

Sunday 30 May 2010 00:01





















Outline details of this week’s release of International Currency Review are displayed in the second panel immediately below the NEWS panel on our Home Page. Also released are two further issues of Arab-Asian Affairs. Volume 33, # 5 of this title reveals how the Israeli authorities disguised the physical identity of David Kimche, the Israeli spymaster, drug controller and Director of the Israeli Foreign Office, even after his death, which took place on 8th March 2010.

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

‘Seeing what’s at the end of one’s nose requires constant effort’. George Orwell.

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• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

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• By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and ‘politically incorrect’ [i.e., correct] intelligence books online from this website.

Press Archive for this report [29th January 2010]
Case Number CV10-00031 JVS (MLGx):
You can also access the CMKM/CMKX text at: http://viewer.zoho.com/docs/paKdda
The biggest lawsuit in world legal history: The phantom share giga-scandal.



Astonishing developments since we last reported have confirmed that the White House is a criminal enterprise. Nothing surprising about that, we hear you respond.

No, nothing surprising at all – except that all related intelligence on this subject to date, while compelling, has been circumstantial.

• We now have the proof.

First, in response to our exposure that Vice President Joseph Biden, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel have been accepting weekly and monthly Payola bribery checks ordered by the Bush-CIA-DVD Crime Syndicate, the White House exploded in anger.

Specifically, instead of issuing a denial or formulating some immediate dirty trick against the Editor of this service, the White House/CIA rounded on the agent who leaked this information to a contact and ‘chewed him up’.

Of course this fact was duly reported back to us. If the criminal Obama White House had had any residual sense at all it would have resisted the temptation to reprimand the agent for revealing these impeachable offences (in the cases of Messrs Biden and Geithner, BOTH can and should be impeached for taking bribes while holding high office). But no, as this White House is Blacker than Black, it gave way to its visceral fury at having been found out.

So it rounded on the agent and ‘chewed him’ – thereby CONFIRMING THE ACCURACY OF OUR REPORT. How stupid is that? Not that our report needed confirmation because, really, do you suppose we would have published such damaging intelligence if it had not been true?

Actually, what the White House reacted to was our exposure of the fact that Admiral Dennis C. Blair ‘resigned’ (was ‘asked to resign’) by Barack Obama because he had been pressing for the financial releases and because he had acquired documentary proof of the Payola bribery checks being paid to Biden, Geithner and Emanuel.


Now, as you will already have deduced, there is another dimension lurking here.

Specifically, as reiterated above:

• Acceptance of bribery Payola payments by holders of high office in the United States is both a criminal and an impeachable offence.

So what does the criminal Obama White House do? Instead of sacking Biden, Geither and Emanuel and handing their cases over to the Justice Department or whatever other appropriate procedure would apply here, NO! It rounds on the agent who, though a signatory of the US equivalent of the British Official Secrets Act, found this behaviour too much even for his steel stomach to digest.

This tells you all you need to know about the Obama White House.

• Like its recent predecessors, it is a CESSPIT OF INIQUITY.

The passage from the preceding report to which the White House reacted in fury, thereby confirming the accuracy of our report, is appended as Note (1) below.

The sequel to this was the complete failure of Mr Geithner’s related hurried trips to Peking, London and Paris. Specifically:

• In the Chinese capital, Geither, as we reported in a Newsflash dated 26th May, attempted to ‘do a deal’ with the Chinese authorities, Lien holders against the US Treasury in the aggregate sum of $47 trillion, effective 6th December last year [see reports]. The Chinese authorities refused to entertain any such duplicity and told Geithner as sharply as they could: ‘NO. GET IT DONE’.

• In the British capital, Geithner incurred the clearly visible displeasure of George Osborne, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer. A photograph of the two published on page 55 of the Times, London, dated 27th May 2010, showed Osborne clearly annoyed at something Geithner had just said, and Geithner looking at him with extraordinary arrogance. A similar photograph appeared in the Wall Street Journal. The caption to The Times’ picture read as follows:

‘George Osborne appeared to be slightly at odds with the US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, left, over the issue of a specific rescue fund’.

Note the extraordinarily VAGUE description of the fund in question. There seems little doubt that the ambiguous ‘specific rescue fund’ referenced the Dollar Refunding Program which Geithner has been blocking – although the newspaper then ran down the diversionary rabbit hole of discussing Geithner’s call for Europe’s leaders to ‘shore up’ the Euro and calm global markets by putting their rescue plan into action quickly, undsoweiter. That programme is in jeopardy now because the US Senate has voted 98-0 to prohibit the International Monetary Fund (effectively nowadays a branch of the White House) from pouring good money down debt spiral sink-holes.

• In the French capital, Geithner attempted, as in China, to ‘do a deal’ with the French authorities, and was duly told to back off and shown the door.

So the recipient of Bush Payola bribes, Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the United States Treasury, achieved precisely NOTHING on this trip, except to discover that the three key players (we don’t know what happened in Germany), had seen through him for the duplicitous, dirty, double-dealing wheeler-dealer, sheister and criminal financier that he is.

On Saturday 29th May, the Editor was informed, and obtained immediate confirmation, of the fact that Geithner, signed off on the releases on Friday 28th May, on his arrival back in Washington. Having been slapped down in Peking, London and Paris, this increasingly pathetic recipient of Bush’s Payola bribes doubtless sought to exonerate himself and to get himself off the hook by authorising the hijacked and criminally delayed release payouts – aware that his signature on the relevant documents was meaningless.

• Note: We originally thought that Geithner signed off on Saturday 29th: but it has been clarified that he signed the necessary authorisations for the releases on Friday 28th, the very same day on which Mr Obama took it upon himself to intervene IN HIS PERSONAL CAPACITY as narrated in this report, to frustrate the releases ostensibly until 1st June (Tuesday). These contradictory actions turned out to be a dialectical ploy too far, which has exploded in the faces of these criminals.

• As you will see from Mr A Clifton Hodges’ letter to Buckingham Palace dated 28th May, copied as stated on the letter to the Editor of this service, Counsel for the Black Caucus reacted with fury at Mr Obama’s betrayal, as he sees it, of the American Black community, and with justification. On 30th May, we learned that it has been decided that Obama will not be re-selected to run as President again. He will be a one-term President, and it is now on the cards that he may have to be removed from the White House much earlier than the end of his term. Vice President Biden has stated that he is ‘personally compromsied, and therefore unqualified to succeed President Obama’.

• Why was Geithner’s sign-off on Friday 28th May meaningless?

Because these crooks are playing exactly the same game that was repeatedly played by George W. Bush, Henry M. Paulson, Richard B. Cheney et al. under the preceding corrupt White House – the game called ‘pass the parcel’, i.e. everyone blames everyone else, by rote. That way, nothing ever happens, the ‘Never Pay Syndrome’ is perpetuated, and nobody is ever to blame.

The problem this time round, however, is that in signing off on Friday 28th May, Timothy Geithner indicated to those not sitting on their brains, that he is even more of a fool than the village idiot he acted out in Peking, London and Paris.

• Because, President Obama has compromised himself and has PERSONALLY intervened to contradict what he had ordered in his official capacity, ON THE ORDERS OF GEORGE H. W. BUSH.

And since the duplicitous little clown Geithner knows this full well, by signing off on the releases precisely ONE DAY AFTER OBAMA HAD PERSONALLY INTERVENED TO STOP THEM, Geithner has signalled that he is a careless deceiver, a desperate liar and a mendacious recipient of Bush Sr.’s bribes who, knowing that his boss had only just intervened PERSONALLY to stop the payouts a day earlier (see below), DEEMED IT ‘SAFE’ TO DO THE OPPOSITE in the knowledge that Barack Obama is the backstop taking orders directly from criminal Godfather Bush Senior.

The problem you face, Mr Geithner, is that we and others have seen right through your desperate and despicable duplicity – so that you, Sir, have nowhere to hide. You were told where to get off in Peking, London and Paris and you have frankly BLOWN IT. You purport to have ‘got the message’ by signing off on 28th May, but in reality you have been exposed, in conformity with Story’s Third Law: ‘Sooner or later, all operations and covers are blown’.


Again, there is a further dimension here. Notwithstanding that Geithner and the other snakes have long since been exposed before the whole world (the Chinese Government reads our reports), Mr Geithner still considered it worth trying to ‘do deals’ when all the relevant foreign parties have seen right through him and have resolved to resist this cesspit of American official corruption.

We are informed by a knowledgeable US source that the rationale behind this behaviour is derived from the Bush lexicon, which incorporates a Leninist technique that can be summarised as follows:

• Leading a target by the nose, enticing the target incessantly (‘bait’) and continuing this process far beyond the bounds of human tolerance, long after no progress has been made – in the firm expectation, born of experience, that eventually the target will crack and will ‘do a deal’.

Of course when the target cracks and makes this crass mistake, he finds that he has been double-crossed, because the Bush lexicon then prescribes that the despised target is at once let down and double-crossed – i.e., that the agreed-upon deal is reneged upon instead. This, by the way, is PURE UNADULTERATED REVOLUTIONARY LENINISM. Study Lenin and you will discover that this is precisely the modus operandi taught by that son of Belial.

So, one highly satisfactory outcome that we can reasonably report is that our exposure of the true factors behind the ‘resignation’ of Admiral Dennis C. Blair contributed to the ABJECT FAILURE AND HUMILIATION of Treasury Secretary Geithner’s latest DESPERATE attempt to get out of the bind he is in by trying, even at this late stage, to subvert and corrupt the key foreign parties pertinent to this crisis, for which Geithner is responsible.

The second proof we now have that the Obama White House is a criminal enterprise arises from a quite extraordinary development that occurred on Thursday 27th May 2010.

• We were informed about this on the following day.

Specifically, it was reported to Mr A. Clifton Hodges, the US lawyer with whom we are in close contact, by the US Gold Badge Signatory. Lindell H. Bonney Sr., chosen by MI6 to interact with all concerned as Paymaster, that on 27th May, Obama PERSONALLY intervened to contradict:

• His own prior signed OFFICIAL authorisation for the financial releases to proceed.

• The requirements of the Lien Holders to the same effect.

• The instructions of the World Court in the same context.

• The requirements of the Basel List which includes fulfillment of the Line Item requiring the sovereign loan to be remitted as ordered, to the securities account with Morgan Stanley, New York, of Michael C. Cottrell’s firm Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

Having by then exhausted all possibilities for double-dealing and duplicity, President Barack Obama committed the fatal mistake of ‘piercing the veil’ of his Presidential authority, by stepping outside the bounds of his office and committing the most grievous offence ultra vires.

The information conveyed to us by Mr Hodges derived from the Gold Badge Signatory confirmed that Obama picked up the phone and GAVE ORDERS IN HIS PERSONAL CAPACITY for the Bank of America, Richmond et al. to STOP the release payouts, making Mr Obama PERSONALLY LIABLE – ostensibly until the first of June (Tuesday) (although we interpret that date as simply the next stop by the Bushtrain called ‘Never Pay Syndrome’).

This, including the PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PRESIDENT OBAMA resulting from his PERSONAL INTERVENTION, is all CONFIRMED in the following letter dated 27th May 2010 to President Obama from Mr A. Clifton Hodges, of Hodges and Associates, Pasadena, California, lawyer for the CMKX SEC scamming victims and for Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. and his corporations Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., and Cottrell Securities Limited, London:

4 East Holly Street
Suite 202
CA 91103
Tel: (626) 564-9797
Fax: (626) 564-9111

A. Clifton Hodges
James S. Kostas
Donald W. Ricketts, Of Counsel

May 27, 2010
Via Facsimile Only: (202) 456 2461

Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
White House
Washington, DC

In re: World Global Settlements

Dear Mr President

I write to you again this afternoon in furtherance of my previous recent correspondence regarding prompt dissemination of the World Global Settlements.

As I have previously stated, I represent some 50,000 shareholders who are to be paid a settlement which consist mainly of monies collected from banks, brokerages, hedge fund corporations, market makers, the Depository Trust Corporation/Federal Reserve, and various billionaire ‘naked-shorter’ individuals, as well as some monies due from the SEC for damages. I have also been involved in the representation of other payees awaiting this distribution and have, in such capacity, been in direct communication with the UK Royal Monarch.

I am currently advised and understand the following:

• A portion of the World Global Settlement funds have been collected and are presently held in the custody of the Bank of America in Richmond, VA.

• Said funds are sufficient to cover all disbursements to be made by the authority of the Paymaster who has now spent more than eight weeks over the past three months, in Richmond, for the purpose of concluding these transfers.

• The Paymaster authority has, at the direction of the Pentagon, London, et al., been present in the Bank in Richmond every day this week to complete the transfers.

• This morning he was advised by “both sides” that each desired this matter to be concluded as soon as possible and that he should be available to enter the bank to consummate the transfers.


• I have previously been advised that you had given specific written authorization of these transfers and confirmed the same verbally just this week.

Mr President, I sincerely hope that my information is incorrect; because, as I am certain you are aware, your personal involvement in delaying this distribution is an ultra vires action which exposes you to personal liability for the sums involved and for accruing interest thereon. I would certainly not want to see you personally involved in the future dénouement of this matter.

As I have previously advised in my communications to you, only your direct intervention will be efficacious in bringing this matter to conclusion.

Mr President, I implore you to facilitate conclusion of this matter forthwith. There is simply no legal basis for any further delay. Please act consonantly with your previous statements and promises.

I would very much appreciate your written confirmation that you will do so immediately; accordingly, I will withhold public distribution of this correspondence until 8:00 pm EDT today.


Hodges and Associates

[Signed]: A. Clifton Hodges


Cc: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.

This is a new paradigm, and totally new dimension. Why?

Because in stepping outside the bounds of his office, Mr Hussein Barack Obama thereby MADE HIMSELF PERSONALLY LIABLE inter alia for the billions of dollars to be earned as interest over the long weekend ending on Monday 31st May. Under inter alia the legal principle that ‘the money you make by illegally exploiting my money is my money’, Mr Obama became personally responsible for disgorging the funds illegally earned over (at least) the four-day period mentioned.

Stepping outside the bounds of his office (A FACT confirmed by the key Gold Badge Signatory and given the lawyer’s imprimatur) also made Barack Obama vulnerable to ARREST IN HIS PERSONAL CAPACITY and to being handcuffed and hauled out of the White House cesspit for incarceration pending indictment IN HIS PERSONAL CAPACITY.

This is an entirely NEW development. ‘Piercing the veil’ of official authority is an established legal principle, and Obama has been arrogant, stupid and thoughtless enough to consider that the risks he took when acting ultra vires were ‘worth taking’.

Considering that this corrupt President considers it appropriate to order a reprimand for the agent who divulged the fact that Admiral Dennis C. Blair ‘resigned’ because he had been in favour of the lawful settlement releases and because he had the necessary documented bribery goods on the Jesuit Biden, and on Geithner and Emanuel, instead of having the receivers of the corrupt Payola bribes handed over to the competent authorities and subjected to whatever procedures would apply in these circumstances, it is hardly surprising, we suppose, that this play-acting, shallow, arrogant impostor considered the risk of a PERSONAL intervention one worth taking.

Of course, while intervening in his PERSONAL capacity, Obama would have deceived the parties at the other end of the telephone into believing that he was acting in his OFFICIAL capacity. But he could hardly do that, because he had already signed off OFFICIALLY to order the payment releases.

• So he found himself boxed into his own deception hell and took the risk anyway.

• Note: On Saturday 29th May, Mr Hodges elaborated in response to the Editor’s request for legal elucidation of the ultra vires concept, as follows. You will find his observations enlightening:

‘The real point of the sword is that Obama was acting in an ultra vires capacity.

This is a legal concept which in constitutional law means acting outside the various powers that are constitutionally authorized. To go outside those constitutional powers is to act ultra vires; for example, although the Court did not use the term, in striking down a Federal law in United States v. Lopez on the grounds that it exceeded the Constitutional authority of Congress, the US Supreme Court effectively declared the law to be ultra vires.

In this case, the President acted personally in response to a request from the Shrubs through Geithner who called him from Paris and demanded that Obama delay distribution until after the Holiday. This in no way is a Presidential directive; this is a personal response to an outside request. This act was in contravention of prior national/international agreements and in no way affected dollars belonging to the United States’.

As you can see, Mr Hodges states that Geithner telephoned the President to ask him to delay the releases until after the Holiday. AND YET, on Saturday 29th May, Timothy Geithner signed off on the releases, having previously asked the President to stall and block them. President B. Obama then intervened IN HIS PERSONAL CAPACITY, having previously OFFICIALLY approved and sanctioned the releases both verbally and in writing. In other words, these deceivers are tripping themselves up and are being exposed even as they do so.

They are a despicable, low cabal of conniving, lying losers, bending with every angry telephone call from the Bush Crime Syndicate, switching from one dialectical stance to the opposite, from one moment to the next, living in their own chaotic, self-inflicted hell.

And the reason they respond in panic to every angry telephone call from the Bush Crime Syndicate may be that both characters are being blackmailed and have been threatened with liquidation.

Now in this context, it has been authoritatively conveyed to us that it is now, finally, OPENLY UNDERSTOOD in circles that matter that Barack Obama TAKES HIS INSTRUCTIONS FROM GEORGE H. W. BUSH, the Godfather of Godfathers, the visible head of the serpent, the dirty dog who is holding the whole world to ransom and whom the cowardly, weak, pathetic, corrupt American authorities cannot bring themselves to ‘put out of business’.

We can yet again speculate as to why this is, but the likeliest generic answer is one that we have mentioned before – namely, that a professional criminal specialises in compromising his targets, so that (he thinks) they cannot move.

But the blackmailee is in fact usually in a stronger position than the blackmailer: because if the blackmailee exposes the blackmailer, the blackmailer has no further weapons in his locker.

However in an overall context of illegal financial transactions, the blackmailee is caught, because he has been engaged in illicit financial transactions, tax evasion and other criminal activities such as wire fraud (20 years): so the vast army of the criminally compromised have opted to keep their heads down and hope they don’t get picked up in the ongoing purge (triggered to some extent by these exposures).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are still uncompromised cadres within the US structures who can perfectly well perform the long overdue and absolutely necessary neutralisation of the Bush Crime Family (because it isn’t just Senior who needs to be neutralised).

On a related Bushnote, we have it on impeccable TEXAS authority that:

• The Bush Crime Family and Bush Sr. are now being cut out of the releases. (This information is periodically reversed, with us being told that these crooks are to be paid off. But the latest version of this dialectic is as stated here).

• George W. Bush is complaining and whining and wingeing that he hasn’t got enough money even to maintain his ranch at Crawford, and that all his formerly rich Texas buddies are out of funds and in various stages of financial bust and bankruptcy. One wonders what on earth happened, then, to all the money that Bush and Clinton sucked from suckers who fell headlong for their hypocritically criminal demands for cash for the suffering Haitians after the United States contrived a ‘natural event’ in order to gain access to Haiti’s oil and mineral resources and to control the Haitian Central Bank for illicit trading purposes via the Federal Reserve Interbank Settlement Fund.

Incidentally, here is an incomplete list of other central banks that we have reason to believe have been involved in corrupt financial operations with the US authorities:

Banco de la Republica, Colombia
Banco do Brasil
Bank of Uganda
Canco Central de la Republica Argentina
Central Bank of Kenya
National Bank of Hungary
Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

On 26th May 2010, Mr A. Clifton Hodges, of Hodges and Associates, Pasadena, California, lawyer for CMKX SEC scamming victims and for Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. and for his two corporations Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., and Cottrell Securities Limited, London, wrote as follows to the most senior official at Buckingham Palace, London SW1. This letter was followed by a further letter to Buckingham Palace dated 28th May 2010 which is of EXCEPTIONAL IMPORTANCE: see below.

[The name of the identified top official has been redacted by the Editor]:

4 East Holly Street
Suite 202
CA 91103
Tel: (626) 564-9797
Fax: (626) 564-9111

A. Clifton Hodges
James S. Kostas
Donald W. Ricketts, Of Counsel

Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

May 26, 2010
Hand Delivered

Re: U.S. Dollar Refunding Project

Dear Honorable [NAME REDACTED]:

I most recently wrote to you on May 21, 2010 to transmit copies of three letters which I had recently sent to President Obama relating to the matters referenced in papers delivered to the Palace under cover of my letter dated April 28, 2010. I write to you again in furtherance to that subject on behalf of my clients Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, and his corporations: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Cottrell Securities Limited, registered in England and Wales.

As I similarly gave notice to President Barack Obama, I am currently advised and understand the following:

• A portion of the World Global Settlement funds have been collected and are presently held in the custody of the Bank of America in Richmond, VA.

• Said funds are sufficient to cover all disbursements to be made by the authority of the Paymaster who has now spent more than eight weeks over the past three months, in Richmond, Virginia, for the purpose of concluding these transfers.

• The Paymaster authority has, at the direction of the Pentagon, London, et. al., recently returned to Richmond to consummate the transfers, and has been advised each day this week that the funds will be able to be transferred to the BASEL – identified trustees.

• Mr. Leon Panetta is currently present at the Bank of America, but continues to delay the ability of the Paymaster authority, and his access to effect transfer of the World Global Settlement funds.

• It clearly appears at this time that Mr. Panetta and/or others are diligently working to delay payout of these funds; it also seems self-evident that this will continue absent outside intervention.

As I have previously indicated, I am persuaded by these facts, that only the direct intervention of the Royal Monarchal Power will be efficacious in bringing this matter to conclusion.

I request, kind sir, your assistance in bringing this matter to the attention of Her Majesty and others as appropriate. Any further delay will not only exacerbate the conditions under which we all must operate, but will certainly serve to encourage those seeking even further delay.

This is a matter which it seems will only be concluded at such time as the Royal Monarchal Power either demands it, or utilizes the power which has been granted to effect closure through direct means. I apologize in advance for having to involve your once more in this situation; however, circumstances dictate that direct intervention is now a necessity.

Thank you very kindly in advance for your help; it is truly appreciated by many, and will indeed have a very significant impact on the future financial health of the world.





Cc: Michael C. Cottrell
Christopher Story

On 28th May 2010, Mr A. Clifton Hodges, of Hodges and Associates, Pasadena, California, the lawyer for CMKX SEC scamming victims and for Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. and for his two corporations Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., and Cottrell Securities Limited, London, wrote as follows to the most senior official at Buckingham Palace, London SW1.

[The name of the identified top official has been redacted by the Editor]:


4 East Holly Street
Suite 202
CA 91103
Tel: (626) 564-9797
Fax: (626) 564-9111

A. Clifton Hodges
James S. Kostas
Donald W. Ricketts, Of Counsel

Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

May 28, 2010
Hand Delivered


Re: U.S. Dollar Refunding Project

Dear Honorable [NAME REDACTED]:

I most recently wrote to you on May 26, 2010 to solicit the assistance of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in securing the release of funds being held in the U.S. which are required for implementation of the U.S. Dollar Refunding Project. I write to you again in furtherance to that subject, on behalf of my clients Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, and his corporations: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Cottrell Securities Limited, registered in England and Wales.

As of the afternoon of May 28, 2010, I am currently advised and understand the following:

• World Global Settlement funds have been collected and remain in the custody of the Bank of America in Richmond, Virginia.

• Said funds are sufficient to cover all disbursements to be made by the authority of the Paymaster who has now spent more than eight weeks over the past three months, in Richmond, for the purpose of concluding these transfers in accord with the BASEL agenda.

• I became aware on May 27, 2010 that President Barack Obama had personally intervened in the scheduled May 27 release of funds, and had instructed that the funds be held until after the U.S. Memorial Day Holiday.

• As any further delay in disbursement of these funds will engender considerable harm to many, and is without any legal basis, I wrote to President Obama putting him on notice and soliciting his cooperation. [A copy of that letter is attached]. [EDITOR: SEE ABOVE].

• My letter to President Obama was distributed to all parties dealing with the World Global Settlement funds, to both political parties in Washington, D.C., to the Democratic Caucus and its counsel, to the Black Caucus and its counsel, and to President Obama’s priest.

• The letter was also submitted to the British Royal Monarchal Power through your good offices; Mr. L.H. Bonney, Sr. has also verified that a copy of the letter was submitted to, and received by, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II through MI-5 and MI-6.

• Counsel for the Black Caucus immediately recognized that a criminal offense had been committed; he advised that he would directly inform the President by reading the letter to him on Air Force One today, as well as advise the President of his personal responsibility, over the four day weekend, for costs in the “Billions of USD”. Said counsel also stated that “if release [of the funds] was not taken care of today – they [the Black Caucus] would wash their hands of him [President Obama]”.

• Vice President Biden was also informed of the May 27, 2010 letter, provided with a copy, and discussed the veracity of President Obama taking direction from former President G.H.W. Bush; he indicated that President Obama’s citizenship status was being used as very effective leverage against the President.

• Vice President Biden also admitted that he was personally compromised, and [was] therefore unqualified to succeed President Obama in the event that the President’s tenure is successfully attacked.

• It now appears that it is only a matter of time before formal process is instituted to remove President Obama from office; however the “Succession List” has now been severely compromised by the failure to complete distribution of the subject funds.

• I was advised at noon time this date that the on-site Paymaster authority, Mr. L.H. Bonney, Sr, had confirmed at Bank of America that no communication had been received from President Obama regarding authorization for release of the Settlement funds; accordingly, he was returning to Ohio.

• Prior to Mr. Bonney’s departure he further advised that all collected funds were in a “locked-down” mode, and that all else is now in written form for further use in resolving the issue of final distribution of these Settlement funds.

As I have previously indicated, I am persuaded by these facts, that only the direct intervention of the Royal Monarchal Power will be efficacious in bringing this matter to conclusion.

To secure release of these Settlement funds, it is now imperative that the Royal Monarchal Power exercise that power, as a U.S. Treasury lien-holder, to effectuate timely resolution. Any further delay will not only jeopardize the severely stressed world financial condition, but will certainly serve to encourage those seeking even further delay.

This is a matter which now clearly seems can only be concluded at such time as the Royal Monarchal Power utilizes the power which has been granted, to effect closure through direct means. I apologize in advance for having to involve you further in this situation; however, circumstances dictate that direct intervention is now an imperative.

Thank you very kindly in advance for your help; it is truly appreciated by many, and will indeed have a very significant impact on the future financial health of the world.





Cc: Michael C. Cottrell
Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.
Christopher Story

We have listed some of the recent operations by the official US kleptocracy to prevent the lawful distribution of the hijacked releases, but these bear repetition in view of further attempts by Wanta to pervert the course of justice and to contrive, on behalf of his master Mr George H. W. Bush, to capture some portion of the payouts.

The most conspicuous recent criminal operations under this heading have included:

• The Wanta ‘Principality of Snake Hill’ deception ploy which we exposed comprehensively in September 2009 and subsequently, the purpose of which was to procure the illegal transfer of funds via Wanta’s signature into the hands of a fake, non-existent virtual ‘Central Bank of Snake Hill’ but in reality into the hands of Bush’s money-laundering Carlyle Group via the French Embassy originally under Levitte, now Sarkozy’s intelligence adviser, who was formerly French Ambassador to Washington – Sarkozy’s half brother ‘Oliver’ being a senior executive with Carlyle Group.

Notwithstanding our absolutely definitive exposure of this crude deception, Wanta’s arrogance is such that he continued shovelling this claptrap out via the Internet for ignorant parties, including a discredited hired female hack, to pick up and run with. That operation has been so badly bashed, that it should by now be terminated (although an extraordinary feature of these snakes is that they never seem to understand that they’ve been trampled on). As for the ‘in-your-face’ display of gross arrogance associated with the ‘snake’ in ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’ and the graphic display of a serpent on the decaying ‘Snake Hill’ websites, we attribute these aberrations to the propensity for these snakes to be blinded by their own lies, cunning and arrogance.

• The insertion of the Mafioso Salvatore R. DeFrancesco as false ‘Secretary’ on the Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau screen displayed for Michael C. Cottrell’s Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.. We BLEW THAT OPERATION, causing immense ripples right the way up the food chain, resulting inter alia in the Gold Badge Signatory having to be equipped with bodyguards 24/7.

• The attempt by the criminal former US Vice President and top CIA criminal operative Richard B. Cheney to foist false gold certificates on Bank of America, Atlanta, in order to try to siphon $2.0 trillion from the release money – an attempt that resulted in this odious operative being physically manhandled out of the bank’s premises. Cheney was accompanied by Carlyle Group executives.

• The attempt almost immediately afterwards by the Pearce character in Paris and his Dallas side-kick who was in touch with us, spying on us on behalf of Bush Sr. for two and a half years, to pull a similar operation in Paris over the subsequent weekend (22-23 May 2010) – the object here being to steal a similar sum of money from the release funds. The final outcome for these perpetrators is believed to have been horizontalisation, but this has not been confirmed.

• The sudden appearance at the Gold Badge Signatory’s side last week of the dark character Leon Panetta, the Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) [see Mr Hodges’ letter to the Palace]. This was initially reported to us as a positive development, but the Editor warned that Panetta’s task would more probably be to frustrate the releases: which is what happened. Panetta was at the bank on 25th May. Immediately afterwards, he flew to Bulgaria and then had dinner with the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, on the evening of 26th May. Also attending the dinner were the Bulgarian Interior Minister and the Directors of three Bulgarian intelligence agencies.

We are now advised that Panetta has been ‘neutralised’ in this context. Specifically, Leon Panetta was ‘taken out of the picture’ on 27th May, following receipt of the Hodges letter to Buckingham Palace dated 26th May 2010: in other words, Mr Hodges’ request for outside intervention appears to have been acted upon. However Panetta’s departure on his visit to Bulgaria, which had been arranged in September 2009, was the practical reason for him being ‘taken out of the picture’.

With Panetta no longer able to interfere, Obama resorted to his reckless PERSONAL intervention on Friday 28th May, contradicting his earlier written and verbal assurances as stated above.

• Finally, and any sane person wouldn’t believe this: but since we are dealing with a snakepit, you need to! We have previously reported that Wanta recently resurrected the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus that we reported, and the text of which can be accessed in our Archive (June 2007 et seq.). We also reported that the Editor sat in the Courthouse in Alexandria throughout proceedings on 19th October 2007, along with Mr Wanta, Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., and Colonel Dana Wilcox, plus of course representatives of the Reserve Bank of Richmond, who had filed a petition to the Court for the Writ of Mandamus to be dismissed.

We further reported that when finally called to the witness stand, Wanta waved his arms around like a jackass and made an absolute fool of himself: on purpose. Because by now he thought he had secured a kind of ‘agreement’ with his evil pal Richard B. Cheney and his boss Bushsnake Senior, and Bushsnake Junior, so that by his reckoning the legal process that he had triggered (prepared by his odious CIA lawyer Thomas Henry, a.k.a. ‘Mr Nasty’) was redundant. After the hearing, Wanta was full of beans, joshing and joking, as he thought he had pulled this one off.

However quite recently, his options having closed tight shut, Wanta revived the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus, and refiled it on 9th April 2010. We responded some reports ago by publishing the ACTUAL TEXT OF THE WRIT OF MANDAMUS which has been displayed in our Archive for the past THREE YEARS. Self-evidently, when publishing a legal document, the text is shown precisely as presented to the Court.

We pointed out that there were suspicions that Wanta had represented ‘facts’ that diverged from the precise text of the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus, and that in such an event he may have been seeking to distort the ‘truth’ as presented to the United States Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria: in which case either the text of the Petition was incorrect, implying that he perjured himself before the Court, or else he was now distorting the facts as presented to the Court which represents a felony against the Court (not a problem for this serial felon).

On 28th May 2010 we were authoritatively advised of the following facts:

• It appeared that Wanta had indeed represented to authority certain facts at variance with the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus.

• The Writ of Mandamus having been refiled on 9th April 2010, the matter was then subjected to a FORMAL OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION (we are not sure by which authority) and the outcome of the investigation was that Wanta’s attempt at self-justification and to ‘validate’ the release of payout settlement funds to himself by this means was found to be spurious. As a result, the attempt to divert funds via this mechanism therefore failed (2).

We hate to be too cynical, but it is likely that the investigation looked into this matter in order to see whether there was any merit in using this route to procure illegal extraction of release funds.

You will of course also recall that the dual-named Lee or Leo Wanta and his CIA lawyer Steven Goodwin scammed the Editor out of his loan of $35,000 plus interest by preparing and submitting for signature false loan documents, a felony involving FRAUD IN THE INDUCEMENT, for which, on conviction, both perpetrators can be jailed. It should be added that our experience of Wanta is that he does nothing that does not entail lies and deception. We have a list of proven lies that this man has perpetrated, including lies about the Editor of this service. SEE IMMEDIATELY BELOW:


This matter is highly pertinent for the relevant US authorities, INCLUDING THE GOLD BADGE SIGNATORY, MR LINDELL H. BONNEY, SR., given that if ANY funds are distributed to Wanta, a felon who cannot own a bank account (although he reportedly has an account with the US Treasury) they will be engaged in the criminal diversion of funds into the hands of a fraudster engaged in Fraud in the Inducement who has scammed this Editor of his loan funds, and who, with his co-conspirator, the RICHMOND-based Steven Goodwin, deliberately and knowingly perpetrated this scam against the Editor of this service. The relevant documents are reproduced again herewith, excerpted from our report cdated 27th April 2009:

The loan documents proffered by Richmond-based CIA lawyer Steven Goodwin for the Editor’s meeting with Wanta on 10th June 2005, ‘arranging’ for the Editor to provide Wanta with a personal loan of $35,000 repayable at 7% annual compound interest two years later, were FRAUDULENT, involving FRAUD IN THE INDUCEMENT of the Editor by Wanta and Goodwin UNDER DURESS.

This was a carefully premeditated scam, in which Steven Goodwin collaborated with Wanta to deceive the Editor of this service, who duly provided the $35,000 loan which Wanta has stolen.

Some of the Editor’s funds were/are still held illegally by Steven Goodwin, after he finally made the necessary restitution and fee payments to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections on 21st July 2005, which ‘bought’ the truncating of Wanta’s probation in Wisconsin by five years and two weeks.

The documents were/are as follows:

US DOLLARS 35,000.00
JUNE 19TH, 2005

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, promises to pay to the order of Christopher Story, the sum of THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 US Dollars with interest at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum thereon, the principal being payable, without offset, at [address] World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EF, United Kingdom, or at such other place as the holder may designate in writing with payments to begin 365 days from date of this Note and due in full 730 days thereafter.

The payment of the principal balance of this Note may be prepaid in whole or in part, at any time or from time to time, without penalty.

This Note may be accelerated upon the death of any maker or at the option of the holder so that all remaining principal and accrued interest shall be payable upon the later of 30 days after the date of any maker’s or Guarantor’s death or 15 days after the holder provides written notice to the maker at its principal place of business that the holder is exercising his right to accelerate the amounts due hereunder. In the event of default in the payment of any amount due under this Note, the holder may declare the entire unpaid balance, principal and interest, to be immediately due and payable and thereafter may exercise any remedies provided by applicable law.

The holder of this Note shall have the right to enforce any one or more available remedies in whole or in part, successively or concurrently.

The maker of this Note waives presentment, protest, and notice of dishonour; agrees that an extension or extensions of the time of payment of this Note, or any installment or part thereof, may be made before, at or after maturity by agreement with anyone or more of the parties to this Note without notice to and without releasing the liability of the other party under this Note regardless of which parties are notified of the extension or extensions; waives the benefit of all exemptions as to the debt evidence of this Note and any right which it may have to require the holder to proceed against any person; and agrees to pay all the expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, in collecting this Note, or any installment or part thereof, which is not paid when due.

[Signed]: Lee E. Wanta.

Address of Notice [added in Wanta’s handwriting]:
C/o Goodwin Sutton & DuVal, Plc.
Old City Hall, Ste No. 350
1001 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA, USA (23219).

Separately the Editor was handed by Wanta the text of an ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SIGNING BY GOODWIN WHEN THE FUNDS WERE SUPPLIED, as follows:

Date: 14th July, 2005

TO: Steven D. Goodwin, Trustee for the benefit of Ambassador Leo* E. Wanta [*NOT: Lee E. Wanta]:

The undersigned maker, Christopher Story, does hereby acknowledge that he is placing certain funds in the amount of THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($35,000) into Escrow with Steven D. Goodwin, a discreet and professional attorney-at-law, for the sole and exclusive purpose as stated herein and under the following terms:

1. Said funds shall be used to pay the amount of $30,551.97 to satisfy the court ordered obligations in Wisconsin Case No. 92CF683.
2. Any and all remaining amounts shall be distributed only as directed by Ambassador Leo E. Wanta, to be used for the benefit of, and at the direction of, Ambassador Wanta.

The parties herein acknowledge that the funds paid to, and held in Escrow by, Steven D. Goodwin, under this Agreement are the same funds referenced in a Note in the amount of THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($35,000) made by Ambassador Leo E. Wanta for the benefit of Christopher Story.

[Signed]: Christopher Story, maker [SEAL]

I, the undersigned Trustee, agree to receive, hold and distribute the funds referenced herein upon the terms and conditions stated above.

[Signed]: Steven D. Goodwin, Trustee [SEAL].

These documents represent Fraud in the Inducement because:

(1): The Promissory Note has to reference the Escrow Agreement and vice versa. In neither case does this occur. Specifically:

(2): The Promissory Note does not reference the Escrow Agreement.

(3): The Escrow Agreement does NOT reference the Promissory Note. It references ‘a Note’, which could be ANY NOTE. The reference has to be specific, which is not the case.

(4): The Promissory note dated 9th June 2005 is signed by Lee E. Wanta.

(5): The Escrow Agreement references an ‘Ambassador Leo E. Wanta’ making no reference to ‘Lee E. Wanta’. This operative uses two names for obfuscation purposes [DUPLICATION, DIALECTICAL METHODOLOGY: see our repeated reminders that this is the standard modus operandi].

(6): This divergence of names for Wanta widens the fraudulent separation of the Promissory Note from the Escrow Agreement.

(7): Mr Wanta is NOT an Ambassador. To be styled Ambassador, it is necessary to be supported by official credentials issued by the US State Department and renewed by each successive American Administration, confirming that the United States (in this case) recognises that the said individual concerned is an accredited Ambassador. In the case of Mr Wanta’s supposed Ambassadorship for Somalia to Switzerland and Canada, the same criteria apply. Each successive Government of the countries concerned must provide the necessary consent and official acknowledgement of such a person’s status and acceptance as Ambassador. Wanta cannot show such credentials, because this felon’s claims to be an Ambassador are fraudulent and part of his disintegrating cover.

In the United States, there is a convention that a former Ambassador can continue to be addressed as Ambassador. However Mr Wanta styles himself ‘Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary’, Lee Emil Wanta, The Principality of Snake Hill, representing fraudulently that he is the Ambassdaor for the non-existent, cirtual and farudulent ‘Principality’, which is FRAUD.

And as indicated above, when Mr Henry was asked to provide the necessary credentials in respect of Wanta’s spurious (fake) Principality of Snake Hill Ambassadorship to the United States, he was of course unable to comply and was himself therefore exposed as an egregious liar and a fraudster for that reason, and because he stated that he was acting for Leo/Lee Wanta and representatives from ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’, which does not exist.

Mr Steven D. Goodwin likewise fraudulently referenced a spurious ‘Ambassador Leo E. Wanta’ in the Escrow Agreement, thereby exposing himself as a liar and a perpetrator of fraud, as well.

(8): Steven D Goodwin is therefore NOT ‘a discreet and professional attorney-at-law’ but rather a fellow-fraudster with Mr Leo E. Wanta, a.k.a. Lee E. Wanta. Both engaged in gross FRAUD IN THE INDUCEMENT under duress of this Editor, who was not accompanied by a lawyer. Goodwin should be disciplined, debarred and appropriately dealt with both by his profession and by the authorities.

(9): As for Wanta, this case provides further irrefutable PROOF that Wanta is a serial, unrepentant, continuing felon. His felonious status has NOT been altered and he is NOT therefore in a position to own a bank account.

(10): Any funds remitted to Leo E. Wanta or Lee E. Wanta, who handles stolen funds and has STOLEN this Editor’s loan funds plus interest through this inducement fraud, will be at risk. Any party engaged in effecting such a remittance to Wanta, however styled, knowing this background, may place themselves in a situation demanding investigation involving the conveyance of funds belonmging to others into or via the hands of this serial criminal and convicted felon.


Notes and References:

(1): Our exposure of the real reasons why Admiral Dennis C. Blair was fired by President Obama, which resulted in the furious White House reaction that simply confirmed the accuracy of our report, demonstrating that the White House doesn’t uphold the Ruile of Law but rather actively undermines it, were contained in the following passages from our report dated 25th May:

On Friday 21st May 2010, Admiral Dennis C. Blair, the Director of National Intelligence, announced his resignation from the top US intelligence post. He gave no reason for his sudden departure in a public statement that he circulated to the 16 US intelligence agencies that he oversaw, and neither did he express thanks to President Barack Obama for the opportunity to serve under him.

In order to obfuscate the real reason for Blair’s de facto dismissal – Obama asked him to resign, or said he would accept his resignation – the White House and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) have since been engaged in an operation to pull the wool over the eyes of the ‘mainstream’ media and the ‘Fifth Estate’ (the ‘Internet community’).

Specifically, to take the most mischievous report on this subject first:

• The Office of Naval Intelligence diversionary source labelled ‘By Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers’, item headed ‘Top US Spy Chief Quits After Obama Orders 2 Americans Assassinated’, consists of disinformation and lies. On about half a dozen previous occasions we have specifically identified the authors of this diversionary source as:

(1): Commander J. Forrest Sharpe, of Light in the Darkness Publications, based in Vienna, VA, Sharpe is ‘active duty submarine service fleet’, i.e. an Office of Naval Intelligence operative.

(2): D. L. O’Huallachain, of Irish extraction, who inter alia covers for the Vatican.

These reports typically begin with the ignorant fantasy: ‘Rumors circulating in the Kremlin today…’, notwithstanding that, as the veteran Editor of Soviet Analyst, your correspondent can reconfirm that the Kremlin ‘doesn’t DO rumours’. Even though we have repeatedly exposed this deception, certain US websites specialising in maximising the potential for confusion persist in deceiving the public by disseminating the disinformation perpetrated by this malicious ‘redirection’ source.

• NOTE: As a direct result of THIS exposure, the fake ‘Sorcha Faal’ device appears to have been dropped and replaced by a slick new presentation, also sourced anonymously, and from Virginia. It’s the SAME OPERATION, promoting the SAME DIVERSIONARY HATRED AND LIES.

All ANONYMOUS reports are suspect: and because they are not provenanced, can and should never be relied upon. Sorcha Faal is a fabrication. Anyone recycling the diversionary claptrap spewed out by this US Intelligence Power ‘redirection’ source, is being grossly irresponsible.

• On 21st May, The New York Times published a piece by Mark Mazzetti which entered the fray by starting with the following diversionary lead-in: ‘An already strained relationship between the White House and the departing spymaster Dennis C. Blair erupted earlier this year over Mr Blair’s efforts to cement close intelligence ties to France and broker a pledge between the nations not to spy on each other, American Government officials said Friday’.

Although there WAS a French dimension to what happened (see below), this ‘line’, as presented, was clearly diversionary because, as we have repeatedly explained, France fronts for Germany under the ‘indissoluble’ bilateral Franco-German Treaty of the Elysée dated January 1963; and since the ‘Black’ criminal cadres inside the US Intelligence Power ‘work with’ the long-range pan-German Fifth Column that has attempted to ‘take down’ the United States in accordance with the Nazi slogan ‘We will build the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’, there was never any need to ‘cement relations’ with French intelligence or to formalise a closer relationship.

In other words, this ‘line’ invented by the White House/CIA disinformation apparat deliberately turned the ‘actualité’ upside down, to bamboozle the readers of The New York Times and the domestic and international communities generally,

Interestingly, The New York Times’ elaboration included the following sentence: ‘Officials said the dust-up was not the proximate cause of President Obama’s decision to remove Mr [sic] Blair, who announced his resignation on Thursday, from the job as Director of National Intelligence’.

Quite right, it wasn’t.

On the contrary, the factors underlying Admiral Blair’s ‘resignation’ were as follows:

• Admiral Dennis C. Blair had been pressing for months for the release of the hijacked funds blocked by President Barack Obama.

• Admiral Dennis C. Blair ‘asked’ President Obama to release the hijacked funds forthwith, and Obama REFUSED. Obama then demanded Blair’s resignation, which was accepted.

• Admiral Dennis C. Blair had acquired COPY CHECKS proving that, as we alone reported, Vice President Joseph Biden, US Treasury Secretary Geithner, and Rahm Emanuel, the White House Chief of Staff, were and are receiving weekly and monthly bribery payments from the Bush-CIA Crime Syndicate, in exchange for their ‘solidarity’ in blocking the releases.

All of which, of course, PROVES that President Obama has been operating as George H. W. Bush’s corrupt poodle, carrying out his instructions to continue the sabotage and blocking of the payouts. Which is precisely what he did at 2:36 p.m. EDT on Thursday 20th May.

(2): Text of the Wanta Petition for a Writ of Mandamus as submitted to the court and published by this service [see archive] on 24th June 2007 and 5th July 2007:



Case Number: 1:2007cv00609 – TSE – BRP

Filed: 20th June 2007

Petitioner: Lee E. Wanta

Respondents: Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Robert M. Kimmitt, James R. Wilkinson, Michael Chertoff, Alberto R. Gonzales and Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Court: Virginia Eastern District Court

Office: Alexandria Office

County: Richmond

Presiding Judge: District Judge T. S. Ellis III

Referring Judge: Magistrate Judge Barry R. Poretz

Nature of Suit: Other Statutes: Securities/Commodities/Exchanges

Cause: 28: 1361 Petition for Writ of Mandamus

Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Defendant

Jury demanded by: None

Note: This case cannot be sealed until Ambassador Leo E. Wanta has been paid the $4.5 trillion of his Settlement diverted and exploited illegally since June 2006.

The Court has, most unusually, given the Respondents TWO MONTHS to respond.

The text of the Ambassador’s Petition for a Writ of Mandamus follows:


Civil Action no.: 1-07 CV 609

LEE E. WANTA, LEO E. WANTA, AMBASSADOR LEO WANTA (Individually and as sole and exclusive shareholder of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., a Commonwealth of Virginia registered corporation)












5516 Falmouth Street
Suite 108
Richmond, Virginia 23230: Petitioner

2. Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Secretary of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220: Respondent

3. Robert M. Kimmitt
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220: Respondent

4. James R. Wilkinson
Chief of Staff
United States Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20220: Respondent

5. Michael Chertoff
Secretary of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C.: respondent

6. Alberto R. Gonzales
Attorney General
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001: Respondent

7. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
701 East Byrd Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219: Respondent


1. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this cause of action pursuant to the provisions of Title 28 United States Code, Chapter 85, Section 1361 (mandamus), Title 28 United States Code, Chapter 85, Section 1331, and Title 28 United States Code, Chapter 85, Section 1332.


2. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to Title 28 United States Code, Chapter 87, Section 1391, and Title 28 United States Code Chapter 87, Section 1396.


3. Mandamus is regarded as an extraordinary writ reserved for special situations. Among its ordinary preconditions are that the agency or official have acted (or failed to act) in disregard of a clear legal duty and that there be no adequate conventional means for review. In re Bluewater Network & Ocean Advocates, 234 F.3d 1305, 1315 (D.C. Cir. 2000); Telecomm. Research & Action Ctr. v. FCC, 750 F.2d 70, 78 (D.C. Cir. 1984). Mandamus will be granted if the Petitioner shows “(1) the presence of novel and significant questions of law; (2) the inadequacy of other available remedies; and (3) the presence of a legal issue whose resolution will aid in the administration of justice”, see In re United States, 10 F.3d 229 at 931, 933 (2d Cir. 1993).

4. Petitioner has attempted to access monies that were transferred through international bank monetary clearing systems to financial institutions located in the United States of America. The remitting party was the People’s Republic of China, People’s Bank. The remitting party designated that the transferred funds were for the sole and exclusive use and benefit of Petitioner. The foreign entity that originated the inward remittance designated Petitioner as sole and exclusive recipient for the transferred money/financial instruments.

Irrespective of efforts proffered by Petitioner and/or agents and representatives of Petitioner, private and public individuals and entities, prevent Petitioner from exercising Petitioner’s legal right to the use, transfer and unrestricted ability to freely disburse said financial assets. The acts and/or omissions to act by named and unnamed Respondents prevent Petitioner (and others who are ancillary to this cause of action) from paying their respective tax liabilities to both State and Federal taxing authorities.

5. Upon best information and belief the organizations, entities, departments and individuals that prevent and/or restrict Petitioner’s lawful access to said money and securities include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

• Secretary of the Treasury;
• Attorney General of the United States of America;
• Bank of America;
• J.P. Morgan Chase;
• CITIBANK/CITIGROUP/NYC including but not limited to Mr Charles O. Prince, CITIGROUP Chief Executive Officer;
• Goldman Sachs et al including but not limited to past and present management and executive officers and members of the Board of Directors;
• United States Department of the Treasury including but not limited to Secretary
Paulson, Deputy Secretary Kimmitt and other known and/or unknown parties working
directly or under contract with the United States Department of the Treasury;
• Secretary Chertoff, Department of Homeland Security and other known and/or
unknown parties working directly or under contract with the United States
Department of Homeland Security;
• One or more known and/or unknown “compliance officers” that act directly and/or
under contract with private bank and/or security brokerage firms to observe
rules and regulations of the United States Department of the Treasury and/or other
USG investigative and reporting entities;
• Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Virginia.

6. Upon best information and belief Respondent acts and/or failures to act constitute a
violation of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934 (as amended in 1970), the Bank
Privacy Act and other non-specified banking regulations.

7. Reasonable action has been taken by Petitioner to obtain an explanation and/or under what authority Respondents are not permitting Petitioner to have access to the foreign transferred private business financial assets referenced herein. Despite written notice and request for a response the named parties avoid their legal obligations. In furtherance of this Petition for the issuance of a Writ of Mandamus Petitioner directs this Court’s attention to the letters and other communications that have been collectively marked as Exhibits A attached hereto (2) and all of which documents, letters and Memorandum are incorporated herein by this reference as if the same were set out in their entirety in the body of this Petition.

8. The material, substantive and immediate financial loss to the Petitioner resulting from loss of financial benefit can not adequately be addressed in conventional judicial proceedings. In one more instances parties in position of knowledge, that can confirm the representations regarding interference in private business dealings, between Petitioner and third parties, have been placed at risk of physical harm by individuals representing to be fiduciaries of one or more of the Respondents. Additionally, the acts and actions of the Respondents prevent immediate payment of Federal taxes in the amount of $1.575 Trillion dollars into the United States Treasury.


9. On or about April 15, 2003 the Honorable Gerald Bruce Lee, in Case Number 02-1363-A filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, issued an Order and Memorandum of Opinion for the referenced numbered case. As part of the Order and Memorandum of the Court (in the referenced case) the Court stated that the Plaintiff (in the referenced case) should pursue liquidation of corporations, recovery of financial assets and pay all required taxes in accordance with the law (3).

10. Petitioner initiated contact with numerous third parties, including United States elected, nominated, appointed and career employees plus foreign countries, for the purpose of recovering financial assets.

11. Upon best information and belief in December 2005 and January 2006, Secretary Snow (Secretary of the Treasury at the time) and Chairman Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve at the time) traveled to the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese required confirmation of Petitioner’s signature to facilitate cooperation of the Chinese in completing the transfer of financial assets referenced herein.

Upon best information and belief Snow/Greenspan determined that Chinese officials had the ability and willingness to cooperate with petitioner in the recovery and transfer of substantial financial assets that had been in the care, custody and control of the Chinese for an extended period of time.

12. Premised on the representations of Secretary Snow and Chairman Greenspan, the legal services of Troutman Sanders, LLP and Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin, LLP (attorneys) were used to complete the preparation and administer the execution of agreements and documents referred to collectively as “settlement documents”. The following is a compilation of the significant parties that are represented as either obligors and/or beneficiaries of the settlement documents:

• Petitioner Wanta identified in this petition.
• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (including but not limited to Land Baron/Xeno).
• National Security Agency (NSA).
• Department of Homeland Security.
• Director of National Intelligence.
• United States State Department.
• United States Department of the Treasury.
• United States Department of Defense.
• The White House, including but not limited to the Offices of the President and Vice President.
• C.B.I.C. Inc. (Mr William Bonney Sr.).
• China (PRC), France, Great Britain, Germany and other foreign nations participating under one or more international “Protocol” including but not limited to the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol agreements.
• Others of interest not intentionally omitted as part of this petition.

The entirety of the financial assets mentioned in the settlement documents prepared by the above mentioned attorneys concerns approximately $27 Trillion United States Dollars in value. The portion attributable and payable to the petitioner is $4.5 Trillion United States Dollars.

13. In May of 2006 the People’s Republic of China caused a free and unrestricted transfer of $4.5 Trillion United States Dollars through international bank fund transfer facilities to an account at Bank of America located at Richmond, Virginia. The designated beneficiary of the transferred funds from the People’s Republic of China was Petitioner herein. This transfer was made by the People’s Republic of China solely and exclusively as a requirement under the mentioned settlement agreement.

14. Upon best information and belief between the dates of July 31st to August 2nd of 2006 the United States Department of the Treasury, without authorization of either the remitting party or the receiving party removed the People’s Republic of China transferred financial assets from Bank of America Richmond, Virginia to an account in the name of Goldman Sachs at CITIBank New York, New York as the beneficiary holder of the monies transferred by the People’s Republic of China referenced above. This “Chip” (Clearing House Interbank Payment) transfer was facilitated from Virginia domiciled banks to New York domiciled banks via the Federal Reserve Bank Richmond. The Chip transfer did not remove the name of Petitioner as the intended recipient of the transferred money from the People’s Republic of China. The transfer to the Goldman Sachs et al account at CITIBank put a lawless restriction that the funds were not to be released to Petitioner without the authorization of United States Treasury. At or about the time of the unauthorized transfer mentioned in this paragraph 14 Petitioner protested the alleged right of “entitlement” by Secretary Paulson and to facilitate protest of right of ownership under the “Securities Acts” accounts were opened in the name of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. at Morgan Stanley, fiduciary client account at CITIBank/NYC to receive direct deposit transfer of Petitioner funds from Goldman Sachs.

15. The Petitioner has been contacted by “Compliance Officers” that are contract employees of the United States Department of the Treasury that the transfer records of the United States Department of the Treasury and the recipient (past and present holder of the funds transferred to Petitioner by the People’s Republic of China) reflect that the accounts opened to receive the financial assets are tagged and coded for the benefit of the Petitioner. Access to the tagged and coded accounts requires lawless authorization to be provided in writing by Secretary Paulson. To date Secretary Paulson refuses to provide the required written authorization to the compliance officers. In addition one or more compliance officer (referenced herein) has been contacted by Secret Service Agents who have advised the compliance officers that the “White House” ordered that the compliance officers cease and desist from communicating in any manner with Petitioner.

16. Upon best information and belief the compliance officers mentioned in paragraph 15 have been in contact with law enforcement officers representing the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Department of Defense. These mentioned law enforcement officers confirm that the information provided by the compliance officers is true and correct and that upon best information and belief the “order” preventing Secretary Paulson from releasing the “tagged and coded” funds that are the sole and exclusive property of the Petitioner have been either lawlessly and individually controlled by Secretary Paulson and/or restricted through direct participation by other United States of America elected and/or nominated officials.

17. Upon best information and belief Troutman Sanders LLP and Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP, seeking legal recourse on behalf of C.B.I.C. Inc. (Mr William Bonney Sr.) and the People’s Republic of China obtained an Order to Show Cause Why a Writ of Mandamus Should Not Be Issued from the United States Supreme Court signed by Justice Ginsberg. The People’s Republic of China, as a foreign government, invoked the original jurisdiction authority of the United States Supreme Court to obtain the document signed by Justice Ginsberg. Upon further best information and belief the responding parties to the action filed in the United States Supreme Court are exercising any and all assumed defenses to ward off the issuance of the Writ of Mandamus.

18. The United States Department of Justice and/or any agency or investigative authority contacted has refused to assist Petitioner in the collection of lawful funds. Said parties refuse such assistance irrespective that there is clear and undisputed evidence that the subject funds are identified in official United States government agency documents as being the sole and exclusive property of Petitioner. As of the date of the filing of this Petition, all requests for payment of lawful funds have been ignored by any and all elected and nominated public officials that have the implied and apparent authority to complete all requirements of the settled documents.

19. Petitioner individually and as sole and exclusive controlling shareholder of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. certifies as follows:

• The Petitioner has personally had conversations with one or more officials at the United States Department of the Treasury and said officials confirm the sequence of events concerning inward remittance of subject funds from the People’s Republic of China and inter-bank transfers within the United States.
• Petitioner confirms that he has personal knowledge about the “Claims and Background” set out in this Petition and verifies upon penalty of perjury that the same are true and correct.
• Petitioner has fully and completely reviewed the content of this petition and certifies by sworn affidavit attached hereto that the “Statement of Claim and Background” are true and correct.
• Upon best information and belief “Respondent” individuals, agencies, public, private, nominated and/or elected have knowingly, overtly, covertly and with specific intent conspired together to defraud Petitioner. The individual and/or conspiratorial acts amount to a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934 (as amended in 1970), the Bank Privacy Act, the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically R.I.C.O. and applicable international and national money laundering restrictions. In addition it is further the mentioned Respondents’ acting individually and/or “acting in concert” violate Petitioner’s rights under the provisions of H.R. 3723 as the same pertains to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties.

Reasonable action has been taken by the Petitioner in an attempt to obtain explanation and/or under what authority Respondents are not allowing the “Rule of Law” and permitting access by Petitioner to the financial accounts referenced herein. Despite continued written notice and request for a response the named parties continue to avoid their legal obligations and continue to commit covert and/or overt acts in furtherance of their knowing and purposeful violation of the statutory references mentioned hereinabove. In furtherance of this petition for the issuance of a Writ of Mandamus Petitioners direct this Court’s attention to the letters and other communications that have been marked as Exhibits A, B and C (4) attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if the same were set out in their entirety in the body of this petition.


21. The “Statement of Claim and Background” demonstrate “(1) the presence of novel and significant questions of law; (2) the inadequacy of other available remedies; and (3) the presence of a legal issue whose resolution will aid in the administration of justice”.


1. Emergency consideration of this Petition with an expedited response time for Respondents to respond to this Petition and an expedited time for the Court to hear the merits of this matter.

2. Such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper to protect the Constitutionally protected rights of the Petitioner.

Executed on this 18th day of June 2007.

5516 Falmouth Street
Suite 108
Richmond, Virginia 23230: Petitioner
Telephone: 814 455 9218
Telefax: 202 330 5116


The undersigned, being fully advised by counsel of the seriousness of the claim of making false statements to a Court and being fully apprised of the consequences for committing perjury (and the associated penalties), hereby make the following statements concerning the petition for Writ of Mandamus being filed on my behalf, by my counsel, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia:

1. I am more than twenty-one years of age and I am a citizen of the United States of America.

2. For an extended period of time I am functioning as a representative, investigator, contract employee and/or facilitator of one or more assignments that were either executed and/or performed at the direction and/or under the supervision of one or more persons and/or agencies that were accountable to the Executive Offices of the United States Government

3. During most recent three to five years I have been attempting to coordinate the repatriating of substantive financial resources from foreign locations to the United States and cause the tax payments owed on the patriated funds to be paid to the United States Treasury. I have substantially completed the stated objective task with the assistance of one or more foreign sources.

4. I have read the entirety of the Petition for Writ of Mandamus prepared by my attorneys. I confirm that I have personally directed communications with the banks, security firms, the United States Department of the Treasury (including one or more individual parties associated with the Treasury that are named as Respondents) and other entities mentioned in the Petition.

5. I have personally confirmed that the financial assets sent by the People’s Republic of China were received by Bank of America in Richmond, Virginia and that upon best information and belief the subject financial assets were “tagged” in my name and transmittal instructions by the People’s Republic of China directed that the same be paid to me without offset or delay.

6. I have been personally advised by agents and/or contract regulation compliance workers, that are accountable to the United States Department of the Treasury, that release of funds sent by the People’s Republic of China for payment to me is being restricted and/or blocked by one or more parties.

7. The exact party and/or parties that are restricting and/or blocking payment of financial assets to my designated accounts is not known absolutely.

8. Upon best information and belief the United States Department of the Treasury has the power and authority to direct release of the funds for my unrestricted use.

9. Despite continued demand for release of financial assets (that were transmitted by the People’s Republic of China) for payment to me personally the demands are ignored and are not rebuked by any responsive communication.

10. I have been personally informed by parties, that have the authority to release the block on funds leveraged against recipient banking accounts established in my name, that directives have been received from known and unknown parties that have the effect of negating my ability to have free and unrestricted access to financial assets that are “tagged” solely and exclusively in my name.

IN WITNESS HEREOF I am causing the above set forth affidavit to be notarized and sworn with full recognition of the penalty of perjury this 11th day of June 2007.

Lee E. Wanta, Leo E. Wanta and
Ambassador Leo E. Wanta

County of [omitted here]
State of [omitted here]

On this 11th day of June 2007 the above named individual, being personally known to me, appeared before me and after being first duly sworn signed the above Affidavit.

My commission expires January 5, 2009.

[Notary signature and seal].





LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Hauppauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.


BEWARE OF MALICIOUS IMITATIONS: It has come to our notice that certain websites have been in the habit of copying reports from this site, attributing the reports to the Editor of this service, but at the same time AMENDING AND INSERTING TEXT NOT WRITTEN BY THE EDITOR.

• This is a very old, malevolent US counterintelligence DIRTY TRICK.

Therefore, you should be advised that the GENUINE ORIGINAL REPORT is, by obvious definition, accessible ONLY FROM THIS WEBSITE. If you come across an article elsewhere that is attributed to the Editor of this service, you should refer to the ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE and you should bear in mind that the illegally duplicated article may contain text that was NOT written by the Editor of this service, but which was inserted for malicious purposes by counterintelligence.

Likewise, although we haven’t yet had time to elaborate this issue, we have taken drastic steps around the world to close off the malicious piracy of our books. One technique used by several disreputable sites (in the United States, the Netherlands and Switzerland) is to copy our title(s) and (a) to display an image of the front cover WITHOUT THE ISBN DATA at the top of the cover; and (b) to DELETE THE COPYRIGHT PAGE. In so doing, the criminal pirates proclaimed that they knew perfectly well that they were/are engaged in theft and can be prosecuted for stealing copyright.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

Press Internet Security Solution or go to the World Reports Limited serials catalogue and scroll down until you come to this product. Then proceed through the simple and ultra-safe ordering procedure [Visa or MasterCard only]. Send a donation as you order this RECOMMENDED solution.

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

• It is suitable for PC’s but not for Mac computers. As with all such programs, the License is renewable at a modest fee annually. This is done on-line in the usual way [with the supplier direct].




Friday 19 March 2010 08:00




There have been two developments (that we are at liberty at this time to report) in connection with this colossal scandal orchestrated as described in our original report of 15th March 2010 below:


• The Corporate Resolution of the Board of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. identified in the Foreword immediately below, requires Michael C. Cottrell B.A., M.S., to be described publicly as:


• The United States Postal Service Track & Confirm service reports that:

(1): The package containing the Corporate Resolution and the necessary Filing Fee addressed to Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau, P.O. Box 8722, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8722, was accepted at 10:44 am on 16th March 2010 at ERIE, PA Station No. 12 [USPS 16505] against total Postage and Fees of $10.70. We hold a copy of the relevant US Postal Service Certified Mail Receipt [and of all relevant such receipts].

(2): The package was processed through the Sort Facility on 17th March 2010 at 4:19pm in Harrisburg, PA 17107.

(3): The package containing the Corporate Resolution and Filing Fee was delivered to Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau, P.O. Box 8722, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8722 on 18th March 2010 at 1:11am. by the US Postal Service.

• FACT: As of the time of this Update the Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau had not updated the screen for Pennsylvania Investments Inc. to show Michael C. Cottrell B.A., M.S., registered as:


… of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., as required by the Corporate Resolution.


(1): The relevant package was accepted at ERIE Postal Station
No. 12 (USPS 16505) at 10:42 am on 16th March 2010.

(2): The package arrived at the Post Office, Pasadena, CA, at 8:35 am on 19th March 2010.

(3): We await confirmation that it has been delivered to Mr Hodges. UPDATE: At 4:45pm on 19th March, the Editor was advised that Mr Hodges’ package had arrived. The Editor was out of the office from 3:30pm until 10:00pm on Friday, so this Update was not appended until midnight.



(1): The relevant package was accepted at ERIE Postal Station No. 12
(USPS 16505) at 10:43 am on 16th March 2010.

(2): The package containing the Corporate Resolution arrived at the designated US Post Office at 8:54am on 19th March 2010.

(3): The next entry states: MISSENT, March 19, 2010, 8:55 am.

We await urgent confirmation that the package addressed to this
important third party has NOT been intercepted, and has been delivered.



(1): On arrival in New York late in the evening of 16th March 2010, the Editor received an email
from a knowledgeable source indicating that Salvatore R. DeFrancesco ‘had been’ arrested in the preceding 24/48 hours.

(2): At 14:56pm on 17th March 2010, the Editor received an email from, another informed source who stated that in response to the Editor’s inquiry on this score, ‘so far, I can neither confirm nor deny the recent arrest of Salvatore R. DeFrancesco’, but that he was making further enquiries.

(3): At 10:55am on Thursday 18th March 2010, the Editor received the following email from Mr A. Clifton Hodges, lawyer for the CMKM/CMKX victims of the colossal SEC Phantom Shares scam:

‘I received [the following] information this morning: [quote]: “He is actively being sought by the DOJ and by Treasury agents; he is expected to be in custody by the end of the day”.

Mr Hodges elaborated: ‘I have been promised further information when he is in fact in custody; I will of course pass it on upon receipt’.

(4): At about 1.00pm on Friday 19th March, the Editor made further enquiries as to the status of the REPORTED search for the Mafioso impostor whose name had been illegally inserted as Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. with the full prior knowledge and manifest cooperation of the Pennsylvania Department of State Corporations Bureau and the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue [see original report below], as a result of which we learned as follows:

• The information that Salvatore R. DeFrancesco is being sought by the DOJ and by Treasury agents is reconfirmed [by a ‘special’ source].



Given all of the above, our interim conclusion is that we are dealing with MORE DECEPTION and that various layers of hastily contrived cover-up operations have been activated to facilitate or cover up the intended giga-theft.

So far as we are concerned, indications that this Mafioso is being sought by the DOJ and Treasury agents must be accompanied by the necessary caution that NOTHING THAT U.S. FEDERAL OR STATE AUTHORITIES ASSERT AS FACT CAN BE TRUSTED.


We await further developments.



• SECURITIZATION IS ILLEGAL UPDATE: In the Subs/Books Update panel immediately below the NEWS panel that you are currently viewing, you will see an announcement concerning publication of Economic Intelligence Review, Volume 12, Numbers 7 & 8. If you press that announcement text and open up the panel, you will see the contents list for the new [2010Q1] issue of E.I.R., including a breakdown of the Chapter Headings for the detailed analysis showing that Securitization is illegal. See our NEWS report dated 10th March 2010 for summaries of some of the data from this analysis. We understand that the report has created uproar in certain corridors of corrupt power.


Submitted with the $70 necessary filing fee to Pennsylvania Department of State, Corporation Bureau by Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., 1157 West 7th Street, Erie, PA 16502, on 15th March 2010. Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. was incorporated on 11th December 1984 under the following Pennsylvania Statute: 19 PA CODE CH. 35 (1933) P.L. 354, as amended. The Articles of Amendment stated that: ‘The amendment shall be effective on March 13th [2010] at 12:01 pm.’

The amendment was adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to 15 Pa. C.S. Section 1914(c) or Section 5914(b). ‘The amendment adopted by the Corporation is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof’. ‘In testimony whereof, the undersigned corporation has caused these Articles of Amendment to be signed by a duly authorized officer thereof this 13th day of March 2010: PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENTS, INC.

[Signed] Michael C. Cottrell: Title: PRESIDENT, CEO, SECRETARY AND TREASURER: 3/13/2010

Exhibit A forming an integral part of these Articles of Amendment:

1157 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502
Telephone: 814-455 9218
Facsimile: 814-453 4453
Email: pii-mcc@msn.com; pii3mcc@gmail.com

EXHIBIT “A”: 13 March 2010


I hereby certify that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, held on the 13th day of MARCH, 2010 at which said meeting a quorum was present and acting throughout, the following resolutions were adopted and ever since have been and now are in full force and effect:

RESOLVED, that due to the attempted fraudulent devices indicated by the PENNSYLVANIA DEPT. OF STATE (www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp) of 8 MARCH 2010, et al., THIS CORPORATION HEREBY DECLARES any and all corporate resolutions pertaining to bank accounts excluding PNC ACCOUNT, ROBIN DRIVE, ERIE, PA, and all other Securities Accounts, excluding MORGAN STANLEY SECURITIES ACCOUNT (16 November 2005), as NULL AND VOID;

RESOLVED, that since this corporation has never granted a non-owner of shares of this corporation any directorship or office, it hereby grants Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., the retention of full authorities and powers as President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, and is thereby granted full authorization and control of this corporation as per this duly authorized resolution;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my signature
for said corporation this 13th day of March, 2010.

Michael C. Cottrell, B.A, M.S.
President, CEO, Treasurer, & Secretary
Date: 3/13/2010

Diane R. Cottrell, B.A., M.A.
(A.K.A. Diane R. Bertolini, B.A., M.A.)
Date: 3/13/2010

• Note: The Editor of this service holds copies
of these Articles of Amendment and of Exhibit “A” in our files.


























‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

‘Seeing what’s at the end of one’s nose requires constant effort’. George Orwell.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation can be accessed immediately: See the Home Page World Reports Limited serials catalogue by clicking World Reports Limited and scrolling to foot of page. Scroll to the foot of THIS page to read our extended Ad. for the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION.

Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and ‘politically incorrect’ [i.e., correct] intelligence books online from this website.

Press Archive for this report [29th January 2010]
Case Number CV10-00031 JVS (MLGx):
You can also access the CMKM/CMKX text at: http://viewer.zoho.com/docs/paKdda
The biggest lawsuit in world legal history: The phantom share giga-scandal.


Have you met or heard of Salvatore R DeFrancesco?

Salvatore DeFrancesco Senior, that is.

No? Then may we please have the pleasure of introducing him to you.

It has been reported to us that Salvatore R DeFrancesco Sr. is an associate of, or has current or past relations with, George H. W. Bush, and is well known in certain, shall we say, ‘exotic’ banking and other financial circles, and among ‘the Italian community’ in the United States, doubtless including Chicago. He has influence with a number of important financial institutions.

He is aged about 60, and has a son, Salvatore Raymond DeFrancesco Jr, CPA, aged 40. Prior to January 2003, Salvatore R. DeFranceso Jr. was Chief Financial Officer of Landmark Community Bank in Pittston, Pennsylvania.

In November 2009, Salvatore R DeFrancesco Jr. was reported to be Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Fidelity D & D Bancorp., Inc., positions he has held since January 2003 – as well as serving as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank, both of Dunmore, Pennsylvania.

Salvatore DeFranceso Senior is Vice President of Penn Acceptance Corporation, and is a partner/owner with Daniel and Joseph Limongelli of Penn Acceptance Corporation, Avoca, PA.

Joseph Limongelli is President and Secretary, and Daniel Limongelli is Treasurer of Penn Acceptance Corporation, with their mailing address at 639 Main Street, Avoca, PA 18641-0.

However the Officers of Penn Acceptance Corporation function, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State, from 2007 Highway Suite 315, Pittston TWP, PA 18640-40.

Both Fidelity D & D Bancorp., Inc/ Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank. Inc., and Penn Acceptance Corporation ballooned in size from 2006 onwards through trading Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) – which, as exposed in our report dated 10th March 2010, are illegal under US and Common Law. All such contracts, being formulated to facilitate criminal actions, are void and fraudulent [see full report dated 10th March 2010 for details].

Yet in the year ended 31st December 2006, Fidelity D & D Bancorp Inc. was a small operation, the audit fee billed by auditors Parente Randolph, LLC having cost $86,203 [2005: $41,259].

Now, as you will recall from our early reports in this series, 2006 was the year when The People’s Bank of China transferred $4.5 trillion to the United States. The transfer was immediately hijacked by Henry M. Paulson Jr. as soon as he became President Bush’s third Treasury Secretary – a man sufficiently corrupt to meet Bush’s daily criminal requirements, which Mr Paulson’s two far-from-innocent predecessors had been, shall we say, less eager to satisfy.

So, instead of being applied for the purpose indicated by the Chinese central bank, the funds were diverted to underpin securitisation operations involving massive leveraging and hypothecation for corrupt and wholly illegal transactions purposes.

It was therefore ‘no accident’ that the derivatives explosion took off from 2006 onwards, leading straight to the brick wall encountered in September 2008; and among entities heavily involved in these CDO excesses were Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc./Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank and Penn Acceptance Corporation, which expanded on a scale which could not possibly have occurred had they been involved exclusively in legitimate business.

On 11th December 1984, Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., founded and registered Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State Corporations authorities. The firm is registered as Business Corporation Entity #844244 in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and its Principal Office Address is shown as 1157 West Seventh Street, Erie, PA 16502. The sole Officer of the Company has been Michael C. Cottrell, President and Secretary.

For the record, the Editor of this service holds paper copies of printouts confirming the foregoing outline information concerning Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., from the Pennsylvania Department of State Corporations authorities’ Microfilm Number 8475 [Start: 905; End: 907] dated: 6th April 2005; 1st October 2006; 27th March 2008; 15th May 2008; 22nd December 2008; and 9th May 2009.

You will recall that we have reported that the Collective of Five Criminal Presidents of the United States – Carter (39), Bush Sr. (41), Clinton (42), Bush Jr. (43) and Obama (44) – DEMANDED immunity from prosecution from the World Court around last September, and were granted such immunity in a scandalous departure by the World Court, given that in seeking immunity these Presidents were self-acknowledging their need for immunity from prosecution and therefore openly confirming that they themselves recognise that they are criminal operatives.

[A statement by an anonymous, and therefore non-credible, Internet source on 11th March, citing unprovenanced and unprovable so-called intelligence sources that this is not true, is false].

You may also have noted that we doubt whether the World Court’s outrageous grant of immunity – conveying the impression that the World Court considers that its responsibility may be to protect high-level criminals from prosecution – protects the Collective of Presidents in the United States itself: it is applicable to the financial crimes that have been committed in Britain and Europe.

These reminders are inserted here in order to re-emphasise that President Obama and the other four Presidents ‘work together’ as a criminal Collective: so the sudden appearance of President Obama in Pennsylvania on or before 8th March 2010, related to THIS enquiry, will most certainly have reflected an operation known to or masterminded by George H.W. Bush Senior and President Obama’s Italian and other Chicago Mafiosi associates, with the full knowledge and connivance of senior CIA operative Mrs Hillary Clinton and her CIA husband, former President Bill Rockefeller.

Now, if you’d like to pour yourself a stiff glass of whisky, we’ll divulge the purpose of this report.

On 8th March 2010, the Editor’s birthday as it happened, Mr Michael C. Cottrell performed a routine check of the Business Entity Filing for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

He discovered that ALL OF A SUDDEN, the following additional entry had appeared on the filing for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. (of which of course the Editor holds multiple copies, pulled both in Pennsylvania and in the United Kingdom):

Title: President
Address: 1157 W 7th Street, ERIE PA 16502-25

Title: Secretary
Address: [Address not available].

At no time since the commencement of the solar system did Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., at a Meeting of the Board of his corporation, appoint SALVATORE R DEFRANCESCO or anyone else to serve as Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. No such filing was ever submitted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State Corporations Registration authorities.

Michael Cottrell reacted, as did the Editor of this service, Mr A. Clifton Hodges, Attorney for the CMKM/CMKX victims of the colossal Securities and Exchange Commission PHANTOM SHARES fraud, and others informed of this intrusion, with justified fury and outrage.

Michael Cottrell began by telephoning a Ms. Butler, Supervisor, Pennsylvania Department of State between approximately 9:34 a.m. EST and 9:40 a.m. EST, informing her inter alia as follows:

• Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. is to receive funds amounting to $15 billion derived from a ‘Settlement’ between the United States of America, the World Court, the People’s Republic of China, with the signed approval of President Barack Obama; and:

• A loan worth $6.2 trillion from the British Monarchical Power for the purpose of funding a Private Refunding of the United States Dollar.

• Pennsylvania Investments Inc., and Michael C. Cottrell himself, will pay a sum in connection with Pennsylvania Corporate and Personal Taxes of $495 million arising from this ‘Settlement’ process.

• The Pennsylvania Department of State has become a participant, whether knowing or unknowing, in the perpetration of ongoing fraudulent attempts to DIVERT the foregoing funds and to subvert the payment of the foregoing PA State taxes, with the assistance of banking sector and political fraudsters located in London, Paris, Geneva, Houston, Dallas and Washington DC, and in various locations in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

• This fraudulent attempt to divert the funds due to Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. is evidenced by the placement of ‘SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO as SECRETARY’ AS AN OFFICER (SECRETARY) OF Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. #844244 per the Pennsylvania Department of State corporations authorities’ screen dated 8th and 9th March 2010, without the knowledge or approval of the owners and Board of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. and without the necessary Amendment of Articles.

• Michael Cottrell DEMANDED the IMMEDIATE removal of the name ‘Salvatore R. Defrancesco’ as Secretary from the screen identifying entry for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation #844244.

• Mr Cottrell also DEMANDED an investigation and a FULL REPORT TO THE BOARD of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation #844244 divulging WHO gave the authority for this intrusive name to be placed on the screen, what evidence existed of any authorization granting this individual the position of SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation #844244, and what action will be taken against the individual committing the fraudulent entry.

• Mr Cottrell then stated that if the offending intrusion was not removed IMMEDIATELY upon the receipt by facsimile of his letter and accompanying documentation [amounting in all to 39 pages], Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation Number 844244 will move legally for fraud against the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pedro A. Cortes and others, against this Salvatore R DeFrancesco individually and severally, referencing a fraud against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation #844244 for THREE TIMES DAMAGES, namely $45 billion:

… since the payment is IMMINENT and therefore the screen can be used to divert or steal the aforementioned funds to Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank et al., and/or Penn Acceptance Corporation, et al.

• Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation #844244 has no accounts with either. The funds are to be deposited with Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.’s identified securities account at Morgan Stanley & Co., New York, NY.

• Summary to date:
This represented a bold, brazen attempt to divert the $15.0 billion and the sovereign $6.2 trillion loan funds earmarked for the funding of the private sector Dollar Refunding Programme payable to Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., in accordance with international mandated authority, by using a fraudulent imposed ‘Italian community’ representative as SECRETARY, who would be in a position to issue instructions to the paymaster to DIVERT AND STEAL THE LOAN FUNDS for payment into accounts controlled by the unauthorised intruder posing as SECRETARY of Mr Cottrell’s firm.

It also represented a MONUMENTAL BLUNDER by the criminal operatives concerned, starting with President Barack Hussein Obama – who, we have been AUTHORITATIVELY AND EMPHATICALLY INFORMED, presided over and condoned, or facilitated, this INTENDED BUT ABORTED THEFT, on behalf of the Collective of Criminal Presidents of which he is currently the de facto Chairman.

As you can well imagine, following the faxing of these documents to the named recipients, and the realisation in high places on both sides of the Atlantic that the Editor of this service had acquired copies of the documents in question, turmoil broke out in the relevant offices and corridors of corrupt power in Washington DC, London and elsewhere.


As you will recall, an earlier, more feeble operation had erupted, centred on a crude attempt to rewrite Mr Wanta’s legend, inter alia to purport to represent that he ‘worked for’ the Federal Reserve – which would have had tangible consequences facilitating’ diversion of the funds – contrary to the language of the Writ for a Petition of Mandamus and the Motion to Dismiss filed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, both of which were the subject of a hearing at the United States Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria, attended by Michael C. Cottrell, Dana V. Wilcox, the Editor of this service, and Mr Wanta.

Any variation of Wanta’s legend would have undermined the language of the Petition, leaving him vulnerable to a charge of perjury: hence, when we republished the text of the Petition which it had been anticipated that everyone would have forgotten all about, that operation had to be aborted. Moreover parties involved in promulgating the lies in question had to cease and desist, as well.

So the criminal minds set immediately about reviving a dormant mechanism for stealing the funds (as they have been doing ever since our lives were turned upside down as a consequence of their serial criminality): and they came up with the Pennsylvania Fraud, built on preparations for the theft initiated seven years earlier – the most brazen attempt to steal the funds yet recorded.

The Pennsylvania Fraud has all the hallmarks of of crass. amateurish, brash risk-taking, and having been implemented (though not contrived: see below) in an extreme hurry.

The risks they took included the following elements:

• That Mr Cottrell would not check the Pennsylvania authorities’ corporate screen until after the thefts had been perpetrated, when it would, they will have assumed, have been ‘too late’.

• That the designated Paymaster would willingly participate in the diversion/theft.

• That ‘Salvatore R. DeFrancesco’ would be exposed and his connections with the Collective of Criminal Presidents and dubious financial institutions and linkages would be revealed.

• That, untypically, this Editor would not become aware of this monumental attempt to re-steal The Queen’s loan funds and the funds payable to Michael Cottrell’s corporation (related to the earlier stealing by George H. W. Bush of the Deutsche Bank AG contract and the electronic ‘stealing’ of his signature, for the private enrichment of George H. W. Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, Helmut Kohl and Dr Joseph Ackermann as partners in Deutsche AG, St. Gallen, Switzerland) – until it was far too late.

And why did they imagine it was ‘safe’ to take such risks, implicating President Obama directly?

The answer to this question is interesting. It conforms to a standard pattern. This revolves around a STATE (never a FEDERAL: always a STATE) bureaucracy. The fraud is committed with the de facto assistance of the selected bureaucracy in question.

The function of the STATE bureaucratic element built into the operation is to provide the ‘fall-back’ pretext for the attempted theft – which is always the same, namely that the modern equivalent of ‘a clerical error’ had occurred. This ‘explanation’ surfaces when the operation has had to be aborted, as in this instance [see below]. It serves as a means of BLOCKING FURTHER ENQUIRIES, so that the sting is supposedly taken out of the outrage and everything subsides back to ‘normalcy’.

The only problem this time round is that the operation was identified, exposed, ‘stamped on’ and aborted in ‘real time’ – with the full details being made available to the Editor of this service, so that we can publicise the rotten stench of the head of the fish sitting in the White House.

In this instance, a mole inside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s official structures would have procured the clandestine insertion of a Mafioso’s name as Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation #844244.

We have observed and deconstructed similar corruption within the State structures in Wisconsin: see, for instance, our report dated 6th August 2007, giving comprehensive forensic details of the triplication of the same State tax, the massive cover-up that ensued, and the failure of authorities to address this corruption. Another dimension of ongoing fraudulent practice within the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue can be summarised as follows (we have documents proving this):

• As a WI State resident you receive a State tax demand, requesting tax to be paid to the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue at a box number address.

• You send the funds demanded by the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue to the post office box address printed on the tax demand.

• After a period of time you receive an agitated DEMAND from the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue for the SAME TAX, with a request that it must be paid immediately to the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue’s designated street address.

• You protest that you have already paid the tax and that you have no intention of paying it twice.

• Wisconsin State Department of Revenue then triggers its dunning procedure, charging interest on the tax you have already paid, threatening court action culminating in the sequestration of your assets to the value of the unpaid tax, and a possible jail sentence.

• You send proof of payment (the money sent to the P.O. Box) by registered recorded delivery.

• The Wisconsin State Department of Revenue reiterates that so far as it is concerned, it never received the funds. You protest that they passed through your bank statement and provide them with a copy of the bank statement in question. They continue to deny they ever received the money.

• You inform lawyers, officers under the United States under the Misprision of Felony Statute, etc. of the travesty and injustice, but nothing happens: because all involved are working this together, being masons and members of secret societies catering for their own sordid interests – but mainly because the Jewish mafia controls the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue. Undsoweiter.

In the case of the Pennsylvania Fraud, we have prima facie evidence of criminal behaviour inside the State structures. Why should Pennsylvania be any different from the State of Wisconsin?

• Here’s what happened next.

As indicated, Mr Cottrell faxed his letter and associated documents to the named recipients on 9th March 2010. The main documents faxed to the Pennsylvania Department of State and to the named recipients are reproduced verbatim below, following this narrative.

Nothing happened on 9th March; and by the morning of 10th March, Salvatore R. DeFrancesco remained on the State authorities’ official screen, falsely logged as SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. So on 10th March, between 8:41 a.m. and 8:46 a.m., Michael Cottrell telephoned the Pennsylvania Department of State to ask why the necessary action to remove the imposter’s name had not been taken, as demanded in his letter to Ms. Butler, Supervisor, in that department.

Mr Cottrell was informed that Ms. Butler was ‘not in the office’. He was then placed ‘on hold’. When the woman returned to the phone, he was told that ‘we will not be taking any action at this time’. Mr Cottrell also contacted Martha Brown, General Counsel for the Pennsylvania Department of State.

On 10th March, we received authoritative intelligence from a Chinese official, sourced curiously from Hawaii, who had stated that ‘there are still problems with George Bush Sr’. This was a clear reference to the fact that the Chinese authorities knew that Bush Sr. stood behind the attempt to steal/divert the funds from Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. on 9th March – which was the (latest) date when the payouts should have taken place.

At 11.11 am Ms. Julie A. Castillo (717-705 6087), from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, not the Department of State, suddenly telephoned Mr Cottrell. She had ‘done some research’ and had discovered that Mr Cottrell had transposed ‘the last four digits of his [Mr Cottrell’s] own Social Security Number on a 2004 tax return, and that these last four digits corresponded to the last four digits of the Social Security Number belonging to Mr Salvatore R. DeFrancesco’. Quote unquote.

Provided you have not consumed too much whisky already, you will immediately understand that this ‘explanation’, apart from being nonsensical, was spurious and fabricated. Even if digits of a Social Security Number had been mixed up six years ago, that did not give anyone authority to assume the rôle of Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. at any time, let alone, out of the blue, six years later, when the payments were imminent. Nice try, but manifestly irrelevant.

Further, even if this were true, it would not explain why all subsequent Cottrell tax documents after 2004 (2005) had not reflected this error.

And further still, if there was any connection whatsoever between this lame ‘explanation’ and the sudden appearance of this member of ‘the Italian community’ on the Pennsylvania Department of State’s screen for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., why had Salvatore R. DeFrancesco not appeared on the screen from 2004 onwards?

Mr Cottrell requested that Ms. Julie Castillo fax the Pennsylvania Tax authorities’ relevant Cottrell tax documentation from 2003-2004 to date, to him on his office facsimile Erie, PA. [814-453 4453], to enable him to verify the accuracy of the ‘explanation’ that she had just put forward.

Ms. Castillo said she would comply. She also said that she would need to give an instruction to the Pennsylvania Department of State, for the (intrusive, false) ‘SECRETARY’ to be removed from the screen. This telephone call terminated at 11:17 a.m..

At 11:26 a.m. on 10th March, Ms. Castillo rang Mr Cottrell back to say that she had ‘spoken to my supervisor’ who had stated that Ms. Castillo was not permitted to fax the documents in question, but that she would instead put them in the mail.

At 12:06p p.m. EST on 10th March the name of the ‘Italian’ imposter, a known associate of George Bush Sr., was still on the PA Department of State’s screen for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

By 2:02pm on Wednesday 10th March, the screen had been amended to delete the name of the deliberately inserted Bush-Obama ‘Italian community’ impostor, so that it now read as follows:

Business Entity Filing History
Date: 3/10/2010
Name: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
Entity Number: 844244
Status: Active
Entity Creation Date: 12/11/1984
State of Business: PA
Registered Office Address: 1167 West Seventh Street, Erie, PA 16502-0, Erie
Name: Michael C. Cottrell
Title: President
Address: 1157 W 7th Street Erie, PA, 16502-25

In the early evening UK time on Saturday 13th March 2010, the Editor was informed that Ms. Julie A. Castillo had sent certain Cottrell corporate tax documents to Michael Cottrell, copies of which were faxed shortly afterwards to the Editor of this service. Specifically, we received PA Corporate Tax Reports for the years 2004, 2006 and 2007. Here’s what we found on examining these documents:

• PA Corporate Tax Report 2004: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
(1): The last four digits of Mr Cottrell’s Social Security Number are shown as: 8024,
which is NOT CORRECT. The first two digits of the last four digits should read: 08
(2) Michael Cottrell is listed as: President of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. CORRECT
(3) Michael Cottrell is listed as: Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. CORRECT
The document is signed by Michael C. Cottrell and his signature is correct.

• PA Corporate Tax Report 2006: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
(1): The last four digits of Mr Cottrell’ Social Security Number are shown as: 0824, which is CORRECT. That is to say, TWO digits, not FOUR digits, were transposed in the 2004 Tax Report. [Mr Cottrell advises separately that the incorrect transposition of the first two of the last four digits to 8024 also appeared on the corporate tax reports for 2003 and 2005].
(2) Michael Cottrell is listed as: President/Managing Partner of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
(3) Michael Cottrell is NOT listed as: Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., contrary to the CORRECT information sustained on the PA Corporate Tax reports for 2003, 2004 and 2005. As shown separately [because of a certain complexity] below, for a number of years, Pennsylvania authorities REMOVED ALL MENTION OF MR COTTRELL AND HIS CORPORATE TITLES from the screen, as part of the intended fraud. The document is signed by Michael C. Cottrell and his signature is correct.

• PA Corporate Tax Report 2007: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
(1): The last four digits of Mr Cottrell’ Social Security Number are shown as: 0824, which is CORRECT. That is to say, TWO digits, not FOUR digits, were transposed in the 2004 Tax Report. [Mr Cottrell advises separately that the incorrect transposition of the first two of the last four digits to 8024 also appeared on the corporate tax reports for 2003 and 2005].
(2) Michael Cottrell is listed as: President/Managing Partner of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
(3) Michael Cottrell is NOT listed as: Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., contrary to the CORRECT information sustained on the PA Corporate Tax reports for 2003, 2004 and 2005. As shown separately [because of a certain complexity] below, for a number of years, Pennsylvania authorities REMOVED ALL MENTION OF MR COTTRELL AND HIS CORPORATE TITLES from the screen, as part of the intended fraud. The document is signed by Michael C. Cottrell and his signature is correct.

In the segment below divulging details of the letter and documents faxed and mailed by Mr Cottrell on 9th March 2010 to the Governor of Pennsylvania and the other named recipients, you will see under EXHIBIT “D” [Items D-01 to D-13], a list of screen documents displayed by the Pennsylvania Department of State to show the status of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

In addition to the findings exposed elsewhere in this report [e.g., above], we append immediately below each listing, a statement of what selected screen documents from the ‘EXHIBIT “D”’ list do OR DO NOT show – from which REITERATED INCONSISTENCIES we conclude that the Pennsylvania Department of State fiddled illegally with the screen displays for Mr Cottrell’s firm for many years, playing around with and varying what was displayed – despite the fact that no variations (Articles of Amendment) referencing changes in officers of the corporation had been filed. [Non-US readers: the US date format has to be displayed here to conform with standard US usage]:

D-01: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2010 [falsely] identifying SALVATORE R DEFRANCESCO as SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. This imposter from the ‘Italian community’ appeared suddenly from ‘nowhere’.

• This represents AN ILLEGAL ACT by the Pennsylvania Department of State perpetrated against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. The ‘explanation’ proferred by the PA Department of Revenue is spurious, insolent, diversionary, reckless, irrelevant and an insult to our intelligence.

D-02: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2010 indicating that NO AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES WAS SUBMITTED TO THE DEPT. OF STATE AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF OFFICERS since 12/11/1984.

D-03: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 5/9/2009, showing MICHAEL C. COTTRELL as PRESIDENT of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

D-04: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2009, showing that as of the search time 09:44 on that date no variations (Articles of Amendment) referencing changes in officers of the corporation had been filed.

D-05: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 12/22/2008, showing MICHAEL C. COTTRELL as PRESIDENT of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Since [see below] Mr Cottrell had been ARBITRARILY REMOVED AS PRESIDENT from the screen in earlier years [see below], the sudden ‘rehabilitation’ of Michael C. Cottrell as President of his own corporation by the Pennsylvania Department of State in December 2008 must surely have reflected some development which had compelled the corrupt PA officials concerned to REVERSE their previous illegal elimination [see below] of Mr Cottrell as President of his own corporation.

That event was the submission of an Affidavit by Michael Cottrell to Her Majesty the Queen via the Editor of this service in September 2008. Moreover it was then known, from telephone intercepts, that Michael Cottrell would be forwarding a further document [the Notarised Affirmation, shown as EXHIBIT “B”, included within the 39-page document faxed and mailed on 9th March 2010 to the Governor of Pennsylvania et al. and therefore appended (as ‘EXHIBIT “B”) below].

• This document was duly placed in the hands of the Editor of this service for forwarding to Buckingham Palace, as indicated.

D-06: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 12/18/2008 Uniform Commercial Code (UCC): This states that: Search Results Include Filings Through 12/18/2008 12:00 a.m., to which is appended the rubric: ‘There are currently no financing statements or other liens for the above requested criteria’.

D-07: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 12/22/2008, showing that as on that date no variations (Articles of Amendment) referencing changes in officers of the corporation had been filed.

D-08: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 5/15/2008. The necessary designation of Michael C. Cottrell as President and Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., applicable since the corporation’s formation on 11th December 1984, has been REMOVED. This represents AN ILLEGAL ACT by the Pennsylvania Department of State perpetrated against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

D-09: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 5/15/2008, showing that as on that date no variations (Articles of Amendment) referencing changes in officers of the corporation had been filed.

D-10: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/27/2008. The necessary designation of Michael C. Cottrell as President and Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., applicable since the corporation’s formation on 11th December 1984, has been REMOVED. This represents AN ILLEGAL ACT by the Pennsylvania Department of State perpetrated against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

D-11: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/27/2008, showing that as on that date no variations (Articles of Amendment) referencing changes in officers of the corporation had been filed.

D-12: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 10/1/2006. The necessary designation of Michael C. Cottrell as President and Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., applicable since the corporation’s formation on 11th December 1984, has been REMOVED. This represents AN ILLEGAL ACT by the Pennsylvania Department of State perpetrated against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc..

D-13: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 4/6/2005. The necessary designation of Michael C. Cottrell as President and Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., applicable since the corporation’s formation on 11th December 1984, has been REMOVED. This represents AN ILLEGAL ACT by the Pennsylvania Department of State perpetrated against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

• CONCLUSION FROM THE FOREGOING: The forensic evidence presented above (copies of which documents are held on file by the Editor of this service) shows that the original plan was simply to ‘delete’ Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., altogether, and to use his corporate vehicle, Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., as the shell for the purpose of stealing the $6.2 trillion sovereign funds (with its securities account with Morgan Stanley & Co., New York, NY).

The reason for this must clearly have been that it had been confirmed already by the international authorities concerned that Mr Cottrell was to be granted the privilege, given his trustworthiness and unique securities expertise, of organising and implementing the private sector fully taxable, transparent Refunding of the US Dollar.

At least that’s what appears at first sight. But on yet further investigation, it is recalled that while Michael Cottrell and Leo Wanta were staying in the Staten Island hotel (part of the ‘40 days in the hotel wilderness’) in November 2007, prior to Wanta’s ‘switch’ precipitated by what follows here, Wanta was incessantly arguing with Mr Cottrell about the necessity of equipping Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. with a BANK account with Citibank.

Mr Cottrell argued that he would never agree to using anything other than a SECURITIES ACCOUNT (i.e. the account of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., with Morgan Stanley in New York).

[Mr Wanta was only able to travel outside Wisconsin at all because the Editor’s since stolen loan of $35,000 to him, had procured the shortening of Wanta’s probation by five years and two weeks – to 14th November 2005, rather than 28th November 2010].

In other words, while purporting to be rooting for payment into his AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., what Wanta was actually seeking to procure while in the prolonged presence of Mr Cottrell in October-November 2007 [see our contemporary reports] was that Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. would acquire a BANK ACCOUNT from which The Queen’s sovereign $6.2 trillion loan, made available via the Bank of England to Bank of New York Mellon on 19th-20th June 2007, could be stolen as it was being paid to Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., in accordance with the international instructions.


• As repeatedly stated in these reports, a US Securities Account is infinitely more secure than a bank account. It would be VERY DIFFICULT to steal/divert money from a US securities account.

Recall that Wanta works for Bush Sr. and was the courier between Bush Senior and Gorbachëv. Wanta’s job all along has been TO FACILITATE THEFTS BY BUSH SENIOR.

All the time that Cottrell and Story were involved with Wanta, the cover story was that funds sent over by the People’s Bank of China in May 2006 were to be paid into AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., for the benefit of Wanta, who, as well as ‘working for’ Bush Senior, was also, all along, being used and deceived by him, and by Cheney and Bush Junior and their associates.

Wanta would leave the Staten Island hotel accommodation and go down to the public telephone booths in the hotel lobby to make calls to Mr Cheney and other operatives, to obtain his updated instructions, and to give progress reports on whether he was succeeding in getting Mr Cottrell to go along with the idea that Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., should acquire a bank account. It now transpires that this was all an elaborate cover masking the following circumstances:

• Ex-Treasury Secretary John Snow, considered by Bush Jr. to be ‘insufficiently malleable’, had to be ‘caused to resign’, in order to be replaced by Bush’s selected operative, Henry M. Paulson. The $4.5 trillion was then duly hijacked as intended (by the Bush Crime Family), by this Bush lackey, as Treasury Secretary, for use as footings for ILLEGAL securitisation operations (leveraged trading and hypothecation), thus specifically precipitating the vast EXPLOSION of derivatives in 2006-08, leading to the sudden bursting of the resulting global derivatives bubble and to the COLLAPSE following the intervention by the Editor of this service to the highest UK level – whereupon the sovereign monies were placed into ‘lockdown’ (out of access) almost immediately (on 10th-12th September 2008), unravelling exposed Bush-related Ponzi ops. (Madoff, Stanford et al).

• A year earlier, given that the $4.5 trillion had been ‘accounted for’, Wanta’s Petition for a Writ of Mandamus [June 2007] asking for the $4.5 trillion to be paid to AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. turns out to have been an elaborate ruse, as was made obvious when Wanta appeared before the United States Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria, on 19th October 2007, and deliberately made a complete jackass of himself from the podium. Judge Ellis accordingly pronounced in favour of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s Motion to Dismiss. The Editor was present in the Court and witnessed this fabricated theatrical scene at first hand.

• While ostensibly nevertheless subsequently waiting in the Staten Island hotel for the AmeriTrust Groupe Inc. payment to be made by Citibank in November 2007, Mr Wanta had in fact been tasked by Bush/Cheney to keep waffling about AmeriTrust Groupe while all the while pressurising Michael Cottrell to attach a bank account to his Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. corporation (which was to conduct financial transactions with AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.). If that operation had succeeded, the intention would have been to use Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. as the shell with a bank account and an illegally imposed Secretary or Board of Directors, for the purpose of effecting the diversion of the payment of the $6.2 trillion US Dollar Refunding loan funds stipulated by the international authorities for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., without Mr Cottrell’s knowledge or consent.

• By correctly refusing to agree to Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. acquiring a BANK account, Mr Cottrell FRUSTRATED THIS CRIMINAL INTENT, precipitating:

(1): Wanta’s ‘switch’ operation, starting with his intimation to Mr Cottrell that ‘we must get rid of Christopher Story but don’t tell him’, and culminating in Mr Wanta’s cack-handed, irregular and vituperative (without a cause) ‘dismissal’ of Michael Cottrell in March 2008 from the positions of Treasury and Executive Vice President of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. (received by Michael Cottrell with undisguised relief); and:

(2): The continued blocking of the Settlements because the White House et al. criminals had no intention of effecting the Settlements payments unless they could steal the bulk of them (especially the $6.2 trillion sovereign loan from the Queen for the Refunding of the US Dollar) for themselves.

FRUSTRATION BY MR COTTRELL AND THIS SERVICE of the further attempt to seize the $6.2 trillion sovereign loan fund on 8th-10th March 2010 has meant that the White House et al. have been UNABLE TO STEAL THE QUEEN’S LOAN FUNDS YET AGAIN; so they are currently trying to work out what deception they can mount next, to achieve that same constantly frustrated objective.

In other words, the Bush Crime Syndicate + CIA/DVD + the Collective of Criminal Presidents + the corrupt US Treasury under Geithner + the corrupt US State Department under Mrs Clinton have just demonstrated once again that they remain hell-bent on STEALING THE $6.2 TRILLION, i.e. mobilising these sovereign loan funds for their own purposes.



Given that they have botched the latest attempt to steal the funds so badly, and have left such a rich trail of clues confirming their criminal intentions, the logical answer to this question, would be: NO. They have blown it. But the German element among these criminals never knows when to stop, and when it has been defeated. Their arrogance knows no limitations, as you are aware.

So a sensible precaution would be to assume that these crooks, and their associates, will continue to duck and weave and fiddle around, hoping against hope that they can pull off the stealing of the $6.2 trillion without getting caught in the act – and in spite of the fact that WE HAVE REPEATEDLY CAUGHT AND EXPOSED THEM ‘IN FLAGRANTE’.

• WHEREUPON U.S. LAW ENFORCEMENT, PAYMASTERS ETC, DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BRING THESE HIGHEST-LEVEL CRIMINALS TO JUSTICE. The fact that they hold or held high office does not place them above the law. Their continued perpetration of MASSIVE CRIMES insults the American people and all those around the world who are watching the US authorities’ lily-livered cowardice and brazen flouting of the Rule of Law in allowing these hideous criminals to continue operations, despite having been repeatedly caught either in the act or planning it.

Judging by the number of people who would have had to have known about the intended Pennsylvania Fraud, the word BRIBERY, or an illusory promise of same, springs to mind.

We understand that following the latest aborted theft attempt, the level of activity from the UK side has intensified: but of course those concerned never consult us at all.

• They just leave us ‘out there’ to stick our necks out for them, and to expose what’s going on.

Reverting now to the attempted giga-theft of 8-9 March 2010, as you will have gathered from the above, what Ms. Julie A. Castillo of the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue represented to Mr Cottrell by telephone between 11:11 a.m. and 11:17 a.m. on 10th March 2010 was as follows:

• She had been ‘doing some research’ (following the fireworks from the Governor’s Mansion and the other official recipients which had erupted on receipt of Mr Cottrell’s 39-page facsimiles on 9th March), and had ‘established’ that:

• ‘The last four digits of [Mr Cottrell’s] Social Security Number on a 2004 tax return’ have been transposed, ‘and that these last four digits corresponded to the last four digits of the Social Security Number belonging to Mr Salvatore R. DeFrancesco’.

• This ‘somehow’ explained why Salvatore R. DeFrancesco appeared as Secretary for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc, – except that it DIDN’T. THERE WAS NO CONNECTION. THAT WAS A LIE.

Deeper forensic consideration yields the following findings:

(1): The PA Corporate Tax Reports for 2004, 2006 and 2007 faxed to the Editor of this service are PRINTED REPORTS with all the entries inserted via the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue’s computerized system: i.e., the entries to procure the print-outs were inserted BY THE STATE AUTHORITIES themselves, NOT BY MR COTTRELL.

• The authorities are responsible for inserting the data for their print-outs.

These printed documents are signed by Mr Cottrell, and it is true that he missed the transposition of the two first digits of his Social Security Number when he signed the PA Corporate Tax report 2004 (and 2003 and 2005): but THE ERROR WAS THE TAX DEPARTMENT’S ‘ERROR’, because the document was generated by the tax authorities themselves.

• Contrary, therefore, to a subsidiary assertion by Ms. Julie A. Castillo, the ‘error’ was originated by the Pennsylvania tax authorities, NOT by Mr Cottrell.

(2): Which implies RATHER CLEARLY that this little entrapment mechanism was planned at least seven years ago – that is to say, not long after the stealing of Mr Cottrell’s Deutsche Bank A.G. contract and the ‘electronic stealing’ of his signature exposed recently in these reports, with the ultimate proceeds of that theft and the hijacking of his transactions being credited to Deutsche AG. (formerly Barrington Investment Group), St Gallen, Switzerland, the partners of which are George H. W. Bush Sr., Mikhail Gorbachëv, Dr Helmut Kohl and Dr Joseph Ackermann.


(3): This deduction appears to contradict our working assumption cited above that the insertion of our ‘Italian community’ non-friend, Salvatore R. DeFrancesco, was effected IN A HELLUVA RUSH in connection with/following or coincident with the visit of President Obama to Pennsylvania – given that we have been definitively informed that President Obama was behind this attempted theft (on behalf of the Collective of Criminal Presidents).

However we think that what happened was that this long-laid bureaucratic enmeshment trap, which had been dormant for seven years, was ACTIVATED IN A HURRY so as to ‘facilitate’ the immediate stealing and diversion of Mr Cottrell’s $11.0 billion and the $6.2 trillion sovereign loan funds, which were to have been deposited on 9th March 2010: and this assessment appears to be the conclusion of the Chinese authorities, as well.

(4): The transposition of two of the last four digits of Michael Cottrell’s Social Security Number IS OF COURSE COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the matter in hand, since it does not ‘AUTHORISE’ the surfacing of the impostor Salvatore R. DeFrancesco as SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. on the Pennsylvania Department of State’s screen for corporation ##844244.

(5): Therefore, the ‘explanation’ proffered by Ms. Julie A. Castillo [717-705 6087] is proven to be SPURIOUS, DISINGENUOUS, IMPERTINENT, OBFUSCATORY, DIVERSIONARY, AND IRRELEVANT.
The ‘explanation’ generated in extremis under pressure by Pennsylvania’s Department of Revenue DOES NOT ‘EXPLAIN’ the fraudulent appearance of a noted member of ‘the US Italian community’ as Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., immediately ahead of the large payouts in question.

(6): The criminal crudity of this dirty little pre-planned stratagem with colossal implications for the WHOLE WORLD is self-evident, not least since it begs the subsidiary question: if Madam Julie A. Castillo’s ‘explanation’, is pertinent, why did Salvatore R. DeFranceso not appear as Secretary on the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue’s successive PA Corporate Tax Reports print-outs for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., back in 2004 (2003 and 2005)? Problem: In 2004, the Secretary of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. was shown as Michael Cottrell, so that ‘couldn’t happen’.

(7): SO: On subsequent PA Corporate Tax Reports for Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., Michael Cottrell’s name was REMOVED from the entry on the Department’s print-outs showing him as SECRETARY, in readiness for this diabolical criminal operation, see?

IN OTHER WORDS, THE EVIDENCE SHOWS THAT A CRIMINAL THEFT FROM PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENTS, INC., on top of the theft of Mr Cottrell’s Deutsche Bank AG contract and the ‘electronic stealing’ of his signature, WAS PLANNED AS LONG AGO AS 2003-2005.

(8): There can be little doubt that if this outrageous criminal operation, masterminded in its most recent phase by the Obama White House, had not been spotted in time, the $15.0 billion and the $6.2 trillion sovereign loan funds WOULD HAVE BEEN DIVERTED/STOLEN, as was clearly intended – the underlying practical assumption being, no doubt, that this would have been achievable with the enthusiastic participation of the Paymaster, who would have been handsomely ‘paid off’ for his practical assistance in facilitating the stealing of The Queen’s loan funds by George Bush Senior, Mikhail Gorbachev, Helmut Kohl and the CEO of Deutsche Bank, Dr Joseph Ackermann.

• That’s how these people operate.

