions to maximise the potential for obfuscation of the criminality and fraud, and the cowardly failure of authorities to eradicate them.

It is self-evident that information published in these reports is derived from published sources in the public domain, from private written communications or from oral communications made to us by sources believed, through experience, to be reliable. However given that every conversation is listened to and recorded, with transcripts of some conversations still sent to the White House, and given that all who are genuinely engaged in exposing the criminality may be subject to attempted stings by the criminal cadres being exposed, one can never rule out the possibility of being misled.

At the same time, it may be too simplistic, on occasion, to categorise specified information as misleading. This is because you will recall that these people are ALL double-minded. Therefore, they may leak certain information for a dual purpose: first, to advance a particular Agency objective or discrediting agenda; and secondly, at the same time, to lay a trail which could be used to provide deniability in another, parallel context.

A case in point was the recent ‘Malik dimension’ leak to us, which actually occurred BEFORE the Fort Hood events. As indicated in outline in the report dated 12th November, following that trail leads straight to the criminal financing of Al-Qaeda and the World Class DVD-CIA criminal George Herbert Walker Bush. Equipped with this heads-up, certain operatives have rushed in to ‘confirm’ this fact – one of them being the libellant, Heneghan.

Now why would that be?

Stay tuned, as the late Sherman Skolnik used to say. It is because Marvelous Investments Limited, with which Mr Wanta and Heneghan, as well as Mrs Hillary Clinton and Eva Teleki, were involved, likewise leads to the financing of Al-Qaeda. So you see, the leaking of the ‘Malik dimension’ ahead of Fort Hood served two purposes simultaneously: it pointed fingers at George Bush Sr., while at the same time it provided, in readiness, an apparent alternative (diversionary) explanation for the Marvelous Investments Limited trail, should that operation be blown, as it will be.

Incidentally, some people have correctly pointed out that the horrific Russell Hermann sequence is an ‘old story’. That is true: but it’s not the point – which was that it highlighted a typically murderous and avaricious ‘grabitisation’ operation by George Bush Sr., and his notorious Texan ‘gopher’, one James Baker III. It is unconscionable that murderers and accessories to the fact of murder should be protected from the consequences of their crimes just because they once held high office – a consideration which, of course, applies to most of these odious operatives. Hermann was among a number of operatives involved with Iran-Contra who were horizontalised for their pains.

Despite the deliberately sustained fog of diversionary disinformation and claptrap, an experienced Editor with four decades of experience can be relied upon to possess adequate skills to be able to determine, usually with success, what is true and what may be false – especially when he has been lied to, deceived and double-crossed with the frequency suffered by this Editor, as well as being routinely threatened as has been happening with some regularity of late.

Sources usually found by us to be reliable are themselves, prone to be deceived from time to time; indeed, it is our experience that a run of accurate (and separately confirmed) information from such sources may, without warning, suddenly be followed by ‘information’ that is subsequently found to be without foundation.

This happens occasionally because the source is itself being compromised, as the disinformation apparat knows who the source talks to, and targets us through that source accordingly. Again, we have pretty good filters, but while the fog remains dense, hazards remain.

• Secondly, it should be recalled that these US criminal operatives never imagined, in their worst nightmares, that there would ever be any opposition. They thought that the funny fraudulent money bonanza would continue for ever. They had got away with murder for so long that they thought they were immune. Indeed, they imagined (and a tiny proportion of them still do) that the clock can be turned right back to before 10th-12th September 2008, i.e. to dirty business as usual. These people cannot believe that anyone has stood up to them and that their time is up.

It follows, therefore, that what we have all been observing (and recording) is an INCREMENTAL operation, a salami tactics process of attrition. Impatient armchair observers may demand instant results. That is absurd. After all, we are confronting the worst outbreak of organised, revolutionary Fraudulent Finance since Lenin and Stalin engaged in criminal financial operations against the Russian Government before 1917, when Stalin started out with his raid on the Post Office in Tbilisi, Georgia (1906), and relieving it of a large quantity of state bonds.

Does that by any chance sound familiar?

And we are observing the exposure, on a monumental scale, of precisely the same kind of base criminalist behaviour that the old Nazi Gauleiters presided over in Grossdeutschland during the Second World War – when the Rule of Law collapsed and the Gauleiters took the law into their own hands, seizing assets by force and mass-murdering their owners for self-enrichment purposes. This theme is developed in the current issue of Global Analyst [Volume 3, #3].

• Thirdly, the Bush/Greenspan criminal technique deployed all along has been to dangle the prospect of great riches in front of the noses of ordinary men and officials, against a contextual background in which an ‘everyone is doing it’ collapse of ethical standards came to prevail.

This proved to be highly ‘successful’, as the myriad Ponzi operations against Americans who forgot about the Prudent Man Rule have shown – enabling the directorate of these scams, headed by the DVD serpent and its Mossad collaborators themselves, to steal the principal invested by the Ponzi victims and then to orchestrate what must surely be the most cruel and cynical agitprop operation to keep such victims guessing, ever perpetrated by agents of a corrupt government against its own population. This cynical, deceitful agitprop operation continues to this day.

• Finally, as noted above, the criminalists never imagined that they would be confronted, let alone cornered. It is therefore a fact that they have NEVER recovered from being faced down. Contrary to appearances at times, they have remained perpetually on the defensive – so that every time they clambered up off the floor, they have been slapped down harder than previously.

As a consequence they have been dazed, walking around in confusion, unsure what nailed boot will descend on them next, unable to sleep soundly at night, fearful of the Day of Reckoning – and yet determined, given their criminal mentality, to continue their resistance to the inevitable: which is that they ARE being taken down, and they WILL (as we predicted a long while ago) be made to pay for what they have done. It just takes time and superhuman patience.

In the meantime, an orchestrated campaign of ‘Black’ propaganda against The Queen is being perpetrated by US cadres whose serial criminality and thievery has been exposed, and who find themselves having to face a reality they never thought could arise. This orchestrated campaign encapsulates the lie that the $6.2 trillion of sovereign LOAN money was a ‘replacement for’ the stolen $4.5 trillion referenced in earlier reports – whereas it had nothing to do with those stolen funds at all. As we alone reported, the $6.2 trillion was indeed placed into ‘lockdown’ on 10th-12th September 2008 and made inaccessible for illicit trading operations, as it had not been used for the purpose for which it was intended: namely the on-the-books Dollar Refunding Programme, which generates on-balance sheet, taxable accruals: whereas the financial terrorists who have been in charge are incurring $1.0 trillion of unnecessary Treasury debt per annum or more because they couldn’t bear the thought of the discontinuity affecting their Fraudulent Finance operations being made permanent, so that the huge speculative institutions will have to find something else to do.

The campaign to denigrate The Queen represents a desperate, and failing, ‘Black’ operation to try to confuse the issue by perpetuating the lie that the $6.2 trillion ‘replaced’ the $4.5 trillion, which was never the case. It is noted that this lie is being ‘shouted’ at us: in big black capital letters – on Goebbels’ principle that if a lie is repeated often and loud enough, it becomes fact.

• This childish behaviour has simply revealed how desperate and beside themselves these losers are, now that their duplicity and criminality has been faced down. They don’t know what to do, so they are shouting like naughty boys in a nursery where all discipline collapsed long ago.

Late on 21st November, after the Editor had reported the threat to burn our building down, we were told on the transatlantic line that every one of these perpetrators needs to be arrested, clothed in bright orange like Stanford, chained together, frog-marched in front of the world’s TV cameras (Links, Rechts, Links, Rechts, Links, Rechts, Links, Rechts) and publicly humiliated before being herded under US military conditions to one of the multiple bleak Gulag concentration camp areas prepared for the US revolution, where the gates should be slammed in their faces while they are locked up in standing room-only cubicles where they can spend the rest of their diminishing days contemplating the life cycle of the North American cockroach and any other primitive form of life that may inhabit the latrines of the facilities in question.

This of course, should have happened two years ago. But the purge that started then, was aborted, as the Bush wing of the ‘Box Gang’ was still in power: as a consequence of which, the whole world was pushed to the brink of collapse, just as the US dollar faces collapse if this stupid resistance is allowed to continue much longer.

We are very confident (at the time of posting) that it won’t, because of the recent pattern of events which will now be explained to the best of our current knowledge, and because of the long delayed remedy which awaits implementation.

First, though, recall that following the libels perpetrated against the Editor of this service by the criminal disinformation operative Heneghan that had to be featured at the top of the preceding report, we added some outline details about an order received by a GE Transportation plant in Pennsylvania for 300 locomotive kits. China now owns 47% of the United States’ total debt.

This Lawrence Park Township and Grove City locomotive manufacturing plant owned by General Electric Company is engaged in completing 1,480 layoffs, announced at the end of September, by the end of this month. The order from China, confirmed on Monday 16th November (i.e. during Obama’s trip to China) for 300 locomotive ‘kits’ (consisting of high-value components such as the control systems) following an order placed by China in 2005 for a similar number of ‘kits’, reflects inter alia the Chinese demand for concrete deliveries, for redemption against a proportion of the (now worthless) derivatives junk in which GE specialised (as reported when we were analysing the methodology underlying the Fraudulent Finance crisis).

In other words, the Chinese, owners of 47% of the US (corporate) debt, have asked the Americans, in this instance, to manufacture and supply the ‘brains’ for a batch of 300 Evolution Series China Mainland locomotives – effectively for ‘nothing’.

Instead of GE’s junk derivatives paper being redeemed in ‘real’ dollars, in which China is drowning, the shrewd Chinese, who being America’s biggest creditor, hold the whip hand (as well as the Writ of Execution and the lien: see below), have demanded practical railway hardware.

How will the US GE plants be financed while this manufacturing order is being fulfilled? Answer: Finally, via ‘stimulus money’ (which hasn’t been distributed yet, as the official criminals were using it for their ‘platform operations’). ‘At the present time, we are still holding out a lot of hope from the stimulus’, Jim Fifer, President of Local 506 of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, told the local press on 17th November 2009 (1).

The foregoing shows the extreme consequences of the bovine resistance of a few arrogant US operatives elevated far above their capabilities who appeared, at this writing, STILL not to have understood that their resistance to the inevitable is now futile.

Because we have it on impeccable authority that the decision has now been taken to expose the criminality, and for the resistance to be crushed. As we aren’t in the driving seat, obviously we can’t prescribe how this should be done (our preference would be as described above). But we expect the exposures to be absolutely devastating, and that they will hit these people between the eyes when they weren’t expecting it – as usual. They never expected ANY opposition.

So let us now review what has happened – just over two years after Citibank was comprehensively exposed by this service as a criminal enterprise [see Archive].

And the first place to start is to recall that, as stated at the top of the report dated 12th November, with effect from one minute past midnight on Monday morning 9th November (9/11), the US military were placed on high alert.

The reason for this alert became apparent on Veterans’ (Armistice) Day, 11th November 2009, when violence erupted at the huge Fort Hood military territory in Texas, just 30 miles or so from George Bush Jr.’s ranch at Crawford. As our subscriber and correspondent, the Texas attorney who works with Fort Hood, testified in his correspondence to the Editor, events on that occasion did not ‘add up’ at all. His testimony will be found in the report dated 12th November [see Archive].

That was the date by which the Chinese parties were to have exercised their lien on the American Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the White House, in accordance with their World Court authority to do so. The holder of a Writ of Execution can effectively ‘wave the Writ’ in front of the delinquent creditor by way of a threat, forcing the issue without in fact proceeding with the Writ of Execution or lien, although it retains the power to do so. This obvious consideration raises the question: was the Writ sequence a sort of decoy, while other ‘remedies’ were being finalised?

The answer to that question is both Yes and No. The Chinese parties continue to hold the Writ of Execution and the lien and remain conspicuously in charge of proceedings, to the humiliation of the criminalist idiots who have been cornered due to their own self-interested greed and the lust of the corrupt elements within the US Intelligence Power for independent sources of funny money to fund its Black Operations and other disruptive initiatives around the world ostensibly on behalf of the Executive Power and the energy corporations, but in reality on behalf of itself.

Having long since usurped total power in the United States (recall our metaphor of the three flanks of the Power Pyramid), the Intelligence Power refuses to relinquish its control; so an international showdown (predicted by this service) became inevitable. The first international violence phase of this showdown occurred at Fort Hood on 11th November 2009.

As we were able to report in the preceding presentation, a Chinese secret police representative has confirmed that the Fort Hood operation was ‘successful’ from their perspective – a fact that has subsequently been reconfirmed to us by other reliable sources. This means that, as we know, the Chinese successfully retrieved the currency boxes that had been held under guard at Fort Hood for the past 15 years.

Self-evidently, the Chinese cadres could not have achieved ‘success’ without the cooperation of the US military at Fort Hood – indicating a ‘sudden’ community of interests between the Pentagon and the Chinese parties (as well as with the British Monarchical Power) in the grim context of the decisive thrust of the Writ of Execution and the Chinese lien over the US Treasury, the US Federal Reserve, the White House and a vast swathe, by extension, of the financial and real economies – arising entirely as a consequence of the serial and endless criminality of successive arrogant US Administrations, the obtuse insistence of the Intelligence Power in seeking to retain its previously unchallenged ability to generate vast funny money resources enabling it to retain its hegemony over the Government: and giving it the illicit resources with which to intermeddle catastrophically all over the world, where its successive botched operations on behalf of the White House and the energy corporations have wreaked havoc everywhere, so far with impunity.

The US Intelligence Power’s hegemony all these years has been attributable to a combination of penetration of the CIA by DVD (Nazi Abwehr) cadres and to the scamming requirements of the US energy corporations, which operate a price cartel behind the cover provided by the ‘front’ cartel, The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which was created at the Baghdad Conference held on 10th-14th September 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

The five founding members of OPEC were later joined by nine other participants: Qatar, 1961; Indonesia, 1962 [suspended January 2009]; Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 1962; the United Arab Emirates, 1967; Algeria, 1969; Nigeria, 1971; Ecuador, 1973 [suspended December 1992 to October 2007]; Angola, 2007; and Gabon, 1975, 1994. Russia has for a number of years operated within OPEC with ‘observer status’.

The OPEC cartel provides cover, as indicated, for the oil corporations, which cannot rig prices domestically in the United States due to strong anti-monopoly laws. So, as is the case with almost every abuse perpetrated by the US Intelligence Power and its masters, they sought to establish a means of rigging prices externally. This operation was completed by US Treasury Secretary William Simon’s achievement, brokered by the triple agent and DVD chief Dr Henry (Heinz) Kissinger in June 1974, when the denomination of all oil invoices in US dollars was ‘confirmed’ – while special arrangements were reached with the US Treasury for ‘add-on’ US Treasury securities to be made available off-market for absorption by the monetary authorities of the oil-producing states, such as the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA).

In the 1970s, our financial journal International Currency Review exposed this accord as the secret Saudi-American Agreement: and it is this precedent which underlies the subsequent catastrophic institutionalisation of the one-way debt escalation system which is about to be put into reverse with the imminent new US Dollar Refunding Programme arrangements.

To buttress the somewhat ‘unreliable’ oil price-rigging mechanism operated by the oil corporations behind the cover provided by OPEC, a new price falsification mechanism was established in 2000 by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, British Petroleum, Total, Shell Oil, Deutsche Bank and Société Générale, called the Inter Continental Exchange (ICE). This is an online commodities and futures virtual marketplace which exists outside the United States and operates, like the two oil cartels themselves, beyond the constraints of the US anti-monopoly and anti-cartel legislation.

Following a Congressional investigation in 2003, the ICE was found to be facilitating ‘round-trip’ trades – in which one firm sells energy to another, whereupon the second entity sells the same amount of energy back to the first corporation, at the same time and at exactly the same price. Although no commodity ever changes hands, the transactions send signals to the market, falsify the price structure, and artificially augment corporate revenues: CARTELISED SPECULATION.

• Under overt Communism and in places like revolutionary Iraq and Iran, speculators used to be hanged from lamp posts or specially erected gibbets, as used to happen in mediaeval England.

When Congress investigated a firm called DMS Energy, the corporation admitted that 80% of its trades in 2001 were ‘round-trip’ trades, which meant that 80% of its trades in that year were false trades. No oil changed hands, but balance sheets showed ballooning revenues. The expert analyst Philip Davis, who has exposed this recently, says that the purpose of these trades (apart from padding balance sheets) is to inflate commodity prices.

According to Davis. After the ICE had turned commodity trading into “a speculative casino game where pricing was notional and contracts could be sold by people who never produced a thing, to people who didn’t need the things that were not produced”, Goldman Sachs were able to triple the price of commodities in the space of five years. At the present stage of the massively contracted world economy, oil prices have RISEN – despite a very sharp fall in consumption. In other words, a parallel virtual scamming operation has developed in the commodity markets, operating in parallel with the Fraudulent Finance scams that we have been reporting on for years.

It makes no sense, of course, for oil prices to rise when demand implodes – as has been the case worldwide. This is obvious from a glance at export and import data. Over the year to the second quarter of 2009, exports by VOLUME contracted in the following listed countries by the proportions shown after the name of each country:

Austria, – 17.2%; Belgium, – 18.7%; Canada, – 18.4%; Czech Republic, – 16.6%; Denmark, – 13.5%; Finland, – 30.2%; France, – 12.9%; Germany, – 18.6%; Greece, – 10.9%; Hungary, – 14.1%; Italy, – 23.9%; Japan, – 29.2%; Mexico, – 24.3%; Netherlands, – 12.2%; Norway, – 8.9%; Poland, – 13.4%; Portugal, – 17.1%; Spain, – 15.7%; Sweden – 15.2%; Switzerland, – 15.8%; United Kingdom, – 13.0%; United States, – 15.0%.

Obviously, a similar picture was reflected in collapsing imports of goods and services by volume. Against the background of such coruscating data alone, there is no way that oil prices could have risen without a price falsification operation. The same happened, notoriously, in 2008.

The US military elements that collaborated with the Chinese secret police et al. at Fort Hood did so plainly ‘in the national interest’, given that the Chinese authorities held, and continue to hold, the whip hand given their possession of the Writ of Execution and their prospective lien on the US Treasury. For their part, the Chinese were also working in the US national interest, as well as in their own and the international interest, in bring this crisis to a head, inter alia at Fort Hood.

Meanwhile, when Barack Hussein Obama appeared in Alaska on veterans’ Day, Air Force One was joined by three or more cargo Boeing aircraft, which we are told took off from Fairbanks en route to China ‘with’ the President’s aircraft. These cargo planes reportedly (as has since been confirmed by several sources to us) collected further heavy boxes containing currency, gold coins and other assets in China which, together with the 1933 and 1934 US currency boxes that were retrieved from Fort Hood, where the Bush Sr.-led ‘Box Gang’ had managed to keep them under guard since they were originally stolen 15 years earlier – in 1994 – were to be merged to provide the backing for the US dollar under the new, reformed settlement that is in the process of being implemented.

These facts alone confirm that the ‘Box Gang’ may have been defeated – a development enhanced by reports (which, again, have since been separately confirmed to us) that Mrs Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State pro tem., ‘rolled over’ on the Bushes and possibly on others (including her CIA husband?), as a consequence of which she appears temporarily to be ‘off the hook’ (but she probably shouldn’t count on that remaining the case for long).

As previously reported, George Bush Sr., was ‘allowed’ to travel to Germany (having been given back his passport for the purpose), where he hob-nobbed with his partners-in-crime, the former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachëv, former Chancellor Helmut Kohl (in a wheelchair), and Joseph Ackermann, CEO of Deutschebank, all of whom are ‘partners’ in Barrington Group Investments, AG, now known as Deutsche AG, of St Gallen, Switzerland (Marc Rich, aka Hans Brand territory).

The occasion of the 20th anniversary of the ‘fall’ of the Berlin Wall was the pretext that provided cover for this trip, which was ‘allowed’ so that distributions and bribes that Bush Sr. was evidently known to be intending to order, with the assistance of Ackermann and other German (DVD) banking associates at institutions such as Dresdner Bank, could be intensively traced, and the Bush assets thereby traced to accounts in the Caribbean could be seized (as reported).

Some of these bank accounts were identified earlier in facsimiles of transactions for George Bush Sr. published in International Currency Review. There are new, unconfirmed reports of US Boeing flights from Colombia to Switzerland, which are believed to be connected with the removal of Bush-linked drug-trafficking proceeds and ‘assets’ from that corrupted country to Swiss ‘safekeeping’, a further development which obviously begs many highly disturbing questions, if these reports are confirmed. For the time being, this unconfirmed development would appear to be another phase of the same operation, which presupposes the wholesale dismantling of Bush Sr.’s power and control, although even that deduction remains uncertain at this juncture. It’s possible that this ‘dismantling’ may be in process, with his ‘agreement’: in other words, that a sordid deal has been struck.

It was established almost immediately after the violence at Fort Hood that Mr George Bush Sr. was present on-site. We also published a report originating with the Los Angeles Times that George W. Bush made a hurried ‘secret’ visit to Fort Hood from his Crawford ranch on the day of the violence, and that Bush Jr. and his wife Laura paid a further visit to Fort Hood on the following day.

We asked the rhetorical question: has George Bush Sr. been horizontalised – given that several informants indicated that this was the intention. We also pointed out that experience had shown that whenever such a possibility has been mooted, it tends to be standard deception practice for the individual concerned to surface a few days later – usually in a ‘humanitarian’ context. This is exactly what happened, when Bush Sr. ostensibly appeared, complete with his walking stick, at a ‘charity event’ in Indianapolis. We have been advised on good authority, nonetheless, that the question of whether Senior has been horizontalised or not, remains ‘up in the air’.

• The CIA operates an arrangement with Hollywood specialists which is believed to function like an employment agency, with look-alikes kept on the books ready to be rented out for ‘double’ work at high fees. These arrangements are supplemented by the make-up skills of a handful of Hollywood make-up specialists. However we ourselves do not waste time in speculation concerning ‘doubles’ unless the deception appears obvious, as on that hilarious occasion when a Cheney appeared on a platform wearing a ten-gallon hat so that his features could not be seen clearly.

Bush Sr.’s involvement all along, beyond his financial criminality generally, has been associated in part with the known existence at Fort Hood of closely guarded German World War II ‘reparations’ bonds, which we understand that the United States ‘will never seek to redeem’.

This was certainly the ‘line’ a few years ago. It is interesting to speculate whether, given the now drastically altered situation, some arrangement might have been implemented behind the scenes whereby the colossal overhang of derivatives held for instance by Deutsche Bank, Bush Sr.’s main ‘trading partner bank’, may have been redeemed against repatriation of some or all of these bonds. If so, that would of course mean that the US Treasury is stuffed beyond the gills with ‘its own’ worthless derivatives trash – making the urgent provision of new backing for the US dollar indispensable in order for a collapse to be avoided.

The Chinese were able to pull off Fort Hood with the cooperation of elements of the US military because in so doing the exercise of their lien on the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve, etc, was sidestepped – while at the same time, the Chinese continue to hold this lien in reserve, to ensure completion of the operations to the satisfaction of all parties – with the exception of the diehards at the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Citibank, the CIA and elsewhere who appear not to have realised, as late as last week, that the game is up. In other words, the completely demented Obama-Geithner-Bernanke attempt to continue the off-balance sheet, untaxed, illicit Fraudulent Finance carousel, long after the discontinuity of 10th-12th September 2009, has run into the sand.

Manifestly, too, Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton could not possibly have travelled to China if these arrangements were not in hand, pre-arranged, and guaranteed to be ‘successful’, as the Chinese secret policeman revealed. That consideration alone makes it clear that this ‘resolution sequence’ was a carefully planned operation from the get-go – which has in fact transformed the situation – not least given that the ‘Box Gang’ impediments appear to have been removed. We were informed over the weekend of 21st-22nd November that all impediments to the payments due to the CMKX victims also appeared to have been removed (but CMKX victims and parties must investigate this matter for themselves and not rely on this statement, even though we believe it to be correct).

Yet notwithstanding all this, following Barack Obama’s return from China, when he was able, we believe, to give the ‘all-clear’, further resistance to the settlements was encountered from the US Treasury Secretary, Mr Geithner, who was loudly urged by Congressmen to resign from his post. This was significant, as sources had informed us that the Chinese had lectured Mr Obama on the need for ‘heads to roll’: the way it was put to us by several sources was that ‘the Chinese want prominent figures to pay for this’.

As if like clockwork, The Wall Street Journal reported on 19th November that the TEXAS Republican Kevin Brady, a pillar of the ‘conservative right-wing’, cross-examining the US Treasury Secretary Mr Timothy Geithner at a Joint Economic Committee hearing in Congress, had informed the Treasury Secretary that Republicans, Democrats and indeed the American people had lost confidence in Mr Geithner: would he please now resign? Mr Geithner retorted: ‘It is a great privilege to serve this President. I agree with almost nothing you said’. He then tried to blame the Republicans for the mess that he himself has immensely exacerbated: ‘You gave this President an economy falling off the cliff’. Quite so Mr Geithner: but YOU have made it far worse by attempting to rescue the deficit-financing model so that the illicit Fraudulent Finance carousel can continue.

The exchange got nastier:

Brady: ‘Remind me, Mr Secretary, what post were you holding when President Obama took office?’

Geithner: ‘I was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’. [Unstated: ‘… where I presided over the accumulation of a colossal overhang of now worthless derivatives ‘assets’ that are nominally ‘worth’ over $500 trillion [probably much more: Ed.] which I’m trying to ‘save”].

Mr Brady then accused Geithner of ‘shirking responsibility for the design of this bailout’.

Later the same day, Oregon Democrat Peter DeFazio, a ‘progressive’, accused Geithner of paying more attention to Wall Street than to Main Street, during an MSNBC interview with Ed Schultz. He ended by calling for both Larry Summers and Geithner to be fired. The point of mentioning all this is that these interventions ‘just happen’ to have followed a known Chinese demand, during Obama’s visit, for senior scalps to be seen to be removed from the heads of their wearers.

In addition to the likelihood that Geithner will have to go, we are also being told that Mr Rahm Emanuel, the Mossad Irgun Chief of Staff at the White House, and others, may be removed, as may Leon Panetta, the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence, who ‘works with’ Rahm Emanuel.

These criminal finance terrorists have all passed their sell-by date, having tried to perpetuate the debilitating Fraudulent Finance and debt-financing carousel against the interests of the American people, the US Republic, the defrauded Chinese, the scammed British Monarchical Power, other sovereign scamees, and the international community, which has faced the prospect of the outright collapse of the US dollar system. Whether the secret Fascist intention all along was to collapse the international financial system in order to enable the criminalist clique to buy up the entire world’s resources and assets at firesale prices, will probably never be known.

Certainly the behaviour of the US military during this crisis has been fully consistent with the Nazi Fascist mentality, as was leaked via The Daily Telegraph on 23rd November 2009 (3), in a front page report revealing the antagonism, contempt and tensions prevailing between the British military and the Americans in the Iraqi theatre. Immediately ahead of the Chalcot Inquiry which started on 24th November (in London) into the Iraqi conflict, classified documents were leaked to the newspaper, in which the British Chief of Staff in Iraq, J K Tanner, had described his American military counterparts as ‘a group of Martians’ for whom ‘dialogue is alien’.

The British Chief of Staff in Iraq thereby confirmed our long-held assessment that the hyped, so-called ‘special relationship’ between Britain and the United States is treated with utter contempt by the conspicuously failing so-called ‘sole superpower’, by adding: ‘Despite our so-called ‘special relationship’, I reckon we were treated no differently to the Portuguese’.

The unspeakable Nazi mentality (see Heneghan) is never, ever wrong, and is ready at all times to justify or cover up iniquity by spewing out further lies, creating what we have described in the past as an ‘inverted pyramid’ of lies which grows so tall that it has to be propped up on either flank by scaffolding that eventually collapses along with the inverted pyramid itself (which is exactly what is happening in real-time ‘as we speak’). Another feature of the Nazi mentality is that it cannot abide being shown to be in error: since the Nazi mentality is permanently right, infallible like the Pope, it can never make mistakes: so to point out the error of its ways is a monstrous usurpation, a slur on its integrity and an abomination worthy only of permanent excoriation.

Colonel Tanner’s superior, Major General Andrew Stewart, the senior British Commanding Officer in Iraq, described in the documents how he had to spend ‘a significant amount of my time’ ‘evading’ and ‘refusing’ arrogant orders from his US superiors.

On one occasion, after he had refused to obey an order, the British Ambassador in Washington, Sir David Manning, was summoned like a naughty schoolboy to the American State Department for a diplomatic reprimand of the kind usually delivered to ‘rogue states’ such as Zimbabwe or Sudan. Since, of course, the United States has reduced itself, given its illegal and barbaric behaviour, to the status of a ‘rogue state’, the irony of such behaviour requires no elaboration.

Such frank statements were made during official debriefing interviews conducted by the British Ministry of Defence with Army commanders who had just returned from Operations Telic 2 and 3, conducted between May 2003 and May 2004. With the sensitive Chilcot Inquiry starting on 24th November, a set of classified transcripts of the interviews, along with ‘post-operational reports’ by British commanders, mysteriously arrived in the hands of the British newspaper, which has made a name for itself by specialising recently in investigative exposures.

General Stewart thought that ‘our ability to influence US policy in Iraq seemed to be minimal’. Incredibly, there was not even a secure communications link between his Basra HQ and the US Commander, General Rick Sanchez, in Baghdad. Colonel Tanner said that ‘Sanchez only visited us once in seven months’ adding that he himself only spoke with his own US counterpart at the US Corps HQ in the Green Zone once over the same period. British commanders said, too, that they were not even told, let alone consulted on, major switches in US policy (which were happening all the time) that had significant implications for the British military and their troops.

Thus, when the Americans decided to arrest a key lieutenant of the Shi’a leader Muqtada al-Sadr, which triggered an uprising throughout the British sector, ‘it was not co-ordinated with us and no one was told that it was going to happen’, according to Brigadier Nick Carter, senior British field commander at the time. ‘Had we known, we would at least have been able to prepare the ground’. Instead, ‘the consequence was that my whole area of operations went up in smoke, as a result of coalition operations that were out of my control or knowledge’.

Colonel Tanner elaborated: ‘The whole system was appalling. We experienced real difficulty in dealing with American military and civilian organizations who, partly through arrogance and partly through bureaucracy, dictate that there is only one way: the American way’.

• For ‘American’ here, read: NAZI.

‘We managed to get on better with our European partners and at times with the Arabs than with the Americans. Europeans chat to each other, whereas dialogue is alien to the US military. Dealing with them corporately is akin to dealing with a group of Martians. If it isn’t on the PowerPoint slide, then it doesn’t happen’.

Of course this leaked anecdotal information further confirms our assessment that while the Americans wallow in the consequences of their serial criminality, their so-called ‘closest ally’, Britain, should extricate itself from their influence as far as this is practically possible.

When this was suggested to an associate (whom the Editor has had to reprimand for her non-stop subversive criticism of Barack Obama who, whether we like it or not, occupies the position that he occupies – just as the criminal Bushes and Clinton did before him), she retorted:

‘That’s just what Obama wants’.

To which the straightforward answer is as follows: we cannot be dragged down indefinitely by a criminal, rogue régime which thinks it can behave like Hitler and allows its Intelligence Power and Military Power to rampage around the world wreaking havoc everywhere.

The United States is paying and will continue to pay for its failure to curb and bring under control the criminalised elements within the Intelligence Power, and for its arrogance in assuming that it can do as it likes in a world that does not consist exclusively of Americans.

The American people, in this veteran Americanist’s experience, are the most generous and loyal friends on earth. But their government and its criminal structures ‘suck’, and they have behaved abominably on the world stage for decades. The arrogance of their official structures is beyond intolerable; and as we can see, even elements within those structures now recognise that things have gone too far. This is the beginning of a long and bumpy road towards US recovery: but as for the ‘moral high ground’, that has been forfeited for ever.

It is evident that many of the themes that we have espoused in these reports are now becoming accepted long after we first espoused them. For instance, as indicated above, not only is the so-called ‘special relationship’ now, at last, questioned by the British military, but so is the intolerable position that our military forces have been catapulted into generally.

We refer to the sterile ‘internationalisation’ of military power – invariably in pursuit of a SECRET internationalist agenda which has little to do with the British national interest (although Britain has no national interests, as they have all been ‘collectivised’, in theory, within the fake parallel (and illegal: see below) governance system that we refer to as the European Union Collective).

The New Underworld Order prescribes that national military power is collectivised in order to advance the interests of the promoters of the ‘One World’ agenda, which is of course leading the whole world into chaos. British forces, paid for by the taxpayer, exist exclusively to provide the British people and the nation’s assets with military power and defence. They do NOT exist in order to pursue an internationalist agenda, which has been the case since NATO was hijacked for this purpose amid much pomp and circumstance in the 1990s.

Britain should make it clear both to the Americans and to NATO that it’s military power will be deployed in future exclusively in British national interests, and that the British people will be informed of the national interests that justify that deployment.

This is one of the issues underlying the Chilcot Inquiry into Britain’s participation in the Iraq War, which has the potential to add to the rolling exposures of the criminality already taking place.

Of course, since the UK civil servants and other ‘experts’ who will be participating in this Public Inquiry are likely all to be fully paid-up members of the discredited internationalist clIque, this theme will probably remain a sub-text of the investigations.

Even so, the ludicrous anomalies and lengths to which the Blair Government went to disguise the purposes of the Iraq invasion to the British people, will be laid bare for all observers who are not sitting on their brains, to see for themselves. What needs to follow this Inquiry is a comprehensive reappraisal of Britain’s military role. In this connection, all emotional issues must be set aside. The sole criterion must be that stated above: Britain’s military will NOT cooperate in ANY venture which does not DIRECTLY serve British national interests, whatever the consequences.

This of course brings us to Afghanistan. Although our letter to the Ministry of Defence requesting an explanation for British military participation in Afghanistan was contemptuously ignored, and our warning that if the letter was ignored we would be compelled to assume that our assumption that we are in Afghanistan to control and exploit the heroin trade (whatever other new pretexts may be wheeled out at any time) is correct, there has since been conspicuous ‘movement’ on this score.


• On 14th November, Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister, pronounced that British troops could not stay in Afghanistan for ever. Speaking in a BBC Radio 4 interview, Mr Brown said: ‘You cannot be an occupying army for ever. Our strategy will be Afghan control over their own affairs. That will take some time but then British troops will start coming home’ (4).

• Peter Hain, the Welsh Secretary, in an interview with The Times, London, on the same day, called for ‘greater clarity’ over Afghanistan. ‘We need to get a grip on it’ (5). Thank you, Mr Hain. We asked the Ministry of Defence for ‘clarity’ in the summer of 2008 and got no answer.

The public would not, Peter Hain added, tolerate a long campaign. Of course, what these cynical UK Ministers have been worried about is the constant parade of funerals in pretty Wiltshire villages and coffins for burial, which make the front pages almost every time nowadays – sending a signal to the Government that enough is enough. All that Ministers care about, of course, is perceptions: and what the public perceives is that a large number of young British soldiers are dying for a cause that has never been explained to them. Of course it hasn’t.

Because Afghanistan is another example of the internationalist agenda hijacking Britain’s military power for its own purposes. But in fact it’s worse than that. What has in fact occurred is that the internationalist power-projection agenda over which NATO waxed so proud in 1990 has itself been hijacked – in pursuit of secret US oil and drug-running agendas masquerading as international peacekeeping. Several of our publications distributed from London on 20th November 2009 carry that photograph of a US soldier guarding a poppy field. In the somewhat obscure background to that prhotograph, we discovered, under a printer’s eye-glass, that the heroin poppy field shown was surrounded by a tall breezeblock wall. This made it clear that the poppy crop, or some of it, is being grown in closely guarded, walled fields. Why is this happening?

Because the Dark Forces ‘need’ the drug-trafficking proceeds to ensure the continued liquidity of the interbank market – as confirmed by the head of the Vienna-based United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), Antonio Maria Costa, in his interview with the Austrian journal Profil in January 2009 that we have ‘profiled’ numerous times this year.

Do the likes of Gordon Brown and Peter Hain know this? If they don’t, they are incompetent and in dereliction of their duty of competence in serving the British people.

If they do, they are co-conspirators and accessories to the fact of GENOCIDE, as profiting through drug-trafficking is GENOCIDE. Because the British Ministry of Defence refused to respond to the Editor’s letter, it is clear that the British Government is engaged, and not only in Afghanistan [see below], in criminal operations, which is a state of affairs that cannot be tolerated.

• A former Foreign Office Minister, Kim Howells, has stated that British troops should be withdrawn (6). Given that British troops are dying in order to assist the criminalised American Military and Intelligence Powers with their drug-trafficking agenda, we agree. It should happen NOW.

• Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Party, has added his voice to suggestions that the British Government’s Afghanistan policy is unsustainable (7).

Of course it is. Note, however, that NO REASONS have been given by the personalities on the public stage who have started to acknowledge that our questioning of the Afghanistan policy is justified. This is because of the dangers they all face in having themselves aided and abetted a criminal operation to enable the US Military and Intelligence Powers to take over, control and exploit the Afghan heroin poppy trade.

These dangers are increasing daily for them, as this entire gigantic edifice of corruption crumbles, and especially when they start to see top people being dragged before the Chilcot Inquiry into the background to the Iraq War. Quite rightly, they anticipate that a precedent has been set for a similar public investigation into Britain’s participation in the war in Afghanistan,

Before we turn to developments in the ‘European theatre’, we can usefully place two publicised developments in the United States on this record:

(1): The financial crises in Pennsylvania and California attributable in part to the hijacking of the stimulus money for illicit ‘platform trading’ operations by the crooks at the US Treasury, have been replicated in the following States, according to the Pew Center: Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin. In California, State agencies issued IOUs earlier this year to try to pay their bills. A number of institutions refused to redeem the bills.

(2): Vice President Joseph Biden’s transportation cadres have been engaged in a series of ‘accidents’ in recent weeks. Specifically:

• At about 2:30 am on Wednesday 11th November 2009 two US Secret Service armoured vehicles used to protect Vice President Joseph Biden struck and killed a pedestrian in Temple Hills, at the intersection of Suitland Parkway and Naylor Road, according to US Park Police (that’s right, the outfit that ‘botched’ the investigation into the ‘suiciding’ of Vincent Foster, you will recall).

The unnamed adult male pedestrian was then transported to Prince George’s Hospital Center in Cheverly with multiple critical injuries, and was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The vehicles are part of a fleet used to protect the Vice President, and were used to convey Mr Biden during a visit to Fort Lewis, Washington State. The vehicles had been airlifted by military planes back to Andrews Air Force Base, and were heading back to a garage at the time of the incident.

The Veep had travelled to the state to attend a memorial service for seven US soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan on 27th October in a vehicle (8). The troops died, of course, in the line of duty (assisting the criminalised Military and Intelligence Powers to annexe, control and exploit the huge heroin crop, so that more of the troops’ fellow Americans will die, too).

Biden was reported to have returned to his residence at the US Naval Observatory much earlier and was not involved in the incident. The identity of the victim was withheld.

• On Monday 16th November, according to the Albuquerque Journal, a Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy escorting Vice President Biden’s motorcade hit a pedestrian (9). Mr Biden was said to have been in Albuquerque for a $1,000-a-plate luncheon for first-term Democratic Party Representatives at the city’s Hotel Andaluz. The reports on this incident were confused, but centred on allegations that a woman drove around police vehicles blocking an intersection and collided with the Deputy’s car. Albuquerque has been the scene of similar incidents before.

In August 2007, a Rio Rancho motorcycle officer who was part of President Bush’s motorcade died in a collision, and another officer was injured during a motorcade in February 2006.

• On Tuesday 17th November, two NYPD officers assigned to Vice President Joe Biden’s advance security team were hurt in a crash at about 5:30pm in Manhattan, and one other person was hurt in the incident. Three police vehicles – a marked police vehicle, an unmarked car and a bomb squad vehicle – were moving westbound on 49th Street, crossing 10th Avenue. The marked car blocked the intersection with its lights and sirens on, for the other two vehicles to cross. A New York City livery cab didn’t stop (according to the NYPD) and was then hit by the unmarked police car. The passenger in the cab was not hurt, but the cab driver was taken to hospital with neck and back injuries, while two police officers were also taken to hospital for minor injuries.

As for the Veep, he was travelling to appear on ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’. He wasn’t near the accident and wasn’t hurt.

We find Vice President Biden, if anything, even creepier and more sinister than his predecessor, the MK-ULTRA apparatchik and notorious Financial Terrorist, Richard B. Cheney. Two serious traffic accidents in two days, and three within a week, suggests that something’s ‘not quite right here’. Let’s consider what the problem could be.

The answer suggests itself almost immediately. Why is it necessary for the holders of the highest offices in the United States to be driven around in armoured vehicles, and at high speed in built-up areas? The cover answer, of course, will invariably be: to protect them against terrorist attack and assassination (given the Kennedy precedent). But another explanation, hidden behind this knee-jerk response, is this: these people are crooks and terrorists themselves.

Crooks involved in organised crime are in constant danger of horizontalisation.

This much was crystal clear when former President George W. Bush appeared in London for an official visit. A vast army of arrogant American intelligence officers, snipers, SWAT team specialists and other thuggists took over parts of London. What an advertisement for ‘democracy’!

While the resolution of the dollar and settlements crisis appeared to be coming together amid extreme ongoing tension behind the scenes [see above], developments in Europe have shed an interesting light on the European head of the two-headed serpent directed against the ‘Main Enemy’, Britain and the United States.

As will be recalled, the former, discredited British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was ‘pre-picked’ to become President of the illegal [see below] European Union Collective – a post that he sought with some desperation, not only because it would flatter his immensely inflated ego, but, more to the point, because it would provide him with the urgently needed protection that he needs in order to avoid arrest and indictment inter alia for war crimes, and probably for financial crimes as well.

In the event, the French and Germans – who ‘run’ the EU as a joint venture, under the terms of their Treaty of the Elysée of January 1963 which has no expiry date and requires the two powers to reach ‘an analogous position’ ahead of all international decisions and conferences with which they are involved – balked at the idea of the arrogant Blair (with his ‘star quality’) eclipsing them on the fake EU stage, although (see below) they had good reasons for their reticence. Instead of Blair and a host of other non-entities, they chose the Belgian Prime Minister, Herman Van Rompuy (11).

And what do you suppose is this previously obscure Belgian apparatchik’s ‘qualification’?

Why, he’s a friend of Dr Henry (‘Heinz’ or ‘Henny’) Kissinger – the triple agent serving as the DVD manipulator-in-chief and probable controller of George H. W. Bush Sr. (if he’s still vertical) – the operative whose unmatched arrogance is such that he has never bothered to correct his heavy guttural German accent, to this day.

• Geddit?

Now, in order to ‘make quite sure’ that there was no chance of Blair being ‘elected’, care was taken by a British intelligence cadre, we think, to leak compromising financially-related information about the former British Prime Minister’s exotic business companies and partnerships. Specifically, on 15th November, The Sunday Telegraph reported that Blair had failed to register a highly complex Maxwell-style network of businesses with the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACOBA), yet another watchdog or quango (Quasi-Government Enterprise) set up to monitor the propensity for former corrupt Ministers to cash in on their inside knowledge after leaving office.

It transpired that Blair established a network of entities called Windrush Ventures as soon as he left office. According to a City accountant who has studied the relevant Blair accounts that are filed at Companies House, in Cardiff, the structure has been set up ‘in a way that discourages clarity’. He elaborated: ‘The situation is further muddled because the companies file accounts for different time periods. This is a common tactic to confuse people as to what is going on. You cannot be sure what transactions are occurring in what period’.

As Windrush Ventures No. 3, a profitmaking partnership owned by Mr. Blair, was established as a limited partnership, it does not have to publish accounts. However, through the other Windrush accounts, it is possible to show how Windrush Ventures No. 3 had an income of millions of pounds, including large sums for ‘philanthropic and charitable works’. Forensic analysis revealed a $2.4 million ‘grant’ from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ‘intended for Sierra Leone’, and a further £1.5 million ‘for Rwanda’ from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation set up by Lord Sainsbury, a former Minister in Blair’s Government.

Meanwhile the accounts of Windrush Ventures No. 2, a limited liability partnership, show that it received £6,436,000 ‘in connection with management services that it has provided to Windrush Ventures No. 3’. And Windrush Ventures No. 2 also received a ‘share of the net profits of the LP [Windrush Ventures No. 3], amounting to £350,000’.

The accounts further show that Windrush Ventures No. 2 then ‘paid £6,436,000 for management services that were provided by… Windrush Ventures Limited’.

This entity is ‘said to pay the rent on’ Mr. Blair’s grand offices in Grosvenor Square, the location of the American Embassy, in Central London. Sparse accounts for Windrush Ventures No. 1 filed at Companies House show that its ‘ultimate owner is A. C. L. Blair’ and that it was established on 27th June 2007, the day that Mr Anthony Charles Linton Blair left Number Ten Downing Street.

Further investigations have revealed that a separate network of Tony Blair-owned limited liability partnerships and limited companies, called Firerush Ventures, has also been identified. WIND and FIRE: two highly evocative ESOTERIC words which cannot possibly have been chosen in ignorance of the signal that they send to ‘the initiated’ ‘Black’ World – namely, the Illuminati. (12).

Thus it has transpired that the former British Prime Minister uses occult nomenclature to label his ventures, and that he has established complex Maxwell-style networks of interrelated partnerships and companies for what purpose: to hide certain illicit and dubious accruals arising from payments received for going along with the Bush Crime Family’s war plans, or for ‘facilitating’ the collective European treaty before the current one [see Archive: 12th October 2005], by any chance?

It will be recalled that former criminalist President William Jefferson Clinton’s ‘Foundation’, which had to be exposed late last year when the CIA-wife of the former President had to scramble to be appointed Secretary of State by Obama in order to be ‘assured’ of ‘protection’, was found to hold millions in assets paid to ‘it’ by every category of Illuminati hidey-hole under the sun – including, scandalously, the Princess Diana Memorial Fund.

We can now state that a component of the British ‘mainstream’ newspaper press is showing signs of ‘understanding’ what it has conspicuously sidestepped ever since these investigations began, and before. On 22nd November, the Sunday Telegraph carried an exposé explaining, in outline, the consequences for Mr Blair of the fact that he had been bypassed in his quest for ‘protection’ as President of the European Union Collective. The newspaper suddenly sounded like this service:

‘The former Prime Minister had been intriguing and plotting to be appointed European President ever since he left Number 10 Downing Street more than two years ago’.

‘There are several reasons why he desperately wanted the job, but perhaps the main one concerns the immunity from prosecution seemingly enjoyed by all politicians in high office’ (13).

• BINGO! Do you hear the clatter of scales falling from ‘mainstream’ eyes here?

What does this now tell us LOUD AND CLEAR – and in the ‘mainstream’ for Heaven’s sake, so that armchair critics who enjoy sniping us and finger-pointing that ‘because it’s not in the mainstream, it can’t be true’ have, all of a sudden, LOST their fraudulent cause for ‘complaint’?

• Why, it informs us, does it not, that THERE’S ONE LAW FOR THE HOI POLLOI, THE GOYIM, and another for holders of high office. Which we know from our long-term study of the abuse of power in the United States. But now we Brits have this truth thrust before our eyes, by the ‘mainstream’, no less. In other words, all those engaged in furthering the criminal, anti-nation state, collectivist, internationalist agenda, are GRANTED IMPLIED IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION, which means that they can perpetrate egregious financial and other crimes with impunity, so they imagine.

One small problem. As we know, serpents in a nest and rats in a sack have a tendency to turn and bite or destroy each other. Therefore, when an operative in this Black Firmament has reached his sell-by date, he is unceremoniously, and ruthlessly, sacrificed and thrown, to mix metaphors again, to the wolves. There is no love lost between thieves, and there is no love, in any case, to lose.

• These people not only collaborate closely at all times, but stand ready to hate each others’ guts: the familiar George H. W. Bush/DVD-CIA ‘bait and switch’ technique.

The Sunday Telegraph’s article elaborated: ‘Blair is well aware that if he had become President of the European Council, it would have been very hard to bring him to account’.

So Blair’s Windrush and Firerush Ventures were aired in the newspaper’s daily namesake just to make sure that any residual chance of the European Collective appointing this operative, sank to nil. The Sunday newspaper then delved, of course, into the implications of the imminent Chilcot Inquiry into the background to the Iraq War.

Now underlying this matter there lurks an even more extraordinary twist – one that we published, via our intelligence newsletter Arab-Asian Affairs, starting in the autumn of 2003 (14).

If matters now proceed as expected, the central allegation under review is or will be whether the former Prime Minister lied to the British people, when he said that Britain had to go to war against Iraq because the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Blair delivered a ‘brilliant and passionate speech in the House of Commons on March 18, 2003, that won over doubters that Britain had no other option but to join the United States in its invasion of Iraq – a military operation that culminated in the greatest humiliation for British forces since Suez in 1956’, according to The Sunday Telegraph. And the reason that Blair gave in his Commons speech was that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.

‘Without his doom-laden warnings about WMDs, Blair would never have won that Commons vote and Britain would never have gone to war’, The Sunday Telegraph elaborated.

In the final quarter of 2004, the veteran British journalist and author (of books on Maxwell and Mossad), Gordon Thomas, agitated for this Editor to meet a Pentagon-related operative named Demchuk, known as ‘The Visitor’ in Washington circles, without explaining why. Gordon Thomas insisted that ‘he is very keen to meet you’, but the Editor refused. Thomas responded that ‘he’s perfectly safe: he’s been checked out by MI-6’; and in the end, against his better judgment (harder to crack nowadays), the Editor relented.

An arrangement was made for the Editor to meet this fellow, believe it or not, in the fishing tackle department of a sports shop on Fifth Avenue in New York City. He’d be wearing a raincoat.

Sure enough, there he was at the very end of the store, at the appointed time. His suggestion was that we should repair to the Algonquin Hotel – where he proceeded to pump the Editor about the renegade, fugitive (since incarcerated) Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) operative, Mark Delmart Vreeland. This US ONI operative had been the single response that the Editor had received after publishing the first evaluation of the Bush-DVD Financial Frauds, with documents, in International Currency Review, Volume 28, Number 4 – which had been released in March 2003, just ahead of the invasion of Iraq (the worst possible timing in one sense, but pertinent in another).

As we have reported elsewhere, Vreeland contacted the Editor (from Yukon, where he had been hiding out, it later transpired), in May 2003. In pursuit of these investigations, the Editor had rashly agreed to meet Vreeland, at Penn Station, New York City: but on arrival, he changed the venue to Niagara Falls, Canada (a standard procedure by these people). Vreeland scammed the Editor of this service throughout this venture, but that’s a separate story.

Anyway, after pumping the Editor on Vreeland at the Algonquin Hotel, the US Pentagon-linked operative kept in touch. He expressed particular interest in our exposure in Arab-Asian Affairs (September 2003) of the fact that the Iraqis DID possess weapons of mass destruction, and that these WMDs were dismantled and removed shortly ahead of the invasion, in two Soviet ships that sailed from the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr.

