

Monday 5 October 2009 00:01

• This article may be cut and pasted UNALTERED AND COMPLETE, with attribution.

• UPDATE 4:00pm UK, 5th October 2009:

• Details of a video clip showing the chaos at the Referendum ballot count in Cork, added below.

In today’s Daily Telegraph, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes:

“The methods being used to force this treaty through after electorates have already spoken, cross a line that may not be crossed. The European Project has become the enemy”.

The Editor’s book, ‘The European Union Collective‘, PUBLISHED SEVEN YEARS AGO IN 2002, is subtitled: ‘ENEMY OF ITS MEMBER STATES’.

Is the so-called Establishment ‘mainstream’ press DOING ITS JOB if it takes its very best journalist SEVEN YEARS to reach a proper understanding of the operation to destroy us? How many times do we all have to be deceived and insulted before the Fourth Estate starts to do its job properly?

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and our intelligence books online from this website.

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Our published information that the Irish Referendum on the dictatorial Lisbon Treaty was rigged, is ACCURATE. However at the time of the Update to the report dated 2nd October (see below) we hadn’t yet obtained details of the WAY the Referendum was rigged and influenced in favour of the treacherous YES lobby. We now have this information.

This is how the Irish were ‘persuaded’ to change their minds:

(1): Chaos and confusion, by design, at the count:

The chaos which appears to have accompanied the premature delivery of the Referendum ballot boxes (enabling them to be pre-stuffed: see below), is confirmed on this video:

The video shows the front of Cork City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork, Eire, at 10.33 PM on Friday 2nd October 2009. The video’s written commentary explains that there is no security either outside or inside the building as people arrive carrying ballot boxes with others walking in empty-handed (presumably to count the votes), and all walk inside. Nobody is challenged by any official who is seemingly in authority. The scene is chaotic. People are seen coming out of the building as well.

One man is seen going in empty-handed, and coming out with what is pretty obviously a ballot box. The camera operator does not follow him, so the man disappears out of camera shot. Seconds later he returns with the ballot box (there is no way of knowing if it is even the same one) and then takes it back inside the building.

The camera operator goes inside the building (unchallenged). He films people arriving, milling around, talking to each other. There are rows of chairs set out and some tables set up (for the counting of ballot papers). Again, no one seems to check whether those inside are there officially, as no one seems to be in charge. There is no sign of a Returning Officer or of electoral officials. People move in and out of the hall.

One man is heard singing a song which appears to make fun of those who have voted NO in the Referendum. The sound quality is poor.

The written commentary adds:

‘There were so many people coming and going unchallenged, that it would have been quite simple to take their box of Referendum votes in privacy (sic) for anything up to 10 to 15 minutes, and it would not have been detected’.

The written commentary concludes:

(2): Ballot boxes may have been stuffed prior to the Referendum polling booths opening.


• Under Irish law, ballot boxes are required to be delivered by members of the garda (police) to the polling stations at 7:00 am on the date the election takes place.

• This legal requirement applies to ALL polling in Ireland, whether elections or referenda.

• On this occasion, however, the ballot boxes were delivered to the private residences of the polling/Returning Officers, 48 hours prior to the Referendum.

• A number of honest Returning Officers formally objected to this BREACH OF PROCEDURE, and to the concomitant prospective breach of security, let alone of the electoral legislation.

• We understand that such objections were officially dismissed out of hand on the spurious and diversionary grounds that the ballot boxes possessed no commercial value, so it would be in nobody’s commercial interest to steal them.

• The central issue – that since the Irish ballot boxes were delivered 48 hours early they could be ‘stuffed’ with YES votes, as routinely happens in places like the former Soviet Republic of Georgia – was of course not addressed.

• It follows that, given that the local electoral law was flouted, THE OUTCOME OF THE IRISH REFERENDUM IS FRAUDULENT AND MUST IMMEDIATELY BE DECLARED NULL AND VOID.

• Furthermore, the following questions NEED TO BE ANSWERED IMMEDIATELY:

ONE: What is the total number of registered voters in Ireland?

TWO: How many voters voted in the Referendum?

THREE: Was the total vote tally greater than #One AND/OR #Two above?

FOUR: If either or both apply, do ‘phantom’, stolen and/or ‘dead people’s’ votes count?

• Any operation to steamroller the Lisbon Treaty (after the Polish and Czech Governments have been bribed by the Germans) will accordingly be FRAUDULENT on this basis alone.

• It will therefore follow that ALL MEASURES taken under the Lisbon Treaty will likewise be illegal – not that this is anything new, as the European Union Collective is itself blatantly illegal, not least because the Treaty of Rome documents were never properly signed (given that several attendees signed blank sheets of paper because their translations were not available at the time of signing).

(3): Blatant American interference in the internal affairs of Ireland:

• INTEL (which is of course a US intelligence community operation, as its name implies) advertised heavily for a YES vote, promoting the FALSE assessment that if the Irish voted NO, ‘Ireland could be left isolated from the European Single Market at a time when the economy needs support’ (1) (because it has been ENRONISED by the Syndicate, as previously explained in these reports).

• That assertion was a blatant falsehood. The Single Market operates under the successive treaties of the fraudulent EU Collective, the currently applicable one being the Nice Treaty. Therefore, whether Lisbon was approved or not would make no difference at all.


On the basis of this precedent, we presume that the United States would have no objection if, say, the British were to buy newspaper space and broadcast time to lobby for a given outcome every time the United States goes to the polls.

(One can imagine how FURIOUS Americans would be if we tried any such outrage).

• This blatant US intelligence community interference in Irish internal affairs by the engine of instability which has ravaged the Irish financial economy represents yet another odious example of the notorious tendency for the CIA to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries in pursuit of its own selfish objectives – in this case, shoring up the prospectively disintegrating European wing of the TWIN DVD operation to assert the hegemony of pan-German long-range control strategy on the two main victors of the World Wars, Britain and America.

• Unsurprisingly, letters are now appearing in the press [as for instance in The Sunday Telegraph of 4th October] making our point that the so-called Special Relationship is a total farce and has been for decades, as the United States routinely treats Britain with contempt: as, for instance, by allowing the DVD-activated IRA and its splinters to raise money in the United States for the purpose of murdering British citizens and troops en masse.