So this colossal aborted criminal operation represented a blatant, rushed, yet long preplanned, reckless, brazen attempt by the President of the United States, Barack Obama, in conjunction with the Collective of Criminal Presidents and their co-conspiring associates, of which Mr Obama is the de facto Chairman, to steal Mr Cottrell’s $11.0 billion and to re-steal the $6.2 trillion sovereign loan funds which the Basel instructions require to be paid into the Securities Account held with Morgan Stanley & Co, New York, NY, of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., for the sole purpose of financing the transparent, on-the-books, fully taxable US Dollar Refunding process, which remains the ONLY solution to the crisis and has long been approved by the Group of Seven financial powers.

We have further definitive official confirmation from our special sources, that this ‘is what the instructions say’. We also have information to the effect that since Mr A. Clifton Hodges’ letter to the Editor of this service which we were recently asked to forward to Buckingham Palace, there has been ‘heightened activity’ from London in this overall context.

What distinguishes this brazen attempted giga-theft from its multiple predecessors is that, given the much more intense scrutiny of the behaviour of these organised criminals holding the highest offices in the United States, the perpetrators were caught IN FLAGRANTE, in real-time.

In their greedy RUSH and lust to re-seize these funds illegally for their own gross purposes and self-enrichment, that ‘Italian’ character linked to Bush and Obama was intentionally and illegally inserted as ‘SECRETARY’ of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. immediately ahead of the relevant intended ‘Settlements’ payments, so that Salvatore R. DeFrancesco could instruct the Paymaster to divert the funds corruptly into bank accounts designated by the Collective of Criminal Presidents.

The operation had, as we have seen, all the hallmarks of having been devised under pressure and in a rush, albeit having been planned many years in advance in anticipation of such a contingency.

The payments were imminent, and there was not much that could continue to be done to block them: so emergency criminal measures needed to be taken to divert the funds at the point of remittance. Any problems arising from the theft could be ‘sorted out’ later.

We can see from the lame, concocted bureaucratic ‘clerical error’ explanation put forward in the phone call from Ms. Julie A. Castillo of the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to Mr Cottrell between 11:11 a.m. and 11:17 a.m. on 10th March 2010 from 717-705 6087, that the bureaucratic back-stop had to be invoked in a terrible hurry – which was why Ms. Castillo came up hurriedly with such a completely disconnected and ludicrous insult to our intelligence with her unrelated invocation of ‘four’ Social Security digits allegedly mixed up back in 2004, which of course had nothing to do with the surfacing of Salvatore R. DeFrancesco as ‘Secretary’ of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

And what further emerges from this is that Ms. Castillo inadvertently ADMITTED that the criminal stratagem to steal funds that we have exposed had indeed been activated. This can be deduced from the fact of the disconnect between the ‘explanation’ and the fact of the member of the ‘Italian community’s’ appearance on the Pennsylvania Department of State’s screen. Because, as you will now readily concur, the very fact that THERE IS NO CONNECTION reveals precisely that THEY HAVE ADMITTED THE EXISTENCE OF THE CRIMINAL STRATEGY TO STEAL THE FUNDS.


Put another way, such a connection could ONLY be made by the criminal minds involved, given that there is no logical connection. So they have COMPOUNDED THEIR BLUNDER: they have actually confirmed the pinpoint accuracy of the conclusion from this forensic analysis.

• That, in turn, means that some or all of the recipients of Mr Cottrell’s faxes dated 9th March are CO-CONSPIRATORS in a colossal attempted fraudulent transaction the purpose of which was to STEAL THE FUNDS LOANED BY THE QUEEN PRO BONO PUBLICO IN ORDER TO FINANCE THE REFUNDING OF THE U.S. DOLLAR. And since we know that Mr Barack Obama and his White House precipitated this attempted hijacking operation, President Obama and his criminal cronies within and adjacent to the Beltway de facto ‘work for’ Bush, Gorbachev, Kohl and Ackermann.

For future reference, please take on board the criminal modus operandi explained above that is routinely used in the United States for such scamming operations: always to embed a STATE (NOT a Federal, but always a STATE) bureaucracy within the structured framework of the intended criminal giga-theft – for use as a ‘back-stop’ device, should the heist be exposed.

• That way, State officials, elected or career, always get the blame, and the whole operation disappears into a bureaucratic black hole hundreds of miles away from the Beltway.

Imagine how difficult it would have been to prove that the funds had been stolen, if this outrage had not been discovered in time to compel the criminals to abort their botched operation.


At about lunchtime UK time on 9th March 2010, the Editor’s fax machine delivered a large number of pages on Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. letterheading addressed to:

(1): Edward G. Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania.
(2): Pedro A. Cortes, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
(3): Tom Corbett, Attorney general of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
(4); Robert S. Cessar, United States Attorney, Pittsburgh, PA.
(5): A Clifton Hodges, Esq., Hodges and Associates, Pasadena, CA.
(6): Mr William Bonney, Sr., BOLDCAP.
(7): Mr Dana V. Wilcox.

Selected documents that were forwarded by fax and US mail by Mr Cottrell in the face of this criminal provocation were as follows:


1157 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502
Telephone: 814-455 9218
Facsimile: 814- 453 4453
Email: pii-mcc@msn.com

TO: Pennsylvania Department of State
401 North Street, Room 206
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8721

Attention: Ms. Butler, Supervisor

Via: Fax: 717-783 2244

(1): Letter of Notification regarding: Fraudulent Entry on www.corporatyions.state.pa.u./corp by person(s) unknown against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. [3/8.2010]: 3 Pages
(2): Exhibit “A”: 12 Pages
(3): Exhibit “B”: 5 Pages
(4): Exhibit “C”: 3 Pages
(5): Exhibit “D”: 15 Pages.

Number of pages including cover: 39
9 March 2010


1157 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502
Telephone: 814-455 9218
Facsimile: 814- 453 4453
Email: pii-mcc@msn.com

TO: Pennsylvania Department of State
401 North Street, Room 206
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8721

Attention: Ms. Butler, Supervisor

Due Diligence Accounts Payable [Nov 19th, 2004 to March 25th, 2008]

RE: FRAUDULENT ENTRY ON www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp BY PERSON(S) unknown against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. (3/8/2010)

Via: Fax: 717-783 2244/ AND U.S. MAIL

Dear Ms. Butler:
Per our conversation this date, between approximately 9:34 a.m. EST and 9:40 a.m. EST, I stated to you that Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. is to receive funds in the amount of Fifteen Billion United States Dollars ($15,000,000,000.00 USD):

[Ref: Exhibit “B, Page 1” Payables Due with the Due Diligence Documentation Part 1 and Part 2, dated November 19, 2004 to March 23, 2008]

derived from a “Settlement” between the United States of America, the World Court, the People’s Republic of China, with the signed approval of President Barack Obama, and a loan of Six Point Two Trillion United States Dollars ($6,200,000,000,000.00 USD) to Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., via Her Majesty, the Queen of England (Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) for the purpose of a Private Funding Refunding of the United States Dollar (Ref: Exhibit “B” Pages 2-4, an Affidavit submitted to Her Majesty, et al. On 29 December 2008).

Additionally, I stated to you that Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. (including Michael C. Cottrell) will pay an amount of Pennsylvania Corporate and Personal taxes of approximately Four Hundred and Ninety-Five Million United States Dollars ($495,000,000.00 USD) from this “Settlement” process.

Page 2: RE: FRAUDULENT ENTRY ON www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp BY PERSON(S) unknown against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. (3/8/2010):

However, the Pennsylvania Department of State has now become [a] knowing or unknowing participant in the ongoing fraudulent activities [being] attempted to divert said funds and the payment of Pennsylvania Corporate Taxes and/or to steal and place said funds in “off-balance sheet account(s)” with the aid of bank and political fraudsters – located in London (UK), Paris (France), Geneva (Switzerland), Houston and Dallas (Texas), Washington, D.C., and various locations in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

The above referenced fraudulent activity is evidenced by the placement of “SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO as SECRETARY” as Officer of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. screen dated March 8, 2010 WITHOUT a correspondent Amendment of Articles – WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OR APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTORS/OWNERS OF PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENTS, INC.


Further, this corporation demands an investigation and a FULL REPORT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS – as to who gave the authority for this name to be placed on said screen, what evidence [exists] of authorization granting said person the position of SECRETARY for this corporation, and what action will be taken against said person committing the fraudulent entry.

If the offending item is not removed immediately upon the facsimile receipt of this letter and documentation, this corporation will move legally for fraud against the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Honorable Pedro A Cortes, et al., and against SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO (INDIVIDUALLY AND SEVERALLY) for Fraud against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., for THREE (3) TIMES DAMAGES, e.g., FORTY-FIVE BILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS ($45,000,000,000.00 USD) – since the payment is IMMINENT and therefore the screen identified can be used to divert or steal the aforementioned funds, e.g. [for account of] FIDELITY DEPOSIT & DISCOUNT BANK, et al., and/or PENN ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, et al..

This firm has NO ACCOUNTS with either. The stated funds are to be deposited with this firm’s identified Securities Account at Morgan Stanley & Co, New York, NY.

Page 3: RE: FRAUDULENT ENTRY ON www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp BY PERSON(S) unknown against Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. (3/8/2010):

Thank you for your immediate attention and assistance in this matter.


Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S.
President, CEO and Secretary
Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
1157 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502-1106

Exhibit “A”: Pages 1 thru 11;
Exhibit “B”: Pages 1 thru 4;
Exhibit “C”: Pages 1 and 2;
Exhibit “D”: Pages 1 thru 13.

(1): The Honorable Edward G. Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania
(2): The Honorable Pedro A Cortes, Secretary of the Commonwealth
(3): The Honorable Tom Corbett, Pennsylvania Attorney General
(4): Robert S. Cessar, United States Attorney, Pittsburgh, PA
(5): A. Clifton Hodges, Esq., Hodges and Associates, 4 East Holly Street,
Suite 202, Pasadena, CA 91103
(6): Mr William Bonney, Sr., BOLDCAP
(7): Mr Dana V. Wilcox




A-01: Contact Information; Pennsylvania Department of State.

A-02: Identification Screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/8/2010 [falsely] identifying SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESO as SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc..

A-03: Identification Screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2010 indicating that NO AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES WAS SUBMITTED TO THE DEPT OF STATE AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF OFFICERS.

A-04: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Articles of Incorporation ID # 8475-907.

A-05: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Articles of Incorporation ID # 8475-906 identifying ALL DIRECTORS/OWNERS OF THE CORPORATION [Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.].

A-06: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Articles of Incorporation ID # 8475-905 identifying ENTITY NUMBER 844244 and the address of the corporation [Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.].

A-07: Oath of Publication Notice, The Erie Daily Times, dated 9 January 1985.

A-08: Google search for SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO dated 3/9/2010, page 1.

A-09: Google search for SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO dated 3/9/2010, page 2.

A-10: FORBES.COM screen identifying SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO, page 1.

A-11: FORBES.COM screen identifying SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO, page 2.

(4): EXHIBIT “B”: Pages B-1 thru 4:

[01144-02[0] 7222 3836 or 1-800-661-4809].

1157 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502
Telephone: 814-455 9218
Facsimile: 814- 453 4453
Email: pii-mcc@msn.com
29 DECEMBER 2008

I, Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., do hereby swear and affirm the following facts:

1: That on December 13, 2008 between approximately 4:47 pm EST and 4:52 p.m. EST, I placed a telephone call to Mr William Bonney, Sr., – during which he notified me of the following:

(a) My relationship with Delmarva Timber Trust, et al., has caused a legal concern that will prevent me from taking economic receipt of any funds regarding the Payables Due within the Due Diligence Documentation Part 1 and Part 2 (dated November 19, 2004) to March 23, 2008) presented to Mr Bonney on May 17, 2008, at Madison, Ohio;

[Reference: Delmarva Timber Trust [R.E.I.T.] – Owen C. Meddles, Dana V. Wilcox, Michael C. Cottrell, et al.: Allocation for Release of Blocked Funds License Application Submitted to the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control: Exhibits: COPY No. 004 – # 1-A, #1-B, #1-C, #1-D, #3, #5, #14, #15, #G-6, #G-4, #G-2, and #G-1].

(b) That my participation in the attempted recovery of said funds for and on behalf of Delmarva Timber Trust, et al., has caused President George W. Bush’s Administration discomfort sufficient to warrant Mr Bonney’s personal guarantee to arbitrate the “differences between the White House/Leo (Lee) E. Wanta, and Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S.”.

[Reference: Delmarva Timber Trust [R.E.I.T.] – Owen C. Meddles, Dana V. Wilcox, Mrs Cheryl D. (Meddles) Torres, Michael C. Cottrell, et al.: Letter and packet, dated January 15, 2002, delivered to: The Honorable Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, The White House/West Wing Executive Offices. Exhibits: COPY #0003: pp #1 of 3, #2 of 3, #3 of 3: Encl C; Encl E; Encl F].

(c) That ALL of my personal and corporate telephone calls are recorded and transcribed at Fort Meade (NSC), et al. and are submitted to the White House.

2: That on December 26, 2008, between approximately 7:31 a.m. EST and 7:34 a.m. EST, I placed a telephone call to Mr William Bonney, Sr., and was notified of the following items:

(a) That access to the “Settlement Funds” would commence on December 26th or serious consequences for the “Bush Administrations, et al.” will occur;

(b) That regarding Leo Wanta (Wanta Plan Funds), the “big guys” have determined that President G. W. Bush will fight to release the funds until after January 20, 2009, that the “big guys” have decided not to fight him for said reason before January 20th;

(c) That the “big guys” will wait until President Obama’s Economic Team presents the “Obama Plan” approximately on January 29, 2009;

(d) That the Obama Administration will “go with the G-7 Plan, but with ‘safeguards’, since ‘others’ do not have experience with such large funds”; and:

(e) That Mr Bonney has an agenda that must be accomplished first.

3: That Mr Dana V. Wilcox, as Financial Consultant, and Michael C. Cottrell, as Secretary and Trustee of Delmarva Timber trust [R.E.I.T.] physically delivered and paid for the recording of the Articles of Amendment to the Trust, therefore, reinstating the Delmarva Timber Trust as an Active Trust with Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation on March 28, 2001 at 10:57 a.m. EST.

4: That, during the 1980s and 1990s, until October 17, 1992, Col. Dana V. Wilcox (now retired: Richmond, Virginia, USA):

• As CEO of Errickson, Inc. and acting for and on behalf of Owen C. Meddles/Delmarva Timber Trust, et al..

• actively participated in the “last proper refunding of the US Dollar” with the cooperation and participation of:

• Col. Kok Howe Kwong, of the People’s Republic of China, via:

• Aneko Credit Pte Ltd, Singapore, Hong Kong and Austria.

5: That the aforementioned Private Funding Refunding Operation of the US Dollar was initiated by President Ronald W. Reagan, via the communiqué on August 17, 1982 and agreed upon as a result of President Reagan’s State Visit to the People’s Republic of China in April 1984.

6: That on September 12, 2006 between approximately 8:37 a.m. EST and 8:52 a.m. EST, Dr Dana V. Wilcox telephoned me and discussed the following items:

(a) That the abovementioned items combined with the current sub-prime/derivative debacle now requires a new Private Funding Refunding Operation for the US Dollar – without US Govt. funding;

(b) That the new refunding flow charts would resemble the flow charts Delmarva Timber Trust, et al., had developed under Mr Wilcox and Mr Cottrell’

(c) That said flow chart system identified joint venture projects between Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., and Delmarva Timber Trust, et al., to create new tax incentives and full tax payment to the US Government, et al., as part of the refunding process, and to fund numerous low-income housing, waste management, other infrastructure projects, administration auditing teams for the projects;

(d) That these flow charts and processes were the actual basis of the “Wanta Plan” activities, as presented to Mr Christopher Story FRSA by Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., March 15 and 16, 2006;

(d*) That Mr Wilcox agreed upon receipt of the G-7 Refunding Funds to Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Securities Account at Morgan Stanley NYC, per the “Wanta/Group of-Seven Plan”, he would act as “Consultant at least’ for Mr Michael C. Cottrell, B.A.,, M.S., and Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.;

(e*) That the people identified within the proposed Obama Economic Team – i.e., Dr Ben Bernanke, Mr Robert Rubin, Mr Timothy Geithner, Mr Lawrence Summers, Mr Paul Volcker, and specifically Mr Rahm Emanuel (Wasserstein Perella & Co.) – may have been tainted, by the actions of previous Presidential Administrations since 1981, and, therefore, may require “safeguards” that ensure the demise or hinder the effectiveness of the “Private Funding Refunding Operation of the US Dollar”;

(f*) That Mr Wilcox and Mr Cottrell believe the release of the aforementioned funds would demand a transparent presidency and a country operating under the Rule of Law. Only a proper privately funded refunding with third party auditing – not the President’s Cabinet as the auditing party – will allow the US Dollar to regain its capitalization value and renew the world’s international trading markets with full disclosure and transparent regulation.

7: That in reference to the sworn Affidavit signed and dated September 5, 2008, and submitted via Mr Christopher Story FRSA:

• I have not received an answer back concerning the question posed to Mr Thomas J. Melville, Jr., or his contact ‘J.B.” at the US Treasury Compliance Department, New York;

8: Therefore, I respectfully request the World Court and HMQ allow the directed “G-7” nations to operate the refunding program via the “Wanta Plan” commitment with Pennsylvania Investments, Inc./Mr Dana V. Wilcox to be executed with the designated funds from the Six Point Two Trillion USD as a “loan” via the Bank of England, to the Bank of New York Mellon (19-20 June 2007) to Morgan Stanley Securities Account of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

A copy of this affirmation shall have the same effect and force as the original.

I, Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., President of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., located at 1157 West 7th Street, Erie, PA, 16502, United States Passport No. 205125335, do hereby swear and affirm that the above information is true and factual.

Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S. Dare: 12-29-2008
Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.
Telephone: 814-455 9218
Facsimile: 814-453 4453

Raemarie T. Kovaly – Notary Public
My Commission expires Aug. 03, 2012

* As original. Not amended by the editor here.

(5): EXHIBIT “C”: Pages C-1 thru 2:

Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S.
1157 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502
Telephone: 814-455 9218
Facsimile: 814-453 4453
Email: pii-mcc@msn.com



Developed and executed marketing strategies to promote the sale of Investment Advisory Asset Allocation and Risk Analysis, Mutual Funds, and Cash Management services to Pension Plan Sponsors.

Marketed Investment Advisory Services and Mutual Funds to Pension Plans (Low to Mid Size: $10 million – $100 million) while training registered Representatives on the following techniques: cold calling approaches, sales presentation methods, and closes.

Marketed Investment Advisory Services and products to NYSE Broker/Dealers in a Twenty-Five (25) State Region.

Conducted advanced sales seminars for Registered Representatives: Development and acceptance of “market timing”, defined benefit/contribution plans; 501(k) plans; third party performance verification (SEI); marketing methods for fixed income and Pooled CIGs.

Developed, published, and marketed PENNSEARCH: RISK & ASSET ALLOCATION ANALYSIS: based on Sharpe’s Single-Index Beta Model and Morley Capital’s “Compass” program. Provided Investment Analysis/Advisory Services to Pension Plan Sponsors and TPAs

• JANUARY 1990 – TO MAY 1993:

General Securities Broker/Dealer approved by N.A.S.D and S.E.C.
Securities Licensed Series 24, General Securities Principal.

Developed (with Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.) a Public/Private $55 Million – $60 Million AFFORDABLE HOUSING VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP for housing the Homeless, mentally and/or physically challenged. Renewed and endorsed by the Pittsburgh Regional Office for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Approved by Youngstown City Council (April 1990) for initial funding for WestWind Foundation.

• JANUARY 1983 TO JUNE 1984:

Promoted E.F. Hutton Universal Life Products and implemented training programs for the Account Executives to coordinate an effective program of capturing client assets.

• 1970 to 1976:

N.A.S.D. & S.E.C.:
SERIES 24, November 1987
SERIES 7, November 1983
SERIES 63, December 1983

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (2003)

Master of Science, 2002
Administration of Justice

National Criminal Justice Honor Society (April 2001)

Paralegal Certificate, 1998

B.A. Political Science, 1978

‘Elite Power and Capital Markets’:
Master of Science Thesis identifying a topology of deviant financial activities that include:
Political-Financial, Entity-Financial, and White-Collar (criminal) Financial Activities.

These activities illustrate political deviance evolution, involving: wealth, access, knowledge, obfuscation, and denial.

A description of a portfolio/asset allocation and efficient frontier analysis system based on the client’s desired rate of return, the risk level, and various measurement standards used to evaluate the portfolio investment performance.


(6): EXHIBIT “D”: List of documents submitted with the Letter of Notification and related papers addressed to the Pennsylvania Department of State and sent by facsimile and US Mail on 9th March 2010. The documents listed here are not displayed, but the Editor holds paper copies of each of them on file. [Note: When ongoing work on our upgraded website is complete, we will be able to display such documents: but the Editor was unwilling to proceed with the revised website, which was meant to have been complete by January, without further modifications, which are in hand].

D-01: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2010 [falsely] identifying SALVATORE R DEFRANCESCO as SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

D-02: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2010 indication that NO AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES WAS SUBMITTED TO THE DEPT. OF STATE AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF OFFICERS.

D-03: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 5/9/2009.

D-04: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2009.

D-05: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 12/18/2008.

D-06: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 12/22/2008

D-07: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 12/22/2008.

D-08: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 5/15/2008.

D-09: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 5/15/2008.

D-10: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/27/2008.

D-11: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/27/2008.

D-12: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 10/1/2006.

D-13: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 4/6/2005.


• Please press CONTACT US in the Red Box below, which sends the Editor an email. You MUST include your full coordinates, including of course your fax number. We will NOT oblige applicants for this add-on who withhold any detail of their coordinates (name, address, telephone number, proper identity: not a pseudonym, etc): if we discern that any detail in the coordinates does not ring true, we will not respond.

The documents that will be forwarded by fax are as follows:

D-01: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2010 [falsely] identifying SALVATORE R DEFRANCESCO as SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. This member of the US ‘Italian community’ IS A CRIMINAL IMPOSTOR.

D-02: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/9/2010 indicating that NO AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES HAD BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE DEPT. OF STATE AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF OFFICERS.

D-03: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 5/9/2009, showing Michael C. Cottrell as President but OMITTING his earlier designation as SECRETARY, despite the fact that NO AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES HAD BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE DEPT. OF STATE AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF OFFICERS.

NEW: Identification screen www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. dated 3/10.2010, taken at 2:02pm EST, showing that the impostor SALVATORE R. DEFRANCESCO as SECRETARY of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., had been removed from the screen.

The following document was not included in the urgent fax sent by Mr Cottrell dated 9th March 2010 to the Pennsylvania Department of State but is included herewith for reference:

1157 West 7th Street
Erie, PA 16502
Telephone: 814-455 9218
Facsimile: 814- 453 4453
Email: pii-mcc@msn.com

16 NOVEMBER 2005


I hereby certify that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, held on the 16th day of November 2005 at which said meeting a quorum was present and acting throughout, the following resolutions were adopted and ever since have been and now are in full force and effect:

that US Dollar account(s) be established at Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated located at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020.

that Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as President and Secretary, is hereby empowered with full legal authority to sign any necessary documents to open and conduct business within said account(s) on behalf of this Corporation;

FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., is hereby granted authority to make, execute, and deliver, any and all written instructions necessary or proper to effectuate the authority hereby conferred to sign any and all necessary documents required to execute instructions regarding activities within said account(s).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my signature for said corporation this 16th day of November, 2005.

Michael C. Cottrell
President and Secretary
Date: 11-16-2005

Diane R Bertolini-Cottrell, B.A., M.A.
Date: 11-16-2005.

We understand that the notoriously cavalier CIA/FBI/DVD disinformation and fabrication operative, Thomas Heneghan, who specialises in diversionary agitation and propaganda rather than informing readers objectively, has published a further gratuitous attack on the Editor of this service, citing International Currency Review as his source. That’s odd, because the issue he cites doesn’t exist.

International Currency Review, Volume 35, Numbers 1 & 2 is on machine for the rest of March and so has not been published yet. It will be distributed worldwide in April 2010.

Since this notorious US agitprop operative cannot even be bothered to get his citations right, his prognostications and distortions retain as little credibility as the fake ‘Principality of Snake Hill’, Australia, which his client, Mr Wanta, is desperately perpetuating in order to sustain his creaking false credentials as ‘Ambassador’.

As this fake ‘Principality’ does not exist, no State Department or United Nations authentication of Wanta’s fraudulent Ambassadorship for the Principality of Snake Hill to the United States exists, either. On 20th September 2009 and in subsequent reports, we demonstrated before the whole world that ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’ is fraudulent. Therefore, Heneghan and Wanta must be suffering from an advanced form of mental disease, insisting that black is white, lies are the truth and vice versa, which is what people who lie all their lives wind up doing as they go mad.

For the record, and for the n’th time, here is the irrefutable proof that The Principality of Snake
Hill, Australia, is a crude fabrication (using a Washington, DC (202) number supplied for Wanta’s misuse by the French Embassy when M. Levitte, now President Sarkozy’s intelligence adviser in Paris, was French Ambassador to the United States. France covers for Germany under the Treaty of the Elysee [January 1963], providing DVD ‘Black’ operatives with cover). Ms Brenda Farrell of the Australian Embassy, Dublin, responded to our Irish associate, Richard Sharpe, as indicated in the segment reproduced from our report dated 20th September 2009 [see Archive] below:

On Wednesday 23rd September 2009, our Irish friend and associate, Mr Richard Sharpe, obtained independent confirmation from Ms. Brenda Farrell, of the Australian Embassy in Dublin, that ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’ does not exist, thereby reconfirming that the entire ‘Snake Hill’ operation is, as we explained in exhaustive detail below [i.e., in the report of 20 September], FRAUDULENT.

• This definitively destroys the bona fides and reputations of the poseurs and serial deception operatives exposed in this report, and should terminate the destructive activities of these people once and for all. They are FINISHED. They have been CAUGHT OUT. Before the whole world.

Forwarded message
From: <richardsharpe@eircom.net>
Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:25 PM
Subject: Fwd: Principality of Snake Hill [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
To: mrrichardsharpe <mrrichardsharpe@gmail.com>

richardsharpe@eircom.net wrote:
Many thanks for your timely response.


“Austremb Dublin” <Austremb.Dublin@dfat.gov.au> wrote:

Dear Mr Sharpe,

Thank you for your email.

There is no principality in Australia.

Kind regards

Australian Embassy
Tel: +353 (0) 1 664 5300
Fax: +353 (0) 1 678 5185


A reminder of just how cavalier the self-discrediting Heneghan, who opened bank accounts for al-Qaeda-funding Marvelous Investments Limited on behalf of Wanta (who, being a felon, cannot open or own any bank account) is with his fabricated facts, followed the foregoing definitive debunking of the ‘Principality of Snake Hill’ deception which Wanta is perpetuating in order to sustain his own mental delusion that he is an Ambassador, which is not the case:

The fantasmogorical allegation by a notorious US disinformation operative exposed in this report [Heneghan], that the Editor of this service fled the United States on Friday 18th September in order to escape arrest by the US Marshals Service, is inconsistent with the actual fact that the Editor is working ‘as we speak’ in his New York City office premises [as of 23rd September 2009*].

There is no need to labour the point that, given this stupid invention, none of the dogmatic statements that this notorious disinformation operative posts can ever command respect.

The fabrications of this and other notorious US disinformation artists have long since destroyed their ‘credibility’, making them a laughing stock and suggesting that the CIA disinformation apparat needs to review its operations and close many of them down.

• Their counterintelligence tradecraft seems to have become permanently counterproductive.

* The email from Ms Brenda Farrel of the Australian Embassy, Dublin, was sent and received on 23rd September. Our original report is dated 20th September, and the exposure of The Principality of Snake Hill as a fraud and a fabrication was confirmed in the Update of 23rd September 2009.



LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Hauppauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• BEWARE OF MALICIOUS IMITATIONS: It has come to our notice that certain websites have been in the habit of copying reports from this site, attributing the reports to the Editor of this service, but at the same time AMENDING AND INSERTING TEXT NOT WRITTEN BY THE EDITOR.

• This is a very old, malevolent US counterintelligence DIRTY TRICK.

Therefore, you should be advised that the GENUINE ORIGINAL REPORT is, by obvious definition, accessible ONLY FROM THIS WEBSITE. If you come across an article elsewhere that is attributed to the Editor of this service, you should refer to the ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE and you should bear in mind that the illegally duplicated article may contain text that was NOT written by the Editor of this service, but which was inserted for malicious purposes by counterintelligence.

Likewise, although we haven’t yet had time to elaborate this issue, we have taken drastic steps around the world to close off the malicious piracy of our books. One technique used by several disreputable sites (in the United States, the Netherlands and Switzerland) is to copy our title(s) and (a) to display an image of the front cover WITHOUT THE ISBN DATA at the top of the cover; and (b) to DELETE THE COPYRIGHT PAGE. In so doing, the criminal pirates proclaimed that they knew perfectly well that they were/are engaged in theft and can be prosecuted for stealing copyright.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

Press Internet Security Solution or go to the World Reports Limited serials catalogue and scroll down until you come to this product. Then proceed through the simple and ultra-safe ordering procedure [Visa or MasterCard only]. Send a donation as you order this RECOMMENDED solution.

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

• It is suitable for PC’s but not for Mac computers. As with all such programs, the License is renewable at a modest fee annually. This is done on-line in the usual way [with the supplier direct].




Thursday 7 January 2010 04:30


• BELATED CHRISTMAS MESSAGE ON TEMPTATION: The Editor is most appreciative of the many kind emails from all over the world received in response to the late Christmas essay posted on 4th January. It appears that the enemies of the Lord took violent exception to the appearance of this straightforward literate New Testament essay, because their response has been to make idiots of themselves by leaving satanic rituals, including the complete initiation of a young woman victim to the worship of satan, on our voicemail. Naturally such stupidities have no effect, and neither do the foolish curses which the posting evoked from these deluded and lost cowards. However such evil behaviour calls for an appropriate response and so, before beginning the shattering report that follows, we append below the verses from the Gospel of John that apply to this situation:

‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life‘.

‘For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved’.

‘He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God’.

‘And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil’.

‘For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh he to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved’.

‘But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God’. Gospel of John, Chapter 3, verses 16-21.










































‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

‘Seeing what’s at the end of one’s nose requires constant effort’. George Orwell.

‘If you think you’re too small to make a difference,
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito’. African proverb.


• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard. Or press the live Donate link at the top right-hand corner of this page. See also the ADVERTISEMENT below.

• See the SECOND WHITE PANEL ON THE HOME PAGE for updated information on our very latest subscription-based print publications, including Economic Intelligence Review, Arab-Asian Affairs, Soviet Analyst and Global Analyst. The updates provide outline summaries of the subjects covered, most of which are immediately relevant to these reports, which supplement the serials.

• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation, are appended at the foot of this report, below the legal data. See also our catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.


We are now in a position to tear part of the veil away from the secret stage on which saboteurs operating from WITHIN US Government structures have been systematically, over a prolonged period of years, seeking to do nothing less than seize the assets of the entire United States and its people, in a mad revolutionary offensive to convert the country into a fiefdom controlled by a small clique of arrogant maniacs.

This will require patience on the part of the reader, as historical references will be necessary in order to bring this scandalous state of affairs to life, and to expose what has been going on.

The last time an attempt was made by the Fifth Column buried inside the Intelligence Power and scattered around other structures was in 1984, with the previous Dollar Refunding Operation.

In essence and in outline, the secret offensive against the United States and its people directed from within by subversives headed by George Bush Sr. and his controller-handler, Dr Henry ‘Heinz’ Kissinger, and micromanaged by Bush Sr.’s criminal financier Dr Alan Greenspan, with embedded participation of Leo/Lee Wanta, involved the following intended stages:

• Stage 1:
Developing myriad Ponzi schemes and giga-thefts, of infinite variety, and BY ANY MEANS, in order to procure ‘base money’ for open-ended unreported, off-balance sheet, untaxed leveraging and hypothecation operations.

• Stage 2:
Maximising the potential for the accumulation of trillions of fiat dollars by means of such financial sorcery, both for personal self-enrichment purposes and in order to accumulate a colossal fund of fiat ‘money’ from Fraudulent Finance operations, ready for Stage 3.

• Stage 3:
Deliberately inducing the collapse of the US financial system and economy to facilitate Stage 4:

• Stage 4:
Mobilising the colossal accumulated portfolio of Fraudulent Funds, stashed offshore and untaxed, with a view to buying up collapsed US assets across the board, so that the entire economy wound up in the hands of the controlling saboteurs.

• Stage 5:
The ELIMINATION of commercial banking and its replacement by the US Treasury’s Direct Account.

The codename for this operation, directed from within the deeply compromised and penetrated US Government structures, was, and remains to this day, OPERATION STILLPOINT.

This offensive against the United States directed from WITHIN the US official structures, despite setbacks, including the recovery (for which we were partly responsible) of the British Monarchical Power’s gold diverted with inside connivance at the Bank of England on 29th-30th March 2007, was STILL on course for completion but was knocked decisively off-course following the ‘lockdown’ of the $14.0+ trillion of sovereign funds, including the $6.2 trillion of funding provided on LOAN for the G-7-approved on-balance sheet Dollar Refunding Programme on 10th-12th September 2008. These funds were simply regarded by the criminal Paulson Treasury as candidates for diversion and exploitation, rather than for application for the purposes intended by the owners of the funds.

OPERATION STILLPOINT was finally DEFEATED with the confirmation, application and decisive consequences of the sovereign lenders’ Writ of Execution, followed by imposition of the massive Lien against the US Treasury for $47 trillion which the defrauded parties, the Chinese authorities and the British Monarchical Power, had to execute on or about 6th December 2009.

However, notwithstanding that OPERATION STILLPOINT has been destabilised, degraded, collapsed and is in the process of being dismantled – and the Republic therefore prospectively rescued at the last moment from what was intended by its sworn enemies – certain operatives, including Leon Panetta, Timothy Geithner, Mrs Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Richard B. Cheney and, at the bottom of the pile of snakes, Wanta, have had a problem getting used to the NEW PARADIGM, whereby the subversives engaged in the systematic sabotage of the ongoing US financial restitution operations (in order to ‘rescue’ OPERATION STILLPOINT), have now been placed not only firmly on the defensive, but in a bind from which they cannot extricate themselves (even though their arrogance remains such that they imagine that they can).

OPERATION STILLPOINT, re-invoked in sterile fashion by Wanta in November 2007 to trigger the domino effect, was put together by the traitors George Bush Sr. and Dr Alan Greenspan. When the exposures and the September 2008 ‘lockdown’ stymied the Paulson Treasury, strenuous efforts were made to saddle (intended) President Obama with a team of colleague-snakes who could be relied upon to revive, perpetuate and conclude OPERATION STILLPOINT beyond Stage 2. This team of traitors is now under intense pressure, as indeed are ALL personnel within and beyond the US official structures who have participated in these unending criminal operations, serving the interests of enemy foreign powers, to bring the United States and its people to their knees

As indicated, patience on the part of the reader is necessary because we first have to address the present situation, which is explosive and historically unprecedented. Specifically:

For the purposes of surmounting this crisis, and FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE, contrary to the ignorant knee-jerk chatter on many websites, President Barack Obama promulgated Executive Order 13524 on 16th December 2009, which amended Executive Order 12425 dated 16th June 1983 (amended by the Executive Order 12971 dated 15th September 1995) so as ‘to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)’.

• The effect of President Obama’s Executive Order of 16th December 2009 is to grant INTERPOL full immunity from search and arrest or seizure of all INTERPOL properties including the agency’s own personnel, thereby providing INTERPOL with de facto diplomatic immunity.

This is a truly historic development, because it means that for the purposes of resolving this crisis HABEAS CORPUS IS SUSPENDED. The last time this happened was under President Lincoln.

The US Government has surrendered its authority to an international organisation charged with investigating corruption inside the US Government’s own structures. The United States has not been sovereign since the Lien Holders had to proceed with executing their Lien on or about 6th December 2009, but will of course resume its sovereign status on satisfaction of the Lien.

With Habeas Corpus suspended for the purposes strictly of procuring compliance with the Writ of Enforcement and the huge Lien against the US Treasury and thus the (legitimate) Settlements, the heavily armed status of INTERPOL and other foreign enforcement personnel that are operating under diplomatic cover to bring this crisis to resolution on behalf of the injured parties, the myriad Ponzi victims of the Syndicate’s schemes, the United States, the American people and the Rest of the World, can be more readily appreciated.

As revealed in our 28th December report, on the basis of information divulged to us on 26th December 2009, the US Department of Justice within the Executive Branch has implemented a fundamental POLICY CHANGE, having determined in December, against the background of the execution of the Lien for $47 trillion against the US Treasury, that:

• ALL individuals and entities within the US jurisdiction that have participated in the stealing, diversion and conversion of funds belonging to others, INCLUDING past and present officials within the US Government and its structures, WILL BE INVESTIGATED AND PROSECUTED FOR ECONOMIC TERRORISM perpetrated against the United States and the American people (and the Rest of the World). Specifically:

• ANYONE, whether officials in, or formerly in Government, whether CEOs of financial institutions or lower-ranking bankers, partners in ‘involved’ US law firms, all intermediaries and intelligence operatives and others who have been engaged in obstructing the Settlements process by ANY MEANS AND AT ANY TIME IN THE PAST, and who have, by their actions, contributed to the DELAY, are being treated forthwith as ECONOMIC TERRORISTS – by the US justice system itself.


• The penalty for TREASON IN TIME OF WAR is summary execution.

• This decision PRECISELY REFLECTS what we have been proclaiming in this column for the past three years. We are informed that the US Justice Department has at long last understood what we have been saying, and has been galvanised by the horrendous implications for the $47 trillion Lien on the US Treasury and its decisive ramifications, into adopting the foregoing as RIGID OFFICIAL POLICY from which no deviation will be permitted.

• It follows that the US Attorney General and all the State Attorneys General are obliged to act vigorously on the basis of the POLICY CHANGE, or they themselves can and will be arrested for obstruction of justice by INTERPOL personnel and then extradited to a jurisdiction such as the British jurisdiction for defying obligations imposed on them by International Law.

• It should NOT be assumed that this POLICY CHANGE arises because of a change of heart at the US Department of Justice (resulting for instance from reading our reports). On the contrary:

• This POLICY CHANGE is a direct consequence of the situation arising from the implementation of the Lien and the drastic enforcement measures that are being taken inside the United States by the international cadres and ‘men in suits’ referenced in recent reports. President Obama’s Executive Order Amending Executive Order 12425 dated 16th December and publicised by the Office of the Press Secretary, White House, on 17th December 2009 [see above], to ‘extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)’ is associated with this POLICY CHANGE at the US Department of Justice.

• Finally, since this is, as reiterated, an official POLICY CHANGE, its full implementation is NOT dependent upon finalisation of the Settlements. This reality should quickly lodge itself inside the brains of the official and financial sector criminal financiers and thieves, who face investigation and prosecution ANYWAY. Obviously, if they persist with their obstruction, thefts and diversionary operations, they will be increasing their chances of being summarily executed for treason.

Although this fact is confirmed above, it was REITERATED with further emphasis to this service on 3rd January that EVERYBODY, without exception, who has been involved and remains involved in defrauding the United States and the American people is going to be investigated.

This development has almost immediately resulted in a previously unheard-of ‘sudden amendment’ of the ‘attitudes’ and visibility of certain parties that are known to this service and to its advisers. People inside the structures are stunned and are scurrying for whatever shelter they think may protect them from the consequences of their corrupt activities. Furthermore, the same applies to certain collaborating parties outside the United States.

Members of the US Congress and officials at the Departments of State, Justice and in the White House, as well as within the vast Intelligence Power’s structures, the Pentagon and elsewhere, and in foreign governments and their structures, are reported to be quote ‘falling over themselves’ to avoid the axes that are falling from the sky, taking aim at their necks. Never have so many officials in the United States and other countries been so scared of what lies in store – for them personally.

• Stony silence on these developments:
No doubt alert readers will have observed that no substantive notice of the above, after we had reported it all on 28th December 2009, was taken by certain websites which purport to exist to enlighten the US public but which in reality specialise in maximising the potential for confusion in order to sustain the orchestrated but collapsing smokescreeen behind which these abominations, and OPERATION STILLPOINT, were being perpetrated.

This silence provides prima facie evidence that the US websites in question have indeed been involved, as we have suggested in the past, in the massive orchestrated agitprop and cover-up operation that has had to be mounted by the compartmentalised sleaze cadres to obfuscate the systematic treachery against the United States, which is without historical precedent in terms of the scale of this operation.

• President Obama’s private hell:
Faced with this unprecedented state of affairs, President Barack Obama’s backbone appears to have been stiffened, given the extremes of treachery seen within his own Cabinet and among his colleagues. In a revealing caption on 2nd January 2010, The Daily Telegraph noted: ‘President Obama looked weary after repeated interruptions to deal with the aftermath of the syringe bomber plot’ [sic, as incorrectly assumed by the caption writer]. ‘An aide insisted that the 48-year-old found his holiday “rejuvenating”, but his graying hair and drawn look seemed to tell another story’.

Some of the factors causing Mr Obama’s hair to turn white – which can happen to people wracked by anxiety and stress – are summarised below. But first:

Lawyers acting for CMKM (CMKX) investors have prepared an immense class action lawsuit against the Securities and Exchange Commission and its Commissioners individually and severally claiming compensation in respect of 3.5 billion legitimate shares, seeking release of all the funds that have been collected (DTCC) for the sole benefit of CMKM/CMKX shareholders… for damages in excess of $3.87 trillion, based on allegations that the S.E.C. invented 2.25 trillion of PHANTOM SHARES in CMKM/CMKX stock, which were exploited and traded illegally given that the phantom shares were of course fraudulent and that stock did not, therefore, exist legally – scooping vast illicit scamming profits which were stashed off-balance sheet – in a colossal Ponzi operation perpetrated by the S.E.C. itself in collaboration with George H. W. Bush. George W. Bush, and other Bush Crime Family associates. THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST OFFICIAL FRAUD CASE IN WORLD HISTORY.

When filed, this lawsuit will almost certainly be the development that will crack the immense edifice of systemic and deliberately subversive official corruption wide open and force it into the public domain once and for all – because the so-called ‘mainstream’ media wil surely be obliged, given the unprecedented size of this lawsuit, to pay attention to this one.

Of course, they will probably immediately get the wrong end of the stick, assuming (‘under advice’) that this was ‘just another giga-scam’ – rather than in reality a further component (albeit a scam without any historical precedent) of the orchestrated offensive perpetrated FROM WITHIN THE U.S. OFFICIAL STRUCTURES against US capitalism and the financial system masterminded by George H.W. Bush and his crime associates and financial technicians: OPERATION STILLPOINT.

And who features among the ‘partners’ of George Bush Sr. within the former Barrington Investment Group, now Deutsche AG, under the control of the DVD’s primary banker, Dr Joseph Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank? Why, the former Leninist President of the Soviet Union, M.S. Gorbachëv.

• Are you beginning to get the picture?

• Recall that German long-range ‘Black’ counterintelligence, the heirs of the Abwehr (DVD), and Soviet ‘Black’ intelligence (fronted these days by Soviet Military Intelligence, GRU, for which ‘Prime Minister’ Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the public face), work together at high levels against ‘the Main Enemy’ – and have always done so. In this connection, the ‘successors’ to the KGB (FSB) are in charge of the Russian Federation’s outward-facing stance for international public consumption. The FSB operates a presentational policy which is the dialectical (Leninist) opposite of the secret ongoing responsibility and commitment of the GRU to preserve the integrity of the Leninist Party-State and its structures, which went ‘underground’ with the ‘changes’ of 1989-92.

US authorities were reported to us on 3rd January 2010 to be so worried about this huge pending CMKM/CMKX lawsuit, which had been submitted in outline as a ‘proffer’ to them in advance, that frantic efforts were allegedly being made as this report was being prepared, to locate the $3.87 trillion ‘needed’ to ‘shut the CMKX people up’.

CMKM/CMKX was originally set up from within the CIA as yet another Bush Crime Syndicate-related Ponzi scheme, to finance OPERATION STILLPOINT (like everything else).

Under the original criminal scheme, the Securities and Exchange Commission was to serve (and did serve) as another trading platform for the Bush subversion operation. Originally, the intention had been to conduct this illicit phantom trading op. through the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a special entity within the US Treasury which has been used over the years for ‘smoke and mirrors’ financial obfuscation purposes, and also to provide the Secretary of the Treasury with up to $15 billion of prospective ‘borrowing space’ (as allowed to the FFB by Statute) when Congress delays the raising of the Statutory Debt Limit, as it does every few years or so in order to remind the US Executive Branch that the Congress is supposed to control the purse strings; but that plan was abandoned when it was found that the FFB was subject to ‘too many restrictions’ which would be inconsistent with the underlying criminal intent.

Ironically, Congress won’t need to raise the Statutory Debt Limit – which is essentially now the sole remaining substantive whip that it can wield to force the Executive to recognise that it controls expenditure – with the start-up of the Dollar Refunding Programme, given that the tax accruals due to the US Treasury arising from the eight weekly trades will in due course obviate the necessity for the Statutory Debt Limit to be raised at all.

• This insight provides a possible explanation, beyond endemic corruption, for the resistance to overall resolution that has been the hallmark of the US Legislature over the years.

So the S.E.C. – which is responsible for monitoring the honesty and integrity of securities trades – was itself used as cover to establish and operate an off-balance sheet trading platform which was to be employed to clean up vast accruals by illicit means. This mechanism followed the standard intelligence deception principle that the most effective cover to operate from is from within the entity that is charged with monitoring and exposing the criminal activity to be perpetrated. It’s called a form of ‘sib’ operation.

Under George W. Bush, between June 2004 and 28th October 2005, it is alleged that no less than 2.25 trillion of phantom CMKM/CMKX stock were sold into the stock market under this S.E.C. cover – which has to rank as by far the most brazen Ponzi scam in world history: and one, furthermore, that was set up and perpetrated by and from within the US official structures with the specific intention of ‘screwing’ the investing public, notably the investors in CMKM/CMKX shares.

Of course, the S.E.C. has no right or legitimate power to allow or approve phantom trades to be conducted by its own personnel or on its behalf on an illicit trading platform – an obscenity which calls into question the validity of all its current and former lawsuits against myriad lesser market perpetrators since this unprecedented official Bush-developed financial aberration started.

On the contrary, we would expect market defendants convicted of dodgy dealing to be instructing their lawyers on the basis of this staggering emerging evidence that the Securities and Exchange Commission is itself a criminal enterprise.

Eventually, the illicit CMKM/CMKX proceeds from the PHANTOM SHARE trades were brought back into the Bush-CIA Crime Syndicate’s orbit via Tyler, Texas (Bush territory).

The reason that the CMKM/CMKX investors have legitimacy and standing is that, following an earlier lawsuit, the investors’ case as Ponzi victims, was upheld – so that they are now in the driving seat, even though the original scheme was a CIA front operation.

This state of affairs TERRIFIES multiple perpetrators across the board, and needs to be considered in the context of the CHANGE OF POLICY at the US Department of Justice and INTERPOL’s de facto diplomatic immunity and the consequent implications for Habeas Corpus.

Not surprisingly, it has become evident, and we are specifically informed, that civil war has broken out within the main flank of the corrupted Intelligence Power.

This was to be expected, given that OPERATION STILLPOINT has been disrupted and that the Bush Syndicate is in the process of being ‘taken down’ – although, unbelievably, Bush Sr. and Barbara were still NOT in custody as of 5th January 2010.

Tensions have erupted between the discredited Bush-DVD Syndicate penetration cadres and elements within the CIA who range from professionals disgusted at the behaviour of their agency (begging the question: they went along with it, so they haven’t a leg to stand on), and operatives who find their noses out of joint for whatever reason (such as non-fulfillment of Pay Orders, which cannot now be fulfilled because they involved financial corruption) may apply. The tensions duly erupted into bloodshed during the holidays.

Specifically, the ‘Black Ops’ specialists, probably directed inter alia by senior CIA operative Mrs Hillary Clinton who disappeared into Afghanistan and the region during the Christmas and New Year period, have been working overtime to develop new terror ‘false flag’ operations, of which the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 near abomination was one example – in time to try, against the odds, to abort the derailing and closedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT – which the stupid ‘Black Ops.’ people don’t appear to have realised is HISTORY. As previously mentioned these liars, deceivers and dealers in murder and the ‘Black arts’ are exceedingly stupid at all times.

On New Year’s Day, The Times (London) and other ‘mainstream’ media reported the furious response of Afghani security chiefs to the cold-blooded murders of at least eight children and teachers during a night raid in Eastern Afghanistan – an outrage that triggered justified mass protests across Afghanistan at the barbarity of these assassinations. The high Afghani officials demanded that the United States must hand over the gunmen who perpetrated these atrocities.

The Afghan National Security Council (modelled along US and Soviet lines), chaired by President Karzai, demanded that ‘those responsible for the deaths of those innocent youths must be handed over to the Afghan Government’. Mr Karzai’s office elaborated: ‘International forces entered the area and killed ten youths, eight of them school students inside two rooms in a house, without encountering any armed resistance’.

The local headmaster, Rahman Jan Ehsas, told The Times that ‘seven of the children were handcuffed before they were shot. A local farm labourer and a shepherd boy were also killed’.

Although (inevitably) a Western official commented that ‘there’s no doubt that there were insurgents in there, and there may well have been an insurgent leader in the house’, he added:

‘But that doesn’t justify executing eight children who were all enrolled in local schools’.

All reports on this incident have so far missed the point, which is illuminated by the sequel – namely that following this massacre, a ‘suicide attacker’ killed eight US civilian operatives.

[Although we are informed that no less than 13 CIA operatives were present at the same time in the remote location – an unbelievable breach of basic security standards].

• These killings took place at a CIA base, Camp Chapman, in Khost, on the Afghan-Pakistani border. Those killed were the CIA ‘Black Ops’ personnel who perpetrated the murders of the children and teachers – to escalate Afghani and Islamic tension generally, in pursuit of an emergency agenda intended to smother inter alia the takedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT.

You don’t believe this? Then let us share some special intelligence with you – obtained, indeed, from intelligence sources. These eight ‘Black Operations’ murderers were themselves liquidated on orders from Washington (probably approved at the highest level, certainly the National Security Council), not as retribution for what they did of course, but because the Afghani authorities were calling (see above) for these US demoniacs to be handed over to the Afghani authorities so that they would appear in Court – unleashing further appalling publicity for the Americans and the CIA, to be splashed around the world’s ‘mainstream’ media.

The Afghans wanted these US bandits under their authority; so the order was placed by US officials for these men to be executed. In other words, yet another CIA-sponsored ‘Black Ops.’ abomination ended in failure and the murder of Americans by the US Government’s own structures – illustrating both the extreme desperation of the Intelligence Power as it is split apart by its internal rivalries and the ongoing but incomplete purge of the Fifth Column saboteurs, and the mental retardation of the out-of-control Fifth Column fools inside the Agency and its subsidiaries and ‘privatised’ cadres who are recklessly plotting these sabotage outrages.

On 4th January 2010, Bruce Riedel, a so-called ‘former’ CIA office and now a ‘White House adviser, suddenly surfaced to promulgate, for public consumption, an obfuscation ‘line’ to the effect that the ‘suicide attacker’ who made certain that the eight (CIA) operatives were duly horizontalised was a Jordanian double agent sent to ‘hunt down top Al-Qaeda leaders’, according to The London Times [5th January 2010]. Mr Riedel even obliged the media with the wholly unnecessary detail of the full-blown name of this now dead attacker: Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi. His intelligence ‘handler’, Ali bin Zeid, was said to have been killed, along with seven (not eight) CIA operatives.

Riedel elaborated with unnecessary and contradictory detail:
‘The officer was also a member of the Hashemite Royal Family, which is part of the reason the King and Queen [of Jordan] attended his funeral, and why he is now being remembered [in Jordan] as a national hero’. (This has indeed been separately confirmed to us).

Spin-doctor Riedel added: ‘The bomber allegedly [sic] was sent by [al-Qaeda’s supposed ‘Number Two’] Ayman al-Zawahiri himself, to conduct the attack’.

No sir. These executions of CIA operatives were ordered from Washington to cover up the latest mad attempt by the stupid demoniacs in the Fifth Column to try to sabotage the de facto takedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT which is happening in ‘real time’ – threatening the continued unhealthy hegemony of the corrupt and evil US Intelligence Power in the process.

On 5th January, Webster G. Tarpley, a respected veteran reporter, published an analysis in which he supported our KNOWLEDGE (which is based on intelligence obtained prior to his report) that operations are being and have been run FROM WITHIN THE US OFFICIAL STRUCTURES to try to destabilise President Obama at this critical stage.

However no-one reporting on these matters has yet understood that the underlying rationale for these treasonous operations has to do with the preservation of the Intelligence Power’s collapsing control hegemony, and the stunted mentality of corrupted cadres and their handlers who have not yet wrapped their minds round the reality that OPERATION STILLPOINT is being dismantled.

Of course the problem here is that hardly anyone, even within the compartmentalised elements engaged in these futile and desperate late terrorism operations perpetrated against their own nation, Government and people (not to mention ‘collateral damage’ abroad, which none of them care about), know or have known of the existence of the OPERATION STILLPOINT plot.

(Which also, incidentally, illuminates the folly of those who persist in fomenting the fallout from the orchestrated, partisan campaign against President Barack Obama, which in fact masks the SAME underlying intent – to rescue the desperate American Intelligence Power from its fate, along with OPERATION STILLPOINT, a FOREIGN-inspired long-range deception offensive targeting the US component of the ‘Main Enemy’. So, in persisting with this behaviour, these people are actually, or have been, participating, consciously or unwittingly, in the massive Fifth Column programme to destroy and ‘take down’ the United States. Which is the reverse of what most of these people want. ‘Those whose clothing is made of esparto grass shouldn’t stand too close to the fire’).

For, make no mistake: President Obama has been ‘kicking butt’ ever since his return from Hawaii. He has realised, not least, that he has no alternative, if he himself wishes to avoid abrupt arrest by INTERPOL for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE (which is what he was told on 4th January 2010). At the same time, in any case, his first year in office has been completely wasted due to the subversive activities of the high-level saboteurs in his Cabinet and entourage, who were largely foisted upon him – by the recalcitrant, penetrated Intelligence Power.

He needs the money for his programmes (of which one can hardly approve BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT at this juncture); and he needs the money for the bankrupt US States, and because THIS IS A MID-TERM ELECTION YEAR.

Most of all, he needs resolution so that the poisonous venom of this crisis is finally squeezed out of the system – and so that the axes that are cascading from the sky on numerous brazen, corrupt necks, fall where they are now destined to fall. He’s had enough.

Mr Tarpley cited the report by Richard Wolf on a cable network programme, and we’ll let the author speak for himself – correcting him, or elaborating briefly, at the end of these excerpts:

‘Washington, DC: 5th January 2010: Officials in the Obama White House are now considering the possibility that the Christmas Day attempt by Nigerian terrorist Umar Farouk Mutallab to blow up an airliner about to land in Detroit was deliberately and intentionally facilitated by unnamed networks inside the US intelligence community. This was the gist of a report by Richard Wolf delivered in this evening’s edition of cable network’s MSNBC’s Countdown program, hosted by Keith Olbermann….

‘Wolf attributed his account to top officials in the Obama White House. The intentional sabotage of US antiterrorist screening procedures would explain why Mutallab had been able to use his US visa, escape interrogation and special searches, and board the flight, even though he was clearly festooned with every red flag in the annals of airport security.

If Wolf’s report is accurate [of course it is, as far as it goes: Ed.], these Obama officials may well be pulling on a thread which could begin to unravel the entire secret structure of illegitimate power which has afflicted this country – in this case, the apparatus which manufactures terrorist incidents for political purposes of mass manipulation, dictatorship, and war’.

‘Wolf offered two possible explanations cited by his White House sources [sic] for the intentional sabotage of security procedures. The first was a “turf war” inside the intelligence community, with one agency seeking to hoard information and deny it to others’.

‘The second was the intention to ’embarrass some leading figures’, presumably referring to partisan animus or other resentments against Obama and his top appointees’.

Unfortunately, Mr Tarpley, has not been reading our reports – or he would have grasped by now the real reasons for these various grievous intelligence aberrations. But at least we now have a respected US journalist who understands extremely well that the United States’ and the world’s problems originate FROM WITHIN THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S OWN STRUCTURES – an enormous leap forward which, as he puts it, suggests ‘that all the naïve cover stories are about to collapse in a shock of recognition that networks infesting the US Government do indeed actively create and produce terrorist events for their own evil purposes. We need more mole detectors at the NSC, CIA, State Department, and Pentagon – not more harassment of the traveling public’.

Surely one of the most perceptive, incisive, and deadly accurate bullseyes that we have ever had the honour to report.

The scandalous state of affairs which has surfaced following the arrival at a White House State Dinner for the Indian Prime Minister of an uninvited couple, Tareq and Michaele Salahi, has been further aroused with the latest revelation – noted inter alia by Sally Quinn in a Washington Post report on 6th January 2010 – that a third uninvited individual, Carlos Allen, also gate-crashed the State Dinner, passing himself off as a member of the Indian delegation. Ms. Quinn demanded that the White House Social Secretary, Desirée Rogers, a socialite from Chicago, should be made to resign over these incidents.

Once again we have a correspondent who appears to have got the wrong end of the stick. Quinn links the continued presence at the White House of Ms. Rogers to indications that Rahm Emanuel has finally seen the writing on his own wall, and is believed to be considering running for the post of Mayor of Chicago in the current year’s upcoming mid-term elections.

She bases this on indications that Emanuel is said to have told unnamed personnel that the rôle of White House Chief-of-Staff is ‘an 18-month job’ and that he is now considering running for Mayor of Chicago. Since Rogers is reported to be ‘a major social and political player in the Windy City’, Ms. Quinn ‘thinks laterally in the wrong direction’ and wonders whether Rogers hasn’t been sacked because of Mr Emanuel’s political ambitions.

It’s interesting how these American journalists just get it plain wrong because they don’t educate themselves in the affairs of the ‘Black’ Intelligence Community.

So, since we ourselves are somewhat educated in this discipline, let us reinterpret the meaning of these three White House intrusions. Knowing the perverted and otiose mentality of these stupid operatives, it is clear to us that the purpose of the White House intrusions was to impress upon Mr Obama that he isn’t safe ANYWHERE – even inside the White House itself.

In other words, the intrusions were intended to send a message to the President of the United States, from the angered criminalised Intelligence Power, along the familiar lines of: ‘Do what we want or we’ll make sure that you’ll cease to be vertical’.

On 3rd January, we were informed that George Bush Sr. and Barbara Bush have been prevented from touching any money and interfering with banking codes. Furthermore, a very knowledgeable source elaborated: ‘All the money accumulated by (CHENEY’S) Halliburton has been removed, and Bush 41 and Bush 43 have been deprived of all their stolen money as well.

It also transpired that the Bushes were running two additional sets of phony books through false groups – one of which was called ‘Halleluiah Trail’, and another, run out of Europe, containing the name ‘Horizon’. The operators of these fraudulent Ponzi schemes were ordered to reveal and then to disgorge funds held in custody; and when they demurred or stalled, or denied that they held the funds, the operatives concerned were arrested (between New Year’s Day and Sunday 3rd January).

Of critical importance, too, is the fact that the Chinese authorities and the Swiss are refusing point blank to pay ANYTHING at all to the Bushes and their criminal associates.

• That of course means that, as has been plain for months, Wanta, who has ‘worked for’ Bush all along [see below], gets nothing either.

In summary, the Bush-CIA-DVD’s ‘Black Ops.’ Intelligence grabitisation OPERATION STILLPOINT Syndicate is being DISMANTLED in ‘real-time’. It began with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) ‘sib’ operation, financing wars and destabilisation operations all over the place, creating maximal confusion – from which money was always to be made.

Though lubricated by the Bush-CIA’s criminal drug-trafficking operations and CIA ‘Black’ money derived from innumerable Ponzi schemes and arms manufacturing, as well as by CIA corporations specialising in fraud such as Cheney‘s Halliburton with its scamming departments run from within the CIA and the Pentagon simultaneously, the entire edifice of the Octopus is in free-fall – a reality that its personnel cannot accept, so that they are being arrested, horizontalised or all of the above.

Indeed, rearguard resistance continued right through the preparation of this report.

Therefore, the next segment of this report addresses miscellaneous interim developments since we last reported, of which the most important are the following:

• The ongoing audit by foreign personnel (‘men in suits’) of the Federal Reserve, led by Chinese, British and Swiss auditors, continued, we understand, throughout the holiday period. Enforcement personnel remained in place at the Fed to ensure that Settlement funds were/are not diverted in accordance with the Federal Reserve’s normal corrupt procedures.

• During the review period, this service made repeated enquiries as to whether all avenues enabling corrupt diversions of funds into the hands of the Bush-DVD Crime Nexus had been closed. These enquiries were repeatedly answered in the affirmative: in other words, as stated elsewhere, scope for the Bush Syndicate to steal funds appears indeed to have been completely sealed off – indicating that the takedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT is substantive.

• International Monetary Fund:
Under the direction of the former French Finance Minister, M. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, corrupt operations appear to have been brought under control. It is now clear that his predecessor, the Spaniard, De Rato, left after two years in charge, under a cloud. Given George Bush Sr.’s extensive use of Spain as a receiving platform for drug-trafficking proceeds and other exotic illicit funds – and the fact, which we alone publicized, that the Bank of Spain ordered the Bush operatives out of their jurisdiction in 2007, giving them two days’ notice (whereupon the corrupt Bush funds were reported to us to have wound up with the Vatican Bank, controlled by the German-Jewish Pope, Dr Ratzinger, and Dr Tietmeyer, the former president of the Bundesbank) – it is rather clear now that De Rato had to be kicked out of the Fund because of alleged engagement with the Bush Crime Syndicate in connection with OPERATION STILLPOINT.


• 28th December: The Editor was reliably informed that ‘a lot of people got busted’ during the past couple of days. As this information came from a figure with rather unsavoury contacts, and similar unconfirmed suggestions to the same effect were received from other sources, we believe this statement to have been accurate.

• 29th December: Between 12 and 14 corrupt bankers were reported to us to have been arrested in London on this date. In Paris, the top Trustee attended at Banque Paribas for the funds release procedure as planned but was subsequently reported to have encountered resistance from Paribas bankers and ended up, as reported to us, ‘shouting and screaming’ at the bankers.

We were also told that the Paris Trustee’s fees were to be paid directly inter alia by President Sarkozy. A key Dallas-based Trustee was reported to be sick in bed with a fever temperature of 102 degrees and was reported to us to have been replaced, having also been identified as ‘dragging his feet’. Although one source denied the above, we ourselves established that INTERPOL had indeed intervened in Paris to replace a senior Trustee, while a key Trustee was detained at a US operations centre and replaced, after he had been engaged in alleged delaying tactics.

• 30th December: Informed sources told us that they were ‘expecting a lot more arrests’.

• 30th December: The funds were ‘dropped down’, i.e., made available gross, at midnight. Funds payable to top Trustees will have been taxed at the Treasury, with the gross amounts payable to Trustee recipients and distributors paid without tax being deducted.

• NOTE: This is a complex area which cannot be fully explained at this stage. On the one hand, it was IMPERATIVE for the gross funds to be made available within 2009 – so that taxes could be taken off the top for crediting within the calendar year 2009 and therefore available for use by the Government on the books within Fiscal Year 2010 – which we know from three sources took place.

Indeed, as indicated, a key broker/Trustee confirmed to us in writing on 1st January at 20:24 pm UK time that he was advised on 30 December by sources in both Europe and the United Kingdom that his taxes had already been deducted. On the other hand, double taxation is illegal, so the amounts that Trustees were to distribute had to be paid out gross – preventing the Obama Government from receiving the sizeable taxation accruals required on-balance sheet IMMEDIATELY, as the US Government is ‘skint’ due to the year that has been wasted in further attempts to revitalise the dying Fraudulent Finance carousel and to rescue OPERATION STILLPOINT pending the decisive action that had to be taken by the defrauded sovereign powers that became the Lien Holders.

Overall, however, the position is that the refusal of Banque Paribas to honour the top Trustee’s instructions in respect of funds that we know have been taxed, represented a MAJOR BANK FRAUD under international banking and criminal law, for which the French bankers in question could have suffered literally ANY fate at the hands of INTERPOL – from summary execution, to their immediate incarceration or extradition to appropriate jurisdictions for judicial processing. The key Paris-based Trustee was also required to pay four countries which had floated certain bonds.

• 1st January 2010: It was reported to us that, focusing in part on preventing corrupt bankers and operatives diverting funds back to the Bush ‘Black Ops.’ Syndicate, INTERPOL had placed teams at both ends of certain Settlements transactions – especially given the endemic corruption within the Federal Reserve, where the Chairman, Dr Bernanke, features among the highest-level operatives within the US official structures who is vulnerable to being targeted under the POLICY CHANGE implemented at the US Department of Justice and in light of the necessary freedom of operation afforded INTERPOL following President Obama’s Executive Order dated 16th December 2009.

• The main portions of taxes on the Settlement money were reported to us to have been taken out of the gross amount on 30th- 31st December 2009, so that they are applicable for tax purposes in calendar 2009, meaning that the proceeds are available to the Government now. At 8: 24pm on New Year’s Day, we also received, in response to an earlier enquiry to a senior Settlements recipient, confirmation from both US and European sources that ‘my taxes were taken off the top on or before 31st December in order for them to be credited to Fiscal 2009. I got that word Wednesday 12/30/09’.

Note: However given that ‘Line-Item’ payments were not implemented within calendar 2009, as should have occurred (indeed, had been promised for before Christmas), taxes cannot legally be removed from such gross payments in that context, since they are not payable until 15th April 2011; and payment is therefore expected by certain parties in full. Prior deduction of taxes in the current fiscal and calendar years from such payees’ amounts would indeed represent major BANK FRAUD and would be eligible for legal action under RICO (three times damages). Put another way, taxes cannot be charged on the basis of constructive receipt: only on the basis of economic receipt.

• 1st January: The Texas firm of lawyers, Troutman Sanders – used in the past by the George Bush Syndicate – was reported to be engaged in breaking down the funds for delivery and distribution. As previously noted, when we were originally informed about this law firm’s involvement with the distributions, we couldn’t believe what we were being told. However for reasons not yet explained, we were told ‘that’s the way it’s got to be’.

We pointed out that under the new dispensations [see above], any partner within that firm who may be dumb enough to continue functioning as though no fundamental discontinuity from the ‘Black Operations’ norm had taken place, would be extremely foolish in view of the fact that the penalty for treason in time of war is summary execution. Finally, we were advised that Troutman Sanders was being closely monitored and watched.

• 1st January: About 30 arrests of bankers and organised corruption participants were reported from both Europe and the United States (no further details). It is believed that INTERPOL had made preplanned arrangements to ‘set arrestees up’ in order to have them arrested ‘in flagrante’.

Certainly INTERPOL has been monitoring ALL PHONE CALLS. Nothing at all can be discussed by any relevant party that is not monitored and recorded. Furthermore, INTERPOL personnel were working non-stop to ensure that the funds are secure and performing constant unexpected spot checks at all institutions involved in the transfers.

• 1st January: It was reported to us at 5:20pm UK time that Leon Panetta, the Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), who had been doing his best as late as 3rd January to block the Settlements, is now the target of an investigation and was quote ‘physically cornered’ unquote on this date not least because it was (correctly) suspected that he was intending to interfere with the Settlements process. We were later advised that Leon Panetta is indeed in severe trouble (as reported on 28th December 2009) and is among a number of highest-level Government figures who are candidates for being ‘taken down’. At press date, Panetta was still in place, but ‘on notice’.

• 4th January 2010: An arrest list was issued by INTERPOL for a large number of people ‘standing in the way’ of resolution to be taken into custody. When we made further enquiries, we established that Bench Warrants were issued on this date for service on 137 individuals in the United States. These people will be or are being arrested and taken into custody by US Marshals. Their passports, IDs and driving licenses, etc, will have been removed in the process.

Self-evidently, these arrests implied that those concerned had continued to be associated with OPERATION STILLPOINT sabotage activity designed to disrupt the Settlements payouts. However given that ALL WHO STAND IN THE WAY, from the highest to the lowest, will be investigated and prosecuted [see above], it could also have been the case that these people were on the arrest list anyway, and that with their return to their offices and desks, and the with reopening of the Courts following the long weekend, matters proceeded as had been planned by INTERPOL earlier.

• 4th January: Michael C. Cottrell received a death threat from telephone number 717-294 3687. The FEMALE voice said: ‘Is this roadkill?’ When they do stupid things like this, they simply advertise that we have trodden on their nerves. [Join the club, Michael].

[Following the Editor’s posting of his belated Christmas Message on 4th January, our voicemail received THREE renditions of a satanic mass, including the initiation of a young woman into the worship of Satan: see at the top of this report. The harsh American male voice wasn’t satisfied, evidently, with his first attempt, so he did it again – twice. This (and subsequent similar pathetic satanic assaults by the same means) indicates that, of course, the LAST thing these nutcases ever expected was a Biblically literate essay appearing on this website, which usually has to do with vexing worldly matters. The imprecations were full of hatred and venom against Jesus Christ. See the relevant passage from the Gospel of John appended at the top of this report. How shocked and infuriated these fools must be to be made aware that there are still those who are not ashamed to proclaim Jesus Christ, whether they like it or not, and that this is being done on a website that has become – thanks exclusively to YOUR support – widely read, as this crisis unfolds].

• 4th January: The senior Trustee in Paris was required to attend at Banque Paribas (allegedly one of the most corrupt banks in the world, reported to have held or to hold about 3,000 Bush Sr.-linked accounts) between 2:00am and 4:00am European time [8:00am and 10:00am EST], from which (given the huge accumulation of Bush accounts) the distribution must begin.

Bankers at the institution refused to release the funds, and shortly afterwards were arrested by INTERPOL personnel. The refusal of the French bankers to fulfil their obligations represented MAJOR BANK FRAUD [see above] under international banking and criminal law, given that taxes have been taken off the top (which we know from THREE sources, one of which came, as noted, from a Trustee to us IN WRITING).

Moreover this state of affairs represented an IMMENSE CRISIS for President Sarkozy if he or any of his colleagues were involved – as the President of France, like the President of the United States [see below] can be arrested, just like any other participant in the sabotage operations, for blocking the Settlements under the wide powers wielded both in the United States and of course abroad by INTERPOL under the jurisdiction of the World Court.

Before Christmas, we learned that French official sources had finally acknowledged that ‘what has to be done has to be done’ – which, being translated, meant that Paris had at long last realised and accepted that the Dollar Refunding Programme WILL be run out of London, as we have stated, and that they have to drop their typically sterile French envy of the fact that (as they see it) the British have ‘got the better of them’.

In reality, all that has happened is that the British Monarchical Power has had to assert its power and right to obtain restitution for the grotesque violations perpetrated by the American criminal financiers against the sovereign LOAN money – for which the former US Treasury Secretary, Henry M. Paulson, has been reported by us to have been physically removed to British jurisdiction in Bermuda, where he will face the consequences of his serially corrupt behaviour.

Following the arrests of the French bankers in Paris, we understand that Banque Paribas suddenly started to cooperate – the reasoning, presumably, of bank officers remaining in situ being that it would be rather stupid to repeat the mistake of their arrested colleagues. For this reason alone, we gathered after midnight UK time in the early morning of 5th January 2010 that payment may have proceeded to the United States, with a senior Trustee operating out of Dallas able to carry out his distribution responsibilities at last. [See later information].

• 4th January: At 21:37pm UK time we learned that the US news media had confirmed that the President had returned to Washington from his vacation and that he had at once summoned (the recalcitrant) Director of Central Intelligence, Mr Panetta to the Oval Office. With President Obama having returned to the White House from his fraught vacation in Hawaii, it was reported to us that the President was ‘kicking butt’ – an activity that he had no choice but to undertake, given that if he demurred, he would be considered a co-conspirator and would be arrested himself.

Specifically, we were advised on ‘special’ authority that Mr Obama was explicitly confronted and informed that if he was found to have been involved with the sabotage operations that continued up to Christmas and throughout the holiday period, he himself would be arrested like those for which Bench Warrants were issued on the same date [see above]. The President responded that he had had nothing to do with the delays that occurred over the holidays.

• 4th January: Whether that was true or not (and it ‘needed’ to be accurate because if it wasn’t, Mr Barack Obama would cease to be President of the United States), we were informed on this date that Timothy Geithner – despite his previous arrest, the removal of his passport and his driving license and the monitor attached to him, and despite severe earlier humiliations [see below] – had remained right in the thick of sabotage operations during the holidays and afterwards.

The same reportedly applied to the Comptroller of the Currency, John C. Dugan. One informant suggested to us that Mr Geithner was ‘sick in the head’, but our hypothesis was that he is the subject of multiple blackmailing operations.

We were advised that Geithner had been re-arrested and that the Comptroller of the Currency, John C. Dugan, said also to have been involved in money sabotage, was also reported to us to have been arrested, although this had not been confirmed to us by late on 6th January UK time.

• 4th January: Some of those arrested on 4th January were reported to us to have been cuffed and shipped to Europe (as happened late in 2007), to face justice in appropriate jurisdictions or under the jurisdiction of the World Court.

• 5th January: It was pointed out to us that prominent Republicans have or had been standing in the way of the Settlements. We knew that this must have been the case because of the anti-Obama barrage orchestrated by parties connected with the GOP for the past 13 months, to the exclusion of all else. This has been a major ongoing agitprop operation – the underlying purpose being hidden from view. On the surface, the objective has been to paint Obama as a crypto-Communist with mafia associations and all sorts of other dark failings and skeletons in his cupboard – as though his mass-murderer Republican predecessor (who is reported by monitoring sources to have been reduced to walking his dog at Crawford, TX, with a pooper-scooper, his wife Laura now living apart from him and only appearing for public consumption when her presence is considered ‘essential’), had no blemishes and skeletons at all. But in reality, the underlying purpose of this ongoing orchestrated anti-Obama offensive has been to try to wrench the CIA’s destructive Fraudulent Finance paradigm from oblivion in general, and to rehabilitate OPERATION STILLPOINT in particular.

It is unclear what these Republicans, who haven’t understood this crisis, think they are doing continuing with their antagonistic sabotage stance, given the advent of the NEW PARADIGM summarised above. Perhaps these corrupt operatives imagine that they really are above the law, and have – like Geithner up to 4th January – simply not woken up to the reality that the ground has shifted so violently under their feet that they are wandering in a wilderness without life support.

• 5th January: It was confirmed [and reconfirmed by several further sources] that the ‘lead Trustee’ in Paris was finally paid out at midnight Paris time 4th/5th January, as a consequence of which the 160 country payees were finally also paid out.

Given multiple high quality confirmations, this information is considered reliable. However these developments did not occur until others standing in the way had been arrested or ‘taken out’.

• 6th January: ‘Downstream’ resistance persisted, at least during the morning in the United States. Those still attempting sabotage are either so compartmentalised and spaced out that they haven’t grasped what has happened, or else they STILL thought that they could ‘get away with it’. We were emphatically assured that ‘THEY CAN NOT’.

We were also tipped off that the legal firm Troutman Sanders, which is or was required to make distributions, had been put on notice that if a single deviation from Pay Orders and instructions were to take place within their firm, THE ENTIRE FIRM WOULD BE TAKEN OVER BY INTERPOL, while agents within the structures failing to pay out payee funds lodged with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, in particular, would suffer the same fate without further warning.

The following instances of reality catching up with people who should have known better, and officials ‘coming late to the party’, have been greeted with a mixture of astonishment, mirth and quiet cynicism in this office. Specifically:

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) was reported on 30th December by The Times, London, to have ‘STARTED [sic] an investigation into synthetic Collateralised Debt Obligations [CDOs]’ and has ‘several investigations into so-called ‘authentic CDOs’ – begging the obvious question: so, there are unauthentic CDOs?

The report continued: ‘The Securities and Exchange Commission’ – the self-same regulator which is exposed above as having illegally traded PHANTOM SHARES on an illicit secret platform in the market, and is accordingly IN NO POSITION TO DO ANY REGULATING UNTIL IT HAS REGULATED ITSELF, at the very least – ‘is also thought to be looking into the complex instruments created by the banks and sold to investors, such as pension funds’.

Our first predictable comment is: on what planet have these officials been vegetating for the past decade and more? Our second predictable observation is this: OF COURSE! Given the double-mindedness norm underlying all this wall-to-wall duplicity, it was NO PROBLEM for the S.E.C. to be ‘regulating’ with its left hand (or going through the motions of doing so) while illegally trading the phantom stock and scamming the market with its right hand!

[This brings to mind the old adage: ‘Here is my right hand to begin with, and here is my left hand opposite. If I lose my right hand, my left hand is right, because the only hand left is my right’].

THEREFORE, neither is it a problem here for FINRA and the Securities and Exchange Commission suddenly to embark upon ‘investigations’ into the Fraudulent Finance gimmicks developed by the criminal financial enterprises they were quote ‘regulating’ unquote. Why not? When everyone is double-minded, what’s the problem?

• FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory AUTHORITY, is a menace and should be disbanded.

An ‘Authority’ IS NOT AN ENFORCEMENT AGENCY: it is just a toothless ‘watchdog’ which does little watching. It was deliberately established as a toothless entity relating to the state of affairs in the United Kingdom, where the marketing of securities is NOT PROPERLY REGULATED, as is supposed to be the case in the United States under the 1933 and 1934 Securities Acts. It ‘replaced’ NASD Inc. (the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.) which wielded drastic enforcement powers under the Malone Act [see the Legal Notes, below]. When ‘NASD became FINRA’, so that discipline was deliberately relaxed, FINRA became its own trading platform, furthering the hidden destructive intent underlying OPERATION STILLPOINT.

The SUDDEN initiation of an investigation into synthetic Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs) at this late stage has everything to do with a belated attempt by FINRA officials to protect themselves from the axes falling out of the sky given the CHANGE OF POLICY at the US Department of Justice, rather than with an intention to do its job properly. In any case, we have long since exposed these fraudulent transactions: all FINRA needs to do is to READ WHAT WE HAVE PUBLISHED.

Christine Selb, writing for The Times from New York, elaborated:

‘To create a synthetic CDO, banks acted as the buyers of the underlying CDSs (Credit Default Swaps). This meant that the banks were betting that insured debts would default and the CDSs would pay out, while their clients, confident at the time in the exponential rise of the housing market, were betting that they would not have to pay out’.

‘The banks have argued that taking the short side of the deal was a legitimate way of hedging against other exposure they had in the housing market’.

‘However, an article in The New York Times last week intimated that Goldman Sachs had stuffed synthetic CDOs with toxic CDSs and sold the instruments to unwitting institutional investors, while knowing that their short bets would swiftly pay out’.

‘The paper said that some synthetic CDOs created by Goldman Sachs went bad within five months of being created by the institution. On its website, Goldman Sachs published a lengthy rebuttal to the allegations published in the New York Times’.

‘The bank said that it had lost $1.7 billion on residential mortgages in 2008 and asserted that it had created the synthetic CDOs to meet demand from clients, who were told that Goldman Sachs would take a short position against them’.

‘“The buyers of synthetic mortgage CDOs were large, sophisticated investors”, the bank said. “They did not rely on the issuing banks in making their investment decisions”’.

• In other words, they believed that the name Goldman Sachs stands for integrity and probity (having of course failed to pay attention and to read on this website all about the serial criminal finance activities, thefts and diversions perpetrated by that arch-crook, Henry M. Paulson, Goldman Sachs’ former CEO); so if they boobed, that was their problem, not Goldman’s.

• We now reveal that it was a Goldman Sachs compliance officer who told the Editor that the price of a synthetic ‘structured product’ is ‘what somebody is prepared to pay for it’.

In The New York Times’ article, former Goldman employees and debt experts claimed that the bank knew that the CDOs it was designing and selling were highly risky. The Daily Telegraph [dated 30th December 2009] was more specific:

‘The sources claimed that rather than warning clients of the dangers, Goldman spent millions of dollars “short-selling” the instruments, reaping vast rewards when they imploded’.

‘Sylvain Raynes, an expert in structured finance at R & R Consulting, told The New York Times: “The simultaneous selling of securities to customers and shorting them is the most cynical use of credit information that I have ever seen”’.

‘When you buy protection against an event that you have a hand in causing, you are buying fire insurance on someone else’s house, and then committing arson”’.

• FACT: In other words, it is being stated here that the securities in question were marketed with criminal intent. Given the CHANGE OF POLICY at the US Department of Justice, it should follow that certain Goldman Sachs executives (and at other institutions involved in this obviously nefarious scamming activity) may be having sleepless nights: except that these people are so arrogant that they NEVER imagine that they can be caught out.

• This may no longer be a reliable assumption on their part.

• FACT: We exposed the corruption and fraud embedded in ‘structured finance’ back in 2008, both on this website and in International Currency Review – subscribers to which journal include large multinational financial institutions all over the world. Yet only now – long after a thousand horses have bolted out of the stable – has this started, belatedly, to become an issue.

• Maybe these people are suffering pain at last.

This state of affairs conforms to another Story’s Law:
‘Investigative journalists are hated when they investigate but are proved right years later when the timely nature and fact of their investigations, ignored at the time, has been forgotten’.

A state-owned Chinese thermal power generator is refusing to pay $80 million lost on two hedging contracts in a long-running dispute with Goldman Sachs, claiming that Western investment banks developed ‘extremely complicated’ derivative ‘products’ that were manifestly quote ‘impossible to understand’ unquote (on purpose of course).

On New year’s Day, the Chinese entity revealed that J. Aron and Company, the commodities arm of Goldman Sachs, had threatened to sue it for more than $80 million compensation for termination of the contracts in October 2008 – shortly after the financial sector imploded due to the ‘lockdown’ of the $14.0+ sovereign ‘real’ money on 10th-12th September 2008. The Chinese thermal generating firm said, in a statement to its local stock exchange: ‘We will not accept the demand by J. Aron for all the losses and related interests’.

In the face of the prospect of very large losses in October 2008, the Chinese securities regulator ordered the state-owned Shenzhen to cancel its agreement with J. Aron, which the regulator said that the thermal power firm had not been authorised to enter into. The regulator, China’s Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), is supporting Shenzhen in this dispute.

Specifically, Le Wei, SASAC’s Vice-Chairman, said that foreign investment banks had ‘maliciously’ sold derivatives contracts that were ‘intentionally complex and highly leveraged’ to Chinese state-owned corporations. The banks had ‘fraudulently peddled’ the contracts with ‘evil intentions’.

Accurate. See OPERATION STILLPOINT below, and our prior exposures of the Fraudulent Finance offensive. Interestingly, no foreign bank has yet dared to bring a legal action to pursue payments due under such Fraudulent Finance contracts. They can’t – unless they are anxious to face public humiliation and terminal reputational damage. Which means that the criminal financial enterprises know perfectly well that they have been engaged in Fraudulent Finance.

On Christmas Eve, Morgan Stanley was at the receiving end of a lawsuit filed by a Virgin Islands-based pension fund over a $1.2 billion ‘authentic CDO’ (a package of debts, such as mortgages, sorted into tranches of varying levels of risk and sold to investors seeking the income stream from the debt repayments, according to the misleading prospectus).

The pension fund, which filed its suit in Federal Court, has accused the bank of stuffing the CDO with low-quality ‘assets’ which Morgan Stanley (like Goldman Sachs: see above) was simultaneously shorting. It is quite difficult to imagine anything more duplicitous than this formula.

Philip Falcone, mentioned in an earlier report in this series, who made vast sums shorting sub-prime mortgages as head of Harbinger Capital, was ordered by a Delaware Judge at the end of last year to answer accusations of fraud and civil conspiracy. The allegations relate to a takeover battle dating back to 2006. Falcone also bet heavily against HBOS in 2009.

In fact, both Falcone brothers are caught up in this.

Rather than reiterate the work of others, we append as an Addendum at the foot of this report, the text of a Bloomberg report dated 30th December 2009 by David Reilly. Essentially, it reveals that the US House of Representatives is a corrupt sham, making a mockery of representative government and willfully adding, in spades, to America’s problems. Rather like our House of Common Idiots.

As stated at the top of this report, we will now expose and desconstruct OPERATION STILLPOINT – the five-phase criminal offensive against the United States and the American people which these reports have been leading up to, and which it has proved possible by using the methodology we have employed as these investigations have developed, to reveal.

The Editor started work on this investigation after attending a meeting in Washington DC in June 2002 convened by a controlled entity ostensibly concerned with ‘managing’ the plight of the 9/11 bereaved. During that event, an agent handed out about 30 portfolios containing copies of Federal Reserve print-outs and other banking documents detailing corrupt financial payments of immense proportions, including illicit transfers to George H. W. Bush when he was President of the United States, which is of course illegal – together with authorisations by Dr Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and who turns out to have served as George H. W. Bush Sr.’s master criminal finance technician.

All the portfolios handed out by the US agent were immediately placed into the hands of CIA operatives who had packed the meeting at the last moment for the precise purpose of blocking distribution of the documents – with the exception of one portfolio that was handed over to a representative from Vanity Fair (which never touched the information, thus missing the biggest story in modern world history), while another portfolio containing the ‘smoking gun’ documents were later obtained by the Editor of this service.

To cut an extremely long story (which will be recounted elsewhere) short, the Editor became aware that Leo/Lee Wanta, subject of coverage in the late Claire Sterling’s book ‘Thieves’ World’ [Simon & Schuster, New York, ISBN 0-671-74997-8, 1994], might well provide answers to questions raised as a consequence of the Editor’s fieldwork. The Editor therefore targeted Wanta and, on a certain date in May 2004, arrived at his doorstep in a remote Wisconsin location. Mr Wanta opened the door and granted the Editor an interview lasting three hours.

Thereafter, the Editor made his developing website platform available to Wanta, who has a reputation for being the most proficient deception artist in existence – on the ‘open’ principle (admittedly fraught with risks) that if ‘trust’ was placed in Wanta, it might be reciprocated (an assessment that flew in the face of the odds: but that was part of the risk).

Starting in the spring of 2006, we therefore began to highlight the curious arrangement (since established to have been a White House/US Treasury ruse) whereby $4.5 trillion of funds were repatriated from safekeeping at the People’s Bank of China (originally facilitated by the Chinese intelligence operative Howie Kwong Kok) to finance the intended Dollar Refunding Programme – not to compensate Wanta for his earlier intelligence ‘work’ in helping to ransack the Soviet Union with the assistance of Soviet insiders and other crooks, and for his periodic imprisonment under the Clinton Administration (President Clinton procured, by devious conspiratorial means involving the Governor of Wisconsin, to have Wanta arrested on largely trumped-up charges, as we later exposed, and incarcerated: whereupon Clinton stole the United Nations’ contract Number 5, which had been awarded to Wanta: see below).

To summarise the key point here, it is now deduced that the $4.5 trillion was made available by the Chinese authorities TO FINANCE THE REFUNDING – but that when it was realised that Wanta didn’t know what he was doing (and would, if left to handle the Refunding, abuse his responsibility so that the world would have experienced an even more catastrophic blow-up than actually occurred in 2007-09) – the Bush/Paulson Treasury (spearheaded by the operative Henry M. Paulson) revamped OPERATION STILLPOINT, as described below, instead of Wanta handling the Refunding (not least because of immense opportunities for private illicit, untaxed profit in the process). In other words, they realised after the funds were transferred, that Wanta would mess everything up. And how right they were – judging by the confused twists and turns in the virtual projects that he told the Editor (in a Staten Island Hotel in November 2007) that he was intending to finance.

The Editor’s calculation all along was that if he followed the Wanta trail, a degree of truth would eventually emerge. We then found ourselves caught up in his campaign to procure economic receipt of the $4.5 trillion, running a campaign of exposure via this website which Wanta more or less commandeered – sending the Editor faxed instructions, which are held in our files – while we generally provided him with a publicity platform that he otherwise lacked.

Moreover, on the same principle, the Editor rashly LENT Wanta $35,000 of his own private funds (obtained from the successful sale of a central London private house) for a period of two years at 7% arms’ length interest – at the suggestion of Wanta through Steven Goodwin, a CIA-approved Wanta Attorney based in Richmond, VA. The purpose of this loan was to provide the restitution funds, plus other fees, demanded by the Wisconsin Court as the price for the ending of Wanta’s extended probation (which was scheduled to end on 28th November 2010).

After a delay lasting for more than 4 months, while authorities debated what on earth to do given this ‘unanticipated wildcard development’ (as lending Mr Wanta money for this purpose, we later discovered, had been forbidden to Agency and other personnel; and in any case Wanta did not repay the loan on the due date (11th June 2007 or at any time since, so has stolen the loan funds – which he has also done, we have subsequently learned, with certain other monies), the Wisconsin State Department of Corrections was finally left with no alternative but to award Wanta an Absolute Discharge from his Wisconsin Court-ordered probation, effective 14th November 2005.

After the $4.5 trillion was brought over from Beijing in May 2006 and the money was not deposited for Wanta’s account(s), we started the de facto exposure campaign on behalf of Leo Wanta, which continued until it had to be abruptly terminated in March 2008.

This happened because Wanta had been consorting and deliberating behind our backs with the Bushes, Cheney, et al., contrary to the stance he had maintained in dealings with us – and because we received warnings from others that we were being used. In fact this came as no surprise to the Editor, who had understood from the outset that he might be riding the beast, and that the beast would in all probably shake him off his back. Which is what happened.

Now in the course of this operation, and for two years prior to meeting Wanta in person, the Editor obtained a large portfolio from the public domain of documents, and learned an immense amount about corrupt intelligence operations which could not have been obtained other than by the use of methodology such as is summarised above.

In other words, this represented nothing less than an unwitting de facto penetration of criminal intelligence for international investigative journalism purposes, guided by the Editor’s instinctive understanding that the investigations would eventually hit pay-dirt.

What we didn’t know was the exact nature of the beast that the Editor was riding. It will now be exposed. We were actually inadvertently, from June 2006 to March 2008, assisting the progress of OPERATION STILLPOINT, without realising it. But in conformity with the Editor’s perception that the truth would be more than likely to emerge, Wanta made a number of serious mistakes in the second half of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, which saved the situation: and indeed, looking back, the Editor has a strong sense of having been guided throughout.

We begin with a communication from Wanta to President Barack Obama dated 25th December 2009. We will then proceed on the same basis as in the report dated 26th November 2009. That report carried the following introductory observations which have to be replicated here for clarity:

• We publish herewith detailed intelligence the implications of which will surely be clear to ‘the interested’ and to close students of the prevailing unprecedented global criminal finance crisis, and on which we will make no further comment and will answer no questions.

• This is the SECOND ‘delivery’ of such intelligence. It is based on a sworn and signed Affirmation document dated 3rd January 2010, obtained by this service at 10:02pm UK time on that date.

The documented NUMBERED FACTS given below are referenced thus : (7), (18), etc, by the Notes and References at the foot of the report above the Addendum. With the exception of the Wanta letter to the President, all the data presented hereafter are sourced from the signed Affirmation document provenanced from impeccable sources.

Insertions by the Editor in the NUMBERED FACTS sequences are shown between square brackets.

Leo Wanta sent a communication to The Office of the President, The Hon. Barack Obama, The White House, West Wing , from Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta, dated 25 December 2009 – the very day when a terrorist attempted to blow up the Northwest Airlines aircraft – requesting ‘Urgent Confirmation’ under ‘Security Code: ‘STILLPOINT’, carrying the following messages:

• ‘Partial proof of funds to lawfully [sic] pay my Civil Repatriation Income Taxes of US Dollar 1.565 Trillion NOW’ [referencing further pages of historical material also sent with the communication];


• ‘Merry Christmas to our Great Nation’. [Reiteration of Wanta’s overdone ‘patriotic card’, identified in our exposures of the Principality of Snake Hill fraud: see the report dates immediately below]

Mr Obama was of course in Hawaii with his family at the time.

This communication, which was also disseminated via the Internet, was delivered on a letterhead of The Principality of Snake Hill – a fraudulent virtual entity that does not exist, as of course we have long since proved [see our reports dated 20th September, 22nd October, and 17th November 2009]. It seems to us that communicating with the Head of State on a fraudulent letterheading is fraud or considerably worse: after all, the Head of State is entitled to receive only the truth.

If the Head of State is lied to and deceived, to whom should he or she appeal in order to be told the truth, the Man in the Moon?

Could this communication have had ANYTHING at all to do with possible precautionary obfuscation of the allegation, already publicised by this service, that the Wanta corporation named Marvelous Investments Limited financed al-Qaeda? Such an hypothesis might ‘explain’ the hasty, reckless, self-defeating use of the discredited Principality of Snake Hill letterheading, and Mr Leo Wanta’s invocation of the defunct ‘Security code: STILLPOINT’, as well as the reality that President Obama was vacationing in Hawaii, a fact that was in the public domain and that Wanta would have known – so that, therefore, sending the communication to the President on a fraudulent letterhead at the wrong address on Christmas Day was manifestly anomalous.

At the risk of tedious repetition, we repeat herewith the statement from the Australian Embassy, Dublin, informing our Irish colleague. Richard Sharpe, of the self-evident fact of the non-existence of the Principality of Snake Hill [the use of ‘snake’, i.e., serpent, in the name and virtual image for this fabrication being, we presume, NOT ACCIDENTAL. It is extraordinary how these people openly advertise their allegiance to the Evil One, isn’t it?].

Ms. Brenda Farrell, of the Australian Embassy in Dublin, confirmed on 23rd September 2009 to one of the Editor’s private associates (Richard Sharpe) that there is no Principality in Australia:

“Austremb Dublin” <Austremb.Dublin@dfat.gov.au> wrote:

Dear Mr Sharpe,

Thank you for your email.

There is no principality in Australia.

Kind regards

Australian Embassy
Tel: +353 (0) 1 664 5300
Fax: +353 (0) 1 678 5185

Secondly, OPERATION STILLPOINT is being dismantled, and is dead, as explained in this report.

However, Leo Wanta chooses not to recognise either of these realities. This represents a clear example of the blindness induced by arrogance: about which more could be said, but won’t be, because we must proceed with the exposure of OPERATION STILLPOINT – the five-phase criminal project to take down the United States and seize the assets of the nation and its people.

Recall former Soviet President Gorbachëv’s involvement with the Bush Crime Syndicate inter alia via his participation in Deutsche AG (the former Barrington Investment Group). Finally, bear in mind that it has transpired that Wanta has been ‘working for’ George H. W. Bush Sr. all along, facilitating his financial activities – even while still languishing on probation and confined within the State of Wisconsin up until the Editor’s private (stolen) LOAN funds procured his release from such Court confinement effective 14th November 2005, and subsequently

And before we begin the exposure, recall also the following:

(a) ALL involved in this financial corruption are to be investigated and prosecuted,
there being no exceptions; and:

(b) The enhanced powers of INTERPOL and the de facto suspension of Habeas Corpus
in the context of THIS CRISIS and for no other reason.

The exposure begins with information provided by Leo/Lee Wanta in September 2006 [passages and words in square brackets that have been inserted here by the Editor for clarification do not appear in the underlying signed and sworn Affirmation document]:

• (1); On 28th September, between approximately 12:05pm EDT and 12:13 EDT, Affirmation source placed a phone call to Leo/Lee E. Wanta, [then] Chairman and sole owner of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., in the course of which Wanta advised source of the following:

• (2): That the US Treasury system is going to be reorganized, by changing ‘debt to legal tender’, and that this ‘debt’ will be paid off using ‘securitized debt as legal tender’.

• (3): That the US Dollar used internationally will cease to be issued by the Federal Reserve, but will instead be issued by the US Treasury under Henry M. Paulson Jr. [the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, who was summoned by George Bush Jr. from Wall Street to replace John Snow as Treasury Secretary shortly after the $4.5 trillion was received from the People’s Bank of China].

• (4): That the US Treasury will monetize all Federal Reserve and Federal Government debt and will eliminate Personal Income Tax.

• (5): That interest earned on the bonds (debt) will remain with the US Treasury at 6% per annum, and will not be earned via the commercial banks and the Federal Reserve [see below].

• (6): That the US Congress will issue US Dollar [bills], and that [the monetary aggregate] M-3 will not reflect any Federal Reserve Notes.

• (7): That there will be no [official or other] borrowing from banks,
since all lending will be initiated from within the US Treasury.

• (8): That the US Treasury will reclaim power to create the US Dollar

• (9): That “refunding” of the US Dollar/US banks and the Federal Reserve Banks will no longer be necessary. [On the contrary] the US Treasury becomes the only Central Bank for the United States of America, with Hank Paulson the ONLY Central Banker for the United States of America.

• (10): That all debt will reside in US Treasury Direct Accounts
and US Treasury Depository Accounts.

• (11): That [accordingly] the US Dollar will be weak [on the foreign exchange markets] and on a short-term basis [so that] Chinese products will increase in price.

• (12): That “everybody” (meaning inter alia, the French and the Iraqi authorities) agrees that there will be no “terrorists”, and that the ‘old Federal Reserve Notes’ will become the new US Dollar with NO TREASURY BONDS: ONLY TREASURY DIRECT ACCOUNTS.

• (13): And that: This programme is codenamed: OPERATION STILLPOINT.

[End of the first batch of special intelligence].

• NOTE: This is/was the underlying long-range subversion programme. The NESARA fictions are/were CIA disinformation ploys to deflect any attention from OPERATION STILLPOINT and to ensure that if it leaked, it would be swamped by NESARA-type confusion, stirred up to fever pitch if ‘necessary’ by websites specialising in the maximising of the fog of confusion.

• Wanta ‘worked/works with’ the Bush-CIA-DVD control and criminal finance syndicate, which is how he, as a key latent player in this massive takedown operation – which was to follow the takedown of the Soviet Union – obtained this information.

As noted, his Christmas 2009 communication to President Obama, a copy of which we hold, and which is written in Wanta’s own handwriting, is labelled: ‘Security Code: STILLPOINT’.

Other signed/unsigned Wanta documents obtained from and in the public domain, and from Wanta himself, and held in our own archive, are likewise labelled OPERATION STILLPOINT, stretching back many years – which PROVES that OPERATION STILLPOINT has been ‘live’ under the control of Bush Sr. since the Reagan era (1983-84), although it was ‘activated’ in earnest in 1991.

• We can now go further: it is almost certain that the intended ‘takedown’ of the United States and the ‘takedown’ of the Soviet Union represented two (dialectical) components of one gigantic DVD-linked operation, quite possibly a revolutionary Metabridge (CIA-DVD-Mossad and MI-6) offensive to ‘remodel the whole world’ to conform with a ‘New (Non-Cold War) Paradigm’ dreamed up by the cack-handed but irredeemably arrogant financial manipulators served by these agencies.

We will now proceed to demonstrate that OPERATION STILLPOINT was still ‘live’ as late as 6th December 2009, when the Chinese parties and the British Monarchical Power (namely, the Lien Holders) executed their Lien for $47 trillion on the US Treasury, which finally killed OPERATION STILLPOINT – which the Geithner Treasury, in some turmoil, had been making every effort to resuscitate – stone cold dead.

• But the earlier continued ‘non-dead’ status of OPERATION STILLPOINT IS THE EXPLANATION for why the Settlements have been blocked and sabotaged for years.

And as current and recent data [see above] demonstrate, it is clear now that compartmentalised cadres in the key countries (France, Britain, even Germany, even China to some extent, and the United States), and the equally de facto compartmentalised bankers and intermediaries, have not been kept up to speed by their cowed handlers with the fact that the ground had shifted violently beneath their feet – so that they have continued behaving as though OPERATION STILLPOINT was still ‘live’ (even though few of them would have had knowledge of it or of the overall picture).

This, then, explains the continued resistance and sabotage AFTER THE EXECUTION OF THE LIEN, why INTERPOL had to be given its de facto diplomatic immunity in the United States, why the US Department of Justice was compelled at long last to CHANGE ITS POLICY (i.e., to start doing its job), why Bench Warrants had to be served, for instance, on 137 individuals on 4th January 2010 – and all the other atrocious developments that we have had to try to report as this massive crisis has juddered towards resolution or catastrophe.

The following sequence contains information obtained in November 2009. When considered in the context of what we now know about OPERATION STILLPOINT and that the execution of the Lien by the injured sovereign plaintiffs on or about the 6th December 2009 threw the continued de facto hegemony of the Bush-directed sabotage operations designed to sustain OPERATION STILLPOINT into disarray, we can see how very close we came to the implementation by default of OPERATION STILLPOINT – which, having been torpedoed on 10th-12th September 2008, the Paulson Treasury sought, on behalf of the Intelligence Power under Bush Sr.’s hegemony, to restart under President Obama, with Hillary Clinton in the driving seat at the State Department (given that the Bushes and Clintons ‘work together’ on behalf of the Fifth Column element of the Intelligence Power).

Moreover this documented evidence DIRECTLY IMPLICATES, in addition to Wanta, the following operatives frequently mentioned in these reports, who must now be concerned, if they have not been arrested, that they will face the consequences of their sabotage behaviour under the NEW POLICY at the Department of Justice – and given the supremacy, with its diplomatic immunity, of INTERPOL: former President Bush Sr., Henry M. Paulson Jr. (held in Bermuda, according to our own published information), former President Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the US Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, Leon Panetta (CIA DCI), the former Fed Chairman Dr Alan Greenspan, Rahm Emanuel (Obama’s Chief of Staff, who hopes to ‘escape’ as prospective Mayor of Chicago), and the DVD’s leading banker, Dr Joseph Ackermann.


• (14): On 2nd November 2009, between approximately 6:05pm EST and 6:18 pm EST, Affirmation source placed a telephone call to a special contact, who advised source of the following:

• (15): That [as previously reported by this service] former President G. W. Bush ordered Henry M. Paulson, the former US Treasury Secretary, to contact BOTH former President Bill Clinton and the current Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton, [instructing them] to get in touch with the current Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner [this job was allocated to former President Clinton] and the Director of Central Intelligence [CIA], Leon Panetta [this was to be Mrs Clinton’s task] to order them to STOP RELEASE of the ‘Settlement funds’.

[The purpose of this manoeuvre, which of course replicated innumerable earlier sabotage operations – but the main difference here is that we have DOCUMENTED INFORMATION TO REPORT – was to prevent the collapse of OPERATION STILLPOINT].

• (16): That President Obama [is sick of this nonsense which is bedevilling his Presidency and] definitely wants the Settlements ‘done now’.

• (17): That [as the matter is expressed in the Affirmation document] ‘the Chinese officially have “had it with 41” [George Bush Sr.] now’.

• (18): On 3rd November 2009, between approximately 7:14pm EST and 7:16pm EST, Affirmation source placed a telephone call to a special contact, who advised as follows:

• (19): Secretary of the Treasury Geithner was visited by enforcement people at 11:30am EST, and at 1:03pm he ‘O.K’d’ the release.

[As you will have seen, we now know that Geithner, despite the severe pressures and humiliations that have been visited upon him] was STILL interfering as late as 4th January 2010].

• (20): That the Chinese wanted their ‘obligations fulfilled’ [sic].

• INSERTED NOTE: cf. a belated French official ‘acceptance’ that ‘what has to be done has to be done’, in the context of the British Monarchical Power obtaining restitution and the US Dollar Refunding proceeding from London – something the French are believed to have resisted but which they cannot prevent: so they appear to have finally had to adopt a sensible, pragmatic attitude here, realising that the German ‘case’, being tied hand and foot to the Bush criminal CIA Syndicate ‘Black Ops’ dimension, is severely degraded by association with the Bush OPERATION STILLPOINT (to take down the United States component of the ‘Main Enemy’) – which the French were assisting through their links to Germany under the 1963 Treaty of the Elysée, of indefinite duration, which provides that both countries must reach an analogous position in respect of all matters relating to external affairs.

In other words, the French appear suddenly or belatedly to have realised, following the execution of the Lien, that they were in danger of ‘going down with Bush and Germany’. If they continued their obstructive behaviour, that is what would happen.

• (21): On 4th November 2009, between approximately 2:45pm EST and 2:47pm EST, Affirmation source placed a phone call to a special source, who advised as follows:

• (22): That two critical arrests were about to be made.

• (23): That another confrontation with Treasury Secretary Geithner is necessary.

• (24): That Secretary of State Mrs Clinton has instructed the State Department personnel NOT to transfer any money/funds to ANYONE. [However, as you may well recall from our report dated 28th December 2009, four of Mrs Clinton’s senior State Department personal aides were arrested on 17th December accused of wire fraud, a felony which, on conviction, entitles the recipient to 20 years in jail. These operatives had been surreptitiously moving money, on the instructions of Mrs Clinton, who, as Secretary of State, is in charge of ‘international economic development’.

The arrest of these four operatives resulted in the immediate collapse of the Copenhagen false-flag ‘Climate Change’ summit, because the funds were to have been illegally transferred to kick-start remittances to country participants under cover of the ‘Climate Change’ gobbledygook, to finance hidden leveraged financial trading operations under the domestic and international radar, invigorating the fake, criminalised ‘Climate Change’ compartment of Fraudulent Finance.

So, when Mrs Clinton intervened to block transfers as revealed to source on 4th November, she was being selective. She intended, on behalf of the Syndicate etc, to have the funds diverted for the foregoing purpose.

• (25): On 5th November 2009, between approximately 6:50pm EST and 6:51pm EST, Affirmation source received a telephone call from a special contact, who advised as follows:

• (26): That both Leon Panetta, the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence, and Treasury Secretary Geithner, had again been confronted after they delayed and/pr stopped release of the Settlements.

• (27): That Treasury Secretary Geithner was now ‘so shaken’ that he was on ‘suicide watch’, supervised by members of enforcement teams.

• (28): That Former Treasury Secretary Paulson, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Greenspan and President Obama’s [White House] Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, had been ordered to STAND DOWN – that is to say, to cause no further delays or interference.

• (29): That despite all of the above, the CEO of Deutsche Bank, Dr Joseph Ackermann [the DVD’s chief banker] and George H. W. Bush, have both stated that the Settlement funds will be kept by them UNTIL JANUARY 2010. WHICH IS PRECISELY WHAT HAPPENED.

• Therefore, OPERATION STILLPOINT was STILL functioning into December 2009. It is thought that the reason that the funds only started being released on 5th January (despite Bench Warrants, arrests, horizontalisations, confrontations and other forms of necessary pressure) MAY (but we don’t know whether this is true or not), reflect the possibility that Settlements funds were placed out of reach in some manner. ANOTHER possibility, which might begin to explain the mystery of why the Bushes and Clintons and their associates haven’t been jailed in front of the TV cameras, is that ALL these parties routinely play dialectical double games, to confuse onlookers.

But this is just speculation on our part at this point.

[End of the special documented information].

From the above, which is based on sworn and affirmed documentation from impeccable sources of course, it can be seen that while OPERATION STILLPOINT has again been frustrated – this time as a consequence of the Lien on the US Treasury in the sum of $47 trillion, the de facto suspension of Habeas Corpus in the context of INTERPOL’s new US diplomatic status, and the drastic associated CHANGE OF POLICY at the US Department of Justice – the saboteurs successfully delayed, as was revealed to sources in November, release of the funds until January 2010.

Moreover notwithstanding that all funds held by the Bushsnakes, and all access to codes, have been/were removed from their control, and notwithstanding the waves of arrests, which assumed dramatic proportions early in this New Year, these Fifth Column criminals nevertheless succeeded in holding the Obama Government, the United States, the American people, and the whole world to ransom up to the time of posting.

And here we need to report a further dimension. This is such a HUGE SUBVERSION OPERATION, which has been ongoing for so long (since early Reagan) that it has been suppressed on several past occasions, only to resurface again later in a different format. The first wave of the offensive occurred in the first Reagan term, with the previous Dollar Refunding operation [not discussed here], in 1984. Other OPERATION STILLPOINT initiatives, based on exploiting the consequences of the orchestrated Savings and Loan scams handled with the underworld (which was the second wave), were closed down in 1989.