The open source of this intelligence was a senior Romanian defector (the former intelligence chief, Ion Mihai Pacepa), who had explained, in the public domain, that all Soviet-linked countries had a programme, which the Romanians called their ‘Sarindar programme’, for dismantling WMDs should pressure from the West exceed a certain safety level – as had clearly occurred in the case of Iraq.

Now the US operative could perfectly well have conducted this simple research – which the Editor backed up, by the way, with data publicised by Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) itself – without relying on this Editor’s services. At a later stage, he asked for copies of all our publications, which he said he would ensure were paid for: and of course he never paid us a cent.

In March 2005, he appeared to be most annoyed when the Editor handed him, in Washington DC, the new issue of International Currency Review in which much more detail about the Fraudulent Finance operations presided over by Bush and Greenspan, was exposed. Earlier, he had arranged to meet the Editor for breakfast at the Savoy Hotel in London, but he never turned up (a technique they use to establish whether one is a reliable source or not). When he had full made use of us, he severed the connection. Which is also ‘what they do’.

The open domain information that we published in 2003 was that Saddam Hussein’s régime had indeed possessed weapons of mass destruction, but that the Iraqi WMD installations and assets had been removed ahead of the invasion, in accordance with the Iraqi version of the ‘Sarindar programme’. So, why was our elaborated version of this open domain information not picked up by the ‘mainstream’ (even if they had pinched it from us without attribution, as often occurs)?

Here’s your answer: BECAUSE the weapons of mass destruction in question had been supplied extensively by the United States, under the direction of Saddam Hussein’s former financial trading partner, George Herbert Walker Bush – who had performed his usual ‘bait and switch’ operation against Saddam in 1990, when April Glaspie, the incongruous female US Ambassador to Baghdad, had ‘winked’ at Saddam in the sense that she had implied (duplicitously, of course) that the United States would turn a blind eye should Saddam Hussein proceed with his intention to annexe Kuwait.

What Demchuk was trying to find out, then, was not the truth of the matter, which he would have known, but rather what WE knew about all this, and whether there was any actual danger that our knowledge might expose the duplicity of the US Government in this matter.

Meanwhile, in line with the unusual arrogant disdain displayed by the US authorities for the British, the British Prime Minister was left with the CORRECT knowledge that Saddam Hussein’s régime DID possess weapons of mass destruction, which his intelligence subordinates had FAILED TO INFORM HIM had been removed aboard the Soviet ships sailing from Umm Qasr (February 2003).

The British intelligence officials who appear to have misled Blair were headed by the chief of MI-6, the Germanophile Sir John Scarlett, who has just retired, but will appear before the Chilcot Inquiry. The Sunday Telegraph’s report noted that Blair has a ‘haunted look’ about him. This is because, although he became a co-conspirator and an accessory to the fact of unspeakable crimes, the actual reality is that he was, as usual, SET UP by the Americans – under George W. Bush.

Co-conspiring to set up Blair were senior officials within MI-6, who must have known what a simple outside Editor could find out for himself in the public domain.

• And what will their primary motivation be before the Chilcot Inquiry? It will be to confirm Blair as the SCAPEGOAT for THEIR CO-CONSPIRATORIAL duplicity and deception in collaboration with the US criminalist operatives in the White House.

Given the above, it will be very interesting to observe whether any of this surfaces at the Chilcot Inquiry, whether the name ‘Sarindar’ again appears in the public domain – and whether the Inquiry summons the Editor of this service to reiterate what has just been published above.

• If none of these indicators appear, you will know that the Chilcot Inquiry is itself intended to deceive: not to tease out the truth, but rather to bury it. And the purpose of THAT will be to protect the Bush Crime Family and the criminality of the Bush and Reagan Administrations in arming Iraq.

YES, the purpose of any such intent will be to continue the cover-up of the complicity of the Nazi cadres within the US structures in equipping the Iraqi régime with weapons of mass destruction – in order to be in a position to seize Iraq later, on the false pretext that Iraq posed a threat to humanity: EXACTLY THE SAME PROCEDURE that is now being applied to Iran today.

That’s why the Iranian President is a soi-disant Jew-hating Jew. His real name, by his own open admission, is Sabourjian – which means ‘maker of the prayer shawls’: the Farsi name for the Jewish shawl used for prayer. The suffix ‘jian’ means ‘Jew’. President Ahmadinejad himself acknowledged this in an odd incident when he displayed his passport, openly revealing this information to the cameras. Iranian sources with whom we are in touch have separately confirmed to us that this information is accurate, and is now well known in Iran.

Having selected Kissinger’s friend, the Belgian Prime Minister, as President of the European Union Collective, the European Commission, under the reappointed little fellow José Manuel Barroso, is continuing to represent itself before the world as a legitimate system of governance, contrary to the following realities which the ‘mainstream’ largely chooses to ignore:

• Effective 31st October 2009, the entire European Commission had to resign at the end of its term. This is standard practice. However little Sr. Barroso was somehow ‘reappointed’. In the meantime, the European Commissioners have remained ILLEGALLY at their posts, pending (so it is said) the appointment by the 27 so-called ‘Member States’, through Barroso, of new Commissioners.

The illegality of this behaviour is pooh-poohed by the Europhiles and internationalists as simply a practical measure, and that the Commissioners in place will not be taking any ‘major’ decisions (implying that they can take ‘minor’ decisions, even though ALL decisions they take have no legal force: not that ANY European law, regulation or rule has any legitimacy at all: see below).

In fact, however, a Dutch harridan called Nellie Kroes, the Competition Commissioner (defunct), has CONTINUED ordering Lloyds TSB Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland around as though she still retains powers as a Commissioner, which is NOT THE CASE: see above.

• Quite apart from anything else, once the wrangling over who is to hold what portfolio has been concluded, the new European Commissioners must go through an ‘approval’ process before the European Parliament (just as happens before the US Senate), a piece of meaningless theatre that nevertheless takes several months to complete. Prior to their confirmation approvals, European Commissioners have no powers as their appointments haven’t been ‘ratified’.

Moreover the instructions that this Dutch woman has been dispensing, represent what has been called ‘the economics of the madhouse’: she has been telling the banks in question to sell off their most profitable businesses, contrary to the interests of the British taxpayer. The taxpayer-owned UK institutions would be well within their rights to disregard every single instruction or goading that comes from Brussels for months, even if it is channelled through the British Government.

However all these people at high level are confused: they talk only among themselves, so they never emerge from the comfort zone of their illusions, about ‘Europe’ or anything else.

Beyond this, of course, lurks the reality, previously exposed here, of the fact that the European Commission’s accounts have not been approved by the EU’s own Court of Auditors for the past 14 years running. The political appointees at the Court of Auditors and their officials cannot sign off on European Commission accounts, as in doing so they would lay themselves open to prosecution for aiding and abetting financial fraud.

In order for this intolerable state of affairs to be rectified, an army of independent accountants needs to crawl through each year’s EC accounts, starting with the last approved set of accounts 15 years ago (1994), identifying every single transaction that may appear to be dubious or fraudulent, establishing the truth of the matter, arranging for the perpetrators of frauds, both internally within the Commission and externally, to be referred on to law enforcement, and progressing laboriously through each set of accounts until they reach the most recent – approving each set of accounts in succession until they can proclaim that the EC’s accounts have been placed back in order – with all stolen funds and frauds, along with those responsible, exposed and reported for indictment.

Will this happen? Of course not. THEREFORE, the European Commission is a criminal enterprise.

The incoming Commission will simply carry on where its corrupt predecessors left off. Given this intolerable state of affairs, this service has recommended that all UK VAT taxation receipts must be diverted with immediate effect into a British Treasury account established for this purpose.

The Editor informed a London conference on 31st October 2009 about this: and received THREE standing ovations. The way to deal with these people is to use the same techniques against their criminality that we have used successfully against the American financial criminals: EXPOSURE.

It remains the case, of course, that the EU’s Lisbon Treaty is illegal, for reasons explained earlier, including the careless handling of the Irish ballot boxes contrary to proper practice. At the last count, FOUR cases questioning the legality of the Referendum were pending before the Irish Supreme Court, which could overthrow the Irish Referendum outcome, even though it has been signed off by Ireland’s internationalist President. [All Irish Presidents are fully paid-up members of the self-appointed internationalist cadres, given that Ireland has been penetrated since the early 20th century by pan-German forces seeking to destabilise the ‘Main Enemy’, Britain].

The illegal Lisbon Treaty (as illegal as all its many predecessors, which were procured by means of corrupt payola payments: see the first report in our Archive, dated 12th October 2005), provides for the establishment of a Europe-wide Gestapo – which will please the STASI operative Frau Merkel, Bush Sr.’s agent, given that the STASI were/are Gestapo in a different (Communist) guise.

Under a section of the Treaty which had not even been quasi-ratified at the time, EC officials set up a Committee on Internal Security (COSI) (16) which is to ‘coordinate policy between the national law enforcement and EU organisations’. Its ultimate purpose is to evolve into an EU Home Office with authority over the satrap ‘Member States’ security services and police.

If the Germanophile Sir John Scarlett were still in charge, that would be ‘just fine’ with him. But whether MI-5 and MI-6 will be prepared to go along with this further stage of the ‘coup d’état by instalments’ against this component of ‘the Main Enemy’, (17), remains to be seen.

To conclude (almost), you may be interested to learn the following rather obscure fact.

On 10th June 2009, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Federal Republic of Germany, addressed a meeting in Moscow on the scintillating theme… ‘Russia and Germany: Common History Never Ends’.

The German Vice-Chancellor’s speech opened with the following proclamation:

‘German-Russian relations have for centuries been those of close association, even a symbiotic relationship extending far beyond family relations…’.

Echoing Mikhail Gorbachëv, Bush Sr.’s ‘partner’ with former German Chancellor Kohl in Barrington Investment Group, AG (Deutsche AG), Steinmeier elaborated:

‘Let us work together on a new partnership for security and stability [stretching] from Vancouver to Vladivostok…… We should leave behind the obsolete stereotypes of the 20th century and even the 19th century’ (18). In other words, let’s build a SINGLE POLITICAL SPACE UNDER OUR CONTROL.

The phrase ‘Vancouver to Vladivostok’ was repeated like a Goebbels-era lie by Gorbachev when he was in the Soviet driving seat. In other words, Germany and Russia, are ‘on the same page’, aided and abetted by France under the terms of the Treaty of the Elysée with Germany. It may have been generally forgotten, too, that former President Chirac, of Jewish extraction like his successor, was Chairman of a Trilateral Commission consisting of Russia, Germany and France: yet another engine promoting The New Underworld Order fuelled by open-ended corruption. Unsurprisingly, a cloud of corruption hangs over Chirac, just as it hangs over Blair, the Bushes and the Clintons.

And as for Frau Merkel, as we have repeatedly pointed out, she was the Secretary, in her youth, of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Kommunist Yugend at Karl-Marx University.

• So she has no problem whatsoever in collaborating with the covert Soviets.

Finally, you may possibly recall these cynical words of the aforementioned veteran British journalist and author, Gordon Thomas. He told the Editor this late in 2004, after informing him that MI-6 had lied to the British media that Christopher Story was involved in the aborted attempted putsch in Equatorial Guinea (involving Sir Mark Thatcher, Simon Mann, and other dubious characters).

Subsequently, Demchuk, introduced to the Editor by gordon Thomas [see above] attempted to entrap the Editor in some venture in Monaco involving Bernie Ecclestone, Blair’s associate; but when the Editor expressed blank amazement on being advised of this by phone, Mr Demchuk was taken aback. Because the Editor said: ‘You’d better go back to your source because I have no idea what you’re talking about’. Whereupon Demchuk, after a pause, commented: ‘That’s worrying, in view of where this came from’.

We have assumed that it came from MI-6 (although there is a possibility that Gordon Thomas, who has published, as indicated, books on Mossad and Maxwell, may have cited MI-6 when he really meant Mossad). Either way, the point had been well and truly made by criminal intelligence sources that it is permissible to bear false witness against an investigative reporter and Editor, and that spreading lies about him to the media is permissible.

It is not: it is a criminal offence, and in conveying these lies, both Demchuk and Gordon Thomas stand accused of bearing false witness, aiding and abetting an operation to entrap and deceive the Editor of this service, and attempting to close down private investigations which have yielded, in the event, spectacular results.

Indeed the stupidity of the foregoing behaviour can be summarised in the following statement: it was partly because pressure was brought to bear on this Editor as described in part above, that we have persisted with our enquiries. As Gordon Thomas explained: ‘They think you may be dangerous as you have the documents and you control your own publications’.

Thomas thereby acknowledged that ‘they’ had something truly monumental to hide: and so it has proved. We will have more to say about the similar, equally desperate, lies disseminated about the Editor of this service by the self-discrediting US ‘bloggist’, Thomas Heneghan, and the reasons for them, in due course. But a further shoe has to drop first.

Notes and References:

(1): Erie Times-News, Tuesday, 17th November 2009: ‘China places GE order: Local plant strikes deal for 300 kits’, page 1.

(2): ‘The $2.5 trillion global oil scam’, www.ngoilgas.com/news, analysis by Philip Davis: a global oil scam that mades Madoff look like a petty thief.

(3): ‘US military chiefs are like Martians, say British officers’,
The Daily Telegraph, 23rd November 2009, page 1.

(4): ‘Afghan mission cannot go on for ever, says Brown’,
The Daily Telegraph, 14th November 2009, page 4.

(5): ‘Hain’s concerns expose Cabinet alarm over Afghan war deaths: Minister breaks ranks to question strategy’, The Times, 14th November 2009, page 5.

(6):The Times, 14th November 2009, page 5, op. cit.

(7): The Daily Telegraph, 14th November 2009, page 4, op. cit.

(8): ‘Man killed by VP’s Secret Service vehicles, Scott McCabe,
The Examiner, 12th November 2009: smccabe@washingtonexaminer.com.

(9): ‘Biden escort involved in wreck’, Albuquerque Journal, 16th November 2009.

(10): ‘VP Biden’s Security involved in Crash’, MYFOXNY.COM, 18th November 2009.

(11): ‘Brown went for second best ‘as way of splitting the Tories’,
The Times, 21st November 2009, page 12.

(12): ‘Questions over Blair and his business ventures’,
The Sunday Telegraph, 15th November 2009, page 14.

(13): ‘Iraq Report: Secret papers reveal blunders and concealment’,
The Sunday Telegraph, 22nd November 2009.

(14): ‘The Iraqi ‘Sarindar’ Programme’, Arab-Asian Affairs, ISSN 0196-3538,
Volume 27, Number 8, September 2003.

(15): ‘Ahmadinejad’s Jewish Background’, Arab-Asian Affairs, ISSN 0196-3538,
Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009.

(16): ‘Treaty allows EU to set up ‘secret police committee’’,
The Sunday Telegraph, 4th October 2009.

(17): Henry Ashby Turner Jr., ‘Hitler’s Thirty Days to Power: January 1933’, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, Reading, MA, ISBN 0-201-40714-0, 1996:

‘Only by banning the Communist deputies and by resorting to intimidation and mendacity did Hitler secure on March 23 the necessary two-thirds vote in the new Reichstag for an Enabling Act that transferred legislative authority to his Cabinet, ostensibly for four years. A wave of Nazi purges followed, as one institution after another was subjugated. Arbitrary rule replaced government by law in what has aptly been termed a “coup d’état by instalments”’.

‘By summer, all parties except the Nazis had been dissolved, Hugenberg had been forced out of the Cabinet, and Hitler had relegated Papen to insignificance by winning the trust of the President. Even earlier, Göring had wrested from Papen control over the government of the largest state, Prussia. Well before the Nazi leader assumed the powers of the Presidency upon the death of Hindenburg in August 1934, he had become dictator of Germany’: page 164.

The phrase ‘coup d’état by instalments” was coined by a US-resident German, Konrad Heiden, Der Fehrer, Boston, 1944, page 579. What Hitler procured – by subterfuge and mendacity, exactly as has been the case throughout with the European Union Collective – was the transfer to his Cabinet, and thence to himself, of GENERAL POWERS. This is precisely what happened, for instance, when Britain joined the EEC in 1972. The legislation in question served the purposes of an Enabling Act. This act of treachery was perpetrated by Edward Heath, a long-standing agent for Germany: see the first report in this series: 12th October 2005: Atchive].

(18): ‘Russia and Germany: Common History Never Ends’, Text of a speech delivered by Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany, on 10th June 2009 in Moscow: International Affairs, 14 Gorokhavskii per, Moscow 103064, Russian Federation, Volume 55, Number 5, 2009.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

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This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

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The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.




Saturday 7 November 2009 04:30

LATE UPDATE, 10TH NOVEMBER: We have a detailed report on developments and the five SPLITS which have materialised in recent days. Wearing our publicist’s hat, we would wish to publish this new report NOW; but several associates have advised the Editor to hold back for some 24 hours in order ‘not to get in front of events’.

This is frustrating, but necessary. The matter will be reviewed late on Wednesday and if events do not develop as it is essential they must, we will expose what we know anyway, regardless.

The following ‘further and better particulars’ have emerged to clarify the Fort Hood sequence and related Box Gang implosion data:

(1): We reported last week that Bush Sr. (Adolf Schickelbusch) was conniving with his criminalist partner Joseph Ackermann in distributing bribes to conniving bankers and associates to persuade them to continue sabotage operations. That was the construction placed on the matter in the light of our assessment given imperfect knowledge. It will also be recalled that some time ago we stated that Bush Sr.’s passport had been removed or ‘nixed’. That raised the proper question: how, then, was he able to travel to Germany to consort with his ‘Black’ co-conspirators Helmut Kohl, Mikhail Gorbachev (Orbach or Korbach) and Joseph Ackermann?

[Incidentally, we have established that the Bush-Ackermann-Kohl and probably Gorbachev joint investment vehicle identified as Barrington Investment Group, AG., became DEUTSCHE AG, thus of course linking Adolf Schickelbusch, Gorbachev, Kohl, Ackermann directly into DVD, as Deutsche Bank is DVD’s primary laundering institution, and thus nailing the German long-range penetration and ‘takedown’ operation against the United States ever more firmly within the analysis].

The answer appears to be that he was ‘permitted’ to travel to Germany, i.e. was led to believe that the passport problem had been a ‘glitch’ that had been ‘corrected’, so that the Chinese, British and others could follow (trace) the transactions that he was known to be intending to perpetrate via Ackermann and other criminal associates in Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank etc. The electronic traces identified his accounts in the Caribbean, and probably also Panama.

As we have long since published relevant facsimiles of Federal Reserve Board printouts and other documents revealing details of Bush Sr. accounts, some of this information would in any case have been quite easily accessible in the public domain and, as a last resort, from International Currency Review. Be that as it may, the foregoing sequence enabled the Bush accounts in the Carribean to be sequestrated/seized, more or less in parallel with the ‘Black Ops’ violence at Fort Hood.

(2): In analyses for International Currency Review following the invasion of Iraq in 2003, we drew attention (as did others at the time) to the absurd situation whereby banknotes circulating in Iraq for a very long time afterwards were termed ‘Saddams’ as the 10,000 Iraqi Dinar banknote with the dictator’s face on it continued in circulation: whereas if the invasion had been planned properly, new currency should have been shipped in, ready for distribution to replace the ‘Saddamite’ notes.

Of course when we made this complaint, pointing out how stupidly the Iraq occupation had been botched by the Americans from the get-go in this respect, we didn’t know that 55 pallets of dollar currency banknotes printed for that purpose had in fact been diverted into Jordan, where the pallets were stored with the Central Bank of Jordan under the name of Malik.

• FACT: Malik is the middle name of the gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, whom the ‘mainstream’ media have been reporting had been ‘trying’ to contact figures ‘associated with al-Qaeda’.

Since the US dollar banknotes originally intended for Iraqi dollarisation never arrrived in Iraq (they were ‘conveniently’ parked in Jordan, the implication being that they would be transferred to the commandeered Central Bank of Iraq (where over 100 US special forces had been massacred in order to cover up the Bush operation to seize the assets from the Central Bank)), the ‘Saddams’ remained in circulation, giving rise to our critical observations. A replacement delivery of Iraqi banknotes arrived in Iraq later. The parked 55 pallets of banknotes in Jordan were thus ‘available’ to be diverted/stolen, as was clearly the criminal intention all along.

The Malik trail identifies the following linkages: Malik Investments Inc., Carrollton, Texas; Malik Investments Llc., Charlotte, NC; Malik Investments Inc., Stone Mountain, GA; Ilyas Malik, Chief Manager, Habib Bank, Zurich (previously Branch Manager at the Baker Street branch, London); Malik Management Zentrum, St. Gallen Seminare AG; Malik Enterprise, based at Anaheim, CA; Malik Enterprises Llc., Key Biscayne, FL; Malik Holdings Inc., Oxon Hill, MD; Malik Trading Corporation, Madison GA; Malik’s Corporation, Washington DC.

Malik Investments Inc., established on 2nd September 2007, which filed its last annual registration in 2009 with the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State, Karen C. Handel, reports its Registered Agent as Vipul R. Patel, of Stone Mountain, GA, believed to be of PAKISTANI origin. The entity’s, CEO is Vipul R. Patel, and its Chief Financial Officer and Secretary is Raman J. Patel [DITTO].

We are authoritatively advised that this trail links to the funding of al-Qaeda, which you will recall was being perpetrated via the enclosed security compound within Morgan Stanley, that we were authorised to publicise in the fall of 2008. Note also that Jimmy Carter’s home State is Georgia, which we are also informed is NO COINCIDENCE. Finally, for the time being, we understand that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the top GRU officer who is currently masquerading as Russian Prime Minister, offered a contract on oil through Malik. In doing this he foolishly compromised himself, laying himself wide open to blackmail by the ruthless Bush-Clinton Box Gang ‘Black Ops.’ cadres.

(3): Having lumbered themselves with the dubious Fort Hood cover story concerning the reported shootings, which is full of holes, the agitprop manipulators have been having to spin faster than a spinning top in order to feed the diverted ‘mainstream’ media with enough fodder to ensure that they remain diverted from the ‘Black Ops.’ operation that was proceeding in parallel behind the scenes. We know from certain indications that the clandestine community was staggered when we started to work out what had been taking place; but while they think they can ‘handle’ exposure via the Fifth Estate (by priming certain websites to spin diversionary fabricated garbage in order to redirect attention away from the ‘Black Ops’ and the underlying criminality faster than ever), they remain petrified that the ‘mainstream’ will finally wake up and ‘publish and be damned’.

[Don Harkins, of The Idaho Observer, aged 41, appears to have been murdered: he died of ‘acute leukaemia on 19th September 2009. The Editor met him at a party in Oregon in August 2008 and spoke with him at length. The Editor is extemely concerned about this in general, and in particular at the manner in which this conspicuous sudden death is dismissed out of hand as ‘just one of those things’ by people known to this Editor who ought to know better. See: In Memoriam].

(4): The following semi-literate email [which the Editor has censored to remove polluting phrases] received by a correspondent following the Fort Hood violence, contains a reference to the fact that a local radio show host was on to the inward shipment of the Chinese currency/gold boxes.

We reproduce the text [censored to remove offensive verbiage: facts are unchanged], herewith:

Thank you Bob,

NOW THIS STORY go along with the FACTS I HAD on our show
as there being “3” shooters, and one was killed one had broken free and
was being hunted down, and the 3rd [allegedly Hasan] was in custody. My
“windtalkers” radio affiliate at “Killeen” was all over this and is quite “P*ss’d”
to say the least as he was there and on top of this… ……. …. another input
came in that there was a “LARGE” shipment of “gold”/”US$” being shipped
through Ft. Hood for the Bush crime family…

Whomever* presented the info you forwarded is MORE BELIEVEABLE
than the one being [REDACTED BY CS] on the public right now… thank you.

Semper Fi,

* A Reference to our 6th November Fort Hood report.

(5): Citizens for Legitimate Government report that a retired military source has emailed them as follows: ‘I spent 10 years at Ft. Hood. There is no way this ‘official’ story is legitimate. No way would a room full of combat vets allow this one shooter to get off over 100 rounds. And, it is not normal for the outside security guards to be there. They are at the MP station, and also at the main gates. This means the room full of soldiers processing must have been pinned down; multiple shooters is the only plausible scenario. This sounds like MAJ Hasan has been used, and perhaps is a patsy’.

Finally: APOLOGIES that this sequence is being updated so much that the original related article appears ‘buried’. But the earlier updates and the original article will be found below, and all relate to the original Fort Hood sequence report posted on the 6th November 2009 [Archive]. The FEUD analysis concerning the falling-out within the Box Gang remains intact and is known to be correct.

First, the original Fort Hood interpretation elaborated by this service has this morning been re-reconfirmed. See the report dated 6th November for details [Archive].

Secondly, the Fort Hood update of 8th November, immediately below, has likewise been confirmed.

In summary, therefore:

(1): The Chinese boxes and their currency, gold coins etc contents, and the Caribbean accruals, stolen by the Bush Crime Family, have been confiscated/sequestrated as originally reported.

(2): The Bushes and Clintons are now engaged in a FEUD and are at each others’ throats. They have split and are attacking each other like rats in a sack over who’s got what, who’s stolen what from whom, who owes what to whom, and any other variable of the above you care to suggest. As Bush Sr. and his cronies aren’t being paid a cent, you can imagine the temperature level. Former President George W. Shrubelgruber tried to sneak into Fort Hood to intervene and find out what was going on, and his cover was blown. The two sides subsequently severed relations.

(3): Therefore, the BOX GANG appears to be in its death throes: a development which, if further confirmed, offers a ray of hope to the international community which has been abused and held to ransom by these vipers for many years.


(1): The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that George W. Bush and his wife Laura quote ‘made a secret [sic!] visit to the devastated military families at Fort Hood. The Bushes had instructed the commander of the mourning military base that they wanted no publicity’.

So what did they get?

Publicity. Clearly, The Los Angeles Times reckons there’s more to this public consumption story than ‘meets the eye’. It’s report continued: ‘With their Secret Service detail, Bush and his wife made the 30-mile trip unannounced [sic!!] from their ranch near Crawford, Texas, Friday evening’.

• Comment: Obviously, with the loss of the stolen Chinese boxes, the Bushes have a great deal to lament about. The newspaper elaborated: ‘Other sources [SIC!!!] said that the former first couple spent about two hours meeting with the wounded, family and soldiers, talking quietly and at times hugging them as they did in private at other times of crisis such as post-9/11’. No piccies, though.

Excuse us while we puke. You’ll see in due course how ODIOUS and hypocritical this word picture is, citing a President who presided over the mass murders on 9/11, as ‘hugging’ the bereaved.

(2): All of a sudden, moreover, it’s far from sweetness and light between the two wings of the Box Gang. This does suggest that one dimension of what we are reporting is a FEUD between these two wings, the Bushes and the Clintons, as the latter seek supremacy and try to decapitate their criminalist rivals. We wouldn’t be surprised, then, if this underlies what went on behind the public consumption violence at Fort Hood last week. Anyway, The Los Angeles Times also reported on 7th November that George Shrubelgruber and William Jefferson Winthrop Clinton have ‘abruptly pulled out of a joint public appearance scheduled for this winter in Los Angeles’. They were also reported to have pulled out of two later scheduled joint appearances on 22nd February at University City’s Gibson Amphitheatre in New York as part of the American Jewish University’s public lecture series, and also at Radio City Music Hall on 25th February. That will be well after Rockettes time.

The reasons given varied, but they revolved around the theme that the promoter had violated a contract and ‘insisted on billing’ the events differently to what the participants wanted: which of course is familiar Bush-Clinton lies and hogwash.

No, the reason for the split is that the two wings of the Box Gang are now AT LOGGERHEADS. Given that these two operatives have more blood on their hands than a million Tony Blairs, one would expect the rate of expansion of the In Memoriam list to accelerate further.

(3): On which subject, a pile of ‘new entrants’ has accumulated since we last updated that list. The Editor was up five nights in a row last week, so hasn’t had time to make the necessary adjustments yet, and has to attend to publishing work this weekend. We’ll do this as soon as possible.

(4): A special source advises: ‘I think what you heard about Trustees being arrested may be true. We were told today [7th November] that everything was ready for closing. But some Trustees were not available’. The source said that other ‘connected’ associates thought that the problem was the Jewish sabbath [interesting], but perhaps it was because they had been arrested’. The matter is, by all accounts, in the process of ‘resolution’.

(5): The Veterans’ Day deadline for the Chinese LIEN against the US Treasury to take effect: Note that the date is 11/11/09, which devolves to 13 if you omit the two first digits of the year (2009). As you know, these brainwashed, mind-controlled madmen attach Babylonian importance to numbers (numerology), divination, sorcery, and whatnot [see the Editor’s book The New Underworld Order], so although you and I pay no attention to such claptrap, the point is that THEY do.

(6): As expected, Chancellor Frau(d) Angela Merkel, for whom a World Court arrest warrant is outstanding, appears to have been conspicuous by her absence at the latest self-important G-20 fest at St Andrew’s, Scotland, this weekend. Whereas Gordon Brown was pontificating as usual at the event, the former secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Communist Yugend at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin wasn’t there (as far as we can tell). Nope. She was represented instead by the hardnosed and arrogant German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble, whose favourite pastime is telling the Brits where to get off. It was probably ‘too dicey’ for Frau(d) Merkel to have risked surfacing at St Andrews. Besides, given her travels of late, she will probably have been in urgent need of some ‘beauty sleep’.

(7): The Sunday Times this morning has a perfectly repulsive plug, all over the newspaper, for its lead Magazine story focused on the glorification of that Mr Blankfein fellow from Goldman Sachs. This operative is billed as ‘the most powerful banker in the world’ by the Murdoch newspaper.

Unless this veteran analyst’s antennae fail him, it would appear that this time, the Jews have, like their German friends, gone too far. Even our Jewish friends agree. Adulation of this creepy fellow, who boasts about his remuneration, like his employee Lord Griffiths, pushes Jewish triumphalism over the goyim just a wee bit beyond the tolerable. As one of the community’s New York rabbis said in the mid-1990s, the Jews had better be careful not to trigger the same sort of response that took place in Germany in the 1930s, by rubbing the noses of the goyim in their pecuniary achievements.

According to the ever more subversive Murdoch Sunday newspaper, Mr Blankfein says that his institution is ‘doing God’s work’. Blankfein’s problem is that he appears to have forgotten his Torah, notably the episode when Moses was up in the Mount and the people couldn’t wait and fashioned a golden calf to worship instead. He’s all confused as to who his god really is.

• Step forward, Mammon.

(8): Passage of the Obama ‘health care’ legislation will self-evidently release a permanent flow of cash which will be ripe for diversion and use as the base for further reviving of the Fraudulent Finance derivatives carousel: which is the underlying object of the exercise. The bill is Leninist and far exceeds what Lenin had in mind, or his successors actually got round to implementing.

The headlines for this report [7th November] follow:





See Insert: ARREST INFORMATION UPDATE: 7:00PM UK 7TH NOVEMBER, under (4) below…

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard. Or press the live Donate link at the top right-hand corner of this page. See also the ADVERTISEMENT below.

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• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation, are appended at the foot of this report, below the legal data. See also our catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.

New report starts here:

Following our report focused on the events at Fort Hood dated 6th November, certain elements of the US structures tried to float various ‘alternative explanations’ designed to obfuscate what we published. None of these ‘lines’ gained any traction, not least because none were authoritative. What matters is that NOTHING that we published could be or has been denied.

Furthermore, while George H. W. D. V. D. Bush’s accounts were being raided in the Caribbean and the operation behind the operation was going on at Fort Hood [see report], ‘President’ Obama was up in Wisconsin where he probably decomissioned Mr Non-Ambassador Wanta under Presidential Directive as we predicted and told him that as Adolf Schickelbusch wouldn’t be paid a cent, neither would Leo Wanta and those who have pinned expectations of payment on Wanta being paid. Given that operative’s record of stealing other people’s loan money (which is what the same group has done to the Queen’s funds), this belated come-uppance represents an appropriate distribution, in the circumstances, of rough justice.

Meanwhile attempts by this service and contacts to obtain further information following the events at Fort Hood on 5th November met a resumption of the previously prevailing blackout – so that the reality, obviously, is that we do not know what the fate of the currency boxes etc. has been since the violence behind the violence at Fort Hood that we reported.

The boxes contain not just 1933 dollar currency but also 1934 currency, as well as gold coins and other assets. They have been held at Fort Hood for the past 15 years (not brought into the base very recently as tentatively speculated).

In addition, it may be recalled that one or more plane loads of money that were sent to the Middle East ostensibly to dollarise the Iraqi economy in 2003 never arrived – the reason being that it was in fact parked with the Central Bank of Jordan under the name of Malik. A total of 55 pallets of these notes, sourced by the US Treasury, is believed to have been flown back in to Fort Hood.

The violence that erupted at that base on 5th November reflected international pressure for total resolution that in turn has triggered an outbreak of Box Gang gangsterism over the control of the assets. It is not entirely clear what the violence behind the violence at Fort Hood achieved, but what IS clear is that the entire crisis has now reached a level of global tension characterised inter alia by the following developments:

(1): On Friday 6th November, the ‘Connecticut Trustee’ was in the bank at 6:00am in New York, having required the other Trustees (believed to total 12 in number: yielding the geomasonic number 13, of course) to attend. Of the 12, five of these Trustees – all of whom ‘work for’ the Box Gang Syndicate – refused to turn up. These Trustees, taking orders from George Bush Sr. (who appears to remain vertical, we are informed, because he used to be Head of State) and Mrs Hillary Jezebel Clinton, made various excuses. BUT:

(2): These operatives were again ordered (on 6th November) to go to work and to appear at the relevant bank(s), failing which they were to be arrested on warrants which came into force at one minute past midnight Eastern on Saturday morning 7th November.

During the night (UK) while this report was being prepared, we were told that a dragnet was out looking for these five operatives, who had not surfaced as this report was being finalised. It is hypothesised that Bush Sr. has been threatening such associates with instant death should they collaborate with the Settlements payment process.

(3): Involved and informed sources inform us directly that the closing screens (‘gray screens’) were supposedly flashing with instructions to ‘call in all Trustees and Principals’, but that key personnel had not, despite these messages, been called in for closing. It is not known whether this repeated abuse of the Trustees and Principals reflects an operation the purpose of which is to provide the highest level of criminal officials with ‘protection’ because ostensibly they can argue that ‘every effort was being made to effect the Settlements’ as evidenced by the screens; or whether each time that this happens, the process is sabotaged by the Syndicate: probably both of the above.

(4): Warrants for arrests of Trustees and bankers known to have been frustrating the Settlements in various countries around the world have also been issued and will, we understand, be in the process of being implemented coincident with the appearance of this report.

The five Trustees or Principals ‘working for’ the Bush-Clinton Syndicate who absented themselves when ordered again yesterday to show up at banks for the hijacked Settlements payout process, were ‘located’ (as it was stated to us) last night; but, in a typical dialectical sabotage gesture, the other seven apparently absented themselves. We don’t know what has happened since, except that we do know that the outstanding arrest warrants MANDATE automatic execution.

We also understand that they provide for the targets to be picked up and detained; and judging by certain indications, we believe that one or more senior arrests may be imminent if the Settlements are sabotaged further today. The presence in Washington, DC, of very senior Chinese officials who are conveying the necessary message that the agreements must be implemented if a catastrophe is to be avoided, is reportedly having an effect [see foot of this report]: not least because the G-20
countries gathering for their meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland, are waiting to hear the outcome so that they can instruct their Governments in the event of further last-ditch intransigence by Merkel and the Bush-Clinton Box Gang of World Class criminals who have at last been cornered.

(5): The Group of Twenty Meeting at St Andrews, Scotland, which takes place this weekend, will be told, obviously, that the crisis has not been resolved and that the sabotage operations continue.
[Note: This was the position when this report was being prepared in the middle of the night: but see the insert above, and the note at the foot of this report, reflecting new developments].

It was thought that ‘President’ Obama could not attend the meeting – not because he would be arrested, which would not happen as he is (nominally) Head of State – but because he has been unable to deliver on any of his undertakings, since his instructions have been and continue to be sabotaged by the appointed officials in the White House and his Cabinet who were largely imposed upon him by the corrupt controlling Intelligence Power.

The names of these US operatives whose behaviour and blocking tactics means they cannot be distinguished from terrorists, are well known: Rahm Emanuel, Leon Panetta, Timothy Geithner, Mrs Hillary Rodomski Clinton, former President Clinton, Adolf Schickelbusch Sr., George Shrubelbusch Jr., Richard B. MK-ULTRA Cheney, Lawrence Summers, Dr Henry Kissinger and Dr Ben Bernanke: and of course Barack Obama himself, who is responsible for the proper conduct of his Government colleagues and has revealed himself to be unable or unwilling to control the nests of vipers with which he is surrounded, and who may therefore be the ‘fall-guy’ as was probably always intended.

(6): Chancellor Frau Merkel, Bush’s agent, could, however, be arrested in Scotland, if she turns up, as she is not Germany’s Head of State. The warrant for her arrest issued by the World Court stands.

(7): ‘President’ Barack Obama faces a deadline which is believed to expire on Veterans’ Day – 11th November – which ‘just happens’ to be the date when the Bosch (Germans) stood still at the end of the First World War (Armistice Day).

• November is historically the month when revolutions break out. This deadline arises from:

(8): The Chinese LIEN on the US Treasury that apparently takes effect if ‘President’ Obama has not procured the Settlements by that date. It would be logical that this lien would also cover the stolen loan funds belonging to the British Monarchical Power. The lien is predicated upon the following facts (dealing with the Chinese dimension alone here):

• The Chinese parties made available on loan (terms unknown) 10,000 tonnes of gold they held at Kloten, Switzerland, by means of an exchange of certificates, for the purpose of backing the dollar and buttressing the Basel-II standards. Since China’s gold is (criminally) not being applied by the Americans as required and agreed, the Chinese authorities have a beneficial ownership right to this gold and are accordingly within their rights to exercise the powers they possess to the full.

• This means that the Chinese will have the power under World Court jurisdiction to remove the gold from US control and to close down the US banking system and the Federal Reserve.

• You may say that in doing so they will shoot themselves in Mao Tse-Tung’s foot: but the situation is so critical that, as previously advised, ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN NOW, and probably will.

• If Obama does not ensure completion of the necessary transactions by this deadline, he faces the prospect of having to be removed from office for incompetence and dereliction of duty, and for jeopardising the national security of the United States – notwithstanding that his instructions are evidently being frustrated and disregarded by the vipers in his entourage, headed by Mrs Hillary Jezebel Clinton, CIA wife of former President Clinton, who ‘works for’ Georg Busch Sr. In other words, either Obama releases, or he’s finished.

• Our information is that the Chinese parties do not believe that Mr Obama has the strength of character, knowledge, ability or authority to procure the necessary outcome.

• The hideous economic and financial warfare behind the scenes that we are reporting, and that is wracking the whole world due to the intransigence of these few Nazis and Zionazi operatives, is therefore about to be ratcheted up to unimaginable levels of tension – as Mr Obama appears to be unable or impotent to meet his obligations by the deadline, or at all.

(9): In this lawless situation, a scenario which triggered the Clinton-ordered horizontalization of an Arkansas newspaper reporter last year, has obvious relevance. The newspaper man in question knew about a plot for the Obama-Biden duo to be removed from power (in a context such as has evolved) and for Mrs Hillary Clinton to emerge as President of the United States instead – although the obstacle here is that the extremely dangerous Mrs Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, would be first in line in such an eventuality. That woman’s head is full of evil ideas, and in addition she is known to be corrupt. There is no point in speculating beyond these considerations, at this stage.

As previously indicated, the situation seems now to be completely out of control, and very serious developments are anticipated if a grip is not taken of the situation immediately.

It remains to be seen how the G-20 countries will react to the sabotage arising from the destructive operations of the Box Gang Nazis, and what the implications and consequences of the violence at Fort Hood may be. But one thing is certain: whatever you read in the ‘mainstream’ press will have even less connection with reality than ever. It is just not up to speed on this crisis.

The ‘bottom line’ is that China reached an agreement with these US vipers and has predictably been double-crossed by them, as has the British Monarchical Power. The countries that have also been double-crossed are furious; while all who expected to be paid as a consequence of their links to George Bush Sr., have realised, thanks to our reporting, that since Adolf Shickelbusch is not going to be paid a penny, nor are they.

Hence, at that level, all concerned are tearing their hair out as their idolatrous expectations, on which they have gorged themselves for years, turn out to be as prospectively worthless as the derivatives ‘assets’ that they thought possessed real value. In other words, they are in the same boat as the 320,000 Ponzi victims who have been lied to and led a merry dance by unscrupulous and cruel manipulators of expectations, destroying marriages, lives and families in the process.

These people never understood what we have explained, and probably still don’t, or won’t understand, that their Fraudulent Finance carousel has imploded and cannot be reinstated.

They may therefore be content to watch as the dollar system is closed down and the whole world thrown into open-ended confusion leading to world war, the recall of stretched military forces from Afghanistan and Iraq, and a free-for-all such as the world has never seen before, accompanied by the collapse of all viable trading and financial arrangements and international relationships. This would represent the final destruction of the ‘globalism’ that provided cover for the corruption.

All this can happen much faster than anyone imagines, and the outcome will (not could) be ugly.

Regional arrangements such as the corrupt European Union Collective will be torn apart under the pressures released by the pathetic failure of the complacent American authorities to get a grip of the situation and to ‘take down’ the small cabal of evil operatives who alone are responsible for this looming catastrophe. It’s as though America has a death wish that it longs to see fulfilled.

• Should matters be resolved at this very last minute, that will reflect the overwhelming realities being drummed into the bovine skullboxes of the Nazis and Zionazis in Washington inter alia by the Chinese visitors to Washington ‘as we speak’, and not a little, we suggest, by the exposure of these abominable criminal operations almost in ‘real time’, dare we say it, by this service.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

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It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.




Tuesday 28 July 2009 04:00

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

‘Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!’

‘Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!’
Isaiah, Chapter 5, verses 20-21.

‘WE’LL KNOW OUR DISINFORMATION PROGRAM IS COMPLETE WHEN EVERYTHING THE AMERICAN PUBLIC BELIEVES IS FALSE’: William Casey, Director of Central Intelligence: An observation by the late Director at his first staff meeting in 1981. This observation reveals the mentality of cynicism which infests the US Federal control structures, and the reality that these structures regard the American people with total contempt. This attitude is the opposite to the noble concept of service to the American people which ought to inspire holders of public office, and therefore represents the epitome of decadence.

The evil spirit directing William Casey got the better of him when he committed suicide in hospital some years later, ostensibly to ‘protect the President’. The fantastic verbal fantasies perpetrated on certain US websites that are operating on the basis of Mr Casey’s principle, enunciated above, should therefore be handled with extreme care. Casey warned you!

‘None of this must ever come out, you understand’.
Well, it has. What did she expect?
Gwendolyn Waymark, a Bush Sr. operative, in a voicemail to the Editor in May 2003.















































• And finally:

• INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW: Volume 34, Numbers 3 & 4: Comprehensive coverage of the twists and turns of this crisis between September 2008 and June 2009, containing details of many of the astonishing goings-on in the lawless space called the intergovernmental sector.

• In this ‘Black’ arena, ‘anything goes’, assets of other parties are stolen and traded, deception is standard practice, and everyone lies to everyone else. This huge issue, currently ‘on machine’,
provides a devastating record and critique of the deplorable behaviour of the Big Powers, as they fight over stolen money. Please apply via the CONTACT US facility for availability and price details.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard.

• The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money has been stolen.

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• COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The Editor and his companies have taken measures to obtain protection and recompense for the gross breaches of copyright material, books and works owned by this service, our companies, the Editor and Author, and the Authors whose interests we must protect. In the first place, a pirate platform service in the United States has received a demand for a very large sum of money to compensate us for the wanton stealing of three of our books, the consequence of which barbaric acts has been effectively to destroy our book publishing business. Secondly, the agents for the Google Settlement have been specifically informed by registered mail that we have written, also by registered mail, to the four universities and one public library who have entered into an agreement with Google under the so-called ‘Google Settlement’.

The universities in question are: Oxford, Stanford, Harvard and Michigan; and the public library is the New York Public Library. Our three companies have opted out of the Google Settlement, which is anyway now in some disarray.

These and related parties have been advised that if ANY of our works, published by all three of our companies, not just the intelligence books company which has already been severely ransacked, are assaulted by copyright pirates, we will take all legal measures open to us to enforce our rights and those of our authors. The rationale underlying this scourge is the false and spurious one that the intellectual property of the whole of humanity is the property of the ‘global commons’: a dirty, revolutionary piece of hypocrisy and subversion, the underlying purpose of which is to destroy small publishers so that there will be no dissenting voices to The New Underworld Order.

When time permits, we will be providing ‘further and better particulars’ concerning this outrageous revolutionary development. In the meantime, those amoral persons and parties who have so far downloaded our works are hereby warned that every single download will be traced, and that they risk being pursued for very large damages for gross and insolent breaches of our copyright.

Anyone wishing to reproduce the important anti-World Revolution article posted here must contact the Editor for written permission, on the understanding that a precise form of words that we will specify must accompany any reposting and that the entire article, with credits, must be displayed. Any deviation will be treated as a breach of copyright and dealt with accordingly [see above].

• ROGUE’S GALLERY OF DECEIVERS: Given the deceit and abuse that has been meted out to the Editor of this service since we began these investigations in 2002, the Editor plans to expose, by name, each of the primary perpetrators of deception against us, including a UK-based deceiver recently unmasked who sought to extort money for delivering sensitive packages that he never delivered. This character has been reported to the Police, and a Major Crime Book Number will be sought with a request for an investigation. The relevant documents have been sent by registered and signed-for mail, to the Special Branch officer concerned. Those who have deceived us will be made to endure the grave consequences of their serial duplicity, starting with Leo Wanta, to whom the Editor lent $35,000 to pay for his release from irregular probation, which should have been paid back on 11th June 2007 but concerning which nothing has been heard. All other collaborators and operatives who tried to deceive us at various stages will also be exposed for their deception.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.

The Editor is indebted to Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., for permission to quote from and elaborate on his work ‘Elite Power and Capital Markets’. This is a thesis submitted in 2002 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science, Administration of Justice Department, Mercyhurst College. As soon as we have procured the total cessation of the stealing of our books by American copyright pirates (an operation which is ongoing ‘as we speak’), it is intended that Edward Harle Limited will publish this important work for which we hold the world rights.


The wall-to-wall official corruption exposed via this website and in our financial publications International Currency Review and Economic Intelligence Review, and which continues as though there had been no discontinuity in September 2008, has its origins in devilishly pragmatic decisions taken under the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations – although the criminal propensities of the ad-hoc, opportunistic power élite can be traced back to ancient times.

For the purposes of contemporary analysis, the genesis of the prevailing unprecedented crisis can be traced not just to the signing into law by President Truman on 26th July 1947 of the US National Security Act of 1947, but also to the clandestine establishment on 4th November 1952 by the secret signature of President Truman of the National Security Agency (NSA).

Unlike the Central Intelligence Agency established under the 1947 legislation, which, it was tacitly understood, would confine its operations to outside the continental United States, the activities of the NSA were not to be constrained geographically. Moreover the NSA came to possess the world’s largest computer bank – which it operated for more than two decades before the world started to catch up and computers became standard communications equipment.

The worldwide counterintelligence crusade against Communism for which, ostensibly, the CIA was established, was galvanized on 7th April 1950 when President Harry Truman promulgated NSC-68 (National Security Council ‘Decree’ Number 68), which promoted ‘a bold and massive program of rebuilding the West’s defensive potential to surpass that of the Soviet world, and of meeting each fresh challenge promptly and unequivocally’ (1).

Before we go any further, the de facto status of the National Security Council (NSC) should be identified. This entity, controlled traditionally by the Vice President of the United States, effectively ‘sits above’ the entire Government of the United States and is in reality ‘superior’ to the Presidency itself. However for public consumption purposes, it appears to be subordinate to the White House.

In this respect, there is no difference whatsoever between the status of the US National Security Council and that of the comparable Security Council which, for instance, functioned ‘above’ the Government in Communist Czechoslovakia, of which the late defector Jan Sejna was Secretary, and President Gorbachëv’s so-called ‘Presidential Council’ which likewise ‘sat above’ the Soviet Government. In contemporary Iran, a similar arrangement prevails, in the format of the Council of Guardians, which effectively issues ‘guideline’ instructions to the Government.

The model is quintessentially Leninist – which should come as no surprise, since the more we study how the US structures really operate, the more closely they come to resemble the classic Leninist power model, as has been partially explained in some of these reports. For instance, in both the United States and the covert Soviet Union, the power triangle is identical – consisting, on the left flank, of the all-powerful Intelligence Power, complemented on the right flank by the brutal Military Power – both of which stand over the Party Power.

Although under overt Soviet Communism, the Party more or less dispensed with the ying-yang dialectical method, whereby two opposing factions, both controlled by the Intelligence Power, appear to ‘compete’ for power, under covert Communism this model was reinstated.

But the relabelled ‘former’ Communists remain Communists, so that no matter who wins elections under the covert Communist model, the Communists always win.

And because the Intelligence Power and the Party under both overt and covert Communism are interpenetrated, it is also the case, as in the United States, that no matter which political grouping appears to win an election, the Intelligence Power always wins.

In the United States, this Leninist model is even ‘purer’ than is the case in the covert Soviet Union, because, like its matching dialectical power vortex in Moscow, the Washington model presupposes the penetration of the Military Power and the dialectical (two)-Party Power by the Intelligence Power, which retains its hegemony thanks to its power of offensive penetration, which in turn stems from its comprehensive deception-only ‘ethic’.

Lies, double-cross, ‘bait and switch’ and endless diversion, by any means and at all times, are its modus operandi. It has no capability to behave in any other manner.

Logically, this also presupposes open-ended cooperation between the controlling Intelligence Power and the organized criminal underworld – which is why the Editor’s book is called The New Underworld Order [available from the books segment of this website].

For the reality is that the CIA and the mafia work together, both at home and abroad. Thus the Yamashita’s gold papers, which will be featured in detail in International Currency Review, Volume 35, Number 1, to be published in the autumn, contain a diagram that specifically confirms that, in the context of the United States’ criminal operations to steal the stolen Japanese gold (hidden by the Japanese military inter alia in The Philippines during the period of Japanese power hegemony in the earlier years of the Second World War):

(a) The CIA was in charge of the depository financial arrangements with the banks, while:

(b) The mafia was placed in charge of enforcing and protecting the physical delivery of the gold, on behalf of the CIA, to its smelter and other destinations.

In other words the entire operation was not only a criminal Financial Warfare offensive, but was officially recognised to be a covert criminal operation: otherwise, overt law enforcement cadres could have been employed to guarantee and enforce the physical deliveries of the restolen gold, rather than organised crime.

Not that this posed a problem for the coordinators of the Financial Warfare operations concerned. On the contrary, criminality had become the norm, beneath the cover provided by lip-service to the Rule of Law, in accordance with the perverse, obtuse logic of the ‘Black’ French sociologist Emile Durkheim (15th April 1858- 15th November 1917), who managed to persuade gullible thinkers and relativist policymakers that the ‘natural order’ of things presupposes criminal behaviour and the law of the jungle. No doubt this deviant frame of mind had already become well and truly inculcated into the subconscious collective mentality of ‘intelligence professionals’, not least since ‘any and all means’ of destroying the Hitler régime had been ‘legitimised’ during the Second World War.