• The fraudulent Irish Referendum outcome theoretically destroys residual British sovereignty, given that the EU exists explicitly to usurp and hijack the sovereignty of its satrap ‘Member States’: see the Editor’s work ‘The European Union Collective: Enemy of its Member States’ [available from the Edward Harle Limited books segment of this website].

Officials in Brussels have ALREADY set up a Committee on Internal Security (COSI) under the Lisbon Treaty EVEN THOUGH THE LISBON TREATY HAS NOT BEEN RATIFIED. THIS IS ANOTHER BLATANTLY ILLEGAL ACT which renders ALL operations of this Stalinist-sounding revolutionary oppression mechanism ILLEGAL in perpetuity.

• It also calls into question the very purpose of the Irish Referendum itself, raising the rhetorical question: what is the point of bothering the Irish electorate with this latest insult to their tranquillity and intelligence, if the EU’s bureaucrats, who are ANSWERABLE TO NOBODY, have been going ahead with provisions of the Lisbon Treaty even though it has not been ratified?

(They have been doing this in many other areas, too).

• Of course, the purpose of the Irish Referendum to get the insulted Irish electorate to change its mind from the verdict that it handed down in the Referendum of June 2008 is purely and simply to provide the intended illegitimate and illegal operations of the EU Collective with a false veneer of ‘legitimacy’, in the knowledge that the lazy and sycophantic so-called ‘mainstream’ media will just cow-tow and go along with these obnoxious illegalities. In so doing, journalists are validating the illegal behaviour of the manipulators that we have identified.

• Under the illegal COSI blueprint (in which, of course, as usual, the treacherous, revolutionary British authorities participated illegally), law enforcement and “public security organizations” will share intelligence, material from Internet surveillance, and other elements of national security arrangements, acquiring powers over the satrap Member States’ police and security services (2).

• A spokesman for the European Civil Liberties Network, Tony Bunyan, summarised the position correctly with the following statement. The COSI arrangements, implemented illegally PRIOR TO RATIFICATION of the Lisbon Treaty, represented a step towards an ‘EU Home Office or Interior Ministry without any democratic control’. Making the mistake of accepting this outrage as a fait accompli, he nevertheless elaborated:

‘It is outrageous that the rôle of the new EU Internal Security Committee has been decided in secret. If COSI becomes a high-level legislative body, a swathe of decision-making and practice will be removed from democratic debate’.

• The Lisbon Treaty WHICH HAS NOT BEEN RATIFIED, provides that: ‘A standing committee shall be set up within the [European] Council in order to ensure that operational co-operation on internal security is promoted and strengthened within the union’.

• ‘Unbelievably’ (but then again, NOT), an unnamed official involved in this treasonous activity said: ‘Sometimes it is better not to spell things out too much in order to keep flexibility and to allow officials the creativity of a blank slate’. Translation from weasel-language into jackboot Nazi-speak:

• ‘We require absolute unfettered carte blanche to impose our dictatorship upon the satrap peoples of Europe and we won’t brook any interference with our stolen prerogative to saddle them with a control régime which will ensure our total hegemony, whether they like it or not’.

The former Attorney General of Ireland and now Chairman of British Petroleum, a man notorious for his slavish ideological support for the European Union Collective, Peter Sutherland, was reported on 4th October 2009 to have made the following statement as soon as the rigged Irish Referendum outcome had been announced:

‘This is an outstanding victory for common sense. It was the result of dispelling myths, some of which emanated from the United Kingdom. This was a great achievement with a government in some difficulty and a vital step forward for Ireland’.

• However the YES lobby dispensed MYTHS on a prodigious scale, the primary myth being the lie, identified above, that ‘Ireland could be left isolated from the European Single Market’, when in fact the outcome of the Referendum would and could MAKE NO DIFFERENCE.

• Sutherland, who hates the likes of us, hinted that what we say about the European Commission being a criminal enterprise, is false. In that case, Mr Sutherland, we suggest that you should take the matter up (a) with the UK Serious Fraud Office in London [see our reports dated 2nd October and 16th/20th September 2009]; and (b) with the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg [see our report dated 2nd October 2009].

For, as discussed in our report dated 2nd October, the executive arm of the European Union Collective is a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, given that its financial accounts have been specifically DISAPPROVED by the EU’s own Court of Auditors for the past 14 financial years running. For the record, we repeat the information on this subject contained in that report:

As previously reported by this service, the accounts of the European Commission have been rejected FOR THE PAST 14 YEARS RUNNING by the European Union’s own expert Court of Auditors. This means that the European Commission, which is an illegitimate corporate entity anyway, is a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. It must be continually exposed as such.

Further, the UK Serious Fraud Office have specifically CONFIRMED that remittance of taxpayers’ funds into the hands of a criminal enterprise IS OF COURSE ITSELF A CRIMINAL OFFENCE.

What is more, our Irish associate, Richard Sharpe, visited the Court of Auditors in Luxembourg recently and obtained SPECIFIC CONFIRMATION from an official there, MR GEZA NOVACS, who told Richard that quote ‘the European Accounts have not been signed off (‘qualified’) for fourteen years or more’ unquote.


Given this state of affairs, the European Commission’s accounts CAN NEVER BE RECTIFIED. For that to happen, it would be necessary to go back to the last set of accounts that WAS APPROVED (15 YEARS AGO) and to work through all the detail, identifying the frauds and perpetrators of fraud, initiating proceedings against them, revealing every single theft and misappropriation in Notes to the Accounts, and implementing the necessary accounting adjustments. This operation would take years and of course IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

THEREFORE the European Commission will remain a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE IN PERPETUITY.

This was all reported in the exposure analysis posted here on 16th/20th September. The relevant text was reappended as Note 1 to the report dated 2nd October [Archive].

•NOTE: We understand that our reiteration of these painful realities is now causing the Eurocracy and the free-wheeling anti-nation state ‘Useful Idiot’ Europhile community considerable disquiet.