In 1992, money raised from international banks, as revealed from the original ‘FINs’ documents obtained by the Editor of this service following that conference in Washington, DC, in June 2002, was then diverted to Bush Sr. and many of his outlets, under Dr A. Greenspan’s say-so (and we published all this data in International Currency Review, with comprehensive facsimiles of the documents in question).

Those proceeds – on which interest of 7.5% per annum has been chargeable for a 20-year period (therefore ending in 2012), when the 200+ banks from which the funds were raised will require their principal back – was stolen and used for yet more leveraging, hypothecation and illicit, off-balance sheet, untaxed Ponzi operations, the proceeds of which were stashed offshore.

After President Clinton had procured the arrest in Switzerland of Wanta, and his incarceration, he stole Mr Wanta’s United Nations contract Number Five, mandating the issuance of unsubordinated senior Medium-Term Notes, the proceeds of which were likewise used to further the objectives of OPERATION STILLPOINT and for bribery, corruption and self-enrichment purposes.

Meanwhile myriad Ponzi schemes were systematically proliferated involving the ransacking of investors – the most gigantic, revealed for the first time in this report, being the illicit floating of 2.25 trillion of PHANTOM CMKM/CMKX STOCK, for which the fleeced investors now require the corrupt Securities and Exchange Commission to cough up $3.87++ trillion. This of course makes the Madoff and Stanford operations look like petty crimes by comparison. We are advised directly by the lawyers concerned that the filing of this class action lawsuit against the S.E.C. is held pending satisfaction of the Settlements in general, and immediate payment out of Court of the $3.87++ trillion due to the fleeced and scammed CMKX/CMKX private investors in particular.

Each time that one of the tentacles of the Octopus (= OPERATION STILLPOINT) has been wrenched from the putrid creature, it either sprouts another tentacle, or else maximises the potential for a different tentacle to achieve the outcomes that have been aborted or frustrated elsewhere. For instance, in order to achieve the total corruption of the Federal Reserve System, given the ‘need’ to develop ‘other products’ such as the synthetic ‘structured’ products and sub-prime operations developed in the 1990s, the US Federal Reserve ‘needed’ to become both the regulator and the purchaser – on the same ‘sib’ model, essentially, as the illicit trading operations of the Securities and Exchange Commission revealed in this report.

But when this nexus of criminal finance operations was finally faced up to, and challenged by the exasperated international community, spearheaded by the 160 countries (which were finally paid out on 5th January 2010) and by the primary aggrieved sovereign owners of the loan funds stolen and diverted by the OPERATION STILLPOINT criminals holding high office, past and present, the entire edifice of corruption started to collapse – bringing the Bush Crime Family down, sending the CIA, the State Department and other US Government structures into internal strife and turmoil, and sharply truncating the survival prospects of the Bush Crime Family’s Clinton-CIA associates.

As Wanta’s communication sent to President Obama on Christmas Day makes clear, he still thinks he has authority under STILLPOINT. In fact he asserts this categorically in communications, also supposedly provenanced from the fraudulent Principality of Snake Hill, to others (for instance, in a communication to a third party on 6th January 2010). In reality he’s gone through the Looking Glass and is walking upside down on the ceiling, imagining things. Like Cheney, he may be going nuts – which is what eventually happens to people whose lives revolve around deceiving others.

• He is probably in a bound situation which precludes him from switching his ‘legend’.

Certainly it would have been a catastrophic error to have entrusted him with ANY new financial responsibility: after all, he can’t even be bothered to explain politely, by letter, to a stranger who bailed him out of his probation at a cost of $35,000, why he has taken no steps to repay what he should have paid back on 11th June 2007, with interest. So, if he can’t be trusted with a mere $35,000, how could he possibly have been trusted with vastly larger sums of money?

• This point, we have had confirmed to us, was taken decisively on board some time ago.

In any case, all who ‘worked for’ the Bush Crime Syndicate are out in the freezing cold. For ever.

OPERATION STILLPOINT is dead and buried – thank the Lord Almighty.

The United States has AGAIN been saved from the ravages of the foreign-inspired Fifth Column that has burrowed deep into the fabric of its arrogant and criminalised Intelligence Power – now bitterly split between the rival collapsing Bush-DVD cadres and operatives who are believed to be slightly (but only slightly) less brain-dead – in the sense that at least they agree that the United States should not be destroyed by a malicious foreign penetration of enemy serpents from within. Of course they should have stamped on the serpents long ago: but that’s a separate issue.

The pressing reality, looking ahead, is that all who have been associated with this sabotage and betrayal of the United States and the American people are now officially ECONOMIC TERRORISTS.

So, finally, whatever messy developments may ensue, there is indeed now a glimmer of hope that the corrupted Intelligence Power can be PURGED OF THE SNAKES IN ITS MIDST – not least given that as the corrupt fiat money spigot is progressively or immediately, as a consequence of these developments, denied to the greedy US Intelligence Power, the purge will have to continue.

The fundamental problem, as we have previously reiterated, is that this crisis is also bound up with the perverse intent of the arrogant Intelligence Power to hold onto its hegemony over the entire US Government, developed because of its access to endless supplies of ‘Black’ fiat money, and thanks to its ‘power of penetration’. The behaviour of Leon Panetta right up to this end-game and beyond, confirms this assessment without a shadow of doubt.

What these exposures and parallel developments may thus have achieved is the decisive blow that the CIA and its subsidiaries will suffer as their free-wheeling access to limitless illicit funds through Fraudulent Finance is discontinued. That would be the most far-reaching outcome of all.

Notes and References:
The purposes of these references is simply to indicate that each and every NUMBERED FACT is documented by a signed, sworn and affirmed statement of facts provided by our sources, which is dated 3rd January 2010, and was received by this service at 10:02pm on that date.

As with the ‘first delivery’ of such intelligence, the Editor is not in a position or ready to expand or to provide any elaboration concerning these DOCUMENTED FACTS beyond what is presented here. There are sensible reasons for this: and we are fortunate that confidence in this service enables such data to be publicised on this platform. The numbers in the Notes and References correspond to the numbers preceding the FACTS themselves:

(1): Point 1 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(2): Point 1 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(3): Point 1 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(4): Point 1 (c) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(5): Point 1 (d) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(6): Point 1 (e) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(7): Point 1 (f) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(8): Point 1 (g) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(9): Point 1 (h) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(10): Point 1 (i) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(11): Point 1 (j) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(12): Point 1 (k) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(13): Point 1 (l) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.

(14): Point 2 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(15): Point 2 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(16): Point 2 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(17): Point 2 ( ) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(18): Point 3 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(19): Point 3 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(20): Point 3 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(21): Point 4 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(22): Point 4 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(23): Point 4 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(24): Point 4 (c) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(25): Point 5 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(26): Point 5 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(27): Point 5 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.

(28): Point 5 (c ) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 4.

(29): Point 5 (d) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 4.


By David Reilly, Bloomberg: 30th December 2009:
To close out 2009, I decided to do something that I bet no member of Congress has done – actually read from cover to cover one of the pieces of sweeping legislation bouncing around Capitol Hill.

Hunkering down by the fire, I snuggled up with H.R. 4173, the financial-reform legislation passed earlier this month by the House of Representatives. The Senate has yet to pass its own reform plan. The baby of Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, the House bill is meant to address everything from Too-Big-To-Fail banks to asleep-at-the-switch credit-ratings companies to the protection of consumers from greedy lenders.

I quickly discovered why members of Congress rarely read legislation like this. At 1,279 pages, the ‘Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’ is a real slog. And yes, I ploughed through all those pages. (Memorandum to Chairman Frank: “ystem” at line 14, page 258 is missing the first “s”).

The reading was especially painful since this reform sausage is stuffed with more gristle than meat. At least, that is, if you are a taxpayer hoping the bailout train is coming to a halt.

If you’re a banker, the bill is tastier. While banks opposed the legislation, they should cheer for its passage by the full Congress in the New Year. There are huge giveaways insuring that the Government will again rescue banks and Wall Street if the need arises.

Here are some of the nuggets I gleaned from days spent reading Frank’s handiwork:

• For all its enormous size, the bill doesn’t once mention the words Too Big To Fail, the main issue confronting the financial system. Admitting you have a problem, as any schoolchild knows, is the crucial first step toward recovery.

• On the contrary, the bill supports the biggest banks. It authorises Federal Reserve Banks to provide as much as $4 trillion in emergency funding the next time Wall Street crashes [thereby indicating that the Legislature confidently expects this to happen: – Ed.]. So much for all that talk of ‘no more bailouts’. That is more than twice what the Fed pumped into markets this time around. The size of the fund makes the bribes in the Senate’s health-care bill look minuscule.

• Oh, hold on, the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury Secretary can’t authorize these funds unless ‘there is at least a 99 percent likelihood that all the funds and interest will be paid back’. [presupposing that such a calculation in advance is possible – Ed.]

• Too bad that the same models that were used to foresee the housing meltdown will probably be used to predict this likelihood as well.

• The bill also allows the Government, in a crisis, to back financial firms’ debts. Bondholders can therefore sleep easy: there are more bailouts to come.

• The legislation does create a Council of Regulators to spot risks to the financial system and the big financial firms. Unfortunately, this group is to be made up of folks who missed the problems that led to the current crisis.

• Don’t worry, though: this time regulators will have ‘better tools’. Six months after being created, the Council will report to Congress on ‘WHETHER setting up an electronic database’ would be a help. Maybe they’ll even get round to using that Internet thingy.

• This group, among its many powers, can restrict the ability of a financial firm to trade for its own account. Perhaps this section should be entitled, ‘Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., we’re looking at you’.

• The bill also allows regulators to ‘prohibit any incentive-based payment arrangement’. In other words, bankers’ bonuses are still in play. Maybe Bank of America Corporation and Citigroup, Inc. shouldn’t have rushed to pay back Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds.

• The bill kills off the Office of Thrift Supervision, a toothless watchdog. Well, kill may be too strong a word. Because that agency and its employees will be folded into the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency [whose chief has allegedly been engaged in sabotaging the Settlements: see above – Ed]. Further proof that government never really disappears.

• Since Congress isn’t cutting jobs, why not add a few more? Accordingly, the bill calls for more than a dozen agencies to create a new position called ‘Director of Minority and Women Inclusion’. People in these new posts will be presidential appointees.

I thought Too Big To Fail banks were the pressing issue. Turns out it’s diversity, and patronage.

• Not that the House is entirely sure of what the issues really are – at least, judging by the two dozen or so studies that the bill authorizes. About a quarter of these studies relate to credit-rating companies, an area in which the legislation falls short of meaningful change. Sadly, these studies don’t tackle tough questions like whether we should just do away with ratings altogether. Here’s a tip: Do the studies, then write the legislation.

• The bill isn’t all bad, though. It creates a brand new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, the brainchild Elizabeth Warren, who is currently head of a panel overseeing the TARP. And the first director gets the cool job of designing a SEAL for the new agency. My suggestion: Warren riding a fiery chariot while hurling lightning bolts at Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

• Best of all, the bill contains a provision that, in the event of another Government request for emergency aid to prop up [its pals in] the financial system, debate in Congress be limited to just 10 hours. Anything that can get Congress to shut up can’t be all bad.

Even better would be if legislators actually tackle the real issues stemming from the financial crisis, end bailouts and, for the sake of my eyes, write far, far shorter bills.

• Comment by the Editor:
I like his dry, witty cynicism. Verdict: Excellent analysis. But nothing like rude enough.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

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It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

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The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

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Tuesday 24 November 2009 21:30

Plus: Fraudulent conversion of private debt at Fed into public debt under cover of Fed audit.

THIS report, dated 24th November, has been reposted as it was overtaken by the later report…















































• WARNING: Despite signs of movement towards resolution, summarised in this report, we remain braced for the likelihood of very dirty tricks at this late stage of the proceedings.

• FURTHER WARNING: We diagnose a sinister implied criminal intent to reignite the corrupt off-balance sheet, untaxed Fraudulent Finance derivatives trading using the collateral provided by the recovered Chinese 1933 and 1934 USD currency boxes as base for the ‘new’ fiat dollar money, so that a vast new eruption of funny money accruals arising from fraudulent trades achieved via new platforms that are being hastily put together by people who have no idea what they are doing, is anticipated, planned or intended. Any such development will lead straight into a global financial catastrophe within a short space of time, given that Governments, already strapped because of their rash bail-out operations in the present crisis, will be UNABLE to provide lifelines when this next generation of Fraudulent Finance ‘blows’, as it most certainly will, much faster than last time.

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard. Or press the live Donate link at the top right-hand corner of this page. See also the ADVERTISEMENT below.

• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications. This has its own Archive, giving details of earlier publications.

• ADVERTISEMENT: Details of the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION software offered by this service in conjunction with a donation, are appended at the foot of this report, below the legal data. See also our catalogue by clicking on World Reports Limited and scrolling down to the bottom.

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.


Before we go any further several basic issues about these reports need to be revisited, given the propensity of some critics to blame the messenger.

• First, we have been operating in a dense fog of deliberate disinformation, lies and diversionary tactics perpetrated by compartmentalised agents of influence and operatives working for various competing US and foreign interests and structures with conflicting agendas and axes to grind – all concerning MONEY. By definition, therefore, separating truth from falsehood remains a continuing challenge – especially since certain well-known malevolent websites are tasked to specialise not in seeking to convey accurate insights and information, but rather in cynically and deliberately sowing diversionary confusion in accordance with instructions to maximise the potential for obfuscation of the criminality and fraud, and the cowardly failure of authorities to eradicate them.

It is self-evident that information published in these reports is derived from published sources in the public domain, from private written communications or from oral communications made to us by sources believed, through experience, to be reliable. However given that every conversation is listened to and recorded, with transcripts of some conversations still sent to the White House, and given that all who are genuinely engaged in exposing the criminality may be subject to attempted stings by the criminal cadres being exposed, one can never rule out the possibility of being misled.

At the same time, it may be too simplistic, on occasion, to categorise specified information as misleading. This is because you will recall that these people are ALL double-minded. Therefore, they may leak certain information for a dual purpose: first, to advance a particular Agency objective or discrediting agenda; and secondly, at the same time, to lay a trail which could be used to provide deniability in another, parallel context.

A case in point was the recent ‘Malik dimension’ leak to us, which actually occurred BEFORE the Fort Hood events. As indicated in outline in the report dated 12th November, following that trail leads straight to the criminal financing of Al-Qaeda and the World Class DVD-CIA criminal George Herbert Walker Bush. Equipped with this heads-up, certain operatives have rushed in to ‘confirm’ this fact – one of them being the libellant, Heneghan.

Now why would that be?

Stay tuned, as the late Sherman Skolnik used to say. It is because Marvelous Investments Limited, with which Mr Wanta and Heneghan, as well as Mrs Hillary Clinton and Eva Teleki, were involved, likewise leads to the financing of Al-Qaeda. So you see, the leaking of the ‘Malik dimension’ ahead of Fort Hood served two purposes simultaneously: it pointed fingers at George Bush Sr., while at the same time it provided, in readiness, an apparent alternative (diversionary) explanation for the Marvelous Investments Limited trail, should that operation be blown, as it will be.

Incidentally, some people have correctly pointed out that the horrific Russell Hermann sequence is an ‘old story’. That is true: but it’s not the point – which was that it highlighted a typically murderous and avaricious ‘grabitisation’ operation by George Bush Sr., and his notorious Texan ‘gopher’, one James Baker III. It is unconscionable that murderers and accessories to the fact of murder should be protected from the consequences of their crimes just because they once held high office – a consideration which, of course, applies to most of these odious operatives. Hermann was among a number of operatives involved with Iran-Contra who were horizontalised for their pains.

Despite the deliberately sustained fog of diversionary disinformation and claptrap, an experienced Editor with four decades of experience can be relied upon to possess adequate skills to be able to determine, usually with success, what is true and what may be false – especially when he has been lied to, deceived and double-crossed with the frequency suffered by this Editor, as well as being routinely threatened as has been happening with some regularity of late.

Sources usually found by us to be reliable are themselves, prone to be deceived from time to time; indeed, it is our experience that a run of accurate (and separately confirmed) information from such sources may, without warning, suddenly be followed by ‘information’ that is subsequently found to be without foundation.

This happens occasionally because the source is itself being compromised, as the disinformation apparat knows who the source talks to, and targets us through that source accordingly. Again, we have pretty good filters, but while the fog remains dense, hazards remain.

• Secondly, it should be recalled that these US criminal operatives never imagined, in their worst nightmares, that there would ever be any opposition. They thought that the funny fraudulent money bonanza would continue for ever. They had got away with murder for so long that they thought they were immune. Indeed, they imagined (and a tiny proportion of them still do) that the clock can be turned right back to before 10th-12th September 2008, i.e. to dirty business as usual. These people cannot believe that anyone has stood up to them and that their time is up.

It follows, therefore, that what we have all been observing (and recording) is an INCREMENTAL operation, a salami tactics process of attrition. Impatient armchair observers may demand instant results. That is absurd. After all, we are confronting the worst outbreak of organised, revolutionary Fraudulent Finance since Lenin and Stalin engaged in criminal financial operations against the Russian Government before 1917, when Stalin started out with his raid on the Post Office in Tbilisi, Georgia (1906), and relieving it of a large quantity of state bonds.

Does that by any chance sound familiar?

And we are observing the exposure, on a monumental scale, of precisely the same kind of base criminalist behaviour that the old Nazi Gauleiters presided over in Grossdeutschland during the Second World War – when the Rule of Law collapsed and the Gauleiters took the law into their own hands, seizing assets by force and mass-murdering their owners for self-enrichment purposes. This theme is developed in the current issue of Global Analyst [Volume 3, #3].

• Thirdly, the Bush/Greenspan criminal technique deployed all along has been to dangle the prospect of great riches in front of the noses of ordinary men and officials, against a contextual background in which an ‘everyone is doing it’ collapse of ethical standards came to prevail.

This proved to be highly ‘successful’, as the myriad Ponzi operations against Americans who forgot about the Prudent Man Rule have shown – enabling the directorate of these scams, headed by the DVD serpent and its Mossad collaborators themselves, to steal the principal invested by the Ponzi victims and then to orchestrate what must surely be the most cruel and cynical agitprop operation to keep such victims guessing, ever perpetrated by agents of a corrupt government against its own population. This cynical, deceitful agitprop operation continues to this day.

• Finally, as noted above, the criminalists never imagined that they would be confronted, let alone cornered. It is therefore a fact that they have NEVER recovered from being faced down. Contrary to appearances at times, they have remained perpetually on the defensive – so that every time they clambered up off the floor, they have been slapped down harder than previously.

As a consequence they have been dazed, walking around in confusion, unsure what nailed boot will descend on them next, unable to sleep soundly at night, fearful of the Day of Reckoning – and yet determined, given their criminal mentality, to continue their resistance to the inevitable: which is that they ARE being taken down, and they WILL (as we predicted a long while ago) be made to pay for what they have done. It just takes time and superhuman patience.

In the meantime, an orchestrated campaign of ‘Black’ propaganda against The Queen is being perpetrated by US cadres whose serial criminality and thievery has been exposed, and who find themselves having to face a reality they never thought could arise. This orchestrated campaign encapsulates the lie that the $6.2 trillion of sovereign LOAN money was a ‘replacement for’ the stolen $4.5 trillion referenced in earlier reports – whereas it had nothing to do with those stolen funds at all. As we alone reported, the $6.2 trillion was indeed placed into ‘lockdown’ on 10th-12th September 2008 and made inaccessible for illicit trading operations, as it had not been used for the purpose for which it was intended: namely the on-the-books Dollar Refunding Programme, which generates on-balance sheet, taxable accruals: whereas the financial terrorists who have been in charge are incurring $1.0 trillion of unnecessary Treasury debt per annum or more because they couldn’t bear the thought of the discontinuity affecting their Fraudulent Finance operations being made permanent, so that the huge speculative institutions will have to find something else to do.

The campaign to denigrate The Queen represents a desperate, and failing, ‘Black’ operation to try to confuse the issue by perpetuating the lie that the $6.2 trillion ‘replaced’ the $4.5 trillion, which was never the case. It is noted that this lie is being ‘shouted’ at us: in big black capital letters – on Goebbels’ principle that if a lie is repeated often and loud enough, it becomes fact.

• This childish behaviour has simply revealed how desperate and beside themselves these losers are, now that their duplicity and criminality has been faced down. They don’t know what to do, so they are shouting like naughty boys in a nursery where all discipline collapsed long ago.

Late on 21st November, after the Editor had reported the threat to burn our building down, we were told on the transatlantic line that every one of these perpetrators needs to be arrested, clothed in bright orange like Stanford, chained together, frog-marched in front of the world’s TV cameras (Links, Rechts, Links, Rechts, Links, Rechts, Links, Rechts) and publicly humiliated before being herded under US military conditions to one of the multiple bleak Gulag concentration camp areas prepared for the US revolution, where the gates should be slammed in their faces while they are locked up in standing room-only cubicles where they can spend the rest of their diminishing days contemplating the life cycle of the North American cockroach and any other primitive form of life that may inhabit the latrines of the facilities in question.

This of course, should have happened two years ago. But the purge that started then, was aborted, as the Bush wing of the ‘Box Gang’ was still in power: as a consequence of which, the whole world was pushed to the brink of collapse, just as the US dollar faces collapse if this stupid resistance is allowed to continue much longer.

We are very confident (at the time of posting) that it won’t, because of the recent pattern of events which will now be explained to the best of our current knowledge, and because of the long delayed remedy which awaits implementation.

First, though, recall that following the libels perpetrated against the Editor of this service by the criminal disinformation operative Heneghan that had to be featured at the top of the preceding report, we added some outline details about an order received by a GE Transportation plant in Pennsylvania for 300 locomotive kits. China now owns 47% of the United States’ total debt.

This Lawrence Park Township and Grove City locomotive manufacturing plant owned by General Electric Company is engaged in completing 1,480 layoffs, announced at the end of September, by the end of this month. The order from China, confirmed on Monday 16th November (i.e. during Obama’s trip to China) for 300 locomotive ‘kits’ (consisting of high-value components such as the control systems) following an order placed by China in 2005 for a similar number of ‘kits’, reflects inter alia the Chinese demand for concrete deliveries, for redemption against a proportion of the (now worthless) derivatives junk in which GE specialised (as reported when we were analysing the methodology underlying the Fraudulent Finance crisis).

In other words, the Chinese, owners of 47% of the US (corporate) debt, have asked the Americans, in this instance, to manufacture and supply the ‘brains’ for a batch of 300 Evolution Series China Mainland locomotives – effectively for ‘nothing’.

Instead of GE’s junk derivatives paper being redeemed in ‘real’ dollars, in which China is drowning, the shrewd Chinese, who being America’s biggest creditor, hold the whip hand (as well as the Writ of Execution and the lien: see below), have demanded practical railway hardware.

How will the US GE plants be financed while this manufacturing order is being fulfilled? Answer: Finally, via ‘stimulus money’ (which hasn’t been distributed yet, as the official criminals were using it for their ‘platform operations’). ‘At the present time, we are still holding out a lot of hope from the stimulus’, Jim Fifer, President of Local 506 of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, told the local press on 17th November 2009 (1).

The foregoing shows the extreme consequences of the bovine resistance of a few arrogant US operatives elevated far above their capabilities who appeared, at this writing, STILL not to have understood that their resistance to the inevitable is now futile.

Because we have it on impeccable authority that the decision has now been taken to expose the criminality, and for the resistance to be crushed. As we aren’t in the driving seat, obviously we can’t prescribe how this should be done (our preference would be as described above). But we expect the exposures to be absolutely devastating, and that they will hit these people between the eyes when they weren’t expecting it – as usual. They never expected ANY opposition.

So let us now review what has happened – just over two years after Citibank was comprehensively exposed by this service as a criminal enterprise [see Archive].

And the first place to start is to recall that, as stated at the top of the report dated 12th November, with effect from one minute past midnight on Monday morning 9th November (9/11), the US military were placed on high alert.

The reason for this alert became apparent on Veterans’ (Armistice) Day, 11th November 2009, when violence erupted at the huge Fort Hood military territory in Texas, just 30 miles or so from George Bush Jr.’s ranch at Crawford. As our subscriber and correspondent, the Texas attorney who works with Fort Hood, testified in his correspondence to the Editor, events on that occasion did not ‘add up’ at all. His testimony will be found in the report dated 12th November [see Archive].

That was the date by which the Chinese parties were to have exercised their lien on the American Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the White House, in accordance with their World Court authority to do so. The holder of a Writ of Execution can effectively ‘wave the Writ’ in front of the delinquent creditor by way of a threat, forcing the issue without in fact proceeding with the Writ of Execution or lien, although it retains the power to do so. This obvious consideration raises the question: was the Writ sequence a sort of decoy, while other ‘remedies’ were being finalised?

The answer to that question is both Yes and No. The Chinese parties continue to hold the Writ of Execution and the lien and remain conspicuously in charge of proceedings, to the humiliation of the criminalist idiots who have been cornered due to their own self-interested greed and the lust of the corrupt elements within the US Intelligence Power for independent sources of funny money to fund its Black Operations and other disruptive initiatives around the world ostensibly on behalf of the Executive Power and the energy corporations, but in reality on behalf of itself.

Having long since usurped total power in the United States (recall our metaphor of the three flanks of the Power Pyramid), the Intelligence Power refuses to relinquish its control; so an international showdown (predicted by this service) became inevitable. The first international violence phase of this showdown occurred at Fort Hood on 11th November 2009.

As we were able to report in the preceding presentation, a Chinese secret police representative has confirmed that the Fort Hood operation was ‘successful’ from their perspective – a fact that has subsequently been reconfirmed to us by other reliable sources. This means that, as we know, the Chinese successfully retrieved the currency boxes that had been held under guard at Fort Hood for the past 15 years.

Self-evidently, the Chinese cadres could not have achieved ‘success’ without the cooperation of the US military at Fort Hood – indicating a ‘sudden’ community of interests between the Pentagon and the Chinese parties (as well as with the British Monarchical Power) in the grim context of the decisive thrust of the Writ of Execution and the Chinese lien over the US Treasury, the US Federal Reserve, the White House and a vast swathe, by extension, of the financial and real economies – arising entirely as a consequence of the serial and endless criminality of successive arrogant US Administrations, the obtuse insistence of the Intelligence Power in seeking to retain its previously unchallenged ability to generate vast funny money resources enabling it to retain its hegemony over the Government: and giving it the illicit resources with which to intermeddle catastrophically all over the world, where its successive botched operations on behalf of the White House and the energy corporations have wreaked havoc everywhere, so far with impunity.

The US Intelligence Power’s hegemony all these years has been attributable to a combination of penetration of the CIA by DVD (Nazi Abwehr) cadres and to the scamming requirements of the US energy corporations, which operate a price cartel behind the cover provided by the ‘front’ cartel, The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which was created at the Baghdad Conference held on 10th-14th September 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

The five founding members of OPEC were later joined by nine other participants: Qatar, 1961; Indonesia, 1962 [suspended January 2009]; Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 1962; the United Arab Emirates, 1967; Algeria, 1969; Nigeria, 1971; Ecuador, 1973 [suspended December 1992 to October 2007]; Angola, 2007; and Gabon, 1975, 1994. Russia has for a number of years operated within OPEC with ‘observer status’.

The OPEC cartel provides cover, as indicated, for the oil corporations, which cannot rig prices domestically in the United States due to strong anti-monopoly laws. So, as is the case with almost every abuse perpetrated by the US Intelligence Power and its masters, they sought to establish a means of rigging prices externally. This operation was completed by US Treasury Secretary William Simon’s achievement, brokered by the triple agent and DVD chief Dr Henry (Heinz) Kissinger in June 1974, when the denomination of all oil invoices in US dollars was ‘confirmed’ – while special arrangements were reached with the US Treasury for ‘add-on’ US Treasury securities to be made available off-market for absorption by the monetary authorities of the oil-producing states, such as the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA).

In the 1970s, our financial journal International Currency Review exposed this accord as the secret Saudi-American Agreement: and it is this precedent which underlies the subsequent catastrophic institutionalisation of the one-way debt escalation system which is about to be put into reverse with the imminent new US Dollar Refunding Programme arrangements.

To buttress the somewhat ‘unreliable’ oil price-rigging mechanism operated by the oil corporations behind the cover provided by OPEC, a new price falsification mechanism was established in 2000 by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, British Petroleum, Total, Shell Oil, Deutsche Bank and Société Générale, called the Inter Continental Exchange (ICE). This is an online commodities and futures virtual marketplace which exists outside the United States and operates, like the two oil cartels themselves, beyond the constraints of the US anti-monopoly and anti-cartel legislation.

Following a Congressional investigation in 2003, the ICE was found to be facilitating ‘round-trip’ trades – in which one firm sells energy to another, whereupon the second entity sells the same amount of energy back to the first corporation, at the same time and at exactly the same price. Although no commodity ever changes hands, the transactions send signals to the market, falsify the price structure, and artificially augment corporate revenues: CARTELISED SPECULATION.

• Under overt Communism and in places like revolutionary Iraq and Iran, speculators used to be hanged from lamp posts or specially erected gibbets, as used to happen in mediaeval England.

When Congress investigated a firm called DMS Energy, the corporation admitted that 80% of its trades in 2001 were ‘round-trip’ trades, which meant that 80% of its trades in that year were false trades. No oil changed hands, but balance sheets showed ballooning revenues. The expert analyst Philip Davis, who has exposed this recently, says that the purpose of these trades (apart from padding balance sheets) is to inflate commodity prices.

According to Davis. After the ICE had turned commodity trading into “a speculative casino game where pricing was notional and contracts could be sold by people who never produced a thing, to people who didn’t need the things that were not produced”, Goldman Sachs were able to triple the price of commodities in the space of five years. At the present stage of the massively contracted world economy, oil prices have RISEN – despite a very sharp fall in consumption. In other words, a parallel virtual scamming operation has developed in the commodity markets, operating in parallel with the Fraudulent Finance scams that we have been reporting on for years.

It makes no sense, of course, for oil prices to rise when demand implodes – as has been the case worldwide. This is obvious from a glance at export and import data. Over the year to the second quarter of 2009, exports by VOLUME contracted in the following listed countries by the proportions shown after the name of each country:

Austria, – 17.2%; Belgium, – 18.7%; Canada, – 18.4%; Czech Republic, – 16.6%; Denmark, – 13.5%; Finland, – 30.2%; France, – 12.9%; Germany, – 18.6%; Greece, – 10.9%; Hungary, – 14.1%; Italy, – 23.9%; Japan, – 29.2%; Mexico, – 24.3%; Netherlands, – 12.2%; Norway, – 8.9%; Poland, – 13.4%; Portugal, – 17.1%; Spain, – 15.7%; Sweden – 15.2%; Switzerland, – 15.8%; United Kingdom, – 13.0%; United States, – 15.0%.

Obviously, a similar picture was reflected in collapsing imports of goods and services by volume. Against the background of such coruscating data alone, there is no way that oil prices could have risen without a price falsification operation. The same happened, notoriously, in 2008.

The US military elements that collaborated with the Chinese secret police et al. at Fort Hood did so plainly ‘in the national interest’, given that the Chinese authorities held, and continue to hold, the whip hand given their possession of the Writ of Execution and their prospective lien on the US Treasury. For their part, the Chinese were also working in the US national interest, as well as in their own and the international interest, in bring this crisis to a head, inter alia at Fort Hood.

Meanwhile, when Barack Hussein Obama appeared in Alaska on veterans’ Day, Air Force One was joined by three or more cargo Boeing aircraft, which we are told took off from Fairbanks en route to China ‘with’ the President’s aircraft. These cargo planes reportedly (as has since been confirmed by several sources to us) collected further heavy boxes containing currency, gold coins and other assets in China which, together with the 1933 and 1934 US currency boxes that were retrieved from Fort Hood, where the Bush Sr.-led ‘Box Gang’ had managed to keep them under guard since they were originally stolen 15 years earlier – in 1994 – were to be merged to provide the backing for the US dollar under the new, reformed settlement that is in the process of being implemented.

These facts alone confirm that the ‘Box Gang’ may have been defeated – a development enhanced by reports (which, again, have since been separately confirmed to us) that Mrs Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State pro tem., ‘rolled over’ on the Bushes and possibly on others (including her CIA husband?), as a consequence of which she appears temporarily to be ‘off the hook’ (but she probably shouldn’t count on that remaining the case for long).

As previously reported, George Bush Sr., was ‘allowed’ to travel to Germany (having been given back his passport for the purpose), where he hob-nobbed with his partners-in-crime, the former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachëv, former Chancellor Helmut Kohl (in a wheelchair), and Joseph Ackermann, CEO of Deutschebank, all of whom are ‘partners’ in Barrington Group Investments, AG, now known as Deutsche AG, of St Gallen, Switzerland (Marc Rich, aka Hans Brand territory).

The occasion of the 20th anniversary of the ‘fall’ of the Berlin Wall was the pretext that provided cover for this trip, which was ‘allowed’ so that distributions and bribes that Bush Sr. was evidently known to be intending to order, with the assistance of Ackermann and other German (DVD) banking associates at institutions such as Dresdner Bank, could be intensively traced, and the Bush assets thereby traced to accounts in the Caribbean could be seized (as reported).

Some of these bank accounts were identified earlier in facsimiles of transactions for George Bush Sr. published in International Currency Review. There are new, unconfirmed reports of US Boeing flights from Colombia to Switzerland, which are believed to be connected with the removal of Bush-linked drug-trafficking proceeds and ‘assets’ from that corrupted country to Swiss ‘safekeeping’, a further development which obviously begs many highly disturbing questions, if these reports are confirmed. For the time being, this unconfirmed development would appear to be another phase of the same operation, which presupposes the wholesale dismantling of Bush Sr.’s power and control, although even that deduction remains uncertain at this juncture. It’s possible that this ‘dismantling’ may be in process, with his ‘agreement’: in other words, that a sordid deal has been struck.

It was established almost immediately after the violence at Fort Hood that Mr George Bush Sr. was present on-site. We also published a report originating with the Los Angeles Times that George W. Bush made a hurried ‘secret’ visit to Fort Hood from his Crawford ranch on the day of the violence, and that Bush Jr. and his wife Laura paid a further visit to Fort Hood on the following day.

We asked the rhetorical question: has George Bush Sr. been horizontalised – given that several informants indicated that this was the intention. We also pointed out that experience had shown that whenever such a possibility has been mooted, it tends to be standard deception practice for the individual concerned to surface a few days later – usually in a ‘humanitarian’ context. This is exactly what happened, when Bush Sr. ostensibly appeared, complete with his walking stick, at a ‘charity event’ in Indianapolis. We have been advised on good authority, nonetheless, that the question of whether Senior has been horizontalised or not, remains ‘up in the air’.

• The CIA operates an arrangement with Hollywood specialists which is believed to function like an employment agency, with look-alikes kept on the books ready to be rented out for ‘double’ work at high fees. These arrangements are supplemented by the make-up skills of a handful of Hollywood make-up specialists. However we ourselves do not waste time in speculation concerning ‘doubles’ unless the deception appears obvious, as on that hilarious occasion when a Cheney appeared on a platform wearing a ten-gallon hat so that his features could not be seen clearly.

Bush Sr.’s involvement all along, beyond his financial criminality generally, has been associated in part with the known existence at Fort Hood of closely guarded German World War II ‘reparations’ bonds, which we understand that the United States ‘will never seek to redeem’.

This was certainly the ‘line’ a few years ago. It is interesting to speculate whether, given the now drastically altered situation, some arrangement might have been implemented behind the scenes whereby the colossal overhang of derivatives held for instance by Deutsche Bank, Bush Sr.’s main ‘trading partner bank’, may have been redeemed against repatriation of some or all of these bonds. If so, that would of course mean that the US Treasury is stuffed beyond the gills with ‘its own’ worthless derivatives trash – making the urgent provision of new backing for the US dollar indispensable in order for a collapse to be avoided.

The Chinese were able to pull off Fort Hood with the cooperation of elements of the US military because in so doing the exercise of their lien on the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve, etc, was sidestepped – while at the same time, the Chinese continue to hold this lien in reserve, to ensure completion of the operations to the satisfaction of all parties – with the exception of the diehards at the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Citibank, the CIA and elsewhere who appear not to have realised, as late as last week, that the game is up. In other words, the completely demented Obama-Geithner-Bernanke attempt to continue the off-balance sheet, untaxed, illicit Fraudulent Finance carousel, long after the discontinuity of 10th-12th September 2009, has run into the sand.

Manifestly, too, Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton could not possibly have travelled to China if these arrangements were not in hand, pre-arranged, and guaranteed to be ‘successful’, as the Chinese secret policeman revealed. That consideration alone makes it clear that this ‘resolution sequence’ was a carefully planned operation from the get-go – which has in fact transformed the situation – not least given that the ‘Box Gang’ impediments appear to have been removed. We were informed over the weekend of 21st-22nd November that all impediments to the payments due to the CMKX victims also appeared to have been removed (but CMKX victims and parties must investigate this matter for themselves and not rely on this statement, even though we believe it to be correct).

Yet notwithstanding all this, following Barack Obama’s return from China, when he was able, we believe, to give the ‘all-clear’, further resistance to the settlements was encountered from the US Treasury Secretary, Mr Geithner, who was loudly urged by Congressmen to resign from his post. This was significant, as sources had informed us that the Chinese had lectured Mr Obama on the need for ‘heads to roll’: the way it was put to us by several sources was that ‘the Chinese want prominent figures to pay for this’.

As if like clockwork, The Wall Street Journal reported on 19th November that the TEXAS Republican Kevin Brady, a pillar of the ‘conservative right-wing’, cross-examining the US Treasury Secretary Mr Timothy Geithner at a Joint Economic Committee hearing in Congress, had informed the Treasury Secretary that Republicans, Democrats and indeed the American people had lost confidence in Mr Geithner: would he please now resign? Mr Geithner retorted: ‘It is a great privilege to serve this President. I agree with almost nothing you said’. He then tried to blame the Republicans for the mess that he himself has immensely exacerbated: ‘You gave this President an economy falling off the cliff’. Quite so Mr Geithner: but YOU have made it far worse by attempting to rescue the deficit-financing model so that the illicit Fraudulent Finance carousel can continue.

The exchange got nastier:

Brady: ‘Remind me, Mr Secretary, what post were you holding when President Obama took office?’

Geithner: ‘I was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’. [Unstated: ‘… where I presided over the accumulation of a colossal overhang of now worthless derivatives ‘assets’ that are nominally ‘worth’ over $500 trillion [probably much more: Ed.] which I’m trying to ‘save”].

Mr Brady then accused Geithner of ‘shirking responsibility for the design of this bailout’.

Later the same day, Oregon Democrat Peter DeFazio, a ‘progressive’, accused Geithner of paying more attention to Wall Street than to Main Street, during an MSNBC interview with Ed Schultz. He ended by calling for both Larry Summers and Geithner to be fired. The point of mentioning all this is that these interventions ‘just happen’ to have followed a known Chinese demand, during Obama’s visit, for senior scalps to be seen to be removed from the heads of their wearers.

In addition to the likelihood that Geithner will have to go, we are also being told that Mr Rahm Emanuel, the Mossad Irgun Chief of Staff at the White House, and others, may be removed, as may Leon Panetta, the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence, who ‘works with’ Rahm Emanuel.

These criminal finance terrorists have all passed their sell-by date, having tried to perpetuate the debilitating Fraudulent Finance and debt-financing carousel against the interests of the American people, the US Republic, the defrauded Chinese, the scammed British Monarchical Power, other sovereign scamees, and the international community, which has faced the prospect of the outright collapse of the US dollar system. Whether the secret Fascist intention all along was to collapse the international financial system in order to enable the criminalist clique to buy up the entire world’s resources and assets at firesale prices, will probably never be known.

Certainly the behaviour of the US military during this crisis has been fully consistent with the Nazi Fascist mentality, as was leaked via The Daily Telegraph on 23rd November 2009 (3), in a front page report revealing the antagonism, contempt and tensions prevailing between the British military and the Americans in the Iraqi theatre. Immediately ahead of the Chalcot Inquiry which started on 24th November (in London) into the Iraqi conflict, classified documents were leaked to the newspaper, in which the British Chief of Staff in Iraq, J K Tanner, had described his American military counterparts as ‘a group of Martians’ for whom ‘dialogue is alien’.

The British Chief of Staff in Iraq thereby confirmed our long-held assessment that the hyped, so-called ‘special relationship’ between Britain and the United States is treated with utter contempt by the conspicuously failing so-called ‘sole superpower’, by adding: ‘Despite our so-called ‘special relationship’, I reckon we were treated no differently to the Portuguese’.

The unspeakable Nazi mentality (see Heneghan) is never, ever wrong, and is ready at all times to justify or cover up iniquity by spewing out further lies, creating what we have described in the past as an ‘inverted pyramid’ of lies which grows so tall that it has to be propped up on either flank by scaffolding that eventually collapses along with the inverted pyramid itself (which is exactly what is happening in real-time ‘as we speak’). Another feature of the Nazi mentality is that it cannot abide being shown to be in error: since the Nazi mentality is permanently right, infallible like the Pope, it can never make mistakes: so to point out the error of its ways is a monstrous usurpation, a slur on its integrity and an abomination worthy only of permanent excoriation.

Colonel Tanner’s superior, Major General Andrew Stewart, the senior British Commanding Officer in Iraq, described in the documents how he had to spend ‘a significant amount of my time’ ‘evading’ and ‘refusing’ arrogant orders from his US superiors.

On one occasion, after he had refused to obey an order, the British Ambassador in Washington, Sir David Manning, was summoned like a naughty schoolboy to the American State Department for a diplomatic reprimand of the kind usually delivered to ‘rogue states’ such as Zimbabwe or Sudan. Since, of course, the United States has reduced itself, given its illegal and barbaric behaviour, to the status of a ‘rogue state’, the irony of such behaviour requires no elaboration.

Such frank statements were made during official debriefing interviews conducted by the British Ministry of Defence with Army commanders who had just returned from Operations Telic 2 and 3, conducted between May 2003 and May 2004. With the sensitive Chilcot Inquiry starting on 24th November, a set of classified transcripts of the interviews, along with ‘post-operational reports’ by British commanders, mysteriously arrived in the hands of the British newspaper, which has made a name for itself by specialising recently in investigative exposures.

General Stewart thought that ‘our ability to influence US policy in Iraq seemed to be minimal’. Incredibly, there was not even a secure communications link between his Basra HQ and the US Commander, General Rick Sanchez, in Baghdad. Colonel Tanner said that ‘Sanchez only visited us once in seven months’ adding that he himself only spoke with his own US counterpart at the US Corps HQ in the Green Zone once over the same period. British commanders said, too, that they were not even told, let alone consulted on, major switches in US policy (which were happening all the time) that had significant implications for the British military and their troops.

Thus, when the Americans decided to arrest a key lieutenant of the Shi’a leader Muqtada al-Sadr, which triggered an uprising throughout the British sector, ‘it was not co-ordinated with us and no one was told that it was going to happen’, according to Brigadier Nick Carter, senior British field commander at the time. ‘Had we known, we would at least have been able to prepare the ground’. Instead, ‘the consequence was that my whole area of operations went up in smoke, as a result of coalition operations that were out of my control or knowledge’.

Colonel Tanner elaborated: ‘The whole system was appalling. We experienced real difficulty in dealing with American military and civilian organizations who, partly through arrogance and partly through bureaucracy, dictate that there is only one way: the American way’.

• For ‘American’ here, read: NAZI.

‘We managed to get on better with our European partners and at times with the Arabs than with the Americans. Europeans chat to each other, whereas dialogue is alien to the US military. Dealing with them corporately is akin to dealing with a group of Martians. If it isn’t on the PowerPoint slide, then it doesn’t happen’.

Of course this leaked anecdotal information further confirms our assessment that while the Americans wallow in the consequences of their serial criminality, their so-called ‘closest ally’, Britain, should extricate itself from their influence as far as this is practically possible.

When this was suggested to an associate (whom the Editor has had to reprimand for her non-stop subversive criticism of Barack Obama who, whether we like it or not, occupies the position that he occupies – just as the criminal Bushes and Clinton did before him), she retorted:

‘That’s just what Obama wants’.

To which the straightforward answer is as follows: we cannot be dragged down indefinitely by a criminal, rogue régime which thinks it can behave like Hitler and allows its Intelligence Power and Military Power to rampage around the world wreaking havoc everywhere.

The United States is paying and will continue to pay for its failure to curb and bring under control the criminalised elements within the Intelligence Power, and for its arrogance in assuming that it can do as it likes in a world that does not consist exclusively of Americans.

The American people, in this veteran Americanist’s experience, are the most generous and loyal friends on earth. But their government and its criminal structures ‘suck’, and they have behaved abominably on the world stage for decades. The arrogance of their official structures is beyond intolerable; and as we can see, even elements within those structures now recognise that things have gone too far. This is the beginning of a long and bumpy road towards US recovery: but as for the ‘moral high ground’, that has been forfeited for ever.

It is evident that many of the themes that we have espoused in these reports are now becoming accepted long after we first espoused them. For instance, as indicated above, not only is the so-called ‘special relationship’ now, at last, questioned by the British military, but so is the intolerable position that our military forces have been catapulted into generally.

We refer to the sterile ‘internationalisation’ of military power – invariably in pursuit of a SECRET internationalist agenda which has little to do with the British national interest (although Britain has no national interests, as they have all been ‘collectivised’, in theory, within the fake parallel (and illegal: see below) governance system that we refer to as the European Union Collective).

The New Underworld Order prescribes that national military power is collectivised in order to advance the interests of the promoters of the ‘One World’ agenda, which is of course leading the whole world into chaos. British forces, paid for by the taxpayer, exist exclusively to provide the British people and the nation’s assets with military power and defence. They do NOT exist in order to pursue an internationalist agenda, which has been the case since NATO was hijacked for this purpose amid much pomp and circumstance in the 1990s.

Britain should make it clear both to the Americans and to NATO that it’s military power will be deployed in future exclusively in British national interests, and that the British people will be informed of the national interests that justify that deployment.

This is one of the issues underlying the Chilcot Inquiry into Britain’s participation in the Iraq War, which has the potential to add to the rolling exposures of the criminality already taking place.

Of course, since the UK civil servants and other ‘experts’ who will be participating in this Public Inquiry are likely all to be fully paid-up members of the discredited internationalist clIque, this theme will probably remain a sub-text of the investigations.

Even so, the ludicrous anomalies and lengths to which the Blair Government went to disguise the purposes of the Iraq invasion to the British people, will be laid bare for all observers who are not sitting on their brains, to see for themselves. What needs to follow this Inquiry is a comprehensive reappraisal of Britain’s military role. In this connection, all emotional issues must be set aside. The sole criterion must be that stated above: Britain’s military will NOT cooperate in ANY venture which does not DIRECTLY serve British national interests, whatever the consequences.

This of course brings us to Afghanistan. Although our letter to the Ministry of Defence requesting an explanation for British military participation in Afghanistan was contemptuously ignored, and our warning that if the letter was ignored we would be compelled to assume that our assumption that we are in Afghanistan to control and exploit the heroin trade (whatever other new pretexts may be wheeled out at any time) is correct, there has since been conspicuous ‘movement’ on this score.


• On 14th November, Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister, pronounced that British troops could not stay in Afghanistan for ever. Speaking in a BBC Radio 4 interview, Mr Brown said: ‘You cannot be an occupying army for ever. Our strategy will be Afghan control over their own affairs. That will take some time but then British troops will start coming home’ (4).

• Peter Hain, the Welsh Secretary, in an interview with The Times, London, on the same day, called for ‘greater clarity’ over Afghanistan. ‘We need to get a grip on it’ (5). Thank you, Mr Hain. We asked the Ministry of Defence for ‘clarity’ in the summer of 2008 and got no answer.

The public would not, Peter Hain added, tolerate a long campaign. Of course, what these cynical UK Ministers have been worried about is the constant parade of funerals in pretty Wiltshire villages and coffins for burial, which make the front pages almost every time nowadays – sending a signal to the Government that enough is enough. All that Ministers care about, of course, is perceptions: and what the public perceives is that a large number of young British soldiers are dying for a cause that has never been explained to them. Of course it hasn’t.

Because Afghanistan is another example of the internationalist agenda hijacking Britain’s military power for its own purposes. But in fact it’s worse than that. What has in fact occurred is that the internationalist power-projection agenda over which NATO waxed so proud in 1990 has itself been hijacked – in pursuit of secret US oil and drug-running agendas masquerading as international peacekeeping. Several of our publications distributed from London on 20th November 2009 carry that photograph of a US soldier guarding a poppy field. In the somewhat obscure background to that prhotograph, we discovered, under a printer’s eye-glass, that the heroin poppy field shown was surrounded by a tall breezeblock wall. This made it clear that the poppy crop, or some of it, is being grown in closely guarded, walled fields. Why is this happening?

Because the Dark Forces ‘need’ the drug-trafficking proceeds to ensure the continued liquidity of the interbank market – as confirmed by the head of the Vienna-based United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), Antonio Maria Costa, in his interview with the Austrian journal Profil in January 2009 that we have ‘profiled’ numerous times this year.

Do the likes of Gordon Brown and Peter Hain know this? If they don’t, they are incompetent and in dereliction of their duty of competence in serving the British people.

If they do, they are co-conspirators and accessories to the fact of GENOCIDE, as profiting through drug-trafficking is GENOCIDE. Because the British Ministry of Defence refused to respond to the Editor’s letter, it is clear that the British Government is engaged, and not only in Afghanistan [see below], in criminal operations, which is a state of affairs that cannot be tolerated.

• A former Foreign Office Minister, Kim Howells, has stated that British troops should be withdrawn (6). Given that British troops are dying in order to assist the criminalised American Military and Intelligence Powers with their drug-trafficking agenda, we agree. It should happen NOW.

• Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Party, has added his voice to suggestions that the British Government’s Afghanistan policy is unsustainable (7).

Of course it is. Note, however, that NO REASONS have been given by the personalities on the public stage who have started to acknowledge that our questioning of the Afghanistan policy is justified. This is because of the dangers they all face in having themselves aided and abetted a criminal operation to enable the US Military and Intelligence Powers to take over, control and exploit the Afghan heroin poppy trade.

These dangers are increasing daily for them, as this entire gigantic edifice of corruption crumbles, and especially when they start to see top people being dragged before the Chilcot Inquiry into the background to the Iraq War. Quite rightly, they anticipate that a precedent has been set for a similar public investigation into Britain’s participation in the war in Afghanistan,

Before we turn to developments in the ‘European theatre’, we can usefully place two publicised developments in the United States on this record:

(1): The financial crises in Pennsylvania and California attributable in part to the hijacking of the stimulus money for illicit ‘platform trading’ operations by the crooks at the US Treasury, have been replicated in the following States, according to the Pew Center: Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin. In California, State agencies issued IOUs earlier this year to try to pay their bills. A number of institutions refused to redeem the bills.

(2): Vice President Joseph Biden’s transportation cadres have been engaged in a series of ‘accidents’ in recent weeks. Specifically:

• At about 2:30 am on Wednesday 11th November 2009 two US Secret Service armoured vehicles used to protect Vice President Joseph Biden struck and killed a pedestrian in Temple Hills, at the intersection of Suitland Parkway and Naylor Road, according to US Park Police (that’s right, the outfit that ‘botched’ the investigation into the ‘suiciding’ of Vincent Foster, you will recall).

The unnamed adult male pedestrian was then transported to Prince George’s Hospital Center in Cheverly with multiple critical injuries, and was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The vehicles are part of a fleet used to protect the Vice President, and were used to convey Mr Biden during a visit to Fort Lewis, Washington State. The vehicles had been airlifted by military planes back to Andrews Air Force Base, and were heading back to a garage at the time of the incident.

The Veep had travelled to the state to attend a memorial service for seven US soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan on 27th October in a vehicle (8). The troops died, of course, in the line of duty (assisting the criminalised Military and Intelligence Powers to annexe, control and exploit the huge heroin crop, so that more of the troops’ fellow Americans will die, too).

Biden was reported to have returned to his residence at the US Naval Observatory much earlier and was not involved in the incident. The identity of the victim was withheld.

• On Monday 16th November, according to the Albuquerque Journal, a Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy escorting Vice President Biden’s motorcade hit a pedestrian (9). Mr Biden was said to have been in Albuquerque for a $1,000-a-plate luncheon for first-term Democratic Party Representatives at the city’s Hotel Andaluz. The reports on this incident were confused, but centred on allegations that a woman drove around police vehicles blocking an intersection and collided with the Deputy’s car. Albuquerque has been the scene of similar incidents before.

In August 2007, a Rio Rancho motorcycle officer who was part of President Bush’s motorcade died in a collision, and another officer was injured during a motorcade in February 2006.

• On Tuesday 17th November, two NYPD officers assigned to Vice President Joe Biden’s advance security team were hurt in a crash at about 5:30pm in Manhattan, and one other person was hurt in the incident. Three police vehicles – a marked police vehicle, an unmarked car and a bomb squad vehicle – were moving westbound on 49th Street, crossing 10th Avenue. The marked car blocked the intersection with its lights and sirens on, for the other two vehicles to cross. A New York City livery cab didn’t stop (according to the NYPD) and was then hit by the unmarked police car. The passenger in the cab was not hurt, but the cab driver was taken to hospital with neck and back injuries, while two police officers were also taken to hospital for minor injuries.

As for the Veep, he was travelling to appear on ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’. He wasn’t near the accident and wasn’t hurt.

We find Vice President Biden, if anything, even creepier and more sinister than his predecessor, the MK-ULTRA apparatchik and notorious Financial Terrorist, Richard B. Cheney. Two serious traffic accidents in two days, and three within a week, suggests that something’s ‘not quite right here’. Let’s consider what the problem could be.

The answer suggests itself almost immediately. Why is it necessary for the holders of the highest offices in the United States to be driven around in armoured vehicles, and at high speed in built-up areas? The cover answer, of course, will invariably be: to protect them against terrorist attack and assassination (given the Kennedy precedent). But another explanation, hidden behind this knee-jerk response, is this: these people are crooks and terrorists themselves.

Crooks involved in organised crime are in constant danger of horizontalisation.

This much was crystal clear when former President George W. Bush appeared in London for an official visit. A vast army of arrogant American intelligence officers, snipers, SWAT team specialists and other thuggists took over parts of London. What an advertisement for ‘democracy’!

While the resolution of the dollar and settlements crisis appeared to be coming together amid extreme ongoing tension behind the scenes [see above], developments in Europe have shed an interesting light on the European head of the two-headed serpent directed against the ‘Main Enemy’, Britain and the United States.

As will be recalled, the former, discredited British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was ‘pre-picked’ to become President of the illegal [see below] European Union Collective – a post that he sought with some desperation, not only because it would flatter his immensely inflated ego, but, more to the point, because it would provide him with the urgently needed protection that he needs in order to avoid arrest and indictment inter alia for war crimes, and probably for financial crimes as well.

In the event, the French and Germans – who ‘run’ the EU as a joint venture, under the terms of their Treaty of the Elysée of January 1963 which has no expiry date and requires the two powers to reach ‘an analogous position’ ahead of all international decisions and conferences with which they are involved – balked at the idea of the arrogant Blair (with his ‘star quality’) eclipsing them on the fake EU stage, although (see below) they had good reasons for their reticence. Instead of Blair and a host of other non-entities, they chose the Belgian Prime Minister, Herman Van Rompuy (11).

And what do you suppose is this previously obscure Belgian apparatchik’s ‘qualification’?

Why, he’s a friend of Dr Henry (‘Heinz’ or ‘Henny’) Kissinger – the triple agent serving as the DVD manipulator-in-chief and probable controller of George H. W. Bush Sr. (if he’s still vertical) – the operative whose unmatched arrogance is such that he has never bothered to correct his heavy guttural German accent, to this day.

• Geddit?

Now, in order to ‘make quite sure’ that there was no chance of Blair being ‘elected’, care was taken by a British intelligence cadre, we think, to leak compromising financially-related information about the former British Prime Minister’s exotic business companies and partnerships. Specifically, on 15th November, The Sunday Telegraph reported that Blair had failed to register a highly complex Maxwell-style network of businesses with the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACOBA), yet another watchdog or quango (Quasi-Government Enterprise) set up to monitor the propensity for former corrupt Ministers to cash in on their inside knowledge after leaving office.

It transpired that Blair established a network of entities called Windrush Ventures as soon as he left office. According to a City accountant who has studied the relevant Blair accounts that are filed at Companies House, in Cardiff, the structure has been set up ‘in a way that discourages clarity’. He elaborated: ‘The situation is further muddled because the companies file accounts for different time periods. This is a common tactic to confuse people as to what is going on. You cannot be sure what transactions are occurring in what period’.

As Windrush Ventures No. 3, a profitmaking partnership owned by Mr. Blair, was established as a limited partnership, it does not have to publish accounts. However, through the other Windrush accounts, it is possible to show how Windrush Ventures No. 3 had an income of millions of pounds, including large sums for ‘philanthropic and charitable works’. Forensic analysis revealed a $2.4 million ‘grant’ from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ‘intended for Sierra Leone’, and a further £1.5 million ‘for Rwanda’ from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation set up by Lord Sainsbury, a former Minister in Blair’s Government.

Meanwhile the accounts of Windrush Ventures No. 2, a limited liability partnership, show that it received £6,436,000 ‘in connection with management services that it has provided to Windrush Ventures No. 3’. And Windrush Ventures No. 2 also received a ‘share of the net profits of the LP [Windrush Ventures No. 3], amounting to £350,000’.

The accounts further show that Windrush Ventures No. 2 then ‘paid £6,436,000 for management services that were provided by… Windrush Ventures Limited’.

This entity is ‘said to pay the rent on’ Mr. Blair’s grand offices in Grosvenor Square, the location of the American Embassy, in Central London. Sparse accounts for Windrush Ventures No. 1 filed at Companies House show that its ‘ultimate owner is A. C. L. Blair’ and that it was established on 27th June 2007, the day that Mr Anthony Charles Linton Blair left Number Ten Downing Street.

Further investigations have revealed that a separate network of Tony Blair-owned limited liability partnerships and limited companies, called Firerush Ventures, has also been identified. WIND and FIRE: two highly evocative ESOTERIC words which cannot possibly have been chosen in ignorance of the signal that they send to ‘the initiated’ ‘Black’ World – namely, the Illuminati. (12).

Thus it has transpired that the former British Prime Minister uses occult nomenclature to label his ventures, and that he has established complex Maxwell-style networks of interrelated partnerships and companies for what purpose: to hide certain illicit and dubious accruals arising from payments received for going along with the Bush Crime Family’s war plans, or for ‘facilitating’ the collective European treaty before the current one [see Archive: 12th October 2005], by any chance?

It will be recalled that former criminalist President William Jefferson Clinton’s ‘Foundation’, which had to be exposed late last year when the CIA-wife of the former President had to scramble to be appointed Secretary of State by Obama in order to be ‘assured’ of ‘protection’, was found to hold millions in assets paid to ‘it’ by every category of Illuminati hidey-hole under the sun – including, scandalously, the Princess Diana Memorial Fund.

We can now state that a component of the British ‘mainstream’ newspaper press is showing signs of ‘understanding’ what it has conspicuously sidestepped ever since these investigations began, and before. On 22nd November, the Sunday Telegraph carried an exposé explaining, in outline, the consequences for Mr Blair of the fact that he had been bypassed in his quest for ‘protection’ as President of the European Union Collective. The newspaper suddenly sounded like this service:

‘The former Prime Minister had been intriguing and plotting to be appointed European President ever since he left Number 10 Downing Street more than two years ago’.

‘There are several reasons why he desperately wanted the job, but perhaps the main one concerns the immunity from prosecution seemingly enjoyed by all politicians in high office’ (13).

• BINGO! Do you hear the clatter of scales falling from ‘mainstream’ eyes here?

What does this now tell us LOUD AND CLEAR – and in the ‘mainstream’ for Heaven’s sake, so that armchair critics who enjoy sniping us and finger-pointing that ‘because it’s not in the mainstream, it can’t be true’ have, all of a sudden, LOST their fraudulent cause for ‘complaint’?

• Why, it informs us, does it not, that THERE’S ONE LAW FOR THE HOI POLLOI, THE GOYIM, and another for holders of high office. Which we know from our long-term study of the abuse of power in the United States. But now we Brits have this truth thrust before our eyes, by the ‘mainstream’, no less. In other words, all those engaged in furthering the criminal, anti-nation state, collectivist, internationalist agenda, are GRANTED IMPLIED IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION, which means that they can perpetrate egregious financial and other crimes with impunity, so they imagine.

One small problem. As we know, serpents in a nest and rats in a sack have a tendency to turn and bite or destroy each other. Therefore, when an operative in this Black Firmament has reached his sell-by date, he is unceremoniously, and ruthlessly, sacrificed and thrown, to mix metaphors again, to the wolves. There is no love lost between thieves, and there is no love, in any case, to lose.

• These people not only collaborate closely at all times, but stand ready to hate each others’ guts: the familiar George H. W. Bush/DVD-CIA ‘bait and switch’ technique.

The Sunday Telegraph’s article elaborated: ‘Blair is well aware that if he had become President of the European Council, it would have been very hard to bring him to account’.

So Blair’s Windrush and Firerush Ventures were aired in the newspaper’s daily namesake just to make sure that any residual chance of the European Collective appointing this operative, sank to nil. The Sunday newspaper then delved, of course, into the implications of the imminent Chilcot Inquiry into the background to the Iraq War.

Now underlying this matter there lurks an even more extraordinary twist – one that we published, via our intelligence newsletter Arab-Asian Affairs, starting in the autumn of 2003 (14).

If matters now proceed as expected, the central allegation under review is or will be whether the former Prime Minister lied to the British people, when he said that Britain had to go to war against Iraq because the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Blair delivered a ‘brilliant and passionate speech in the House of Commons on March 18, 2003, that won over doubters that Britain had no other option but to join the United States in its invasion of Iraq – a military operation that culminated in the greatest humiliation for British forces since Suez in 1956’, according to The Sunday Telegraph. And the reason that Blair gave in his Commons speech was that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.

‘Without his doom-laden warnings about WMDs, Blair would never have won that Commons vote and Britain would never have gone to war’, The Sunday Telegraph elaborated.

In the final quarter of 2004, the veteran British journalist and author (of books on Maxwell and Mossad), Gordon Thomas, agitated for this Editor to meet a Pentagon-related operative named Demchuk, known as ‘The Visitor’ in Washington circles, without explaining why. Gordon Thomas insisted that ‘he is very keen to meet you’, but the Editor refused. Thomas responded that ‘he’s perfectly safe: he’s been checked out by MI-6’; and in the end, against his better judgment (harder to crack nowadays), the Editor relented.

An arrangement was made for the Editor to meet this fellow, believe it or not, in the fishing tackle department of a sports shop on Fifth Avenue in New York City. He’d be wearing a raincoat.

Sure enough, there he was at the very end of the store, at the appointed time. His suggestion was that we should repair to the Algonquin Hotel – where he proceeded to pump the Editor about the renegade, fugitive (since incarcerated) Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) operative, Mark Delmart Vreeland. This US ONI operative had been the single response that the Editor had received after publishing the first evaluation of the Bush-DVD Financial Frauds, with documents, in International Currency Review, Volume 28, Number 4 – which had been released in March 2003, just ahead of the invasion of Iraq (the worst possible timing in one sense, but pertinent in another).

As we have reported elsewhere, Vreeland contacted the Editor (from Yukon, where he had been hiding out, it later transpired), in May 2003. In pursuit of these investigations, the Editor had rashly agreed to meet Vreeland, at Penn Station, New York City: but on arrival, he changed the venue to Niagara Falls, Canada (a standard procedure by these people). Vreeland scammed the Editor of this service throughout this venture, but that’s a separate story.

Anyway, after pumping the Editor on Vreeland at the Algonquin Hotel, the US Pentagon-linked operative kept in touch. He expressed particular interest in our exposure in Arab-Asian Affairs (September 2003) of the fact that the Iraqis DID possess weapons of mass destruction, and that these WMDs were dismantled and removed shortly ahead of the invasion, in two Soviet ships that sailed from the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr.

The open source of this intelligence was a senior Romanian defector (the former intelligence chief, Ion Mihai Pacepa), who had explained, in the public domain, that all Soviet-linked countries had a programme, which the Romanians called their ‘Sarindar programme’, for dismantling WMDs should pressure from the West exceed a certain safety level – as had clearly occurred in the case of Iraq.

Now the US operative could perfectly well have conducted this simple research – which the Editor backed up, by the way, with data publicised by Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) itself – without relying on this Editor’s services. At a later stage, he asked for copies of all our publications, which he said he would ensure were paid for: and of course he never paid us a cent.

In March 2005, he appeared to be most annoyed when the Editor handed him, in Washington DC, the new issue of International Currency Review in which much more detail about the Fraudulent Finance operations presided over by Bush and Greenspan, was exposed. Earlier, he had arranged to meet the Editor for breakfast at the Savoy Hotel in London, but he never turned up (a technique they use to establish whether one is a reliable source or not). When he had full made use of us, he severed the connection. Which is also ‘what they do’.

The open domain information that we published in 2003 was that Saddam Hussein’s régime had indeed possessed weapons of mass destruction, but that the Iraqi WMD installations and assets had been removed ahead of the invasion, in accordance with the Iraqi version of the ‘Sarindar programme’. So, why was our elaborated version of this open domain information not picked up by the ‘mainstream’ (even if they had pinched it from us without attribution, as often occurs)?

Here’s your answer: BECAUSE the weapons of mass destruction in question had been supplied extensively by the United States, under the direction of Saddam Hussein’s former financial trading partner, George Herbert Walker Bush – who had performed his usual ‘bait and switch’ operation against Saddam in 1990, when April Glaspie, the incongruous female US Ambassador to Baghdad, had ‘winked’ at Saddam in the sense that she had implied (duplicitously, of course) that the United States would turn a blind eye should Saddam Hussein proceed with his intention to annexe Kuwait.

What Demchuk was trying to find out, then, was not the truth of the matter, which he would have known, but rather what WE knew about all this, and whether there was any actual danger that our knowledge might expose the duplicity of the US Government in this matter.

Meanwhile, in line with the unusual arrogant disdain displayed by the US authorities for the British, the British Prime Minister was left with the CORRECT knowledge that Saddam Hussein’s régime DID possess weapons of mass destruction, which his intelligence subordinates had FAILED TO INFORM HIM had been removed aboard the Soviet ships sailing from Umm Qasr (February 2003).

The British intelligence officials who appear to have misled Blair were headed by the chief of MI-6, the Germanophile Sir John Scarlett, who has just retired, but will appear before the Chilcot Inquiry. The Sunday Telegraph’s report noted that Blair has a ‘haunted look’ about him. This is because, although he became a co-conspirator and an accessory to the fact of unspeakable crimes, the actual reality is that he was, as usual, SET UP by the Americans – under George W. Bush.

Co-conspiring to set up Blair were senior officials within MI-6, who must have known what a simple outside Editor could find out for himself in the public domain.

• And what will their primary motivation be before the Chilcot Inquiry? It will be to confirm Blair as the SCAPEGOAT for THEIR CO-CONSPIRATORIAL duplicity and deception in collaboration with the US criminalist operatives in the White House.

Given the above, it will be very interesting to observe whether any of this surfaces at the Chilcot Inquiry, whether the name ‘Sarindar’ again appears in the public domain – and whether the Inquiry summons the Editor of this service to reiterate what has just been published above.

• If none of these indicators appear, you will know that the Chilcot Inquiry is itself intended to deceive: not to tease out the truth, but rather to bury it. And the purpose of THAT will be to protect the Bush Crime Family and the criminality of the Bush and Reagan Administrations in arming Iraq.

YES, the purpose of any such intent will be to continue the cover-up of the complicity of the Nazi cadres within the US structures in equipping the Iraqi régime with weapons of mass destruction – in order to be in a position to seize Iraq later, on the false pretext that Iraq posed a threat to humanity: EXACTLY THE SAME PROCEDURE that is now being applied to Iran today.

That’s why the Iranian President is a soi-disant Jew-hating Jew. His real name, by his own open admission, is Sabourjian – which means ‘maker of the prayer shawls’: the Farsi name for the Jewish shawl used for prayer. The suffix ‘jian’ means ‘Jew’. President Ahmadinejad himself acknowledged this in an odd incident when he displayed his passport, openly revealing this information to the cameras. Iranian sources with whom we are in touch have separately confirmed to us that this information is accurate, and is now well known in Iran.

Having selected Kissinger’s friend, the Belgian Prime Minister, as President of the European Union Collective, the European Commission, under the reappointed little fellow José Manuel Barroso, is continuing to represent itself before the world as a legitimate system of governance, contrary to the following realities which the ‘mainstream’ largely chooses to ignore:

• Effective 31st October 2009, the entire European Commission had to resign at the end of its term. This is standard practice. However little Sr. Barroso was somehow ‘reappointed’. In the meantime, the European Commissioners have remained ILLEGALLY at their posts, pending (so it is said) the appointment by the 27 so-called ‘Member States’, through Barroso, of new Commissioners.

The illegality of this behaviour is pooh-poohed by the Europhiles and internationalists as simply a practical measure, and that the Commissioners in place will not be taking any ‘major’ decisions (implying that they can take ‘minor’ decisions, even though ALL decisions they take have no legal force: not that ANY European law, regulation or rule has any legitimacy at all: see below).

In fact, however, a Dutch harridan called Nellie Kroes, the Competition Commissioner (defunct), has CONTINUED ordering Lloyds TSB Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland around as though she still retains powers as a Commissioner, which is NOT THE CASE: see above.

• Quite apart from anything else, once the wrangling over who is to hold what portfolio has been concluded, the new European Commissioners must go through an ‘approval’ process before the European Parliament (just as happens before the US Senate), a piece of meaningless theatre that nevertheless takes several months to complete. Prior to their confirmation approvals, European Commissioners have no powers as their appointments haven’t been ‘ratified’.

Moreover the instructions that this Dutch woman has been dispensing, represent what has been called ‘the economics of the madhouse’: she has been telling the banks in question to sell off their most profitable businesses, contrary to the interests of the British taxpayer. The taxpayer-owned UK institutions would be well within their rights to disregard every single instruction or goading that comes from Brussels for months, even if it is channelled through the British Government.

However all these people at high level are confused: they talk only among themselves, so they never emerge from the comfort zone of their illusions, about ‘Europe’ or anything else.

Beyond this, of course, lurks the reality, previously exposed here, of the fact that the European Commission’s accounts have not been approved by the EU’s own Court of Auditors for the past 14 years running. The political appointees at the Court of Auditors and their officials cannot sign off on European Commission accounts, as in doing so they would lay themselves open to prosecution for aiding and abetting financial fraud.

In order for this intolerable state of affairs to be rectified, an army of independent accountants needs to crawl through each year’s EC accounts, starting with the last approved set of accounts 15 years ago (1994), identifying every single transaction that may appear to be dubious or fraudulent, establishing the truth of the matter, arranging for the perpetrators of frauds, both internally within the Commission and externally, to be referred on to law enforcement, and progressing laboriously through each set of accounts until they reach the most recent – approving each set of accounts in succession until they can proclaim that the EC’s accounts have been placed back in order – with all stolen funds and frauds, along with those responsible, exposed and reported for indictment.

Will this happen? Of course not. THEREFORE, the European Commission is a criminal enterprise.

The incoming Commission will simply carry on where its corrupt predecessors left off. Given this intolerable state of affairs, this service has recommended that all UK VAT taxation receipts must be diverted with immediate effect into a British Treasury account established for this purpose.

The Editor informed a London conference on 31st October 2009 about this: and received THREE standing ovations. The way to deal with these people is to use the same techniques against their criminality that we have used successfully against the American financial criminals: EXPOSURE.

It remains the case, of course, that the EU’s Lisbon Treaty is illegal, for reasons explained earlier, including the careless handling of the Irish ballot boxes contrary to proper practice. At the last count, FOUR cases questioning the legality of the Referendum were pending before the Irish Supreme Court, which could overthrow the Irish Referendum outcome, even though it has been signed off by Ireland’s internationalist President. [All Irish Presidents are fully paid-up members of the self-appointed internationalist cadres, given that Ireland has been penetrated since the early 20th century by pan-German forces seeking to destabilise the ‘Main Enemy’, Britain].

The illegal Lisbon Treaty (as illegal as all its many predecessors, which were procured by means of corrupt payola payments: see the first report in our Archive, dated 12th October 2005), provides for the establishment of a Europe-wide Gestapo – which will please the STASI operative Frau Merkel, Bush Sr.’s agent, given that the STASI were/are Gestapo in a different (Communist) guise.

Under a section of the Treaty which had not even been quasi-ratified at the time, EC officials set up a Committee on Internal Security (COSI) (16) which is to ‘coordinate policy between the national law enforcement and EU organisations’. Its ultimate purpose is to evolve into an EU Home Office with authority over the satrap ‘Member States’ security services and police.

If the Germanophile Sir John Scarlett were still in charge, that would be ‘just fine’ with him. But whether MI-5 and MI-6 will be prepared to go along with this further stage of the ‘coup d’état by instalments’ against this component of ‘the Main Enemy’, (17), remains to be seen.

To conclude (almost), you may be interested to learn the following rather obscure fact.

On 10th June 2009, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Federal Republic of Germany, addressed a meeting in Moscow on the scintillating theme… ‘Russia and Germany: Common History Never Ends’.

The German Vice-Chancellor’s speech opened with the following proclamation:

‘German-Russian relations have for centuries been those of close association, even a symbiotic relationship extending far beyond family relations…’.

Echoing Mikhail Gorbachëv, Bush Sr.’s ‘partner’ with former German Chancellor Kohl in Barrington Investment Group, AG (Deutsche AG), Steinmeier elaborated:

‘Let us work together on a new partnership for security and stability [stretching] from Vancouver to Vladivostok…… We should leave behind the obsolete stereotypes of the 20th century and even the 19th century’ (18). In other words, let’s build a SINGLE POLITICAL SPACE UNDER OUR CONTROL.

The phrase ‘Vancouver to Vladivostok’ was repeated like a Goebbels-era lie by Gorbachev when he was in the Soviet driving seat. In other words, Germany and Russia, are ‘on the same page’, aided and abetted by France under the terms of the Treaty of the Elysée with Germany. It may have been generally forgotten, too, that former President Chirac, of Jewish extraction like his successor, was Chairman of a Trilateral Commission consisting of Russia, Germany and France: yet another engine promoting The New Underworld Order fuelled by open-ended corruption. Unsurprisingly, a cloud of corruption hangs over Chirac, just as it hangs over Blair, the Bushes and the Clintons.

And as for Frau Merkel, as we have repeatedly pointed out, she was the Secretary, in her youth, of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Kommunist Yugend at Karl-Marx University.

• So she has no problem whatsoever in collaborating with the covert Soviets.

Finally, you may possibly recall these cynical words of the aforementioned veteran British journalist and author, Gordon Thomas. He told the Editor this late in 2004, after informing him that MI-6 had lied to the British media that Christopher Story was involved in the aborted attempted putsch in Equatorial Guinea (involving Sir Mark Thatcher, Simon Mann, and other dubious characters).

Subsequently, Demchuk, introduced to the Editor by gordon Thomas [see above] attempted to entrap the Editor in some venture in Monaco involving Bernie Ecclestone, Blair’s associate; but when the Editor expressed blank amazement on being advised of this by phone, Mr Demchuk was taken aback. Because the Editor said: ‘You’d better go back to your source because I have no idea what you’re talking about’. Whereupon Demchuk, after a pause, commented: ‘That’s worrying, in view of where this came from’.

We have assumed that it came from MI-6 (although there is a possibility that Gordon Thomas, who has published, as indicated, books on Mossad and Maxwell, may have cited MI-6 when he really meant Mossad). Either way, the point had been well and truly made by criminal intelligence sources that it is permissible to bear false witness against an investigative reporter and Editor, and that spreading lies about him to the media is permissible.

It is not: it is a criminal offence, and in conveying these lies, both Demchuk and Gordon Thomas stand accused of bearing false witness, aiding and abetting an operation to entrap and deceive the Editor of this service, and attempting to close down private investigations which have yielded, in the event, spectacular results.

Indeed the stupidity of the foregoing behaviour can be summarised in the following statement: it was partly because pressure was brought to bear on this Editor as described in part above, that we have persisted with our enquiries. As Gordon Thomas explained: ‘They think you may be dangerous as you have the documents and you control your own publications’.

Thomas thereby acknowledged that ‘they’ had something truly monumental to hide: and so it has proved. We will have more to say about the similar, equally desperate, lies disseminated about the Editor of this service by the self-discrediting US ‘bloggist’, Thomas Heneghan, and the reasons for them, in due course. But a further shoe has to drop first.

Notes and References:

(1): Erie Times-News, Tuesday, 17th November 2009: ‘China places GE order: Local plant strikes deal for 300 kits’, page 1.

(2): ‘The $2.5 trillion global oil scam’, www.ngoilgas.com/news, analysis by Philip Davis: a global oil scam that mades Madoff look like a petty thief.

(3): ‘US military chiefs are like Martians, say British officers’,
The Daily Telegraph, 23rd November 2009, page 1.

(4): ‘Afghan mission cannot go on for ever, says Brown’,
The Daily Telegraph, 14th November 2009, page 4.

(5): ‘Hain’s concerns expose Cabinet alarm over Afghan war deaths: Minister breaks ranks to question strategy’, The Times, 14th November 2009, page 5.

(6):The Times, 14th November 2009, page 5, op. cit.

(7): The Daily Telegraph, 14th November 2009, page 4, op. cit.

(8): ‘Man killed by VP’s Secret Service vehicles, Scott McCabe,
The Examiner, 12th November 2009: smccabe@washingtonexaminer.com.

(9): ‘Biden escort involved in wreck’, Albuquerque Journal, 16th November 2009.

(10): ‘VP Biden’s Security involved in Crash’, MYFOXNY.COM, 18th November 2009.

(11): ‘Brown went for second best ‘as way of splitting the Tories’,
The Times, 21st November 2009, page 12.

(12): ‘Questions over Blair and his business ventures’,
The Sunday Telegraph, 15th November 2009, page 14.

(13): ‘Iraq Report: Secret papers reveal blunders and concealment’,
The Sunday Telegraph, 22nd November 2009.

(14): ‘The Iraqi ‘Sarindar’ Programme’, Arab-Asian Affairs, ISSN 0196-3538,
Volume 27, Number 8, September 2003.

(15): ‘Ahmadinejad’s Jewish Background’, Arab-Asian Affairs, ISSN 0196-3538,
Volume 33, Number 2, October 2009.

(16): ‘Treaty allows EU to set up ‘secret police committee’’,
The Sunday Telegraph, 4th October 2009.

(17): Henry Ashby Turner Jr., ‘Hitler’s Thirty Days to Power: January 1933’, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, Reading, MA, ISBN 0-201-40714-0, 1996:

‘Only by banning the Communist deputies and by resorting to intimidation and mendacity did Hitler secure on March 23 the necessary two-thirds vote in the new Reichstag for an Enabling Act that transferred legislative authority to his Cabinet, ostensibly for four years. A wave of Nazi purges followed, as one institution after another was subjugated. Arbitrary rule replaced government by law in what has aptly been termed a “coup d’état by instalments”’.

‘By summer, all parties except the Nazis had been dissolved, Hugenberg had been forced out of the Cabinet, and Hitler had relegated Papen to insignificance by winning the trust of the President. Even earlier, Göring had wrested from Papen control over the government of the largest state, Prussia. Well before the Nazi leader assumed the powers of the Presidency upon the death of Hindenburg in August 1934, he had become dictator of Germany’: page 164.

The phrase ‘coup d’état by instalments” was coined by a US-resident German, Konrad Heiden, Der Fehrer, Boston, 1944, page 579. What Hitler procured – by subterfuge and mendacity, exactly as has been the case throughout with the European Union Collective – was the transfer to his Cabinet, and thence to himself, of GENERAL POWERS. This is precisely what happened, for instance, when Britain joined the EEC in 1972. The legislation in question served the purposes of an Enabling Act. This act of treachery was perpetrated by Edward Heath, a long-standing agent for Germany: see the first report in this series: 12th October 2005: Atchive].

(18): ‘Russia and Germany: Common History Never Ends’, Text of a speech delivered by Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany, on 10th June 2009 in Moscow: International Affairs, 14 Gorokhavskii per, Moscow 103064, Russian Federation, Volume 55, Number 5, 2009.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

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This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

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The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.




Saturday 7 November 2009 04:30

LATE UPDATE, 10TH NOVEMBER: We have a detailed report on developments and the five SPLITS which have materialised in recent days. Wearing our publicist’s hat, we would wish to publish this new report NOW; but several associates have advised the Editor to hold back for some 24 hours in order ‘not to get in front of events’.

This is frustrating, but necessary. The matter will be reviewed late on Wednesday and if events do not develop as it is essential they must, we will expose what we know anyway, regardless.

The following ‘further and better particulars’ have emerged to clarify the Fort Hood sequence and related Box Gang implosion data:

(1): We reported last week that Bush Sr. (Adolf Schickelbusch) was conniving with his criminalist partner Joseph Ackermann in distributing bribes to conniving bankers and associates to persuade them to continue sabotage operations. That was the construction placed on the matter in the light of our assessment given imperfect knowledge. It will also be recalled that some time ago we stated that Bush Sr.’s passport had been removed or ‘nixed’. That raised the proper question: how, then, was he able to travel to Germany to consort with his ‘Black’ co-conspirators Helmut Kohl, Mikhail Gorbachev (Orbach or Korbach) and Joseph Ackermann?

[Incidentally, we have established that the Bush-Ackermann-Kohl and probably Gorbachev joint investment vehicle identified as Barrington Investment Group, AG., became DEUTSCHE AG, thus of course linking Adolf Schickelbusch, Gorbachev, Kohl, Ackermann directly into DVD, as Deutsche Bank is DVD’s primary laundering institution, and thus nailing the German long-range penetration and ‘takedown’ operation against the United States ever more firmly within the analysis].

The answer appears to be that he was ‘permitted’ to travel to Germany, i.e. was led to believe that the passport problem had been a ‘glitch’ that had been ‘corrected’, so that the Chinese, British and others could follow (trace) the transactions that he was known to be intending to perpetrate via Ackermann and other criminal associates in Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank etc. The electronic traces identified his accounts in the Caribbean, and probably also Panama.

As we have long since published relevant facsimiles of Federal Reserve Board printouts and other documents revealing details of Bush Sr. accounts, some of this information would in any case have been quite easily accessible in the public domain and, as a last resort, from International Currency Review. Be that as it may, the foregoing sequence enabled the Bush accounts in the Carribean to be sequestrated/seized, more or less in parallel with the ‘Black Ops’ violence at Fort Hood.

(2): In analyses for International Currency Review following the invasion of Iraq in 2003, we drew attention (as did others at the time) to the absurd situation whereby banknotes circulating in Iraq for a very long time afterwards were termed ‘Saddams’ as the 10,000 Iraqi Dinar banknote with the dictator’s face on it continued in circulation: whereas if the invasion had been planned properly, new currency should have been shipped in, ready for distribution to replace the ‘Saddamite’ notes.

Of course when we made this complaint, pointing out how stupidly the Iraq occupation had been botched by the Americans from the get-go in this respect, we didn’t know that 55 pallets of dollar currency banknotes printed for that purpose had in fact been diverted into Jordan, where the pallets were stored with the Central Bank of Jordan under the name of Malik.

• FACT: Malik is the middle name of the gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, whom the ‘mainstream’ media have been reporting had been ‘trying’ to contact figures ‘associated with al-Qaeda’.

Since the US dollar banknotes originally intended for Iraqi dollarisation never arrrived in Iraq (they were ‘conveniently’ parked in Jordan, the implication being that they would be transferred to the commandeered Central Bank of Iraq (where over 100 US special forces had been massacred in order to cover up the Bush operation to seize the assets from the Central Bank)), the ‘Saddams’ remained in circulation, giving rise to our critical observations. A replacement delivery of Iraqi banknotes arrived in Iraq later. The parked 55 pallets of banknotes in Jordan were thus ‘available’ to be diverted/stolen, as was clearly the criminal intention all along.

The Malik trail identifies the following linkages: Malik Investments Inc., Carrollton, Texas; Malik Investments Llc., Charlotte, NC; Malik Investments Inc., Stone Mountain, GA; Ilyas Malik, Chief Manager, Habib Bank, Zurich (previously Branch Manager at the Baker Street branch, London); Malik Management Zentrum, St. Gallen Seminare AG; Malik Enterprise, based at Anaheim, CA; Malik Enterprises Llc., Key Biscayne, FL; Malik Holdings Inc., Oxon Hill, MD; Malik Trading Corporation, Madison GA; Malik’s Corporation, Washington DC.

Malik Investments Inc., established on 2nd September 2007, which filed its last annual registration in 2009 with the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State, Karen C. Handel, reports its Registered Agent as Vipul R. Patel, of Stone Mountain, GA, believed to be of PAKISTANI origin. The entity’s, CEO is Vipul R. Patel, and its Chief Financial Officer and Secretary is Raman J. Patel [DITTO].

We are authoritatively advised that this trail links to the funding of al-Qaeda, which you will recall was being perpetrated via the enclosed security compound within Morgan Stanley, that we were authorised to publicise in the fall of 2008. Note also that Jimmy Carter’s home State is Georgia, which we are also informed is NO COINCIDENCE. Finally, for the time being, we understand that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the top GRU officer who is currently masquerading as Russian Prime Minister, offered a contract on oil through Malik. In doing this he foolishly compromised himself, laying himself wide open to blackmail by the ruthless Bush-Clinton Box Gang ‘Black Ops.’ cadres.

(3): Having lumbered themselves with the dubious Fort Hood cover story concerning the reported shootings, which is full of holes, the agitprop manipulators have been having to spin faster than a spinning top in order to feed the diverted ‘mainstream’ media with enough fodder to ensure that they remain diverted from the ‘Black Ops.’ operation that was proceeding in parallel behind the scenes. We know from certain indications that the clandestine community was staggered when we started to work out what had been taking place; but while they think they can ‘handle’ exposure via the Fifth Estate (by priming certain websites to spin diversionary fabricated garbage in order to redirect attention away from the ‘Black Ops’ and the underlying criminality faster than ever), they remain petrified that the ‘mainstream’ will finally wake up and ‘publish and be damned’.

[Don Harkins, of The Idaho Observer, aged 41, appears to have been murdered: he died of ‘acute leukaemia on 19th September 2009. The Editor met him at a party in Oregon in August 2008 and spoke with him at length. The Editor is extemely concerned about this in general, and in particular at the manner in which this conspicuous sudden death is dismissed out of hand as ‘just one of those things’ by people known to this Editor who ought to know better. See: In Memoriam].

(4): The following semi-literate email [which the Editor has censored to remove polluting phrases] received by a correspondent following the Fort Hood violence, contains a reference to the fact that a local radio show host was on to the inward shipment of the Chinese currency/gold boxes.

We reproduce the text [censored to remove offensive verbiage: facts are unchanged], herewith:

Thank you Bob,

NOW THIS STORY go along with the FACTS I HAD on our show
as there being “3” shooters, and one was killed one had broken free and
was being hunted down, and the 3rd [allegedly Hasan] was in custody. My
“windtalkers” radio affiliate at “Killeen” was all over this and is quite “P*ss’d”
to say the least as he was there and on top of this… ……. …. another input
came in that there was a “LARGE” shipment of “gold”/”US$” being shipped
through Ft. Hood for the Bush crime family…

Whomever* presented the info you forwarded is MORE BELIEVEABLE
than the one being [REDACTED BY CS] on the public right now… thank you.

Semper Fi,

* A Reference to our 6th November Fort Hood report.

(5): Citizens for Legitimate Government report that a retired military source has emailed them as follows: ‘I spent 10 years at Ft. Hood. There is no way this ‘official’ story is legitimate. No way would a room full of combat vets allow this one shooter to get off over 100 rounds. And, it is not normal for the outside security guards to be there. They are at the MP station, and also at the main gates. This means the room full of soldiers processing must have been pinned down; multiple shooters is the only plausible scenario. This sounds like MAJ Hasan has been used, and perhaps is a patsy’.

Finally: APOLOGIES that this sequence is being updated so much that the original related article appears ‘buried’. But the earlier updates and the original article will be found below, and all relate to the original Fort Hood sequence report posted on the 6th November 2009 [Archive]. The FEUD analysis concerning the falling-out within the Box Gang remains intact and is known to be correct.

First, the original Fort Hood interpretation elaborated by this service has this morning been re-reconfirmed. See the report dated 6th November for details [Archive].

Secondly, the Fort Hood update of 8th November, immediately below, has likewise been confirmed.

In summary, therefore:

(1): The Chinese boxes and their currency, gold coins etc contents, and the Caribbean accruals, stolen by the Bush Crime Family, have been confiscated/sequestrated as originally reported.

(2): The Bushes and Clintons are now engaged in a FEUD and are at each others’ throats. They have split and are attacking each other like rats in a sack over who’s got what, who’s stolen what from whom, who owes what to whom, and any other variable of the above you care to suggest. As Bush Sr. and his cronies aren’t being paid a cent, you can imagine the temperature level. Former President George W. Shrubelgruber tried to sneak into Fort Hood to intervene and find out what was going on, and his cover was blown. The two sides subsequently severed relations.

(3): Therefore, the BOX GANG appears to be in its death throes: a development which, if further confirmed, offers a ray of hope to the international community which has been abused and held to ransom by these vipers for many years.


(1): The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that George W. Bush and his wife Laura quote ‘made a secret [sic!] visit to the devastated military families at Fort Hood. The Bushes had instructed the commander of the mourning military base that they wanted no publicity’.

So what did they get?

Publicity. Clearly, The Los Angeles Times reckons there’s more to this public consumption story than ‘meets the eye’. It’s report continued: ‘With their Secret Service detail, Bush and his wife made the 30-mile trip unannounced [sic!!] from their ranch near Crawford, Texas, Friday evening’.

• Comment: Obviously, with the loss of the stolen Chinese boxes, the Bushes have a great deal to lament about. The newspaper elaborated: ‘Other sources [SIC!!!] said that the former first couple spent about two hours meeting with the wounded, family and soldiers, talking quietly and at times hugging them as they did in private at other times of crisis such as post-9/11’. No piccies, though.

Excuse us while we puke. You’ll see in due course how ODIOUS and hypocritical this word picture is, citing a President who presided over the mass murders on 9/11, as ‘hugging’ the bereaved.

(2): All of a sudden, moreover, it’s far from sweetness and light between the two wings of the Box Gang. This does suggest that one dimension of what we are reporting is a FEUD between these two wings, the Bushes and the Clintons, as the latter seek supremacy and try to decapitate their criminalist rivals. We wouldn’t be surprised, then, if this underlies what went on behind the public consumption violence at Fort Hood last week. Anyway, The Los Angeles Times also reported on 7th November that George Shrubelgruber and William Jefferson Winthrop Clinton have ‘abruptly pulled out of a joint public appearance scheduled for this winter in Los Angeles’. They were also reported to have pulled out of two later scheduled joint appearances on 22nd February at University City’s Gibson Amphitheatre in New York as part of the American Jewish University’s public lecture series, and also at Radio City Music Hall on 25th February. That will be well after Rockettes time.

The reasons given varied, but they revolved around the theme that the promoter had violated a contract and ‘insisted on billing’ the events differently to what the participants wanted: which of course is familiar Bush-Clinton lies and hogwash.

No, the reason for the split is that the two wings of the Box Gang are now AT LOGGERHEADS. Given that these two operatives have more blood on their hands than a million Tony Blairs, one would expect the rate of expansion of the In Memoriam list to accelerate further.

(3): On which subject, a pile of ‘new entrants’ has accumulated since we last updated that list. The Editor was up five nights in a row last week, so hasn’t had time to make the necessary adjustments yet, and has to attend to publishing work this weekend. We’ll do this as soon as possible.

(4): A special source advises: ‘I think what you heard about Trustees being arrested may be true. We were told today [7th November] that everything was ready for closing. But some Trustees were not available’. The source said that other ‘connected’ associates thought that the problem was the Jewish sabbath [interesting], but perhaps it was because they had been arrested’. The matter is, by all accounts, in the process of ‘resolution’.

(5): The Veterans’ Day deadline for the Chinese LIEN against the US Treasury to take effect: Note that the date is 11/11/09, which devolves to 13 if you omit the two first digits of the year (2009). As you know, these brainwashed, mind-controlled madmen attach Babylonian importance to numbers (numerology), divination, sorcery, and whatnot [see the Editor’s book The New Underworld Order], so although you and I pay no attention to such claptrap, the point is that THEY do.

(6): As expected, Chancellor Frau(d) Angela Merkel, for whom a World Court arrest warrant is outstanding, appears to have been conspicuous by her absence at the latest self-important G-20 fest at St Andrew’s, Scotland, this weekend. Whereas Gordon Brown was pontificating as usual at the event, the former secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Communist Yugend at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin wasn’t there (as far as we can tell). Nope. She was represented instead by the hardnosed and arrogant German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble, whose favourite pastime is telling the Brits where to get off. It was probably ‘too dicey’ for Frau(d) Merkel to have risked surfacing at St Andrews. Besides, given her travels of late, she will probably have been in urgent need of some ‘beauty sleep’.

(7): The Sunday Times this morning has a perfectly repulsive plug, all over the newspaper, for its lead Magazine story focused on the glorification of that Mr Blankfein fellow from Goldman Sachs. This operative is billed as ‘the most powerful banker in the world’ by the Murdoch newspaper.

Unless this veteran analyst’s antennae fail him, it would appear that this time, the Jews have, like their German friends, gone too far. Even our Jewish friends agree. Adulation of this creepy fellow, who boasts about his remuneration, like his employee Lord Griffiths, pushes Jewish triumphalism over the goyim just a wee bit beyond the tolerable. As one of the community’s New York rabbis said in the mid-1990s, the Jews had better be careful not to trigger the same sort of response that took place in Germany in the 1930s, by rubbing the noses of the goyim in their pecuniary achievements.

According to the ever more subversive Murdoch Sunday newspaper, Mr Blankfein says that his institution is ‘doing God’s work’. Blankfein’s problem is that he appears to have forgotten his Torah, notably the episode when Moses was up in the Mount and the people couldn’t wait and fashioned a golden calf to worship instead. He’s all confused as to who his god really is.

• Step forward, Mammon.

(8): Passage of the Obama ‘health care’ legislation will self-evidently release a permanent flow of cash which will be ripe for diversion and use as the base for further reviving of the Fraudulent Finance derivatives carousel: which is the underlying object of the exercise. The bill is Leninist and far exceeds what Lenin had in mind, or his successors actually got round to implementing.

The headlines for this report [7th November] follow:





See Insert: ARREST INFORMATION UPDATE: 7:00PM UK 7TH NOVEMBER, under (4) below…

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Globalist hegemony ideology and practice are comprehensively debunked in the Editor’s study entitled The New Underworld Order, which can be ordered via the books section of this website. If you want to see what may well happen if the angle of decline steepens much further, you could do worse than also order a copy of The Red Terror in Russia, by the contemporary Russian eyewitness Sergei Melgounov, another Edward Harle Limited book available direct from this website. Also, the Editor’s study entitled The European Union Collective, which proves that the EU is a long-range strategic entrapment operation to reduce European countries to satrap status within a German empire using economic strategy for relentless economic warfare purposes, can be bought here.

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By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.

New report starts here:

Following our report focused on the events at Fort Hood dated 6th November, certain elements of the US structures tried to float various ‘alternative explanations’ designed to obfuscate what we published. None of these ‘lines’ gained any traction, not least because none were authoritative. What matters is that NOTHING that we published could be or has been denied.

Furthermore, while George H. W. D. V. D. Bush’s accounts were being raided in the Caribbean and the operation behind the operation was going on at Fort Hood [see report], ‘President’ Obama was up in Wisconsin where he probably decomissioned Mr Non-Ambassador Wanta under Presidential Directive as we predicted and told him that as Adolf Schickelbusch wouldn’t be paid a cent, neither would Leo Wanta and those who have pinned expectations of payment on Wanta being paid. Given that operative’s record of stealing other people’s loan money (which is what the same group has done to the Queen’s funds), this belated come-uppance represents an appropriate distribution, in the circumstances, of rough justice.

Meanwhile attempts by this service and contacts to obtain further information following the events at Fort Hood on 5th November met a resumption of the previously prevailing blackout – so that the reality, obviously, is that we do not know what the fate of the currency boxes etc. has been since the violence behind the violence at Fort Hood that we reported.

The boxes contain not just 1933 dollar currency but also 1934 currency, as well as gold coins and other assets. They have been held at Fort Hood for the past 15 years (not brought into the base very recently as tentatively speculated).

In addition, it may be recalled that one or more plane loads of money that were sent to the Middle East ostensibly to dollarise the Iraqi economy in 2003 never arrived – the reason being that it was in fact parked with the Central Bank of Jordan under the name of Malik. A total of 55 pallets of these notes, sourced by the US Treasury, is believed to have been flown back in to Fort Hood.

The violence that erupted at that base on 5th November reflected international pressure for total resolution that in turn has triggered an outbreak of Box Gang gangsterism over the control of the assets. It is not entirely clear what the violence behind the violence at Fort Hood achieved, but what IS clear is that the entire crisis has now reached a level of global tension characterised inter alia by the following developments:

(1): On Friday 6th November, the ‘Connecticut Trustee’ was in the bank at 6:00am in New York, having required the other Trustees (believed to total 12 in number: yielding the geomasonic number 13, of course) to attend. Of the 12, five of these Trustees – all of whom ‘work for’ the Box Gang Syndicate – refused to turn up. These Trustees, taking orders from George Bush Sr. (who appears to remain vertical, we are informed, because he used to be Head of State) and Mrs Hillary Jezebel Clinton, made various excuses. BUT:

(2): These operatives were again ordered (on 6th November) to go to work and to appear at the relevant bank(s), failing which they were to be arrested on warrants which came into force at one minute past midnight Eastern on Saturday morning 7th November.

During the night (UK) while this report was being prepared, we were told that a dragnet was out looking for these five operatives, who had not surfaced as this report was being finalised. It is hypothesised that Bush Sr. has been threatening such associates with instant death should they collaborate with the Settlements payment process.

(3): Involved and informed sources inform us directly that the closing screens (‘gray screens’) were supposedly flashing with instructions to ‘call in all Trustees and Principals’, but that key personnel had not, despite these messages, been called in for closing. It is not known whether this repeated abuse of the Trustees and Principals reflects an operation the purpose of which is to provide the highest level of criminal officials with ‘protection’ because ostensibly they can argue that ‘every effort was being made to effect the Settlements’ as evidenced by the screens; or whether each time that this happens, the process is sabotaged by the Syndicate: probably both of the above.

(4): Warrants for arrests of Trustees and bankers known to have been frustrating the Settlements in various countries around the world have also been issued and will, we understand, be in the process of being implemented coincident with the appearance of this report.

The five Trustees or Principals ‘working for’ the Bush-Clinton Syndicate who absented themselves when ordered again yesterday to show up at banks for the hijacked Settlements payout process, were ‘located’ (as it was stated to us) last night; but, in a typical dialectical sabotage gesture, the other seven apparently absented themselves. We don’t know what has happened since, except that we do know that the outstanding arrest warrants MANDATE automatic execution.

We also understand that they provide for the targets to be picked up and detained; and judging by certain indications, we believe that one or more senior arrests may be imminent if the Settlements are sabotaged further today. The presence in Washington, DC, of very senior Chinese officials who are conveying the necessary message that the agreements must be implemented if a catastrophe is to be avoided, is reportedly having an effect [see foot of this report]: not least because the G-20
countries gathering for their meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland, are waiting to hear the outcome so that they can instruct their Governments in the event of further last-ditch intransigence by Merkel and the Bush-Clinton Box Gang of World Class criminals who have at last been cornered.

(5): The Group of Twenty Meeting at St Andrews, Scotland, which takes place this weekend, will be told, obviously, that the crisis has not been resolved and that the sabotage operations continue.
[Note: This was the position when this report was being prepared in the middle of the night: but see the insert above, and the note at the foot of this report, reflecting new developments].

It was thought that ‘President’ Obama could not attend the meeting – not because he would be arrested, which would not happen as he is (nominally) Head of State – but because he has been unable to deliver on any of his undertakings, since his instructions have been and continue to be sabotaged by the appointed officials in the White House and his Cabinet who were largely imposed upon him by the corrupt controlling Intelligence Power.

The names of these US operatives whose behaviour and blocking tactics means they cannot be distinguished from terrorists, are well known: Rahm Emanuel, Leon Panetta, Timothy Geithner, Mrs Hillary Rodomski Clinton, former President Clinton, Adolf Schickelbusch Sr., George Shrubelbusch Jr., Richard B. MK-ULTRA Cheney, Lawrence Summers, Dr Henry Kissinger and Dr Ben Bernanke: and of course Barack Obama himself, who is responsible for the proper conduct of his Government colleagues and has revealed himself to be unable or unwilling to control the nests of vipers with which he is surrounded, and who may therefore be the ‘fall-guy’ as was probably always intended.

(6): Chancellor Frau Merkel, Bush’s agent, could, however, be arrested in Scotland, if she turns up, as she is not Germany’s Head of State. The warrant for her arrest issued by the World Court stands.

(7): ‘President’ Barack Obama faces a deadline which is believed to expire on Veterans’ Day – 11th November – which ‘just happens’ to be the date when the Bosch (Germans) stood still at the end of the First World War (Armistice Day).

• November is historically the month when revolutions break out. This deadline arises from:

(8): The Chinese LIEN on the US Treasury that apparently takes effect if ‘President’ Obama has not procured the Settlements by that date. It would be logical that this lien would also cover the stolen loan funds belonging to the British Monarchical Power. The lien is predicated upon the following facts (dealing with the Chinese dimension alone here):

• The Chinese parties made available on loan (terms unknown) 10,000 tonnes of gold they held at Kloten, Switzerland, by means of an exchange of certificates, for the purpose of backing the dollar and buttressing the Basel-II standards. Since China’s gold is (criminally) not being applied by the Americans as required and agreed, the Chinese authorities have a beneficial ownership right to this gold and are accordingly within their rights to exercise the powers they possess to the full.

• This means that the Chinese will have the power under World Court jurisdiction to remove the gold from US control and to close down the US banking system and the Federal Reserve.

• You may say that in doing so they will shoot themselves in Mao Tse-Tung’s foot: but the situation is so critical that, as previously advised, ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN NOW, and probably will.

• If Obama does not ensure completion of the necessary transactions by this deadline, he faces the prospect of having to be removed from office for incompetence and dereliction of duty, and for jeopardising the national security of the United States – notwithstanding that his instructions are evidently being frustrated and disregarded by the vipers in his entourage, headed by Mrs Hillary Jezebel Clinton, CIA wife of former President Clinton, who ‘works for’ Georg Busch Sr. In other words, either Obama releases, or he’s finished.

• Our information is that the Chinese parties do not believe that Mr Obama has the strength of character, knowledge, ability or authority to procure the necessary outcome.

• The hideous economic and financial warfare behind the scenes that we are reporting, and that is wracking the whole world due to the intransigence of these few Nazis and Zionazi operatives, is therefore about to be ratcheted up to unimaginable levels of tension – as Mr Obama appears to be unable or impotent to meet his obligations by the deadline, or at all.

(9): In this lawless situation, a scenario which triggered the Clinton-ordered horizontalization of an Arkansas newspaper reporter last year, has obvious relevance. The newspaper man in question knew about a plot for the Obama-Biden duo to be removed from power (in a context such as has evolved) and for Mrs Hillary Clinton to emerge as President of the United States instead – although the obstacle here is that the extremely dangerous Mrs Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, would be first in line in such an eventuality. That woman’s head is full of evil ideas, and in addition she is known to be corrupt. There is no point in speculating beyond these considerations, at this stage.

As previously indicated, the situation seems now to be completely out of control, and very serious developments are anticipated if a grip is not taken of the situation immediately.

It remains to be seen how the G-20 countries will react to the sabotage arising from the destructive operations of the Box Gang Nazis, and what the implications and consequences of the violence at Fort Hood may be. But one thing is certain: whatever you read in the ‘mainstream’ press will have even less connection with reality than ever. It is just not up to speed on this crisis.

The ‘bottom line’ is that China reached an agreement with these US vipers and has predictably been double-crossed by them, as has the British Monarchical Power. The countries that have also been double-crossed are furious; while all who expected to be paid as a consequence of their links to George Bush Sr., have realised, thanks to our reporting, that since Adolf Shickelbusch is not going to be paid a penny, nor are they.

Hence, at that level, all concerned are tearing their hair out as their idolatrous expectations, on which they have gorged themselves for years, turn out to be as prospectively worthless as the derivatives ‘assets’ that they thought possessed real value. In other words, they are in the same boat as the 320,000 Ponzi victims who have been lied to and led a merry dance by unscrupulous and cruel manipulators of expectations, destroying marriages, lives and families in the process.

These people never understood what we have explained, and probably still don’t, or won’t understand, that their Fraudulent Finance carousel has imploded and cannot be reinstated.

They may therefore be content to watch as the dollar system is closed down and the whole world thrown into open-ended confusion leading to world war, the recall of stretched military forces from Afghanistan and Iraq, and a free-for-all such as the world has never seen before, accompanied by the collapse of all viable trading and financial arrangements and international relationships. This would represent the final destruction of the ‘globalism’ that provided cover for the corruption.

All this can happen much faster than anyone imagines, and the outcome will (not could) be ugly.

Regional arrangements such as the corrupt European Union Collective will be torn apart under the pressures released by the pathetic failure of the complacent American authorities to get a grip of the situation and to ‘take down’ the small cabal of evil operatives who alone are responsible for this looming catastrophe. It’s as though America has a death wish that it longs to see fulfilled.

• Should matters be resolved at this very last minute, that will reflect the overwhelming realities being drummed into the bovine skullboxes of the Nazis and Zionazis in Washington inter alia by the Chinese visitors to Washington ‘as we speak’, and not a little, we suggest, by the exposure of these abominable criminal operations almost in ‘real time’, dare we say it, by this service.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


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• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
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This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.




Tuesday 3 November 2009 03:00


First, we are informed that Geithner impeded the Settlement payment process again on Tuesday. A number of informed US sources have pointed out that this course of action is ‘remarkably foolish’ given the extreme level of tension reached as a consequence of the latest sabotage operation.

• Secondly, ‘the Chinese will be at the World Court this morning demanding a LIEN ON THE U.S. TREASURY, and other drastic measures against the United States’, we have been informed. They are so angry, and with good reason, that ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN.

• Thirdly, we understand that the European countries AND THE ARABS NOW are as furious as the Chinese authorities and parties. This suggests that all support for Bush Sr. has drained away, and that (as we believe) this sauerkraut has overplayed his hand (brainwashed Germans always do, as we learned when dealing with Herr Shickelgruber (Hitler), didn’t we). The only residual support is found among certain less well intellectually endowed US officials such as Timothy Geithner, who probably needs to look up the Book of Daniel and read all about THE WRITING ON THE WALL.

• Fourth, it was stated to the Editor that the following language has been used INSIDE THE U.S. STRUCTURES: ‘THEY DON’T GIVE A S…… ABOUT 41 ANY MORE’. (Begging the question of where the ‘any more’ comes from: i.e., why did they ever give a s……: to which the answer is: Bush Sr.’s technique of dangling the lure of riches). But the deeper significance of this is that THIS IS THE PRECISE LANGUAGE used by the Chinese intelligence operative Howie Kwong Kok, when Sr. told him that he (Bush Sr.) owns the monies in the offshore bank accounts that we publicised. You may therefore draw your own conclusions as to what this means, especially in the light of the recent horizontalisation of the Bush Sr. Houston Attorney John O’Quinn: See In Memoriam [18 October].