Durkheim taught inter alia that ‘moral goals are those the object of which is society, and to act morally is to act in terms of the collective interest’ (2) – which, being interpreted, corresponds with ‘the end justifies the means’, the chief mantra of Vladimir Lenin, the geomasonic Illuminati and of all ‘Workers of Darkness’. Such a perverse philosophy, of course, overturns the very basis on which civilization is built – the ability to distinguish and to choose between good and evil, which is what the ancient Children of Israel learned before any other ethnic group, a fact that Durkheim, being of Jewish extraction, naturally understood perfectly well.

A watered-down version of Durkheimism was postulated inter alia by the American author Robert K. Merton, who wrote that ‘the technically most effective procedure, whether culturally legitimate or not, becomes typically preferred to institutionally prescribed conduct [and] as this process continues… the society becomes unstable, and develops ‘anomie’, or ‘normlessness’ (3).

This is the stage reached in the United States and Britain today: and both societies are in various stages of disintegration and collapse as a consequence. In the United States, a knowledgeable correspondent based in Washington, DC, emailed the Editor on 26th July, pointing out that that ‘my friends on the Hill are getting slammed by the calls from regular Americans. Staffers are weary of the anger coming at them from outside the Beltway. Anger is mounting, and it is all around. They demand to know what is going on’ (4) – and why, for instance, State employees in Pennsylvania have not been paid for June and were unlikely to be paid in July and August, should this White House continue sabotaging the Settlements, thereby blocking distribution of Obama’s Stimulus Money and the associated promised payments to the States.

As it happens, it is precisely the criminal determination of the highest-level perpetrators of these endless Financial Terrorism offences that we and others have exposed and denounced – summed up by the notoriously defiant statement attributed some weeks ago to George Bush Sr., that ‘we are making so much money by trading these funds that we will just continue doing it until August, and nobody can stop us’ – which is itself driving the Settlements process (insofar as it can be detected).
This is because Gold Badges and other elements of US law enforcement appear belatedly to have woken up to the reality that the official and banking sector perpetrators, who have assumed all along that they have been protected by the National Security Act et. seq., by NSC-68 and given the hegemony of the ‘Durkheim Paradigm’, cannot and will not be allowed to get away with the total destruction of the US financial and real economies (even though this has in reality all but been achieved over the longer term: see below).

For, given the pressure exerted by the Swiss, British and Chinese enforcement cadres and by Swiss financial controllers, US Gold Badges and law enforcement have acquired the determination previously lacking due to their own compromised situations (arising from signatures appended to the equivalent of the British Official Secrets Act, and from bribery), to make life almost impossible for the perpetrators, which we believe is what has been happening behind the scenes.

That, however, has not interfered with the requirement reportedly being imposed upon payees by the US Department of Homeland Security for payees to sign a documents agreeing to certain terms including, we surmise, a gag order. Of significance here is the reported decision that has been taken under Obama for the Department of Homeland Security to be folded soon into the National Security Council – creating a prospective White House-centred GESTAPO.

Since the National Security Council is chaired by the Vice President of the United States, it is this appointed (intelligence) official who emerges as more powerful even than the President himself – since, as stated above, the NSC, after the Leninist control model, ‘sits above’ the Presidency and all components of the Federal Government.

It is the NSC, therefore, that instructs, for instance, the National Security Agency to intensify the barrage of official lies, or shall we say ‘destructive ambiguity’, spewed out to the American people nowadays inter alia via the 55++ controlled Internet disinformation outlets (the identities of which have been exposed by the Editor in The New Underworld Order). This background explains why the greatly disliked former Vice President Cheney – a criminal operative and ‘former’ MK-Ultra controller fully conversant with all dimensions of the Himmlerian ‘Black Arts’ portfolio – was correctly perceived by Americans who sensed how evil his vibes were, to be the most powerful Vice President in American history.

As we have explained, intelligence operatives appointed to, or selected for, high office remain intelligence officers after they leave their high-profile posts – which simply means that after leaving office, they continue to handle the operations that they were running while abusing the posts that they previously held. In Richard Cheney’s case, he is reported to us to have continued seamlessly with his life of financial criminality since leaving office, as though no discontinuity had occurred – arrogantly assuming that the protection he enjoyed due to his intelligence background and his official status, could be relied upon to protect him from the consequences of his gross, serial crimes and treasonous betrayal of the trust of the American people.

And if we read the American mood correctly, it is the thought that these criminal finance operatives may be ‘getting away with it’, that infuriates ordinary law-abiding Americans most of all. The common desire is that all these evil people, without any exceptions, should be brought face to face with a régime of merciless severity, given the criminal financial abominations that they have committed in time of war, and their relentless stealing of assets while ordinary Americans have been thrown out of work and face foreclosure on their homes.

As George Bush Sr. is notoriously reported to have observed, ‘if the American people knew what we have done, they’d hang us up on lamp posts’. Our prediction is that if the purge that is at last said to be gathering real momentum in the United States does not take urgent account of this righteous mood on the part of the furious American people, the belatedly-reacting US structures seeking to enforce the Rule of Law may live to regret their complacency.

NSC-68. issued on 7th April 1950 confirmed that the ‘Truman doctrine’ of ‘containment (of Stalinist expansionism) should not be purely defensive, but should seek quote ‘BY ALL MEANS short of war to foster the seeds of self-destruction within the Soviet system and an intensification of operations by covert means in the fields of economic warfare and political and psychological warfare’ (5).

The important words here have been displayed in CAPITAL LETTERS: ‘by all means’ – which, being interpreted, means of course seeking to achieve the objective by overt, covert and corrupt means, with the assistance of organised crime, deploying all known criminal methodology without restraint, stealing, misappropriating, abusing, discrediting their targets, bearing false witness, murder (even though President Ford, by Executive Order in 1976, prohibited assassinations following a series of botched operations by the CIA’s sinister ‘Health Alteration Committee’), lying to officials, lying in court, and waging unrestrained economic and financial warfare under cover of the intelligence community’s ‘crooks’ charter approved by Congress in 1947, et seq.

These developments collectively had the following consequences:

(1). Criminal activity by the Government was comprehensively legitimised.

(2). The Cold war was ‘ratified’, so that the distinction between war and peace was blurred.

(3). The role of US intelligence operations was elevated and expanded, and the size of the intelligence community was greatly enlarged.

This was dangerous enough. But as soon as President Reagan came to office, the new President’s Director of Central Intelligence, the veteran wall Street lawyer and swashbuckling wartime OSS operative, William J. Casey, persuaded Reagan to sign an Executive Order allowing the CIA to conduct covert operations within the continental United States (6).

At his Directorship nomination hearing in January 1981, Casey defined ‘covert action’ as ‘a secret operation with ‘nonacknowledgeability”. At the same time, illustrating his ability to think in double-speak, Casey defined ‘clandestine activity’ as ‘one that is secret, (and) that is not necessarily nonacknowledgeable’. This oblique language referenced the use of corporations which were not covert, but which could operate clandestinely, supporting NSC-CIA operations at home (now) and abroad. The corporations were selected to support covert operations (like the Soviets’ original US corporation, Amtorg), by making legitimate and legally constituted business enterprises available to support the Administration’s covert operations – key examples being Evergreen Aviation, Chemical New York, Capcom Financial, Continental Grain, and (notoriously) Matrix-Churchill.

These and multiple other so-called ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Conus Ops.’ Corporations had to change their operating names and locations after Casey’s suicide in hospital on 6th May 1987, but their NSC-CIA supporting operations continued.

During 1982 and 1983, the Reagan Administration secretly issued three National Security Decision Directives (NSDD) – NSDD-32, NSDD-66, and NSDD-75 – to steer foreign policy and achieve, at long last, fulfillment of the aggressive Truman policy of destabilising and destroying the Soviet Union ‘by all means’, so that, once again, nothing was precluded. Specifically:

• NSDD-32, issued in March 1982, declared that ‘the United States would seek to neutralize Soviet control over eastern Europe’ and ‘authorized the use of covert action and other means to support anti-Soviet organizations in the region’ (7).

• NSDD-66, issued in November 1982, declared ‘that it would be US policy to disrupt the Soviet economy by attacking a ‘strategic triad’ of critical resources that were deemed essential to Soviet economic survival’ (8).

• NSDD-75, issued in January 1983, ‘called for the United States not to just co-exist with the Soviet Union, but to change it fundamentally’ (9).

Thus both the policy objectives, the presidential (NSC covert) instructions and the needed financial (corporate) conduits were in place by January 1983, with six areas of financial concern highlighted for immediate attention, according to authoritative sources. These were as follows:

(1). The Soviet covert operations uncovered by ‘FAREWELL’ – a source within the Soviet first Chief Directorate run by French counter-intelligence, the DST. The DST agent discovered the Soviets’ intention to steal and/or buy US high-tech technology, via Amtorg-like Soviet corporations, i.e. via ‘mirror images ’ of US ‘Enterprise Ops’. Between 1976 and 1980, for instance, the Soviet Ministry of Aviation had saved over $800 million in Research and Development costs by transferring high-tech technology from the United States via this covert operation (10).

The corollary of this important discovery was that a weakness in the Soviet military complex had been uncovered which, as was interpreted by the Reagan Administration, meant that the Soviets’ reliance on ‘buying’ or else stealing foreign technology could be weakened by undermining the USSR’s ‘purchasing capacity’. The Soviet ‘strategic triad’ consisted of export sales of oil, export sales of natural gas, and the US hard currency resulting from such sales (11).

(2). Poland and continued support for Solidarity (12).

(3). Military support for the anti-Soviet Mujaheddin in Afghanistan (13).

(4). Financial and military support for the Contras in Central America (14).

(5). Funding and support for the purchase of arms by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War (15) ; and:

(6). Anti-Soviet economic operations designed to achieve a fundamental change in the Soviet system (16), as provided for under NSDD-75.

Since the CIA were not listening to the warnings about Soviet strategic deception capabilities by Anatoliy Golitsyn (17) (who got some elements of Soviet deception, such as ‘FAREWELL’, wrong), it failed to understand or recall that the Soviet Leninists invariably followed Lenin’s basic teaching religiously – including his famous dictum ‘One Step Forward, Two Steps Back’.

Accordingly, the CIA, and Western intelligence generally, were unaware that the Soviets, having recognised that the Reagan Administration had revitalised Truman’s ‘containment’ policy and was now engaged in waging ruthless warfare against the USSR ‘BY ALL MEANS’ short of war, were now proceeding to apply this Leninist principle to the letter.

Specifically, the Soviets responded, following the ‘Festival of Three Funerals’ (the rapid quick-step demise of Messrs Brezhnev, Andropov (Lieberman) and Chernenko), with the abrupt elevation (not without a couple of murders in the process) of Mikhail Gorbachëv, head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s most powerful structure, the Administrative Department, to the position of CPSU General Secretary. Gorbachëv, who surfaced in the top post in 1985, proceeded without delay to prepare the ground for a deceptive Leninist response.

Accordingly, the KGB would orchestrate an apparent ‘transformation’ of old Soviet attitudes and society, while Soviet Military Intelligence (the GRU, fronted since 1999 by the top GRU operative Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin) would supervise the continued covert coherence of the Soviet Union, with the Communist Party operating underground.

This dialectical (two-faced, double-minded, Leninist) strategy would, Soviet long-range planners calculated, hoodwink the Americans into assuming that their strategy’s expected ‘success’ would be permanent and could never be reversed, while at the same time providing the Soviet Leninist strategists with a unique opportunity for a ‘Blowback’ operation involving, especially, the release of large numbers of Soviet mafiya operatives from jails and KGB-linked cooperative structures, for penetration of the United States en masse.

The Soviet strategists appear to have calculated, accurately, that US covert operatives would become so intoxicated with the ’success‘ of their Financial Warfare operations against the Soviet Union, that they would fail to understand that the same techniques could and would just as easily be deployed against the United States itself.

This, certainly, was what the deeply Leninist Russian Serious Crimes Investigator, Boris Uvarov, meant when he told the late Clare Sterling in Moscow in 1992 that Western authorities had no clue what was about to hit them. ‘Naturally it‘s wonderful that the Iron Curtain is gone, but it was a shield for the West’, he told her. ‘Now we’ve opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the Rest of the World. America is getting Russian criminals; and Europe is getting Russian criminals. They’ll steal everything. They’ll occupy Europe. Nobody will have the resources to stop them. You people in the West don’t know our mafiya yet. You will, you will’ (18).

This of course was a threat, as well as being an informed statement by an official who was fully cognizant of the underlying medium-range Leninist deception strategy of the deliberately ‘chaotic’ era fronted by the former Secretary of the Moscow Communist Party, Boris Yeltsin (Baruch Ellia), and knew what was intended. In simple terms, the aggressive Americans were to be allowed to wallow in their Financial Warfare operations, but in doing so they’d expose the United States itself to destabilization on a scale to rival the ransacking of the Soviet Union. And this devious ‘One Step Forward, Two Steps Back’ strategy would be guaranteed success for two fundamental reasons:

(1) The Americans and British, being motivated by their lust for access to Soviet energy resources, would be allowed to transfer Western technology to the covert Soviets on an open-ended basis until the rehabilitation of the Soviet energy sector was complete, a process that was expected to take a decade. Thereafter, the ‘assets of the Party-State’ would be progressively clawed back by the successor régime which would be directed by Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU), the guardian of the Party-State. Note: In 2003, senior US intelligence officers attending a seaborne conference were shocked when told that Putin is a top GRU operative. They thought he was KGB.

(2) Since the US Financial Warfare operation was being implemented by the CIA, a known criminal enterprise interfacing with and interpenetrated by organized crime, Soviet KGB cadres linked into the vast Soviet underground criminal economy could rely upon US greed and corruption to prevail over the original Reagan-era geostrategic objective – corrupting US operations internally from the outset. Thus the covert Soviet criminalists would enjoy carte blanche as they applied fresh opaque layers of graft and corruption upon the convoluted strata of institutionalised American intelligence community corruption and sleaze, ensuring a terminal condition of corruption throughout the key structures. This calculation, based on the Soviets’ operational experience, proved to be correct.

Its intellectual foundations rested upon analytical work conducted by Yakovlev’s Institute for the Study of the USA and Canada, which had accurately identified the poisonous presence within the US Federal official structures of what we now recognise as the Bush Crime Syndicate, linked via Kissinger and Bush Sr. to the pan-German long-range perversion and subversion operation based in Dachau, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD). Since the Soviets and the Germans work closely together at the highest intelligence level, the Politburo would in any case have been familiar with the implications of this long-range ‘corruption from within’ operation masterminded by the heirs of the Nazi Abwehr through their Fifth Column operations in America.

Likewise, having studied the precise workings of the US financial system in detail in 1982-84, Vice President George H. W. Bush arranged for the inside information obtained from that study to be exploited for criminal theft and collateral-grabbing purposes first, via the scamming of the Savings and Loan sector during the 1980s – a development which was triggered almost immediately following liberalization measures implemented early in Reagan’s first term – and secondly, in fulfillment of Reagan’s three Executive Orders mandating the destabilisation of the Soviet Union ‘by all means’ in conformity with NSC-68.

Bush Sr. then set about effectively converting the CIA into his own controlled criminal operation – further locking the CIA into his and the DVD’s orbit by procuring the renaming of the CIA’s Langley headquarters as the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence’.

It is beyond belief that there appear to have been no brains within the CIA capable and robust enough to work out what such a putsch would mean for the Agency, should it ever be inclined, in any future moment of fleeting sanity, to ‘clean up its act’.

In other words, the stage was now set for the application of criminal methodology in fulfillment of President Reagan’s revitalized Financial and Economic Warfare instructions – a task for which the Bush Crime Syndicate was ideally suited, and for which it assumed it had carte blanche authority.

In the preceding report, we trailed the reinterpretation, therefore, that the ransacking and pillaging of the Soviet Union was a criminal conspiracy perpetrated by the CIA-DVD (Bush) Syndicate under cover of Reagan’s instructions, which ran completely out of control.

One of the key operatives involved in this operation was Leo Wanta, who emerges from all this as George Bush Sr.’s bagman and a custodian of a large number of offshore corporate bank accounts established under Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 which empowered US intelligence operatives to form corporations of which the operative would own the shares and control the bank accounts in question – a wholly reckless departure, given that intelligence operatives specialise in lies and deception so that, by definition, none of them are ever to be trusted.

And some can be trusted less than others.

As previously reported, when we ‘tested’ this updated analysis recently with a respected and knowledgeable ‘connected’ US source, we were immediately informed that it is accurate – and also that, moreover, whereas this revised analysis is the product of intellectual deduction, the source in question had acquired this understanding as ‘hard information’. This therefore explains why Mr Bush Sr. has been reported at times to insist that the funds held in the ‘Wanta’ bank accounts that the Editor extracted from the mass of documents obtained from the public domain that we hold, were ‘his (George Bush’s) funds’. It is these funds that are intended to be washed (i.e., laundered) THROUGH THE SOVEREIGN, to emerge ‘clean’ and ONTO THE BOOKS, under extreme pressure from the international community headed by The Queen.

Stepping back for a moment, it will therefore be more clearly seen that the ‘takedown’ of the Soviet Union was exploited, in effect, as cover for a colossal pillaging and raping operation by organised criminal elements within the US intelligence community, on a scale with no historical parallel.

And what the Americans may have failed to understand is that, in appearing to collaborate with the US and Western perpetrators of this unprecedented onslaught, the Soviet strategists applied, with consummate skill, Lenin’s ‘One Step forward, Two Steps Back’ principle – with the longer-range objective of making money in the interim and then turning the tables on the rapacious Americans as they complacently gorged themselves with the spoil: which is what has happened.

But beyond that dimension, the heady criminal intoxication associated with the pillaging offensive has exhibited clear signs of the ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ syndrome. Because, having exhausted the seams of the Soviet mine, the Bush-CIA-DVD Syndicate, which was now amply financing not just the CIA’s ‘Black Ops’ budget, but the total political hegemony of the CIA itself was unable, and had no intention, of reverting to its precarious understanding of the ‘Rule of Law’ mode. On the contrary, if the USSR could be ransacked, so could any other target – including the United States itself.

In other words, the precedents of the criminal cadres’ ‘success’ in pillaging the US Savings and Loans and the Soviet Empire, formed the basis for open-ended criminal finance operations across the board – building on the already deeply embedded Fraudulent Finance and trading operations that had long since infected banks all over the world as a direct consequence of the proliferation of US intelligence corporations and their associated clandestine bank accounts – a device copied by the Gorbachëv Politburo in 1991.

Meanwhile, Bush Sr. plotted with his selected associates, the Clintons, to remove Leo Wanta from access to the accounts at the foreign institutions listed again in our report dated 17th July 2009, by orchestrating the events in Lausanne when Mr Wanta was arrested on 7th July 1993 and thrown into that stinking Swiss dungeon on trumped-up charges of not having paid $14,127 of Wisconsin state tax which had in fact been paid twice already (in May and June 1992), and which the Editor’s stolen loan funds extended to Mr Wanta which should have been repaid with interest on 11th June 2007, paid for a third time [see Archive report dated 6th August 2007].

As Wanta, like Vreeland, knew about the 9/11 abomination plot in advance, he was held in jail after the kangaroo court session in 1995, until a few days after the ‘Reichstag Fire’ event, to ensure that any risk of him exposing in advance the insider plot to blow up the Twin Towers arising from his antagonism towards Bush Sr., would be minimised (info from a source ‘special’ to this service).

It is worth pointing out here that the above outline of how this crisis has developed in recent years remains consistent with the well-known dialectical, manipulative methodology whereby the self-appointed and deluded power elite, working through Freemasonry which acts as the host for Sufi-Sabbatean Illuminism in its many perverted formats, seeks to achieve its objectives.

The well-known cycle of Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis revealed by Engels never actually reaches the pre-planned Synthesis because its sponsor, the Devil, is the author of all lies and confusion. It follows that the operations of all Workers of Darkness – the CIA and its affiliates, DVD, KGB, GRU et al. – invariably lead to chaos and confusion: or, to satisfy the complacent intellects of ‘the interested’, to so-called ‘unintended consequences’.

This means that outcomes always diverge from what was planned and intended – a lesson that these people seem quite incapable of absorbing.

Accordingly, the operatives in charge of the White House, the American Treasury and the Federal Reserve have shown themselves to be incapable of comprehending the inevitable ‘unintended consequences’ of their perverse behaviour, which the Obama Administration is compounding with such incredible follies as the HR 3200 Health Care Bill which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office calculates will saddle US taxpayers, at its conservative estimate, with $1.04 trillion in new Federal outlays over the next decade. This iniquitous Leninist bill provides, incidentally, for the US authorities to sanction the de facto murder of ‘end-of-life’ patients [see pages 85, Line 7; 272, Section 1145; 425, Lines 4-12; 425, Lines 22-25; 426, Lines 1-3; 427, Lines 15-24; 429, Lines 1-9; 429, Lines 10-12; 429, Lines 13-25; and 430, Lines 11-15 of HR 3200].

Further, this ideologically motivated draft legislation – a primary component of the ‘convergence’ operation to achieve ‘Synthesis’ between the socialising United States and the ‘capitalising’ covert Soviet Union – disregards the financial implications: illustrating the point made above, namely that the key structures of the US Government are not interested in contemplating the train wrecks they are engaged in creating and exacerbating.

By far the most telling indication of this syndrome surfaced on 20th July, when it was reported (first briefly by Bloomberg and on 21st July, equally briefly by the Financial Times) that Neil Barofsky, the CONGRESS-appointed technocrat who operates from within the Treasury as the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), had informed the Congress, in testimony prepared for a hearing on 21st July before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, that the total value of new guarantees and obligations amassed by the Treasury since the passage of the TARP legislation in November 2008, had reached $23.7 trillion.

Mr Barofsky, whom President Obama (who has now taken to sacking Inspectors General to whose findings he (or Rahm Emanuel) takes exception) cannot dismiss, because he is a Congressionally-mandated appointment, went on to make the following DEVASTATING STATEMENT for the frantic Congress to consider:

‘TARP has evolved into a program of unprecedented scope, scale and complexity’.

This has happened because, as you will doubtless recall, that criminal Henry M. Paulson, aided and abetted by the now suddenly more sanguine Dr Ben Bernanke, appeared before the Congress last October and threatened Armageddon, if the Legislative Branch did not immediately provide the Treasury Secretary with the sweeping powers that he demanded (on the basis of a three-page draft bill which the duo handed to Congressmen for their attention).

After Congress rejected this blackmail out of hand, it then did what it always does – embarked upon a stupendous pork-barrel fest, producing a bill running to nearly 480 pages. Although the Treasury Secretary did not manage to pull off his arrogant ‘total immunity from all future consequences of my actions’ provision, Paulson DID obtain blanket powers to do what he liked.

So he proceeded, after passage of the bill, to embark upon the most reckless display of wanton behaviour ever perpetrated by any US Treasury Secretary since the foundation of this benighted Republic – focusing on the provision of guarantees to Fraudulent Finance derivatives transactions which, as we have demonstrated, are devoid of all value since the packaged, securitised and on-sold assets are stamped WITHOUT RECOURSE by banks offering them for securitisation.

For instance, a typical housing mortgage Promissory Note for a mortgagor in Virginia dated May 2006 of which we hold a copy, is stamped: Pay to the Order of [Blank] WITHOUT RECOURSE: Bank of America N.A.; By: Christina M. Schmitt [Signature], Assistant Vice President. The accompanying Deed of Trust is stamped: Pay to the order of [Blank] WITHOUT RECOURSE: Bank of America N.A.; By: John E. Mack, Sr. Vice President. The text of the Deed of Trust contains the following language:

‘Lender: the word “lender” means Bank of America, N.A., its successors and assigns. The words “successors and assigns” mean any person or company that acquires any interest in the Credit Agreement’.

From this example, the following is concluded:

(1). Bank of America absolves itself of all responsibility for the fact that the ‘asset’ is ‘dud’ because it has stamped the papers: WITHOUT RECOURSE.

(2). Nevertheless, the bank is aware, given this stamp, that the ‘asset’ is devoid of real value, given that the ONLY real income stream consists of the mortgage payments by the mortgagor to the bank. Thereafter, as the bank makes clear via its WITHOUT RECOURSE stamp, which was appended to the documents AFTER their signature by the mortgagor and without his/her knowledge, no ‘assign’ can have access to the sole income stream.

(3). Even so, the bank intends to sell this ‘asset’ to an ‘assign’ for packaging (securitisation), or bundling with X other ‘assets’ by a specialist ‘packaging house’ for onward sale to whichever Fraudulent Finance specialist purchases the bundle, and to pay what it is prepared to pay for it.

(4). The bank has extended the definition of ‘lender’ to include ‘assigns’ even though the ‘assigns’ actually do no lending. All that happens is that the bank receives a second (discounted) payment from the ‘packager’, on top of the income stream from the mortgagor.

(5). The bank is itself engaged in dubious finance, while the ‘assigns’ are engaged in Fraudulent Finance operations – marketing ‘assets’ that are underpinned by no flow of funds, as the ‘assets’ are stamped WITHOUT RECOURSE.

On 14th July 2009, as we briefly reported, a new Jersey Court dismissed a foreclosure action filed against the sundry borrowers by Deutsche Bank Trust Company America as the alleged Trustee for a securitised mortgage loan trust after Deutsche Bank had wilfully, and despite the entry of THREE separate Court orders, refused (i.e. proved UNABLE) to produce top-copy documents demanded by the borrowers which included documents setting forth the identity of the true owner and holder of the Promissory Note and of the mortgage, the complete chain of title to ownership of the Note and mortgage, payment application histories, and documents as to the securitised loan trust.

The Court had given Deutsche Bank multiple opportunities and extensions of time within which to produce the documents, but Deutsche Bank continually refused (i.e. was UNABLE) to produce ANY of the documents requested, resulting in the dismissal of Deutsche bank’s foreclosure action. The Court also ruled that Deutsche Bank is not permitted to re-file any foreclosure action whatsoever until it is produces ALL of the subject discovery. The attorney representing the borrowers, W. J. Barnes PA, has numerous other cases pending, in which similar discovery requests have been lodged with Deutsche Bank, none of which had been complied with. And it gets worse.

Deutsche Bank was additionally the subject of a recent ruling in a case in New York in which the Court denied Deutsche Bank’s Motion for Summary Judgment. Without elaborating in detail here, it transpired that 142 days after the borrower was claimed to be in default, a ‘derived’ ‘asset’ based on his mortgage agreement (i.e. a ‘toxic’ loan) was assigned to Deutsche Bank. The Court required a satisfactory explanation, via sworn Affidavit, by an officer of the securitised trust, as to why, in the middle of ‘our national subprime mortgage financial crisis’, Deutsche Bank would consider it sensible to purchase a nonperforming loan from a nominee.

The Court further enquired as to whether Deutsche Bank violated a corporate fiduciary duty to the Note holders of the securitised mortgage loan trust with the purchase of a loan that had defaulted 142 days prior to the assignment of the (therefore ‘toxic’) loan to the trust.

A commentary provided by Attorney Barnes elaborated: ‘It appears that Deutsche Bank may have done so to take advantage of one or more ‘credit enhancements’ inside the securitised mortgage loan trust which pay benefits upon declaration of the default. These credit enhancements are extremely complicated and multi-layered, and are required by law in connection with the issuance and sale of the mortgage-backed securities ‘backed’ by the trust’.

‘The assignment of the mortgage and Note to the securitized trust, which were already in default well in advance of the assignment, would permit Deutsche Bank both to realize a profit through payment of credit enhancement benefits (which effect a paydown of the claimed ‘default’) while simultaneously permitting Deutsche Bank to institute a foreclosure, thereby resulting in a ‘double dip’ (actually, a triple-or-more dip’ – Ed.) for Deutsche Bank. This is, of course, illegal; but unless competent counsel raises the issue, it goes unnoticed and Deutsche Bank, like so many other foreclosing parties, winds up stealing the borrower’s property and getting paid for doing it’.

However, as our report dated 26th December 2007 pointed out, the original lending bank actually winds up being paid prospectively FOUR TIMES for the same mortgage: first, by the mortgagor; secondly by the ‘packager’; thirdly, via the insurance mechanism outlined above; and in the fourth place, when the bank enters the real estate market and sells the foreclosed property.

We are now at the receiving end of a massively expanding portfolio of detailed information about such cases, which are piling up in the Courts right across the United States. An especially large file of foreclosure cases has been sent to us from California. The significance of all this hassle is that as unfortunate Americans and their advisers are becoming better informed about these frauds, and as the US Courts become less and less willing to tolerate the criminal behaviour of the recalcitrant big lending banks, the bottom is gradually being knocked out of the fraudulent derivatives sector BY THE COURTS themselves, even as the financial engineers try to revive securitisation.

This makes it all the more reprehensible that Mr Barofsky had to inform Congress on 21st July 2009 that the Treasury had guaranteed $23.7 trillion of trash ‘assets’ since the Legislative Branch was blackmailed and bounced into making the catastrophic mistake of endowing the Treasury Secretary with unlimited powers to do exactly what he liked, to ‘save the system’ – when what was actually going on was that the US Treasury was buttressing the criminal enterprise banks which had all been running this ‘bankers’ ramp’ for years.

Nor did Mr Neil Barofsky mince his words when he appeared before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. In his report to Congress, the Congressionally-appointed official whom Obama and Geithner cannot sack, elaborated that ‘disagreements remain’ between his Office of the Inspector-General for the Troubled Assets Relief Program [Sigtarp) and the Treasury itself over various crucial matters, and that there are [READ THIS CAREFULLY]:


The Geithner Treasury’s response to this scathing criticism from its very own Congressionally-appointed official was the quite astonishing one of trying to dismiss Mr Barofsky’s $23.7 trillion out of hand, with the add-on that it was ‘not useful’. However, significantly, the US Treasury’s response EXPLICITLY failed to challenge Mr Barofsky’s arithmetic – given that he had in fact simply added up the new obligations and guarantees, which was how he arrived at his number.

Obviously, Mr Geithner et al recognise that if he so wishes, Mr Barofsky has the option of providing the Congress with a complete list of the guarantees and obligations in question.

The Treasury simply retorted that the total included programmes that had never been used or that were being wound down. But it gave the game away by attempting to minimise what it knows is a calamitous state of affairs, by complaining that Barofsky had failed to incorporate assets acquired by the Government, such as equity in banks and automobile manufacturers, which, the Treasury, claimed, offset some of the risk that the Treasury had acquired! The vacuous hollowness of that claim revealed just how bare the Treasury’s intellectual cupboard has become.

Aware of the explosive nature of Neil Barofsky’s revelations, the Treasury then did its best to smother the report altogether – which of course is why we draw your kind attention to its quite exceptional importance here.

Meanwhile in his Congressional testimony and public comments at a ‘town-hall-style’ meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, Dr Bernanke has revealed that total Medicare and Medicaid obligations outstanding already exceed $35 trillion, so that the proposed Barack Obama Health Care Bill would (unstated) hardly be a wise move. Astonishingly, Bernanke told the Kansas City meeting that not only was he ‘not going to be the US Federal Reserve Chairman who presided over another Great Depression’, but that ‘I have a lot of confidence that within a few years [sic] we will not only be back on track, but that we will be growing strongly again’.

This is ‘hard to believe’, given that all observers are aware that the ‘next whammy’ will be the commercial real estate sector, which suffers from exactly the same toxicity, and for the same Fraudulent Finance reasons, as the devastated home mortgage sector. One assumes that Dr Bernanke was just flannelling to keep his audience happy on that occasion.

Indeed, when testifying before the Senate Banking Committee on 25th July, Dr Bernanke admitted that a prospective wave of defaults in the commercial real estate sector ‘may’ present a ‘difficult’ challenge for the US economy. Under questioning, the Chairman then reached immediately for the Paulson/Geithner solution, telling the Committee that the authorities ‘could’ provide Government guarantees for commercial mortgages – against the background of an average 7.6% decline in commercial real estate prices in May, bringing to total decline to 35% since the market’s peak, according to Moody’s Investors Service. Real Capital Analytics Inc. reported in late July 2009 that commercial properties in the United States valued at more than $108 billion are now in default.

But Dr Bernanke has NO SOLUTION EXCEPT MORE OF THE SAME. This is what he told Senator Christopher Dodd (Stalin’s grandson), the Committee Chairman:

‘As the recession’s gotten worse in the last six months or so’ [unspoken: thanks to the perverse application of the WRONG policy responses selected by myself and my White House and Treasury colleagues – Ed.] ‘we’re seeing increased vacancies, declining rents, falling prices – and so, more pressure on commercial real estate. We are somewhat concerned about that sector and are paying very close attention to it. We’re taking the steps that we can through the banking system and also through the securitization markets to try to address it’.

So, in the face of $35 trillion of unfounded Medicaid and Medicaid obligations, plus $1.04 trillion of additional avoidable costs arising from Obama’s recycled Hillary Clinton Health Care Bill, and $23.7 trillion of guarantees and obligations identified by Mr Neil Barofsky, for a total of $59.74 trillion and counting, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is nonchalantly suggesting that, given the powers enabling the Treasury secretary to do anything he likes that the compromised Congress so recklessly handed to Henry M. Paulson and his successor, it might be a good idea for open-ended guarantees to be dished out to the failing commercial real estate sector, as well.

And in almost the same breath, Dr Bernanke also told the Senate Banking Committee that the market for debt ‘backed’ by commercial mortgages ‘has completely shut down’ – even though the Chairman simultaneously said that the authorities would be taking ‘what steps we can… through the securitization markets’ to ‘address’ the problem.

In addition, to make matters worse, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board may not have fully appreciated that in revealing his $35 trillion outstanding obligations estimate for Medicaid and Medicare, he was contradicting the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Peter Orczag. According to the OMB’s ‘reworked’ debt data presented for public consumption in the first quarter of 2009, are as follows (in millions of dollars):

• (1) Gross Federal Debt, as published by the Office of Management and Budget: $ 12,867,455.

• (2) Less: Funds Held by Government Accounts (as required by Statute). These are all earmarked Trust Funds, required to meet future welfare etc obligations: $ 4,336,088.

• (3) ‘Total’ Federal Debt as reported by the Office of Management and Budget. This ‘total’ is a ‘smoke and mirrors’ number, since the funds in Column 2 are not only required by Stature to meet future commitments, entitlements, etc, but have already been squandered as current expenditure, as the surpluses in the Trust funds are required by law to be ‘invested’ in the Federal Funds (= for current expenditure): $ 8,531,367.

• (4) Therefore, to arrive at the ‘true’ US Federal Debt outstanding on the basis of the OMB’s published data (which is itself unreliable), the Trust Fund data from Column 2 must be added back to so-called ‘Total Federal Debt. Column 4 shows Federal Debt with Debt Held by Government Accounts added back: $ 17,203,543.

• (5) HOWEVER, since the Trust Fund monies [Column 2] have actually been spent on current expenditure, the objective reality is that the Column 2 data should be ‘added back’ TWICE – to reflect (a) the fact that the Trust Fund monies have been squandered as required by law on current expenditure; and (b) the requirement for these earmarked funds to be available to meet future obligations: $ 21,539,631.

Source: Table in Economic Intelligence Review, Volume 12, Numbers 3 & 4, page 30.

[We arrive at almost $30 trillion in column 5, on the basis of the OMB’s current numbers, only in 2014 – and, furthermore, column 5 is ‘controversial’ because it incorporates the squandered Trust Fund accruals twice, to account for (a) the fact that they have long since been dissipated on current expenditure, and (b) are required to meet future mandatory obligations, as well].

So, while everyone is aware that the OMB’s numbers are in any case made of India Rubber, it is noteworthy that Dr Ben Bernanke, who, with his colleagues Paulson and Geithner, has knowingly played fast and loose with the financial futures of hundreds of millions of American taxpayers for several generations to come, likewise plays fast and loose with Mr Orszag’s numbers, as well. Both of you can’t be right, Dr Bernanke. Or did you imagine that nobody would notice?

Of course, the Chairman’s estimate is much more likely to be ‘ballpark’ than those published by the notoriously inaccurate Office of Management and Budget. But, just as we have the Treasury’s Neil Barofsky saying one devastating thing only to be contradicted by his own Treasury colleagues, so we also have the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board rubbishing the figures published for public consumption by the Director of the OMB.

Meanwhile, a conservatively estimated additional $1.04 trillion is to be added to the slate as the bill for Obama’s Leninist Health Care legislation, which inserts the Government at Americans’ death bedsides, and ties their heirs up with many further trillions of costs – to be financed by a Treasury that is bankrupt and has willfully refused to implement the US Dollar Refunding procedures which alone have the capability of lifting the United States’ finances out of the morass for which these criminal financiers, intent upon protecting themselves and their co-conspiring criminal financial enterprises, are responsible.

In Britain, the press has refocused on an incident in November last year when Her Majesty The Queen visited the London School of Economics. Her Majesty, who is extremely astute and well informed, asked Professor Luis Garicano, of the Economics Management Department, about the origins of the credit crisis, with the following question:

‘Why did nobody notice it?’

The Professor told The Queen:

‘At every stage, someone was relying on somebody else and everyone thought they were doing the right thing’.

The Professor said later: ‘The Queen asked me: ‘If these things were so large, how come everyone missed them?’ (19).

Following The Queen’s visit, Professor Tim Besley (a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, no less) and Professor Peter Hennessy, a prominent political historian, wrote a three-page letter to The Queen, some details of which have now, all of a sudden, been released. The letter contained the following:

‘In summary, Your Majesty, the failure to foresee the timing, extent and severity of the crisis and to head it off, while it had many causes, was principally a failure of the collective imagination of many bright people, both in this country and internationally, to understand the risks to the system as a whole’ (20).

On Sunday, The Observer addressed the same matter; and according to that newspaper, Professor Garicano’s response to Her Majesty’s question was more extensive:

‘She seemed very interested and asked me: ‘How come nobody could foresee it?’ I think the main answer is that people were doing what they were paid to do, and they behaved according to their incentives, but in many instances they were being paid to do the wrong things from our society’s perspective’ (21).

Both newspapers revealed that the content of the letter to The Queen was discussed at the British Academy in June, in the presence of Nick MacPherson, the UK Treasury Permanent Secretary, the Chief Economist with Goldman Sachs, Jim O’Neill, and The Observer’s distinguished veteran economics columnist, known to the Editor of this service, William Keegan.

Mr Keegan used to read our material, but appears to have failed to do so of late.

Likewise, the Bank of England cancelled its subscription to International Currency Review some time ago when we ‘got too hot’ for the journal to be seen lying around on official desks inside that establishment. The British Treasury is severely delinquent with its subscription, a point repeatedly brought up by our back-office with its subscription intermediaries, Swets, And in one of his very last moves before leaving office, Henry M. Paulson ordered the Library at the US Treasury to cancel the subscription to International Currency Review that had been running since 1970.

All of which is somewhat unfortunate since, if these ‘experts’ had bothered to read and take on board what we posted on this website on 2nd September 2006, again in early December 2006, and in the summer of 2007, and what we have meticulously published in International Currency Review as the crisis exploded in their faces, they would have seen the train wreck coming.

The Professors at the London School of Economics have even less excuse here, because the LSE subscribes to this journal. And when they resorted to the usual trick of ‘experts’ and politicians who have failed to do their job properly and are very anxious not to be held accountable for their failures – claiming that ‘nobody could possibly have foreseen this, and nobody did’ – they most unfortunately misinformed Her Majesty The Queen.

What they SHOULD have said was that ‘the crisis was predicted by International Currency Review, Your Majesty, but we did not take their predictions seriously’.

On Friday 24th July, the Prime Minister of Iraq, or possibly the President of Iraq, was driven to the White House – a fact that has not been reported in the open media. His unnanounced appearance snarled the traffic and closed down Pennsylvania Avenue – raising the question: what was the purpose of this ‘secret’ visit?

We speculate that its purpose was to make arrangements for stolen and diverted funds stashed by the official American financial operatives with the White House-controlled Central Bank of Iraq to be disgorged by the Central Bank (with payoffs for Iraqi officials, naturally) and probably also for certain related funds to be channelled into tax-free country accounts with the International Monetary Fund and/or the World Bank. These are the only hiding places left.

Disgorgement of hidden funds held with the Central Bank of Iraq will have been ‘necessary’ given indications of a few Settlements payments having been effected ahead of Monday 27th July, until which date the funds earmarked for payout were said by sources to be ‘encumbered’.

At 3:55 a.m. EDT, The Washington Post announced that the US Secretary of Defence and former Director of Central Intelligence, Robert Gates, arrived in southern Iraq for an unannounced visit. The newspaper said he would be meeting Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki. Again on a speculative basis, this strongly suggests that there are problems between the White House and the Iraqi Government over the disgorgement of funds stashed with the Central Bank of Iraq.

• We stress that this is OUR interpretation, but people we have spoken with did not deny it.

This information was associated with reports to the Editor that payees were being required to sign a document proffered by the Department of Homeland Security laying down the terms on which the payees’ remittance could be accepted. According to our sources, some payees were extremely surprised at being asked to sign anything.

• We were told that in the absence of such signatures, the payees would forfeit their funds.

• The Homeland Security document was also thought to embrace a gag order.

Since our last posting, President Obama is reported to have fired his Secret Service chief (the report of which was removed from the Internet). Pennsylvania Avenue has been blocked off with yellow tape (as of 25th July, at least), and the White House helicopters were flying in and out of the White House grounds all day on Saturday, with tourists not allowed anywhere near the place.

A resident mole tells us that policemen were everywhere to be seen, while cell phones and laptops were being scrambled and cell telephone messages truncated after no more than three sentences, when connections were being lost.

• Additionally, as posted below, we have received our first tentative report about ‘people being removed’. While the very noticeable commotions in Washington on Saturday, reported to us now by several sources, could have been related to the visit of the Chinese delegation [see below], it is also speculated that they may have been connected to implied ‘horizontalisations’. Obama’s earlier on-TV comment that if people break into his house, they will be shot [see also below] can similarly be viewed in this context. These considerations are all SPECULATIVE at this juncture.

Recently, low-flying aircraft operated ALL NIGHT over Washington DC. Enquirers were told that NORAD was conducting some ‘tests’ over the capital, which was, to put it mildly, highly unusual.

However these disturbances were thought initially to have been associated with the arrival of a huge high-level Chinese delegation in Washington. At least 150 Chinese officials decended on the US capital for dozens of meetings with their US counterparts.

• As a consequence, much of Washington was again brought to a standstill on Monday 27th July.

Although these annual US-Chinese (G-2) meetings are of course prescheduled, the presence of the Iraqi leader in Washington on 24th July, followed by the Chinese delegation, suggested linkage to the Settlements crisis, with both Iraq and China intensively and deeply involved in the resolution.

The crisis has completely destabilised the psychology of Americans, who blame incompetent and corrupt officials across the board for their country’s plight (same in Britain). This cannot continue.
It was the DC mole who informed us (see above): ‘My friends on the Hill are getting slammed by calls from regular Americans. Staffers are weary of the anger coming at them from outside the Beltway. Anger is mounting, and its all around. They are demanding to know what’s going on’.

Finally, at a televised press conference earlier concerning the peculiar incident in Cambridge, MA on 16th July 2009, when a 58-year-old male Black, Mr Henry Gates, of Ware Street, Cambridge, was arrested after a sustained racialist yelling incident, President Obama uttered words to the effect: ‘If anyone breaks into my house, they get shot’ [LATE AMENDMENT: SEE ABOVE].

It is highly unusual for the President of the United States to utter such an intimidating comment in public. So, was the Cambridge incident either used or staged, so as to provide the POTUS with an opportunity to issue such a warning on camera?

If ‘people were being removed’ [see below], one can easily imagine why the Presidnet might want to promulgate such a warning publicly. As a warning to those planning his own removal?

In conformity with the norm that everything these evil people touch descends into chaos and confusion, as their house is built on lies, Germany’s highest Court recently pronounced on the Lisbon Treaty, on which the Euro-manipulators are relying for the final destruction of what remains of the national sovereignty of the European satrapies (sorry, ‘Member States’).

Last year, Irish voters, who are as stroppy, if not more so, than the British electorate, slapped the Euro-manipulators down by voting NO THANK YOU to the Lisbon Treaty, which must be ratified by all 27 EU ‘Member States’ before the next stage of this World Revolution dimension can proceed.

As on previous occasions when ‘ungrateful’ national electorates have given the Euro-snakes a black eye, a new Referendum is being organised for October this year, so that the Irish electorate can benefit from the opportunity to ‘change its mind’. The Irish enjoy being kicked and ordered around even less than the compliant and complacent British: so the outcome of this outrageous piece of political engineering is uncertain – although the EU’s calculation is that since the Irish have been comprehensively ‘enronised’ (but not by the EU: rather, by the Clinton wing of the Bush-DVD Crime Syndicate), they won’t relish being ‘left out in the cold’ by voting NO again. The reality, of course, is that if Ireland hadn’t swapped its national currency for the Euro, it would have been able to devalue the old punt, thereby recalibrating its economy to the new realities of the situation.

Anyway, as usual the Germans must have the last say on all EU matters, since the entire project is a construct promulgated under Hitler [see: ‘Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’ (viz: ‘European Economic Community’)], the proceedings of a Nazi seminar convened by Verein Berliner Kaufleute and Wirtschafts-Hochschule und Industrieller, Berlin, in 1941 and later published by Hauder & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke in 1942 – the seminar chapter headings of which correspond almost precisely with those of the Maastricht Treaty (1992).

So there was much backslapping in Brussels when Germany’s highest Court handed down a verdict since we last reported to the effect that the Lisbon Treaty complies with Germany’s Basic Law, and so can therefore be adopted by the German State.

However gloating gave way to angst after closer analysis of the Court’s complex judgment showed that it severely curbs any prospect of a Federal Europe being established in practice.

For, according to the German judges, the European Parliament (which is modelled on the Supreme Soviet) is not a true parliament in any proper sense (given that its purpose is entirely to act as a venting mechanism and rubber-stamping factory) which represents a ‘structural democratic deficit preventing further EU integration’.

The judges also took the opportunity to point out that German law ‘prohibits the transfer [to the European Union Collective] of competence to decide its own competence’.

On top of which, Germany’s highest judges have decreed that the German Court must be able to overturn judgments of the European Court of Justice if they diverge from national (German) law. Which is anathema to the Brussels agenda.

This ruling contradicts the entire pernicious EU doctrine of the ‘acquis communautaire’ which lays down that once an element of national sovereignty has been handed to the political collective, it cannot be retrieved by the satrapy which foolishly handed the competence over in the first place.

In other words, the German Court’s ruling challenges the basis of the entire European Union dimension of the World Revolution.

The foregoing does not mean, as some will doubtless rush to assume, that our demonstration that the EU Collective is a pan-German revolutionary hegemony project, is mistaken. No. What it means is that even the Germans are starting to dislike the taste of their own foul medicine. In other words, important German minds are beginning to realise that the monster that the Hitler-era pan-Germans and their heirs have erected, built upon the Franco-German axis ‘set in stone’ by the Treaty of the Elysée of January 1963, is unworkable, counterproductive and may have passed its sell-by date.

If the Irish reject the Lisbon Treaty this October – as, in their own interests, they should (why squander the national independence they fought for?), we’ll certainly be able to reiterate that point later this year, with greater emphasis.

Finally, there may be other reasons for this slight ‘loosening’ of the German jackboot. Deutsche Bank is in extreme danger of collapse given the colossal volume of Fraudulent Finance ‘toxic’ assets that it has accumulated during the years when it controlled trading and thought that the fraudulent derivatives and false securitisation bonanza would continue for ever.

In this connection, it is to be noted that the 79th Annual Report of the Bank for International Settlements reconfirms (on page 145) that the Chairman of the BIS’s Administrative Committee is Dr Hans Tietmeyer – who also ‘just happens’ to be in charge of the Vatican Bank, over which presides the German Pope, Herr Ratzinger.

It will be recalled that, as head of the CPSU’s Administrative Department, Mikhail Gorbachëv held the most powerful position within the entire edifice of the Soviet structures. There is an exact parallel here with the fact that Dr Tietmeyer, a former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, chairs the Bank for International Settlements’ Administrative Committee.

At about 3:15pm UK time on 28th July, we received the first intimation under this heading [see the preceding report; 17th July 2009]. Sources advised that quote ‘some people have been removed’, but when pressed for further information, could or would not elaborate. That’s all we know at this stage. However previously, there had been total silence on this score. TO BE CONFIRMED. [Note that there is some further elaboration to this development, above].

• And separately:

Last year, we wrote to the British Ministry of Defence asking what on earth Britain is doing in Afghanistan, and would our assumption that we are protecting the heroin trade by any chance be correct? As we have repeatedly reported, the Ministry of Defence chose not to respond to our enquiry at all, despite the fact that we warned that if they failed to provide us with a satisfactory answer, or to respond at all, we would have to conclude that our assumption is indeed accurate, and would continue to advise our readers and subscribers accordingly.

This isssue has now risen to the top of the immense pile of issues of primary public concern. For instance, Charles Moore ran a huge Op-Ed piece recently in The Daily Telegraph, asking precisely the same question. And since British troops are dying like flies in Afghanisatn, the entire UK press corps is now demanding answers to our question. After all, if we knew WHY the troops were dying, that might provide some sparse consolation. But we don’t, and the perverse Ministry of Defence won’t tell us. because it can’t, or else it would be lying. And although it doesn’t mind telling lies, it cannot afford to be CAUGHT OUT TELLING PORKIES TO THE BRITISH PUBLIC.

This case highlights, of course, a crucially evil dimension of the World Revolution, which is this. Everything is collectivised. There are no national interests, only international interests. Therefore, British troops are dying in support of international interests. However these cannot be spelled out because any explanation might run the risk of revealing the true underlying agenda, which in this case includes acquiring, consolidating and maintaining total control over the heroin trade: not to suppress it, but to exploit it in order to ensure the continuation of the endless pipeline of money generated by drug-trafficking that lubricates the interbank market, as confirmed by the head of UNODC (the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), Vienna, in his interview published in the Austrian journal Profil last January [see this service, passim].

Now, if the Ministry of Defence would care finally to answer the Editor’s question, in order to dispel this interpretation, before our huge readership accepts this analysis as being accurate, it remains very welcome, at this late stage, to make amends and to respond as it should have done last year.

• Otherwise, we will stick to this line, and so will everyone else who is not sitting on their brains.

• PS: We have separate input from a distinguished Canadian source to the effect that Canadian military officers are questioning what the Canadian armed forces are doing in Afghanistan, too. The answer is the same as that given above: they are assisting with the implementation of international objectives driven by an internationalist agenda that is divorced from the interests of Canada as a sovereign nation state. Belated realisation that this is the case will, we predict, make it harder for the globalist manipulators to dragoon national forces into their filthy wars in the future, especially given prevailing economic and financial conditions. The phrase ‘own goal’ springs to mind here.