UPDATE, 4th October 2009:

Our very informed sources state AS FACT that the Irish Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty has been rigged. The article below, as you may have noticed, was angled so as to seek to persuade voters to see sense. But the nests of serpents with which we are dealing are dense. The European Union and its Commission are criminal enterprises, after all: this insufferable Germanic institution exists for the sole purpose of hijacking and usurping BY STEALTH its satrap ‘Member States” national sovereignty. That is its ENTIRE purpose, as is explained in the Editor’s exhaustive European study entitled ‘The European Union Collective: Enemy of its Member States’ (2002) [available from this website: see Edward Harle Limited Books segment].

It is AN IMMENSE, LONG-RANGE GRADUALIST OPERATION, aided and abetted by traitors inside the European national political and bureaucratic establishments, modelled on Hitler’s ‘Coup d’etat by installments’. That phrase was originally coined by a German living in the United States, Konrad Heiden, and published in his book ‘Der Fuehrer’, Boston, 1944, on page 579, cited in ‘Thirty Days: Hitler’s Thirty Days to Power, January 1933’, by the US author, Henry Ashby Turner Jr. [Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, MA and New York, 1996].

In a remarkable new study (3), the Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University, Richard J. Evans, explains, amid his horrific and meticulous accounts of the routine atrocities perpetrated by the internally feuding Nazis and their gauleiters (going far, far beyond what the general public holds in its eroding collective memory), that the most conspicuous and perpetual feature of the Nazi regime was: RAMPANT CORRUPTION, PILLAGING, STEALING, GRAFT AND CONVERSION/DIVERSION OF ASSETS: in other words, WHAT WE HAVE BEEN RECORDING.

• Moreover the gauleiters and their associates STOLE FROM AND RANSACKED EACH OTHER.

• Does that sound familiar? Of course it does. THAT’S WHAT THESE NAZIS DO.

And it is this CORRUPTION that has survived to destabilise the whole world in OUR TIME.

Because what has happened is that these Nazis, using the big German, Swiss and French banks, and the Vatican, later to be joined by British institutions, found that BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION, which came naturally to them anyway, was a more efficient means of achieving their demented hegemony objectives than military force and Blitzkrieg.

Had the Editor not discovered and experienced this from INSIDE THE SNAKE DEN, we wouldn’t have been in a position to expose this behaviour ‘from within’. Our unspeakable experience, therefore, was ‘meant to happen’, so that these exposures could be framed and published in our journal and on this website for the whole world to see and understand.

• The point here being that FRAUD, BRIBERY AND BALLOT-RIGGING go hand in hand with the sick Fraudulent Finance practices proliferated originally by the pan-German FIFTH COLUMN inside the US Intelligence Power, WHICH IS A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.

The ‘Coup d’etat by installments’ in Europe is the TWIN OPERATION, running in parallel with Nazi subversion of the United States by the same operatives, masterminded by the long-range strategic deception ‘Black’ Nazi Continuum agency based at Dachau, which operates ‘independently’ of the German Chancellor. Obviously, Hitler’s ‘Coup d’etat by installments’ was implemented over a much shorter timeframe: BUT THE PRINCIPLE IS THE SAME. The rigged Irish Referendum outcome is just another dirty step towards the imminent smothering of the residual sovereignty of the once great nations of Europe, with Britain ALWAYS seen by the pan-German snakes as the main target.

On page 164 of ‘Thirty Days’, the author described Hitler’s ‘Coup d’etat by Installments’ as follows:

‘Only by banning the Communist deputies and by resorting to intimidation and mendacity did Hitler secure on March 23 the necessary two-thirds vote in the new Reichstag for an Enabling Act that transferred legislative authority to his Cabinet, ostensibly for four years. A wave of Nazi purges followed, as one institution after another was subjugated. Arbitrary rule replaced government by law in what has aptly been termed a “Coup d’etat by installments”‘.

‘By summer, all parties except the Nazis had been dissolved, Hugenberg had been forced out of the Cabinet and Hitler had relegated Papen to insignificance by winning the trust of the President. Even earlier Goering had wrested from Papen control over the government of the largest state, Prussia. Well before the Nazi leader assumed the powers of the Presidency upon the death of Hindenburg in August 1934, he had become dictator of Germany’.


That the Irish Referendum has been rigged is therefore NO SURPRISE. For we are dealing with ruthless crooks, which is why they are keen on having the British deceiver, intelligence operative and crook, Tony BLIAR, as their first President, to match that disgusting little Portuguese operative, Barroso. Stand by now for consequences similar, in the contemporary context, to those events that followed Hitler’s acquisition of GENERAL POWERS from the Legislature by means of INTIMIDATION and MENDACITY, the techniques which, with bribery, have been used to rig the Referendum (5).

Notes and References:

1: The Sunday Telegraph, Business Section, 4th October 2009.

2: The Sunday Telegraph, page 3, 4th October 2009.

3: Richard J. Evans, Regius Professor of Modern History, Cambridge University, ‘The Third Reich at War’, The Penguin Press, New York, 2009, ISBN 978-1-59420-2006-3.

4: The Editor first understood this when he found himself sitting next to the former British Foreign Secretary, Douglas (Lord) Hurd, on a plane some years ago. Although the Editor carefully avoided confronting Hurd until the end of the flight, he established that Hurd valued British membership of the EU Collective because it fostered ‘cooperation’. However one can cooperate with an external party without getting into bed with them. It was further clear that, wittingly or not, he confused this naïve, mythical ideal of ‘cooperation’ – which suddenly evaporates when the Germans and French want their own way and browbeat all the other EU satrap states in order to get it – with the reality, namely CREEPING COLLECTIVISATION via ever-expanding oppressive regulation which is designed to usurp and destroy national sovereignty – the same objective as Lenin, Stalin and Hitler. So you can appreciate why these ‘Useful Idiots’ (as Lenin called all those who assist the World Revolution without realising what they are doing) are justly called TRAITORS.

5: We are describing and living through components, phases and elements of the ONGOING WORLD REVOLUTION, in case you hadn’t noticed.

• We will revert to the ‘usual issues’ soon, but, as you will appreciate, these matters are of vital importance and had to be addressed straight away.



Sunday 3 February 2008 01:14



By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for our ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006.

