Saturday 20 September 2008 00:00

• SECURITY UPDATE: Following the threats delivered on Thursday 18th September against the Editor of this service, intelligence, military and police responses to protect our Head of State, and the Editor of this service, for which he is extremely and humbly grateful, have been and are being taken. They are the subject of a short report dated 21st September 2008 [see Archive].

It has now been established that the National Security Agency (NSA) works with/controls Microsoft, Norton, McAfee, and others, in pursuit of the Pentagon’s vast BIG BROTHER objective, directed from the ‘highest’ levels (not the levels usually referred to) which seek to have every computer in the world talk direct to the Pentagon or to NSA’s master computers.

This should come as no real surprise since the cynical spooks even assert this ‘in-your-face’ by advertising ‘INTEL INSIDE’, which says exactly what it means. More specifically, NSA have made great strides in this direction by having a back door built into Microsoft VISTA. Certain computers, especially those labelled with the logo of the ‘fully collaborating’ firm Hewlett Packard, have hard-core setups which facilitate the remote monitoring and controlling of personal computers by NSA, Fort Meade. We now understand that if you are using VISTA* you MUST NOT enable ‘file and printer sharing’ under any circumstances. If you say ‘YES’, so to speak, to ‘file and printer sharing’, your computer becomes a slave at once to NSA’s master computers. DO NOT ENABLE SHARING.

Unfortunately, this abomination is so far advanced that this may not be the only precaution that needs to be taken. As long as Microsoft continues its extensive cooperation with NSA and the NSC (National Security Council), the spying system which assists the criminalised structures, and thus hitherto the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ and its connections, with their fraudulent finance operations, NSA may be able to steal data from your computer. The colossal scourge of data theft is associated with this state of affairs: data stolen usually include Credit Card data, which the kleptocracy regards as almost as good as real estate for hypothecation purposes. Even so, you can make life very much more problematical for these utterly odious people by NOT USING U.S.-sourced so-called Internet Security and anti-virus software. Having been attacked and abused so often, we offer a solution.

We use a proprietary FOREIGN Internet Security program which devours every PC Trojan, worm, scam, porn attack and virus that the National Security Agency (NSA) throws at us. We are offering this program (CD) to our clients and friends, at a premium. The program comes with our very strong recommendation, but at the same time, if you buy from us, you will be helping us finance ongoing exposures of the DVD’s World Revolution and the financial corruption that has been financing it.

The familiar US proprietary Internet Security programs are by-products of US counterintelligence, and are intended NOT to solve your Internet security problems, but to spy on you and to report what you write about, to centralised US electronic facilities set up for the purpose. You can now BREAK FREE from this syndrome while at the same time helping us to MAINTAIN THE VERY HEAVY PRESSURE UPON THE CRIMINALISTS WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSING, by ordering this highest quality FOREIGN (i.e., non-US) INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION that we have started advertising on this website. This offer has been developed in response to attacks we have suffered from the NSA nerds who appear to have a collective mental age of about five years, judging by their output.

• To access details about the INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, just press THE LIVE LINK YOU HAVE JUST READ, or else press SERIALS in the red panel below. This opens up our mini-catalogue of printed intelligence publications. Scroll right down to the foot of that section, where you will see details of this service. When you buy this special product, you will also, as we clearly state above, be paying a special premium by way of a donation to help us finance these exposures.

The premium contains a donation for our exposure work and also covers our recommendation based on the Editor’s own experience that this INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION will make your Internet life much easier. Some versions have a ‘Preview before downloading’ feature.

*VISTA: Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical Application.

Economic Intelligence Review contains Michael C. Cottrell’s Rules-Based Reform Plan and the extensive Glossary of Financial Market Definitions. Publication date: Friday 15th August 2008.

• See our report dated 12th August 2008 inter alia for historical intelligence on GEORGIA. See reports dated 14th, 16th, 18th and 19th August for Georgia and Settlements Crisis Updates.

• INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY REVIEW, Volume 33, #s 3 & 4, all 972 pages of it, is making waves all over the world. It contains a blow-by-blow deconstruction of this crisis via the Wantagate plus our further analyses: and everything published therein is now well and truly ON THE GLOBAL PUBLIC RECORD. Accordingly the whole world owns a detailed, damning account of the serial criminality of the Bush-Cheney-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ et al., which CANNOT BE EXPUNGED FROM THE RECORD.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money has been stolen.

• See the second white panel for details of our latest distributed intelligence publications.

• MEMO: All anonymous emails lacking coordinates addressed to the Editor of this service via any of our email addresses and this website are automatically deleted on receipt. Therefore, those who believe for some reason that it is helpful to send the Editor offensive or obscene emails, using bad language to no effect, are wasting their time. If you won’t reveal who & where you are, don’t bother!

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’ intelligence books online from this website.

• THE JEWISH DIMENSION: This report focuses, as trailered, on the secret (now much less so, since it has been broadly exposed) ‘Black’ pan-German Nazi Strategic Deception Continuum, the ongoing successors of the Nazi Abwehr, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD). It does not deal with OTHER dimensions of the World Revolution, such as the Jewish and Russian-Jewish mafiya dimensions, and the underlying geomasonic and Illuminati dimensions, except in passing, because this report’s focus is the DVD. One cannot crowd everything into a single report. This is not a book.

The Russian-Jewish mafiya dimension is extensively covered by us in Global Analyst, Volume 3 #1, scheduled for publication shortly. The other dimensions (including the geomasonic and Illuminati dimensions) are likewise extensively addressed in the Editor’s book ‘The New Underworld Order‘, available from the books section of this website [Edward Harle Limited, London and New York].

• The Zionazis and the Nazis ‘meet’ at DVD, Dachau: this is the big, now exploding, ‘secret’.

Our exposures to date of the destructive operations of the pan-German long-range strategic deception and counterintelligence ‘Black’ Nazi Continuum agency, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, have now shifted to a new level. Detailed evidence of and information about these long-range operations and de facto ‘Acts of War’ against ‘the Main Enemy, viz. Britain and the United States, by the pan-German Nazi Strategic deception Continuum, are summarised in the following presentation. We understand that DVD are absolutely staggered that they have been exposed.

Posting of this report has been brought forward because of the gunshot threat received at 1.40pm British time on 18th September. We had hoped to avoid posting this report at the very peak of the Settlements crisis, but the Editor HAS NO CHOICE because the period between the warning and exposure is very dangerous. We posted the gunshot phone message at the top of the ‘Führer’ report dated 18th September, and reproduce it here now for context:

At 1.40pm UK time (8.40am EDT) on 18th September 2008, the Editor’s main phone rang. The Editor does not answer his calls but all our incoming calls are checked. The message consisted of:

Some people have chosen to MISINTERPRET what is said here. The message was not the WORD ‘gunshot’, but a recording of three ACTUAL GUNSHOTS. We thought that was obvious.

All incoming phone calls are recorded on our voicemail system. The Editor was present when this incoming call was received and reported it immediately to third parties who have annotated this event in their records. The voicemail system recorded all incoming phone calls we received before and after 1.40pm on 18th. THE GUNSHOT MESSAGE WAS NOT PICKED UP BY THE VOICEMAIL.

This indicated that it is an intelligence operation. The Editor has been advised that prime suspects are George Bush Sr. (41), the George Bush Centre for Intelligence and Terrorism (CIA, Langley), and John Scarlett, head of MI6/General Operations-2 (GO-2), Vauxhall, London. The direct shooting threat arises from the Editor’s exposures of the financial criminality and from our trailing of the DVD report, which incriminates DVD and Bush 41 inter alia in the nuclear arming of Iran. The Editor has made sure that relevant ‘Friends’ know about this explicit threat (Number 17), and we report this information for international and domestic official and public consumption so that if anything now happens to the Editor, the whole world will know that this is a CIA/DVD operation. The ‘gunshot’ threat was followed, as reported on 18th September, by another threat from a CIA front operation serving the interests of DVD; but there have been no further threats since the publicity.

• IMPORTANT: As a direct consequence of these threats to shoot the Editor, this report has been strengthened in the following respect. The original draft OMITTED to identify a key figure, and it had been agreed with contacts that we would not mention the individual’s name. But now that the Editor has been specifically threatened with shooting, he is left with no option but to publicise the sensitive name in question. This is because it is not possible, now, to leave anything out of this report, as the murderers have revealed their intentions and the Editor has to protect himself.

We will reveal in this report the extent to which the world’s problems are attributable to the pan-German Nazi Continuum based in Dachau, near Munich, where we have also separately identified an occult ‘Black’ centre in the Dachau area at a spot where 8,000 Soviet prisoners were shot dead.

The de facto head or controller of DVD, at least in the Western Hemisphere, is the world’s most wanted arch-criminal, former President George H. W. Bush (Sr.), the man who has held the whole world to ransom for years. This criminalist operative controls the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its associated US intelligence community entities, which the Bushes call ‘the enterprise’.

In a stupendous coup, Bush Sr. procured the naming of the CIA’s Langley complex the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence’. We have renamed this foreign-controlled Fifth Column subversion engine the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism’.

One consequence of Bush’s coup is that it makes it much harder for the CIA to ‘clean up its act’, which is a prerequisite for the survival of the United States as a viable Republic.

It is bad enough for a country to allow a ‘State within the State’ to develop: but when it transpires that the ‘enterprise’ in question is a corrupted, self-financing criminal organisation, protected by Statute, and which is permanently engaged in every ‘Black’ activity that modern depraved humanity can invent, the country’s citizens have a serious problem. Most do not yet seem to ‘get’ this.

For the Government to have spawned an uncontrollable ‘State within the State’ which winds up controlling the Government itself, is an intolerable situation, not least since the criminalist norms of the ‘State within the State’ clash daily with the Rule of Law which the Government itself exists to uphold. There is a fundamental incompatibility between an official organisation that is licensed by the Government itself to break the law as a matter of course, and the concept of the Rule of Law.

That this state of affairs exists reflects the pernicious influence of the corrupt mindset of double-mindedness, which is the curse of the intelligence community, modelled as it is on the aberrant environment envisaged by Emile Dirkheim (1858-1917), who postulated a world in which criminal operations are the norm, and adherence to the Rule of Law is considered to be eccentric.

The whole world would be controlled by criminal operatives who would regard lawful behaviour as aberrant and counterproductive. George Bush Sr. and his associates belong to this evil school.

The US intelligence community, loosely called the CIA, derives its authority from the unsatisfactory National Security Act, et seq., which is aptly describable as a ‘crooks’ charter’, given that the wholly amoral ‘ethos’ of US operatives allows that everything under the sun is permitted, with one crucial exception: getting caught. If you are found out or exposed, you are on your own.

Indeed, the CIA is notoriously ruthless towards those operatives or assets with whose services it has dispensed. It will stop at nothing to destroy them. Its de facto modus operandi is to use its operatives, assets and targets, and to drop or double-cross them when ‘circumstances change’. The CIA has been accurately identified as a ruthless instrument of the darkest forces on earth.

Like all intelligence communities, the CIA is penetrated and fragmented into warring factions, with a widening split noticeable between the American-based CIA Germanics and some European-based CIA operatives, often of German extraction, based in Frankfurt, Germany.

Logical connections, such as the close links that one would expect between the Bush/German CIA and the Japanese, appear to have splintered and gone sour, just as Bush Sr.’s influence with the Chinese has decayed, so that he/his operatives often fare better in Shanghai than in Peking.

However the CIA’s poisonous internal splits are not sufficient for it to have yet destroyed itself from within, although its activities are universally destructive and cannot be redeemed.

The collapse of its fraudulent finance operations that we are witnessing today may very well have profound consequences for this ‘State within the State’. Certain components of the US intelligence community are known to have been penetrated by the Nazi Abwehr/DVD almost from the outset, most noticeably the extremely dangerous Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which was penetrated almost from the time of its establishment.

This accounts, for instance, for its current hateful ongoing subversion and corruption operations against certain members of the British Royal Family.

With such a monster – which derives its strength, despite its manifold internal divisions, both from its illicit financial operations and drug-trafficking and from its power of penetration – out of control, the Republic finds itself in innumerable quagmires, all of which arise explicitly from the amoral, the wayward, the unchecked, the licentious and the reprobate misbehaviour of this ‘State within the State’. Cutting this behemoth down to size and thwarting its depraved, subversive operations both at home and abroad, needs to be the highest priority objective of all Americans. There is no sign at all that the corrupted political (CIA) Establishment has the will or any intention to put things right. Absent drastic reform, the Republic will continue to be battered, jeopardised and diminished.

To make matters far worse, the CIA is de facto controlled by DVD, as a consequence of two facts: first, the well-known mass ‘reverse’ penetration of US intelligence and other structures following the Second World War by Nazi intelligence operatives and scientists, under ‘Operation Paperclip’ and its successors, together with the dangerous absorption of the Gehlen Organisation into the CIA (represented today by the CIA base at Frankfurt-am-Main, which can be considered a close ally and/or an extension of the DVD, Dachau); and secondly, the control over the CIA that is exercised by George Bush Sr., who, being an agent/operative of DVD, is a traitor to his country who ought to pay the penalty for his betrayal. His age is wholly irrelevant: if old Nazi Holocaust perpetrators in their ‘eighties’ have been rounded up and confronted with their crimes, so can G. H. W. Bush Sr.

Now it is a peculiar fact (mentioned to us by several intelligence sources) that once headstrong, cunning people like George Bush Sr. have controlled the intelligence community, they consider that they continue to do so AFTER leaving office. This is really an extension of the adage ‘once an intelligence operative, always an intelligence operative’ – a variant of ‘there is no such thing as a ‘former’ intelligence officer’. But George Bush Sr. has given new meaning to this model: to this day, he considers that the CIA is his plaything, and must follow his instructions. After all, is not CIA Langley entitled the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence’? It feebly dances to his tune.

Bush Sr. has also repeatedly asserted (as he did when confronted yet again even as late as August 2008) that HE owns (or did own) all the (stolen) money.

This crass delusion arises from his confusion between control and ownership. It is convenient for him to assume that because he believes that he controls the ‘State within the State’, he therefore OWNS the (stolen) money. Actually, the funds (both the residual ‘real’ funds and the nanomoney) are derived inter alia from the following main sources:

(1) Old Chinese money that has been massively ‘traded up‘;

(2) The ransacking of Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company in the 1980s after Bush Sr.’s special panel investigating the US financial system during the early 1980s had discovered its weaknesses, whereupon Bush Sr. and his cronies set about exploiting them from 1984 onwards;

(3) Money criminally siphoned out of the Savings and Loan Associations (thrifts) in the 1980s;

(4) The Financial Warfare operations against the Soviet Union undertaken by Western intelligence, with help from the Taiwanese Kuomintang operative Howie Kwong Kok, Leo Wanta’s ‘partner’, the son of a distinguished pre-1949 Admiral in the Chinese Navy;

(5) The ‘duplication’ of the ‘Wanta’ $27.5 trillion, raised from 200+ international banks in 1992, reported in our earlier Wantagate reports and in International Currency Review;

(6) Funds/assets stolen from the ransacked ‘Prosperity Programs’ and their like, some of which, we understand, were identified in the lock safety boxes raised by the Metropolitan Police at three London locations (Mayfair, Edgeware and Hampstead) on 2nd June 2008, as previously reported. These funds have been retrieved, but what has happened to them post-retrieval is unknown to the Editor of this service at this time. We believe that the identification of these funds/assets may well have formed part of the vice-like grip in which the criminalist operatives are held ‘as we speak’.

(7) The $4.5 trillion brought over from the People’s Bank of China in 2006 on the announced pretext of financing what the Editor of these services described as ‘The Wanta Plan’, a name that ‘stuck’. These funds were hijacked by ‘Paulson’, used illegally for hypothecation and leveraging purposes, and multiplied for corrupt private gain. They were ‘replaced’ by LOAN item (8) below.

(8) The $6.2 trillion placed with Citibank to prevent its collapse, by HM The Queen and Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz, also probably applied for duplication/multiplication purposes at Citibank, which is illegal. These funds were sitting in a frozen suspense account when last heard of. They must be refunded on the basis of the legal principle: ‘The money you make by the illegal use of my money, is my money’, with compound interest.

(9) The legal principle ‘The money you make by the illegal use of my money, is my money’ also applies to the proceeds of the illegal trading of Her Majesty The Queen’s gold, which we reported was stolen during a UK banking ‘black hole’ on 29th-30th March 2007 and, after we had kicked up a terrible fuss, was evidently fully recovered circa July 2007.

Funds derived from this illegal trading belong, by definition, to The Queen. Whether some/all of these proceeds constitute the large element of the $6.2 trillion LOANED by The Queen and held with Citibank, is unknown to the Editor at this time. What IS known is that Citibank has not, at this posting, been buffeted in the prevailing financial tsunami like the investment institutions which have engaged in this fraudulent finance carousel all these years.

The reason for this is the presence at Citibank of the $6.2 trillion. If that were removed, as The Queen and the Saudi Prince are entitled to do, especially The Queen given that the frauds were committed against the British Sovereign, life at Citibank might become ‘problematical’.

Contrary to earlier assertions, reported with a degree of scepticism at times by this service, Howie Kwong Kok was not, after all, poisoned after ingesting rat poison in Singapore in 1992. In May 2003, Marc Delmart Vreeland, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) operative interviewed in Canada by the Editor, informed us that Howie Kwong Kok is alive and operating from a skyscraper in Taipei, Taiwan (on the 33rd Floor, of course). This fact was unexpectedly confirmed to the Editor of this service on the 24th August 2008, when, in the course of recounting the Singapore episode, the British intelligence community party to whom he was speaking interrupted and said that one of his associates had been speaking to Howie Kwong Kok on the telephone about two weeks earlier.

Since the Editor also knew that Kwong Kok’s wife, when taken to the morgue in 1992, had indicated that the body she was shown was not that of her husband, it is hereby confirmed that the ‘line’ that Howie Kwong Kok was murdered by ingesting rat poison shortly after a visit to Singapore by Bush Sr. in 1992, is false. Moreover Leo Emil Wanta, who went to the morgue, was quickly ushered away before he could see the body, we understand. Wanta wound up thrown into jail, and was exfiltrated from Singapore by a distinguished US agent to the US West Coast, and thence to Canada.

Obviously, the ‘line’ that Howie Kwong Kok was murdered in Singapore in 1992 must have been false because the $4.5 trillion that was released from the People’s Bank of China following the visit to Peking (or Taipei?) of former US Treasury Secretary John Snow and Dr Alan Greenspan after Leo Emil Wanta’s irregular probation had been terminated effective 14th November 2005 as a direct consequence of the Editor’s provision of $35,000 of scarce private funds to ‘settle’ Leo E. Wanta’s improper ‘restitution’ and other costs imposed by the Wisconsin kangaroo court (see Wantagate reports), could not have taken place without Howie Kwong Kok’s agreement and signature.

The $4.5 trillion ‘compromise’ sum which was duly transferred to the US Treasury in May 2006 was then hijacked by the criminalist operator Mr Henry Paulson Jr., who was appointed by President George W. Bush to replace John Snow as US Treasury Secretary effective June 2006. Paulson is reported to us to have advised George Bush Jr. that he and associates could make vast sums of money using the ‘captured’ $4.5 trillion as their platform, which they now all proceeded to do.

The lie that Howie Kwong Kok was murdered can be seen to have paralleled the lie that Leo Wanta was ‘dead’, as reported in our Wantagate reports. Both lies were fabricated by the CIA for the same purpose: to give George Bush Sr. and his operatives and other criminalist associates scope for seizing control of all the funds, including nanofunds, amassed by L. Wanta and Howie Kwong Kok inter alia in during the Reagan-ordered Financial Warfare operations against the Soviet Union.

Anyway, the scene is being set in this report for examples of the immense damage and evils that have been inflicted on the United States, Britain and the entire world by the Pan-German Nazi counterintelligence Continuum that we have identified. We further understand on impeccable UK authority that the DVD, which, like the US financial criminals, never thought they would be exposed, are becoming more and more concerned about the progress and extent of this exposure of their criminality and of their endless subversive operations against the supposed allies that they hate – their intention being not least to reverse the outcomes of the two World Wars. The ‘triple gunshot’ call left as a crude warning to this Editor at 1.40pm (UK) on 18th September, testifies to this reality.

The DVD ‘reports to’ the German Chancellor, who does not tell them what to do. On the contrary, since, like the CIA, the DVD is self-financed from the proceeds of its control of ‘trading’ (especially through Deutsche Bank) and from the fruits of its criminalist operations, including drug-trafficking going back to before the Second World War, it tells the Chancellor what it chooses, and pursues its long-range pan-German deception, subversion and hegemony strategies autonomously, on the same ‘State within the State’ principle as the CIA. It employs the immense obfuscation and ‘Black’ activities of the Illuminati as cover for these operations. We have identified, in Dachau, an occult centre believed to be linked to the DVD, where hideous ‘Black’ ceremonies/sacrifices take place.

The language spoken by the 1.1 million US geomasonic Illuminati victims and perpetrators of their ancient abominations, certainly in group contexts, is German. Further background on this subject is published in the Editor’s work ‘The New Underworld Order’.

The immense scope of the ruthless behaviour of this pan-German ‘Black’ agency include the following sequences, which we have chosen for illustrative purposes here. The list is far from comprehensive, and evidence of further DVD operations is constanty emerging.

So, obviously, the episodes and events described below are representative only of the colossal damage inflicted over the years by the Dachau-based Nazi pan-German Strategic Continuum and its deluded and traitorous adherents within the corrupted US intelligence and Government structures.

The sequences of events surrounding and associated with the assassination of President Kennedy and his brother are excluded from this summary because of the immense scope of the evidence, but observers should be aware that the Kennedy assassinations were centrepieces of the ‘Acts of War’ perpetrated by the undefeated enemy against ‘the Main Enemy’, Britain and the United States:

The systematic ‘enronisation’ of Japan was orchestrated the Bush Sr./Greenspan clique and their co-conspirators, inter alia via the hypothecation of bonds that became worthless, the crashing of the Japanese yen, and then the further exploitation of the Japanese financial system via the ‘carry trade’. The disgusting televised event when George Bush Sr. vomited at a banquet in Japan, which the Editor discussed with his late former Jesuit friend Fr. Malachi Martin (when both of us agreed that it was a ‘satanic event’), was an attempt by Japanese intelligence to poison him, in retribution for the damage that Bush Sr. had inflicted on Japan’s financial economy.

Other countries that have been ‘enronised’ by the Bush-directed criminalist enterprise – that is to say, ‘hollowed out’ by means fraudulent finance operations designed to suck real value out of the targeted country in exchange for worthless non-assets – include the following: Argentina, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, the former Soviet Union, and Zimbabwe. Britain has been partially ‘enronised’. Electricity supply and water utilities are owned by German firms, and there are no British motor manufacturers left (although cars are manufactured here under foreign marques).

British business are being systematically acquired by German interests, in fulfilment of the plan originally outlined in ‘Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’, the ‘Plan B’ long-range strategy that was first aired at a Strategy Conference in Berlin in 1941 and was further developed by the Nazis’ German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid. Here is a selection of vital British firms that are now owned by German interests: that is to say, the unrepentant, unreformed secret antagonists of the ‘Main Enemy’ have acquired hegemony over the following vital assets (names of the German owners in brackets): Boots Pharmaceuticals (BASF); Cornhill Insurance (Allianz); Grattan Mail Order Co. (Otto Versand); Kleinwort Benson (Dresdner Bank); Lansing Fork Lift Trucks (Linde); Lloyds Chemist (Firma Gehe GmbH); Morgan Grenfell (Deutsche Bank); One2One Mobile Phones Co. (Deutsche Telecom); Plessey Electronics + Digital Communications (Siemens); Powergen Electricity and Gas (E.ON AG); Midland Electricity (E.ON AG); Rolls-Royce (Volkswagen); Highland Energy (RWE); Innogy Electricity (E.ON AG); Thames Water (RWE); Thomas Cook (WestL.B, originally) (1).

The alienation of these and other vital assets in deference to the current vogue for international inclusiveness and ‘One World’ collectivisation, represents a foolhardy breach of national security which will have to be reversed when the time comes for Germany’s never-ending depredations against the ‘Main Enemy’ to be addressed. This time has more or less arrived now.

Globalisation provides blanket cover for the wholesale ‘hollowing out’ of real value by the CIA/DVD criminalist cadres through the extraction of real value in exchange for worthless securitised junk paper sold to foreign counterparties too slow on the uptake who didn’t do their due diligence, and certainly never understood in good time that they were dealing with ruthless organised criminal operatives embedded within the US official structures, assisted by corrupted intermediaries and institutions dedicated to the open-ended perpetuation of the fraudulent finance paperchase and carousel yielding monetisable assets, PROVIDED THE CAROUSEL NEVER STOPPED.

It has, of course, been brought to a shuddering halt, AS WE ANTICIPATED: and right now, the main preoccupation of the cornered official criminalists and their institutional co-conspirators and CIA associates is to emerge from this mess of their own making with plenty of repackaged debt so that they can carry on with a new carousel as soon as an accepted ‘resolution’ has been ‘confirmed’.

The CIA is interchangeable here and almost throughout this analysis with the DVD, Dachau.

The other component of the ‘Main Enemy’ is the United States, and German interests have been no less assiduous in buying up US assets for strategic reasons, which include theoretically making it much harder for any decisive action to be taken against the predatory German Nazis in the future. Here is a selection of leading US firms that are now owned by German interests: that is to say, the unrepentant, unreformed secret antagonist of the ‘Main Enemy’ have acquired full control over the following vital assets (names of German owners in brackets): Airborne Express (Deutsche Bank); American Water Works (RWE); Arista Corp. (BMG Entertainment); Bankers Trust (Deutsche Bank); Chrysler (Daimler-Benz); DHL Couriers (Deutsche Bank); Doubleday (Bertelsmann); Farrar, Straus & Giroux, book publishers (Holtzbrinck); Fireman’s Fund (Allianz); Henry Holt (Holtzbrinck); Marion Merril Dow Chemical (Pharmaceutica Aventis); MEMC Electronic Metals (silicon wafers and chips) (E.ON AG); PIMCO Advisers Holdings (Allianz); Random House Books (Bertelsmann); RCA (BMG Entertainment); Shared Medical Systems, SMS (Siemens); St Martin’s Press (Holtzbrinck); Top Tier Software, Inc (SAP AG); VoiceStream (Deutsche Telekom); Westinghouse Electric Co. (Siemens); Windham Hill Record Co. (BMG Entertainment); Zurich Scudder Investment (Deutsche Bank). (1).