Notes and References:

• With the exception of Notes 4, 17 and 18 these Notes and References are ALL taken from Michael C. Cottrell’s work ‘Elite Power and Capital Markets’ referenced above, below the Editor’s credits.

• The information to which the Notes and References refer is derived from Mr Cottrell’s work.

• This is augmented by the Editor’s background knowledge as Editor of Soviet Analyst.

(1). G. J. A. O’Toole, ‘Honorable Treachery’, New York, The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1991, page 449.

(2). Robert T, Hall, Emile Durkheim: Ethics and The Sociology of Morals, West Port, Greenwood Press, Inc., 1987, page 87.

(3). Robert K. Merton, ‘Social Theory and Social Structure’, New York, The Free Press, 1968, p. 189.

(4). Email from a Washington, DC, correspondent dated 26th July 2009, received at 16:42 UK time.

(5). Christopher Andrew, ‘For the President’s Eyes Only, New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1995, page 183.

(6). Ronald Brownstein and Nina Easton, ‘Reagan’s Ruling Class’, Washington DC, Presidential Accountability Group, 1982, page 623.

(7). Peter Schweitzer, ‘Victory: the Reagan Administration’s Secret Strategy that hastened the Collapse of the Soviet Union’, New York, The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1994, page xvi.

(8). Ibid.

(9). Ibid.

(10). Schweitzer, op. cit., page 47.

(11). Schweitzer, op. cit, pages 132-140.

(12). Robert M Gates, From the Shadows, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1996, page 238.

(13). Peter Truell, ‘False Profits: the Inside Story of BCCI’, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992, page 132.

(14). Truell, op. cit., page 132.

(15). Yossi Melman and Dan Raviv, ‘Friends In Deed: Inside the US-Israel Alliance’, New York, Hyperion, 1994, page 380.

(16). Schweitzer, op. cit., pages 131-132.

(17) Anatoliy Golitsyn, The Perestroika Deception, Edward Harle Limited, London and New York: available from the books section of this website [URL: http://www.edwardharle.com“>www.edwardharle.com].

(18) Claire Sterling, Thieves’ World, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1994, page 113.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.


It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.



Thursday 7 May 2009 08:00


















Operating the $ Refunding from London without US Government participation delivers:

(1) Massive ongoing windfall tax accruals to the BRITISH Treasury given that all funds resident in the United Kingdom jurisdiction for 24 hours are taxable by the Inland Revenue. This makes the UK Refunding proposal of extreme interest to Her Majesty’s Government and the UK Treasury.

((2) Massive ongoing windfall benefits to the UNITED STATES Treasury given that it will also receive a cascade of tax accruals from this independent private sector Refunding Program.

(3) The necessary refinancing of the UK and US banking systems ON THE BOOKS with no input from either Government and NO CORRESPONDING DEBT CREATED IN THE BACKGROUND.

(4) GOOD (i.e., on-balance sheet, taxed) money which will CHASE OUT THE BAD MONEY that the crass US Fraudulent Finance concoction will generate.

• In mid-March we published: International Currency Review Volume 34, #2 on Systemic Fraudulent Finance and The Legalisation of Financial Corruption. Also published recently are issues of our titles The Latin American Times, Economic Intelligence Review, London Currency Report, Interest Rate Service and Arab-Asian Affairs. Issues of Soviet Analyst and Global Analyst are imminent.

• For details, see the second white panel on the Home Page.

• To subscribe to our intelligence services, see the catalogue under World Reports Limited.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice is comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the Internet Security Solution software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation are appended at the very foot of this report, below the legal data. See also the catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.

• DONATIONS: You can help finance these exposures (which the Editor has to prepare on top of his normal publishing responsibilities) by sending us a donation. Press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard.

• LEO WANTA: As you may recall, the Editor lent this operative $35,000 to extract him from what we diagnosed as fraudulent probation, due to expire on 28th November 2010. This action triggered the entire sequence of unravelling events that has followed. As a consequence, Wanta’s probation was duly shortened by five years, to expire on 14th November 2005. The private funds, which the Editor filched from the proceeds of the sale of our London house, should have been repaid on 11th June 2007 with interest, having been made available for a two-year term. The Editor has not been repaid, Mr Wanta has taken no steps to indicate to the Editor why this is the case, and has not written to explain the situation: so that, as a consequence, these funds are considered to have been stolen.

Furthermore, after the Editor made this platform available to assist Mr Wanta with his problems, he double-crossed us as revealed in our reports dated 3rd and 18th March 2008. Since then, we have had nothing whatsoever to do with this US operative. However on 6th May 2009, he took it into his head to circulate, without our permission, a copyrighted report that we published on the 18th April 2006. The Editor would like it to be known that we did not authorise the redistribution of this article and that Wanta is not permitted to steal our copyrighted works without prior permission. Should any further such breaches occur, we will reserve the right to add this further impertinence to the list of follies that this operative has committed against us, and will take measures to protect our rights.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review and associated intelligence publications and information services. See this site for details and ordering facility.

• CORRESPONDENCE TO THE EDITOR: We routinely, automatically DELETE all emails which OMIT any element of the requested coordinates. We are not prepared to deal with anonymous spooks and other cowards who are too scared to provide their coordinates, for identification.


On 1st May 2009, the necessary releases, delayed since time immemorial by the corruption of the highest US office-holders, intelligence cadres, banks and their foreign co-conspirators to defraud the rightful recipients, were paid into the Trustee accounts at the relevant US money center banks.

It is now SIX days later, and the banks acting as custodians of the funds have failed to allow the Trustees into whose accounts the funds were paid, to access them – in gross, criminal breach of their fiduciary duty to enable the Trustees to take economic receipt of the funds for which they are responsible. The banks are therefore engaged in criminal obstruction of justice and terrorism.

The released funds are ON THE BANKS’ BOOKS, which is the central point to bear in mind when assessing what follows. Instead of allowing the Trustees to handle their funds in accordance with instructions, the criminal enterprise banks are exploiting the existence of these funds that are now ON their books to generate new liquidity, on the working assumption that (a) they will not be held to account and (b) that the President of the United States and the Treasury Secretary will not enforce the law to bring an end to this criminal abuse and obstruction of justice.

The World Court Writ of Execution raised by the Chinese parties and representatives of The Queen reportedly on behalf of the international community to bring an end to this American (and German) financial criminality has therefore not yet been fully enforced. The first stage – release of the funds into the Trustees’ accounts – took place as noted on 1st May 2009, thereby ‘compromising’ the war threat by the international community.

But the second stage, permitting use of the funds by the Trustees, had yet, as of this filing, to be implemented. The banks in question are custodians with fiduciary responsibility to the Trustees, and are required forthwith to place the funds live on their clients’ accounts. They have no latitude whatsoever to prevent their clients from using their funds as they see fit.

But that is not happening. Furthermore, this has been going on for the past six days.

Because what they are all doing is ILLEGAL, it appears that the institutions may have been GIVEN PERMISSION TO ACT ILLEGALLY, which may implicate the US Treasury Secretary, Mr Timothy Geithner, and the President of the United States, Mr Barack Obama.

Mr Geithner can ORDER the banks to release the funds to the Trustees but, as of this posting, HE HAD NOT YET DONE SO. That means he is a co-conspirator in this OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

Why is this? Could he have been coerced? Could he have been bought off? The second possibility seems more likely, in view of the sudden appearance – out of context – of the following text at the foot of a report published by the operative Wayne Madsen on 5th May, which also mentioned the London ‘Safety Lock Box’ raids that took place on 2nd June 2008 that we have often referred to in these reports, since they ‘blew’ the geo-corruption linkages sky-high, and have triggered multiple dimensions of the unraveling process, as predicted:

‘Informed sources have told WMR (Wayne Madsen Report) that high-level rumors of a sex scandal involving the Treasury Secretary (Timothy Geithner) are swirling around both the Treasury and the Inter-American Development Bank, headquartered in Washington, DC’.

Since Madsen is known to be an operative, we take this as a warning to Geithner that he is to be or is being blackmailed; and the reason for the appearance of this text out of context from the rest of the Madsen report dated 5th-6th May is that Geithner is allowing the banks to break the law and is obstructing justice – a not-so-subtle way of drawing to his attention the need for the US Treasury Secretary to reverse himself IMMEDIATELY and to order the banks to cease and desist from their illegal operations, obstruction of justice and abuse of their fiduciary duties.

More generally, since Geithner and relevant highest-level officials with the power to do so have NOT PREVENTED THE BANKS FROM ACTING ILLEGALLY, they are ALL OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE and are de facto co-conspirators in this FRAUD and breach of the Rule of Law. Therefore, they can be designated, like the criminal enterprise institutions concerned, as being themselves engaged in perpetrating financial and economic terrorism against the United States, the people of the United States and the Rest of the World, for which only the most severe measures are applicable.

Also obstructing justice and engaging in economic and financial terrorism, given their involvement in these matters, are Mrs Barbara Bush – who is stated by multiple sources to be handling Mr Bush Sr.’s affairs and interacting with the Pierce family given that Bush Sr.’s dementia is progressing fast (it is further advanced than is reported) and he has difficulty recognising his sources by name or face – Vice President Joseph Biden, William Jefferson Clinton and Mrs Hillary Rodomski Clinton.

(Having put his foot in it by stating that, given the ‘flu scare, he would not advise his family to travel on public transport, Biden made sure that cameras were on hand when he publicly appeared on 4th April at the Wilmington, Delaware, train station after riding Amtrak from Washington).

The criminal enterprise institutions that are acting illegally in breach of their fiduciary duties and obstructing justice in this respect are reported to us to include the following:

JPMorganChase, Deutsche Bank acting as clearing house for JPMorganChase, Citibank, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo.

The Directors of these institutions, being responsible to their Boards, are PERSONALLY liable along with their criminal enterprise firms, for the consequences of the crimes being committed, whether authorised by higher authority of not. That includes OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

Higher authority cannot ever authorise illegal activity – the overturning of the Rule of Law – with impunity. It may THINK it can, and the banks that are exploiting the fact that huge sums were placed ONTO THEIR BOOKS on 1st May 2009, may ASSUME that they are authorised to operate illegally, with impunity: but the price to be paid for this grotesque breach of their basic fiduciary duty and the parallel obstruction of justice will almost certainly turn out to be extremely high.

The Directors of these entities (1) are as follows:

Akamoto, Ross, Deutsche Bank AG
Al Thani, Nawaf, Deutsche Bank AG
Armstrong, C. Michael, Citigroup/Citibank
Asmarger, Regis, Deutsche Bank AG
Arzber, Thomas, Deutsche Bank AG
Augustine, Norman, Deutsche Bank AG
Baker II, John D., Wells Fargo
Barnet III, William, Bank of America
Belda, Alain J.P., Citigroup/Citibank
Binh, Pham, Deutsche Bank AG
Bock, Kurt, Deutsche Bank AG
Böhr, Wolfgang, Deutsche Bank AG
Borda, Kenneth, Deutsche Bank AG
Börsig, Clements, Deutsche Bank AG
Botelho, Mauricio, Deutsche Bank AG
Bowles, Crandall C., JPMorganChase
Bramble, Sr., Frank P., Bank of America
Braunstein, Jason, Deutsche Bank AG
Bryant, Charles, Deutsche Bank AG
Bryson, John, Deutsche Bank AG
Budzvna, John, Deutsche Bank AG
Burke, Stephen B., JPMorganChase
Capellas, Michael, Deutsche Bank AG
Cardoso, Fernando, Deutsche Bank AG
Cash Jr., James, Deutsche Bank AG
Casjens, Günther, Deutsche Bank AG
Chandler, Edward, Deutsche Bank AG
Chen, John S., Wells Fargo
Colbert, Virgis W., Bank of America
Collins, John T., Bank of America
Conroy, Kathryn, Deutsche Bank AG
Cote, David M. JPMorganChase
Countryman, Gary L., Bank of America
Crown, James S., JPMorganChase
Cunningham Keith, Deutsche Bank AG
Dean, Lloyd H., Wells Fargo
Deering, Anthony, Deutsche Bank AG
Deutch, John M., Citigroup/Citibank
Dimon, James, JPMorganChase
Dunham, Archie, Deutsche Bank AG
Eick, Karl-Erhard, Deutsche Bank AG
Fallon, Robert, Deutsche Bank AG
Förster, Heldrum, Deutsche Bank AG
Fortabat, Maria de, Deutsche Bank AG
Franks, Tommy R., Bank of America
Futter, Ellen V., JPMorganChase
Gifford, Charles K., Bank of America
Gray, III, William H., JPMorganChase
Griswold IV, Benjamin, Deutsche Bank AG
Grundhofer, Jerry A., Citigroup/Citibank
Guzman, Nicolas, Deutsche Bank AG
Hashimoto, Toru, Deutsche Bank AG
Herling, Alfred, Deutsche Bank AG
Hernandez, Jr., Enrique, Wells Fargo
Herzberg, Gerd, Deutsche Bank AG
Howell, William, Deutsche Bank AG
Idei, Nobuyuki, Deutsche Bank AG
Iglesias, Enrique, Deutsche Bank AG
Jackson, Jr., Laban P., JPMorganChase
James, Donald M., Wells Fargo
Jeffe, Robert, Deutsche Bank AG
Job, KBE, Peter, Deutsche Bank AG
Johnson, Robert, Deutsche Bank AG
Joss, Robert L., Wells Fargo
Kaden, Lewis B. Citigroup/Citibank
Kagermann, Henning, Deutsche Bank AG
Kangas, Edward, Deutsche Bank AG
Kappes, Hans-Peter, Deutsche Bank AG
Khan, Rafi, Deutsche Bank AG
Klee, Martina, Deutsche Bank AG
Kley, Karl-Ludwig, Deutsche Bank AG
Kovacevich, Richard M., Wells Fargo
Kuczynski, Pedro-Pablo, Deutsche Bank AG
Labarge, Suzanne, Deutsche Bank AG
Lee, Gang-Yon, Deutsche Bank AG
Lévy, Maurice, Deutsche Bank AG
Lewis, Kenneth D., Bank of America
Li, David, Deutsche Bank AG
Liveris, Andrew N., Citigroup/Citibank
Lozano, Monica C., Bank of America
Luengas, François, Deutsche Bank AG
Mark, Henriette, Deutsche Bank AG
Marram, Ellen, Deutsche Bank AG
Martin, Lynn, Deutsche Bank AG
Massey, Walter E., Bank of America
May, Robert, Deutsche Bank AG
May, Thomas J., Bank of America
McCormick, Richard D., Wells Fargo
McDonald, Mackey J., Wells Fargo
Mer, Francis, Deutsche Bank AG
Milligan, Cynthia H., Wells Fargo
Mitchell, Georgina, Deutsche Bank AG
Mitchell, Patricia E., Bank of America
Montova, Miguel, Deutsche Bank AG
Moore, Nicholas G., Wells Fargo
Mordashov, Aleksey, Deutsche Bank AG
Moriarty, Rich, Deutsche Bank AG
Mulcahy, Anne, Citigroup/Citibank
Neubart, Garrett, Deutsche Bank AG
Nocvak, David C., JPMorganChase
Oetker, August, Deutsche Bank AG
O’Neill, Michael E., Citigroup/Citibank
Pagani, Luis, Deutsche Bank AG
Pandit, Vikram, Citigroup/Citibank
Parsons, Richard D., Citigroup/Citibank
Pfeiffer, Eckhard, Deutsche Bank AG
Phelps, Michael, Deutsche Bank AG
Pina, Antonio, Deutsche Bank AG
Pischetsrieder, Bernd, Deutsche Bank AG
Platscher, Gabriele, Deutsche Bank AG
Prueher, Joseph W., Bank of America
Qingyuan, Li, Deutsche Bank AG
Quigley, Philip J., Wells Fargo
Ramadorai, S., Deutsche Bank AG
Raymond, Lee R., JPMorganChase
Rhodes, Bill, Citigroup/Citibank
Ricciardi, Lawrence R., Citigroup/Citibank
Rice, Donald B., Wells Fargo
Rodin, Judith, Citigroup/Citibank
Rogowski, Michael, Deutsche Bank AG
Rossotti, Charles O., Bank of America
Ruck, Karin, Deutsche Bank AG
Runstad, Judith M., Wells Fargo
Ryan, Charles, Deutsche Bank AG
Ryan, Robert L., Citigroup/Citibank
Ryan, Thomas M., Bank of America
Sada, Armando, Deutsche Bank AG
Samuelsson, Hakan, Deutsche Bank AG
Sanger. Stephen W., Wells Fargo
Santomero, Anthony M., Citigroup/Citibank
Schaeffer, Maria-Elisabeth, Deutsche Bank AG
Siegert, Theo, Deutsche Bank AG
Sloan Jr, O. Temple, Bank of America
Snow, John, Deutsche Bank AG
Steel, Robert K., Wells Fargo
Stumpf, John G., Wells Fargo
Svenson, Susan G., Wells Fargo
Tan, Keng Yamc, Deutsche Bank AG
Teyssen, Johannes, Deutsche Bank AG
Thieme, Marlehn, Deutsche Bank AG
Thompson, Jr., William S., Citigroup/Citibank
Thumann, Jürgen, Deutsche Bank AG
Tillman, Robert L., Bank of America
Todenhöfer, Tilman, Deutsche Bank AG
Toth, Devin, Deutsche Bank AG
Unuvar, Ahmet, Deutsche Bank AG
Urrutia, Miguel, Deutsche Bank AG
Volk, Stephen, Citigroup/Citibank
Wanandi, Sofjan, Deutsche Bank AG
Ward, Jackie M., Bank of America
Weatherill, Lucas, Deutsche Bank AG
Weldon, William C., JPMorganChase
Wenning, Werner, Deutsche Bank AG
Wolfe, Louis, Deutsche Bank AG
Wunderlich, Leo, Deutsche Bank AG
Yunling, Zhang, Deutsche Bank AG
Zetsche, Dieter, Deutsche Bank AG
Zhang, Lee, Deutsche Bank AG

The enforcement team headed by Swiss personnel cooperating with foreign government cadres to enforce execution of the World Court’s Writ of Execution continues, we understand, to deploy all means available to procure compliance with the Writ of Execution. Arrests and ‘neutralisations’ have continued unabated for the past several weeks.

Since the enforcement team is NOT free to leave the job half done – as discussed in the preceding report, failure to execute the Writ of Execution is not an option for the team’s members: otherwise they themselves will become co-conspirators in the obstruction of justice – this heightened crisis environment will continue until resolution.

Logic would therefore suggest that ALL Directors of the criminal enterprise institutions engaged in this fraudulent tapping of the paid-in funds, breach of fiduciary duty and obstruction of justice are vulnerable to whatever measures the enforcement team unilaterally decides to take in order to fulfil its instructions and to procure completion of its allotted task – which means compelling these very arrogant and recalcitrant institutions and their Directors, to meet their fiduciary obligations.

In the past, criminalist officials and bankers have enjoyed playing the disinformation game of ‘it’s not my fault’: but this option is precluded now because the institutions concerned are all overtly engaged in maximising the accruals to be leveraged off the funds that are sitting on their books in the Trustees’ accounts, which is illegal. The big US banks are in gross breach of standard banking conduct, which means that, as we have often argued in the past, they cannot be trusted to carry out instructions – which further means that anyone dealing with the identified giga-institutions may be risking the loss of control over any funds they handle.

Moreover by depriving the countries and Trustees of their rightful funds while these banks pursue their own selfish interests and obstruction of justice contrary to their fiduciary duty to their clients, the banks have reconfirmed that they are indeed criminal enterprises.

And by condoning this latest appalling breach of banking standards, the Rule of Law, and of trust, President Obama, George Bush 41 and Mrs Barbara Bush et al are active participants in blocking the releases and in obstructing justice – a state of affairs that reflects a reckless degree of risk-taking arrogance that the Rest of the World has come to associate with the pariah nation called the United States of America, and which is liable to lead to a progressive degradation of international relations in the context of open economic warfare built on a substructure of the red-hot internal and external intelligence war which is in turn reflected in the irresponsible lies and diversionary reports churned out by notorious US controlled disinformation outlets.

The foregoing throws new light on why the Trustees were kept at the banks from Friday 1st May through to Monday 4th May, when, as previously reported, a shoot-out occurred, killing two Federal officers. These tensions erupted because instead of allowing the Trustees to access their funds in accordance with their fiduciary obligations, the corrupt banks blocked access and embarked upon another round of exotic financing operations using the money that was now sitting ON THEIR BOOKS as base. In other words, when the releases finally occurred, they ‘pulled another one’.

As noted above, they must have been told that they could proceed to break the law; and this clearance to act illegally could ONLY have come from the highest levels. But as we all know, compliance with an illegal order does not absolve the perpetrator from responsibility at all. The banks that are acting illegally and are obstructing justice are legally as well as criminally liable.

The episode involving one of the Air Force One planes over Manhattan on 27th April now turns out to have been far more serious than has hitherto been explained, and can be read several ways, including the possibility that it may reflect a deep schism in the bowels of the US official structures.

Although F-16s always take up the lock-on position at the tail of the target aircraft, it is also true that when the fighter aircraft is directly on the tail of a target plane, that is a military position for a shoot-down. If the F-16’s Stinger missile had been released, the US President’s aircraft would have been destroyed. (There were in fact two F-16s present),

If that assumption is correct, the reason for the extraordinary manoeuvres of the Air Force One may have been that the presidential plane had to fly close to the buildings where the warmth emitted from the windows could interfere with the Stinger missile, which is heat-seeking.

On this analysis, the presidential plane shown in the videos was being lined up to be shot down by one of the F-16s, which, by extrapolation may have been given actual instructions to destroy the presidential plane unless it returned to the Washington area. The intention had been for the plane to land at LaGuardia Airport.

Although President Obama was reported to be elsewhere in the country on 27th April, he is known to have a double, thought to be a brother, who is slightly darker but can be ‘touched up’ with the application of those careful make-up skills deployed by the specialists hired from Hollywood for this purpose (see earlier posting). According to an unconfirmed report, it is possible that the purpose of the flight of the plane from the Air Force One fleet was for Obama secretly to attend a meeting at Citibank at which George H. W. Bush Sr. was thought to be present. Any such meeting would have needed to take place at the bank.

In which case, to take this hypothesis to its logical conclusion, the interception of Air Force One by an armed and primed US F-16 which actually locked-on to the tail of the presidential plane ready to shoot the plane down if it did not conform with the F-16’s instructions, provides empirical evidence of something being seriously wrong at the heart of the US structures, of the order of a colossal breach between warring elements – all over the money, of course.

Even though F-16s always ‘tailgate’ like this in such circumstances, the F-16’s behaviour conforms to classic military manoeuvres, indicating at the very least here that the ‘PR pictures’ report was a spurious and feeble, albeit brazen, cover story.

There is probably a link, too, to the shoot-out that occurred in the morning of 27th April, after the country representatives had been abused all weekend long, as discussed in our report dated 29th April – again, over money, or rather the blocking of the Trustees’ access by the banks.

An alternative hypothesis would be that the episode had something to do with shoulder-mounted missiles, some of which are of Russian origin, that were reported to have been brought into New Jersey, home of the seething US component of the Russian mafiya, who ‘want to be paid’ like the Chicago elements as well. On 12th August 2008, 3 men were arrested, one at Newark and two in New York, on suspicion of seeking to procure missiles for launching against US airliners.

That the episode on 27th April may have been related to the known concern over shoulder-fired missiles sounds less far-fetched when we recall the incident earlier this year of the scheduled flight that landed in the Hudson River without loss of life. The videos show that the two engines were damaged in a manner that could not possibly have been achieved by a bird-strike – the story that was quickly peddled to cover up what actually happened – which may have been that the plane was immobilised by one or more shoulder-launched missiles. The video showed a black SUV racing along the side of the river as the plane ‘landed’ on the water. In other words, a message may have been sent by the Russian mafiya that they expect to be paid, or nastier things will start happening.

Sources who attended a very recent ‘conservative’ dinner meeting in Washington, DC, at which General John Singlaub, Ross Perot and General Petraeus were prominently on display, reported to us that a certain operative spent the dinner suddenly leaving the table to ‘conduct some business’, returning, vanishing again, and then finally disappearing altogether, during the event. On arrival at the dinner, the spook had brought a briefcase which he slid under the table where he was seated.

When, finally, this agitated individual left altogether and didn’t return, it was later found that his briefcase was still where he had left it under the table. Our sources advise that it was decided to open the briefcase. It contained nothing at all, with the exception of a bottle of liquid. Research reveals that the operative concerned is a distinguished US counterterrorism official and a sniper.

A retired US Army medical expert advises that our first-hand report from Mexico City [1st May 2009 posting] implied to her that the outbreak appeared to involve Weaponised Pneumonic Plague. The Merck Manual states that it has a 2-3-day incubation period, followed by the abrupt onset of high fever, chills, tachycardia, and often severe headache. Coughing, not prevalent initially, develops within 20 to 24 hours. Sputum is mucoid at first, rapidly shows red blood specks, and then becomes uniformly pink (blood). Most untreated patients die within 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.

The authoritative source elaborated:

‘The only way they could have done this would have been using the advance preparatory team that arrives before the POTUS. The team would never have been suspected. Mexico City is the perfect medium for this purpose, having a high concentration of people (over 20 million++), poverty, lousy sanitation and health, and the stagnant air pollution that overhangs the city. I would suspect that the advance prep team would also have been required to check out the top of all the highest and medium-sized buildings (for likely sniper positions). They would have used the tallest buildings and worked their way to street level in order to gain maximum saturation so as to obtain the highest kill ratio, given the dense smog and pollution and heavy population density. They would most probably have used the exhaust systems and would have placed aerosolised delivery systems within them – all set with timers, of course. They would have to have been present in order to release the plague. The entire presidential team would have been on antibiotics so as not to arouse anyone’.

‘Yersinia pestis (Bubonic Plague, or Black Death, which is still found in rodents in the southwestern United States): who would suspect it? It is not the ‘flu. The ‘flu that is (or was) spreading across the United States could simply be a cover. They should spread out and try to find the delivery systems. These people are murderous and very evil, and extremely stupid. They are not the sharpest tools in the shed. They have to find the delivery systems before these operatives attempt to retrieve them’.

‘Bubonic plague involves the lymph nodes and severe swelling, whereas pneumonic plague is a variant but does not involve the lymph nodes so it is usually misdiagnosed, and is very deadly’.

Marc S. Griswold, a former Secret Service agent who was serving as the lead advance special agent for the US Energy Secretary, Stephen Chu, during the trip to Mexico in mid-April, and who travelled with President Barack Obama on his visit, confirmed in early May that the minor cough he contracted in Mexico developed into Swine ‘Flu. The agent’s close family members are among nine probable cases that were reported on 1st May to have emerged in Maryland, Another was a World Bank official who had recently travelled to Mexico.

Although Griswold recovered and was reportedly back at work at the beginning of May, the agent said that his illness severely strained his relationship with his brother; while his daughter, who was not infected, had to endure stares and mean jokes as rumours spread through her school about her father’s rôle in bringing the first cases of Swine ‘Flu to the region. Close friends were refusing to talk to him, after it was realized that he had infected his nephew and other family members.

Of course the real explanation for these reactions was suspicion that Griswold may have been one of the agents involved in releasing what may have been a Weaponised Biowarfare Agent.

As previously reported, samples of agents went missing from the US Army Medical Command’s operation at Fort Detrick, MD. Specifically, on 22nd April, US Army criminal investigators were reported by The Frederick News-Post to be looking into the removal of disease samples from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. The investigators are from the US Army Criminal Investigation Unity at Fort Meade.

Fort Detrick (USAMRID) is the US Army’s leading biodefence laboratory, where researchers study pathogens, such as Ebola, anthrax and plague. In February, USAMRID halted all its research into these and other diseases, following discovery of virus samples that weren’t listed in its inventory.

The Institute’s Commander, Colonel John Skvorak, ordered the halting of research while experts conducted a complete inventory of the Institute’s agents, which was not yet complete in late April when this information first surfaced.

Evil operatives and holders of high office like Richard B. Cheney, who is certainly involved in the present situation, are known to continue operations with which they were involved while in office. They believe they are entitled to carry on seamlessly with whatever they were doing or controlling before. This is the origin of the adage that there is no such thing as a ‘former’ operative. Cheney is thought to have ‘split’ from the Bushes since leaving office,

In addition, these people are operatives first, and holders of high office second: so the reason that they carry on seamlessly with their ‘Black Ops’ is really that ‘this is what they do’.

It is clear that George Bush Sr. is/was capable of anything, including crimes against humanity: after all, he was personally responsible, for instance, for the deployment of chemical weapons against the civilian population of Halabja, Iraq, in 1992, a horrific and unrequited crime against humanity.

There is little doubt that the reason, or a key reason, why Bush Sr. and probably former President Clinton, who ‘works for’ or ‘worked for’ George H. W.Bush Sr., remained ‘untouched’ despite the immense crimes that they have committed, was that they have all along been blackmailing the US Government by letting it be known that if crossed, they would be prepared to adopt ‘exceptional measures’, not excluding crimes against humanity. If the US structures were influenced by this hideous blackmail, they failed to understand that the blackmailer is in a weaker position than the blackmailee – since once the blackmailer has used his ‘weapon’, he is powerless. Which may very well now be the case with Bush Sr., a man as evil and dangerous as Adolf Hitler (Schickelgruber).

The good news is that Bush Sr’s. dementia is proceeding rapidly. The bad news is that Mrs Barbara Bush is reported to be intermeddling in Bush Sr.’s Fraudulent Finance affairs. The further very bad news is that Jeb Bush has been wheeled in to carry on where Mr Bush Sr. may be on the verge of leaving off. A former employee at Jeb Bush’s private residence in Florida revealed some time ago that the Jeb Bush home was encased in an aura of satanic evil.

Wild reports from unprovenanced, anonymous US sources which cannot be trusted because the sources conceal their identities and co-ordinates, can be dismissed as consisting of the usual toxic mixture of fact and falsehood. As for the suggestion by an identified source that ‘Internet reports’ may contain disinformation, we object to being bracketed with cowards who post anonymously and therefore cannot be held accountable for what they publish.

And since the object of the exercise is to extract truth from the dense fog of disinformation and lies spewed out by the controlled outlets, it is inevitable that, from time to time, information may turn out to be unreliable. Few can avoid being deceived by these ‘Black Ops’ people sometimes.

But when other sources pick up our feeds, as has happened repeatedly recently, you can be reasonably sure that what we have reported first is accurate ‘to the best of our knowledge and belief’ at the time of reporting. Finally, on this subject, we do not read the anonymous sources.

On one issue reported to us as having been featured in such sources, we do have a constructive observation to make. It is known that much top-secret US military technology has been transferred, during and since the Clinton era, to the Chinese. The motivation for this TREASON, we suggest, is that since the United States (due to the corruption of its structures and top officials) could not pay the Chinese what was owed to them, high-tech US secrets in breach of US national security were handed over IN LIEU OF PAYMENT. This may have happened on several occasions, we suspect.

During the almost (typically) empty final plenary session of the European Parliament before the European ‘elections’ in June, the Editor’s friend, Ashley Mote, Independent MEP for Southeast England, attempted to sum up, in the one minute allotted for such speeches in the rubber-stamp European Soviet (sorry, ‘Parliament’), what he thinks of that deliberate travesty of democracy.

This is what he said to the European Soviet on 4th May 2009:

‘Over the last five years I have watched in horror the EU’s endless, scandalous, institutionalised looting of taxpayers’ money’.

‘I have watched in horror an already overcrowded UK being deluged by hundreds of thousands of uninvited foreign workers who arrived for their benefit and to claim our welfare’.

‘I have watched in close-up a legislative system which permits anonymous bureaucrats to generate so-called law without any regard for the damage they do to the British economy and businesses’.

‘I have watched in close-up this expensive, ineffectual talking shop of a ‘Parliament’ masquerading as an illusion of accountable democracy – a monstrous deceit on the electors who sent us here’.

‘President Gorbachëv was right (2). The EU is the old Soviet Union, dressed in Western clothes. One day you will realise that you cannot be masters in someone’ else’s house’.

As usual, the few socialists and ideological federalists waiting their turn to speak tried to shout Mr Mote down, without any intervention from the Chairman, of course.

In doing so, they indicated that, as usual, Mr Mote had struck a few nerves.


(1) The Directors of the named institutions were collated from the criminal enterprises’ websites on 6th May 2009. In each case, the name of the main institution is indicated only.

(2) This information reflects a comment made by Gorbachëv (real name Orbach, or Korbach) on a visit to London in March 2001.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.


It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. Some versions have a ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.



Sunday 26 April 2009 03:00

Updates are flagged in the ‘bullet point’ headings immediately below. A new report is pending…






See under 23rd April in the ‘diary’ section of this report: Stanford-related liquidation.









• UPDATE: 27TH APRIL: 9:00pm EST: IMPORTANT CLOSING POSTSCRIPT. NEW REPORT PENDING… See at foot of this report above the standard Legal Notes that the crooks disregard.

• Operating the $ Refunding from London without US Government participation delivers:

(1) Massive ongoing windfall tax accruals to the BRITISH Treasury given that all funds resident in the United Kingdom jurisdiction for 24 hours are taxable by the Inland Revenue. This makes the UK Refunding proposal of extreme interest to Her Majesty’s Government and the UK Treasury.

((2) Massive ongoing windfall benefits to the UNITED STATES Treasury given that it will also receive a cascade of tax accruals from this independent private sector Refunding Program.

(3) The necessary refinancing of the UK and US banking systems ON THE BOOKS with no input from either Government and NO CORRESPONDING DEBT CREATED IN THE BACKGROUND.

(4) GOOD (i.e., on-balance sheet, taxed) money which will CHASE OUT THE BAD MONEY that the crass US Fraudulent Finance concoction will generate.

• In mid-March we published: International Currency Review Volume 34, #2 on Systemic Fraudulent Finance and The Legalisation of Financial Corruption. Also published recently are issues of our titles The Latin American Times, Economic Intelligence Review, London Currency Report, Interest Rate Service and Arab-Asian Affairs.

• For details, see the second white panel on the Home Page.

• To subscribe to our intelligence services, see the catalogue under World Reports Limited.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice is comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the Internet Security Solution software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation are appended at the very foot of this report, below the legal data. See also the catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.

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By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review and associated intelligence publications and information services. See this site for details and ordering facility.

• CORRESPONDENCE TO THE EDITOR: We routinely, automatically DELETE all emails which OMIT any element of the requested coordinates. We are not prepared to deal with anonymous spooks and other cowards who are too scared to provide their coordinates, for identification.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review and associated intelligence publications and information services. See this site for details and ordering facility.

• CORRESPONDENCE TO THE EDITOR: We routinely, automatically DELETE all emails which OMIT any element of the requested coordinates. We are not prepared to deal with anonymous spooks and other cowards who are too scared to provide their coordinates, for identification.


Washington, DC:

In order to understand what we believe to have occurred with respect to ‘the Settlements’ as viewed from the Press Room here at the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, we will first summarise what sources reported to us from 8th April onwards.

Bear in mind that given the secretive nature of financial and banking transactions, and of the behind-the-scenes operations of international institutions, plus the constraints arising from the priorities of national and international law enforcement and limitations placed upon access by investigative journalists to uncomfortable information, we caution that what follows represents what has been reported to us in the course of our normal enquiries, and that it represents the truth ‘to the best of our knowledge and belief’.

• 8th April 2009: Michael Wise, the former Chairman of Silverado Savings and Loan, was reported by The Denver Post [on 14th April: note the huge time delay] to have jumped from the 9th Floor of a parking garage at Tampa International Airport. This information was reported by Henry Poage, of the Hillsborough Medical Examiner’s Office. According to this source, Mr Wise drove a rental car to the ninth floor of the short-term parking garage.

The Medical Examiner’s Office ‘ruled that the death was a suicide’, explaining that a security video shows Wise pacing, before stepping off the side and landing in a landscaped area with palm trees and some greenery, according to Tampa International Airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan. Wise was taken to hospital but died in the emergency room at 1:39pm. So we are to believe that a report which did not surface for a week after the event is accurate in all respects, even though if one were to be determined to commit suicide, hiring a car beforehand might be considered very odd, while surviving a nine-storey fall even into some greenery is highly improbable.

This ‘suicide’ must be considered in the context of the spate of Clintonesque murders that have been taking place, as the crooks try to ‘clean up the playground’ so that the massive unravelling of their financial criminality that is now in full swing will encounter as many ‘dead ends’ as possible. There are ‘connections’ with the death of Mr Wise that are believed to be spectacular.

• 15th April, 10:22 pm UK time: Notwithstanding that he is under indictment, George H. W. Bush Sr. was STILL attempting to move funds irregularly on this date, in response to which Euroclear was shut down so that anticipated or identified irregular financial movements would not take place. We speculated internally that this development might also be connected with a Chinese lien on funds.

• 17th April, 10:15pm UK time: It was reported to us that the Bush Crime Family had summoned a ‘top-level’ meeting in Texas, to which key co-conspirators with Bush Sr. and Dr Alan Greenspan, his chief trader, were invited. A significant number of Bush Sr.’s leading foreign co-conspiratorial assets who flew to Dallas or Houston for the meeting were reportedly apprehended at the airport. This meeting was believed to have been summoned because of the need to repatriate funds.

This is consistent with earlier reports of key parties falling below the radar. For instance, a Dallas-based broker-Trustee who had been in DIRECT and continuing touch with the Editor of this service for at least two and a half years, sending emails describing ‘imminent payment scenarios’ which were always disappointed, has not been heard from since 11th April 2009. On that date, he had commented very sensibly on the situation that seemed about to arise if the IMF had been minded to impede, on the instructions of the White House, the Editor’s press accreditation for the Spring Meetings. (This was the serious situation referenced in our reports dated 13th/14th April).

On 14th April 2009, the Editor sent emails to this contact, which bounced. Altogether, we sent nine emails spaced over a period of days, and they have all bounced. The return emails contain an NSA code which is intended to indicate that the contact was now prohibited from communicating with us. In other words, the ‘loop’ of information using us as the fulcrum had outlived its usefulness, and was closed down, implying some change or other in the overall situation.

This episode will be incorporated in a detailed but separate study on the innumerable deception techniques and operations to which the Editor has been subjected throughout these extensive investigations. More broadly, the closing down of this information ‘loop’, reaching straight back to Bush Sr., we have solid reason to believe, could be interpreted as a positive sign of progress.

Such techniques are used in intelligence to gauge how a particular deception is performing, and whether it should be continue or be modified. It was clearly felt that communicating with the Editor would facilitate the feedback that these people thought they needed, to see how far they could push their thievery. But following the G-20 meeting in the London area, the situation changed.

We should clarify here the earlier information about Greenspan’s latest arrest. It was specifically reported, and confirmed, that this crook had been arrested and was incarcerated for a 30-day period pending a hearing before a Magistrate Judge. It is possible that when our sources speak of ‘arrests’ at this level, what may actually be meant here is ‘apprehended’.

The fact that Greenspan reportedly delivered one or more speeches which overlapped the period of alleged incarceration is not material, as he has a speech-writing team and could have submitted papers before these events. However much one may dig around looking for further and better particulars, though, a veil is usually drawn over these arrests of such prominent operatives.

Neverethless, Dr Greenspoon, like Bush Sr., is reported to us to be under indictment. That’s what matters in view of what follows. In addition, following the G-20 jamboree, we received at least half a dozen reports of further extensive arrests, both in Europe and in North America.

• 21st April, 9.35pm UK time: It is reported that (a) ‘a lot more arrests’ have taken place during the day and possibly earlier, and that (b) George H. W. Bush Sr. and Greenspan intervened OPENLY to block settlement moves, apparently in the most brazen manner. The explanation given to us was that with Vice-President Biden in charge of the National Security Council, which tells the President of the United States what to do [see the preceding report], and Biden working with the Clintons who are close long-term collaborators (and simultaneously enemies) of the Bush Crime Nexus, Bush Sr. may assume that he remains inviolable, EVEN THOUGH HE IS UNDER INDICTMENT.

21st April: For the first time, the Editor learns that the International Monetary Fund has acquired a large volume of gold for smelting. (When the Fund acquires gold, it is smelted immediately). These reports, from impeccable sources, could not specify the SOURCE of the gold acquired by the Fund.

At the Spring Meetings, the Editor has attempted to ascertain the answer to this question, so far without success. Obviously, parallels with the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007 suggested themselves, but after consideration we did not suspect there had been any such repetition: those involved got a nasty shock when that theft was publicised by this service, and the gold had to be restored. So the issue remained, for the time being, up in the air. Nevertheless, the Editor formulated the following question, which he had intended to attempt to ask the Managing Director of the IMF (but unfortunately, again, at a Press Conference on Saturday, the IMF convenor appeared deliberately NOT to call the Editor of this service). The question would have been:

‘What is the source of the gold reportedly acquired and being smelted by the IMF, and are IMF tax-exempt accounts being used to hide diverted or stolen funds, or have they been used for these purposes in the past?’.

• 22nd April 2009: The Editor learns that David Kellermann, aged 41, the Chief Financial Officer of Freddie Mac, was found dead by his wife this morning. The news surfaced on the US broadcast media at about 9:30 am EST: so at least, compared with the Wise ‘suiciding’ that occurred on 8th April but was not reported by The Denver Post until 14th April, no attempt was made to hold back this sinister news. But everything else that surfaced (and has not yet been publicised in the so-called ‘mainstream’ media), is distinctly sinister. Thus:

• Mr Kellerman asked for protection (i.e. he’d been threatened) but received only very light cover.

• Mr Kellerman was sent home for two weeks. (Reason: they couldn’t ‘get at him’ while he was out and about so they needed him to be in a fixed location, our informants advised us at the time).

• Mr Kellerman shot himself and after he had shot himself he hanged himself [sic]. This is a feat which not even Houdini in all his glory could ever have achieved.

First, Kellerman was reported to have been found hanged. However special information received from reliable sources by this service indicates that the was SHOT FIRST, AND THEN HANGED.

Mrs Kellerman informed local media that her husband had committed suicide.

• As you can imagine, there is far more behind this hideous event than has surfaced. Indeed, the imperative to prevent Mr Kellerman testifying to what has been going on, which can conveniently be summarised as THE WHOLESALE STEALING OF ASSETS FOR COLLATERALISATION AND TRADING PURPOSES, would appear to have been so intense that he ‘had to be liquidated’.

In March 2009, Freddie Mac disclosed that it was being investigated by the US Attorney’s Office in Virginia, and had been supoenaed for documents related to accounting disclosure and corporate governance issues back to September 2008, which was precisely when, as previously advised, the $14.0 trillion of assets belonging to sovereign parties was placed into ‘lockdown’ (between 10th and 12th September), followed by the ‘triple gunshot threat’ left on the Editor’s voicemail and the warning that the Editor should be careful on his forthcoming visit to Washington for the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings in October 2008. Special protection was provided throughout that visit.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is also conducting an investigation into Freddie Mac, and has interviewed staff. A spokesman for Freddie Mac stated on 22nd April 2009 that the institution ‘knows of no connection between this personal tragedy and the ongoing regulatory enquiries’: which seems quite extraordinary, since what has so far been revealed is just the tip of the most immense iceberg in the Northern Hemisphere, we understand.

As indicated in the Update of 22nd April appended to our report dated 14th April, we are now in the Third Clinton Administration, with no checks and balances evident. The Clinton operatives have reverted to their usual form: liquidations. So far during the Spring Meetings, the Editor has heard no mention of the two ‘suicides’ referenced above, even though anyone who has not completely squashed their brains by sitting on them too hard must sense that these ‘Black’ developments are directly and specifically related to the headlong unravelling of the criminal finance Octopus.

• Note: Although the Clintons’ ill-gotten gains are believed to have been frozen (explaining why Bill is hardly rushing to the financial assistance of his CIA wife who has recently been described by another source as being more senior within the CIA than William Jefferson), they appear to have been attempting to use blackmail, the trade-off being ‘release our funds and we’ll cooperate’.

• 23rd April: We are informed that 147 key figures involved in the thefts and corruption have again been advised that they face indictment, and that NONE can rely on any prospect of immunity. This is the same number of indictments, or potential indictments, that were mooted back in 2007, but that went nowhere because of the usual high-level interference with law enforcement. However on this occasion, the information was accompanied by the following further elaboration:

• The 147 co-conspirators (including a large number of very well-known names) were told that if diverted funds were not ‘restored’ by close of business EST on Friday 24th April 2009, they would be arrested. We were separately advised that:

• Relevant law enforcement personnel (US Marshals) were IN PLACE ALL OVER WASHINGTON effective from 6.00pm on Friday 24th April, to effect the arrests. A large number of arrests was thought to be imminent, presumably if the stolen funds had not been ‘restored’.

• 23rd April: Hywel Jones, 55, a former Natwest banker, former prominent Director of the Bankers’ Association of the Bahamas and of the Bahamas Institute of Bankers, is shot in the back of the head by a sole gunman waiting in ambush outside the office of his offshore financial services company in Nassau, capital of the Bahamas. The ‘slim, dark male’ gunman escaped on a motorcycle.

On 25th April, Mr Jones, from Wales, was reported to be critically ill in a coma and was under police guard after having undergone emergency surgery.

It is believed that the bullet passed through his head. Mr Jones was arriving for work when he was shot. This is now thought to be a Stanford-connected liquidation. Recall that Stanford’s lone British accountant on Antigua, whose accounting contract with Stanford ended on 31st December 2008, died suddenly and mysteriously on New Year’s Day. There is speculation that Stanford International controlled some of the Japanese (Yamashita) gold.

There are no coincidences when imploding cascades of crimes unravel like this…

• 24th April: In the context of the US banks’ so-called ‘stress tests’, it has transpired that these institutions are now formally considered to be 100% liable for their off-balance sheet ‘assets’.

This ‘clarification’ has inevitably emerged because of the convoluted Geithner scheme whereby what are now suddenly being called ‘legacy assets’ are supposedly to be revalidated, following the devastating ‘shock’ delivered to the derivatives environment when interbank market liquidity, with the exception of drug money, dried up following the events of 10th-12th September 2008.

The problem that the designers of Geithner’s original scheme may not have factored in to their thinking in the rush to develop a formula which would enable the White House and its cronies to retain control of trading (according to the underlying thinking here) was that if those fraudulent assets are to be revalidated, the banks’ liabilities remain intact. (The same would apply even if, as we expect, Geithnerism collapses in ignominy, as there will be, as we predicted, few, if any ‘takers’ for repackaged ‘formerly toxic’ assets remarketed to restart the collapsed derivatives system).

Anyway, the upshot of this is that since the banks are liable for the fraudulent off-balance sheet assets, this means in practice that the off-balance sheet assets are in effect on-balance sheet! So this appears to be another case of shooting oneself and then hanging oneself afterwards.

But the situation has CHANGED during the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings as will be explained.

• 24th April: The Editor attends a Press Conference off the Press Room given by the Canadian Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Bank of Canada. The meeting was held in between sessions of the Group of Seven (G-7). The Editor was able to take the microphone, and asked why discussions at these meetings were focused on repairing a broken financial system by attempting to restore the integrity of ‘Structured Products’ (derivatives) which had been demonstrated to be worthless and fraudulent inter alia because there is NO RECOURSE to the underlying source of real money (e.g. from the original mortgagor).

• It was tantamount to repairing a collapsed building with faulty cement.

The Editor pointed out that the Bank of Canada (unspoken, of course: which was deeply involved in dodgy financial operations preceding this crisis) and the Ministry of Finance know perfectly well that derivatives assets are fraudulent. He concluded by mentioning that ‘there IS a straightforward solution: it’s called trading on the books’.

At this, the room erupted and the Governor commented: ‘I thought there’d be a question like this, which is why a representative from the G-7 is at this meeting’! The clear implication was that the Governor of the Bank of Canada knows all about the G-7-Approved private sector Dollar System Refunding Programme using sovereign LOAN funds referenced in earlier reports, which would reliquefy the banks ON THE BOOKS, deliver massive ongoing taxation accruals to the US Treasury (and to the British Treasury as this programme is to be run from London, and trading funds held within the UK financial jurisdiction for 24 hours are liable for UK tax).

However after these comments, the Governor reverted to his script consistently with the ‘line’ at these meetings, which is to avoid all references to Fraudulent Finance, Ponzi Schemes, criminal operations, diversion, the Bush Crime Family and stealing of funds, and the ransacking of private monies which these people know all about but which are taboo subjects in these refined circles.

• 24th April: The Editor is informed that key Trustees have been put ‘on standby’ for payment in the coming week, starting on Monday. This would be consistent with the requirement imposed on the 147 perpetrators for stolen and diverted funds to be ‘restored’ by close of business on 24th April. As of 9.00pm EST on Saturday evening in the Press Room, where this report was being prepared, the Editor had not received any information about arrests having taken place.

• FACT: What normally happens is that these sequences follow a standard pattern, and that when the payments are anticipated WITHOUT draconian action having been taken, as on this occasion (?), the payments are aborted. So, pending confirmation of remittances (which may well be quite hard to come by) it won’t be possible to tell whether this nightmare is indeed coming to an end.

• 25th April: HOWEVER, M. Dominique Strauss-Khan, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, told the media repeatedly on Saturday that ‘green shoots of recovery’ HAVE been detected and that the Fund’s view, thanks to substantial ‘progress’ which he says has been made at these meetings [see below], is that these will mature into signs of real recovery by around the third quarter, with tangible growth emerging in the first half of 2010.

This makes no sense whatsoever in view of facts such as that a further five million foreclosures are anticipated in the United States in due course, with obvious implications for unemployment and consumption, while losses sustained to date arising from the crisis are now estimated in the many trillions of dollars. The Editor learned at one meeting, held in the IMF Governors’ Board Room, that the total value of new development contracts worldwide that have actually been cancelled since September last year exceeds $1,600 billion. And given the unprecedented contractions in real Gross Domestic Product predicted for the key European countries and Britain, these assertions from the IMF’s Managing Director fly in the face of all available evidence, even though the British Chancellor of the Exchequer used similar language recently (and was ridiculed for his pains).

So what on earth could M. Strauss-Kahn have been talking about? Here’s the likely answer:

(1) That the International Monetary Fund has acquired a large volume of gold which went for smelting very recently, has been separately confirmed by several key sources.

(2) The Wall Street Journal reported on 25th April that China, Brazil and Russia are to purchase the IMF’s first-ever bond denominated in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). This is the IMF’s own unit of denomination, consisting of nothing but its name. It is backed by NOTHING WHATSOEVER. (Certain IMF statistics are denominated in SDRs, so that the poor analyst has to translate the numbers into dollars in order to get a ‘handle’ on what they mean).

• FACT: Assets denominated in SDRs will be as FRAUDULENT as the worthless ‘toxic’ derivatives with which we are familiar, since the SDR has no backing whatsoever and exists only in name. If, as we suspect, the intention is to launch this new SDR-denominated bond as a prelude to introducing a new generation of ‘asset’ which can be exploited along lines similar to the derivatives, the seeds have been sown for a NEW BUBBLE, which will implode just like the derivatives bubble.