• The white panel below NEWS gives details of our intelligence titles as they are published.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing financial global corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the necessary resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Our Wantagate reports been calling all the shots, given the hijacking of Wanta’s Settlement. This is the 92nd Wantagate report: over a million words to date.

• Anonymous emails: Some time ago we removed our earlier statement that anonymous emails are trashed unread, in order to clear the top of each report from these ‘impedimenta’. As a result, we are again receiving anonymous emails from people who, by definition, have something, including their own identities and coordinates, to hide. Such anonymous emails, we repeat, are invariably trashed unread. We may report offensive emails or repetitive unsolicited emailing to the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). We have used this method to protect ourselves successfully in the past 12 months, and will do so again. FCC has demonstrated that it will respond appropriately.

• NOTE: The outcome of the US Presidential election is of extreme concern not just to the United States, but to the whole world. Therefore, it is manifestly an issue worthy of foreign comment. The contents of this report, all taken from the public domain, are pertinent to all observers worldwide. This report does not address ‘Travelgate’, ‘Fostergate’ and all the other ‘gates’ in which Mrs Clinton was enmeshed, all of which can be ‘rolled out’, no doubt, at a later date.

The American people are said to be toying with the idea of voting for Mrs Hillary Rodomski Clinton, a notoriously corrupt criminal CIA operative, as the next President of the United States. At least, that is the impression that is being concocted for public consumption.

What is really happening, however, is that the ruthless and amoral Intelligence Power, which controls the Government, is manipulating the election process so as to procure the ‘validated’ outcome that it favours – namely the installation as President of the controlled intelligence operative of its choice.

In other words, the US election process, which the Rest of the World regards as a travesty of democracy, is nothing more than an elaborate cover mechanism behind which the controlling Intelligence Power changes its front personnel, and obtains false ‘legitimacy’ in doing so.

In order to achieve this undemocratic objective, every dirty trick yet invented by the criminal intelligence cadres is being deployed – including, as usual, the rigging of vote counts by means of electronic voting equipment and software that has been designed by Diebold and other suppliers precisely so that ballot counts can be rigged in secret – the US equivalent of ballot-rigging in post-Soviet Georgia by bringing pre-stuffed ballot boxes to the polling stations.

Knowing this, the Rest of the World is beyond sick and tired of the tawdry spectacle of fraudulent US ‘democracy’ on show, in general – and of the images of Hillary on the hustings, in particular.

General reasons for global disgust at this theatrical display include:

• Knowledge of the dubious CIA criminal background of Mrs Hillary Clinton, and justified concern that an Administration headed by this woman would be exceptionally dangerous.

• Abhorrence of the hypocritical arrogance and crude insensitivity of the US Government in promoting democracy out of the barrel of a gun abroad, while rigging its own elections at home.

• Further abhorrence at the fact that 1.5+ million Iraqis have been murdered in cold blood by the jackboot US régime, with millions of survivors vulnerable to various cancers as a consequence of the indiscriminate use of depleted uranium in the weaponry deployed – inter alia so that the US fraudulent finance specialists could control the Central Bank of Iraq, for use as a ‘Black hole’ destination for fraudulent finance paper.

Most significantly, four floors of the Central Bank’s HQ building on al-Rasheed Street, in Central Baghdad, were decimated by fire on 28th January, in an operation reminiscent of the burning of those Iron Mountain warehouses in London and Ottawa in 2006, that we reported at the time: they ‘just happened’ to hold large quantities of contract documents lodged there by Deutsche Bank, which is believed to have been ‘rescued’ from collapse after Chancellor Angela Merkel held the Group of Seven powers to ransom during their pork-barrel bargaining session in Britain last Thursday [to be confirmed].

[The participation of the British Government under the corrupt Tony Blair in the Iraqi catastrophe implicated the British Government and military in the Iraqi atrocities: the criminal mind always seeks to entice other parties to participate in its criminal operations. This is standard criminal underworld ‘good practice’].

• Anger and disgust at the fact that the US Intelligence and Military Powers (1) throw their weight around all over the world, destabilising governments, stealing the funds and gold of monarchies, governments and selected targets, assassinating foreign leaders and others, interfering in the domestic affairs of other countries, arbitrarily extending US jurisdiction abroad, exporting captured targets so that they can be tortured beyond the reach of what remains of the US Rule of Law, and marketing fraudulent financial scams to witting and unwitting external recipients with cynical disregard for the suffering and rights of others, while preaching a menu of lofty ‘democratic’ principles for which its operatives have absolute contempt.

The US Government is just as likely to double-cross the allies that it has blackmailed, as to apply the standard CIA ‘bait and switch’ technique to targeted criminal collaborators such as Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic. For instance, in 1982, Washington secretly aided and abetted the Argentine junta in its project to invade and seize the Falkland Islands, its underlying motive being to grab the mineral assets of the Islands by proxy – a hidden scandal that the Editor’s researches have recently confirmed.

Each successive US Presidency seems to represent a Blacker shade of Luciferian darkness than its predecessor. And if sober Americans and the Rest of the World may be imagining that no US Government could be Blacker than the Luciferian Bush II Administration, they may have a nasty shock coming to them, unless they reject this Jezebel: and the sooner, the better.

This is a legitimate subject for a foreign correspondent, since the identity of the next President of the United States is a matter of interest and concern to the whole world.

For a Hillary Jezebel Clinton Presidency might make the George W. Bush Presidency look like an enjoyable experience, if this woman’s past behaviour is any guide. There is a respectable case for the belief that Mrs Hillary Clinton has been President for eight years already.

As President William Jefferson Clinton’s main CIA handler, she would, at the very least, have been a party to and fully aware of everything that her CIA husband perpetrated Moreover the Clintons do not bother to hide which god they serve.

Many will have taken note of the posting by the Canadian analyst Dr Henry Mackow, on, dated 28th January 2008, in which the following images were displayed:

• Former President Clinton wearing an ‘Osiris’ lapel badge, signifying his Luciferian allegiance and orientation and his dedication to the phallic, pagan god worshipped by the ancient Egyptians and other primitive cultures, and the ‘All-seeing Eye’ of Horus (the ‘All-seeing Geomasonic Eye’ floating above the uncompleted esoteric pyramid on the US $1.0 banknote).