(1) Reference: The German takeovers of British and US assets were compiled by the veteran 94-year-old British analyst Harry Beckhough, who was a top intelligence officer and codebreaker at Bletchley Park (Station X) during the Second World War. On returning home as Lt. Colonel Royal Artillery Intelligence, Harry Beckhough became S.O.I. (Senior Officer) with the Foreign Office, with a remit to resuscitate the Rhineland Universities of Cologne and Bonn. While engaged in this activity he frequently met Dr Konrad Adenauer, the Hitler-era Mayor of Cologne and friend of Herr Hitler’s favourite German bankers, Drs Abs and Pferdmenges. For four years, to the end of 1950, Harry met many of the leading political and other figures in Bonn, who spoke to him freely, as an academic, of their Nazi plans for the future. He has very extensive knowledge of Germany and has explored the development of its aggressive long-range nature and intentions from its earliest years. Harry has published studies, the latest of which is entitled ‘Germany’s Fourth Reich’, exposing the inherited desire for domination and control which has been Germany’s primary characteristic through major wars and confrontations over the centuries, invariably and inevitably ending in absolute chaos, as Nietzsche, the leading German philosopher, exemplified. In the prevailing US financial corruption crisis, the same characteristic has manifested itself: the German element has gone too far and has driven the United States and the whole world to the brink of financial and economic chaos. At the same time, the controlling clique has lost control of its own chaos-manufacturing machine, like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. The whole world now recognises the unbroken record of these maniacs.

DVD set up the Provisional IRA (Irish Republican Army). In the 1960s, SS Standartenführer Otto Skorzeny, working for DVD Chief Admiral Canaris (who was not hanged in the nude at Flossenberg on 9th April 1945 as maintained by the Nazi disinformation apparat working out of the Nazis’ German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid, set up in 1942), went over to live in Ireland, where he established the Provisionals. The original Irish Republican Army (IRA) was set up by the Soviet GRU/KGB: but since German and Soviet intelligence work together (see below), these two facts are compatible. In fact, since Stalin was murdered (via the ‘Doctors’ Plot’) after it had been discovered in Moscow that not only Lavrentii Beria, Stalin’s Interior Minister (MVD chief) had been ‘working for’ the Germans, but also that Josef Djiugashvili-Kochba (Stalin) was an Abwehr penetration as well – which was why he destroyed the Soviet officer class – the DVD concluded that continuing KGB support for the IRA could no longer be relied upon: hence the establishment by Skorzeny of the Provisionals.

Note: Wilhelm Johann Carl Eduard Stieber, who flourished as THE top Prussian spymaster from the 1840s, is regarded as the intellectual and practical godfather of the modern manifestations of both German AND Soviet/Russian intelligence and counterintelligence. Therefore the interchangeable identities, for practical purposes, of the CIA and Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) mean not least that the CIA is tied into Soviet covert intelligence through its hooks inside DVD, Dachau. It is also at Dachau that the Jewish dimension of the World Revolution meets the German dimension, as Zionists are ‘Zionazis’. ‘Neocons’ are Trotskyites, who have the same mentality as the old Nazis. The French dimension of this snakes’ nest is alluded to separately in this report, in which we show, with the assistance of the highly respected French analyst Thierry Meyssan, that the CIA et al have their hooks in the Administration of the Jewish-Hungarian President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy.

Detailed information about Stieber’s operations and his reorganisation of both Prussian and later Russian intelligence and counterintelligence was published in our journal Soviet Analyst, Volume 30, Numbers 1-3. As a consequence of Stieber’s efficiency in protecting Emperor Frederick William during the Communist revolutionary rioting in 1948, Stieber acquired an extraordinary degree of influence over the Emperor and was awarded carte blanche to apply his expertise to the Prussian intelligence networks. But the downside was that when this obstinate and reactionary Monarch began to sink into imbecility and insanity, Dr Stieber started to lose his influence, since the other courtiers were envious. The appointed Regent, who later became William I, did not relish Stieber’s dark personality, and the access Stieber previously enjoyed was closed down. Dr Stieber, who had assisted the Tsar earlier in covering up some scandal involving Royalty, then offered his services to the Court at St. Petersburg, which was readily accepted. This is the historical background to the ongoing close collaboration between the Prussian/German and Russian/Soviet counterintelligence communities. Failure to understand this central reality is a key source of misunderstanding.

As it happens, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, was cited by Bloomberg on 10th September 2008 as confirming the pinpoint accuracy of the foregoing information. Addressing an occasion in Leipzig marking 50 years of the natural gas corporation VNG Group, Merkel said that Germany and Russia are ‘bound by common ties stronger than any ‘controversies’ that may divide them’: a blunt observation which precisely illustrates the dialectical reality that the two intelligence communities interact and inter-react in accordance with the prevailing ‘correlation of forces’, to cite Lenin here.

Merkel served in her younger days as the Secretary to the Agitation and Propaganda (Agitprop) Department of the Communist Youth Wing at Karl Marx University in East Berlin.

Chancellor Merkel, who does not tell DVD what to do (the reverse is the case) couched her loaded remarks in the context of Russian gas deliveries, but she was really speaking in coded language to express what is going on, and always has been going on, behind the scenes, between Russia and Germany: ‘Russia needs her customers and we need our deliveries, and that applies also for the European Union’, she said. ‘I see many future opportunities. Of course we have controversies, yet we have shared interests, and we should cement these links and make them more binding’.

• Fact: What is happening generally is that the duplicitous dialectical methodology (Tweedledum and Tweedledee) used by the geomasonic perpetrators and manipulators of the World Revolution is being exposed, and is unravelling faster than the criminalist, Luciferian minds can wind the ball of string up again. This gives great satisfaction to those of us who have had the privilege of being able to contribute in some material way to the exposure and destruction of the World Revolution, at least the current chaotic phase thereof. It should be borne in mind, also, that the United States is by definition the classic revolutionary state, having been the subject of a masonic coup which has bedevilled the Republic ever since. This explains its outrageous international misbehaviour.

At 2.54 am during the early morning of 12th October 1984, the Provisional IRA, controlled by DVD, Dachau, and headed on the ground by Patrick Magee, detonated a 30-pound bomb in the section of the Grand Hotel, Brighton, where Margaret Thatcher and her Cabinet (but see below) were staying for the Conservative Party Conference. The British Prime Minister was still working in her suite on her speech to be delivered to the conference on the next day, when the bomb exploded, damaging her bathroom but leaving her sitting room and bedroom unscathed. Both Mrs Thatcher and her late husband, Dennis, escaped injury. The hotel and conference centre were thrown into chaos.

The Conservative MP, Sir Anthony Berry, was killed outright, as was the first wife, Roberta, of John Wakeham, Parliamentary Secretary of the Treasury. Sir Donald Maclean was seriously injured and his wife, Muriel, later died of her injuries. Eric Taylor and Jeanne Shattock were also killed in the blast. Several more, including the wife of the then President of the Board of Trade, Norman Tebbit (now Lord Tebbit), were left permanently disabled. A total of 34 people were taken to hospital.

But three prominent pro-European Community political ideologues (dupes), Douglas Hurd, Michael Heseltine and Leon Brittan, all members of Thatcher’s Cabinet at the time, were ‘inexplicably’ not present in the hotel when the bomb exploded.

The Editor has been authoritatively informed that they appear to have been tipped off in advance. When they returned they commiserated with the rest of the survivors over what had happened. All three, evidently (as reported to us) knowing what was to happen, appear to have blood on their hands. In summary, this was an ‘act of war’ perpetrated by DVD with the full authority of the German Government against the United Kingdom, employing the DVD-sponsored Provisional IRA as cover.

Students of the long-range pan-German hegemony and control operation known as the European Union will be aware that the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 (which this Editor fought hard against) was a crucial ‘stage’ in the evolution of the European Union Collective.

As repeatedly asserted in these reports, the European Union is the project outlined in the Nazi strategy compendium entitled ‘Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’ (the ‘European Economic Community’), published in Berlin in 1942, and referenced in detail in the Editor’s two books ‘The European Union Collective: Enemy of its Member States’ and ‘The New Underworld Order’ (both available via the intelligence books section of this website).

FACT: The chapter headings of the Nazi compendium dated 1942 are almost identical to the chapter headings of the Maastricht Treaty (2). The EU Collective is a strategic entrapment mechanism.

(2) Reference: ‘Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’, (‘The European Economic Community’), published in Berlin in 1942, Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke. One copy of this work is to be found in the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin (Preussische Staatsbibliothek Berlin), and a copy is also held by the British Library. The copy is not immediately available on demand, but can be ordered in advance. The Chapter headings of this work are almost identical to those of the Maastricht Treaty of 1992. Britain’s accession to the EEC was perpetrated illegally.

Passage of the enabling bill bringing this alien and deliberately confusing document into UK law was severely compromised by a rebellion of backbench Conservative Members of Parliament. At the last minute, Mr Michael Spicer MP (who received a knighthood for his pains) persuaded all these ‘rebels’, whom John Major, the Prime Minister had referred to as ‘bastards’, to support the legislation, with one exception (Rupert Allason, whose literary name is Nigel West: He managed to be absent from the House of Commons lobbies when the count was being taken).

It now transpires that Prime Minister John Major was told by the German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, that he must sign up to Maastricht, ‘or we will blow up London’, a.k.a. ‘we’ will have our clients, the Provisional IRA and the IRA itself step up the terror and bombing campaign on the British Mainland.
Major, allegedly a de facto DVD asset or dupe, was told that if you do sign up, Herr Major, ve vill arrantch a ‘peace process’ for Northern Ireland for you, which vill make you look like a hero. Oh, und Sie mussen auch support uns over the break-up of Yugoslavia (a DVD-directed pan-German operation which resulted in 250,000 deaths). Major agreed: Hence Spicer’s pressure on the rebel MPs to ‘tow the line’. The country was betrayed as a consequence.

Meanwhile, key elements of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), with assistance from MI5, had become aware that German ‘Black’ intelligence was ‘running’ the Provisional IRA, a fact that came to the DVD’s notice. On 2nd June 1994, all the leading Northern Ireland experts from the RUC and MI5 (25-29 senior Police and MI5 officers) were required to travel to Northern Ireland, originally on board two Chinook helicopters. Some were understandably nervous at this prospect.

One of the pilots insisted on there being two helicopters, but was overruled, and the entire team was packed aboard one single RAF Chinook, which in due course was flown into a hillside near the Mull of Kintyre lighthouse, Scotland, in thick fog. For this operation, the DVD’s assets had rigged or interfered with the helicopter’s Inertial Navigation (INS) System. When the base coordinates were inputted, the software was tampered with. This kind of thing is standard DVD practice.

Britain therefore lost, in this further provocative and ruthlessly wanton ‘Act of War’ perpetrated by the pan-German ‘Black’ counterintelligence agency against the United Kingdom, almost its entire intelligence expertise on Northern Ireland. In September 1999, the Blair Government faced calls for a fresh enquiry to overrule earlier investigations, after ‘Computer Weekly’ had released evidence casting doubt on the reliability of the helicopter’s engine control software.

Previously, the two helicopter pilots – Flight Lieutenants Jonathan Tapper and Richard Cook – had been blamed, with the initial RAF Board of Inquiry in 1995 freely accusing the dead pilots of ‘gross negligence’. In February 2002, a House of Lords committee opposed the RAF’s verdict, concluding that there were no grounds for blaming the pilots.

Every cover-up excuse and platitude was brought forward for prejudging the issue so that secret intelligence confirming that the software had been tampered with, was never publicly ventilated, even though it was obvious, given the circumstances and casualties, that this was likely to have been a sabotage operation. In other words, as usual, high-level cover was being provided for the German Abwehr/Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst. This SCANDALOUS state of affairs is exposed.

Just as DVD controls the CIA by the basic means described above (placing its own personnel and associates in the top slots), so does it effectively control (or seek to control) MI6. It achieves this at the present time because its primary MI6 asset is its chief, John Scarlett, as previously reported on this website. More specifically, MI6 is controlled by GO-2 (General Operations 2, dating from the Second World War) which not only controls MI6, but also has assets inside MI5. The former Director of MI5, Dame Manningham-Buller (who was nicknamed ‘the Mad Bull’) was reported to us to be a GO-2 infiltration. However the new MI5 controller, Jonathan Evans, is thought not to be a GO-2 asset. It is uncertain whether he has the depth of understanding and experience to grasp who Britain’s real enemies are. John Major and Tony Blair were/are said to be assets of GO-2.

The atrocities committed on the London Underground and on a double-decker bus on 7th July 2005 were directed by DVD, Dachau, using Islamic revolutionary ‘assets’ and sleepers. Omitting the main details here, the outrage in appropriate London circles was such that Germany (and France, which was involved) were specifically told that the United Kingdom intended, as a consequence, to leave the European Union. Apparently what then happened was that, finally, this threat was watered down by the traitors in Downing Street and the UK intelligence community, to British acceptance of a total cessation of Provisional and IRA operations in Northern Ireland and on the British Mainland. It is likely that the British threat stands, should such terrorist ‘Acts of War’ be resumed at any time.

The order to proceed with 7/7 was given by former French President Jacques Chirac from his hotel room in Gleneagles, Scotland, to where he had flown from Singapore to attend a G-8 Meeting, after France had lost its bid to host the 2012 Olympics. It was monitored by GCHQ, the eavesdropping centre in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, forming the basis for the ensuing showdown.

On that occasion, Britain missed its best opportunity to get clean out from under the pan-German long-range trap, the European Union Collective. If there are further atrocities, even the shooting of the Editor of this service, ‘you’ must immediately press the Government to implement its threat.

• FACT: The Brazilian named De Menezes who was subsequently shot dead by armed police at a London Underground station, was the electronics expert, working ultimately for DVD, who serviced the requirements of the 7/7 bombers. In another unspeakable cover-up, this fact was buried and the police had to endure consequent excoriation by the press and judicial process – an example of the failure of official will arising from the fact that despicable traitors hold high office in the United Kingdom, as in the United States, working to the ultimate remit of the DVD.

DVD are the ultimate controllers of two drug cartels which service the financial needs of the two main British political parties. These two cartels run all the drugs in the United Kingdom, and they continue to do this because they are protected by GO-2 (General Operations-2) which controls MI6.

This situation will change as soon as John Scarlett is removed from his post, which must surely occur soon in the light of these exposures (in response to which, by the way, there has been a stony silence, apart from the shooting threat).

In addition, John Scarlett has been revealed to us as being among those allegedly renting a safety lock box or boxes seized in Mayfair, Edgeware and Hampstead, London, by the Metropolitan Police on 2nd June 2008, with all the prospectively compromising implications that this entails.

The two British drug cartels routinely replenish the finances of the political parties. An ambitious businessman or other aspirant to join the ‘Great and the Good’ is ‘tapped’, and asked to contribute, say, £1.0 million to the political party in question. It is then indicated that, in exchange, the ‘donor’ will receive £2.0 million into one of his offshore bank accounts. That is the model here. Whenever a prospectively compromising drug-linked prosecution looms, it is typically squashed by the Attorney General or by some other means (including messages delivered to certain corrupted judges).

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that certain UK political leaders are drug users and have spouses who are ditto. In the case of the Government, one of the main reasons for the campaign within the Labour Party itself to remove Gordon Brown from office, is concern about the fact that under Brown, the flow of funds from this corrupt source has dried up. The assumption is that by removing him as soon as possible, the Party’s resources can be restored by the time of the next General Election (now expected in 2010). We believe that any attempt to oust Brown will fail.

An earlier example of the drug flows drying up occurred when the Conservative Party was led by Ian Duncan-Smith, an honourable man whom the ‘Black’ forces within that Party – thought to be headed by the Germanophile Angus Maude – knew would be appalled if he were to discover how the Party was being, in part, financed. They plotted to remove him so that he couldn’t find out.

As a consequence, the flow-of-funds to the Party derived from drug-trafficking and managed by one of the cartels ceased, until Duncan-Smith was removed from the leadership.

• Note: On 22nd August, Gordon Brown indicated his expectation that the British economy, which has stalled, will start to recover within four or five months. While this expectation by Mr Brown has been attributed by some ‘gurus’ to a belief that the Bank of England cannot avoid lowering interest rates, our own assessment is that Mr Brown is basing his view on his knowledge of the progress of the Settlements, of which the ‘mainstream’ media either has no knowledge, or which it has been precluded from covering. It is now reporting the 1929-style catastrophe that we predicted, arising from the criminalist operations of Bush-Clinton-CIA fraudulent finance ops., without understanding that its cause is OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED CRIMINAL OPERATIONS [see Archive].

• The UK ‘mainstream’ media is thus in GROSS dereliction of its Fourth Estate duty to hold the authorities to account, given that the corruption poison spewed out by the subversive George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism has infected the UK political system and Establishment.

In a recent analysis on this website, we reported that one of the high-ups in one of the two drug cartels mentioned above is an Iranian intelligence operative named Hamid Reza Pardis. Assets held by Pardis were found in one or more safety lock boxes seized by armed Metropolitan Police on 2nd June 2008. Following this development and our recent exposure of this operative, Mr Pardis has suddenly taken hurried steps to prepare for his exit from the United Kingdom, we understand.

A second UK-based Iranian intelligence operative whose ‘assets’ were identified in one or more of the seized lock boxes, also exposed on our website recently, is Ali Ghabami, who was at one time married to the sister of Norma Major, the wife of the former Prime Minister (see above).

Ali Ghabami is reported to us to be close to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the intelligence operative and satanist who is currently functioning as President of Iran.

Both Pardis and Ghabami, who are very high-level Iranian intelligence operatives, use or have used a British-based Jewish bank in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – a state which appears to have residual or even close ties with DVD, Dachau. It is separately known that the Iranian Mullahs hide the money they have stolen by ransacking Iranian state assets, in Dubai.

A third very high-level Iranian operative, Ali Dizaei, has risen to become the third highest-ranking police officer inside the Metropolitan Police. Under the ‘politically correct’, and therefore mind-controlled ‘diversity’ policy (which has been disseminated inter alia via the subversive operation named Common Purpose, run out of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, when he occupied that post), the Metropolitian Police (and other British police forces) have fallen for the deception and infiltration operation whereby ‘diversity’ provides cover for penetration by agents for foreign powers, of which this very high-level Iranian operative is a leading example. One of his tasks is to destabilise the entire British police system by fabricating ‘racism’ charges and court cases, thereby paralysing police operations. This man is exceedingly dangerous.

[Unimportant Note: There is currently some doubt about the precise spelling of his name].

The Iranian penetrations in the United Kingdom are associated with the massive secret operation to equip Iran with nuclear weapons. ‘Special’ sources inform us that this is a Luciferian operation spearheaded by George H. B. Bush Sr./DVD. One dimension of this activity is reported to embrace the use of submarines for the clandestine distribution not only of drugs [see below] but also of components and nuclear materials for the Iranian nuclear project.

This is an extremely murky area, but the Editor has been informed that the ‘triple gunshot warning voicemail’ may have had rather more to do with the fact that we had trailered that we were about to expose some of this information, than with our ongoing work in exposing the criminalists’ financial fraud operations, which indeed finance such diabolical activities as the clandestine procurement and conveyance of nuclear materials for global terrorism proliferation and intended ‘Black’ World Revolution and control purposes. The entire nexus of operations here is MAD AND DIABOLICAL.

The following two individuals, we understand, were murdered because of their knowledge of these Bush 41/DVD operations concerned with the clandestine nuclearisation of Iran: (1) Maria Gabriela Di Biase, who ‘fell out of’ a window on the 19th floor of the United Nations building in New York on 17th Febuary 2008, onto the UN’s South Lawn. A ‘wet’ team was subsequently identified as being present in the building and on that floor at the time, which was over a weekend; and (2) Dr David Kelly, who had access to intelligence about this diabolical Bush/DVD operation to nuclearise Iran.

According to some sources, Kelly’s murder was ordered by the Prime Minister du jour, but we now understand that what happened was that Blair just stood by while the brilliant man was ‘whacked’.

The body of Ms. Di Biase was photographed having been covered with bags and tape by police, who explained to media enquirers on 19th February that bags and tape are used when there is believed to be a chance that DNA evidence from a struggle might be recovered.

The DVD has arranged for a fleet of submarines to be refurbished and ‘rented out’ to ‘Black’ associates for international drug-running and nuclear proliferation purposes.

It is reported to us that in 2005, a British frigate intercepted one of these DVD vessels, which was found to be conveying between three and four tonnes of Colombian pure. Its skipper was from the Dominican Republic, as were members of the crew. [Note: there is some question concerning the detail of this, but the outline is presented here for completeness].

• 21st September 2008: The Fox News ticker tape [1:30am-2:30am] stated: ‘The US Coastguard has intercepted an [unspecified] vessel carrying [an estimated] 7 tons of cocaine. US Navy aircraft had spotted a 60-ft vessel 200 miles off the [East] Coast… Coastguard sank vessel after determining that it was too unstable’ [!]. The ticker tape report elaborated that this took place quote ‘four days after apprehension of a ‘home-made submarine”, referencing a quite separate incident involving the transportation of drugs but which involved the use of a submarine.

One of George H. W. Bush Sr.’s drug-trafficking allies has been President Chavez of Venezuela, whose geopolitical stance for gullible international public consumption, is anti-American and neo-Communist. But in reality, this is a cover, as Chavez is an ‘asset’ of George Bush Sr., engaged inter alia in drug-running for and in collaboration with the Bush networks and DVD, Dachau. Venezuelan drug shipments have been traced via the Dominican Republic into South Africa, where President Mbeke is reported to take his cut, before the shipments are forwarded to the corrupt oil state of Equatorial Guinea, for onward shipment into Europe and Britain.

One or more of the DVD’s submarines that are being used to transport drugs shipments was/were used by French ‘Black’ intelligence (collaborating, in the tradition of Vichy, with the DVD) in 2003 to convey weapons-grade plutonium to Iran.

Certainly, the involvement of French intelligence in this nefarious activity has a lot to do with the Jewish-Hungarian French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s anxiety to ingratiate himself with the Israeli authorities, and may explain the attempt on his life when he was boarding his Air France plane. The French work closely with Germany, as provided for under the terms of the 1963 Treaty of the Elysee which lays down that France and Germany must ‘reach a common position’ on relevant international issues of common interest, so that each others’ interests are furthered in relation to the Rest of the World and third parties. Hence, French ‘Black’ counterintelliegnce works with the DVD, and of course hence with George Bush Sr. and the George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism.

The Sarkozy Government’s ties into Langley have been exposed by Thierry Meyssan, President of the Voltaire Network, who has identified the following facts of interest in this context:

(1) Sarkozy’s half brother, Pierre Olivier, calling himself Oliver in the United States, was named by Frank Carlucci, formerly the second most senior CIA official, as a Director of Bush Sr.’s slush fund operation, Carlyle Group, which is central to the prevailing world financial tsunami and incidentally handles the main assets of the Kuwaiti and Singapore Sovereign Wealth Funds.

(2) Carlucci was originally recruited by the CIA’s Frank Wisner Sr., who is fingered by Meyssan as having plotted the destruction of the Gaullists and the rise of Nicolas Sarkozy. A defector from an Illuminati circle has described this man as ‘exceptionally important for The New Underworld Order‘.

(3) Lambertist Trotskyites, named after their founder Pierre Lambert, a small extremist group, which collaborated with the CIA against the Stalinist French Communists during the Cold War period, and who infiltrated the French Socialist Party, introduced two ‘notorious CIA agents’ there: one Lionel Jospin who became Prime Minister, and Jean Christopher Cambadelis, key adviser to Dominique Strauss Kahn, who taught at Stanford, where he was hired by the former Dean of that University, Condoleeza Rice, the current Secretary of State. Strauss Kahn’s ‘services’ were ‘rewarded’ by Ms Rice when he was appointed Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2007.

(4) Frank Wisner Jr., appointed by President Bush as his envoy concerned with the independence of Kosovo (‘separation precedes federation’: Lenin), ‘insisted’, according to Meyssan, that Bernard Kouchner be named by Sarkozy as French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The underlying objectives here were/are the independence of Kosovo and the secret destruction of France’s Arab policy, in the interests of the Jewish State. Hence Sarkozy’s ambivalent position towards Israel. Note also that the DVD appear to want France ‘out of their way’ so that French operatives don’t disrupt their subversive operations all over the Islamic world, and especially not the Bush Sr./DVD/CIA operation to nuclearise Iran. Meyssan is withering in his description of Kouchner’s entanglements with the American/DVD revolutionaries, as the following passage from his report of 26th July 2008 shows:

‘Kouchner started his career by participating in the creation of a humanitarian NGO. Thanks to the financial support provided by the National Endowment for Democracy, he took part in operations of Zbigniew Brzezinski in Afghanistan ‘against’ the Soviets, alongside Osama Bin Laden (‘Tim Osman’) and the Karzai brothers. One finds him again in the 1990s working with Alija Izetbegovic in Bosnia Herzegovina. From 1999 to 2001, he was the High Representative of the United Nations to Kosovo’.

‘Under the hegemony of the youngest brother of President Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan became the largest world producer of opium poppies, converted locally into heroin, and transported by the US Air Force to Camp Bonsteed in Kosovo. There, operatives working for Hacim Thaci take charge of the drug and distribute it mainly in Europe and accessorily in the United States. The proceeds are used to finance the illegal operations of the CIA. Karzai and Thaci are very longstanding personal friends of Bernard Kouchner who undoubtedly overlooks their criminal operations in spite of the extensive reports about their [criminal] activities that have been published’.

(5) Christine Lagarde, named by Sarkozy as Minister of Finance, spent most of her career prior to her appointment in the United States, where she directed the firm of Baker and Mckenzie, a direct link into Bush Sr. This woman was also prominent in Vice President Richard Cheney’s Center for International and Strategic Studies, the neoconservative (Trotskyite) operation, wherein she co-presided with Zbigniew Brzezinski over a working group supervising the Polish privatisatioms.

Lagarde further orchestrated, Thierry Meyssan reported, an intensive lobbying operation in favour of Lockheed Martin AGAINST the French aircraft manufacturer Dassault.

(6) Alain Bauer, who is in now in charge of French intelligence. This man is a former Grand Master of the French Grand Orient, the primary French Masonic organisation, and was earlier the second in command of the US National Security Agency (NSA) in Europe. French intelligence is accordingly a branch of the George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism, and of its associated clowns at Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau.

In short, the George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism has its jaws locked into the central nodes of French power so that President Nicolas Sarkozy can be considered to be an operational ally or extension of George Bush Sr., and thus a ‘reliable’ partner for the German ‘Black’ DVD.