And the IMF’s reputation and standing will be destroyed along with the SDR bond mountain that we believe is liable to take off as a consequence of this duplicitous ‘smoke and mirrors’ arrangement. The phrase ‘money laundering’ of course also springs readily to mind.

(3) Brazil is reported by The Wall Street Journal to be contributing up to $1.0 trillion which will be used to purchase these IMF Special Drawing Right-denominated bonds. BUT SEE BELOW…

(4) All of a sudden, the IMF has started signalling not only that ‘the worst may now be over’, but that global economic growth will be restored starting late this year and into 2010.

(5) China’s reserves of gold have risen very sharply, from around 600 tonnes, to over 1000 tonnes.

It will be recalled that China, having obtained lien power from the World Court, demanded that the United States pay debts owed to it following the expiry of the 70-year maturity period of historical debts which the United States had reneged on and which may have explained the stealing of The Queen’s gold that we exposed in 2007, an operation that had to be aborted after our exposure, and the consequent restoration of the gold to its rightful owner.

Very recently, the Chinese declined to accept US currency or Treasuries, and tensions rose to fever pitch when President Obama reportedly ‘refused’ a Chinese demand that the United States must pay China in gold, a state of affairs that reconfirmed that China has lost confidence in the US dollar. China demanded that its payment must be ‘guaranteed’: and the only guaranteed means of payment is in gold. We therefore believe that what has taken place is the following:

• The large volume of gold recently ‘acquired’ by the IMF and smelted as always happens when the Fund acquires gold, has been credited for the account of CHINA, fulfilling China’s requirement.

• To satisfy the other side of the balance sheet, Brazil, as noted above, will suddenly be funding the IMF to the colossal tune of $1.0 trillion. This is FAR MORE than Brazil owns, which is why not a lot has emerged about this deal (certainly, nothing on that score that the Editor has been able to pick up in the Press Room and at the various meetings he has so far attended). So where has this huge sum of money suddenly materialised from?

• Answer: From hidden Bush Crime Family diverted and stolen funds stashed in Brazil.

In other words, the corners of this ‘smoke and mirrors’ triangle consists of China, the IMF and Brazil. Which helps to explain a number of recent developments, viz:

• The appearance of President Obama at the recent Organization of American States (OAS) meeting in Mexico, although of course this was a pre-arranged forum. But these meetings are in fact the outer face of what goes on behind the scenes. Deals were being done below the radar (including drug-trafficking and laundering transactions) as is always the case on these occasions.

• The fanfare with which the G-20 was ‘relaunched’ in London on 2nd April, when the Brazilian President Lula was seen hobnobbing with Presidents and Royalty at Buckingham Palace. All of a sudden, Brazil is on the map, but NOT for the reasons commonly supposed. No. The reason Brazil has ‘risen’ in the hierarchy of nations is that the Brazilian Government appears to have been very diligent in cooperating to freeze and confiscate the Bush Crime Octopus’s ill-gotten funds which have been accumulated in Brazilian institutions.

Notwithstanding the accuracy of the foregoing (reconfirmed to us on Sunday afternoon), the new arrangements to get the White House off the hook and able to exploit trading as intended, seemed ALREADY TO BE COMING UNSTUCK ON SUNDAY. Two days earlier, the Brazilian Finance Minister attending the Spring Meetings, Guido Mantega, apparently dismissed the substance of the Fund’s proposed sale of bonds denominated in SDRs as ‘insufficient’ and ‘premature’. However this was not revealed until the 26th, implying that the Brazilians had woken up to the likelihood that they have been pressurised to provide the third side of the triangle against their better judgment.

Should the Brazilians demur (which seems likely), the situation will be completely out of control since one element of the surreptitious ‘smoke and mirrors’ gold and money laundering operation will have been completed without the corresponding, albeit fraudulent, matching transaction.

Mantega was also reported by Bloomberg (on Sunday) as having said that any contributions by the four largest developing nations would be ‘provisional’, pending reforms that would increase their say in the forum of the International Monetary Fund. Because the United States is now beholden to these countries, the US Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, said in a Treasury statement issued in the Press Room that he supports a ‘realignment’ of power in the Fund to reflect ‘the realities of the global economy’, along with a reduction of the number of IMF Board Members from 24 to 20.

That won’t please the Europeans, especially the British, one little bit.

The ‘Statement of the G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting’ dated 24th April carefully included a reference to the $1.0 trillion, in a sudden outbreak of ‘transparency’. Actually, what we observe is ‘candour’, which should NEVER be confused with TRUTH.

The text states:

‘We welcome progress being made in mobilizing temporary bilateral financing for the IMF; this financing will be rolled over into the IMF’s New Arrangements to Borrow, which in turn will be increased by up to $500 billion and see its membership expanded. We will work to implement the $250 billion general SDR allocation, as well as to use the additional resources from the IMF’s agreed gold sales to support the poorest, consistent with the IMF’s new income model. We are implementing the initiative to provide at least $250 billion in trade finance’.

• Total: $1.0 trillion.

The next paragraph begins: ‘We welcome the IMF’s introduction of new facilities, such as the Flexible Credit Line…’. This is to be another element of the new use that is to be made of SDRs, involving monthly credit extensions which could be construed as inflationary and will certainly underpin the intended exploitation of SDR-denominated bonds/assets that we detect.

It is further believed that our exposure of the Lombard Odier Swiss guaranteed insurance wrap arrangement which was to have been operated in conjunction with the known CIA operative or asset Warren Buffett, literally ‘blew’ that scheme, which may explain the apparent earlier intent of the White House and therefore the IMF not to respond to this Editor’s routine application for press accreditation for this Spring Meeting (which was in turn apparently ‘blown’ when we indicated that this would free up the Editor to criticise the IMF and the World Bank, which is quite hard to do if you are at the same time accepting their generous hospitality).

The present analysis criticises the arrangement that is identified here, but it should be borne in mind that the Fund jumps to the command of the White House, whatever may be alleged to the contrary. The World Bank is of course a creature of the White House, and is currently fronted by the rather competent but colourless CIA operative Mr Robert Zoellick. Listening to Robert Zoellick on Saturday, the Editor formed the view that he has a very good grasp of his responsibilities and brief.

Anyway, the point here is this:

• The IMF SDR bond arrangement, financed by disgorged Bush Crime Family money from Brazil, effectively REPLACES the Lombard Odier scheme which collapsed after we had exposed it.

• It is designed with White House approval (hence Lula’s recently publicised close association with President Obama) to provide the new platform which is to be used to launch the fresh generation of ‘assets’ which (we believe) will soon grow up ‘alongside’ revived ‘legacy assets’ until these have been ‘successfully’ transferred onto the US Treasury’s books, in exchange for the ‘new generation’ of exotic Treasury ‘legacy’ instruments’ with extremely long maturities, probably varying from 30 to 45 or even 50 years out into the future. But there will be no ‘legacy’, since the ‘Trashets’ exchanged for these exotic US Treasury instruments will have no value, just as the paper that replaces them will have no value (i.e. their backing will be spurious).

The idea that such trash will be ‘worth something worthwhile’ in 25 years’ time is deviant stupidity. Incidentally, Paul Volcker has told the President to his face that Mr Geithner’s arrangements are absolutely unacceptable and, by implication, fraudulent.

With the new IMF ‘Flexible Credit Line’ in place, the prospect and probable intention is for outside parties quickly to become involved as counterparties, so that the International Monetary Fund will henceforth become the central player in what we foresee to be a new generation of exotic funding which, as noted above, will be JUST AS FRAUDULENT AS DERIVATIVES given that Special Drawing Rights are backed by nothing at all, except the very favourable standing of the Fund, which will be destroyed when the Fund’s reputation collapses along with the prospective SDR bond bubble.

If this analysis is correct, China has been dealt with and the Geithner arrangements are in the process, as a direct result of developments during the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings and the transfer of the huge volume of gold to China which we think occurred on 24th April, of being given the kiss of life, having shown (as we predicted) every sign of being stillborn. With the IMF at the centre of the carousel, revival of the derivatives sector so that these false assets can at least be transferred progressively onto the Treasury’s books as described, may proceed, and Mr Geithner needn’t be fired immediately. Paul Volcker, who made a number of very sober comments at the seminar that the Editor attended on Saturday, won’t be amused, but he’s not at the White House.

In particular, Volcker will be chagrined that the SDR, backed by zilch, is to become the new asset of preference, exploitable as was never intended, without any discernible steps being taken to back it by anything except the existing air which sustains it. No doubt Paul Volcker will be having further words with the President on this score. The IMF’s credit lines will extend credit based on NOTHING. And Volcker will doubtless be pointing out that even though the Oval Office and the Treasury will be associated with the Fund in this venture, that doesn’t make what is being proposed any less fraudulent. It simply incorporates the International Monetary Fund as an institutional co-conspirator in the blatant perpetration of financial fraud against future generations of Americans.

And to use the unbacked SDR as the lynch-pin for the refunding of the whole world seems to us to be inviting a catastrophe which, despite all the waffle that the Editor has so far listened to at these Spring Meetings, will, once again, NOT BE ANTICIPATED.

Because as with Geithner Plan Number One, the Treasury will be accumulating vast quantities of completely unnecessary debt which could be avoided if it were to come to its senses and permit implementation within the United States of the G-7-Approved private sector Refunding Programme using the LOAN funds provided for the purpose but which had to be withdrawn effective from 29th January 2009 because President Obama broke his signed, formal undertakings on that score: and so far as the sovereign lenders were concerned, 19 months of glaring, in-your-face, US criminalist abuse of their funds was enough, thank you very much.

We have a distinct sense from all this that the exotic IMF arrangements outlined here represent compromises reached in order to astisfy the White House, rather than objective solutions that have been brought forward in order to meet the needs of the International Monetary Fund’s constituent government clients. This perspective is reinforced by the obvious fact that what is discussed for the consumption of the world’s press here is the front-facing information that is presented to the people, and which masks the sordid deals and trade-offs, that are reached behind the scenes.

This has been more obvious than usual this year, because on the several occasions when the Editor has so far been allowed to ask why he never hears words like Fraudulent Finance, Ponzi Schemes and criminal enterprise etc. mentioned, the point has been taken politely (for instance by the Governor of the Bank of Canada and also, separately, by the Finance Minister for Zambia) but then wholly dropped, with the rest of the answer focused on the ‘line’, which is all about how the Fund and the ‘rich’ countries are ‘responding’ to the crisis.

In other words, discussion of the criminal, fraudulent CAUSE of the calamity, and of the fact that this is a CRIMINAL FINANCE crisis first and foremost, rather than primarily a systemic crisis, is taboo.

And the reason for THAT is that the White House, CONTRARY to advice tendered by Paul Volcker, but of course influenced by the Clintons (for heaven’s sake) intends to reconstitute the carousel and the Fraudulent Finance operations, come what may. It is impervious to common sense. And its boss, the National Security Council, which controls the CIA controllers, tells Obama what to do.

Which leaves the Settlements, or some of them. Here we observe that the stimulus money that the President ‘fought for’ as though he was still fighting the election, HAS NOT MATERIALISED.

On 20th April, the Editor was informed that the US States were expecting to be paid stimulus funds that had been agreed upon, for them to finance infrastructure and other projects, as well as some welfare payments, and that the payments to the US States were due that week.

On 25th April, the Editor learned that Pennsylvania HAD TO BORROW $480 million, just to finance its immediate unemployment benefit obligations, subject to receipt of $18 billion pledged to it by the Federal Government, much of which is urgently need to fill an immense hole in its public employee pension arrangements, clearly implying that the payments to the US States had NOT taken place.

In some supermarket stores, there are hardly any customers. New York City diners that the Editor uses that were full of clientele even the last time he was in the United States in March, are almost empty much of the time. THE STIMULUS MONEY IS OR WAS, NOT AVAILABLE.

In the light of the foregoing developments (China out of the way and the White House having stitched up a variant of the Geithner Plan without in fact telling anyone), certain Settlements payments will probably now go ahead, and the States may finally get their delayed stimulus money.

Moreover the deliberate talking-up of the prospects for recovery late this year and into 2010 by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, in the face of quite appalling data and further shocks which can be seen lurking on the horizon, tells us that the Trustees who have been told to be on standby this time may actually find that they are paid and can ‘spend’ their funds.

We cannot enter into ANY second-guessing as to which categories of recipient may be paid, as it is not even certain that these deductions are solid (although as a first-hand, on-the-spot observer here in Washington, the Editor has a clear sense that they are). Quite apart from anything else, if there are any further problems, M. Strauss-Kahn is going to have egg all over his face in short order, so that any ambition he may harbour of succeeding M. Sarkozy will not be realised.

The IMF’s latest Financial Stability Report was not available from the printers but the Statistical Appendix was obtained. Table 4 shows that the notional value of derivatives contracts outstanding at end-June 2008, using Bank for International Settlements statistics adjusted for double-counting, stood at $683,725 billion, compared with $595,407 billion six months earlier.

Thus the notional value of these (actually worthless) ‘trashets’ rose by nearly $90 trillion ahead of the ‘lockdown’ of the $14.0 trillion in mid-September 2008 which occurred as the direct result of the advice we gave that the exploitation of the loan funds since 19th-20th June 2007 when they were first made available, was quite intolerable and should be made to cease by having the loan funds withdrawn. This advice was accepted. The rest is history.

As recently as the end of June 2006, the notional value of derivatives ‘assets’ outstanding, was $370,178 billion: so the volume doubled in the two years to mid-2008. Since the carousel stalled in mid-September 2008 (although compounding will have continued), the really interesting number will only surface into the public domain this time next year in the IMF data.

An IMF Working Paper which was the subject of the mentioned seminar, entitled ‘Financial Stability Frameworks and the Role of Central Banks: Lessons from the Crisis’, by Erlend Wlater Nier, shows quantified losses arising from the crisis attributed to banks in key European countries.

The figures shown are as follows: Banks in Italy, $2.4 billion; Netherlands, $12.1 billion; France, $25.1 billion; Belgium, $10.8 billion; Switzerland, $54.3 billion; United Kingdom, $61.3 billion; and Germany, $56.0 billion. It should be pointed out also that European banks are compliant with the Basel-II requirements monitored and brokered by the Bank for International Settlements.

Yet European banks (especially the big German and British banks) have accumulated even larger portfolios of rubbish fraudulent assets than even the US banks that we have described as criminal enterprises. How come, then, that the big US money center banks are not or have not been Basel-II compliant when some of the European banks which are in an even worse position, are compliant?

One could go on for ever identifying the stupidities and aberrations of these people, but we’ll close with some revealing information published in The Times, of London, very recently, in an instance of the ‘mainstream’ here doing a first-rate job. The report revealed that the British Treasury is paying vast fees, thought to have exceeded $150 million to date, to the very bankers whose ‘irresponsible’ behaviour has resulted inter alia in the British Government having to increase its indebtedness in the space of the year to come, by more than the entire volume of debt incurred by the Government of the United Kingdom since it first started borrowing from the Bank of England in 1692.

Specifically, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Citibank have all been hired at enormous cost as advisers to the Treasury, suggesting that the Treasury has lost control and basically had no idea what was going on in its own bailiwick. The Credit Suisse team is based at Canary Wharf, the new high-rise financial sector development to the East of the City of London, but decamps regularly to the Treasury. Its team consists of at least 20 people. The Deutsche Bank team of four experts in Fraudulent Finance includes an Irish dealmaker who advised Barclays on its failed bid for ABN Amro. Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank alone are believed to have scooped $100 million sterling equivalent between them, and separate fees are being shelled out to Citigroup, which had to be bailed out by the US authorities.

The impression to be gained from this exposure is that the British Treasury had no clue what was happening, and so was completely taken by surprise by the events of mid-September 2008 and their consequences: which probably explains why the British Treasury is staggered that a solution exists which has the capacity to reliquefy the banks without incurring any Treasury debt while at the same time delivering massive windfall tax accruals to the Exchequer.

• It’s called trading on the books.

As a general rule, when divisions arising at these international meetings are openly reported in the ‘mainstream’ media, the disagreements alluded to do not reflect the specific underlying tensions accurately. The cracks in the parched ground at the surface appear narrow, masking cavernous voids beneath. Such seems to be the outcome of the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings ending in Washington, DC, on Sunday, amid considerable dissension and acrimony.

Simply put, with at least $34 trillion having been stolen and diverted by the Bush Crime Nexus, nothing like the total has yet been recovered under Obama, who knew about this state of affairs long before the Inauguration, has had more than his first 100 days to impose his will on the grim situation and to remove all who have been standing in the way of the resolution, and has failed to deliver. Accordingly, the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings 2009 took place essentially in a financial vacuum. No mention whatever was made of these colossal thefts, and the Editor detected only one obscure hint of the criminal dimension – indicating with crystal clarity that the Fund operates in a virtual environment, the parameters of which are dictated (we know for a fact) by the White House.

For public consumption, the world’s press has got hold of the idea that the divisions between the financial powers that surfaced at the Spring Meetings concerned inter alia a failure to agree upon how to raise $500 billion in additional funding for the International Monetary Fund that was pledged at Gordon Brown’s G-20 jamboree at Canning Town, London, on 2nd April. It appears that over $300 billion has been ‘pledged’; but as we all know, ‘pledges’ and undertakings, following untold years of double-cross, lies and duplicity by the US Treasury, are devoid of all meaning. Deceit is catching, and, like pig flu, it’s become a worldwide epidemic. So far, no actual hard money (with the possible exception of a Japanese amount) has been forthcoming. It’s been all talk and very little action.

A second reported dispute that erupted during the Spring Meetings concerned the vexed issue of representation on the Board of the International Monetary Fund. Here, the open press reports, and the buzz in the Press Room, was that China, Brazil and India are throwing their new weight around by expressing reservations about their prospective and ASSUMED (by the United States and the IMF) participation in the exotic IMF funding arrangements described in part above, pending a full reform of their ‘quotas’ in the Bretton Woods institutions that represent their voting power, and an expansion of their status. The Times of London summed up the position, as perceived for public consumption, thus: ‘Along with other emerging market nations, China is reluctant to make bigger financial commitments in the IMF without being allowed a much greater part in decision-making at the Fund and its sister body the World Bank’.

Additionally, tensions emerged above the radar over attempts to persuade more countries to make one-off crisis contributions to the Fund’s resources, or to increase their existing commitments: the word ‘commitment’ in this unpleasant environment being meaningless: collectivisation is admired in theory by these brainwashed socialist ideologues, but resisted in actual practice when it comes to forking out hard cash. And really, since there’s a money famine, where’s the incentive?

And following years of the rampant, in-your-face corruption orchestrated by the Bush Crime Family (for DVD, Dachau) working hand-in-glove with his top criminal trader, Dr Alan Greenspan – with the Bush dimension of the DVD-controlled element of the CIA secretly financing the ‘Islamic Terror’ operation, while Greenspan, assisted these days, one suspects, by Rahm Emanuel, presides over the secret funding of the opposite dimension of the dialectic, namely the hardened Israeli Nazi war party – the whole world has been corrupted, and the dirty tricks and duplicity deployed by the US criminalist intelligence gangs are being replicated by other powers, notably the big emerging ones.

(Encouragingly, the new Israeli Government has just explicitly stated that it will not be so stupid as to attack Iran; but the underlying objective of getting the United States to do Israel’s dirty work in the Middle East, remains unchanged).

Some of the new ‘big players’, notably Brazil, still need training in how to recognise that they are being targeted by US ‘Black Arts’ operatives into making ‘commitments’ that they’ll come to regret. Thus, as soon as it became known (two days after the event) that the Brazilian Finance Minister, Guido Montaga, had expressed reservations (about the rôle assigned to Brazil as described in this report), we formed the impression that the Brazilians had got decidedly cold feet, having belatedly realised that they may have been dragooned into what will inevitably turn out to be a typical US ‘bait and switch’ stitch-up. If they have ‘twigged’ that they are being duped, they are learning fast.

Given the sophistication of routine US official duplicity, the rule these new powers should follow without deviation is: don’t make commitments or agree to anything with the Americans that you don’t feel comfortable with, which in practice means that you must have the ‘money in the bank’ before signing up for anything that Washington tries to stick to you. That may well mean not doing deals with these people at all, certainly not without a very long (Green)spoon.

In this connection, the ‘mainstream’ media got the entire dynamic back to front. Quoting the London Times one more time, ‘China, Brazil and India led developing nations in forcing through measures under which the IMF will sell bonds on world markets to raise additional funding as an alternative to some countries offering longer-term loans’.

In reality, the scheme to sell SDR-denominated bonds was concocted to complete the corrupt triangle described above under pressure from the White House which tells the IMF in general, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn in particular, what to do. And this White House is taking its instructions from Bush 41 and Greenspan. This information comes from impeccable sources.

• It is consistent with this Editor’s elaboration above that ‘developments’ at the Spring Meetings were driven by the imperatives laid down by the White House and NOT by the needs of the IMF’s constituent Governments. Which means that the IMF is PERVERTING ITS JOB.

Moreover since the basis of the putative arrangements is rotten, as described, it is NO SURPRISE that no sooner have they been deconstructed (by us), than they start to unravel. In this connection, not only have the Brazilians allowed their acute reservations and nervousness about being set up by the Americans to be known, but it has been specifically reported to us that the Chinese have been advised not to touch the IMF’s proposed SDR bonds with a thousand-foot bargepole.

Which of course probably means that the SDR-denominated bond scheme, like the Lombard Odier insurance-wrap scheme and the Geithner-Paulson-Obama operation on behalf of the ‘privileged’ to revalidate the moribund and dead derivatives sector so that the crooks can recover their currently unrealisable ‘value’, leaving future US generations holding the bag, won’t get off the ground either.

This postscript analysis is closing because the Editor is now suddenly in receipt of dramatic further information which will more conveniently be publicised in a separate report that is being started immediately. Thank you for your attention!


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.


It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. Some versions have a ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.



Friday 31 October 2008 04:01












By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review and associated intelligence publications and information services. See this site for details and ordering facility.

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system that assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program that devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. Some versions have a ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.

• INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW, Volume 33, #s 3 & 4, all 972 pages of it, is making waves all over the world. It contains a blow-by-blow deconstruction of this crisis via the Wantagate plus our further analyses: and everything published therein is now well and truly ON THE GLOBAL PUBLIC RECORD. Accordingly the whole world owns a detailed, damning account of the serial criminality of the Bush-Cheney-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ et al., which CANNOT BE EXPUNGED.

• INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW, Volume 34, #1, consisting of 400 pages, is ‘on machine’ and will be distributed worldwide in early November 2008. It tracks the fallout from our exposures of the criminality from mid-April to 6th October 2008, when the issue had to go to press. The Glossary that is published with The Cottrell Plan has been separated out and placed at the end of the issue, for long-term ease-of-reference purposes. The issue will be mailed to paid-up subscribers only.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Please Make a Donation to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations, which have turned the whole world upside down and have exposed the corruption which was intended to enable the geocriminalist syndicate to seize the wealth of the entire world. These people have finally been more or less completely stopped in their tracks as a consequence of these exposures. Your assistance will be sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money was not repaid and so has been stolen.

• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications.


• PRINT EDITIONS OF THE COTTRELL PLAN: Economic Intelligence Review, Volume 11, #s 9 & 10, published in July-August, was devoted almost entirely to The Cottrell Plan and to the extensive Glossary of financial market and related definitions, which explains where so many people have gone wrong. International Currency Review, Volume 34, #1, also contains The Cottrell Plan and the Glossary, placed at the end of this 400-page issue for long-term easy reference.

• Subscriptions by serious observers and analysts to our services may be placed via this website.


London, 30th October 2008: It can now be revealed that former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has ‘shopped’ the world-class financial criminals in order to avoid being arrested and sent to jail for the rest of his life. Fellow world-class criminal George W. Bush Jr. and his key White House staff were informed in the afternoon of 29th October that Blair had divulged EVERYTHING – identities of those involved and of bank accounts and coordinates – and that, accordingly, the present phase of the geocriminal gangland operation to hold the whole world to ransom has been DEFEATED.

Specifically, Blair, confronted with proof of his own involvement in these crimes, ‘rolled over’ on his comrades-in-crime and informed those tasked on the command of Her Majesty The Queen with procuring the Settlements releases and getting to the bottom of the global epidemic of gangland conspiracy to seize the assets of the whole world, that the following parties were engaged in these massive criminal operations:

• The German Pope and the Vatican Bank, headed by the former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Dr Hans Tietmeyer.

• Chancellor Angela Merkel [see preceding report].

• Dr Alan Greenspan [see most preceding reports].

• Deutsche Bank, the primary German bank/criminal enterprise working for DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau [see most preceding reports]), which in recent days has been identified as being in very severe trouble, with a huge ‘black hole’ in its falsified accounts.
The reason for the huge ‘black hole’ is identified in this report.

• FACT: Deutsche Bank finances the revolutionary mind-control operation which has severely subverted many strata of the official structures, the police, the banking sector, industry and local government cadres in the United Kingdom, calling itself Common Purpose. This operation was run out of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, formerly John Prescott, the revolting creature who was caught fornicating with his secretary in his office with the doors open so that his staff could hear what was going on. It is believed still to be run out of that office. It should be closed down.

• Hungary [details not yet available: but recall the prominent activity, partially exposed via this website, of ‘Baroness’ Eva Teleki, ‘former’ STASI [= Gestapo/DVD] operative interacting with the CIA [CIA-1, Frankfurt], whom this service fingered in 2006 as being thought to have financed the Underground and 7/7 bus explosion abominations in London using stolen funds].

Please refer also to our report dated 26th October 2008, specifically the segment on the ‘Wolfowitz moment’ problems facing the former French Finance Minister, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, current Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, in connection with his relationship with a Ms. Piroska Nagy, the Hungarian-born former senior official in the IMF’s Africa Department, who is now working for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London.

• It appears that this was a ‘honey trap’ operation that is now believed to have relevance in this context, similar to the ‘honey trap’ used against Wolfowitz.

• In addition, ‘Blair shopped lots of others’ according to our sources, providing comprehensive information on the personnel and banks involved, the illicit banking transactions, bank coordinates and related information which has provided the relevant authorities with a detailed picture of the global spider’s web of financial stealing, fraud and criminality, starting at the White House.

Following Blair’s capitulation when faced with the evidence of his crimes, we understand that a large number of bankers and others have likewise been ‘rolling over’ and providing a wealth of detailed information on the financial corruption to investigators, identifying colleagues and others involved in these scams and revealing banking coordinates and related pertinent information.

In other words, the pace of the unravelling has accelerated sharply since Blair capitulated, so that the ‘takedown’ of these corrupt snakes has, we believe, reached a ‘tipping point’ beyond which no cover-up is feasible. At the same time, this is a very dangerous environment given that, with their backs to the wall, the criminal cabal is tempted to take matters into its own hands in order to hold on to power, in order in turn to retain control of the funds they have stolen and generated.

Any such development would be considered a TERRORIST ACT against inter alia The Queen, given that her funds are held hostage in lockdown in the face of the cabal’s intransigence.

Powerful countries share the view that under Bush II, the United States became a bandit country, a pariah state buttressed by a corrupt Intelligence Power and bribed segments of the military class.

As a consequence of this long-awaited breakthrough due to the petrified Tony Blair divulging all these ‘Black’ secrets, what is known as ‘a paradigm shift’ has occurred, which will eventually result in the takedown of the entire global criminalist network and will most certainly deliver some of the most prominent organised criminal operatives, including those holding high office, to jail. Back-up for this ‘paradigm shift’ is being contributed by certain ongoing judicial processes that have been functioning in the background concerning which no information is known or can be divulged.

The findings from Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner John Yates’ heavily armed raids of the London ‘safety lock boxes’ had of course been made available to the appropriate authorities in this context [see our report dated 2nd June, et seq.].

A segment on the Blair connection was included in the draft of the Editor’s report dated the 26th October, but was removed ‘on request’, pending formal developments. Specifically, Mr Blair was to have been supoenaed to appear before a special House of Commons Committee, ostensibly to face questioning over some dirty business in 1997 (ELEVEN years ago) involving the dubious character Bernie Ecclestone, boss of Formula One, and Blair’s exemption of the sport from a ban on tobacco advertising after Ecclestone had given £1.0 million to the Labour Party.

However the real purpose of the hearing would have been to ambush Blair with evidence derived from the aforementioned sources concerning his massive corruption, a development that would have at once implicated the financial criminalism gang and the Bush-Clinton Crime spider’s web.

In order for such an ambush to be feasible, the UK House of Commons authorities would need a platform for its investigations, since they will only deal with matters that are very strictly relevant to parliamentary business, standards and procedures. This explains why the geriatric matter of Bernie Ecclestone was to have been used as the platform for this exposure operation.

Faced with this situation (the background to which had been discussed on open telephone lines, including in conversations featuring the Editor of this service), Blair decided that he had no option but finally to come clean. In such circumstances, a financial and war criminal caught like this MUST reveal EVERYTHING, because if he holds anything back, he will ‘go down’ anyway.

In this connection, we understand that there is considerable concern in several quarters that this crook has not yet (evidently) been arrested and indicted.

Before continuing with further details on the current situation, we need to elaborate further about the segment on Blair which had to be removed from our report dated 26th October 2008.

The Editor‘s intention had been to ‘hang’ this crucial component of the report on an article by Sue Cameron that appeared in The Financial Times of 15th October. Since then a number of ‘pointed’ articles on Blair and ‘his money’ have appeared in the UK ‘mainstream’ media, including an article in The Times on 29th October 2008 talking about £12 million accumulated by Mr Blair, which journalists seem to think of as a large sum of money.

In reality, some of the illicit funds received or handled by or via Blair were, AS WE REPORTED AGES AGO, placed with bank accounts in Abu Dhabi. Blair’s corrupt money, or some of it, may be held in the name of (a) family member(s) in the British Virgin Islands. Malaysia is also an issue.

However the 15th October 2008 article in The Financial Times dealt exclusively with the ‘Bernie Ecclestone’ dimension, i.e. with the platform that was to be used for the purpose of ambushing Blair: which was as far as the newspaper could go, assuming it possessed further information, as seemed probable given the first sentence of The Financial Times’ article, as well as other highly pointed references therein:

‘Is the prison cell beckoning for Tony Blair?’ the article began ominously. ‘A glance through my copy of Erskine May, the parliamentary procedure bible that dates back to 1832, suggests that the former Prime Minister’s future could be dire’. What COULD the author if this piece be talking about?

‘This tome is a page turner when it comes to “misleading the House”, “penal jurisdiction”. The rules could be crucial because Michael Martin, the Commons Speaker, has ordered an inquiry into claims that Blair “deliberately misled” Parliament’.

Let us pause here for a brief moment. Equipped with the kind of explosive indications, if not actual intelligence, alluded to above, the Speaker of the House of Commons would have been left with no option but to exercise his latent powers to call for an inquiry, even in respect of what superficially appears to be the ‘lesser’ matter of the Bernie Ecclestone issue: otherwise he, with knowledge of the monumental crimes in question, would of course become a co-conspirator and would be liable to be impeached or otherwise ‘dealt with’ himself.

The FT article continued, citing documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (implying intensive investigative activity along these lines by the London financial paper):

‘Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act reportedly show that he ordered Formula One to be exempted from a ban on tobacco advertising hours after he met the sport’s boss, Bernie Ecclestone, who had given £1 million to Labour. Mr Blair told Parliament the decision was not made right after the meeting’.

Erskine May says “the acceptance by any Member of either House of a bribe to influence him in his conduct… or of any fee, compensation or reward in connection with the promotion of or opposition to any bill, resolution, matter or thing submitted or intended to be submitted to the House or any committee thereof, is a breach of privilege. Members of the House who have been found guilty of such an offence have been expelled or committed”‘.

‘The word “committed” means the slammer (prison). Offenders committed by order of either House are either detained in one of HM prisons or in the custody of Black Rod or the Serjeant-at-Arms”‘.

‘The Commons can treat the making of a deliberately misleading statement as a contempt. Mr Blair must be hoping they do not. The rules also say (you will like this bit): “Those who are committed for contempt may not be admitted to bail”‘.

It should be understood that certain articles appear in the ‘mainstream’ media by deliberate design.

This was one such article. Reading between the pointed lines, and taking due account of such comments as ‘(you will like this bit)’ it is concluded that, contrary to appearances, The Financial Times may, in respect of at least this dimension of the crisis, be ‘up to speed’, or at least that the writer of this article was briefed by a faction of British intelligence.

To continue the narrative: It will be recalled that Gordon Brown and President Sarkozy had to rush to China for the EU-Asia meeting, as reported in our 26th October presentation (‘If it’s Friday 17th October, it‘s Camp David. If it‘s Friday 24th October, it’s Beijing’).

As a consequence of that meeting, Sarkozy is believed to have obtained access to a separate (and new) ‘piggy bank’ worth $4.0 trillion, according to a Bloomberg report which surfaced briefly, before the subject was never mentioned again.

• But the Asian markets appear to have known about this, accounting for the sudden 14-point rise on the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index and such related phenomena as the extraordinary spike of nearly 1,000 points on the destabilised Dow Jones Industrial Average on Tuesday 28th October.

But on Monday 27th October, after it had been made evident to ‘the interested’ that the Settlement releases were to have started before midnight Paris time on the Sunday 26th October, M. Sarkozy‘s advisers identified gross irregularities associated with the fact that colossal sums of money had been removed from where they should have been (almost certainly accounting for subsequent reports of an immense ‘black hole’ within the DVD‘s criminal enterprise, Deutsche Bank).

Against this background, it can be revealed that behind-the-scenes tensions at the heart of the fragile and artificial New World Order Collective known as the European Union have risen sharply since we first reported on Sunday 26th October that the President of the European Union, Nicolas Sarkozy, was refusing to take calls from the White House and from President Bush’s aides.

According to our sources, Sarkozy blocked all calls from Bush 43 and his staff throughout Monday 27th October 2008, the day when these reportedly colossal irregularities were identified.

It was separately reported to us that the President of the United States worked himself up into a frenzy of anger, and that he was being verbally ‘beaten up’ by the malevolent forces inside and outside the US structures that have been seeking to block the Settlements in perpetuity – starting with his furious father, who has been complaining that his son ‘dropped the ball’ when he gave M. Sarkozy the power he needed at Camp David on 18th October to mastermind and to complete the Settlements payouts, for fear that President Sarkozy would arrest his father’s 26 most prominent Europe-based criminalist collaborators.

The waves of arrests reported earlier have therefore continued on both sides of the Atlantic, as more and more ‘sleepers’ working for Bush Sr. (and therefore the DVD) are picked up by Interpol, MI6, special agents and other law enforcement cadres, working in collaboration with the special representatives of The Queen, the Saudi Prince and the wronged Chinese authorities.

We speculate that, unable to reach the French President, therefore, Bush 43 called his corrupt client, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and used his blackmail powers against her to ‘require’ her to block the Settlements on his behalf and on behalf of his angry father.

He demanded his father’s pound of flesh. As previously reported, Merkel has been bribed by Bush 41 for the past four years, in exchange for which she was required to ‘look after’ his holdings of stolen, untaxed and otherwise illicit cash in accounts held at Germany’s largest financial institution.

After President Sarkozy called Chancellor Merkel on 18th October, as described in our report dated 26th October, and warned her against blocking the Settlements contrary to his ‘instructions’, Frau Merkel responded with arrogant disdain, and proceeded to do just the opposite of what M. Sarkozy required her to do – i.e., she ensured that at least two attempts at completing the Settlements were blocked (on Sunday night and Monday night, following the return of the leaders from the Beijing EU-Asia summit meeting. However the discovery of the immense ‘irregularities’ on Monday may have been the reason for the releases failing on that date).

• Actually, it is believed that Merkel immediately ordered Deutsche Bank to transfer the Bush Sr. funds over which she was de facto custodian, to (see below) the supposedly ‘safe hands’ of her fellow wily hun, Dr Hans Tietmeyer, head of the Vatican Bank, former President of the Bundesbank.

As previously reported, Sarkozy is under extreme pressure from the furious Heads of State and Government of the other 26 EU ‘Member States’ (excluding Germany) to procure the Settlements, having been given a deadline of 20 days in which to fulfill this requirement: or he will be removed from office, they say (or said, prior to the discovery of the ‘irregularities’, and Blair’s confession, which of course has ‘changed everything’).

Enquiries as to whether this threat is ‘reliable’ have been met by several of our sources with a vehement insistence that the other EU Governments mean what they say.

The overall situation by Tuesday 28th October was therefore as follows:

(1) President Sarkozy’s intelligence services and aides had discovered gross irregularities while attempting to effect the Settlements on 26th/27th October.

(2) Sarkozy was refusing to answer desperate phone calls from the White House, given that Bush 43 had realised he had lost control andhis father could no longer micro-manage the deception.

(3) Sarkozy had cornered Chancellor Merkel and found her to be defiant, arrogant, rude and non-cooperative, so that a massive split had opened up at the core of ‘Europe’ (see below).

(4) Former Prime Minister Blair, who had been cornered thanks to a combination of evidence from the lock boxes and ‘background’ judicial process, and faced the prospect of being ambushed by the enquiry ordered by the Speaker of the House of Commons, Michael Martin, had meanwhile decided that he had no option but to do what didn’t come naturally, viz. to ‘come clean’, spilling the beans on an unprecedented scale, so that the spider’s web of financial corruption has collapsed.

To describe this as a cataclysmic disaster for the ‘criminal classes’ would be like saying that Hitler was basically a good man beneath a misleading exterior. The weight of evidence delivered as a consequence of the raids on the ‘safety lock boxes’, holding the stolen and other collateral and assets used to underpin the use of Britain as the ‘Master Platform’ for the financial corruption [see report dated 26th October] was bad enough.

But for Blair – a central criminalist operative ‘player’ in this Grandfather of all Financial Scandals, the biggest financial scandal in world history, who knows where the bodies are buried – to have fessed up to everything he knows to the special investigators who are looking into these ongoing terrorist acts committed against Her Majesty The Queen, is way beyond beyond what the arrogant criminal gangsters could ever have imagined in their worst cocaine-delusional dreams.

As noted above, the Bush 43 White House was advised of what information Blair has divulged, during the afternoon of 29th October. As a consequence of all this, matters are now completely out of the hands of the criminals, and people like the notorious veteran criminalist operative Mr Henry M. ‘Paulson’, ‘Treasury Secretary’, Michael Chertoff and many well-known names on the decadent Washington, D.C. scene, now have their hands tied as never before, as the situation unravels.

This, by the way, is perhaps the place to reveal a further piece of the unravelling process. We now understand that John Snow, the former US Treasury Secretary, and Dr Alan Greenspan, were both ARRESTED in 2006 after they had stolen $5.0 trillion. They were then PARDONED by the criminalist occupant of this White House. This information has been supplied by a source located very deep inside the relevant US structures.

It illuminates the quite extraordinary double-deception that ensued when the Editor of this service, having parted with his own loan funds of $35,000, campaigned for the proper disposition of the $4.5 trillion brought over from the People‘s Bank of China in May 2006 [see Archive for details].

Why was the Editor able to continue the damning reports in question?

Here is the proximate answer to that question:

• Because they served, perfectly, the purposes of the Bush Crime Family – redirecting attention to the apparent misapplication of the $4.5 trillion by Paulson, and his conflict-of-interest in retaining sole signatory power over the funds – and AWAY from the fact that Messrs Snow and Greenspan had stolen $5.0 trillion, within which the $4.5 trillion resided, had been arrested, and then pardoned by the criminal President of the United States.

• The Editor never understood why he was ‘left alone’ during those months: now he does.

• It should be understood that our straightforward policy all along has been to ‘walk in a straight line’, which disconcerts and eventually destabilises all the surrounding and ongoing deception operations, in accordance with Story‘s Third Law: ‘Sooner or later, all covers and operations are blown’. The reason deception can typically be exposed by this very straightforward method is that manipulation of the messenger eventually falls foul of the demands of hidden deception strategy, especially when the time comes to make a tactical or a strategic change.

• Therefore, by ‘hanging in there’ for long enough, the deception operations in question eventually become unhinged, which is what has occurred in this classic case.

• BECAUSE, when the LOAN funds from HM The Queen and Prince Al-Aweed al-Talal were made available in June 2007, it became ‘hazardous’ for this ‘line’ to be allowed to continue. See previous reports to enable you to reach your own conclusions on this score.
[The Editor will not respond to related questions].

Against this background, Gordon Brown arrived in Paris, as noted, on Tuesday the 28th October. Whereupon Chancellor Merkel was confronted with the disturbing news that the former UK Prime Minister, Blair, had ‘rolled over’ on her, as well as on other corrupt figures such as the Pope (who is NOT the Vicar of Christ, but the lackey of His opposite; here is the contemporary proof: see the Editor‘s work ‘The New Underworld Order‘ for further and better particulars).

This time, Merkel changed her tune, since Brown and Sarkozy possessed all the evidence and information they needed, arising from the lethal combination of the ‘safety lock box’ disclosures, the judicial processes in the background, the information in the hands of the Speaker of the House of Commons, and the devastating confession of Britain’s criminal former Prime Minister, who has probably lost everything in the process, but may have just managed to escape jail (uncertain).

Instead, this duplicitous German Frau BLAMED Deutsche Bank, which has alienated vast funds, inter alia to the corrupt Vatican Bank, under the control of the former President of the Bundesbank, Dr Hans Tietmeyer, who faithfully serves his German False Priest Master (standing in the room of Christ and thereby blocking the faithful from access to Jesus), and the DVD, Dachau, by this means.

• She had the brazen chutzpah to blame Deutsche Bank when SHE HERSELF had exercised her powers to order Deustche Bank to send Bush Sr.’s secret corrupt funds to the Vatican Bank!

Naturally, Brown and Sarkozy were having none of this. Chancellor Merkel has been severely cut down to size, with unconfirmed rumours that both she and the Pope were arrested: there can be no point in speculating further about this, because at these stratospheric levels, such ‘arrests’ may often be ‘momentary’ affairs and are NEVER reported to the ‘mainstream’ unless such a report is deemed necessary by the controlling intelligence cadres involved.

After what appears to have been a joint confrontation with Frau Merkel, Brown and Sarkozy made arrangements to travel to the Middle East, armed with the ‘hot’ banking coordinates and details supplied via Blair’s confession, stopping we believe in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh, and then back to China, where they will either be serving arrest warrants and demands for execution on behalf of The Queen, ordering the immediate repatriation of funds, or both of the above.

It should be added here that, for the time being, pre-Settlement, the Rule of Law and the ongoing strategic and tactical deception activities are IN ALIGNMENT. However AFTER the Settlement, it should NOT be assumed that this will remain the case. After all, M. Sarkozy’s half-brother, Olivier (Oliver in the United States), is a Director of the Carlyle Group, a candidate for being described as the head (if not the heart) of the Octopus, and G. Bush Sr.’s slush fund operation, which is involved in intelligence, industrial and military operations on a huge scale (even though we were advised some time ago that it had been forced to close down its trading platform operations).

In other words, right now, it is in M. Sarkozy’s interests to be pressing RUTHLESSLY for the re-establishment of the Rule of Law in the lawless intergovernmental sphere.

And make no mistake: as his underworld face reveals, this man is indeed RUTHLESS. The position, so far as he is concerned, is: either people cooperate, OR THEY GET KILLED. That’s the way it is.

But AFTERWARDS, when DARKozy emerges covered in glory, it will probably be a different matter. So relaxation after the Settlements would be a VERY BAD IDEA. Remember: the modus operandi is duplicity and open-ended DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS.

This overall situation is dynamite, threatening to smash the European Union at its very core, given that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and illustrating the following:

• When it comes to money, the rats don’t just bite each other, they engage in bitter and ruthless, ongoing warfare inside their filthy sack.

• Chancellor Merkel was, until cornered, even prepared to allow the EU pan-German construct, the plaything of generations of the pan-German secret continuing Nazi élite, to be smashed up rather than to concede what has to be done to complete the Settlements, just in order to protect Bush Sr., who blackmails her, and to cover up her own crimes.

This of course is ironic in the extreme in view of the our elaboration here that:

• Merkel was being being bribed, and now blackmailed, by the Bush Crime Family to block the Settlements, thereby threatening to pull the European Union apart – given Sarkozy’s obligation to procure the payout, so that the EU political hegemony mechanism established by the Nazis’ long-range strategic Continuum, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, the extension of the Nazi Abwehr (counterintelligence) and the contemporary manifestation of the Nazis’ Madrid-based postwar German Geopolitical Centre, is in immediate jeopardy and could very easily be destroyed by the rivalry and vituperative hatred that has erupted between Sarkozy and Frau Merkel over the German Chancellor’s intransigence in blocking the Settlements.

• Since George Bush Sr. has represented and basically controlled the operations of the DVD, Dachau, in the Western Hemisphere for decades, ever since he replaced the ageing Admiral Canaris (Samuel Randall Pittman) after the DVD ‘seat’ had been kept warm for him in 1974-76 by triple agent Dr Henry Kissinger, we now have the amusing spectacle of the controller of the EU long-range strategic deception programme engaged in a de facto sabotage operation against his clandestine German colleagues’ sacred project.

• FACTS: Kissinger persuaded President Ford to sack William Colby (who was later ‘suicided’ while boating on the Potomac River) as Director of Central Intelligence and to instal instead George H. W. Bush Sr., of German extraction, who has been positively identified as the long-term supremo of the DVD, concentrating on the destruction of ‘the Main Enemy’, Britain and America, in revenge for Germany’s terrible defeats in two Illuminati World Wars.

• It will be recalled that when the Editor of this service identified Eva Teleki and Marc Rich (a.k.a. Hans Brand) in a transatlantic telephone call in 2006 as DVD operatives, and fingered the DVD as the central enemy of ‘the Main Enemy’, there were THREE SEPARATE GASPS from the assorted eavesdroppers during the telephone call in question.

• Canaris (Samuel Randall Pittman) made his North American HQ in Oklahoma City. The Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, blown up during the era of President Clinton, an operative ‘working for’ George Bush Sr., was the location of the files on the German and Zionazi penetration operatives buried inside the US intelligence community and elsewhere within the US structures.

What all this has demonstrated is that Bush Sr., and his maddened son, have been prepared to sacrifice the product of 7+ decades of surreptitious long-range strategic European hegemony operations by the heirs of the Nazis’ Abwehr which Bush Sr. has spent his life promoting (as an unchecked traitor to the United States and the American people), all in order to retain control over the Bush Crime Family’s illicit hoard of stolen and scammed funds and assets, a good proportion of which was being guarded by Chancellor Angela Merkel, bribed by Mr Bush Sr. for the purpose.

Put another way, the Bush Crime Family was quite prepared to smash up the European Union in order to hold on to its illicit funds in accounts that Merkel had not frozen in Germany (and probably Switzerland as well, given that arrests have been reported from both countries, as noted in the preceding report). Arrests have also just been reported from London.

As indicated, we speculate that when Chancellor Angela Merkel realised that we had exposed her operation and her links with Bush Sr., and that these links were proven by the ‘lock box’ evidence and Tony Blair’s confession, she ordered Deutsche Bank to transfer Bush Sr.’s illicit funds, which were doubtless propping up Deutsche Bank, to inter alia the now German-controlled Vatican Bank, where she imagined, given that the Vatican is an ‘offshore state’ located in the centre of Rome, that they would be safe and from where they could not possibly be extracted.

Unfortunately for Frau Merkel, she failed to reckon with the fact that her duplicity and her bovine stupidity had meanwhile been uncovered as a consequence of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s comprehensive confession, in exchange for which he was not arrested on the spot and may (although this is very far from certain) avoid spending the rest of his life at Her Majesty‘s Pleasure.

As for the Pope, we would expect that he will be the first Pope in history to resign in disgrace.

Since the parasitical European Union Collective is a massive albatross around the necks of the British, and is hated almost everywhere, an E.U. ‘train wreck’ would be greeted (other than among the Great Brainwashed) with unfettered joy and laughter: and a good day would be had by all.

Furthermore, not a single Europhile pundit has ever considered the possibility that there might come a time when the two conspiring central ‘builders of Europe’, France and Germany, might cease their cohabitation and start throwing pillows at each other, followed by chucking furniture around the bedroom and breaking all the ornaments on the mantelpiece.

But that is precisely what we see through the keyhole as we snoop into their fetid bedroom to find out what is going on. Mind you, the hotel staff have all heard the crashing of the furniture and the splintering of the ornaments on the mantelpiece, and have just called the police, in the guise of Inspector Gordon Brown, who had rushed yet again to Paris on 28th October 2008, probably after learning that Blair had ‘shopped’ everyone and in order to find out what had been going on the other side of the Channel. Here, on the face of it, was the answer to that question:

• Frau Merkel, who had told Sarkozy ‘you’re full of …’, when told by the EU President that he had the power to have her arrested, had initially become so angry with President N. Sarkozy that she would’nt speak to him. After all, the ruthless Sarkozy had hardly minced his words, as we reported on 26th October. But this arrogant German Frau had other ideas…

• In blocking the Settlements (and ordering Deutsche Bank to remove tell-tale funds to the Vatican Bank), Frau Merkel, especially given that she was warned not to do any of this by the President of the European Union, was of course engaged in a wilful act of terrorism (as defined by the EU’s own legislation) against The Queen: so she placed herself indeed in grave danger of being arrested, since the EU legislation, funnily enough, is no respecter of persons.

• So it has fallen to Inspector Gordon Brown to act as intermediary to smooth things over, a task to which he is eminently unsuited.

• In an extraordinary twist, Chancellor Merkel was originally scheduled to appear in London on Thursday 30th October, where she was to meet Brown, who initially appeared to be cast in the rôle of go-between, until the Tony Blair confession changed everything for the much worse, so far as Chancellor Merkel was concerned.

Although logic would suggest that there wouldn’t have been much point in Merkel visiting London given the background, The Financial Times of Friday 31st October displayed a staged photograph of Brown embracing Chancellor Merkel on the steps of Number Ten Downing Street, illustrating once again that images of these people frequently belie the reality (another manifestation of the familiar scourge of dualism and double-mindedness).

After all, according to our information, matters have been wrenched well and truly out of the hands of the criminal gangsters, of which she is one, who have all completely lost control of the situation. The staged picture of Brown embracing Frau Merkel suggests, however, that Mr Brown really has been tasked with acting as intermediary. Brown and M. Sarkozy have to travel to the Middle East and China next, doubtless accompanied by a cadre of special ‘retired’ MI6 and Interpol agents, and equipped with appropriate documentation, no doubt, also from the World Court/ICJ.

It may be assumed that the staged picture on the front page of The Financial Times is to be taken, by ‘the interested’, as a clear signal that an accommodation and resolution of these matters is to be expected. As an alternative to the breakup of the European Union, that seems unavoidable.

Brown, of course, remains under intense pressure from Her Majesty the Queen to procure the Settlements, given that her LOAN funds plus those of Prince Al-Aweed Al-Talal (the $6.2 trillion) and the LOAN funds of $7.8 trillion provided by the Chinese parties, for the total of $14.0 trillion, were being held hostage as a consequence of Chancellor Merkel’s intransigence on behalf of Bush Sr., and because she is bribed and blackmailed by the Bush Crime Family as described.