• In the fifth place, Ms. Natasha Dandridge, Legal Assistant, Office of the Inspector General of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, has today emailed the Editor as follows:

‘Thank you for contacting the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Office of Inspector General (OIG). In response to your request, please be advised that you have our permission to republish the document referenced in your e-mail below’ [viz: The Office of Inspector General’s interview with Bernard L. Madoff conducted on 17th June 2009 at the Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center, referenced in this report]. The full text of this amazing interview will be published in the forthcoming issue of Economic Intelligence Review [Volume 12, Number 10].

• With reference to Obama’s scheduled trip to Wisconsin to RESCIND Wanta’s commission from President Reagan, it will be interesting to see whether this now takes place on schedule, as it would have to occur AFTER the payments, not before. Since further malicious sabotage by various means was reported on Tuesday 3rd November, the trip to Wisconsin may be postponed.

• Finally, the Editor has been advised, with reference to the report below, that ‘there were no complaints’ from within the US structures: which means that certain sentiments that you see elaborated in this report ARE NOT OFFICIALLY OBJECTED TO. Now reverse that phrase, please. This CONFIRMS the Bush-DVD double-cross operation: Bush Sr. sabotaging while Merkel signs.

Update ends here.

Americans may not yet have noticed that David Cameron, the brainwashed lightweight selected by the corrupt British Intelligence Power so that he can be easily manipulated in conformity with the globalist agenda should the mis-named ‘Conservative’ Party win next year’s General Election, has just stated verbiage to the effect that ‘because the Lisbon Treaty [which DESTROYS RESIDUAL UK SOVEREIGNTY, THEREBY COMPLETING THE PAN-GERMAN ‘COUP D’ETAT BY INSTALMENTS’] has now been ‘ratified’, we can’t hold a referendum on it: even though two years earlier, this deceiver gave a ‘cast-iron guarantee’ that a referendum would be held under the ‘Conservatives’.

This political party is a bunch of fourth-rate, opinionated and complacent traitors and wretches who have sold the country into the hands of an unelected, institutionally corrupt enterprise that owes allegiance exclusively to the long-range pan-German strategic deception programme that we have exposed in our reports. It is despised for its fecklessness; and its supine leader now looks like a fool, which is what he is. Why use the weasel adjective ‘cast-iron’, only to discard it two years later?

Stupid idiot. The British people have had enough of these misguided, weak, corrupt traitors who masquerade as politicians in featherbedded circumstances. The Editor’s friend, Ashley Mote, the former MEP for Southeast England, has accordingly posted the following today on his website:


David Cameron’s decision to renege on his “cast-iron” signed commitment to a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty tells us all we need to know about him and the future direction of the Conservative Party under his leadership.

His idiotic excuse – that the treaty is now law* – is an insult to our intelligence.

It is also demonstrably threadbare. Perhaps he is too young to remember 1975, when the British people voted in a referendum to ‘stay in the Common Market’. Membership had been UK law for over two years. Did no-one remind him?

Yet more odious and depressing was Cameron’s implicit admission that the British people could not look to him to protect our sovereignty or our birthright to decide who governs Britain.

His offers of a referendum on any future treaties, and to repatriate (unspecified) powers already ceded to Brussels, are equally insulting and pathetic. Indeed they are even more loathsome, since he must already know neither can happen.

The following realities must be blindingly obvious to anyone who has been paying attention:

1: Lisbon is self-amending. There will be no more treaties. His referendum pledge is worthless.

2: Repatriation of powers is specifically forbidden in the treaties already signed and confirmed in Lisbon. The EU has always functioned as a ratchet – ‘what we acquire we keep’: defined in French as the ‘acquis communautaire’. Heath was told to “swallow it all and swallow it now”.

3: Any attempt by Cameron to claw back some powers from the EU will be met with one very simple bureaucratic answer: “Re-negotiation and cherry-picking are not possible. The treaties specifically forbid it. But you can leave. Your country ratified Lisbon. Now, it’s in or out? Your choice”.

We all know what will happen then. He’ll buckle, and we get precisely nowhere.

The 2010 British General Election looks increasingly difficult to call, and the prospects of the current bunch of lawless incompetents surviving has just improved – against all the odds.

There is serious trouble ahead. [Ashley’s post ends here].

* The Treaty is illegal. The Irish Referendum was rigged, as previously reported. There are currently four cases challenging the Referendum outcome before the Irish Supreme Court.


























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By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.

It is reported to us by a very well informed ‘connected’ source unique to this service that George H. W. D. V. D. Bush Sr. is IN GERMANY as we speek, sabotaging the Settlements process, while his corrupt agent, Chancellor Angela Merkel, was en route to the United States where, according to the White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs [C-SPAN, Friday 30th October], she was scheduled to meet President Obama at the White House on Tuesday morning 3rd November 2009.

Since the German financial terrorist Frau Merkel is an agent for George Bush Sr., it is crystal clear that this is A COORDINATED OPERATION, designed to snatch the Chinese gold [see below] and at the same time to entrap Her Majesty The Queen in an agreement which was supposed to resolve matters once and for all. People keep asking: How is it possible that Christopher E. H. Story is still vertical? But OUR question is: HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE SAME CAN BE SAID OF BUSH SR?

As of 21:57pm UK time on 2nd November, the Editor of this service received notification from the above-mentioned source to the following effect: ‘We got word late today from a covert Government source that 41 is in Germany for the purpose of stopping the payment process’. QUOTE UNQUOTE.

SO: Deutschesnake Angela Merkel is WORKING IN CAHOOTS WITH BUSH SR., playing games with the dignitaries and probable co-conspirators who are surfacing at the White House, with the aim of shafting the British Monarchical Power, the Chinese and the Swiss enforcement cadres, while all the while going through the motions of implementing the agreements that have been reached.

THIS MEANS THAT Frau Merkel is an international terrorist operative who is, like the Bush Crime Family she serves, engaged in sabotaging the Settlements and revalidation process in order to rescue the derivatives-based Fraudulent Finance carousel so that the HEAD SERPENT, Frau(d)Merkel’s controller, George H. W. D. V. D. Bush, can restore the status quo ante, and resume his fraudulent off-balance sheet trading operations, in collaboration with his corrupt lackeys in the White House, the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board, viz, fellow operatives Messrs Rahm Emanuel, Lawrence Summers, Timothy Geithner and Dr Benjamin Bernanke, and their avaricious co-conspirators inside the structures of the criminal Intelligence Power which is fighting to cling to its potential for manufacturing fiat money out of thin air to finance its rampaging operations.

Aiding and abetting these sheisters, are known crooks inside the US Legislature, more of whose heads will undoubtedly now roll as this crisis escalates into the stratosphere. Not to mention the consequences that will now ensue given that the Chinese authorities will be well within their rights to exercise lien on American assets wherever they have the jurisdiction to do so. Maybe there’s a blackmail element here; but even if that’s the case, what we now face is a dreadful state of greatly heightened global instability which could soon rush completely out of control.

For while the German Chancellor and her pathetic EU satraps parade around the Obama White House chatting up a President who appears to have no idea how duplicitous his Mossad Chief of Staff and his lapdog Summers are, Merkel’s boss, Godfather Bush Sr., is in Germany sabotaging the very agreements that Merkel is there to sign off on: AND THE GERMAN BITCH KNOWS IT.

In other words, the gameplan was: Fraud(d) Merkel, go to the White House and sign the papers, along with your satraps Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeld (who’s current President of the European Union), EU High Representative Javier Solana, and Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission President [see below] and make a good show of signing off on everything; while I, George Bush Sr. will fly to Germany to sabotage the agreement that you, Frau Merkel, are signing up to.

George Bush Sr. is reported to us to be or to have been with his German business partner, Joseph Ackerman, who operates with George Bush Sr, via the Barrington Investment Group, A.G., based in Switzerland. Ackermann is Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the DVD’s laundry institution, Deutsche Bank. EVERYTHING WE ‘VE STATED ABOUT BUSH SR. AND WHO HE WORKS FOR IS BEING VALIDATED. No doubt eh justifies his terachery on the basis that he’s is part of ‘Metabridge’, the CIA-DVD-Mossad-MI-6 World Revolution intelligence tie-up bent on destroying national sovereignty.

Our sources confirm that on 2nd November, George Bush Sr. telephoned the former US Treasury Secretary, Henry M. Paulson from Germany. The corrupt Henry Paulson telephoned the corrupt CIA operative and Secretary of State Mrs Hillary Clinton and her corrupt, degenerate CIA husband Bill Clinton. Former President Clinton telephoned Timothy Geithner and ordered him to sabotage the Settlement payments, and Hillary Rodomski Clinton telephoned Leon Panetta, Director of Central Intelligence and ordered him to collaborate in blocking the Settlements.

While all this was going on, President Obama was receiving the President of the European Union, Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeld, and was standing by to receive Frau(d) Angela Merkel and the other Europeans either aware or unaware that Paulson, the Bushes and the Clintons, plus Geithner and Panetta, were simultaneously blocking the payments process which the visiting Europeans had ostensibly arrived to complete. Obama may well ask: who’s doing what, to whom, getting no answer.

UNFORTUNATELY FOR ALL THOSE NAMED ABOVE, THE GAME IS UP BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED AND CAUGHT IN FLAGRANTE. We are told that George Bush Sr’.s life expectancy is near zero, and that (as anticipated in the report below which we had just completed before all this Bush sabotage information became available to us) THE CHINESE ARE ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS. Not only are they not getting paid, but their gold, the boxes [see below] and their other assets are in grave jeopardy, as are the assets of Her Majesty The Queen.

• Can you imagine a clumsier piece of state-sponsored deception, and a state of affairs MORE LIKELY to trigger an implosion and a collapse of international relationships than THIS DUPLICITY?

The foregoing exposure reveals the accuracy of our assessment that the MAIN ENEMY OF THE MAIN ENEMY (as German and covert Soviet intelligence reference Great Britain and the United States) is the Nazi Continuum served by George Bush Sr., his partner Joseph Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank, who runs the DVD’s main banking institution, and their hypercorrupt cohorts in the United States, including Paulson, the Clintons, Geithner, Summers, Panetta and Bernanke.

• So many of Bush Sr.’s co-conspirators have either been horizontalised (e.g. John O’Quinn: see In Memoriam and Horizontalisation News: 18th October 2009, as updated) or neutralised, or else have decided that they won’t support his criminal operations any more, that Bush has been reduced to trying to orchestrate the sabotage of the Settlements Payment Process himself personally, with the assistance of his closest German allies, Ackermann and Merkel.

As you are aware unless you have been brainwashed – which, as you are reading this seems unlikely – under the US Securities Acts and Regulations of 1933 and 1934, NO OFF-BALANCE SHEET ACCRUALS are allowed and if generated, CANNOT BE PLACED ONTO THE BOOKS.

And as you are aware, unless you have been asleep for the past several years – which is equally unlikely – we have appended the relevant Regulations at the foot of almost EVERY report in this series that we have published.

We didn’t do this for decorative purposes, or to make ourselves look righteous, or for any other spurious reason: we did it because THESE ARE THE REGULATIONS AND THE STATUTE LAW OF THE UNITED STATES. These are the Securities Statutes that it is the DUTY AND RESPONSIBILITY of the US authorities, starting at the White House, the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, to implement TO THE LETTER, without flinching, in order to PROTECT INVESTORS FROM BEING FLEECED BY CHARLATANS AND PONZI SCHEME OPERATORS.

• Like Madoff, Stanford, Helmut Kiener [see report dated 30th October 2009] et al., working for George Bush Sr. as launderers of stolen and illicit funds, and of drug-trafficking proceeds.

We have repeated the US Securities Regulations, and the legal definitions of FRAUD, at the foot of most of these reports, for the benefit of the MANY AUTHORITIES around the world, and the myriad financial institutions, investors, intelligence observers and others, that flatter us by reading these reports – just IN CASE they may have chosen to forget THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF THESE U.S. STATUTES in their enthusiasm for trying to engineer a mechanism for bringing the illicitly accrued, untaxed off-balance sheet funds onto the books ‘to solve the derivatives problem’.

In this connection, before continuing, it is to be noted that the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision now comprises representatives from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, the Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States.

The Committee’s Governing Body has, since 10th June 2009, been broadened to include Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision from the new BIS member countries invited to join (Argentina, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, Hong Kong SAR and Singapore).

Accordingly, a BROADER CONSTITUENCY of countries is therefore au fait, at first hand, with the internal deliberations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision run from within the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. It follows that this broader constituency WILL BE AWARE, at first hand, of the REASONS WHY the table denoting the notional (and gross market value) amounts outstanding of over-the-counter derivatives HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED since December 2008, when data for June 2009 SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISPLAYED BY NOW.

• But this updated information is MISSING both from the Bank for International Settlements’ own presentation [as at 2nd November 2009] and from the International Monetary Fund’s Global Stability Report as made available at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings this year in Istanbul, which simply reproduces the data published by the Bank for International Settlements.

• WHAT could be the cause of this omission?

It may be recalled that the total notional value of derivatives contracts outstanding, according to these sources, rose from $418,131 billion in December 2006, to peak at $683,341 trillion in June 2008, eroding to $591,963 trillion as of December 2008. In parallel, the underlying supposed gross market value forming the base for this leveraged funny derived money rose from $9,791 billion in December 2006, to $20,353 billion in June 2008, to reach $33,889 billion at the end of December 2008 [ex-double counting]. Since when, no further data have been published. Why is this?

The first partial answer to this question can be easily established. A colossal FUDGE is being concocted, with the objective of procuring both achievement of ‘the Settlements’ (or some of them) AND corrupt derivatives trading ‘business as usual’ – the underlying objective being to VALIDATE (i.e. to apply value to) the colossal ‘hidden’ overhang of derivatives ‘assets’ stashed off the books (which, inter alia, the Bush Crime Syndicate cannot access because the accounts in question have been de facto frozen and these monies cannot be ‘legitimised’ by being brought back, other than fraudulently with the connivance of the US Treasury and Fed, onto the books).

The second, and related partial answer to this question is that A HIATUS in the data is ‘desirable’ for the purposes of perpetrating this fudge, so that the somnolent ‘mainstream’ media never get their act together and so fail to grasp that, while the US banks have been driven onto the Basel-II standard (otherwise the Rest of the World’s banks would have to cease dealing with them), the Bush-Clinton-Merkel-Deutsche-Bank-Dresdner Bank Crime Syndicate are intent upon getting ‘back into business’, on the pretext that if this can’t happen, then the German banks will collapse.

Under two agreements reached with the Chinese in late October:

• China has LOANED the United States 10,000 tonnes of gold, with strings attached (the details of which are, obviously, not yet clear to us), to provide the basis for backing the US dollar so that the corrupt US financial enterprises which have been eager participants in Bush’s Fraudulent Finance, can be deemed by the Rest of the World to be operating in the context of a currency which has real backing – i.e., which is no longer supported, as a Congressional Budget Office once claimed, BY NOTHING. Under Basel-II compliance, the Rest of the World’s banks cannot continue to function in a fiat dollar environment underpinned by zilch.

This applies notwithstanding that the European Collective Currency (the Euro) is itself backed by NOTHING, not even a Government: hence the panic stations to erect a VIRTUAL GOVERNMENT which will provide the illusion that the Euro is backed by a Government.

FACT: The Chinese gold loan ‘substitutes’ for the gold belonging to the British Monarchical Power which was stolen on 29th-30th March 2007, as exclusively reported by this service.

• That gold was stolen to order by the official US criminal cadres, with subversive assistance from agents within the Bank of England and elsewhere in the British banking system, which procured an unannounced sudden shutdown of the banks, so that a ‘black hole’ occurred during which dirty transactions could take place – with the criminal purpose of ‘validating’ the US dollar, as is now being done instead with the Chinese gold loan.

• The stolen gold was ‘returned’ to its rightful owner after we exposed this scam on our website.

On 15th May 2007, when we mentioned this theft on the transatlantic telephone to a US contact, the person retorted: ‘I find that hard to believe’, thereby revealing a lack of trust in this Editor’s ability to ascertain facts. We therefore stated immediately that given this level of distrust, the contact was requested never to get in touch with us again.

That destroyed one of the operations being run against us by the criminal US Intelligence Power at the time, and caused consternation in certain eavesdropping quarters.

• Certain ‘boxes’ containing 1933 US currency, worth perhaps $100 million each in that currency, are being returned to the United States, in order, we understand, to ‘make up’ the $14.0+ trillion which is needed given the imperative requirement for the United States to comply with the Writ of Enforcement concerning the stolen $6.2 trillion made available to finance the US Dollar Refunding Programme on 19th-20th June 2007, plus the other sovereign monies which the criminal American Government DIVERTED AND STOLE.

After Obama was handed the Writ during his painful meeting with The Queen at Buckingham Palace on 1st April 2009, and failed to deliver within the 30 days allowed by the Writ, ENFORCEMENT measures were subsequently taken, to which we have alluded in subsequent reports.

It is understood that if there is any interference with the agreed terms by the US or European snakes, and given the vulnerability of the gold component, the Chinese will take certain DRASTIC MEASURES UNILATERALLY against the United States, without any further prevarication. In other words, if anything goes wrong now, we will immediately face a rapid escalation of international tensions that may well culminate in a World War. This will begin with liens being placed on US assets all over the place, and the tensions will escalate very rapidly from there.

What will the currency content of the ‘boxes’ be used for? If the criminal intent that we detect oozing out of the White House, the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve is implemented, they will be deployed as the basis for corrupt off-balance sheet hypothecation ‘business as usual’ in open defiance of the Securities Acts – which may explain why it may have been thought helpful to leave the BIS/IMF derivatives data un-updated, in case it turns out that a massaged number needs to be inserted so that the consequent escalation of the data doesn’t look too shocking.

In this context, we also detect the real possibility that the BIS has been keeping THREE SETS OF BOOKS: Gross market values, amounts outstanding of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, and the real numbers which are too horrific to publish.

The next line of enquiry takes us back to Afghanistan. Note here as follows:

• Several of our publications published in November 2009 carry a widely disseminated colour photograph of a US soldier standing guard over a heroin poppy field. In the background, we have detected a very tall BREEZE-BLOCK DEFENSIVE WALL. Since the field is alive with red poppies and is being guarded by the heavily-armed GI, it is quite clear that the defensive wall has been erected in order to FACILITATE PROTECTION OF THE OPIUM POPPY CROP.

According to a statement on 1st November 2009 by General Khodaidad Khodaidad, the Afghan Minister of Counter-Narcotics, NATO foreign troops are engaged in drug profiteering, with most stockpiles of opium located in two provinces controlled by military forces from the United States, Britain and Canada. WHICH TELLS US ALL WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR GOVERNMENTS.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) has confirmed a huge increase in opium production since the US-led invasion of Afghanistan, and recently reported that ‘Afghan opium is having a devastating impact on the world, killing thousands in consumer countries’.

On 28th October, The New York Times reported that Ahmad Wali Karzai, a brother of the Afghan President, is involved in the opium trade and is a CIA operative. No doubt he reports to Richard Armitage, the satanic former US State Department official thought to be the primary US coordinator of the Afghan opium operation.

• It may be recalled that in the summer of 2008 we wrote to the British Ministry of Defence to ask what British troops are doing in Afghanistan. In our letter we requested that the MOD specifically DENY that British and allied NATO forces are operating there for the cynical purpose of ensuring, consolidating and maintaining control over the opium poppy crop (and removing it from control by ‘the opposition’), so that the West can expropriate and exploit it.

We pointed out that if the Ministry prevaricated or did not respond, we would be obliged to inform our subscribers and readers that our suspicion that this is the case had been validated. In other words, in the absence of a specific denial from the MOD, we would take it as read that the above is indeed the case. ALL the MOD needed to do was to write to us to confirm that the British are NOT in Afghanistan for that purpose. But despite several pointed reminders IT FAILED TO ANSWER OUR LETTER AT ALL. We therefore conclude that our assessment is correct.

The photograph of the poppy field being guarded by a US soldier behind a protective breeze-block wall tends to confirm the accuracy of this conclusion.

• Moreover every other sensible analyst who is not high on heroin or cocaine and whose mind is not addled with New Age MK-Ultra-type Cheney-Himmlerian New Age claptrap, has of late reached exactly the same conclusion. The clincher was in fact provided as early as January 2009, when:

• Antonio Maria Costa, the Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), based in Vienna, Austria, was interviewed in the local journal Profil, and stated that the only liquidity available in the interbank market in the second half of 2008 was DRUG MONEY.

What he actually meant was that, with effect from the placing of the sovereign $14.0+ trillion into ‘LOCKDOWN’ on the 10th-12th September 2009, as previously reported by this service (following which, on 18th September 2009, the Editor received the three gunshot ‘warning’ voicemail and was advised to take care while travelling in the United States and attending the IMF/World Bank), the only remaining liquidity in the interbank market was drug money.

This ADMISSION by such a senior official of an international agency CONFIRMS the central part being played by Afghanistan in this crisis.

And let us be specific:

• The Governments participating in the Afghanistan operation are engaged in criminal wartime profiteering activity to seize and retain control of the illicit drug trade partly in order to keep the interbank market liquid, the banks afloat, and colossal illicit profits rolling into the bank accounts of criminal operatives and the bank accounts of official agencies and political parties.

• The profiteering Governments involved, including the British, US, Canadian and German Governments, are cynically sacrificing young lives of soldiers in pursuit of this damnable, criminal ‘internationalist’ profiteering policy of which none of their electorates approve.

• When we telephoned the Ministry of Defence, this is exactly the excuse their personnel proffered: it’s an international policy: it’s been agreed internationally (i.e., it’s nothing to do with us). This reflects the fact that military operations have all been internationalised (collectivised).

• As a related but tangential point here, British Ministers continue to talk loosely about the ‘national interest’. But NATIONAL INTERESTS HAVE BEEN ABOLISHED. Our young men are dying not only in support of a satanic international war profiteering policy, decided upon by a collective (NATO), but also in support of CRIMINAL OPERATIONS because:

• The British US, German and other Governments have no problem, evidently, with perpetuating the scourge of drugs for profiteering purposes. In other words, they are knowingly engaged in mass murder of their OWN people – indicating that they hold their populations IN CONTEMPT.

• Given this state of affairs, and since it remains the case that the current internationalist wars (in Iraq and Afghanistan) continue, this criminal behaviour represents more than an offence for which those responsible should be arrested, put on trial and jailed for life: but also an act of treason, for which the penalty used to be capital punishment.

We now turn to an astonishing development that confirms what may be going on behind the scenes. On 30th October, The Wall Street Journal published a short article headed: ‘Jailhouse Interview: Madoff Rips SEC, Calls Schapiro a “Dear Friend”’.

The article, which Madoff gave while he was in the forbidding Metropolitan Correctional Center adjacent to the Manhattan Courthouse in Lower Manhattan on 17th June, failed to highlight quite astonishing matters of enormous consequence, concentrating instead on trivia such as Madoff’s comment that ‘everything the SEC did prior to 2006 was a waste’, ‘it never entered the SEC’s mind that it was a Ponzi scheme’, and ‘I wish they had caught me six years ago, eight years ago’.

He criticised the US whistleblower Henry Markopolos as ‘just jealous’ of his business, called the current head of the SEC, Mary Schapiro “a dear friend” (a kiss of death, surely for her reputation), and referred to one SEC investigator, who wandered around his office and the building wearing a jacket displaying the slogan ‘ENFORCEMENT’, as an ‘idiot’ who didn’t do any ‘enforcing’. All highly entertaining, but totally beside the point (on purpose, we presume).

The SEC’s document headed ‘Interview of Bernard L. Madoff’ on which The Wall Street Journal’s article was based, carries the following rubric which appears at the top of every page:

‘This document contains information that has been collected in connection with an investigation conducted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

It contains confidential, privileged and sensitive information and should not be recopied or distributed without the express consent of the OIG’.

So the first point to note is that what follows appeared in an official SEC document. We wrote to the SEC asking for permission to reproduce the document in toto, but in the meantime we exercise our right to QUOTE FROM the document in exactly the same way as The Wall Street Journal has done, and we draw your attention to the following three segments:

• [Bernard L.] ‘Madoff stated that he served on the committee as to who should register as
Investment Advisers. He said that they were trying to get hedge funds to register, and
stated that “nobody wants to register” because they would be subject to prosecution for fraud’.

• ‘Madoff stated that he’d heard that Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and Credit Suisse wouldn’t do business with him; however, he stated that David Kamansky (Merrill Lynch’s CEO), Dan Tully (the former Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch), and the Chairman of Morgan Stanley (he did not name John Mack) were clients of his’.

• ‘He stated that these people did business with him and did not think the returns of 10-12% were unusual. He stated that if you look at his strategy day-to-day, it would be “extremely volatile”; however, month-to-month it would show low volatility. He stated he would hold on to a loss until it became viable again, and that the strategy itself was real, “not that exotic”, and “not that unusual”.

• ‘Madoff noted that the industry is growing incredibly complicated. He gave the example of when his firm put up a credit default swap and didn’t know how to put it on the books. Madoff said he didn’t know, and it wasn’t in manuals, so he called [REDACTED: Personal Privacy]’.

‘He said [REDACTED] didn’t know, but conferenced in another industry person, who told him to put it in his London office books. He said he called Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bros, five firms in total, all of which didn’t know. He said the NASD had no clue. Madoff stated that today, lots of trades are done off the books because people don’t know what to do with them’.

Let’s take each of these assertions individually:

(1): ‘Madoff stated that he served on the committee as to who should register as Investment Advisers. He said that they were trying to get hedge funds to register, and stated that “nobody wants to register” because then, they would be subject to prosecution for fraud’.

Madoff served earlier as the Director of NASDAQ:
See Count One (Securities Fraud), Paragraph 3:
Complaint: United States of America vs. Bernard L. Madoff, Defendant: Violation of 15 U.S.C. Sections 78j (b), 78ff; 17 C.F.R. Section 240.10b-5: Approved by Marc Litt, Assistant United States Attorney, before: Honorable Douglas F. Eaton, United States Magistrate Judge, Southern District of New York: 08 MAG 2735: Filed at the US District Court on 11th December 2008 by Agent Theodore Cacioppi, Special Agent with the FBI:

Quote: ‘BERNARD L. MADOFF, the defendant, is a former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NASDAQ stock market’ unquote [page 2 of Original, a copy of which we hold].

Therefore Bernard L. Madoff, by definition, was FULLY AU FAIT AT ALL TIMES with the 1933 and 1934 US Securities Acts and associated regulations governing the American Securities industry. In this passage he admits that the hedge funds, handling unregistered securities (viz., ‘structured products’) knew that they were all engaged in Fraudulent Finance operations but assumed that if they didn’t register with the SEC then they could remain ‘below the radar’ even though what they were doing was ILLEGAL. Because the 1933 and 1934 Acts don’t just apply to entities registered with the SEC: they apply generally, including to ALL HEDGE FUNDS.

SINCE MADOFF WOULD THUS HAVE BEEN FULLY AU FAIT AT ALL TIMES with the 1933 and 1934 US Securities Acts and associated regulations, IT SEEMS SUPERFLUOUS TO ADD HERE THAT THE SEC, NASDAQ and FINRA were and are equally au fait with the US Securities regulations. Yet this SEC document contains information implying that these regulators were just ignoring them.

(2): ‘Madoff stated that he’d heard that Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and Credit Suisse wouldn’t do business with him; however, he stated that David Kamansky (Merrill Lynch’s CEO), Dan Tully (the former Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch), and the Chairman of Morgan Stanley (he did not name John Mack) were clients of his’.

So, Madoff’s clients included:

• David Kamansky, CEO of Merrill Lynch,
one of George Bush Sr’s. preferred money-laundering outfits.

• Dan Tully, former chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch, ditto.

• John Mack, head of Morgan Stanley.

But these three big noises were/are all in the SECURITIES BUSINESS, so they KNOW THE 1933 AND 1934 REGULATIONS INSIDE OUT. And therefore they know, for instance, that:

• OFF-BALANCE SHEET FUNDS CANNOT BE PLACED ONTO THE BOOKS, EVER. This is because, in the US Securities sector, it is mandatory for both SOURCE OF FUNDS and USE OF FUNDS to be specified. Otherwise the funds cannot be handled.

We therefore now ‘discover’ that the heads of Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley were knowingly engaged, according to this testimony, in CRIMINAL AND ILLEGAL FINANCIAL OPERATIONS that flew in the face of the US Rule of Law, and THAT THESE TRANSACTIONS were evidently WINKED AT by the regulatory authorities. And why would that have been the case?

• Answer: because the entire system had been corrupted from top to bottom by the Fraudulent Finance operations masterminded and controlled the US Intelligence Power’s Bush-Clinton-CIA-DVD Syndicate which was flouting US Securities regulations and representing that since the British and European jurisdictions didn’t require disclosure of source and use of funds, a veil could be drawn over the ‘anomalous’ US regulatory arrangements.

(3): ‘He stated that these people did business with him and did not think the returns of 10-12% were unusual. He stated that if you look at his strategy day-to-day, it would be “extremely volatile”, however, month-to-month it would show low volatility. He stated he would hold on to a loss until it became viable again, and that the strategy itself was real, “not that exotic”, and “not that unusual”’.

In other words, Kamansky, Tully and Mack were openly ignoring the PRUDENT MAN RULE and were profiteering from Madoff’s Ponzi operation, which, being highly sophisticated bankers, THEY MUST HAVE KNOWN was a gigantic Ponzi operation, as Madoff openly admits himself.

That meant that Bernard Madoff was stealing his clients’ capital, which is how Ponzi scams work. It is INCONCEIVABLE that these three named financiers did not know that the superior returns on offer from Madoff were anomalous and based on fraud.

(4): ‘Madoff noted that the industry is growing incredibly complicated. He gave the example of when his firm put up a credit default swap and didn’t know how to put it on the books. Madoff said he didn’t know, and it wasn’t in manuals, so he called [REDACTED: Personal Privacy]’.

‘He said [REDACTED] didn’t know, but conferenced in another industry person, who told him to put it in his London office books. He said he called Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bros, five firms in total, all of which didn’t know. He said the NASD had no clue. Madoff stated that today, lots of trades are done off the books because people don’t know what to do with them’.


• Someone in his firm didn’t know how to place a credit default swap onto the books.

Why was that? The statement presupposes that they knew full well, that because the securities transaction was off-balance sheet, it had to remain off-balance sheet for source and use of funds (Securities Acts) reasons, i.e. they knew that the transaction was illegal, which was why it couldn’t be placed onto the books.

• ‘Madoff said he didn’t know, and it wasn’t in manuals’: but he had served as the head of NASDAQ so he knew that the credit default swap, being off-balance sheet, could not be brought on balance-sheet without falling foul of the securities market regulations on which he had to be an expert; and that presupposes that he knew that the trade itself, being a security, was in any case illegal.

• We then have the charade that Madoff called someone whose identity is redacted for personal privacy reasons, ‘who told him to put it in his London office books’.

So, the former head of NASDAQ was baffled by what to do in these circumstances, when he, of all people, was steeped in knowledge of the 1933 and 1934 Securities Acts as ex-head of NASDAQ.

• We are then informed that five firms, including Merrill Lynch, the now defunct Lehman Bros and three other securities firms, and NASD had ‘no clue’ about what should be done and that ‘lots of trades are done off the books because people don’t know what to do with them’.

In other words, everybody’s doing it, no enforcement is taking place, everybody’s getting away with it, nobody’s paying their taxes, so it’s OK

And the reason that ‘lots of trades’ are done off the books is that the trades involve securities that are ILLEGAL. Given that these trades are illegal, their existence is by definition withheld from the Internal Revenue Service – compounding their illegality, so that the perpetrators are now engaged in the following crimes AND KNOW THAT THEY ARE ENGAGED IN THESE CRIMES:

• Fraudulent securities transactions.

• Tax evasion.

• Money laundering.

We are being asked to believe that the former Chairman of NASDAQ, top Wall Street securities financiers, including Mr John Mack, US regulators and others HAD NO CLUE ABOUT THE U.S. SECURITIES ACTS AND COULDN’T HAVE CARED LESS ANYWAY. In other words, these parties were evidently indifferent to the prospect that an unknown number of US investors were being fleeced and pillaged and deprived of any possibility of retrieving their capital while being paid handsome returns (usually rolled over into the principal).

They were ‘IGNORANT’ of the fact that this operation represented a component of an orchestrated, officially condoned, foreign-inspired, Fifth Column-facilitated ransacking and systematic corruption of the US financial system for the purposes of self-enrichment and the satisfaction of a grotesque, avaricious lust for power.

And finally, given this ‘ignorance’, their arrogance was such that they NEVER IMAGINED THAT, SOONER OR LATER, the lid would blow off their dirty cauldron of iniquity, and that their criminal scamming and speculative Ponzi profiteering operations would be exposed and subjected to the glare of furious onlookers who are ready, RIGHT NOW, to skin these crooks alive and hang them from George Bush’s lamp posts.

Observe, however, how this information has surfaced. It has been placed in the public domain by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission itself.

This is a very subtle SEC operation. Because Messrs Kamansky, Tully and Mack (who is leaving his post soon, according to reports) may doubtless conclude that they can DENY what Mr Bernard L. Madoff, a convicted felon, told the SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz and Deputy Inspector General Noelle Frangipane at around 3:00pm on 17th June 2009.

• They may assume that because Madoff is a convicted felon, they can refute what he says.

• That’s the whole point.

BUT what this official deliberate leak does is cynically and surreptitiously prepare the ground for a RENEWAL OF THE FRAUDULENT FINANCE CAROUSEL and a crude attempt – by devious means evidently encased within the agreements reached with China and other parties, including Germany and the European Union (a vast prospective money-laundering sink, as it is institutionally corrupt, while the European Commission is itself an egregious criminal enterprise given that its accounts have been disapproved by the EU’s own Court of Auditors for the past 14 years) – to engineer the placement of the off-balance sheet, untaxed accruals onto the balance sheet ‘below the radar’.

If this is indeed the case, the British Monarchical Power – which, in collaboration with the Chinese and Swiss authorities concerned, has spearheaded the necessary enforcement and resolution of this crisis – needs to consider that the agreed-upon, on-the-books, taxable US Dollar Refunding Programme, which will be delivering CLEAN, TAXED MONEY into the British and US systems, will STILL be competing with dirty off-balance sheet money because, judging by what we can deduce from available partial information, some compromise or other has been reached which does NOT eradicate the scourge of criminal Fraudulent Finance.


• IT NEEDS TO BE UNDERSTOOD AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN THE UNITED KINGDOM THAT NONE OF THESE SIGNATORIES CAN BE TRUSTED. We smell a huge, foul-stinking rat. It is VERY LIKELY that the agreements mask a cynical intention, and a mechanism, for the proliferation of off-balance sheet transactions (a) through the corrupt Treasury and Federal Reserve in the United States, and (b) outside the United States – in which case CONTROL OF THE NEW SYSTEM HAS BEEN LOST BEFORE IT HAS EVEN STARTED UP, WHICH WOULD MEAN IN TURN THAT:


• WE REPEAT: NONE OF THESE PEOPLE CAN EVER BE TRUSTED. They don’t reach agreements unless they can exploit them for their own nefarious purposes, and turn on the parties with whom agreements have been reached. They are LENINISTS.

They operate on the basis that it is permissible AT ALL TIMES to renege on ALL UNDERTAKINGS: which is identical to George Bush Sr.’s standard ‘BAIT AND SWITCH’ TECHNIQUE.

You are dealing with a bunch of crooks: the most dangerous financial fraudsters and gangsters in the world. THERE MUST BE VERIFIABLE ENFORCEMENT OF TRANSPARENCY. We cannot see any sign of verifiable enforcement of transparency.

• Otherwise the entire operation will collapse. It will all be over very quickly and good money allocated for noble purposes will be degraded, polluted and devalued, as in Wiemar Germany’s HYPERINFLATION. Complacent talk by economic gurus who HAVEN’T BEEN FOLLOWING THE REAL ACTION to the effect that hyperinflation is out of the question, is BUNK.

• WE HAVE TO HAVE CAST-IRON GUARANTEES OF TRANSPARENCY RIGHT ACROSS THE BOARD. Every single dollar must be accounted for, and available for taxation when emerging as profit. We cannot see ANY SIGN of the necessary guarantees of such transparency.

As we pointed out earlier, YOU CANNOT REACH AGREEMENTS WITH SERPENTS. Sooner or later they turn and bite you. It is universally understood that the King of Serpents, George H. W. D. V. D. Bush, double-crosses every single party and counterparty that he deals with. That is his standard modus operandi: it’s called ‘bait and switch’. At the moment, we don’t know what compromise has been reached in order for the world to ‘move forward’ out of this crisis environment, although we DO know that the Dollar Refunding Programme, as presented, will proceed.


• FACT: We happen to know that after the foregoing assessments were being developed on 2nd November 2009, amid the usual illegal eavesdropping by GCHQ, Munich, French Intelligence, the Israelis and the rest, considerable annoyance was later expressed in certain quarters: INDICATING THAT OUR ASSESSMENT THAT THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A SET-UP TRAP IS CORRECT.

No doubt diplomats and others will rationalise what has been agreed as ‘the only practical way forward’, in the circumstances. To which we reply as follows:

• Irrespective of the circumstances, it is unconscionable for so-called ‘civilised’ governments to be engaged in drug-running and war profiteering, at the expense not only of the young military lives being lost in these collectivised wars, but of the millions of victims of drug addiction brought about by the SUPPLY of drugs onto the street (given that demand for drugs is driven by supply, not the other way round). Those responsible for formulating and implementing this policy are criminals and should be treated as such.

• Irrespective of the circumstances, a financial system which depends upon drug-trafficking proceeds for the liquidity of the interbank market is a satanic black hole that requires immediate reform and stringent regulation and control – contrary to the permissive prognostications of snake-oil salesmen like Lord Griffiths of Fforestfach, a Vice President of Goldman Sachs London, who pronounced the other day that we should put up with the obscene rewards paid to speculators at Goldman Sachs, as this benefited the general economy. (Many years ago, Brian Griffiths may have thought that writing articles for International Currency Review would help him further his career).

• Irrespective of the circumstances, the US Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934, which were formulated in order to protect investors from ‘boiler room’ and Ponzi scams, preclude ALL off-balance sheet transactions in the US system, so that ANY such trades are and will remain illegal.

• Irrespective of the consequences, the cancer inside the US financial and official structures arising from the corruption originating with the Bush Syndicate (Octopus) and the penetration of and stranglehold within the Intelligence Power by the pan-German Fifth Column protected by the German Chancellor, Frau Angela Merkel (a known STASI operative and the former Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University), needs to be expunged from the system. There is no sign of this happening on the scale that is required, despite the almost daily lengthening of our In Memoriam Listing [see report 18th October 2009].

• Irrespective of the circumstances, ALL those officials in government and within the corrupt financial enterprises and the regulatory structures who have participated in and facilitated or condoned the flouting of the US Rule of Law, should be brought to justice, however high up the greasy pole they operate. Be they ever so high, the law is above them.

According to details released by the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on C-SPAN [30th October], on Tuesday 3rd November, Mr Obama was to receive Chancellor Angela Merkel in the morning, and the following key figures in the afternoon: the Swedish Prime Minister and current President of The European Union Collective, Mr Reinfeld; the EU High Representative, Xavier Solana; and Jose Manual Barroso the President of the institutionally corrupt criminal enterprise called the European Commission. These operatives’ signatures will have been needed to clinch the Settlements compromise agreements (that were being sabotaged in Germany by Bush Sr.).

Mr Reinfeld, however, was seen being welcomed to the White House on Monday, so something went wrong with Mr Gibbs’s publicised schedule, or the information contained therein was either deliberately or unintentionally inaccurate.

On Wednesday, President Obama was scheduled to translate himself, all of a sudden, to Madison, Wisconsin. This city is little over an hour’s drive from Eau Claire, which in turn is not far from where Leo/Lee Wanta has resided. This man is not an Ambassador for The Principality of Snake Hill, which we have demonstrated of course does not exist. His claim to an Ambassadorship from a defunct Somali Government following a ceremony in Paris with Alain Juppe likewise lacks substance as it would have needed to have been renewed by subsequent Somali Governments.

This former master of deception (who has lost his touch) obtained his original commission directly from President Reagan; so it can only be RESCINDED by the President of the United States.

We therefore speculate that the real purpose of President Obama’s Wisconsin trip may be to RESCIND Wanta’s Reagan commission on the basis of a Presidential Directive, and to obtain Mr Wanta’s signature on documents in accordance with that Directive. In theory, one could travel to observe the Presidential motorcade arriving for this purpose.

However the terrain is unfriendly, consisting of a heavily wooded environment which presents obvious dangers, even for a veteran investigative journalist used to adventures of this nature.

• MIDNIGHT: We have just been authoritatively informed that the above analysis is ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE. When first formulated, we were going to treat this analysis as speculative: but it has been confirmed. Wanta is to be DECOMMISSIONED by the President of the United States on the basis of a new PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE delivered PERSONALLY BY PRESIDENT OBAMA, with immediate effect. Therefore, all the nonsense being pumped out about him by the operative Tom Heneghan collapses in a heap of drivel and dust, likewise with immediate effect.

• On a minor note, as previously reported, Robert Gibbs told C-SPAN that the purpose of Obama’s trip to Wisconsin was to ‘discuss the strengthening of America’s education system’.

So we now know (not that we ever didn’t) that White House Press Secretaries LIE TO THE MEDIA. What else is new?

As previously reported, the Editor told a large London audience at a conference organised by the Constitution Group in Friends Hall, Euston, on Saturday 31st October, that Mr Geza Novacs, of the EU’s Court of Auditors, has reconfirmed specifically to us what of course is general knowledge anyway, namely that the accounts of the European Commission have been disapproved by the Court of Auditors for the past 14 years running.

The Editor pointed out that in order for the EC’s accounts to become valid, it will be necessary for a team of auditors to go back for 15 years, to the last set of accounts that was approved, and to work forward, analysing each transaction in each year, identifying fraudulent transactions, arranging for the perpetrators to be arrested, charged and prosecuted, and for each successive year’s accounts to be subjected to an analysis along these lines, progressing from year to year, to the present.

Since this will and can never happen, the European Commission’s status as a criminal enterprise IN PERPETUITY is confirmed. Little José Manuel Barroso, the EC President, therefore presides over a criminal enterprise, which means that he is himself complicit in criminal financial transactions.

He is engaged in the subversion of the Rule of Law and is a co-conspirator in the conduct of Fraudulent Finance. which does not appear to bother him in the slightest.

In an ideal world, President Obama should remind him of these realities: whereas of course, since Mr Obama has himself presided over criminal fraud and terrorist financing in time of war, he is just as compromised as the reportedly paedophile President of the European Commission.

In his speech in London, the Editor drew attention to the following exchange between Mr Paul Craig, a senior official at the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) that took place in June 2009 when the former MEP for Southeast England, Ashley Mote, attended at his request at the SFO to discuss cases of fraud involving UK-based suppliers and the institutionally corrupt European Commission:

ASHLEY MOTE: Have I been wasting my time here today?


ASHLEY MOTE: Is it a criminal offence to pass public money
to an organization known to be corrupt?


It therefore follows that the British Government is engaged in CRIMINAL CONDUCT in channelling British taxpayer monies into the hands of the European Commission. It further follows that ALL so-called EU ‘Member States’ are similarly engaged in such criminal conduct. Moreover all relevant authorities in all the EU countries are KNOWINGLY so engaged, as ALL the EU Governments have access to legal advice which cannot diverge from the categorical statement made by Paul Craig of the British Serious Fraud Office last June in London, to Ashley Mote MEP.

Finally, the Editor presented his audience with the solution. All VAT monies should be diverted forthwith into a special account with the British Treasury. When Brussels starts to complain, the British authorities could deliver a sharp diplomatic Note to the Commission pointing out that Her Majesty’s Government has been advised, and has concluded, that it is illegal for it to pay British taxpayer funds into the hands of a criminal enterprise, in this case the European Commission. The British Government could add that so far as it is concerned, Brussels’ accounts must be reworked back from 15 years to the satisfaction of London, and that it reserves the right to annexe British VAT accruals to the Treasury in perpetuity.

This is the kind of action that will make the Brussels head of the serpent sit up and take notice.

Similarly drastic action NEEDS to be taken by the COMPLACENT AND COMPROMISED U.S. REGULATORY AUTHORITIES AND LAW ENFORCEMENT to reassert the Rule of Law and to do so relentlessly in the securities sector until these evils are stamped out for good.

• And the war to control drugs so as to exploit the proceeds of this satanic, murderous activity MUST BE TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY.

In the absence of clearly emphatic initiatives as decisive as these, the selfish, amoral, complacent, arrogant and decadent, paedophile-ridden, self-appointed globalist élite will discover, sooner than they may think, that guns ARE being primed and removed from attics, the word ‘decapitation’ will cease to be academic, and George Bush Sr.’s notorious lamp posts will finally be put into service.

• UPDATE: ANOTHER FULFORD FABRICATION: This notorious disinformation operative based in Japan appears to specialise in fabrications of his own invention. After asserting more or less that the British Head of State telephones this Editor and tells him who to attack, Fulford’s latest childish connipition is the fabrication that Michael C. Cottrell is an MI-6 agent. They used to say that about the Editor of this service, until the stupid, ignorant lie could no longer be sustained.

Now the description has migrated to Mr Cottrell. This reflects crass ignorance about, and a lack of research into , this US securtities expert’s background. Obviously whatever disciplines Fulford was used to at Forbes, never rubbed off on him, whereas too much sake has indeed taken its toll.

• It is interesting to observe what happens when such disinformation operatives and mischievous websites are confronted, instead of being meekly agreed with. Normally what happens is that their true allegiance emerges, if it has been hidden from view. That’s what’s happening ‘as we speak’.

• The Editor’s analysis of the methodology used against targets by US operatives is being updated and will be published at a suitable juncture. In recent weeks, more familiar techniques have come to light, and these are being added to the draft. In other words, the Editor will be in a position to provide you with a profile of typical attributes and a checklist of techniques used by these people to deceive and ensnare their targets in accordance with their handlers’ instructions.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

Press Internet Security Solution or go to the World Reports Limited serials catalogue and scroll down until you come to this product. Then proceed through the simple and ultra-safe ordering procedure [Visa or MasterCard only]. Send a donation as you order this RECOMMENDED solution.

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. The program has an invaluable ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.



Monday 5 January 2009 00:01

• The US dollar requires refunding as a matter of the most extreme urgency.

The G-7-Approved Private Sector on-the-books Capital Markets Refinancing Programme, which was criminally blocked against the interests of the American people and the entire world by the self-serving thieves headed by the Bushes, Paulson, Cheney, the Clintons, Greenspan, Bernanke et al from June 2006 onwards, is the ONLY means whereby this can be achieved.

It CANNOT be done from WITHIN the US Federal Government structures, as the Government ONLY CREATES DEBT. The Private Capital Markets Refinancing Programme agreed upon by the Group of Seven financial powers CREATES REVENUE and ONGOING U.S. TREASURY TAX RECEIPTS.

Government and White House structures, being PUBLIC SECTOR, cannot do this.

The crisis that developed from June 2006 onwards is a SPECIFIC CONSEQUENCE of the corrupt decision by President George W. Bush Jr., Henry M. Paulson, Vice President Cheney, Dr Bernard Bernanke, George Bush Sr, Dr Alan Greenspan, and others, to perpetuate the depraved deficit-financing and fraudulent finance/self-enrichment carousel CREATING EVER MORE DEBT that was then hidden off-balance-sheet, rather than proceeding with the REVENUE-PRODUCING SOLUTION using fully taxed on-the-books private sector capital markets transactions that has been ON THE TABLE since 2005/2006 and which is THE ONLY WAY FORWARD FOR AMERICA AND THE WORLD.

Due to the unchecked criminal, perverse behaviour of the highest-level operatives listed above and exposed by this service, the prospect of the weight of derivative junk crashing through the ceiling into the basement and demolishing several of the largest institutions in the world, is no longer academic. If this happens, there will be a global collapse into uncontrollable chaos.

If the incoming Obama Government deviates in ANY respect from the G-7-Approved on-the-books Private Sector Capital Markets US dollar refunding formula, THE U.S. DOLLAR WILL COLLAPSE and THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC WILL NOT SURVIVE. That is the stark reality: the bottom line.

• Be warned. Our predictions, from September 2006 onwards, have been ACCURATE.


• Mr Barack Obama has been using words like ‘oversight’, ‘transparency, and ‘full accountability’, which are NOT words that sink happily into the ears of the giga-crooks whose time is up. On 8th January, he appointed a Chief Performance Officer, Nancy Killefer, formerly of the IRS Oversight Committee and a Treasury performance evaluation expert.

• MADOFF: $1.7 BILLION IN CASH AND LIQUID ASSETS FOUND BY IRVING J. PICARD: The Trustee appointed by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) has uncovered not only the cash sum of $830 million reported below, but also a further $850 million in liquid assets, according to The Times, London, of 8th January 2009. Judge Ronald Ellis has to decide whether Mr Madoff’s activities, including the distribution by himself and his wife of valuables, called heirlooms by the Defendant’s lawyer, Ira Sorkin, when reporting to the Court on 7th January, warrant the revocation of Madoff’s bail terms. Court documents we hold, seem pretty clear on this point.



































































• ANONYMOUS SOURCES OF ‘INFORMATION’ AND ‘DEBATE’: By definition, all anonymous US sources of so-called ‘information’ are spooks and other cowards who are too scared to reveal their identities, for fear not least of being held accountable for their convoluted fabrications. Therefore, anyone who attaches significance or relevance to ANYTHING that any of these anonymous, self-contradictory sources purport to be revealing, does so at his or her own peril. One can of course freely choose to be misled by the various US controlled disinformation, diversion and obfuscation sources, if one wishes to avert one’s gaze from the obvious: namely that the kleptocracy is running these Psy-Ops diversionary operations in order to provide themselves with cover for their odious crimes, and to keep the Ponzi victims hoping, like Rip van Winkel, that they haven’t been ripped off. And since the anonymous spooks and cowards hide behind anonymity, any denial of this apparent truth from them will, like all pronouncements aimed at misleading the ‘scammed’, lack credibility.

Obviously, some of these anonymous sources who cannot be held accountable for any of their lies and fabrications, may take objection to what we may publish. However that is their problem: since they do not reveal their identities, no communication with these operatives is ever possible or at any stage desirable, because in any ‘debate’, a level playing field is necessary: a ‘debate’ between a real person and anonymous spooks and cowards would not take place on a level playing field.

The cover of these anonymous spookies has been well and truly blown. When this happens, the knee-jerk response is to resort to defamation. However defamation of a real person by anonymous spooks lacks all credibility too, and simply reveals the pinpoint accuracy of the assessment.

In any case, as has been stated at the foot of most of our reports for years, we cannot enter into correspondence as a consequence of these reports. Many of those who may attempt to enter into correspondence with us are not subscribing to our published services and have no intention of doing so. This service was originally developed to be of assistance to our subscribers, and that is its main purpose. The Editor’s job is to manage and produce the publications listed on our catalog, accessible via this website. The production of these reports is a secondary exercise. Therefore, if you don’t subscribe, we are not available to be of further assistance. The Editor does, however, try to respond to kind and helpful emails expressing positive support, provided that all coordinates are clearly shown in the Contact Us fields so provided. Again, the Editor has been quite amazed at the kindness shown in response to our Christmas posting dated 26th December 2008.

That experience confirms the Editor’s personal experience that Americans are often the kindest and most generous people in the world. Their problem is that their Government is run by organised geomasonic crime. Amid great fury, a tectonic change is in progress which few yet understand.

For a comprehensive debunking and takedown of the geomasonic New World Order, please place an order for the Editor’s book The New Underworld Order, available from this combined website.



By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review and associated intelligence publications and information services. See this site for details and ordering facility.

• CORRESPONDENCE TO THE EDITOR: We routinely, automatically DELETE all emails which OMIT any element of the requested coordinates. We are not prepared to deal with anonymous spooks and other cowards who are too scared to provide their coordinates, for identification.

Just as material posted on the Internet by ANONYMOUS sources lacks credibility, so that therefore its content should prudently be dismissed as irrelevant, so are emails addressed for our attention from ANONYMOUS senders considered impertinent and unworthy of attention. Secondly, offensive emails ventilating some gripe or other, are normally deleted unread by our system. On a pleasing note, we received a VERY LARGE positive ‘e-mailbag’ following the 26th December 2008 Christmas report, which the Editor found very touching, kind, unexpected and generous*. Thank you! Contrary to expectations, opposition was extremely feeble, confined even to lecturing the Editor on which Bible he should be reading! When you stand up to them, THEY FALL BACK TO THE GROUND.

* Interestingly, all these generous emails (and phone calls) emanated from the United States and Canada. There was NOT ONE SINGLE SUCH RESPONSE from the United Kingdom. NOT ONE.

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system that assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program that devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. Some versions have a ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.

• INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW, Volume 33, #s 3 & 4, all 972 pages of it, is making waves all over the world. It contains a blow-by-blow deconstruction of this crisis via the Wantagate plus our further analyses: and everything published therein is now well and truly ON THE GLOBAL PUBLIC RECORD. Accordingly the whole world owns a detailed, damning account of the serial criminality of the Bush-Cheney-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ et al., which CANNOT BE EXPUNGED.


• It tracks the fallout from our exposures of the criminality from mid-April 2008 to 6th October 2008, when this issue of ICR had to go to press. The Glossary that is published with The Cottrell Plan has been separated out and placed at the end of the issue, for long-term ease-of-reference purposes.

• If you wish to obtain a copy and you are not a regular subscriber, please order International Currency Review via our electronic payment system by pressing SUBSCRIBE. This will give a full-price order sequence. Then press CONTACT US and state that you wish to order ICR 34, #1. The single-issue price has to be at a premium to the regular price, charged at $200.00 per copy. Note:
Please ensure that you send a CONTACT US email to the Publisher at the same time as you press SUBSCRIBE, so that we KNOW to send you ONLY ICR 34, #1 and to charge you ONLY $200.

• The CONTACT US facility is found in the red box throughout this combined website.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Please Make a Donation to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations, which have turned the whole world upside down and have exposed the corruption which was intended to enable the geocriminalist syndicate to seize the wealth of the entire world. These people have finally been more or less completely stopped in their tracks as a consequence of these exposures. Your assistance will be sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money was not repaid and so has been stolen. It will be collected in due course and the thief will be appropriately dealt with, having so far taken no steps at all to repay the Editor’s loan funds, which should have been remitted on 11th June 2007.

• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications.


• PRINT EDITIONS OF THE COTTRELL PLAN: Economic Intelligence Review, Volume 11, #s 9 & 10, published in July-August, was devoted almost entirely to The Cottrell Plan and to the extensive Glossary of financial market and related definitions, which explains where so many people have gone wrong. International Currency Review, Volume 34, #1, also contains The Cottrell Plan and the Glossary, placed at the end of this 400-page issue for long-term easy reference.

• Subscriptions by serious observers and analysts to our services may be placed via this website.


In reports posted since the US general Election, we have noted that while, given the imminent end at long last of the evil George Bush II Administration, it can be said that we have jumped out of the frying pan, it has hitherto been too early to conclude that we have yet fallen headlong into the fire. Our stance therefore has so far postulated that we were hanging in-mid-air, pending the arrival of further data, which would make the answer to this riddle more apparent.

Closer now to the installation of the new American régime, we have the following evidence, already publicised here, to suggest that President-elect Obama has not been a pushover for the Forces of Darkness that have apparently hijacked his incoming Administration.

We’ll repeat this evidence first:

• When Mr Obama visited the White House for the first time following the election with his wife, the Bush team tried to bribe him. He rejected this typically brazen, arrogant and crude Bushite attempt to compromise him, according to our special sources. The fact that Obama told the President where to get off is a known PLUS for the incoming President of the United States.

• We also know that when he was briefed by the FBI in Chicago immediately following the election, Mr Obama ‘blew up’ when it was made apparent to him that, under a long-planned CIA contingency arrangement in case he won the election (i.e., if the CIA Forces of Clintonesque Darkness could not rig the outcome to their satisfaction), the framework for his Administration had been decided for him by the mainly Jewish operatives who stand to lose most if corrupt ‘business as usual’ were to be thwarted with the installation of the new régime. Previously we reported that Mr Obama’s first briefing was from the CIA, but since the FBI is subordinate to the organised criminal ‘State within the State’ known as the CIA, that is a nuance that makes little difference. In subsequent days, he also received detailed briefings direct from the CIA.

• It is further known that President-elect Obama lost no opportunity to make it very clear that the Settlements process must be completed (the country recipients WERE paid, effective Friday 19th December 2008, in cash, the Treasury having guaranteed the payments from 18th December). Our information is that he has demanded settlement on several occasions. It is clear that resistance to his demands by the organised criminalists has been only partially successful to date.

• As further reported by this service, when impediments to settlement orchestrated by Gordon Brown became known, President-elect Barack Obama sent an emissary to speak directly with the corrupted British Prime Minister, who is an intelligence officer like his corrupt predecessor, to demand that he cease and desist, on pain of being arrested.

In June 2008, we reported that Gordon Brown’s treachery and dishonesty was exposed when he secretly flew to Belfast, having already said goodbye to President Bush II and his wife in front of the TV cameras on the steps of Number 10 Downing Street. In Belfast, he rejoined President Bush Jr. and his wife, and engaged in certain banking transactions in collaboration with Bush II himself. This was exposed after we posted the following paragraph in our report dated 18th June 2008, which was followed up and found to be accurate:

We will now pose the following question. WHY was it ‘necessary’ for Brown, who had seen George Bush in the morning of Monday 16th June, to rush up to Northern Ireland so as to be in a position to be standing on the tarmac at Belfast airport, to ‘greet’ the President and Laura when they arrived in Northern Ireland? After all, he had just said goodbye to President Bush. Perish the thought that the purpose of his presence there might have been to open bank accounts. Perish the thought.

• President-elect Obama is known to have been ‘working with’ President Nicolas Sarkozy, who obtained the ‘mandate to pay’ from President George W. Bush at Camp David in October 2008 as previously reported by this service, to procure the Settlements without further ado.

• The ‘Daley people’ and other ‘forces’ out of Chicago want to be paid, too, you understand (do you?) and have, as predicted ages ago, taken the law into their own hands, which is why gunshots are heard in trading rooms, bankers and intermediaries are found sitting at their desks after having suffered heart attacks or with their wrists slashed, and numerous other unspecific ‘neutralisations’ are and have been taking place with increasing ‘Black’ intensity as the hijacking of the whole world by the most ruthless gang of intelligence criminals mysteriously still walking today stretches way beyond the globally critical stage.

Within this overall context, however, it is a reality that the illicit trading team which is to operate seamlessly from the Obama White House – a team that the ‘Black’ operations intelligence criminals working for and with several domestic and foreign intelligence-linked counterparties put together ahead of Obama’s election victory and foisted on him the moment the election outcome had been confirmed – consists of finance operatives linked to past gross financial abominations, under the preceding two US Administrations.

• This ‘retread’ team intends to continue the illicit trading activity under President Obama’s nose from the White House throughout the new President’s term or terms office, but is facing severe impediments behind the scenes which cannot be reported on at this time.

The primary members of this latest manifestation of the Elite Power Continuum are Rahm Emanuel (a Kissinger operative, member of the Israel Defense Force, i.e. one would suspect him to be an Israeli Military Intelligence Officer), Hillary Rodomski Clinton, Joseph Biden, Tom Daschle (Citibank stooge, mentored by Robert Rubin), Bill Richardson* (ex-Kissinger Associates), Eric Holder (he who arranged the pardoning of Marc Rich, a.k.a. the very long-range DVD operative Hans Brand), General James L Jones (yet another Kissinger associate), Lawrence Summers (mentored by Robert Rubin, guardian of Clinton’s (frozen) accounts), Timothy Geithner (ex-Kissinger Associates), Paul Volcker (Rockefeller family representative yet Chairman of a Rothschild Wolfensohn firm), David Axelrod (a political consultant whose past clients include Senators H. Clinton, John Edwards and Christopher Dodd, Stalin’s grandson), and Susan Rice, ex-Clinton’s National Security Council.

* On 4th January 2009, Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico, withdrew his name from the list of candidates for confirmation, citing ‘a pending investigation into a company that has done business with his State’ (code for an imminently breaking corruption scandal). We speculate that Hillary was behind this rapid ‘exit’. What does Mr Richardson know, for instance, about Rocky Flats and the espionage of the Chinese operative Wen Ho Li at Los Alamos, we wonder? Just asking…

The notorious names among these operatives should be arrested forthwith and extradited to the United Kingdom to face charges of financing international terrorism, of economic terrorism, and of stealing from The Queen, and enriching themselves as a consequence inter alia of profiting from the theft of her gold on 29th-30th March 2007, which was exclusively reported, in the first instance, by this service. Protests from various quarters that ‘there is no-one willing to arrest these people’, ignore the fact that by publicising such information, the pressure on these soulless operatives is ratcheted up all the time. After all, the daily lives of all the familiar highest-level criminalists have been rendered intolerable and miserable as a consequence of what has had to be posted to date – entirely as a consequence of the perverse decisions that these people have made so as to be able to continue their terrorism financing operations. That has been their choice: they made their own filthy bed, and they must lie in it.

• Almost everyone in this cauldron has been compromised to some degree or another.


Notwithstanding everything that has happened since Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill was fired by President Bush Jr., after O’Neill had asked him to release the diverted funds, and since we started to publicise the hijacking of the $4.5 trillion, and our subsequent detailed website exposures of the historically unprecedented corruption, the Intelligence Power has put in place an Economic Team, listed below, FOR THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF CONTINUING WITH THE FRAUDULENT OFF-BALANCE SHEET FINANCING OPERATIONS SEAMLESSLY THROUGHOUT THE OBAMA YEARS, from within the White House as though there has been no discontinuity and no opposition to this corruption had ever surfaced, and the Rest of the World knew nothing about it.

Beyond the standard criminal finance purpose, the mentality behind this intention (which is being thwarted) assumes that salvation is to be found through the issuance of yet more debt. For these people, who have overstayed their welcome, debt is ‘an asset’ in a sense not usually understood: for the practical factor here is that DEBT PRESUPPOSES A CASHFLOW WHICH CAN BE STOLEN.

Cashflow exists within debt ‘assets’: so these criminal finance operatives are predisposed towards the United States accumulating ever more debt, out to infinity – choosing to overlook the reality that another year or less of this behaviour will destroy the US dollar completely.

• For the dollar to be destroyed, all that is necessary is for one or two big financial powers to refuse to pay or charge for their oil in dollars: and such a development is IMMINENT. The parallel collapse of one or more huge US institutions would destroy the entire world financial economy.

The US dollar external Ponzi operation that ‘worked’ for a century, notoriously depended upon the willingness of foreigners to hold dollars. It is crystal clear to this financial sector observer who has nearly four decades’ experience that if the new US Obama Treasury does not proceed with the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme exactly as conceived, WITHOUT AMENDMENT – namely, that it is to be a PRIVATE SECTOR CAPITAL MARKETS OPERATION, not a Government operation that is susceptible to ‘insider’ corruption run surreptitiously out of the White House and the Treasury, key financial powers will DROP THE U.S. DOLLAR. The argument that ‘there is no alternative’ cannot be relied upon in the situation that will be unfolding in the first quarter of this year.

As the Rest of the World will KNOW at some stage soon (during the first quarter of 2009) whether the new Treasury is to implement the G-7-Approved Refinancing Plan WITHOUT AMENDMENT, any FAILURE OR FURTHER FOOT-DRAGGING on the part of the new Obama Treasury to adhere to the Private Sector Capital Markets Refinancing and US Dollar Refunding Programme as was specifically approved by the Group of Seven (G-7) powers and re-approved at the G-7 Conference in northern Germany in June 2007 when The Queen called for its implementation ‘for the sake of the whole of humanity’, could lead to the unhesitating abandonment of the US dollar as the currency in which payment is demanded and made for exported oil, irrespective of all other considerations.


• Foreigners will take fright at the prospect of another eight years of a pariah US Government intent upon ADDING TO the overhang of obligations that is threatening to fall through the roof, through all the building’s floors and into the basement, with catastrophic consequences.

The new Obama Economic Team, whether foisted upon the incoming President or not, is DEBT-oriented: which is a recipe for catastrophic and terminal failure. The G-7-Approved Private Sector Refinancing Programme, which GENERATES ON-THE-BOOKS ACCRUALS THAT ARE TAXED AT 35% yielding massive ongoing real money accruals to the US Treasury, CREATES NEW REVENUE AND THEREFORE POSITIVE, TRANSPARENT AND TANGIBLE CASHFLOW that is available both for paying down debt and for urgent infrastructure rebuilding and massive domestic projects: funds that, because of on-the-books transparency, cannot be diverted, stolen, exploited or ransacked by ruthless, wayward finance operatives holding high office within the US official structures.

• It is the ONLY way forward, and everyone, from Barack Obama downwards, and at the highest levels of the leading financial powers, knows it.

As will be seen when we come to the deliberate imploding (by the Bush apparat) of the Madoff Ponzi Scheme Carousel, the two institutions employed by Madoff and his broker-dealership are JPMorgan Chase and The Bank of New York Mellon – the two US exotic financial enterprises which have accumulated colossal inverted overhanging pyramids of derivatives junk liabilities: indeed, JPMorgan Chase, which harbours the Terrorism Financing Center that we have exposed on this website, is where this immense assembly of fraudulent finance Ponzi Scheme scams began.


Now, we are advised by ‘deep’ sources that the Rockefellers have ‘got the upper hand’ against the Bush Crime Family apparat. But this is ‘back to front’ in the following respect:

The practical reality is that the Rockefeller interests are in extreme danger of being crushed and reduced to pulp should the accumulated weight of the derivatives liabilities that is sitting on the roof crash through successive floors into the basement: and this will happen, as the Rockefellers know very well, if the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme creating real, on-the-books taxable revenues that cannot be hijacked, diverted or stolen by criminal operatives inside the American structures, is sidestepped, as the New Economic Team was (INCREDIBLY) set up to procure.

Hence, the Rockefeller interests (believed to be backed here by the Rothschilds as well) have been left with no option but to insist that the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme is finally kick-started in the private sector, and NOT via the White House and the Treasury, as the debt-oriented high-level fraudulent finance engineers had intended.

More broadly, the US fraudulent finance sector is now facing the reality of collapse because by spreading the risk so widely, they have in fact generated an environment of open warfare both within the affected financial institutions, between the participants, between financial institutions, between investors and implicated US legal firms, in fact prospectively between every benighted participant in this US-instigated global panorama of financial fraud.

• Why did they spread the risk so broadly?

• Answer: Because it was assumed that if anyone tried to STOP the carousel (as has occurred), the outcome would be a financial nuclear explosion.

On this false premise, they therefore assumed, like professional Ponzi artists and losing gamblers in a casino, that their fraudulent finance carousel could continue sine die and that their formula for manufacturing false wealth out of nothing could never be challenged or brought down.

How wrong these ‘Useful Idiots’ were. HOW STUPID AND ARROGANT, TOO.

Because what they now face is financial annihilation and obliteration whichever way the crisis goes:

• ANNIHILATION when, against the background of the G-7-Approved Private Sector Capital Markets Refinancing Programme, derivatives outstanding are priced, say, at 1 cent on the dollar:


• OBLITERATION if the entire inverted pyramid of derivatives liabilities collapses, destroying the likes of JPMorgan Chase and The Bank of New York Mellon in the process – and of course the Rockefellers AND THE BUSH-CLINTON FINANCIAL CRIME apparatus with them.

In other words, THERE IS NO WAY OUT FOR THE FINANCIAL CRIMINAL CADRES. They are caught and cannot get out with the money they thought they had made.

• But there IS a way out for the Rest of Us – via the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme.

Meanwhile the emergence of the new ‘retread’ Economic Team, for the purpose of continuing debt financing and fraudulent finance as usual, explains why the outgoing US Treasury Secretary, that devil Mr Paulson, was walking around with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. He knew that when he leaves office, it will be illicit, corrupt ‘business as usual’ – run out of the White House, with him, of course, as a corrupt participant. OR SO HE IMAGINED.

The team members, specifically assembled to continue the illicit financial trading operations out of the White House, Treasury and State Department under Mr Obama’s nose, are as follows (1):

• Timothy Geithner, US Treasury Secretary: President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, former Director of Policy Development for the International Monetary Fund, Member of the Group of Thirty (G-30), formerly employed at Kissinger Associates, mentored by Lawrence Summers and by Robert Rubin, and a Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission member/participant. [Trilateral Commission is another long-range German front].

• Paul Volcker, to be head of a new Economic Recovery Advisory Board: Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board under Presidents Carter and Reagan, the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Chairman of a Rothschild Wolfensohn Company, Member of the Group of Thirty (G-30), longtime Rockefeller Family associate, and a Bilderberg and Council on Foreign Relations member, and North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission. Volcker, as was previously reported, is also a Trustee, which may be assumed to be liable to influence his thinking.

• Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff: This man is a member of the Israel Defence Force (IDF), i.e. of a foreign military establishment, from which we deduce that he is the Israeli equivalent of a Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) officer. Why don’t they just install the head of the ongoing Soviet GRU as White House Chief of Staff, and be done with it? A hardline Zionist and a Kissinger protégé, former Congressman and a member of the Board of Directors of Freddie Mac, he also spent two years as an investment banker for Wasserstein Perella [see this report]. He was a key member of Clinton’s finance campaign committee and was implicated in the cover-up of the murder of Vincent Foster. His father was a member of the Israeli Irgun terrorist group, which blew up the King David Hotel inflicting a large number of British military deaths in the process.

• Lawrence Summers, to head the National Economic Council: Summers was US Treasury Secretary during the Clinton Administration, former World Bank Chief Economist, former President of Harvard University (where rising operatives are sent for indoctrination), Board Member of the Brookings Institute, protégé of David Rockefeller, mentored by Robert Rubin, and also a Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission member/participant..

• David Axelrod, Senior Adviser: A political consultant whose past clients include Senators Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Representative Christopher Dodd (Stalin’s grandson).

• Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State: Originally a clandestine CIA asset who was used to infiltrate the Yale University anti-war movement, Watergate hearings participant, CIA operative, senior partner in the Little Rock, Arkansas Rose Law Firm, key figure in the Mena drug trafficking scandal, alleged architect of the Waco disaster, implicated in many deaths including the cover-up of the murder of Vincent Foster: world-class criminal operative and a Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission member/participant. Likely to order liquidation of the Editor of this service.

• Joseph Biden, Vice President: Senator since 1972, Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, staunch Zionist sympathiser who told Rabbi Mark S. Golub of Shalom TV: ‘I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist’, and a Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission member/participant.

• Bill Richardson: Former US Congressman, Chairman of the Democratic National Convention in 2004, former employee of Kissinger Associates, US Ambassador to the United Nations, Governor of New Mexico, Energy Secretary, key operative involved in the Monica Lewinsky Israeli intelligence honey-trap spying cover-up with Bilderberg luminary Vernon Jordan, and a Bilderberg and Council on Foreign Relations member/participant. THIS CANDIDATE HAS WITHDRAWN: SEE ABOVE.

• Robert Gates, Defense Secretary: The former Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), and Defense Secretary under President George W. Bush, knee-deep in the Iran-Contra scandal and its financial ramifications, named in a 1999 class action lawsuit pertaining to the criminal Mena drug trafficking operation, Co-Chairman of a Council on Foreign Relations Task Force with Zbigniew Brzezinski, and a Bilderberg and Council on Foreign Relations participant.

• Tom Daschle, Health Secretary: Former Senate Majority leader, Clinton lackey, mentored by Robert Rubin and a Bilderberg and Council on Foreign Relations member/participant.

• Eric Holder, Attorney General: heavily involved in procuring the Presidential Pardon for Marc Rich (the long-range Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) operative Hans Brand), Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno, and facilitated the pardoning of 16 Puerto Rican FALN terrorists.

• Janet Napolitano, Director of the Department of Homeland Security: Governor of Arizona, US Attorney during the Clinton Administration, instrumental in the Oklahoma City Bombing cover-up (which inter alia covered up the destruction of the German Nazi files kept in the Murrah Building) after she had declared ‘We’ll pursue every bit of evidence and every lead’, soft on immigration, described as ‘another Janet Reno’, and a Council on Foreign Relations Member.

• General James L. Jones, National Security Advisor: Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Special Envoy for Middle East Security, on the Board of Directors of Chevron and Boeing, NATO Commander, Member of Brent Scowcroft’s Institute for International Affairs along with Zbigbiew Brzezinski, Bobby Ray Inman, Dr Henry Kissinger, and the former DCI (CIA), John Deutch.

• Susan Rice, US Ambassador to the United Nations: Rhodes Scholar, campaign foreign policy advisor to John Kerry and Michael Dukakis when Presidential candidates, member of President Clinton’s National security Council, Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, alumnus of the Brookings Institution (funded by the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation), member of the Aspen Strategy Group teeming with insiders such as the odious drug operative Richard Armitage, Brent Scowcroft and Madeleine Albright, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

On a much more satisfactory tack, Mr Obama has selected:

• Mary Schapiro, to be Head of the severely discredited US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Ms Schapiro has been Chief Executive of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and was Head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) during the Clinton era, where she ran a very tight ship. This is an inspired choice, as this lady’s reputation stands high; and as The Times, London, stated correctly on 19th December, she has a ‘deep understanding of both financial futures and the commodities markets’.

Given the imperative for the Wall Street Rule Book to be rewritten, as Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. has argued, this appointment is significant, indicating that Mr Obama is ‘not to be messed with’.

• Peter Orszag, to be Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB): Ordinarily, this appointee’s brief is to continue the falsification of the US Federal Budget numbers out to infinity. However Mr Orszag has been Director of the Congressional Budget Office, which enjoys a sound reputation, whereas the OMB has for decades been engaged in creative accounting, smoke and mirrors obfuscation, and the falsification of the US Federal Budget and background debt data. On the face of it, therefore, the appointment of Mr Orszag is an inspired ‘pick’ which, we understand, was entirely Mr Obama’s own: and a clever move this is, too: because if, finally, an honest Director is installed at the OMB, it suddenly becomes much harder for the numbers to be fiddled.

Very significantly, when presenting Mr Orszag to the press and the public on 25th November, Mr Obama predicted a ‘page-by-page, line-by-line budget review to root out unnecessary spending’. And, with his Electoral College landslide victory amply confirmed, Mr Obama proclaimed that he possesses ‘a mandate to move the country in a NEW DIRECTION, and NOT TO CONTINUE the same old practices that have gotten us into the fix we’re in…. As soon as the recovery is well under way, we need to set up a long-term plan to reduce the structural deficit and to make sure that we are not leaving a mountain of debt for the next generation’.

• This sounds pretty much like an Obama endorsement of the G-7-Approved Private Sector Capital Markets Refinancing Programme, which is, and HAS ALWAYS BEEN, the ONLY solution on the table, because only the private sector creates revenue: the Government ONLY CREATES DEBT.

• Separately John Podesta, head of the Obama Transition Team, and former White House Chief of Staff, was implicated in the Vincent Foster murder along with Emanuel and Mrs Hillary Clinton. At the time of this analysis, there was no indication that Podesta would see ‘life after Inauguration’.

• Leon Panetta, former Chief of Staff to criminalist President Clinton, was reported on 5th January to have been selected as Director of Central Intelligence (CIA). THIS IS VERY BAD NEWS. Panetta was involved in all the relevant ‘bad stuff’ under Clinton, and his ‘selection’ (imposition?) suggests a rearguard action by the recalcitrant criminalists to CONTINUE ‘running the money’ through the CIA if, as expected, the intention to continue doing so seamlessly through the White House, the State Department and the Treasury, is closed off (due to factors we can’t go into). If this suspicion is in any way close to the mark, it needs to be understood that THIS WON’T FLY EITHER. The situation is precisely as stated in the opening paragraphs of this report, above the bullet points.

Panetta is very familiar with the secret Halliburton scamming operations buried inside the CIA and the Pentagon which we helped to expose in the summer. He is very fully aware of the faulty Saudi Arabian artillery weapon which killed US troops undergoing training, and he knows all about those toasters costing less than $20 at hardware stores which Halliburton sold for nearly $1,900 a piece. He is Cheney’s evil twin. A HILLARY CLINTON PICK AND IT STINKS.

The US criminalists THINK THEY CAN CONTINUE WITH THEIR FRAUDULENT FINANCE. But time and global patience has run out. Should they remain under this mischievous illusion for long after the Inauguration, they will be BURIED, along with Morgan Stanley, The Bank of New York Mellon, Deutsche Bank and the other corrupt institutons. Such an outcome may be imminent.

• These fools MUST BE STOPPED. THEY ARE OPERATING ACCORDING TO OLD, REDUNDANT CRITERIA. Their model is a train wreck. They cannot continue this fraudulent finance. They think they CAN continue this fraudulent finance off-balance sheet. It is the job of Gold Badges et al to make them understand that the model has not only passed its sell-by date: it’s a grenade that will ignite a financial and economic holocaust with no parallel, affecting the whole of humanity. Clinton is a deeply evil influence inside the Obama camp and is evidently calling the shots. However, this madness CANNOT OVERCOME THE ELEPHANT IDENTIFIED AT THE TOP OF THIS REPORT, and neither can it overcome key factors that cannot be discussed right now. These developments all reflect warfare behind the scenes and cannot be taken as ‘set in concrete’ quite yet.

• There are more shoes to fall (i.e. airborne shoes to be thrown).

• WE UNDERSTAND, HOWEVER, THAT, ALL OF A SUDDEN, THE PENNY HAS DROPPED… Namely, that a calamity will follow any imminent failure to complete the Settlements and the Refunding of the US Dollar by means of the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme using transparent Capital Markets Operations on-the-books, yielding REVENUE, rather than continuing with such transactions off the books, yielding DEBT which is what Government participation in the Refinancing Programme can only generate. The prospect of a catastrophic series of events is of extreme global concern….

Because this pre-assembled, debt-focused incoming Obama Economic Team was put in place and apparently foisted on President-Elect Obama (whether with his consent or not is unknown), anger among the CIA-backed Internet Blogocracy was switched after the US Election away from outgoing President George W. Bush to Mr Barack Obama, who was even being referred to in late December as ‘more evil than Bush’ – an amazing transformation, given the fact that Obama had not yet shown his mettle except as analysed above (none of the febrile ‘rumours’ about what he is supposed to have agreed to, had any substance as they were typically proffered by unaccountable ANONYMOUS sources and even if that were not the case, could never be verified): nor can ANY President-Elect promulgate Executive Orders, as has been suggested elsewhere, in a quite astonishing display of ignorance! But then, the sources for this nonsense are ANONYMOUS and thus unaccountable.

The likelihood is that Obama was suddenly the focus of vituperative CIA-fanned attacks precisely because, as indicated here, the Elite Power Continuum served by the Intelligence Power, which controls the US Government, intended to pretend that there has been no discontinuity – and to continue centrally-directed, surreptitious corrupt financial operations out of the new White House under Mr Obama’s nose, as though nothing had happened. Given CIA compartmentalisation, the Blogocracy cannot be expected to be aware that this scheme has already been torpedoed.

It also stands to reason that attempts may be made to blackmail the incoming President.

• However we have two points to stress in this connection:

(1) EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of this crew on the stage and off the stage, even operatives below the radar, is being prospectively blackmailed at all times. There is a ‘Black’ file on 100% of those who are chosen to walk onto the stage. So the fact that Mr Obama is almost certainly being blackmailed by the evil Intelligence Power is essentially a NEUTRAL issue. He has displayed evidence that he can be very tough, and his wife, who should know, has specifically stated that he is and will be ‘a hard task-master’. Therefore, in our opinion this man shows the character and ability to rise above this unavoidable hazard. The way to deal with the threat of any blackmail (which can of course be predicated on lies), even when baseless, is to recall that the blackmailer is invariably in a weaker position than the blackmailee, not least because if he uses his ‘weapon’, he then exhausts all his ammunition and thereafter becomes powerless. Therefore, the best course for Mr Obama, should he have concluded that he may unjustly be a blackmail target, would appear to be to steel himself to ignore any such pressure, and to bear in mind the following foreign example: which is not to be construed as having any implications whatsoever, but solely to make the point that the blackmailer is WEAKER than his target (especially, as in Mr Obama’s case, when the prospective blackmail may be based upon the odious transgressions of lies and false witness):

(2) Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has been called a ‘vampire’ by his wife, no less. This probably refers to Vladimir Putin’s involvement in certain satanic activities, which would be fully consistent with his background as a Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) operative, as well as his KGB background. (GRU officers are also KGB officers: KGB officers are not necessarily GRU officers).

Mr Putin was further deliberately photographed within the past year kissing the bared tummy of a small child. What was that all about? Here is the answer: Putin, like José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, and certain others we could name, is a paedophile, a fact which has clearly been held in reserve by those forces inside the structures who believe they can or could blackmail him. By staging this ‘kissing operation’, Mr Putin ‘blew’ their chances. While the revolting image revealed the truth about Putin’s depravity, it also simultaneously destroyed the blackmailing power threat held over his head. Putin shrewdly calculated that by staging the kissing session, he could neutralise the blackmailers and would ‘get away with it’: which he has.

In summary, if President-elect is liable have false witness deployed against him by these odious operatives, that is not necessarily the end of the world for the incoming President. And the other side of the coin can be summarised as follows:

• Given that all the other characters on the stage will be serving at the President’s pleasure, he will be in a position to dispense with their services should they step out of line. In this connection, Mrs Hillary Clinton has already stepped out of line, according to The Guardian of 24th December 2008, which reported that:

‘The former first lady has wasted no time as she begins building up her team in preparation for taking over as America’s most senior diplomat from Condoleeza Rice’ in January 2009. ‘Sources in Washington suggested Mrs Clinton had embarked on an “empire-building” exercise as she seeks an expanded rôle within Mr Obama’s Administration’.

‘She wants a bigger budget and an expanded role for the State Department, not just in foreign affairs, but in dealing with global economic issues in the current financial crisis’ –

… code for she wants to continue ‘running the money’ as hitherto.

The Guardian further reported that ‘Mrs Clinton has told Mr Obama she wants to appoint high-profile special envoys. Her husband Bill has been suggested as a possible envoy to deal with Pakistan and India –

… code for positioning, reaffirming, revitalising and procuring the implementation (in part, by her CIA husband) of conduits for ongoing illicit financial transactions, and probably also for activation of that $2.0 trillion which at one stage ‘vanished’ into the bowels of the UBS office in India.

Other operatives (all of Jewish extraction, like herself) reportedly being considered by Mrs Clinton as she attempts to build up her State empire prematurely before she had even vacated her Senate seat or been confirmed (which she cannot be until she had vacated her Senate seat), include the well known globalist operative Richard Holbrook, Martin Indyk (a former US Ambassador to Israel), Jacob Lew (Clinton era head of the President’s Office of Management and Budget, and thus deeply involved in the falsification of budgetological numbers), and Mr James Steinberg, a former Deputy National Security Adviser to President Clinton.

Clearly, Mrs Clinton’s strategy is to inflate herself to the max ahead of Mr Obama’s Inauguration so that, as she imagines, he will find her impossible to oppose, or difficult to move: her calculations may also include the knowledge that President Obama would not be able to move her in the early years, not for 18 months, at least: during which time the extension of the illicit, fraudulent trading arrangements would have become embedded within the White House, so that the new President would be ‘unable’ to intervene.

Before going any further, it is unfortunately necessary to review the various appalling publicised, mainly financial sector, ‘neutralisations’ that have taken place recently, as the struggle to procure the Settlements has intensified, in order to carry our investigation forward:

• Paulo Sergio Silva, aged 36, a trader for the brokerage arm of the Brazilian banking congolmerate Itau, was reported to have ‘shot himself in the chest’ during an afternoon trading session of the Sao Paulo commodities and futures exchange last November, stopping trading for 15 minutes.

• Kirk Stephenson, who helped start Luqman Arnold’s investment company Olivant Ltd., committed suicide, a British coroner’s court decided in December 2008. Stephenson, 47, jumped in front of a train on 25th September 2008, at the railway station in Taplow, near Maidenhead, located 28 miles west of London. The train was travelling at 100 miles an hour.

• Alex Widmer, Chief Executive of Bank Julius Baer, Zürich, aged 52, was reported by Reuters on 5th December to have ‘committed suicide’. Two unnamed ‘independent’ sources were cited by the Swiss News website 20Minuten to have stated that the death was a suicide.

Swiss police refused to comment on the death. A bank spokesman, however, was careful to point out for public consumption that there was no link between Widmer’s death and the group’s current [sic] activities, but declined to give further details on the cause of Widmer’s death, saying it was a ‘private matter’. The operative word here was ‘current’, implying that Widmer had been involved in questionable activities in the past: and indeed, further enquiries by this service confirmed that this interpretation is correct. Market sources have advised the Editor of this service that ‘the top Julius Baer banker was killed and we know why’: other sources have stated unequivocally to us that this was a murder, associated with the elaborate cover-up, retribution and ‘neutralisation’ operations that are taking place in the context of the Settlements crisis.

• Gavin Macdonald, aged 47, a top mergers and acquisitions banker, was reported on Monday 8th December 2008 to have died ‘from a heart attack’ at the London offices of Morgan Stanley in Canary Wharf. However he died on the preceding Friday night, so that his death was not in fact announced for at least 56 hours. Macdonald was Global Head of Mergers and Acquisitions for the institution. In view of the fact that he died ‘on Friday night’, there was plenty of lime for a ‘massaged line’ to have been developed to ‘explain’ his sudden death, which was attributed to ‘overwork’. Promptly on the Monday, Morgan Stanley’s CEO, John Mack, led tributes to the dead banker.

Mr Mack heads the institution within which a special suite devoted to the financing of terrorism, which we now refer to as the Terrorism Financing Center, is located. When the Provost Marshal attempted, with Department of Defense Internal Affairs assistance, to enter this room in October 2007, he was barred from entry on the orders of Vice President Cheney, to whom, ludicrously, he reported. You will have noted that THERE HAS BEEN NO DENIAL OF THIS INFORMATION – for the familiar reason, that the intelligence, which came from the actual ensuing investigation, is true.
Macdonald would of course have been aware of the existence of the Terrorism Financing Center, and may well have been considered a prospective threat to the ongoing cover-up operations. Mr Mack’s oleaginous tributes to Gavin Macdonald need to be considered in the foregoing context.

•Christen Schnor, aged 49, a Danish-born senior executive with HSBC bank, was discovered on Wednesday afternoon 17th December hanging by a belt, naked, in the wardrobe of his £500-a-night suite at the Jumeriah Carlton Tower Hotel, Cadogan Place, in Knightsbridge, London, having also rented a £390-a-day apartment for his wife and two children in Lower Sloane Street, in the same upper-class area. Schnor worked at HSBC’s Canary Wharf office. This death resembles that of Amschel Rothschild who was discovered hanging in a high-class hotel in Paris on 11th July 1996.

• Non-banking death: Michael Connell, an IT expert said to have been directly implicated in the rigging of George W. Bush Jr.’s 2000 and 2004 elections (since the Republicans cannot ‘win’ US elections without rigging them these days, as previously explained, due to deliberately arranged demographic factors) was killed on 19th December when his single-engine private plane crashed three miles short of Akron airport. Mr Connell was reported to have told a close associate that he was afraid that George Bush and Vice President Cheney would “throw [him] under a bus”.

It had earlier been verified that Carl Rove had threatened Connell and his wife, Heather (sounds familiar?). Mr Connell had flown to a small airport outside Washington DC on 18th December 2008 for a meeting. On 31st October, Mr Connell had appeared before a Federal Judge in Ohio after being subpoenaed in a Federal lawsuit investigating the rigging of the 2004 election under Karl Rove’s direction. The Judge ordered Mr Connell to testify under oath at a deposition on 3rd November 2008, the day before the election.

The White House is reported to have become extremely concerned that Mr Connell planned to divulge details of his secret illegal work for the White House. Heather Connell owns GovTech Solutions. Both GovTech and an IT firm called SmartTech of Chattanooga, TN, have been implicated in the rigging of the 2000 and 2004 elections and a White House email scandal.

In 2005, the US operative Andy Stephenson was poisoned with a substance capable of mimicking pancreatic cancer, after travelling the United States tirelessly exposing the wholesale falsification of election results using doctored software and rigged electronic voting machines, thus making a mockery of George W. Bush’s puffed-up boasting about ‘spreading democracy’ in the Middle East and elsewhere. Further exposure of this sub-scandal would be very liable to broaden and become engulfed in the colossal fraudulent finance unravelling that is taking place, which the criminalists are trying desperately to cover up, without success.

• René-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, 65, founding partner and CEO of Access International Advisors, was found dead with his wrists slashed on the morning of Tuesday 23rd December 2008, in his office at 509 Madison Avenue, New York. The French financier, an aristocratic society fund manager with a chateau in Brittany, was found at 7.50am with no pulse, in his office a couple of blocks from the Rockefeller Center. A spokeswoman for the New York medical examiner was careful to insist many hours later that it had not yet established the cause of death.

In other such cases, ‘sources’ have been in the habit of insisting that the death was a ‘suicide’.

The French financier employed a sizeable army of royally-connected ‘Alpine advisers’ to trawl the casinos, ski slopes and yacht clubs of Europe in frantic search of wealthy investors for investment in his fund, which in turn fed the demand for ‘replacement money’ for the Bernard L. Madoff Ponzi investment operations [see below]. M. de la Villehuchet’s connections and his own aristocratic pedigree enabled him to tap into a rich seam of intermediaries who helped to secure funds on behalf of Access, for onward placement with Madoff.

His ‘advisors’ included Philippe Junot, first husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco, and Crown Prince Michael of Yugoslavia, described as an ‘investor relations executive’. Families said to have invested with the French financier included the Rothschilds, other European grandees, and heirs to the L’Oréal cosmetics fortune, especially 86-year-old Liliane Bettencourt, daughter of the L’Oréal SA founder, Eugene Schueller, who is reported to have invested part of her fortune estimated at $22.9 billion with Bernard L. Madoff through the dead French financier. The 86-year-old holds a 30% shareholding in L’Oréal SA, which is the world’s largest manufacturer and purveyor of cosmetics.

In a letter dated 12th December 2008 to clients, Access International Advisors stated that funds, including its LUXALPHA SICAV-American Selection, were invested solely with Bernard L. Madoff’s investment firm. Data compiled by Bloomberg indicated that it had $1.4 billion in assets as at 17th November 2008. Reporting M. de la Villehuchet’s death on 24th December, The Daily Telegraph cited an anonymous source as stating that it was ‘highly likely’ that the French financier committed suicide, while a French newspaper report stated that he killed himself.

• Adolf Merckle, a German industrialist and billionaire, aged 74, was found on 5th January 2009 near railway tracks in southern Germany. The BBC reported on 6th January that Merckle had lost about 400 million Euros after wrong-way bets on Volkswagen shares. Herr Merckle’s business interests included Phoenix Pharmahandel, a drugs wholesaler with annual sales of about 21 billion Euros, Ratiopharm, a generic drugs company with annual sales estimated at 1.8 billion Euros, Heidelberg Cement, a cement firm with annual sales of 11+ billion Euros, the Kaessbohrer ski-slope equipment firm with sales of 183 million Euros, and VEM, a conglomerate of three engine manufacturers, with sales of 280 million Euros. The total turnover of the deceased’s conglomerate in 2008 was 30 billion Euros. The businesses employ about 71,000 people. Herr Merckle’s holding company had been in talks with banks to secure credit after it ran up high levels of debt.

In a statement, the family commented that ‘the distress to his firms caused by the financial crisis and the related uncertainties of recent weeks, along with helplessness of being unable to act, broke [him] and he ended his life’.

“News of Adolf Merckle’s death left me deeply shaken”, Baden-Wuerttemberg’s Prime Minister, Guenther Oettinger, said. The State had “lost a great entrepreneur”. In November 2008, the State Government signalled it would not assist Merckle after he sought a bailout. Herr Merckle had hired the insolvency lawyer Eberhard Braun and had threatened to initiate bankruptcy proceedings for VEM unless lenders provided him with restructuring capital, according to reports in December.

• WE DO NOT CONCUR WITH THE ABOVE: Merckle almost certainly ‘knew too much’ and appears to have been a victim of the DVD split identified by this service. It is inconceivable that a successful businessman as proficient as Merckle would have entered into one or more wrong-way bets with funds needed for his multiple enterprises. This ‘line’, publicised for public consumption, does not impress, and neither does it compute. Since the DVD and the Bushes HAVE LOST, we are looking at doors being slammed shut, and the slamming doors will be making quite a racket.

• The subtle point to be understood here is that until perhaps 5th January, the Bush Crime/DVD nexus thought they had ‘won’, which was an illusion AND HAS SINCE BEEN CONFIRMED TO THEM to be an illusion. Furthermore, they COULD NEVER ‘WIN’ without also destroying the Rockefellers through inter alia the collapse of JPMorgan Chase (a Germany-oriented bank, and the seat of the Terrorism Financial Center), which means that the Clintons (as the former President is of course a Rockefeller) could not in fact allow the Bushes to get away with their game. Therefore, ALL OF A SUDDEN, and all the more so in the light of certain developments, the Clintons will support the Settlements: which they cannot avoid in view of the reality set out at the top of this report.

• Steve Good, Chairman and Chief Executive of Sheldon Good & Co., a leading US real estate auction firm, was found with a gunshot to the head in his red Jaguar on Monday 5th January (the same day as Herr Merckle threw himself in front of a train near his Blaubeuren home in southern Germany). No suicide note was found with the body, suggesting thsi was yet another execution. Mr Good, who was Chairman of the US Realtors’ Commercial Alliance Committee, had a long-standing business relationship with Donald Trump, according to several reports dated 7th January 2009.

Concerning the case of M. de la Villehuchet, who was found at his desk with both wrists slashed, and a boxcutter and a bottle of sleeping tablets on the floor, we also beg to differ with the authors of the ‘received version’ promulgated so very smoothly for public consumption. This man, too, was almost certainly murdered, given his ALPHA involvement.

The La Tribune website stated that the financier ‘could not cope with the pressure following the outbreak of the scandal’, which is an understatement: he was desperately seeking replacement funds to satisfy his devastated aristocratic clients, implying in true Ponzi style, of course, that if such funds could by any remote chance have been procured, he would have disbursed them to refund the clients who had been severely affected or wiped out – leaving the problem of how to handle the new investors until further dupes had been inveigled to invest: but of course, raising any funds at all against the prevailing background, exacerbated by the globally publicised Madoff scandal itself, had by now become impossible.

So, yes, the financier was desperate. But one of the clues to the likelihood that he was murdered lies in the name of one of his funds, LUXALPHA SICAV-American Selection. Here’s why.

• The money invested in Madoff’s operations (THE MONEY ‘IN’) has not been LOST: It has been STOLEN – by associates of the George Bush-Clinton Crime Nexus. In order to understand this, several additional facts must be added here:

(1) It has been confirmed to us that Bernard L. Madoff was recruited into the global George H. W. Bush- controlled money-leveraging and laundering operations around 2005-2006: just when the $4.5 trillion sent over by the People’s Bank of China ostensibly to finance Leo Wanta’s payment became available for the highest-level financial fraudsters to play with. What a coincidence!

(2) It has been separately confirmed to us that Bernard L. Madoff had extensive insider dealer assistance for his Ponzi operations. He could not have operated without such assistance. The immense extent of this collaboration SHOULD emerge as the SEC’s investigations proceed:

• However this depends on the extent to which the SEC, SIPC etc investigations have already been ‘sown up’; and as indicated below, the initial impression gained is NOT ENCOURAGING.

(3) The Madoff operations formed a key component of the global financial corruption carousel presided over by the Bush-Clinton criminal high-level intelligence community gangsters.

René-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet may have been murdered on the instructions of ‘Black Ops’ elements in order to prevent him exposing in detail the labyrinthine connections linking the Bush-Clinton Crime Nexus to the DELIBERATE takedown of Bernard L. Madoff and to the fact that the Madoff operations represented the Master Ponzi Scheme presiding over an army of subsidiary Ponzi Schemes. However the ‘neutralisation’ of de la Villehuchet cannot, obviously, prevent the inevitable connections being made between the Master Ponzi Scheme, the secondary ‘feeder’ Ponzi Schemes, and the overarching Bush-Clinton-CIA global fraudulent finance abominations being exposed in gory detail, as successive arms of the Octopus unravel and the extent of the biggest financial scandal in world history, and ALPHA’s role in it, is progressively unmasked.

• If those at the helm of this operation imagine that their intelligence connections will protect them in perpetuity, they may have a nasty shock coming to them, even though there may be evidence of a possible ‘insider’ operation to ‘contain’ the fallout from the ‘Madoff takedown’ [see below]. If our suspicions on this score prove to be correct, we would still consider the outlook for these highest-level US criminalists as grim, because the explosion is so huge that even with any ‘accommodating’ associates, they cannot realistically hope to prevent the audit trail from reaching their front doors.

• Also to be borne in mind is the fact that the SEC’s own-account operations, which are absolutely unconscionable for a Regulator, may be liable at any time to be exposed in detail, with the prospect of severe consequences for Mr Cox and others: so the SEC itself would appear to have a vested interest in ensuring that whatever emerges from the myriad complex investigations and the legal processes, is appropriately ‘sanitised’. Again, our view would be that it is FAR TOO LATE FOR ANY SUCH COVER-UP OPERATIONS TO BE WHOLLY ‘SUCCESSFUL’.

Following the issuance of a handful of Presidential Pardons before Christmas, President Bush II is expected to ‘do a Clinton’ and promulgate an extended list of Presidential Pardons on 19th January 2009 just before he ceases to be the most disgraced President of the United States in the always disturbed history of the Republic. Observers expect a bumper crop of blanket pardons, including one for himself, which explains why Vice President Richard Cheney, of MK-Ultra notoriety, has been bragging on TV about how he authorised torture (satisfying his innate sadism).

But as mentioned in an earlier report, these people are financiers of international terrorism as defined in their own repressive domestic legislation and in the copycat anti-terrorism legislation promulgated in the European Union context and in the United Kingdom.

Their financial thievery and scamming operations against her Majesty The Queen, the sovereign of America’s supposedly ‘closest ally’, entitles them to be arrested, held in custody, indicted, tried and sentenced to the maximum period of detention, like the many thousands of bankers scooped in the autumn of 2007 and extradited to the United Kingdom and other European countries on charges of economic terrorism, as previously reported.

These former bankers received 25 years’ incarceration for their criminal activities, and many of the lawyers who rushed across the Atlantic to bail them out were likewise arrested as co-conspirators and accessories to the fact of these terrorism financing crimes, receiving similar treatment (as also reported on this website and of course never denied by anyone).

It follows, therefore, that this expected issuance of corrupt Presidential Pardons en masse will not get these criminals off the hook. They may rely upon the fact that their routine corruption has in turn corrupted leaders of European countries such as Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been receiving bribes from George Bush Sr. in exchange for ‘protecting’ ‘his’ stolen and corrupt funds, or their fellow intelligence operative Gordon Brown, who has been exposed as corrupt, as we have revealed. But the fact remains that, at any stage in the future, any or all of these criminal financiers of global terrorism could be picked up the moment they step into the relevant jurisdictions.

Stephen Harbeck, Chief Executive of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) who is the senior receiver of Madoff’s now defunct Ponzi-brokerage business, said on the 27th December 2008 that investigators were dealing with a ‘highly complex hybrid fraud’, elaborating that each of the individual investment accounts feeding the Madoff operations could be its own self-contained Ponzi fraud: and this is certainly the impression gained from de la Villehuchet’s desperate attempts to ‘replace’ the funds belonging to his portfolio of previously wealthy European investors.

Speaking on the steps of the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, Stephen Harbeck added: ‘We will trace funds wherever the trail goes’, implying that extensive use had been made of offshore tax havens.

A report in The Guardian on 28th December said that ‘forensic accountants examining Mr Madoff’s [multiple sets of] books believed he had regularly sent large sums of money to offshore accounts in the Caribbean area and Europe. ‘There are accounts at New York Mellon Bank that we have been looking at that appear to have sent and received money from offshore locations’.

Bank of New York Mellon is one of the exotic financial enterprises identified in our reports in 2007 which mishandled the $6.2 trillion of loan funds made available by Her Majesty The Queen and by Prince Al-Aweed al-Talal of Saudi Arabia. As this element of the scandal unfolds, the prospects of the highest-level criminals emerging unscathed is expected to diminish at an accelerating pace.

On 23rd December, US Bankruptcy Judge Burton Lifland ruled that Madoff investors could receive no more than $100,000 in cash compensation, no matter how much they lost – a development that will have come as a severe blow to investors such as Mr Walter Noel (Fairfield Greenwich Group), whose operations ostensibly lost $7.5 billion, while the women’s wear magnate and Madoff mentor Carl Shapiro is reported to have lost $545 million of his personal fortune [see our alphabetical list of ‘victims’ in respect ONLY of the money ‘IN’, below]. Judge Lifland invited all Madoff investors to attend a meeting at the US Bankruptcy Court on 18th February 2009.

At this stage we ask the following questions concerning the financing of terrorism, and economic terrorism, which those whom Lenin called ‘the interested’ will certainly understand:

• What did and do the Clintons, Robert Rubin, Dr Alan Greenspan, Timothy Geithner, Dr Benjamin Bernanke, George W. Bush Jr., Henry M. Paulson, and Vice-President Richard Cheney have to do with Miapollo Investments Limited, Hong Kong, Apollo Management LLP, Eva Teleki, Leo Wanta, Olga Sarantopoulos, Golub Capital, Wasserstein Perella, Timothy Geithner (protégé of the guttural triple agent Dr Henry Kissinger), George H. W. Bush Sr., and Alpha [ALPHA] Bank in Greece: always bearing in mind who set up Miapollo Investments, Inc. and Apollo Management LLP for Bush Sr.?

• For what purpose did M. Jean-Paul Levitte, the former French Ambassador to Washington (now President Sarkozy’s closest intelligence and finance adviser), introduce a Mr Leon Black (not to be confused with a Mr Blue) to Crédit Lyonnais executives in Paris?

What can be stated at this stage is that the above-mentioned ‘worked with’ Mrs Hillary Clinton on the thieving of relevant accounts along with the Bushes, and that all are implicated with the ALPHA fraudulent finance and terrorism financing operation, which is still functioning. These fraudulent finance and terrorism financing operations were and continue to be committed in countries other than the United States, especially the United Kingdom, – so that all these people and their banking and intermediary associates, are specifically implicated in the financing of terrorism abroad. Under the Patriot Act USA et seq, financing terrorism abroad is a violation of the US legislation, qualifying the perpetrators to be arrested and incarcerated sine die, which is what ALL these double-minded perpetrators deserve and will, we believe, ultimately experience.

When 300 armed Metrololitan Police surrounded and raided the three ‘Safety Lock Box’ centres located in Mayfair, Hampstead and Edgeware, London, on 2nd June 2008 under the command of Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner John Yates, stolen, illicit and other collateral assets being used for fraudulent finance hypothecation purposes were placed wholly out of reach of the criminalist cadres and the corrupt banking strata concerned.

As we reported at the time and have reported subsequently, the British police raids marked a decisive development, arising out of intelligence gleaned inter alia from bankers arrested and extradited to the United Kingdom in the autumn of 2007. It is unprecedented in our experience for such an enormous squad of armed police to attend such raids in Britain, indicating quite clearly to anyone not sitting on their brains that this was an operation of unprecedented importance and significance, involving facing down the most ruthless gangsters on earth. And this judgment has indeed turned out to be accurate.

Because once the contents of the ‘Safety Lock Boxes’ had been placed out of reach (they remain under heavily armed guard, we understand), a central source of illicit creative fraudulent financing (of terrorism) had suddenly been closed down.

That left the Bernard L. Madoff complex of fraudulent Ponzi financing operations, and its colossal portfolio of feeder Ponzi self-contained fraudulent finance carousels as the primary source for the continuing flow of corrupt funds needed to keep the overall carousel going, with the exception of the Alpha operation (and probably several others, including the Omega operations). In summary, with the London ‘vaults’ shut down, the Bernard L. Madoff complex became the primary open source of funds (with the exception, as noted of the Alpha operation et al).

When margin calls arising from the implosion that occurred in mid-September, when the $14.0 trillion of LOAN money held within the Treasury custodial accounts was placed into ‘lockdown’ (on Friday 12th September 2008) following measures taken on 6th September 2008 and subsequently in Britain, the Madoff-linked feeder funds and thus Mr Madoff’s own operations collapsed under their own weight. On 20th September 2008, the Editor received the ‘triple gunshot voicemail’. On 22nd September, Senator Hillary Clinton met Timothy Geithner, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for at least five hours, issuing a bromise statement afterwards implying that she had in fact been discussing ‘economic reform’ with Mr Timothy Geithner – whereas in reality this was an emergency meeting to discuss how on earth to prevent the exposure of the fraudulent finance operations in which both were and are implicated up to their necks – in light of the developments since 6th and 12th September, and the volume of margin calls that were ensuing.

Among the relevant sources of exotic fraudulent finance caught up in the consequent maelstrom were funds submitted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York under Timothy Geithner to the Bank of New York Mellon and funds associated with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s own in-house proprietary trading account, mentioned in an earlier report.

• For the New York Fed and the SEC themselves to have been involved in these operations represents a colossal pair of parallel scandals which should trigger indictments of the primary characters involved at both institutions – starting with Christopher Cox and Timothy Geithner.

When the Federal Reserve opened up the swap doors, they were taking in quasi-fungible assets (Treasury guarantees) and exchanging them for Euros which could then be deployed within the Swiss exotic trading operations. This revolutionary nexus of fraudulent finance, of economic and ‘financial terrorism’ offensives, is so huge that it cannot be explained in depth at this stage.

However we can summarise some of the stages of this immense fraudulent finance operation – winding up with the resulting dubious derivative fake ‘assets’ outstanding being ‘guaranteed’ by the Depositary Trust Clearing (DTC) Corporation, owned by the largest clearing banks, which has boasted that it has handled transactions ‘worth’ $1.8 quintillion, and has ‘guaranteed’ up to $700 trillion of derivatives contracts outstanding (taking account of double-counting).

It is reported to us by respected and responsible market sources that one very large British bank, one very large German bank and one very large Swiss bank, in particular, are among institutions which have formed the habit in recent weeks of illegally refusing to release funds when instructed to do so by clients holding accounts with these institutions.

A case involving the UK institution resulted in the removal of a senior bank officer (also a diplomat) from the institution on Monday 29th December 2008, after the funds had been transferred from the bank’s Far East office to London, to fund a certain transaction.

• These banks are hoarding funds not least because they may expect to be called upon to fund guarantees entered into on their behalf by the Depositary Trust Clearing (DTC) Corporation, as an ever-increasing volume of related transactions ‘goes sour’. This factor is exacerbating the impact of the banks’ own corrupt off-balance sheet financial transactions on the real economy, and is the primary cause of the banks’ ‘lending strike’.

For the designers, perpetrators, intermediaries and traders involved in this biggest of all financial scamming operations NEVER THOUGHT THAT THE CAROUSEL WOULD RUN INTO TROUBLE, just as Charles Ponzi assumed that his classic scamming operation following the First World War could be continued ad infinitum. All concerned had and retained a vested interest in the continuation of this corrupt money machine, which has come unwound and will continue unravelling, contrary to their naïve and greedy expectations.