Al-Qaeda is controlled by DVD, Dachau, and by German elements of the CIA working with the DVD. This statement contradicts everything that has ever been published on this score. However the CIA background and associations of Osama Bin Laden, the CIA’s asset and operative known as ‘Tim Osman’, who died on 26th December 2001 in a Minnesota hospital or hospice, are well known.

The Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein and his sons was modelled along Nazi lines and the original 1964 coup in Iraq was an operation against the British. Saddam Hussein became one of the most successful secret financial trading partners of George Bush Sr., amassing vast nanomoney assets at Rafidain Bank which Saddam Huissein considered to be his own private bank. George Bush Sr.’s standard procedure is ALWAYS to double-cross his ‘partners’, whenever his gross jealousy at their success in building false wealth overflows. So Bush Sr. envied and lusted after the estimated $100 trillion of nanofunds accumulated in sub-accounts with Rafidain Bank’s London Branch. The Editor speculates that the British authorities refused the Bush Crime Family/CIA interests access to the sub-accounts that they lusted after, which may well have been the pretext for the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29-30 March 2007, as reported by this service. When testing this hypothesis with knowledgeable US contacts, the Editor has found that it is never considered improbable.

The Saudi Royal family’s connections with German ‘Black’ intelligence, are also extensive. In broad terms, German counterintelligence’s intermeddling in the Middle East began after the First World War, with the establishment by the Abwehr of the Muslim Brotherhood, run out of Cairo, Egypt, for the purpose of undermining British influence throughout the Middle East – a long-range strategic deception operation that proved successful.

In other words, German intelligence vowed to reverse the outcome of the First World War, almost as soon as it had ended and the Treaty of Versailles had been signed – just as it subsequently took concrete steps to reverse the outcome of the Second World War.

These concrete steps started up in 1941, with the Wannsee Conference and the seminars which resulted in the publication in Berlin the following year of ‘Europaïsche Wirtschaftsgesellschaft’ (‘European Economic Community’), the Nazi blueprint for the collectivised reorganisation of Europe under pan-German hegemony which re-emerged with the same priorities and chapter headings in the format of the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 [see above].

Since the CIA is essentially controlled by the German faction, the CIA promotes and finances the terrorist operations that the President of the United States denounces. These provide massive cover for the installation of the Big Brother surveillance society.

Mass US eavesdropping is conducted both against foreign and domestic targets for the primary purpose of ascertaining what is known about the fraudulent finance and corruption which it is the primary objective of the corrupt holders of high office to cover up and perpetuate.

• The Iranian régime, as currently constituted, is a DVD operation and has long-standing historical connections arising originally from the Abwehr’s operations in the Middle East after the First World War. This background will be seen to be relevant, for instance, when we come to noting notorious atrocities perpetrated by DVD cadres and/or their known assets and collaborators, which include the destruction of TWA-800 in July 1997.

The late lamented US analyst Sherman Skolnik, from his vantage point in Chicago, wrote as follows with truly acute understanding, in an article entitled ‘The New/Old White House Gang’, dated 31st December 2000, held in our files:

‘One of the most explosive situations reportedly implicates Governor Tommy Thompson, appointed by President George W. Bush as the Secretary of Health and Human Services to replace outgoing Clinton appointee (and intelligence operative) Donna E. Shalala. It all revolves around a colossal reputed CIA espionage slush fund, from Switzerland, reportedly operating without legal authority in Wisconsin through the criminality of Governor Tommy Thompson’.

‘The billions and billions of US dollars has been called by the innocent-sounding name, Children’s Defense Fund. Playing a key role in the dirty business reportedly was Donna E. Shalala, starting when she was Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and continuing when she was Secretary of Health and Human Services’.

In 1992, we published an issue of International Currency Review featuring Hillary Rodomski Clinton on the front cover, and addressing her [non]-‘stewardship’ inter alia of the Children’s Defense Fund – which had been pulled to shreds, insofar as this could be done without incurring the anger of the CIA, by the Government Accounting (now ‘Accountability’) Office (GAO). Even then, the GAO was not amused by the dubious record of the President’s CIA wife, as Director of that operation.

(3) Reference: ‘Bill Clinton’s Hard-Left Entourage’, International Currency Review, Volume 21, Number 4, 1992, pages 55-64.

The late Sherman Skolnik elaborated on the subject of this money laundry operation:

‘An official [actually, for some years, the head – Ed.] of the Children’s Defense Fund has been Hillary Clinton… Her reputed lover and law partner, in the Rose Law Firm, Little Rock, AK, was Vincent W. Foster Jr., for a few months in 1993 serving as Clinton White House Deputy Counsel. Foster was the courier and “bagman” for the Fund, travelling widely, prior to the White House job, to and from Little Rock, Wisconsin, Chicago, Switzerland, Russia’.

‘He started, in July 1993, to turn over incriminating records of the Children’s Defense Fund as a huge money laundry, to the then FBI Director, William Sessions. The day before Foster’s body was found in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, Sessions was unceremoniously sacked on ridiculous charges that he defrauded the Government by taking his wife along on one of his FBI office plane flights. Some of these original records did get into Sessions’ possession, and he formed élite units to investigate, for criminality, both George Herbert Walker Bush and his sons, as well as the Bush Family cronies Bill and Hillary Clinton’.

‘Foster was murdered because of the massive Medicare/hospital/State Government/commodity markets fraud as well as for other reasons, including that ‘he knew too much’. For safe-keeping, Sessions parked the original records documenting massive fraud of the Fund, in the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City. The records were destroyed in the multiple bombings, internal and external, of the building, on April 19, 1995. There is substantial reason to believe that the FBI and the US Treasury’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire-Arms [BATF, a.k.a. ‘Alphabet Soup’], allowed a foreign unit, tied to Iraq with American surrogates as dupes, to bomb the building’.

Curiously, Sherman appears to have been unaware of the presence in the same building of the files on postwar German Nazis based in the United States presided over by the head and founder of the Nazi Continuum strategic deception ‘Black’ agency, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Admiral Canaris, who surfaced after the War in Oklahoma, under the alias Samuel Randall Pittmann.

Thus, when the Murrah Building was bombed, several birds were killed with one exploding stone: both Sessions’ sensitive documents AND the tell-tale Nazi papers, were incinerated.

The world was then treated to the diversion of President Clinton’s depraved behaviour in the Oval Office area with the Mossad agent Monica Lewinski, by supposed ‘Independent’ Counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, who just happened, also, to be the Attorney for – the Children’s Defense Fund.

After being dragged out of the sort of hole that the Illuminati typically use to entomb recalcitrant family or other members, Saddam Hussein was subjected to a show trial and was then publicly executed by hanging, in a display of Iranian-style US barbarity. The reason that Saddam Hussein was hanged, which is not widely known, is revealed below. All open sources ‘confirm’ that the gassing in 1982 of the inhabitants of Halabja, a crime against humanity, was perpetrated by Saddam Hussein. The facts, however, diverge sharply from this piece of US/CIA-sponsored disinformation.

On 16th and 17th March 1988, lethal chemical weapons (CW) were supposedly deployed by Iraqi Government forces under Saddam Hussein against the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja, murdering thousands of people, most of them civilians. Between 3,200 and 5,000 people died in agony on the spot, and between 7,000 and 10,000 were severely injured, for a total of up to 15,000 killed and injured, most of whom were civilians.

Thousands more died, according to open reports, of absolutely horrific complications, diseases and birth defects during the years after the attack. Innocently, without being aware of who really perpetrated this atrocity, the US agitprop organisation calling itself Human Rights Watch defined the abomination as an act of genocide, representing furthermore by far the largest-scale actual chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian population in history.

Of significance is the fact that this attack, which was launched in the evening of the 16th March 1988, was entirely separate from Operation Anfal, the campaign conducted in 1986-89 by Saddam Hussein’s régime in order to terrorise the Kurdish population and to terminate the peshmerga rebellions in the most brutal manner possible.

The gas offensive followed a series of napalm and rocket attacks, with about 20 Iraqi MiG and French Mirage aircraft starting to drop chemical bombs. Kurdish commanders in Halabja later reported that there were up to 14 aircraft sorties, with seven or eight planes in each attack. Helicopters, said to be Iraqi, coordinating the operation, were also observed.

Clouds of acrid smoke billowed upwards, starting as white, turning black, then turning yellow, and rising in a column up to 150 feet in the air. The attack involved the use of multiple chemical agents, including mustard gas and the nerve agents sarin, tabun and VX. Some sources have also stated that the blood agent hydrogen cyanide was employed.

This information is based on survivor reports that people died in various ways, with some ‘just dropping dead’, while others ‘died of laughing’.

Others still took several minutes to die, ‘burning and blistering’, or coughing up green vomit. Wounded who were taken to hospital in Tehran were found to have been suffering from exposure to mustard gas. Significantly, the Iranian photographer Kaveh Golestan was among the first photo-journalists to distribute his photographs, beginning with Iranian newspapers – making it hardly likely that the Iranians were behind this atrocity.

Kaveh described the scene to Guy Dinmore of The Financial Times:

‘It was life frozen. Life had stopped, like watching a film and suddenly it hangs in one frame. It was a new kind of death to me. You went into a room, a kitchen, and you saw the body of a woman holding a knife where she had been cutting a carrot. The aftermath was far worse. Victims were still being brought in. Some villagers came to our chopper. They had 15 or 16 beautiful children, begging us to take them to hospital. So all the press sat there and we were each handed a child to carry. As we took off, fluid came out of my little girl’s mouth and she died in my arms’.

A report by a b c entitled ‘America didn’t seem to mind poison gas’ trailered the stunningly muted international response to this abomination, with Saddam Hussein’s Government blaming Iran for the attack (again, hardly likely, otherwise the mullahs’ own censorship machinery would have blocked publication of the horrible photographs). Significantly, the US State Department, which specialises in lies and deceit, tried to suggest that Iran was responsible.

In 2007, Dr Jean Pascal Zanders, the project leader of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), pronounced that Iraq, not Iran, was the culprit. Our intelligence newsletter, Arab-Asian Affairs, not knowing the horrible truth of the matter at the time, also incorporated the Halabja gas attack into its analyses of the multiple horrors perpetrated by the Soviet/German-supported Nazi régime headed by the mass murderer Saddam Hussein and his Mukhabarat intelligence nexus.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported that Iran was responsible for the attack, shortly after it occurred. This assessment was subsequently employed by the CIA in its disinformation propaganda for much of the 1990s. But in the late 1990s, the CIA inexplicably altered its position because, all of a sudden, given the preplanning that was already taking place for the invasion of Iraq (even before Mr Bushfraud II stole the 2000 election), it needed to be able to show that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.

In other words, its earlier gross diversionary lies, pinning the blame on Iran, no longer served its purpose, so it changed its position to meet its current propaganda requirements. It had by now become necessary to keep on mentioning the Halabja chemical weapons attack in order to buttress the Bush II Administration’s ‘line’ that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (true, but they were removed aboard the two Soviet ships that sailed from Umm Qasr three weeks prior to the illegal invasion in March 2003).

Given that lies have to be routinely buttressed by further lies, the CIA criminalists have woven a convoluted thread of deceit and obfuscation into the record, all for the purpose of trying to ensure that actual responsibility remains obscured for ever. For instance, Stephen C. Pelletiere, who co-authored an unclassified CIA analysis of the DIA’s key points, claimed that Iraq was not ‘known to have’ possessed the cyanide-based blood agents determined to have been responsible for the condition of some of the bodies examined. The giveaway was the weasel phrase ‘not known to have’, which of course is NOT the same as saying that Iraq did not possessed those agents.

Joost Hiltermann, the main researcher for Human Rights Watch (HRW) between 1992 and 1994, who conducted an extensive study, including a field investigation in northern Iraq plus an analysis of thousands of captured Iraqi secret police and declassified US official documents, plus interviews with scores of Iraqi survivors, senior Iraqi defectors and ‘retired’ American intelligence officials, concluded that it was ‘clear’ that Iraq carried out the attack on Halabja, and that the United States, fully aware of this, accused Iran without being able to support its allegations.

Mr Hiltermann reported that allegations of chemical weapons usage by Iran were ‘marred by a lack of specificity as to time and place, and the failure to provide any sort of evidence’. The allegations all amounted to ‘mere assertions… and no persuasive evidence of the claim that Iran was the primary culprit was ever presented’.

It will be recalled that we have stated that the chemical weapons attack on Halabja in Iraq was historically ‘separate from’ Operation Anfal, which lasted from 1986 to 1989, and was intended to end the peshmerga rebellions as brutally and decisively as possible. It will also be recalled that the Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988, the same year as the Halabja attacks.

British intelligence sources have specifically advised us that Saddam Hussein was not responsible for, devising, ordering and orchestrating the Halabja attacks.

The chemical weapons assaults were ordered by US intelligence inter alia to hasten the end of the long Iran-Iraq War, so that Iraq could be ostracised and then later invaded, which was exactly what happened after Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait in 1990, with tacit approval from the American Ambassador, April Glaspie. This provided the pretext for George Bush Sr. to double-cross Saddam Hussein, as he always does with his partner-victims, so that the assets accumulated by Saddam Hussein in the course of his corrupt transactions with the Bush Crime Family, could be ‘retrieved’.

Controlling US intelligence in 1988, as today (the CIA ‘works for’ him) was George H. W. Bush Sr.

We have seen how the criminal enterprise calling itself the Central Intelligence Agency changed its ‘line’ on the Halabja mass murders to suit its changed priorities, which of course paralleled what Bush Sr. had in mind. So, how did this ‘old atrocity’ impact post-invasion Iraq after 2003?

When Saddam was pulled out of his hole, the United States exploited him for discrediting and propaganda purposes, and then arranged for him to be hanged after a show trial.

Why? Er, so that he could never implicate George H. W. Bush Sr. in the Halabja atrocity.

The DVD, Dachau, are extensively involved in paedophile ring operations. Selected children are kidnapped, degraded for perverse purposes, and afterwards usually murdered in satanic snuff movies. (Anyone who contradicts us on this matter risks the likelihood that we may publish a very extensive expose of this absolute abomination traceable back to the heathen practice of post-natal contraception which the aberrant children of Israel adopted from time to time by the sacrificing of unwanted children to Molech or Moloch, in the valley of the son of Hinnom, near Jerusalem).

This practice is replicated in child human sacrifices that take place at Bohemian Grove, Sonoma County, California, attended by depraved holders of high office and prominent power positions, every July. Separately, a total of 43 children, who had been kidnapped for paedophile activities and snuff films, perished in May 2007 alone, according to informed experts in touch with this service.

It was reported on 7th August that the Metropolitan Police (London) have confirmed in an email that Madeleine McCann, aged 5, who was snatched on 3rd May 2007 in Praia de Luz, Portugal, as widely rehearsed in the media, was abducted to the order of a paedophile organisation based in Belgium. We have been informed that the way this depraved activity operates is that the ‘client’ is sent three photographs of children, and chooses one of them, who is then provided, to meet his depraved requirements. The individual who selected little Madeleine McCann is a very senior official of the European Commission in Brussels. His name has been reported to this service [see below].

• LATE INSERTION: The Editor had intended to WITHHOLD the identity of the senior EC official concerned. However, in the light of the ‘triple gunshot threat voicemail’ referenced above, and given that in these cricumstances, the lapse of time between the threat and the exposure must be minimised, we have been forced to reveal the top European Commission official concerned.

His hereby shamed name is Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission.

The paedophile and abduction ring is. moreover, actually run out of the European Commission itself. The current position is that the DVD are refusing to release the child, although our British sources have reason to believe that she remains alive. It has been conveyed to DVD that if this child is harmed (beyond the abominable degree to which the child has already been harmed), the consequences will be extreme. This posting will serve as an immediate wake-up call and warning that this child must be released into the care of her parents forthwith and that the use of this child as hostage in any negotiations with British authorities is considered an abomination well beyond the normal range of abominations for which the Nazi pervert DVD are notorious.

All those concerned must be aware of the consequences of further exposure of this matter. Such exposure would compromise perverted politicians in the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Italy, as well as the corrupt European Union structures.

To the right of the railway line that slices through Unterweilbach, Prittlbach and Hebertshausen into Dachau, and adjacent to the Hebertshausen Bahnhof, is an empty area ending in a very steep bank, against which 8,000 Soviet prisoners of war were shot dead in cold blood during the Second World War. Set into the bank is a peculiar building with a sinister gate, approached via a pathway. Beyond the gated entrance is a doorway. Inside this doorway, investigators have photographed evidence of high occultic witchcraft paraphernalia. This horrible place, which is believed to be associated with the DVD, is reported to have been in recent use for high occultic Black ritual purposes.

In the US context, George H. W. Bush Sr. and George W. Bush Jr. have been at times lethally at loggerheads for almost the entire length of George W. Bush’s term in office. The quite intemperate animosity of the President’s father, and the extreme resentment at this interference on the part of the son, has been the most poisonous contemporary relationship on earth.

At least four attempts have been made by the one to murder the other, and at least one retaliatory action has taken place, all of which failed (see below).

George W. Bush Jr. is being blackmailed by his father. The way this has been arranged is that control of the Secret Service was taken away from the Treasury and placed under the dubious power of the Department of Homeland Security, a.k.a. the Ministry of the Interior.

Control of Homeland Security was then transferred into the hands of a dangerous asset of George H. W. Bush Sr. called Michael Chertoff, who was personally involved (as the Judge) in the cover-up of the Vincent Foster murder. Homeland Security therefore obtained access to the log records of all visitors to the White House, including the rent boys reported to have been brought in for the benefit of one or more White House occupants.

George Bush Sr. blackmails his son by holding this sordid information over him, we are informed. That is how the ‘Black Operations’ community functions (on both sides of the Atlantic).

Instead of calling his father’s blackmail bluff (which of course, given this report, he can now do with virtual impunity), George W. Bush Jr., is reported to us to have usually succumbed to this persistent pressure from his father, who, while he is nothing more than a private citizen, has purported to tell the President of the United States what to do, wielding not only the blackmail weapon, but also the power of the ‘Black’ CIA which Bush Sr. represents that he ‘controls’.

Hence the establishment by President Bush Jr. of the Directorate of National Intelligence, which is supposed to be superior to the Central intelligence Ahgency. The first appointee to this new post, London-born John Negroponte, of Greek Jewish extraction, soon realised that he was caught in a vice between the two Bushes, and managed to squeeze himself out of the post and into the State Department. Although we have no knowledge of this possibility, we would not be at all surprised if Negroponte had been threatened by Bush Sr. to ‘get out of my way’.

In repeatedly thwarting the Settlements as we have reported to date and will continue to record for posterity, following the Settlements that will take/have taken place, G. Bush Sr. has held the United States and the whole world to ransom: on behalf of the DVD.

President George W. Bush Jr.’s relationship with his father deteriorated to a state of permanent Blackness from the day that the son became President of the United States in 2000.

The hatred between these two, masked by an appearance of cordiality for public consumption, has been one of the most dangerous and poisonous personal relationships to bedevil our humanity for centuries, not least of course because G. Bush Jr. has his finger on the nuclear trigger, so that in theory he can command his forces to nuke any enemy he pleases. In practice, since the US military is not entirely composed of complacent traitors, he has been told not only that the US military will not countenance an attack on Iran, but also that it will not go to war over Georgia. There is as yet no word as to what its response to a Russian 21-day ultimatum for US Naval ships to get out of the Black Sea may be; but judging by rational decisions that the US military has apparently taken over this crisis so far this year, it is to be doubted that it will agree to any confrontation there.

The bitterness between the two stems, in its current format, from the fact that George H. W. Bush Sr. bribed the Supreme Court in 2000 and thereby procured the confirmation of his elder son as President – a move that was partly motivated by Bush Crime Family jealousy that the Gore family, which coveted access to the trading programs and other corrupt opportunities to exploit highest office for self-enrichment purposes, eagerly sought the Presidency and would be in a position to curtail or reverse Bush/DVD operations, including coveted self-enrichment activities.

During the First Term, therefore, Bush II felt constrained and was in any case left in no doubt that his father controlled the CIA and considered his son’s Presidency to be an extension of his own. Operating out of an office inside the White House, as well as from his office at Langley, Bush Sr. continued to behave in exactly the same manner as Mikhail Gorbachëv, who operates, to this day, from a spacious wing of the Kremlin, basically in the self-same role as when he was head of the Administrative Department of the CPSU, the TOP POWER POST, under Andropov (Lieberman).

However the situation between the Bushes changed after Bush II ‘won’ the Presidential election in 2004, ostensibly on his own account. (This, too, is a myth because, as the whole world knows, the hardware and software of the electronic voting machines supplied by Diebold (directed by certain Russians) and other controlled contractors, were rigged to ensure a second Bush term).

At all events, shortly after the outcome of the 2004 election, President Bush Jr. had a blazing row with his father, along the lines of ‘I won this election in my own right, so stop telling me what to do as I won’t put up with it any longer’.

The anger expressed by Bush Jr. was further poisoned by overtones arising from the blackmail hold that George Bush Sr. had maintained over the President, referred to above.

As reported below, we know, from ‘special’ sources, of at least four occasions when one of the Bushes attempted to liquidate the other physically. These occasions are identified in outline below.

• On 22nd November 2004, a Gulfstream-3 G-1159A (registration November 85VT, Serial Number 449) took off from Dallas Love Field en route initially to Houston’s Hobby Airport. On its descent into the Runway 4 at Houston Airport, the plane crashed into a light tower at 6.23 am CST, with 3 fatalities (two pilots and a stewardess).

This plane, owned by Business Jet Services, had been intended to convey Bush Sr. to Peru. The intention had been for Bush Sr. to join the plane at Dallas, but instead it flew to Houston to pick him up. Our sources state that altimeter instruments were modified, and that the assassination project, which had been for the plane to crash in Peru, was disrupted by an apparent change of plan when it had to land at Houston to collect Bush Sr., instead of flying direct from Dallas to Peru.

The plane crash is ‘logged’ by intelligence sources as an attempted assassination of George H. W. Bush Sr. Since the means used to achieve this (fiddling with the aircraft controls and/or software) is the hallmark of DVD, Dachau, it is believed that DVD may have finally tired of George Bush Sr.’s self-enrichment and vindictive reprisal operations, motivated by his lust for recouping colossal sums of stolen money that he has lost. (We concur that this conflicts with the information on the nuclearisation of Iran, but recall that we are not dealing with rationality in any of these contexts).

Failed operations to assassinate George Bush Jr. of which we are aware, have included the events numbered below. Other unlisted attempted assassinations are thought to have taken place, too:

(1) An attempt to blow up Air Force One in Turkey, where the President was to attend a NATO meeting. This was thwarted after British intelligence agents alerted the CIA to what was intended (for which the British received no thanks whatsoever). Information on this attempt on President George W. Bush’s life has been completely suppressed. However the British agent who warned the US authorities advises us that it had to do with a shipment of lethal materials which were intended to be used to destroy Air Force One in the area.

(2) Bicycle accidents, etc: The peculiar ‘bicycle mishap’ event in Bush Jr.’s First Term, when he had to be thrown to the ground by Secret Service agents: The President was just completing a 17-mile ride on a mountain bike at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, suffering scrapes and scratches on his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees. Fortunately, White House spokesman Trent Duffy told the press, Mr Bush was wearing a helmet and a mouth guard.

The spokesman warned that Mr Bush would probably be wearing a bandage on his chin when he arrived in Austin, TX, for a party for his daughter, Jenna, who was graduating from the University of Texas that weekend. That was the ‘line’ for public consumption. UK intelligence sources inform us, however, that the Crawford report masked an assassination attempt.

There is also a suggestion that the event in January 2002, when President Bush Jr. was watching a football game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Miami Dolphins on the third floor of the White House residence and choked on a Pretzel, may also have been an assassination attempt.

The ‘pretzel’ caused Bush Jr. to faint and fall, bruising and scraping his face in the process. On that occasion he was accompanied only by his dogs Spot and Barney.

The precision detail given here (in respect of the exact details of the game that the President was watching) is typical of a cover story, designed to be as ‘specific’ as possible, but with respect to factors which have nothing to do with what actually happened.

In June 2003, George Bush Jr. was visiting George Bush Sr. and Barbara at the family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, when he ‘fell off’ his motorised Segway scooter. He was holding a tennis racket, which may have interfered with his coordination. There is no information as to whether this was just a mishap, given the location of the event, although many photographers were present and captured the incident, which was immediately disseminated worldwide.

(3) The ‘random shootings’ episode when two Black snipers were conducting shooting practice on live targets was an elaborate cover for an intended assassination of President George W. Bush, we are informed. On 3rd October 2002, Maryland police launched a hunt for a ‘skilled shooter’ and a possible accomplice after five people, three men and two women, had been shot dead with high-velocity bullets in the Washington, DC, area. On 7th October, a 13-year-old boy was shot and injured as he was being dropped off at a Maryland school.

On 9th October, a man filling his car at a petrol station at Manassas, VA, was shot once in the head. On 11th October, police erected scores of roadblocks outside Washington after a man was shot at a petrol station at Fredericksburg, VA. They said that they were searching for a white van near the scene of several killings. On 14th October, a person was shot dead outside a shopping centre in the Falls Church area of Virginia. On 16th October, the Montgomery County police advised people who heard a gunshot first to take cover and then look in the direction of the noise, amid fears that media reports were influencing the perceptions of witnesses. On 20th October, a man was shot in the stomach but not killed, at a restaurant car park in Ashland, 70 miles south of Washington.

On 22nd October, a bus driver was shot on the steps of his vehicle in Maryland. On 24th October, two men were arrested. A day later, the two men were identified as John Allen Muhammad, 41, and his stepson, John Lee (or Lee Boyd) Malvo, 17. On 30th May 2006, Muhammad was found guilty on six counts of first-degree murder in a Maryland court.

He had already been sentenced to death by a Virginia court. Malvo, who appears to have been the perpetrator’s ‘rent boy’, was sentenced to life in prison.

(3) UK intelligence sources advise that these shootings were part of a mad DVD scheme to create an atmosphere of terror in the Washington area, via random shootings, which would culminate in an attack on the President of the United States. Since Al-Qaeda is a known DVD operation, which the German dimension of US intelligence helped to set up, the profile of the main perpetrator fits.

(4) An unspecified attempt, which failed, to blow up the President up in Washington, DC. Further information on this episode, which was thwarted, has not been forthcoming from our sources.