Need we repeat that this is unquestionably the biggest ongoing financial corruption scandal in world history, with the potential to wreak absolute havoc with the entire structure of civilisation and to plunge the world into open warfare. The upside here, however, is that this corruption is being systematically exposed, will continue to be systematically exposed, and that the criminal cadres have lost control, with matters having been taken completely out of their hands.

This accounts for the fact that President George Bush Jr. was reported to us to be beside himself on Sunday and Monday 26th-27th October, when M. Sarkozy was refusing to take his calls.

• Imagine, therefore, how much madder he must have been after he was advised in the afternoon of Wednesday 29th October 2008 of chapter and verse concerning the damning details that Mr Blair had finally disgorged, as described above. One imagines that the US President may have needed restraining by means of a straightjacket.

As previously reported, the $14.0 trillion Settlement funds are supposedly still held in LOCKDOWN with the custodial group accounts at large US financial institutions, following the measures taken in September to put a drastic stop to this nonsense by The Queen, in cooperation with the Prince and the Chinese parties. This statement must now assume (because we have no further information) that they have not, DESPITE THE LOCKDOWN, been compromised and subjected to removal, and that they are not co-mingled with the funds alienated on Merkel’s orders from Deutsche Bank.

• The loaned funds were originally transferred from Britain, Europe and China to the US Treasury custodial group accounts specifically to finance the ‘real money’ restitution payments payable in US dollars under the hijacked Settlements.

When the LOCKDOWN orders and constraints were imposed, the $14.0 trillion could, on the face of it (but see above) no longer be exploited illegally as base to sustain the financing of the carousel which was keeping both the stock market and many huge institutions afloat: so the crash started in earnest in mid-September, as a consequence.

Imposition of the LOCKDOWN orders with respect to the said LOAN funds had become absolutely necessary in order to signal to the criminalist cadres that further interference and blocking tactics would have the most drastic consequences. And so it has turned out.

Looking back, it is self-evident that the moment that Sarkozy had escaped from Camp David on 18th October armed with the documents signed by Bush 43 that M. Sarkozy needed (to be reinforced by World Court papers obtained on the following Monday, 20th October), the United States’ Leninist President, George W. Bush Jr., changed his mind, as usual.

• But it was too late. He was then verbally ‘beaten up’ by his father and other malevolent forces and was already hurting badly enough, well before the news and detail of the Blair ‘confession’ hit the White House in the afternoon of 29th October.

And Sarkozy couldn’t have cared less, which was why he wasn’t answering the telephone. As for Gordon Brown, he had exited Camp David abruptly, we were told, or else was given the boot by 43, as neither man can stand being in the presence of the other.

So now, by late October, the European performance of this Punch and Judy Show had reached the battering stage. Punch (Sarkozy) had landed several massive blows onto the nose of Judy (Merkel), who responded by sulking in a corner and refusing to play any more. Up popped the Joker (Brown), who darted backy forthy between Punch and Judy, winding up bashing Judy on the cranium so that she has disappeared below the floor boards.

To deploy one last metaphor here: Merkel stood in front of the Settlements train careering towards her at 100mph, thinking she could order it to stop, only to discover too late that she was mistaken.

New telephone hot lines will probably need to be installed at Number 10 Downing Street, the Elysée Palace and the German Chancellery, since the wires are believed to be overheating as these three representatives of the Illuminati insult each other in a lethal fight that allows of NO COMPROMISE.

This explains why Frau Merkel’s behaviour is beyond irrational. Of course, she is cornered: for not only had she been taking bribes from Bush Sr., but as a consequence, the filthy Bush Crime snakes were preparing to deploy certain assets based in Germany (CIA-1, Frankfurt) to blackmail the lady.

Because of her unenviable situation, this one-time Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at East Berlin’s Marx-Lenin University faced the choice of caving in, or risking the destruction of the ‘indelible’ ties linking France and Germany in perpetuity.

She chose the path of destruction, ordering Deutsche Bank to remove Bush Sr.’s corrupt funds (which she needed out of the way anyway, to hide the evidence) and then, when confronted with damning evidence obtained inter alia from Blair’s ‘confession’, blaming Deutsche Bank for the chaos, on the assumption that it wouldn‘t become known that she herself, as custodian of Bush Sr.’s illicit funds in Germany, had instructed Deutsche Bank (presumably as she has Bush Sr.’s Power of Attorney) that the funds be transferred into the ‘safe hands’ of her fellow DVD agent, Dr Hans Tietmeyer, former President of Deutsche Bundesbank, appointed to head that notoriously corrupt institution, the Vatican Bank, by the German Pope.

• The ‘black hole’ reportedly ‘discovered’ on Monday 27th October at Deutsche Bank appears to have been related to this sequence of events.

Recall that the ‘indelible’ ties between France and Germany were cemented by the Treaty of the Elysée of 23rd January 1963, signed by German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, the Hitler-era Mayor of Cologne, and close friend of Hitler’s favourite bankers, Drs. Abs and Pferdmenges, and French President Charles de Gaulle. The Treaty, which has no expiry date, requires the parties to reach ‘an analogous position’ in respect of ALL international issues of common concern, and to coordinate their positions at all international meetings, in perpetuity.

Since President Sarkozy informed Chancellor Merkel on 18th October 2008 that he has the power to have her arrested forthwith, implying that the European Presidency is more powerful, by an order of magnitude, than the Chancellor of Germany, this stance manifestly threatened to blow the Treaty of the Elysée apart, WITHOUT RECOURSE.

• And if France and Germany fall out, the main hydraulic jack that holds up the roof of the rotten European Commission and the European Union Collective generally, would be liable to collapse.

In summary, the Treaty of the Elysée is in tatters, which has HUGE implications for the pan-German Abwehr/DVD’s subversive, anti-nation state construct, the European Union Collective.

• American readers unfamiliar with all this need to understand that the facts that the European Union is (a) socialist/collectivist and (b) a huge long-range pan-German/DVD strategic deception construct, are NOT incompatible. Nazism is National Socialism: Communism and its derivatives are International Socialism, representing, as usual, a false, manipulated thesis/antithesis dialectic.

Beyond that, the Italian authorities are now fully stocked with newly minted Italian lire, against the increasing likelihood that disillusionment with the Euro will be followed by the re-establishment of their own national currency. A similar tendency is being noted in Greece. Once that happens, the unravelling of the Euro will escalate, and the Danes, who we are told are rethinking their earlier decision to stay outside the Collective Currency, will probably drop the stupid idea of joining it.

The widening of intra-European Union bond yield spreads has heightened continuing uncertainty as to whether Italy and Greece, and others, can possibly continue sharing the same currency as Germany without suffering terminal damage.

As for the hollowed-out British financial and real economies, a general belated realisation that the United Kingdom’s finances and real economic prospects are in almost terminal disarray had driven the pound’s dollar rate down to $1.5280 by the close on 28th October, compared with its peak of $2.0457 on 10th December 2007, a decline of nearly 52 cents – and a depreciation of over 25%.

As previously reported, Britain was used as the Master Platform for the perpetration and marketing of the Bush-Clinton-CIA-DVD fraudulent finance orgy, which has now been brutally exposed, and will continue to be exposed, as a gigantic Ponzi operation.

The study on this subject that we are preparing will reveal and will prove that the derivatives are fraudulent and worthless. Indeed the very notion that an ‘asset’ marketed without recourse has value ‘derived’ from a real asset that lies many stages removed from the holder, is self-evidently glaringly fraudulent, such assets deriving their notional ‘values’ while the ‘party’ continued, if at all, from the NAMES of the corrupt financial enterprises marketing them, alone.

This is not a failure of so-called capitalism as such: it represents a combination of the deliberate, premeditated failure of US securities market regulation, plus an associated organised criminal offensive, the ultimate purpose being Fascism on a global scale – to be manifested through the acquisition at fire-sale prices of every asset relevant to power and hegemony in the world.

We submit that the exposures have STOPPED THIS HAPPENING – this being the second time that this attempted global control offensive has been halted at the last minute. The first time round, the consequences of the ransacking of the Savings and Loans by the SAME organised Fascist group of criminals, with the same ultimate objective, were mitigated

If the mortgager defaults, the only party who would know that this had occurred, would of course be the original mortgage lending bank. All the subsequent discount purchasers of the derived and securitised (collectivised) assets would have no clue.

Therefore, the thoroughly dishonest assumption perpetrated by the criminal enterprises marketing these fake assets throughout was always that the ‘derived assets’ obtained their value from the original property holder’s mortgage payments flow, when this assumption might be bogus. In any case, replicating value by this means is nothing less than a variant of the Ponzi or pyramid selling fraud: and that indeed is what will be exposed.

WorldNetDaily reported on 28th October 2008 that UK intelligence sources have revealed that the dangerously controversial Lord Mandelson, yanked out of Brussels and then kicked upstairs to the House of Lords by Gordon Brown shortly after we had exposed that the kidnapped five-year-old Madeleine McCann had been selected by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, for his own gratification in line with the practice of the paedophile ring operating within the European Commission itself, appears ‘repeatedly’ in top secret files given his regular contacts with the disintegrating Russian KGB-GRU criminalist oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

WorldNetDaily says that the files have the highest ‘Y-category’ security rating, which can be read only by the MI6 intelligence chief and DVD stooge John Scarlett, and by the head of MI5, Jonathan Evans (begging the question, of course, of WHO leaked this information).

According to the American Internet-based service, ‘both services have launched an “intensive investigation” into the Izmailovo Organisation, thought to be the most powerful of the Russian mafia gangs, members of which are identified in these files as having ‘contacts’ with the Russian intelligence oligarch.

During the week ending on 24th October 2008, a two-day conference at the US State Department reviewed developments in Russia and the former Soviet Union. Asked by the Editor of this service to comment on the general finding from this conference, a source replied that the conclusion was that ‘Russia and the ‘former’ Soviet Union are almost completely in the hands of organised crime’.

One of the MI6 intelligence files reportedly identifies the Izmailovo Organisation as ‘a multi-faceted criminal family. They specialise in money laundering using banks in Bulgaria, Hungary [please see above: Editor] and the Cayman islands. They also deal in prostitution. They have their own in-house security force staffed by former Russian Special Forces’.

The files on the extremely dubious Lord Mandelson are reportedly held on a secure database shared by MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, the British intelligence community‘s huge eavesdropping centre based at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

We comment that while we believe the foregoing intelligence to be accurate, it should be noticed that the entire Deripsaka sequence, enmeshing George (Gideon) Osborne, the Conservative Party Shadow Chancellor and reputed ’handler’ of the brainwashed Conservative leader David Cameron, Nathaniel Rothschild, son of Lord (Jacob Rothschild) and the very dangerous ‘loose canon’ and factotum Peter Mandelson, may also represent a diversionary operation masterminded inter alia by John Scarlett, DVD-serving head of MI6, to ‘change the subject’ in the face of the knowledge that a trap had been set for Blair which would be bound to lead to the exposure of the dwelling places of all of the putrid arms of the Octopus, leading straight to the Bush White House.

Meanwhile, extensive arrests have now been reported, as noted, from London, as well as from Germany, Switzerland and the United States. There, the corrupted intelligence community ‘State within the State’ Intelligence Power is targeted for takedown or makeover, with both candidates for the Presidency voicing reform plans and McCain talking about a greatly slimmed-down community much better attuned to decisive operations against America’s enemies.

First place to start would be to change the name of the CIA’s corrupt Langley establishment from the George Bush Center for Intelligence. The incoming President, or Interim Authority, should DO THIS FIRST. It would send a necessary instantaneous signal to all concerned that their foul reign of terror and their treachery against the American people WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE.


The following report by Agence France-Presse dated 28th October 2008 is appended:

It is an interesting example of how the ‘mainstream media’ and its feeds are able to notice very significant shifts in international relationships, while highlighting the WRONG factors by way of explaining what is observed, and drawing the WRONG conclusions because it is being bamboozled by the theatre rather than understanding what is going on behind the curtain:

PARIS (AFP): Prime Minister Gordon Brown was to meet French President Nicolas Sarkozy for the third time this month on Tuesday, in a sign of increased cooperation between London and Paris on the economic crisis.

France’s traditionally close bond with Germany has been tested by sniping between the offices of Sarkozy and Chancellor Angela Merkel, while Brown has become a regular visitor to Paris since the credit crunch hit [CONFIRMATION OF OUR ANALYSIS HERE AND ON 26TH OCTOBER: Ed.].

Sarkozy, the current holder of the European Union Presidency, hopes to build a common European front at a Brussels summit next week, ahead of a meeting of the G-20 group of current and leading emerging powers in Washington on November 15.

The French leader has said he would like to see the world agree to “refound the global financial system”, and needs all the support he can get.

Brown has been more cautious on the rôle governments should play in the new order, but has also been keen to show leadership on reforming world finance, with the spectre of recession haunting Europe and the world.

The pair were to meet later Tuesday at La Lanterne, Sarkozy’s private residence in the forested park around the Palace of Versailles west of Paris, but first their ministers for Europe met at the French Foreign Ministry.

Afterwards, both ministers agreed on the need to forge a common European stance ahead of November’s G-20 summit. “This is not just an EU problem, it’s not a Eurozone problem, a UK or a French problem, it’s a global problem”, said Caroline Flint, Britain’s Minister for Europe, after talks with her counterpart Jean-Pierre Jouyet.

“Our discussions at EU level can only help us be prepared and persuasive when it comes to looking at what sort of changes we need at a global level to make sure we can limit the damage”, she said. Jouyet said London and Paris had agreed on “the need for tight international cooperation and for Europe to come (to the G-20) united, carrying a common vision of a new economic and financial order”. [Note the constant repetition of the Communist word ‘common’: Ed.].

He said the meetings showed that “relations between our countries have never been so intense, and the cooperation never so tight”.

Long known as a sceptic towards the European Union, Brown was thrust centre stage this month as the 15 nations in the euro single currency used Britain as the model for a united bank rescue plan.

Throwing out the usual protocol, Sarkozy invited Brown to Paris to brief Eurozone members on his plan, and both won plaudits in their respective national media for taking charge of the situation.

On wider reform of the international financial sector, Brown and Sarkozy have also led calls for far greater global regulation and a new role for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to avert future crises. In contrast, France has clashed repeatedly with its traditional European ally Germany over the response to the crisis, with Chancellor Merkel leading resistance to Mr Sarkozy’s proposal to create an “economic government” for the Eurozone.

Sarkozy would also like to see Europe set up national sovereign wealth funds to shelter strategic parts of their economies from global turmoil – moves that are anathema to Merkel’s more laissez-faire approach. For Jean-Pierre Maulny, the Deputy Director of the Institute for International and Strategic Research, the ad-hoc cooperation between M. Sarkozy and Brown on the finance crisis could mark the start of a longer-term shift in Europe.

“Given the importance of the issues involved, it could have consequences for the balance of power in Europe. That could weaken and alarm the Germans” [ACCURATE: Ed.].

But [THE NOT-UP-TO-SPEED: Ed.] Philip Whyte, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, warned not to “read too much” into the thawing of ties.

“When it comes down to long-term considerations of France’s interest, Germany remains the primordial relationship,” Whyte said. [Editor: sic!!!].


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Saturday 11 October 2008 04:00

UPDATE: 16th October 2008:

Yesterday evening, this report was found to have been illegally ‘snipped’ and severely truncated by NSA/CIA mental defectives. Whenever these fools do this, they reveal that what we have posted is ACCURATE AND TO THE POINT. By illegally interfering with what we publish, and cutting out parts of the text to which they take objection, they REVEAL THAT WE ARE ON THE RIGHT LINES. Anyone who is not sitting on their brains, as clearly these low-level idiots are, can work that one out.

In this instance, the ‘snip’ occurred at the point where we highlight the G-7’s requirement that the large international banks must have an ‘international college of supervisors’ attached to them, to ensure that their criminal financial operations do not resume.

This is an extremely embarrassing and onerous requirement that the international community has imposed upon these banking criminal enterprises, and it also gets in the way of further financial fraud operations that elements of the corrupted US intelligence community wish to pursue in order to finance their ‘Black Operations’ in the future.

So ‘snipping’ at this point in the text below clearly exposes what these criminals have in mind. We have now restored the entire text as it was, with the single alteration that The Refunding Plan is now referred to, for obvious reasons, as ‘The G-7-Approved Refunding Program’. The point in the original text where the article was criminally cut short is shown here:

= INCLUDING ESTABLISHMENT OF COLLEGES OF SUPERVISORS to be attached to each very large institution, charged with the task of checking and monitoring the ongoing operations of the largest financial institutions. In other words, the G-7 is insisting upon CHECKS AND BALANCES.

It will be recalled that [TEXT WAS ILLEGALLY TERMINATED BY NSA HERE] these ‘colleges’ were recommended in the G-7‘s communiqué dated 13th April 2008, following the call by Mr Michael C. Cottrell in March for an ‘oversight panel’ to protect Mr Cottrell from any untoward actions that might be taken independently by others under the intended funding arrangements which we had labelled ‘The Wanta Plan’. This is now to be referred to as ‘The G7-Approved Refunding Program’.

INTERIM ASSESSMENT: The theatrical display on the stage in front of the curtain last weekend and into Tuesday was blown up into a Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, with massive vulgar fireworks and explosions all over the place, in a brazen operation to SWAMP the Settlements that were ‘supposed’ to be transpiring behind the curtain (or to recycle the earlier metaphor, the mass-production sausage machine was supposed to have been activated in parallel).

Since this did not happen, the cash resources that are sitting in key US banks ready to finance the Settlements and which are the answer to the crisis that has been contrived by the criminalists who are withholding the payouts, have not yet been distributed.

THIS IS A U.S. CRIME AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY, and the stock market has of course cottoned on to this reality, having understood that the theatrical display WAS NOT THE REAL THING. China is believed to have signalled to the crooks in the White House and the Treasury that if they do not release, the Chinese are easily in a position to crash the stock market by a further 2,000 points. This is quite likely now, in the face of Bush’s mad intransigence.

We will bring forward a further analysis when we have established more clearly what crimes are being committed and what steps are being taken to FORCE THE ISSUE.

• Remember the thousands of bankers who were rounded up this time last year and shipped to Europe in a fleet of planes? Remember that they were given no time to collect their toothbrushes or to say goobye to their spouses etc? They were shipped to Europe (notably Britain and Germany) because their crimes were committed there and they had thought they were covered by some form of US protection or other, which was an illusion. In the case of those bankers taken to Britain, they had moved funds held in accounts with the Bank of England. It has now been revealed to us that these bankers WERE JAILED FOR 25 YEARS. When some of their lawyers rushed over to Europe to try to salvage their clients, THEY TOO WERE NABBED and got severe jail sentences.

The bankers and some of their attorneys were caught by the EU’s anti-terrorism legislation, which embraces money-laundering and financial fraud, as their crimes were committed inter alia in Britain and Germany. Thus these people were caught by a device originally invented (in the United States) to provide a pretext for the ‘Big Brother surveillance society’, the underlying intention of which was always primarily to keep tabs on who knew what about the FRAUDULENT FINANCE, not terrorism. But it was copied by the Europeans: hence the irony here.

• With an Obama LANDSLIDE imminent, WE EXPECT A MASSIVE PURGE OF CORRUPTED U.S. BANK AND OTHER PERSONNEL to materialise. This will be all the more likely if it transpires that sabotage of the Settlements persists into the Transition. The money to finance the Settlements is present in key US institutions and the withholding of its release is a crime of TREASON IN TIME OF WAR, not least as it is imposing hardship on Americans that the President of the United States possesses the power to alleviate. His obstructive failure to do so is CRIMINAL TREASON.

• All who are cooperating with Bush et al to hold on to the Settlements monies are co-conspirators and should be arrested and indicted forthwith for TREASON, corruption and fraud.

• The hardships that Americans and others are suffering are EXCLUSIVELY attributable to the criminal actions of the corrupt President Bush II and his cronies in sabotaging the Settlements.

The original report plus earlier Updates now follow:






UPDATE, 14th October 2008:

Evidence is accumulating that the snakes are STILL dancing. Settlements undertakings that should have been met yesterday were, as usual, not fulfilled, according to three separate sources.

Our interim assessment is that the theatrical display on stage was transformed into a Spectacular event like the Christmas Spectacular at New York’s Radio City Music Hall, with the Sarkozettes and other well-known Dark Actors Playing Games on stage, and that no assurances fed to Trustees or anyone else at this juncture can be relied upon. The object of this exercise appears to have been to swamp the market so that what was to take place behind the curtain could be ‘overlooked’. This may still turn out to be incorrect, but that’s what we instinctively perceive ‘as we speak’.

President Bush II is to meet Sarkozy and Barroso on Saturday.

Washington, 11th-12th October 2008:

There are two dimensions to the prevailing ‘response’ to the international financial crisis, which is really the global fraudulent finance crisis: (1) What is being promulgated for public consumption out of Washington, London, Paris and Berlin; and: (2) What is happening/will be happening behind the curtain which divides the perception fed to the world’s press and thence to the general public, from the actual objective reality and solution.

Since the Editor is concerned with (2) and has been the sole outlet for authoritative information on the ‘wholesale’ Settlements programme, and since this matter is ‘in process’, it is not considered appropriate for us to elaborate on this further at this stage, except that we CAN NOW CONFIRM that matters are proceeding very satisfactorily.

The resolution of (2) is THE REAL ACTION, and so (1) is for global public consumption. HOWEVER, this theatre would be ridiculed even by the ‘mainstream’ media’, if it did not contain SUBSTANCE. So, the theatrical display is packed with brand new ‘goodies’, with the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, having just desported himself today at a glossy Paris Press Conference as a ‘responsible leader’, maximising the potential for the familiar EU knee-jerk official refrain that ‘this crisis has brought Europe closer together’ (the reverse is the case), and generally emphasising how ‘clean’ and ‘responsible’ the European Union Collective is showing itself to be, when in reality:

• Paribas was up to its neck in involvement with dubious financial operations connected with the Bush Crime Family, as everyone with even superficial knowledge of these matters knows.

• Deutsche Bank is stuffed to the gills with toxic paper, having dominated this ‘trading activity’ for decades, and having acted as a counterparty to dubious financial transactions since the year dot. It will be recalled that very soon after we started to expose this corruption in 2006, two warehouses, one in London and another in Ottawa, suddenly caught fire and were destroyed, one after the other (July 2006). The London warehouse contained vast stocks of documents lodged by Deutsche Bank.

Of course, the Bank of England has been doing this stuff, as well, as we publicised extensively in 2007. But the fact is that the British authorities, not M. Sarkozy and the Germans, are in the driving seat, in two respects that can be reported here:

• First, the Plan announced by Sarkozy, Barroso and Trichet at their elaborate Press Conference in Paris this evening is the ‘Brown Plan’: and hats off to the French President for acknowledging this fact at his Press Conference, although he could not then resist alluding to the fanciful divergence between the ‘Anglo-Saxon Financial Model’ and the ‘European Financial Model’, all of which is pure nonsense because this is AN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL CORRUPTION CRISIS, nothing else.

And, of all people, as a key player, Sarkozy KNOWS THAT THIS IS INDEED THE CASE.

• Secondly: Certain British ‘special’ authorities (not ‘straight’ MI6, which tried to STOP the Editor pursuing this dangerous exposure research back in 2004, as we will divulge presently) are driving the Settlements distribution operation, which, with the associated Refunding Plan, provides the REAL SOLUTION to the crisis. For which, of course, the actors on the PUBLIC stage will take ALL the credit, without ever explaining to the world how the turnround was REALLY achieved.

The British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, appeared in Paris on Saturday and consulted with Sarkozy et al, but, not being a Head of State, did not participate (also, as Britain is not inside the Eurozone) in the Paris Press Conference, at which the EU-15 (Eurozone) Plan, a.k.a. ‘The Brown Plan’, was announced. This contained three features, of which the following two are important:

(1) EU-15 Governments will provide guarantees with respect to interbank lending until December 2009, the purpose being to negate the distrust between banks which is among the most dangerous of consequences of the crisis, given that the banks know which other banks were/are involved in the fraudulent finance operations, and vice versa.

(2) Individual ‘Member State’ Governments’ authorities will be ‘allowed’ to recapitalise their banks, and will be ‘given’ a free hand in this regard. Nicolas Sarkozy waxed eloquent at length about how the agreement that he says has been reached between the Eurozone 15 (and also more generally between all 27 EU ‘Member States’) has ‘brought all Europe more closely together, blah blah blah’, whereas of course this provision actually drives a coach and horses right through the elaborate EU financial and economic coordination arrangements and incestuous red-tape provisions inter alia of the Maastricht Treaty. From the perspective of the EU Collective’s mantra of ‘ever closer union’, this development is a RETROGRADE step, which naturally affords the Editor of this service truly immense satisfaction, given that the EU in general and the European Commission in particular, is a corrupt, self-serving, collectivising, elitist, anti-nation state duplicate bureaucratic supranational government and unaccountable dictatorship which despises democracy and thinks it appropriate to restrict Members of the European Parliament, for instance, to speeches lasting for no more than ONE MINUTE (which, as a wordsmith, the Editor can confirm represents 90 words, precisely). If an MEP goes beyond his allocated minute, they cut the microphones off, as in the Supreme Soviet.

Having disgorged all his rhetoric, Sarkozy added a call for ‘a global conference’ to address issues arising from this crisis. The Editor is sitting right now in the Press Room of a global conference, at the epicentre of geofinancial expertise, given that the International Monetary Fund, whatever its underlying geopolitical purpose, is universally recognised to be technically proficient in respect of all financial issues. So quite clearly the European ‘call’ for a global conference is orchestrated, and involves leveraging the crisis (arising from rampant financial fraud, and triggered by our long-term exposures thereof) in order to maximise the potential for elevating the global hegemony agenda to a new level (a ‘great leap forward’). Sarkozy has been revealed to us as an important tool whose job it is to achieve precisely such an ‘advance’ in the global hegemony agenda.

Finally, we add a few observations about current COINTELPRO operations which continue to be ratcheted up in order to cover the tracks of those most closely involved in the financial fraud, and to obfuscate the resolution of this crisis so that those targeted remain confused with a surfeit of false or dubious information, and therefore none the wiser.

It will be recalled that the Lord’s careful Words ‘if the blind lead the blind, BOTH shall fall into the ditch’ were preceded by the crucial words: ‘Leave them alone’. By this token, it is not this, or any, Editor’s job to disabuse those who may choose to be misled, from the delusions fed to them by sources with apparently malicious intent.

However what little can be usefully said at this juncture is that statements to the effect that the British Government and Monarchy have designs upon the United States, represent the worst form of DVD-related ‘Black’ trash propaganda, and anyone believing such insane rubbish needs to go to the Emergency Department of their nearest hospital without further delay.

The absolute reverse is the case. The United States has got itself into this mess because it has not yet found a way to preclude organised crime from annexing the highest offices of the Republic, and because it has not yet disciplined and curbed the extensively criminalised ‘State within the State’, namely the corrupt Intelligence Power. The Rest of the World has to ‘live with’ the United States, and since, because of the above failings, the United States is/was bankrupt and in the hands of its creditors, the Rest of the World, led in practice by the British (part of the ‘Main Enemy’, remember) are engaged in assisting the American people out of this mess, which has caused huge problems internationally. (Sarkozy’s task is to perform at the front, not the rear, of the stage).

This HAD to happen, and the Editor is proud to have been called to contribute very materially to this outcome. See above reference to matters proceeding VERY SATISFACTORILY.

This morning, the Editor approached the Governor of the Banque de France at the end of a seminar discussion, and pointed out that there was never any excuse for the ‘mortgage scandal’ dimension of the crisis for the following reason (reiterated in successive issues of International Currency Review and on this website):

Since at least 2002, the Tables displayed in the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) section of the Office of Management and Budget’s annual budget documentation have been BLANK.

This indicated that officials within the OMB could not/would not risk inserting fake GSE numbers
because they would have left themselves open to prosecution for disseminating false information. Since the Tables were left BLANK for years, anyone in the financial sector doing his or her due diligence should have interpreted these conspicuous data omissions as a RED FLAG, and should have quit operating ANY financial program involving Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Farmer Mac. But the Governor and his panel had a nice ‘line’ in answer to such unwanted barbed criticism.

The ‘line’ is this:

• ‘The party was such fun and everyone joined in the dancing while the music kept playing’, as though this is a proper excuse for OPERATING CRIMINAL FINANCIAL FRAUD SCHEMES.

As soon as he heard what the Editor had to say, the Governor tried to escape from the Editor’s presence and said cynically: ‘Now we know’. This nasty response, like so many other indications, reveals that these people are ALL ON THE DEFENSIVE. Their Number One Enemy is Yours Truly.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former French Finance Minister who is now the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said in his statement before the Bank-Fund Development Committee on 10th October that quote ‘the historic events of the past few weeks could hardly have been imagined as the subprime crisis began to unfold a little over a year ago’.

Manifestly, this website and International Currency Review are not his favourite reading. If he had paid attention to what we were predicting from 2nd September 2006 onwards, and to what we also clearly predicted in July 2007 with our warnings about the imminent ‘train wreck’, he would surely not have made such a rash observation [see Archive and International Currency Review].

It is however ‘standard practice’ for senior officials who failed to anticipate current events to claim that ‘no-one had predicted this’. We recall the former British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Nigel Lawson, claiming in the House of Commons that ‘no-one predicted’ the British balance-of-payments deficit in a certain year, when International Currency Review had forecast the outcome precisely. This habit is an ungenerous trait and M. Strauss-Kahn, respected for his clarity of vision and his ability to express himself in writing very effectively, should perhaps send us an apology!

Yesterday evening, the Editor attended a Press Conference here in the Press Room complex at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund. The conference (or rather, the monologue) was conducted almost exclusively by Herr Steinbrück, the German Finance Minister, in the German language throughout, except when he had to answer the Editor’s questions.

On this occasion, the Editor refused to hand the microphone back after asking his first question, and persisted until the ambush was complete, and Herr Steinbrück had spilled the beans. Normally the microphone is removed from the questioner almost immediately on these occasions.

If possible, the precise verbatim exchange will be publicised as soon as the relevant transcript has been made available in the Press Room. What follows here is a paraphrase of the ambush:

Editor: ‘Herr Steinbrück, you have representatives of the world’s press in front of you. Would you kindly talk about the real issue? They need to know about it. I refer to the very large sums of money that were transferred to US banks late last year and subsequently, to pay the Settlements, which you of course know all about and which will resolve the crisis’

‘Did you discuss this central issue at the G-7 Meeting that has just concluded?’

Steinbrück (looking annoyed, even agitated: paraphrase throughout): ‘I have no information about such Settlements or any such matters. We did not discuss this matter at that meeting, no’.

Editor: ‘Did you discuss this at earlier G-7 meetings?’

Steinbrück (going round the houses, more extensively than paraphrased here): ‘We discuss many issues at these meetings and the question of certain transfers and related issues’ (obfuscation and diversion here) ‘has been discussed at earlier meetings of the Group of Seven, yes’.

Editor: ‘Mr Steinbrück: These funds have been illegally blocked for many months. We are talking about massive criminal corruption. Would you care to inform the world’s press about this, please?’

Steinbrück: ‘There are certain instances of which I am aware in Germany and these cases are in the hands of prosecutors and the relevant authorities. These are matters for the German authorities. I am neither able nor competent to discuss or allude to cases of corruption which are a matter for other Governments and jurisdictions. The issues you refer to are a matter for the Government of the United States and you should address your questions to the United States Government’.

Editor: ‘Mr Steinbrück: You have just acknowledged that the Settlements money has been blocked illegally by criminal action. Thank you very much’.

As the Editor handed back the microphone, a person sitting behind him lent over and whispered in his ear: ‘You are very brave’. This was a compliment, but, generous though it was, it was misplaced.

Exposure has moved mountains. Exposure of this huge corruption WILL move mountains. And the Settlements WILL be paid. It was crystal clear to all present that Herr Steinbrück knew all about the illegally blocked funds, held hostage by the Bush Crime Family-controlled White House, ‘Paulson’ and other operatives; and since the Editor would not yield back the microphone until the German Finance Minister had admitted this, WE ARE NOW IN A COMPLETELY NEW SITUATION with regard to exposure of this criminality. With the posting of this report, the cat is well and truly out of the bag.

This exchange between the Editor of International Currency Review and the German Finance Minister took place at approximately 6.40pm in Washington, DC, on 10th October 2008.

Following this revealing exchange, Steinbrück reverted to more German language monologues and carried on answering questions from German-speaking pressmen who appeared not to have understood or paid attention to the exchange, and therefore reverted to the diversionary issues that Steinbruck was content for them to discuss, as though our exchange had never taken place.

The Communique issued by the G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors after 6.15pm on Friday evening 10th October prior to this Press Conference, is the shortest that the G-7 has issued in the 31 years that the Editor of this service has covered these meetings.

This means that there was a blazing row (there IS a blazing row) and that a decision was taken to publish as little information for public consumption as possible. However the G-7 Communique contains confirmation that The G-7-Approved Refunding Program (which the Editor called The Wanta Plan, but which is now called The G-7-Approved Refunding Program), will proceed.

Since Herr Steinbruck is a G-7 Minister, he knows perfectly well, therefore, that the refunding operation (see below) which presupposes the Settlements payout, IS scheduled to occur.

Hence his denial that this overall matter was discussed at the G-7 Meeting that took place last evening, CANNOT POSSIBLY BE TRUE. The press has been misled. However this was no problem for Herr Steinbruck because the German-speaking pressmen who hogged the Press Conference clearly had no idea what the Editor was talking about, and didn’t follow up the Editor’s questions. Another gross failure of the Fourth Estate here. But who NEEDS the Fourth Estate, any more?

The Refunding Program involves special Capital Markets Instrument operations to be conducted transparently ON-THE-BOOKS with a group of financial institutions, centralised but in the private sector, with all proceeds fully taxed, yielding massive ongoing accruals to the US Treasury.

The United States is bankrupt and is essentially in the hands of its creditors. The Refunding Program, which should have been kick-started in June 2006, will address and rectify this state of affairs, providing both immediate and long-term relief to the American people and the whole world.

This Program was hijacked in collusion with President George W. Bush Jr. and his father, George H. W. Bush Sr., in June 2006, by the Secretary of the United States Treasury, Henry M. Paulson Jr., who procured the placement with Goldman Sachs of the $4.5 trillion of funds remitted during May 2006 from China that were constantly referenced in our ‘Wantagate’ reports (terminated on 18th March 2008). Since Paulson had been CEO of Goldman Sachs until his sudden appointment as US Treasury Secretary in place of John Snow, this corrupt act has represented the most extreme instance of an official, criminal conflict of interest in financial history, as we pointed out at the time.

After we had kicked up a huge stink about this, Paulson had the funds abruptly removed to another institution, not least since Goldman Sachs was being accused of criminal conduct by this service.

Paulson and friends then proceeded to exploit, leverage, hypothecate, multiply and finally steal
these funds, which were intended by the remitter for The Refunding Program.

Hence, as we persisted in pointing out, the holders of the highest offices in the George W. Bush Jr. Administration were and are specifically and EXCLUSIVELY responsible for the catastrophe that has come about, and which we first predicted in our report dated 2nd September 2006, and in analyses published in July and August 2007 anticipating and confirming the financial ‘train wreck’.

The reason that we were able to predict this ‘train wreck’ accurately was that we were following the CORRECT TRAIL, whereas the US and British ‘Mainstream’ media, having been compromised by multiple nefarious methods, ‘bought’ the CIA’s COINTELPRO ‘slide’ line that the financial crisis was attributable to ‘subprime mortgages’ (which have always existed). One of the ‘Black’ methods used to neutralise the press in the United Kingdom included the dissemination by rogue UK intelligence operatives of fantastic lies about the Editor of this service, which were fed to the press. Details of this operation will be revealed on this website at the appropriate time.

Paulson’s predecessor had travelled to China with Dr Alan Greenspan to procure the release by Chinese intelligence of the $4.5 trillion that had been held with the People’s Bank of China since the arrest of Leo Wanta in Lausanne in July 1992. Outline details of the source of funds may be reviewed by accessing our report containing the text of the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus: this website (Archive: report dated 8th August 2007).

Dr Greenspan is the ‘technician’ who invented what we have termed the ‘Never Pay Syndrome’, which Greenspan developed on instructions from George Bush Sr. Under this deception, one phone call is sufficient to block repeated attempts, involving a large number of Trustees and institutions, to effect the payouts. Trustees, who have been obliged to attend at their banks repeatedly, as instructed, in anticipation of intended payouts, have had their lives turned upside down by this unbelievable corruption, for years. The participating banks have likewise been repeatedly ‘stood up’ by this means, even though many of these institutions are complicit.

Unbelievably, Greenspan is featured as the lead story in the issue of ‘Emerging Markets’, a paper produced daily for these Annual Meetings, dated 10th October. His portrait appears on the front page, with an article providing attendees with the guru’s latest prognostications on the global financial crisis of which he is the primary technical author.

Specifically, Greenspan gives quote ‘a surprisingly upbeat assessment of the state of the financial markets’, seeing ‘an eventual thawing of the world’s frozen credit markets’. Greenspan ‘praises the actions of Governments in buying up toxic assets and recapitalising banks’. An extended article by this notorious financial criminal is scheduled for publication in the edition of the paper for 11th October not yet seen by the Editor at nearly 3.00 am here in the long since deserted Press Room.

The ‘Never-Pay Syndrome’ was first applied during the precedent, indeed, the model, for this crisis in 1989-92. Then, as today, repeated payout operations were routinely sabotaged while the same duplicitous controllers exploited, duplicated, multiplied and helped themselves directly to funds belonging to others or which had been remitted for a specific purpose. Those who knew anything about this scandal were then systematically liquidated under the Clinton Presidency.

Since William Jefferson Clinton, a CIA operative like his ‘wife’, ‘works for’ George Bush Sr., there is now no mystery any longer about why those 420++ people and Bush-Clinton associates who ‘knew too much’, were systematically liquidated, in a purge recalling Josef Stalin (Djiugashvili-Kochba).

After the $4.5 trillion had finally vanished, The Queen and Prince Al-Waleed of Saudi Arabia were persuaded to ‘replace’ the stolen/diverted funds with a LOAN worth a total of $6.2 trillion. After all, The Queen had told the G-7 Meeting held in northern Germany in June 2007 that The Refunding Program must be implemented ‘for the sake of the whole of humanity’. These funds have been held in a suspense account with Citibank in New York City, pending resolution of this matter, given that the exposures of these scandals on this website have made it very difficult, and probably almost impossible, for corrupt financial manipulations to take place now without being traced.

The lenders of these funds can recall them at any time; and a failure to comply would trigger, for instance, the seizure of American-owned assets found in any US dollar-denominated accounts, for instance, with the Bank of England, to an amount at least equivalent to The Queen’s loan funds plus compound interest, plus any amounts representing the duplication of these loan funds, which have not been applied for the purpose for which they were intended by the lenders.

Due to the serial criminality of the holders of highest office in the United States, The Refunding Program has not yet taken place (it has been criminally delayed for 27 months already), so that the exposures of the criminal financial operations that we have have publicised, were left to corrode the system while the criminal operatives continued to help themselves to other people’s money and to generate colossal sums from them for self-enrichment and ‘Black Ops’ purposes.

What is now happening is that the legal principle ‘The money you make by illegally using my money is my money’ is being forced down the throats of the criminalist operatives behind the scenes. It is not a subject that the German Finance Minister wanted to talk about in public, given for instance that Deutsche Bank holds one of the largest portfolios of toxic traded garbage paper in the world.

Meanwhile Chancellor Angela Merkel, who served as the Secretary of the Agitprop (Agitation and Propaganda) Department of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin in her youth, is on the rack, like Finance Minister Steinbrück. Why? It is reported to us that George Bush Sr. has been paying bribes to this woman for the past four years, in exchange for which she guards funds ‘owned’ by Bush Sr. et al in the largest German financial institution.

Here is the text of the Communique handed out in the IMF/World Bank Press Room last evening:

Washington: The G-7 agrees today that the current situation calls for urgent and exceptional action. We commit to continue working together to stabilize financial markets and restore the flow of credit, to support economic growth. We agree to:

1. Take decisive action and use all available tools to support systemically important financial institutions and prevent their failure.

2. Take all necessary steps to unfreeze credit and money markets and ensure that banks and other financial institutions have broad access to liquidity and funding.

3. Ensure that our banks and other major financial intermediaries, as needed, can raise capital from public as well as private sources, in sufficient amounts to re-establish confidence and permit them to continue lending to households and businesses.

4. Ensure that our respective national deposit insurance and guarantee programs are robust and consistent so that our retail depositors will continue to have confidence in the safety of their deposits.

5. Take action, where appropriate, to restart the secondary markets for mortgages and other securitized assets. Accurate valuation and transparent disclosure of assets and consistent implementation of high quality accounting standards are necessary.

The actions should be taken in ways that protect taxpayers and avoid potentially damaging effects on other countries. We will use macroeconomic policy tools as necessary and appropriate. We strongly support the IMF’s critical role in assisting countries affected by this turmoil.

We will accelerate full implementation of the Financial Stability Forum recommendations and we are committed to the pressing need for reform of the financial system. We will strengthen further our cooperation and work with others to accomplish this plan.


• ‘Take action… to restart the secondary markets for mortgages and other securitized assets’:

• [we will] ‘work with others to accomplish this plan’

= IMPLEMENT THE REFUNDING PROGRAM THAT PAULSON HIJACKED IN JUNE 2006, which in turn presupposes releasing the blocked Settlement funds which are the SOLUTION to the crisis.

• ‘The actions should be taken in ways that protect taxpayers’:


• ‘Take decisive action and use all available tools to support systemically important financial institutions and prevent their failure’:


• ‘Take all necessary steps to unfreeze credit and money markets and ensure that banks and other financial institutions have broad access to liquidity and funding’:

= ‘ALL NECESSARY STEPS’, not SOME necessary step: ALL necessary steps includes and further presupposes implementation of THE REFUNDING PROGRAM and thus payout of the Settlements that have been criminally blocked by the holders of the highest offices.

It is NECESSARY to do both, so this opaque language CONFIRMS THAT BOTH WILL PROCEED.

• ‘Accurate valuation and transparent disclosure of assets and consistent implementation of high quality accounting standards are necessary’:

= ‘Mark-to-market’ pricing is to replace creative pricing for fraudulent marketing purposes, while disclosure of ‘source of funds’ and of assets is to become routine again, smothering the notorious fraudulent finance and the secretive, illegal and untaxed ‘funny money’ offshore operations.

Further, the era of creative accounting and deceiving investors and the general public by CEOs, Finance Directors and their accountants, is hereby decisively terminated.

• ‘We will accelerate full implementation of the Financial Stability Forum recommendations’:

= INCLUDING ESTABLISHMENT OF COLLEGES OF SUPERVISORS to be attached to each very large institution, charged with the task of checking and monitoring the ongoing operations of the largest financial institutions. In other words, the G-7 is insisting upon CHECKS AND BALANCES.

It will be recalled that these ‘colleges’ were recommended in the G-7‘s communiqué dated 13th April 2008, following the call by Michael C. Cottrell in March for an ‘oversight panel’ to protect Mr Cottrell from any untoward actions that might be taken independently by others under the funding arrangements which we had labelled ‘The Wanta Plan’.

• This is now to be referred to as ‘The G-7-Approved Refunding Program’.

In conclusion, the following SENSATIONAL developments are reported:

1. The German Finance Minister, ambushed by the Editor of this service at the foregoing IMF Press Conference, has inadvertently acknowledged the accuracy and the relevance of our reports on the Settlements and The G-7-Approved Refunding Program, and has thus referred in public to the fact that the White House (The US Government) is complicit in blocking the delayed Settlements and The G-7-Approved Refunding Program. Herr Steinbrück’s pointed comment that the Editor should address his questions to the United States Government leaves NO DOUBT that the German Finance Minister knows PRECISELY what the Editor was referring to via these questions.

2. The Group of Seven Communiqué released in Washington last evening has indeed confirmed that The G-7-Approved Refunding Program will go ahead, and that, accordingly, the colossal volume of Settlement funds sent over to the United States in 2006-2008 to fund the Settlements (because the payouts have to be effected in dollars, which was the denomination of the original stolen and diverted funds), will be completed.

• ALL’, not ‘SOME’, ‘necessary steps‘ are intended, which includes the above.


Extreme dissatisfaction within the Group of Seven (G-7) financial powers (as reflected in the unprecedentedly short G-7 Communiqué yesterday) at the continued criminal intransigence of the leadership of the White House and the US Treasury, will take the form of a Heads of State Meeting in Paris on Sunday 12th October.

HM The Queen will probably be represented, although Her Majesty, served by very senior and distinguished military and ‘former’ MI6 officials and diplomats, is in the driving seat, along with the BIS (Bank for International Settlements). HM The Queen has the complete support, behind the scenes, of all the 159+ countries, which require The G-7-Approved Refunding Program start-up to be kick-started with no further delay and prevarication from the US authorities on orders from the Bush White House and Crime Family and their corrupt and criminalist associates.

Many signals of total international backing for an immediate return to the Rule of Law and proper supervision and regulation, in sharp contrast to the US preference for fraud, are evident at these Meetings. For instance, a clear statement by Mr Alipour-Jeddi, of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) at the 18th Meeting of the IMFC (a.k.a. the International Monetary and Financial Committee), dealing with the falsification of petroleum prices, and released to the Press on the morning of 11th Octgober 2008, calls insistently for the strengthening AND ENFORCEMENT of ‘regulation aimed at minimizing the potential for distortions to economic fundamentals of price discovery (excessive speculation, fraud, manipulation)’.

• Mention of fraud and manipulation at these Meetings is extremely rare.

Iceland has been ‘enronised’ (hollowed out: see Glossary appended to our reposted report on The Cottrell Plan (18th September 2008). When London became fully aware of the fac t that the failure of Icelandic institutions threatened the viability of a swathe of British operations, primarily High Street commercial retail chains and services, British authorities contacted the Icelandic Government and warned that they would take steps to see to it that the Prime Minister of Iceland would be arrested for perpetrating economic and financial terrorism against the United Kingdom if the Icelandic banks were not nationalised immediately so that the Icelandic investments in Britain were protected.

Iceland is one of a number of smaller countries targeted by the Bush-linked criminlist nexus as counterparty bolt-holes for their fraudulent toxic finance operations. Other smaller countries that have been ‘enronsied’ include, as previously reported, Ireland, Estonia, Argentina and Zimbabwe.

FACT: It will be recalled that the US bankers who were rounded up this time last year and flown to European capitals where they were made to account for their serial fraudulent finance criminality, were ‘handled’ under European legislation which categorises fraudulent finance marketing and related operations as ‘economic and financial terrorism’.

Significantly, the statement by European Commissioner Joaquin Almunia to the International Monetary and Financial Committee on behalf of the (corrupt) European Commission, made available in the Press Room on Saturday 11th October, concludes with this statement:

‘The fight against… the financing of terrorism continues to be a high priority for the EU where a robust anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing framework is in place’.

As we pointed out some time ago, this is a fascinating example of these people being trapped by their own diversionary deception. The US focus on terrorism provides the pretext for the ‘Big Brother surveillance society’ which, in turn, has as its PRIMARY agenda keeping tabs on who knows what about the fraudulent finance, so that anyone considered a prospective threat to its continuation, can be ‘dealt with’.

• See below for what happened while the Editor was on the train from New York.

Two extraordinary factors are reported herewith:

(1) President George W. Bush Jr. was asked by leading Governments to attend a meeting very recently, at which inter alia he was to be confronted over his blocking of the Settlements and The G7-Approved Refunding Program. He refused to attend. The European Governments concerned (with the Chinese) RETALIATED by orchestrating the market crash. That has ‘worked’, because we understand that as a consequence, Bush II ‘got the message’ and agreed to attend another meeting at which the same issues were to be ‘discussed’. (The G-7 Ministers and Central Bank Governors have been in more or less ongoing session since last Monday, we understand).

(2) With confidence in the large institutions in the United States having now almost completely collapsed, because no-one knows which institutions will be around in the morning (literally), the controllers of very large funds have taken to placing such funds overnight with the US Treasury, in order to be able to get a good night’s sleep and to preclude waking up at 3:00 in the morning in a cold sweat for fear that their funds have vanished along with the institutions holding them.

(It is presumed that such placements are made into Treasury accounts, as we are not aware of the existence of ‘overnight’ Treasuries, although ‘anything’ is clearly possible). Such placements are being made without earning any interest. Of course this is grossly ironic in the extreme, given that the ‘Treasury Secretary’ has systematically wrecked the ‘Full Faith and Credit of the United States’.

• So what is happening to the interest that is payable on these deposits, if it’s not being paid to the depositors? ANSWER: It is being ‘booked’ internally, and then SIPHONED OFF CORRUPTLY as usual, for private self-enrichment and other familiar criminal purposes. ANOTHER HUGE SCANDAL that the Fourth Estate has missed. [But who NEEDS the Fourth Estate, when the Fifth Estate (the Internet) can perform the necessary exposures that the Fourth estate is too scared to promulgate?].

• Summary: Rather than take a risk with the banks, the controllers of very large amounts of funds ‘prefer’ to place their monies overnight with ‘Paulson’, no doubt cynically aware that the interest is being ‘trousered’ by ‘Paulson’, Bush Jr. and their unbelievably corrupt ‘buddies’.

[Concerning a recent ‘scare story’ that the Internet will be closed down, why would ‘they’ do that? Closing down the Internet would spike and close down the 55++ or more redirection, diversion, obfuscation and disinformation websites perpetrating COINTELPRO ‘Psy-Ops’ operations so as to bamboozle and confuse the jaded American people in order to blind them to the colossal corruption of their leadership under the Bush II Presidency].

It is very reliably reported to us today that certain US financial institutions are refusing to carry out instructions from clients to move funds, and have been refusing to move funds for about two weeks. The sources of this information are involved with clients engaged in transactions worth hundreds of millions (not billions) of dollars. When instructions are issued by these bank clients that payments are to be made to meet obligations falling due, the banks in question are REFUSING to implement such instructions.

This is of course illegal, and means that the banks in question are de facto STEALING the funds. Frustration of transactions by any bank is a very serious offence under the previously referenced Universal Commercial Code, and renders the offending bank liable for huge additional payments, to be added to the principal. Notwithstanding this nasty reality, we understand that the institutions, when threatened with unavoidable legal action, are STILL not complying with such payment orders.

Between 30th September and 2nd October inclusive, associates of Dr Alan Greenspan, the chief architect of the ‘Never Pay Syndrome’, were ‘liquidated’. The Editor was informed that the various ‘whacked’ personnel were located in Germany and the World Bank.

Earlier, we had been advised that Dr Greenspan had suffered the indignity of having ‘bracelets’ dangled adjacent to his person, and of having been informed by enforcement personnel (MI6, Interpol, possibly accompanied by US Marshals) that if he did not at once now personally reverse what we believe may have been ‘standing instructions’ for the repeated attempts at the Settlements to be blocked, he would spend the rest of what remains of his life in jail.