If we consider the Securities and Exchange Commission’s corrupt own-account transactions and supposedly borrowed (but now shown, post-Madoff, to have been STOLEN) funds, as our starting-point source of funds in an illustrative flow-chart, various stages can be described as follows:

• Leveraging of the sourced funds 3:1 in the United States.

• Transfer of the proceeds to the Swiss-based corrupt and exotic financing factory and issuance of bonds by the likes of Lehman Brothers, AIG, Bank of New York Mellon, Citibank and Morgan Stanley (funding for the bonds obtained from the Switzerland ‘money factory’ and direct out of the SEC’s own-account operations) at an 18% purchase price, for onward selling with a 30% mark-up, yielding an absolutely colossal 48% overall spread.

• Funds sent to Spanish institutions, especially Sr. Botin’s corrupt Banco Santander (which bought inter alia Alliance and Leicester and Abbey National in the UK), and probably onwards to corrupt institutions in the Southern Cone of Latin America, where Bush people have been congregating.

• Onward selling of the bonds, with a 30% backhander to the Bushes and 70% to other participants, including and especially the Bernard L. Madoff operations:

Since Madoff’s entities issued their own client confirmations and statements, Mr Madoff was able to juggle and obfuscate them with false accounting – a fact of real life that would appear to have been recognised ahead of the Madoff collapse, by Kingate Global Management, one of the ‘feeder Ponzi funds’ and one of the largest such subsidiary funds which had attracted some $2.75-$3.50 billion for investment in and ‘management by’ Madoff Investment Securities, Inc, despite having warned its investors that the Madoff brokerages ‘could abscond with those assets’.

In its fund prospectus, Kingate had warned that ‘there was always the risk that the assets with the investment adviser could be misappropriated. In addition, information supplied by the investment adviser may be inaccurate or even fraudulent. The co-managers [viz., Kingate and Tremont: see the alphabetical list below] are entitled to rely on such information (provided they do so in good faith) and are not required to undertake any due diligence to confirm the accuracy thereof’.

• This approach allowed Madoff to falsify the confirmations and statements issued to his clients. The Madoff Ponzi Carousel diverged from the ENRON operation in that ENRON employed a huge transnational firm of accountants, whereas Madoff used part-time accountants.

In parallel with, complementary to, and derived from such ongoing ‘money machine’ transactions, corrupt US Treasury and Citibank terrorism financing operations operate in outline as follows:

• Collateralized Debt Obligations (Mortgage Debt Securities etc) derived from Carlyle, AIG, Bush fraudulent finance and other linked sources are taken into the US Treasury/Citibank financing sub-machine to fund the master rotating derivatives underwriting machine – with the resulting new Collateralized Derivative Operations (CDOs) being delivered e.g. into the back-room operation of the complicit Bank of England (run, in 2007 at any rate, by a Carl Daniels, out of Birmingham but probably also linked to the US Embassy in London).

• Bank of England issues loans against the CDOs which are fed back to Carlyle, AIG and the Bush-Clinton Fraudulent Finance Empire and Carousel.

And the resulting outstanding derivatives obligations are all ‘guaranteed’ by the bank-owned private corporation calling itself the Depositary Trust Clearing Corporation, WHICH IS WHY BIG BANKS HAVE PROBLEMS, AND MAY COLLAPSE IF THE NEW ADMINISTRATION MESSES UP.

The ‘package people’, like the Madoff investors, have all been ripped off, too: but most of them can’t reconcile themselves to this reality. Earlier this year, President Bush Jr. (43) was quoted as having uttered evil words which, in translation, meant that these people can shout and scream to their dying day, and they will never receive a single cent. Many of these unfortunate victims have died without coming to terms with the fact that they have been scammed by these very self-same high-level self-appointed corrupt élite financial terrorists and fraudulent finance criminals that are being exposed by this service, as the biggest financial criminal crisis in world history unravels.

They cannot enforce anything inter alia because of ‘non-disclosure’ documents that they may have signed, the nebulous identities of the parties with whom they entered into their transactions, and the fact that, wittingly or otherwise, they breached the old Prudent Man Rule, which is not a legal matter but an issue of prudence which would weigh against them in any court proceedings which cannot be brought because the Ponzi frauds were structured so that no-one could ever be held accountable. That’s what we meant by the ‘Never-Pay Syndrome’ – invented by George H. W. Bush Sr., the physical embodiment of Lucifer on earth, and the technician with whom he has fallen out, Dr Alan Greenspan, whom the Bushite CIA dogs have recently punished by pulling down the House of Madoff and making off with the trillions and trillions of dollars’ worth of proceeds (money ‘OUT’).

Meanwhile, to keep the middle-class US investor victims from reaching in unison for their guns in their attacks, an elaborate, cynical Psy-Ops operation has been mounted by CIA counterintelligence cadres through controlled outlets and their possibly unwitting disciples for years, to keep all these victims expecting resolution at the end of the rainbow.

But their money has long since been STOLEN, and incorporated into the vast revolutionary self-enrichment Ponzi money machine for the odious Luciferian globalist elite – even as members of this discredited class are at each others’ throats now that their immense system of Ponzi scams is sagging or crumbling, and as the Bush Crime Family and associates make haste to shovel as much illicit money down to the Southern Cone as can be achieved within the very short space of time left for these people before they reap the consequences of their unspeakably cruel, selfish, ruthless, criminal and reprobate behaviour.

The above should not be construed as meaning that ‘the ransacked’ have no eventual remedy: but their condition is unfortunately probably as parlous as the victims of the Madoff Ponzi takedown.

• Whoever denies this is de facto assisting the CIA’s evil ‘Psy-Ops’ operation against the victims.

Of course that dimension is only one segment among a myriad past and ongoing scams, many of which are focused on ripping off officially sponsored programs at a Federal, State, county and city level via the courts, schools, parks and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-related projects, foundations, charities, cemeteries, hospitals, welfare agencies, nursing and home health care operations, you name it. These scams involve inter alia the use of ‘Asset-Backed Securities Trust Pools’ (2006-HES) and ‘Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates’ (Series 20006-HES).

Details of such scamming have been dug up by investigators into horrendous ongoing property-related scams in Arizona linked to NAMED high-level criminalists, and separately began to emerge during a recent Cook County foreclosure, in which the Judge ordered the bank and the victim into the hallway to ‘work out a settlement’: evidently the Judge didn’t want the relevant information to be revealed in Court, probably because his name was on the list and he himself was implicated.

Literally thousands of companies are associated with this scamming operation, using Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) as the transfer vehicle. In essence, these criminals, consisting of attorneys, judges, bankers and others, are simply transferring properties without the owners’ knowledge, prior to foreclosure, with most of the accounts in question found to be held with Fidelity Investments, we have been informed. The stolen property then becomes available as collateral for further fraudulent finance operations.

Concerning the Madoff dimension, in the foregoing survey, it will have been noted that while an estimated $50 billion is said to have been ‘lost’ as a consequence of the collapse of the Madoff operations, untold trillions of dollars came out the other end.

To elaborate: the US and global ‘mainstream’ media, as well as the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and the Bankruptcy Court, are ostensibly (to begin with, at any rate) concerned with the estimated ‘losses’ of $50 billion which have been widely publicised, based on the many documents filed with the Court (of which the Editor, by visiting the Court, obtained a complete set extant up to 21st December 2008, during his pre-Christmas visit to New York).

But that’s just the money ‘IN’.


What about the money ‘OUT’?

This, of course, as revealed above, is of a far larger order of magnitude, given the following:

• Leveraging operations doubtless conducted by Bernard L. Madoff’s office itself, perhaps at 3: 1, within the United States.

• Leveraging operations consistent with the illicit fraudulent finance operations that are typically conducted by the Bush-Clinton fraudsters, up to 40:1 which will have been conducted through Madoff’s London office, with counterparties in Britain. Switzerland, Spain, Austria, France, etc.

By means of the usual high-yield investment program leveraging and hypothecation operations, the base $50 billion will long since have been converted into trillions of dollars; and it is confirmed that the proceeds were transferred in large part via Israel to the Southern Cone of Latin America (Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil), where significant numbers of Bush-linked operatives and associates are reported to us to be congregating.

Significant proceeds will also have been transferred to Russia and/or converted into untraceable, portable precious gems like raw diamonds, held in Rotterdam or in London lock boxes such as those at Coutts Bank, used as the money-laundering institution for the Blair-Bush Deutsche Bank-Vatican Bank financing operation brokered by Bernie Ecclestone and laundered through Coutts Bank, which is The Queen’s Bank, acting as the clearing house and providing the operation with false ‘legitimacy’ behind Her Majesty’s back.

As we have seen, far from Madoff‘s operations having been ‘stand-alone’ from the gigantic Bush-Clinton-CIA orchestrated fraudulent finance giga-scandal that is unfolding, therefore, they formed a prominent and integral part of the overall global fraudulent finance Ponzi scamming machine.

Furthermore, the methodology employed to STEAL ALL THE MONEY (THE TRILLIONS, NOT JUST THE BILLIONS), was the standard procedure used by the US criminal intelligence community in all previous such instances – namely, to implode the operation.

That’s what they did with BCCI, walking away with over $9.0 billion clear. That’s the same model as was applied in the cases of ENRON and Iceland. And that’s what Bush Sr. ordered in the Bernard L. Madoff case. By imploding Madoff, the crooks GET TO WALK AWAY WITH THE LOT.

• That’s the crucial reality that everyone is MISSING. THE MONEY HAS ALL BEEN STOLEN.

No doubt the timing of the Madoff takedown was influenced by the consequences of the implosive events of September 2008, which will have triggered the thought in the minds of the top criminalist strategists that it was now time to apply the ‘BCCI treatment’, i.e. to close down Madoff altogether, let all the subsidiary Ponzi schemes and their investors flounder, make off with the ‘money OUT’ in toto, and (in Bush’s mind) deliver a body blow to the Jewish community and Israel at the same time.

IN RETALIATION for this Bush-sponsored ‘BCCI/ENRON treatment’ of the Madoff Ponzi carousel, the Israelis have leaked supposedly devastating money-laundering and bribery information showing how Mossad and other Israeli parties reportedly transfer money from the Israeli Government direct into active US Congressional campaign accounts (illegal foreign donations), with funds also being wired directly from Israeli Government bank accounts into active personal accounts of Members of Congress. The sources publicising this information reportedly received electronic files showing bank account numbers, bank routing numbers and account numbers for NAMED Members of the the US House of Representatives, the US Senate, and even elected officials in various States.

The incoming data allegedly showed routing numbers of the receiving banks revealing that certain Members of the US Congress and of the US Senate have bank accounts in places like Barbados, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Cayman Islands and London.

Electronic file data sent over to source from Israel was said to reveal names of leading US law firms and dubious front corporations all over the United States. However, significantly, ABSOLUTELY NO CONCRETE DETAIL, SUCH AS ACTUAL BANK ACCOUNT DATA, had been published by the 4th January 2009, the initial outline surfacing via a non- anonymous website on New Year’s Eve.

Whether this data ‘firms up’ into hard information or not, the context in which it should be viewed at this stage is that it could represent a direct Israeli tit-for-tat ‘Psy-Ops’ operation in response to the body blow inflicted upon Jewish interests as a consequence of the Bush-Clinton-triggered Madoff takedown. We are well into the ‘Samson’ period now: the gloves are off everywhere.

Even if the data is not confirmed, it surfaced specifically in the context of the Madoff ‘takedown’, albeit clothed by the leak source as motivated by disgust at the onslaught against the Palestinians, of whom more than have been reported were stated to have died. The source added: ‘I intend to publish this information, including names, dates and account numbers, on the web’.

• By 4th January, an estimated 260,000 Palestinians lacked water and roughly the same number lacked electricity. Some 80% of the population relies on food aid, requiring 400 food trucks a day into the Gaza Strip. Only 100 trucks are being allowed in, according to the BBC.

Now, on the back of this, Mr Bush Sr. and his fellow Nazis (notwithstanding that the Bushes are German Jews, originally) will have relished the prospect of destroying large numbers of competing Jewish foundations, investors, competitors, and other entities and enterprises – reducing Palm Beach, which was infiltrated and basically taken over by Americans of Jewish extraction from the 1960s onwards, to a state of near-hysteria, given that Jewish sources with whom we are in contact state that many Jewish investors there have been ‘wiped out’. We received a report (see below) of Jewish people in Palm Beach having been reduced to selling their Christmas/holiday presents in desperate hand-to-mouth attempts to raise liquidity.

• In an interesting by-product of this development, certain Jewish foundations that have been wiped out or rendered useless in the New York area, had been financing revolutionary agitprop operations promoting homosexual marriage and the usual array of leftish Gramsci-tradition cultural revolutionary abominations designed to destroy what remains of Christian standards and culture, a key objective of angry, deluded Babylonian revolutionary Jews: the takedown of these people has put a stop to these activities in some instances.

As a clear consequence of the revelations from the Madoff scandal so far, latent anti-Semitism (as anticipated by this service) has predictably intensified. On 20th December 2008, Agence France-Presse reported from New York that ‘anti-Jewish commentary is inundating the Internet following Bernard L. Madoff’s arrest on charges of masterminding one of the biggest Wall Street frauds in history’ [sic] – indicating of course that the media will continue focusing on the Madoff dimension, as intended, while the much bigger perpetrators behind Madoff consolidate their getaway with the ‘money OUT’ as described in outline here.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported that there had been “an outpouring of ant-Semitic comments on mainstream and extremist websites”. The French agency cited an ADL statement that ‘site users have posted comments ranging from deeply offensive stereotypical statements about Jews and money – with suggestions that only Jews could perpetrate a fraud on such a scale – to conspiracy theories about Jews stealing money to benefit Israel’,

Abraham Foxman, National Director of ADL, elaborated:

‘Jews are always a convenient scapegoat in times of crisis, but the Madoff scandal and the fact that so many of the defrauded investors are Jewish has created a perfect storm for the anti-Semites. Nowadays, the first place Jew-haters will go is to the Internet, where they can give voice to their hateful ideas without fear of repercussions’.

Among entries reported to be featured in the electronic files referencing financial transfers from Israeli Government bank accounts to bank accounts in the United States is a series of entries showing transactions between Loh’ama Psichologit to the Anti-Defamation League in New York City. A Google search for Loh’ama Psichologit shows it to be the Literature and Propaganda segment of the Israeli intelligence organisation Mossad.

The Editor has a friend who is Education Director of a Jewish School and Synagogue in a certain US State. In discussion about the misbehaviour of certain people of Jewish extraction some years ago, the Editor pointed out that these people seemed intent on repeating the mistakes of the past and on stoking the latent fires of anti-Semitism. The Editor recalls his friend’s exact response:

‘Yes and these people cause our community immense concern all the time’.

Our unsolicited advice to Mr Foxman is that he should direct severe criticism publicly, or behind the scenes if he prefers, to his own community, and should issue grave warnings to these people about the prospective consequences of Jews being identified as perpetrators of financial frauds in the prevailing climate. The fact that almost all the identified victims of the Madoff scandal that have been identified to date are Jewish, misses the point – which is that no distinction is liable to be made in the minds of those criticising the Jewish community, between victims and perpetrators.

Likewise, in ‘a very worst-case scenario’ that history again repeats itself, no distinction whatsoever will typically be made between those Jews perceived to be villains, and righteous Jews. That is the danger on which Mr Foxman and his friends should be concentrating.

In case some people are still mystified as to why there is warfare among the Jews, may we remind you of the Editor’s old story about the nice lady who took pity on him when he was employed briefly with the merchant bank S. Japhet & Co., St Swithin’s Lane, in the City of London, in 1959. It was the time of the Eichmann trial. The middle-aged Jewish lady used to sit with your young correspondent occasionally in the canteen. To the Editor’s naïve question: ‘What’s this all about? Eichmann’s Jewish!’ the lady replied: ‘Didn’t you know? A Jew’s greatest enemy is another Jew?’

In addition, one must remain aware at all times, as this giga-criminal finance scandal continues to unfold, of the ‘double-mindedness dimension’ characteristic of all key operatives. These people are ALL double-minded, in direct contravention of Jesus Christ’s warning on this central issue:

• ‘The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light’.

‘But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!’
Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 22-23.

‘The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness’.

‘Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness’.
Luke, Chapter 11, verses 34-35.

One of the layers of deep meaning here is that double-mindedness is wholly evil and represents, therefore, TOTAL darkness. It is often noted that the criminals we identify can be quite pleasant to meet (albeit there is always a spooky dimension to all of them). But their fake ‘niceness’ masks the fact that their orientation is in fact the opposite. They pose as ‘reasonable’, ‘decent’ people, but their eye is evil: they are Dark Actors Playing Games. Furthermore, they employ the duplicitous dialectical method at all times. Hence, in summary, they routinely:

• Say one thing and do the opposite;

• Double-cross their collaborators and associates;

• Renege on all their undertakings; and:

• Relish application of the standard duplicitous intelligence community ‘bait and switch’
technique to entrap their targets.

Now George W. Bush Sr. ROUTINELY DOUBLE-CROSSES EVERYONE WITH WHOM HE DEALS, and there are NO exceptions to this rule. The same applies to his duplicitous son. So do not be in any way amazed, sceptical or scandalised that Bush Sr. and his criminalist intelligence associates will have specifically pulled the rug from beneath their collaborator, Bernard L. Madoff.

On the contrary, this operation has released trillions of dollars (probably running into the hundreds of trillions) into the hands of the criminalist operatives directed by the Bush-Clinton-CIA Octopus, while at the same time destroying a large part of the Jewish community and delivering a bodyblow to Israel in the process. After all, Bush Sr., of German Jewish extraction, consorts with the Arabs.

Therefore so far as the ‘German’ element of the Octopus is concerned, the Madoff takedown has been a superbly ‘successful’ operation – releasing immense resources ‘free’ into its hands, while undermining Jewish elements in the process. Don’t forget, either, that each arm of the Octopus is permanently entwined with other arms, locked in struggles to the death – with every component of the Octopus at various times or simultaneously at loggerheads with or fighting other arms, or all of the arms. After all, Satan is the author of all lies and confusion, which is the stinking River Styx of death in which these world-class criminals operate.

• That they will all drown in its foul waters is a certainty.

So, despite occasional confusing appearances to the contrary, the global financial showdown that we predicted is now blowing up in the faces of almost all the primary Illuminati cadres and figures, with linked secondary explosions going off at intervals at an ever increasing pace – leaving the criminalist participants, for the most part, staggering around shouting and snapping at each other incoherently. Even so, there are still some of their caste, equipped with fewer brain cells than their comrades-in-crime, who would appear to have not yet understood that there has been a decisive discontinuity, thanks to the relentless exposures, and that the criminal finance community have been rumbled, and are being progressively brought to their knees.

Their Dirkeim Paradigm – after Emile Durkheim [1858-1917], who postulated that criminal behaviour is humanity’s norm and that ethical conduct is anomalous – has been turned on its head, so that the criminalists are now increasingly seen to be the anomie, with the Rule of Law, however degraded and corrupt, starting to reassert its primacy in the United States, at least in patches.

This development, to which this service has contributed, has come as a nasty shock to those criminalists who have grasped the outline of what has happened, because they had been in the ascendancy and in control for 25 years, and truly believed that their Criminal Republic had been successfully established and could never be challenged, let alone dislodged.

They thought that their fake wealth factory, based on hypothecating often stolen or diverted assets up to 40:1 (in London, for instance), would continue for ever. And they imagined that no-one would or could ever stand up to them, given their long-term success in compromising, through blackmail and/or bribery, almost everyone on their darkened stage.

Instead of which the successive bombs that have gone off and continue to explode ‘unexpectedly’ in their faces (and will continue to do so for many years ahead) have disfigured their self-righteous images of false rectitude, so that the whole world can now see these double-minded, two-faced rats for what they are: the greedy, decadent scum of the earth who have had their filthy day, and large numbers of whom face (or are already serving) extended periods of imprisonment, with 25 years apparently the norm. Others have suffered ‘neutralisation’ – the currently fashionable euphemism for being bumped off.

It is against this background that one of the most prominent members of the contemporary self-appointing élite, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, has actually become the first of their number to acknowledge publicly that an attempt really has been made by this self-same arrogant, globalist Elite Power Continuum, to steal the wealth of the whole of humanity for themselves.

Specifically, the Fund’s Managing Director warned in a speech given in Madrid on 16th December 2008 that ‘social unrest may happen in many countries – including advanced economies… Violent protests could break out in countries worldwide if the financial system is not restructured to benefit everyone rather than a small élite’.

In a BBC interview on 21st December, M. Strauss-Kahn said ‘we are in the biggest crisis we have experienced for 60 or 70 years’, and indicated that the IMF forecasts due in January 2009 would be even bleaker still. However as the Managing Director of the Fund knows that the underlying cause of the crisis is unfettered fraudulent finance, stealing and criminality, he is also well aware that no forecast that Fund’s experts may issue in the foreseeable future will capture the horrors in store – given that, in the face, for instance, of all our exposures, the US criminalists have CONTINUED with their fraudulent finance operations, long after they have been exposed in general terms, resisting implementation of the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme, which will implement capital markets transactions on-the-books to refinance the banks and to endow the US Treasury with a stream of windfall tax receipts on an ongoing basis.

The intention, up to the end of 2008 at any rate, was to apply the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme but to run it through the White House – where, of course, it would be corrupted and would immediately revert to corrupt debt-generating fiat money ‘business as usual’. As indicated above, this intention has been thwarted.

Never before has a member of that self-appointed élite openly warned that its own behaviour was risking a global upheaval: indeed, never before has a member of that élite even acknowledged that it exists as an organised force for evil. Those of us who have done our due diligence know this to be the case; but it is unprecedented for a superior member of the caste to agree with us. French journalists inform us that the highly intelligent IMF Chief is known for his clear thinking and for his commendable verbal precision and directness. One may deduce, therefore, that this observation represented a blunt warning to the few high-level criminalists who were still seeking to resist the inevitable as late as the Christmas week, that their behaviour cannot be tolerated any longer.

M. Strauss-Kahn’s remarks echoed those of another ‘insider’, Senator Christopher Dodd, Stalin’s grandson, who, commenting on the banks hoarding money, told The New York Times in October that ‘if it turns out that they are hoarding, you’ll have a revolution on your hands. People will be so livid and furious that their tax money is going to line their pockets instead of doing the right thing’.

‘There will be hell to pay’.

It would appear that even high-ups among the self-appointing globalist élite have realised that the most prominent criminalist operatives within the folds of the Octopus have overstepped the mark – threatening the collapse of the entire financial system, having chosen throughout the build-up to the present defining moment, to assume that certain banks faced liquidity problems, rather than a SOLVENCY crisis (of their own making, but a solvency crisis nonetheless).

It is unprecedented for representatives of the Illuminati-associated structures to issue warnings against their own fellow perpetrators.

Meanwhile, as the fragile world financial economy hovers on the brink of catastrophe with, as Senator Dodd has correctly gauged, the banks hoarding the funds that have been doled out by governments, the main issue early in January 2009 was: why are they doing this?

• The correct answer to this question is broader than the popular generic assumption that the banks are hoarding cash in order to avoid bankruptcy.

The reality was that the big complicit institutions have been hoarding fungible cash-cash to post against the vast derivatives exposures (see above) (on the working assumption that it cannot be that the guarantees will all have to be applied at once), in accordance inter alia with their stringent obligations under Basel-II. In the United States, the two institutions in the deepest trouble in this respect are Citibank and JP MorganChase.

These institutions have not only hoarded the cash dished out to them by the Treasury under the corrupt Henry M. Paulson Jr., which means that Mr Paulson has been bribing them to refrain from disgorging the Settlements funds, but have also, as repeatedly reported by this service, duly held onto and illegally presided over the exploitation of the $14 trillion on-the-books LOAN money made available to them for the sole purpose of financing the Settlements by Her Majesty The Queen, Prince Al-Aweed Al-Talal, and the Chinese parties.

These LOAN funds were made available by these highest-level parties in 2007 so as to finance the Settlements and thereby to provide the on-the-books resources to start the aforementioned G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme of capital markets transactions which will liquefy the banks on-the-books, while providing the Treasury with an ongoing cascade of tax receipts at 35% per annum out into the future – all ON THE BOOKS, as opposed to the prevailing Durkheim Octopus ‘system’ of debt-oriented legalised corruption which has resulted in the proliferation of unfunny money out to infinity stashed untaxed in offshore accounts for self-enrichment purposes and the financing of ‘Black Ops’ adventures and abominations.

• The LOAN funds, held from mid-September onwards in ‘lock-down’ so that they could not be used for ANY purpose other than to finance the Settlements, were lodged within the custodial group within the JPMorganChase US Treasury suspense account with Citibank.

When the $14 trillion LOAN funds were placed into lockdown effective 12th September 2008, they were at once subject to a stronger category of control than is implied by the word ‘frozen’, which we can certainly assert metaphorically to mean that tampering with one cent of such funds would be tantamount to an act of war.

As soon, then, as the said LOAN funds were placed into ‘lockdown’, the stock market and related sectors imploded and threatened to collapse. It then immediately transpired, given this collapse of the stock market during the week ending 19th September 2008, that the $14 trillion of LOAN funds had been illegally deployed to prop up the illicit US interbank carousel and to provide the base for leveraging and hypothecation operations – facilitating corrupt exotic ‘business as usual’, which was ‘why’ the Settlements had been delayed for a good 15 months beyond the approximate stage that the LOAN funds were first made available to replace the funds that had earlier been diverted, stolen and/or encumbered, including the $4.5 trillion that was provided by the People’s Bank of China in May 2006 referenced in our earlier reports.

The ‘lockdown’ of the LOAN funds, buttressed by the backwash from the London ‘Safety Lock Box’ raids on 2nd June 2008, has driven all subsequent events, forcing the US criminalists to the wall (where they risk being shot) and lighting the fuse for the series of bomb explosions, which will be prolonged and will continue for many years.

Unsurprisingly, it was on Saturday 20th September 2008, within days of the 12th September 2008 ‘lockdown’ of the $14 trillion, that the Editor of this service received the ‘triple gunshot voicemail’ reported earlier. It can now be revealed that the message conveyed by this macabre voicemail was this: ‘We will kill you for what you have done’.

However the outcome has so far been encouragingly different. In the first place, Robert Rubin, the Clintons’ Citibank-based financial ‘minder’ (guardian of the Clintons’ ill-gotten gains, including illicit profits derived from the exploitation of Her Majesty The Queen’s gold which was diverted during the ‘unscheduled’ British banking ‘black hole’ shutdown on 29th-30th March 2007) – was ordered to ‘get your … out of Citibank immediately’, in mid-December.

When we followed this intelligence up, we were advised that Rubin’s presence within this criminal enterprise being no longer required, he had been faced with no choice but to hasten for the exit. However as the ALPHA operation (and possibly other CIA covert criminal financing operations) are still running, one can take it as read that this hands-on fraudulent finance specialist is still up to his neck in related activities.

On 4th December 2008, The New York Post reported the progress of an investigation of the rôles of Mr Robert Rubin and the former Citibank CEO Chuck Prince in what the newspaper called ‘a Ponzi-style scheme that’s now choking world banking’, implying that some ‘mainstream’ journalists have belatedly been following this website after all. The report gave outline details of a Federal lawsuit by Citigroup investors represented by the law firm Kirby McInerney, which had produced a 500-page report alleging what the paper described as ‘a complex cover-up of toxic securities that spread across the globe, wiping out trillions of dollars in their destructive paths’.

Investor plaintiffs in the suit have accused Citigroup management of ‘overseeing the repackaging of unmarketable Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) that no-one wanted – and then reselling them to Citibank and hiding the poisonous exposure off the books in shell entities’.

The lawsuit stated that ‘when the bottom fell out of the shaky assets, Citigroup’s stock values collapsed, wiping out more than $122 billion of shareholder value’, but that Rubin and other top insiders cashed out for themselves via ‘suspicious’ share sales ‘calculated to maximize the personal benefits from undisclosed inside information’.

The investigation conducted by Kirby McInerney was applied to amend and add new details to a blanket investor lawsuit filed against Citigroup following the exposures by this service in the fall of 2007. Consequent upon our exposure of the recycling of the standard ‘Bernie Cornfeld’-style Ponzi scheme technique, the amended lawsuit called ‘the actions of Citi leaders “a quasi-Ponzi scheme” to hide troubles – and keep Citi stock afloat while insiders unloaded about three million shares’ between 1st January 2004 and 22nd February 2008 for huge profits.

The Complaint named Citigroup, Rubin, Mr Prince, Vice Chairman Lewis Kaden, ex-Chief financial Officer Sallie Krawcheck and her successor, Gary Crittenden. The suit specifically stated that Rubin cleared $30.6 million on his stock sales, while Prince cleared $26.5 million, former Chief Operating Officer Robert Druskin grabbed nearly $32 million and the former Global Wealth Management unit chief, Todd Thomson, enriched himself by $25.7 million.

• The significance of this case is that it adds to the pressure on the criminal enterprise on top of all the other pressures, including the ever-present possibility (at the time of posting) that the LOAN funds provided inter alia by Her Majesty the Queen might be called at any time.

The bombs set off by the events of last September are exploding all over the place, and they will continue exploding for the next four or five years as components of the nexus of financial fraud peak in succession (the so-called ‘sub-prime’ element being only the first of the megaton nukes to have exploded to date). Still to explode between 2009 and 2012/2013/2014 into a chasm of defaults, are other manifestations of the legalisation of financial corruption, such as Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) and all forms of securitised fake ‘assets’, Alternate A ‘assets’, and ‘Adjustables’.

In non-technical language, the Credit Default Swap overhang matures and peaks in 2009, while the derivatives ‘originated’ on the basis of other residential assets, commercial property, credit cards and auto loans will ‘peak’ in disorderly sequence between 2009 and 2012-14. This means that even when remedial circumstances such as the actual implementation of the on-the-books G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme do come on-stream, high-yield residual financial sector nukes will still be exploding ‘unexpectedly’, taking the ‘mainstream’ media by surprise, as usual. There is nothing to be done now about this state of affairs.

Ever since he was briefed by the FBI in Chigaco on the day following his election victory, President-Elect Barack Obama, who ‘blew up’ himself when the duplicity of associates was revealed to him on that and subsequent occasions and who soon came to understand that his prerogative to appoint whom he liked to serve in his Administration had been somewhat pre-empted for him by the prior construction of a shell Administration for the Elite Power Continuum for him to accept on a ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ basis, Mr Barack Obama has demanded finalisation of the Settlements.

And as noted, he has himself been responsible for two of the most critical appointments – to the leadership of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Office of Management and Budget.

As his position strengthened with the waning of the CIA’s sterile rearguard Bush-Cheney Internet campaign to discredit Barack Obama, and the Electoral College outcome on 11th December proved favourable to the President-Elect as expected, the President-Elect’s insistence on completion of the Settlements, to the fury of the Bush criminalists, has driven events at a hectic pace.

On Friday 18th December, Mr Obama warned that some 100 key people – including Attorneys whose firms must distribute the Settlement funds to the 1,000-odd Trustees for onward remittance – who have been protected hitherto, would cease to enjoy all immunity from the consequences of their complicity in financial crimes with effect from Monday 22nd December: indicative of the fact that if they were to impede the Settlements (as always, on the orders of Bush Sr.), they would be arrested, like the scores of bankers in Europe who have been arrested in successive waves over the past several weeks, and since the fall of 2007. On 18th December we received a report, for instance, to the effect that a further 12 ‘sleepers’ impeding the Settlements had been cuffed.

On 16th December 2008, it was reported/confirmed that five key Trustees in Europe had been arrested; and it is believed that these people were ‘taken down’ for prolonged periods.

• In addition, a not inconsiderable number of ‘sleepers’ and others taking orders from the imploding George Bush Sr. apparat have, in recent weeks been ‘neutralised’ – this being the currently fashionable euphemism for ‘liquidated’.

On 23rd December (5.35pm) the Editor was advised that a significant number of bankers and others had been ‘arrested’, taken away, ‘neutralised’ (liquidated) on the preceding day, in line with similar operations on the two preceding days and earlier. On 26th December 2008, it was confirmed to us that President Sarkozy, on behalf of all the European Union’s ‘Member States’, had issued ‘a final ultimatum’ to the criminalist US authorities for the Settlements payouts to be finalised by the end of the year (when Sarkozy’s six-month rotating EU Presidency came to an end), although as President of France, his ‘mandate to pay’ extracted from President George W. Bush at Camp David would not be affected (as the White House may have assumed). It was also confirmed to us from the United States that, despite everything that has happened, President George W. Bush STILL thought he was in charge of the Settlements process, given that the familiar blocking games played by the Bushes all along continued seamlessly following Sarkozy’ acquiring his ‘mandate to pay’.

On 28th December 2008, in a repetition of the familiar sterile obfuscating delay antics, a Trustee reported several instances of Trustees failing to turn up at banks for payouts, as has often been reported all along (one of the standard sabotage techniques) and that ‘they are working furiously to get everyone in place’, with ‘feelings really frayed right now’ – not that they have not been frayed ever since this service became involved with this crisis.

But for such a source to mention ‘frayed feelings’, giving the standard habit of understatement, reflected the extreme fractiousness of the situation, which has led to many sudden deaths, with more in the pipeline, according to our information. However, so successful has the Bush-Cheney disinformation, diversion, expectations-manipulating ‘Psy-Ops’ apparatus been throughout this coordinated operation to scam every target imaginable, that none of this unspecific ‘information’ can ever be relied upon: it is foolhardy for people to do so. Such ‘information’ can only become reliable when backed up by indpendent sources, as in the case of the jailed bankers in the UK.

The authorities under the incoming Administration would have the option of foreclosing on both Citibank and JPMorganChase in the event (as appeared to be the case immediately ahead of the Christmas holidays) of their continued intransigence, after partial completion of the Settlements in favour of ‘the countries’ on Thursday 18th December, which was the date when the US Treasury guaranteed value and the country recipients were said to have been ‘paid out’.

But when it came to paying out the US-based recipients, the Editor gathered that a blazing row, or ‘shouting match’ developed, involving recalcitrant American refusals to disgorge tranches of the LOAN funds to US recipients. This row may have focused inter alia on the illegality of Citibank and other institutions even contemplating further misapplication of elements of the $14 trillion in ‘lockdown’ which could NOT be touched except for Settlements disbursement purposes.

According to our sources, the explosive international slanging and shouting match started on Friday 19th December 2008, when the US tranches of the Settlements were stalled, and was still continuing on Saturday 20th December, immediately ahead of the Editor’s return to London from New York on Sunday 21st December.

In the second place, the bailout providing loans worth $17.4 billion to Detroit automakers reflected NOT the desperate plight of the US motor manufacturers, but rather alleged EXTREME FEAR in the White House and the Treasury that if General Motors and Chrysler were to be placed into Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the consequent investigations would expose the fact that these household names’ balance sheets are stuffed with fraudulent securitised derivative assets, and that their accounts had been falsified for years since such dubious assets had been treated for accounting purposes as though they are ‘real’ assets – which is not the case, as they are worthless, although the system of legalised corruption dictates otherwise.

Any Trustee appointed under Chapter 11 procedures would be bound to report such information, which would set off colossal further aftershocks throughout the financial system, coming on top of the Madoff takedown which will continue setting off landmines way out into the future, despite any evidence of ‘insider’ attempts to contain the fallout – not least within the offices of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which allowed these corrupt practices to flourish (even as the SEC has been participating in the fraudulent finance trading operations on own account), in the context of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 and the associated weakening of the stringent US securities legislation of 1933 and 1934, which, however, still applies and should have been enforced.

The fact that the Deposit Trust Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has been ‘guaranteeing’ these false securitised ‘derivatives’ assets, and has even boasted about clearing $1.8 quintillion of such junk as noted above, does NOT ‘guarantee’ the ‘value’ of such assets, given that they are intrinsically worthless: it simply confirms that the legalisation of US financial corruption has comprehensively failed to disguise the real-world reality that such false ‘assets’ are both illegitimate AND worthless, even though the legitimisation of corruption prescribes the opposite.

In the third place (but perhaps slightly in the wrong order), on Thursday 11th December, which we believe is about when the carousel finally ran out of fresh ‘IN’ resources altogether – as the events of mid-September had led to the drying-up of the secondary market, thus precluding the tapping of the secondary and tertiary markets for prop-up funds – all of the leading corrupted financial players suddenly discovered, in sync, that the cupboard was bare. Faced with this prospect, the Bush Sr. Crime and CIA criminal enterprise apparat is believed to have decided to apply the ‘BCCI treatment’ to the Madoff Ponzi scamming machine and its subsidiary Ponzi operations – just as it had earlier pulled the plug on ENRON and, more recently, Iceland, a conveniently located fraudulent finance platform established/exploited by Bushite associates (e.g. Khaled Aziz, Hospice Trust, etc).

The routine practice appears to be that as soon as one of these Ponzi fraudulent finance carousels reaches a tipping point, the criminal finance engineers deliberately allow the fake money machine to implode, rakes all the cash out for itself, and leaves all the deluded investors and (in this case) the subsidiary Ponzi investor funnels dangling, like the ‘package people’.

One consequence of this development was that lame-duck President George W. (Dog) Bush Jr. was reported to have asked his lawyers whether he could continue to stall on the Settlements (so that he could wind up stealing some more money) and what would the likely consequences be for him personally if he did so. Our sources informed us that his corrupt lawyers responded words to the effect: ‘Well, you’ve got away with it so far, so what’s the problem?’

By responding corruptly in this manner, the President’s co-conspiratorial Attorneys revealed how far behind the curve and how compartmentalised they have remained, since the reality is that Bush II has NOT ‘got away with it’ and is manifestly defeated and stretched flat out on the rack, despite theatrical appearances to the contrary. The Bushes may THINK that they have raked out all the money and have ‘won’, but as explained above, they are liable to lose the lot.

In any case, since President Sarkozy obtained his ‘mandate to pay’, the outgoing President Bush has not been in control of events, even though it is clear from this episode and from his behaviour generally that he thought he was still in charge. Maybe it all depends on his daily intake.

Meanwhile an operation was noted in December 2008 apparently to destabilise President Nicolas Sarkozy and to place him under a cloud, focused on the huge Clearstream corruption and money-laundering scandal that has grown a new leg – with inter alia the revelation, extracted from widely available Clearstream historical spreadsheets, that Sarkozy holds or held two secret accounts in false names, Paul de Nagy and Stéphane Bosca. We were suspicious of this sudden eruption, given that the ‘intelligence’ proffered and pilfered for international public consumption was extracted from documentation that has been circulating for several years; so it represented nothing new.

But specifically, it was reported on 18th December 2008 that Sarkozy might soon be facing renewed charges that he was at the receiving end of corrupt foreign funds through the Luxembourg-based Clearstream entity. President Sarkozy’s father’s full name was M. Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarkösy de Nagy-Bosca. The Clearstream money-laundering scandal connects directly with American political and ‘Black Ops’ financing operations through Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), Banco Ambrosiano (the Vatican: see the preceding report), Bahrain International Bank (associated with the deceased – as of 26th December 2001 – Osama Bin Laden), and Bank Menatep, the KGB entity previously headed by the disgraced and then imprisoned covert Soviet KGB operative and oligarch and former minor Gorbachëv-era Minister, Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

The Clearstream data of which this service has been aware for several years contain accurate information, indicating that allegations by the Sarkozy entourage that the spreadsheets that have been in circulation for the past several years are forgeries, are false. M. Sarkozy was reported in February 2007 and earlier to have received corrupt funds from Zug-based Marc Rich, a.k.a. Hans Brand, the long-range DVD operative and corrupt financier who was notoriously ‘pardoned’ by President Clinton during his last hours in office (see above). The man who is now President of France was also alleged in 2007 to have received funds from Russian-Israeli mafiya accounts of Bank Menatep. However the ‘surfacing’ of this OLD intelligence is obviously suspect.

On Saturday 13th December, Bush Jr. appeared in Baghdad where, on 16th December 2008, he narrowly escaped being hit on the head by what have become the most famous footwear items in history – thrown by Muntadhar al-Zaidi, the courageous Iraqi TV journalist working for al-Baghdadia satellite TV station, who followed and reported on the US Apache helicopters’ trails of death and destruction, and has been a relentless exposer of the gross, Nazi-style abominations and atrocities committed by the US forces in Iraq. Throwing one’s shoe at a person is the ultimate insult in the Arab world and also anywhere in Europe from Austria eastwards.

The first airborne shoe was accompanied by the following pertinent imprecation:

‘This is the farewell kiss, you dog’.

At least, that is what was widely reported. Less widely reported was what the journalist shouted to accompany the arrival of the second airborne shoe:

‘This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq’.

As the Iraqi and Arab satellite stations broadcast this expression of pent-up fury and outrage at the brutality of the invading and occupying US forces, and of the CIA’s cadres with their hideous ‘Black’ abominations from Abu Ghraib onwards, regional TV stations and media websites were inundated with messages of adulation. The Guardian summarised the content of these messages thus:

‘Bush is a mass murderer and a war criminal who sneaked into Baghdad. He killed a million Iraqis. He burned the country down’.

Ostensibly, ‘the Dog’ was in Baghdad to sign off on the negotiated troop withdrawal arrangements, this being presumably Bush II’s final Iraq-related act as the most despised US President in history. But in actual fact, what Mr Bush was really more interested in, was stealing money.

• Two impeccable sources informed us on 16th December 2008 that he attempted to steal a large sum while in Iraq, only to be informed that the funds had been placed beyond his reach, under the protection of the World Court.

So the workings of the devious mind of this cunning little criminal dog-snake had been anticipated in advance, given that it would have been known that he was to make a flying visit to Baghdad over the weekend of 13th-14th December 2008 (even though the visit was ‘secret’). Mr Bush’s failure to steal money from the Central Bank of Iraq or indeed from any other component of the Iraqi financial infrastructure may account for the man’s ‘crushed’ appearance during subsequent TV broadcasts.

While all this was developing, our report exposing the office suite within Morgan Stanley known from the relevant investigation in 2007 to be the Terrorism Financing Center specialising in the financing of the projection by the corrupt revolutionary United States of secret ‘Black Ops’ global terrorism operations headed by the US-created hydra called Al-Qaeda, had already been in the public domain for OVER THREE WEEKS. This exposure, which stemmed from our knowledge that the Provost Marshal was refused entry to this office suite with his accompanying personnel when he attended Morgan Stanley’s premises in October 2007, and from the findings of the subsequent official but unreported investigation, prompted the following response:

From any of the CIA-controlled disinformation or confusion-mongering websites, which obviously, being CIA-backed outlets, could not ‘touch it’, with one exception. It was suggested by an observer that the breaking of this information was worthy of a Pullitzer Prize (although simple Brits don’t really understand what on earth that is). The comment was accompanied by the add-on that ‘it had better be true, or one wouldn’t want to be in Story’s shoes’. Well, Story remains, at least as of the time of writing, in the new shoes that he bought in order to be properly dressed for his fourth daughter’s candle-lit wedding in our 11th century parish church on 13th December 2008.

• NO REFUTATION WHATSOEVER from any Fourth or Fifth estate source. Manifestly, if the report were untrue (which is not the case!), it would have been necessary at some stage to discredit it. But this has not happened, because the report is true, as you would expect.

Now it is a fact that this information, which had been known for over a year by our sources, who had previously been precluded from revealing it to us, was made available for a very good reason. Even though, as indicated above, the report has so far been confined to this website, that doesn’t matter because of the website’s immense global coverage. The reality is that this information is out in the public domain, so that governments worldwide have picked it up and know the truth of the matter (if it had been withheld from them by their penetrated intelligence services).

It can therefore only be a matter of time before Al-Qaeda is wound up.

• And who do you suppose has been positioned to achieve just that outcome?

• Why, Barack Hussein Obama, of course. Let us explain, in case this is not clear.

Treating the 25 years of the Reagan-Bush-Clinton ascendancy as the Thesis (Clinton has all along ‘worked for’ Bush Sr., but carries the opposite (dialectical) political label), we are now presented with the purported Antithesis under President Barack Obama.

• Although the Elite Power Continuum remains in place, the team members have been switched.

The socialist-internationalist British Prime Minister Gordon Brown pronounced on 14th December that Al-Qaeda was planning 20 separate terrorist attacks on civilian targets in the United Kingdom. However being also a blackmailable intelligence officer, Mr Brown knows perfectly well, or should know, that Al-Qaeda has been financed inter alia via the Morgan Stanley-based Terrorism Financing Center (our name for the abominable suite within that corrupt financial enterprise in Midtown New York City). It therefore follows that Brown may be a duplicitous deceiver who knows the truth but hasn’t got the guts to expose it, because he is being blackmailed, or is just plain ignorant due to compartmentalisation or because his handlers have been instructed to leave him in ignorance – which might be the sort of behaviour to be expected from the current Germanophile head of MI6.

As a result of the London ‘safety lock box’ raids conducted by 300 armed Metropolitan Police officers on 2nd June 2008, details of certain secret offshore bank accounts with Henry Ansbacher, British Virgin Islands, a preferred DVD money-laundering and bribery payment recipient bank, were discovered. This fact places a questionmark over the futures of certain key UK figures.

Another possible explanation for Brown’s remarks would be that they represented a feeble attempt to discredit our report: evidently, Mr Story’s exposure of the Morgan Stanley Terrorism Financing Center ‘cannot be true, because why would Morgan Stanley be interested in mounting 20 attacks against America’s supposedly closest ally’?

Anyone who thinks like this hasn’t begun to grasp:

(a) That the so-called ‘Special Relationship’ has been degraded and corroded by the wayward and relentlessly evil operations of the DVD segment of the US Intelligence Power; and:

(b) That the deviousness of the evil DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS of these people is infinite: they have NO WAY of combating the truth other than with more lies. IF YOU HAVEN’T UNDERSTOOD THE DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS DIMENSION BY NOW, YOU’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND ANYTHING.

Anyway, our revelation of the existence of the Morgan Stanley Terrorism Financing Center also represented yet another HORRIBLE BOMB EXPLOSION in the faces of the recalcitrant criminalist revolutionary perpetrators, since, by definition, it signalled not only that Al-Qaeda would have to be wound up, but, even more to the point in our context, that:

• The United States’ reprobate and wholly inexcusable covert ‘Black Ops’ financing of terrorism worldwide through Morgan Stanley and possibly other criminalist US institutions, will have to be wound up, as well. This follows because now that this report has of course remained unchallenged, the US Government has come under pressure, and will remain under intensified pressure, from governments, other observers and this service, to close down these revolutionary abominations, and to make haste in doing so. The ‘discontinuity’ afforded by the arrival of a properly elected and validated (by the US Electoral College) new Administration (albeit the controlled Antithesis to the preceding Thesis), especially a man of Mr Obama’s ethnic background, provides the deliberately prearranged DIALECTICAL opportunity to achieve this desirable outcome.

We can leave our disgust and justifiable fury at the hideous behaviour of the revolutionary US Government and its ruthless Intelligence Power as a promoter and projecter of terrorism, to later.

Recalling that the Intelligence Power controls the US Government, not the other way round, it can be seen that the Bush-directed neocon (Trotskyite/DVD) intelligence community’s ‘Faction A’ which has been surreptitiously promoting the World Revolution and causing mayhem around the world, is being superseded by an ‘opposing’ faction, which will now set about dismantling the worst features of the run-away revolutionary madness sponsored by Faction A.

The genies that the outgoing team’s evil people have let out of the bottle include the DELIBERATE ongoing CIA-originated radicalisation and mindless indoctrination of Pakistani youth, so that a huge swathe of that country, like Afghanistan, is in the hands of armed gangs, as is the case for the same underlying reason in large areas of Africa.

Given that the routinely treacherous British Foreign Office has a team in Rawalpindi which recruits Pakistani immigrants to the United Kingdom (each agent is said to be required to fulfil his quota of 15 Pakistani immigrants per working day, on a bonus basis), it is self-evident that elements of the British Government structures, by importing Pakistanis into Britain en masse, are actively engaged in working with the (DVD) enemy to destabilise the United Kingdom which they are supposed to be serving. This is among many such grotesque revolutionary aberrations that have come to light through recent forensic research by analysts whose brains have not yet been ‘washed’.

Such operations were originally masterminded by the Bush-linked DVD-servicing component of the corrupted US Intelligence Power, but have now all reached the ‘maximum chaos’ level and are in growing jeopardy, as we understand that, following our exposures (specifically), the Dachau-based DVD, related to Bush Sr.’s hellish activities, is now bitterly divided.

More and more of the DVD’s filthy operations are being exposed, including the transfer of little girls along with drugs and nuclear components by submarine, for unloading at a northern German port (where little girls have been photographed by clandestine operatives, being disgorged from one of the submarines in question).

We now report a further dimension of DVD’s operations, which hopefully will accentuate additional splits in the ranks of German intelligence. The Brussels-located component of this shadowy ‘Black’ Nazi strategic deception continuum agency, labelled DG1-X, is hereby exposed. DG1-X specialises solely in compromising European Commissioners, which it divides into the following categories:

• European Commissioners susceptible to paedophile compromise for blackmail purposes; Subsidiary question: Do they prefer little boys or little girls? Refer back to our exposé of the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, in the DVD exposure report published in October 2008.

• European Commissioners susceptible to the standard honey-trap operation for blackmail purposes (provision of women).

• European Commissioners susceptible to the standard bribery/financial compromise operation for blackmail purposes (money-trap operations).

As we all know, other agencies ‘do this stuff’, as you will have read elsewhere recently on this website; and not all of them are ‘Black’. But the significance of this DVD unit is that it operates in Brussels specifically to target European Commissioners, who of course are away from home when they are stuck in the distinctly gloomy Belgian capital.

• The reason for the existence of DG1-X in Brussels is that the modelling of the European Union as a COLLECTIVE, in order to obscure the underlying intention for it to be controlled by Germany and to represent, ultimately, ‘Greater Germany’, as per the blueprint originally specified in ‘Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’ [1942, Berlin], necessitated the incorporation of an add-on mechanism for ensuring that European Commissioners could always be relied upon to do Germany’s bidding. DG1-X probably targets other EU personnel as well as Commissioners.

• FACT: When the Editor recited this information of late on the transatlantic telephone line, the connection was immediately severed. This always indicates that what is being said is accurate (routinely showing what fools the eavesdroppers are).

The next nuclear explosion to disfigure the faces of the Workers of Darkness was the subsidiary Octopus Master Ponzi Scheme run by Bernard L. Madoff, who was arrested at about 8.30 am in his Manhattan apartment on 64th Street on 11th December 2008. In an extensive report dated the 20th December and entitled ‘Madoff Scheme Kept Rippling Outward, Crossing Borders’, The New York Times ploughed methodically through the office press cuttings file, characterising Madoff’s self-confessed giga-scam as ‘the first Global Ponzi Scheme in history’ – which is of course NOT TRUE, since George H. W. Bush Sr.’s Octopus operations represent a whole universe of exported Ponzi schemes. But the article, which covered more than two huge full pages in the newspaper, and was only concerned with the money ‘IN’ (see above), did an excellent job assembling details of Madoff’s domestic and international connections, which were almost 100% Jewish.

As we have seen, Bernard L Madoff was recruited by George W. Bush Sr. to run ‘his’ money. After the $14 trillion was placed into ‘lockdown’ during the week ending on 17th September 2008 (see above), Madoff’s firm started to encounter massive redemption demands.

Bearing in mind that the funds, once transferred abroad, for instance to London, could then be leveraged 40:1, the pressure faced by Madoff related not just to originally invested funds, but impinged upon much larger sums of money which could not be accessed because they had been routinely transferred out to offshore tax havens and to Israel and then onwards inter alia to the Southern Cone of Latin America – Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil – where many of the key dogs and rats are now congregating, to satisfy Bush Sr., who demanded his payoff and pound of flesh at the Jews’ expense. The Madoff takedown, in short, represented another George Bush Sr. operation to claw back the immense sums he lost at an earlier stage of the crisis for which he is responsible, inter alia via naked shorts, as reported by this service.

It can be seen, too, that the destruction of Madoff was a George Bush Sr. ‘BCCI/ENRON takedown-type’ operation designed effectively to take down Israel itself – Mr Bush Sr.’s revenge against Alan Greenspan, his former technician, with whom, as our exposures gathered momentum, he had fallen out (new information). As noted, every cited victim of the Madoff implosion is Jewish.

The United States Court proceedings deal, and are likely to continue addressing, just the money originally invested (the money ‘IN’) – not the money leveraged off the base funds, which amounts to trillions and which would appear, according to our own special sources (not secondary Internet sources) to have been channeled extensively THROUGH Israel, as has been stated, en route to South America, for the benefit of the Bushrats congregating there.

In other words, the Bushrats are not only fighting each other and their double-crossed Jewish associates inside the sack, but have essentially burned the sack (their boats) as well. The colossal transfers to Israel for onward transmission to the Southern Cone, were monitored in real time.

Madoff’s operations could not have been possible without, and were assisted by, insider traders associated with the Octopus operations linked to the Bush-Clinton Crime nexus. The New York Times’ article showed clearly how the scam operated, with a key mechanism being Mr Madoff’s success in hitching other, subsidiary Ponzi Scheme investment scamming operations – such as Ascot Partners (led by J Ezra Merkin), Fairfield Greenwich Group (headed by Walter M. Noel and Jeffrey Tucker, who has said that the firm worked with Madoff for 20 years), Tremont Group, and Maxam Capital Management, which enjoyed steady annual profits averaging 8%-12% and which directed a constant stream of new investors into Madoff’s clutches.

Since we now know that Madoff ‘worked for’ Bush Sr. in his later years, the leveraged proceeds from the inflowing funds that were multiplied and consistently maximised, were in the main kept abroad, while the entities and individuals listed below were paid from new incoming funds placed by new investors or by existing investors who increased their investments, with the actual Ponzi scheme related essentially to the principal monies invested, only. So gargantuan was the greed associated with this operation, that the externally generated funds were retained offshore (they could hardly be repatriated without attracting attention and without courting mandatory IRS tax evasion investigations), while the ‘IN’ money was repaid, or returns on it were paid, from new ‘IN’ money. The ‘OUT’ money was effectively an entirely separate operation.

Of course the ‘returns’ paid to investors did not reflect actual investment outturns, but rather rigged numbers falsified to enable the ‘managers’ to deliver the Ponzi-style returns expected.

In other words, there were two parallel master operations: the use of the base funds for external (40:1) leveraging, hypothecation, high-yield investment programmes and the like, with the created proceeds stashed offshore, as usual, untaxed and off-balance sheet; and the Ponzi scheme and its subsidiary Ponzi Schemes revealed in the existing Court documents, whereby earlier investors were repaid and interest was paid with funds provided by later investors. The hidden operation, concerning which Mr Madoff was reported by his elder son to be ‘cryptic’, was the Bush-related sink-hole. The Court documents imply that Madoff ‘kept several sets of books’.

We speculate that Madoff succumbed to recruitment by George Bush Sr. because he calculated that the massive hypothecated fiat money accruals generated by participating in the Bush-related off-balance sheet transnational fraudulent finance operations could be tapped so as to perpetuate his ‘on-the-books’ Ponzi Scheme activities, which he had been running long before George Bush Sr. operatives recruited him. However when Bush Sr. suddenly (we are informed) made demands consistent with a Bush ‘BCCI/ENRON takedown’ decision to ransack Madoff’s operations, to rake out all the money, to destroy his Jewish participants and inflict massive harm on the State of Israel, this means of supporting the increasingly vulnerable Ponzi Scheme ceased to be available.

Separately, we have repeatedly pointed out in these reports that all get-rich-quick ‘humanitarian’ and ‘prosperity’ programs which may have enticed participants to ignore the Prudent Man Rule with promises of mouth-watering returns, represented traps for the unwary. The original Charles Ponzi story has been posted several times with these reports, and is reposted below (3).

Before considering some of the Court documents associated with the Madoff ‘takedown’ operation, the matter must be placed firmly in the much broader context of the Bush-Clinton-CIA/DVD Criminal Cadres’ ruthless ransacking operations to steal as much of other people’s coveted possessions and wealth by reprobate means as possible, in order to sustain the criminalist community’s status as arbiters of both the future of humanity and of the mad World Revolution to reorder human affairs in accordance with their own sick preferences. And when we examine the clues left by the Madoff implosion operation, it becomes perfectly clear that this is an integral component of the offensive against humanity directed by the most ruthless network of gangsters to have been sicked up by the human race. The clues are quite specific, too.

According to our Palm Beach correspondent, desperate Jewish householders have been trying to sell their Christmas/holiday presents to raise cash, as their liquidity has been reduced effectively to zero. Others have been despeartely engaged in short-selling of their homes, only to find that the bankers they deal with, don’t want to know. Many people in Palm Beach, our informant says, have been literally ‘wiped out’. And the perpetrators of this ‘takedown’ have STOLEN both the money ‘IN’ and as indicated above, the much more prolific money ‘OUT’, in accordance with THE STANDARD PATTERN employed by the giga-crooks since at least the ‘classic’ CIA takedown of BCCI.

Other instances of the application of this technique, involving the hollowing-out of the target, to be followed by the deliberate, preplanned triggering of its collapse after all the ‘free money’ has been raked out, can indeed be seen to include ENRON, Iceland, even Ireland (if you look closely at the structure of that country’s balance-of-payments), and now the Madoff enterprises.

Looking at ‘Madoff’ in this broader perspective, we can see with ease that Bernard L. Madoff is just the shill: there is always a shill. He ‘had it good’ for years: now it’s his turn to take the full rap. If he winds up in jail for the rest of his life, what is that to the big criminals behind the curtain? If several people get killed, as happened with the takedown of Enron, what is that to the giga-crooks? If the people of Iceland starve and shiver in the cold, who cares, given that the country’s entire financial system has long since been ransacked and hollowed out?

In addition, the Madoff Ponzi system ‘implosion’, which was directly linked to the consequences of the London ‘Safety Lock Box’ raids on 2nd June 2008 and the placement of the $14.0 trillion into what we have described as ‘lockdown’ on 12th September 2008, as sources of replacement funds effectively dried up from mid-September onwards (the London-based stolen and illicit collateral having been neutralised), serves the following purposes in the interests of the giga-crooks:

• A diversionary purpose: Everyone is looking directly at the Madoff case, becoming entangled and confused by the spaghetti junction of confusing sub-cases, litigation, Court documents, SEC, FINRA and SIPC investigations: which is JUST WHAT THE GIGA-U.S. CROOKS WANT. After all, they have got away with the BIG MONEY, they have hollowed out the Master Ponzi Scheme and all its subsidiary Ponzi operations, and they urgently need the benefit of the cover so helpfully now provided by the MADOFF SMOKESCREEN, for two reasons:

(1) To ensure that no-one looks BEYOND the Court documents to grasp what has happened.

(2) To ensure that no-one looks into the criminal finance operations these people have been up to inside Citibank. In this connection, we interrupt this sequence with a reference to some comments attributed to Sir Win Bischoff, the Chairman of Citigroup, during a New Year’s Day broadcast on the BBC’s domestic Radio 4 Today Programme.

Asked the usual knee-jerk BBC question: ‘Who is really to blame for the crisis?’ (this question is asked repeatedly because none of these journalists can get it into their heads that this is 100% about ORGANISED FINANCIAL FRAUD AND NOTHING ELSE), Sir Win responded as follows:

‘My view is that they [bankers] are partly to blame. There are people who feel remorse about this: there’s no doubt about it. Do they all? I don’t know…. It is very important for banks not to deny that they carry some of the can, whether that’s 50 cents on the dollar, that is their responsibility, or 60 or 40’. Now remember that Sir Win is CHAIRMAN OF THIS HUGE BANK. WHAT DOES THIS IMPLY?

• A possible insider control purpose: When we examine the Court papers (the earliest filed Court documents were assembled from the US Court by the Editor), we discover that CONTROL OF THE EXPOSURES MAY BE CONTAINED ‘within the system’. There are several clues to this possibility:

(A) Court Document #2 [Securities and Exchange Commission COMPLAINT vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791 (LLS): Appointment of Receiver, Lee Richards, of Richards Kibbe & Orbe LLP ‘over all the assets and accounts of defendant Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (“BMIS”) outside of the United States, to take control forthwith over BMIS’s dealings and transactions with any non-United States entity or counterparty, with full access to BMIS’s books and records necessary or useful to him in the exercise of his powers over BMIS’s foreign business or transactions’ signed by United States District Judge Louis L. Stanton at 6.42pm on 12th December 2008: plus:

Court Document #3: Securities and Exchange Commission ORDER vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791 (LLS) ECF Case: Order to show cause, Temporary Restraining Order and Order Freezing Assets and Granting Other Relief; Order consented to by defendants and therefore signed off by United States District Judge Louis L. Stanton at 4:51pm on 13th December 2008.

Court Document #2 appoints LEE RICHARDS, of Richards Knibbe & Orbe LLP, as ‘receiver over all the assets and accounts of the defendant Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (“BMIS”) outside of the United States’, while Court Document #3 appoints LEE RICHARDS, of Richards Knibbe & Orbe LLP ‘as receiver for the Defendants’ assets, including, without limitation, Madoff Securities International Ltd. (“Madoff International”) and Madoff Ltd.’: the Defendants being Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Securities LLC.

LEE S. RICHARDS III is a founding partner of Richards Knibbe & Orbe LLP. His stated specialities, according to the firm’s website, are ‘white collar criminal defense, securities enforcement defense, regulatory proceedings, internal investigations and complex litigations’.

‘He has extensive trial experience and he regularly represents investment banks, hedge funds, public companies, investment advisers, corporate officers and directors, and other professionals in investigations and proceedings by the DOJ, SEC, FINRA, and other governmental entities and SROs. He also represents companies and senior executives in commercial litigations, class action and derivative cases, and arbitrations relating to a variety of disputes’.

Under the lead-in ‘Some notable representations include’, Mr Richards’ website lists the following:

‘Representation of several major New York investment banks in a variety of DOJ, SEC and FINRA investigations…

… including the representation of one of the major investment banks which advised ENRON’.

From this information it can be stated without fear of contradiction that Mr Lee Richards III is very knowledgeable in respect of how Enron- and Madoff-type Ponzi operations are structured.

(b) Under the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 (SIPA, 15 U.S.C. Sec 78aaa et seq.), the SEC and also the Securities Investor Protection Corporation requested (Civ. 08-10791) the US Court on 15th December 2008 to name Irving H. Picard [SEE BELOW] as Trustee, with the firm of Baker and Hostetler LLP appointed Counsel for the Trustee. This development will be referenced in greater detail when we examine the Court documents below, where we point out that:

Baker and Hostetler LLP has been established for 90 years with offices in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Cosa Mesa, Denver, HOUSTON, Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, Washington DC, Brazil and Mexico. Having been ordered to be appointed Trustee under SIPA via the SEC and Securities Investor Protection Corporation, Irving J. Picard proceeded to JOIN the New York office of Baker & Hostetler LLP, per the firm’s Press Release, dated 22nd December 2008, headed: ‘Court-Appointed Trustee In Madoff Fraud Investigation Joins Baker Hostetler in New York’.

• WE REPEAT: Irving J. Picard was appointed Trustee, BAKER and Hostetler LLP were appointed Counsel to the Trustee: whereupon Irving J. Picard joins the firm of Counsel. IMAGINE!

On 3rd January 2009, The Times, London, reported that Martin Rosenman, President of Stuyvesant Fuel Service, a private New York-based fuel company, is suing Irving J. Picard, for the return of $10 million. The context of this suit revolves around that fact that Mr Picard’s first action was to obtain the Bankruptcy Court’s authority to transfer $28.1 million from the $200-$300 million said to be left in Madoff’s bank account(s), to cover the costs of the liquidation. But Mr Rosenman argued on 2nd January that Mr Picard had no right to these funds, pointing out that he (Mr Rosenman) transferred $10 million to Madoff just six days ahead of Mr Madoff’s arrest.

Specifically, Mr Rosenman argued that he spoke to Bernard L. Madoff on 3rd December 2008 about investing, and on 5th December he received details of an account into which the cash should be transferred. On 9th December, Martin Rosenman was informed by BMIS that Bernard L. Madoff had sold short $10 million in US Treasury bills on his behalf. Claiming that he had not authorised such a transfer, Mr Rosenman stated that he could find no record of any such transaction.

The lawsuit claims: ‘BMIS never transacted a trade of US Treasury bills on Rosenman’s behalf’. Mr Howard Kleinhendler, a partner in the firm of Wachtel & Masyr, representing Mr Rosenman, said that he suspected that at the time that Mr Rosenman invested his funds, Madoff knew that he was close to being exposed and caught, and was collecting cash in order to make a final distribution among family and friends. in addition to revealing Mr Picard’s action, this is just an example of the incredible legal tangle that is now building.

• 6th January 2009 Update: Irving J. Picard was reported by Bloomberg on 5th January to have identified $830 million in liquid assets in bank accounts associated with BMIS. Stephen Harbeck told the Congressional Committee that these assets ‘may be’ subject to recovery for clients of Madoff’s firm, according to Bloomberg, without explaining the use here of imprecise language.

In a separate Bloomberg report, the Assistant US Attorney, Marc Litt, whose signature appears on the Court documents obtained by the Editor of this service, was stated to have asked the Federal Judge to imprison Mr Madoff, as he awaits trial, arguing that Mr Madoff’s $10 million bail (and, one would presume, his properties pledged to the US Government) should now be revoked and the funds forfeited because he transferred $1.0 million of valuables, in violation of the asset freeze order. The report stated that Madoff disposed of five items, including ‘very valuable jewelry’, Mr Litt informed the Magistrate Judge, Ronald Ellis, on 5th January in the Manhattan Federal Court.

Some of the items were mailed by Madoff and his wife Ruth to third parties. Mr Litt stated that the transfer started on 29th December 2008, representing a ‘changed circumstance’, specified under Federal law, precipitating the necessity to alter the terms of Mr Madoff’s bail, since the transfer violated the freezing of his assets agreed to as confirmed in the Court papers we have examined.

Marc Litt explained that ‘the case against the defendant is strong, and it’s getting stronger’. The transfer represented ‘an obstruction of justice’.

(3) An examination by the Editor of the time-sequence of events which led to Bernard L. Madoff’s arrest reveals an extremely tight timeframe within which the ‘Madoff takedown operation’ was accomplished, suggesting at the very least that Attorneys, typists and other personnel would have to have worked all night on the necessary documentation.

Now knowledgeable US sources inform the Editor that this is not unusual. Nevertheless, the whole process looks TOO PAT TO HAVE BEEN SPONTANEOUS. Consider the following sequence, extracted from the Securities Fraud Count document submitted to the Court on 11th December by the FBI Special Agent, Thodore Cacioppi:

• First week of December 2008: Bernard L. Madoff informed ‘Senior Employee No. 2’ (one of his sons) that there had been requests from clients for approximately $7 billion in redemptions.

• About 9th December 2007: Madoff informed ‘Senior Employee No.1’ (one of his sons) that he wanted to pay bonuses to employees in December, rather than February (as was usual).

• On 10th December 2008, the ‘Senior Employees’ ‘visited Madoff at the offices of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC to discuss the situation further… At that time, Madoff informed the Senior Employees that he had recently made profits through business operations, and that now was a good time to distribute…’.

‘When the Senior Employees challenged his explanation, Mr Madoff said that he did not want to talk to them at the office, and arranged a meeting at Mr Madoff’s apartment in Manhattan. According to Senior Employee No. 2, Madoff stated in substance, that ‘”he wasn’t sure he would be able to hold it together” if they continued to discuss the matter at the office’.

• ‘Confession’ of Madoff to his two sons on 10th December: ‘His investment advisory business was a fraud… he was “finished”… it was “basically a giant Ponzi scheme”… the business was insolvent, and [that] it had been for years… the losses from this fraud [were] at least $50 billion’

• On 11th December, the FBI Special Agent with another FBI agent entered Madoff’s Manhattan apartment after presenting themselves, and at Madoff’s invitation. ‘He acknowledged knowing why we were there. After I [the FBI Special Agent] stated “we’re here to find out if there’s an innocent explanation”, Madoff stated, “There is no innocent explanation”‘.

The FBI Special Agent’s Charge document was dated the same day, 11th December 2008, and was signed off by The Hon. Douglas F. Eaton, United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of New York. Now the Editor is prepared to acknowledge that the US ‘system’ is capable of great efficiency: but given the complexity of the documents that the Editor was able to obtain direct from the Court during his pre-Christmas visit to New York, and even conceding that the documents may in some instances have been elaborated from boiler-plate templates, the whole process seems to the Editor of this service to have been MUCH TOO PAT AND COMPACT TO BE REASSURING.

That, in turn, supports the analysis that the ‘Madoff takedown’ falls into the BCCI, Enron, Iceland imposion category, the model procedure being that when the time comes for all the accessible cash to be raked out, the carcase of the target is DELIBERATELY COLLAPSED, to facilitate this.

• Depending on the circumstances, this may have to be done in a frightful hurry.

In this connection, we can also observe that Madoff told his sons that he had just $200-$300 million of cash left. THE REST OF THE FUNDS HAD BEEN MISAPPROPRIATED AND STOLEN. Hence he left the ‘collapsing operation’ until the remaining several hundred million was ‘available’ for the illegal distribution that he was contemplating: a step too far for his sons, who, if they had agreed to such a distribution, would have laid themselves open to immediate arrest, along with their father. Whether they will be arrested later, remains to be seen, and depends on how much they knew.

Finally, the relevance of the foregoing open information concerning the SEC-appointed Trustee and the SIPC-appointed Trustee who immediately joins the firm of Counsel, should be reviewed.

In summary, Madoff ‘changes the subject’: No-one is supposed to be looking inside Citibank, no-one is supposed to be going on about the Settlements, no-one is supposed to be talking about the stolen/diverted $14.0 trillion of LOAN MONEY THAT BELONGS TO THE QUEEN, TO PRINCE AL-AWEED AND THE CHINESE PARTIES, no-one is supposed to care a hoot about the plight of the 320,000 long-suffering pillaged ‘package’ victims, and no-one is supposed to be in charge of his or her brains any longer, because ‘IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE OUTCOME OF MADOFF’.

• A lovely, open-ended laywer-enriching spaghetti junction of intertwined litigation operating at cross-purposes with no conceivable resolution because the innumerable decisions will all come to rely on each other, or will be impeded by the innumerable ongoing investigations which will take years to resolve, if any can ever be resolved. The perfect contrived cover for the giga-crooks.



• You are perfectly entitled to ask yet again, but with much greater determination than ever:


• Law enforcement, Gold Badges and others need to get off their butts, instead of feathering their own nests like the rest of these people, and MI6/Interpol need to redouble their own operations in order to ensure that the requirements of the owners of the LOAN funds are fulfilled. Further failure to deliver, will CERTAINLY condemn the world to an absolutely horrendous future: IN 2009.

• Our forecasts have been accurate to date: SO START PAYING PROPER ATTENTION and earn some respect, instead of displaying your individual and collective feebleness and impotence.

• It is INSUFFERABLE for you people to be allowing these criminal operatives to get away with their crimes, if this is what is happening, and to obfuscate the audit trails with the connivance of deeply-placed Accessories to the Fact of this massive operation to hijack the whole world.

• Nor can it be tolerated that the criminalist cadres may indeed be relying upon the potential for the Madoff events to OBFUSCATE matters to their advantage, and to impede the Settlements and the grossly overdue implementation of the G-7-Approved on-the-books Capital Markets revenue-producing and tax-generating SOLUTION TO THE WHOLE WORLD’S FINANCIAL PROBLEMS which the US-based Washington area operatives have deliberately and malevolently SABOTAGED.

• So get off your butts and belatedly start DOING YOUR JOB.

• Or, as we asked earlier, are you ALL co-conspirators? THAT’S THE IMPRESSION YOU GIVE.


Addressing exclusively the money ‘IN’ dimension, the Editor has obtained the complete file (Case Numbers: 08 MAG 2735, AND 08 Civ. 10791), as of 21st December, held at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on the Madoff case (4), which represents the biggest explosion since our exposure of the Morgan Stanley Terrorism Financing Center, from which we report as follows, bearing in mind the context outlined above:

• Madoff’s ‘agreed bail package’ specified on the Appearance Bond dated 11th December 2008 bound Madoff to pay the United States $10.0 million (personal recognizance bond) secured by the Defendant’s Manhattan Apartment (valued at approximately $7.0 million) and to be co-signed by four financially responsible persons including his wife; and limited his travel to the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York and Connecticut, requiring him to surrender his travel documents. The Appearance Bond was signed by Bernard L. Madoff and by his wife, Ruth Madoff, and Peter Madoff, as surety.

• On 17th December 2008 a Court Agreement to Forfeit Property was signed by Bernard Madoff and Ruth Madoff. The property forfeited pending the outcome of the case consists of the Manhattan apartment on 64th Street,, Madoff’s Palm Beach residence, and his third US residence in Montauk, on the northeast fork of Long Island.

• The Complaint filed on 11th December 2008 by FBI Special Agent Theodore Cacioppi, in which Bernard L. Madoff is accused of violation of 15 U.S.C. sections 78j(b), 78ff; 17 C.F.R. section 240, 10b-5, contains inter alia the following:

COUNT ONE [Securities fraud]
1. … Bernard L. MADOFF, the defendant, unlawfully, willfully and knowingly, by the use of the means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce and of the mails, directly and indirectly, in connection with the purchase and sale of securities, would and did use and employ [sundry] manipulative and deceptive devices and contrivances in violation of Title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 240.10b-5, by:

(a) employing devices, schemes, and artifices to defraud;

(b) making [many] untrue statements of material facts and omitting to state material facts necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, and:

(c) engaging in acts, practices, and courses of business which operated and would operate as a fraud and deceit upon persons, to wit, MADOFF deceived investors by operating a securities business in which he traded and lost investor money, and then paid certain investors purported returns on investment with the principal received from other, different investors, which resulted in losses of approximately billions of dollars. (…)

3. I have reviewed the publicly available website of a securities broker dealer named Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, from which I have learned the following:

(a) BERNARD L. MADOFF, defendant, is founder of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC;

(b) Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC is a securities broker dealer with its principal office in New York, New York;

(c) Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC “is a leading international market maker. The firm has been providing quality executions for broker-dealers, banks and financial institutions since its inception in 1960”;

(d) “[w]ith more than $700 million in firm capital, Madoff currently ranks among the top 1% of US Securities firms;

(e) BERNARD L. MADOFF, the defendant, is a former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NASDAQ stock market; and:

(f) “Clients know that Bernard Madoff has a personal interest in maintaining an unblemished record of value, fair-dealing, and high ethical standards that has always been the firm’s hallmark”.

4. I have interviewed two senior employees of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (“Senior Employee No. 1”, and “Senior Employee No. 2”, collectively the “Senior Employees”).

The Senior Employees informed me, in substance, of the following:

(a). The Senior Employees are employed by Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, in a proprietary trading and market making capacity. According to the Senior Employees, BERNARD L. MADOFF, the defendant, conducts certain investment advisory business for clients that is separate from the firm’s proprietary trading and market making activities.

According to the Senior Employees, MADOFF ran his investment adviser business from a separate floor in the New York offices of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. According to Senior Employee No. 1, MADOFF kept the financial statements for the firm under lock and key, and stated that MADOFF was “cryptic” about the firm’s investment advisory business.

(b). In or about the first week of December 2008, BERNARD L. MADOFF, the defendant, told Senior Employee No. 2 that there had been requests from [various] clients for approximately $7.0 billion in redemptions, that he was struggling to obtain the liquidity necessary to meet these obligations, but that he thought that he would be able to do so.

According to the Senior Employees, they had previously understood that the investment advisory business had assets under management on the order of between approximately $8 and $15 billion. According to a Form ADV filled by MADOFF on behalf of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC with the SEC on or about January 7, 2008, MADOFF’s investment advisory business served between 11 and 25 clients and had a total of about $17.1 billion in assets under management.

(c). On or about December 9, 2008, MADOFF informed Senior Employee No. 1 that he wanted to pay bonuses to employees of the firm in December, which was earlier than the employee bonuses are usually paid. According to the Senior Employees, bonuses traditionally have been paid in February of each year. On or about December 10, 2008, the Senior Employees visited MADOFF at the offices of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC so as to discuss the situation further, particularly because MADOFF had appeared to the Senior Employees to have been under great stress in the prior weeks. At that time, Mr MADOFF informed the Senior Employees that he had recently made profits through business operations, and that now was a good time to distribute them. When the Senior Employees challenged his explanation, MADOFF said he did not want to talk to them at the office, and arranged a meeting at MADOFF’s apartment in Manhattan.

According to Senior Employee No. 2, MADOFF stated, in substance, that he “wasn’t sure he would be able to hold it together” if they continued to discuss the issue at the office.

(d). At MADOFF’s Manhattan apartment, MADOFF informed the Senior Employees, in substance, that his investment advisory business was a fraud. MADOFF stated that he was “finished”, that he [now] had “absolutely nothing”, that “it’s all just one big lie”, and that it was “basically a Ponzi scheme”. The Senior Employees understood MADOFF to be saying, in substance, that he had for years been paying returns to certain investors out of the principal received from other, different investors. MADOFF stated that the business was insolvent, and that it had been for years. Mr MADOFF also stated that he estimated the losses from this fraud to be at least approximately $50 billion. One of the Senior Employees has a personal account at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC in which several million had been invested under the management of MADOFF.

(e). At MADOFF’s Manhattan apartment, MADOFF further informed the Senior Employees that, in approximately one week, he planned to surrender to authorities, but before he did that, he had approximately $200-$300 million left, and he planned to use that money to make payments to certain selected employees, family, and friends. (…)

5. On December 11, 2008, I spoke to BERNARD L. MADOFF, the defendant. After identifying myself, MADOFF invited me, and the FBI agent who accompanied me, into his apartment. He acknowledged knowing why we were there.

After I stated, “we’re here to find out if there’s an innocent explanation”, MADOFF stated, “There is no innocent explanation”. MADOFF stated, in substance, that he had personally traded and had lost money for institutional clients, and that it was all his fault. MADOFF further stated, in substance, that he “paid investors with money that wasn’t there”.

MADOFF stated that he was “broke” and “insolvent” and that he had decided that “it could not go on”, and that he expected to go to jail. MADOFF also stated that he had recently admitted what he had done to Senior Employees Nos. 1, 2 and 3.

WHEREFORE, deponent prays that BERNARD L. MADOFF, the defendant, be imprisoned, or bailed, as the case may be.

Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Sworn to before me this 11th day of December, 2008

[Signed] Honorable Douglas F. Eaton, United States Magistrate Judge,
Southern District of New York.

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Complaint, filed with the Court on 11th December 2008 (08 Civ. 10791) informed the Court in summary that:

1. The Commission brings this emergency action to halt ongoing fraudulent offerings of securities and investment advisory fraud by Bernard L. Madoff (“Madoff”) and Bernard L. Madoff Investment securities LLC (“BMIS”), a broker dealer and investment adviser registered with the Commission. From an indeterminate period through the present, Madoff and BMIS has committed fraud through the investment adviser activities of BMIS. Yesterday, Madoff admitted to one or more employees of BMIS that for many years he has been conducting a Ponzi-scheme through the investment adviser activities of BMIS and that BMIS has liabilities of approximately $50 billion.

Mr Madoff told these employees that he intends to distribute any remaining funds at BMIS to the employees and certain investors in the investment advisor business, such as family and friends. Such a distribution will be unfair and inequitable to other investors and creditors of BMIS.

2. Expedited relief is needed to halt the fraud and prevent the Defendants from unfairly distributing the remaining assets in an unfair and inequitable manner to employees, friends and relatives, at the expense of other customers.

3. To halt the ongoing fraud, maintain the status quo and preserve any assets for injured investors, the Commission seeks emergency relief, including temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions, and an order:

(i) imposing asset freezes against the Defendants;

(ii) appointing a receiver over BMIS;

(iii) allowing expedited discovery and preventing the destruction of documents; and:

(iv) requiring the Defendants to provide verified accountings.

The Commission also seeks permanent injunctions, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, plus prejudgment interest and civil monetary penalties against all of the Defendants.

On 12th December 2008, the SEC asked the Court to issue ‘a temporary restraining Order and an Order freezing assets and granting other relief’ (08 Civ. 10791 (LLS) ECF Case: to which, in a Note, the SEC stated that the Defendants had consented) directing that:

‘pending a final disposition of this action, Defendants, and each of their financial and brokerage institutions, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and those persons in active concert or in participation with either of them who receive actual notice of such Order by means of personal service, facsimile service, telephonic notice, notice by e-mail, or otherwise, and each of them, hold and retain within their control, and otherwise prevent, any withdrawal, transfer, pledge, [offsetting or] encumbrance, assignment, dissipation, concealment or other disposal of any assets, funds, or other property (including money, real or personal property, securities, commodities, choses [sic] in action or other property of any kind whatsoever) of, held by, or under the direct or indirect control of, Defendants, whether held in the name of Madoff, BMIS, Madoff International or Madoff Ltd.., or for the direct or indirect beneficial interest of one or both of them, wherever situated, in whatever form such assets may presently exist and wherever located, and directing each of the financial or brokerage institutions, debtors and bailees, or any other person or entity holding such assets, funds or other property of the Defendants, to hold or retain within its control and prohibit the withdrawal, removal, transfer or other disposal of any such assets, funds or other properties, including, but not limited to:

(1) all assets, funds, or other properties held in the name of, held by, or under the control of one or both of the Defendants;

(2) all accounts in the name of Madoff or BMIS or on which Madoff is a signatory, including the accounts listed [herewith: the accounts were listed as Appendix A but are given here now]:

• JP Morgan Chase Account No: 000000140081703
Account in the Name of: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities

• JP Morgan Chase Account No: 000000066709466
Account in the Name of: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities

• The Bank of New York Mellon Account No: 890-0402-393
Account in the Name of: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities

• The Bank of New York Mellon Account No: 030-0951050
Account in the Name of: Bernard L. Madoff

• The Bank of New York Mellon Account No: 866-1126-621
Account in the Name of: Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC

• NOTE: On 30th December, it emerged that Irving J. Picard, the SIPC-appointed Trustee, had reached ‘an understanding’ with Bank of New York Mellon to have certain funds released.

But the US Bankruptcy Judge, Burton Lifland, indicated that the Court papers outlining the said ‘agreement’ were ‘very basic’, according to Bloomberg, and asked Picard’s lawyer, Richard Bernard, for more information on the accounts in question. Bernard told the Court that there are ‘more funds and accounts’, without being specific.

He added that Bank of New York Mellon was holding some funds back because it may have “set-off rights” on certain claims, adding that he was limited in what he could say in open Court because of the ongoing criminal investigations. Clause III of the Order requested of the Court by the SEC and SIPC against BMIS filed on 15th December 2008 and signed by US District Judge Louis L. Stanton at 4:08pm on that date, reads:

‘ORDERED that all persons and entities are notified that, subject to the other provisions of 11 U.S.C. section 362, the automatic stay provisions of 11 U.S.C. section 362(a) operate as a stay of:

… G. The set-off of any debt owing to the Defendant that arose before the commencement of this proceeding against any claim against the Defendant’.

Clause VIII elaborates: ‘ORDERED that the stays set forth above shall not apply to:

G. Any set-off or liquidating transaction undertaken pursuant to the rules or bylaws of any securities clearing agency registered under section 17A(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. section 78q-1(b), or by any person acting under instructions from and on behalf of such a securities clearing agency…’.

To illustrate again that the SEC has finally been galvanised in this case to be seen to be casting its net over EVERY PARTY involved with Mr Madoff, Paragraph III of the SEC’s Order to Show Cause, Temporary Restraining Order, and Order Freezing Assets and Granting Other Relief [dated 12th December 2008] stated [page 8 of the Court document]:

‘IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants show cause… why this Court should not also enter an Order enjoining them, and any person or entity acting at their direction or on their behalf, from destroying, altering, concealing or otherwise interfering with, the access of the [SEC] Plaintiff Commission to any and all documents, books and records, that are in the possession, custody or control of Defendants, and each of their partners, agents, employees, servants, accountants, financial or brokerage institutions, attorneys-in-fact, subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessors and successors and related entities that refer, reflect or relate to the allegations in the Complaint, including, without limitation, documents, books, and records referring, reflecting or relating to defendants’ finances or business operations, or the offer or sale of securities by Defendants and the use of proceeds therefrom’. ENDS.

The relevant Court-filed documents clearly and specifically identify all the possible categories of collaborators and participants, and all Madoff-related property wherever located, prohibiting the tampering with and destruction of documents and of course TEAR SHEETS, or any movement of funds, requiring the unravelling of all funds commingled between BMIS and Madoff’s personal account(s), so that anyone caught up in this maelstrom who disturbs the audit trail will fall within the Court’s sights for appropriate treatment.

Specifically, the Defendants were directed to ‘provide a verified accounting immediately’, against the background of the freezing of the assets of the Defendants, the appointment of Lee Richards, of Richards Kibbe & Orbe LLP as ‘Receiver for the Defendants’ assets including without limitation Madoff Securities International Ltd (“Madoff International”)’, the London platform from where the primary leveraging operations were run, ‘and Madoff Ltd’.

The SEC’s Order requesting the freezing of relevant accounts and other relief sought, as noted, prohibition of ‘the destruction, concealment, or alteration of documents by Defendants’. ‘It appears from the evidence presented that certain ill-gotten gains derived from the Defendants’ fraudulent conduct have been deposited into the accounts of BMIS and/or Mr Madoff’s personal accounts. Self-evidently, Madoff-linked accounts in London and on the Continent are clearly targeted by the language of the Court documents, but it remains to be seen whether this will result in transparency of whether, as may be expected, an opaque veil will be drawn over the international dimensions.

On 31st December 2008, it was reported that Pomerantz, a prominent law firm, was considering asking the US District Court for the Southern District of New York to publish the list that Madoff had been required to compile, detailing the precise whereabouts of the assets. This firm was reported to be seeking to sue hedge fund Ponzi operations that channelled money into the Madoff ‘money machine’. Bernard L. Madoff had been required by the US Court to draw up a detailed list of all his investments, assets, loans, lines of credit and accounts (should there be any beyond those already identified by the SEC in its documentation), and to furnish this information by close of business on New Year’s Eve (see below).

Bloomberg reported on 1st January 2009 that an SEC enforcement official, Andrew Calamari, had confirmed receipt of the list of assets required to have been delivered by Mr Madoff and BMIS by close of business on 31st December 2008, adding that the list will not be made public. The official said that the Court had not authorised the disclosure of the ‘domestic’ list: ‘The 18th December Court Order does not authorize public release of materials related to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s ongoing investigation’.

• Commenting on this point, Professor John Coffee of Columbia Law School told Bloomberg that the SEC may intend the data to be kept secret because ‘there is a danger that foreign regulators and foreign creditors may seek to seize that money if the names are made public’.

• This was the first hint that, in addition to the US domestic legal ‘spaghetti junction’ of conflicting litigation, the international dimension will magnify this legal quagmire by an order of magnitude.

Under the relevant Court order signed by Louis L. Stanton, US District Judge, the list had to include all assets held by Madoff’s operations for his “direct or indirect benefit”.

Madoff’s foreign operations, such as the London-based Ponzi scamming machine offices located off Berkeley Square, Mayfair, central London, were given until 26th January to compile and hand over their own lists. Exclusion of any information from such lists will incur severe consequences.

By the end of 2008, four related cases by aggrieved investors had already been filed since the Madoff ‘confession’, arrest and bail arrangements were publicised. The SEC is expected to take steps to repatriate assets held outside the United States. All cases lodged into this maelstrom will become entangled in the already complex demands of the SEC/SIPC/FINRA investigations.

On 3rd January 2009, Fred Longer, a lawyer representing Group Defined Pension Plan & Trust, a Jersey City, NJ-based investor, filed a lawsuit in the Manhattan Federal Court against the hedge fund operator Tremont Group Holdings [see list below] over Madoff-related losses. Also named was Tremont’s auditor, Ernst & Young LLP, with Longer claiming that the accounting firm missed warnings about the Ponzi scheme. This Complaint seeks class-action, or group, status.

It appears that losses disclosed by some clients, and in the public demain [see our list below] may have been inflated by purported gains shown in the clients’ accounts with Madoff. Thus, whereas Yeshiva University, New York, had valued its foldings with Madoff at $110 million, it stated on 30th December that its net investment was of the order of $14.5 million, before inflation by ‘fictitious profits’. So there may be large differences between ‘money ‘IN”, and totals ‘lost’.

To add to the discomfort of the SEC and the entire Bush-corrupted Wall Street Establishment, it emerged before Christmas that Harry Markopolos, a derivatives expert who previously worked for Rampart Investment Management, a fund competing with the Madoff operations, had been warning the SEC for TEN YEARS prior to the Madoff exposures, that Bernard L. Madoff’s activities ‘stank to high heaven’. He spent ten years trying to induce the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate Mr Madoff and all his works.

For instance, Markopolos had accused Madoff of using the names of UBS and Merrill Lynch to lend credibility to his Ponzi activities. This is a variant of our point that holders of ‘derived’ assets enjoy NO RECOURSE TO SOURCE OF FUNDS, with their ‘assets’ supported solely by the name(s) of the institution(s) marketing them (their values being, as a savvy Jewish friend of the Editor’s pointed out recently, ‘what somebody agrees to pay for them’).

The London Times reported on 19th December that:

‘According to the [Markopolos] documents, which were written in November 2005, Mr Madoff is alleged to have told potential investors that all his options trading business was channelled through UBS and Merrill Lynch’.

‘However, Mr Markopolos asserted: “The counterparty credit exposures for UBS and Merrill would be too large for these firms’ credit departments to approve. The SEC should ask Bernard Madoff for trade tickets showing he has traded OTC [over the counter] options thru these two firms”‘.

‘It is understood that neither UBS nor Merrill Lynch has any material exposure to Mr Madoff’s businesses and also that neither had had a sufficiently substantial relationship with Mr Madoff to have conducted these types of trades. Such a discrepancy raises serious questions about the truthfulness of Mr Madoff’s sales pitch to new investors, such as hedge funds, and whether Mr Madoff sought to exploit the longstanding reputations of UBS and Merrill Lynch [sic] to legitimise his own operations’.

On 22nd December, The Times, London, elaborated:

‘Harry Markopolos, a derivatives expert who once worked for a rival fund, spent ten years urging the SEC to investigate Mr Madoff. In numerous reports, including a 19-page document written in November 2005 entitled ‘The World’s Largest Hedge Fund is a Fraud’, Mr Markopolos picked apart the investment strategy of Mr Madoff’.

‘Some claims by Mr Markopolos were anecdotal – “I have spoken to the heads of various Wall Street equity derivative trading desks and every single one of the senior managers I spoke with told me that Bernie Madoff was a fraud” – but sizeable chunks of his accusations involve detailed analysis of Mr Madoff’s investment strategy. He questions the way that Bernard Madoff charged for commissions and alleges that Mr Madoff used the names of leading investment banks such as UBS and Merrill Lynch to lend credibility to his schemes’.

‘He also claims that the overall investment strategy of Mr Madoff would have been impossible to carry out. Mr Madoff sought to lure investors with the promise of 12% returns by buying blue-chip stocks and insuring against the possibility that their value would fall by selling derivatives – a process known as hedging. Mr Markopolos argues, however, that for Mr Madoff to have fulfilled such a strategy, he would have regularly done more business than the entire New York market in those securities’.

Unsurprisingly, Harry Markopolos was to be a star witness to be questioned on 5th January 2009 by the Financial Services Committee of the House of Representatives, where the Democrat Chairman of the panel, Barney Frank, was faced with having to steer a careful course between seeking to extract the truth from terrified SEC officials, and the known involvement of severely compromised members of the Legislative Branch of the United States Government.

• UPDATE: Bloomberg reported on 5th January that Harry Markopolos, the former Chief Investment Officer with Tampart Investment Management, Boston, cancelled his appearance before Congress, saying that he was ‘worn down’ and wanted more time to prepare his remarks, accoding to Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. This development has to be added to the roster of UNSATISFACTORY DEVELOPMENTS related elsewhere in this report. The impression gained is that Mr Markopolos may have been THREATENED and ordered to amend his testimony, ‘or else’. If such tactics are being used, it shows that the rats have STILL not realised that WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT, EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPOSED.

The Christian Science Monitor obliged on 5th January with a handy summary of the ongoing ‘lapses’ of supervision and enforcement by the corrupted Securities and Exchange Commission, to wit:

• 1992: Madoff’s name comes up in an SEC probe of Florida accountants who
allegedly sold unregistered securities.

• 1999: SEC examiners review trading practices at Madoff’s investment advisory firm.

• 2001: The SEC’s Boston office receives information from securities industry executive Harry Markopolos raising questions about the steady stock market returns of Madoff’s firm.

• 2004: The SEC looks into whether Madoff’s firm engaged in improper trading practices.

• 2005: The SEC interviews Madoff and family members, finding no improper trading practices.

• 2005: An industry-based regulatory office finds no improper trading practices by Madoff’s firm.

• 2005: SEC investigators meet with Markopolos, who alleges that Madoff’s firm is “the world’s largest Ponzi scheme”: see details above.

• 2006: An SEC enforcement investigation finds that Madoff and one of his clients misled regulators. As a result, Madoff agrees to register as an investment adviser.

• 2007: The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) examines Madoff’s firm. No regulatory action results. It appears that this entity took its cue from the corrupted SEC [yet see above].

United States District Judge Louis L. Stanton signed the Defendants’ consent to the total Order (only partially reported here) at 4.51pm on 12th December 2008. Additionally, under the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 (SIPA, 15 U.S.C. Sec 78aaa et seq.), the SEC and also the Securities Investor Protection Corporation requested (Civ. 08-10791) the Court on the 15th December 2008 to agree that ‘customers of the Defendant, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, are in need of the protection afforded by the’ SIPA, and in particular than the Court should order:

‘that all persons and entities are stayed, enjoined and restrained from directly or indirectly removing, transferring, setting off, receiving, retaining, changing, selling, pledging, assigning or otherwise disposing of, withdrawing or interfering with any assets or property owned, controlled or in the possession of the Defendant, including but not limited to the books and the records of the Defendant, and customers’ securities and credit balances, except for the purpose of effecting possession and control of said property by the Trustee’ (who was named as Irving H. Picard), with the firm of Baker and Hostetler LLP appointed Counsel for the Trustee.

Baker and Hostetler LLP has been established for 90 years and has offices in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Cosa Mesa, Denver, HOUSTON, Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, Washington DC, Brazil and Mexico. Having been ordered to be appointed Trustee under SIPA via the SEC and Securities Investor Protection Corporation, Irving J. Picard proceeded to JOIN the New York office of Baker & Hostetler LLP, per the firm’s Press Release, dated 22nd December 2008 headed: ‘Court-Appointed Trustee In Madoff Fraud Investigation Joins Baker Hostetler in New York’.

Thus no sooner had the court-appointed Trustee, Irving H, Picard, been approved, than he joined the firm appointed as Counsel for the Trustee – raising the obvious question in the minds of this and other observers as to whether we have just uncovered a posible prospective inside stitch-up, the intent of which might logically be to control the exposure of information which would link the Madoff Master-Ponzi scheme and its subsidiary Ponzi operations directly with the Bush Sr.-Clinton Fraudulent Finance Crime Carousel, as has already been signalled above. It is not stated here that this IS the case: what is stated here is solely that the question has arisen.

A Memorandum of Law supporting the application of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (all related documents labelled Civ. 08-10791), filed on 15th December, stated inter alia that:

‘A proceeding under SIPA is a liquidation proceeding. The Trustee has the same powers and title with respect to the broker-dealer and its property as a Trustee in bankruptcy, including the right to avoid preferences. SIPA does not attempt to make all customers whole [see above] and SIPC is not an insurer of customer accounts. SIPA establishes a plan of limited protection via the liquidation proceeding, in which SIPC’s role is carefully delineated’.

‘It contemplates that customers’ claims will be satisfied to the maximum extent possible from the assets already on hand with the member… SIPA was not intended for the protection of brokers and dealers. However, after a liquidation proceeding is commenced to protect a member’s customers, SIPA authorizes the Trustee to close out certain contractual commitments between the members and another broker-dealer. This authority was designed to avoid the so-called “domino effect”, namely, the chance that the demise of a member might precipitate the failure of one or more other broker-dealers’.

‘Under SIPA Sec 78eee(b)(1), the Court is required to issue a protective decree if the Court finds that any of the conditions specified in the legislation exists, each of which is ‘a clear manifestation of serious difficulties that create, at the very least, an unacceptably high risk of loss of customer property for which the Defendant is responsible and accountable’.

The application by SIPC concluded:

‘According to information provided by the Commission and FINRA [the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority], the Defendant is insolvent, is unable to meet its obligations as they mature, and is not in compliance with the requirements regarding financial responsibility under sections 15(c)(3) and 17(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. sections 78o(c)(3) and 78q(a) (2000), and [also] Commission Rules 15c3-1, 15C3-3 and 17a-3, 17 C.F.R. sections 240.15c3-1, section 240.15c3-3 and section 240.17a-3. Consequently, three of the conditions referred to in SIPA section 78eee(a)(3) and specified in SIPA section 78eee(b)(1) exist’.

‘Pursuant to SIPA section78eee(b)(1), if the defendant consents to the issuance of a protective decree, the Court “shall forthwith issue a protective decree”’.

On the same day, 15th December 2008, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC consented to the issuance of a protective decree by the Court, although whether this will in practice adequately serve the interests of the investors in the giga-Ponzi scheme, who were in many cases themselves operating subsidiary Ponzi schemes, remains to be seen. The obvious question in the mind of this investigator and others is: with the Court-appointed Trustee having joined the Court-appointed firm of Counsel, are we looking at a pre-prepared damage limitation operation carefully designed not to expose the corruption and to procure statutory remedies, but rather to cover up linkages which would provide further direct connections with the Bush-Clinton Fraudulent Finance Money Factory operations that have already been partially exposed by this service?

On 18th December 2008, the FBI issued the following Press Release:

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation

26 Federal Plaza
New York
NY 10278

For Immediate Release

December 18, 2008

U.S. v. Bernard L. Madoff

If you believe that you have been a financial fraud victim in the above captioned matter, please provide the following information:

(1) Full name
(2) Mailing address
(3) Phone number
(4) COPIES of any documents that substantiate your loss (do not send original documents)

Please mail this information to:

FBI New York
ATTN: Victim Assistance Office
26 Federal Plaza
23rd Floor
New York, NY 10278

Madoff’s offices on Madison Avenue have been guarded 24 hours a day, partly to prevent attacks by irate scammed investors, with the office sealed since Bernard L. Madoff was arrested, while FBI, Securities and Exchange Commission, Securities Investor Protection Corporation and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority investigators conduct urgent forensic examinations of Mr Madoff’s multiple sets of books.

Because no information is yet available on the value of the leveraged and hypothecated ‘money OUT’ numbers, the focus, as noted above, has so far been (and may remain) on the ‘money IN’ losses attributed (as at the end of 2008) to investors and operators of sub-Ponzi schemes in the Madoff giga-Ponzi operation. Here is an interim list, based upon open data available at the end of 2008, of the affected parties, whose funds have been STOLEN, not lost:


*Note: Data extracted from open sources. Some data varies between source.

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority [at least $400 million]
Access International Advisors, René-Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet [$1,400 million]
Aozora Bank (Japanese bank) [$230 million]
Ascot Fund [Gabriel Capital, Ascot Partners] [$0.92 billion]
Ascot Partners [Gabriel Capital], hedge fund founded by L Ezra Merkin [$1,800 million]
AXA (French insurer) [$123 million]
Banco Santander, Optimal Investment Services, Geneva [$2,870 million-$3,100 million]
Bank Medici (Austrian Bank, believed bankrupted) [$2,100 million]
Banque Bénédict Hentsch & Cie [$47.5 million -$48.8 million]
BBVA (Spanish bank) [$369 million -$404 million]
Benbassat & Cie [$935 million]
BNP Paribas SA [initially $431-$478 million, later ‘billions of Euros of losses’]
Braman, Norman, former owner of the Philadelphia Eagles [$ unknown]
Bramdean Alternatives (Mrs Nicola Horlick) [9.5% of assets]
Caissse de Dépots et Consignations [$1.4 million]
Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation [see Carl Shapiro]
Carl Shapiro, former Chairman of Kay Windsor, Inc, apparel) [$545 million]
Chais Family Foundation [$ unknown]
Clal Insurance $0.8 million]
CNP Assurances [$4.1 million]
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun [$3.5 million]
Crédit Mutuel [$124 million]
Dexia Bank [$107 million]
EIM Group (European investment firm) [$230 million]
Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity [$15.2 million: 100% loss]
Eric Roth, film writer [$ unknown]
Fairfield Greenwich Advisors & Group, Walter Noel [$7,500 million]
Fairfield Sentry/Sigma Fund [see Fairfield] [$7.28 billion]
Fairfield, CT (town pension fund for public employees) [$42 million]
Feinstein, Leonard, co-founder of Bed Bath & Beyond [$ unknown]
Fix Asset Management [$400 million]
Fortis Bank, Nederland (Dutch bank) [$1,350 million-$1,400 million]
Gerald Breslauer, Los Angeles financial adviser [$ unknown]
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation [$1.8 million]
Great Eastern Holdings, Singapore [$64 million]
Groupama [$13.6 million]
Harel Insurance [$14.2 million]
Harley International Ltd [Cayman: all its assets: $2.76 billion managed as at end-October 2008]
Henry Kaufman, economist [$ unknown]
Herald USA [see Bank Medici] [$2.50 billion]
HSBC Holdings [$1,000 million]
Hyopswiss (Swiss private bank) [$50 million]
Jeffrey Katzenberg [$ unknown]
JEHT Foundation [$ unknown]
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington [$10 million]
Jewish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles [$6.4 million]
Julian J. Levitt Foundation [$6.0 million]
Kevin Bacon, actor [$ unknown]
Kingate Global Management [FIM Advisors] [$2.75 billion – $3,500 million]
Korea Life Insurance [$50 million]
Lautenberg, Senator Frank and family foundation [$ unknown]
Liliane Bettencourt, L’Oréal SA heiress [$ billions unknown]
LuxALPHA SICAV – American Selection [Ascot International Advisors] [$1.4 billion]
M & B Capital Advisers (Spanish bank) [$52.8 million]
Madoff Family Foundation [$19 million]
Maimonides School [Up to $5 million]
Man Group (British hedge fund) [$360 million]
Maxam Capital Management (CT-based fund of funds) [$280 million]
Mediobanca [$0.7 million]
Merkin, Ezra, Chairman of GMAC Corporation: see Ascot Partners
Mirabaud [$ several million]
Mortimer B. Zuckerman Charitable Remainder Trust [$30 million]
Natixis (French investment bank) [$554 million]
Neue Privat Bank [$5.0 million]
New York Law School through Ascot Partners [At least $3 million]
Nomura Holdings [$304 million]
Nordea Bank (Swedish bank) [$59 million]
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health Care System [$5.7 million
Notz Stucki [$ unknown]
Optimal Strategic US Equity [see Santander] [$3.23 billion]
Picower Foundation [$958 million: has announced closure]
Pioneer Alternative Investments [$280 million]
Primeo Select Fund US [UniCredit. Pioneer Alt Invs] [$0.85 billion]
Ramaz School [$6.0 million]
Reichmuth, (Swiss private bank) The Reichmuth Matterhorn Fund [$327 million]
Robert J. Lappin Charitable Foundation [$8 million: 100% loss]
Royal Bank of Scotland [$599 million-$625 million]
Rye Select broad market Fund [see Tremont] $3.10 billion]
SAR Academy [$1.2 million]
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg’s Charitable Foundation [$ unknown]
Société Générale [$13.8 million]
Stephen Spielberg [$ unknown]
Sterling Equities [[$ unknown]
Swiss Life Holding (Swiss insurer) [$78.9 million]
Thema International Fund [see Bank Medici] [$1.10 billion]
Tremont Group Holdings, hedge fund of Massachusetts Mutual Life [$3,300 million]
Tufts University [$20 million]
UBI Banca (Italian bank) [$86 million]
UBS AG [$ unknown]
UniCredit (Italian bank) [$92 million]
Union Bancaire Privée (Swiss bank) [$700 million -$1,080 million]
Vincent Tchenguiz, UK property magnate, via Bramdean [£40 million]
Wilpon, Fred, owner of the New York Mets [$ unknown]
Wunderkinder Foundation, Steven Spielberg [$ unknown, heavy Madoff investor]
Yeshiva University, New York [$110-$125 million: but see text above]
Zuckerman, Morton, Chairman of Boston Properties, landlords of the Citibank offices at 399 Park Avenue and owner of The New York Daily News and U.S. News and World Report [significant losses through a fund that invested substantially all of its assets with Madoff’]

Finally, in a further indication that the skids are well and truly under the highest-level financial fraudsters, we must add that former President Clinton released what The New York Times called ‘a complete list’ of more than 200,000 ‘donors’ [sic] to the William J. Clinton Foundation ‘as part of an agreement to douse concerns about potential conflicts of interest if Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is confirmed as the Secretary of State in the Obama Administration’. The list revealed that ‘some of the world’s richest people and most famous celebrities handed over large checks to finance his Presidential Library and charitable [sic] activities’.

The New York Times’ articles [19th and 20th December 2008] did not, however, mention that the Clinton Library is equipped with some of the most sophisticated state-of-the-art eavesdropping and electronic equipment in the world, and that the new list of donors and donations (of which a small selection is appended below) is indicative of a ‘you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours’ approach, also known in the United States as ‘pay to play’.

• The disclosure of these names represents a component of a deal intended to smooth the way for Mrs Clinton to be confirmed and to move seamlessly into the State Department. On 4th January, the facile British Press was praising Mrs Clinton as ‘an honest broker’. Manifestly, Fleet Street uses a dictionary not available to the rest of us. It would be helpful if the stupid UK journalists concerned would belatedly look up the word ‘honest’ in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Funds for the Katrina disaster were channelled corruptly into a joint ‘foundation’ controlled by George H. W. Bush Sr. and former President Clinton, under the ‘nose’ of the complicit or feeble Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, originally funded with ‘Black Ops’ drug money).

The fate of the Katrina money has subsequently been ‘successfully’ obfuscated by the highest-level current and former office-holding criminal financiers, so that it is currently not possible to identify Katrina funds having been moved into the William J. Clinton Foundation: but logic would suggest that this would have occurred, and/or that the funds were used to finance illicit below-the-radar financial leveraging transactions, in the usual manner.

The ‘deal’, brokered by the Obama team represented by its co-chairwoman Valerie Jarrett, reflects a 5-page Memorandum of Understanding signed on 12th December 2008 with the William J. Clinton Foundation, represented by its Chief Executive, Bruce R. Lindsey. This Memorandum required Mr Clinton to disclose his past donors by the end of 2008 and any future contributors once a year.

It also required that that ‘if’ Mrs Clinton is confirmed, the Clinton Global Initiative, an offshoot of the Foundation, will be incorporated separately, will no longer hold events outside the United States and will refuse any further contributions from foreign governments.

More vaguely, other initiatives operating under the auspices of the Foundation would follow new rules and consult with US State Department ethics officials in certain circumstances. (There is of course no reference in the document to any requirement that the ‘ethics officials’ have oversight over the intended illicit financial activities of the criminal operative Hillary Clinton in the event that, as intended, this Jezebel winds up as Secretary of State).

Previously, Mr Clinton had declined to reveal the identities of donors to his Foundation, as Federal law does not require former US Presidents to reveal foundation donors. Clinton’s main argument had been that many donors expected confidentiality.

Yet, all of a sudden, this ‘concern’ was jettisoned, in the scramble to ensure that Mrs Clinton arrives at the State Department without being cuffed and jailed or bailed on the way.