• Chelsea Clinton wearing a pendant in the shape of an upside-down cross, routinely used in Black Masses and in invocations of Satan.

• A Hillary election event against the backdrop of a distorted American flag in which all the stars had been turned upside down, with the two ‘ears’ poking upwards, after the format of the image of Baphomet used in occult ritual.

One of the US ‘high’ Illuminati’s most secret programmes involves procuring that every computer in the world will be linked to the Pentagon. Another dimension of this gross Luciferian thinking is the supposedly aborted Poindexter ‘Total Awareness Program’ which was likewise intended to give meaning to the geomasonic ‘All-seeing Eye of Horus’ that hovers above the uncompleted occult pyramid on the American $1.0 bill.

Because the US Congress, in an unaccustomed fit of fleeting rectitude, declined to authorise this abomination, the criminal cadres organised, instead, a massive global programme of data theft, the dimensions of which were illustrated in our data theft report of 5th January 2008. At all events, the spooky esoteric eye of Horus/Osiris lapel badge worn by former President Bill Clinton confirmed this fellow as a fully-paid up US intelligence operative who is engaged in this same nutty pursuit of ‘total awareness’, i.e. the globalist, occult agenda of the ‘All-seeing Eye’.

Throughout the Clinton Presidency, evidence of a wave of murders reminiscent of Stalin’s purges accumulated. The list of victims has been widely publicised for many years, and always seems to be growing. Unlike most observers of that dimension of this vast crisis, we believe that the ‘Clinton murders’ included many assassinations perpetrated by or on behalf of the Bush Crime Family, to cover up the financial and other crimes perpetrated by Bush Sr. and his associates, including their co-conspiring criminal operative associates, the Clintons themselves.

• After all, the ransacking and stealing inter alia of the funds over which Ambassador Lee Wanta remains, to this day, the sole principal, was a risky operation, and many people, it seems, ‘had to be dispensed with’, because they knew too much.

• The same syndrome is known to be evident behind the scenes today, with lethal measures being taken against perpetrators of financial crimes like Paulson, who stole colossal amounts of money that were reportedly returned to the Treasury for proper disbursement, we undertand, last week. [To be confirmed].

As we have reiterated recently, the criminal cadres’ macro plan all along has been to engineer the installation of Mrs Hillary Clinton as the 44th President of the United States, in order to achieve the following parallel objectives:

• To give the US criminal fraudulent finance operatives a new lease of life.

• To close down the massive exposure of their ongoing crimes that has been exposed as a consequence of, and via, Wantagate.

• To enable the criminal cadres to round up and execute or incarcerate all who stand in their way and who insist upon the restoration of the Rule of Law.

• To cover up their past financial fraud crimes, their thefts and their murders, not least through control of ocrruptible law enforcement and the judiciary.

Since the intelligence community is notoriously compartmentalised, operations often overlap, and old operations that have passed their sell-by date and are proving to be counterproductive, may be allowed to continue, or may do so by default.

For instance, there have been recent signs of an aborted intent to close down disinformation operations designed to keep the victims of and participants in CIA Ponzi, Omega and the other fraudulent finance ‘programs’ from open revolt, to continue massaging their expectations, and last but not least, to set up George W. Bush Jr. as the scapegoat for everything that went wrong, while preserving the option to carry on stealing the money anyway.

But just as we believe that this is no longer feasible, thanks to the massive domestic and global publicity that has attended this crisis in part through the Wantagate exposures and in spite of the indolence of the controlled and complacent ‘mainstream’ media, neither do we believe that the Second Clinton Presidency project remains realistic, given that the financial conditions behind the scenes have been turned upside down thanks to Basel II + Wantagate.

In other words, Mrs Clinton’s CIA-controlled, compartmentalised bid for presidential power is becoming increasingly anachronistic, even as her corrupt bandwagon proceeds blandly ahead as though nothing has changed. It looks more and more like a policy of desperation that cannot be stopped and which may come to nothing, with the Clintons finally forced to take advantage of their dual citizenship by making use of their Irish passports in order to escape indictment.

• The fact that Mrs Clinton holds a foreign (Irish) passport rules her out as a legitimate candidate for the US Presidency anyway.

If realised, the macro plan would, of course, give Mrs Hillary Clinton the de facto immunity she desperately needs (and which her exhausted facial features reveal), while enabling her to appoint her CIA husband to an Ambassadorship or whatever, providing him with diplomatic immunity, along the lines of Tony Blair’s fake diplomatic post in the Middle East.

The purpose of that appointment, like Tony Blair’s possible ascendancy to the Presidency of the European Union Collective, will have been primarily to protect him from arrest, as provided for by the warrant for his arrest issued by the International Court of Justice. Blair could in any case be arrested (as could George Bush Jr. and Vice President Cheney, after they have left or been forced out of office), as a war criminal, at any time.

The other day, Mrs Clinton was reported to have boasted in public about the ‘good works’ with which she claims to be associated through the Children s Defense Fund. This is notorious for two reasons. First, it is widely known to have served as the secret money-laundering vehicle used by the Clintons for diverting stolen money, including funds belonging (we believe) to Ambassador Wanta. Secondly, it is a dual-purpose entity which has served the interests of the World Revolution and in particular has contributed to the dissemination of the old subversive revolutionary agenda espoused by the Mussolini-era Communist, Antonio Gramsci, in his ‘Prison Notebooks’.

This intelligence agitprop organisation was positioned on the ‘far left’ to agitate for the legal independence of children after infancy and early childhood, in accordance with the Illuminati’s agenda for destroying marriage and the family, as a precursor to the abolition of private property (except for that of the revolutionary élite, of course).

The Communist and Nazi literature confirm that marriage is considered to be the biggest continuing obstacle to the achievement of this Luciferian objective.

In an article entitled ‘Children under the Law’, published in Harvard Educational Review in 1982, the closet lesbian Mrs Hillary Clinton openly equated the family with slavery, elaborating her Stalinist control doctrine as follows:

‘The basic rationale for depriving people of rights in a dependency relationship is that certain individuals are incapable or undeserving of the right to take care of themselves and consequently need social institutions specifically designed to safeguard their position’.