(5) An operation allegedly initiated or directed by Colin Powell that was intended to ‘take out’ the first four in the line of succession, including the President of the United States, following which Colin Powell would have assumed the Presidency. We understand that a segment of the military was primed for this operation, which failed or was thwarted, with the details having long since been suppressed. Powell was then quietly eased out of the Government, implying that his past activities gave him some leverage over how he was to be treated, which certainly ‘computes’.

More generally, we are authoritatively informed that the following evil events were planned, supervised and/or perpetrated by DVD and/or controlled assets using ‘cutouts’ where necessary:

• Pan-Am 103, which disintegrated over Lockerbie, Scotland, on 21st December 1988, killing 270 people, of whom 11 were on the ground, and 189 people on board were Americans.

British intelligence sources advise that this flight regularly conveyed Syrian and Afghani opium to the United States, a fact that international intelligence had established and was investigating. The plane was destroyed to protect George H. W. Bush Sr. (41) and the DVD, Dachau, sources say.

• TWA Flight 800 Boeing 747-131 en route to Rome via Paris on 17th July 1996, was shot down by a missile fired from a submarine at about 20:31 EDT off East Moriches, Long Island, NY. All 230 people on board (two pilots, two flight engineers, 14 flight attendants and 212 passengers) were killed and the aircraft was completely destroyed, only 12 minutes after take-off from JFK Airport.

On 18th November 1997, the FBI announced that no evidence had been found for a criminal act, and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which had only arrived at the scene the day after the calamity, assumed control of the investigation. In its closing report issued on 23rd August 2000, the NTSB concluded that the probable cause of the accident was ‘an explosion of the center wing fuel tank (CWT), resulting from ignition of the flammable fuel/air mixture in the tank’.

There was talk of a short circuit outside the CWT that allowed excessive voltage to enter it through electrical wiring associated with the fuel quantity indication system.

The actual cause of the TWA-800 disaster, we are informed by British intelligence sources, was an attack from an Iranian submarine supplied to Iran by DVD assets inside Iranian intelligence, which arranged for this atrocity to take place in revenge for the shooting down of Iran Air Flight 655 from Bandar Abbas to Dubai (where the Tehran Mullahs keep their stolen funds, as noted) on 3rd July 1988, when 290 people were killed after the DVD controllers, using DVD assets, had ordered it to be destroyed in another cover-up exercise.

To achieve the TWA-800 calamity, Iranian operatives used AIM-54 Phoenix missiles supplied to Iran when the Shah was in power, for use with US-supplied Tomcat aircraft. British intelligence inform us that DVD engineers modified this weapon, which has the necessary range, for submarine use. Note: We cannot be held responsible for reproducing technical information other than on the basis of the data that was given to us. Experts can review this report in the light of their knowledge.

• Air India Flight 182 from Toronto and Montreal destined for London’s Heathrow Airport and Bombay, which crashed into the North Atlantic off Ireland on 7th April 1986: Intelligence sources advise that this event was connected with German pressure on India, and was orchestrated as usual by DVD, Dachau. A total of 329 people, of whom 280 were Canadians, perished.

• The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster on 28th January 1986: The Shuttle broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, causing the deaths of its seven crew members. The cause was said to be the failure of an O-ring seal in the right solid rocket booster (SRB). The seal failure induced a breach in the SRB joint that it filled, allowing a breach flare to reach the outside and impinge upon the adjacent attachment hardware and external fuel tank. This led to the separation of the right-hand SRB and the structural failure of the external fuel tank, whereupon aerodynamic forces immediately broke up the orbiter. The Rogers Commission found that NASA managers had known that the design by the contractor Morton Thiokol, of the SRBs, contained a potentially catastrophic flaw in the O-rings from 1977 onwards, but that NASA engineers had failed to correct the weakness.

The launch had been widely watched live on TV due to the presence among the crew of Ms Christa McAuliffe, the first member of the ‘Teacher in Space Project’. But according to British intelligence investigations, this catastrophe was caused by a DVD-sponsored sabotage operation exploiting the O-rings weakness and using a DVD penetration inside NASA. The ‘Teacher in Space Project’ was a ruse to maximise the domestic and global impact by playing on US sentiment. The DVD motive for this operation was not explained to us, but the fact that the Challenger was destroyed by a DVD-sponsored sabotage operation, was.

• The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster on 1st February 2003: The Shuttle disintegrated over TEXAS during its re-entry into the atmosphere, with the loss of all seven crew members. The finding was that the damage had been sustained during launch when a piece of foam insulation broke off the Space Shuttle’s external tank (the main propellant tank) under the aerodynamic launch forces. The debris struck the leading edge of the left wing, damaging the Shuttle’s thermal protection system. Again, this was a well-known problem which had been left unresolved by NASA.

The damaged area allowed the hot gases to penetrate and destroy the internal wing structure, eventually causing the vehicle to break up. British authorities advise us that sabotage exploiting the known weakness of epoxy resins was perpetrated in Louisiana, adding that this sabotage was undertaken, once again, to protect Bush 41. There has been no further elaboration, but the finding is confirmed in London.

• The Mississippi River bridge which failed catastrophically during the evening rush hour on 1st August 2007, killing 13 people and injuring about 100 others: British intelligence officers attribute this outrage to an Al-Qaeda repair gang, a finding based on a detailed investigation. During the weeks prior to the collapse, operatives were engaged in joint work and the replacement of lighting, concrete and guard rails. Al-Qaeda is a DVD long-range subversion operation.

• The Buncefield, Hertfordshire, UK, oil storage depot blaze on 12th December 2005, which was the largest fire of its kind seen in peacetime Europe, sending a plume of smoke 200 feet into the air, which was blown across 140 miles of southern England. The oil depot was/is the fifth largest in Britain, holding millions of gallons of fuel, supplying aviation fuel for Heathrow and Luton airports. About 2000 people living nearby had to be evacuated from their homes.

Raheel Ashraf, 26, from High Wycombe, was working as a security guard on the night shift at the building right next to the oil depot. British intelligence sources advise us that the oil depot was sabotaged by an Al-Qaeda cell, a fact that has been covered up and withheld from the public.

• British Airways Flight BA38 Boeing 777 which crash-landed at Heathrow Airport inbound from Peking, China, on 17th January 2008: All 136 passengers were evacuated after the plane’s crew were forced to glide the plane to safety when both engines failed at 600 feet. The aircraft just missed the perimeter fence by inches before touching down on the grass. Investigators initially suggested that the plane had suffered from ‘fuel freeze’ caused by the cold weather (a finding reinforced by a report released in September 2008).

The average freezing temperature of aviation fuel is – 47C, but tests have demonstrated that fuel on airliners does not solidify until – 57C. Investigators soon dropped this explanation when initial tests revealed that the fuel temperature never dropped below – 34C during the flight. A theory that radio signals from Gordon Brown’s motorcade, taking him to Heathrow for a trip of China where he was to discuss the Settlements, interfered with the plane’s engine control systems, was quickly ruled out. In reality, the background to this near-disaster was far ‘Blacker’.

Since Brown and his entourage were scheduled to fly to Peking as part of The Queen’s operation to break the logjam over the Settlements [see this website and International Currency Review for details], DVD assets inside Chinese intelligence and other structures had reason to believe, we are told, that the British Prime Minister’s meetings in China would have decisive consequences that a faction (the DVD faction) of Chinese intelligence opposed. Ahead of Gordon Brown’s trip, however, Western intelligence sources discovered that senior Chinese officials were openly boasting that the meetings that Gordon Brown was to attend, had all been cancelled.

Our UK intelligence sources advise that the ‘freezing fuel’ story was diversionary, and that the aircraft’s software had been tampered with before the plane took off from Peking. It had been precisely calibrated so that the aircraft would lose all power and would crash above Hounslow, a heavily built-up area, the intention being to orchestrate a colossal calamity with up to a thousand people dead. This is exactly what we have been told by UK intelligence sources. The purposes of this abomination would have been twofold: (1) To warn Brown against continuing intense British efforts to procure the Settlements; and (2) To prevent Brown leaving London for China. Because the perpetrators were so certain that Mr Brown would not be arriving with his advisers, Chinese officials cancelled all the scheduled meetings and made it prematurely known that they had been aborted. There is deep DVD penetration inside Chinese intelligence. All the meetings then had to be rescheduled for Brown’s arrival in Peking.

• The Channel Tunnel train fire: The recent very dangerous series of explosions on a freight train travelling through the Channel Tunnel is believed by our sources to have been a DVD-sponsored sabotage operation, which, like an aborted atrocity beneath the Thames that was supposed to have followed the 7/7 abominations, could have breached the Tunnel with catastrophic consequences.

• 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers and related abominations: The complicity of the Iraqi régime, derived from the original Nazi-style putsch achieved with DVD assistance in the 1960s, was first revealed in a note written by Uday Hussein to the Kremlin that was surfaced by ONI operative Lt. Mark Delmart Vreeland in June 2000. Since this ONI operative was later incarcerated ‘in solitary’ in Denver ‘for a very long time and his case is sealed, so he’s no threat to you’ (according to a senior Pentagon-attached US intelligence operative speaking in person to the Editor of this service in March 2005), his information is typically discounted – although he was a ‘major player’ with whom contact could only be contemplated provided one was equipped with a ‘long spoon’. In reality, this operative, like so many other clever US operatives dredged up from the lowest depths of American society, was extremely well informed, provided he remained ‘on his meds’.

He is/was an MK-ULTRA-type victim, with a personality split through the use in childhood of the standard Himmlerian Illuminati ‘Black’ methodology. When Lt. Vreeland’s ‘alter A’ was in gear, his knowledge of the devastating consequences for the United States and the world flowing from the penetration and control over the US intelligence community and the financial system by long-range German (Nazi) interests, under the supervision of George H. W. Bush Sr., was lucid and of a high calibre. Off his ‘meds’, Lt. Vreeland could be extremely dangerous, as the Editor had occasion to discover directly on one occasion in May 2003, when he was returning by Amtrak to New York.

Iraqi motivation for perpetrating the atrocities of 9/11 included the reality that Saddam Hussein, Mr George H. W. Bush’s ‘partner’, had of course been double-crossed by Bush Sr., in accordance with that evil man’s standard practice, and the fact that Rafidain Bank, which Hussein considered to be his own ‘private bank’, had accumulated an estimated $100 trillion of ‘nanofunds’ that were held in sub-accounts of Rafidain Bank, which appear to have been booked in the City of London. The Bush Crime Family parked such proceeds with this bank, a state of affairs that went violently sour when the two trading ‘partners’ fell out after Bush Sr. double-crossed his counterparty, as usual.

When the American Ambassador to Baghdad, April Glaspie, let Saddam Hussein know that there would be no objection from the Bush I Administration if he seized the Kuwaiti oilfields (on behalf of Bush Sr., of course), such a seizure being in line with long-range DVD strategy, Saddam Hussein, believing that he had the US green light to seize the whole of Kuwait, proceeded accordingly. The female American Ambassador had prided herself on her knowledge of Arabic, but was deficient in her understanding of the working class ‘street’ Arabic spoken by Saddam Hussein, and failed to understand that he interpreted what she said as an indication that he had the green light to seize the entire Emirate. As a consequence of the occupation, Iraq acquired a Boeing 767 simulator.

From 1999 onwards, Iraqis were being trained on this simulator, although they also had a Boeing 707 fuselage at Salman Pak. Pilots trained on a Boeing 767 simulator can also operate a Boeing 757, as the cockpit is the same, we are informed.

It was always well known that the Iraqi Mukhabarat (counterintelligence), tracing its origins to the original takeover by force in the 1960s (when, essentially, the DVD/Abwehr seized power in Iraq (by proxy) from the established British tradition), maintained ties with Al-Qaeda, a DVD operation.

Persistent enquiries by British intelligence agents have established that the Boeing 767 simulator owned by Kuwait had been transferred to Baghdad and had not been seen since the Iraqi invasion in 1990. It is understood that the Kuwaitis took some persuading before they finally admitted that this was the case. They obviously understood the grave implications of this admission.

The simulator discovery locks all the other evidence of Iraqi complicity, including some evidence not recited here, into place. Iraq had the motives, not least Saddam Hussein’s soured relationship with George Bush Sr., his one-time ‘trading partner’. Standing behind the Iraqi régime was the DVD, which blackmails British politicians and officials through its agents and sleepers inside the British structures. In this context, Tony Blair, was ‘persuaded’ by the Germans to suppress all intelligence hinting at, or confirming, Iraqi complicity in the atrocities. None of this invalidated Lt. Vreeland’s insight, expressed in his ‘prison note’ by the phrase: ‘Let one happen. stop the rest!!!’

This was the mentality and strategy adopted by the ‘German’/DVD segment of the US intelligence community, and neo-con (Trotskyite) ‘strategists’, who saw that a ‘Reichstag Fire’ event would serve their dark interests by providing a blanket pretext for launching an indiscriminate ‘war on terrorism’, as cover for the erection of a comprehensive surveillance system, while also (as had happened with the Second World War) providing cover for the wholesale destruction of securities contracts. The purpose of this eavesdropping environment is not merely to provide authorities with enhanced intelligence on terrorist financing and operations, but also to collect information on who knows what about the open-ended fraudulent finance which has been the main subject of our ongoing investigations and exposures in recent years. This fraudulent finance, stealing, scamming, illegal exploitation, leveraging and hypothecation of stolen funds, finances the World Revolution. We have helped to expose it, destabilising this conspiracy.

A total of 653 personnel employed by the money broking firm Cantor Fitzgerald perished during the 9/11 abomination. Cantor Fitzgerald held top copies of a huge portfolio of derivatives contracts that were destroyed along with the Twin Towers and the firm’s personnel (plus a very large number of others, thought to be at least ten times greater than the 3,000-odd cited in the media). Destruction of the derivatives contracts meant that the contracts never came to maturity, enabling the corrupt Bushfraud hypothecation based on those ‘assets’ to be perpetuated: UNTIL NOW.

The Editor’s New York midtown office in Madison Avenue was located perhaps two miles away from the collapsed Twin Towers. In late October 2001, the stench of rotting human flesh in the midtown area was unbearable. When the Editor next visited New York in February 2002, the stench was still very marked. The notion that 3,000 people perished makes no sense against this background, and given the Bush Administration’s adherence to the Emile Dirkheim norm of deception and lies being the rule, the Editor is CERTAIN that the figure of 3,000 casualties is false. At least 30,000 perished.

• CONFUSION-MONGERING WEBSITES: Dr Josef Goebbels’ Big Idea was notoriously that it was only necessary to repeat lies incessantly for the lies to become ‘truth’. The more sophisticated method used by The George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism is to sponsor and/or facilitate the open-ended proliferation of websites which all conflict with each other, redirecting attention away from what the ‘Black’ counterintelligence community wants to conceal, and fomenting confusion and depression among bewildered, honest people who are looking for ‘answers’ to what cannot be understood because of the sheer volume of lies inserted by the anonymous intelligence sources lurking among the host of genuine correspondents.

When pressed to reveal their identities, the anonymous intelligence CIA operatives refuse to do so, using the genuine anonymous correspondents as cover, because if they were to reveal their identities, their own cover would be blown.

From their anonymous cover, which protects them from being sued, they consider it appropriate to disseminate inaccurate, diversionary, redirectional material, lies and libellous and often obscene observations directed against open sources of intelligence, thereby functioning dishonestly on an uneven playing field and deceiving genuine people who may not have done their due diligence, or who, having been lied to for years, wind up preferring the Pied Piper’s comforting lies to the truth.

The resulting orchestrated and self-perpetuating confusion is exacerbated by the invention of the ‘Blog’, a highly subversive mind-numbing environment characterised by indiscriminate mixing up of helpful information and opinion, with crass, often obscene and despicable commentaries.

The end-result is the maximisation of the potential for mental dislocation and confusion, with the consequence that people become depressed, cynical, angry, sullen and resigned to whatever the evil people running the Government and its structures choose to dream up next. Since we KNOW that some such websites serve subversive foreign interests, including the DVD’s, this is another abomination that can be added to this list. For an earlier list of such US websites, see page 512 of the Editor’s book ‘The New Underworld Order‘, Edward Harle Limited, 2007, Note 3.

The technical name for the mental and psychological state engendered by these layers of mind-control abominations is ‘learned helplessness’. It is an insidious disease, rendered all the more toxic because those who succumb to it are blinded by its consequences, which means that they find themselves in the dark. Blind people cannot see at all, let alone in the dark:

‘Let them alone; they are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch’. Matthew, Chapter 15, verse 14.

Beyond these and innumerable other abominations, operations and ‘wily hun’ deceptions, the pan-Germans, through e.g. Deutsche Bank, have long since maintained control of high-yield investment and hypothecation operations. THEIR DAY OF RECKONING ARRIVED IN SEPTEMBER 2008.

The historically massive and unprecedented fraudulent finance operations described in our website and published reports were designed by the World Class criminalist operatives, George Bush Sr. and Dr. Alan Greenspan, both of whom we have long since identified as serial financial scamsters whom the US justice and law enforcement systems have failed to bring to book – thanks mainly to the largesse with which bribery is employed, along with blackmail, to keep targets under control. Dr Greenspan was earlier engaged in trying to protect himself from his very belated day of reckoning by adopting a falsely ‘objective’ stance and commenting from the wings on the gravity of the situation, for which HE, GREENSPAN, was himself primarily responsible.

Among recent hypocritical remarks for public consumption along such lines were his comments on 14th September that the then prevailing Wall Street financial meltdown was ‘probably a once in a century event. There’s no question that this is in the process of outstripping anything I’ve seen and it is still not resolved’. UNSPOKEN: What you ‘Useful Idiots’ don’t know is that I am responsible’.

In June and July 2007 we reported that Dr Alan Greenspan had been arrested. This was confirmed to us in an email from a highest-level US Trustee source on 25th June 2007, timed at 01:38 am UK time. The email states: ‘Christopher, thanks for the superb article of this date. I was able to get confirmation of Greenspan’s arrest. My Group of Eight intel said he is under house arrest’.

This takes us back into the Settlements crisis and its aftermath, which are beyond the scope of this report. As indicated above, the Editor was compelled by the ‘triple gunshot voicemail threat’ to go further with these notes than had been intended (primarily because we do not believe in ‘stirring things up for the sake of doing so’). But the shooting threat meant that the lapse of time between the issuance of the threat, which has had to be taken seriously, and posting this report, had to be minimised. The advice we have received is that the gap between threat and the exposure is the most dangerous period. So, if DVD and its associates thought that by issuing the shooting threat they were achieving anything, the upshot, as usual, is that they have just made their predicament worse than was the case before they lost control and their temper. One day, perhaps, these evil people may come to understand that their relentless hatred of the ‘Main Enemy’ is a waste of time because, although we have been very slow and slothful ‘waking up’, the cat is well and truly out of the Black Bag: and the DVD Nazi Strategic Deception Continuum have only themselves to blame.

The fact of the matter is that the REAL enemies of ‘the Main Enemy’, both the enemies within and without, have been thrown into a state of absolute confusion, running around like rats let out of the sack inside which they have been attacking each other. Since the enemies of the ‘Main Enemy’, Britain and the United States, are also the enemies of the WHOLE OF HUMANITY, it is becoming clear why the mad orchestrators of the World Revolution are in a state of unanticipated disarray. They NEVER thought they would EVER encounter any real opposition. How wrong they were.


• ‘Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him,
Art thou the King of the Jews?

Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?

Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done?

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?’.

John, Chapter 18, verses 33-38.

• ‘Truth is an accurate representation of the subject under consideration:

(1) As it relates to all other things;

(2) As it always has been in the past;

(3) As it universally holds in the present; and:

(4) As it shall hold without exception in the future.

Error is not the opposite of truth. Error is anything except truth.

If there are any exceptions, it is error’.

Dr Stuart Crane, with acknowledgements to the Editor’s friend, Des Griffin.

• Truth is often confused with candour, which cannot be relied upon to contain the truth. Candour is used by Soviet disinformation operatives, especially, as a means of perpetrating deception. US disinformation operatives, having been trained in the Nazi tradition of Dr Josef Goebbels, prefer the devices of obfuscation, diversion, lies and confusion, rarely using candour to mask truth.
They wouldn’t know how to begin!

• Discerning the truth:

‘Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come: and even now already is it in the world’.

First Epistle of John, Chapter 4, verses 1-3.

• ‘Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron’.

First Epistle of Paul to Timothy, Chapter 4, verses 1-2.

• ‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which [are] ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth’.

II Timothy, Chapter 3, verses 1-5, 7.

FINALLY, the line ‘ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free’ IS INVARIABLY CITED OUT OF CONTEXT. The CIA cites the text deceitfully at its George Bush Center for Intelligence depot in Langley, turning the truth into a lie.

The point here is that this promise is CONDITIONAL. The correct and complete text is as follows:

‘Then said Jesus to those Jews that believed on him: IF ye continue in my
word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’.

John, Chapter 8, verses 31-32.



LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• ‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Friday 9 May 2008 01:04

UPDATE, 10TH MAY 2008: Please see the new section immediately below headed:







By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press ARCHIVE. Order your subscriptions and our ‘politically incorrect’, hence correct, intelligence books from the Edward Harle segment.

• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

• The white panel below NEWS gives details of our intel titles/books as they are published.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing financial global corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor’s $35,000 Wanta bail-out money has been stolen.

As the curtain falls at the end of Act One of Die Meisterschwindlern, by Greenspoon (libretto by Busche), Unterreichsführer Reinhard B. Himmler, handler-in-chief for the Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein, GmbH, DC and Dachau, contemplates the coming intermission with such trepidation as a perfectly possessed master operative with no soul is capable of.

(Hydraulics activating the descending curtain, by the way, courtesy of Wantagate, Inc., WI, purveyors of lethal exposure lubricants).

Seated next to Herr Himmler in the ‘Royal Box’ behind a decidedly necessary reinforced protective bullet-proof screen (as no-one knows how many infuriated Ponzi scam victims may be sitting in the auditorium) is the diminutive Führer himself, evidently somewhat the worse for wear, who, having lost the plot of the entire opera(tion) from the outset, has been compulsively fiddling around with the greyscreen monetary manipulation console that he had commandeered in or around June 2006 or earlier from the ‘late’ Hauptfinanzminister Heinrich Paulsohn, or else calling up the Virtual Wars and Virtual Rumours of Wars Department located at the Zentrum für Schrechtlichkeit Georg H. W. Busche, Langley and McLean, to order more virtual diversionary ploys while he contemplates the collapse of his Kriminalreich and of his disastrous and murderous period in office.

Occasionally, his distracted mind wanders back to those carefree days of his youth when blowing up live frogs with firecrackers was his favoured preoccupation.

To his right sits Frau Laura, who has been driven over from the Four Seasons Hotel after flying back, in a hurry, as usual from Dubai, for the occasion.

Unterreichsführer Himmler (Cheney) has meanwhile been racking his addled brain to come up with further deceptions and lies so as to delay, frustrate or abort the global refinancing Settlements.

As is described below, on Wednesday 7th May, his disinformation apparat disseminated a menu of lies and distortions, while the Unterreichsführer himself reportedly suffered another humiliation (as also reported below) when, US sources say, he sought yet again to interfere with the Settlements, which should have been concluded two weeks earlier. Despite appearances to the contrary, none of these belated attempts to frustrate the payouts, which were mandated by the Group of Seven at their meeting held during the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings on Sunday the 13th April 2008, have been successful; and the very latest intelligence available to the Editor of this service on 9th/10th April was that there were no impediments to completion.

The US sources told the Editor that the ‘riot act’ was read to him during a visit to Philadelphia the next day – a manifestly absurd procedure, as this has happened many times before, to no effect. Reading the riot act to this criminal is like offering him a tissue with which to blow his nose. Such hardened criminal meister-operatives are never susceptible to reasoned warnings of any kind.

In Philadelphia, we were told, Cheney tried yet again to interfere with the Settlements, possibly visiting one or more financial institutions there. But it was also reported that he delivered a ten-minute speech to about 100 workers at a Northeast Philadelphia plant which is printing the so-called ‘economic stimulus checks’, which is the operation that has been mounted to provide the necessary ‘explanation’ for the forthcoming economic rebound. When this happens, people will want to know WHY. The real answer will be that the Settlements have been released, but this will never be mentioned. Instead, the ‘economic stimulus checks’ being paid out to about 130 million Americans (by way also of an election bribe) will be hailed as an act of magnanimity on the part of Der Führer for which the 130 million beneficiaries should all be truly grateful. Cheney told workers that these payments represented ‘a shot of energy at the right time (i.e., election time) and in the right way’. The Untereichsführer’s peroration was delivered at the Philadelphia Regional Financial Center, one of four centres nationwide that are issuing some 88 million checks between now and July. More to the point here, this facility is a component of the US Treasury Department’s Financial Management Service, employing about 170 people. Did we say that the Philadelphia unit is part of the TREASURY? Yes SIR. Then why, pray, was Untereichsführer Cheney delivering this ten-minute speech, and not the US Treasury Secretary or the Undersecretary of the Treasury? Don’t send us your answers, PLEASE. It is naturally assumed that none of our readers are sitting on their brains.

Having successfully delayed the agreed Settlements for a further two weeks beyond the date when they should have been finalised, the Unterreichsführer doubtless assumed that he could continue, in ongoing collaboration with the Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein GmbH, to block the huge payout Settlements. By definition, the combination of the Settlements (funds brought onto the balance sheet) and the banking reforms mandated by Basel-II, will effectively start to strangle and smother the globalist Dark Forces’ illegitimate financial spigot, thereby making it much harder for these desperate, cornered cadres to achieve their mad global hegemony objectives.

As a proviso to this statement, it must be added that the blow to the criminalists’ finances delivered by the prospectively positive outcome of the Wantagate exposures and their global consequences, which the criminalists probably did not fully expect, is now in the process of being made up for by a preplanned criminalist operation to rig and escalate the price of oil. This is being done via massive speculative operations at the big oil firms, which have huge trading floors and are fully liquid.

Colossal illegitimate rental profits, derived from this speculative activity, are being siphoned off into Joint Venture Limited Liability Partnerships holding offshore bank accounts in the names of the usual criminalist suspects and others, along the Enron model (remember?).

THIS is how the Weltkriminalgesellshaft Busche und Klintenstein, GmbH., is ‘getting its own back’.

Please make a mental note of this factor when you read convoluted articles by ‘experts’ trying to work out why the oil price is rising when the dollar is appreciating, as occurred during the week ending on 9th May. This is a carefully orchestrated operation devised by and for the benefit of the ‘Box Gang’ and their associates, who want their lost money back. We will be exposing this latest financial scam, which explains why Goldman Sachs is talking about oil going to $200 a barrel, in a future analysis, for which some additional preparatory analytical work is necessary.