To mask this U-turn, Clinton advocates waffled following the disclosures that the list showed that Mr Clinton had nothing to hide, which is NOT the point that Clinton relied upon earlier when he declined to publish the list in order to preserve the confidentiality of the donors. Many of these parties will certainly have been chagrined at the emergence of their identifies as Clinton donors, into the public domain – not least because as this concatenation of immense financial scandals progressively expands like a solar explosion, they risk their names being dragged into the sewer along with those of the Clinton criminals themselves.

The following partial list of prominent ‘donors’ to the William J Clinton Foundation has been assembled to illustrate the ‘pay-to-play’ dimension of the way these crooks operate, lifting the veil on how these organised US gangsters have spread their filthy corruption throughout the world:

• Selected prominent donors to the William J. Clinton Foundation out of a total of 200,000 donors named by former President Clinton on 18th December 2008 in the interests of ‘transparency’ but contrary to the interests of the donors and as part of the deal to infiltrate Mrs Clinton into the State Department, where she will be ‘protected’ and from where the intention is that the fraudulent finance operations will continue:

Absolute Return for Kids [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Abu Dhabi Ruling Family [$ not known by this service]
Alfonso Fanjul [$ not known by this service]
Alix Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Amar Singh [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Arnold H. Simon [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Ausaid [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Australian Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Barbra Streisand/Streisand Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Bernard L Schwartz [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Blackwater Training Center [$ not known by this service]
Blackwater Training Center [$ not known by this service]
Bloomberg L.P. [$ not known by this service]
Bren and Melvin Simon [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Brunei Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Cameron Diaz, actress [Between $25,001 and $50,000]
Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, [More than $25 million]
Citi Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, Canada [$1,000,001 to $5.0 million]
Copresida-Secretariado Tecnico [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Denise Rich [Brand], former wife of Marc Rich [Hans Brand] [$250,001 to $500,000]
Dominican Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Dubai Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Eli and Edythe Broade Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
ELMA Foundation [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Elton John AIDS Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Entergy Corporation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Frank Giustra, CEO, Radcliffe Foundation [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Fred Eychaner [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Freddie Mac [$ not known by this service]
Friends of Saudi Arabia [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Gilbert R. Chagoury [Nigerian President Abacha crony] [$1,000,00 to $5.0 million]
Government of Brunei Darussalam [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Government of Norway [Between $5,000,001 and $10 million]
Haim Saban and Saban Family Foundation [Between $5,000,001 and $10 million]
Howard and Michele Kessler [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Howard Gilman Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Hunter Foundation [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Issam M. Fares & Wedge Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
James P. Greenbaum Jr. Family Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
John D. Mackay [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Kuwait Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Lakshmi N. Mittal [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Lukas H. Lundin [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
MAC AIDS Fund [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Mala Gaonkar Haarmann [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Michael and Jena King [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Michael Schumacher [Between $5,000,001 and $10 million]
Michael Smurfit [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Harold Snyder [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Nasser al-Rashid [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Nationale Postcode Loterij [Between $5,000,001 and $10 million]
Norwegian Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Omani Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Open Society Institute (George Soros) [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Paul Reynolds [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Presidential Inaugural Committee [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Princess Diana Memorial Fund [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Qatari Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Richard Caring [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Robert L. Johnson [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Robertson Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Rockefeller Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable and Educational Trust [$1,000,001 to $5.0 million]
Rupert Murdoch [$ not known by this service]
S. D. Abraham [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Sheikh Mohammed al-Amoudi [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Smith and Elizabeth Bagley [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
State of Kuwait [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
State of Qatar [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Stephen L. Bing [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Sterling Stamos Capital Management [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Sultanate of Oman [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Suzlon Energy [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Swiss Reinsurance Company [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Sydney E. Frank Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
T. G. Holdings [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Taiwan Government aid agency, an [$ not known by this service]
Theodore W. Watt [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Tom Golisano [Between $10,000,001 and $25 million]
Unitaid [More than $25 million]
Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Charitable Foundation [$1,000,001 to $5.0 million]
Victor Pinchuk, Ukrainian oligarch [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Wallace W. Fowler [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Wal-Mart Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Walter H. Shorenstein [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Walton Family Foundation [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]
Wasserman Foundation [Between $5,000,001 and $10 million]
Zayed Family [Between $1,000,001 and $5.0 million]

Since the State Department controls much of the money operations, it is clear that the objective of the controlling corrupt “powers” has indeed been to continue the fraudulent finance operations from within the White House and the US Treasury for the next four or eight years, as previously: in other words, the fraudulent, debt-generating exotic financing was to continue seamlessly with a replacement set of highest-level fraudulent finance operatives in place, many of whom (led by Mrs Clinton and Rahm Emanuel) were/have been involved in this terrorism financing activity all along.

That is the objective ‘as we speak’. Will it be achieved? It is understood, to begin with, that former President Bill Clinton was captured some time ago on a videotape made in Alabama, referring to President-Elect Obama in disparaging ethnic terms. We have now learned that outgoing President George W. ‘Dog’ Bush is also on record as describing to Mr Obama in comparable language. Both these racist outbursts have been channelled back to the President-Elect, who reportedly laughed at the perpetrators. But ingrained in this response, we were told, was the following message:

‘You can be rude about me now, if you like. But wait and see what I’m made of when I am in power’.

Being interpreted, this means (we speak with ‘understanding’) that if you imagine that you can pressurise me, you have yet to learn what resources I can bring to bear to make you think again.

Therefore, whether the incoming President will in fact allow the fraudulent finance operations to continue seamlessly, thereby ensuring a colossal financial and economic implosion worldwide early in his Administration, the collapse of gigantic corrupted US and foreign institutions, the destruction of his Presidency and Law and Order, and the collapse of the US dollar plus an immediate reversion to ‘beggar-thy-neighbour’ competitive currency devaluations and a bitter global trade war followed by open warfare remains, in our view, on a knife-edge at this time.

• But the central issue THAT NO-ONE CAN POSSIBLY ESCAPE, is this:

The US dollar needs refunding NOW, which cannot be done by the US Government at all, because the US Government CAN ONLY CREATE DEBT.


The previous refunding of the US dollar was initiated by President Reagan and confirmed for public consumption by means of a communiqué dated 17th August 1982. The US dollar is in extreme need of a further refunding, to enable it to regain its capitalisation value and thus to renew the world’s international trading markets.

This can ONLY be done by means of the overdue Private Sector Refunding mechanism long since prescribed by the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme of Capital Markets operations, generating cash REVENUE and not DEBT – with substantial ongoing on-the-books tax accruals paid into the US Treasury, to break the century-long, sterile and now completely discredited US debt-financing orgy which has brought the United States to its current status as a pariah state, reliant on exporting terrorism to ‘get its way’ and provide open-ended pretexts for it to seize the resources of others.

For this US Dollar Refunding Programme to be viable, there must be third party auditing: and the Government and its Presidential Cabinet, with an Economic Team tainted by the fraudulent finance operations of previous Administrations, cannot, in any case, be relied upon, given past experience, to do so in an objective manner.

To preclude a catastrophic perpetuation of the degenerate fraudulent finance carousel system, which is bringing the world financial and real economies to the verge of irremediable breakdown, accompanied by the collapse of colossal financial institutions and the US dollar, full disclosure and disciplined transparent regulation in perpetuity are prerequisites.


It CANNOT be done off-the-books: and, despite immense Bush-Cheney bribery, if the Rest of the World sees the Obama Administration ‘trying this on’, and sidestepping the precise Group of Seven requirements, there will, as Senator C Dodd has said in another, related, context, be HELL TO PAY.


SUMMARY: If the new Administration follows through with any ‘solution’ falling short of these long outstanding, pre-agreed G-7 standards, THE U.S. DOLLAR WILL COLLAPSE, the whole of humanity will suffer on a scale with no historical precedent, and the American Republic WILL NOT SURVIVE.

As the late, great Sherman Skolnik, who was right more often than wrong (sometimes he was completely off the wall, especially towards the end) used to day: Watch this space.

• References, Notes and the original Ponzi Scheme:

(1) Data courtesy of Victor Thorn, veteran researcher,
journalist and anti-New Underworld Order Author.

(2) Prudent Man Rule: This is the fundamental American principle that is applicable in respect of professional money management, originally asserted by Judge Samuel Putnum in 1830 as follows:

‘Those with responsibility to invest money for others should act with prudence, discretion, intelligence, and regard for the safety of capital as well as income’ [1830 Massachusetts Court decision: Harvard College v. Armory]. The Prudent Man Rule directs Trustees ‘to observe how men of prudence, discretion and intelligence manage their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the management and disposition of their funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of the capital to be invested’. Investments in risky Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes and in ‘programs’ such as those referenced, typically breach the Prudent Man Rule.

Sources: (a) World Reports Limited website report dated 22nd July 2008 entitled: ‘U.S. market revamp is false prospectus’; (b) World Reports Limited website report dated 18th September 2008 entitled: ‘Michael C. Cottrell’s U.S. financial reform proposals; (International Currency Review, Volume 34, Number 1, THE COTTRELL PLAN, pages 243-272 and GLOSSARY, pages 293-326.

(3) On 13th and 22nd January 2007, this service SPECIFICALLY identified the methodology used by the CIA/Bush financial fraudsters as being based on the CLASSIC PONZI MODEL In retrospect, it is clear that few US Ponzi scam victims took the relevance of this on board. Now the name ‘Ponzi’ is finally all over the newspapers: but ONLY, so far, in the Madoff context. It needs to be applied to ALL THE INTERLINKED BUSH-CLINTON-CIA FINANCIAL SCANDALS, RIGHT ACROSS THE BOARD.
It is high time that our message in January 2007 was finally understood: PONZI is the STANDARD METHODOLOGY used for all these scamming operations mounted by criminalised US intelligence-linked cadres, to impoverish and steal from their victims AT HOME AND ABROAD. IT IS STANDARD PROCEDURE. The broken-hearted ‘package people’ investors are classic PONZI SCAM VICTIMS.

This is not, as some knee-jerk hysterics will claim, apologetics for the criminals: IT’S FACT. And the way to deal with FACT, however unpleasant, is to FACE IT. The way NOT to deal with FACT is to place one’s faith in ANONYMOUS SOURCES that, by definition, lack all credibility, whose reporting cannot be verified and which hide behind anonymity so that when they are caught out lying, they cannot be held accountable. These cowards are suspected by sane people of cynically peddling endless tall stories and disinformation that is fed to them for the self-evident purpose of keeping the scammed victims on the edge of their seats until they die. Beware of such faceless charlatans.


Website outlets focusing on keeping the scammed victims expecting payouts have now veered into total chaos mode, blaming everyone on earth from the probably recently deceased Madame Wu to Father Christmas in a deliberately shambolic and thoroughly cynical obfuscation offensive, designed EXCLUSIVELY to protect the perpetrators from the inevitable backlash and retribution that awaits them as soon as the scammed victims finally come to terms with the fact that they have been raped, pillaged, ransacked, and ‘hollowed out’. In readiness for the possibility that they’ll have to keep going for 8 more dreary years, targets have been switched from the Bushes to Obama.

The victims have all along been despised by the primary perpetrators, who couldn’t care less about their plight and are concerned EXCLUSIVELY with the protection of their assets and bodies against the days of reckoning that await them. The fact that the Omega Ponzi operations and related scams against private victims were perpetrated by the criminalised US intelligence community does NOT mean that the perpetrators will not receive their overdue come-uppance: it simply means that a war of attrition has to be waged against these devils, who have wrecked so many Americans’ lives.

(If the Editor is attacked for stating the truth after this posting, we will expose the backing behind the perpetrating website(s) involved in this outrageously cynical disinformation campaign).

The two initial reports in which we SPECIFICALLY exposed the Ponzi scamming dimension, which has of course now finally burst into the ‘mainstream’ with the ‘Madoff takedown’, were as follows:

(a) ‘US intelligence community OMEGA OPS/’Ponzi Game’ frauds’:
13th January 2007.

(b) ‘Treasongate background: Intel Ponzi Scamming:
Classic Ponzi Model for Unregistered Thievery’:
22nd January 2007

The report dated 22nd January 2007 containing our first posting of the summary of the classic Ponzi scam entitled ‘How Charles Ponzi pulled it off: Making a fine art out of a pyramid fraud’, was initially published in International Currency Review, Volume 27, Number 3, December 2001, pages 51-52.

• This text is now repeated immediately below, for ease of reference:

Charles Ponzi, an immigrant from Italy to Boston, MA, made millions of dollars for a brief period, by exploiting his shrewd observation that while national currencies were fluctuating wildly in 1920, just after the end of the First World War, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) issued coupons which were always worth a given amount of postage stamps.

In those days, European refugees were flocking to the United States, Canada and Brazil; and often, their only contact with their families and friends back home was an occasional letter, enclosing a few dollars. The Universal Postal Union arranged to move the millions of letters, standard business documents and messages across national borders by issuing Postal Reply Coupons. You bought a Postal Reply Coupon in your country of residence, and enclosed it with your letter.

Your mother, once she had received the letter, exchanged the Postal Reply Coupon for stamps at her local post office.

Charles Ponzi told friends in Boston: ‘Everybody’s heard of the Postal Union. They print coupons like these I’m holding here: Postal Reply Coupons. You can send a letter home, or anywhere in the world, with these coupons. And you can trade this coupon for a stamp in any country. I send my mother coupons with every letter that I write home’.

‘Now, in cooperation with certain large businesses in our city, I am making a fortune on the Postal Reply Coupon. Stocks are too risky. Forget it. And bonds, what are they paying right now? Maybe six percent? Savings accounts at Tremont Trust, they’ll give you four and a half cents on the dollar. Give them $100 and they’ll give you back $104.50. I can beat that into the ground’, Ponzi insisted, beating his cane against the floor. ‘My investors get 50 cents on the dollar. Place a hundred dollars with my Securities Exchange Company, and you take out $150. Put that $150 in, you’ll get back $225. That’s right, in six months, you can more than double your money’.

How could he pay 50%, when banks couldn’t even manage 5%? ‘Exchange rates’, Mr Ponzi explained. ‘Every morning I go down and check to see how the lira is doing against the dollar. Usually you get five lire for a dollar. This morning I checked, and with the war just ended, it takes 20 lire to the dollar’. While currency rates were bouncing around like popcorn, Mr Ponzi explained, the Postal Reply Coupon always bought one stamp. Here’s what I do’.

‘I send my cousin in Parma, Italy, $1.0. He exchanges the dollar for lire. With these 20 lire (2,000 centesimi), he can buy 66 Postal Reply Coupons (worth 30 centesimi each, the cost of a letter-sized stamp in Italy). Back in the United States, each of the coupons will buy one stamp, face value five cents. I redeem all 66 coupons for $3.30 worth of stamps. The magic happens in the exchange rate. In America, my dollar buys 20 Postal Coupons. But if I exchange the US dollar for lire, and buy the coupons in Italy, then return and buy the stamps in America, I get $3.30 worth of stamps for that same $1.0. My profit margin is 230%’.

‘Yeah, but $3.30 worth of stamps is still stamps’, complained an attentive listener.

‘I know’, said Ponzi. ‘So I sell the stamps at a 10% discount through my contacts with the larger firms downtown. Deducting the discount, I’ve got $3.0 cash now, from the $1.0 that I started out with.

Now, let’s say, I got that dollar from you. I will pay you back your dollar, plus 50 cents interest. Since I just sold $3.0 worth of stamps, I have a dollar and 50 cents for myself’.

‘I’m going to spend a third of that money on my offices and processing overheads, and a third on commissions and bonuses to my sales people; and then, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to pocket the other third and take my wife for a stroll’.

This was the essence of the original Ponzi scheme. Note that in this description, Ponzi starts out by exploiting the fluctuations of exchange rates, and the lack of arbitrage; and note that, by the end of the explanation, he is simply offering 50% interest, which he pays out to old claimants out of the additional funds he has received from other investors who are likewise anticipating a 50% return on their investments, within a short space of time.

The germ of the idea was derived from the foreign exchange market; but once Ponzi has realised that people will pour money his way if they are promised a 50% return, he can finally abandon his elaborate explanation (‘his ‘prospectus’) of the exploitation of exchange rate fluctuations and the tedious task of shipping, receiving, handling and exchanging Postal Reply Coupons, which gave him the ‘easy money’ idea in the first place.

In other words, his sales pitch is no more than a now redundant, expendable illustration – a false prospectus which disguises the fact that he is really promoting a pyramid selling operation. For he has realised that all his investors care about is receiving 50% on their money. How this is to be achieved does not normally concern them.

By December 1920, Charles Ponzi was matching old money with ever larger amounts of new money. In May 1921 alone, almost $500,000 of new money poured into the Securities Exchange Company – as 1,500 or more new customers, lured by the 50% yield offered through advertisements, sought their share of the huge profits they thought would be forthcoming at minimal risk. The office now bulged with fat stacks of dollar bills.

But problems started to arise when Joseph Daniels filed a lawsuit alleging that he had helped to found the Securities Exchange Company (SEC) with a loan of $230 worth of furniture plus $200 in cash. Daniels had indeed provided the beaten-up desks that had been offloaded in the dusty office, and had let Mr Ponzi have $200 to spark interest in the Postal Coupons.

It wasn’t simply a loan, Mr Daniels maintained, now that Mr Ponzi was drowning in cash. ‘We were partners. I put up capital and property’. On 2nd July, Mr Ponzi was handed a demand for $1.0 million.

The Boston Post telephoned, and Mr Ponzi told the reporter that he had indeed bought furniture from Mr Daniels, but that he had never received any money for investment from him.

But when the newly installed banking commissioner for Massachusetts, Joseph Allen, read the newspaper, he wondered: ‘Where did Ponzi come from? Who are his associates? How is he managing to double people’s money?’

Allen asked Ponzi to pop round to his office, for an interview. The Securities Exchange Company did not describe itself as a bank, nor did it offer any banking services. Therefore, in the absence of a complaint – and none had yet arrived – the Commissioner had no jurisdiction to examine Ponzi’s business. At the interview, Ponzi explained the curiosities surrounding Postal Coupons, pointed out that money chased money, collected his coat, doffed his hat, and bid Mr Allen goodbye.

But Richard Grozier, city editor at The Boston Post, had always thought that Charles Ponzi’s scheme was fraudulent; and to initiate what he fancied would indeed be the inevitable débacle, he elicited a comment from one of Boston’s leading citizens, Clarence Barron, the owner of Dow Jones & Co and The Wall Street Journal.

At the end of July 1920, The Boston Post carried a front page story entitled: ‘Clarence Barron questions the motive behind Ponzi’s scheme’.

Theoretically, Barron admitted, you could indeed turn a profit on the UPU coupons. But that was the only truth buried within the operation. You could never earn more than a few thousand dollars, not just because of the trouble involved in offloading the stamps and tracking the various conversions driving the process, but because there simply were not enough coupons available.

France, Romania and Spain had just abandoned the scheme, a few months earlier. A cursory check with the UPU showed that they had a few hundred thousand dollars’ worth of coupons in circulation – nowhere near the $10 million or $15 million Mr Ponzi claimed to be trading. So where was Ponzi getting his coupons from? Furthermore, the US Postal Service had announced, on 2nd July 1920, that Postal Reply Coupons would no longer be redeemable in lots larger than ten. So how was Ponzi converting his coupons into stamps?

Finally, Barron asked, if Ponzi is doubling everyone else’s money, why does he keep his own funds in regional banks? The Boston Post knew that Ponzi kept millions of dollars on deposit at seven or eight New England banks, and that the accounts were ballooning. How could a man who was paying 100% interest every 90 days, put up with drawing just 4% on his holdings? Barron concluded:

‘Right under the eyes of our Government, Mr Ponzi has been paying out US money to one line, with deposits taken from a succeeding line’ (another bank).

All of a sudden, all the doors which had flown back on their hinges at the sight of Mr Ponzi, were slamming tight shut. The Massachusetts District Attorney ordered Ponzi to cease and desist. His customers demanded their money back, and Ponzi was eventually jailed for Federal mail fraud, then deported. He wound up destitute in South America.

(4) The following documents were obtained by the Editor from the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in December 2008:

1: Securities and Exchange Commission COMPLAINT vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791 filed 4:51pm 11 December 2008.

2: Securities and Exchange Commission COMPLAINT vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791 (LLS): Appointment of Receiver, Lee Richards, partner of Richards Kibbe & Orbe LLP ‘over all the assets and accounts of defendant Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (“BMIS”) outside of the United States, to take control forthwith over BMIS’s dealings and transactions with any non-United States entity or counterparty, with full access to BMIS’s books and records necessary or useful to him in the exercise of his powers over BMIS’s foreign business or transactions’ signed by United States District Judge Louis L. Stanton at 6.42pm on 12th December 2008.

3: Securities and Exchange Commission ORDER vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791 (LLS) ECF Case: Order to show cause, Temporary Restraining Order and Order Freezing Assets and Granting Other Relief; Order consented to by defendants and therefore signed off by United States District Judge Louis L. Stanton at 4:51pm on 13th December 2008.

4: Securities and Exchange Commission and Securities and Investor Protection Corporation ORDER vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791: Appointing Irving H. Picard as Trustee and law firm Baker & Hostetler LLP as Counsel for the Trustee ‘with all the duties and powers of a Trustee as is prescribed by the Securities Investor Protection Act’, and inter alia authorising the Trustee ‘to take immediate possession of the property of the Defendant, wherever located, including but not limited to the books and the records of the Defendant, and to open accounts and obtain a safe deposit box at a bank or banks to be chosen by the Trustee’: signed by United States District Judge Louis L. Stanton at 4:08pm on 13th December.

5: Securities and Exchange Commission and Securities and Investor Protection Corporation ORDER vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791: Application to the Court of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), signed and filed on 15th December 2008.

6: Securities and Exchange Commission and Securities and Investor Protection Corporation ORDER vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791: Memorandum of Law in support of the application to the Court of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation; signed and filed on 15th December 2008.

7: Securities and Exchange Commission and Securities and Investor Protection Corporation ORDER vs: Bernard L. Madoff and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Defendants: Reference: 08 Civ. 10791: Consent by Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, signed by Bernard L. Madoff as ‘Sole Member’, to the service of the Complaint and the Application by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, dated, notarised and filed on 15th December 2008.

8: United States of America v. Bernard L. Madoff: Case # 08 MAG 2735: AGREEMENT TO FORFEIT PROPERTY, signed by Bernard L. Madoff and Ruth Madoff on 17th December 2008 and filed on that date. The property forfeited: 133 East 64th Street, Apt 11A/PH, New York, NY 10065; 410 N. Lake Way, Palm Beach, FL 33480; 216 Old Montauk Highway, NY 11954.

9: Extensive miscellaneous related documentation.

George Orwell: ‘In an age of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act’.

US friend: ‘You are to be congratulated on a masterful piece of research in exposing the treason and the biggest heist in history’.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Wednesday 3 December 2008 02:30





The Editor has been informed that there have been no arguments, no objections, no disputes, no denials whatsoever Stateside re: the crucial intelligence concerning the room or suite inside the premises of Morgan Stanley exposed in this report, which was being used as the financial sector base for the U.S.-DRIVEN FINANCING OF TERRORISM AND AL-QAEDA ALL AROUND THE WORLD.


• It is further confirmed that ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE TERRORISM FINANCING OPERATIONS, which means ALL APPARATCHIKS, OFFICIALS, SPECIAL BRANCH, POLITICIANS, BANKERS AND OTHERS who have been involved in this despicable and loathesome activity on both sides of the Atlantic ARE NOW THEMSELVES KNOWN TERRORISTS. THIS HAS NOW BEEN CONFIRMED.

• As a direct and immediate consequence of THIS POSTING, the Editor was informed just before midnight that the word from Washington is that it is now intended to quote ‘DO EVERYTHING BY THE BOOK’. In other words, it is CYA time, BIG-TIME, as the filthy criminal rats scramble to AVOID BEING ARRESTED OR OTHERWISE ‘DEALT WITH’ BECAUSE THEY ARE THEMSELVES KNOWN TERRORISTS. Until the exposure of the Morgan Stanley TERRORISM FINANCING CENTRE, they fondly imagined that all our accusations of their pursuit of economic terrorism would wash over everyone’s head. FOLLOWING THIS POSTING, THEY HAVE HAD TO CHANGE THEIR ATTITUDE.

• There is a deeper point to take on board here. What is meant by ‘DOING EVERYTHING BY THE BOOK’? It is ‘cornered criminalist’ language which, being interpreted, has the following obvious PRACTICAL IMPLICATION: persuading compliant bankers, participants, intermediaries and their counterparties to go along with financing operations which ‘smell’ IS GOING TO BECOME A LOT HARDER, IF NOT ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE NOW. The bankers et al. are going to ‘cease to cooperate’, out of fear that they will be picked up for FINANCING TERRORISM. AND THEY WILL.

• That’s what ‘GOING BY THE BOOK’ means and will mean, in practice.

• FACT: They will ALSO have to wind up the AL-QAEDA and all the related GLOBAL TERRORISM operations. Both Britain and America will have to get out of financing terrorism, and this will have to be done immediately. OVER TO YOU, PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA. This may be your finest hour.


• Drop the hideous GESTAPO legislation that you announced in The Queen’s Speech today, too.

• Memorandum to the cadres who are behind the curve in the UK: Special Branch, etc: See foot of this report. Take on board that a rearguard operation to intimidate the Editor of this service is OUT OF ORDER and that our communications with US parties MUST BE RESTORED IMMEDIATELY, AS YOU ARE NOW IN BREACH OF CERTAIN INSTRUCTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN ISSUED FOR OUR PROTECTION. See to it that you follow through with this demand, and cease and desist NOW.























Seems friends of Special Branch didn’t like what we posted at 2.30pm [see above and add-on about the visits from two UK Special Branch officers, by invitation, to this office below]. At the beginning of the day, following our posting the present report overnight, all of a sudden, the interference with our communications, especially to the US office of Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., which had been illegally disrupted for over a week (all the Editor’s calls went into an electronic void), ceased and the line was freed: the Editor got through immediately with no impediment. We presumed that Fort Meade didn’t fancy having all that mud thrown at them internationally.

But at 10.25pm, the Editor called again with further information; and a loud series of crackles and botched connections occurred, as various dirty eavesdropping scumbags rushed to ‘handle’ the situation, causing the Editor’s voice to be cut off, even though Mr Cottrell’s voice could be heard. Given the loudness of these interventions, we assume that the interference was perpetrated by cover-up merchants in the United Kingdom. They don’t like it when we’re as red hot as we are right now: the hot water’s scalding them. So instead of doing the right thing, they hassle the messenger.

When the Editor was able to communicate via another method, he informed Mr Cottrell that a key Trustee had emailed us [03 December 2008: 19:28, as received UK time], as follows: ‘I have not read your latest article but will do so a bit later. My status is that we are told everyone is ready to close. But something is delaying the U.S. side. The Rest of the World is furious because they were given a 24-hour window for payment that expired at 2:00pm NY time, 26 minutes ago. I have people (the high functionary) checking to see what is the delay’. On receipt of this email, the Editor tried the above communications, and finally conveyed this message; and so the situation is being checked out ‘as we speak’. It would appear that our fingering of Gordon Brown below, coupled with the somewhat unpleasant possible veiled threats that may have been uttered against the Editor of this service and his wife earlier in the day [see below], indicate that there are still massive problems in the United Kingdom, although right now the United States is being blamed.

• The familiar ying-yang escapology game again favoured by the giga-criminals, or what?

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review and associated intelligence publications and information services. See this site for details and ordering facility.

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system that assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program that devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. Some versions have a ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.

• INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW, Volume 33, #s 3 & 4, all 972 pages of it, is making waves all over the world. It contains a blow-by-blow deconstruction of this crisis via the Wantagate plus our further analyses: and everything published therein is now well and truly ON THE GLOBAL PUBLIC RECORD. Accordingly the whole world owns a detailed, damning account of the serial criminality of the Bush-Cheney-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ et al., which CANNOT BE EXPUNGED.


• It tracks the fallout from our exposures of the criminality from mid-April 2008 to 6th October 2008, when this issue of ICR had to go to press. The Glossary that is published with The Cottrell Plan has been separated out and placed at the end of the issue, for long-term ease-of-reference purposes.

• If you wish to obtain a copy and you are not a regular subscriber, please order International Currency Review via our electronic payment system by pressing SUBSCRIBE. This will give a full-price order sequence. Then press CONTACT US and state that you wish to order ICR 34, #1. The single-issue price has to be at a premium to the regular price, charged at $200.00 per copy. Note:
Please ensure that you send a CONTACT US email to the Publisher at the same time as you press SUBSCRIBE, so that we KNOW to send you ONLY ICR 34, #1 and to charge you ONLY $200.

• The CONTACT US facility is found in the red box throughout this combined website.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Please Make a Donation to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations, which have turned the whole world upside down and have exposed the corruption which was intended to enable the geocriminalist syndicate to seize the wealth of the entire world. These people have finally been more or less completely stopped in their tracks as a consequence of these exposures. Your assistance will be sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money was not repaid and so has been stolen.

• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications.


• PRINT EDITIONS OF THE COTTRELL PLAN: Economic Intelligence Review, Volume 11, #s 9 & 10, published in July-August, was devoted almost entirely to The Cottrell Plan and to the extensive Glossary of financial market and related definitions, which explains where so many people have gone wrong. International Currency Review, Volume 34, #1, also contains The Cottrell Plan and the Glossary, placed at the end of this 400-page issue for long-term easy reference.

• Subscriptions by serious observers and analysts to our services may be placed via this website.

• FORT MEADE INTERFERING WITH OUR COMMUNICATIONS: Our communications with certain parties in the United States are being crudely and illegally sabotaged by National Security Agency idiots who imagine that it is still possible to keep the lid on the biggest scandal in world history, and to cover up the reality that the Bush II Administration has been financing Al-Qaeda and other global terrorism operations. Every time these fools try this on, they simply show their hand.

• Midnight, 2nd-3rd December: US sources say that there has been an intensification of illegal interference by Verizon (an intelligence entity) and other US intelligence community entities with their communications, as with ours, as these criminalist cadres now attempt to prevent (a) certain drastic consequences arising from non-performance, and (b) the distribution of the massively damning information in this report about the reckless and criminal behaviour of these pigs in Washington who are scrambling to place their filthy snouts in the Settlements trough first.

• The bottom line: Our assessment that the United States is a Revolutionary Power engaged in promoting terrorism and financing it (from a secret operations room inside Morgan Stanley: see below) is CONFIRMED. The torch of the World Revolution was handed by the Soviets back to the classic revolutionary power, the United States, after 72 years (1917-1989), 72 being the familiar Babylonian ‘Rule of 72’ number. The Americans became much more dangerous than the Soviets.

But the discovery of specific evidence that the deliberate financing of global terrorism has all along been orchestrated from within Morgan Stanley, and that the dirty finger marks of Bush 41, Clinton 42, Paulson, Greenspan, Cheney and Hillary Clinton are all over the tear-sheet evidence, which was obtained from bankers arrested in Europe during autumn 2007, represents BY FAR THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN WORLD HISTORY which Fort Meade can now do NOTHING to cover up.

Shame on you, stupid electronic criminalist nerds and fools, for imagining that these crimes would remain buried from public scrutiny for ever. Shame on you, ‘mainstream’ broadcast media and press people, for succumbing to Cheney’s pressure not to expose this unprecedented criminality, which embraces CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. No wonder your circulations and revenues are declining.

AND SHAME ON THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT for collaborating with the TERRORIST UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, when the CORRECT response should have been to EXPOSE THESE TERRORISTS, rather than becoming involved in aiding and abetting these unbelivable crimes against humanity. Collaborating with a pariah terrorist state isn’t pragmatic: it’s reckless, stupid.

Last year, we weren’t allowed to report on the secret Morgan Stanley Terrorism Financing Centre, and we were not told about it. You will see that we were mighty close to exposing this dimension of the BIGGEST SCANDAL IN WORLD HISTORY: Archive: 4th October to 11th November 2007.

• It is understood that we weren’t informed, in part, because of fears that exposure would have triggered, for instance, the destruction of files and evidence: although the real reason we weren’t told, we surmise, was that IT WAS STILL THE INTENTION TO COVER UP THE FACT THAT THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN FINANCING AL-QAEDA. Well, now THE TRUTH IS BEING TOLD.

• Let the whole world know that the US criminals who pontificate the most loudly about terrorism are those who are financing it. This was always suspected. Now the whole world knows it.


In the following report, we have concentrated on intelligence and interpretations based on our own research and which we can vouch for, and have largely ignored the cacophony of conflicting, angry, ‘Black’ and other propaganda that has swirled around the Internet since Barack Obama became the President-Elect of the United States. Our reasoning here can be summarised as follows:

• Whatever anyone says or believes, a decisive DISCONTINUITY has finally materialised. A discontinuity presupposes that all previous assumptions and relationships are either in flux, changing, or subject to change brought about by a rearrangement of the ‘correlation of forces’.

• In the above context, the central fact of importance is that the United States, and therefore the Rest of the World, have finally climbed out of the frying pan.

• Specifically, the United States and the Rest of the World are therefore hovering in mid-air. It is premature to be certain that we will all proceed to jump into the fire, because we are as yet still suspended in mid-air between the frying pan and the fire.

• Equipped with this mindset, we must add that, for the purposes of this report ONLY, we are accordingly AGNOSTIC with reference to the swirling ‘Black’ propaganda against Obama, the Clintons and everyone else on the miserable American political scene which is (see below) manipulated by the controlling Intelligence Power. Of course we have strong views on all the issues that have been and continue to be raised in this context: and in this report we specifically identify, for instance, Mrs Clinton as a financier of terrorism. But none of these issues have ANY relevance to the crucial issue that the whole world faces, which is:

• The absolute paramount necessity for the completion of the wholesale Settlements payouts and for the implementation of the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme, which will refund the US and European (etc) banks and will deliver on-the-books liquidity throughout the system within a matter of months. The Settlements payouts will finance the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme.

• Belated resistance to the Settlements (see below) reflects rearguard operations in the face of the reality that unavoidable repatriation threatens those forced to repatriate, with latent criminal proceedings and probable jail for having fraudulent assets on (or ‘under’) their books.

In short, we are not concerned, for the purposes of THIS report, with whether President-Elect Obama’s belief that following Abraham Lincoln’s technique of placing his enemies at the centre of his government is well-founded (which it may well be), with who is of course blackmailing whom (as is known to be the case), with whether a birth certificate was or was not registered in Timbuctoo, with the reappearance of Clinton retreads on the stage, and with all the other murky side-issues that have been raised by anxious observers, protagonists, ‘Black’ propagandists, controlled agents of influence, and others, since Mr Obama was elected.

And the reason we are not concerned HERE with such issues is that IF THE SETTLEMENTS ARE NOT FINALISED, all these people who are shouting at cross-purposes will eventually fall silent because the United States and Britain (the ‘Main Enemy’) will collapse into a DEPRESSION, on the brink of which both economies stand ‘as we speak’.

Therefore, we do not have the luxury to waste time ventilating about these innumerable issues, important though some of them certainly are; since if the Settlements are not completed in short order, the economic and financial systems will collapse under the weight of nearly $700 trillion sitting on the roof, which is on the verge of collapsing into the basement.

In other words, it’s a matter of the proper priorities, and avoiding being diverted by deliberately contrived redirection and agitation and propaganda operations which are intended to OBFUSCATE the prevailing situation in general, and the extremely grave predicament in which ALL the financial criminals find themselves, in particular.

And right now, there is only one priority, if the whole world is to be saved in time from absolute catastrophe: completing the Settlement payouts and breaking all resistance to this process. In the United States and Europe, ‘forces’ are moving around, even with guns, to procure the necessary outcome (intelligence received on Monday 1st December 2008).

This report brings what we have been able to establish on the Settlements dimension of the world crisis, up to date. We would, however, add that we found it somewhat distasteful that, after eight years of rightly excoriating the Bush-Clinton Crime Dynasty and the immense and lasting damage inflicted on the world under the criminal Bush II-Cheney Administration, guns were immediately swivelled round and opened fire on the President-Elect.

It would appear that no matter who the Intelligence Power selects (as it always does) to serve in the White House, they will always receive the same treatment. However the source of the US malaise is that the Intelligence Power, which appoints its agents to the top posts, is in control, out of control and needs to be brought under control: so until that happens, nothing fundamental is ever going to change, and the revolutionary United States will continue sliding into the abyss.

• WARNING: What follows has been developed from our own, not secondary, sources. We fully acknowledge that Obama MAY not measure up to expectations, or worse, and that his ‘Abraham Lincoln’ rationalisation for appointing Mrs Clinton, subject to approval by the new Senate, may turn out to be unsound and that what is really happening is a rearranging of the Titanic’s deck chairs on the assumption of corrupt ‘business as usual’.

• But the evidence assembled below suggests otherwise, if you can temporarily suspend your perfectly reasonable disgust, which we share, at the appointments of Queen Melusina to the State Department and Timothy Geithner to the US Treasury.

Shortly after John McCain conceded the election, which he appears to have ‘thrown’ inter alia by selecting the bimbo operative handled by her husband, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, Mr Barack Obama was informed that he would be briefed at the earliest possible moment by the intelligence community. This is extremely unusual, if not unprecedented.

• Mr Obama has been receiving daily CIA briefings ever since.

It is understood that the first briefing took place the day after the election. Since then-Senator Obama had been a junior Senator, he had not been informed about the financial corruption with which a number of his fellow Senators were involved up to their necks. He had been in the Senate for four years, but for almost two of these years he had often been absent on the campaign trail.

Ahead of the election, Barack Obama had been approached by US Air Force personnel, and asked to step down. It is believed that an attempt to bribe him to do so was also made. The US Air Force is heavily indoctrinated, while supporters of the Constitution holding high-level Air Force posts were removed earlier in 2008, leaving key people in charge who are corrupt and involved in the financial fraud and thefts. Interference by armed forces personnel in the civilian political process (albeit that it is manipulated and controlled by the Intelligence Power: see below) is strictly prohibited by the Universal Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and of course as a constitutional expert, Barack Obama immediately told the Air Force representatives to ‘get lost’. He will presumably also have made a note of their identities so that their illegal behaviour catches up with them later.

Following our report on 31st October that the corrupted former British Prime Minister Tony Blair had ‘rolled over’ on all the familiar highest-level criminalists and their institutional and state co-conspirators, from Bush 41 and 43, the Clintons and the Pope, to Chancellor Merkel, Deutsche Bank and elements of the Hungarian Government (always secretly aligned with the STASI/DVD), it had become imperative to divulge to the new President-elect what had been going on behind the scenes in the darkness.

We understand that Blair’s testimony has now thrown so many grenades into the blazing furnace that explosions are going off in all directions, causing the previously asbestos-clad rats to rush around all over the place inside the furnace trying to escape the heat and flames before they are all engulfed by them. This is a late factor that has briefly ‘delayed’ resolution of the Settlements. It has had this effect because the Blair capitulation has CHANGED EVERYTHING for the criminalists, in that their bluff has been called and THESE RATS cannot now escape.


Especially given Blair’s revelations of the relevant sensitive issues, in which he shopped all the main financial criminals and his fellow highest-level co-conspirators and accessories to the fact of these immense crimes, the US intelligence authorities had been left with no choice in the matter, since they had not been in the driving seat for many months (see below) and risked very severe consequences should they themselves withhold crucial information about the corruption, from the President-elect. The ‘sensible’ decision was therefore taken to brief Barack Obama at the earliest opportunity. We are advised that he received what he was told with shock and contempt.

Of particular concern, we understand, to President-Elect Obama was his realisation that his Vice-Presidential colleague, Mr Biden, knew all about the financial corruption (let us leave the matter there) and so, by definition, may have committed an offence under the Misprision of Felony Statute (1), at the very least, and will, on further investigation, have been a co-conspirator to some degree or another. This realisation explains why Biden was subsequently described as being ‘unhappy’ with the situation in which he now found himself. Could it be that Biden, to put the worst possible construction on the matter, may have expected his future boss to succumb to the bribery pressure that the corrupt incumbent in the White House would be likely to impose upon him?

The Editor’s original notes on information received at 8.20pm UK time on 6th November include a reference to indications that Senator Obama was first informed to a limited extent that a gigantic scandal with explosive implications was out of control back in May 2008, but that he was not given pertinent details at the time. Our notes state that Mr Obama ‘only started to find out after he was elected and received private security briefings by CIA agents. He’s starting to find out how many figures were involved, and he’s saying [expletive deleted]. His meetings started yesterday and continued all day today. He’s furious and also very angry at Biden. It has never been known for a President-Elect to receive CIA briefings immediately his election has been confirmed’. Our sources elaborated that ‘Obama’s meeting with his financial team. He learned this stuff and was horrified’.

Briefing Obama on this occasion must in any case have been a distrinctly painful experience for the compromised General Hayden, Director of Central Intelligence, and also for John Negroponte, the former Director of National Intelligence (see below), if he too had to attend the briefing, since the CIA and its numerous appendages and so-called subsidiary agencies are notoriously disruptive revolutionary criminal enterprises that have themselves been fully engaged in spearheading the fraudulent finance dimension of the World Revolution.

In this connection, the key member of Obama’s financial advisory team, and a powerful adviser during the later stages of Mr Obama’s campaign, is Paul Volcker, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and a man who, whatever critics may say, is held in the highest esteem internationally. As a ‘righteous Jew’, this expert is believed to abhor all the financial corruption, although he IS a Trustee for ‘the Settlements’.

• Over 1,000 Trustees were originally appointed, all of them connected in some way to Bush Sr.

This does not necessarily mean that all Trustees are or will have been compromised (although Bush Sr. always seeks to double-cross, intimidate and/or compromise those with whom he has dealings). In the present context, what it means is that Volcker himself, as a Trustee, needed to be paid, so that he, too, could fulfil his obligations as a Trustee towards other parties. That has been a very significant fact in the overall quadrilateral equation.

• On 27th November, Reuters reported that Mr Obama had picked Volcker to head a special office to advise on economic and financial recovery.

One dimension of this pointless activity has typically included the distribution inside the United States of special satellite-linked ‘grey screen’ trading equipment enabling selected operatives to conduct secret off-balance sheet and therefore illegal ‘terrorist’ trading from their own homes, often ostensibly unknown even to their own family members. This activity has been very severely curtailed or stopped altogether, as all transactions and funds associated with this trading is tracked 24/7. Many operatives engaged in these illegal trades have had to close down their operations, have gone to ground, or have been arrested.

When tackled about these activities in the past, members of such US operatives’ families, who ‘sort of’ knew what was going on, have typically tended to fall back on the words ‘national security’ when asked direct questions about what such unusual satellite trading equipment was being used for – this phrase being favoured as cover for the reality that the trading equipment had been given to the operatives by the CIA et al. to enable them to conduct illegal, off-balance sheet, untaxed, secret fraudulent finance counterparty trading operations undetected, as such transactions are or were of course all unaudited and subject to no checks and balances at all.

• By their involvement in such hidden fraudulent financial trading activity, the secret Agency-linked traders, located all over the United States, were engaged in economic terrorism and are accordingly vulnerable, as the purge widens, to being arrested and indicted for such crimes.

Of course even family members who knew what their spouses were up to may genuinely have assumed that their secret trading activities were covered by the National Security Act of 1947 et seq.; but since most of these people knew perfectly well what was going on, their toleration of such corrosive activities, amounting to economic terrorism, which have created such growing havoc by accelerating the rate of expansion of the overhang of unrealisable outstanding fiat obligations, represents a prima facie breach of the Misprision of Felony Statute.

The CIA’s fraudulent finance operations have been systematically destroying the global financial economy in accordance with the bribery-oriented blueprint developed by George Bush Sr. and the corrupt Dr Alan Greenspan for Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, the heirs of the Nazi Abwehr originally directed from Oklahoma City by the late Admiral Canaris, who operated under the assumed name of Samuel Randall Pittman until he fell ill in 1974, when his place was occupied on a temporary basis by the triple or quadruple agent Dr Henry Kissinger, who has never managed to discard his hideously guttural German accent, which no American ever seems to have questioned!

Kissinger persuaded President Gerald Ford (a.k.a. the pornographer Leslie Lynch King Jr.) to fire William Colby (later ‘suicided’ during a ‘canoe trip’ on the Potomac) and to replace him as DCI with George Henry Walker Bush Sr. (Scherff), a long-time Abwehr/DVD asset and CIA agent implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in a manoeuvre whereby the DVD came to control the Central Intelligence Agency totally (rather than partially through the notorious earlier postwar penetrations). In April 2008, a ‘connected’ US visitor who appeared at our London office without an appointment on Good Friday, volunteered that our DVD analysis ‘is 100% correct’.

The pan-German ‘Black’ DVD Nazi strategic deception Continuum is motivated by a hatred of the ‘Anglo-Saxons’ for having supposedly ‘won’ two World Wars as a consequence of which Germany was virtually destroyed. In 1941-42, the Nazis set up a German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid, which became a haven for Gestapo officers, who occupied all the main hotels there for many years. In the early 1950s, the Allies intercepted a document that they labelled the ‘Madrid Circular Letter’ which spelled out pan-German long-range plans to reverse the outcomes of the two World Wars.

This document elaborated on Nazi policy papers captured by the Allies at the end of the Second Illuminati War, one of which boasted that ‘we shall build the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’, as explained in great detail in the Editor’s book ‘The New Underworld Order’.

The ‘Madrid Circular Letter’ claimed that ‘für uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei’ (for us, the war never ended). But the West in general , and the United States in particular, complacently assumed that, having personalised the enemy in the format of the hate-figure of Hitler, that operative’s demise represented the end of the Nazi menace. This view was catastrophically mistaken.

For, as described in the Editor’s book and widely elaborated elsewhere, the Nazi repression and intelligence chief in the Soviet Union, General Reinhard Gehlen, not only managed to persuade a willing US political and intelligence class that Mr Stalin was preparing to invade Western Europe (whereas in reality Josef Djiugashivili-Kochba had only one and a half mechanised divisions, the rest being either decimated or still horse-drawn, while his repression cadres were bogged down with imposing their control over the newly-annexed satellites), but also over time procured the mass penetration of the US intelligence community and other US structures with ‘former’ Nazi operatives and scientists, finally backing the reconstituted European elements of his former networks into the Germany-based US intelligence structures themselves (CIA-1, Frankfurt).

All intelligence organisations today are at war within themselves, as all have been penetrated by foreign powers and domestic enemies, as a consequence of which no intelligence operative can ever trust any of his or her colleagues and must live with the knowledge that he or she is liable to be deceived, double-crossed or entrapped without warning at any stage of a given operation.

The upshot is that the whole world is now engulfed in a ruthless, no-holds-barred, long-running and now red-hot intelligence war over money, which is actually destroying all money and asset values on a scale with no historical precedent. We did predict this outcome in our reports dated 2nd September 2006, and in reports posted, for instance, on 18th and 27th July 2007 [see Archive].

As indicated earlier, the intelligence war over money had been raging largely below the radar, with periodic eruptions, certainly since the Second World War. But given the terrible intransigence of the organised intelligence community-linked criminals who hijacked the White House and the US Treasury under the Bush and Clinton Crime Families, we need hardly be surprised that many unruly elements of the darkness are taking matters into their own hands, seeking to ignite flashpoints in the cynical expectation of being able to foment wars and rumours of wars which can subsequently be exploited to cover up their financial thefts and fraudulent operations. For instance, the Bombay atrocities could well have been associated with the Bush-linked ‘Black’ forces’ fury that the Indian authorities may have ‘ceased to cooperate’ over $2.0 trillion that was illegally transferred, you will recall, to UBS New Delhi, in the course of 2007, when the criminal financial operations were at their peak, before our exposures had started to bring the perpetrators to book.

Amazingly, however, these penetrated and internally warring intelligence communities ‘rely upon’ the ‘Rule of Law’ as a back-stop, even though some of them (headed by the CIA) treat the ‘Rule of Law’ with absolute contempt and consider that they have an open-ended license to break the law, the only rule being ‘you are on you’re own if you get caught’.

Self-evidently, the existence of criminal enterprise intelligence communities as evil as the CIA and its ‘subsidiaries’ is quite incompatible with good governance and indeed with national and external stability and wellbeing. Moreover, as we have explained both electronically and in several of our publications, the aggressive Intelligence Power acquires hegemony over the other two sides of the power triangle, the Military Power and ‘The Party’ which, in the geomasonic control model, is split between two main factions (Thesis, Republicans and the Conservative Party; Antithesis, the US Democrats or the Labour Party). The Intelligence Power typically develops its odious status as the immense, arrogant ‘State within the State’ by exploiting its power of penetration and its ‘licence to deceive’, so that it places its own operatives inside the Military Power and The Party. In both Britain and the United States, the Intelligence Power selects and prepares candidates for the highest offices from among the ranks of its operatives or assets – giving rise to our aphorisms:

• ‘The Intelligence Power is in control, out of control
and needs to be brought under control’; and:

• ‘It is neither here nor there which faction of The Party wins elections,
because the Intelligence Power always wins’.

In the parallel and almost identical (covert) Soviet model, exactly the same phenomenon applies. This central reality (which few Americans yet seem to grasp) does not detract from the fact that the two wings of The Party are or can be at almost perpetual loggerheads with each other, and bitter enemies at all times. After all, enmity, hatred, conflict, antagonism, lying, deceit, reprobate abuse, paedophilia, double-crossing, bearing false witness and all the other familiar ‘Black’ behaviour that is characteristic of the darkness are presupposed, given that Evil Spirit is in charge here.

Perpetual conflict and tension (which the controlled operatives Trotsky and Mao Tse-Tung took to the extreme of advocating and promoting ‘Permanent Revolution’) are the necessary prerequisites for ‘fruitful’ manipulation of the dialectical process (Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis), with successive dialectical cycles occurring until (in theory) such time as the pre-intended ‘Synthesis’ is achieved.

But of course, as all this is the work of the Devil, that never actually happens: hence the use of the word ‘Revolution’, meaning going round and round in circles.

The word ‘reactionary’ was developed as a label to be used against all who oppose going round and round in circles, with the completely illogical connotation that those who prefer standing still and not getting dizzy by going round in circles, are boring stick-in-the muds who can be dismissed as beyond their sell-by-date. The use of twisted semantics is an important revolutionary tool.

Anyway, we diverge (on purpose), don’t we?

Actually, a modicum of scene-setting has been considered necessary, in particular so as to address two rearguard agitprop campaigns that erupted the moment John McCain conceded the election, leaving Barack Obama as the President-elect. McCain is reported to have decided to ‘throw’ the election in part because, finally, he had become sick of the endless corruption, and preferred the prospect of retiring to a status of ‘elder statesman’, not least so that the far-reaching purge that we identified and predicted in our report dated 6th November 2007, would not be liable to be focused in his direction. In that report, we published paragraphs headed as follows:

• ‘Why the overdue purge, once started, will now continue’;

• ‘The bad apples will continue to be purged’; and:

• ‘The American people will suffer because they cannot get on top of
the most dangerous pack of deceiving and thieving wolves in the world’.

The good news, as will be explained below, is that, at long last, the tables are now being decisively turned against these ruthless criminal operatives – a fact which has so far escaped the attention of most Americans, and has certainly not been well understood by many correspondents in the United States impatient for progress but lacking adequate information, who appear to imagine that these evils can somehow be remedied overnight, let alone by various frantic authors of certain hysterical electronic postings which have their known origins in last-ditch US counterintgelligence agitprop operations separately designed to destabilise the President-elect, and the British.

Both these sewage outflows of disinformation have been driven by the following realities:

• THE UNITED STATES IS NOW RANK BUST. It is IN HOCK to the European powers. This is NOT a result of deliberate entrapment by these European powers: it is a consequence of the unfortunate failure of the American people to clean up their country’s mess, which is to say, their failure to find a mechanism for ridding the political structures of the corrupt organised criminals who hijacked the US political process many years ago for illegal and corrupt self-enrichment purposes.

• No-one in Europe blames the American people for this failure: it is hardly THEIR fault that such a ruthless gang of criminals and thieves took over their Government and turned it into a murderous money-making machine for their own purposes, to the detriment of the American people and of the whole world, leaving the United States with a degraded reputation as a pariah state.

• After all, the United States ‘replaced’ Britain as the leading power in the world, and expects the Rest of the World to hold its currency, as prescribed under the Bretton Woods system, which ALSO laid down that the second, offsetting, world currency shall remain the pound sterling (which is why, contrary to what the President of the European Commission is now claiming, Britain is NOT about to dump the pound and substitute the European Collective Currency, which is backed by nothing, has no Treasury and lacks any Government in the true sense).

• Contrary to the bitter propaganda motivated precisely by the fact that the DVD-linked criminals holding the highest offices have now been COMPREHENSIVELY DEFEATED, a nasty rearguard ‘Blacking’ operation (which no-one other than the less well-informed (through no fault of their own) takes seriously) has suggested that the Brits have got the ‘upper hand’: whereas what has really happened is that the thefts of The Queen’s gold and attempted thefts of Her Majesty’s loan funds, and other financial crimes against the Sovereign arising from the surreptitious instalment by Bush-Blair of fraudulent finance operations involving Deutsche Bank and the Vatican Bank run through Coutts Bank as clearing house, have been ‘put in order’.

At the same time, since the financial crimes were committed abroad, especially in Britain, British law enforcement, intelligence and justice have been deployed to procure the intended outcome against the intransigent intentions of the scorched and defeated criminalists and some of their intelligence and banking associates, and latterly now of Gordon Brown [see below].

• The pan-German Fifth Column headed by the DVD’s Bush Sr. (Scherff) have now been thrashed so badly, and repeatedly thrashed so badly, that they are bleeding and screaming and bellyaching as they wallow in the mess resulting from their newly exposed criminality, alike a spoilt child who has been disciplined and refuses to submit to any discipline whatsoever.

• There is nothing (apart from organising retaliatory flashpoint atrocities such as shipping trigger-happy mind-controlled False Flag terrorist cadres by boat into Bombay and ordering them through compartmentalised cutouts to indulge in a sadistic bloodbath of Jews and other foreigners) that they can now do about this massive defeat that they are experiencing.

The purpose of the crude attacks on the British that we have been seeing of late is therefore to reverse the truth – which is that the criminal financial operations, equating to financing terrorism, were and have continued to be recklessly perpetrated by these arrogant US criminal operatives against The Queen (see below) and Britain generally, as well as against certain other key European countries. Those controlled diversion and redirection outlets that have been pointing the finger at the British have been ordered or encouraged to do so by their handlers, as part of a crude, belated and futile rearguard response to the stark and decisive defeat these criminals have suffered and are facing, to try to obfuscate what has been going on, and to salvage the wounded pride of those agents of influence who have been unwilling to comprehend that the criminality originated at home but had to be exported to Europe and beyond because the relevant financial fraud operations were and remain illegal under, inter alia, the US securities laws.

See also, appended at the foot of this report, the list of US Statutes that the American perpetrators flouted, and for which many of their number, including representatives of the criminal enterprises, will certainly be called to account as a consequence of crucial US judicial processes which remain empanelled and are intensively engaged in comprehensive reviews of the epidemic of Bush-linked fraudulent finance highlighted by these exposures. These processes will impinge upon the Senate confirmation hearings, which will need to consider the criminal activities of certain nominees.

Recall that nine aircraft were commandeered, as reported in our posting dated 6th November 2007, to transport thousands of arrested US bankers to European centres, especially Britain, where they were taken into custody under the European anti-terrorism legislation. As we reported recently, the bankers and others, including some of their lawyers, were duly jailed for periods of 25 years, with the aggregate number of such prisoners languishing in British and European jails now believed to exceed 10,000. Further information about what they were up to, is contained in the present report.

When considering what follows, it will be as well to remind ourselves that what is presented for public consumption may of course diverge 100% from the reality. Hence widely distributed press photographs of President-elect Obama and his wife flanked by a mean-looking President George W. Bush who has made a complete mess of his Presidency, and his wife Laura with her stiff false smile, at the White House on Monday 10th November, were intended to imply that the outgoing team had been engaged in a polite encounter, smoothing the way for the President-Elect to assume power – and displaying before the whole world that the United States transfers power without acrimony.

Nothing could have been further from the truth about what happened on Monday 10th November, when Mr and Mrs Obama appeared at the White House on schedule. For according to our special sources, what then happened was that Mr Obama was immediately subjected to the Bush bribery routine. Specifically, heavy pressure was exerted on him to meet the wishes of the Bush-Cheney criminalist gangsters in exchange for a huge payout, the proportions of which have not yet been specified (whereas it is known that a huge volume of gold was paid to a previous contender for high office on an earlier occasion).

Reflecting his innate strength of character, his standards of belief and conduct and his extensive knowledge as a former professor of constitutional law in Chicago, Barack Obama reacted with an outright rejection, along the lines inter alia of ‘you must be joking’ – whereupon there really wasn’t much more to be said. The Bush Crime Family had finally ‘blown it’.

These criminal operatives behaved as they have behaved all along – assuming that the Cheney-favoured post-war neo-Nazi-originated power-building technique of bribery, with its corollary of blackmail and control, would ‘work’, as had been the case in innumerable instances before. They took the desperate risk that their offer might be turned down, without stopping to think what the consequences of such an ‘inconceivable’ rejection would be likely to be.

In order to register the momentous consequences of this encounter on 10th November 2008, a concomitant development must be reported here. Following Obama’s election victory, George Bush Sr. and associates, including his cokehead son, were informed by powerful but unspecified parties that if they proceeded with their project to have President-Elect Barack Obama ‘removed’ – an intention that had been discovered to be a reality, as opposed to wishful thinking – all those concerned would immediately be liquidated without further ado.

• Now it will be recalled that we have previously reported that Bush Sr., the Personification of Evil, has previously been warned that he would be shot dead on sight – a warning he has ignored.

• In 2004, when confronted by representatives of the Joint Chiefs of Staff about his open-ended criminal operations at home and abroad, the charming Mr George Bush Sr. is reported to have shouted: ‘Go take a flying [expletive deleted] at the moon’. [Verbatim].

But this time, the force of the warning appears to have penetrated one ear of the relevant skulls without immediately shooting out of the other one – as usually happens, given that there is not a lot in between. It was borne in upon these crooks that the Intelligence Power had long since made up its mind WHO was to be President of the United States, and that the US Intelligence Power was supported by the Military Power as well – not least, at this late stage, because the Military Power knows what the consequences in terms of domestic revolutionary social unrest would be liable to be, should anything happen to the new President-Elect.

In other words, the temperature immediately following the election could be described as close to boiling point, especially as the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, had crossed the Atlantic for a second time, to appear in Washington DC for further questioning.

• This followed his capitulation two weeks or so earlier when, faced with a summons to appear, as ordered by Speaker Michael Martin, before a House of Commons Committee ostensibly called upon to investigate the 11-year-old matter of Blair’s exemption of the Formula One motor racing sector from a ban on tobacco advertising shortly after Blair had seen its controller, the dubious Monaco-based Bernie Ecclestone in 1997, Blair had decided to ‘roll over’ on all the primary participants in this fraudulent finance epidemic, as we reported here on 31st October 2008.

As explained in that report, UK Parliamentary committees will only address issues that are before the relevant House and concern its specific business; so the intention had been to entrap Blair with evidence based inter alia (but not exclusively) upon evidence that surfaced following the raids on the ‘safety lock boxes’ by 300 armed Metropolitan Police masterminded by Assistant Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner John Yates on 2nd June 2008 – an absolutely crucial, decisive development in the process of unravelling the criminal operations of the Octopus.

On Sunday 2nd November, Blair had been obliged to rush to the United States for the first time since he had ‘rolled over’, inter alia to sign certain key release documents in the presence, it is believed, of two Supreme Court Black Robes. With such information surfacing, it now began to emerge that Blair had been much more deeply involved (see below) with the fraudulent finance operations than may have previously been understood. For on 3rd November, we were able to establish from two reliable sources that:

• Following 9/11 (when a large portfolio of contracts had perished given that the offices and 652 personnel of Cantor Fitzgerald, the British-based money brokerage firm, had been destroyed when the Twin Towers were blown up), and certainly by May 2003 when the Editor of this service started to become aware of this, former President Bush 41 and Prime Minister Blair had been instrumental in procuring the exploitation of London as the main ‘platform’ for a new wave of fraudulent finance operations inter alia using stolen assets as base. The Bank of England provided secret offshore account facilities for this purpose as well, and has been directly involved in these activities: hence (a) the arrest of the former Governor, Eddie (Lord) George, in July 2007, and (b) the tension that is evident on the face of the current Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King.

• Specifically, Coutts Bank, ‘The Queen’s bank’, was selected to serve as clearing house (money laundry) to move secret fiat funds through to Deutsche Bank, the DVD’s ‘house bank’, and on to the Vatican Bank, by now directed by the former President of the Bundesbank, Herr Dr Hans Tietmeyer, under the control of the German Pope Ratzinger. At Coutts, there is or was a lock box containing substantial usurped collateral assets which may have underpinned at least part of this operation.

• Nefarious intentions here included a blatant attempt to compromise Her Majesty the Queen by exploiting the services of this institution, Coutts Bank, known to have connections with Royalty.

• More generally, cover for this illicit financial activity was to be provided, crudely put, by The Queen, unknown to her, and the Pope simultaneously.

• Incredibly, the conduit ‘enabling’ aspects of this criminalist assault to be perpetrated is reported to us to have been a certain Bernie Ecclestone, whose Formula One (cover?) operations are based in Monaco which is the CIA’s main European money-laundering centre.

Formula One. which may be a massively ‘lucrative’ money laundry (serving the necessary ‘project’ purpose applicable to all such finance), is known to have very extensive German dimensions and is ultimately controlled by Max Mosely, son of Sir Oswald Mosley, head of the British Fascist Party and a Mussolini symathiser, and the supremely snobby socialite Diana Mitford, who had been a personal friend of Adolf Hitler-Schickelgrüber and a Nazi sympathiser (both of whom were interned by the British Government at the outbreak of the Second Illuminati War).

Hence the significance of Speaker Michael Martin’s order for Blair to appear before a House of Commons investigating committee over the 1997 ‘Ecclestone affair’.

• There is also an extraordinary separate ‘Ecclestone’ dimension which would appear to have represented an early attempt by UK authorities to bear false witness against the Editor of this service in order to discourage him from pursuing these enquiries (an operation which of course had the opposite effect). This dimension is elaborated on pages F-03 et seq. of the new issue of International Currency Review [Volume 34, Number 1], published at the end of November 2008, excerpts from which are posted below in the Appendix.

On 21st November it was extensively publicised that the diminutive (5ft 4ins) Ecclestone is to be divorced by his extremely tall Croatian wife (and DVD handler?) Slavica, who could be in line for a record-breaking divorce settlement, as many of his assets are reported to be lodged in her name. The timing of this development is ‘curious’, to say the last.

In March 2005, the Editor of this service was granted a strictly limited (at his request) Power of Attorney empowering him to investigate and report on the existence of certain assets held at Coutts Bank. The Editor attended the offices of Attorney Steven Goodwin in Richmond, VA, from where a conference call to Coutts Bank was arranged at which Mr Goodwin was to inform the bank that he would be attending at Coutts with the Editor in this connection.

The phone call was initially directed to a Mrs Burgess, a contact previously established by the Editor; but when put through, it was diverted to a Mr Robertson, a Scot presumably installed by Royal Bank of Scotland, of which Coutts, via Natwest Bank, was by now a subsidiary (such hasty banking mergers facilitate the hiding of irregular transactions).

• This Mr Robertson did his best to affect total ignorance of the assets in question. At the end of the said conference call, the Editor surprised Mr Robertson by interjecting to say that as Editor of International Currency Review, he was conducting an extensive investigation into missing and hijacked finances worldwide, which was one reason why he would be attending at Coutts Bank accompanied by Mr Goodwin, as had been tentatively arranged for early April 2005.

On 3rd April [see Figure 23, International Currency Review, Volume 33, Numbers 3 & 4, page F-124, facsimile], Mr Goodwin wrote to Robertson at Coutts Bank’s central London address, 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS, demanding information about certain corporate accounts and noting (by way of illustration) as follows:

‘Enclosed herewith please find a specific Power of Attorney granting me access to this [specified] information. I would specifically refer you to an account in the name of Pacific Victory S.A., having an account number of Z 63 66 76. It is my understanding that on or about April 26 1999, a significant transfer was made into this account at your bank from Standard Chartered Bank, and [that] this transaction was handled by bank officer J. D. Fleming, and/or John S. de C. Firth, Vice-President’.

‘Please contact me immediately regarding these accounts. I look forward to your prompt response’.

In the light of the fact that Coutts Bank had been selected, we now know, as the clearing house for the illicit transactions referenced above, you can imagine that the reaction of US and international eavesdroppers to that conference call will have been, shall we say, one of considerable alarm – especially, one would imagine, at Fort Meade, GCHQ Cheltenham, and at the DVD’s listening post near Munich. How was it possible that a mere investigative journalist was so rapidly onto the tail of this newly relaunched fraudulent finance undercover money-laundering operation sponsored by George Bush Sr. and the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair?

At that stage of the investigations, the Editor had been advised that the intention was to repatriate all the funds deposited outside the United States and illegally deployed (both by the institutions and by corrupt US operatives) as collateral following the ‘takedown’ of the Soviet Union, with the collaboration of the bribed Gorbachëv and of the key GRU operative Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

But not long after this telephone conference call, a clandestine ‘switch’ took place, and the Editor was in due course informed that $4.5 trillion, by way of a settlement, had been sent over from the People’s Bank of China in May 2006 (after the no-longer-dead Howie Kwong Kok’s signature for the release had been obtained). These funds were supposed to have been made available to finance what is now called the G-7-Approved Refunding Programme, with effect from June 2006: instead of which, the US Treasury Secretary-designate, Henry M. Paulson, secretly signed a certain contract alienating the funds on 20th or 21st June 2006.

• Since this was of course all done behind closed doors, the Editor was not informed and we embarked, as requested, upon what became our globally disseminated ‘Wantagate’ quest for fulfilment of the delivery, which never materialised.

• It now appears that we were encouraged to do precisely this (which was why the Editor was ‘left alone’) as COVER for the switch and diversion of the funds that had already taken place.

If so, that was a catastrophic mistake on the part of the US intelligence community’s cack-handed strategists. OK, we were deceived at the time, and for a long time. But the deception led directly to the global crisis that is now unfolding, because in pursuing the whereabouts and handling of the $4.5 trillion, we unexpectedly exposed successive layers of US official and banking sector duplicity and corruption, which led in December 2006 to Paulson’s arrest in Germany, and thereafter to the successive peeling away of the onion of gross deceit and fraudulent finance which precipitated what became known as the ‘sub-prime crisis’ – a ‘slide’ imposed by US counterintelligence on the situation, designed to prevent the ‘mainstream’ media from investigating further.

As this catastrophe expanded, we specifically warned that the outcome would be a ‘train wreck’: see, for instance, our reports dated 18th July 2007 (‘Touch and Go’); 27th July 2008 (‘Global Train Wreck’); 10th August 2007 (‘And so it came to pass: (Subtitled) Finally, years of financial fraud start unravelling’); 30th August 2007 (‘The ‘sub-prime’ link: How Wantagate unravelled the ‘sub-prime’ scams’) [see Archive], not to mention innumerable other posted warnings along the same lines, starting with our earliest prediction of what would happen in the financial and the ‘real’ worlds if Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, continued with his corrupt practices (2nd September 2006).

In other words, the highest-level perpetrators of these fraudulent financial manoeuvres, headed by the Bush and Clinton Crime Families, Paulson, Cheney, Greenspan and the rest, PERSISTED with their illegal, unconstitutional behaviour as economic terrorists, in the face of both our warnings of what their behaviour would lead to, and the rapidly accumulating confirmations that these warnings were soundly based. Even when that was OBVIOUS to all who were not sitting on their brains, they CONTINUED WITH THEIR MANIPULATIONS AND DECEPTION MANOEUVRES.

It is thought that during this period, because the ‘mainstream’, controlled and directed by Cheney, remained fast asleep, the US criminalists assumed complacently that the warnings posted on this website could be safely ignored. But what was also ignored was that the Editor of this service is the longest-serving editor of economic and financial publications in the world.

• We were writing and analysing this stuff when Bush Jr. was evading the draft, and Paulson was still metaphorically speaking in short pants.

A relevant word here about Tony Blair’s political pedigree. Blair, an intelligence officer, was a protégé of Roy Jenkins, one of the Oxford undergraduates who, with Edward Heath and Geoffrey Rippon (the joint signatories of the illegal British Treaty of Accession to the European Economic Community in 1972) had been recruited decades earlier by pan-German interests, as exposed in the first report to have been posted on this website (dated 12th October 2005).

Heath, in fact, was the longest-serving mole ever to have been exposed (which occurred, by the way, in 2003). Hence Blair’s geopolitical orientation was influenced by Heath’s fellow traitor Roy Jenkins. Blair was responsible for appointing John Scarlett as head of MI6; and as also reported here, John Scarlett serves the interests of the pan-German agenda (i.e., the Abwehr/DVD), which initiated and controls the European Union Collective, an anti-nation state entrapment instrument, the purpose of which is to defang, collectivise, ‘enronise’ and also entrap its constituent Member States, in accordance with the blueprint specified in the Nazis’ 1941 compendium ‘Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’ (‘European Economic Community), published by Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Pashke in Berlin in 1943, copies of which may be inspected in the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, and in the British Library (on request).

• As previously reiterated here, the chapter headings of this Nazi tome are almost identical to the chapter headings of the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, which represented the culmination of this Nazi blueprint for achieving political control and regional hegemony.

The British Establishment’s blind idolatry of our membership of the disastrous and institutionally corrupt European Union Collective is of course a scandal of immense proportions, not least in the prevailing economic and financial context, when the Government’s financial problems could be addressed, as proposed in the preceding report, by diverting all UK payments destined for the European Commission into a suspense account, pending the rectification of the Commission’s fraudulent financing and accounting practices.

Since the Commission’s accounts have been adjudged to be irregular for the past 14 years by the European Court of Auditors, it is beyond scandalous that the British Government still continues to squander more than £50 billion of taxpayers’ funds per year to finance this corrupt and reprobate geopolitical, globalist sink-hole.

• The only reason this idolatry remains intact is that operatives at the highest levels of the British political system, such as Blair and now Brown (see below), are/were compromised.

Concerning the United States, there is a dimension of the ever-broadening unravelling process that we are prevented by US practice and legal constraints from reviewing.

We refer again to certain empanelled, ongoing judicial processes that have been engaged in comprehensive investigations into multiple US dimensions of the fraudulent finance operations, including the criminal alienation of the original $4.5 trillion, as discussed below, and for instance the Halliburton operations installed inside the Central Intelligence Agency and in the Pentagon which have been systematically defrauding the two structures and the US taxpayer (see report of 26th May 2008: Archive), profiting from the Iraqi and Afghan wars and deaths on a prodigious scale.

• Given these ongoing processes, it seems to us, and others, to be most unlikely that the high-profile perpetrators will escape the devastating consequences of their serial financial crimes.

• The machinery of the Rule of Law grinds slowly, but excessively finely. This all TAKES TIME.

There has been talk, inevitably, of Presidential pardons, which was what President Bush Jr. was clearly signalling when, immediately ahead of Thanksgiving, he was reported to have conducted a ceremony in the Rose Garden at which he pardoned two turkeys.

• In practice, Presidential pardons will provide perpetrators of these crimes with no protection at all, since the grotesque serial financial crimes in question, including the stealing of The Queen’s gold, from which the Clintons profited (see below), were perpetrated against foreign powers and sovereigns, starting with Her Majesty The Queen.

One can well imagine, therefore, that, as Secretary of State, Mrs Clinton would be liable to receive the frostiest of welcomes in foreign capitals, especially in London, where she might be told in no uncertain terms that she would not be welcome. (On 1st December, The Times of London, globalist Rupert Murdoch’s mouthpiece, perversely said the exact opposite, namely that the appointment of this ‘brilliant woman’ would be enthusiastically welcomed in London, implying either its crass and culpable ignorance of Queen Melusina’s crimes, or an incompetent failure to understand that her CIA husband ‘works for’ DVD chieftain Bush Sr. who has systematically ‘enronised’ both the United States and Britain). How dare this criminal operative purport to tell other countries what to do when she herself should be behind bars for at least the 25-year tariff that lesser (banking) criminals were having to endure due in part to her own open-ended immorality.

• Irrespective of her position, she would certainly be eligible for immediate arrest, incarceration and indictment without further ado: after all, if the current British Prime Minister can be threatened with arrest (see below) by Barack Obama even before he has taken over as President, so can this arrogant Queen Melusina. There are said to be a number of sealed indictments against this woman.

Of course the impact of Bush Jr.’s ludicrous theatrical performance was to reconfirm that this deluded fellow may indeed himself be indistinguishable these days from a terrified turkey – an impression reinforced by the parallel fact that on 24th, 25th and 26th November, President-Elect Obama gave press conferences at which he was universally seen to be ‘behaving presidentially’ – an impression being fostered by no means by accident.

For Mr Obama has been advised that he must be prepared to assume office early, if necessary – which is to say that there are indications, confirmed by several separate sources to this service, that the prescribed Inauguration Day of 20th January 2008 may be brought forward, or that the new President may have taken office some time in advance of that date. This information has not been accompanied by any elaboration: but it must be obvious that the pressure of events and of ‘the processes’ alluded to above may not allow for the luxury of a transition period of normal duration.

• This, in turn, accounts for the fact that Mr Obama has already assembled the key members of his team for his first term, although we also know, do we not, that all the key people are selected by the Intelligence Power which runs the Government, and its structures, not the other way round. The team has been assembled ‘early’ because the Obama Administration may start early.

Whatever the failing agitpropagandists wanted, the reality is that, in contrast to earlier presidential elections, the outcome in November 2008 was decisive – enabling John McCain to escape from his agony by conceding defeat and making a very generous speech congratulating his opponent at the earliest possible moment. At 8.20pm on 6th November, we were further informed that the current Provost Marshal had retrieved the controversial NESARA (that is, National Economic Security and Recovery Act) documents from Chief Justice John Roberts.

Since the United States now at last possessed (so far as the controlling Intelligence Power was concerned, at any rate, which was ALL THAT MATTERED IN PRACTICE) a constitutionally chosen President-Elect, NESARA was now clearly redundant. It is finished.

• Criminalist President Clinton had signed the legislation, WHICH WOULD ONLY COME INTO EFFECT WHEN ANNOUNCED, in the presence of Navy Seals, who eat Marines for breakfast.

It contained provisions for the reform of the United States’ finances and the removal from office of the President, the Vice President and the Cabinet, and their immediate replacement by an Interim Administration charged with organising elections within six months. NESARA, by the way, explains the original nickname applied to Bush Jr. of ‘Temporary’. It had somehow been assumed that the Clinton legislation, effectively signed under military duress, would be implemented under Bush Jr.

• John Roberts, appointed by Bush Jr. to head the Supreme Court, was briefed to confiscate and ‘sit on’ the NESARA papers, presumably because Bush Jr. saw them as a threat to his rule.

The decisive 2008 election outcome was of course another reason why John McCain conceded so promptly. Given the outcome, NESARA was no longer prospectively ‘needed’, so the Chief Justice could no longer ‘justify’ holding on to the relevant documents, which the current Provost Marshal accordingly ‘confiscated’. President-Elect Barack Obama has since indicated that the authority of the Provost Marshal is to be strengthened under his Presidency, or else has made it plain that the holder of this office has the President-Elect’s full support in the fulfilment of his duties, which, in the prevailing circumstances, amounts to the same thing.

On 8th November, CNN came closer than ever before to exposing the institutionalised financial corruption (which, despite everything we have published, has been continuing, although Bush Sr. himself has encountered increasing difficulty in identifying counterparties willing to play financial games with him any more). Specifically, CNN reported on its One O’Clock News that day that ‘two major banks have been caught misusing funds. They are having to settle once and for all’.

The ordinary viewer would not have understood the meaning of ‘once and for all’: but those aware of the immense pressure for completion of the Settlements, which President-Elect Obama was known (by 13th November) to have said ‘must be paid immediately’, will have understood.

• This, by the way, reveals that, as has been known for several years (for certain reasons), CNN has been aware of this nexus of financial scandals all along.

On 27th November, we were explicitly informed, and it was duly confirmed, that the US ‘mainstream’ print and broadcast media had been instructed by Vice President Cheney’s office to refrain from any mention of these matters whatsoever. Earlier, on 25th November 2008, it had been asserted on MSNBC that Cheney had been controlling the ‘mainstream’ media throughout his term in office.

These sudden admissions by ‘mainstream’ outlets did nothing to salvage the tarnished reputation of the ‘mainstream’, which clearly assumed, following the election outcome, that it was now ‘safe’ to start hinting tentatively at the corruption that it has systematically suppressed for years.

• What this means, of course, is that ‘mainstream’ organisations that have suppressed knowledge of criminal operations and practices in high places and within the financial structures are de facto co-conspirators, accessories to the fact of these crimes, and clearly guilty, in the first instance, of offences under the Misprision of Felony Statute.

They are uncomfortable because the Fifth Estate (the Internet) has performed an ‘end-run’ around the ‘mainstream’ (sidestream) media, with the consequence that millions of thinking Americans and Europeans are now aware, to some extent, of the existence and implications of this grandfather of all financial corruption scandals. A visitor newly arrived from Germany told the Editor on the 29th November of his sense that many people’s eyes have been opened to the gross criminality of their governments, of financial institutions, and of holders of high office across Europe, as well as in the United States. In other words, the cat is indeed well and truly out of the bag.

On 9th November, The Queen and the British nation mourned the dead of the successive Illuminati wars with the moving annual Cenotaph prayers and ceremony, which is usually attended also by former Prime Ministers. This moving ceremony has remained unchanged ever since 1919. On this occasion, Lady Thatcher was present, walking on the arm of her successor, Sir John Major.

Also present, of course, were the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and the representatives of the other political parties. But former Prime Minister Tony Blair was absent from the ceremony. We are informed that Blair was told not to appear.

On 13th November 2008 the world was treated to the disturbing spectacle of five top ‘hedge fund’ managers, believed to be launderers of George Bush Sr.’s corrupt funds – George Soros, James Simons, John Paulson (no relation), Philp Falcone and Kenneth Griffin – testifying before Mr Henry Waxman’s Congressional Committee and blaming the current financial crisis which of course they have immensely exacerbated thanks to their exotic and dubious financial excesses, on ‘the system itself’. As we have previously pointed out, these so-called ‘hedge funds’ are the ‘venting outlets’ straddling the illicit offshore, off-balance sheet, untaxed sector, and the ‘visible’ on-balance sheet financial economy. Large numbers of these funds are now in extreme difficulties due to avalanches of redemptions; and to stay afloat most have now closed their doors to further redemptions, locking their investors out, to the unrestrained fury of many of their number.

•One of the giga-managers who testified on 13th November represents a ‘constituency’ that was double-crossed by Bush Sr. He therefore turned, believe it or not, to Gold Badges for assistance.

Knowledgeable observers will no doubt understand the significance of this. Suffice it to say here, that it is factors like this which, taken with other considerations such as that the ‘Daley people’ in Chicago ‘also want to be paid’, and in conjunction with the decisive powers exercised by MI6 on behalf of The Queen as a consequence of events described earlier in this series (and later in the present report), have been driving the resolution of the Settlements dimension of this crisis.

In answer to the understandable reiterated question ‘why haven’t these high-level criminalists been arrested and brought to justice?’, the interim response that we have ourselves been given is that, during the Clinton Administration, the enforcement mechanisms were essentially dismantled.

President Clinton was effectively appointed by, a client of, and ‘works for’ former President Bush Sr., in a tense relationship that is subject to periodic eruptions of great fury and is characterised, of course, by the usual foul ‘Black’ brew of blackmail, intimidation, false witness, and threats that are characteristic of the Workers of Darkness.

Meanwhile the world’s media in early November 2008 were becoming more and more worked up about the preplanned Group of Twenty (G-20) meeting arranged for Washington, DC, on the 15th November. This meeting was subsequently reported to have developed and agreed upon a menu of ‘principles’ for elaborating by officials and technical specialists, to be reviewed in March 2009 – which of course will be far too late in the day to forestall calamity, absent other delayed remedies, viz. the Group of Seven-approved Refinancing Programme, which provides for fully transparent and on-the-books capital markets transactions which will, inter alia, deliver huge ongoing windfall tax receipts into the hands of the US Treasury, and will reverse the one-way deficit financing orgy that has continued for the past century, enriching all parasitical intermediaries such as Goldman Sachs in the process, and which can only be continued as long as international confidence in the US dollar remains intact, which is no longer the case.

Since the American Treasury under ‘Paulson’ systematically destroyed that confidence and fatally jeopardised the ‘Full Faith and Credit’ of the United States because the highest-level criminalists including ‘Paulson’ himself were concentrating almost exclusively upon exploiting the fraudulent finance carousel for their own self-enrichment and in pursuit of their failing globalist hegemony agenda, the open-ended, one-way deficit-financing orgy is no longer viable.

The moment is long overdue, therefore, for the G-7-approved Refinancing Programme to be kick-started, as was supposed to have happened in June/July 2006, when the original funds were first criminally alienated by Henry M. Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, who initially presided over the placement under his sole signatory power with Goldman Sachs of the $4.5 trillion brought over from the people’s Bank of China and referenced in the language of the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus (see our reports dated 24th June 2007 and 5th July 2007: Archive).

Following exposure of this scandal by this service, Paulson ostensibly had to have the funds removed from the custody of his former employers.

However it is also known that, although Paulson was only confirmed as US Treasury Secretary on 10th July 2006, he signed a contract on 20th or 21st June 2006 with respect to the disposition of the $4.5 trillion. The discovery at the end of November 2008 that the funds, or some of the funds, were alienated to Athens, Greece (see below), and the known fact that this transfer occurred, according to our special informants, ‘about over two years ago’, suggests that the contract signed by Paulson may have related to the Athens counterparty.

If that is true, then on the face of it, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., and the Editor of this service, were comprehensively deceived from the very outset, and used as a front – not simply when a ‘switch’ occurred at some stage between 24th June 2007, when the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus was filed, and our appearance at the Alexandria Court hearing on 19th October 2007, as postulated elsewhere in this report.

And if THAT is indeed the case, our technique of ‘walking in a straight line’ is vindicated, since by doing so, we have procured that the multiple layers of deception have been progressively stripped away over time, exposing the theft and frauds that followed the transfer of the original $4.5 trillion by the People’s Bank of China. When truth is matched against falsehood, the truth always prevails, since lies, like plutonium, have a half-life and decay. They can never be sustained indefinitely because they are in conflict with the truth, which can never be permanently suppressed.

This means that all intelligence community deception operations are fundamentally stupid and flawed, as they presuppose that the intended results will be procured BEFORE the lies have decayed and have been found out – a very risky assumption. In the present giga-deception, the deceivers have all been found out because we were on their tail at an early stage and continued walking in a straight line, while the deceivers, as usual, zig-zagged. They thought that multiple layers of deception could be relied upon to provide them with protection. They thought wrong.

At the G-20 event in Washington, President George W. Bush attempted, incredibly, to ‘sell’ the international community on the Bushite plan for the Amero, thereby providing the first reliable confirmation that this scheme to impose a common currency on the United States, Canada and Mexico to replace the US dollar, was among the tricks in the Bush Crime Family’s magic cabinet.
When the representatives of the international community indicated in no uncertain terms that this trick, which would of course improverish them further, and by massive proportions, would NOT be countenanced or tolerated (i.e., that the Amero would NOT be accepted by foreign central banks), President George W. Bush Jr., went into a sulk and walked out of the conference.

As he left the presence of the G-20 representatives, he was slow-handclapped out of the door. By this gesture, the international community FINALLY revealed what they think of this rogue, this mass murderer, this inveterate thief, this duplicitous little fellow, this self-serving de facto financial and economic terrorist who has degraded the United States, its currency and its reputation on a scale with no historical precedent – this would-be latter-day Herr Hitler who really had intended to stay in power, we now understand, following an atrocity that had been planned ahead of the 2008 election.

For we can now reveal that on 27th November 2008 we were advised that ‘a long time ago’ Bush 43 and Vice President Richard Cheney had resolved to have Mr Christopher Story removed from the scene or ‘taken down’ in some unspecified manner. When the Editor enquired why he had not been told this earlier, there was no answer. When the Editor asked why whatever they had had in mind had not been implemented while the Editor was in Washington and New York in October 2008, he was told that ‘you were protected by too many of The Queen’s people’ on the ground.

When the Editor enquired as to precisely what had caused the President and the Vice President of the United States to decree, so to speak, that the Editor should be ‘taken down’, he was told words to the effect that ‘you blew their plan to stage an atrocity as a pretext for imposing martial law and following through by cancelling the election and implementing a de facto dictatorship’.

This appears to have been a reference to allusions inter alia to prospective atrocities published in our report dated 25th October 2007, including the fears of a Twin Cities atrocity that may have been planned to coincide with the commencement of the Republican National Convention to be held on 1st September 2008, and to the matter of the missing nuclear weapon, which we did mention ONCE but only because the matter had already been extensively covered elsewhere: so that can hardly have been the key trigger that ‘blew’ the conspiracy. Revelation of the Twin Cities plot was a much more likely candidate. Note: We did, separately, report recently that Bush 41 was believed to have demanded that the Editor of this service be ‘removed from the equation’.

However the first that we and associates heard of any possible Bush-Cheney intention to interfere with the Editor and this service was in January/February 2008. The ‘shootings’ episodes at the turn of last year, which certainly involved deaths but possibly of at least one double, may have been a part of this operation, with the objective of discrediting the opponents of the financial criminality in high places. It is possible that this intention remained pending for eight months or so, until certain decisive steps were taken in Britain by the Editor of this service on behalf of his US associates in September 2008, which put an end to any such intentions. Certainly, the Editor was not interfered with when attending the IMF Spring Meetings in April 2008, and subsequently while residing in New York. Thus, such intentions appear to have been overruled, or overtaken by events.

With the roof collapsing on top of them as the full force of these exposures slaps them in the face, corrupt Washington politicians were reported to us on 2nd December to be scrambling to impose their will on those in charge of the Settlements payouts, holding out their filthy hands for money in the hope of having funds channelled to their ‘foundations’, in payment for ‘services rendered’, i.e. corruption, before any payments to Trustees and others were or could be made. However the real reason for this revolting spectacle is believed to be fear among these rats that they won’t be paid at all, if they aren’t paid first. Never in world history has such a despicable bunch of corrupt hacks behaved in such a primitive, unseemly way. They have no shame: they want ‘their’ money, so they can get out. And they want to get out because it’s terribly hot inside. But they want ‘their’ money.

Very late on 2nd December, the Editor was authoritatively informed that the ‘Big Boys’ were to be paid on 3rd December. The phrase ‘Big Boys’ in this context means the corrupt Washington, DC, politicians. When the Editor asked for an indication of their identities, names like Kennedy, Dodd, Bush Jr., Clinton and other well-known political crooks were mentioned. Christopher Dodd is the grandson of Stalin (Josef Djiugashvili-Kochba), in case you had forgotten.

• Has a more revolting spectacle than the thought of these pigs sticking their filthy snouts in the trough ahead of the rightful Trustees, ever disturbed your personal equilibrium?

In late November, it became known that Mr Obama had selected Timothy Geithner, currently President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as his nominee for US Treasury Secretary.

It is known that this man is currently being ‘watched like a hawk’, given his association with Robert Rubin, the Clintons’ operative guarding their illicit interests at Citibank, in midtown Manhattan. As late as Friday 21st November 2008, Robert Rubin was reported to have interfered with Settlement payments. Obviously, even one of Bush Jr.’s pardoned turkeys would be an improvement over the serial financial criminal, Henry M. Paulson, or his double, whom Timothy Geithner will be replacing, provided the new Senate can approve his credentials. But is that possible?

For serious questions arise in connection with this selection, notably concerning Gaithner’s past exercise of his fiduciary responsibilities, his ethical record, and whether he, like so many of these people, has been, for instance, in breach of the Misprision of Felony Statute.

Since we are concerned about economic terrorism having been relentlessly waged against the United Kingdom, in particular, by the familiar bunch of US criminals in the highest places, these questions necessitate the closest possible consideration, which we believe may be being given to them by the empanelled judicial processes mentioned earlier.

It will be recalled in this context that following lodgement of the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Alexandria [Civil Action No: 1-07 CV 609 – TSE – BRP: see text published in our reports dated 24th June 2007 and 5th July 2007: Archive] demanding performance in respect of the missing $4.5 trillion that was sent over in good faith by the People’s Bank of China, the US Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond had responded that the Petitioner’s remedy lay within the jurisdiction of the United States Eastern District of New York.

• The relevant passage of the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus reads as follows:

“In May of 2006 the People’s Republic of China caused a free and unrestricted transfer of $4.5 Trillion United States Dollars through international bank fund transfer facilities to an account at Bank of America located at Richmond, Virginia. The designated beneficiary of the transferred funds from the People’s Republic of China was Petitioner herein. This transfer was made by the People’s Republic of China solely and exclusively as a requirement under the mentioned [Wanta] settlement agreement. Upon best information and belief between the dates of July 31st to August 2nd of 2006 the United States Department of the Treasury, without authorization of either the remitting party or the receiving party removed the People’s Republic of China transferred financial assets from Bank of America, Richmond, Virginia to an account in the name of Goldman Sachs at Citibank New York, New York as the beneficiary holder of the monies transferred by the People’s Republic of China referenced above.

This “Chip” (Clearing House Interbank Payment) transfer was facilitated from Virginia domiciled banks to New York domiciled banks via the Federal Reserve Bank Richmond. The Chip transfer did not remove the name of Petitioner as the intended recipient of the transferred money from the People’s Republic of China.

The transfer to the Goldman Sachs et al. account at Citibank put a lawless restriction that the funds were not to be released to Petitioner without the authorization of United States Treasury”.

This passage is also reproduced on page 57 of International Currency Review Volume 33, Numbers 3 & 4, the huge double issue mailed to the international financial community worldwide on 14th July 2008, under the heading: ‘DIVERSION OF WANTA-OWNED FUNDS REMITTED BY CHINESE’.

In our reported posted on 25th October 2007 [see Archive], under the heading ‘CONSPIRACY TO DEPRIVE WANTA OF COURT DOCUMENTS’, we published the full text of a last-minute Affidavit submitted to the Court by Attorney Steven Goodwin, whose Richmond office was the Registered Office of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, in which various convoluted reasoning was advanced to explain why the documents generated as a consequence of the Petition were never seen by the Petitioner.

• Our report of 25th October 2007 contained, however, a reference to a hearing that the Petitioner ostensibly, therefore, never knew about, dated 7th September 2007.

• The relevant language of our report referenced:

‘The Response filed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and heard by Judge Ellis… on 7th September, wherein the Richmond Fed suggested that the remedy… lies within the jurisdiction of the United States Eastern District Court of New York’.

Our report dated 25th October 2007 then stated that our related report dated 4th October 2007 had been ‘snipped’, and at the time we thought over-hastily that this had probably occurred ‘because it characterises Citibank as a criminal enterprise’. We elaborated with words to the effect that it was quite stupid of Fort Meade to ‘snip’ this report, given that in so doing it appeared to confirm the accuracy of this statement. However, as has now become apparent, there were much more telling reasons why our report dated 4th October 2007 [see Archive] had been ‘snipped’. For that report also contained the following language:

‘Given that the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond accepts ‘all well pleaded facts as true’, the Richmond Fed further reconfirmed, in the most authoritative manner possible, that the funds had been placed with an account in the name of Goldman Sachs at Citibank, New York… In its Brief in Support of its Motion to Dismiss, the US Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond elaborated that [the Petitioner] ‘has an adequate remedy under Article 4A (Funds Transfer) of the Uniform Commercial Code by demanding that Citibank release to him the funds held’ by that bank ‘for his benefit’’.

In other words, the relevant funds were held within the jurisdiction of the United States Court for the Eastern District of New York, namely the jurisdiction within which the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, of which Timothy Gaithner was President, resides.

Now, at the hearing at the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Alexandria held on 19th October 2007 that your correspondent attended, Judge Ellis was not at all impressed with the behaviour of the Petitioner on the witness stand, so much so that the Judge more or less ignored everything said from the stand. At the time, the Editor thought this was very odd.

The reason for this behaviour, it has now transpired, is that another deal may have been done at some stage between the lodgement of the Petition in late June 2007 and the hearing on the 19th October, whereby the funds had been diverted to Athens, Greece. It was therefore ‘necessary’ to bring the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus proceedings to an indeteriminate conclusion, as it had ‘reached its sell-by date’.

• NOTE: However it is suggested elsewhere that the funds were alienated to Athens much earlier, in which case the matter of the way we were deceived is much more serious, as in that case we would have been deceived from the outset. Either way, the deceivers deserve no sympathy.

This explains why it then became necessary for the Petitioner ‘to part company with Christopher Story’ (as he put it to Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.), whom the Petitioner called ‘an honest journalist, which is very rare’ (in a telephone conversation during the first quarter of 2008).

In other words, the services of this ‘honest journalist’ were now an impediment to the Petitioner’s interests, since a possibly parallel deal (see below) may have been done with Cheney et al. behind the scenes while the legal process was continuing, and an ‘honest journalist’, Christopher Story, could not possibly be informed of this fact and would be liable to ‘get in the way’ now.

• This background also explains why the Petitioner angrily told the Editor in a fractured telephone conversation in March 2008 that ‘YOU HAVE DESTROYED EVERYTHING’.

• For ‘everything’ here, read the illegal diversion of the funds, inter alia to Athens (see below).

This diversion had been orchestrated by the corrupt former President Clinton’s main mole inside Citibank/Citigroup, one Robert Rubin, the former US Treasury Secretary, who authored a prominent article published in the Wall Street Journal dated 29th November, the theme of which was ‘It’s not my fault’. [The Editor calls the habit that these people routinely adopt of protesting too much when cornered, ‘Blankfeinism’, after the display of supreme arrogance by Paulson’s successor as CEO at Goldman Sachs, Mr Blankfein, who boasted in the summer of 2007 about how well his institution had been doing, when of course it had been engaged in dodgy financial manipulations as exposed inter alia by this service].

Confirmation that the original $4.5 trillion funds were diverted by Robert Rubin from Citibank to an account or accounts located in Athens, and that the funds had been so diverted for perhaps two + years, was obtained by this service between 11.30pm and midnight on Wednesday 26th November 2008. For their part, certain Greek parties could not understand what on earth was going on, with some concluding that the Americans had gone completely mad. Whether the transactions were in any way facilitated by John Negroponte, of Greek Jewish extraction, and /or by Olga Sarantopoulos, is not known at this juncture.

It may also be recalled that in the late fall of 2007, the Treasurer of the United States, Ms. Anna Escobedo Cabral, held a meeting with Robert Rubin at Citibank, which she was reported to have left in a seriously discontented frame of mind. It was even rumoured that Ms. Cabral had indicated that she would not stand for this endless corruption any longer, would do her best to procure the Settlements, and would then resign. What the US Treasurer is believed to have found out during that meeting was that certain missing funds had been diverted to Athens.

Reverberations from this and related scandals were still roiling Citibank/Citigroup, one of the CIA’s favoured ‘helpful’ institutions, as late as mid-November 2008. On the 13th November, the institution issued the following brief statement:

‘The Board of Directors of Citigroup Inc. today reiterated its full support for the company’s chairman, Sir Win Bischoff, and said it looks forward to its continued leadership. This morning’s Wall Street Journal report to the contrary is completely erroneous’.

The ‘erroneous’ report had referenced allegations that senior Citigroup staff members had been unhappy with Sir Win’s oversight of Chief Executive Vikram Pandit and his management team, and had suggested that Dick Parsons, the bank’s senior independent director, was possibly being lined up to replace Sir Win Bischoff, who was parachuted into Citibank in part to serve inter alia as the guardian of The Queen’s loan funds with the bank.

But in translation, it can be seen that the pressure on Robert Rubin will have been intense, and that a belated rearguard action may have been mounted to ‘rid the bank’ of HM The Queen’s de facto representative and of the influence of MI6 in procuring the necessary overdue resolution of the Settlements dimension of this vast crisis, without collapsing Citibank and causing thereby a worldwide depression (the ‘ace’ that Robert Rubin has of course been cynically playing). On 21st November, Rubin was STILL reported, as noted, to have tried hard to block the Settlements.

The problem facing Timothy Geithner is that, as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, he will need to explain to a Senate hearing that is doing its job properly, and almost certainly to the empanelled ‘judicial processes’, exactly what was his involvement in these various criminal diversions of other people’s money. He will also need to answer questions about how it came to pass that profits illegally derived from the stealing of Her Majesty The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007 came to be deposited inter alia in secret ‘offshore’, off-balance sheet accounts held at Citibank for Bush Sr. (41), Bush Jr. (43), William Jefferson Clinton (42), Mrs Hillary Clinton, Henry M. Paulson, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Robert Rubin, Dr Alan Greenspan, Dr Ben Bernanke, and other high-level crooks as beneficiaries. This information came from top US military sources.

•YES, the top criminalists MADE MONEY OUT OF THE STEALING OF THE QUEEN’S GOLD and placed their portions of the proceeds in their illegal, untaxed, off-balance sheet hidden accounts with the CIA’s primary money-laundering criminal enterprise, Citibank. WHICH IS TO SAY, that the Bushes, Clintons, Cheney, Paulson et al. were ALL engaged in FINANCING TERRORISM and in ECONOMIC TERRORISM against Her Majesty the Queen and the British State and people.

• In other words, these top criminals, who rant and rave about global terrorism, are themselves veteran terrorists, engaged in the financing of terrorism by their own definitions, illustrating once again the double-mindedness of these snakes. AND, TO COIN A PHRASE, IT GETS MUCH WORSE:

In October 2007, the Provost Marshal of the day, with appropriate back-up, visited the offices of Morgan Stanley in New York City. We alluded to the activities of the Provost Marshal extensively in our reports dated between 4th October 2007 and 11th November 2007 [see Archive]. The Provost Marshal at that time was under the control of (criminal) Vice President Richard B. Cheney.

Our impeccable sources were unable to inform the Editor, but are now able to inform us, that:

• The Provost Marshal and his team attempted to obtain entry to a locked room inside the Morgan Stanley building. They were specifically barred from entering this room, by Morgan Stanley staff, who stood outside the doors and prevented them from entering.

• The purpose of the Provost Marshal’s demand for entry to this room was to obtain back-up evidence that Morgan Stanley, the CEO of which remains John Mack, was engaged in financing terrorism operations in general, and Al-Qaeda in particular, from this room.

• How did the Provost Marshal know this? Because following the arrests bankers in Europe which we also reported during that period, investigators had obtained tear-sheets PROVING that such terrorism financing operations were being run out of this room at Morgan Stanley. Specifically, the tear-sheets carried the finger-prints of the following criminal operatives holding the highest US offices: George H. W. Bush Sr., Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Henry M. Paulson Jr., Dr. Alan Greenspan, William Jefferson Clinton, and Mrs Hillary Clinton (these being the names confirmed to us, but of course there were others, too). The tear-sheets referenced key secret bank accounts, access to which was blocked off and which the Provost Marshal, controlled by Cheney at the time, was unable to inspect. At the time, our sources were ordered NOT to convey this information to us.

We are told that this room housed contracts and other documents relating to the use of funds in the secret bank accounts referenced immediately above.

The operations directed from this secret Morgan Stanley room or office suite were concerned SPECIFICALLY with the terrorist-financing of Al-Qaeda and other international terrorism operations, according to our sources. This means that, as stated above, ALL those named by military sources as beneficiaries of the secret ‘offshore’ accounts, headed by Mr Paulson as US Treasury Secretary, were engaged in the diversion of illicit funds for the purposes of financing terrorism and Al-Qaeda, which the United States and Britain routinely blame for the terrorist abominations that are being financed through these operations run out of the secret office inside Morgan Stanley.

• Thus it is finally determined that the world’s most dangerous revolutionary pariah state is indeed the United States, with the United Kingdom, in a disreputable and reprobate breach with what Great Britain is supposed to stand for, aiding and abetting these hideous, murderous abominations.

• No wonder Blair’s ‘confession’ is reported to be causing these odious criminals nightmares.

Therefore, the Directors of Morgan Stanley and of Citibank stand accused of being engaged in the FINANCING OF TERRORISM, along with Messrs Bush Sr., Bush Jr., the former President Clinton, Mrs Hillary Clinton (who may soon be pontificating all over the world’s stage excoriating Al-Qaeda and even banging on about Osama Bin Laden (the CIA’s ‘Tim Osman’) whom these fools have to keep alive in order to sustain their strategic deception, even though he died on 26th December 2001), Vice President Richard B. Cheney, the former and current Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Board, Drs. Greenspan and Bernanke, Robert Rubin and other co-conspirators in this BIGGEST FINANCIAL CORRUPTION, TERRORISM AND POLITICAL SCANDAL IN WORLD HISTORY.

In the above context, it was reconfirmed with the same batch of intelligence that Vice President Cheney had been ‘running the media’ while Robert Rubin had been ‘running the money’ – all of which had been going on while we were steadily chipping away at the endless deceptions, lies, diversionary tactics and obfuscations with our ‘Wantagate’ reports, and thereafter.

The Sunday Times, London, of 30th November 2008, carried an extensive article which accurately confirmed that President-Elect Obama had been obliged to seize the initiative so as to fill the de facto vacuum at the top in the United States, given that every strand of US policy has long been atrophied by the corrupt behaviour of the holders of the highest offices, who have done hardly anything since mid-2006 except manipulate the illicit movement of funds so as to extract as much money for lining their own pockets as possible, and to satisfy and make whole the furious demands and elevated expectations of heinous, ruthless ‘Black Ops’ interests and of innumerable corrupt constituencies who have been double-crossed by the ‘Box Gang’ (the Bush-Clinton Crime Nexus).

On Monday 24th November 2008, the President-Elect signed papers requiring the Settlements to be implemented. In the batch of information received late on 26th November, it was confirmed that Mr Obama has been insisting on settlement, a fact that had been confirmed to us earlier in an email dated 13th November 2008 (received at 01:47am) from a Trustee to the effect that that ‘Obama has said we must be paid immediately’.

The sources stated, and it was later confirmed, that Mr Obama has been absolutely appalled at what he had found out following his election victory and that his shock has been all the greater because he had realised that Vice President-Elect Biden had known all about this open-ended criminality.

The Editor speculates that it has been the shock of these discoveries of this wall-to-wall deception, corruption and blatant criminality, that accounts for Obama’s compulsion (given the unprecedented and extraordinary circumstances of this crisis) to ‘act presidentially’.

Americans use this phrase rather loosely and perhaps a trifle cynically. But here, the gravity of the chaos and the corruption is so extreme that the incoming President was immediately left with no option but to respond in a responsible and vigorous manner. Which he did.

It is also true, of course, that in presiding over the Settlements and procuring the implementation of the G-7-Approved Refinancing Programme, the President-Elect will ensure that the disaster that otherwise awaits his Presidency will in fact be transformed over time into a triumphant success.

This is NOT play-acting: it implies confirmation of strength of character, determination, an iron will and of a man who, whatever faults he like everyone else may possess, has immediately risen to the immense challenges that he ‘unexpectedly’ faces given the circumstances and the derailing of the various schemes and plots to have him removed from the scene. After the Bush Jr. White House had tried to bribe him, Mr Obama must have entertained no remaining doubts about the extreme gravity of the Republic’s crisis, and must have been reinforced in his belief in his mission to help the United States climb out of the worst outbreak of financial iniquity the Republic has ever faced.

On Saturday 22nd November 2008, a week after the G-20 meeting and after George Bush Jr. had finally ceased his resistance (so it was being said, not that Mr Bush had any power to resist left), the ‘country payees’ received what was grossly overdue to them in cash. We realise that there have been earlier occasions when ‘the countries’ were reported to have been paid (which have turned out to be occasions when their dollar funds were on-screen but not accessed): but the point here is that this information concerning ‘wholesale’ payments was received over the weekend of 22nd-23rd November, and ‘confirmed’ by separate sources on 1st December 2008.

For the countries to have been paid, a key Tier Two US Trustee must have needed to deploy his instruments, which were integral to the countries being paid. This information was accompanied by indications that US Treasury securities had been issued for the Settlement throughout the week following the G-20 meeting, with Tier Three payees therefore likely to be paid with Treasuries.

A caveat applies to all such information, however, namely that, given ‘banking secrecy’, none of this can be verified, even though some such information is ‘confirmed’: it is all, by definition, based on hearsay – which is why we have usually avoided referencing such ‘intelligence’. But at this late stage, some indication of what is supposed to have been happening, is necessary. A key Trustee payable with the countries, should have been paid, at the latest, on or by Sunday 30th November.

Mr Obama’s ‘presidential’ behaviour has been buttressed by the fact that President Sarkozy of France, who is also President of the European Union until 31st December this year, and Britain’s MI6 (elements truly serving HM The Queen) are working in lock-step with the President-Elect to procure finalisation of the Settlements, not least in conformity with the instructions and deadline imposed upon the French President requiring him to fulfil his new ‘mandate to pay’ obtained when President Bush Jr. finally ceded what he thought was still his authority in the matter, as previously described by this service.

Unfortunately, both the President-Elect and President Sarkozy encountered further resistance – not from Chancellor Merkel – who as we reported in October, had been on Mr Bush Sr.’s corrupt payroll for four years in exchange for ‘looking after’ Bush-linked funds that we now know were flowing to and from Deutsche Bank and the Vatican Bank (controlled by Merkel’s agent there, Dr Hans Tietmeyer) via the de facto clearing house in London, Coutts Bank – but from the current British Prime Minister, GORDON BROWN.

The batch of intelligence obtained by this service between 11.30pm and midnight UK time on that Wednesday 26th November, all of which was confirmed to be 100% accurate (with the exception of an allegation that active Gold Badges had been instructed to ‘take Story down’, an instruction that is now believed to be redundant anyway), contained the following:

• Gordon Brown had lately been impeding finalisation of the Settlements: in other words there has been no discontinuity between Blair and Brown in respect of the sabotage; and:

• President-Elect Obama sent an agent over to London to speak directly to the Prime Minister with the following stark message: If you interfere any further with the Settlements payouts, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED. In this connection, Barack Obama will have issued this warning with the full authority of Sarkozy, equipped with his said ‘mandate to pay’, backed by the ‘right’ MI6 elements.

When we obtained confirmation of this intelligence, we were advised that ‘relevant parties’ had become aware that someone at very high level in London must have been ‘standing in the way’, given that almost all other known blockages had been removed, with many arrests having taken place across Europe during November, as in the preceding several months.

On 24th November, we had another episode of the ‘waiting for bank answerbacks’ syndrome, it being confirmed later that one bank had failed to provide the necessary answerback, as a direct consequence of which the banker in question had been arrested. There is a suspicion that this sabotage occurred in London and may have been directly connected to the fact that Mr Brown was found to have been impeding the Settlements.

• NOTE: It remains possible that what has been happening is an expanded version of the ‘pass the parcel’ technique whereby the scene constantly shifts between the players, with the spotlight then directed from one to the next one, while the action has already moved to the subsequent crook: a more extensive game than was being played by the highest-level criminalists in 2007 and earlier in 2008, when ‘A’ ‘washes his hands’ of the matter and then points to ‘B’, who has carefully developed his alibi while the action is being corruptly handled by ‘C’, as the spotlight lingers on ‘B’. That model was seen in the US context: perhaps it is now being applied internationally, with the overall aim of sabotaging performance.

• Last week it was Sarkozy. This week it’s Brown. Next week, its Bush again.
After all, these rats, as previously advised, are all out of the same sewer.

• In any given sewer, each rat is different, yet every rat is the same colour. All of them stink.