‘Along with the family, past and present examples of such arrangements include marriage, slavery and the Indian reservation system’.

In 1978, Hillary Rodham (Rodomski) was named by President Carter to chair the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation. Her term of office, which did not expire until after the Reagan Administration came to power in 1981, was accompanied, as with everything this Jezebel touches, by controversy – over funds which had been illegally channelled for political purposes into the Western Center on Law and Poverty, based in California.

In 1983, the General Accounting Office (as it was then called) issued a report which was highly critical of this violation, and also of an attempt by this activist woman to ‘organise’ Legal Services Corporation lawyers and grantees into a lobbying network to block plans advanced by the Reagan Administration to limit the explosive growth of entitlements.

The details of this early diversion of funds – an activity in which Hillary later became an expert – make alarming reading. In January 1980, the Legal Services Corporation funnelled taxpayers’ money into the Proposition 9 Taskforce, a campaign to coordinate the activities of some 30 Legal Services Corporation grant recipients and 500 attorneys in California to defeat Proposition 9, a political ballot initiative which received widespread publicity at the time because of its primary objective: to cut Californian State taxes by 50%.

The Legal Services Corporation was explicitly precluded by its charter, and by US statute law, from providing such political assistance to defeat a State ballot initiative. So, according to the General Accounting Office report dated 19th September 1983, the Legal Services Corporation, the Western Center on Law and Poverty, which had received a $61,655 ‘Special Needs’ grant for the purpose of hiring four ‘coordinators’ to direct the campaign, ‘and certain other unidentified California Legal Services grantees, violated the provision of 42 U.S.C. Section 2996e(d)(4) in providing funds and personnel support for the Proposition 9 Taskforce that operated a large-scale opposition campaign to the Proposition 9 ballot measure’. The activities undertaken by those involved, led by the Legal Services Corporation chaired by Mrs Clinton, ‘were the precise sort… prohibited by the statute’s injunction against using corporate funds to oppose a ballot measure that is already on the ballot and where clients’ legal rights are not at issue’.

In 1987-88 (and probably for longer) Mrs Clinton served as Director and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the New World Foundation, another Agency revolutionary agitprop entity, which had earned a notorious reputation for being among the ‘most liberal’ (which in America for some reason means ‘socialist’ or ‘Communist’) entities in the United States – dedicated to the activist support of ‘progressive organizations’, as Mrs Clinton herself wrote in the Foreword to the entity’s Annual Report for 1987-88.

In 1988 the New World Foundation (the name of which refers to the ‘New World’ these brainwashed revolutionary ‘Useful Idiots’ all think they are creating on behalf of their ‘friend’ Lucifer, not to the Western Hemisphere) made a grant to CISPES (Committee in Support of the People of El Salvador) founded in New York City in 1980 by Farid Handal, brother of El Salvador’s Communist Party chief, Shafik Handal. That illustrates the true political orientation of this woman, who comes from Jewish immigrant stock originally from Russia.

The ‘New World Order’ that the revolutionaries espouse should of course be renamed the ‘New World Disorder’ for the straightforward reason that these people, who are controlled by or who are devotees of a Dark Force who is the author of lies and confusion, cannot create ‘order’, because their only ultimate product is death (both spiritual and physical).

One need only contemplate the satanic death and destruction that Bush II and his Nazi-Trotskyite neocons have inflicted on Iraq, and wish to inflict upon Iran, to be reminded that their agenda is chaos and disorder, even though their Tavistock-style brainwashing convinces them that they possess the answer to every problem in the world.

This is the mindset, for public consumption, at any rate, of Mrs Hillary Jezebel Rodomski Clinton.

So Mrs Clinton’s dubious reputation goes back a long way. A taped interview exists, and is held in a secure location, in which a US intelligence operative reveals that in the late 1990s he was one of four US operatives who flew to Grenada to investigate Mrs Clinton’s removal of $500 million from Bank Crozier. The operative states on tape that it was discovered that the bank’s video camera system was mysteriously inactivated during the precise period of time that Mrs Clinton was visiting the branch. The video cameras were focused on the area where clients are seen.

It is reported that (‘understandably’) Mrs Clinton has not declared the $500 million of stolen funds for tax purposes. The funds were originally stolen ‘by others’ from Ambassador Wanta after he was illegally ‘taken down’ in July 1993 on trumped-up tax evasion charges (see our ‘Wisconsingate’ report dated 6th August 2007 in the Archive, for details).

Given that former President Clinton’s primary intelligence community handler is believed to have been his CIA wife, it stands to reason that Mrs Hillary Rodomski Clinton may have condoned and may have been fully aware of the type of underworld operatives with which President Clinton was associated. The list of Presidential Pardons given below, dished out by President Clinton, shows his Lufiferian priorities and illustrates just how decadent the US political system has become.

Not only is the 1947 National Security Act et seq, notoriously considered to be a crooks’ charter since it ‘legitimises’ the incessant criminal activities of the US Intelligence Power, in need of immediate drastic reform, but a tradition has arisen of Presidents granting pardons to criminal operatives who have been incarcerated after having been found guilty of mafia-style crimes.

It is logical to assume that such pardons are granted because the President ‘owes’ the criminals concerned, or is vulnerable to being blackmailed by them or by their associates.

• In other words, by studying this list, we can see what kind of Black régime a further Clinton Presidency is certain to be likely to represent.

Because this tradition has become embedded, we are witnesses to an environment in which a nod and a wink is given to criminal intelligence operatives and mafia gangsters to go about their dirty business in collaboration as necessary with US criminal intelligence operatives, equipped with an assumed Presidential assurance that should they be found out, indicted and imprisoned, they can ‘rely’ upon a Presidential Pardon to bail them out.

Even more insidiously, given the wholesale reported compromising of the Legislative Branch, the known corruption of elements of US law enforcement, the bribery of some Gold Badges, and the masonic ‘Brotherhood’ of the judiciary, which is open to financial inducements from the likes of CIA criminal operatives such as Vice President Richard Cheney, a dark Luciferian ‘culture’ has arisen whereby the criminal intelligence operative and his mafia gangster colleague have come to expect not only that, in the worst case scenario, a Presidential Pardon will be forthcoming to bail them out, but also that the likelihood of being caught is minimal, given the circumstances described.