This did not ‘work’, so more drastic measures were immediately taken, and Greenspan was told that if he did not comply, ‘you will be next’.

• We believe that this procedure is being applied, or is pending, with respect to certain other highest-level criminalist operatives.

• In June 2007. Greenspan was arrested. He was held under house arrest according to US Trustee sources who communicated this known fact in writing at the time, to the Editor of this service. However other sources reported that he was held in jail or in a police cell. An image of Dr Greenspan emerging from a doorway looking distraught and unkempt, surfaced briefly in US broadcast media and was almost immediately withdrawn. The subsequent crisis issue of International Currency Review displayed ‘Wanted’-type photographs of both Greenspan and the former Governor of the Bank fo England, who was also reported to us to have been arrested (in July 2007). This information has been in the public domain for 16+ months [see Archive and International Currency Review].

Certain completely inaccurate and scurrilous assertions about The Queen appearing in the United States and confronting President George W. Bush recently, reveal that the familiar COINTELPRO technique of mixing falsehoods with a few facts that may be true, is of the essence of the huge redirection and diversion agitprop ‘Psy-Ops’ operations being dished out by American and foreign counterintelligence to bamboozle and confuse the American people and the Rest of the World in the process. In the United Kingdom, Her Majesty The Queen’s physical whereabouts are essentially a state secret.

However we can gauge where she was ‘yesterday’, by reading the Court Circular which appears daily in The Times and The Daily Telegraph.

That text reveals the formal duties and activities of the Royal Family, including such matters as the presentation by newly appointed Ambassadors of their credentials, and where the ceremonies or audiences took place. By reviewing this text, it is possible to establish where Her Majesty WAS on the preceding weekday in question. By this means, it is established that The Queen DID NOT fly to the United States to confront the President of the United States, an assertion which revealed that the source who invented this nonsense is ignorant of the above straightforward facts about our Head of State. Besides, our 82-year-old Queen does NOT behave in the manner crudely suggested by the ignorant ‘report’ in question. Such ‘mistakes’ reveal that this ignorant stuff is ‘made up’.

Our ‘sausage machines’ report dated 27th September is being openly referred to, we are informed. For instance, at about 5:00pm on Thursday 9th October, Stuart Varney (who happens to be British) was monitored on Fox making the following comment:

‘There’s lots of … in the sausage factory’.

Our monitor missed the word that is omitted from this subliminal allusion, but it is obvious that the missing word is either ‘sausages’ or ‘money’.

The same sequence was also monitored on another US national financial news channel on the 9th.

Separately the National Review dated 1st October 2008 carries an article entitled:

“Two weeks in the sausage factory”.

From which we conclude that the biggest corruption scandal in world history IS KNOWN ABOUT inside the Beltway and in the press rooms of the leading broadcasting corporations, from which we further deduce that IT CAN ONLY BE A MATTER OF TIME before the controlled so-called ‘Mainstream’ media will ERUPT with this Grandfather of all scandals, to the astonishment of the American people and of the whole world except within certain foreign corridors of power.

The fact that the person who whispered in the Editor’s ear after his questions to Herr Steinbrück, knew exactly what the Editor was talking about, speaks further volumes on this score.

As will of course have been universally observed, our prediction that certain financial institutions will cease to exist, has come to pass and will continue to come to pass. HOWEVER, what has so far not been noted, in this context, is this. With the long-delayed activation of The G7-Approved Refunding Program, the US Treasury will be the beneficiary of huge continuing inflows of tax funds to be derived from the ON-THE-BOOKS, fully taxed, fully transparent Capital Markets instrument operations involved.

This will mean that institutions which have grown grossly fat through marketing and financing the US Government’s colossal, continuously expanding, one-way debt, WILL NOT BE NEEDED ANY MORE, which in turn illuminates, does it not, another reason for the crumbling resistance to the payouts and The G7-Approved Refunding Program associated with the Settlements.

Therefore, the overnight disappearance of some of these institutions is ACTUALLY appropriate, given the imminent new circumstances; and it can ALSO be interpreted in itself, as indicating that The G7-Approved Refunding Program will proceed.

While on the Amtrak train from New York to Washington DC yesterday, the Editor had to make a number of phone calls from his US mobile phone. In the course of communicating with a special and highly respected source, his calls were repetitively disrupted while the unwanted instruction ‘INSERT SIM CARD’ appeared on the screen. The SIM card was of course sitting in its proper place adjacent to the battery. After this interruption had occurred on at least two dozen occasions, the Editor contacted another associate, and the same thing continued to happen repeatedly.

The associate then left a message saying that he would immediately report the matter to the Gold Badges. The Gold Badges kindly contacted a certain team, who were tasked to investigate and to establish who was responsible for this interference. The Editor was professionally informed that it was likely that the perpetrators were located within 50 feet of where the Editor was sitting. When the Editor pointed out that he was ‘on wheels’, so that this implied that there was a ‘tail’, the experts confirmed that this would be the case and that the main perpetrator would be wearing an earpiece. There would probably be two operatives working together.

After a gap of some time the Editor identified two men sitting three rows in front of the Editor on the other side of the aisle. These operatives usually work in pairs. The ‘Mr earpiece’ stood up when we reached Union Station and nonchalantly rolled up the wire attached to his earpiece while talking to his colleague (‘partner’) and then left the train ahead of the Editor.

On his arrival in the Press Room, the Editor needed to contact several correspondents and also to read the text of the G-7 Communiqué over the mobile phone to Michael Cottrell.

These phone calls and conversations all proceeded normally, with no further interruptions along the lines of the interference on the train. ENDS.



LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• ‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Saturday 20 September 2008 00:00

• SECURITY UPDATE: Following the threats delivered on Thursday 18th September against the Editor of this service, intelligence, military and police responses to protect our Head of State, and the Editor of this service, for which he is extremely and humbly grateful, have been and are being taken. They are the subject of a short report dated 21st September 2008 [see Archive].

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. Some versions have a ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.

Economic Intelligence Review contains Michael C. Cottrell’s Rules-Based Reform Plan and the extensive Glossary of Financial Market Definitions. Publication date: Friday 15th August 2008.

• See our report dated 12th August 2008 inter alia for historical intelligence on GEORGIA. See reports dated 14th, 16th, 18th and 19th August for Georgia and Settlements Crisis Updates.

• INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW, Volume 33, #s 3 & 4, all 972 pages of it, is making waves all over the world. It contains a blow-by-blow deconstruction of this crisis via the Wantagate plus our further analyses: and everything published therein is now well and truly ON THE GLOBAL PUBLIC RECORD. Accordingly the whole world owns a detailed, damning account of the serial criminality of the Bush-Cheney-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ et al., which CANNOT BE EXPUNGED FROM THE RECORD.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money has been stolen.

• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications.

• MEMO: All anonymous emails lacking coordinates addressed to the Editor of this service via any of our email addresses and this website are automatically deleted on receipt. Therefore, those who believe for some reason that it is helpful to send the Editor offensive or obscene emails, using bad language to no effect, are wasting their time. If you won’t reveal who & where you are, don’t bother!

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.

• THE JEWISH DIMENSION: This report focuses, as trailered, on the secret (now much less so, since it has been broadly exposed) ‘Black’ pan-German Nazi Strategic Deception Continuum, the ongoing successors of the Nazi Abwehr, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD). It does not deal with OTHER dimensions of the World Revolution, such as the Jewish and Russian-Jewish mafiya dimensions, and the underlying geomasonic and Illuminati dimensions, except in passing, because this report’s focus is the DVD. One cannot crowd everything into a single report. This is not a book.

The Russian-Jewish mafiya dimension is extensively covered by us in Global Analyst, Volume 3 #1, scheduled for publication shortly. The other dimensions (including the geomasonic and Illuminati dimensions) are likewise extensively addressed in the Editor’s book ‘The New Underworld Order‘, available from the books section of this website [Edward Harle Limited, London and New York].

• The Zionazis and the Nazis ‘meet’ at DVD, Dachau: this is the big, now exploding, ‘secret’.

Our exposures to date of the destructive operations of the pan-German long-range strategic deception and counterintelligence ‘Black’ Nazi Continuum agency, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, have now shifted to a new level. Detailed evidence of and information about these long-range operations and de facto ‘Acts of War’ against ‘the Main Enemy, viz. Britain and the United States, by the pan-German Nazi Strategic deception Continuum, are summarised in the following presentation. We understand that DVD are absolutely staggered that they have been exposed.

Posting of this report has been brought forward because of the gunshot threat received at 1.40pm British time on 18th September. We had hoped to avoid posting this report at the very peak of the Settlements crisis, but the Editor HAS NO CHOICE because the period between the warning and exposure is very dangerous. We posted the gunshot phone message at the top of the ‘Führer’ report dated 18th September, and reproduce it here now for context:

At 1.40pm UK time (8.40am EDT) on 18th September 2008, the Editor’s main phone rang. The Editor does not answer his calls but all our incoming calls are checked. The message consisted of:

Some people have chosen to MISINTERPRET what is said here. The message was not the WORD ‘gunshot’, but a recording of three ACTUAL GUNSHOTS. We thought that was obvious.

All incoming phone calls are recorded on our voicemail system. The Editor was present when this incoming call was received and reported it immediately to third parties who have annotated this event in their records. The voicemail system recorded all incoming phone calls we received before and after 1.40pm on 18th. THE GUNSHOT MESSAGE WAS NOT PICKED UP BY THE VOICEMAIL.

This indicated that it is an intelligence operation. The Editor has been advised that prime suspects are George Bush Sr. (41), the George Bush Centre for Intelligence and Terrorism (CIA, Langley), and John Scarlett, head of MI6/General Operations-2 (GO-2), Vauxhall, London. The direct shooting threat arises from the Editor’s exposures of the financial criminality and from our trailing of the DVD report, which incriminates DVD and Bush 41 inter alia in the nuclear arming of Iran. The Editor has made sure that relevant ‘Friends’ know about this explicit threat (Number 17), and we report this information for international and domestic official and public consumption so that if anything now happens to the Editor, the whole world will know that this is a CIA/DVD operation. The ‘gunshot’ threat was followed, as reported on 18th September, by another threat from a CIA front operation serving the interests of DVD; but there have been no further threats since the publicity.

• IMPORTANT: As a direct consequence of these threats to shoot the Editor, this report has been strengthened in the following respect. The original draft OMITTED to identify a key figure, and it had been agreed with contacts that we would not mention the individual’s name. But now that the Editor has been specifically threatened with shooting, he is left with no option but to publicise the sensitive name in question. This is because it is not possible, now, to leave anything out of this report, as the murderers have revealed their intentions and the Editor has to protect himself.

We will reveal in this report the extent to which the world’s problems are attributable to the pan-German Nazi Continuum based in Dachau, near Munich, where we have also separately identified an occult ‘Black’ centre in the Dachau area at a spot where 8,000 Soviet prisoners were shot dead.

The de facto head or controller of DVD, at least in the Western Hemisphere, is the world’s most wanted arch-criminal, former President George H. W. Bush (Sr.), the man who has held the whole world to ransom for years. This criminalist operative controls the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its associated US intelligence community entities, which the Bushes call ‘the enterprise’.

In a stupendous coup, Bush Sr. procured the naming of the CIA’s Langley complex the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence’. We have renamed this foreign-controlled Fifth Column subversion engine the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism’.

One consequence of Bush’s coup is that it makes it much harder for the CIA to ‘clean up its act’, which is a prerequisite for the survival of the United States as a viable Republic.

It is bad enough for a country to allow a ‘State within the State’ to develop: but when it transpires that the ‘enterprise’ in question is a corrupted, self-financing criminal organisation, protected by Statute, and which is permanently engaged in every ‘Black’ activity that modern depraved humanity can invent, the country’s citizens have a serious problem. Most do not yet seem to ‘get’ this.

For the Government to have spawned an uncontrollable ‘State within the State’ which winds up controlling the Government itself, is an intolerable situation, not least since the criminalist norms of the ‘State within the State’ clash daily with the Rule of Law which the Government itself exists to uphold. There is a fundamental incompatibility between an official organisation that is licensed by the Government itself to break the law as a matter of course, and the concept of the Rule of Law.

That this state of affairs exists reflects the pernicious influence of the corrupt mindset of double-mindedness, which is the curse of the intelligence community, modelled as it is on the aberrant environment envisaged by Emile Dirkheim (1858-1917), who postulated a world in which criminal operations are the norm, and adherence to the Rule of Law is considered to be eccentric.

The whole world would be controlled by criminal operatives who would regard lawful behaviour as aberrant and counterproductive. George Bush Sr. and his associates belong to this evil school.

The US intelligence community, loosely called the CIA, derives its authority from the unsatisfactory National Security Act, et seq., which is aptly describable as a ‘crooks’ charter’, given that the wholly amoral ‘ethos’ of US operatives allows that everything under the sun is permitted, with one crucial exception: getting caught. If you are found out or exposed, you are on your own.

Indeed, the CIA is notoriously ruthless towards those operatives or assets with whose services it has dispensed. It will stop at nothing to destroy them. Its de facto modus operandi is to use its operatives, assets and targets, and to drop or double-cross them when ‘circumstances change’. The CIA has been accurately identified as a ruthless instrument of the darkest forces on earth.

Like all intelligence communities, the CIA is penetrated and fragmented into warring factions, with a widening split noticeable between the American-based CIA Germanics and some European-based CIA operatives, often of German extraction, based in Frankfurt, Germany.

Logical connections, such as the close links that one would expect between the Bush/German CIA and the Japanese, appear to have splintered and gone sour, just as Bush Sr.’s influence with the Chinese has decayed, so that he/his operatives often fare better in Shanghai than in Peking.

However the CIA’s poisonous internal splits are not sufficient for it to have yet destroyed itself from within, although its activities are universally destructive and cannot be redeemed.

The collapse of its fraudulent finance operations that we are witnessing today may very well have profound consequences for this ‘State within the State’. Certain components of the US intelligence community are known to have been penetrated by the Nazi Abwehr/DVD almost from the outset, most noticeably the extremely dangerous Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which was penetrated almost from the time of its establishment.

This accounts, for instance, for its current hateful ongoing subversion and corruption operations against certain members of the British Royal Family.

With such a monster – which derives its strength, despite its manifold internal divisions, both from its illicit financial operations and drug-trafficking and from its power of penetration – out of control, the Republic finds itself in innumerable quagmires, all of which arise explicitly from the amoral, the wayward, the unchecked, the licentious and the reprobate misbehaviour of this ‘State within the State’. Cutting this behemoth down to size and thwarting its depraved, subversive operations both at home and abroad, needs to be the highest priority objective of all Americans. There is no sign at all that the corrupted political (CIA) Establishment has the will or any intention to put things right. Absent drastic reform, the Republic will continue to be battered, jeopardised and diminished.

To make matters far worse, the CIA is de facto controlled by DVD, as a consequence of two facts: first, the well-known mass ‘reverse’ penetration of US intelligence and other structures following the Second World War by Nazi intelligence operatives and scientists, under ‘Operation Paperclip’ and its successors, together with the dangerous absorption of the Gehlen Organisation into the CIA (represented today by the CIA base at Frankfurt-am-Main, which can be considered a close ally and/or an extension of the DVD, Dachau); and secondly, the control over the CIA that is exercised by George Bush Sr., who, being an agent/operative of DVD, is a traitor to his country who ought to pay the penalty for his betrayal. His age is wholly irrelevant: if old Nazi Holocaust perpetrators in their ‘eighties’ have been rounded up and confronted with their crimes, so can G. H. W. Bush Sr.

Now it is a peculiar fact (mentioned to us by several intelligence sources) that once headstrong, cunning people like George Bush Sr. have controlled the intelligence community, they consider that they continue to do so AFTER leaving office. This is really an extension of the adage ‘once an intelligence operative, always an intelligence operative’ – a variant of ‘there is no such thing as a ‘former’ intelligence officer’. But George Bush Sr. has given new meaning to this model: to this day, he considers that the CIA is his plaything, and must follow his instructions. After all, is not CIA Langley entitled the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence’? It feebly dances to his tune.

Bush Sr. has also repeatedly asserted (as he did when confronted yet again even as late as August 2008) that HE owns (or did own) all the (stolen) money.

This crass delusion arises from his confusion between control and ownership. It is convenient for him to assume that because he believes that he controls the ‘State within the State’, he therefore OWNS the (stolen) money. Actually, the funds (both the residual ‘real’ funds and the nanomoney) are derived inter alia from the following main sources:

(1) Old Chinese money that has been massively ‘traded up‘;

(2) The ransacking of Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company in the 1980s after Bush Sr.’s special panel investigating the US financial system during the early 1980s had discovered its weaknesses, whereupon Bush Sr. and his cronies set about exploiting them from 1984 onwards;

(3) Money criminally siphoned out of the Savings and Loan Associations (thrifts) in the 1980s;

(4) The Financial Warfare operations against the Soviet Union undertaken by Western intelligence, with help from the Taiwanese Kuomintang operative Howie Kwong Kok, Leo Wanta’s ‘partner’, the son of a distinguished pre-1949 Admiral in the Chinese Navy;

(5) The ‘duplication’ of the ‘Wanta’ $27.5 trillion, raised from 200+ international banks in 1992, reported in our earlier Wantagate reports and in International Currency Review;

(6) Funds/assets stolen from the ransacked ‘Prosperity Programs’ and their like, some of which, we understand, were identified in the lock safety boxes raised by the Metropolitan Police at three London locations (Mayfair, Edgeware and Hampstead) on 2nd June 2008, as previously reported. These funds have been retrieved, but what has happened to them post-retrieval is unknown to the Editor of this service at this time. We believe that the identification of these funds/assets may well have formed part of the vice-like grip in which the criminalist operatives are held ‘as we speak’.

(7) The $4.5 trillion brought over from the People’s Bank of China in 2006 on the announced pretext of financing what the Editor of these services described as ‘The Wanta Plan’, a name that ‘stuck’. These funds were hijacked by ‘Paulson’, used illegally for hypothecation and leveraging purposes, and multiplied for corrupt private gain. They were ‘replaced’ by LOAN item (8) below.

(8) The $6.2 trillion placed with Citibank to prevent its collapse, by HM The Queen and Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz, also probably applied for duplication/multiplication purposes at Citibank, which is illegal. These funds were sitting in a frozen suspense account when last heard of. They must be refunded on the basis of the legal principle: ‘The money you make by the illegal use of my money, is my money’, with compound interest.

(9) The legal principle ‘The money you make by the illegal use of my money, is my money’ also applies to the proceeds of the illegal trading of Her Majesty The Queen’s gold, which we reported was stolen during a UK banking ‘black hole’ on 29th-30th March 2007 and, after we had kicked up a terrible fuss, was evidently fully recovered circa July 2007.

Funds derived from this illegal trading belong, by definition, to The Queen. Whether some/all of these proceeds constitute the large element of the $6.2 trillion LOANED by The Queen and held with Citibank, is unknown to the Editor at this time. What IS known is that Citibank has not, at this posting, been buffeted in the prevailing financial tsunami like the investment institutions which have engaged in this fraudulent finance carousel all these years.

The reason for this is the presence at Citibank of the $6.2 trillion. If that were removed, as The Queen and the Saudi Prince are entitled to do, especially The Queen given that the frauds were committed against the British Sovereign, life at Citibank might become ‘problematical’.

Contrary to earlier assertions, reported with a degree of scepticism at times by this service, Howie Kwong Kok was not, after all, poisoned after ingesting rat poison in Singapore in 1992. In May 2003, Marc Delmart Vreeland, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) operative interviewed in Canada by the Editor, informed us that Howie Kwong Kok is alive and operating from a skyscraper in Taipei, Taiwan (on the 33rd Floor, of course). This fact was unexpectedly confirmed to the Editor of this service on the 24th August 2008, when, in the course of recounting the Singapore episode, the British intelligence community party to whom he was speaking interrupted and said that one of his associates had been speaking to Howie Kwong Kok on the telephone about two weeks earlier.

Since the Editor also knew that Kwong Kok’s wife, when taken to the morgue in 1992, had indicated that the body she was shown was not that of her husband, it is hereby confirmed that the ‘line’ that Howie Kwong Kok was murdered by ingesting rat poison shortly after a visit to Singapore by Bush Sr. in 1992, is false. Moreover Leo Emil Wanta, who went to the morgue, was quickly ushered away before he could see the body, we understand. Wanta wound up thrown into jail, and was exfiltrated from Singapore by a distinguished US agent to the US West Coast, and thence to Canada.

Obviously, the ‘line’ that Howie Kwong Kok was murdered in Singapore in 1992 must have been false because the $4.5 trillion that was released from the People’s Bank of China following the visit to Peking (or Taipei?) of former US Treasury Secretary John Snow and Dr Alan Greenspan after Leo Emil Wanta’s irregular probation had been terminated effective 14th November 2005 as a direct consequence of the Editor’s provision of $35,000 of scarce private funds to ‘settle’ Leo E. Wanta’s improper ‘restitution’ and other costs imposed by the Wisconsin kangaroo court (see Wantagate reports), could not have taken place without Howie Kwong Kok’s agreement and signature.

The $4.5 trillion ‘compromise’ sum which was duly transferred to the US Treasury in May 2006 was then hijacked by the criminalist operator Mr Henry Paulson Jr., who was appointed by President George W. Bush to replace John Snow as US Treasury Secretary effective June 2006. Paulson is reported to us to have advised George Bush Jr. that he and associates could make vast sums of money using the ‘captured’ $4.5 trillion as their platform, which they now all proceeded to do.

The lie that Howie Kwong Kok was murdered can be seen to have paralleled the lie that Leo Wanta was ‘dead’, as reported in our Wantagate reports. Both lies were fabricated by the CIA for the same purpose: to give George Bush Sr. and his operatives and other criminalist associates scope for seizing control of all the funds, including nanofunds, amassed by L. Wanta and Howie Kwong Kok inter alia in during the Reagan-ordered Financial Warfare operations against the Soviet Union.

Anyway, the scene is being set in this report for examples of the immense damage and evils that have been inflicted on the United States, Britain and the entire world by the Pan-German Nazi counterintelligence Continuum that we have identified. We further understand on impeccable UK authority that the DVD, which, like the US financial criminals, never thought they would be exposed, are becoming more and more concerned about the progress and extent of this exposure of their criminality and of their endless subversive operations against the supposed allies that they hate – their intention being not least to reverse the outcomes of the two World Wars. The ‘triple gunshot’ call left as a crude warning to this Editor at 1.40pm (UK) on 18th September, testifies to this reality.

The DVD ‘reports to’ the German Chancellor, who does not tell them what to do. On the contrary, since, like the CIA, the DVD is self-financed from the proceeds of its control of ‘trading’ (especially through Deutsche Bank) and from the fruits of its criminalist operations, including drug-trafficking going back to before the Second World War, it tells the Chancellor what it chooses, and pursues its long-range pan-German deception, subversion and hegemony strategies autonomously, on the same ‘State within the State’ principle as the CIA. It employs the immense obfuscation and ‘Black’ activities of the Illuminati as cover for these operations. We have identified, in Dachau, an occult centre believed to be linked to the DVD, where hideous ‘Black’ ceremonies/sacrifices take place.

The language spoken by the 1.1 million US geomasonic Illuminati victims and perpetrators of their ancient abominations, certainly in group contexts, is German. Further background on this subject is published in the Editor’s work ‘The New Underworld Order’.

The immense scope of the ruthless behaviour of this pan-German ‘Black’ agency include the following sequences, which we have chosen for illustrative purposes here. The list is far from comprehensive, and evidence of further DVD operations is constanty emerging.

So, obviously, the episodes and events described below are representative only of the colossal damage inflicted over the years by the Dachau-based Nazi pan-German Strategic Continuum and its deluded and traitorous adherents within the corrupted US intelligence and Government structures.

The sequences of events surrounding and associated with the assassination of President Kennedy and his brother are excluded from this summary because of the immense scope of the evidence, but observers should be aware that the Kennedy assassinations were centrepieces of the ‘Acts of War’ perpetrated by the undefeated enemy against ‘the Main Enemy’, Britain and the United States:

The systematic ‘enronisation’ of Japan was orchestrated the Bush Sr./Greenspan clique and their co-conspirators, inter alia via the hypothecation of bonds that became worthless, the crashing of the Japanese yen, and then the further exploitation of the Japanese financial system via the ‘carry trade’. The disgusting televised event when George Bush Sr. vomited at a banquet in Japan, which the Editor discussed with his late former Jesuit friend Fr. Malachi Martin (when both of us agreed that it was a ‘satanic event’), was an attempt by Japanese intelligence to poison him, in retribution for the damage that Bush Sr. had inflicted on Japan’s financial economy.

Other countries that have been ‘enronised’ by the Bush-directed criminalist enterprise – that is to say, ‘hollowed out’ by means fraudulent finance operations designed to suck real value out of the targeted country in exchange for worthless non-assets – include the following: Argentina, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, the former Soviet Union, and Zimbabwe. Britain has been partially ‘enronised’. Electricity supply and water utilities are owned by German firms, and there are no British motor manufacturers left (although cars are manufactured here under foreign marques).

British business are being systematically acquired by German interests, in fulfilment of the plan originally outlined in ‘Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’, the ‘Plan B’ long-range strategy that was first aired at a Strategy Conference in Berlin in 1941 and was further developed by the Nazis’ German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid. Here is a selection of vital British firms that are now owned by German interests: that is to say, the unrepentant, unreformed secret antagonists of the ‘Main Enemy’ have acquired hegemony over the following vital assets (names of the German owners in brackets): Boots Pharmaceuticals (BASF); Cornhill Insurance (Allianz); Grattan Mail Order Co. (Otto Versand); Kleinwort Benson (Dresdner Bank); Lansing Fork Lift Trucks (Linde); Lloyds Chemist (Firma Gehe GmbH); Morgan Grenfell (Deutsche Bank); One2One Mobile Phones Co. (Deutsche Telecom); Plessey Electronics + Digital Communications (Siemens); Powergen Electricity and Gas (E.ON AG); Midland Electricity (E.ON AG); Rolls-Royce (Volkswagen); Highland Energy (RWE); Innogy Electricity (E.ON AG); Thames Water (RWE); Thomas Cook (WestL.B, originally) (1).

The alienation of these and other vital assets in deference to the current vogue for international inclusiveness and ‘One World’ collectivisation, represents a foolhardy breach of national security which will have to be reversed when the time comes for Germany’s never-ending depredations against the ‘Main Enemy’ to be addressed. This time has more or less arrived now.

Globalisation provides blanket cover for the wholesale ‘hollowing out’ of real value by the CIA/DVD criminalist cadres through the extraction of real value in exchange for worthless securitised junk paper sold to foreign counterparties too slow on the uptake who didn’t do their due diligence, and certainly never understood in good time that they were dealing with ruthless organised criminal operatives embedded within the US official structures, assisted by corrupted intermediaries and institutions dedicated to the open-ended perpetuation of the fraudulent finance paperchase and carousel yielding monetisable assets, PROVIDED THE CAROUSEL NEVER STOPPED.

It has, of course, been brought to a shuddering halt, AS WE ANTICIPATED: and right now, the main preoccupation of the cornered official criminalists and their institutional co-conspirators and CIA associates is to emerge from this mess of their own making with plenty of repackaged debt so that they can carry on with a new carousel as soon as an accepted ‘resolution’ has been ‘confirmed’.

The CIA is interchangeable here and almost throughout this analysis with the DVD, Dachau.

The other component of the ‘Main Enemy’ is the United States, and German interests have been no less assiduous in buying up US assets for strategic reasons, which include theoretically making it much harder for any decisive action to be taken against the predatory German Nazis in the future. Here is a selection of leading US firms that are now owned by German interests: that is to say, the unrepentant, unreformed secret antagonist of the ‘Main Enemy’ have acquired full control over the following vital assets (names of German owners in brackets): Airborne Express (Deutsche Bank); American Water Works (RWE); Arista Corp. (BMG Entertainment); Bankers Trust (Deutsche Bank); Chrysler (Daimler-Benz); DHL Couriers (Deutsche Bank); Doubleday (Bertelsmann); Farrar, Straus & Giroux, book publishers (Holtzbrinck); Fireman’s Fund (Allianz); Henry Holt (Holtzbrinck); Marion Merril Dow Chemical (Pharmaceutica Aventis); MEMC Electronic Metals (silicon wafers and chips) (E.ON AG); PIMCO Advisers Holdings (Allianz); Random House Books (Bertelsmann); RCA (BMG Entertainment); Shared Medical Systems, SMS (Siemens); St Martin’s Press (Holtzbrinck); Top Tier Software, Inc (SAP AG); VoiceStream (Deutsche Telekom); Westinghouse Electric Co. (Siemens); Windham Hill Record Co. (BMG Entertainment); Zurich Scudder Investment (Deutsche Bank). (1).

(1) Reference: The German takeovers of British and US assets were compiled by the veteran 94-year-old British analyst Harry Beckhough, who was a top intelligence officer and codebreaker at Bletchley Park (Station X) during the Second World War. On returning home as Lt. Colonel Royal Artillery Intelligence, Harry Beckhough became S.O.I. (Senior Officer) with the Foreign Office, with a remit to resuscitate the Rhineland Universities of Cologne and Bonn. While engaged in this activity he frequently met Dr Konrad Adenauer, the Hitler-era Mayor of Cologne and friend of Herr Hitler’s favourite German bankers, Drs Abs and Pferdmenges. For four years, to the end of 1950, Harry met many of the leading political and other figures in Bonn, who spoke to him freely, as an academic, of their Nazi plans for the future. He has very extensive knowledge of Germany and has explored the development of its aggressive long-range nature and intentions from its earliest years. Harry has published studies, the latest of which is entitled ‘Germany’s Fourth Reich’, exposing the inherited desire for domination and control which has been Germany’s primary characteristic through major wars and confrontations over the centuries, invariably and inevitably ending in absolute chaos, as Nietzsche, the leading German philosopher, exemplified. In the prevailing US financial corruption crisis, the same characteristic has manifested itself: the German element has gone too far and has driven the United States and the whole world to the brink of financial and economic chaos. At the same time, the controlling clique has lost control of its own chaos-manufacturing machine, like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. The whole world now recognises the unbroken record of these maniacs.

DVD set up the Provisional IRA (Irish Republican Army). In the 1960s, SS Standartenführer Otto Skorzeny, working for DVD Chief Admiral Canaris (who was not hanged in the nude at Flossenberg on 9th April 1945 as maintained by the Nazi disinformation apparat working out of the Nazis’ German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid, set up in 1942), went over to live in Ireland, where he established the Provisionals. The original Irish Republican Army (IRA) was set up by the Soviet GRU/KGB: but since German and Soviet intelligence work together (see below), these two facts are compatible. In fact, since Stalin was murdered (via the ‘Doctors’ Plot’) after it had been discovered in Moscow that not only Lavrentii Beria, Stalin’s Interior Minister (MVD chief) had been ‘working for’ the Germans, but also that Josef Djiugashvili-Kochba (Stalin) was an Abwehr penetration as well – which was why he destroyed the Soviet officer class – the DVD concluded that continuing KGB support for the IRA could no longer be relied upon: hence the establishment by Skorzeny of the Provisionals.

Note: Wilhelm Johann Carl Eduard Stieber, who flourished as THE top Prussian spymaster from the 1840s, is regarded as the intellectual and practical godfather of the modern manifestations of both German AND Soviet/Russian intelligence and counterintelligence. Therefore the interchangeable identities, for practical purposes, of the CIA and Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) mean not least that the CIA is tied into Soviet covert intelligence through its hooks inside DVD, Dachau. It is also at Dachau that the Jewish dimension of the World Revolution meets the German dimension, as Zionists are ‘Zionazis’. ‘Neocons’ are Trotskyites, who have the same mentality as the old Nazis. The French dimension of this snakes’ nest is alluded to separately in this report, in which we show, with the assistance of the highly respected French analyst Thierry Meyssan, that the CIA et al have their hooks in the Administration of the Jewish-Hungarian President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy.

Detailed information about Stieber’s operations and his reorganisation of both Prussian and later Russian intelligence and counterintelligence was published in our journal Soviet Analyst, Volume 30, Numbers 1-3. As a consequence of Stieber’s efficiency in protecting Emperor Frederick William during the Communist revolutionary rioting in 1948, Stieber acquired an extraordinary degree of influence over the Emperor and was awarded carte blanche to apply his expertise to the Prussian intelligence networks. But the downside was that when this obstinate and reactionary Monarch began to sink into imbecility and insanity, Dr Stieber started to lose his influence, since the other courtiers were envious. The appointed Regent, who later became William I, did not relish Stieber’s dark personality, and the access Stieber previously enjoyed was closed down. Dr Stieber, who had assisted the Tsar earlier in covering up some scandal involving Royalty, then offered his services to the Court at St. Petersburg, which was readily accepted. This is the historical background to the ongoing close collaboration between the Prussian/German and Russian/Soviet counterintelligence communities. Failure to understand this central reality is a key source of misunderstanding.

As it happens, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, was cited by Bloomberg on 10th September 2008 as confirming the pinpoint accuracy of the foregoing information. Addressing an occasion in Leipzig marking 50 years of the natural gas corporation VNG Group, Merkel said that Germany and Russia are ‘bound by common ties stronger than any ‘controversies’ that may divide them’: a blunt observation which precisely illustrates the dialectical reality that the two intelligence communities interact and inter-react in accordance with the prevailing ‘correlation of forces’, to cite Lenin here.

Merkel served in her younger days as the Secretary to the Agitation and Propaganda (Agitprop) Department of the Communist Youth Wing at Karl Marx University in East Berlin.

Chancellor Merkel, who does not tell DVD what to do (the reverse is the case) couched her loaded remarks in the context of Russian gas deliveries, but she was really speaking in coded language to express what is going on, and always has been going on, behind the scenes, between Russia and Germany: ‘Russia needs her customers and we need our deliveries, and that applies also for the European Union’, she said. ‘I see many future opportunities. Of course we have controversies, yet we have shared interests, and we should cement these links and make them more binding’.

• Fact: What is happening generally is that the duplicitous dialectical methodology (Tweedledum and Tweedledee) used by the geomasonic perpetrators and manipulators of the World Revolution is being exposed, and is unravelling faster than the criminalist, Luciferian minds can wind the ball of string up again. This gives great satisfaction to those of us who have had the privilege of being able to contribute in some material way to the exposure and destruction of the World Revolution, at least the current chaotic phase thereof. It should be borne in mind, also, that the United States is by definition the classic revolutionary state, having been the subject of a masonic coup which has bedevilled the Republic ever since. This explains its outrageous international misbehaviour.

At 2.54 am during the early morning of 12th October 1984, the Provisional IRA, controlled by DVD, Dachau, and headed on the ground by Patrick Magee, detonated a 30-pound bomb in the section of the Grand Hotel, Brighton, where Margaret Thatcher and her Cabinet (but see below) were staying for the Conservative Party Conference. The British Prime Minister was still working in her suite on her speech to be delivered to the conference on the next day, when the bomb exploded, damaging her bathroom but leaving her sitting room and bedroom unscathed. Both Mrs Thatcher and her late husband, Dennis, escaped injury. The hotel and conference centre were thrown into chaos.

The Conservative MP, Sir Anthony Berry, was killed outright, as was the first wife, Roberta, of John Wakeham, Parliamentary Secretary of the Treasury. Sir Donald Maclean was seriously injured and his wife, Muriel, later died of her injuries. Eric Taylor and Jeanne Shattock were also killed in the blast. Several more, including the wife of the then President of the Board of Trade, Norman Tebbit (now Lord Tebbit), were left permanently disabled. A total of 34 people were taken to hospital.

But three prominent pro-European Community political ideologues (dupes), Douglas Hurd, Michael Heseltine and Leon Brittan, all members of Thatcher’s Cabinet at the time, were ‘inexplicably’ not present in the hotel when the bomb exploded.

The Editor has been authoritatively informed that they appear to have been tipped off in advance. When they returned they commiserated with the rest of the survivors over what had happened. All three, evidently (as reported to us) knowing what was to happen, appear to have blood on their hands. In summary, this was an ‘act of war’ perpetrated by DVD with the full authority of the German Government against the United Kingdom, employing the DVD-sponsored Provisional IRA as cover.

Students of the long-range pan-German hegemony and control operation known as the European Union will be aware that the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 (which this Editor fought hard against) was a crucial ‘stage’ in the evolution of the European Union Collective.

As repeatedly asserted in these reports, the European Union is the project outlined in the Nazi strategy compendium entitled ‘Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’ (the ‘European Economic Community’), published in Berlin in 1942, and referenced in detail in the Editor’s two books ‘The European Union Collective: Enemy of its Member States’ and ‘The New Underworld Order’ (both available via the intelligence books section of this website).

FACT: The chapter headings of the Nazi compendium dated 1942 are almost identical to the chapter headings of the Maastricht Treaty (2). The EU Collective is a strategic entrapment mechanism.

(2) Reference: ‘Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’, (‘The European Economic Community’), published in Berlin in 1942, Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke. One copy of this work is to be found in the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin (Preussische Staatsbibliothek Berlin), and a copy is also held by the British Library. The copy is not immediately available on demand, but can be ordered in advance. The Chapter headings of this work are almost identical to those of the Maastricht Treaty of 1992. Britain’s accession to the EEC was perpetrated illegally.

Passage of the enabling bill bringing this alien and deliberately confusing document into UK law was severely compromised by a rebellion of backbench Conservative Members of Parliament. At the last minute, Mr Michael Spicer MP (who received a knighthood for his pains) persuaded all these ‘rebels’, whom John Major, the Prime Minister had referred to as ‘bastards’, to support the legislation, with one exception (Rupert Allason, whose literary name is Nigel West: He managed to be absent from the House of Commons lobbies when the count was being taken).

It now transpires that Prime Minister John Major was told by the German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, that he must sign up to Maastricht, ‘or we will blow up London’, a.k.a. ‘we’ will have our clients, the Provisional IRA and the IRA itself step up the terror and bombing campaign on the British Mainland.
Major, allegedly a de facto DVD asset or dupe, was told that if you do sign up, Herr Major, ve vill arrantch a ‘peace process’ for Northern Ireland for you, which vill make you look like a hero. Oh, und Sie mussen auch support uns over the break-up of Yugoslavia (a DVD-directed pan-German operation which resulted in 250,000 deaths). Major agreed: Hence Spicer’s pressure on the rebel MPs to ‘tow the line’. The country was betrayed as a consequence.

Meanwhile, key elements of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), with assistance from MI5, had become aware that German ‘Black’ intelligence was ‘running’ the Provisional IRA, a fact that came to the DVD’s notice. On 2nd June 1994, all the leading Northern Ireland experts from the RUC and MI5 (25-29 senior Police and MI5 officers) were required to travel to Northern Ireland, originally on board two Chinook helicopters. Some were understandably nervous at this prospect.

One of the pilots insisted on there being two helicopters, but was overruled, and the entire team was packed aboard one single RAF Chinook, which in due course was flown into a hillside near the Mull of Kintyre lighthouse, Scotland, in thick fog. For this operation, the DVD’s assets had rigged or interfered with the helicopter’s Inertial Navigation (INS) System. When the base coordinates were inputted, the software was tampered with. This kind of thing is standard DVD practice.

Britain therefore lost, in this further provocative and ruthlessly wanton ‘Act of War’ perpetrated by the pan-German ‘Black’ counterintelligence agency against the United Kingdom, almost its entire intelligence expertise on Northern Ireland. In September 1999, the Blair Government faced calls for a fresh enquiry to overrule earlier investigations, after ‘Computer Weekly’ had released evidence casting doubt on the reliability of the helicopter’s engine control software.

Previously, the two helicopter pilots – Flight Lieutenants Jonathan Tapper and Richard Cook – had been blamed, with the initial RAF Board of Inquiry in 1995 freely accusing the dead pilots of ‘gross negligence’. In February 2002, a House of Lords committee opposed the RAF’s verdict, concluding that there were no grounds for blaming the pilots.

Every cover-up excuse and platitude was brought forward for prejudging the issue so that secret intelligence confirming that the software had been tampered with, was never publicly ventilated, even though it was obvious, given the circumstances and casualties, that this was likely to have been a sabotage operation. In other words, as usual, high-level cover was being provided for the German Abwehr/Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst. This SCANDALOUS state of affairs is exposed.

Just as DVD controls the CIA by the basic means described above (placing its own personnel and associates in the top slots), so does it effectively control (or seek to control) MI6. It achieves this at the present time because its primary MI6 asset is its chief, John Scarlett, as previously reported on this website. More specifically, MI6 is controlled by GO-2 (General Operations 2, dating from the Second World War) which not only controls MI6, but also has assets inside MI5. The former Director of MI5, Dame Manningham-Buller (who was nicknamed ‘the Mad Bull’) was reported to us to be a GO-2 infiltration. However the new MI5 controller, Jonathan Evans, is thought not to be a GO-2 asset. It is uncertain whether he has the depth of understanding and experience to grasp who Britain’s real enemies are. John Major and Tony Blair were/are said to be assets of GO-2.

The atrocities committed on the London Underground and on a double-decker bus on 7th July 2005 were directed by DVD, Dachau, using Islamic revolutionary ‘assets’ and sleepers. Omitting the main details here, the outrage in appropriate London circles was such that Germany (and France, which was involved) were specifically told that the United Kingdom intended, as a consequence, to leave the European Union. Apparently what then happened was that, finally, this threat was watered down by the traitors in Downing Street and the UK intelligence community, to British acceptance of a total cessation of Provisional and IRA operations in Northern Ireland and on the British Mainland. It is likely that the British threat stands, should such terrorist ‘Acts of War’ be resumed at any time.

The order to proceed with 7/7 was given by former French President Jacques Chirac from his hotel room in Gleneagles, Scotland, to where he had flown from Singapore to attend a G-8 Meeting, after France had lost its bid to host the 2012 Olympics. It was monitored by GCHQ, the eavesdropping centre in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, forming the basis for the ensuing showdown.

On that occasion, Britain missed its best opportunity to get clean out from under the pan-German long-range trap, the European Union Collective. If there are further atrocities, even the shooting of the Editor of this service, ‘you’ must immediately press the Government to implement its threat.

• FACT: The Brazilian named De Menezes who was subsequently shot dead by armed police at a London Underground station, was the electronics expert, working ultimately for DVD, who serviced the requirements of the 7/7 bombers. In another unspeakable cover-up, this fact was buried and the police had to endure consequent excoriation by the press and judicial process – an example of the failure of official will arising from the fact that despicable traitors hold high office in the United Kingdom, as in the United States, working to the ultimate remit of the DVD.

DVD are the ultimate controllers of two drug cartels which service the financial needs of the two main British political parties. These two cartels run all the drugs in the United Kingdom, and they continue to do this because they are protected by GO-2 (General Operations-2) which controls MI6.

This situation will change as soon as John Scarlett is removed from his post, which must surely occur soon in the light of these exposures (in response to which, by the way, there has been a stony silence, apart from the shooting threat).

In addition, John Scarlett has been revealed to us as being among those allegedly renting a safety lock box or boxes seized in Mayfair, Edgeware and Hampstead, London, by the Metropolitan Police on 2nd June 2008, with all the prospectively compromising implications that this entails.

The two British drug cartels routinely replenish the finances of the political parties. An ambitious businessman or other aspirant to join the ‘Great and the Good’ is ‘tapped’, and asked to contribute, say, £1.0 million to the political party in question. It is then indicated that, in exchange, the ‘donor’ will receive £2.0 million into one of his offshore bank accounts. That is the model here. Whenever a prospectively compromising drug-linked prosecution looms, it is typically squashed by the Attorney General or by some other means (including messages delivered to certain corrupted judges).

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that certain UK political leaders are drug users and have spouses who are ditto. In the case of the Government, one of the main reasons for the campaign within the Labour Party itself to remove Gordon Brown from office, is concern about the fact that under Brown, the flow of funds from this corrupt source has dried up. The assumption is that by removing him as soon as possible, the Party’s resources can be restored by the time of the next General Election (now expected in 2010). We believe that any attempt to oust Brown will fail.

An earlier example of the drug flows drying up occurred when the Conservative Party was led by Ian Duncan-Smith, an honourable man whom the ‘Black’ forces within that Party – thought to be headed by the Germanophile Angus Maude – knew would be appalled if he were to discover how the Party was being, in part, financed. They plotted to remove him so that he couldn’t find out.

As a consequence, the flow-of-funds to the Party derived from drug-trafficking and managed by one of the cartels ceased, until Duncan-Smith was removed from the leadership.

• Note: On 22nd August, Gordon Brown indicated his expectation that the British economy, which has stalled, will start to recover within four or five months. While this expectation by Mr Brown has been attributed by some ‘gurus’ to a belief that the Bank of England cannot avoid lowering interest rates, our own assessment is that Mr Brown is basing his view on his knowledge of the progress of the Settlements, of which the ‘mainstream’ media either has no knowledge, or which it has been precluded from covering. It is now reporting the 1929-style catastrophe that we predicted, arising from the criminalist operations of Bush-Clinton-CIA fraudulent finance ops., without understanding that its cause is OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED CRIMINAL OPERATIONS [see Archive].

• The UK ‘mainstream’ media is thus in GROSS dereliction of its Fourth Estate duty to hold the authorities to account, given that the corruption poison spewed out by the subversive George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism has infected the UK political system and Establishment.

In a recent analysis on this website, we reported that one of the high-ups in one of the two drug cartels mentioned above is an Iranian intelligence operative named Hamid Reza Pardis. Assets held by Pardis were found in one or more safety lock boxes seized by armed Metropolitan Police on 2nd June 2008. Following this development and our recent exposure of this operative, Mr Pardis has suddenly taken hurried steps to prepare for his exit from the United Kingdom, we understand.

A second UK-based Iranian intelligence operative whose ‘assets’ were identified in one or more of the seized lock boxes, also exposed on our website recently, is Ali Ghabami, who was at one time married to the sister of Norma Major, the wife of the former Prime Minister (see above).

Ali Ghabami is reported to us to be close to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the intelligence operative and satanist who is currently functioning as President of Iran.

Both Pardis and Ghabami, who are very high-level Iranian intelligence operatives, use or have used a British-based Jewish bank in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – a state which appears to have residual or even close ties with DVD, Dachau. It is separately known that the Iranian Mullahs hide the money they have stolen by ransacking Iranian state assets, in Dubai.

A third very high-level Iranian operative, Ali Dizaei, has risen to become the third highest-ranking police officer inside the Metropolitan Police. Under the ‘politically correct’, and therefore mind-controlled ‘diversity’ policy (which has been disseminated inter alia via the subversive operation named Common Purpose, run out of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, when he occupied that post), the Metropolitian Police (and other British police forces) have fallen for the deception and infiltration operation whereby ‘diversity’ provides cover for penetration by agents for foreign powers, of which this very high-level Iranian operative is a leading example. One of his tasks is to destabilise the entire British police system by fabricating ‘racism’ charges and court cases, thereby paralysing police operations. This man is exceedingly dangerous.

[Unimportant Note: There is currently some doubt about the precise spelling of his name].

The Iranian penetrations in the United Kingdom are associated with the massive secret operation to equip Iran with nuclear weapons. ‘Special’ sources inform us that this is a Luciferian operation spearheaded by George H. B. Bush Sr./DVD. One dimension of this activity is reported to embrace the use of submarines for the clandestine distribution not only of drugs [see below] but also of components and nuclear materials for the Iranian nuclear project.

This is an extremely murky area, but the Editor has been informed that the ‘triple gunshot warning voicemail’ may have had rather more to do with the fact that we had trailered that we were about to expose some of this information, than with our ongoing work in exposing the criminalists’ financial fraud operations, which indeed finance such diabolical activities as the clandestine procurement and conveyance of nuclear materials for global terrorism proliferation and intended ‘Black’ World Revolution and control purposes. The entire nexus of operations here is MAD AND DIABOLICAL.

The following two individuals, we understand, were murdered because of their knowledge of these Bush 41/DVD operations concerned with the clandestine nuclearisation of Iran: (1) Maria Gabriela Di Biase, who ‘fell out of’ a window on the 19th floor of the United Nations building in New York on 17th Febuary 2008, onto the UN’s South Lawn. A ‘wet’ team was subsequently identified as being present in the building and on that floor at the time, which was over a weekend; and (2) Dr David Kelly, who had access to intelligence about this diabolical Bush/DVD operation to nuclearise Iran.

According to some sources, Kelly’s murder was ordered by the Prime Minister du jour, but we now understand that what happened was that Blair just stood by while the brilliant man was ‘whacked’.

The body of Ms. Di Biase was photographed having been covered with bags and tape by police, who explained to media enquirers on 19th February that bags and tape are used when there is believed to be a chance that DNA evidence from a struggle might be recovered.

The DVD has arranged for a fleet of submarines to be refurbished and ‘rented out’ to ‘Black’ associates for international drug-running and nuclear proliferation purposes.

It is reported to us that in 2005, a British frigate intercepted one of these DVD vessels, which was found to be conveying between three and four tonnes of Colombian pure. Its skipper was from the Dominican Republic, as were members of the crew. [Note: there is some question concerning the detail of this, but the outline is presented here for completeness].

• 21st September 2008: The Fox News ticker tape [1:30am-2:30am] stated: ‘The US Coastguard has intercepted an [unspecified] vessel carrying [an estimated] 7 tons of cocaine. US Navy aircraft had spotted a 60-ft vessel 200 miles off the [East] Coast… Coastguard sank vessel after determining that it was too unstable’ [!]. The ticker tape report elaborated that this took place quote ‘four days after apprehension of a ‘home-made submarine”, referencing a quite separate incident involving the transportation of drugs but which involved the use of a submarine.

One of George H. W. Bush Sr.’s drug-trafficking allies has been President Chavez of Venezuela, whose geopolitical stance for gullible international public consumption, is anti-American and neo-Communist. But in reality, this is a cover, as Chavez is an ‘asset’ of George Bush Sr., engaged inter alia in drug-running for and in collaboration with the Bush networks and DVD, Dachau. Venezuelan drug shipments have been traced via the Dominican Republic into South Africa, where President Mbeke is reported to take his cut, before the shipments are forwarded to the corrupt oil state of Equatorial Guinea, for onward shipment into Europe and Britain.

One or more of the DVD’s submarines that are being used to transport drugs shipments was/were used by French ‘Black’ intelligence (collaborating, in the tradition of Vichy, with the DVD) in 2003 to convey weapons-grade plutonium to Iran.

Certainly, the involvement of French intelligence in this nefarious activity has a lot to do with the Jewish-Hungarian French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s anxiety to ingratiate himself with the Israeli authorities, and may explain the attempt on his life when he was boarding his Air France plane. The French work closely with Germany, as provided for under the terms of the 1963 Treaty of the Elysee which lays down that France and Germany must ‘reach a common position’ on relevant international issues of common interest, so that each others’ interests are furthered in relation to the Rest of the World and third parties. Hence, French ‘Black’ counterintelliegnce works with the DVD, and of course hence with George Bush Sr. and the George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism.