Back in the real world nearly two years earlier, on or about 21st June 2006, the Chinese authorities entered into a series of contracts with the US Treasury inter alia so as to mobilise $34 trillion held in C.H.I.P.S. (the Clearing House Interbank Payment System accounts used by the Fed to pay the banks) format, for one year and a day.

From this operation to ‘clear the C.H.I.P.S.’, the Chinese authorities stood to earn a profit estimated at $11.0 trillion, for a total due to them of roughly $45 trillion on maturity. However these accounts were fraudulently ‘hollowed out’ by Dr Alan Greenspan, Dr Ben Bernanke, Bush Sr., President Bush Jr. and the Clintons, with the funds and proceeds relocated offshore.

A series of agreements with the Chinese was in fact reached by the former US Treasury Secretary, John Snow and Dr Alan Greenspan, and then later by Dr Ben Bernanke and Henry M. Paulson Jr., in December 2005, and in January, May and June 2006. The May 2006 agreement involved the delivery of the $4.5 trillion ostensibly to finance the Wanta Settlement and ‘The Wanta Plan’, to employ the name coined by the Editor and accepted by the G-7 as ‘fit for purpose’.

The Chinese had also purchased a very large volume of US Treasury securities during the Reagan Administration, the total value of which is believed now to be of the order of $55 trillion. Thus, the Chinese have been owed about $100 trillion by the duplicitous US authorities. Additionally, older US obligations towards the Chinese relating back to the Ming dynasty, remained long outstanding.

When the maturity date for the $34 trillion (probably 21st June 2007) passed without payment, the tensions that had already arisen between Peking and Washington not least due to the retention by Paulson of the $4.5 trillion sent over by the People’s Bank of China in May 2006 ostensibly to fund the Wanta payment, as confirmed in Wanta’s Petition for a Writ of Mandamus [see the Wantagate reports dated 24 June and 9 August 2007], which must be accurate or else the petitioner would have been committing perjury, rose several notches.

Back in December 2006, as we reported at the time, Paulson had been arrested in Germany on the basis of a warrant issued by an ad-hoc World Court/ICJ tribunal in response to complaints received concerning his illegal retention/theft of funds. He was exfiltrated from German custody by British contract operatives (Sandline agents) and then flown over to Washington aboard an almost empty British Airways plane, whereupon he was dumped at the Washington Cathedral, just in time to fall asleep at the endless memorial service for the late President Gerald Ford.

For, far from repaying the Chinese in accordance with the several contracts, the American official kleptocracy and their bankster associates continued trading the Chinese funds without China’s authority, using the Chinese $34 trillion as a trading platform, just as they had continued to trade and to leverage the ‘Wanta’ $4.5 trillion, as reported by this service. In short the US crooks wilfully and criminally failed to relinquish control of funds that did not belong to them.

Thus, while we were concentrating upon exposing the scandalous machinations, excuses and foul play exhibited by US Treasury Secretary H. M. Paulson Jr., Vice President R. Cheney and the Bush II White House specifically over the ‘Leo Emil Wanta’ funds, a much bigger, even darker, ongoing criminalist scandal surrounding the exploitation of the Chinese funds was going sour in parallel.

Ironically, our exposures of the sordid shenanigans surrounding the ‘Leo Wanta’ funds served the ‘unintended consequence’ of dislodging, destabilisng and extensively exposing the much bigger financial corruption operations that were taking place at the same time as the hijacking of the ‘Leo Wanta’ funds and the endless US official shiftiness that our Wantagate reports exposed.

On 19th July 2007, a huge replacement LOAN worth an estimated $6.2 trillion was structured and approved within the Bank of England and made available principally by Her Majesty The Queen for delivery to the Bank of New York Mellon, within which $4.5 trillion was now earmarked ostensibly for payment to Wanta and his Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., or so we were advised at the time [see the Wantagate report dated 30th July 2007]. Since these funds are LOAN funds, they could be withdrawn more or less on demand.

After various vicissitudes, it was established in September 2007 (as we also reported at the time) that the loan funds were held with Citibank; and it subsequently emerged that these ‘Wanta’ funds were/are held in a suspense account at that institution, precisely because the funds were on loan mainly from The Queen, and could/can therefore be withdrawn at any time on demand, if they were not expected to be applied in accordance with the lenders’ specific instructions.

Coincidentally or otherwise, on the anniversary of the Chinese contract (21st June 2007), the Bank of New York Mellon advised the US Treasury that (following its then scheduled merger accord with the US securities broker/dealer Mellon Financial Corporation effective 1st July 2007), it would be able ‘to guarantee the delivery’ of the ‘Wanta’ $4.5 trillion to the corporate securities account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. within the Citibank Morgan Stanley Securities House bank account.

That assertion was a serious felony under the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934, since no American securities house can guarantee any security or the delivery of funds or securities: only banks can guarantee delivery. Our report dated 30th July 2007 explained how Bank of New York Mellon, which was to act solely as a conduit, effectively diverted/stole the huge LOAN funds, which had been the subject of a bank ‘levy’, thereby further encumbering the balance sheets of the six ‘levy banks’ concerned – Crédit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Citibank, Bank of America, and Bank of England.

In the United States, any payment of $1.0 trillion or more is required to be subject to a ‘levy’, to be signed and submitted to the US Treasury, to the Federal Reserve and a financial institution – in this instance, the Bank of New York Mellon, which was guaranteeing the cash and delivery thereof to the institution concerned (Bank of New York Mellon, thus guaranteeing delivery to itself). The $6.2 trillion LOAN proceeds were subjected to a levy via the US law firm of Troutman Sanders LLP. In signing the levy, these institutions placed significant ongoing burdens onto their reserves.

Following these manoeuvres and our exposures of them on our website, the kleptocracy came under severe pressure, which was exacerbated when the Wanta team turned up at Citigroup, 153 East 53rd Street in Midtown New York on 26th October 2007 and also at the premises of Morgan Stanley, 1585 Broadway and 48th Street on the same day – and then again at Citibank, 399 Park Avenue on 20th November 2007, to demand performance by the institutions on the $4.5 trillion.

When the Wanta party were ordered off the Citibank premises on 20th November 2007, having been clandestinely photographed and accompanied, as they left, by the abrupt appearance at the doors of two armed NYPD policemen, Mr Wanta twice ordered his then colleague Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., to ‘Call Chris’; and the Editor was thus duly informed of this scandalous, farcical escalation in ‘real time’ – notwithstanding that on 3rd November 2007, Mr Wanta had told Mr Cottrell that ‘we have to sever our connections with Christopher Story: but don’t tell him’.

In other words, on the one hand Leo E. Wanta had indicated that he would be dispensing with the Editor’s requisitioned services – we had doubtless become ‘too powerful’ – while on the other hand, Wanta, when in distress some weeks later, ordered Mr Cottrell to ‘Call Chris’ TWICE, so that the details of his predicament vis-à-vis Citibank could be posted immediately on our website in order for the whole world to be informed about what was going on.

Unfortunately, Mr Wanta cannot have it both ways. The Editor’s services were not his property, to use, exploit and discard in accordance with his latest whims and requirements. And so, as it duly turned out, this behaviour represented just one double-cross too many.

At all events, the Editor had no reason to know at the time that his requisitioned publicity platform and services were no longer required at all; and indeed he did not become aware that he had been double-crossed, until 17th March 2008 (see below): we therefore continued the Wantagate reports as though nothing had changed. The Editor’s $35,000, provided from scarce private resources in good faith to bail Leo Wanta out of his unlawful probation in Wisconsin, has not been repaid and is therefore now categorised as having been stolen.

On 18th March, the Editor posted the final Wantagate report, indicating to Mr Wanta and anyone else who cared to take note, that so far as Michael C. Cottrell. M.S., and the Editor of this service were concerned, neither would be able to be associated at all, in any way with any activities which may be conducted beyond the Rule of Law, if that was the intention. We thought we made this clear.

The Editor’s suspicions having been aroused, though, he now became aware, as mentioned, that – in conformity with the standard filthy US criminal intelligence community routine – he had indeed been deceived and double-crossed.

This became clear after he had requested, on the 14th March 2008, a written statement from Leo Emil Wanta confirming that all transactions to be undertaken under the Wanta Plan and otherwise, would conform at all times 100% with the Rule of Law, which had been so conspicuously and boldly promulgated via our Wantagate reports, with Leo Wanta’s enthusiastic ongoing support. This was rejected out of hand by one of Mr Wanta’s other colleagues on his behalf, three hours later.

After all, both on our website and in International Currency Review, we had repeatedly displayed a list of the US Statutes and securities regulations of which named parties and institutions were and remain in breach, together with authoritative US legal statements of the position with regard to the torts of Fraud in the Inducement, Fraud by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft, Fraudulent Deceit, and Theft by Deception, Fraudulent Conveyance and Fraudulent Concealment.

How, then, could either Mr Cottrell or the Editor of this service go along with any practice other than 100% adherence to the US Rule of Law, or even with the slightest suspicion that it might be intended not to adhere to it? Besides, in communications to the President of the United States – for instance, in his letter dated 31st August 2007 – Mr Leo Wanta himself had specifically appealed for President Bush to adhere to the Rule of Law:

‘If US President George W Bush, Jr. is operating under the “Rule of Law” which is absolutely shattered “by others”…’.

Evidently the Rule of Law mattered then, but no longer mattered now.

Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., was appointed Secretary/Treasurer of Wanta’s AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, at a Board meeting held in Richmond, VA, on 28th December 2004. Then, on the 16th December 2005, he was appointed to be Executive Vice President and Treasurer of the corporation, and various joint ventures with Mr Cottrell’s own company, Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., were authorised.

On the 14th August 2006, Michael Cottrell was able, thanks to his securities market credentials, good standing and reputation, to obtain a corporate securities account for Wanta’s AmeriTrust Groupe Inc., into which the $4.5 trillion Wanta ‘compromise’ settlement funds were to be paid.

Mr Cottrell insisted throughout that a corporate securities account would be mandatory, so far as he was concerned, for fundamental reasons alluded to in earlier reports on this website.

For instance, under the 1933 and 1934 Securities Acts, the assets of clients of US broker-dealers are not included within the assets of the institution, so that they cannot be sequestrated – contrary to the position with US banks. Mr Cottrell advised that given that all Leo E. Wanta’s bank accounts appeared to have been raided and ransacked, he, of all people, ought to be aware that US banks cannot be trusted and that ‘his’ funds would be permanently at risk in any bank account.

This advice was rejected outright by Wanta, thereby removing any point in Mr Wanta employing the services of a financial adviser and securities expert, let alone an expert of the calibre of Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.. If Wanta was not prepared to listen to this expert, and to pay proper attention to his conscientious advice, how could he (Mr Cottrell) perform his duties?

For this and other reasons, such as Wanta’s generally indisciplined approach to transactions, Mr Cottrell finally indicated, in the first quarter of 2008, that he would not be able to participate at all with Wanta in the pre-planned joint venture and other transactions unless (a) the transactions were to be conducted, as arranged and previously agreed, via the corporate securities account which had been made available due to Mr Cottrell’s own credentials; and (b) an Oversight Panel was to be appointed with a brief to supervise all such transactions.

The most obvious reason for this second demand was that should any decisions be made by Wanta arbitrarily, and transactions undertaken, contrary to Michael C. Cottrell’s professional advice and in defiance of the regulations and the Rule of Law, it would not just be Mr Wanta that would be liable, but Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., would be liable, as Executive Vice President/Treasurer, as well.

We hinted at this situation in our Wantagate report dated 3rd March 2008, which was specifically designed to warn Wanta of the consequences of any deviation from the Rule of Law. To no avail.

When all his necessary professional advice ‘went nowhere’, Mr Cottrell prepared to separate from Wanta. On 23rd March 2008, though, Leo Wanta jumped the gun by issuing a three-page document headed ‘Minutes of Special Meeting of the Sole Shareholder of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.’, implying that Wanta had held a meeting with himself. He faxed this irregular document to Michael Cottrell.

Elementary business practice requires the DIRECTORS, not the shareholder(s), to convene and hold Board Meetings, which issue Resolutions. This document, which was distributed ‘to others’ and is in any case in the public domain in Richmond, VA (see below), contained this paragraph:

‘BE IT RESOLVED, that the undersigned hereby directs that the Officers and the Directors of the Corporation take all such official actions as may be required to notify all outside parties including banks, financial houses, securities dealers, government agencies, government officials (foreign and domestic) that MICHAEL C. COTTRELL, M.S., has no right, authority and/or fiduciary capacity to conduct any form of business either in law and/or equity on behalf of the Corporation [AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.] and/or on behalf of any other Officer, Director and/or Shareholder of the Corporation’.

As the formally appointed Executive Vice President and Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. [see above] Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., who had now been dismissed by Wanta by means of an irregular document, proceeded, as instructed, to regularise the situation by fulfilling his responsibilities to the letter and promptly filing notification of his ‘resignation’ with the relevant Commonwealth of Virginia authorities in Richmond, using the forms that they provide for such purposes – enclosing the various pertinent documents including the irregular ‘dismissal’ document issued by Leo Wanta, and directing the Commonwealth of Virginia State authorities to forward all documentation and taxation demands to Wanta’s address in Wisconsin.

As noted, all this filing and related documentation sits in the public domain in Richmond. It will of course be recalled that Wanta represented that he was not running a business out of the State of Wisconsin [see Wantagate report dated 6th August 2007, all of which remains accurate and is in no way nullified by this latest sequence of events].

For the record also, Wanta issued a document dated 26th February 2006 labelled TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, which is likewise in the public domain, which reads inter alia as follows:

Settlement Offers, e.g. December 12, 2006, et al: ‘This letter authorizes Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the President of Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., as of this date, to conclude the details and disposition of said settlement funds for deposit via Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. Account(s) on behalf of Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta with the United States Social Security Number’ [redacted].

This document was signed by Wanta and appropriately witnessed.

Separately, Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., is believed to have prepared due diligence documentation running to several hundreds of pages containing inter alia papers signed by Leo/Lee Wanta giving details of agreed financial operations and pay orders worth very large aggregate sums of money, to be made available as required to demonstrate the damage that Mr Cottrell and his own corporation have suffered. It is understood that the evidence that is contained in this due diligence portfolio will be likely to have profound and painful repercussions.

‘Fraud by Inducement‘ springs immediately to mind in this context. Entering into huge financial undertakings without the finances to fund them, may represent Fraud by Inducement. As for this Editor’s paltry $35,000, as separately mentioned, it is nearly one year overdue and is currently considered to have been stolen. Stealing money is still a felony, even in the United States.

All of the above will explain, to anyone who may have been puzzled, why we posted the Wantagate article dated 18th March 2008, which represented the FINAL attempt by Mr Cottrell, supported by the Editor of this service, to try to make it clear to Wanta and relevant parties that adherence to the US Rule of Law with no deviation therefrom at any time now or in the future, would remain the only criterion that would determine whether or not Mr Cottrell could be a party to any transactions to be conducted by and with Wanta generally, and specifically in the format of the The Wanta Plan.

Reverting now to events which preceded the severance outlined above: the aforementioned visits by the Wanta team, as then constituted, to the two institutions that were involved in playing games with the $4.5 trillion, sent a powerful tsunami of belated alarm throughout those key elements of the international financial community then ‘in the know’, since we understand that neither Citibank nor Morgan Stanley thought that the Wanta people would ever turn up at those institutions.

It is further understood that the three Wanta team visits caused consternation and trepidation in the Boardrooms of both institutions, and throughout Wall Street generally.

The main problem facing the very large financial institutions is that they have been involved in tax evasion on a monumental scale, inter alia by using exempted accounts held with the International Monetary Fund to channel and handle undeclared, ongoing untaxed exotic financial refunding and discounting transactions ‘below the radar’, which is one of several sound reasons why the blunt description ‘criminal enterprise’ as applied to these enterprises in general cannot be disputed.

It may be recalled that it was in our closing Wantagate Report (18th March 2008), that Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. first made it clear, in public, that he would not now be participating in any pre-agreed financial transactions with Leo E. Wanta without the reassurance and backstop to be provided by an Oversight Panel, in order to ensure that all Wanta transactions complied 100% with the Rule of Law at all times – which would presuppose that any off-balance sheet, undercover, secret, untaxed and otherwise irregular transactions, would be precluded and that he, Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., could not accordingly be implicated in any such irregular transactions.

The Editor supported this stance with his own commendation, stating that, given our common human nature and the temptations to which we are all subject, no-one could object to such a requirement. Further details, with documents, are published in International Currency Review.

In light of the instances of the ongoing financial criminality exposed inter alia via the Wantagate reports, the Group of Seven (G-7) financial powers have finally demanded, as pointed out in our report dated 12th April 2008, that the scandalous hijacking of the global financial economy by the reckless Bush-Clinton ‘shadow government’ grabitisation network (a.k.a. Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein, GmbH) will no longer be tolerated – pointedly endorsing, in a reprimand to the White House and to the criminal elements resident inside the US Treasury and the biggest Wall Street institutions, the report of the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) publicised during the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (1), which now demanded much stricter discipline and safeguards against embedded criminality throughout the financial system.

Specifically, the Group of Seven (G-7) Ministers and Governors stated that ‘we… strongly endorse the report and commit to implementing its recommendations. Rapid implementation of the Financial Stability Forum report will not only enhance the resilience of the global financial system for the longer term, but should help to support confidence and improve the functioning of the markets’.

The G-7 statement claimed that the report presented a specific and substantive set of practical reform recommendations, identifying four rigorous proposals which MUST be implemented over the 100 days (2) following the international agreement to release (reached on Sunday, 13th April) to be augmented by five further requirements, including the following:

• ‘Strengthening the authorities’ responsiveness to risk: Supervisors and central banks should further strengthen cooperation and exchange of information, including the assessment of financial stability risks. It is important that an “international college of supervisors” be established for EACH OF THE LARGEST GLOBAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS’.

• ‘Market authorities should also act cooperatively and swiftly TO INVESTIGATE AND PENALIZE FRAUD, MARKET ABUSE, AND MANIPULATION’.

• What this meant was that each of the big financial institutions is to be supervised by a separate international supervisory and monitoring ‘college’, so as to enforce discipline and rectitude within this free-wheeling, headstrong and aberrant segment of the international financial community.

Logically, therefore, ANY organisation controlling very large sums of money would be considered a financial institution requiring to be permanently subjected to the discipline and transparency to be demanded by its own ‘international college of supervisors’. That should include Wanta’s entity.

In other words, Mr Michael C. Cottrell’s stated REQUIREMENT for an Oversight Panel to monitor the financial operations in which he was to be involved, has been ADOPTED ACROSS THE BOARD and is now an IRREVOCABLE NECESSITY, as a specific, predictable and unavoidable consequence of the wayward, arrogant, swashbuckling financial fraud, endless lies and duplicity, the open-ended theft and institutionalised criminality spotlighted inter alia by the Wantagate reports.

This reprobate behaviour continues to this day, not only because these criminal leopards cannot change their spots, but also as the thieves try vainly to disguise their abject defeat by maximising the potential for obfuscating it with evil and crass diversionary ploys of every description.

Manifestly, any antagonism towards, and open opposition to, this logical response to decades of fraudulent, untaxed finance and tax evasion, exposes objectors as being unwilling to submit to the Rule of Law and to the disciplines at long last demanded by the international community, now that this open-ended financial criminality has been exposed.

Hence, there can be no turning back on this score, so that anyone resisting this measure will, by definition, automatically attract the attention of national supervisors and law enforcement, whether connected with the criminalised intelligence community or not, as being prospectively liable in the future to flout the Rule of Law, so that such persons could never be trusted to handle large sums of money in a transparent manner. And given what has been exposed, nor should they be.

Interestingly, minimal attention was directed towards this matter during the weeks immediately following the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings, which is why we stress its importance here.

As we pointed out, with emphasis, in our report on 12th April:






Meanwhile, as the impact inter alia of the Wantagate reports about these scandals reverberated around the official world, the true proportions of US official and banking sector fraudulent finance and scamming sank in, triggering the generalised crisis of confidence that erupted in July 2007 – focused on securitised investment vehicles (SIVs) which were now suspected of incorporating fake mortgage documentation (euphemistically referred to as ‘sub-prime ‘mortgages, but which actually represented, in part, ‘virtual assets’ backed by nothing at all).

It was now realised that the Americans had been flogging dud paper all over the world, that these scams were orchestrated or aided and abetted by US official and intelligence cadres, and that it was by no means an exaggeration to refer, as this service has done, to certain huge American banks as criminal enterprises. This stricture is known to have caused ‘angst’ on Wall Street.

The upshot was that, as we reported, at least 4,500 US bankers were rounded up and flown to European centres last year, where they were subjected to interrogation. The actual number of bankers rounded up in September-November 2007 may have reached 6,000. It will be recalled that we reported that nine aircraft were ‘requisitioned’ for the purposes of conveying the handcuffed bankers to the European interrogation centres, and that, in many instances, wives and partners were given no opportunity to say goodbye or even to telephone their families.

As a consequence of these interrogations, the gravely affronted international community obtained watertight specifics and evidence about the massive proportions of the ongoing financial thefts and fraudulent finance, leveraging, exploitation and other abuses of stolen funds, including the $34 trillion belonging to the Chinese parties, the $6.2 trillion of loan funds made available by HM The Queen, and of course the original $4.5 trillion provided in 2006 by the People’s Bank of China in apparent response to the ‘surfacing’ of Leo Emil Wanta, when he ‘ceased to be dead’ contrary to the CIA’s promulgated lie to that effect, after the Editor of this service provided the sum of $35,000 with which ‘Restitution’ was paid to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections for remittance to the corrupt Wisconsin State Department of Revenue [see report dated 6th August 2007].

It should be added here that the Editor has received NO RESPONSE from Judge James Martin, of Wisconsin, to whom he wrote last October under the ‘Misprision of Felony’ Statute, pointing out the scandalous triplication of tax-collection and other fabrications by the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue. It was incumbent upon the Editor to draw his attention to these abominations.

It is believed that in the course of November last year, the Chinese authorities, MI6 (on behalf of Her Majesty), the Swiss authorities, the Group of Seven, perhaps the representatives of the 160 payee countries and other aggrieved parties pooled their resources in the face of these endless US outrages, so that thereafter the pressure exerted by the international community proved to be relentless, and far more effective than had been the case earlier.

There was confirmed talk of an international economic embargo being imposed upon the United States, as we reported; and tensions became more evident inside the Beltway, beginning with that incident when a blaze broke out at the Old Executive Office Building on 19th December 2007, as cover for the seizure of yet more damning evidence of official corruption from Cheney files by US Special Forces operatives.

The shootings that occurred on 28th/29th December 2007, can now be understood in the broader context of aggrieved parties, domestic and external, taking matters into their own hands. A high-level decision was subsequently made to maintain the fiction that Paulson remained both alive and US Treasury Secretary, despite massive evidence to the contrary, culminating in intelligence from several sources that Treasury officials have been referring to the ‘Paulson’ as ‘the double’.

None of the intelligence on this subject that we published on 2nd and 9th January 2008 has ever been officially denied, while the information was very specifically reconfirmed inter alia by a former Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, a US Ambassador (both of whose identities are known to us but have been suppressed by us on request), and by the US State Department itself.

That Department is known to lie frequently; and if it did so on this occasion, it will bear its own responsibility and iniquity. Attempts to discredit the Wanta files could never have succeeded anyway, as a substantial proportion of them have long since been published in facsimile format in International Currency Review, and are thus resident in files, libraries and safe locations all over the world. Wantagate and its consequences cannot be stuffed back into the genie’s bottle.

A Japanese visitor to the Editor’s London office in late March informed us that the ‘Paulson’ who appeared at the Group of Eight meeting held in Tokyo on 10th February 2008, was replaced by a second ‘Paulson’ half way through the conference, implying that there are multiple Mr P. ‘doubles’. Nothing has ever been heard from the family about this affair.

Paulson had alienated vast funds inter alia to Bank Leumi.

That such violence erupted – after an earlier gun battle in the Vice President’s premises in June 2007 had been hushed up, like the attempt by US Special Forces to ‘take out’ Herr Cheney while his plane was parked on the runway at Sydney Airport, Australia, during the spring of 2007 – can today be more easily comprehended given the unprecedented magnitude of the exposed financial scams being committed on a gargantuan scale by the organised criminal mafiosi occupying the highest offices in the United States. The timing of the attack to ‘take out’ Cheney in Australia related, we suspect, to the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007 – another colossal criminal operation layered on top of those already cited, and which was only rectified around July 2007 (we believe) after insistent pressure from The Queen, and our reports suggesting that the American Ambassador should be kicked out of London. Where possible, these ‘things’ are done abroad.

The Editor speculates that a US official criminalist ‘rationalisation’ for the stealing of The Queen’s gold may have been a possible refusal by the British authorities to allow any US access to the $100 trillion or so of estimated fiat assets accumulated by Mr Saddam Hussein and his late sons in Bank Rafidain (see below), which were believed to have been retained in sub-accounts of the London branch of that institution. This in turn means that these ‘Saddam Hussein’ assets appear to have been annexed by the British authorities and banks, not least to buttress the financial positions of banks in the City of London. All international strife and tensions are about MONEY, not resources.

Notwithstanding the general outrage surrounding the theft of The Queen’s gold, Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister – whose 55 minute audience of The Queen on 27th June 2007, when he attended at Buckingham Palace to be appointed Prime Minister, is believed to have focused on Her Majesty’s extreme concern about the stealing by US criminal operatives of her gold – failed to take the opportunity to give the American Administration a piece of his mind, when he delivered a knee-jerk globalist speech at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston on 18th April 2008. Sophisticates would argue that you don’t abuse a formal platform provided by a foreign government as an honour, by criticising the host authorities. This would be fine if the authorities in question had not criminally attempted to impoverish an allied Head of State.

This was an occasion when Brown could have ttorn the Bush II White House to shreds in public, speaking the only language that these veteran mega-criminals can understand. In doing so, Brown would have greatly enhanced his faltering domestic support: standing up to this odious American Government would be worth a huge number of British votes. Admittedly Gordon Brown did allude to tensions between Britain and the United States in oblique terms – observing that ‘we urgently need to step out of the mindset of competing interests and instead find our common interests – and we must summon up the best instincts and efforts of humanity in a cooperative effort to build new international rules and institutions for the new global era’ (code for ‘your selfishness sucks’).