Observe also that while President Clinton was so busily pardoning cocaine, amphetamine, LSD and marihuana distributors, manufacturers of counterfeit Federal Reserve notes, bank fraudsters, bank employees who had falsified bank records and embezzled bank depositors’ funds, embezzlers of Savings and Loan Association balances, bank robbers, counterfeiters of Government obligations, securities conmen and fraudsters, evaders of tax, extortioners, forgers of US savings and other bonds, racketeers, felons who have committed bribery of judges and public officials, the former CIA Director (DCI) John Deutch, Marc Rich (Hans Brand) and his side-kick Pincus Green, traders with the enemy, Grand and ordinary jury tamperers, and innumerable other categories of felon – the most distinguished and accomplished American intelligence patriot of our age, Ambassador Lee Wanta, was languishing in the vast US GULAG, after having being falsely accused on perjured false witness evidence and jailed for not paying to the corrupt Wisconsin State Department of Revenue $14,129 that he had never owed but had already paid twice under protest.

He was ‘taken down’ by Bush Sr. and his criminal presidential collaborator, President Clinton, so that his accumulated assets could then be ransacked, diverted, stolen and used as collateral inter alia for the raising of a duplicated aggregate amount of $27.5 trillion, as previously reported.

If the American electorate allows itself to be manoeuvred by the criminalised Intelligence Power through the usual exploitation of electronic vote-rigging, loaded and biased TV interviews and so-called ‘debates’, false political prospectuses and the fake blandishments fronted by this notorious Jezebel woman, they can expect a resurgence of criminality and a reign of criminal terror far worse than that perpetrated by the Bush II Administration – which is on its last legs and is being brought to its knees as a consequence of the momentum established by Wantagate, the imposition of the Basel II banking régime, and the determination of the international financial community, despite its own nefarious complicity in what has been going on, to put an end to this terminal criminality.

For a Hillary Rodomski Clinton Presidency will have as its primary objective the saving of the President’s own skin, the burying of past financial crimes, murders and other serial abominations, and the perpetration of endless further financial and other crimes, on the assumption that the criminal cadres will have managed to wangle a new lease of life for themselves.

This cannot be allowed to happen. Just look at the kind of people that former President Clinton pardoned. Every type of swindler, financial criminal, money launderer and drug trafficker under the sun was pardoned by that criminal President. Note also that a number of people incarcerated for breach of the Misprision of Felony statute (see below) were pardoned – reminding us that this law is very much alive and that all readers of these reports in the United States are required by law to inform a military officer, judge or other appropriate office holder under the United States, of the crimes reported, on pain of a fine and imprisonment for not more than three years.

The only pardon on this list that seems justified was the Presidential Pardon handed to a member of the US military who had been imprisoned in the GULAG for stealing a few pounds of butter.

• NOTE that President Clinton did not pardon Ambassador Wanta. He could not do so, even if he had been so inclined (which would have been out of the question, since he is a co-conspirator in the stealing of Wanta’s funds), because Lee Wanta committed no crimes. Wanta, in turn, could not have accepted a Presidential Pardon, for the same reason.

(1) The control model on which the revolutionary United States (and all other ‘Leninist’ countries, defined as power structures which routinely employ the same dialectical deception methodology) operates, consists of three sides of the usual esoteric/geomasonic triangle:

Left Side: The Intelligence Power, which, because of its penetration skills, penetrates and therefore controls the two other sides of the power triangle, namely:

Right Side: The Military Power. The current situation, as we understand it, is that a significant proportion of the US Military Power has seen through the deception and is increasingly cognisant of the fact that its’ officers’ oath of loyalty is to uphold the Constitution against all enemies, both domestic and foreign, not to the President. Bush II purports to mimic the line of Louis XIV, who famously declared that ‘L’etat c’est moi’ (I am the State); but this is NOT the case in the United States, where ALL elected and appointed officials are SERVANTS of the People, who alone are sovereign. At all events, it is important to be aware that the Military Power is divided, as stated.

Base side: The Party, or the Political Power. Here, the Editor usually prefers the label ‘the Party’, because this enables the further point to be made, namely that the Party is ONE, with two dialectical wings, which are controlled by the Intelligence Power. THEREFORE, it is neither here nor there which Party wins elections, as the controlling Intelligence Power always wins.

This is the essence of the United States’ millennial crisis. The Intelligence Power is in control, out of control, and needs urgently to be brought under control. And as the US Intelligence Power is by definition a criminal enterprise, sustained by the National Security Act et seq (the crooks’ charter), it follows that the US Government is always a Black Government. This malevolent, dangerous and wayward abuse of power is the root cause of the crisis: and until the Intelligence Power is brought to heel, decisively, the revolutionary United States will remain a hazard both to itself and to the Rest of the World. These basic facts may not be palatable, but they are true.


• Aronsohn, David Phillip, MN.,1961 Failure to pay special occupational tax on wagering,
26 U.S.C. § 7203

• Bain-Prentice, Wanda Kaye, AZ, 1982 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Barucco, Antonio, U. S. Army general court-martial 1945 Desertion: violation of 58th Article of War

• Beck, Kristine Margo, ID, 1981 Bank embezzlement, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Billmaier, David Christopher , NM, 1980 Possession with intent to distribute amphetamines,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Brown, Terry Lee, KY, 1962, Interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle, 18 U.S.C. § 2312

• Bruton, Joe Carl, TX, 1979, Conspiracy to commit mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• DeMarce, Nolan Lynn, WI, 1983 Making false statements to obtain bank loans, 18 U.S.C. § 1014

• Dick, Jimmy C, CA, 1976 Conspiracy to manufacture counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes,
18 U.S.C. § 371: counterfeiting operations generally

• Dishman, Edward Eugene, OK,1983 Conspiracy to defraud the United States and Oklahoma counties, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Engle, Brenda Kay, IN, 1983 Conspiracy to commit theft from interstate shipment, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Fajer, Mary Theresa , OR, 1980 Conspiracy to commit bank embezzlement, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 371