The Sarkozy Government’s ties into Langley have been exposed by Thierry Meyssan, President of the Voltaire Network, who has identified the following facts of interest in this context:

(1) Sarkozy’s half brother, Pierre Olivier, calling himself Oliver in the United States, was named by Frank Carlucci, formerly the second most senior CIA official, as a Director of Bush Sr.’s slush fund operation, Carlyle Group, which is central to the prevailing world financial tsunami and incidentally handles the main assets of the Kuwaiti and Singapore Sovereign Wealth Funds.

(2) Carlucci was originally recruited by the CIA’s Frank Wisner Sr., who is fingered by Meyssan as having plotted the destruction of the Gaullists and the rise of Nicolas Sarkozy. A defector from an Illuminati circle has described this man as ‘exceptionally important for The New Underworld Order‘.

(3) Lambertist Trotskyites, named after their founder Pierre Lambert, a small extremist group, which collaborated with the CIA against the Stalinist French Communists during the Cold War period, and who infiltrated the French Socialist Party, introduced two ‘notorious CIA agents’ there: one Lionel Jospin who became Prime Minister, and Jean Christopher Cambadelis, key adviser to Dominique Strauss Kahn, who taught at Stanford, where he was hired by the former Dean of that University, Condoleeza Rice, the current Secretary of State. Strauss Kahn’s ‘services’ were ‘rewarded’ by Ms Rice when he was appointed Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2007.

(4) Frank Wisner Jr., appointed by President Bush as his envoy concerned with the independence of Kosovo (‘separation precedes federation’: Lenin), ‘insisted’, according to Meyssan, that Bernard Kouchner be named by Sarkozy as French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The underlying objectives here were/are the independence of Kosovo and the secret destruction of France’s Arab policy, in the interests of the Jewish State. Hence Sarkozy’s ambivalent position towards Israel. Note also that the DVD appear to want France ‘out of their way’ so that French operatives don’t disrupt their subversive operations all over the Islamic world, and especially not the Bush Sr./DVD/CIA operation to nuclearise Iran. Meyssan is withering in his description of Kouchner’s entanglements with the American/DVD revolutionaries, as the following passage from his report of 26th July 2008 shows:

‘Kouchner started his career by participating in the creation of a humanitarian NGO. Thanks to the financial support provided by the National Endowment for Democracy, he took part in operations of Zbigniew Brzezinski in Afghanistan ‘against’ the Soviets, alongside Osama Bin Laden (‘Tim Osman’) and the Karzai brothers. One finds him again in the 1990s working with Alija Izetbegovic in Bosnia Herzegovina. From 1999 to 2001, he was the High Representative of the United Nations to Kosovo’.

‘Under the hegemony of the youngest brother of President Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan became the largest world producer of opium poppies, converted locally into heroin, and transported by the US Air Force to Camp Bonsteed in Kosovo. There, operatives working for Hacim Thaci take charge of the drug and distribute it mainly in Europe and accessorily in the United States. The proceeds are used to finance the illegal operations of the CIA. Karzai and Thaci are very longstanding personal friends of Bernard Kouchner who undoubtedly overlooks their criminal operations in spite of the extensive reports about their [criminal] activities that have been published’.

(5) Christine Lagarde, named by Sarkozy as Minister of Finance, spent most of her career prior to her appointment in the United States, where she directed the firm of Baker and Mckenzie, a direct link into Bush Sr. This woman was also prominent in Vice President Richard Cheney’s Center for International and Strategic Studies, the neoconservative (Trotskyite) operation, wherein she co-presided with Zbigniew Brzezinski over a working group supervising the Polish privatisatioms.

Lagarde further orchestrated, Thierry Meyssan reported, an intensive lobbying operation in favour of Lockheed Martin AGAINST the French aircraft manufacturer Dassault.

(6) Alain Bauer, who is in now in charge of French intelligence. This man is a former Grand Master of the French Grand Orient, the primary French Masonic organisation, and was earlier the second in command of the US National Security Agency (NSA) in Europe. French intelligence is accordingly a branch of the George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism, and of its associated clowns at Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau.

In short, the George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism has its jaws locked into the central nodes of French power so that President Nicolas Sarkozy can be considered to be an operational ally or extension of George Bush Sr., and thus a ‘reliable’ partner for the German ‘Black’ DVD.

Al-Qaeda is controlled by DVD, Dachau, and by German elements of the CIA working with the DVD. This statement contradicts everything that has ever been published on this score. However the CIA background and associations of Osama Bin Laden, the CIA’s asset and operative known as ‘Tim Osman’, who died on 26th December 2001 in a Minnesota hospital or hospice, are well known.

The Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein and his sons was modelled along Nazi lines and the original 1964 coup in Iraq was an operation against the British. Saddam Hussein became one of the most successful secret financial trading partners of George Bush Sr., amassing vast nanomoney assets at Rafidain Bank which Saddam Huissein considered to be his own private bank. George Bush Sr.’s standard procedure is ALWAYS to double-cross his ‘partners’, whenever his gross jealousy at their success in building false wealth overflows. So Bush Sr. envied and lusted after the estimated $100 trillion of nanofunds accumulated in sub-accounts with Rafidain Bank’s London Branch. The Editor speculates that the British authorities refused the Bush Crime Family/CIA interests access to the sub-accounts that they lusted after, which may well have been the pretext for the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29-30 March 2007, as reported by this service. When testing this hypothesis with knowledgeable US contacts, the Editor has found that it is never considered improbable.

The Saudi Royal family’s connections with German ‘Black’ intelligence, are also extensive. In broad terms, German counterintelligence’s intermeddling in the Middle East began after the First World War, with the establishment by the Abwehr of the Muslim Brotherhood, run out of Cairo, Egypt, for the purpose of undermining British influence throughout the Middle East – a long-range strategic deception operation that proved successful.

In other words, German intelligence vowed to reverse the outcome of the First World War, almost as soon as it had ended and the Treaty of Versailles had been signed – just as it subsequently took concrete steps to reverse the outcome of the Second World War.

These concrete steps started up in 1941, with the Wannsee Conference and the seminars which resulted in the publication in Berlin the following year of ‘Europaïsche Wirtschaftsgesellschaft’ (‘European Economic Community’), the Nazi blueprint for the collectivised reorganisation of Europe under pan-German hegemony which re-emerged with the same priorities and chapter headings in the format of the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 [see above].

Since the CIA is essentially controlled by the German faction, the CIA promotes and finances the terrorist operations that the President of the United States denounces. These provide massive cover for the installation of the Big Brother surveillance society.

Mass US eavesdropping is conducted both against foreign and domestic targets for the primary purpose of ascertaining what is known about the fraudulent finance and corruption which it is the primary objective of the corrupt holders of high office to cover up and perpetuate.

• The Iranian régime, as currently constituted, is a DVD operation and has long-standing historical connections arising originally from the Abwehr’s operations in the Middle East after the First World War. This background will be seen to be relevant, for instance, when we come to noting notorious atrocities perpetrated by DVD cadres and/or their known assets and collaborators, which include the destruction of TWA-800 in July 1997.

The late lamented US analyst Sherman Skolnik, from his vantage point in Chicago, wrote as follows with truly acute understanding, in an article entitled ‘The New/Old White House Gang’, dated 31st December 2000, held in our files:

‘One of the most explosive situations reportedly implicates Governor Tommy Thompson, appointed by President George W. Bush as the Secretary of Health and Human Services to replace outgoing Clinton appointee (and intelligence operative) Donna E. Shalala. It all revolves around a colossal reputed CIA espionage slush fund, from Switzerland, reportedly operating without legal authority in Wisconsin through the criminality of Governor Tommy Thompson’.

‘The billions and billions of US dollars has been called by the innocent-sounding name, Children’s Defense Fund. Playing a key role in the dirty business reportedly was Donna E. Shalala, starting when she was Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and continuing when she was Secretary of Health and Human Services’.

In 1992, we published an issue of International Currency Review featuring Hillary Rodomski Clinton on the front cover, and addressing her [non]-‘stewardship’ inter alia of the Children’s Defense Fund – which had been pulled to shreds, insofar as this could be done without incurring the anger of the CIA, by the Government Accounting (now ‘Accountability’) Office (GAO). Even then, the GAO was not amused by the dubious record of the President’s CIA wife, as Director of that operation.

(3) Reference: ‘Bill Clinton’s Hard-Left Entourage’, International Currency Review, Volume 21, Number 4, 1992, pages 55-64.

The late Sherman Skolnik elaborated on the subject of this money laundry operation:

‘An official [actually, for some years, the head – Ed.] of the Children’s Defense Fund has been Hillary Clinton… Her reputed lover and law partner, in the Rose Law Firm, Little Rock, AK, was Vincent W. Foster Jr., for a few months in 1993 serving as Clinton White House Deputy Counsel. Foster was the courier and “bagman” for the Fund, travelling widely, prior to the White House job, to and from Little Rock, Wisconsin, Chicago, Switzerland, Russia’.

‘He started, in July 1993, to turn over incriminating records of the Children’s Defense Fund as a huge money laundry, to the then FBI Director, William Sessions. The day before Foster’s body was found in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, Sessions was unceremoniously sacked on ridiculous charges that he defrauded the Government by taking his wife along on one of his FBI office plane flights. Some of these original records did get into Sessions’ possession, and he formed élite units to investigate, for criminality, both George Herbert Walker Bush and his sons, as well as the Bush Family cronies Bill and Hillary Clinton’.

‘Foster was murdered because of the massive Medicare/hospital/State Government/commodity markets fraud as well as for other reasons, including that ‘he knew too much’. For safe-keeping, Sessions parked the original records documenting massive fraud of the Fund, in the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City. The records were destroyed in the multiple bombings, internal and external, of the building, on April 19, 1995. There is substantial reason to believe that the FBI and the US Treasury’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire-Arms [BATF, a.k.a. ‘Alphabet Soup’], allowed a foreign unit, tied to Iraq with American surrogates as dupes, to bomb the building’.

Curiously, Sherman appears to have been unaware of the presence in the same building of the files on postwar German Nazis based in the United States presided over by the head and founder of the Nazi Continuum strategic deception ‘Black’ agency, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Admiral Canaris, who surfaced after the War in Oklahoma, under the alias Samuel Randall Pittmann.

Thus, when the Murrah Building was bombed, several birds were killed with one exploding stone: both Sessions’ sensitive documents AND the tell-tale Nazi papers, were incinerated.

The world was then treated to the diversion of President Clinton’s depraved behaviour in the Oval Office area with the Mossad agent Monica Lewinski, by supposed ‘Independent’ Counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, who just happened, also, to be the Attorney for – the Children’s Defense Fund.

After being dragged out of the sort of hole that the Illuminati typically use to entomb recalcitrant family or other members, Saddam Hussein was subjected to a show trial and was then publicly executed by hanging, in a display of Iranian-style US barbarity. The reason that Saddam Hussein was hanged, which is not widely known, is revealed below. All open sources ‘confirm’ that the gassing in 1982 of the inhabitants of Halabja, a crime against humanity, was perpetrated by Saddam Hussein. The facts, however, diverge sharply from this piece of US/CIA-sponsored disinformation.

On 16th and 17th March 1988, lethal chemical weapons (CW) were supposedly deployed by Iraqi Government forces under Saddam Hussein against the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja, murdering thousands of people, most of them civilians. Between 3,200 and 5,000 people died in agony on the spot, and between 7,000 and 10,000 were severely injured, for a total of up to 15,000 killed and injured, most of whom were civilians.

Thousands more died, according to open reports, of absolutely horrific complications, diseases and birth defects during the years after the attack. Innocently, without being aware of who really perpetrated this atrocity, the US agitprop organisation calling itself Human Rights Watch defined the abomination as an act of genocide, representing furthermore by far the largest-scale actual chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian population in history.

Of significance is the fact that this attack, which was launched in the evening of the 16th March 1988, was entirely separate from Operation Anfal, the campaign conducted in 1986-89 by Saddam Hussein’s régime in order to terrorise the Kurdish population and to terminate the peshmerga rebellions in the most brutal manner possible.

The gas offensive followed a series of napalm and rocket attacks, with about 20 Iraqi MiG and French Mirage aircraft starting to drop chemical bombs. Kurdish commanders in Halabja later reported that there were up to 14 aircraft sorties, with seven or eight planes in each attack. Helicopters, said to be Iraqi, coordinating the operation, were also observed.

Clouds of acrid smoke billowed upwards, starting as white, turning black, then turning yellow, and rising in a column up to 150 feet in the air. The attack involved the use of multiple chemical agents, including mustard gas and the nerve agents sarin, tabun and VX. Some sources have also stated that the blood agent hydrogen cyanide was employed.

This information is based on survivor reports that people died in various ways, with some ‘just dropping dead’, while others ‘died of laughing’.

Others still took several minutes to die, ‘burning and blistering’, or coughing up green vomit. Wounded who were taken to hospital in Tehran were found to have been suffering from exposure to mustard gas. Significantly, the Iranian photographer Kaveh Golestan was among the first photo-journalists to distribute his photographs, beginning with Iranian newspapers – making it hardly likely that the Iranians were behind this atrocity.

Kaveh described the scene to Guy Dinmore of The Financial Times:

‘It was life frozen. Life had stopped, like watching a film and suddenly it hangs in one frame. It was a new kind of death to me. You went into a room, a kitchen, and you saw the body of a woman holding a knife where she had been cutting a carrot. The aftermath was far worse. Victims were still being brought in. Some villagers came to our chopper. They had 15 or 16 beautiful children, begging us to take them to hospital. So all the press sat there and we were each handed a child to carry. As we took off, fluid came out of my little girl’s mouth and she died in my arms’.

A report by a b c entitled ‘America didn’t seem to mind poison gas’ trailered the stunningly muted international response to this abomination, with Saddam Hussein’s Government blaming Iran for the attack (again, hardly likely, otherwise the mullahs’ own censorship machinery would have blocked publication of the horrible photographs). Significantly, the US State Department, which specialises in lies and deceit, tried to suggest that Iran was responsible.

In 2007, Dr Jean Pascal Zanders, the project leader of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), pronounced that Iraq, not Iran, was the culprit. Our intelligence newsletter, Arab-Asian Affairs, not knowing the horrible truth of the matter at the time, also incorporated the Halabja gas attack into its analyses of the multiple horrors perpetrated by the Soviet/German-supported Nazi régime headed by the mass murderer Saddam Hussein and his Mukhabarat intelligence nexus.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported that Iran was responsible for the attack, shortly after it occurred. This assessment was subsequently employed by the CIA in its disinformation propaganda for much of the 1990s. But in the late 1990s, the CIA inexplicably altered its position because, all of a sudden, given the preplanning that was already taking place for the invasion of Iraq (even before Mr Bushfraud II stole the 2000 election), it needed to be able to show that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.

In other words, its earlier gross diversionary lies, pinning the blame on Iran, no longer served its purpose, so it changed its position to meet its current propaganda requirements. It had by now become necessary to keep on mentioning the Halabja chemical weapons attack in order to buttress the Bush II Administration’s ‘line’ that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (true, but they were removed aboard the two Soviet ships that sailed from Umm Qasr three weeks prior to the illegal invasion in March 2003).

Given that lies have to be routinely buttressed by further lies, the CIA criminalists have woven a convoluted thread of deceit and obfuscation into the record, all for the purpose of trying to ensure that actual responsibility remains obscured for ever. For instance, Stephen C. Pelletiere, who co-authored an unclassified CIA analysis of the DIA’s key points, claimed that Iraq was not ‘known to have’ possessed the cyanide-based blood agents determined to have been responsible for the condition of some of the bodies examined. The giveaway was the weasel phrase ‘not known to have’, which of course is NOT the same as saying that Iraq did not possessed those agents.

Joost Hiltermann, the main researcher for Human Rights Watch (HRW) between 1992 and 1994, who conducted an extensive study, including a field investigation in northern Iraq plus an analysis of thousands of captured Iraqi secret police and declassified US official documents, plus interviews with scores of Iraqi survivors, senior Iraqi defectors and ‘retired’ American intelligence officials, concluded that it was ‘clear’ that Iraq carried out the attack on Halabja, and that the United States, fully aware of this, accused Iran without being able to support its allegations.

Mr Hiltermann reported that allegations of chemical weapons usage by Iran were ‘marred by a lack of specificity as to time and place, and the failure to provide any sort of evidence’. The allegations all amounted to ‘mere assertions… and no persuasive evidence of the claim that Iran was the primary culprit was ever presented’.

It will be recalled that we have stated that the chemical weapons attack on Halabja in Iraq was historically ‘separate from’ Operation Anfal, which lasted from 1986 to 1989, and was intended to end the peshmerga rebellions as brutally and decisively as possible. It will also be recalled that the Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988, the same year as the Halabja attacks.

British intelligence sources have specifically advised us that Saddam Hussein was not responsible for, devising, ordering and orchestrating the Halabja attacks.

The chemical weapons assaults were ordered by US intelligence inter alia to hasten the end of the long Iran-Iraq War, so that Iraq could be ostracised and then later invaded, which was exactly what happened after Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait in 1990, with tacit approval from the American Ambassador, April Glaspie. This provided the pretext for George Bush Sr. to double-cross Saddam Hussein, as he always does with his partner-victims, so that the assets accumulated by Saddam Hussein in the course of his corrupt transactions with the Bush Crime Family, could be ‘retrieved’.

Controlling US intelligence in 1988, as today (the CIA ‘works for’ him) was George H. W. Bush Sr.

We have seen how the criminal enterprise calling itself the Central Intelligence Agency changed its ‘line’ on the Halabja mass murders to suit its changed priorities, which of course paralleled what Bush Sr. had in mind. So, how did this ‘old atrocity’ impact post-invasion Iraq after 2003?

When Saddam was pulled out of his hole, the United States exploited him for discrediting and propaganda purposes, and then arranged for him to be hanged after a show trial.

Why? Er, so that he could never implicate George H. W. Bush Sr. in the Halabja atrocity.

The DVD, Dachau, are extensively involved in paedophile ring operations. Selected children are kidnapped, degraded for perverse purposes, and afterwards usually murdered in satanic snuff movies. (Anyone who contradicts us on this matter risks the likelihood that we may publish a very extensive expose of this absolute abomination traceable back to the heathen practice of post-natal contraception which the aberrant children of Israel adopted from time to time by the sacrificing of unwanted children to Molech or Moloch, in the valley of the son of Hinnom, near Jerusalem).

This practice is replicated in child human sacrifices that take place at Bohemian Grove, Sonoma County, California, attended by depraved holders of high office and prominent power positions, every July. Separately, a total of 43 children, who had been kidnapped for paedophile activities and snuff films, perished in May 2007 alone, according to informed experts in touch with this service.

It was reported on 7th August that the Metropolitan Police (London) have confirmed in an email that Madeleine McCann, aged 5, who was snatched on 3rd May 2007 in Praia de Luz, Portugal, as widely rehearsed in the media, was abducted to the order of a paedophile organisation based in Belgium. We have been informed that the way this depraved activity operates is that the ‘client’ is sent three photographs of children, and chooses one of them, who is then provided, to meet his depraved requirements. The individual who selected little Madeleine McCann is a very senior official of the European Commission in Brussels. His name has been reported to this service [see below].

• LATE INSERTION: The Editor had intended to WITHHOLD the identity of the senior EC official concerned. However, in the light of the ‘triple gunshot threat voicemail’ referenced above, and given that in these cricumstances, the lapse of time between the threat and the exposure must be minimised, we have been forced to reveal the top European Commission official concerned.

His hereby shamed name is Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission.

The paedophile and abduction ring is. moreover, actually run out of the European Commission itself. The current position is that the DVD are refusing to release the child, although our British sources have reason to believe that she remains alive. It has been conveyed to DVD that if this child is harmed (beyond the abominable degree to which the child has already been harmed), the consequences will be extreme. This posting will serve as an immediate wake-up call and warning that this child must be released into the care of her parents forthwith and that the use of this child as hostage in any negotiations with British authorities is considered an abomination well beyond the normal range of abominations for which the Nazi pervert DVD are notorious.

All those concerned must be aware of the consequences of further exposure of this matter. Such exposure would compromise perverted politicians in the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Italy, as well as the corrupt European Union structures.

To the right of the railway line that slices through Unterweilbach, Prittlbach and Hebertshausen into Dachau, and adjacent to the Hebertshausen Bahnhof, is an empty area ending in a very steep bank, against which 8,000 Soviet prisoners of war were shot dead in cold blood during the Second World War. Set into the bank is a peculiar building with a sinister gate, approached via a pathway. Beyond the gated entrance is a doorway. Inside this doorway, investigators have photographed evidence of high occultic witchcraft paraphernalia. This horrible place, which is believed to be associated with the DVD, is reported to have been in recent use for high occultic Black ritual purposes.

In the US context, George H. W. Bush Sr. and George W. Bush Jr. have been at times lethally at loggerheads for almost the entire length of George W. Bush’s term in office. The quite intemperate animosity of the President’s father, and the extreme resentment at this interference on the part of the son, has been the most poisonous contemporary relationship on earth.

At least four attempts have been made by the one to murder the other, and at least one retaliatory action has taken place, all of which failed (see below).

George W. Bush Jr. is being blackmailed by his father. The way this has been arranged is that control of the Secret Service was taken away from the Treasury and placed under the dubious power of the Department of Homeland Security, a.k.a. the Ministry of the Interior.

Control of Homeland Security was then transferred into the hands of a dangerous asset of George H. W. Bush Sr. called Michael Chertoff, who was personally involved (as the Judge) in the cover-up of the Vincent Foster murder. Homeland Security therefore obtained access to the log records of all visitors to the White House, including the rent boys reported to have been brought in for the benefit of one or more White House occupants.

George Bush Sr. blackmails his son by holding this sordid information over him, we are informed. That is how the ‘Black Operations’ community functions (on both sides of the Atlantic).

Instead of calling his father’s blackmail bluff (which of course, given this report, he can now do with virtual impunity), George W. Bush Jr., is reported to us to have usually succumbed to this persistent pressure from his father, who, while he is nothing more than a private citizen, has purported to tell the President of the United States what to do, wielding not only the blackmail weapon, but also the power of the ‘Black’ CIA which Bush Sr. represents that he ‘controls’.

Hence the establishment by President Bush Jr. of the Directorate of National Intelligence, which is supposed to be superior to the Central intelligence Ahgency. The first appointee to this new post, London-born John Negroponte, of Greek Jewish extraction, soon realised that he was caught in a vice between the two Bushes, and managed to squeeze himself out of the post and into the State Department. Although we have no knowledge of this possibility, we would not be at all surprised if Negroponte had been threatened by Bush Sr. to ‘get out of my way’.

In repeatedly thwarting the Settlements as we have reported to date and will continue to record for posterity, following the Settlements that will take/have taken place, G. Bush Sr. has held the United States and the whole world to ransom: on behalf of the DVD.

President George W. Bush Jr.’s relationship with his father deteriorated to a state of permanent Blackness from the day that the son became President of the United States in 2000.

The hatred between these two, masked by an appearance of cordiality for public consumption, has been one of the most dangerous and poisonous personal relationships to bedevil our humanity for centuries, not least of course because G. Bush Jr. has his finger on the nuclear trigger, so that in theory he can command his forces to nuke any enemy he pleases. In practice, since the US military is not entirely composed of complacent traitors, he has been told not only that the US military will not countenance an attack on Iran, but also that it will not go to war over Georgia. There is as yet no word as to what its response to a Russian 21-day ultimatum for US Naval ships to get out of the Black Sea may be; but judging by rational decisions that the US military has apparently taken over this crisis so far this year, it is to be doubted that it will agree to any confrontation there.

The bitterness between the two stems, in its current format, from the fact that George H. W. Bush Sr. bribed the Supreme Court in 2000 and thereby procured the confirmation of his elder son as President – a move that was partly motivated by Bush Crime Family jealousy that the Gore family, which coveted access to the trading programs and other corrupt opportunities to exploit highest office for self-enrichment purposes, eagerly sought the Presidency and would be in a position to curtail or reverse Bush/DVD operations, including coveted self-enrichment activities.

During the First Term, therefore, Bush II felt constrained and was in any case left in no doubt that his father controlled the CIA and considered his son’s Presidency to be an extension of his own. Operating out of an office inside the White House, as well as from his office at Langley, Bush Sr. continued to behave in exactly the same manner as Mikhail Gorbachëv, who operates, to this day, from a spacious wing of the Kremlin, basically in the self-same role as when he was head of the Administrative Department of the CPSU, the TOP POWER POST, under Andropov (Lieberman).

However the situation between the Bushes changed after Bush II ‘won’ the Presidential election in 2004, ostensibly on his own account. (This, too, is a myth because, as the whole world knows, the hardware and software of the electronic voting machines supplied by Diebold (directed by certain Russians) and other controlled contractors, were rigged to ensure a second Bush term).

At all events, shortly after the outcome of the 2004 election, President Bush Jr. had a blazing row with his father, along the lines of ‘I won this election in my own right, so stop telling me what to do as I won’t put up with it any longer’.

The anger expressed by Bush Jr. was further poisoned by overtones arising from the blackmail hold that George Bush Sr. had maintained over the President, referred to above.

As reported below, we know, from ‘special’ sources, of at least four occasions when one of the Bushes attempted to liquidate the other physically. These occasions are identified in outline below.

• On 22nd November 2004, a Gulfstream-3 G-1159A (registration November 85VT, Serial Number 449) took off from Dallas Love Field en route initially to Houston’s Hobby Airport. On its descent into the Runway 4 at Houston Airport, the plane crashed into a light tower at 6.23 am CST, with 3 fatalities (two pilots and a stewardess).

This plane, owned by Business Jet Services, had been intended to convey Bush Sr. to Peru. The intention had been for Bush Sr. to join the plane at Dallas, but instead it flew to Houston to pick him up. Our sources state that altimeter instruments were modified, and that the assassination project, which had been for the plane to crash in Peru, was disrupted by an apparent change of plan when it had to land at Houston to collect Bush Sr., instead of flying direct from Dallas to Peru.

The plane crash is ‘logged’ by intelligence sources as an attempted assassination of George H. W. Bush Sr. Since the means used to achieve this (fiddling with the aircraft controls and/or software) is the hallmark of DVD, Dachau, it is believed that DVD may have finally tired of George Bush Sr.’s self-enrichment and vindictive reprisal operations, motivated by his lust for recouping colossal sums of stolen money that he has lost. (We concur that this conflicts with the information on the nuclearisation of Iran, but recall that we are not dealing with rationality in any of these contexts).

Failed operations to assassinate George Bush Jr. of which we are aware, have included the events numbered below. Other unlisted attempted assassinations are thought to have taken place, too:

(1) An attempt to blow up Air Force One in Turkey, where the President was to attend a NATO meeting. This was thwarted after British intelligence agents alerted the CIA to what was intended (for which the British received no thanks whatsoever). Information on this attempt on President George W. Bush’s life has been completely suppressed. However the British agent who warned the US authorities advises us that it had to do with a shipment of lethal materials which were intended to be used to destroy Air Force One in the area.

(2) Bicycle accidents, etc: The peculiar ‘bicycle mishap’ event in Bush Jr.’s First Term, when he had to be thrown to the ground by Secret Service agents: The President was just completing a 17-mile ride on a mountain bike at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, suffering scrapes and scratches on his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees. Fortunately, White House spokesman Trent Duffy told the press, Mr Bush was wearing a helmet and a mouth guard.

The spokesman warned that Mr Bush would probably be wearing a bandage on his chin when he arrived in Austin, TX, for a party for his daughter, Jenna, who was graduating from the University of Texas that weekend. That was the ‘line’ for public consumption. UK intelligence sources inform us, however, that the Crawford report masked an assassination attempt.

There is also a suggestion that the event in January 2002, when President Bush Jr. was watching a football game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Miami Dolphins on the third floor of the White House residence and choked on a Pretzel, may also have been an assassination attempt.

The ‘pretzel’ caused Bush Jr. to faint and fall, bruising and scraping his face in the process. On that occasion he was accompanied only by his dogs Spot and Barney.

The precision detail given here (in respect of the exact details of the game that the President was watching) is typical of a cover story, designed to be as ‘specific’ as possible, but with respect to factors which have nothing to do with what actually happened.

In June 2003, George Bush Jr. was visiting George Bush Sr. and Barbara at the family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, when he ‘fell off’ his motorised Segway scooter. He was holding a tennis racket, which may have interfered with his coordination. There is no information as to whether this was just a mishap, given the location of the event, although many photographers were present and captured the incident, which was immediately disseminated worldwide.

(3) The ‘random shootings’ episode when two Black snipers were conducting shooting practice on live targets was an elaborate cover for an intended assassination of President George W. Bush, we are informed. On 3rd October 2002, Maryland police launched a hunt for a ‘skilled shooter’ and a possible accomplice after five people, three men and two women, had been shot dead with high-velocity bullets in the Washington, DC, area. On 7th October, a 13-year-old boy was shot and injured as he was being dropped off at a Maryland school.

On 9th October, a man filling his car at a petrol station at Manassas, VA, was shot once in the head. On 11th October, police erected scores of roadblocks outside Washington after a man was shot at a petrol station at Fredericksburg, VA. They said that they were searching for a white van near the scene of several killings. On 14th October, a person was shot dead outside a shopping centre in the Falls Church area of Virginia. On 16th October, the Montgomery County police advised people who heard a gunshot first to take cover and then look in the direction of the noise, amid fears that media reports were influencing the perceptions of witnesses. On 20th October, a man was shot in the stomach but not killed, at a restaurant car park in Ashland, 70 miles south of Washington.

On 22nd October, a bus driver was shot on the steps of his vehicle in Maryland. On 24th October, two men were arrested. A day later, the two men were identified as John Allen Muhammad, 41, and his stepson, John Lee (or Lee Boyd) Malvo, 17. On 30th May 2006, Muhammad was found guilty on six counts of first-degree murder in a Maryland court.

He had already been sentenced to death by a Virginia court. Malvo, who appears to have been the perpetrator’s ‘rent boy’, was sentenced to life in prison.

(3) UK intelligence sources advise that these shootings were part of a mad DVD scheme to create an atmosphere of terror in the Washington area, via random shootings, which would culminate in an attack on the President of the United States. Since Al-Qaeda is a known DVD operation, which the German dimension of US intelligence helped to set up, the profile of the main perpetrator fits.

(4) An unspecified attempt, which failed, to blow up the President up in Washington, DC. Further information on this episode, which was thwarted, has not been forthcoming from our sources.

(5) An operation allegedly initiated or directed by Colin Powell that was intended to ‘take out’ the first four in the line of succession, including the President of the United States, following which Colin Powell would have assumed the Presidency. We understand that a segment of the military was primed for this operation, which failed or was thwarted, with the details having long since been suppressed. Powell was then quietly eased out of the Government, implying that his past activities gave him some leverage over how he was to be treated, which certainly ‘computes’.

More generally, we are authoritatively informed that the following evil events were planned, supervised and/or perpetrated by DVD and/or controlled assets using ‘cutouts’ where necessary:

• Pan-Am 103, which disintegrated over Lockerbie, Scotland, on 21st December 1988, killing 270 people, of whom 11 were on the ground, and 189 people on board were Americans.

British intelligence sources advise that this flight regularly conveyed Syrian and Afghani opium to the United States, a fact that international intelligence had established and was investigating. The plane was destroyed to protect George H. W. Bush Sr. (41) and the DVD, Dachau, sources say.

• TWA Flight 800 Boeing 747-131 en route to Rome via Paris on 17th July 1996, was shot down by a missile fired from a submarine at about 20:31 EDT off East Moriches, Long Island, NY. All 230 people on board (two pilots, two flight engineers, 14 flight attendants and 212 passengers) were killed and the aircraft was completely destroyed, only 12 minutes after take-off from JFK Airport.

On 18th November 1997, the FBI announced that no evidence had been found for a criminal act, and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which had only arrived at the scene the day after the calamity, assumed control of the investigation. In its closing report issued on 23rd August 2000, the NTSB concluded that the probable cause of the accident was ‘an explosion of the center wing fuel tank (CWT), resulting from ignition of the flammable fuel/air mixture in the tank’.

There was talk of a short circuit outside the CWT that allowed excessive voltage to enter it through electrical wiring associated with the fuel quantity indication system.

The actual cause of the TWA-800 disaster, we are informed by British intelligence sources, was an attack from an Iranian submarine supplied to Iran by DVD assets inside Iranian intelligence, which arranged for this atrocity to take place in revenge for the shooting down of Iran Air Flight 655 from Bandar Abbas to Dubai (where the Tehran Mullahs keep their stolen funds, as noted) on 3rd July 1988, when 290 people were killed after the DVD controllers, using DVD assets, had ordered it to be destroyed in another cover-up exercise.

To achieve the TWA-800 calamity, Iranian operatives used AIM-54 Phoenix missiles supplied to Iran when the Shah was in power, for use with US-supplied Tomcat aircraft. British intelligence inform us that DVD engineers modified this weapon, which has the necessary range, for submarine use. Note: We cannot be held responsible for reproducing technical information other than on the basis of the data that was given to us. Experts can review this report in the light of their knowledge.

• Air India Flight 182 from Toronto and Montreal destined for London’s Heathrow Airport and Bombay, which crashed into the North Atlantic off Ireland on 7th April 1986: Intelligence sources advise that this event was connected with German pressure on India, and was orchestrated as usual by DVD, Dachau. A total of 329 people, of whom 280 were Canadians, perished.

• The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster on 28th January 1986: The Shuttle broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, causing the deaths of its seven crew members. The cause was said to be the failure of an O-ring seal in the right solid rocket booster (SRB). The seal failure induced a breach in the SRB joint that it filled, allowing a breach flare to reach the outside and impinge upon the adjacent attachment hardware and external fuel tank. This led to the separation of the right-hand SRB and the structural failure of the external fuel tank, whereupon aerodynamic forces immediately broke up the orbiter. The Rogers Commission found that NASA managers had known that the design by the contractor Morton Thiokol, of the SRBs, contained a potentially catastrophic flaw in the O-rings from 1977 onwards, but that NASA engineers had failed to correct the weakness.

The launch had been widely watched live on TV due to the presence among the crew of Ms Christa McAuliffe, the first member of the ‘Teacher in Space Project’. But according to British intelligence investigations, this catastrophe was caused by a DVD-sponsored sabotage operation exploiting the O-rings weakness and using a DVD penetration inside NASA. The ‘Teacher in Space Project’ was a ruse to maximise the domestic and global impact by playing on US sentiment. The DVD motive for this operation was not explained to us, but the fact that the Challenger was destroyed by a DVD-sponsored sabotage operation, was.

• The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster on 1st February 2003: The Shuttle disintegrated over TEXAS during its re-entry into the atmosphere, with the loss of all seven crew members. The finding was that the damage had been sustained during launch when a piece of foam insulation broke off the Space Shuttle’s external tank (the main propellant tank) under the aerodynamic launch forces. The debris struck the leading edge of the left wing, damaging the Shuttle’s thermal protection system. Again, this was a well-known problem which had been left unresolved by NASA.

The damaged area allowed the hot gases to penetrate and destroy the internal wing structure, eventually causing the vehicle to break up. British authorities advise us that sabotage exploiting the known weakness of epoxy resins was perpetrated in Louisiana, adding that this sabotage was undertaken, once again, to protect Bush 41. There has been no further elaboration, but the finding is confirmed in London.

• The Mississippi River bridge which failed catastrophically during the evening rush hour on 1st August 2007, killing 13 people and injuring about 100 others: British intelligence officers attribute this outrage to an Al-Qaeda repair gang, a finding based on a detailed investigation. During the weeks prior to the collapse, operatives were engaged in joint work and the replacement of lighting, concrete and guard rails. Al-Qaeda is a DVD long-range subversion operation.

• The Buncefield, Hertfordshire, UK, oil storage depot blaze on 12th December 2005, which was the largest fire of its kind seen in peacetime Europe, sending a plume of smoke 200 feet into the air, which was blown across 140 miles of southern England. The oil depot was/is the fifth largest in Britain, holding millions of gallons of fuel, supplying aviation fuel for Heathrow and Luton airports. About 2000 people living nearby had to be evacuated from their homes.

Raheel Ashraf, 26, from High Wycombe, was working as a security guard on the night shift at the building right next to the oil depot. British intelligence sources advise us that the oil depot was sabotaged by an Al-Qaeda cell, a fact that has been covered up and withheld from the public.

• British Airways Flight BA38 Boeing 777 which crash-landed at Heathrow Airport inbound from Peking, China, on 17th January 2008: All 136 passengers were evacuated after the plane’s crew were forced to glide the plane to safety when both engines failed at 600 feet. The aircraft just missed the perimeter fence by inches before touching down on the grass. Investigators initially suggested that the plane had suffered from ‘fuel freeze’ caused by the cold weather (a finding reinforced by a report released in September 2008).

The average freezing temperature of aviation fuel is – 47C, but tests have demonstrated that fuel on airliners does not solidify until – 57C. Investigators soon dropped this explanation when initial tests revealed that the fuel temperature never dropped below – 34C during the flight. A theory that radio signals from Gordon Brown’s motorcade, taking him to Heathrow for a trip of China where he was to discuss the Settlements, interfered with the plane’s engine control systems, was quickly ruled out. In reality, the background to this near-disaster was far ‘Blacker’.

Since Brown and his entourage were scheduled to fly to Peking as part of The Queen’s operation to break the logjam over the Settlements [see this website and International Currency Review for details], DVD assets inside Chinese intelligence and other structures had reason to believe, we are told, that the British Prime Minister’s meetings in China would have decisive consequences that a faction (the DVD faction) of Chinese intelligence opposed. Ahead of Gordon Brown’s trip, however, Western intelligence sources discovered that senior Chinese officials were openly boasting that the meetings that Gordon Brown was to attend, had all been cancelled.

Our UK intelligence sources advise that the ‘freezing fuel’ story was diversionary, and that the aircraft’s software had been tampered with before the plane took off from Peking. It had been precisely calibrated so that the aircraft would lose all power and would crash above Hounslow, a heavily built-up area, the intention being to orchestrate a colossal calamity with up to a thousand people dead. This is exactly what we have been told by UK intelligence sources. The purposes of this abomination would have been twofold: (1) To warn Brown against continuing intense British efforts to procure the Settlements; and (2) To prevent Brown leaving London for China. Because the perpetrators were so certain that Mr Brown would not be arriving with his advisers, Chinese officials cancelled all the scheduled meetings and made it prematurely known that they had been aborted. There is deep DVD penetration inside Chinese intelligence. All the meetings then had to be rescheduled for Brown’s arrival in Peking.

• The Channel Tunnel train fire: The recent very dangerous series of explosions on a freight train travelling through the Channel Tunnel is believed by our sources to have been a DVD-sponsored sabotage operation, which, like an aborted atrocity beneath the Thames that was supposed to have followed the 7/7 abominations, could have breached the Tunnel with catastrophic consequences.

• 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers and related abominations: The complicity of the Iraqi régime, derived from the original Nazi-style putsch achieved with DVD assistance in the 1960s, was first revealed in a note written by Uday Hussein to the Kremlin that was surfaced by ONI operative Lt. Mark Delmart Vreeland in June 2000. Since this ONI operative was later incarcerated ‘in solitary’ in Denver ‘for a very long time and his case is sealed, so he’s no threat to you’ (according to a senior Pentagon-attached US intelligence operative speaking in person to the Editor of this service in March 2005), his information is typically discounted – although he was a ‘major player’ with whom contact could only be contemplated provided one was equipped with a ‘long spoon’. In reality, this operative, like so many other clever US operatives dredged up from the lowest depths of American society, was extremely well informed, provided he remained ‘on his meds’.

He is/was an MK-ULTRA-type victim, with a personality split through the use in childhood of the standard Himmlerian Illuminati ‘Black’ methodology. When Lt. Vreeland’s ‘alter A’ was in gear, his knowledge of the devastating consequences for the United States and the world flowing from the penetration and control over the US intelligence community and the financial system by long-range German (Nazi) interests, under the supervision of George H. W. Bush Sr., was lucid and of a high calibre. Off his ‘meds’, Lt. Vreeland could be extremely dangerous, as the Editor had occasion to discover directly on one occasion in May 2003, when he was returning by Amtrak to New York.

Iraqi motivation for perpetrating the atrocities of 9/11 included the reality that Saddam Hussein, Mr George H. W. Bush’s ‘partner’, had of course been double-crossed by Bush Sr., in accordance with that evil man’s standard practice, and the fact that Rafidain Bank, which Hussein considered to be his own ‘private bank’, had accumulated an estimated $100 trillion of ‘nanofunds’ that were held in sub-accounts of Rafidain Bank, which appear to have been booked in the City of London. The Bush Crime Family parked such proceeds with this bank, a state of affairs that went violently sour when the two trading ‘partners’ fell out after Bush Sr. double-crossed his counterparty, as usual.

When the American Ambassador to Baghdad, April Glaspie, let Saddam Hussein know that there would be no objection from the Bush I Administration if he seized the Kuwaiti oilfields (on behalf of Bush Sr., of course), such a seizure being in line with long-range DVD strategy, Saddam Hussein, believing that he had the US green light to seize the whole of Kuwait, proceeded accordingly. The female American Ambassador had prided herself on her knowledge of Arabic, but was deficient in her understanding of the working class ‘street’ Arabic spoken by Saddam Hussein, and failed to understand that he interpreted what she said as an indication that he had the green light to seize the entire Emirate. As a consequence of the occupation, Iraq acquired a Boeing 767 simulator.

From 1999 onwards, Iraqis were being trained on this simulator, although they also had a Boeing 707 fuselage at Salman Pak. Pilots trained on a Boeing 767 simulator can also operate a Boeing 757, as the cockpit is the same, we are informed.

It was always well known that the Iraqi Mukhabarat (counterintelligence), tracing its origins to the original takeover by force in the 1960s (when, essentially, the DVD/Abwehr seized power in Iraq (by proxy) from the established British tradition), maintained ties with Al-Qaeda, a DVD operation.

Persistent enquiries by British intelligence agents have established that the Boeing 767 simulator owned by Kuwait had been transferred to Baghdad and had not been seen since the Iraqi invasion in 1990. It is understood that the Kuwaitis took some persuading before they finally admitted that this was the case. They obviously understood the grave implications of this admission.

The simulator discovery locks all the other evidence of Iraqi complicity, including some evidence not recited here, into place. Iraq had the motives, not least Saddam Hussein’s soured relationship with George Bush Sr., his one-time ‘trading partner’. Standing behind the Iraqi régime was the DVD, which blackmails British politicians and officials through its agents and sleepers inside the British structures. In this context, Tony Blair, was ‘persuaded’ by the Germans to suppress all intelligence hinting at, or confirming, Iraqi complicity in the atrocities. None of this invalidated Lt. Vreeland’s insight, expressed in his ‘prison note’ by the phrase: ‘Let one happen. stop the rest!!!’

This was the mentality and strategy adopted by the ‘German’/DVD segment of the US intelligence community, and neo-con (Trotskyite) ‘strategists’, who saw that a ‘Reichstag Fire’ event would serve their dark interests by providing a blanket pretext for launching an indiscriminate ‘war on terrorism’, as cover for the erection of a comprehensive surveillance system, while also (as had happened with the Second World War) providing cover for the wholesale destruction of securities contracts. The purpose of this eavesdropping environment is not merely to provide authorities with enhanced intelligence on terrorist financing and operations, but also to collect information on who knows what about the open-ended fraudulent finance which has been the main subject of our ongoing investigations and exposures in recent years. This fraudulent finance, stealing, scamming, illegal exploitation, leveraging and hypothecation of stolen funds, finances the World Revolution. We have helped to expose it, destabilising this conspiracy.

A total of 653 personnel employed by the money broking firm Cantor Fitzgerald perished during the 9/11 abomination. Cantor Fitzgerald held top copies of a huge portfolio of derivatives contracts that were destroyed along with the Twin Towers and the firm’s personnel (plus a very large number of others, thought to be at least ten times greater than the 3,000-odd cited in the media). Destruction of the derivatives contracts meant that the contracts never came to maturity, enabling the corrupt Bushfraud hypothecation based on those ‘assets’ to be perpetuated: UNTIL NOW.

The Editor’s New York midtown office in Madison Avenue was located perhaps two miles away from the collapsed Twin Towers. In late October 2001, the stench of rotting human flesh in the midtown area was unbearable. When the Editor next visited New York in February 2002, the stench was still very marked. The notion that 3,000 people perished makes no sense against this background, and given the Bush Administration’s adherence to the Emile Dirkheim norm of deception and lies being the rule, the Editor is CERTAIN that the figure of 3,000 casualties is false. At least 30,000 perished.

• CONFUSION-MONGERING WEBSITES: Dr Josef Goebbels’ Big Idea was notoriously that it was only necessary to repeat lies incessantly for the lies to become ‘truth’. The more sophisticated method used by The George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism is to sponsor and/or facilitate the open-ended proliferation of websites which all conflict with each other, redirecting attention away from what the ‘Black’ counterintelligence community wants to conceal, and fomenting confusion and depression among bewildered, honest people who are looking for ‘answers’ to what cannot be understood because of the sheer volume of lies inserted by the anonymous intelligence sources lurking among the host of genuine correspondents.

When pressed to reveal their identities, the anonymous intelligence CIA operatives refuse to do so, using the genuine anonymous correspondents as cover, because if they were to reveal their identities, their own cover would be blown.

From their anonymous cover, which protects them from being sued, they consider it appropriate to disseminate inaccurate, diversionary, redirectional material, lies and libellous and often obscene observations directed against open sources of intelligence, thereby functioning dishonestly on an uneven playing field and deceiving genuine people who may not have done their due diligence, or who, having been lied to for years, wind up preferring the Pied Piper’s comforting lies to the truth.

The resulting orchestrated and self-perpetuating confusion is exacerbated by the invention of the ‘Blog’, a highly subversive mind-numbing environment characterised by indiscriminate mixing up of helpful information and opinion, with crass, often obscene and despicable commentaries.

The end-result is the maximisation of the potential for mental dislocation and confusion, with the consequence that people become depressed, cynical, angry, sullen and resigned to whatever the evil people running the Government and its structures choose to dream up next. Since we KNOW that some such websites serve subversive foreign interests, including the DVD’s, this is another abomination that can be added to this list. For an earlier list of such US websites, see page 512 of the Editor’s book ‘The New Underworld Order‘, Edward Harle Limited, 2007, Note 3.

The technical name for the mental and psychological state engendered by these layers of mind-control abominations is ‘learned helplessness’. It is an insidious disease, rendered all the more toxic because those who succumb to it are blinded by its consequences, which means that they find themselves in the dark. Blind people cannot see at all, let alone in the dark:

‘Let them alone; they are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch’. Matthew, Chapter 15, verse 14.

Beyond these and innumerable other abominations, operations and ‘wily hun’ deceptions, the pan-Germans, through e.g. Deutsche Bank, have long since maintained control of high-yield investment and hypothecation operations. THEIR DAY OF RECKONING ARRIVED IN SEPTEMBER 2008.

The historically massive and unprecedented fraudulent finance operations described in our website and published reports were designed by the World Class criminalist operatives, George Bush Sr. and Dr. Alan Greenspan, both of whom we have long since identified as serial financial scamsters whom the US justice and law enforcement systems have failed to bring to book – thanks mainly to the largesse with which bribery is employed, along with blackmail, to keep targets under control. Dr Greenspan was earlier engaged in trying to protect himself from his very belated day of reckoning by adopting a falsely ‘objective’ stance and commenting from the wings on the gravity of the situation, for which HE, GREENSPAN, was himself primarily responsible.

Among recent hypocritical remarks for public consumption along such lines were his comments on 14th September that the then prevailing Wall Street financial meltdown was ‘probably a once in a century event. There’s no question that this is in the process of outstripping anything I’ve seen and it is still not resolved’. UNSPOKEN: What you ‘Useful Idiots’ don’t know is that I am responsible’.

In June and July 2007 we reported that Dr Alan Greenspan had been arrested. This was confirmed to us in an email from a highest-level US Trustee source on 25th June 2007, timed at 01:38 am UK time. The email states: ‘Christopher, thanks for the superb article of this date. I was able to get confirmation of Greenspan’s arrest. My Group of Eight intel said he is under house arrest’.

This takes us back into the Settlements crisis and its aftermath, which are beyond the scope of this report. As indicated above, the Editor was compelled by the ‘triple gunshot voicemail threat’ to go further with these notes than had been intended (primarily because we do not believe in ‘stirring things up for the sake of doing so’). But the shooting threat meant that the lapse of time between the issuance of the threat, which has had to be taken seriously, and posting this report, had to be minimised. The advice we have received is that the gap between threat and the exposure is the most dangerous period. So, if DVD and its associates thought that by issuing the shooting threat they were achieving anything, the upshot, as usual, is that they have just made their predicament worse than was the case before they lost control and their temper. One day, perhaps, these evil people may come to understand that their relentless hatred of the ‘Main Enemy’ is a waste of time because, although we have been very slow and slothful ‘waking up’, the cat is well and truly out of the Black Bag: and the DVD Nazi Strategic Deception Continuum have only themselves to blame.

The fact of the matter is that the REAL enemies of ‘the Main Enemy’, both the enemies within and without, have been thrown into a state of absolute confusion, running around like rats let out of the sack inside which they have been attacking each other. Since the enemies of the ‘Main Enemy’, Britain and the United States, are also the enemies of the WHOLE OF HUMANITY, it is becoming clear why the mad orchestrators of the World Revolution are in a state of unanticipated disarray. They NEVER thought they would EVER encounter any real opposition. How wrong they were.


• ‘Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him,
Art thou the King of the Jews?

Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?

Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done?

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?’.

John, Chapter 18, verses 33-38.

• ‘Truth is an accurate representation of the subject under consideration:

(1) As it relates to all other things;

(2) As it always has been in the past;

(3) As it universally holds in the present; and:

(4) As it shall hold without exception in the future.

Error is not the opposite of truth. Error is anything except truth.

If there are any exceptions, it is error’.

Dr Stuart Crane, with acknowledgements to the Editor’s friend, Des Griffin.

• Truth is often confused with candour, which cannot be relied upon to contain the truth. Candour is used by Soviet disinformation operatives, especially, as a means of perpetrating deception. US disinformation operatives, having been trained in the Nazi tradition of Dr Josef Goebbels, prefer the devices of obfuscation, diversion, lies and confusion, rarely using candour to mask truth.
They wouldn’t know how to begin!

• Discerning the truth:

‘Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come: and even now already is it in the world’.

First Epistle of John, Chapter 4, verses 1-3.

• ‘Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron’.

First Epistle of Paul to Timothy, Chapter 4, verses 1-2.

• ‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which [are] ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth’.

II Timothy, Chapter 3, verses 1-5, 7.

FINALLY, the line ‘ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free’ IS INVARIABLY CITED OUT OF CONTEXT. The CIA cites the text deceitfully at its George Bush Center for Intelligence depot in Langley, turning the truth into a lie.

The point here is that this promise is CONDITIONAL. The correct and complete text is as follows:

‘Then said Jesus to those Jews that believed on him: IF ye continue in my
word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’.

John, Chapter 8, verses 31-32.



LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• ‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.