But one cannot appeal to the ‘best instincts of criminals’, because they don’t have any: so that was absurd. Then Mr Brown revealed, loud and clear, that he is an international socialist, which he has never, as far as we know, done in public before: ‘That is how we must respond, not walking away as we did in Rwanda at the cost of many thousands of lives, but by becoming engaged as hard-headed internationalists’. Unfortunately, this British Prime Minister’s ‘hard-headed internationalism’ does not seem to extend to Zimbabwe, where the abominations perpetrated by Mr Mugabe’s Illuminati-sponsored ‘Black’ dictatorship are reported to be on the verge or morphing into genocide.

When such ‘hard-headed internationalists’ use typically clichéd ideological rhetoric, what they are actually driving at is that national boundaries, national sovereignty and nation states generally are expendable, in the interests of prompting and realising the ‘new global era’ – Brown’s euphemism for The New Underworld Order. The Prime Minister is a master of the dull, repetitious cliché, and his mind appears to be choked with all the false diversionary globalist issues, viz. ‘climate change’.

This internationalist bogey, by the way, has recently changed its name from ‘global warming’ because the scientific evidence that human activity is responsible for it has been shown to be spurious and riddled with holes. For instance, in the 1950s, numerous mammalian fossils were unearthed during foundation works in Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Lower Regent Street, and also Cockspur Street, in Central London – the remains of hippopotami, lions, hyaenas, straight-tusked elephants, aurochs, and bison, which patrolled the area approximately 125,000 years ago (3).

Finally, after trotting out the usual empty and duplicitous verbiage about ‘America leading the world in the fight against terrorism’ – when, as a British intelligence officer, Brown must surely be aware that the United States deliberately promotes international terrorism as an instrument of state and internationalist policy – Brown concluded with an invocation of the ‘special relationship’.

But this was destroyed when US Government’s criminalist cadres stole The Queen’s gold, and has been further undermined by the recalcitrant behaviour of the Bush-Clinton Weltkriminalgesellshaft régime over its retention of financial assets that do not belong to the United States contrary to the exasperated will of the international community. Talk of a ‘special relationship’ against this very well-known background is both dishonest and meaningless: and only the probably ignorant and sycophantic audience at the John F Kennedy Presidential Library could have been impressed.

Following the severe drubbing that Brown’s Labour Government received from the disaffected electorate in local government and London elections on 1st May, press analysis of the expected outcome contained few indications that the UK ‘mainstream’ media had much of a clue about the unprecedented scale of the global refinancing operation that was taking place behind the scenes – with the exception of the following closing remarks that appeared on the front page of The Daily Telegraph, London, on 2nd May 2008:

‘Key to the Labour recovery is an optimistic view of the UK economy. The Bank of England on Wednesday said that the worst of the global credit crunch could be over and Mr Brown is betting on a significant upturn’ (4).

The observations revealed, of course, that, as a senior UK intelligence officer, Brown knew that the refinancing releases, involving the placement of some $300 trillion onto the books – a process that was necessarily taking time to complete – was well under way, and could indeed reach the anticipated satisfactory (for some) conclusion.

This ‘optimistic’ view of future economic and financial prospects was supported (on 6th May) by Sir Win Bischoff, the leading UK banker who was ‘parachuted in’ to Citibank, New York, last autumn, almost certainly to ensure that The Queen’s loan funds held within that institution (in a suspense account) were properly safeguarded. It was further supported on the 7th May by George Soros (on Bloomberg) and again by several German bankers (Forbes). These hints reflect the reality that well-placed bankers know that the Settlements are proceeding, and that repeated ongoing attempts by the Weltkriminalgesellschaft to block them, will not be allowed to succeed.

A further oblique indication that ‘matters are proceeding’ behind a deliberately contrived veil of obfuscation (consisting of contrived ‘virtual’ tensions, an information blackout about the releases, an attempt to ignite a virtual-cum-real diversionary conflagration in the Middle East, the ‘economic stimulus checks’ and much confused reporting by the Fifth Estate), concerns the outlook for the two huge 60,000-tonne aircraft carriers for The Queen/Royal Navy, estimated to cost $4.0 billion each. The Editor is in a position to know that this project, which the Ministry of Defence has ring-fenced, is to be financed out of ‘settlement money’. Hitherto, Parliament has been aggravated by the fact that the Ministry of Defence has prevaricated and refused to provide it with information as to when the contracts for these huge carriers will be announced. Various references to this matter have appeared recently in the British Press. On 9th May, the London media reported that defence sources had stated that the Ministry of Defence is to agree a contract for the ships within the next few weeks. The Ministry of Defence cannot ‘agree a contract’ unless it has the funds with which to finance it, otherwise it will be engaged in Fraud by Inducement.

Since the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings, and especially during the first week of May, six weeks after innumerable secret bank accounts holding stolen and unreported, untaxed funds had been ripped open, truly massive amounts of offshore monies (amounting to the estimated $300 trillion) had been repatriated to the United States for placing onto the books in conformity with the Basel-II requirements applicable to the ‘new’ banking régime.

As was previously reported on this website (17th April), the United States was dragged kicking and screaming like a spoilt child into the new Basel-II compliance banking environment with effect from one minute past midnight on Monday 14th April 2008.

That was a decisive development, given the US Government’s endless and crude resistance.

Faced with the imminent total exposure of their serial giga-criminality, the worst perpetrators of these crimes – the Bushes, Dr Alan Greenspan, the Clintons, Mr Cheney et al – had been exerting maximum pressure through their lawyers to obtain immunity from prosecution, trying their luck with the US Supreme Court as well as the World Court/ICJ.

By the third week of April, we had established that the World Court had REFUSED any immunity for Greenspan and former President W. Clinton (which means, incidentally, that the Clintons’ second (Irish) passports won’t be of use should either try to flee the United States, as Ireland subscribes to the jurisdictions of the World Court/ICJ).

We also understand that none of the US criminalist perpetrators are likely to ‘escape’ the wrath to come, and which is descending upon them ‘as we speak’. It is more than likely that, quite apart from other sanctions, China, having been finally repaid, will take measures to ensure that the retribution demanded by their culture is satisfied, according to several sober experts we have consulted.

Significantly, senior people were reported to us to have left the White House on Monday 21st April (information provided by an informed source at 6.30pm on that date), these departures having NOT been announced – implying that the rush for the exit had accelerated with a turn of events that had placed the international community decisively in the driving seat pending resolution of the crisis.

After all, since most of the key people even at the Treasury were expected to be arrested, hanging around in the doomed Bush II White House was no longer, for understandably alarmed operatives, a sensible option. Whether these people have fled the country is not yet known. It was further the case that George Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. were both informed that the absolute end of the road had been reached – and that if the releases were frustrated in any way, both would be arrested without any further ado. The CURRENT state of affairs is that the Settlements should have been completed over 3 weeks ago, and APPEARED to have been frustrated. However our best ‘special’ intelligence sources insist that this is not the case. The apparent information blackout is said to be contrived. [The US Solicitor General, Paul Clement, resigned on 14th May]

It was widely rumoured on Sunday 20th April that the Vatican, the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar had been ‘paid’ – prompting appropriately cynical observations about a certain category of Illuminati recipient ‘naturally’ being paid first. Then again, on 2nd May, it was being said by different sources that the Mormons and the Knights of Malta were being funded before anyone else. These rumours were, surprisingly, reconfirmed to us on 15th May. We connot confirm the reconfirmations: we therefore report them ‘raw’, for the record.

Specifically, it was suggested earlier that the Vatican had been repaid $2.0 trillion (it’s always $2.0 trillion, isn’t it) which had been scammed from the Vatican Bank by George Bush Sr., who bled the bank dry after he was kicked out of Spain by Banco de España following our exposures in 2006.

Bush had pleaded with the Vatican to accept his funds, but as usual he had then orchestrated the ransacking of the receiving bank (by some means or other of which we are unaware).

The Vatican was said to have been repaid from the Marshall Act account, a CIA account which Bush Sr. had been using as his own private trading platform. Langley, after all, has been renamed ‘The George Bush Center for Intelligence’.

Separately, during the preceding week, the Knights of Malta evidently complained that they did not fancy being paid in US Treasuries, and after three days of negotiations they managed to procure an agreement that they should be paid in cash.

This may have been the origin of suggestions, which we reported on 17th April, that payments would be made in the form of Treasury securities, which, despite the fact that the United States is/has been completely bust and that the US Treasury cannot be trusted, are ironically the best assets obtainable, given that gold is subject to manipulation and its price is normally rigged.

On Monday 21st April, an attempt was made to arrest Vice President Richard B. Himmler (Cheney), which was thwarted when US Marshals tipped him off. It was later understood that these Marshals had been ‘handled’ by MI6 officers, who have been crawling around in the United States, along with Chinese and other World Court/ICJ agents, to procure an end already to the endless duplicity of the US kleptocracy-mafiosi and to assure final completion of the delayed releases.

All of which will have left the relevant US Congressional Committees, and numerous legislators, feeling most uncomfortable – not least since investigations conducted in Europe in the spring of 2007, as we reported at the time, turned up detailed information about offshore bank accounts held by over 1,500 individuals on Capitol Hill. It is unclear whether information concerning an estimated 200 bank accounts established in the past in Canada (allegedly with Royal Bank of Canada), which were at one time being ‘hidden’ by the since imprisoned ONI operative Mark Delmart Vreeland, had been thrown into the World Court/ICJ ‘mix’: but in the prevailing tense climate, these exposures can hardly have left anyone on Capitol Hill confident of not having his or her front door broken down in the middle of the night by Navy Seals (see below).

Many weeks earlier, intelligence was leaked about the untimely death of Austie Patricia McCracken, described as a former ‘CIA Project Director’. The Washington Post reported on the 8th March 2008, that ‘Ms Austie Patricia McCracken, 62, former Project Director for the CIA’s Counterintelligence Center, died [on] February 14th at her home in The Woodlands, Texas’. This ‘just happens’ to be where former President George H. W. Bush lives*. And McCracken ‘just happened’ to have been a key keeper of the funds (allegedly inter alia of the ‘Leo Wanta funds’) who could accordingly be assumed to have ‘known too much’. The newspaper report elaborated that ‘the cause of death is under investigation by the Montgomery County, Texas, Justice of the Peace Office’.

The report then broke with the norm and provided details which are NEVER divulged – from which the Editor deduces that the CIA, or elements of it, were/are extremely uptight about this sudden death. According to The Washington Post, ‘Ms McCracken joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1967 and worked there for 23 years in field positions overseas as well as in the United States. She rose to personnel-evaluation management officer, to directorate equal employment opportunity officer, and to branch and deputy branch chief before becoming the Counterintelligence Center’s Project Director in 1989’.

‘When she retired in 1991, she received a Career Intelligence Medal and Citation, which noted that she was ‘known as a problem solver who possessed a phenomenal memory, very keen insight and excellent judgment’.

‘She was born in Hempstead, NY, and graduated from East Texas State University in Commerce, TX. After her retirement from the CIA, she moved to Orlando. She moved to Texas in November 2007. Her marriage to Paul Dale Roche ended in divorce. Survivors include two brothers’.

We are advised by an impeccable source ‘in the know’ that such details, as indicated, are NEVER divulged for public consumption. It can be speculated that she may have been enticed in some way to The Woodlands area of Houston by George Bush Sr., who may have needed to know what she knew about the accounts. The fact that The Washington Post only published this potted biography of this CIA woman on 8th March, when she died on 14th February, was also extremely suspicious.

Just three days later, in the early morning of 17th February 2008, according to ‘insider’ reports, a United Nations employee, Ms Maria DiBiase, plunged to her death from the 19th floor of the UN Headquarters building in New York City. The 19th floor houses the Department of Peace-Keeping Operations/Field Administration and Logistics Division (DPKO/FALD), as well as the code machines used for the encrypted fax equipment employed for DPKO operations, plus a spare range of code machines used for DPKO rapid response functions. The dead woman, from Austria, was reportedly a computer specialist for the United Nations, and a former Conference Services staff member with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

An Associated Press report dated Tuesday 19th February stated that police and UN security officers at the scene, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to the media, said that the woman, in her 40s, had jumped from a window after turning up to work early in the morning of the previous Sunday. UN deputy spokeswoman, Marie Okabe, said that ‘a UN agency staff member died after falling from the 19th floor of the UN Secretariat Building. At this time there is no suspicion of foul play’. Ms Marie Okabe added that UN officials would not confirm the woman’s identity even after her next of kin had been notified. So details of the woman’s identity was left to a ‘licensed’ US website information source, which elaborated that:

‘The UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) maintained in a special United Nations computer database all the files on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction program [that were] retrieved from the compact disks provided to UNSCOM by Saddam’s Government prior to the US invasion of Iraq. The database is reported to include all the black market nuclear suppliers involved in providing materials to Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Libya via Turkey and the A Q Khan smuggling network. The list reportedly includes front companies in Switzerland linked to Marc Rich, the American fugitive pardoned by President Clinton, and Dick Cheney’.

The intelligence source was told that there may have been a ‘black bag’ operation taking place on the 19th floor at the same time that DiBiase arrived for work, to finish a project that was due on the following Monday morning, 18th February. The UNSCOM files reportedly validate many of former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds’ claims about nuclear smuggling that had been published earlier in The Sunday Times, London.

Marc Rich is a long-range Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) operative named Hans Brand, who emigrated to Canada in 1954, staying initially in Saskatoon.

He has established a bank in Zug, Switzerland.

There was no mention in any of these and related reports of the two Soviet ships that left the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr about three weeks ahead of the US-led invasion, and then vanished.

These ships carried the physical evidence of weapons of mass destruction, in accordance with the standard Soviet-era policy of removing most traces of such weapons activity whenever the risk of Western retaliation was judged to have become excessive. In Romania, this standard official policy was codenamed ‘Operation Sarindar’, according to a Romanian defector – information that was first published in the US press in September 2003.

The Editor obtained outline details of how all traces of Mr Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction were extracted from Iraq ahead of the invasion in March 2003, inter alia from British and Russian (GRU) sources. This intelligence must have been known in London and Washington. Furthermore, it was reported in our Arab-Asian Affairs and Soviet Analyst intelligence services, which circulate among foreign governments and their intelligence communities.

On Tuesday 22nd April 2008, one week after the Settlements should have been finalised, it became known that the European parties and the Chinese had ‘allowed’ an extension of the ‘immunities’ for the key criminalists until 5.00pm on Friday 25th April – which date and time was then confirmed at the time by all our sources to represent the absolute deadline beyond which no further delay in effecting the Settlements would be tolerated. There is no way of telling whether this information represented a smokescreen of lies or not.

Also on the 22nd, an elderly Trustee aged 80, who had been working conscientiously on these matters for 20 years and had been repeatedly called into the relevant bank at all hours of the day and night at short notice in expectation of completions and releases, suddenly collapsed and was rushed to hospital. We were authoritatively advised that the Trustee had been in excellent health and that an attempt had been made on his life – a fact which evidently caused absolute fury behind the scenes. Indeed we were informed that ‘no resources will be spared’ to identity and ‘deal with’ whoever gave the order for this attempted liquidation of this conscientious octogenarian, and that ‘no mercy’ would be spared in this connection.

The ‘extension’ to the high-level US ‘immunities’ was granted, we were led to believe, because multiple verification procedures had been insisted upon by the Group of Seven (G-7), the World Court/ICJ, the Chinese authorities, the 160 governments whose representatives had been waiting impatiently as we had reported, since October 2007, and MI6 acting for HM The Queen. Of these powerful international forces arrayed against the duplicitous official criminalist mafiosi, the most formidable, apart from The Queen, has been Madame Wu, the Chinese Finance Minister.

Madame Wu was reported to have been equipped with a Writ of Execution or Lien from the World Court/ICJ (International Court of Justice) which can declare its own jurisdiction when any national jurisdictions fail in their duties against criminals, especially as China is a sovereign nation with its own Judge in the ICJ – enabling Madame Wu to foreclose on 20 banks, and to seize the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury on behalf of her own defrauded Government, the Group of Seven, the World Court/ICJ and The Queen, should the releases not (as matters then stood) be completed by 5.00pm on Friday 25th April.

Seizure of the Federal Reserve would deprive that decadent private institution of its only asset, namely the contract with the United States of America to print money – so that the United States would essentially cease to be sovereign, and would become a weak satrap of the international community which would remain the case at least until it had put its house in order.

However the releases were NOT completed by 5.00pm on Friday 25th April 2008: indeed, they had not even started. We did hear that two Trustees went to their banks at 4.00pm, within an hour of the deadline, and we thought that this might suggest that the official kleptocracy had suspended its blocking of the Settlements just in time to prevent Madame Wu from exercising her Writ of Lien.

That turned out to be the wrong interpretation. The delay, we learned on Saturday 26th April, was associated with the multiple third party verification procedures, including having documentation systematically signed and stamped by the US Supreme Court – the definitive effect of which was intended to be, to prevent any possibility of further highest-level US criminalist resistance and impediments to the Settlements, and thus to the refinancing of the United States and the world financial economies, and to the fifth refloating of the US dollar (see our report dated 17th April).

One cannot very well have transactions and the availability of funds verified by people who have lied, stolen and deceived for years on an open-ended basis.

NOTE: Following further ‘glitches’, to be elaborated later, Madame Wu was reported by sources to have exercised her Writ of Lien over at least FOUR banks by Saturday 17th May 2008. She was now thought to be operating a ‘salami tactics’ approach, with each successive failure to perform being following by the widening of her Writ of Execution to additional banks. The Liens on these banks destroy their creditworthiness. As of Saturday morning, this strategy was reported to be having the necessary effect. We will be reporting further on these developments [17th May 2008].

Hence, the necessary and agreed-upon third party verification and confirmation procedures, to confirm ‘eyes-on’ that the money was ‘there’, were scheduled for Monday 28th April, not Sunday 27th as assumed by some (which could not have occurred because the banks were not open in the generally accepted sense and such operations could not take place outside normal banking hours, the Editor was advised, without drawing attention to what was happening).

Thereafter, release procedures apparently continued without causing the international community in general, and Madame Wu in particular, undue concern. If documentation has to be verified and stamped, and given that we are talking about Settlements aggregating some $300 trillion, it can be understood that things have been taking ‘a little longer than anticipated’.

A total of 27 of the highest-level US office-holders and officials had been told that any further interference on their part would result in their immediate arrest. It should be pointed out that the ‘arrest’ environment is now much harsher than was even the case when the 4,500-6,000 bankers were being rounded up last October.

On the evening of Friday 25th April, 128 Navy Seals were flown into Washington, DC, from California and Colorado. These operatives do not ring the doorbell: they break the door down with sledge hammers. It is said that Navy Seals ‘eat other military personnel for lunch’.

We took this to indicate that, as Washington, DC, had earlier been said by certain ‘connected’ sources (unverified) to have been discreetly surrounded by the US military, including the 82nd Airborne, since at least March, with deployments to the DC area starting even earlier, arrests of perpetrators were about to begin. According to several reports, between 4,500 and 9,000 arrests were said to be imminent, as of the afternoon of Sunday 27th April. On making enquiries, we had established by late that Sunday that certain people were already being arrested – including, in particular, ‘friends’ of the arch-criminalist Dr Greenspan, who had attempted to steal $8 trillion in the past, and ‘friends’ of his evil partner in crime, George H. W. Bush Sr. However it has not been possible to verify these reports, as everything is being done below the radar.

We also understood that documents concerning the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA), hoarded by Chief Justice Roberts on behalf of the Weltkriminalgesellschaft, had been taken from him, apparently on the orders of The Queen (implemented by MI6, who have been present as noted in the United States (ever since 2006), with the authority of the World Court).

This legislation, signed into law by President Clinton in March 2000, comes into effect when it is announced; and the primary objective of the Bush-Clinton-Cheney kleptocracy, especially since implementation of the Act was deliberately sabotaged by 9/11, has been to prevent at all costs this announcement ever happening – so that their secret financial rapine could continue indefinitely.

Information about the legislation, also known as the Reformation Act, is believed to have been leaked inter alia by Mark Delmart Vreeland, the Office of Naval Intelligence operative, in June 2000 (unverified). This matter has everything to do with the stealing of the 2000 Presidential Election, and with the known fact that Bush Jr’s nickname has been said to have been ‘Temporary’, as he was supposed to have stepped down after six months, to make way for The Reformation Act, which was later rescheduled for 10.00am on 11th September 2001.

Under NESARA, Constitutional Law (the US Rule of Law) is restored and all traces of any fake virtual, or ‘shadow’ (Fascist) fraudulent governance system that lacks all legitimacy, and which has been sending so many people into a state of convoluted frenzy, are defanged. All key members of the Administration du jour are removed, headed in the prevailing context by Bush, Cheney and the entire Cabinet; specified law enforcement personnel take over relevant Government offices, and the Federal Reserve and its personnel are absorbed into a new US Treasury Bank System, as was discussed earlier in Wantagate reports.

As noted, the Reformation Act was to have been announced at 10 a.m. EDT on 11th September 2001, but the buildings were blown up shortly before 9.00 a.m. that day, murdering an unknown number of people. Thus the 9/11 abominations were much ‘worse’ than the Reichstag Fire event of 1933 to which they have been compared.

For this was nothing less than a deliberate, carefully prepared and orchestrated atrocity committed by the criminalist US ‘shadow government’ possibly with foreign criminal intelligence input, against the people and property of the United States, designed to forestall the intended Reformation Act announcements so that the corrupt banksterism carousel could continue. Actually, the PRIMARY objective of the criminalist cadres for years has been to cover up all traces of their criminality.

Among those murdered on 9/11 were over 650 members of the staff of the money-broker Cantor Fitzgerald, holder of a sizeable portfolio of original derivatives contract documents, which were destroyed along with the firm’s New York personnel. The destruction of the contracts eliminated the imminent prospect and danger of part of the fraudulent finance carousel being terminated, thereby removing immediate impediments to the further creation of hidden, untaxed fiat money proceeds from stolen contracts and by means of other financial fraud operations.

The Editor does not believe the official tally of approximately 3,000 9/11 victims. His reason for this scepticism is that when he attended at our New York branch office in Midtown Manhattan in the second half of October 2001, the stench of rotting flesh was nauseating, even though Ground Zero was perhaps two miles away from our office. There could be no possibility that 3,000 rotting human corpses could have been responsible for that stench. In February 2002, when he again attended at the New York branch office, the stench had hardly abated at all, depending on the direction of the wind. It is said that Staten Island became almost uninhabitable for some time, so horrible was the pervasive smell of rotting flesh.

The Editor’s opinion is therefore that the 3,000 figure is fabricated, and that the probable number of those murdered in that abomination could very well have been as high as ten times that number. This suspicion was further supported by the impossibility of obtaining any authoritative figures on this subject at all, although we tried for several months to do so.

We recall that by November 2001, all enquiries about casualty rates and about the numbers of staff at businesses located in the World Trade Center were conspicuously leading nowhere. Further, by the end of 2001, significant numbers of US operatives who had been involved or ‘in the loop’, were reported to us to be ‘drinking heavily’. Their sleep was probably haunted, too.

The immediate, knee-jerk finger-pointing at Osama Bin Laden – the CIA asset ‘Tim Osman’, a crude character dressed in a sheet who appeared in a series of ghoulish videos thought to have been filmed in the Las Vegas area – had to be played down after he died on 26th December 2001 in a Midwest hospital, believed to have been located in or near Minneapolis.

NOTE: On 17th May 2008, The London Daily Telegraph ludicrously plastered a report that ‘Bin Laden threatens Israel on its anniversary’ across the top of page 17. The latest ‘Bin Laden’ tape continued the established propaganda norm used by the US terrorism apparat to modulate public perceptions of its ‘War on Terrorism’, notoriously a cover for the Kriminalreich’s global financial depredations, which have been destabilised by the exposures driven inter alia by this service.

The CIA and its ‘facilities’ are evidently not concerned whether one of their assets (a Paulson, a Bin Laden) is dead or alive. If he is dead, and it is ‘necessary’ to represent that he is not, for tactical or strategic reasons, they reckon that they have the capability of sustaining the necessary illusion sine die. They are assisted in this endeavour by the naivete of the ‘mainstream’ media.

The post-9/11 speed with which Bush Jr. dispatched military formations to Afghanistan, and the ongoing preparations for the unprovoked and illegal attack on Iraq, can be explained by a factor that has so far been completely overlooked. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act abolishes unconstitutional states of emergency – since it ‘restores’ the Constitution and the Rule of Law – which means that the American military, which has been deployed illegally, could no longer remain operative in Afghanistan and Iran.

By inventing these evil and destructive wars, the Bush Crime Family and its associates procured what they imagined would serve as a back-stop to prevent any possibility of the Reformation Act being imposed in a ‘worst case’ scenario. Yet they face their ‘worst case scenario’ ‘as we speak’.

Put another way, the practical realities of the massive military deployments have served the back-stop’ purpose, from the perspective of the cadre of US Luciferian operatives who perpetrated or orchestrated the 9/11 abominations, of supposedly ‘precluding’ the possibility of an announcement of the Reformation Act and the consequent ‘restoration’ of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, in any ‘normal’ situation. Yet because the Kriminalreich has since been so decisively cornered as a consequence of the endless fraudulent finance exposures spearheaded inter alia by Wantagate, the situation facing the official criminal perpetrators and their associates today is the very reverse of ‘normal’. People were being rounded up, starting on Sunday 27th April 2008.

The steady ratcheting up of Cheney’s virtual ‘wars and rumours of wars’ propaganda may have represented a coordinated operation to create a diversionary military ‘virtual/real’ standoff – to mask the truth that the criminalists are facing their days of reckoning, at last.

Tellingly, the fact that three US aircraft carriers – USS Kitty Hawk, USS Nimitz and USS Abraham Lincoln – were reported on the 26th April to be leaving the South China Sea en route for the Gulf implied that Madame Wu’s power and Writ of Execution had finally prevailed over the Bush-centred kleptocracy, so that the show of force in the Far East, intended to exert subtle pressure on China not to act as Madame Wu has done, had both failed and had been abandoned.

The last option therefore remained the Middle East region; but with intensified pressure on senior personnel having started on 27th April, it seemed by that date that the global offensive to procure the Settlements and to repay funds stolen from China and other victims, was finally unstoppable.