We are led to believe that the discovery, at this latest of all stages, that Gordon Brown had been impeding the Settlements, has placed this Prime Minister in the same position as his predecessor during his final months in office, when he was under extreme pressure from sources in authority to step down from Downing Street. Given this state of affairs, some new light is hereby thrown on the sudden reappearance of two sinister characters at the centre of the Government in Whitehall and Downing Street. We refer to:

• Peter [now Lord] Mandelson, who was suddenly pulled out of Brussels, where he had been serving as European Trade Commissioner, and has surfaced as Business Secretary at the very centre of the Government, with at times nowadays a higher profile than the Prime Minister.

Mandelson is believed to be a direct Rothschild agent and operates with a brief that will ‘go nowhere’ (see below), to push the Brown Government into ditching the pound in favour of the Euro, a line now openly supported by the compromised President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. Given that the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has recently been ‘fingered’ obstructing the Settlements, he may now see capitulation on this central issue as his own route to salvation and as a means of wreaking revenge on The Queen. More generally, as this grandfather of all financial corruption crises unravels, powerful interests are finding their positions threatened, oligarchs are being cut down to size or wiped out, and the furniture is being thrown all around the room, much of it broken into smaller pieces or even ground to dust.

• Alistair Campbell, Tony Blair’s notorious former ‘press agent’, a.k.a. chief intelligence handler, who has suddenly reappeared in Number 10 Downing Street, we understand.

It is possible that the reappearance of these people may have had something to do with Gordon Brown’s irregular behaviour, which we first identified in the following paragraph published in the report dated 18th June 2008:

We will now pose the following question. WHY was it ‘necessary’ for Brown, who had seen George Bush in the morning of Monday 16th June, to rush up to Northern Ireland so as to be in a position to be standing on the tarmac at Belfast airport, to ‘greet’ the President and Laura when they arrived in Northern Ireland? After all, he had just said goodbye to President Bush. Perish the thought that the purpose of his presence there might have been to open bank accounts. Perish the thought.

• REMARKABLE FACT: The Editor was subsequently informed that this observation alerted the relevant US and British authorities to the fact that Bush flew to Northern Ireland precisely to open bank accounts and that Brown was associated with this activity. Many weeks later the Editor was told that Brown had subsequently been ‘educated’.

… However it now appears, given the intelligence received and confirmed on 26th November 2008, that Brown did not learn his lessons well, i.e., the fool paid no attention (3).

We believe, therefore, that Gordon Brown is now de facto a ‘lame duck’ – a NEW fact which, very surprisingly, seems already to have been sensed by certain ‘mainstream’ outlets, given one or two sudden reversals performed by journalists in respect of their assessments of Mr Brown’s political position. For, all of a sudden, after the Prime Minister had been at the receiving end of a peculiar avalanche of domestic and international praise for his ‘robust’ response to the crisis (which he and his predecessor helped to generate), we read that his standing has declined sharply as economic and financial conditions have deteriorated ever more steeply during the past couple of weeks.

[Note: In an obvious attempt to reverse the impression created by earlier opinion polls, a new poll published in The Daily Telegraph on Tuesday 2nd December suggested that the Conservatives’ poll lead over the Labour Government had collapsed to just 1%. It should be recalled that these opinion polls are actually a device to enable the ‘controllers’ to see which way the wind is blowing, but that they are also used to confuse the people, to sway the thinking of gullible journalists, and to trim the perceptions of targeted constituencies, in order to fine-tune (in this case) an evolving and highly charged political situation, in which many senior figures’ careers may be on the line].

The situation described above is even more convoluted when one considers the contrasting overt behaviour of the Prime Minister and of Lord Mandelson, the Rothschild agent he has hauled back from Brussels and installed in the Cabinet at the centre of Government as Business Secretary.

On the one hand (see above), Gordon Brown is found to have been impeding the outstanding settlements payouts – even though we have been advised that, as of 22nd November, President Bush Jr. had finally ‘agreed’ to the releases, notwithstanding that he had weeks earlier provided President Sarkozy with an irrevocable ‘mandate to pay’ – while on the other hand Mr Brown’s newly appointed Business Secretary has been issuing rapid-fire edicts and statements purporting to signal the British Government’s ‘commitment’ to the struggling industrial and business sectors.

But on closer inspection it would appear that Lord Mandelson’s stance is curiously ambivalent. For instance, he told The Sunday Telegraph (30th November 2008) that he had submitted a preliminary paper to the Labour Party’s National Economic Council in late November which he explained as follows: ‘I made the point that there has to be a screening process to distinguish between those [industries] which are viable and those which are not. But we also need to take account of our own resources and European state aid rules’.

So, leaving aside the fact that President-Elect Obama had to take the extraordinary step of sending an emissary to Number 10 Downing Street to inform the Prime Minister directly that if he continued to block the settlements, WHICH ARE THE SOLUTION TO LORD MANDELSON’S PROBLEMS over the medium term as the G-7 Approved Refinancing Programme will generate the necessary flow of on-the-books liquidity to refinance the US and European banks on the books, the overt position at the very end of November 2008 was that (a) the Prime Minister had been SABOTAGING the ONLY available solution, while (b) his former enemy, Peter Mandelson, who must surely be aware of this, was busily setting limits and citing obstacles to the provision of state assistance to Britain’s rapidly crumbling business and industrial sectors. At the very least, this does suggest a truly constipated, dislocated directorate at the centre of British governance which needs to be swept away if the country is not indeed to sink into a depression which could make 1929 look like a seaside holiday.

But at worst, the two most powerful figures in the British Government, Gordon Brown and Lord Mandelson, had themselves been exacerbating Britain’s problems by blocking (at least until late November) the Settlements payouts, thereby assisting the interests of the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate and the Octopus, which in turn implies that both these characters may themselves be engaged in perpetrating economic terrorism against the Monarch, the United Kingdom and its people, and should therefore be arrested under the European anti-terrorism laws adopted by the Westminster Parliament: which, presumably, is what President-Elect Barack Obama had in mind when, with the support of President Sarkozy and MI6, he had to despatch a special emissary to inform Mr Brown that he would be arrested if he continued to block the Settlements.

There may indeed, therefore, be the soundest reasons for believing that the very sudden transfer of Mandelson (previously a sworn enemy of Mr Brown, and a man who is known to have excoriated Brown in the past, behind his back, in the most bitter terms), to the very epicentre of the Brown Labour Government, appears to represent a defiant and desperate move by the Prime Minister to wrap ‘European’ protection around himself while at the same time appearing to be ‘getting back at’ The Queen, and effectively ‘changing sides’ – a stance apparently reinforced by the sudden reappearance of Blair’s former ‘handler’, Alistair Campbell, in Downing Street.

• If so, Gordon Brown may have been sharply disabused of this thinking or strategy, as on 2nd December The Financial Times reported that the Prime Minister had ‘quashed’ Barroso’s claim that the economic crisis was driving Britain to abandon sterling and ‘find refuge with’ the Euro. Mr Brown’s spokesman (INTERESTINGLY, he was not named, which is VERY UNUSUAL, implying that this was a PLANTED article) was said to have ‘been forced by Barroso’s remarks’ to state that there are ‘no plans’ for Britain to join the European Collective Currency.

• ‘Changing sides’ among the operatives on the stage is all the rage during this ‘discontinuity’ period, when the correlation of forces is being shaken from top to bottom. It may explain, for instance, the appearance of Mrs Clinton as prospective Secretary of State under Barack Obama. More significantly, however, the trade-off here incorporates the following equation: Mrs Clinton may believe she is ‘safe’ from the consequences of her crimes if confirmed by the Senate, while in exchange Mr Obama will know that SHE knows she cannot step out of line, or she will be ‘chopped’ by the President-Elect, whereupon she will immediately be vulnerable to arrest and its aftermath.

Operative Campbell ostensibly serves John Scarlett of MI6, whose notorious orientation towards the European Union Collective (the long-range Abwehr/DVD anti-nation state strategic entrapment instrument) is well known. MI6 appears to be split, as would be expected, along similar fault lines as the criminal enterprise known as the CIA – between the pro-pan-German faction, and those who still try, against immense odds, but do quite well in the grim circumstances, loyally to serve their home countries and their Heads of State.

If the foregoing analysis is reasonably accurate, any such plot to leverage the present situation to yank Britain out of sterling and into the Euro will fail.

The reason is that Britain can never abandon the pound, which was one of the world currencies designated at Bretton Woods to operate in parallel with the US dollar. The international trading system cannot allow the pound to cease to exist because it is a mainstay with the dollar, and now China, of the international trading system. For international trading arrangements to function, there must be at least two world currencies in the mix, to allow offsetting to take place. The Euro cannot be used as a mainstay currency for this purpose as it is a wholly artificial currency that is supported by both nothing and no government. The yen can be used for offsetting purposes, but it was not a currency that was available when the Bretton Woods system was established as Japan was an Axis country and its currency was of course anathema.

Hence, all talk of Britain joining the Euro – which it is now quite possible Brown may have suddenly sought to embrace behind the scenes, given the pressure he is under following his treachery with Bush last June and his blocking of the Settlements – is eyewash.

For EC President Barroso to wade in with verbal pressure designed to take advantage of Brown’s predicament, smells of a hopeless rearguard response. That leaves the question: who, then, will take over if Brown has to go? And the answer, on this analysis, would be Mandelson – if that had not been precluded (unless he renounces his new peerage) by the fact that he is in the House of Lords. Mandelson may well be operating in conjunction with Messrs Barroso and Rothschild to try to ‘bounce’ Britain into the Euro, but this endeavour, like Brown’s premiership, is doomed.

All of which illuminates what Brown was REALLY up to when he bounded around the world stage and received a substantial, but very fragile, uplift in the British domestic public opinion polls (the mechanism used by the ‘controllers’ to gauge the way the wind is blowing), as the gale-force winds of this crisis assumed hurricane proportions.

He was promoting A NEW BRETTON WOODS, so that the unique position of the pound sterling laid down in the Bretton Woods agreement could then be scrapped, the continued existence of the old Bretton Woods Agreement being an irremovable impediment to the DVD’s project for scrapping the pound. Now that this little ruse has been exposed, and you are for the high-jump, Mr Brown, your clumsy behaviour in seeking to have the existing Bretton Woods Agreement swept away, is DEAD IN THE WATER, mate. You were trying to be ‘too clever by half’, and you messed up BIG TIME.

Turning to the concomitant collapse of the economy, quite apart from the daily headline news about well-known high street and corporate names in severe financial trouble, there are ominous signs that the real economy’s distribution system is on the verge of breaking down.

• According to experts on classical Rome, the primary factor, aside from decadence, that brought Rome to its knees – leaving vast tracts of the city itself abandoned and deserted for a millennium and more – was the disintegration of the distribution system.

The Romans had perfected certain mass production techniques for goods in widespread demand, such as vessels for the transportation of wine, roof tiles, domestic housewares, shoes and other products, which depended upon an efficient system of distribution to reach their markets.

Archaeologists have long since taken note of the sharp deterioration in the quality of, say, roof tiles that took place somewhat abruptly in the fourth century or earlier. The main reason for this rapid deterioration is believed to be that the distribution system collapsed, which in turn brought the mass production operations to a halt.

• People in need of roofing tiles were therefore reduced either to stealing them from abandoned buildings, turning to local sources of manufacture, or making the artefacts themselves.

On 18th November, Atradius, the United Kingdom’s largest credit insurer, confirmed that it was clawing back the insurance offered to suppliers to at least 12,000 British businesses. The insurer provides cover against non-payment of bills for goods supplied on credit.

The Financial Times reported on 19th November that one broker had said that the withdrawal by the Atradius corporation was ‘unprecedented in my life’, adding that up to 20,000 British corporations may have been affected over the preceding two weeks alone. Another broker asserted that the UK construction, retail and leisure sectors had been affected and that the Government might soon have to provide credit or insurance to struggling suppliers.

Smaller suppliers typically, and usually with good reason, do not trust larger corporations, which place orders for goods to be supplied on credit, to meet their obligations, on time or at all. So to mitigate the risk of the corporate purchaser not paying its bills, the supplier can take out credit insurance: indeed without such cover, the supplier is less likely to provide the goods needed by the larger corporation – creating a dangerous situation that can cause the collapse of the larger corporations themselves. In other words, the supply chain and distribution systems are creaking and showing early signs of a potential to seize up. On 29th November, the insurance group Amlin, which is estimated to own about 4% of the UK credit insurance market, was reported likewise to be pulling out of the credit insurance market, having reportedly decided not to write any new policies for businesses supplying goods to other businesses on credit.

These insurance firms are clearly anticipating increased losses from payouts. Atradius is said to be aiming to reduce its overall exposure to risk in the United Kingdom by about 7%, compared with a projected 5% reduction of its exposures to the business credit market in the rest of the world. However should the gradient of the economic downturn continue to steepen at its present rate, pointing straight into a depression, thanks to the ongoing criminal sabotage, we would expect such credit risk exposures to be cut back much more sharply after the turn of the year.

• The above observations were prepared on 30th November. On 2nd December, Alan Duncan, the Shadow Business Secretary (‘Conservative’ Party), authored an article in The Financial Times in which, in true socialist fashion, he called for the state to underwrite ‘vital insurance cover to stop the credit crunch [sic] precipitating the collapse of supply chains’.

Which brings us to a pressingly critical point. Thanks to the criminal activities of the holders of the highest offices in the United States, Britain and Germany, to name the very worst offenders, both the United States and Britain are now hovering on the brink of a real DEPRESSION, with General Motors effectively bankrupt in the United States and numerous corporations and well-known names such as Woolworths in the United Kingdom going to the wall in a frenetic cascade that is being accompanied by steepening declines in consumer confidence and purchases in recent weeks.

Paul Volcker, who will certainly serve as Mr Obama’s most prestigious economic adviser beyond the special rôle that he has accepted, told a conference convened by Lombard Street Research in London on 17th November that the economic slump has begun to spread after a shocking collapse in output over the two months to mid-November, threatening to overwhelm the incoming Obama Administration as it struggles to restore confidence.

‘What this crisis reveals’, Mr Volcker said, ‘is a broken financial system like no other in my lifetime. Normal monetary policy is not able to get money flowing. The trouble is that, even with all this [government] protection [sic], the market is not moving again’.

In an appropriate oblique criticism of his successor as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, the criminal operative, arrested in June 2007, Dr Alan Greenspan, Mr Volcker elaborated that ‘there has been leveraging in the economy beyond imagination, and nobody [at the time] was saying we need to do something’. Mr Volcker also blamed what he called ‘the new means of credit alchemy that led bankers to slice and dice mortgage debt into packages that disguised risk’.

Actually, none of the ‘downstream’ slicers and dicers, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, had or have any recourse to the sole source of funds, namely the mortgager. The ONLY party with true recourse is the original mortgage bank.

Therefore, ALL ‘downstream’, repackaged, collectivised, securitised so-called derivative ‘assets’ are fraudulent and are worth zero, a fact of life recognised by the regional Federal Reserve Banks, we understand, and which is a source of tension between them and the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

In our forthcoming paper on this subject, we will provide further proof that the derivatives are all worth zero, which is the CENTRAL ISSUE. The only authoritative (that is, internationally approved) derivatives aggregate data are the numbers published by the Bank for International Settlements, reproduced and elaborated by the International Monetary Fund, for instance in its October 2008 Global Financial Stability Report subtitled ‘Financial Stress and Deleveraging: Macrofinancial Implications and Policy’, made available in the Press Room at the IMF/World Bank Group Annual meetings held in October in Washington DC.

Both sources adjust the data, on an estimated basis, for double-counting (2). According to these sources, the notional value of outstanding adjusted global over-the-counter derivatives contracts had expanded from $257,894 billion at the end of 2004, to $596,004 billion by the end of December 2007. The most recent figure cited (applicable to around mid-October 2008) was $667 trillion.

But the underlying gross market values of these outstanding contracts rose from just $9,377 billion at the end of December 2004, to $14,522 billion by the end of 2007.

Thus, whereas the gross market values of outstanding contracts were ‘worth’ 3.6% of their notional values at the end of 2004, the equivalent proportion three years later was 2.4%.

But such assessments are in fact meaningless because, as noted above, these exotic ‘derived’ instruments are, by definition, marketed WITHOUT RECOURSE to the underlying source of real funds, which means that the derived ‘assets’ are fundamentally fraudulent.

If the morgager does default, the only party that can ever know about the default is the original mortgage bank. The ‘downstream’ parties never get to know about it, and AREN’T INTERESTED.

It used to be the case that maximum derivatives leveraging possible in the United Kingdom was 10:1. Earlier this year, leveraging operations of 30:1 were being reported from London, and the large US financial criminal enterprises are believed until recently, at least, to have favoured mad leveraging ratios as extended as 40:1.

This would theoretically enable Citibank, for instance, to convert $306 billion in quick succession to $12,240 billion. However all such proceeds would have to be stashed away off-balance sheet, are adjudged now to be dubious, and cannot be surreptitiously transferred onto the balance sheet, under the Basel-II settlement, given the necessity for the disclosure of source of funds – and the crucial, little-mentioned, factor that auditors’ fears of being sued for misrepresentation, and more generally for their own survival given what has happened to some of their peers, mean that they are no longer susceptible to condoning ‘smoke and mirrors’ treatments of clients’ accounts.

In the face of the reality that the perpetrators of these fraudulent finance operations have been found out, it is STILL the case that Bush Sr. and his few remaining cronies have been continuing, or attempting to persist with, ‘business as usual’, looking for counterparties for exotic trades.

Most such prospective parties have long since realised that Bush-linked associates are criminal operatives: so, as indicated, searching for counterparties, even in Dubai which is now in financial trouble, has been proving a problem. The fact that these people are STILL persisting with this behaviour shows how brainlessly bovine and set in their criminal ways they remain.

One of the lessons that astute counterparties around the world will or ought to have learned by now is that the Bush-linked criminal Octopus, being by far the most ruthless and reckless cabal of criminal financial operatives in human history, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, turns on their collaborators on the basis of the standard, crude ‘bait and switch’ double-cross technique that they were taught at intelligence school. That was what happened, of course, with Iraq.

But although we have publicised the fact that one purpose of the invasion of Iraq was to ransack the Central Bank of Iraq, steal its gold, currency and other assets and acquire control over Rafidain Bank and thus over its sub-accounts in London, believed to hold fiat assets worth an estimated $100 trillion, the deeper reason for the second invasion has not hitherto been divulged.

Some time in 1944, a US aircraft supposedly (but see below) crashed in Siberia. A certain Soviet KGB officer operating in the United States, one Colonel Kotikov, referred to this aircraft within the hearing of at least one US military officer, as ‘the money plane’. When questioned by the US officer as to the meaning of the phrase ‘the money plane’, Colonel Kotikov explained that the US Treasury was shipping engraved printing plates and related banknote printing materials to the Soviets so that they could start to print the same ‘occupation money’ for distribution in occupied Germany as the United States was printing for the same purpose.

As a Master Printer (because we own a small printing works), the Editor of this service knows only too well that there is ONE cast-iron rule in the printing trade: NEVER release the printing plates.

They are ‘tools of the trade’ and represent components that have to be manufactured in order to print the copies, which is what the customer buys. The customer does not purchase the tools from which the copies were manufactured: just the copies. What the US Treasury SHOULD have done was to print German occupation money for the Soviets, and ship them the currency itself.

• Unless, that is, this was a component of a deep-cover US economic warfare operation.

But unbelievably, the US Treasury shipped not only the engraved printing plates, but also coloured inks, varnish, tint blocks, sample paper and other components, in two shipments conveyed to the USSR via five C-47s. The shipments were arranged at the highest level in Washington, DC, with the planes loaded up at National Airport.

The Soviets then proceeded to print the new marks that their part of occupied Germany needed, which the United States redeemed, with no accountability whatsoever, to the gross amount of $250 million, a colossal sum in those days.

The Soviet official who had repeatedly agitated for the US authorities to send Treasury printing plates to Moscow, was Andrei Gromyko (Katz), who was then Soviet Ambassador to Washington. If Washington had meant to wage economic warfare (possibly by supplying the Soviets with slightly doctored printing plates so that Soviet print runs could be distinguished from the equivalent mark notes printed by or for the US Military Administration), this operation appears to have backfired.

Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) maintained unhealthily close links at the very heart of the US Government of the day, via Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White. A published US Department of State Memorandum dated 14th April 1944 of a telephone conversation between Henry Morgenthau, the US Treasury Secretary and a Mr James Clement Dunn, of the State Department, entitled ‘Duplicate plates to be furnished to the Soviet Union’ indicated that the five C-47s finally left National Airport on 24th May 1944. Mr Gromyko even demanded a replacement consignment, after one of the planes had crashed (see above); and the US authorities never queried his ‘information’, sending a plane with a ‘replacement’ consignment of printing plates and materials to the USSR on 7th June 1944.

In this episode, Gromyko had insisted on obtaining US Treasury printing plates so that the Soviets could print German occupation currency without accountability, because the Soviets knew that the US Army would convert such currency into US dollars (whereas the Russians, of course, refused to redeem the same currency with roubles).

As a consequence, every Russian mark that fell into the hands of an American soldier or accredited civilian became a potential charge against the Treasury of the United States. Using the materials provided by Washington, the Russians confiscated an erstwhile Nazi printing plant in Leipzig, deep inside the Russian Zone and therefore at a safe distance from American inspection, and started up the machinery. By December 1946, the US Military Government had found that it had redeemed US dollars to the value of at least 2,500,000,000 marks in excess of the total value of occupation marks issued by its Finance Office. Oh, and the Soviets never paid an invoice for $18,102.84 rendered by the US Treasury to cover the cost of the engraving plates and the materials delivered in 1944.

Why have we apparently diverged with this historical account of how the Soviets bilked the United States for $250 million in 1944-46? Because a similar operation was apparently perpetrated in Iraq. Only this time round, engraved printing plates were reportedly made available to Saddam Hussein by George H. W. Bush Sr., the arrogant, criminal representative of the DVD who thought he was so powerful that, as late as around 2004, he could even tell members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to ‘go take a flying [expletive deleted] at the moon’.

If the motive for delivering US Treasury printing plates (whether officially authorised or not) to the Iraqi régime of Saddam Hussein in any way replicated the pattern of the 1944-46 scamming ruse, the objective underlying this treachery will have been to impose a drain on the US Treasury through the redemption of Iraqi dinars into US dollars, which could then be pocketed by US operatives.

It is suspected, therefore, that among the cynical ‘Black’ motives for the invasion of Iraq, and the consequent murder and displacement of around 2,000,000 people, not to mention the thousands of US and Allied military personnel and those 100+ ‘special operatives’ who raided the Central Bank of Iraq and were then grouped together so as to be deliberately bombarded by deadly US weaponry in a contrived ‘friendly fire’ operation, will have been the familiar one, repeated in other contexts in this murky background, of protecting the part of criminal DVD operative George Bush Sr.’s anatomy that he uses for sitting upon. Bush’s ‘rogue’ US monetary printing plates had to be retrieved.


On Tuesday 11th November, a visitor to the Editor’s London office noticed that a camera, sprouting several antennae, had been erected on a tall street lighting lamp post located immediately opposite our office building. Earlier, when the Editor had left the building to run certain errands in Victoria Street, he had noticed at least half a dozen men and two big Westminster City Council vehicles, one with a hydraulic lift, parked adjacent to the lamp post, engaged in complex activity focused upon the street lighting. The Editor deliberately reported this matter later via our monitored telephone lines and then, with his visitor, stood outside in the pavement looking at the camera from various angles, before we repaired to a nearby hostelry for some refreshments.

• The camera remained in situ, as viewed from the upper storeys of our building, as late as midnight that evening. By 9.15am the following morning, it had been removed.

On Wednesday 12th November, the Editor began a series of telephone calls to Westminster City Council, with a view to obtaining some explanation for the erection and overnight removal of the camera and antennae overlooking our office. After innumerable attempts to extract a coherent explanation, and having left various voicemail messages expressing our dismay at this behaviour, the Editor finally had to inform the Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive of Westminster City Council, asking for an urgent response. Whereupon he was inundated with responses, culminating in the following explanation by Patrick Allen, a senior Council executive (paraphrase) in answer to our questions: Who authorised the camera? What was its purpose? What budget financed it?:

‘We are testing equipment. The major supplier, British Telecom Plc, is late with its deliveries of hardware. But the lesser suppliers have delivered in accordance with their contracts and have submitted their invoices and want to be paid. The intended system cannot be installed until the British Telecom equipment has been supplied. So we have been testing the equipment provided by the smaller suppliers, to verify that it is fit for purpose. The crew would have erected the camera to test it and would then have removed it once the test was complete’. In answer to the comment that the camera was mysteriously removed overnight, Mr Allen said: ‘That’s quite possible. The crews start at 7.00am in the morning’.

Who are we to argue with this very rapidly provided official explanation for the fact that a camera, complete with numerous antennae, was suddenly erected and focused at our office building and then abruptly removed overnight, after we had reported this matter by telephone and indicated our curiosity by being photographed looking at the camera from all angles in the street?


Following the ‘triple gunshot voicemail’ [see the report dated 21st September 2008], the Editor reported this event, as requested by a contact, as a courtesy to the local police at Thame Police Station. The Editor was also advised to report that he had been told that there might be a hit squad ‘on the ground’ at the time. At no stage did the Editor mention Al-Qaeda (see below).

On 8th October, detectives from Kidlington visited the Editor’s wife in Buckinghamshire, unknown to the Editor, who had already departed for his trip to the United States scheduled for 9th October. Given the gravity of the ‘triple gunshot’ threat, the Editor had taken advice from several contacts, one of whom had proceeded to inform several UK agencies asking them to provide the Editor with some form of special protection. The Editor was met at Gatwick Airport by three operatives beyond passport control, who asked polite questions after checking the Editor’s identity.

The flight to Newark on 9th October was uneventful and the Editor’s overall trip in the United States, apart from the ‘Amtrak sequence’ when the Editor’s mobile phone communications were severely disrupted while the train was proceeding to Washington, DC, was likewise.

In late November, the Editor was informed by his wife of the visit by officers on 8th October, which information had not been conveyed to him (as she had thought the matter had been dealt with).

On ascertaining the name of the officer from his wife, the Editor contacted Detective Sergeant Duncan Gomm of Thames Valley Police, Kidlington, who picked up the call, said he was on the road and could the Editor call back in half an hour. The Editor returned the call in 40 minutes, which went straight to voicemail, and left his name and number.

At 5.13pm on Thursday 27th November 2008, Detective Constable King-Bishop left a message on our office voicemail returning the Editor’s call: could he please get in touch? At 8.50am on Friday 28th November, Detective Constable King-Bishop left another voicemail, asking the Editor to get in touch, which he did, and she then asked ‘if we can come and interview you’, which the Editor then agreed to. This interview took place today, after the Special Branch officers arrived at 12.45pm as indicated above. The Editor came down the stairs and thought that he observed, through the glass door separating the stairs from the lobby, the male officer place a recording machine in his pocket.

The Special Branch officers asked what information the Editor had provided to the Thame Police. The Editor described the triple gunshot voicemail that had been received on 18th September 2008, and pointed out that the female Police Constable at Thame Police Station would have known what the Editor had told her, so why was the Editor being asked this question?

Detective Constable King-Bishop then said that the female Police Constable had stated that the Editor had indicated that he had been told that there might be an Al-Qaeda cell in the area (close to our countryside location). The Editor stated that this was incorrect: the phrase used had been ‘a hit team on the ground’ (see 21st September report).

It was made clear to the Editor that the Police had done nothing to investigate the triple gunshot voicemail. They asked how many threats the Editor had received since he began this investigation, and he said: 16, all in the United States. There appeared to be little residual concern on their part about the nasty triple gunshot voicemail: but the visitors were anxious to make it clear to the Editor that it was they who had arranged for three personnel to be present at Gatwick when the Editor left for Newark on 9th October. Unexpectedly, an official had rechecked the Editor’s passport and had asked a few curious questions like: ‘How is the business going?’ ‘Have you been at all affected by the downturn?’, which have nothing to do with security. The Editor thought this was odd.

It then emerged that the real purpose of the visit was to persuade the Editor that a certain contact of his could damage the Editor’s reputation ‘which is very high’ (thanks for the compliment). Now the Editor has known this contact since the early 1990s, but had no links until about 2005, when contact was made again by chance, and the person concerned then found out that the Editor was investigating the criminal finance crisis about which he, too, was quite knowledgable.

Our links were then re-restablished, although there was a gap of about 18 months later, after the Editor had had to ‘educate’ the person concerned about his misapprehensions concerning certain high-level US officer-holders. Since the Editor has visited the United States innumerable times since 1977, he is better equipped to understand and know about the various personalities on the US stage than most British observers, and the Editor felt that this contact should understand this.

However when relations were ‘restored’ in 2008, the Editor had three occasions to discuss matters with this contact. The Special Branch officers asked how often the Editor had met this contact, to which the answer in 2008 was ‘three times this year’. It was on the third occasion, on 6th September 2008, that the Editor, by prior agreement, visited the contact and conveyed to him one Affidavit and certain crucial documents which he requested should now be conveyed to our Head of State or her very closest representatives. The Editor had been specifically requested by key US associates to convey these papers to our highest level, and proceeded to ask for this to be done.

He took immediate steps after that meeting to do just that, having commented: ‘This is very serious. I will have to get in touch with X’. We later ascertained that the documents which the US associates needed to be conveyed to our highest level had not only reached their destination, but also that the advice proferred by the Editor that accompanied these documents, had been accepted.

As a direct consequence, the real money (the $14 trillion) underpinning the illicit bankers’ carousel were placed into lockdown, which meant basically that if a single cent were to be encumbered, this would effectively amount to ‘an act of war’ (that may be an exaggeration, but the phrase shows how serious any such further interference with the $14 trillion loan money would be). The ‘lockdown’ had occurred during the week preceding the receipt by the Editor of the ‘triple gunshot voicemail’.

It transpired that the Special Branch officers were engaged in an attempt to discourage the Editor from having further communications with the aformentioned contact, who procured the delivery of the documents to the highest-level destination, whereupon the officers’ expressed ‘motivation’ for the meeting was stated several times: ‘The reason we are here Mr Story is that we are concerned for your reputation, which is very high, given your contacts with this person, who has a reputation as ‘an intelligence nuisance’. Of course it is up to you whom you associate with’.

Now when people say to the Editor ‘it is up to you’, this usually goes down like a lead balloon, as EVERYTHING is up to the Editor, not least given that, as the female officer pointed out, ‘you are completely independent’. Well, in the case of an individual who is completely independent, as the Editor is, by definition, everything is ‘up to him’. It is condescending and arrogant to say this. It is also somewhat threatening, implying that ‘you will regret it if you stay in touch’.

Detective Constable King-Bishop then asked: ‘Are you concerned at all for your own safety?’, and ‘Are you concerned at all for your wife’s safety?’

It has since been pointed out to the Editor that these questions can be interpreted as representing threats against the Editor and his wife, which is one of the reasons we are posting this somewhat tedious detail immediately here. In summary:

• Special Branch officers (Kidlington/Scotland Yard) asked whether the Editor was concerned about his own safety and that of his wife, and we have been advised that these comments are capable of a dual interpretation, one benevolent, and one threatening. Depending on WHO left the ‘triple gunshot threat’, this interpretation may or may not be pertinent.

• Special Branch officers (Kidlington/Scotland Yard) profess to be concerned about the Editor’s reputation, which they say with false flattery is ‘very high’. The only person who needs to be at all concerned about his reputation is the Editor of this service. It is no concern of Special Branch officers affiliated to Scotland Yard/Kidlington what the state of the Editor’s reputation may be.

• Special Branch officers (Kidlington/Scotland Yard) sought to discourage the Editor’s arms’-length occasional association with the aforementioned contact, on the ground that he is alleged (by them) to be ‘an intelligence nuisance’, notwithstanding the fact that after the meeting that was held at the contact’s home on Sunday morning 6th September, the contact proceeded at once to convey the documents to our highest state level, as requested by our US associates. In other words, the Editor took advantage successfully of his contact, with his agreement, to achieve what had to be done, and the contact performed 100% in accordance with expectations.

• Special Branch officers (Kidlington/Scotland Yard) rubbished the reputation and standing of our contact, saying in so many words that he is not what he cracks himself up to be, and that he has been ‘trading on the Editor’s reputation’. First, the Editor is the guardian of his own reputation and has noted no adverse effects from being associated with this contact whatsoever (not that many people know about this contact anyway). Secondly, whatever these UK Special Branch officers may allege, the proven fact (reconfirmed again today) is that when called upon to procure the delivery of sensitive documents to our highest level, the contact did precisely that. Which is what mattered.

• Special Branch officers (Kidlington/Scotland Yard) attempted repeatedly to rubbish the Editor obliquely by pointing out, for instance, that ‘you could have done the research yourself: you didn’t need to use your contact for the purpose of conveying those documents’. Which, by the way, the Special Branch officers asked to see; WHY WOULD THEY BE INTERESTED? The Editor refused to comply with that request, which was completely out of order here.

• Special Branch officers (Kidlington/Scotland Yard) also said that the Editor’s contact had got in touch with various agencies in the United Kingdom and had caused them to become engaged in a great deal of work on behalf of the Editor which was unnecessary. When the Editor asked whether the ‘work’ that had been done by these agencies had been in the Editor’s interest, he was told: Yes. If that was the case, how can such ‘work’ have been unnecessary? The ‘work’ was connected with measures taken to protect the Editor following receipt of the triple gunshot volicemail, which the visitors did not seem to be in the slightest concerned about.

• Special Branch officers (Kidlington/Scotland Yard) made no contact with the Editor of this service after visiting his wife on 8th October, until the Editor got in touch with THEM in late November. So what was the reason for the sudden urgent need to interview the Editor? If there had been a problem concerning the contact to which they object, they could have got in touch with the Editor shortly after his return from the United States at the end of October. Clearly, the phrase ‘damage limitation’ springs to mind. Another phrase that springs to mind is ‘frame up’, of both the Editor AND his valuable and helpful contact, who has received no remuneration, as is the case with all of us. A third pertinent phrase that spings to mind is ‘cover up’: see the main narrative.

• And yet another pertinent phrase that JUMPS OUT OF THE MIND is ‘fishing expedition’.

The Editor had pointed out that the triple gunshot voicemail had NOT left a print on the digital voicemail equipment, whereas the earlier and later voicemails were present, and that he had been led to believe that intelligence facilities possess the ability to wipe out digital voicemail messages, but that ‘ordinary mortals’ cannot do this. (Untrue, but that is what this overworked Editor thought at the time). The male Special Branch officer rubbished this interpretation, adding that ‘anyone could have left that triple gunshot voicemail message’, which did not concern him, as though this was of no residual interest, like the ‘gunshots threat’ itself. The Editor thought that the officers’ lack of interest in the gunshots threat was extremely peculiar: after all, he contacted the Police SPECIFICALLY because of the ‘triple gunshot’ voicemail, to ask for protection.

It then occurred to the Editor that this interview was becoming pointless, and that if the ‘triple gunshot’ voicemail was of zero relevance, quite possibly the Special Branch may KNOW who had perpetrated this threat and may indeed be engaged in a damage limitation exercise. The damage limitation had become necessary perhaps, because UK agencies had been activated by the Editor’s contact in October, which had interfered with the objective of the exercise, which MAY have been been to INTIMIDATE THE EDITOR of this service, given that our intervention on 6th September had procured the lockdown of the $14.0 trillion, with decisive consequences. And these two Special Branch officers now appeared themselves to be possibly intimidating the Editor when they asked those questions about whether the Editor fears for his own and his wife’s safety.

In conclusion, we have been advised to post this narrative so as to signal to those who may be concerned, that if you imagine that intimidating the Editor of this service will ever be liable to achieve whatever hidden motives may apply, you should take it on board that the Editor of this service is not about to become accustomed to submitting to threats. After having received 16 threats in the United States, he is well used to this kind of behaviour. If the Kidlington Special Branch think this interpretation is incorrect, they have out telephone number and coordinates.

• And by the way, they knew all about the criminal finance investigations and their implications.

We are grateful to these officers for what they have genuinely done for us, and for their time. We don’t take kindly to veiled threats, if these were intended, which we imagine cannot be the case.



The following sequence, published on pages F-05 to F-08 of International Currency Review, Volume 34, #1, distributed worldwide at the end of November 2008, references conversations between the veteran journalist, Gordon Thomas, who boasted of close intelligence connections, and the Editor of this service, in 2004-2005, in which Gordon Thomas warned or threatened the Editor that certain elements ostensibly of UK intelligence had borne false witness against the Editor of this service by disseminating fatuous fabrications about the Editor’s supposed links to Mark Thatcher and Bernie Ecclestone, neither of whom the Editor has ever met and with whom he has never had anything to do, not least because your very own correspondent has done nothing at all in his working life since returning from Canada in 1961 except write and publish, and provide consultancy services, on his own account. This is a full-time 24/7 occupation which allows of no respite, especially as nowadays we also publish (and the Editor writes) books.

• So whoever dreamed up this tripe didn’t do his homework.

However given the huge momentum of the exposures, which have ‘blown’ this fraudulent finance and the involvement of criminal enterprise institutions and intelligence cadres in its perpetration, while exposing the rôles of DVD, Dachau, CIA-1, Frankfurt, Government Operations – 2 (GO-2), DVD chieftain George Bush Sr. and the other criminal elements who have been disturbing the peace of humanity and creating flashpoints around the world (such as in Bombay) to cover up their financial crimes, it would appear that elements of British intelligence later changed their opinion of what the Editor was attempting to achieve. At all events, their early intimidation operation fell flat.

This demonstrates the wisdom, perhaps, of walking in a straight line when investigating and exposing evil, since parties who zigzag cannot keep up with those who forge straight ahead.

The relevant passages from the latest issue of our financial journal, referencing conversations with Gordon Thomas, are as follows:

In the course of the conversation [in Bath, on that occasion], the question of MI6 and British intelligence interest in certain topics arose. It was in this context that the veteran journalist revealed that MI6 had informed him personally that your correspondent is or was involved with Mark Thatcher in connection with the botched coup to seize power and the oil assets in Equatorial Guinea. Observing Thomas’s own astonishment at this curious invention, your correspondent asked when he had heard ‘this nonsense about [my non-existent connection with] Mark Thatcher’.

At first he said that ‘oh, it was very recent, within the past two months’. (However in a telephone conversation on 19th November 2004, Gordon Thomas, who has close MI6 connections, shortened this time-frame to ‘within the past two weeks’, before correcting himself and saying that it may have been ‘within the past two months’. A bit hazy, he was).

Mr Thomas elaborated that his MI6 source(s) had reacted as follows when the Editor’s name had come up in conversation: ‘Oh yes, we know about him. Why revive him?’

We take this to be a reference to the fact that the Editor had published his early findings about this corruption in Volume 28, Number 4 of this service, back in March 2003. That issue alluded to, and illustrated some of, the ‘smoking gun’ financial payout documents made available to the Editor in June 2002. In other words, MI6 thought we had fallen asleep.

Separately, a Pentagon-linked operative had approached the Editor about some scam involving Bernie Ecclestone, a character with a murky background, explaining that he had been told (by MI6, it transpired) that the Editor had some involvement with this motor racing fellow, also a pack of lies. Both the Ecclestone and Thatcher fables were ‘supposedly’ fabricated by MI6.

On later telephoning Gordon Thomas, in order to thank him for his time and hospitality on the preceding afternoon, your correspondent made his deduction of the link clear to him:

Editor: ‘It’s obvious that this mad fantasy about links with Mark Thatcher and the separate nonsense about Bernie Ecclestone comes from the same source, namely MI6’.

Gordon Thomas (as though he knew more than he was revealing): ‘That’s right’.

Editor: ‘Who did you obtain this [Mark Thatcher libel] tripe from:
were they high-up sources?’

Gordon Thomas: ‘I heard this very recently….Yes, one of them is [a high-up source]’.
I would describe the other as middle management’.

Editor: ‘So what makes them do something like this? What drives them to make up such ludicrous stories and lies, when they know they can’t make anything stick’ (since the whole pack of lies is a crude and clumsy invention)?

Gordon Thomas: [paraphrase]: ‘It’s not necessary for them to prove anything. All they need to do is to make allegations. That’s all they need to do’.

Editor: ‘So, what have they done with these lies?
Have they put these inventions out there to the press?’

Gordon Thomas: ‘Yes, it’s with the press, I understand’.

Gordon Thomas then proceeded in general terms to summarise the false story that MI6 had fed to the press about the Editor’s alleged (but totally non-existent) connections with Mark Thatcher and the failed Equatorial Guinea fiasco. In other words, MI6 were attempting to connect the Editor to this episode, of which of course the Editor know absolutely nothing except what we have read in the open press and on the Internet.

Editor: ‘Of course if any such allegations were to appear in print I would go to court at once. Presumably they realise that’.

The Editor reiterated that if any such false allegations were to be made in the press, he would go to court given that the suggestions are fabrications with no basis whatsoever in the real world. The Editor spends all of his time (24/7) preparing serials and books for publication; and as all who know him are aware, has no time for any other work activity of any kind, as has been the case since 1969.

Gordon Thomas then alluded to the fact that the newspapers concerned would have done their homework and would find that they could make no progress since there would be no connections to be unravelled; whereupon he said that it would not have been necessary for there to have been any substance to MI6’s lies: all that would be necessary to discredit the Editor in the eyes of the media would be to put this pack of lies ‘out there’.

The motive would have been to ‘guarantee’ that if International Currency Review were ever to publish any information which might reveal serial official corruption on either side of the Atlantic or anywhere else, the British press would pay no attention (as has hitherto been the case). It was a classic intelligence frame-up.

In further conversation between the Editor and the veteran journalist, Gordon Thomas, it was carefully explained to the Editor that [paraphrase]:

• British and American intelligence are now so incestuously intertwined, and the foreign policy stances of the two Governments ditto, that there is hardly any difference between them.

• (No mention of DVD and Mossad, you notice: Ed.).

• A new second-term Bush Administration had been ‘elected’ on 2nd November and was anxious that ALL its requirements across the board would be complied with by the British authorities, as appropriate, in line with its familiar arrogant approach to the ‘Special Relationship’.

[In the same issue, on pages 41-58, we demonstrated conclusively that the 2004 election, like the election of 2000, was stolen, and we showed in part how this was done].

• It had been explained to the veteran journalist, Gordon Thomas, by MI6, that Washington had basically been pressurising them to ‘do something about Mr Story’. When your correspondent asked why on earth this was considered ‘necessary’, the veteran journalist continued [paraphrase]:

• ‘They think you may be dangerous* because you have the documents and you have control of publications through which information about the financial documents can be disseminated’.

[*Dangerous for what reason? Because we would be liable to expose their nasty corruption, their double-dealing, their open-ended abuse of power, and their treason, by any chance?]

Editor: ‘But they know perfectly well that others have these compromising financial documents…’. [The Editor then mentioned his knowledge that the editor of a prominent publication (Vanity Fair) held copies of the documents in the folder obtained by the Editor in Washington in June 2002].

Gordon Thomas: ‘Yes, but he probably can’t use them, or else is too frightened to do so (accurate: Editor), whereas you can, because the publications you publish are under your direct control’.

Editor: ‘So you are saying that MI6 know that there isn’t a controlling intelligence cell sitting in our ‘press room’, as is the case elsewhere, and are collaborating with the crude Forces of Darkness in Washington who want these financial scandals to remain covered up indefinitely, are you?’

Gordon Thomas: ‘In so many words, that’s what is intended, yes. And here’s what they said. They said: Tell Mr Story about what has happened to’ [adding the name of a well-known UK journalist who stepped out of line. The name of this journalist is known to the Editor]’. This was a threat to surface some wholly concocted ‘sleaze’ report about the Editor.

Gordon Thomas then explained that his MI6 contact(s) referred to photographs of this journalist stripped naked and indulging in some kind of satanic sexual orgy. He then added: ‘They are saying that if you expose these documents, or if they think you are going to do so, they will do everything in their power to discredit you. That way, when you publicise the damning information that you possess, no-one will believe you and the press will take no notice’. ATTEMPTED BLACKMAIL.

The second part of prediction has proved accurate. The press took no notice: but not because of the lies peddled by the criminal organisation calling itself MI6 (or was Gordon Thomas speaking on behalf of Mossad by any chance?), but actually because the ‘mainstream media’ didn’t keep up with events, didn’t do its due diligence, and was all too easily bamboozled by the spooks who fed them redirection ‘slides’ about the ‘cause’ of the problem being ‘sub-prime’ mortgages, which have of course existed ever since mortgages were first thought of. The ‘mainstream’ bought this bromide, and went to sleep for a year.

Consequently, the UK ‘mainstream media’, found wanting and caught short, have since been scrambling to ‘catch up’ with the unravelling Octopus scandal, with no reliable bearings to guide them. We cannot tell whether or not they ignored the evidence we have published since March 2003, on the basis (according to Gordon Thomas’s assessment) of a farrago of concocted rubbish about the Editor which has never even surfaced, despite these threats. They did not even amount to blackmail, because there was nothing in the lies to blackmail the Editor with. However Gordon Thomas behaved disgracefully in allowing himself to be used for this low purpose. Shame on you.

Naturally, the Editor exposed this clumsy attempted frame-up by publishing the complete narrative (on pages 27-39 of Volume 30, Numbers 2 & 3 [known as ‘The Green Book’)].

The BLACKMAIL AND FALSE WITNESS ‘warning’ sequence is concluded:

Editor: ‘This is all going rather further than the previous baseless allegations. Those were so absurd as to be almost demented: anyone who knows me is aware that I do nothing else, 24/7, but prepare our publications for press. How could I have time to mess about with this fellow Bernie Ecclestone, whom I have never met and would never wish to meet, in Monte Carlo, fooling around with motor cars which I know nothing at all about and in which I have never been interested; or with Mark Thatcher, whom I have never met or spoken to either, in some dark corner of Africa?’

‘When would I have time to do any of that, and why do they think I am so pushed for money that I would be tempted by such stupidity? In any case I never invest in anyone else’s ventures: only in my own, not least because I have no time for any other activity. If these stupid idiots had done their homework, they would know this: after all, I have been doing precisely the same thing since the 1960s, and our financial publications are well known in the global banking sector after all these decades. Furthermore our London offices are only round the corner: these people have feet.
They can walk…’.

Gordon Thomas: ‘Oh they wouldn’t do that. They’d have your telephones bugged. They listen to your phone calls. Why would they expose themselves? They want to expose you’.

Editor [thinking: Well, they have just exposed themselves, through you, Mister]:

‘If they are so very desperate, why don’t they liquidate me, like they have liquidated others, this being evidently one of their favourite pastimes? If they think I am so likely to expose their corruption, why don’t they just do that?’

Gordon Thomas: ‘Oh, they wouldn’t do that. it would be far too messy’.

Editor: (unspoken): ‘Oh, so the only reason they ‘wouldn’t do that’ is that it would be far too messy. So, if it wasn’t ‘far too messy’, they would, would they? They made a pretty messy job of poor Dr Kelly’ [the British microbiologist who, like more than 300 of his scientific colleagues around the world, have died mysteriously and violently in recent years because of their knowledge of secret population-reduction biological warfare technology that is being developed in order to rid the world, Himmler-style, of ‘undesirables’, and in Dr Kelly’s case, almost certainly because he knew about the clandestine operation orchestrated by the Bush/DVD apparat to equip Iran with nuclear materials. Dr Kelly was found ‘suicided’ in an Oxfordshire wood in 2003. His body was moved and the related cover-up appears to be unravelling right now, along with everything else.

[INSERTION: It is believed that the ‘triple gunshot warning’ that the Editor received in September 2008 [see Report, 21st September 2008] reflected a belief that we might reveal information about delivery of such materials, along with little girls, drugs and arms, using DVD-supplied submarines].

Editor: (spoken: paraphrase): ‘In revealing their dirty little hands like this, they are exposing themselves, which strikes me as being extremely dumb of them. They have shown their hand, thereby indicating to me that any exposure of these evils is indeed greatly to be feared, which signals to me loud and clear that it is all the more urgently necessary’.

Anyway, as a direct consequence of this clumsy early ‘MI6’ (according to Gordon Thomas: but was it?) intervention, the Editor was further encouraged to continue his enquiries. The correct way to have dealt with their ‘little problem’ would have been for someone from the intelligence services to have made an appointment to come to the Editor’s office across the River Thames, and to have appealed to the Editor on the basis of the old standards of gentlemanly honour. Sorry, we forgot: these people aren’t ‘gentlemen’ any longer. So they blow their cover, instead.

Notes and References:

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

(2). The derivatives data published by the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund are, as the IMF states in its Global Financial Stability Report, all adjusted for double-counting. Specifically, notional amounts cited were adjusted by halving positions vis-à-vis other reporting dealers. This means that, taking the mid-October notional value of derivatives contracts outstanding calculated on this basis of $667 trillion, the unadjusted figure would be $1,334 trillion – very close to the figure that we have published in International Currency Review and in Economic Intelligence Review. Gross market values were calculated as the sum of the total gross positive market value of contracts and the absolute value of the gross negative market value of contracts with nonreporting counterparties.

(3) The observations about Gordon Brown’s possible origins extracted below from our report dated 18th June 2008 [see the Archive], which are also published on page 123 of International Currency Review, Volume 34, #1, distributed at the end of November 2008, are pertinent in this context. They immediately followed our paragraph about Brown travelling to Belfast to join President Bush and his wife again in the afternoon of the same day that he had already said goodbye to them in front of the TV cameras on the steps of Downing Street that same morning:

‘The Editor was most interested to observe, on page W2 of the Weekend section of The Daily Telegraph of Saturday, 14th June 2008, in a feature celebrating ‘Father’s Day’, which the British have never previously bothered with, a segment about Gordon Brown and his father. This showed a photograph of Mr Brown’s alleged father John standing in front of an old-style car in a traditional farmyard, with two small boys. The caption reads: ‘Moral compass: Gordon Brown (above left) at the age of two, with his father John and elder brother, John Junior’.

The images of the two little boys had clearly been cut out and then stuck onto the old background photograph. When such montages were made (using old technology), the lighting was liable to cast a dark shadow at some edges of the images stuck onto the background, given that the light casts a shadow round the raised edges in question.

This was clearly a doctored montage, as can be seen from the hard black edge around the left-hand side of the older boy’s face, his right thigh and his left shoulder, and the parallel hard (black) edge around the right ear of ‘Gordon’ and along his left shoulder and arm. This new discovery confirms the Editor’s long-held suspicion that the received ‘legend’ associated with the intelligence officer Gordon Brown may be ‘misleading’.

There are also similar indications that the father figure in this picture may likewise have been mounted onto this rural background image. If these observations are anywhere close to being accurate, there is no difference between Britain these days and the ‘former’ Soviet Union, which was adept at falsifying photographs in order to sustain false ‘legends’ or to reflect liquidations of key personnel. Furthermore, it may be usefully noted that Gordon Brown’s age corresponds to the timeframe of the Hungarian uprising in 1956’.

It is therefore speculated that Brown may be of Hungarian, possibly Ashkenazi Jewish, extraction, and may have been a ‘1956’ refugee baby brought to Britain during the Hungarian uprising period. This analysis is purely speculative and cannot be claimed to be authoritative.


LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Friday 9 May 2008 01:04

UPDATE, 10TH MAY 2008: Please see the new section immediately below headed:







By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press ARCHIVE. Order your subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’, hence correct, intelligence books from the Edward Harle segment.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• The white panel below NEWS gives details of our intel titles/books as they are published.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing financial global corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money has been stolen.

As the curtain falls at the end of Act One of Die Meisterschwindlern, by Greenspoon (libretto by Busche), Unterreichsführer Reinhard B. Himmler, handler-in-chief for the Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein, GmbH, DC and Dachau, contemplates the coming intermission with such trepidation as a perfectly possessed master operative with no soul is capable of.

(Hydraulics activating the descending curtain, by the way, courtesy of Wantagate, Inc., WI, purveyors of lethal exposure lubricants).

Seated next to Herr Himmler in the ‘Royal Box’ behind a decidedly necessary reinforced protective bullet-proof screen (as no-one knows how many infuriated Ponzi scam victims may be sitting in the auditorium) is the diminutive Führer himself, evidently somewhat the worse for wear, who, having lost the plot of the entire opera(tion) from the outset, has been compulsively fiddling around with the greyscreen monetary manipulation console that he had commandeered in or around June 2006 or earlier from the ‘late’ Hauptfinanzminister Heinrich Paulsohn, or else calling up the Virtual Wars and Virtual Rumours of Wars Department located at the Zentrum für Schrechtlichkeit Georg H. W. Busche, Langley and McLean, to order more virtual diversionary ploys while he contemplates the collapse of his Kriminalreich and of his disastrous and murderous period in office.

Occasionally, his distracted mind wanders back to those carefree days of his youth when blowing up live frogs with firecrackers was his favoured preoccupation.

To his right sits Frau Laura, who has been driven over from the Four Seasons Hotel after flying back, in a hurry, as usual from Dubai, for the occasion.

Unterreichsführer Himmler (Cheney) has meanwhile been racking his addled brain to come up with further deceptions and lies so as to delay, frustrate or abort the global refinancing Settlements.

As is described below, on Wednesday 7th May, his disinformation apparat disseminated a menu of lies and distortions, while the Unterreichsführer himself reportedly suffered another humiliation (as also reported below) when, US sources say, he sought yet again to interfere with the Settlements, which should have been concluded two weeks earlier. Despite appearances to the contrary, none of these belated attempts to frustrate the payouts, which were mandated by the Group of Seven at their meeting held during the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings on Sunday the 13th April 2008, have been successful; and the very latest intelligence available to the Editor of this service on 9th/10th April was that there were no impediments to completion.

The US sources told the Editor that the ‘riot act’ was read to him during a visit to Philadelphia the next day – a manifestly absurd procedure, as this has happened many times before, to no effect. Reading the riot act to this criminal is like offering him a tissue with which to blow his nose. Such hardened criminal meister-operatives are never susceptible to reasoned warnings of any kind.

In Philadelphia, we were told, Cheney tried yet again to interfere with the Settlements, possibly visiting one or more financial institutions there. But it was also reported that he delivered a ten-minute speech to about 100 workers at a Northeast Philadelphia plant which is printing the so-called ‘economic stimulus checks’, which is the operation that has been mounted to provide the necessary ‘explanation’ for the forthcoming economic rebound. When this happens, people will want to know WHY. The real answer will be that the Settlements have been released, but this will never be mentioned. Instead, the ‘economic stimulus checks’ being paid out to about 130 million Americans (by way also of an election bribe) will be hailed as an act of magnanimity on the part of Der Führer for which the 130 million beneficiaries should all be truly grateful. Cheney told workers that these payments represented ‘a shot of energy at the right time (i.e., election time) and in the right way’. The Untereichsführer’s peroration was delivered at the Philadelphia Regional Financial Center, one of four centres nationwide that are issuing some 88 million checks between now and July. More to the point here, this facility is a component of the US Treasury Department’s Financial Management Service, employing about 170 people. Did we say that the Philadelphia unit is part of the TREASURY? Yes SIR. Then why, pray, was Untereichsführer Cheney delivering this ten-minute speech, and not the US Treasury Secretary or the Undersecretary of the Treasury? Don’t send us your answers, PLEASE. It is naturally assumed that none of our readers are sitting on their brains.

Having successfully delayed the agreed Settlements for a further two weeks beyond the date when they should have been finalised, the Unterreichsführer doubtless assumed that he could continue, in ongoing collaboration with the Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein GmbH, to block the huge payout Settlements. By definition, the combination of the Settlements (funds brought onto the balance sheet) and the banking reforms mandated by Basel-II, will effectively start to strangle and smother the globalist Dark Forces’ illegitimate financial spigot, thereby making it much harder for these desperate, cornered cadres to achieve their mad global hegemony objectives.

As a proviso to this statement, it must be added that the blow to the criminalists’ finances delivered by the prospectively positive outcome of the Wantagate exposures and their global consequences, which the criminalists probably did not fully expect, is now in the process of being made up for by a preplanned criminalist operation to rig and escalate the price of oil. This is being done via massive speculative operations at the big oil firms, which have huge trading floors and are fully liquid.

Colossal illegitimate rental profits, derived from this speculative activity, are being siphoned off into Joint Venture Limited Liability Partnerships holding offshore bank accounts in the names of the usual criminalist suspects and others, along the Enron model (remember?).

THIS is how the Weltkriminalgesellshaft Busche und Klintenstein, GmbH., is ‘getting its own back’.

Please make a mental note of this factor when you read convoluted articles by ‘experts’ trying to work out why the oil price is rising when the dollar is appreciating, as occurred during the week ending on 9th May. This is a carefully orchestrated operation devised by and for the benefit of the ‘Box Gang’ and their associates, who want their lost money back. We will be exposing this latest financial scam, which explains why Goldman Sachs is talking about oil going to $200 a barrel, in a future analysis, for which some additional preparatory analytical work is necessary.

Back in the real world nearly two years earlier, on or about 21st June 2006, the Chinese authorities entered into a series of contracts with the US Treasury inter alia so as to mobilise $34 trillion held in C.H.I.P.S. (the Clearing House Interbank Payment System accounts used by the Fed to pay the banks) format, for one year and a day.

From this operation to ‘clear the C.H.I.P.S.’, the Chinese authorities stood to earn a profit estimated at $11.0 trillion, for a total due to them of roughly $45 trillion on maturity. However these accounts were fraudulently ‘hollowed out’ by Dr Alan Greenspan, Dr Ben Bernanke, Bush Sr., President Bush Jr. and the Clintons, with the funds and proceeds relocated offshore.

A series of agreements with the Chinese was in fact reached by the former US Treasury Secretary, John Snow and Dr Alan Greenspan, and then later by Dr Ben Bernanke and Henry M. Paulson Jr., in December 2005, and in January, May and June 2006. The May 2006 agreement involved the delivery of the $4.5 trillion ostensibly to finance the Wanta Settlement and ‘The Wanta Plan’, to employ the name coined by the Editor and accepted by the G-7 as ‘fit for purpose’.

The Chinese had also purchased a very large volume of US Treasury securities during the Reagan Administration, the total value of which is believed now to be of the order of $55 trillion. Thus, the Chinese have been owed about $100 trillion by the duplicitous US authorities. Additionally, older US obligations towards the Chinese relating back to the Ming dynasty, remained long outstanding.

When the maturity date for the $34 trillion (probably 21st June 2007) passed without payment, the tensions that had already arisen between Peking and Washington not least due to the retention by Paulson of the $4.5 trillion sent over by the People’s Bank of China in May 2006 ostensibly to fund the Wanta payment, as confirmed in Wanta’s Petition for a Writ of Mandamus [see the Wantagate reports dated 24 June and 9 August 2007], which must be accurate or else the petitioner would have been committing perjury, rose several notches.

Back in December 2006, as we reported at the time, Paulson had been arrested in Germany on the basis of a warrant issued by an ad-hoc World Court/ICJ tribunal in response to complaints received concerning his illegal retention/theft of funds. He was exfiltrated from German custody by British contract operatives (Sandline agents) and then flown over to Washington aboard an almost empty British Airways plane, whereupon he was dumped at the Washington Cathedral, just in time to fall asleep at the endless memorial service for the late President Gerald Ford.

For, far from repaying the Chinese in accordance with the several contracts, the American official kleptocracy and their bankster associates continued trading the Chinese funds without China’s authority, using the Chinese $34 trillion as a trading platform, just as they had continued to trade and to leverage the ‘Wanta’ $4.5 trillion, as reported by this service. In short the US crooks wilfully and criminally failed to relinquish control of funds that did not belong to them.

Thus, while we were concentrating upon exposing the scandalous machinations, excuses and foul play exhibited by US Treasury Secretary H. M. Paulson Jr., Vice President R. Cheney and the Bush II White House specifically over the ‘Leo Emil Wanta’ funds, a much bigger, even darker, ongoing criminalist scandal surrounding the exploitation of the Chinese funds was going sour in parallel.

Ironically, our exposures of the sordid shenanigans surrounding the ‘Leo Wanta’ funds served the ‘unintended consequence’ of dislodging, destabilisng and extensively exposing the much bigger financial corruption operations that were taking place at the same time as the hijacking of the ‘Leo Wanta’ funds and the endless US official shiftiness that our Wantagate reports exposed.

On 19th July 2007, a huge replacement LOAN worth an estimated $6.2 trillion was structured and approved within the Bank of England and made available principally by Her Majesty The Queen for delivery to the Bank of New York Mellon, within which $4.5 trillion was now earmarked ostensibly for payment to Wanta and his Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., or so we were advised at the time [see the Wantagate report dated 30th July 2007]. Since these funds are LOAN funds, they could be withdrawn more or less on demand.

After various vicissitudes, it was established in September 2007 (as we also reported at the time) that the loan funds were held with Citibank; and it subsequently emerged that these ‘Wanta’ funds were/are held in a suspense account at that institution, precisely because the funds were on loan mainly from The Queen, and could/can therefore be withdrawn at any time on demand, if they were not expected to be applied in accordance with the lenders’ specific instructions.

Coincidentally or otherwise, on the anniversary of the Chinese contract (21st June 2007), the Bank of New York Mellon advised the US Treasury that (following its then scheduled merger accord with the US securities broker/dealer Mellon Financial Corporation effective 1st July 2007), it would be able ‘to guarantee the delivery’ of the ‘Wanta’ $4.5 trillion to the corporate securities account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. within the Citibank Morgan Stanley Securities House bank account.

That assertion was a serious felony under the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934, since no American securities house can guarantee any security or the delivery of funds or securities: only banks can guarantee delivery. Our report dated 30th July 2007 explained how Bank of New York Mellon, which was to act solely as a conduit, effectively diverted/stole the huge LOAN funds, which had been the subject of a bank ‘levy’, thereby further encumbering the balance sheets of the six ‘levy banks’ concerned – Crédit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Citibank, Bank of America, and Bank of England.

In the United States, any payment of $1.0 trillion or more is required to be subject to a ‘levy’, to be signed and submitted to the US Treasury, to the Federal Reserve and a financial institution – in this instance, the Bank of New York Mellon, which was guaranteeing the cash and delivery thereof to the institution concerned (Bank of New York Mellon, thus guaranteeing delivery to itself). The $6.2 trillion LOAN proceeds were subjected to a levy via the US law firm of Troutman Sanders LLP. In signing the levy, these institutions placed significant ongoing burdens onto their reserves.

Following these manoeuvres and our exposures of them on our website, the kleptocracy came under severe pressure, which was exacerbated when the Wanta team turned up at Citigroup, 153 East 53rd Street in Midtown New York on 26th October 2007 and also at the premises of Morgan Stanley, 1585 Broadway and 48th Street on the same day – and then again at Citibank, 399 Park Avenue on 20th November 2007, to demand performance by the institutions on the $4.5 trillion.

When the Wanta party were ordered off the Citibank premises on 20th November 2007, having been clandestinely photographed and accompanied, as they left, by the abrupt appearance at the doors of two armed NYPD policemen, Mr Wanta twice ordered his then colleague Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., to ‘Call Chris’; and the Editor was thus duly informed of this scandalous, farcical escalation in ‘real time’ – notwithstanding that on 3rd November 2007, Mr Wanta had told Mr Cottrell that ‘we have to sever our connections with Christopher Story: but don’t tell him’.

In other words, on the one hand Leo E. Wanta had indicated that he would be dispensing with the Editor’s requisitioned services – we had doubtless become ‘too powerful’ – while on the other hand, Wanta, when in distress some weeks later, ordered Mr Cottrell to ‘Call Chris’ TWICE, so that the details of his predicament vis-à-vis Citibank could be posted immediately on our website in order for the whole world to be informed about what was going on.

Unfortunately, Mr Wanta cannot have it both ways. The Editor’s services were not his property, to use, exploit and discard in accordance with his latest whims and requirements. And so, as it duly turned out, this behaviour represented just one double-cross too many.

At all events, the Editor had no reason to know at the time that his requisitioned publicity platform and services were no longer required at all; and indeed he did not become aware that he had been double-crossed, until 17th March 2008 (see below): we therefore continued the Wantagate reports as though nothing had changed. The Editor’s $35,000, provided from scarce private resources in good faith to bail Leo Wanta out of his unlawful probation in Wisconsin, has not been repaid and is therefore now categorised as having been stolen.

On 18th March, the Editor posted the final Wantagate report, indicating to Mr Wanta and anyone else who cared to take note, that so far as Michael C. Cottrell. M.S., and the Editor of this service were concerned, neither would be able to be associated at all, in any way with any activities which may be conducted beyond the Rule of Law, if that was the intention. We thought we made this clear.

The Editor’s suspicions having been aroused, though, he now became aware, as mentioned, that – in conformity with the standard filthy US criminal intelligence community routine – he had indeed been deceived and double-crossed.

This became clear after he had requested, on the 14th March 2008, a written statement from Leo Emil Wanta confirming that all transactions to be undertaken under the Wanta Plan and otherwise, would conform at all times 100% with the Rule of Law, which had been so conspicuously and boldly promulgated via our Wantagate reports, with Leo Wanta’s enthusiastic ongoing support. This was rejected out of hand by one of Mr Wanta’s other colleagues on his behalf, three hours later.

After all, both on our website and in International Currency Review, we had repeatedly displayed a list of the US Statutes and securities regulations of which named parties and institutions were and remain in breach, together with authoritative US legal statements of the position with regard to the torts of Fraud in the Inducement, Fraud by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft, Fraudulent Deceit, and Theft by Deception, Fraudulent Conveyance and Fraudulent Concealment.

How, then, could either Mr Cottrell or the Editor of this service go along with any practice other than 100% adherence to the US Rule of Law, or even with the slightest suspicion that it might be intended not to adhere to it? Besides, in communications to the President of the United States – for instance, in his letter dated 31st August 2007 – Mr Leo Wanta himself had specifically appealed for President Bush to adhere to the Rule of Law:

‘If US President George W Bush, Jr. is operating under the “Rule of Law” which is absolutely shattered “by others”…’.

Evidently the Rule of Law mattered then, but no longer mattered now.

Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., was appointed Secretary/Treasurer of Wanta’s AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, at a Board meeting held in Richmond, VA, on 28th December 2004. Then, on the 16th December 2005, he was appointed to be Executive Vice President and Treasurer of the corporation, and various joint ventures with Mr Cottrell’s own company, Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., were authorised.

On the 14th August 2006, Michael Cottrell was able, thanks to his securities market credentials, good standing and reputation, to obtain a corporate securities account for Wanta’s AmeriTrust Groupe Inc., into which the $4.5 trillion Wanta ‘compromise’ settlement funds were to be paid.

Mr Cottrell insisted throughout that a corporate securities account would be mandatory, so far as he was concerned, for fundamental reasons alluded to in earlier reports on this website.

For instance, under the 1933 and 1934 Securities Acts, the assets of clients of US broker-dealers are not included within the assets of the institution, so that they cannot be sequestrated – contrary to the position with US banks. Mr Cottrell advised that given that all Leo E. Wanta’s bank accounts appeared to have been raided and ransacked, he, of all people, ought to be aware that US banks cannot be trusted and that ‘his’ funds would be permanently at risk in any bank account.

This advice was rejected outright by Wanta, thereby removing any point in Mr Wanta employing the services of a financial adviser and securities expert, let alone an expert of the calibre of Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.. If Wanta was not prepared to listen to this expert, and to pay proper attention to his conscientious advice, how could he (Mr Cottrell) perform his duties?

For this and other reasons, such as Wanta’s generally indisciplined approach to transactions, Mr Cottrell finally indicated, in the first quarter of 2008, that he would not be able to participate at all with Wanta in the pre-planned joint venture and other transactions unless (a) the transactions were to be conducted, as arranged and previously agreed, via the corporate securities account which had been made available due to Mr Cottrell’s own credentials; and (b) an Oversight Panel was to be appointed with a brief to supervise all such transactions.

The most obvious reason for this second demand was that should any decisions be made by Wanta arbitrarily, and transactions undertaken, contrary to Michael C. Cottrell’s professional advice and in defiance of the regulations and the Rule of Law, it would not just be Mr Wanta that would be liable, but Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., would be liable, as Executive Vice President/Treasurer, as well.

We hinted at this situation in our Wantagate report dated 3rd March 2008, which was specifically designed to warn Wanta of the consequences of any deviation from the Rule of Law. To no avail.

When all his necessary professional advice ‘went nowhere’, Mr Cottrell prepared to separate from Wanta. On 23rd March 2008, though, Leo Wanta jumped the gun by issuing a three-page document headed ‘Minutes of Special Meeting of the Sole Shareholder of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.’, implying that Wanta had held a meeting with himself. He faxed this irregular document to Michael Cottrell.

Elementary business practice requires the DIRECTORS, not the shareholder(s), to convene and hold Board Meetings, which issue Resolutions. This document, which was distributed ‘to others’ and is in any case in the public domain in Richmond, VA (see below), contained this paragraph:

‘BE IT RESOLVED, that the undersigned hereby directs that the Officers and the Directors of the Corporation take all such official actions as may be required to notify all outside parties including banks, financial houses, securities dealers, government agencies, government officials (foreign and domestic) that MICHAEL C. COTTRELL, M.S., has no right, authority and/or fiduciary capacity to conduct any form of business either in law and/or equity on behalf of the Corporation [AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.] and/or on behalf of any other Officer, Director and/or Shareholder of the Corporation’.

As the formally appointed Executive Vice President and Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. [see above] Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., who had now been dismissed by Wanta by means of an irregular document, proceeded, as instructed, to regularise the situation by fulfilling his responsibilities to the letter and promptly filing notification of his ‘resignation’ with the relevant Commonwealth of Virginia authorities in Richmond, using the forms that they provide for such purposes – enclosing the various pertinent documents including the irregular ‘dismissal’ document issued by Leo Wanta, and directing the Commonwealth of Virginia State authorities to forward all documentation and taxation demands to Wanta’s address in Wisconsin.

As noted, all this filing and related documentation sits in the public domain in Richmond. It will of course be recalled that Wanta represented that he was not running a business out of the State of Wisconsin [see Wantagate report dated 6th August 2007, all of which remains accurate and is in no way nullified by this latest sequence of events].

For the record also, Wanta issued a document dated 26th February 2006 labelled TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, which is likewise in the public domain, which reads inter alia as follows:

Settlement Offers, e.g. December 12, 2006, et al: ‘This letter authorizes Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the President of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., as of this date, to conclude the details and disposition of said settlement funds for deposit via Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Account(s) on behalf of Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta with the United States Social Security Number’ [redacted].

This document was signed by Wanta and appropriately witnessed.

Separately, Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., is believed to have prepared due diligence documentation running to several hundreds of pages containing inter alia papers signed by Leo/Lee Wanta giving details of agreed financial operations and pay orders worth very large aggregate sums of money, to be made available as required to demonstrate the damage that Mr Cottrell and his own corporation have suffered. It is understood that the evidence that is contained in this due diligence portfolio will be likely to have profound and painful repercussions.

‘Fraud by Inducement‘ springs immediately to mind in this context. Entering into huge financial undertakings without the finances to fund them, may represent Fraud by Inducement. As for this Editor’s paltry $35,000, as separately mentioned, it is nearly one year overdue and is currently considered to have been stolen. Stealing money is still a felony, even in the United States.

All of the above will explain, to anyone who may have been puzzled, why we posted the Wantagate article dated 18th March 2008, which represented the FINAL attempt by Mr Cottrell, supported by the Editor of this service, to try to make it clear to Wanta and relevant parties that adherence to the US Rule of Law with no deviation therefrom at any time now or in the future, would remain the only criterion that would determine whether or not Mr Cottrell could be a party to any transactions to be conducted by and with Wanta generally, and specifically in the format of the The Wanta Plan.

Reverting now to events which preceded the severance outlined above: the aforementioned visits by the Wanta team, as then constituted, to the two institutions that were involved in playing games with the $4.5 trillion, sent a powerful tsunami of belated alarm throughout those key elements of the international financial community then ‘in the know’, since we understand that neither Citibank nor Morgan Stanley thought that the Wanta people would ever turn up at those institutions.

It is further understood that the three Wanta team visits caused consternation and trepidation in the Boardrooms of both institutions, and throughout Wall Street generally.

The main problem facing the very large financial institutions is that they have been involved in tax evasion on a monumental scale, inter alia by using exempted accounts held with the International Monetary Fund to channel and handle undeclared, ongoing untaxed exotic financial refunding and discounting transactions ‘below the radar’, which is one of several sound reasons why the blunt description ‘criminal enterprise’ as applied to these enterprises in general cannot be disputed.

It may be recalled that it was in our closing Wantagate Report (18th March 2008), that Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. first made it clear, in public, that he would not now be participating in any pre-agreed financial transactions with Leo E. Wanta without the reassurance and backstop to be provided by an Oversight Panel, in order to ensure that all Wanta transactions complied 100% with the Rule of Law at all times – which would presuppose that any off-balance sheet, undercover, secret, untaxed and otherwise irregular transactions, would be precluded and that he, Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., could not accordingly be implicated in any such irregular transactions.

The Editor supported this stance with his own commendation, stating that, given our common human nature and the temptations to which we are all subject, no-one could object to such a requirement. Further details, with documents, are published in International Currency Review.

In light of the instances of the ongoing financial criminality exposed inter alia via the Wantagate reports, the Group of Seven (G-7) financial powers have finally demanded, as pointed out in our report dated 12th April 2008, that the scandalous hijacking of the global financial economy by the reckless Bush-Clinton ‘shadow government’ grabitisation network (a.k.a. Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein, GmbH) will no longer be tolerated – pointedly endorsing, in a reprimand to the White House and to the criminal elements resident inside the US Treasury and the biggest Wall Street institutions, the report of the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) publicised during the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (1), which now demanded much stricter discipline and safeguards against embedded criminality throughout the financial system.

Specifically, the Group of Seven (G-7) Ministers and Governors stated that ‘we… strongly endorse the report and commit to implementing its recommendations. Rapid implementation of the Financial Stability Forum report will not only enhance the resilience of the global financial system for the longer term, but should help to support confidence and improve the functioning of the markets’.

The G-7 statement claimed that the report presented a specific and substantive set of practical reform recommendations, identifying four rigorous proposals which MUST be implemented over the 100 days (2) following the international agreement to release (reached on Sunday, 13th April) to be augmented by five further requirements, including the following:

• ‘Strengthening the authorities’ responsiveness to risk: Supervisors and central banks should further strengthen cooperation and exchange of information, including the assessment of financial stability risks. It is important that an “international college of supervisors” be established for EACH OF THE LARGEST GLOBAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS’.

• ‘Market authorities should also act cooperatively and swiftly TO INVESTIGATE AND PENALIZE FRAUD, MARKET ABUSE, AND MANIPULATION’.

• What this meant was that each of the big financial institutions is to be supervised by a separate international supervisory and monitoring ‘college’, so as to enforce discipline and rectitude within this free-wheeling, headstrong and aberrant segment of the international financial community.

Logically, therefore, ANY organisation controlling very large sums of money would be considered a financial institution requiring to be permanently subjected to the discipline and transparency to be demanded by its own ‘international college of supervisors’. That should include Wanta’s entity.

In other words, Mr Michael C. Cottrell’s stated REQUIREMENT for an Oversight Panel to monitor the financial operations in which he was to be involved, has been ADOPTED ACROSS THE BOARD and is now an IRREVOCABLE NECESSITY, as a specific, predictable and unavoidable consequence of the wayward, arrogant, swashbuckling financial fraud, endless lies and duplicity, the open-ended theft and institutionalised criminality spotlighted inter alia by the Wantagate reports.

This reprobate behaviour continues to this day, not only because these criminal leopards cannot change their spots, but also as the thieves try vainly to disguise their abject defeat by maximising the potential for obfuscating it with evil and crass diversionary ploys of every description.

Manifestly, any antagonism towards, and open opposition to, this logical response to decades of fraudulent, untaxed finance and tax evasion, exposes objectors as being unwilling to submit to the Rule of Law and to the disciplines at long last demanded by the international community, now that this open-ended financial criminality has been exposed.

Hence, there can be no turning back on this score, so that anyone resisting this measure will, by definition, automatically attract the attention of national supervisors and law enforcement, whether connected with the criminalised intelligence community or not, as being prospectively liable in the future to flout the Rule of Law, so that such persons could never be trusted to handle large sums of money in a transparent manner. And given what has been exposed, nor should they be.

Interestingly, minimal attention was directed towards this matter during the weeks immediately following the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings, which is why we stress its importance here.

As we pointed out, with emphasis, in our report on 12th April:






Meanwhile, as the impact inter alia of the Wantagate reports about these scandals reverberated around the official world, the true proportions of US official and banking sector fraudulent finance and scamming sank in, triggering the generalised crisis of confidence that erupted in July 2007 – focused on securitised investment vehicles (SIVs) which were now suspected of incorporating fake mortgage documentation (euphemistically referred to as ‘sub-prime ‘mortgages, but which actually represented, in part, ‘virtual assets’ backed by nothing at all).

It was now realised that the Americans had been flogging dud paper all over the world, that these scams were orchestrated or aided and abetted by US official and intelligence cadres, and that it was by no means an exaggeration to refer, as this service has done, to certain huge American banks as criminal enterprises. This stricture is known to have caused ‘angst’ on Wall Street.

The upshot was that, as we reported, at least 4,500 US bankers were rounded up and flown to European centres last year, where they were subjected to interrogation. The actual number of bankers rounded up in September-November 2007 may have reached 6,000. It will be recalled that we reported that nine aircraft were ‘requisitioned’ for the purposes of conveying the handcuffed bankers to the European interrogation centres, and that, in many instances, wives and partners were given no opportunity to say goodbye or even to telephone their families.

As a consequence of these interrogations, the gravely affronted international community obtained watertight specifics and evidence about the massive proportions of the ongoing financial thefts and fraudulent finance, leveraging, exploitation and other abuses of stolen funds, including the $34 trillion belonging to the Chinese parties, the $6.2 trillion of loan funds made available by HM The Queen, and of course the original $4.5 trillion provided in 2006 by the People’s Bank of China in apparent response to the ‘surfacing’ of Leo Emil Wanta, when he ‘ceased to be dead’ contrary to the CIA’s promulgated lie to that effect, after the Editor of this service provided the sum of $35,000 with which ‘Restitution’ was paid to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections for remittance to the corrupt Wisconsin State Department of Revenue [see report dated 6th August 2007].

It should be added here that the Editor has received NO RESPONSE from Judge James Martin, of Wisconsin, to whom he wrote last October under the ‘Misprision of Felony’ Statute, pointing out the scandalous triplication of tax-collection and other fabrications by the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue. It was incumbent upon the Editor to draw his attention to these abominations.

It is believed that in the course of November last year, the Chinese authorities, MI6 (on behalf of Her Majesty), the Swiss authorities, the Group of Seven, perhaps the representatives of the 160 payee countries and other aggrieved parties pooled their resources in the face of these endless US outrages, so that thereafter the pressure exerted by the international community proved to be relentless, and far more effective than had been the case earlier.

There was confirmed talk of an international economic embargo being imposed upon the United States, as we reported; and tensions became more evident inside the Beltway, beginning with that incident when a blaze broke out at the Old Executive Office Building on 19th December 2007, as cover for the seizure of yet more damning evidence of official corruption from Cheney files by US Special Forces operatives.

The shootings that occurred on 28th/29th December 2007, can now be understood in the broader context of aggrieved parties, domestic and external, taking matters into their own hands. A high-level decision was subsequently made to maintain the fiction that Paulson remained both alive and US Treasury Secretary, despite massive evidence to the contrary, culminating in intelligence from several sources that Treasury officials have been referring to the ‘Paulson’ as ‘the double’.

None of the intelligence on this subject that we published on 2nd and 9th January 2008 has ever been officially denied, while the information was very specifically reconfirmed inter alia by a former Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, a US Ambassador (both of whose identities are known to us but have been suppressed by us on request), and by the US State Department itself.

That Department is known to lie frequently; and if it did so on this occasion, it will bear its own responsibility and iniquity. Attempts to discredit the Wanta files could never have succeeded anyway, as a substantial proportion of them have long since been published in facsimile format in International Currency Review, and are thus resident in files, libraries and safe locations all over the world. Wantagate and its consequences cannot be stuffed back into the genie’s bottle.

A Japanese visitor to the Editor’s London office in late March informed us that the ‘Paulson’ who appeared at the Group of Eight meeting held in Tokyo on 10th February 2008, was replaced by a second ‘Paulson’ half way through the conference, implying that there are multiple Mr P. ‘doubles’. Nothing has ever been heard from the family about this affair.

Paulson had alienated vast funds inter alia to Bank Leumi.

That such violence erupted – after an earlier gun battle in the Vice President’s premises in June 2007 had been hushed up, like the attempt by US Special Forces to ‘take out’ Herr Cheney while his plane was parked on the runway at Sydney Airport, Australia, during the spring of 2007 – can today be more easily comprehended given the unprecedented magnitude of the exposed financial scams being committed on a gargantuan scale by the organised criminal mafiosi occupying the highest offices in the United States. The timing of the attack to ‘take out’ Cheney in Australia related, we suspect, to the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007 – another colossal criminal operation layered on top of those already cited, and which was only rectified around July 2007 (we believe) after insistent pressure from The Queen, and our reports suggesting that the American Ambassador should be kicked out of London. Where possible, these ‘things’ are done abroad.

The Editor speculates that a US official criminalist ‘rationalisation’ for the stealing of The Queen’s gold may have been a possible refusal by the British authorities to allow any US access to the $100 trillion or so of estimated fiat assets accumulated by Mr Saddam Hussein and his late sons in Bank Rafidain (see below), which were believed to have been retained in sub-accounts of the London branch of that institution. This in turn means that these ‘Saddam Hussein’ assets appear to have been annexed by the British authorities and banks, not least to buttress the financial positions of banks in the City of London. All international strife and tensions are about MONEY, not resources.

Notwithstanding the general outrage surrounding the theft of The Queen’s gold, Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister – whose 55 minute audience of The Queen on 27th June 2007, when he attended at Buckingham Palace to be appointed Prime Minister, is believed to have focused on Her Majesty’s extreme concern about the stealing by US criminal operatives of her gold – failed to take the opportunity to give the American Administration a piece of his mind, when he delivered a knee-jerk globalist speech at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston on 18th April 2008. Sophisticates would argue that you don’t abuse a formal platform provided by a foreign government as an honour, by criticising the host authorities. This would be fine if the authorities in question had not criminally attempted to impoverish an allied Head of State.

This was an occasion when Brown could have ttorn the Bush II White House to shreds in public, speaking the only language that these veteran mega-criminals can understand. In doing so, Brown would have greatly enhanced his faltering domestic support: standing up to this odious American Government would be worth a huge number of British votes. Admittedly Gordon Brown did allude to tensions between Britain and the United States in oblique terms – observing that ‘we urgently need to step out of the mindset of competing interests and instead find our common interests – and we must summon up the best instincts and efforts of humanity in a cooperative effort to build new international rules and institutions for the new global era’ (code for ‘your selfishness sucks’).

But one cannot appeal to the ‘best instincts of criminals’, because they don’t have any: so that was absurd. Then Mr Brown revealed, loud and clear, that he is an international socialist, which he has never, as far as we know, done in public before: ‘That is how we must respond, not walking away as we did in Rwanda at the cost of many thousands of lives, but by becoming engaged as hard-headed internationalists’. Unfortunately, this British Prime Minister’s ‘hard-headed internationalism’ does not seem to extend to Zimbabwe, where the abominations perpetrated by Mr Mugabe’s Illuminati-sponsored ‘Black’ dictatorship are reported to be on the verge or morphing into genocide.

When such ‘hard-headed internationalists’ use typically clichéd ideological rhetoric, what they are actually driving at is that national boundaries, national sovereignty and nation states generally are expendable, in the interests of prompting and realising the ‘new global era’ – Brown’s euphemism for The New Underworld Order. The Prime Minister is a master of the dull, repetitious cliché, and his mind appears to be choked with all the false diversionary globalist issues, viz. ‘climate change’.

This internationalist bogey, by the way, has recently changed its name from ‘global warming’ because the scientific evidence that human activity is responsible for it has been shown to be spurious and riddled with holes. For instance, in the 1950s, numerous mammalian fossils were unearthed during foundation works in Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Lower Regent Street, and also Cockspur Street, in Central London – the remains of hippopotami, lions, hyaenas, straight-tusked elephants, aurochs, and bison, which patrolled the area approximately 125,000 years ago (3).

Finally, after trotting out the usual empty and duplicitous verbiage about ‘America leading the world in the fight against terrorism’ – when, as a British intelligence officer, Brown must surely be aware that the United States deliberately promotes international terrorism as an instrument of state and internationalist policy – Brown concluded with an invocation of the ‘special relationship’.

But this was destroyed when US Government’s criminalist cadres stole The Queen’s gold, and has been further undermined by the recalcitrant behaviour of the Bush-Clinton Weltkriminalgesellshaft régime over its retention of financial assets that do not belong to the United States contrary to the exasperated will of the international community. Talk of a ‘special relationship’ against this very well-known background is both dishonest and meaningless: and only the probably ignorant and sycophantic audience at the John F Kennedy Presidential Library could have been impressed.

Following the severe drubbing that Brown’s Labour Government received from the disaffected electorate in local government and London elections on 1st May, press analysis of the expected outcome contained few indications that the UK ‘mainstream’ media had much of a clue about the unprecedented scale of the global refinancing operation that was taking place behind the scenes – with the exception of the following closing remarks that appeared on the front page of The Daily Telegraph, London, on 2nd May 2008:

‘Key to the Labour recovery is an optimistic view of the UK economy. The Bank of England on Wednesday said that the worst of the global credit crunch could be over and Mr Brown is betting on a significant upturn’ (4).

The observations revealed, of course, that, as a senior UK intelligence officer, Brown knew that the refinancing releases, involving the placement of some $300 trillion onto the books – a process that was necessarily taking time to complete – was well under way, and could indeed reach the anticipated satisfactory (for some) conclusion.

This ‘optimistic’ view of future economic and financial prospects was supported (on 6th May) by Sir Win Bischoff, the leading UK banker who was ‘parachuted in’ to Citibank, New York, last autumn, almost certainly to ensure that The Queen’s loan funds held within that institution (in a suspense account) were properly safeguarded. It was further supported on the 7th May by George Soros (on Bloomberg) and again by several German bankers (Forbes). These hints reflect the reality that well-placed bankers know that the Settlements are proceeding, and that repeated ongoing attempts by the Weltkriminalgesellschaft to block them, will not be allowed to succeed.

A further oblique indication that ‘matters are proceeding’ behind a deliberately contrived veil of obfuscation (consisting of contrived ‘virtual’ tensions, an information blackout about the releases, an attempt to ignite a virtual-cum-real diversionary conflagration in the Middle East, the ‘economic stimulus checks’ and much confused reporting by the Fifth Estate), concerns the outlook for the two huge 60,000-tonne aircraft carriers for The Queen/Royal Navy, estimated to cost $4.0 billion each. The Editor is in a position to know that this project, which the Ministry of Defence has ring-fenced, is to be financed out of ‘settlement money’. Hitherto, Parliament has been aggravated by the fact that the Ministry of Defence has prevaricated and refused to provide it with information as to when the contracts for these huge carriers will be announced. Various references to this matter have appeared recently in the British Press. On 9th May, the London media reported that defence sources had stated that the Ministry of Defence is to agree a contract for the ships within the next few weeks. The Ministry of Defence cannot ‘agree a contract’ unless it has the funds with which to finance it, otherwise it will be engaged in Fraud by Inducement.

Since the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings, and especially during the first week of May, six weeks after innumerable secret bank accounts holding stolen and unreported, untaxed funds had been ripped open, truly massive amounts of offshore monies (amounting to the estimated $300 trillion) had been repatriated to the United States for placing onto the books in conformity with the Basel-II requirements applicable to the ‘new’ banking régime.

As was previously reported on this website (17th April), the United States was dragged kicking and screaming like a spoilt child into the new Basel-II compliance banking environment with effect from one minute past midnight on Monday 14th April 2008.

That was a decisive development, given the US Government’s endless and crude resistance.

Faced with the imminent total exposure of their serial giga-criminality, the worst perpetrators of these crimes – the Bushes, Dr Alan Greenspan, the Clintons, Mr Cheney et al – had been exerting maximum pressure through their lawyers to obtain immunity from prosecution, trying their luck with the US Supreme Court as well as the World Court/ICJ.

By the third week of April, we had established that the World Court had REFUSED any immunity for Greenspan and former President W. Clinton (which means, incidentally, that the Clintons’ second (Irish) passports won’t be of use should either try to flee the United States, as Ireland subscribes to the jurisdictions of the World Court/ICJ).

We also understand that none of the US criminalist perpetrators are likely to ‘escape’ the wrath to come, and which is descending upon them ‘as we speak’. It is more than likely that, quite apart from other sanctions, China, having been finally repaid, will take measures to ensure that the retribution demanded by their culture is satisfied, according to several sober experts we have consulted.

Significantly, senior people were reported to us to have left the White House on Monday 21st April (information provided by an informed source at 6.30pm on that date), these departures having NOT been announced – implying that the rush for the exit had accelerated with a turn of events that had placed the international community decisively in the driving seat pending resolution of the crisis.

After all, since most of the key people even at the Treasury were expected to be arrested, hanging around in the doomed Bush II White House was no longer, for understandably alarmed operatives, a sensible option. Whether these people have fled the country is not yet known. It was further the case that George Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. were both informed that the absolute end of the road had been reached – and that if the releases were frustrated in any way, both would be arrested without any further ado. The CURRENT state of affairs is that the Settlements should have been completed over 3 weeks ago, and APPEARED to have been frustrated. However our best ‘special’ intelligence sources insist that this is not the case. The apparent information blackout is said to be contrived. [The US Solicitor General, Paul Clement, resigned on 14th May]

It was widely rumoured on Sunday 20th April that the Vatican, the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar had been ‘paid’ – prompting appropriately cynical observations about a certain category of Illuminati recipient ‘naturally’ being paid first. Then again, on 2nd May, it was being said by different sources that the Mormons and the Knights of Malta were being funded before anyone else. These rumours were, surprisingly, reconfirmed to us on 15th May. We connot confirm the reconfirmations: we therefore report them ‘raw’, for the record.

Specifically, it was suggested earlier that the Vatican had been repaid $2.0 trillion (it’s always $2.0 trillion, isn’t it) which had been scammed from the Vatican Bank by George Bush Sr., who bled the bank dry after he was kicked out of Spain by Banco de España following our exposures in 2006.

Bush had pleaded with the Vatican to accept his funds, but as usual he had then orchestrated the ransacking of the receiving bank (by some means or other of which we are unaware).

The Vatican was said to have been repaid from the Marshall Act account, a CIA account which Bush Sr. had been using as his own private trading platform. Langley, after all, has been renamed ‘The George Bush Center for Intelligence’.

Separately, during the preceding week, the Knights of Malta evidently complained that they did not fancy being paid in US Treasuries, and after three days of negotiations they managed to procure an agreement that they should be paid in cash.

This may have been the origin of suggestions, which we reported on 17th April, that payments would be made in the form of Treasury securities, which, despite the fact that the United States is/has been completely bust and that the US Treasury cannot be trusted, are ironically the best assets obtainable, given that gold is subject to manipulation and its price is normally rigged.

On Monday 21st April, an attempt was made to arrest Vice President Richard B. Himmler (Cheney), which was thwarted when US Marshals tipped him off. It was later understood that these Marshals had been ‘handled’ by MI6 officers, who have been crawling around in the United States, along with Chinese and other World Court/ICJ agents, to procure an end already to the endless duplicity of the US kleptocracy-mafiosi and to assure final completion of the delayed releases.

All of which will have left the relevant US Congressional Committees, and numerous legislators, feeling most uncomfortable – not least since investigations conducted in Europe in the spring of 2007, as we reported at the time, turned up detailed information about offshore bank accounts held by over 1,500 individuals on Capitol Hill. It is unclear whether information concerning an estimated 200 bank accounts established in the past in Canada (allegedly with Royal Bank of Canada), which were at one time being ‘hidden’ by the since imprisoned ONI operative Mark Delmart Vreeland, had been thrown into the World Court/ICJ ‘mix’: but in the prevailing tense climate, these exposures can hardly have left anyone on Capitol Hill confident of not having his or her front door broken down in the middle of the night by Navy Seals (see below).

Many weeks earlier, intelligence was leaked about the untimely death of Austie Patricia McCracken, described as a former ‘CIA Project Director’. The Washington Post reported on the 8th March 2008, that ‘Ms Austie Patricia McCracken, 62, former Project Director for the CIA’s Counterintelligence Center, died [on] February 14th at her home in The Woodlands, Texas’. This ‘just happens’ to be where former President George H. W. Bush lives*. And McCracken ‘just happened’ to have been a key keeper of the funds (allegedly inter alia of the ‘Leo Wanta funds’) who could accordingly be assumed to have ‘known too much’. The newspaper report elaborated that ‘the cause of death is under investigation by the Montgomery County, Texas, Justice of the Peace Office’.

The report then broke with the norm and provided details which are NEVER divulged – from which the Editor deduces that the CIA, or elements of it, were/are extremely uptight about this sudden death. According to The Washington Post, ‘Ms McCracken joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1967 and worked there for 23 years in field positions overseas as well as in the United States. She rose to personnel-evaluation management officer, to directorate equal employment opportunity officer, and to branch and deputy branch chief before becoming the Counterintelligence Center’s Project Director in 1989’.

‘When she retired in 1991, she received a Career Intelligence Medal and Citation, which noted that she was ‘known as a problem solver who possessed a phenomenal memory, very keen insight and excellent judgment’.

‘She was born in Hempstead, NY, and graduated from East Texas State University in Commerce, TX. After her retirement from the CIA, she moved to Orlando. She moved to Texas in November 2007. Her marriage to Paul Dale Roche ended in divorce. Survivors include two brothers’.

We are advised by an impeccable source ‘in the know’ that such details, as indicated, are NEVER divulged for public consumption. It can be speculated that she may have been enticed in some way to The Woodlands area of Houston by George Bush Sr., who may have needed to know what she knew about the accounts. The fact that The Washington Post only published this potted biography of this CIA woman on 8th March, when she died on 14th February, was also extremely suspicious.

Just three days later, in the early morning of 17th February 2008, according to ‘insider’ reports, a United Nations employee, Ms Maria DiBiase, plunged to her death from the 19th floor of the UN Headquarters building in New York City. The 19th floor houses the Department of Peace-Keeping Operations/Field Administration and Logistics Division (DPKO/FALD), as well as the code machines used for the encrypted fax equipment employed for DPKO operations, plus a spare range of code machines used for DPKO rapid response functions. The dead woman, from Austria, was reportedly a computer specialist for the United Nations, and a former Conference Services staff member with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

An Associated Press report dated Tuesday 19th February stated that police and UN security officers at the scene, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to the media, said that the woman, in her 40s, had jumped from a window after turning up to work early in the morning of the previous Sunday. UN deputy spokeswoman, Marie Okabe, said that ‘a UN agency staff member died after falling from the 19th floor of the UN Secretariat Building. At this time there is no suspicion of foul play’. Ms Marie Okabe added that UN officials would not confirm the woman’s identity even after her next of kin had been notified. So details of the woman’s identity was left to a ‘licensed’ US website information source, which elaborated that:

‘The UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) maintained in a special United Nations computer database all the files on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction program [that were] retrieved from the compact disks provided to UNSCOM by Saddam’s Government prior to the US invasion of Iraq. The database is reported to include all the black market nuclear suppliers involved in providing materials to Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Libya via Turkey and the A Q Khan smuggling network. The list reportedly includes front companies in Switzerland linked to Marc Rich, the American fugitive pardoned by President Clinton, and Dick Cheney’.

The intelligence source was told that there may have been a ‘black bag’ operation taking place on the 19th floor at the same time that DiBiase arrived for work, to finish a project that was due on the following Monday morning, 18th February. The UNSCOM files reportedly validate many of former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds’ claims about nuclear smuggling that had been published earlier in The Sunday Times, London.

Marc Rich is a long-range Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) operative named Hans Brand, who emigrated to Canada in 1954, staying initially in Saskatoon.

He has established a bank in Zug, Switzerland.

There was no mention in any of these and related reports of the two Soviet ships that left the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr about three weeks ahead of the US-led invasion, and then vanished.

These ships carried the physical evidence of weapons of mass destruction, in accordance with the standard Soviet-era policy of removing most traces of such weapons activity whenever the risk of Western retaliation was judged to have become excessive. In Romania, this standard official policy was codenamed ‘Operation Sarindar’, according to a Romanian defector – information that was first published in the US press in September 2003.

The Editor obtained outline details of how all traces of Mr Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction were extracted from Iraq ahead of the invasion in March 2003, inter alia from British and Russian (GRU) sources. This intelligence must have been known in London and Washington. Furthermore, it was reported in our Arab-Asian Affairs and Soviet Analyst intelligence services, which circulate among foreign governments and their intelligence communities.

On Tuesday 22nd April 2008, one week after the Settlements should have been finalised, it became known that the European parties and the Chinese had ‘allowed’ an extension of the ‘immunities’ for the key criminalists until 5.00pm on Friday 25th April – which date and time was then confirmed at the time by all our sources to represent the absolute deadline beyond which no further delay in effecting the Settlements would be tolerated. There is no way of telling whether this information represented a smokescreen of lies or not.

Also on the 22nd, an elderly Trustee aged 80, who had been working conscientiously on these matters for 20 years and had been repeatedly called into the relevant bank at all hours of the day and night at short notice in expectation of completions and releases, suddenly collapsed and was rushed to hospital. We were authoritatively advised that the Trustee had been in excellent health and that an attempt had been made on his life – a fact which evidently caused absolute fury behind the scenes. Indeed we were informed that ‘no resources will be spared’ to identity and ‘deal with’ whoever gave the order for this attempted liquidation of this conscientious octogenarian, and that ‘no mercy’ would be spared in this connection.

The ‘extension’ to the high-level US ‘immunities’ was granted, we were led to believe, because multiple verification procedures had been insisted upon by the Group of Seven (G-7), the World Court/ICJ, the Chinese authorities, the 160 governments whose representatives had been waiting impatiently as we had reported, since October 2007, and MI6 acting for HM The Queen. Of these powerful international forces arrayed against the duplicitous official criminalist mafiosi, the most formidable, apart from The Queen, has been Madame Wu, the Chinese Finance Minister.

Madame Wu was reported to have been equipped with a Writ of Execution or Lien from the World Court/ICJ (International Court of Justice) which can declare its own jurisdiction when any national jurisdictions fail in their duties against criminals, especially as China is a sovereign nation with its own Judge in the ICJ – enabling Madame Wu to foreclose on 20 banks, and to seize the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury on behalf of her own defrauded Government, the Group of Seven, the World Court/ICJ and The Queen, should the releases not (as matters then stood) be completed by 5.00pm on Friday 25th April.

Seizure of the Federal Reserve would deprive that decadent private institution of its only asset, namely the contract with the United States of America to print money – so that the United States would essentially cease to be sovereign, and would become a weak satrap of the international community which would remain the case at least until it had put its house in order.

However the releases were NOT completed by 5.00pm on Friday 25th April 2008: indeed, they had not even started. We did hear that two Trustees went to their banks at 4.00pm, within an hour of the deadline, and we thought that this might suggest that the official kleptocracy had suspended its blocking of the Settlements just in time to prevent Madame Wu from exercising her Writ of Lien.

That turned out to be the wrong interpretation. The delay, we learned on Saturday 26th April, was associated with the multiple third party verification procedures, including having documentation systematically signed and stamped by the US Supreme Court – the definitive effect of which was intended to be, to prevent any possibility of further highest-level US criminalist resistance and impediments to the Settlements, and thus to the refinancing of the United States and the world financial economies, and to the fifth refloating of the US dollar (see our report dated 17th April).

One cannot very well have transactions and the availability of funds verified by people who have lied, stolen and deceived for years on an open-ended basis.

NOTE: Following further ‘glitches’, to be elaborated later, Madame Wu was reported by sources to have exercised her Writ of Lien over at least FOUR banks by Saturday 17th May 2008. She was now thought to be operating a ‘salami tactics’ approach, with each successive failure to perform being following by the widening of her Writ of Execution to additional banks. The Liens on these banks destroy their creditworthiness. As of Saturday morning, this strategy was reported to be having the necessary effect. We will be reporting further on these developments [17th May 2008].

Hence, the necessary and agreed-upon third party verification and confirmation procedures, to confirm ‘eyes-on’ that the money was ‘there’, were scheduled for Monday 28th April, not Sunday 27th as assumed by some (which could not have occurred because the banks were not open in the generally accepted sense and such operations could not take place outside normal banking hours, the Editor was advised, without drawing attention to what was happening).

Thereafter, release procedures apparently continued without causing the international community in general, and Madame Wu in particular, undue concern. If documentation has to be verified and stamped, and given that we are talking about Settlements aggregating some $300 trillion, it can be understood that things have been taking ‘a little longer than anticipated’.

A total of 27 of the highest-level US office-holders and officials had been told that any further interference on their part would result in their immediate arrest. It should be pointed out that the ‘arrest’ environment is now much harsher than was even the case when the 4,500-6,000 bankers were being rounded up last October.

On the evening of Friday 25th April, 128 Navy Seals were flown into Washington, DC, from California and Colorado. These operatives do not ring the doorbell: they break the door down with sledge hammers. It is said that Navy Seals ‘eat other military personnel for lunch’.

We took this to indicate that, as Washington, DC, had earlier been said by certain ‘connected’ sources (unverified) to have been discreetly surrounded by the US military, including the 82nd Airborne, since at least March, with deployments to the DC area starting even earlier, arrests of perpetrators were about to begin. According to several reports, between 4,500 and 9,000 arrests were said to be imminent, as of the afternoon of Sunday 27th April. On making enquiries, we had established by late that Sunday that certain people were already being arrested – including, in particular, ‘friends’ of the arch-criminalist Dr Greenspan, who had attempted to steal $8 trillion in the past, and ‘friends’ of his evil partner in crime, George H. W. Bush Sr. However it has not been possible to verify these reports, as everything is being done below the radar.

We also understood that documents concerning the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA), hoarded by Chief Justice Roberts on behalf of the Weltkriminalgesellschaft, had been taken from him, apparently on the orders of The Queen (implemented by MI6, who have been present as noted in the United States (ever since 2006), with the authority of the World Court).

This legislation, signed into law by President Clinton in March 2000, comes into effect when it is announced; and the primary objective of the Bush-Clinton-Cheney kleptocracy, especially since implementation of the Act was deliberately sabotaged by 9/11, has been to prevent at all costs this announcement ever happening – so that their secret financial rapine could continue indefinitely.

Information about the legislation, also known as the Reformation Act, is believed to have been leaked inter alia by Mark Delmart Vreeland, the Office of Naval Intelligence operative, in June 2000 (unverified). This matter has everything to do with the stealing of the 2000 Presidential Election, and with the known fact that Bush Jr’s nickname has been said to have been ‘Temporary’, as he was supposed to have stepped down after six months, to make way for The Reformation Act, which was later rescheduled for 10.00am on 11th September 2001.

Under NESARA, Constitutional Law (the US Rule of Law) is restored and all traces of any fake virtual, or ‘shadow’ (Fascist) fraudulent governance system that lacks all legitimacy, and which has been sending so many people into a state of convoluted frenzy, are defanged. All key members of the Administration du jour are removed, headed in the prevailing context by Bush, Cheney and the entire Cabinet; specified law enforcement personnel take over relevant Government offices, and the Federal Reserve and its personnel are absorbed into a new US Treasury Bank System, as was discussed earlier in Wantagate reports.

As noted, the Reformation Act was to have been announced at 10 a.m. EDT on 11th September 2001, but the buildings were blown up shortly before 9.00 a.m. that day, murdering an unknown number of people. Thus the 9/11 abominations were much ‘worse’ than the Reichstag Fire event of 1933 to which they have been compared.

For this was nothing less than a deliberate, carefully prepared and orchestrated atrocity committed by the criminalist US ‘shadow government’ possibly with foreign criminal intelligence input, against the people and property of the United States, designed to forestall the intended Reformation Act announcements so that the corrupt banksterism carousel could continue. Actually, the PRIMARY objective of the criminalist cadres for years has been to cover up all traces of their criminality.

Among those murdered on 9/11 were over 650 members of the staff of the money-broker Cantor Fitzgerald, holder of a sizeable portfolio of original derivatives contract documents, which were destroyed along with the firm’s New York personnel. The destruction of the contracts eliminated the imminent prospect and danger of part of the fraudulent finance carousel being terminated, thereby removing immediate impediments to the further creation of hidden, untaxed fiat money proceeds from stolen contracts and by means of other financial fraud operations.

The Editor does not believe the official tally of approximately 3,000 9/11 victims. His reason for this scepticism is that when he attended at our New York branch office in Midtown Manhattan in the second half of October 2001, the stench of rotting flesh was nauseating, even though Ground Zero was perhaps two miles away from our office. There could be no possibility that 3,000 rotting human corpses could have been responsible for that stench. In February 2002, when he again attended at the New York branch office, the stench had hardly abated at all, depending on the direction of the wind. It is said that Staten Island became almost uninhabitable for some time, so horrible was the pervasive smell of rotting flesh.

The Editor’s opinion is therefore that the 3,000 figure is fabricated, and that the probable number of those murdered in that abomination could very well have been as high as ten times that number. This suspicion was further supported by the impossibility of obtaining any authoritative figures on this subject at all, although we tried for several months to do so.

We recall that by November 2001, all enquiries about casualty rates and about the numbers of staff at businesses located in the World Trade Center were conspicuously leading nowhere. Further, by the end of 2001, significant numbers of US operatives who had been involved or ‘in the loop’, were reported to us to be ‘drinking heavily’. Their sleep was probably haunted, too.

The immediate, knee-jerk finger-pointing at Osama Bin Laden – the CIA asset ‘Tim Osman’, a crude character dressed in a sheet who appeared in a series of ghoulish videos thought to have been filmed in the Las Vegas area – had to be played down after he died on 26th December 2001 in a Midwest hospital, believed to have been located in or near Minneapolis.

NOTE: On 17th May 2008, The London Daily Telegraph ludicrously plastered a report that ‘Bin Laden threatens Israel on its anniversary’ across the top of page 17. The latest ‘Bin Laden’ tape continued the established propaganda norm used by the US terrorism apparat to modulate public perceptions of its ‘War on Terrorism’, notoriously a cover for the Kriminalreich’s global financial depredations, which have been destabilised by the exposures driven inter alia by this service.

The CIA and its ‘facilities’ are evidently not concerned whether one of their assets (a Paulson, a Bin Laden) is dead or alive. If he is dead, and it is ‘necessary’ to represent that he is not, for tactical or strategic reasons, they reckon that they have the capability of sustaining the necessary illusion sine die. They are assisted in this endeavour by the naivete of the ‘mainstream’ media.

The post-9/11 speed with which Bush Jr. dispatched military formations to Afghanistan, and the ongoing preparations for the unprovoked and illegal attack on Iraq, can be explained by a factor that has so far been completely overlooked. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act abolishes unconstitutional states of emergency – since it ‘restores’ the Constitution and the Rule of Law – which means that the American military, which has been deployed illegally, could no longer remain operative in Afghanistan and Iran.

By inventing these evil and destructive wars, the Bush Crime Family and its associates procured what they imagined would serve as a back-stop to prevent any possibility of the Reformation Act being imposed in a ‘worst case’ scenario. Yet they face their ‘worst case scenario’ ‘as we speak’.