Nevertheless it remained possible, in our view, that, having been decisively defeated over his serial financial scamming and thefts at long last, President George W. Bush, if allowed to remain in office (perhaps a big IF), might seek a display of machismo abroad precisely in order to mask his humiliating defeat and to signal to the jaded world that the United States remains a brutalised and recalcitrant military bully capable of, for instance, ‘annihilating Iran’ – to use the satanic words of Mrs Jezebel Rodomski Clinton, uttered in some desperation on Tuesday, 22nd April.

There is also a great deal of rumour-mongering about activation of the concentration camps, special orders to the wives of US military personnel to stock up with non-perishables, and other ‘information’, all of which appears to have one factor in common: THE INFORMATION IS ‘VIRTUAL’ For ‘virtual’ information, read ‘lies and diversionary obfuscation propaganda’.

To recapitulate important information about the invasion of Iraq that we have published elsewhere, this was effectively a massive bank raid – the initial objective being to annexe the Central Bank of Iraq, steal its gold and currency, and then to change the management at Saddam Hussein’s ‘private’ institution, Rafidain Bank, estimated to have accumulated about $100 trillion in fiat money assets from high-yield trading programmes originally conducted, one may presume, with Saddam’s buddy George H. W. Bush and his cronies. After the gold and currency had been seized from the Central Bank, at least 100 (probably many more) special US operatives associated with that bank raid were massacred in a cynically pre-planned US operation designed to ensure that no information about the raid on the Central Bank of Iraq ever surfaced into the public domain.

The reason that the matter was not completely covered up is that information attributed to an eye-witness source became ‘attached’ to details ‘leaked’ by disgusted US personnel.

The Central Bank of Iraq was then ‘converted’ into a tame, controlled financial trading partner of Weltkriminalgesellschaft Bushe und Klintenstein, GmbH, as we have previously explained.

With trades being directed via the closed Inter Bank Settlement Fund controlled by the US Federal Reserve, hidden, untaxed trading operations could continue below the radar without scrutiny. After this service exposed this dimension of the financial corruption exploiting the Central Bank of Iraq directed from the White House, four floors at the Central Bank of Iraq were suddenly gutted by fire (in January 2008), amid rumours circulating within Iraq itself that some $800 billion of the Central Bank’s assets had ‘gone missing’, believed to have been transferred to Switzerland.

It was on 22nd April, too, that we established that the primary high-level kleptocrats who had been trying to obtain their World Court/ICJ immunities (implying that they knew that the game was over), were encountering appropriate resistance and were being frustrated in their demands. As one well informed observer put it to us: ‘It’s not going too well for them’.

The same source stated that ‘there are spheres that will not be granted immunity’. It was on that Tuesday that Hillary Clinton, of Russian Jewish extraction, uttered her hysterical public statement to the effect that ‘if Iran touches Israel, I will annihilate it’. Seen in context, this may have been an appeal to her Israeli friends to come to her assistance, given the calamity she now faced (and we are not talking about her nauseating televised set-piece performances on the hustings).

It was also learned on that date that Madame Wu, who was in Washington all that week, having arrived there on Monday 21st April, would be insisting on the arrests taking place – and that she would not hesitate to execute her World Court Writ by seizing, on behalf of her Government, the international community and The Queen, the 20 US banks designated for seizure, along with the Fed and the Treasury, in the event of any further prevarication by the US Forces of Darkness.

In the event, as noted, it transpired that the multiple third party verification process, which was said to make it impossible for the official and bankster mafiosi to renege, meant that the sequence was taking ‘a little longer’ to complete – since for practical reasons, the necessary extraordinary third-party verification and confirmation procedures could not be commenced until Monday 28th April, as already noted. It is true that a great deal of time has elapsed since then, and that all that talk about Madame Wu exercising her Writ of Execution has disappeared out the window.

But we are still informed by our best sources that the information blackout is deliberate, because as well as covering their tracks, the criminalists are hoping that this scandal will stay confined within the Fifth Estate and in International Currency Review.

According to pre-Sarkozy French intelligence, this website collected up to 50 million readers per Wantagate report at one stage, given that 948,000 websites were taking the Wantagate reports, then disseminated by French intelligence, and that each report was attracting some 50,000 hits.

That meant that our readership was 55 times greater than that of, for instance, The Daily Telegraph. Therefore, any suggestion that this huge crisis has been contained and successfully controlled is a figment of the Kriminalreich’s disturbed imagination.

International tension surrounding the delayed Settlements arose from the determination of corrupt US official and bankster cadres to continue the carousel based upon the debt-financing model that has in fact hollowed out the financial integrity of the United States ever since establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913.

President Kennedy understood that the then foreign-owned Federal Reserve Board (the foreign shares in which are believed to have been redeemed in 2006), had to be subsumed by the Treasury if the United States was not to wind up as bankrupt as any nation state can ever become – which, in practical terms, meant that an ever larger proportion of tax revenues would need to be allocated to servicing the colossal mountain of debt behind the US Treasury’s accounts.

Specifically, President Kennedy is believed to have reasoned that by means of a formal ‘return’ to the US Constitution, which requires only Congress to be empowered to coin, print and to regulate money, the one-way escalation of the Treasury’s background (or ‘national’) debt could be reduced because it would cease to be necessary to pay interest to the privately owned US Federal Reserve System, which has an old contract with the United States to print paper money and to lend it to the Government at interest. On 4th June 1963, President Kennedy therefore signed Executive Order 11110, calling for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 in United States Notes through the US Treasury rather than by the Federal Reserve System. On the same date, President Kennedy signed a bill changing the backing of the one- and two-dollar bills (then in wide circulation) from silver to gold, buttressing the weakened US currency’s intrinsic value.

These wise decisions appear to have been influenced by Kennedy’s voracious reading and his consequent understanding of American history – and in particular by the complaints about the Federal Reserve ventilated by Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee in the 1930s. According to The Congressional Record for 10th June 1932 (pages 1295 and 1296), McFadden made the following statement on the floor of the House of Representatives:

‘Mr Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions that the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt’.

‘The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government’.

‘It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board was established, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it’.

When President Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, his intention was to strip the Federal Reserve of its power to lend money to the US Federal Government at interest, which has to be financed through tax revenues.

Research recently conducted by the Christian Law Fellowship through the Federal Register and at the Library of Congress, has definitively established that Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 has never been repealed, amended or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order.

This Executive Order gave the US Treasury explicit authority ‘to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury’.

As a consequence, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were placed into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. United States Notes in $10 and $20 denominations were never circulated but were being printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing when Kennedy was assassinated.

Present in Dallas for the assassination on 22nd November 1963 was George Herbert Walker Bush, who is persistently suspected of having been involved in that traumatic outrage against the US Head of State and the American people, on behalf of the private money power and of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (ongoing Nazi ‘Black’ strategic planning and counterintelligence, Dachau).

As soon as Kennedy had been assassinated, the United States Notes that he had enabled to be issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Furthermore, just five months after President Kennedy was assassinated, no more of the Series 1958 ‘Silver Certificates’ were issued, either.

They were subsequently removed from circulation.

Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes (USNs) achieved wide circulation, they would have eliminated demand for Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs), because while the USNs were backed by silver, the FRNs were backed by nothing.

Given that almost all of the $9.0 trillion of Federal debt (as inaccurately reported) has been created since 1963, Executive Order 11110 should have prevented the United States’ enormous national debt (as inaccurately reported) from reaching its current level. The US Federal Government would have gained the ability to repay its accumulated ‘background debt’ without in fact needing to have recourse to the Federal Reserve Banks and being charged interest to create new ‘money’ (5), (6).

The ‘Wanta Plan’, as originally conceived, would have achieved part of the same objective, by generating taxed, on-the-books windfall accruals on such a scale as to enable the Treasury to pay down its ‘background debt’ within just a few years.

However, partly as a consequence of an approach made in April 2006 to Coutts Bank in London, at the Editor’s suggestion, by Wanta Attorney Steven D. Goodwin, equipped with a Power of Attorney, and a similar approach made in the same month by the Editor of this service with a restricted Power of Attorney to Lloyds Bank, Aylesbury – both being institutions which the Editor had identified from his analysis of the Leo Wanta banking documents in the public domain as holding Wanta corporate accounts – it may be deduced that the funds held in Wanta accounts have since been repatriated.

The aggregated expanded value of the Wanta accounts, based on the original Wanta $27.5 trillion, is believed to be of the order of $300 trillion – which ‘just happens’ to be the estimated aggregate value of the long delayed Settlements, according to informed sources. (However we are also told that the actual amount of payments could be four times that figure).

Almost immediately after our fully Wanta-authorised approaches to the mentioned UK banks, which signalled to the Weltkriminalgesellschaft GmbH that they were no longer in control of the timetable, Leo E. Wanta travelled to California, returning with information about the ‘compromise’ $4.5 trillion Settlement that we then publicised for 23 months on his behalf and with his enthusiastic support, witnessed by successive batches of documents that were faxed by Leo Wanta to the Editor of this service, often labelled URGENT in large capital letters, as is displayed in International Currency Review. But of course, the moment that Wanta accepted this hazardous ‘compromise’, he found himself at the mercy of duplicitous US intelligence and Treasury operatives, who duly hijacked the funds and incorporated them into their own trading platform operations, as we reported. After all, payment of the $4.5 trillion was now a metter for THEM, whereas collection of the $27.5 trillion from the bank accounts, many of which we have listed, could have been masterminded by Wanta alone, if they were ‘his’ accounts, as was the case according to the documentation we have published.

On Monday 28th April 2008, then, verification and confirmation by the US banks in accordance with their Basel-II requirements as promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board in its undated 408-page document made available last November (7), was stated to be proceeding, driven not least by the formidable pressure being exerted by the international community and by the Writ of Execution wielded inter alia by Madame Wu, the Chinese Finance Minister. Given that it is no simple matter to manoeuvre colossal sums of money onto the books, completion was, as noted, taking longer than even Madame Wu and MI6 may have anticipated.

Obviously, given the endless deception that has characterised every stage of this crisis, we are all entitled to remain sceptical: but our very best sources still insist that matters are still proceeding correctly. If this turns out to be inaccurate, we know that certain powerful people who are in direct touch with us all the time, intend to release intelligence which will make it impossible for any of the highest-level US criminalists to escape what is coming to them. These contacts are threatening to release this information: and we urge them to do so if they believe they are still being lied to.

They should NOT allow this matter to drift into June. Send the information to us.

Assuming that a timetable was being adhered to (which did not happen), that left the month of May 2008 for the possible introduction, by due proclamation, of the Reformation Act, and the related replacement of the Bush-Cheney Administration and the Bush II Cabinet by an Interim Authority in the course of this month, allowing for the six-month period stipulated in the legislation during which an Interim Authority would rule the United States, before a general election must take place.

This would procure that the election could occur, as usual, in early November – thereby appearing to ensure a smooth transition from the corrupt, unconstitutional state of affairs that has brought the pariah United States to the verge of de facto bankruptcy, back to Constitutional Government and the Rule of Law. Since we are now approaching the half-way mark of May 2008, however, it looks as though Act Two – the refurbishment of the stables after all the dung has been thrown out – has got stuck somewhere inside the Beltway.

It would be illogical for the United States to have been compelled by the international community, with the assistance of powerful forces within the United States itself that have been seeking the restoration of the Rule of Law, to adopt the Basel-II banking reforms, allowing the US banks just 100 days within which their affairs must be reordered – without completing the job by proceeding with the Reformation Act, or some other measure capable of delivering the same beneficial outcome.

The mechanics of any such operation, we were advised, might involve a complete but temporary communications blackout, followed by the NESARA announcements, which would inform the public that President Bush, his Vice President, the Cabinet and leading officials had been removed from office, accompanied by extensive arrests (which, as noted earlier, started on Sunday 27th April), and that, under the legislation, an Interim Authority had been installed – charged with supervising completion of the return to the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Promulgation and implementation of the Reformation Act would indeed represent Act Two of Die Meisterschwindlern. It has separately been put to the Editor of this service that Act Two might be procured ‘by other means’ and in a less obvious fashion.

We do remain to be convinced that ANYONE in the United States has the will and the guts to do what is necessary to save the Republic from this criminalist offensive, orchestrated inter alia by malevolent foreign powers, and to procure that Act One is followed promptly by a comprehensive cleansing of the filthy stables. Cleaning out the pigstie is only a first stage. The walls. floor and general structure then have to be disinfected and made good.

Making a mockery of democracy by means of a corrupt and manipulated election ‘peacock process’, amplified via the ‘virtual reality/TV’ system, hardly appears to indicate that the necessary harsh will to follow through exists inside the structures where it matters.

Even so, as the Editor left New York to return to London on 29th April 2008, he was informed that 4,000 troops were said to be guarding the President and the Vice President. This could have been interpreted as implying that their lives were in danger, which, given the immensity of their endless financial criminality, must undoubtedly be the case.

But, along with the steady edging up of the US dollar’s external value – attributable both to actual movements of money and to ‘informed’ Wall Street sentiment – and a general sense on both sides of the Atlantic that much more liquidity would soon become available, we were advised during the week ending on 9th May that colossal amounts of money were being moved, with the key Central Banks engaged on a huge scale, as confirmed by one of our sources with access to ‘the screens’.

The funds have had to be placed ONTO THE BOOKS, prior to the disbursement of the settlement payments, since ‘source of funds’, under Basel-II, has to be transparent – as in the US securities sector. Further, issues that the Editor and Mr Cottrell have discussed on transatlantic phone lines, have started to ‘go mainstream’, while at the other end of the spectrum, anecdotal evidence of hit squads ‘taking out’ enemies, which was always anticipated at this stage of the process – just as happened in 1992 – was being reported.

Such ‘information’, however, could not be reliably disentangled from the desperate obfuscation operations and false reports perpetrated by criminalised disinformation cadres, as they came to terms with the magnitude of the exposures that they never thought could occur.

The intended refinancing of the United States and the world economy to the tune of $300 trillion fully justifies, for instance, Gordon Brown’s ‘bet’ on a ‘significant upturn’. This was not a bet at all: for the British Prime Minister has been fully briefed on the biggest global refinancing in world history, all along, both as an intelligence operative and because of his current position.

In terms of UK domestic politics, this would mean, incidentally, that it would be premature in the extreme for the Conservative Party, which has no discernible policies apart from a sterile, mind-controlled embrace of empty-headed ‘political correctness’, to ‘bank’ on Brown and his disaffected colleagues being crushed beyond repair by recent financial and related economic developments. On the contrary, Brown’s fortunes may improve radically.

On Wednesday 7th May, the Editor of this service received a sudden telephone call asking to know the whereabouts of the Vice President of the United States. Why would Brit know the answer to this question? As it turned out, the Editor was actually able to report, within ten minutes, what he was immediately told by an informed US source: ‘Cheney is in Philadelphia and the riot act is being read to him right now’. This information was fed back to the source of the question in the United States.

By late evening UK time on 8th May, when there was still no news of the releases, the sense was that Cheney may yet again have bribed one or more parties to stall the payments. That is always possible, of course, but there was no confirmation. A further piece of nonsense surfaced to the effect that the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is a key globalist ‘Dark Forces’ player, has some strife going on with respect to who is likely to be the first President of Europe, and that he insists it cannot be allowed to be Blair. We were told, nonsensically, that this latest red herring had interfered with the payments. Next, we will be told that a spider or a cockroach got inside the main giant computer at the European Operations Centre and caused an electronic glitch.

The alleged (virtual) struggle between Messrs Sarkozy and Blair over who is to be President of the moribund corpse of the European Union Collective is probably an orchestrated disinformation ploy perpetrated as usual by the Cheney lie machine – which also perpetrated the lie (on 7th May) that Bush Jr. and Cheney had received their coveted immunities: a typical Cheney lie that we discount totally, although it is always possible that Cheney has used bribery in THIS context: why would the World Court/ICJ give them immunity, which would ‘allow’ them to continue their criminal operations sine die? On 7th May, the Editor was informed, too, that Cheney’s lie machine had disseminated various further lies, such as that a certain Trustee that we know about, had been paid, which we knew NOT to be true – not least since no-one will be able to move any funds at all until everyone has been paid. In addition, we knew that the Trustee in question had not been paid. Now we were fed this nonsense about Sarkozy wanting the Presidency of Europe for himself, in lieu of Blair.

Just for the record, no position of ‘President’ of the moribund EU Collective is vacant, because it doesn’t exist. To begin with, the very prominent British businessman (and contemporary of the Editor’s at Christ Church, Oxford), Stuart Wheeler, has successfully obtained a judicial review of Gordon Brown’s nefarious decision to deny the British people a referendum on the anti-nation state Lisbon Collective Treaty, so that Britain’s position vis-à-vis this Pan-German entrapment device to destroy Britain’s statehood is ‘up in the air’.

Secondly, the Irish have not yet voted in their referendum on the notorious Treaty, while the Upper House in the Czech Republic has serious doubts about the Treaty’s legality and has referred the matter to its Constitutional Court. The same has happened in Germany, of all countries. Therefore, ratification of Lisbon is a long way off, and may be aborted altogether – like its ‘predecessor’, the European Constitution Treaty.

Accordingly, we can dismiss this latest red herring for what it is – namely, yet another lie from the Cheney disinformation camp, which in any case just happens to turn the truth of the matter on its head. For, contrary to what was implied, M. Sarkozy has, after a slow start, been pressing for the conclusion of the Settlements, in support of Her Majesty The Queen (who wowed him and his new wife at the Palace), Madame Wu, and all the other distinguished representatives of the financial community with the single exception of the recalcitrant United States.

It is much harder to read what the political outcome in the United States of any actual completion of the Settlements is likely to be. Among reasons for this are the following:

• The ongoing, wall-to-wall intensity of perverse disinformation, diversionary reporting and wilful deception perpetrated by the criminalised US intelligence sector under Operation Mockingbird and the manipulation of the Fifth Estate (the Internet sector) (8) to mask the headlong involvement of criminal intelligence in fraudulent finance, makes it almost impossible for ordinary Americans to discern truth from CIA lies. Until this monstrous Intelligence Power is defanged, the American Republic will remain in great danger, and the political system will continue to be managed and rigged for the exclusive benefit of the kakocracy and its intelligence community manipulators.

• At the time of going to press/this posting, it was unclear how comprehensive the obvious defeat of the US criminalist cadres was likely to be. Are the stables going to be fumigated, or are they just going to be tidied up for routine Department of Agriculture inspections, enabling the Settlements to be surreptitiously exploited, under the cover of a ‘front operation’ that will be compliant with the Rule of Law, to kick-start a further round of fraudulent finance – as implied by the aforementioned denial of the Editor’s request for a written confirmation that all Wanta transactions would comply with the Rule of Law? On the one hand, the informed expectation that none of the perpetrators will be allowed to ‘get away with it’, is encouraging.

But on the other hand, while Mrs Clinton, the candidate of the Dark Forces, remains on the ticket for the Presidency (not much longer, surely, unless they ‘do something’ to Mr Obama, which would not be beyond ‘them’ at all), the criminalist cadres can be relied upon to rest their rapidly vanishing hopes of ‘business as usual’ on this Jezebel becoming President.

• Likewise, it remained unclear at this posting whether the massive stables cleansing job (Act One of Die Meisterschwindlern) would remain half done, with the second phase, or Act Two – formal and decisive restoration of Constitutional Governance and the US Rule of Law – realised, for instance, through an imminent announcement of the Reformation Act and its consequences, or by means of some other beneficial measure implemented by a corrupt and self-interested Congress motivated by a wish, finally, to cover its own tracks by acting at last in the interests of the American people.

Unless this, or a measure to the same decisive and lasting effect, is implemented in the immediate future, final completion of the financial releases and Settlements will be liable to refinance not only the US and world economies, but the battered Weltkriminalgesellschaft, as well.

Which would mean that although America’s ‘Main Enemy’ – Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, the Nazi strategic deception continuum driven by its old slogans ‘we shall build the Thousand-Year Reich upon the ruins of the United States ’ (9) and ‘For us the war never ended’ (‘Für uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei’) (10) – has been severely wounded, it may yet survive to regroup and repeat its mad Luciferian offensive to procure revenge for its catastrophic defeats in two World Wars.

The de facto refinancing the US and world financial economies must not be allowed to provide new cover for a simultaneous and surreptitious refinancing of the Weltkriminalgesellschaft, its corrupt and amoral ‘Black’ intelligence community controllers and those pathetic and misguided Luciferian globalist ‘Dark Actors Playing Games’ who vainly seek to set themselves up as gods purportedly controlling the future of humanity. It remains touch and go whether America will pull itself together in time to prevent these despicably evil people regaining the initiative, which they lost, we believe, partly – or even mainly – thanks to Wantagate.

* ERRATUM:The information that George H. W. Bush lives in The Woodlands area of Houston was obtained direct from The Washington Post. An impeccable source has informed the Editor (12th May) that Mr Bush Sr. lives in River Oaks, which is close to the Downtown and Galleria area. The Woodlands is 35-40 miles North of Houston.

Notes and References:
1. ‘Containing Systemic Risks and Restoring Financial Stability’, Global Financial Stability Report, International Monetary Fund, April 2008.

2. See ‘G-7 demands immediate US discipline and compliance: World community stands up to Bush crime network’, report on this website, Saturday 12th April 2008, filed by the Editor overnight from the IMF/World Bank Press Room in Washington, DC.

3. London Archaeology, Spring 2008, Volume 11, Number 12, pages 312-318.

4. ‘Election Pain for Brown as Tories march on’, lead report, front page, The Daily Telegraph, Monday, 2nd May 2008: final two paragraphs.

5. Report by Anthony Wayne, for Lawgiver.org, The Christian Law Fellowship, April 2008.

6. Executive Order 11110:

Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as amended, relating to the performance of certain functions affecting the Department of the Treasury. By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:

• SECTION 1: Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j): “(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of Section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 USC 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denomination of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption, and (b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof;

• SECTION 2: The amendment made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.


7. Basel II Final Rules, Federal Reserve Board Open Board Meeting, November 2, 2007, 10 a.m. EDT. On page 1, this document states: ‘DATES: This final rule is effective [INSERT DATE]’. As we reported on the website report dated 17th April 2008, ‘Global Refinancing Settlements Intelligence Update: US dragged kicking and screaming into Basel-II mode’, ‘The United States was dragged kicking and screaming like a spoilt child in overdue need of a diaper change into the Basel-II mode with effect from 12:01 am on Monday 14th April, as expected’.

‘US institutions now have 100 days to reorder their affairs to comply in all respects with the Basel-II requirements, as agreed within the international financial community. This represents a massive defeat for the two-headed Luciferian Government of the United States led by criminal operatives President George W. Bush Jr. and his ‘Himmler’ character, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, and their cynical criminalist ‘Box Gang’ co-conspirators’.

8. It has just been revealed that two particularly egregious disinformation platforms – the Sorcha Faal reports purporting to represent postings from inside the Kremlin, but which are revealed to be perpetrated by a US military intelligence operative working with an Irish source (i.e., for the Clinton component of the criminalist ‘Box Gang’), and the website www.whatdoesitmean.com, are American deception operations.

That website has been exposed by the research given below. A list of suspect and intelligence-controlled websites is given on page 512 of the Editor’s work, ‘The New Underworld Order: Dark Actors Playing Games: The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati’: Edward Harle Limited: see the books section of this integrated website.

Exposure of a subversive CIA-controlled website:

Server: whois.register.com
Referral URL: [link to www.register.com]
Name Server: NS2.SERVINT.COM
Status: ok
Updated Date: 13-Nov-2007
Creation Date: 12-Nov-2003
Expiration Date: 12-Nov-2009
Current Registrar: REGISTER.COM, INC.
IP Address: (ARIN & RIPE IP search)
Record Type: Domain Name
Server Type: Indeterminate
Lock Status: ok
DMOZ: no listings
Y! Directory: see listings
Web Site Title: WhatDoesItMean.Com
Secure: No
E-commerce: No
Traffic Ranking: 4
Data as of: 27-Jul-2005
[link to www.networksolutions.com]
[link to www.internic.net]
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 195267 (OP)
Data sent to the Editor: 5/4/2008 4:00 AM
Re: Top CIA Agent Killed Trying To Protect D.C. Madam
IP Location: US, McLean, Virginia. Contrary to popular belief, the CIA headquarters is not located in Langley, VA, but in the Langley suburb of McLean,Virginia.

9. ‘We shall build the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’, one of the rallying cries formulated by the German Geopolitical Centre (Abwehr: Nazi counterintelligence) in Madrid, discovered in Nazi documents seized by the Allies in the final days of the Second World War.

10. ‘For us the war never ended’ (‘Für uns ist der Kreig niemals vorbei’) was accompanied by the elaboration: ‘and as is known, in war, everything is permitted’. This slogan was a key theme of the so-called ‘Madrid Circular Letter’, a document circulated by the Nazi intelligentsia from the German Geopolitical Centre, Madrid, in the early 1950s. The Editor believes that such intelligence, which would have alerted US policymakers to the likelihood that the Cold War had provided the Nazis with long-range cover, was suppressed by the State Department.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Friday 13 July 2007 23:48

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: www.worldreports.org. Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the www.worldreports.org Home Page for ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006. [Note: A new panel giving details of our latest publications as they are made available, has been added].

On 10th July 2007, four compliance officers at the US Treasury were arrested for taking orders from the Treasury Secretary, Henry M. Paulson, in contravention of instructions from the White House concerning the Wanta Settlement. Meanwhile, Mr Michael Chertoff, the US Secretary of Homeland Security, is reported to have been separately indicted and has been summonsed. Both Paulson and Chertoff have lost a lot of weight in recent days.

Whence their discomfiture?

Because they and others of their ilk have stolen vast sums of money. For the present, given that the aggregate amount stolen exceeds $50 trillion and the so-called ‘news organisations’ have been bribed to ignore Wantagate so that these panicking criminals are not all lynched in the street, they remain despondently convinced that the general public cannot be informed about what they have done. But their constant fear must be that, all of a sudden, the essence of what we have published on their corruption over these past 13 months will erupt into the broad public domain – so that their crimes will cease to be an open secret just within the Beltway and at the intergovernmental level, but will be talked about in diners and pubs all over the United States.

In this connection, it was noticeable that Mr Paulson, attending a staged conference in Crystal City, Virginia, on Latin America the other day, could not wait to get out of the room. For why? Because he feared service of process, given Ambassador Leo Wanta’s petition for a Writ of Mandamus which names him – along with Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt, Treasury Chief of Staff James R Wilkinson, Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, Attorney General Alberto R Gonzales and The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond – as respondents to his claim and accusations.

These people (and senior officers of the Richmond Fed) all fear, and face, ultimate jail for the huge financial crimes they have committed in broad daylight since the Wanta Settlement – like the fallen US monetary god, Dr Alan Greenspan, and the fallen British monetary god, Sir Eddie George.