Put another way, the practical realities of the massive military deployments have served the back-stop’ purpose, from the perspective of the cadre of US Luciferian operatives who perpetrated or orchestrated the 9/11 abominations, of supposedly ‘precluding’ the possibility of an announcement of the Reformation Act and the consequent ‘restoration’ of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, in any ‘normal’ situation. Yet because the Kriminalreich has since been so decisively cornered as a consequence of the endless fraudulent finance exposures spearheaded inter alia by Wantagate, the situation facing the official criminal perpetrators and their associates today is the very reverse of ‘normal’. People were being rounded up, starting on Sunday 27th April 2008.

The steady ratcheting up of Cheney’s virtual ‘wars and rumours of wars’ propaganda may have represented a coordinated operation to create a diversionary military ‘virtual/real’ standoff – to mask the truth that the criminalists are facing their days of reckoning, at last.

Tellingly, the fact that three US aircraft carriers – USS Kitty Hawk, USS Nimitz and USS Abraham Lincoln – were reported on the 26th April to be leaving the South China Sea en route for the Gulf implied that Madame Wu’s power and Writ of Execution had finally prevailed over the Bush-centred kleptocracy, so that the show of force in the Far East, intended to exert subtle pressure on China not to act as Madame Wu has done, had both failed and had been abandoned.

The last option therefore remained the Middle East region; but with intensified pressure on senior personnel having started on 27th April, it seemed by that date that the global offensive to procure the Settlements and to repay funds stolen from China and other victims, was finally unstoppable.

Nevertheless it remained possible, in our view, that, having been decisively defeated over his serial financial scamming and thefts at long last, President George W. Bush, if allowed to remain in office (perhaps a big IF), might seek a display of machismo abroad precisely in order to mask his humiliating defeat and to signal to the jaded world that the United States remains a brutalised and recalcitrant military bully capable of, for instance, ‘annihilating Iran’ – to use the satanic words of Mrs Jezebel Rodomski Clinton, uttered in some desperation on Tuesday, 22nd April.

There is also a great deal of rumour-mongering about activation of the concentration camps, special orders to the wives of US military personnel to stock up with non-perishables, and other ‘information’, all of which appears to have one factor in common: THE INFORMATION IS ‘VIRTUAL’ For ‘virtual’ information, read ‘lies and diversionary obfuscation propaganda’.

To recapitulate important information about the invasion of Iraq that we have published elsewhere, this was effectively a massive bank raid – the initial objective being to annexe the Central Bank of Iraq, steal its gold and currency, and then to change the management at Saddam Hussein’s ‘private’ institution, Rafidain Bank, estimated to have accumulated about $100 trillion in fiat money assets from high-yield trading programmes originally conducted, one may presume, with Saddam’s buddy George H. W. Bush and his cronies. After the gold and currency had been seized from the Central Bank, at least 100 (probably many more) special US operatives associated with that bank raid were massacred in a cynically pre-planned US operation designed to ensure that no information about the raid on the Central Bank of Iraq ever surfaced into the public domain.

The reason that the matter was not completely covered up is that information attributed to an eye-witness source became ‘attached’ to details ‘leaked’ by disgusted US personnel.

The Central Bank of Iraq was then ‘converted’ into a tame, controlled financial trading partner of Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein, GmbH, as we have previously explained.

With trades being directed via the closed Inter Bank Settlement Fund controlled by the US Federal Reserve, hidden, untaxed trading operations could continue below the radar without scrutiny. After this service exposed this dimension of the financial corruption exploiting the Central Bank of Iraq directed from the White House, four floors at the Central Bank of Iraq were suddenly gutted by fire (in January 2008), amid rumours circulating within Iraq itself that some $800 billion of the Central Bank’s assets had ‘gone missing’, believed to have been transferred to Switzerland.

It was on 22nd April, too, that we established that the primary high-level kleptocrats who had been trying to obtain their World Court/ICJ immunities (implying that they knew that the game was over), were encountering appropriate resistance and were being frustrated in their demands. As one well informed observer put it to us: ‘It’s not going too well for them’.

The same source stated that ‘there are spheres that will not be granted immunity’. It was on that Tuesday that Hillary Clinton, of Russian Jewish extraction, uttered her hysterical public statement to the effect that ‘if Iran touches Israel, I will annihilate it’. Seen in context, this may have been an appeal to her Israeli friends to come to her assistance, given the calamity she now faced (and we are not talking about her nauseating televised set-piece performances on the hustings).

It was also learned on that date that Madame Wu, who was in Washington all that week, having arrived there on Monday 21st April, would be insisting on the arrests taking place – and that she would not hesitate to execute her World Court Writ by seizing, on behalf of her Government, the international community and The Queen, the 20 US banks designated for seizure, along with the Fed and the Treasury, in the event of any further prevarication by the US Forces of Darkness.

In the event, as noted, it transpired that the multiple third party verification process, which was said to make it impossible for the official and bankster mafiosi to renege, meant that the sequence was taking ‘a little longer’ to complete – since for practical reasons, the necessary extraordinary third-party verification and confirmation procedures could not be commenced until Monday 28th April, as already noted. It is true that a great deal of time has elapsed since then, and that all that talk about Madame Wu exercising her Writ of Execution has disappeared out the window.

But we are still informed by our best sources that the information blackout is deliberate, because as well as covering their tracks, the criminalists are hoping that this scandal will stay confined within the Fifth Estate and in International Currency Review.

According to pre-Sarkozy French intelligence, this website collected up to 50 million readers per Wantagate report at one stage, given that 948,000 websites were taking the Wantagate reports, then disseminated by French intelligence, and that each report was attracting some 50,000 hits.

That meant that our readership was 55 times greater than that of, for instance, The Daily Telegraph. Therefore, any suggestion that this huge crisis has been contained and successfully controlled is a figment of the Kriminalreich’s disturbed imagination.

International tension surrounding the delayed Settlements arose from the determination of corrupt US official and bankster cadres to continue the carousel based upon the debt-financing model that has in fact hollowed out the financial integrity of the United States ever since establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913.

President Kennedy understood that the then foreign-owned Federal Reserve Board (the foreign shares in which are believed to have been redeemed in 2006), had to be subsumed by the Treasury if the United States was not to wind up as bankrupt as any nation state can ever become – which, in practical terms, meant that an ever larger proportion of tax revenues would need to be allocated to servicing the colossal mountain of debt behind the US Treasury’s accounts.

Specifically, President Kennedy is believed to have reasoned that by means of a formal ‘return’ to the US Constitution, which requires only Congress to be empowered to coin, print and to regulate money, the one-way escalation of the Treasury’s background (or ‘national’) debt could be reduced because it would cease to be necessary to pay interest to the privately owned US Federal Reserve System, which has an old contract with the United States to print paper money and to lend it to the Government at interest. On 4th June 1963, President Kennedy therefore signed Executive Order 11110, calling for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 in United States Notes through the US Treasury rather than by the Federal Reserve System. On the same date, President Kennedy signed a bill changing the backing of the one- and two-dollar bills (then in wide circulation) from silver to gold, buttressing the weakened US currency’s intrinsic value.

These wise decisions appear to have been influenced by Kennedy’s voracious reading and his consequent understanding of American history – and in particular by the complaints about the Federal Reserve ventilated by Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee in the 1930s. According to The Congressional Record for 10th June 1932 (pages 1295 and 1296), McFadden made the following statement on the floor of the House of Representatives:

‘Mr Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions that the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt’.

‘The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government’.

‘It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board was established, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it’.

When President Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, his intention was to strip the Federal Reserve of its power to lend money to the US Federal Government at interest, which has to be financed through tax revenues.

Research recently conducted by the Christian Law Fellowship through the Federal Register and at the Library of Congress, has definitively established that Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 has never been repealed, amended or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order.

This Executive Order gave the US Treasury explicit authority ‘to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury’.

As a consequence, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were placed into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. United States Notes in $10 and $20 denominations were never circulated but were being printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing when Kennedy was assassinated.

Present in Dallas for the assassination on 22nd November 1963 was George Herbert Walker Bush, who is persistently suspected of having been involved in that traumatic outrage against the US Head of State and the American people, on behalf of the private money power and of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (ongoing Nazi ‘Black’ strategic planning and counterintelligence, Dachau).

As soon as Kennedy had been assassinated, the United States Notes that he had enabled to be issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Furthermore, just five months after President Kennedy was assassinated, no more of the Series 1958 ‘Silver Certificates’ were issued, either.

They were subsequently removed from circulation.

Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes (USNs) achieved wide circulation, they would have eliminated demand for Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs), because while the USNs were backed by silver, the FRNs were backed by nothing.

Given that almost all of the $9.0 trillion of Federal debt (as inaccurately reported) has been created since 1963, Executive Order 11110 should have prevented the United States’ enormous national debt (as inaccurately reported) from reaching its current level. The US Federal Government would have gained the ability to repay its accumulated ‘background debt’ without in fact needing to have recourse to the Federal Reserve Banks and being charged interest to create new ‘money’ (5), (6).

The ‘Wanta Plan’, as originally conceived, would have achieved part of the same objective, by generating taxed, on-the-books windfall accruals on such a scale as to enable the Treasury to pay down its ‘background debt’ within just a few years.

However, partly as a consequence of an approach made in April 2006 to Coutts Bank in London, at the Editor’s suggestion, by Wanta Attorney Steven D. Goodwin, equipped with a Power of Attorney, and a similar approach made in the same month by the Editor of this service with a restricted Power of Attorney to Lloyds Bank, Aylesbury – both being institutions which the Editor had identified from his analysis of the Leo Wanta banking documents in the public domain as holding Wanta corporate accounts – it may be deduced that the funds held in Wanta accounts have since been repatriated.

The aggregated expanded value of the Wanta accounts, based on the original Wanta $27.5 trillion, is believed to be of the order of $300 trillion – which ‘just happens’ to be the estimated aggregate value of the long delayed Settlements, according to informed sources. (However we are also told that the actual amount of payments could be four times that figure).

Almost immediately after our fully Wanta-authorised approaches to the mentioned UK banks, which signalled to the Weltkriminalgesellschaft GmbH that they were no longer in control of the timetable, Leo E. Wanta travelled to California, returning with information about the ‘compromise’ $4.5 trillion Settlement that we then publicised for 23 months on his behalf and with his enthusiastic support, witnessed by successive batches of documents that were faxed by Leo Wanta to the Editor of this service, often labelled URGENT in large capital letters, as is displayed in International Currency Review. But of course, the moment that Wanta accepted this hazardous ‘compromise’, he found himself at the mercy of duplicitous US intelligence and Treasury operatives, who duly hijacked the funds and incorporated them into their own trading platform operations, as we reported. After all, payment of the $4.5 trillion was now a metter for THEM, whereas collection of the $27.5 trillion from the bank accounts, many of which we have listed, could have been masterminded by Wanta alone, if they were ‘his’ accounts, as was the case according to the documentation we have published.

On Monday 28th April 2008, then, verification and confirmation by the US banks in accordance with their Basel-II requirements as promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board in its undated 408-page document made available last November (7), was stated to be proceeding, driven not least by the formidable pressure being exerted by the international community and by the Writ of Execution wielded inter alia by Madame Wu, the Chinese Finance Minister. Given that it is no simple matter to manoeuvre colossal sums of money onto the books, completion was, as noted, taking longer than even Madame Wu and MI6 may have anticipated.

Obviously, given the endless deception that has characterised every stage of this crisis, we are all entitled to remain sceptical: but our very best sources still insist that matters are still proceeding correctly. If this turns out to be inaccurate, we know that certain powerful people who are in direct touch with us all the time, intend to release intelligence which will make it impossible for any of the highest-level US criminalists to escape what is coming to them. These contacts are threatening to release this information: and we urge them to do so if they believe they are still being lied to.

They should NOT allow this matter to drift into June. Send the information to us.

Assuming that a timetable was being adhered to (which did not happen), that left the month of May 2008 for the possible introduction, by due proclamation, of the Reformation Act, and the related replacement of the Bush-Cheney Administration and the Bush II Cabinet by an Interim Authority in the course of this month, allowing for the six-month period stipulated in the legislation during which an Interim Authority would rule the United States, before a general election must take place.

This would procure that the election could occur, as usual, in early November – thereby appearing to ensure a smooth transition from the corrupt, unconstitutional state of affairs that has brought the pariah United States to the verge of de facto bankruptcy, back to Constitutional Government and the Rule of Law. Since we are now approaching the half-way mark of May 2008, however, it looks as though Act Two – the refurbishment of the stables after all the dung has been thrown out – has got stuck somewhere inside the Beltway.

It would be illogical for the United States to have been compelled by the international community, with the assistance of powerful forces within the United States itself that have been seeking the restoration of the Rule of Law, to adopt the Basel-II banking reforms, allowing the US banks just 100 days within which their affairs must be reordered – without completing the job by proceeding with the Reformation Act, or some other measure capable of delivering the same beneficial outcome.

The mechanics of any such operation, we were advised, might involve a complete but temporary communications blackout, followed by the NESARA announcements, which would inform the public that President Bush, his Vice President, the Cabinet and leading officials had been removed from office, accompanied by extensive arrests (which, as noted earlier, started on Sunday 27th April), and that, under the legislation, an Interim Authority had been installed – charged with supervising completion of the return to the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Promulgation and implementation of the Reformation Act would indeed represent Act Two of Die Meisterschwindlern. It has separately been put to the Editor of this service that Act Two might be procured ‘by other means’ and in a less obvious fashion.

We do remain to be convinced that ANYONE in the United States has the will and the guts to do what is necessary to save the Republic from this criminalist offensive, orchestrated inter alia by malevolent foreign powers, and to procure that Act One is followed promptly by a comprehensive cleansing of the filthy stables. Cleaning out the pigstie is only a first stage. The walls. floor and general structure then have to be disinfected and made good.

Making a mockery of democracy by means of a corrupt and manipulated election ‘peacock process’, amplified via the ‘virtual reality/TV’ system, hardly appears to indicate that the necessary harsh will to follow through exists inside the structures where it matters.

Even so, as the Editor left New York to return to London on 29th April 2008, he was informed that 4,000 troops were said to be guarding the President and the Vice President. This could have been interpreted as implying that their lives were in danger, which, given the immensity of their endless financial criminality, must undoubtedly be the case.

But, along with the steady edging up of the US dollar’s external value – attributable both to actual movements of money and to ‘informed’ Wall Street sentiment – and a general sense on both sides of the Atlantic that much more liquidity would soon become available, we were advised during the week ending on 9th May that colossal amounts of money were being moved, with the key Central Banks engaged on a huge scale, as confirmed by one of our sources with access to ‘the screens’.

The funds have had to be placed ONTO THE BOOKS, prior to the disbursement of the settlement payments, since ‘source of funds’, under Basel-II, has to be transparent – as in the US securities sector. Further, issues that the Editor and Mr Cottrell have discussed on transatlantic phone lines, have started to ‘go mainstream’, while at the other end of the spectrum, anecdotal evidence of hit squads ‘taking out’ enemies, which was always anticipated at this stage of the process – just as happened in 1992 – was being reported.

Such ‘information’, however, could not be reliably disentangled from the desperate obfuscation operations and false reports perpetrated by criminalised disinformation cadres, as they came to terms with the magnitude of the exposures that they never thought could occur.

The intended refinancing of the United States and the world economy to the tune of $300 trillion fully justifies, for instance, Gordon Brown’s ‘bet’ on a ‘significant upturn’. This was not a bet at all: for the British Prime Minister has been fully briefed on the biggest global refinancing in world history, all along, both as an intelligence operative and because of his current position.

In terms of UK domestic politics, this would mean, incidentally, that it would be premature in the extreme for the Conservative Party, which has no discernible policies apart from a sterile, mind-controlled embrace of empty-headed ‘political correctness’, to ‘bank’ on Brown and his disaffected colleagues being crushed beyond repair by recent financial and related economic developments. On the contrary, Brown’s fortunes may improve radically.

On Wednesday 7th May, the Editor of this service received a sudden telephone call asking to know the whereabouts of the Vice President of the United States. Why would Brit know the answer to this question? As it turned out, the Editor was actually able to report, within ten minutes, what he was immediately told by an informed US source: ‘Cheney is in Philadelphia and the riot act is being read to him right now’. This information was fed back to the source of the question in the United States.

By late evening UK time on 8th May, when there was still no news of the releases, the sense was that Cheney may yet again have bribed one or more parties to stall the payments. That is always possible, of course, but there was no confirmation. A further piece of nonsense surfaced to the effect that the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is a key globalist ‘Dark Forces’ player, has some strife going on with respect to who is likely to be the first President of Europe, and that he insists it cannot be allowed to be Blair. We were told, nonsensically, that this latest red herring had interfered with the payments. Next, we will be told that a spider or a cockroach got inside the main giant computer at the European Operations Centre and caused an electronic glitch.

The alleged (virtual) struggle between Messrs Sarkozy and Blair over who is to be President of the moribund corpse of the European Union Collective is probably an orchestrated disinformation ploy perpetrated as usual by the Cheney lie machine – which also perpetrated the lie (on 7th May) that Bush Jr. and Cheney had received their coveted immunities: a typical Cheney lie that we discount totally, although it is always possible that Cheney has used bribery in THIS context: why would the World Court/ICJ give them immunity, which would ‘allow’ them to continue their criminal operations sine die? On 7th May, the Editor was informed, too, that Cheney’s lie machine had disseminated various further lies, such as that a certain Trustee that we know about, had been paid, which we knew NOT to be true – not least since no-one will be able to move any funds at all until everyone has been paid. In addition, we knew that the Trustee in question had not been paid. Now we were fed this nonsense about Sarkozy wanting the Presidency of Europe for himself, in lieu of Blair.

Just for the record, no position of ‘President’ of the moribund EU Collective is vacant, because it doesn’t exist. To begin with, the very prominent British businessman (and contemporary of the Editor’s at Christ Church, Oxford), Stuart Wheeler, has successfully obtained a judicial review of Gordon Brown’s nefarious decision to deny the British people a referendum on the anti-nation state Lisbon Collective Treaty, so that Britain’s position vis-à-vis this Pan-German entrapment device to destroy Britain’s statehood is ‘up in the air’.

Secondly, the Irish have not yet voted in their referendum on the notorious Treaty, while the Upper House in the Czech Republic has serious doubts about the Treaty’s legality and has referred the matter to its Constitutional Court. The same has happened in Germany, of all countries. Therefore, ratification of Lisbon is a long way off, and may be aborted altogether – like its ‘predecessor’, the European Constitution Treaty.

Accordingly, we can dismiss this latest red herring for what it is – namely, yet another lie from the Cheney disinformation camp, which in any case just happens to turn the truth of the matter on its head. For, contrary to what was implied, M. Sarkozy has, after a slow start, been pressing for the conclusion of the Settlements, in support of Her Majesty The Queen (who wowed him and his new wife at the Palace), Madame Wu, and all the other distinguished representatives of the financial community with the single exception of the recalcitrant United States.

It is much harder to read what the political outcome in the United States of any actual completion of the Settlements is likely to be. Among reasons for this are the following:

• The ongoing, wall-to-wall intensity of perverse disinformation, diversionary reporting and wilful deception perpetrated by the criminalised US intelligence sector under Operation Mockingbird and the manipulation of the Fifth Estate (the Internet sector) (8) to mask the headlong involvement of criminal intelligence in fraudulent finance, makes it almost impossible for ordinary Americans to discern truth from CIA lies. Until this monstrous Intelligence Power is defanged, the American Republic will remain in great danger, and the political system will continue to be managed and rigged for the exclusive benefit of the kakocracy and its intelligence community manipulators.

• At the time of going to press/this posting, it was unclear how comprehensive the obvious defeat of the US criminalist cadres was likely to be. Are the stables going to be fumigated, or are they just going to be tidied up for routine Department of Agriculture inspections, enabling the Settlements to be surreptitiously exploited, under the cover of a ‘front operation’ that will be compliant with the Rule of Law, to kick-start a further round of fraudulent finance – as implied by the aforementioned denial of the Editor’s request for a written confirmation that all Wanta transactions would comply with the Rule of Law? On the one hand, the informed expectation that none of the perpetrators will be allowed to ‘get away with it’, is encouraging.

But on the other hand, while Mrs Clinton, the candidate of the Dark Forces, remains on the ticket for the Presidency (not much longer, surely, unless they ‘do something’ to Mr Obama, which would not be beyond ‘them’ at all), the criminalist cadres can be relied upon to rest their rapidly vanishing hopes of ‘business as usual’ on this Jezebel becoming President.

• Likewise, it remained unclear at this posting whether the massive stables cleansing job (Act One of Die Meisterschwindlern) would remain half done, with the second phase, or Act Two – formal and decisive restoration of Constitutional Governance and the US Rule of Law – realised, for instance, through an imminent announcement of the Reformation Act and its consequences, or by means of some other beneficial measure implemented by a corrupt and self-interested Congress motivated by a wish, finally, to cover its own tracks by acting at last in the interests of the American people.

Unless this, or a measure to the same decisive and lasting effect, is implemented in the immediate future, final completion of the financial releases and Settlements will be liable to refinance not only the US and world economies, but the battered Weltkriminalgesellschaft, as well.

Which would mean that although America’s ‘Main Enemy’ – Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, the Nazi strategic deception continuum driven by its old slogans ‘we shall build the Thousand-Year Reich upon the ruins of the United States ’ (9) and ‘For us the war never ended’ (‘Für uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei’) (10) – has been severely wounded, it may yet survive to regroup and repeat its mad Luciferian offensive to procure revenge for its catastrophic defeats in two World Wars.

The de facto refinancing the US and world financial economies must not be allowed to provide new cover for a simultaneous and surreptitious refinancing of the Weltkriminalgesellschaft, its corrupt and amoral ‘Black’ intelligence community controllers and those pathetic and misguided Luciferian globalist ‘Dark Actors Playing Games’ who vainly seek to set themselves up as gods purportedly controlling the future of humanity. It remains touch and go whether America will pull itself together in time to prevent these despicably evil people regaining the initiative, which they lost, we believe, partly – or even mainly – thanks to Wantagate.

* ERRATUM:The information that George H. W. Bush lives in The Woodlands area of Houston was obtained direct from The Washington Post. An impeccable source has informed the Editor (12th May) that Mr Bush Sr. lives in River Oaks, which is close to the Downtown and Galleria area. The Woodlands is 35-40 miles North of Houston.

Notes and References:
1. ‘Containing Systemic Risks and Restoring Financial Stability’, Global Financial Stability Report, International Monetary Fund, April 2008.

2. See ‘G-7 demands immediate US discipline and compliance: World community stands up to Bush crime network’, report on this website, Saturday 12th April 2008, filed by the Editor overnight from the IMF/World Bank Press Room in Washington, DC.

3. London Archaeology, Spring 2008, Volume 11, Number 12, pages 312-318.

4. ‘Election Pain for Brown as Tories march on’, lead report, front page, The Daily Telegraph, Monday, 2nd May 2008: final two paragraphs.

5. Report by Anthony Wayne, for Lawgiver.org, The Christian Law Fellowship, April 2008.

6. Executive Order 11110:

Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as amended, relating to the performance of certain functions affecting the Department of the Treasury. By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:

• SECTION 1: Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j): “(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of Section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 USC 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denomination of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption, and (b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof;

• SECTION 2: The amendment made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.


7. Basel II Final Rules, Federal Reserve Board Open Board Meeting, November 2, 2007, 10 a.m. EDT. On page 1, this document states: ‘DATES: This final rule is effective [INSERT DATE]’. As we reported on the website report dated 17th April 2008, ‘Global Refinancing Settlements Intelligence Update: US dragged kicking and screaming into Basel-II mode’, ‘The United States was dragged kicking and screaming like a spoilt child in overdue need of a diaper change into the Basel-II mode with effect from 12:01 am on Monday 14th April, as expected’.

‘US institutions now have 100 days to reorder their affairs to comply in all respects with the Basel-II requirements, as agreed within the international financial community. This represents a massive defeat for the two-headed Luciferian Government of the United States led by criminal operatives President George W. Bush Jr. and his ‘Himmler’ character, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, and their cynical criminalist ‘Box Gang’ co-conspirators’.

8. It has just been revealed that two particularly egregious disinformation platforms – the Sorcha Faal reports purporting to represent postings from inside the Kremlin, but which are revealed to be perpetrated by a US military intelligence operative working with an Irish source (i.e., for the Clinton component of the criminalist ‘Box Gang’), and the website www.whatdoesitmean.com, are American deception operations.

That website has been exposed by the research given below. A list of suspect and intelligence-controlled websites is given on page 512 of the Editor’s work, ‘The New Underworld Order: Dark Actors Playing Games: The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati’: Edward Harle Limited: see the books section of this integrated website.

Exposure of a subversive CIA-controlled website:

Server: whois.register.com
Referral URL: [link to www.register.com]
Name Server: NS2.SERVINT.COM
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Anonymous Coward
User ID: 195267 (OP)
Data sent to the Editor: 5/4/2008 4:00 AM
Re: Top CIA Agent Killed Trying To Protect D.C. Madam
IP Location: US, McLean, Virginia. Contrary to popular belief, the CIA headquarters is not located in Langley, VA, but in the Langley suburb of McLean,Virginia.

9. ‘We shall build the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’, one of the rallying cries formulated by the German Geopolitical Centre (Abwehr: Nazi counterintelligence) in Madrid, discovered in Nazi documents seized by the Allies in the final days of the Second World War.

10. ‘For us the war never ended’ (‘Für uns ist der Kreig niemals vorbei’) was accompanied by the elaboration: ‘and as is known, in war, everything is permitted’. This slogan was a key theme of the so-called ‘Madrid Circular Letter’, a document circulated by the Nazi intelligentsia from the German Geopolitical Centre, Madrid, in the early 1950s. The Editor believes that such intelligence, which would have alerted US policymakers to the likelihood that the Cold War had provided the Nazis with long-range cover, was suppressed by the State Department.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Monday 3 March 2008 22:36








By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: www.worldreports.org. Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the www.worldreports.org Home Page for our ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006.

• The white panel below NEWS gives details of our intelligence titles as they are published.

• FORTHCOMING WANTAGATE ISSUE OF INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW: We are preparing a very extensive issue of the financial journal in which every stage of this crisis since June last year will be displayed. This issue will be mailed to subscribers worldwide in the first quarter of this year, and will provide a permanent record, which cannot be expunged, of the multiple twists and turns of this historically unprecedented criminalism crisis, with every sordid detail recorded both for immediate further enlightenment, for future study, and for posterity.

Not a single facet of this hideous crisis has been left out of the record, so that no attempt to cover up what has been going on, is possible. Subscribers will receive their issues under their current arrangements. Others who wish to receive this special issue should use the Contact Us facility on this website to ask for details and specify how many copies of this huge report/issue they would like to receive. Book early while stocks last. We will not be sending free copies: details on request. Order your copy EARLY! This is such a huge undertaking that we have to restrict the print run.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing financial global corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the necessary resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Our Wantagate reports have been calling all the shots, given the hijacking of Wanta’s Settlement.

• This is the 97th Wantagate report: well over a million words to date.

• BOOKS: ‘The Red Terror in Russia’, by Sergey Melgounov, is published by Edward Harle Limited and available via this combined website. It describes what the Dark Forces pulled off in Russia, and what they may have in mind for the United States and Britain (a.k.a. ‘the Main Enemy’) if we do not pull ourselves together. See also the Editor’s 740-PAGE book ‘The New Underworld Order’, for the detailed background on the World Revolution crisis that we are all living through.

• Note: Kindly keep on not shooting the messenger. The following report is based upon our best information and belief. If matters turn out differently, or the timeframe changes, as has occurred since 9th February, this will reflect developments AFTER collection of the intelligence contained herein. We have flies on walls all over the place, but sometimes they may be on the wrong walls, or the right walls at the wrong time. Abusive, rude and anonymous emails are forwarded to a separate box and are held with the option of exposing their provenance should we so decide. Which we may.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Note: For convenience, this report is effectively divided into two sections.

• The first part of the text, after the introduction, summarises findings as culled from our own special sources, hopefully denuded of disinformation.

• The second section, termed the Main intelligence Section, contains special information which reveals the full overall picture of the ‘bait and switch’ treachery which is taking place.

Comments on the character and expertise of Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based corporation, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., are based upon the Editor’s personal observations and considered assessments over a period of several years.

According to multiple sources special to this service, a final struggle is under way in the United States to terminate The Wanta Plan, to stall implementation of the Basel II banking reforms, to steal all Ambassador Wanta’s money, and to capture and keep the entire estimated $400 trillion of funds that the long-delayed Settlements are to deliver overall, in history’s biggest-ever refinancing.

This report is intended to explain what the criminal forces have in mind, how they intend to achieve this evil objective, and how they are placing Ambassador Wanta under duress in order to double-cross him and all concerned with the resolution of this historically unprecedented crisis. They may also be intending to carry out this putsch under cover of military operations in the Middle East.

We call this US intelligence offensive ‘Operation Double-Cross’. Its purpose is nothing less than the seizure and final unlawful retention of ALL the funds, and the defeat of those who have been standing up to the organised criminal cadres that control the American Government at the highest levels, inside the intelligence community, and in the banks. In the process, they may intend to deprive Ambassador Wanta of everything he has fought for these past 15 years, before finally disposing of him altogether, as they did his Chinese partner, Howie Kwong Kok, back in 1992.

If ‘Operation Double-Cross’ succeeds, the world will be plunged into a crisis of unprecedented proportions, as we first predicted in our posting dated 2nd September 2006. There are ominous immediate signs of this happening. For instance, the FDIC has a list of 76 US banks which it expects to fail at any time, as they are operating below minimum capital requirements. Military sources tell us that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) itself is on the brink of collapse.

In Oakland, CA, a house which sold for $420,000 in 2005 is on the market for $119,00, and is not expected to achieve the listed price. In Detroit, there are several homes on the market for $100.

We will be explaining how the Bush and Clinton Crime Families, and their criminalised associates inside the US intelligence community and the banks, intend to double-cross the following parties:

• Ambassador Leo/Lee Emil Wanta (with his unwitting cooperation, under duress).

• Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the US securities industry expert who is Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Ambassador Wanta’s Virginia-based corporation AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., incorporated by the Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission on 20th May 2004.

• Her Majesty The Queen.

• Christopher Edward Harle Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher and the writer of all the Wantagate reports posted on this website, who loaned Ambassador Wanta $35,000 of his own scarce private funds for two years, ending on 10th June 2007, which have not been repaid. The Trustee of these funds is CIA Attorney Steven Goodwin of Richmond Virginia.

• The Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol and other leading country payees.

• The 160 countries whose representatives were reported last week to be still in New York.

• The IMF/Prosperity Programme payees and all the other ‘Tier’ payees

• The World Court.

• The US Supreme Court, which has thrown in its lot with the World Court, having indicated to the Bush Crime Family that quote ‘we are not going down with you’ unquote.

• The US Treasury.

• The American people.

The tactical characteristics of this ‘Operation Double-Cross’ can be described as a psychological warfare attack upon the cohesion of Ambassador Wanta, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., their closest associates (and by further arms’-length association, the Editor of this service), with the objective of ensuring that ALL the funds can be stolen FOR GOOD.

The DIABOLICAL feature of what is intended is that it has been calculated that the ‘best’ way to seize the entire $400 trillion-odd is to have the international community unwittingly pay the funds, so to speak, directly into the hands of the organised criminal cadres. Once that happens, so the criminal mentality behind ‘Operation Double-Cross’ has concluded, no-one will ever be able to do anything about it. It will be ‘game, set and match’.

Ambassador Wanta is being used as the patsy to ‘make this happen’. He is being placed under duress by the intelligence community and made to agree to steps which will guarantee the folding of The Wanta Plan, the stealing of all his settlement funds, and the shelving of Basel II – as well as the unlawful seizure of all the other monies.

Ambassador Wanta’s alleged willingness, under duress, as reported by multiple sources, to go along with the malevolent (see below) scheme that has been put to him, jeopardises the Wanta Settlement funds, which will be stolen; and this will ensure that the entire world will experience the worst conceivable outcome, which Wanta has spent that past 15 years struggling to prevent.

• Quite simply, Ambassador Wanta is being blackmailed.

Moreover this intelligence putsch is being perpetrated at the very moment that the International Monetary Fund, the US military, the World Court and the Group of Nine++ financial powers are engaged, in lock-step, in seeking to force payment of the Settlements, failing which the G-9 have threatened to reimpose sanctions against the United States (see below). The intention may be to pull off this coup under cover of aggressive military operations in the Middle East, which could easily escalate into a World War, according to several foreign international sources.

At the very least, US sabre-rattling in the Middle East region may be intended to deflect the G-9 from applying sanctions at a time of heightened international tension. That’s what we believe.

The parties listed above are now in extreme danger of procuring the Settlement payments, only to watch as THE WHOLE LOT IS STOLEN FOR GOOD. There is only ONE PERSON IN THE WORLD who can stop this happening: AMBASSADOR LEE EMIL WANTA.

This report is therefore aimed at ensuring that common sense prevails at the very last moment, as the Ambassador has it within his power either to launch the whole world onto a sustainable path of prosperity for a generation, or else to ensure an international catastrophe by allowing the funds to fall permanently into the hands of the criminal forces that have destroyed the past 15 years of his life and stolen all his money.

Right now, we understand, he may be making the WRONG DECISION. His position may well be delicate, but taking millennial decisions under duress is not a good idea. In this Editor’s opinion (and experience), when under duress, the right thing to do is the right thing. This normally has the effect of forcing the enemy back on its heels.

It is the Editor’s experience that when one stands up to those who have malevolent and devious designs, and may even (in this case) be engaged in blackmail, they are usually so shocked that they ‘back off’. Michael C. Cottrell’s principled stand against them all these years has had precisely that outcome, as has the Ambassador’s own brave resistance to the crude abominations to which his treacherous colleagues have subjected him. Now, therefore, is NOT the time to CAVE IN.

Of course they are putting Mr Wanta under duress. That is what they do. And furthermore, they do this when they calculate that the victim is at his most vulnerable – which may be the case right now.

Mr Wanta, a religious man, will recall the following Scripture:

‘When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth over the brook Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entered, he and his disciples.

And Judas also, which betrayed him, knew the place: for Jesus oft-times resorted thither with his disciples.

Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.

Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?

They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.

As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground’.
John, Chapter 18, verses 1-6

Ambassador Wanta faces a simple choice right now. It is no exaggeration to assert that the decision he makes will affect the future of the whole world.

• He can continue with the existing Wanta Plan structure based upon the SECURE corporate securities account with the world-ranking US securities expert Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as his Executive Vice President and Treasurer, which will ensure that trading, financing and special projects for the benefit of the American people can go ahead, finally, as planned – so that the catastrophe that faces the United States due to the depredations of the corrupt and deceitful criminalist cadres is overcome thanks to those massive taxed on-the-books windfall tax payments that will accrue to the US Treasury, and to the parallel implementation of the huge refinancing operation for the United States and the whole world that will be unleashed.

• IF he removes Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as Treasurer, and replaces him with an inferior product, or changes the existing settled arrangements, as is believed to be intended, under pressure from his untrustworthy intelligence sector advisers – the Wanta Plan will be folded, the Settlements will never take place, ALL the money will be stolen, the United States will stumble into a depression, the world economy will reel into semi-coherence, inflation will move into double digits everywhere, and Ambassador Wanta will be seen to have been the cause of this catastrophe because HE TOOK THE WRONG DECISION. That would be a tragedy without parallel in modern history.

And the Editor of this service, who operates at arms’ length, will then have to portray Ambassador Wanta, who could have saved the world from catastrophe, as the tragic patriot who took the wrong decision under duress and pressure from his unreliable intelligence community peers.

We will elaborate below how we arrive at this alarming conclusion.

But first, the message, therefore, is this:


• If he likes the taste of rat poison (used in the murder of Howie), then presumably he should follow the advice of these Pied Pipers.

But not otherwise.

• Ambassador Wanta therefore holds the fate of the United States and the whole world in his hands. If he continues, under this duress, down the path that he appears to be contemplating, according to our multiple reports, he will destroy everything that he has fought for since being taken down in July 1993, and he will be double-crossed and hung out to dry with nothing except a wasted life to show for it. They couldn’t care less.

• Why are we publishing this harsh information? Because Ambassador Wanta, who is reported by the sources as being under pressure from these operatives, may not be listening. According to what we understand, he may be taking tainted advice from the very type of people who scammed , exploited, stole from him and abused him before.

He may be falling for their syrupy blandishments, which amount to a form of blackmail. He should, in the Editor’s opinion, change his approach IMMEDIATELY, before he is manoeuvred into watching everything being destroyed – because if he follows this dubious double-cross course, into which he appears to be sleep-walking under duress, he himself will be double-crossed and he will regret what he has done for the rest of what will then remain of his life (which may not be a lot). We are merely reporting what we have observed from previous cases known to us: and we are not the only observers who are concerned at this turn of events.

• Nor should the Ambassador be concerned that any change of course from the perilous direction in which he is now walking, would make him look weak. Who cares what these people may choose to think? He has been abused and trampled on, subjected to numerous attempts on his life, and yet has miraculously escaped the very worst outcomes. He should not worry about what these people think of him: that is THEIR problem, not his. He should stick to the existing arrangements and not yield to these dangerous people. He may consider them to be intelligence community colleagues, but surely that in itself should be enough to ensure that he understands that they are likely to be setting him up. After all, that is what they do. They have no other modus operandi.

The Ambassador knows all about ‘bait and switch’. Yet it appears, according to our reports, that he cannot perceive when this standard Luciferian technique is being applied to HIM. If he falls for the trick this time, in the face of the effective blackmail operation against him, the consequences for himself, the United States and the whole of humanity will be terrible, as this report explains.

Yet here he is, as reported to us, toying with throwing everything away just because the scheming, criminalised intelligence classes don’t like Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. The reason they don’t like Mr Cottrell, is very SIMPLE: he has called their criminal bluff, has stood up to them, has exposed their unlawful operations, and has never yielded an inch.

The Ambassador, who spent 40 days in Mr Cottrell’s company last fall (incurring a huge hotel bill which Mr Cottrell is having to pay), should reflect, before it is too late, that his understandable anxiety to bring this matter to a conclusion and to ‘get back into the game’, at any cost, is risking not only his Settlement (which these people will steal) but also the future of the United States and the whole world. We cannot believe that he does not understand this reality.

The Editor therefore appeals urgently to Mr Wanta – who has benefited not only from the huge hotel bill incurred by Mr Cottrell (believed to be of the order of $14,000), but also from the Editor’s loan funds of $35,000 which ought to have been repaid on 11th June 2007, have not been repaid, and have been stolen by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue – to think again.

If he makes the wrong decision now, as by all accounts he is doing or is about to do, under duress, he may wreck his chances of retaining custody of his agreed-upon funds, will lose control of them because he will be wallowing in the corrupt banking sector which relieved him of his original $27.5 trillion, and will therefore be unable to proceed inter alia with any of the projects agreed with Mr Cottrell’s Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. under their Private Joint Venture Agreement dated 30th December 2005, and with fresh projects for the benefit of the American people, whom he seeks once again to serve. The projects in question have already been delayed for years.

No doubt unsolicited advice from a rank outsider may be unwelcome: but, given the catastrophic state of affairs that will ensue if the funds are stolen for good and the refinancing of the United States and the world economy, backed by Basel II, does not begin immediately, what other choice does this Editor have? Our job is to monitor the evolution of the international financial economy for the benefit of our subscribers: and since the Editor has had a specific role to play in this crisis for several years, this is all the more reason why his unsolicited advice must be placed on record.

The Ambassador, no doubt under advice, severed his contacts with the Editor several months ago. We understand his position. However, one doubtless ‘unintended’ consequence is that the only way that the Editor’s considered assessments can be placed before him, as in the past, is by means of the electronic and printed word.

Projects for the benefit of the American people, agreed upon under the Private Joint Venture, and others that have been planned, will collapse if Mr Wanta now succumbs to the blackmail pressures being exerted upon him to amend the existing business structure – because new arrangements that he is reported to be contemplating are designed to deceive, double-cross, scam and terminate him once and for all. At the very least, he may be taking an extreme risk in following the primrose path down which his advisers are reported by our several sources, to be pushing him.

Assuming that the Ambassador’s familiar common sense finally prevails, he should not be deterred from pulling back, due to the publicity generated by this report. The reason he should not hesitate, and should not be concerned about what his advisers are saying and proposing, is that their real objective is to deceive him, as he was deceived and taken down before.

It was not for nothing that Colonel Dana Wilcox said to the Editor of this service, when we were together in Alexandria last October, that ‘Leo Wanta is his own worst enemy’. This assessment, unfortunately, appears to be correct.

While we are on the subject of corporate matters, Attorney Steven Goodwin, the Secretary of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., is also Trustee of the Editor’s $35,000 Escrow Agreement dated 14th July 2005 and of the Promissory Note referencing the Editor’s loan funds dated 9th June 2005. The private loan was extended at 7.00% annual interest for two years, ending on 10th June 2007, but has not been repaid. That is an outrage.

The Editor accordingly holds both men accountable for these loan funds and will manifestly require reimbursement. He does not agree with the cynical comment made to him by Mrs Linda Fanton, who previously assisted the Editor and the Ambassador before she abandoned both, that ‘you can wave goodbye to that money’. All concerned are hereby placed on notice that such cynicism and financial irresponsibility will not be tolerated. British people don’t buy into that attitude.

In this connection, the Editor’s British accountant, Douglas Heydon, wrote on 10th December 2007 to Mr Goodwin, of Goodwin, Sutton & Duval, PC, 5516 Falmouth Street, Suite 108, Richmond, Virginia 23230, enquiring about the Editor’s funds and information about their disposition.

Mr Heydon wrote again on 18th January 2008; and as of this date he had received no response. We understand that Mr Goodwin has been ‘instructed’ not to reply. Whether he has been so instructed or not, he is the Trustee of the Editor’s funds and as an Attorney he is expected to respond to enquiries from a qualified accountant. Failing to do so is both unprofessional and reprehensible.

No doubt the duplicitous CIA intention behind this arrangement was to provoke the Editor of this service to ‘turn on’ the Ambassador for the return of his funds with the agreed-upon interest: that is the sort of dirty trick these people play. Unfortunately for whoever Mr Goodwin’s handler may be, this is not going to happen. Goodwin is the Trustee and he must perform. The two cited and rudely unanswered letters from Mr Heydon will now appear on pages 198-199 of the forthcoming massive Wantagate-only issue of International Currency Review, which will be mailed worldwide to existing official, banking sector, investment and new subscribers in the near future.

Given what this Editor has done to prise the Ambassador out of the hole that his colleagues had ruthlessly discarded him into, any deviation from Mr Wanta’s previous settled loyalties in favour, under duress, of a new ‘switch’, will send signals to all the relevant quarters that he cannot be trusted. That would be a sad let-down after all that he has done for America and the West.

We know that such an impression would be unwarranted. The reason he was ‘taken down’ in July 1993 by the organised criminal cadres led by the Clinton and Bush Crime Families was precisely that he would not ‘go along’ with their criminal operations. He would not contravene US law.

There are just TWO reasons why progress has been made with ALL the Settlements since the Editor took the risky action to pay $35,000 to haul the Ambassador out of his unlawful probation:

• The adamant refusal of Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. to succumb to pressures to deviate from ‘the regs’, and his principled adherence to the Securities regulations and the Rule of Law.

• The 98 Wantagate reports which the Editor of this service has voluntarily written, so far free of charge, pro bono publico, posted and published in order to complete what he started when he made the $35,000 available for the salvation of the Ambassador.

No doubt another cynical calculation in certain minds may have been that Christopher Story would never write a report such as the present one, because he wants his $35,000 back with the agreed-upon interest. Wrong. ‘What I have started, I will finish’, to coin a famous phrase.

Likewise, it may, we surmise, have been calculated that Mr Cottrell will go along with the scheming behind his back which will leave him and his family vulnerable to the identical. typical US criminal intelligence ‘bait and switch’ stitch-up that may be intended for the Ambassador, in due course (explained below: how they will do it). Wrong. We understand that the position is that if Mr Cottrell is not trusted, which is absurd, then the game is over.

Our close observation of this man for several years, during which time he has never deceived the Editor, is that he is a man of the highest integrity and principle – which the criminal classes detest – and that this is precisely why the Ambassador MUST retain his services.

If he does not, just because the criminalist cadres don’t like him, as a man of principle unlike them, Mr Wanta will rapidly be scammed and will sink without trace.

No doubt the intelligence community doesn’t like the Editor of this service either: but that is their problem. If they could see that their endless lies, double-dealing, scamming, double-crossing, ‘bait and switch’ behaviour, and all the other unfettered abominations that pour out of the George Bush Center for Intelligence (a.k.a. Exploitation) in Langley, were cumulatively counter-productive, and that they stink in the nostrils of the whole world, especially following these Wantagate exposures of their serial corruption, they might start to dig themselves out of the ordure in which they are wallowing. The world’s dreadful opinion of them is of their own perverse making.

For starters, the CIA will have to consider renaming Langley, because, all of a sudden, they won’t want to be tarred with Bush’s brush any longer.

Fancy falling so stupidly for the DVD’s biggest, boldest coup: the naming of the CIA’s HQ after the representative of pan-German ‘Black’ counterintelligence. How stupid is that?

We have always been told that, cunning and duplicitous through so many of these people are, they are fundamentally stupid. Their stupidity stems from the fact that they do not appear to understand that all lies have a half-life, like plutonium. The Editor’s 40+ years’ observational experience has led him to the conclusion that the average half-life of a state lie is seven years.

The REASON the criminalist intelligence cadres don’t like Mr Cottrell is precisely that he, like the Editor knows the Ambassador to be, is trustworthy, a man of principle, a securities technician of the highest calibre, and someone who can often see through deception before the deceiver has even presented it to him. It appears that the Ambassador cannot, at present, see that he is being set up. He may need to put on a new pair of spectacles and see the trees beyond the wood. Acting hastily under duress will have fateful and terminal consequences.

This is not just a matter for the Ambassador: the fate of the whole world is at stake.

The Editor is not expecting Mr Wanta to double-cross him. However in the unlikely event that it turns out that he has done so, the Editor will necessarily make this fact public for all the world to see. It is already a fact that the telephone number, which the Ambassador graciously gave to the Editor in 2005, saying ‘not many people have this number’, is now inoperative.

There may be reasons for this, but it could be interpreted as unfortunate, to say the least.

In summary, all concerned need to ‘sit up and take notice’: you are running grave risks. If these risks were simply to affect a few expendable individuals, that would be ‘one thing’. But since the risks being run will affect the whole world, ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, it is essential that the present foolish, gadarene rush to oblivion be STOPPED NOW.

The United States desperately needs refinancing, after the rapine and pillage perpetrated by the organised criminal cadres that have ransacked the country from their supposedly impregnable positions in high office. The Wanta Plan is the ONLY way forward. The alternative that the corrupt intelligence cadres intend to try to impose will guarantee a US and global economic and financial catastrophe, and will temporarily empower these dark forces, who stand, ‘as we speak’ on the verge of a huge setback. The are not accustomed to setbacks, or to any opposition.

‘Operation Double-Cross’ must NOT be allowed to succeed. You are above this, Mr Wanta. You can count your true friends on less than one hand. Your current advisers are NOT your friends: they intend to scam you, exploit you, compromise you, discard you, and probably to do away with you altogether. The Editor can read their minds. He has been doing this for many years.

The essence of Mr Cottrell’s contribution all along has been his insistence that the funds are held in a corporate securities account, so that they are governed by the securities regime, on which Mr Cottrell is a world-level expert, and not by the porous and wholly unreliable banking environment

Ambassador Wanta’s universally recognised brilliance does not extend to his ability to hold on to funds which have been stolen from him. The criminal intelligence cadres stole his money FROM BANK ACCOUNTS before, and they intend to do so again, because Lee Wanta is reportedly being persuaded by these untrustworthy operatives, under duress, that US banking arrangements are sufficient. They are NOT: not with these sharks around.

The World Court, the G-9 and the international community generally need to understand, at this extremely late stage, that the only way the funds can be held safely out of the reach of the criminal cadres in the banks and the corrupt and unreformed US intelligence community, is for the funds to be held in a corporate securities account. Given the endemic corruption within the US banking system, the funds could never be safe in any straight US bank account.

The corporate securities account arrangements made for AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., provide the necessary assurance and security. The corporate securities account was made available to the Ambassador by Morgan Stanley because Mr Cottrell is a fully qualified securities professional and expert, and already holds a corporate securities account for his own company. Activation of The Wanta Plan is predicated upon the use of the corporate securities account, without which all the Wanta ‘compromise’ money will be stolen.

As will be seen from what follows, the World Court has taken charge of demanding and enforcing the Wanta payment (and parallel Settlements) JUST AS the criminal intelligence cadres may have persuaded Ambassador Wanta, under duress, to dump Mr Cottrell, which will ensure that Mr Wanta will be left in due course with nothing. It may also mean that he will later be ‘disposed of’.

Unfortunately, the Ambassador appears to have fallen for these corrupt blandishments, just at the moment (see below) when decisive action may be taken to enforce the payment.

Looked at the other way round, achievement by the World Court and by the G-9 countries of the Settlements, which has been their focus all along, may in practice remit the funds into the hands of the organised criminal intelligence cadres – thanks to the apparent success of the criminalists with their long-standing offensive to split the Ambassador from Mr Cottrell, whose securities expertise and trustworthiness is the only true protection that the Ambassador has from being left penniless, followed as usual with these evil people, by elimination.

It is also a FACT that these people specialise in creating divisions and tension between partners, in every context. They do this for exclusively malevolent reasons – so that THEY can profit from the consequences.That is what they are seeking to achieve: it has been their intention to split the two, all along. According to reports received, they are on the way to succeeding.

For, unfortunately, the Ambassador has signed certain papers which more or less ensure that this offensive is a fait accompli. He must pull back immediately, or he can expect to suffer the worst possible outcome over time, if past experience is any guide.

No assurances from any of these people can be relied upon. Various CIA operatives known to us by name, including one who provides services to the Ambassador to this very day, have systematically stolen from Ambassador Wanta’s bank accounts in the past. They and their like will do so again.

The overall objectives of what is intended include the abolition of the Wanta Plan, the scrapping of the Basel II banking reforms, the final abrogation of the accord with Ambassador Wanta reached in May 2006 providing for his ‘compromise’ $4.5 trillion payment, separation of the Ambassador from Michael C. Cottrell. M.S., so that the criminalists encounter no further opposition to their schemes to relieve Wanta of all the funds, the stealing of the ‘compromise’ Wanta $4.5 trillion, the hijacking of all the G-8 country and Protocol payments, the stealing of the entire original $27.5 trillion owned by Ambassador Wanta as sole Principal, the stealing of all the fiat off-balance sheet, untaxed funds leveraged from the thievery and exploitation of the Ambassador’s $27.5 trillion, holding onto and stealing the investments of the IMF and Prosperity Programmes and other scam/Ponzi operations mounted by the kleptocracy so that none of the estimated 350,000 payees receive a penny, holding on to those investors’ capital funds, depriving the 160 payee countries of all their agreed-upon Protocol and other payments – and, when everything has been ‘taken care of’, the disposal, on the basis of past practice, of Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta by murder, as they disposed of his Chinese intelligence partner, Howie Kwong Kok. This will be followed, if possible the liquidation of Michael C. Cottrell M.S. and Christopher Story as well. At least, that is what they may have in mind.

If these are NOT the evil intentions underlying this blackmail, its is prudent to assume that they ARE – on the basis of what we know about how these people operate.

For this desperate throw of the dice, the cornered criminalist cadres and financial fraudsters directed by the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD, Dachau) operative, former President George H. W. Bush Jr., Bush Sr.’s chief handler (Vice President Richard B. Cheney), and their criminalist associates, have persuaded Ambassador Lee Wanta, under duress, to go along blindly with their duplicitous plans – with Wanta perhaps blissfully unaware that he is in the process of being set up as happened before, and will be dumped at the first opportunity, once he has realised that his control over the money is illusory. And that won’t be long after the Settlement (see below).

Given that the Ambassador has been messed about with now for 15 years, since he was unlawfully taken down in Lausanne on 7th July 1993, his position is pitiable, and provokes great sympathy: but he is being severely misled by untrustworthy US intelligence cadres whose primary objective is to arrange matters so that he is seen to be double-crossing Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. (and, since the Ambassador has benefited from this Editor’s scarce private funds which have not been repaid, Christopher Story), whereupon he will lose control of his funds and will be unceremoniously got rid of, like his former Chinese intelligence colleague.

It is reported to us that a CIA- and Republican Party-linked Attorney may be cooperating in the double-cross operation, even though, when the Editor said last year to the Ambassador ‘I don’t trust him’, Ambassador Wanta replied: ‘You ought to’. Well, the Editor does not, and never did.

He is right and the Ambassador, unfortunately, is wrong.

It is a fact that Ambassador Wanta appears to have had precisely four friends in recent years: Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., who is the only man in the United States who can be trusted with Wanta’s money, the Editor of this service who has so far lost his private funds and has received 12 death threats in the service of the greatest US patriot of our age, one other colleague whose identity is known to this Editor, and HM The Queen. Beyond that small closed circle, all so-called ‘friends’, especially those from the corrupt US intelligence community, are sharks waiting to steal ALL his money and to ensure that he is, ONCE AGAIN, taken out of the picture – this time, for good.

Before we elaborate on how the criminal operatives – led by Mossad, DVD (cooperation between these Black intelligence organizations being a VERY long-standing, classic ‘sib’ operation (1)), the criminal cadres inside the CIA and perhaps even traitors within MI6 – intend to pull off this cynical intelligence coup to seize upwards of $400 trillion in the teeth of the determined opposition of the Group of Nine most powerful financial countries, the World Court and even the US Supreme Court, which recently informed the Bush cadres that the Justices did not intend ‘to go down with you’, here is an enumerated summary of certain recent and pertinent developments.

This (numbered, point by point) information is provided as a lead-in to the more precise information (the Main Intelligence Section) that will follow it, and offers background which the more detailed intelligence corroborates.

In other words this enumerated information should be regarded as background which is explained by the specifics that follow the numbered statements herewith:

1. On Wednesday 20th February 2008, David Walker, head of the General Accountability Office (previously the General Accounting Office), a.k.a. the Inspector General, resigned specifically because he was sick and tired of the endless deception, trickery, lies and humbug surrounding the Bush White House’s unlawful financial fraud operations and the hijacking and hold-ups affecting The Wanta Plan Settlement and the other long outstanding payments. He left to work with a new think-tank being established by Pete Peterson, a former US Treasury Secretary, who is reportedly raising $1.0 billion to fund his new operation.

2. On Sunday 24th February, Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times, London, whose executives once informed the veteran British journalist Gordon Thomas that they wouldn’t touch Wantagate with a thousand-foot bargepole, came out of their unprofessional shell and published a damning report featuring Frank Johnson, the Mayor of Cleveland, whose Office is suing Citigoup, Goldman Sachs. HSBC and Greenwich Capital (owned by Royal Bank of Scotland), claiming that ‘they acted like organised criminals financing the sale of products that they knew could do nothing but harm’.

• Mr Jackson is the FIRST US public official to call a corrupt spade a garden implement.

In response to this incredible surprise, the Editor emailed him full details of Wantagate and drew his staff’s attention to our report dated 26th December 2007, explaining the financial fraud model underlying the so-called ‘sub-prime’ crisis. It was clear from The Sunday Times’ article that Mr Jackson’s Office had understood the pertinent information contained therein.

3. On Monday 25th February, it was confirmed and verified to the Editor of this service that the International Monetary Fund, recently equipped with a new Managing Director from France, M. Strauss-Kahn, had been placed in overall control of the Wanta and other Settlements, backed by the World Court and two so-called ‘interested’ countries, subsequently identified to us as Russia and Japan. Both these countries’ governments consider that their treatment by the corrupt Bush-Clinton Crime Cartel represents a casus belli, and in several conversations, other parties have mentioned the possibility of a war outcome, without any prompting by the Editor of this service.

4. The IMF were supposed to have taken over the supervisory function with effect from 8.00 am EST on Friday 22nd February. The Fund ran into immediate problems from the US Treasury, which asserted that it needed authority from President Bush Jr., and ventilated other familiar excuses for non-performance – all of which, in the case of the Wanta Settlement, are nonsense because the Treasury’s ‘Treasury Direct’ instructions to Citibank to remit the $4.5 trillion into the corporate securities account with Morgan Stanley, remain unchanged.

5. In response to this typical US Treasury obstruction, the IMF allowed the Treasury an ‘extension’ to 9.00 am EST on Saturday 23rd February 2008 for the Settlement payments. When the US Treasury, as usual, failed to perform, the IMF now informed the relevant parties that it would handle all the practicalities and that the Settlements were now out of the hands of the White House, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Ambassador and Mr Cottrell had been advised all day on 22nd February that payment would be made that day, these undertakings being shown as usual to have been worthless. Likewise certain Trustees about which the Editor has ongoing information had been told to stand by, but to no avail (a repeated scenario given the nefarious dialectical Bush-Greenspan ‘Never-Pay’ or non-performance model described in our reports).

6. At 9.40 pm UK time on Saturday 23rd February, the Editor was informed that release of the ‘macro’ Settlement funds was supposed to have taken place by 9.00 EST. However the IMF discovered that, of the six ‘macro’ banks charged with making the initial payments, only two of them actually held the necessary funds. The other four banks were found not to have been ‘funded’.

It was also stated that the World Court had arranged for significant numbers of international law enforcement and other personnel to travel to the United States to assist in the procurement of the Settlement payments.

7. Item 4 above coincided with reports, received by the Editor at arms’-length at 9.45 pm on 25th February 2008 that $300 trillion had ‘gone missing’.

8. Following the IMF’s failure to procure the Settlement payments, the White House, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve were given until Thursday 28th February by the IMF, representing the international community in general, and the 160 payee countries in particular, to retrieve all the missing funds and to have them placed in the four unfunded banks in order to comply with the requirements of the Group of Nine countries, also representing the international community, This information was likewise provided to us on 25th February 2008 (at about 9.50 pm). The demand was accompanied by indications from diplomatic sources that high-level arrests would otherwise ensue.

9. The Israeli-American Dov Zakheim was now identified as having been ‘used as a funnel for the handling of a lot of money’, with the implication that this had been done unlawfully. Military sources also confirmed separately published assessments that the Central Intelligence Agency has been and remains decisively penetrated by Israeli intelligence, to the continuing detriment of the United States, and that a thorough reassessment of the United States’ close relations with Israel is now essential. The report to this effect was received in London on 25th February at 14:36 pm UK time.

10. After or as the deadline for absolute US compliance with the Settlement(s), set by the Group of Nine for last Thursday, passed with no payments being made, the G-9 met in what was reported to us as ‘continuous session’. At 9.40 pm UK time on 25th February, the Editor had been informed that the White House, the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve had all been given until Thursday 28th February 2008 to have the necessary funds placed in the relevant US bank accounts for onward distribution, after which the G-9 would be reconsidering all their options – having semi-suspended sanctions against the United States with each successful aborted ‘settlement scenario’ modelled upon the standard Bush-Greenspan ‘on again, off-again’ dialectical framework.

11. On 25th February, a US contact with South American connections reported that, out of the blue, a Brazilian party had stated as fact over the landline that (quote) ‘there’s some big scandal going on, that will bring the [US] election forward to May or June’.

12. On 26th February 2008, a fire broke out at the Canary Wharf, London, offices of Crédit Suisse, causing the evacuation of 5,000 employees and the suspension of operations ‘for an hour’. This latest ‘bank fire’ followed the suspension by the same bank of ‘a small number’ of traders a week earlier, who were reportedly suspected of having inflated the value of certain ‘investments’ by an estimated £1.5 billion. The Daily Telegraph [26th February 2008], reporting these developments, perpetrated an interesting ‘Freudian typo’, referring to Crédit Suisse as ‘Credit Squeeze’, and referencing the fact that its staff reporter had received no answer when he had asked whether the ‘small number’ of traders who had been ‘suspended’ could be accounted for on the morning of the fire at the bank’s Canary Wharf premises [see Note: (2) ‘Burning the evidence’]

13. At 1.05pm on Tuesday 26th February, reports were received in our London office to the effect that the Omega Group of recipients had received their ‘packages’ that morning and that Tier Three recipients would be receiving their packages by noon EST on 27th February. The Editor greeted this ‘information’ with extreme scepticism, which proved to be appropriate.

The source did elaborate, however, that it was being asserted behind the scenes (i.e., within the intelligence community) that Ambassador Wanta had been made to sign documentation on pain of forfeiting his payment (see below). Since those proffering such documentation for signature are classic Leninists (that is to say, they have no intention of honouring their side of any such bargain), to have signed any such papers, even under duress, would have been the height of folly on Leo Wanta’s part, as the documentation will have been designed for trickery purposes [see below for why this information was important].

14. Jon Moulton, head of the private equity firm Alchemy Partners (a typically Rosicrucian title) told the SuperReturn 2008 Hedge Fund conference in Munich on 26th February that ‘there will be large private equity failures this year. Absolutely guaranteed. This is a cyclical downturn for the industry. We are going to have very weak returns for a while. Companies will go bust and that is going to be a problem. We have got some savagely leveraged companies out there and, unless something else happens to distract them, the politicians will be back and we can look forward to more regulation and tax damaging this business’.

Interestingly, Mr Moulton blasted his own so-called ‘industry’, although he failed to mention the word ‘criminal’. He added: ‘Buyouts were done on the basis of mythical numbers like pro-forma, adjusted, normalised EBITDA, which almost always turns out to be 20% higher than reality. We were buying false numbers and doing it willingly, but the quality of what we were doing had come down. It’s the same thing that was going on in the US sub-prime market’.

Well, of course that last statement is completely inaccurate, as Mr Moulton must surely be aware: see our report dated 26th December 2007 on the fraudulent finance model underlying the so-called ‘sub-prime’ crisis. On 3rd March 2008, The Daily Telegraph used the phrase ‘fraudulent behaviour by mortgage lenders’ [page B4]. The media is cottoning on, nine months LATE.

15. On 26th February, Dr Joseph Stiglitz, the former Chief Economist at the World Bank, a ‘serious man’ if ever there was one, warned in his newly published book, The Trillion Dollar War, written with Harvard lecturer Linda Bilmes, that the financial and human cost of Bush II’s odious war (the purpose of which was to seize control of the Central Bank of Iraq: see Note (2)) is likely to be not three trillion dollars (that’s the overall cost, all things considered, to the United States), but double that total, given that the cost to the Rest of the World will be about the same. Dr Stiglitz said that the new occupant of the White House will inherit a country that is ‘living on borrowed time and borrowed money’ – yet he FAILED to point out that this could have been avoided if The Wanta Plan had been implemented with the taxed, on-the-books trading programmes starting up in June/July 2006 as should have happened under the Wanta Plan prior to Paulson’s hijacking operation.

• Dr Stiglitz added that there was evidence that the US Government had been trying to cover up the cost of the war: ‘We had to use the Freedom of Information Act to uncover things that we never would have known’. Pointing to the high numbers of injured servicemen, he noted that ‘the official website figure was less than half the total’. In 16 years’ time, the United States would be facing a $4.0 billion annual bill for injured servicemen. He estimated that 40% of the US military currently fighting in Iraq will return home severely disabled.

• It is therefore no surprise that President George W. Bush’s eyes have turned jet black. He has not only murdered an estimated 1.5 million people in Iraq, but has wrecked the lives of a huge number of US servicemen. Please see the Editor’s comments about demonic possession in the report dated 25th February 2008.

16. At 3.42pm on 26th February, the Editor received a phone call from a contact in which it was stated that the necessary impetus had been placed once again behind the Settlements, and that key Trustees had yet again been placed on standby to go into the relevant banks to take care of their ‘macro’ payments. This unverified information, of course, presupposed that the $300 trillion will have been retrieved in the interim.

17. At 3.55 pm on 26th February, the Editor was informed that (a) certain people were very pleased with the Editor’s posting dated 25th February, and (b) that it had made a number of parties finally aware that the United States is run by a psychopath. (Note: This assessment was conveyed to us for several days thereafter).

• At the same time, extreme annoyance at the articles within the criminalised echelons of US intelligence triggered yet another cyber-attack on the communications of Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. and Ambassador Leo Wanta. (The ‘Bush on the Couch’ report was first published in International Currency Review, known as ‘the green book’, in January 2005, so it was already three years old).

• As an interesting sideline, the first component of the 26th February report, dealing with the Ronald Reagan Library Wanta papers, contained our information about the CIA front organization which called itself Multi-Sector Crisis Management, run by a Mr and Mrs Neil Thompson. We have learned that exposure of this operation by this service resulted in its abrupt closure.

Notwithstanding that the operatives in that nest tried to scam the Ambassador and Mr Cottrell (see the preceding report), Mr Neil Thompson had the extreme audacity and shamelessness to get in touch with Ambassador Wanta recently, in search of future opportunities.

Another response to our posting that segment of the report (despite the fact that we had published the text as an occasional paper, distributed with International Currency Review, Volume 33, #s 1 and 2 on 14th September 2007) was: ‘Oh, we’d forgotten about that’.

According to sources, the operatives running that now defunct US intelligence front had allegedly tried to gain access to $3 billion owned by Mr Cottrell and held for his account abroad but which he has been unable to access.

18. Repeated inaccurate, but ruthlessly disseminated, reports were noted during this period, and earlier in February, that Ambassador Wanta had taken economic receipt of his ‘compromise’ $4.5 trillion, thereby releasing his claim, as sole Principal, of the $27.5 trillion base funds that he owns and which were stolen from him (as he has proved to be unable, given his banking orientation, to prevent his criminalist colleagues from stealing his funds).

• These inaccurate reports were fed into the ‘system’ by CIA disinformation hacks, followed the standard ‘ying-yang’, ‘backy-forthy’, ‘Urim-Thummim’ (Yes and No) dialectical methodology which is the essence of the Bush-Greenspan ‘Never-Pay’ ‘perpetual deception’ model. It was also thought that these ruthless deception specialists could be engaged in a ‘sib’ operation to maximise their potential for ensuring the permanent capture and retention of all the stolen funds.

19. On Wednesday 27th February 2008, at 10.40pm, the Editor was informed by telephone at 10:40 am that the Group of Nine powerful financial countries had been meeting for the past two days.

• Condoleeza Rice, the US Secretary of State, had demanded to participate in the meeting, but was informed that her demands and her words could not be trusted and had no meaning, and that her presence was neither required and nor would it be appreciated. Ms Rice is a candidate for arrest, along with all members of the Bush II Cabinet. The Group of Nine, along with the Rest of the World (the 160 payee countries), now regard the United States as a pariah state.

• It was separately reported to us by several sources that certain wire transfers had been delayed or held up from Wednesday 27th February onwards.

20. It was also simultaneously reported to the Editor of this service on 27th February that President George Bush had delivered a cynical little speech to ‘his friends’, in which he had bragged that he hoped ‘everyone was now enjoying spending their money’. This information could only have been leaked, since the Editor unfortunately lacks a fly on the Oval Office wall.

21. On both Wednesday and Thursday 27th-28th February, Dr Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, testified before Congress. In response to a question about the Basel II reformed banking system, Bernanke answered the question correctly, describing what it would procure. However, significantly, he was NOT asked the pertinent questions about Basel II, which are these: Has the Basel II banking system, which has been in force in Germany since 1st January 2007, been introduced in the United States yet? If not, when will it be introduced? Why was it not introduced as scheduled, with effect from the turn of this year? Why has the Wanta settlement been repeatedly hijacked? Is it the intention to make the Wanta payment? Is it the intention to make the other Settlement payments? Is it the intention to steal all the funds (see below)? One might add, given the notorious corruption in the US Congress, that this further question might have been asked (in the closed session; see immediately below): How much will you pay each of us not to reveal that you are continuing to steal and misappropriate the Wanta and other Settlement funds?

• For those who are unaware of this, open US Congressional testimony sessions on sensitive subjects are preceded by secret classified meetings, at which it is decided, in advance, which questions the witnesses will be asked. These meetings take place in the Capitol itself, and are highly secret, access being code clearance only. All documents taken into the sessions must be left there and may not be removed when it ends. The Editor testified twice before Congressional Committees in the 1980s, and of course, since he did not hold a sensitive post, this did not occur on those occasions: but when someone like the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is the witness, this is the procedure. Therefore, what emerges from the open testimony question and answer sessions, is rigged, and doctored for public consumption. That explains why Dr Bernanke was not asked the appropriate questions on this occasion.

• The 408-page Federal Reserve Board document entitled ‘Basel II Final Rules: Federal Reserve Board Open Board meeting: November 2, 2007: 10.00 a.m. EDT’ sent to the Editor of International Currency Review by the Federal Reserve Board, compiled by and on behalf of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the US Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Treasury’s Office of Thrift Supervision, contains the following rubric:
Dates: This final rule is effective [INSERT DATE].

22. In the course of Wednesday 27th February, it became clear that the recalcitrant US criminalist forces had no intention of meeting the Fund’s deadline of Thursday 28th February 2008 for the Settlements. It was also reported that a very large real estate developer in Nevada, involved in major development projects, had defaulted on a $500 million interest payment. Anecdotal reports were being received of Americans handing in the keys of their properties to banks, the keys of their cars to dealerships and returning defaulted credit cards to the providers.

• Background reports of the Group of Nine debating the necessity of finally giving the go-ahead for the on-again, off-again sanctions against the United States, were received all day.

23. On Thursday 28th February (an ‘up’ day according to the ying-yang dialectical disinformation model), the Editor received a phone call from a source at 1.20pm to the effect that ‘Leo Wanta had been placed on notice last night that he was to be paid’.

This ‘report’ was accompanied by statements to the effect that US Treasury officials ‘went to the (relevant) bank early this morning’, a certain trustee had to go to his bank in Connecticut at 2.00 am, another Trustee who banks offshore was called to his bank, while a key lawyer in France who had left Paris for his countryside residence for the evening, had suddenly been recalled from his home and brought back to Paris by his chauffeur. These reports, at least so far as Ambassador Lee Wanta was concerned, proved to represent disinformation. Today was an ‘up’ day. Wednesday had been a ‘down’ day’. Tuesday had been an ‘up’ day’. Money had been a ‘down’ day.

24. It was reported, and later confirmed, on 28th February, that President Bush had informed the relevant banks that they need not comply with the demands of the International Monetary Fund.

• So they didn’t.

• STOP: This reflects the reality that the criminal US Presidency and the criminal enterprise banks are defying, now, THE ENTIRE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, as represented by the Fund.

25. At 13:54 pm UK time on 28th February, a contact with the US military reported to us that ‘no payment will be made today’. (This assertion was emphatically repeated on the following day).

26. It is confirmed (from sources separate to the single published source) that Bush Sr. (41) sent a legal team to the World Court on Wednesday 28th February to demand immunity for his and for his associates’ endless crimes, and that, simultaneously, President George W. Bush Jr. sent his own legal team to the Supreme Court to beg likewise for immunity, on his behalf and on behalf of his entire Cabinet – and that in both instances, immunity was refused. The precise circumstances of this development are recounted in the Main Intelligence Section below.

• It is also true that the entire Bush II Cabinet has been informed, through legal channels, that immunity from the consequences of their financial and related crimes, their co-conspiracy, and the fact that they are individually and collectively accessories to the fact of endless crimes (notably the financial crimes delineated in earlier Wantagate reports) has been flatly refused.

• It is understood that the World Court and the Supreme Court listened patiently to the respective Presidents’ pleadings, and were not impressed. The real background to these Bush applications for immunity is given in the Main Intelligence, reported below.

27. At 19:41 UK time on Friday 28th the Editor sent the following email to Ambassador Lee Wanta, Michael C. Cottrell , M.S. and Thomas Henry, Wanta’s lawyer. It is addressed to Mr Henry:

Thomas E Henry
1125 South 79th Street
Nebraska 58124 USA

28th February 2008

Wisconsin Case # 92CF683

Could you let me know, as soon as possible, please, what steps, if any, have been taken since July 2005 to procure the necessary justice and substantial financial compensation that is clearly due to the Ambassador in respect of the illegal incarceration, probation and taxation of Ambassador Wanta predicated upon the basis of the fabricated and duplicated Delinquent Tax Warrant #44-00162088 which was the subject of a notarised Outagamie Court ‘Satisfaction of Delinquent Tax Warrant’ dated 1st June 1993, and notwithstanding that the relevant illegally charged amount of $14,129 had been paid by the Ambassador twice in 1992? As you know I am an interested party in this matter, since my loan of $35,000 which paid the same amount for the third time, fell due for repayment on 10th June 2007 but was not repaid as it should have been, and my private funds were disbursed as follows: $24,900.91 was credited by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue to account 5QJLF7V5 which is nothing to do with the Ambassador, while $4,167.64 of my private funds were paid by the State Department of Corrections to the Wisconsin Defender’s Office contrary to Federal Law as the Ambassador asked for his own Defender and was refused.

If nothing has been done, could please respond accordingly, so that I can incorporate this fact into my next report. I also need this information for a possible application to the US Supreme Court so that I can recover my funds, which appear to have been misallocated/stolen by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

I would be most grafeful for your prompt response to this enquiry within seven days, so that I can have the necessary information to hand pending my forthcoming visit to New York.

For your information, I wrote last October under the Misprision of Felony Statute to Judge Martin in Wisconsin, who had written to me last July explaining why he would be doing nothing to rectify matters. Christopher Story FRSA. cstory@worldreports.org.

28. Open media reports confirmed that massive margin calls had occurred on Friday 29th February [see Main Intelligence Section, for explanation below]. An FDIC official was reported to have made negative public comments about 76 US banks [see above].

29. Over the weekend of 1st-2nd March, it became clear, from numerous pointers, that the criminal US intelligence establishment have decided that Barack Obama is to be the next President of the United States. He will be clueless, permissive and extremely weak. His campaign is reported to have hired 12,000 square feet in downtown Chicago, through a mob-related entity, Rezco, at the knockdown price of $12.0 per square foot. The mob connection again, of course.

• The ‘switch’ to Obama has coincided with an outbreak of overtly anti-Jewish reports all over the place, implying that an ‘Operation Revenge’ (which the Editor knows exists) against the excessive power of the Jews in the United States is about to be unleashed. If this assessment is accurate, it would reflect the extremes to which prominent Jews have gone as Wantagate has developed, to steal as much money for themselves as possible – starting with Mr Paulson’s illegal retention of control over the $4.5 trillion Settlement funds agreed with Ambassador Wanta, at Goldman Sachs.

• The ‘third catastrophe’ written into the blueprint for global chaos and control by the demonically possessed 19th century sorcerer and necromancer, Albert Pike, calls for the Illuminati to foment lethal enmity between the Jews and Islam which will escalate to engulf the whole world, leaving the manipulators – who presume that they are authorised to direct mankind’s total affairs in what they regard as a purely mechanistic world, supposedly in charge, and then able to create ‘order out of chaos’. However all they can achieve is chaos out of order, as Lucifer, their god – the god of lies and confusion, and the Prince of this World – turns everything upside down and back to front.

• By extension, the ‘neat arrangements’ that Ambassador Wanta is being blackmailed and coerced into accepting, will NOT deliver the outcomes that he expects. It will turn his world upside down again and leave him stranded, all his money stolen, and in a worse condition than ever before, because once they have stolen his funds for good, they will do a ‘Foster’ or a ‘Howie Kwong Kok’ on him. That is what they always do, and if he thinks otherwise, he will once again become a tragic victim of his own kind nature. That is the Editor’s carefully considered assessment.

• The criminal intelligence nexus that is strangling the United States has its base in Chicago, the HQ of the mob. The other key centers of this open-ended criminality are Fort Meade, the controlled political structures in Washington, and elements of the US intelligence community.

• The contaminated power model operates as follows. The Intelligence Power, with its capacity for penetration, interpenetrates the Chicago-headquartered organised criminal community, and vice versa. This means that, as repeatedly stressed in these reports, the US intelligence community, like its Soviet counterpart, is a criminal enterprise. (There is really no such thing as a ‘White hat’. There are ‘Black hats’ and ‘Grey Hats’).

• The Intelligence Power penetrates the two other sides of the power triangle, namely the Military Power and ‘the Party’ (with its two falsely competing, controlled dialectical opposites. To make controlled democracy appear to ‘work’, these fake dialectical opposites do adhere to different philosophies, concocted in such a way as to bamboozle the hoi polloi, the Goyim, the ‘masses’, and/or the ‘sheeple’). It is its ‘power to penetrate’ that keeps the Intelligence Power on top.

Because the Intelligence Power penetrates ‘the Party’, it gets to select the holders of the highest offices. Its partial (but incomplete) penetration of the Military Power has assured – UNTIL NOW – that it retains control – which is why the CIA criminal enterprises have succeeded in amassing colossal fortunes off-balance sheet, offshore, and without a penny having been paid in tax.

And the corrupt Treasury, with its corrupt Internal Revenue Service, has allowed all this to occur, thereby operating in absolute dereliction of its duty to manage the United States’ finances at the optimum level of rectitude. Senior officials at that Department have behaved disgracefully.

We have long since pointed out, for instance, that if the Wanta Settlement had not been hijacked by ‘the late’ Henry M. Paulson (see below), the Treasury would have received its windfall $1.575 trillion in June/July 2006, followed by no less than $200 billion (estimated) accruals per banking day from the Wanta Plan’s projected on-balance sheet investment operations involving AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., Mr Cottrell’s Pennsylvania Investments, Inc, and six or eight banks operating properly on-balance sheet, with all accruals taxed.

Paulson, Cheney and the Bush and Clinton Crime Families thwarted this agreed-upon Wanta Plan, and for this reason are jointly and severally chargeable with treason – as indeed is EVERYONE WHO IS NOW STANDING IN THE WAY OF THE SETTLEMENTS AS ORIGINALLY PLANNED, including close advisers to Ambassador Wanta.

This, therefore, is the point at which we think it is appropriate to read EVERYONE CONCERNED, yet again, the RIOT ACT. You know about this criminality? It’s your legal duty to report it:


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

30. At 3:16 a.m. on Saturday 1st March, the Editor of this service sent the following email to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This email induced a flurry of activity at the weekend, given that it exposed that the criminal cadres have indeed set up a new conduit for the specific intent of stealing and exploiting ALL THE MONEY, INCLUDING THAT PAYABLE TO THE IMF/PROSPERITY PROGRAMME PAYEES AND ALL THE OTHER TIERS INVOLVED (see the Main Intelligence Section below):

Please provide me with a written confirmation or denial of the following statement which has been made to us by a financial market source:

‘The Federal Reserve set up a dummy corporation to steal the IMF/Prosperity programme money a week ago during a fund movement’.

This allegation was received in the early morning UK time 1st March 2008.

As you may appreciate, should we receive no response from you, that may be taken as an indication that the allegation may be accurate, and may be published on our website accordingly, in this context. We will publish your reply.

Your urgent attention is appreciated. For the sake of good order, please be advised that the next ‘Wantagate’ report is in preparation and must include a reference to this matter.

Christopher Story FRSA
Editor and Publisher
International Currency Review
108 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 2EF
United Kingdom
Email: cstory@worldreports.org
Website: www.worldreports.org

• Note: At the time of this posting, NO REPLY HAD BEEN RECEIVED.

31. At 2.30 pm UK time on Sunday 2nd March, the Editor learned that 12 officials and bankers had been arrested in France on Saturday 1st March. Those concerned were reported to have been standing in the way of the Settlements. Sources then reiterated to the Editor that the attempts in the preceding week by Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. to obtain immunity [see Main Intelligence Section, below] had indeed failed: and the specific reason for this was that Bush Jr. had been caught in flagrante accepting a PERSONAL PAYMENT while visiting Africa (as explained below).

•The point here is that President Bush was actually caught taking a personal bribe of substantial proportions, and his father was involved as well: this left the authorities with NO OPTION but to proceed to have these crooks arrested. However the arrests were averted (temporarily) when the illegal personal payment was reversed (causing the stock market sell-off and margin calls that occurred on 29th February: again, see below). That the arrests did not proceed is ludicrous: if I steal from you, you find out and I restore what I have stolen, I am still guilty of the original theft.

32. The Editor was informed on Sunday 2nd March at 2.40pm UK time that the World Court, having well understood that the problems are caused by a small clique of ‘world class criminals’ holding current and former high office, has agreed with the Group of Nine countries that these powers are not going to allow a World War, which is being contemplated, to break out (as has been discussed intensively in some capitals) because of the criminal operations of the Bush-Clinton Crime Wave.

33. It was further revealed to us on Sunday that the World Court had informed the International Monetary Fund and the US military that they have until Monday (unclear whether this INCLUDED the whole of Monday 3rd March) to implement the Wanta and the other Settlements.

• Failing that, the World Court will take direct responsibility for procuring the Settlements, and all who are standing in the way, including those at the highest levels in the United States, the entire US Cabinet and George Bush Sr., will be arrested. Our source could not elaborate as to how this outcome would be achieved, but the message for the time being is that the powers to settle will be taken out of the hands of the IMF and the US military, and assumed by the World Court, on behalf of the Group of Nine financial powers.

• The US response appears to have been to escalate tensions in the Middle East, which we always suspected they would do as soon as their position had reached this stage of exposure.

34. As a corollary to all this, we were told that the G-9 sanctions, which had been semi-suspended (although certain incidents involving sanctions have been recorded) would be reimposed in force, with no further prevarication. Since the G-9 have backed off from implementing the full sanctions against the United States each time that the ‘ying-yang’ dialectical on-again, off-again ‘Never Pay’ charade has been perpetrated, one cannot be sure at this juncture that the G-9 will proceed. But it does appear, especially in the light of the near arrest on personal corruption charges of Bush Jr. and his evil father, that there will indeed be no turning back. Except that they may again back off because of the deliberately contrived escalation of tension in the Middle East ( = OBFUSCATION).

• It is this ‘evolution of events’ that makes Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta’s reported vacillation and vulnerability to the blackmail blandishments of his untrustworthy intel colleagues, of such world-shattering importance; and that makes what he decides to do now – whether to dump Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. as his corporate Treasurer and double-cross Christopher Story – so unprecedentedly critical both for him and for the future of mankind.

35. At 5.20 pm on Sunday 2nd March 2008, the Editor was informed as follows concerning Paulson:

• It is KNOWN in the relevant circles in Germany and France that the ‘Paulson’ purporting to represent himself as Paulson is NOT Henry M. Paulson, who they know was shot on 28th/29th December 2007 as we reported. Images of ‘Paulson’ standing at a podium with his hands open, as usual, showing the crooked little finger on the left hand, are library photos, and are attributed to Associated Press, an Agency-controlled mouthpiece.

• Knowledge of this reality is held inside European government structures and by individuals ‘in positions to know’, according to our sources.

• It is assumed by these sources that the countries and individuals have evidence as to who ordered Paulson’s assassination, since we know that efforts are being made to have that official indicted for murder. This is, as they say, a ‘breaking story’.

With respect to a few people who have written angrily and thoughtlessly to the Editor of this service in this subject, we have two things to say. First, our report dated 9th January summarises all that we have been in any position to assert, until now. Secondly, the key source of any apparent disinformation which may or may not feature in this matter, is of course the filthy, corrosive, Agency-controlled network of paid liars and dialectical diversion specialists whose job it is to OBFUSCATE and to maximise the potential for confusion, as cover for the endless criminal acts that are being perpetrated 24/7 behind the scenes by the criminal cadres in charge. Their job is not to tell the truth, but rather to promulgate and sustain confusion AS A DELIBERATE ACT OF STATE POLICY.

This means, inevitably, that extracting the truth from this endless barrage of lies is an arduous task, which is why this service maintains its own network of sources that are unconnected with the US disinformation apparat. One cannot always be sure that one has not been deceived: we believe that we have sifted most of the lies out, but we may have erred occasionally: what can one expect when, as in Nazi Germany, the ENTIRE U.S. INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT IS NOW BASED UPON THE ARBITRARY MIXING OF FACT AND DIVERSIONARY FICTION, a.k.a. deception?

• However, we rely as previously upon our report dated 9th January, plus the additional ‘Paulson’ information added here. There is a separate library of forensic evidence in support of the fact that Paulson was shot (which we know to be true, given that it was reported by official sources, to the Principals, as we stated at the time), while the death was corroborated by the State Department, a veteran Federal Reserve Governor and an Ambassador, whose identities we were requested to conceal but which are known to the Editor of this service.

• We expect ‘further shoes to drop’ on this subject, but would caution that it is pointless to argue about this matter until they do. Please bear ALL the above in mind.


Following the Editor’s email to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in the early morning of the 1st March 2008, referenced above, the significance of our pointed mention of the US Federal Reserve’s ‘dummy corporation’ set up to steal ALL THE FUNDS, suddenly unravelled – as did the significance of President George W. Bush’s peculiar visit to Africa (which HM The Queen had at the forefront of her mind when she asked the Group of Eight financial powers last June to procure The Wanta Plan settlement ‘for the sake of the whole of humanity’). Specifically:

It was reported to us by the most reliable sources that President George W. Bush took a $1.0 billion-plus PERSONAL payment while visiting Africa, as part of a scheme to establish an ‘African Central Bank’. The new, corrupt ‘African Central Bank’ is to act as the counterparty for the unlawful trading of all the funds belonging to payees which the criminal cadres are intent upon stealing even as the IMF, the US military, the Group of Nine and the World Bank actually procure the Settlements.

As you know the holder of office under the United States is precluded from accepting personal bribes and under-the-table payments, and enriching himself by virtue of the office that he holds. The payment was, known, traced, and demonstrated to be blatantly illegal; and when confronted by the relevant authorities, both former President H. W. Bush and President G W. Bush panicked and rushed their legal teams to the World Court and the US Supreme Court, respectively – specifically in order to secure immunity from the consequences of the illegal activities related to that personal payment, known to have been at least $1.0 billion, but believed to have been higher – although sources elaborate that both Bushes, cornered by Wantagate, took the opportunity to seek immunity from arrest and indictment for all their other financial fraud operations and other crimes, too.

Neither Court granted them immunity, as correctly reported by another source.

It is certainly curious that their joint come-uppance was related to such a ‘small’ illegal personal payment – given the magnitude of the other financial crimes, in which, as we have reported, they have been involved: but you will recall that it is very often the case that criminals are ‘taken down’ on ‘lesser’ offences which are watertight in court, whereas much larger crimes may be harder to prove. (Notorious mobsters, for example, have historically been jailed for tax offences, despite the fact that their involvement in massive scams, murders etc is known).

Bush’s illegal personal payment was structured via a bank account established for a new shell corporation established by US in telligence cadres within the World Bank and funnelled through the Federal Reserve Inter Bank Settlement Fund to the newly qualified ‘African Central Bank’.

Hence President Bush Jr.s visit to Africa, his cockiness throughout, and his curious recent press conference at which he blathered about AIDS and other projects for Africa – which, in reality, are the ‘public face’ of the intended corrupt financing conduit that intelligence cadres and the corrupt World Bank (yes, it’s still as corrupt as ever, under Zoellick) have established, probably to replace the similar ‘mortgage crisis’ off-off-balance sheet financing ‘Black Hole’ projects in Washington, DC that the ‘late’ Mr Paulson tried to establish for ongoing illegal, off-balance sheet, untaxed trading purposes before the unfortunate events at the end of last year.

The new ‘African Central Bank’ counterparty arrangements were no doubt not unconnected with the fact that the key ‘Black Hole’ properties of the Central Bank of Iraq had been exposed by this service. As a direct consequence of that exposure, in late January 2008, four (perhaps, depending on the source used, six) floors of the Central Bank of Iraq on Al-Rasheed Street, Central Baghdad, were burned out as the corruption crisis caught fire at the ‘Black Hole’ so carefully annexed by the Bush Crime Family and their corrupt associates. The Central Bank of Iraq, which has appeared to be ‘independent’, was in fact controlled, of course, directly by the White House – for unlawful, off-balance sheet, untaxed high-yield programme trading purposes.

The whole point of the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 was precisely to seize the Central Bank of Iraq, to steal its currency and gold, to remove the Saddam Hussein-era General Management and replace them with compliant operatives, to issue instructions from the Central Bank to Saddam Hussein’s ‘private’ bank, Rafidain Bank, reputed to have accumulated some $100 trillion of fiat assets at its London Branch, and then to exploit the Central Bank of Iraq, controlled directly from the White House, as the counterparty for ongoing illegal, off-balance sheet, untaxed financial fraud operations, i.e. corrupt ‘business as usual’.

• It is possible that the stealing of HM The Queen’s gold, exclusively reported by this service last year, was related to the refusal of the British authorities to allow the avaricious Americans to seize control of the $100+ trillion of ‘assets’ at the London branch of Rafidain Bank.

However it must be emphasised that this suggestion currently represents merely an ‘inspired assessment’ on the part of this Editor.

Anyway, when the backwash from Wantagate caught up with the perpetrators, and after we had exposed the White House’s control of the Central Bank of Iraq and its purpose, it was time to burn the evidence. Reports of the fire at the Central Bank coincided with separate reports that some $800 billion had ‘gone missing’ from the Central Bank of Iraq. We are advised that these ‘assets’ may have been shifted temporarily to Switzerland, and that it was necessary to cover the tracks in Baghdad: hence the fire which consumed at least four floors of the building.

The new shell account within the World Bank funnelled through the closed Federal Reserve Inter Bank Settlement Fund appears to be the dummy corporation set up by the Federal Reserve to steal the IMF/Prosperity Programme money’ referenced in the Editor’s email to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System sent at 3: 16 a.m. on 1st March, referenced above.

When the personal corrupt payment was exposed as illegal and was on the verge of being used as the pretext for the immediate arrest of George Bush Senior and his schizophrenic psychopath of a son, the payment had to be reversed.

Since this was a cash-cash situation – and there is hardly ANY CASH liquidity at all in the system – Municipal Bond Portfolios were sold off at discounted prices to create and generate the necessary funds – since other collateral is treated these days as having no real value.


Against this background, the relevant cadres of the US intelligence community have, as indicated, stepped up their psychological pressure on Ambassador Wanta to ‘dump’ Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., who provides Wanta’s ONLY lifeline, as the Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. – given the highly principled stance that Mr Cottrell has taken against all forms of financial criminality, and in the light of the pressure that Mr Cottrell has been able to exert, combined with the huge global impact of these Wantagate reports prepared by this Editor.

• The skewed ‘thinking’ behind this nonsense is that the exposure of the illegal activities of the Bushes, Cheney, the Clintons, the ‘late’ Mr Paulson, and others, is getting in the way of other ongoing and intended corrupt operations. To which the obvious answer is: you should have thought of that BEFORE you stole the Ambassador’s $4.5 trillion, not 22 months afterwards.

It is indicative of the extremely low calibre of US intelligence that the huge benefits that would have accrued to the United States if The Wanta Plan had been implemented in June/July 2006, rather than being hijacked by them (for this Paulson, of course, was an operative), have been squandered by these criminals; and that the intention, following this DISASTER, is to perpetuate this illegality by inveigling the Ambassador into a slot where he can be scammed, hung, drawn and quartered, and certainly polished off finally, after all his money has been stolen.

• THE FACT that the relevant US intelligence cadres have resisted The Wanta Plan and Basel II throughout, confirms that the CIA and its appendages are indeed a huge CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.

• Put another way, the people involved with all this devious scheming around Ambassador Wanta, having made a revolting dogs’ dinner of the situation and brought the whole world to the brink of catastrophe due to their ingrained criminality, prefer to continue this aberrant behaviour and to drag the whole world into an economic morass with no historical precedent, as we first predicted our report dated 2nd September 2006. That is because they thrive in an environment of open-ended criminal chaos – which is to say, that they prefer the Law of the Jungle to the Rule of Law.

They could have refinanced the United States and the whole world by now, heaving restored America to her rightful place as leader of the nations: instead of which they have done the only things that they know how to do: ‘bait and switch’, off-balance sheet self-enrichment operations, scamming, stealing and endless lying, deception and murder.

Of course these madmen are all destined ultimately to be cast into outer darkness. Because they know this, these people want to drag the rest of us there too – so that they won’t be lonely.

The Editor understood long ago why certain of his US contacts kept invoking ‘national security’, when what they were actually covering up was their own involvement in criminal operations, or those of family members. All concerned, including the Ambassador, should be reminded yet again of the Misprision of Felony Statute, which the Ambassador has in the past been very keen that the Editor rams down the throats of every American who reads these reports.

In fact, if the Ambassador is about to collaborate with these criminals, he will himself be in breach of the Misprision of Felony Statute which he has been so keen that the Editor should promulgate. No-one is above the law, not even the greatest US patriot of our age. Sorry: that’s the truth.

To cut a long story slightly shorter, Ambassador Wanta was directed or coerced – at the specific insistence of one more more special advisers to President George W. Bush, that the Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Morgan Stanley International Securities Account, operative under the Private Joint Venture Agreement between Mr Cottrell’s Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. dated 30th December 2005 – should not take early receipt of an agreed-upon $500 billion of funds that are necessary to undertake an International Financial Instrument Contract – until ‘official’ approval has been obtained. The reason given for this was that Mr Cottrell may now be considered to be ‘too powerful’ and ‘the Ambassador’s role was not observed to be equal’.

This perverse perception reflects the facts that Michael Cottrell is a known and globally respected securities industry expert of the highest intellectual calibre, that operating in the securities sector is essential to ensure the long-term protection of the funds (since the safeguards in the securities sector are much tighter than in the decadent US banking sector).

The idea that this state of affairs places Mr Wanta at a disadvantage vis-à-vis Mr Cottrell (i.e., that Mr Cottrell is about to ransack his funds) is childish poppycock: at no time could Mr Cottrell be deemed as likely to take financial measures contrary to Ambassador Wanta’s wishes. However the Ambassador has to come to terns with the fact that Mr Cottrell knows what he is talking about, that the securities sector is the only environment within which these operations can function without running the risk of the usual suspects stealing the funds, and that there is no safe alternative to the existing arrangements.

• Here, the Editor wishes to point out that these reflections are entirely his own arms’-length conclusions. Far from Mr Cottrell being likely to steal the Ambassador’s funds, the reality is that any US operatives now “parachuted in’ to replace Michael Cottrell will have been imposed PRECISELY IN ORDER TO RIFLE THE FUNDS AND TO LEAVE AMBASSADOR WANTA DESTITUTE AGAIN.

• The sole trustworthy Treasurer in town is Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.

It is true that Mr Cottrell speaks his mind when he has a point to make, and that sometimes the Editor of this service has himself been wounded by what he has had to say. But the fact has been that if Mr Cottrell had lied to the Editor, he would have found this out several years ago; and that everything that this top expert has had to say concerning matters of mutual concern has been succinct, accurate, to the point, and of the highest intellectual and ethical standards.

The Ambassador’s skills are known and admired worldwide – from HM The Queen to Peking – but they just do not happen to include expertise in the complex US securities environment. That is where Mr Cottrell excels: and as the Ambassador told the Editor when he introduced Mr Cottrell to him several years ago, ‘you can trust him’.

What has changed, then? Only one thing. The siren and unreliable blackmail blandishments of intelligence community colleagues who have brought the whole world to the brink of disaster thanks to their serial criminality, their myopia, their self-interest, and their culpable support for open-ended criminality – not least given that THEY, TOO are subject to the Misprision of Felony Statute. This is a point that these cadres conveniently overlook.

As for any ‘promises’ or undertakings that these people may have proffered to the Ambassador, they are sure to be worthless – like all the promises that he fell for in the past. The only people he can rely on are those he chose several years ago. He should continue with them and signify to these people that he is not changing his settled arrangements.

Otherwise there will indeed be a disaster – for him, for the United States, and for the whole world.

He should recognise, and concede, that he needs Mr Cottrell’s special expertise, and that trustworthy Treasurers in the United States hardly exist at all.

• Why throw away the ONLY trustworthy expert, and a world-class one at that, just because these ‘snake-oil salesmen’ operatives have ‘got to him’ and he wants to get back ‘into the game’?

It is a disaster, and terminal madness.

On 1st March, it became clear to us that the Ambassador was now required to ‘place his own people’ into the operation, and to appoint a new overall Treasurer for AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., since Mr Cottrell will be ‘too busy’ doing those functions mandated by the relevant authorities, and would not be able to do “day-to-day” operations.

• It was further pointed out, in so many words, to the Ambassador that since Mr Cottrell is not an intelligence officer, he is not ‘qualified’ to be the Treasurer of such funds.

This stance clearly contradicts the Private Joint Venture Agreement signed between Lee Emil Wanta (AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.) and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. (Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.), as provided for in an AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. corporate resolution dated 16th December 2005, under the terms of which Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. was unanimously elected to serve as Executive Vice-President and Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., with Lee E. Wanta elected as President/Chief Executive Officer, and various joint ventures were authorised between Wanta’s corporation and Pennsylvania Investments, Inc [see above].

Furthermore, Leo E. Wanta (Lee E. Wanta) signed and dated, on 26th February 2006, a letter TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, identifying Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the President of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., and giving him authorisation to ‘conclude the details and disposition of said settlement funds for deposit via Pennsylvania Investments In, Inc. Account(s) on behalf of Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta with the Social Security Number [redacted by the Editor for security reasons]’.

In summary, the US intelligence community have tried to manoeuvre into a position where they are engaged in blackmailing Ambassador Wanta into sacking Michael C. Cottrell. M.S., as the Executive Vice President and Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. – as a rather sordid quid pro quo (which of course cannot be relied upon) for the Settlement payment to Wanta.

• And all this is happening behind the backs of the International Monetary Fund, the US military, the World Court and the Group of Nine who are on the verge of subjecting the United States to an unprecedented sanctions offensive in order to procure the Settlement payments.

We need hardly elaborate that this state of affairs presents Ambassador Wanta with many grievous problems – the nature of which he may not have fully grasped.

To begin with, the time lapse between the murder in 1992 of Lee Wanta’s Chinese partner, Howie Kwong Kok, from ingesting rat poison, shortly after the visit to Singapore of George Bush Sr., and the unlawful arrest and later incarceration by a ‘kangaroo court’ of Leo Wanta, the loss of his funds and freedom, and his subsequent extended, unlawful probation, was just one year.

In short, if we consider the foregoing realities, we can present the following analysis of what the results of this intended malevolent ‘spook putsch’ will be for Ambassador Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., personally:

1. IF the removal of Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., were to take place, it would represent a quid pro quo (blackmail) agreed to by Lee E. Wanta and the relevant authorities, for the Lee Wanta Settlement to be paid directly to Lee E. Wanta, in violation of the foregoing agreements between the two parties, as we understand the position.

2. The agreed upon US tax payment of $1.575 trillion on the repatriated funds of $4.5 trillion is evidently to be paid into an unknown Master Custodial Account via electronic transfer, with a signed acknowledgement of the tax payment by Lee E. Wanta.

•This SMELLS of the CERTAINTY that the intention here may be to DEFRAUD the U.S. taxpayer and the US Treasury of the benefits of the $1.575 trillion, a.k.a., TO STEAL THE TAX PAYMENT (as was evident when we exposed the secret, monitored meeting last year in Washington, DC at which US agencies were overheard dividing up the $1.575 trillion and by-passing the Treasury).

• Clearly, if Ambassador Wanta were, even unwittingly, to participate in such an arrangement, he may risk becoming immediately liable himself to having been set up as a party to a staged criminal conspiracy to deprive the US Treasury and the American people of the benefits of the $1.575 trillion initial ‘windfall’ tax, which should accrue to the exclusive benefit of the US taxpayer.

• On the face of what we know, therefore, Mr Wanta must surely exercise extreme caution here – and should turn down this proposal IMMEDIATELY. Payment of the tax to the US Treasury will need, we understand, to take place in the formal presence of Internal Revenue Service agents and Gold Badges, not least because the Ambassador will need maximum protection against any subsequent trumped-up allegation of tax evasion. These people are capable of ANYTHING – including turning the Ambassador’s own Misprision of Felony logic against him.

For there is nothing they would enjoy more than framing the Ambassador himself as an allegedly knowing co-conspirator in the theft of tax windfall funds from the US Treasury – a criminal act for which he could be indicted and jailed on conviction. At the very least, he could be made to appear to be an accessory to the fact of this crime. Our unsolicited advice, therefore, would be that any variation of the most straightforward and transparent arrangements for making the windfall tax payment, should be avoided like the plague.

3. It is understood that the ‘relevant authorities’ then ‘require’ Messrs Wanta and Cottrell to become involved in INTERNATIONAL financial agreements ONLY (NOT domestic transactions) via AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., with capital markets transactions (that should have been running since June/July last year) finally beginning.

We can then imagine, with the benefit of knowledge of past experience of how these people operate, the following scenario:

• Midstream of the Second or Third Tranche, it will suddnely be noted, that TAX PAYMENTS ON REPATRIATED FUNDS (given that ONLY international transactions are to be undertaken) HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVED, and that there are sudden ‘irregularities’ in the financial arrangements made by AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., that directly implicate Messrs Wanta and Cottrell.

• Due to the apparent (but fraudulently contrived ‘by others’) activities now suddenly attributable to Messrs Wanta and Cottrell, an investigation is commenced by relevant Government authorities.

• Lee E. Wanta suffers a heart attack or a stroke (induced of course) or is involved in an accident, that precludes him from defending both himself and Mr Cottrell.

• Mr Wanta dies, and Mr Cottrell is convicted and jailed on trumped-up charges of fraudulent financial activities: AND THE MONEY DISAPPEARS.

Unfortunately, Mr Wanta appears to have agreed to fall into this trap and to have Mr Cottrell removed as Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc..

Therefore, some such horrific personal scenario is liable to ensue – with the United States’ greatest patriot of our time, Ambassador Wanta, and the United States’ most respected private securities industry expert, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., thereby punished for opposing the Bush Crime Family, the Clinton Crime Family, the world’s most notorious financial criminal, Dr Alan Greenspan, and Bush’s long-term MK Ultra handler, Richard Cheney, et al.

The way out of this horrendous situation is for the Group of Nine and the World Court to insist NOW that THE EXISTING CORPORATE ARRANGEMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS MUST STAND, whatever new preference the Ambassador, in his delusions, may harbour.

Failing that, the world faces a hideous disaster, because these criminal-minded cadres will STEAL EVERY PENNY OF THESE FUNDS. That is what they intend to do.

They have already, after all, set up a secret means of channelling all the IMF/Prosperity programme funds into the closed Central Bank financing carousel – setting up a ‘new’ foreign Central Bank (to replace the exposed and burned Central Bank of Iraq, the Editor believes), for the purpose.

This makes it abundantly clear that the scheme that they have persuaded, or are persuading, Ambassador Wanta to adopt, is indeed a FALSE PROSPECTUS. The Ambassador must wake up to this reality immediately, before it is too late, and he personally ushers in the catastrophe.

We understand that Mr Cottrell will not agree to being set up. As for the Editor, the Ambassador should understand that he will not be around to bail him out of jail or probation a second time.

There is ONLY ONE Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.

And there is ONLY ONE Christopher Story. The Ambassador needs finally to understand that none of his supposed intelligence community ‘friends’ did what the Editor of this service did. They didn’t have the guts, they were afraid, they were cowards, and they just at and watched. They are full of hot air. Their words, like those of Ms. Rice, are meaningless, as well as being duplicitous.

The Editor cannot imagine that the kindly Ambassador would be a party to any scheme which resulted in the double-crossing of the Editor of this service, and thus a reversion to the standard nefarious US intelligence model – taking everything, giving nothing, while mouthing empty and duplicitous niceties in the process.

And one can also imagine what Her Majesty The Queen’s response to any such unthinkable betrayal of two of the Ambassador’s only reliable friends, is likely to be.

The Queen would feel, not without good reason, that she has been betrayed, as well.


(1). A ‘sib’ operation involves the perpetration of double-cross and scamming operations by the party least suspected of doing them. Thus, for instance, no ordinary person could imagine that the heirs of the Nazi Abwehr (counterintelligence), namely Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, would be working hand-in-glove with a faction of Israeli intelligence at Dachau, the site of one of Hitler’s most notorious extermination camps for Jews, gypsies and others. But, that is a fact: it is the BIG SECRET, explaining why George H. W. Bush Sr., whose family is German Jewish by extraction, is or has been the head or US representative of the DVD, Dachau.

(2). Burning the evidence of this financial fraud, exposed by Wantagate, is becoming routine.

These fires recall the parallel fires at Iron Mountain warehouses that occurred, one after the other, in London and Ottawa on 12th and 13th July 2006, reported on page 14 of International Currency Review, Volume 31, Numbers 3 & 4. Specifically, as we reported at the time:

• A huge fire ripped through a six-storey Iron Mountain warehouse located at Twelvetrees Crescent, Bow, East London, on Wednesday 12th July 2006. About 100 firefighters attended the blaze, which was so severe that it was decided to let the blaze burn itself out. It was still smouldering three days later.

• Fire wrecked an Iron Mountain warehouse at Cyreville, Ottawa, Canada, on the next day.

London (UK) and Ottawa, Canada, are two centres through which a substantial proportion of questionable bank operations involving Ambassador Wanta’s stolen funds were transacted. Leo Wanta was framed and put out of contact and action in 1993 for an intended 22 years, and was pronounced dead within the US intelligence community and for the benefit of the co-conspiring banks. He re-emerged in 2005 and was then freed of all restrictions. During the 12+ years of his absence, certain institutions concluded, in tacit or explicit accord with various corrupt intelligence operatives, that the funds would never be claimed, and therefore proceeded to collateralise, cross-collateralise and otherwise ‘annexe’ the funds as though they were for the bank’s own account.

With the belated realisation throughout the international financial community that this illusion could no longer be sustained, following this Editor’s ‘wildcard’ action in paying for the Ambassador’s exit from probation in July 2005, panic may have gained the upper hand in certain quarters.

It appears that the growing panic may have prompted a decision deep within the recesses of the kleptocracy, to burn the records. For two Iron Mountain warehouses to burn down within 24 hours is manifestly no coincidence, given the background under consideration. The UK Iron Mountain warehouse stored a large number of files belonging to Deutsche Bank containing contracts for leveraged financial transactions. For fire to break out at such well-guarded end high-tech equipped warehouses, arson cannot fail to be the cause.

The fire that broke out at the Old Executive Office Building in Washington, DC, on 19th December 2007 was likewise deliberately set. It covered the extraction from that old building of documents believed to compromise the holders of highest offices in the United States. Although the Ottawa Sun newspaper described the Cyreville fire as ‘accidental’, the fact that it followed the London Iron Mountain warehouse fire by less than 24 hours suggested that this could not possibly have been the case. These fires have been hushed up.


• We now repeat, yet again, our familiar summary of the Statutes, securities regulations and fraud information that we have appended to these reports for many months. The reason we append this information is to remind everyone of their clear responsibilities under the US Misprision of Felony legislation, and of course to provide a legal basis for these reports.

Reiteration of the fraudulent transactions involving Bank of New York Mellon – a bank so arrogant and conspicuously indifferent both to its tarnished reputation and to its grotesque breaches of US law and of N.A.S.D./S.E.C. Regulations, that it now takes first prize in the crowded competition for the title of ‘Most arrogant and corrupt financial institution in America’. At least, this was the case until the perpetration of the ‘Saturday scam’ described above and on 13th November:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• ‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent on person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957

In addition to which Bank of New York Mellon is in violation of:
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Wanta’s funds.

The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above. This list is reproduced in International Currency Review, Volume 33, #s 1 & 2, September 2007, on pages 163-168.

The Ambassador and his colleagues now have special diplomatic status (conferred upon them by HM The Queen in 2007), which means that the Ambassador is now an Ambassador several times over. This factor greatly complicates the intended discrediting offensive that the mad US stupidity community’s Dark Forces contemplate, their sole objective being of course to cover up their own criminality, in line with pending ‘thought crime’ legislation which has the same Nazi-style objective.

• Note: ‘Kakocracy’: Governance by a clique representing the worst elements of society, in their interests and to the exclusion of all other interests, from the Greek, kakos, meaning foul, or filthy.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.