There have been unconfirmed rumours of a narrowly-avoided confrontation on 9th July between the US military and the Department of Homeland Security, after courier services, citing White House intimidation, refused to deliver ‘packages’ to recipients scheduled to receive payment following the Wanta Settlement. According to several reports, after the courier services refused to deliver the packages – notwithstanding that they had military escorts – the military retrieved the packages and indicated that they would deliver them instead. When the Department of Homeland Security was allegedly instructed by the Bush II White House to procure the arrest of any military personnel engaged in such deliveries, its officials stepped back from the brink (of civil war, as we predicted some time ago) and refused to carry out these perverse instructions.

Meanwhile Senators, asked by the White House to support it against the military, allegedly refused, whereupon they were threatened with exposure of ‘the sex tapes’. This blackmail refers to sordid intelligence on figures ‘within the Beltway’ gleaned over a prolonged period by a ‘Madam’ who, when things became too hot for her, attempted, most significantly, to escape and ‘start a new life’ in Germany. In other words, the systematic compilation of sexual information on US political figures, officials, members of the judiciary etc, almost certainly represents a cynical long-range operation conducted by the Nazi Continuum, DVD (Deutsche Vertiedigungs Dienst), Dachau – headed by George Bush Sr.

This ‘Black’ strategic coordination centre is the ‘Main Enemy’ of the United States and the United Kingdom, and sooner or later it will have to be ‘dealt with’.

Significantly, the Chinese authorities recently executed a 49-year-old Government Minister who had been the head of the Chinese drug (pharmaceuticals) administration, for taking a bribe of less than $400,000. By contrast, the US criminal operatives have stolen trillions of dollars which they have placed offshore all over the world, after attacking Iraq in order to steal the gold and currency in the Central Bank of Iraq and then the tangible asset accounts (leaving aside the myriad sub-accounts) at Rafidain Bank – an institution controlled personally by Saddam Hussein and his corrupt sons Uday and Qusay, all deceased.

Having stolen the assets of the Central Bank of Iraq, the US controllers of this bank raid arranged for their compatriot operatives to be liquidated by ‘enemy fire’, so that none of those involved would be able to report what had happened. Information about this abomination was obtained (and reported in International Currency Review in the summer of 2003) from eye-witness sources.

The holders of high office in the United States named in these reports who have systematically stolen funds on such a gigantic scale would all long since have been executed had they been Chinese officials. But now that this crisis has exceeded boiling point, it is entirely possible that one or more of these criminals could be seized at any time, anywhere in the world, and tried for crimes against humanity – because of their complicity in the war they launched and have been prosecuting for private gain, and because of the extreme damage that they have inflicted upon the stability of the international financial system and the world economy. In a nutshell, this criminal clique started a war for their own benefit on the basis of a dubious ‘Reichstag Fire’ pretext, used everyone, lied to everyone, and arrogantly carried on stealing and diverting assets that do not belong to them in spite of the searchlight that we have been shining right into their corrupt faces.

Now, at last, they have started to realise that they are cornered.

They have tricked and deceived the Chinese and The Queen – and they couldn’t care less. It is the job of the US Congress, the unbribed Gold Badges (if any still exist), all right-thinking and properly informed Americans, and indeed of the Rest of the World, to make absolutely certain that these criminals are made to pay for their unending crimes: and we are certain that this will indeed be the outcome. If the Chinese Government considers public execution to be an appropriate penalty for accepting bribes of less than $400,000 in total, consider what, on the basis of the same tariff, would be appropriate for the criminals who have played fast and loose with Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta’s Settlement for the past 13 months – and who attacked Iraq, procuring the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans, hundreds of British and allied troops, and well over a million Iraqis: all in pursuit of bank assets. Corteges carrying the bodies of fallen American soldiers ply the Arlington Cemetery from dawn to dusk, in a grim advertisement for the fact that the ONLY product of America’s most evil Government, apart from the self-enrichment of its highest officials, is: DEATH.

Why did Bank of America ‘need’ to acquire the LaSalle bank in Chicago? Because it was out of a back room in that institution that a mass of illegal financial transactions based on stolen assets were conducted by and on behalf of the corrupt US intelligence community and its Big Barons; and now that this acquisition has been finalised, all this illegal activity will be covered up, given that Bank of America is the CIA’s primary banking institution. IT STINKS.

With these developments as backdrop, let us review the horrendous situation that has emerged over the past week, which has given rise to the following predicted developments:

1. The US dollar is dropping like a stone on the foreign exchange markets, which many of the arch criminal operatives couldn’t care less about as they have positioned their stolen assets in Euros.

2. As a direct consequence of the one-way tendency of the US dollar, driven by the intransigence of these cornered US financial criminal operatives, strains within the Euro Zone are becoming quite intolerable, accentuating the likelihood of a Euro Bust Up – an ‘unintended consequence’ which the demented builders of the ‘New World Order’ may not have anticipated.

3. There is now open talk, and considerable evidence, of the possibility that huge financial institutions may be bankrupt, as the illegal funds created off the back of Leo Wanta’s funds are siphoned off-balance sheet in what has become the biggest and most decadent financial orgy in world history.

4. The Queen’s gold remains stolen, Her Majesty remains understandably quite furious, the so-called ‘special relationship’ between the United Kingdom and the United States is in ruins, nothing is being done to rectify matters, and malevolent cadres of US and Israeli intelligence are engaged in a systematic operation to discredit, humiliate and wrong-foot The Queen, who is in her eighties – in a desperate attempt to obfuscate their crimes.

5. Rahm Emmanuel, who was a key figure in the Clinton Administration and is now a Congressman from Illinois, has reportedly procured that AT&T – which is effectively a component of the immense, cynical and overbearing US criminal intelligence superstructure that runs the country – has handed over all of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta’s telephone records. These have reportedly been delivered to Mr Emmanuel’s office in Chicago. This man has been reported in the past to hold two passports, one Israeli and one US; and intelligence sources advise us that he may be a Mossad operative or agent. This gross operation is a febrile and futile CIA/Mossad (Megawatt) attempt to intimidate the Ambassador and to dig around for material with which to try to use blackmail and other ‘Black Arts’ to achieve nefarious purposes, given the traction that Wantagate has achieved worldwide.

As for the Wanta Settlement, the week started with information that the funds had been placed in an account for the benefit of Morgan Stanley within Citibank. But instead of being paid direct into the securities account with Morgan Stanley, New York, belonging to Ambassador Leo/Lee Emil Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the funds have been illegally withheld on orders from the White House and Bank of America.

Therefore, both Mr Charles O. Prince, the CEO of Citibank/Citigroup, and Mr Ken Lewis, CEO of the largest CIA-controlled institution, Bank of America, should be arrested forthwith. Should these operatives not be arrested, absent the payment, we will all know that, once again, the Gold Badges have lost their bottle, are being bribed, or have other excuses for not doing their duty to save the United States from the catastrophic destruction that it is in the process of wreaking upon itself and therefore upon the whole world.

The White House is now saying that payment of the Wanta Settlement was reauthorized last night. However the funds, which of course are being tracked continually in ‘real time’, using PROMIS cloned/derivative ‘see-thru’ software, are again being illegally passed between the big corrupt banks, ‘enabling’ the co-conspiring White House to say ‘it’s not our problem any longer’ – just as the Treasury did last year, you will recall. In other words, the White House lie machine is working overtime, while the future of the United States and that of the whole world is being jeopardised and the livelihoods of everyone in the world (including the criminal operatives themselves) are being wantonly threatened.

It has always been clear that these desperate criminals (a group that now includes the Comptroller of the Currency, by the way) would overplay their hand; and that is what is happening ‘as we speak’. They have wrecked the Anglo-American alliance (as prescribed by DVD, Dachau, of course) and are well on the way to wrecking the entire global financial economy as well. At the ‘spiritual’ level, this does not surprise us at all. For one of the mad characteristics of the demon-possessed, is that they have a compulsion to drag everyone else down to the hell that they create, along with them.

The nutcases in question have the following main preoccupations:

1. To stay out of jail and/or avoid getting killed. Yet members of the cleptocracy are being arrested and banged into jail – as has happened to Dr Alan Greenspan and Sir Eddie George, a significant number of bankers, and the Treasury compliance officers.

2. To prevent the termination of the fiat money free-for-all based upon stolen assets, to which they are greedily accustomed and which they all believed would continue indefinitely. The one thought that they cannot handle is the thought that their snouts will have been wrenched out of the pig trough once and for all.

3. To prevent Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta, whose assets they have plundered, whom they collectively allowed to rot in the US GULAG, and of whom they are obsessively jealous, from becoming richer than they are. That thought literally drives them completely mad, we are told.

4. To survive until the end of this tawdry and discredited Administration, so that they can obtain (as they hope) their sordid Presidential Pardons, and can then start up a new phase of scamming all over again under the criminal operative Hillary Clinton, who will make damn sure that her criminal husband is appointed some kind of global ambassador, with diplomatic status – after the precedent so kindly arranged by his intelligence handlers for Tony Blair, the disgraced former Prime Minister.

The clock is long past midnight, the situation is completely out of control and the world faces any or all of the following catastrophic outcomes if the payment is not credited: a contagious collapse of large institutions – which, though ‘Too Large To Fail’ (TBTF), cannot be bailed out by the Federal Reserve, which is ‘bankrupt’, other than through the printing of money on a stupendous scale; a prospective hyperinflation (induced by several possible mechanisms); the ironically concomitant destruction of illegal fiat money and of the money supply; the installation of dictatorships operating along Hitlerian lines as a spreading financial collapse implodes into the real economy; and once this threshold has been crossed, a probable activation of the Nazi-style extermination camps.

• The Editor is extremely concerned that, as a direct consequence of the publicised excesses perpetrated by financiers of Jewish extraction, especially with regard to the exploitation of the Wanta Settlement funds, history will repeat itself on a far larger scale than in the first half of the 20th century. But the children of Israel seldom heeded the warnings of their prophets, and the current generation is manifestly tending to follow their example.

Some people suggest that the criminalist elite is looking forward to worldwide chaos of such proportions. The illegal seizure of The Queen’s gold would suggest that maybe these madmen have committed this crime because they either fear or intend the destruction of fiat money assets (derivatives). On 9/11, they achieved part of such an objective by ensuring that the 658 staff of the money brokerage house Cantor Fitzgerald, perished – along with the documents underlying a colossal portfolio of derivatives contracts, which, as a consequence, were all ‘forgiven’.

Today, the situation is infinitely worse from the perspective of those with derivatives contract liabilities, notwithstanding the fact that the Wanta Settlement would greatly alleviate their situation. This is how that would be the case:

1. A massive proportion of ‘funny money’ assets outstanding off the books worldwide has been derived originally from (a) the ‘classic’ $27.5 trillion accumulated by Leo Wanta in the course of his Financial Warfare operations, sanctioned and ordered by President Reagan’s relevant Executive Orders to ‘take down’ the Soviet Empire; and (b), since the antics of the US official criminals began in 2006, the $4.5 trillion Settlement funds allocated for the Ambassador under the May 2006 accord referenced in our earlier reports. The fiat money assets generated off the Ambassador’s funds are all illegal and fraudulent in origin, having been generated without his authority as sole Principal and owner of the base funds.

2. Therefore, the Ambassador has a universally recognised claim on the ‘funny money’ assets in question. Notwithstanding that many of the big banks are complicit in this criminality, this is a situation that the banks in general ‘cannot handle’.

3. The moment the Ambassador takes ‘economic receipt’ of his long overdue $4.5 trillion, he will have accepted this compromise Settlement in lieu of maintaining his latent legitimate claim on the proliferated ‘funny money’ assets.

4. This clearly explains, therefore, why the Ambassador has to be paid FIRST, before any of the other ‘recipients’ whose claims have been accepted by the US Treasury, are paid. We understand that a substantial number of ‘claims’ have been rejected.

5. Although the other recipients (of which the Editor has only fragmentary knowledge and whose affairs do not concern the Ambassador, despite the fact that many of these parties would appear to believe that they do) are evidently to be paid only a small proportion in cash, with the rest in paper, it stands to reason that the resulting ‘refinancing’ of these parties will alleviate the strains that are cascading through the international financial system ‘as we speak’.

But all this remains academic, of course, while the serial perpetrators of the crimes that we have been listing at the foot of every Wantagate report since February 2007, continue their crooked, reckless ‘pass the parcel’ games – collaborating with the criminal operatives in the White House, the Treasury and the intelligence community to perpetuate a crisis which is destabilising relations between the leading international powers and which, if not brought to a resolution, will trigger a series of catastrophic events that will be wholly attributable to the intransigence of the G. Bush II White House, to the control exercised over it by George H. W. Bush Sr. on behalf of DVD, Dachau, and to the malevolent influence of the Clintons in the background.

Ambassador Wanta’s petition for a Writ of Mandamus [see our posting dated 5th July 2007: Archive] represents his claim for immediate payment of the $4.5 trillion that is already 13 months overdue, having been illegally manipulated without the Ambassador’s authority by Citibank, Bank of America, Wachovia, Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs and other ‘household name’ institutions – the names of which have been dragged through the mud by their complicit Boards of Directors, so that what remained of their tarnished reputations has been destroyed in the process.

These ‘Whited Sepulchres’ so full of outward financial ‘rectitude’ but so filthy and devoid of principles within, have advertised to the whole world that on no account should anyone in their right minds do business with them (as certain parties are discovering the hard way).

They rely upon the reality that there is always a supply of ‘useful idiots’ out there whose ignorance is such that they have no idea how ‘Black’ these institutions have shown themselves to be.

To stress the extreme gravity of the situation as it stood on Friday 13th July 2007, we cite below the email sent by the Ambassador to President George W. Bush Jr. and to US legislators and other key members of the US ‘Great and the Good’; and we reproduce herewith details of the personages to whom the Ambassador directed his communication. Millions of recipients worldwide will shortly receive copies of this posting. The Ambassador’s email is written in the terse and often verbless language in which such financial communications are typically couched, so that even the dimmest Congressional dumkopf can understand:

From: Ambassador Leo E Wanta
To: The Honorable, George W Bush, Jr.

Cc: Matthew Acock; Senator Daniel Akaka; Senator Lamar Alexander; William Anderson; Senator Arlen Specter; Penne Barton; Senator Evan Bayh; Dana Begley; Senator Joe Biden; Senator Jeff Bingaman; Senator Bingaman; Senator Christopher Bond; The Honorable David Bonior; Senator Barbara Boxer; Senator Robert Byrd; Ms Laura Capps; US Senator Carnahan; James Christoferson; Senator Chuck Hagel; Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton; Senator Susan Collins; Senator Kent Conrad; Senator M. Dewine; Senator Dick Durbin; Lindsey Dickinson; Senator Christopher Dodd;

Honourable US Senator Elizabeth Dole; Senator Byron Dorgan; Michael Drobac; Honorable John Edwards; Senator Michael Enzi; Mieke Eoyang; Scott Fay; US Senator Russ Feingold; US Senator Diane Feinstein; Jorie Feldman; US Senator Charles Grassley; Senator Judd Gregg; Senator Tom Harkin; U. S. Senator Orrin Hatch; Senator Jack Reed; Senator Jim Bunning; Senator John McCain; Senator Tim Johnson; Senator Ted Kennedy; US Senator John Kerry; Senator Frank Lautenberg; Senator Patrick Leahy; Senator Carl Levin; US Senator Blanche Lincoln; Senator Trent Lott; Senator Richard Lugar; Jay McCarthy; Senator Mitch McConnell; US Senator Barb Mikulski; Senator Zell Miller; Jamie Moore; Senator Patty Murray; US Senator Ben Nelson; US Senator Bill Nelson; Senator Olympia Snowe; Senator Pat Roberts; Chris Paulitz; ; Senator Mark Pryor; Senator Harry Reid; Dick Ribbentrop; Senator Jay Rockefeller; Senator Ruissell Feingold; Senator Chambliss Saxby; Herbert Schueneman; Senator Charles Schumer; Senators Domenici, Kohl, Reid, Akaka; Senator Orin Hatch; Senator Jim Biden; Representative Neil Abercrombie; Representative Anibal Acevedo-Vila;

US Representative Gary Ackerman; US Representative Tom Allen; US Representative Rob Andrews; US Representative Brian Baird; US Representative Jim Barcia; Representative Charlie Bass; US Representative Ken Bentsen; US Representative Howard Berman; Representative Sanford Bishop; Representative Roy Blunt; Representative Sherwood Boehlert; Representative David Bonier; Representative Madeleine Bordallo; Representative Rick Boucher; Representative Sherrod Brown; Representative Richard Burr; Representative Chris Cannon; US Representative Lois Capps; Julia Carson; US Representative Bob Clement; US Representative J Clyburn; Representative Howard Coble; US Representative Gary Condit; US Representative John Conyers; Representative Jim Cooper; Representative Christopher Cox; Representative Bud Cramer; US Representative Joe Crowley; US Representative Danny Davis; US Representative Peter DeFazio; US Representative William Delahunt; Representative P Deutsch; Representative Lloyd Doggett;

US Congressman Mike Doyle; Dave Ehler; Representative Anna Eshoo; US Representative Bob Etherridge; US Representative Lane Evans; Representative Eni Falemavaega; US Representative Sam Farr; Representative Harold Ford; US Representative H Ford; Representative Vito Fossella; Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen; US Representative Martin Frost; Representative Elizabeth Furse; Representative Jim Gibbons; Representative Phil Gingrey; US Congressman Virgil H. Goode Jr.; US Representative Bart Gordon; Mark Graul; Representative Samuel Graves; Representative Luis Gutierrez; Representative Gil Gutknecht; US Representative R M Hall; US Representative Jane Harmon; Representative Dennis Hastert; Representative Alcee Hastings; Representative Hinchey; Representative Hinojosa; Representative Honda; Honorable Dave Obey;

Representative John Hostettler; US Representative Jay Inslee; Representative Jesse Jackson; Representative William Janklow; Representative Jay Johnson; US Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson; US Representative Paul Kanjorski; Representative Marcy Kaptur; Representative Mark Kennedy; Representative Patrick Kennedy; US Representative D Kildee; US Representative Ron Kind; Representative Peter King; Representative Jack Kingston; Representative Mark Kirk; Representative Joe Knollenberg; Dennis Kucinich; US Representative Nick Lampson;

US Representative James Langevin; US Representative Rick Larsen; Representative Tom Latham; Representative Steven LaTourette; US Representative Barbara Lee; Representative Ron Lewis;
US Representative John Lewis; Representative Frank LoBiondo; Representative Zoe Lofgren; Representative Nita Lowey; Representative Stephen Lynch; US Representative Carolyn Maloney; US Representative Thomas Manton; Mark Foley II; Representative Jim Marshall; Jim Matheson; US Representative Millender McDonald; US Representative Jim McGovern; Representative Cynthia McKinney; US Representative Mike McNulty; US Representative M T Meehan; Representative Gregory Meeks; Representative Robert Menendez; Representative John Mica; US Representative George Miller; US Representative Joe Moakley; US Representative Jim Moran; Representative John Murtha; Representative Sue Myrick; Representative Bob Ney; The Honorable Dave Obey; Officer in Charge; US Representative John Olver; US Representative Mike Oxley; Representative Frank Pallone; US Representative Bill Pascrell; US Representative Ed Pastor; The Honorable Ron Paul; Representative Nancy Pelosi; US Representative Collin Peterson; US Representative Owen Pickett; Representative Richard Pombo; US Representative Earl Pomeroy; US Representative David Price; Representative Deborah Pryce; Representative Rahall; Representative Renzi;

Representative E. B. Johnson; Representative Ron Paul; US Representative Silvestre Reyes; US Representative Tim Roemer; US Representative Mike Rogers; Representative Dana Rohrabacher; US Representative Steven Rothman; US Representative Bobby Rush; US Representative Martin Sabo; Representative Loretta Sanchez; Representative Bernie Sanders; US Representative Max Sandlin; US Representative James Sensenbrenner; Representative Jose Serrano;

US Representative Shays; US Representative Brad Sherman; US Representative David Skaggs; Representative Louise Slaughter; US Representative Adam Smith; Representative Vic Snyder; Representative Mark Souder; Michael Steele; US Representative Ted Strickland; Representative Bart Stupak; Representative. Tom Tancredo; US Representative John Tanner; US Representative Gene Taylor; Representative Bennie Thompson; Candidate Victor Tognazzini; Representative Edolphus Towns; US Representative Anibal; US Representative Boswell; US Representative Boyd; US Representative Bozrah; US Representative Cardin; US Representative Carson;

Representative Clayton; Representative Cymck; Representative Degette; Representative Doyle; Representative Gephardt; Representative Goode; Representative Hinojosa; Representative Kennelly; Representative Leach; Representative Owens; Representative McHale; Representative McIntyre; Representative Rangel; Representative Thompson;

Representative Thurman; Representative Levin; Representative Chris Van Hollen; Representative Nydia Velazquez; Representative Gregory Walden; Representative James Walsh; Representative Diane Watson; Representative Robert Weygand; Representative Roger Wicker; Representative Joe Wilson; Representative Bob Wise; Representative Lynn Woolsey; Representative Sidney Yates; Representative C W Young; THonorable Governor Tim Kaine; The Governor of Virginia, Tim Kaine; Honorable George E. Pataki; Honorable Edward G. Rendall; RGA Chairman Mitt Romney; Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger;

Secretary Jim Baker; The Honorable Dick Cheney; RNC Chairman Mike Duncan; Chairman Michael Duncan, RNC; President/CEO Bobby Eberle; Martin Gillespie; Team Leader; Mark Stephens NRSC Executive Director; Chairman Mel Martinez; Mr Ken Mehlman; Officer in Charge; Officer in Charge; Officer in Charge; David Rexrode RNC Director; Executive Director Mark L. Stephens…

Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 3:14 PM
Subject: US Department of the Treasury Re-authorization from White House to Release Diverted Monetary CASH Funds

Special Attention of : – US President George W Bush, Jr.,
Bush Administration Cabinet Members, and Members of Congress, et al:

Points of Information : –

As of : – 12 July 07, 1700 hrs

1. My PRIVATE TRANSACTION – federally protected under H. R. 3723 – in the aggregate amount of USDollars 4.5 trillion CASH; enabling me (Lee Emil Wanta, American Citizen ) to lawfully remit to our US Department of the Treasury, a personal/repatriation tax payment of US Dollars 1.575 trillion
(CASH VALUE ); and my personal capitalization of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. (ATG) of Richmond, Va, USA forthwith,

2. I was advised at 0905 hrs* that our White House – once again – needs to re-authorize the previous multiple “TreasuryDirect / DTC” official instructions to release under US Government- USTreasuryDirect / DTC depository instructions – with effect of 0930 hrs, said monetary and lawful cash funds to my AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. Corporate / Securities account at Morgan Stanley NYC, USA. [* 12 July 07].

3. In the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia – Alexandria Division – Civil Action No. 1: 2007 cv 609 – TSE – BRP – Petition for a Writ of Mandamus and Other Extraordinary Relief, has been duly filed Jun 20 2007; with the necessary exhibits and related documentation, and the listing of the Respondents : – Secretary Henry M Paulson, Deputy Secretary Robert M Kimmitt, Chief of Staff James R Wilkinson, Secretary Michael Chertoff, Attorney General Alberto R Gonzales and The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (Virginia).

4. Further, these court exhibits and related documentation will clearly demonstrate the continuing tactics / activities “of others” – ignoring existing US Rules and Regulations, US Statutory Enforcement, Manipulation and Diversion of Lawful Private Transaction Funds and the Unknown Proceeds “credited to others”; and my personal tax liability payable under US LAW in a timely manner per current US Federal Tax Laws, inter alia.

5. As well as the planned and previously scheduled Joint Venture Programmes between Pennsylvania Investments, Inc. (PII) and ATG, which should result in estimated weekly corporate
US tax payments in excess of US Dollars Two Hundred Billion, and corporate state tax payments to Pennsylvania and Commonwealth of Virginia, inter alia.

Once again, Thank You for your continuing Presidential Interest and Concerns to protect and enforce the Rule of Law and Our United States Constitution, as to: – Private Transaction Interests and the Economic Stability of our Great Nation – and, for all our American Citizens and your Bush Administration Legacy.

Question: Is the coalition of US Banks over-extended, and unable to pay Lee Emil Wanta for further credit to AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. for ATG capitalization as documented originally, as the original CHIP was US Dollars in CASH, and was never authorized to be a personal/corporate LOAN for any Institution, Identity or person for Private and / or Personal Gain whatsoever?

Sincerely yours,
Lee Emil Wanta, Sole Principal, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., Richmond, Va., USA

We conclude, as has been the case since February 2007, with our list of the Statutes and laws of which the perpetrators named in this and previous reports, are in breach.

It is a fact, which no-one can deny, that our repeated promulgation of these Statutes for the past six months, and of the reality that the perpetrators are in gross breach of them, combined with their continued breach of these Statutes and laws notwithstanding our worldwide promulgation of them, constitutes a conspicuous renunciation by the perpetrators of the Rule of Law – and confirmation before the whole world that the United States is a country in which the law of the jungle reigns and the Rule of Law has been scrapped.

It is also an obvious fact of life that this perverse criminal behaviour represents a monumental continuing indictment of the perpetrators which will have to be taken into account when the time comes for these criminals to be brought to justice.

Notwithstanding the pessimism of good Americans on this score, we are certain that every single member of this criminal clique will reap the rewards that are due to them – whether they receive the ‘lamp-post treatment’ or they are dealt with, despite everything, by the sheer preponderance of evidence and due process against them.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Sir Leo Wanta’s funds.

The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above.


(1) In the forthcoming huge Wantagate issue of International Currency Review (544 pages), the Editor has assembled all the Presidential Pardons dished out by President Clinton, to demonstrate that the vast majority of those whom Mr Clinton pardoned were drug dealers, money-launderers, financial criminalists, murderers-for-hire, and perpetrators of abominations familiar to students of organised crime. It was with particular interest that the Editor noticed that some of those pardoned had been imprisoned for ‘Misprison of felony’. This section, called ‘Pardongate’ will be found on pages 41-50 of the forthcoming issue.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

• An announcement about this issue of ICR, and its 48-page Supplement showing the Wanta-related documents released by the Ronald Reagan Library by consent of the National Security Agency, will be posted in the near future. The documents prove of course that Leo Wanta advised and served President Reagan personally.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review [ISSN 0020-6490] cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, malevolent suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.

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