• Forte, Albert James , DC, 1973 Making and subscribing false and fraudulent income tax return,
26 U.S.C. § 7206(1)

• Fendley, Frazier Lee, AL, 1965 Interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle,
18 U.S.C. § 2312

• Freeland, Robert Linward Jr., IN, 1983 Forcible rescue of seized property, 26 U.S.C. § 7212(b)

• Furst, Ralph Leon, CA, 1966 Embezzlement of United States mail (U.S. Code section not cited)

• Gericke, Barbara Ann, WI, 1984 Conspiracy to introduce contraband into Federal prison,
18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1791

• Gilmore, Billy Joe, TX, 1982 Mail fraud and aiding and abetting, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Lafrate, Loreto Joseph, WV, 1976 Failure to record receipt of firearms, 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(m), 924(a)

• Jones, Carl Bruce, MO, 1983 Distribution of marijuana and use of telephone to facilitate marijuana distribution, 18 U.S.C. § 2 and 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 843(b)

• Leverenz, Candace Deon, CA, 1972 Unlawful distribution of LSD,
21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and (b)(1)(B)

• Lindgren, George William, NY, 1975 Bank embezzlement, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Meierkord, Brian George, IL, 1983 Making false statement to bank, 18 U.S.C. § 1014

• Miller, Jackie Lee, OK, 1983 Conspiracy to defraud the United States, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Naulty, Joseph Patrick, PA, 1980 Carrying away goods moving in foreign shipment,
18 U.S.C. § 659

• Noel, Theodore Roosevelt, AL 1972 Selling whiskey in unstamped containers; making a false statement in connection with the acquisition of firearms from licensed dealer, 26 U.S.C. § 5604(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(a)(6) and 924(a)

• Oaks, Mary Louise, LA, 1979 Conspiracy to defraud the Government with respect to claims,
18 U.S.C. § 286

• Padelsky, Robert Paul, UT, 1980 Misapplication of bank funds, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Peterson, Elizabeth Amy, NV,1985 Conspiracy to make false statements to bank, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Prather, Susan Lauranne, AR, 1975 Causing marijuana to be transported through the mail,
21 U.S.C. § 843(b)

• Quammen, Gary Lynn, WI, 1976 Misapplication of bank funds, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Raymond, Robert Ronal, CT, 1972 Conspiracy to manufacture, receive,possess, and sell firearms silencers, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Rushing, Elizabeth Hogg, GA, 1978 Misapplication of bank funds, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Schaffer, Marc Alan, NY, 1968 False statements to Selective Service System Local Board,
50 U.S.C. Appendix § 462(a)

• Smith, Roy Aaron, TX, 1982 Misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4

• Smunk, Diane Dorothea, SD, 1984 Embezzlement by Government employee, 18 U.S.C. § 641

• Stathakis, Thomas Peter, 1976 Selling and delivering firearms to out-of-state resident and falsifying firearms records, 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(b)(3), 922(m), and 924(a)

• Vacanti, Kathleen, CA, 1979 Conspiracy to defraud the United States by obtaining payment of false claims, presenting false claims to the United States, forging a writing, and also aiding and abetting,
18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 286, 287, and 495

• White, Pupi, MO, 1985 Making false statement on United States passport application,
18 U.S.C. § 911

• Wicker, Charles Coleman, MO, 1975 Conspiracy to conduct illegal gambling business,
18 U.S.C. § 371

• Woods, Roderick Douglas, MS, 1982 Misappropriation of bank funds and aiding and abetting,
18 U.S.C. §§ 656 and 2


• Barisic, Bradley Vaughn, CA,1980 Making false statement to National Labor Relations Board,
18 U.S.C. § 1001

• Brantley, Herschel L, U. S. Air Force general court-martial 1951
Larceny in violation of 93rd Article of War

• Byars, Linda Bailey, SC, 1975 Bank embezzlement, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Chapin, Patricia Ann, MO, 1986 Falsifying prescription for controlled substance,
21 U.S.C. § 843(a)(4)(A) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Jacobs, Ronald, PA,1967 Theft from interstate shipment, 18 U.S.C. § 659

• Marks , Margaret Mary, OH, 1984 Wilful misapplication of bank funds, 18 U.S.C. § 657

• Martin, John Richard, CA, 1956 Embezzlement of funds from Savings and Loan Association,
18 U.S.C. § 657

• McKinney, Earl Thomas , U. S. Air Force summary court-martial 1. 1951 1. Absent without leave 2. U. S. Air Force general court-martial 1959 2. Larceny by check, writing check with insufficient funds, and false claims, in violation of U.C.M.J., Articles 121, 132, and 134

• Odoms, Shirley Jean, TX, 1978 Filing false claim for tax refund, 18 U.S.C. § 287

• Pakis, Jack, AR, 1972 Operation of illegal gambling business, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1955

• Roberts, Gordon Jr., LA, 1977 Interstate transportation of forged and falsely made securities,
18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 2314

• Terhune, Jr., Carl Edward, OK, 1985 Issuing United States Postal Service money orders while postal employee with intent to defraud Postal Service, 18 U.S.C. § 500


• Avery, Irving Frank, CO, 1984 Possession of counterfeit plates, 18 U.S.C. §§ 474 and 2

• Berry, Billy K. Ark. 1986 Medicaid and mail fraud, 42 U.S.C. §1396h(a)(1)(i) and 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Carson, Clio Louise, WY, 1979 Transmission of wagering information, 18 U.S.C. § 1084

• Casadei-Severei, Puerto Rico, Giuseppe Puerto Rico 1987
Obstruction of justice, 18 U.S.C. § 1503

• Chapman, Glen Edison, NC, Removing, possessing, and concealing non-tax-paid whiskey,
26 U.S.C. §§ 5632 and 7206.

• 2. 1957 Removing, possessing, and concealing non-tax-paid whiskey,
26 U.S.C. §§ 5632 and 5008(b)(1)

• Crawford, Ralph Wallace, CA, 1985 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Golden, Aaron , TX, 1986 Failure to file a currency transaction report,
31 U.S.C. §§ 5313 and 5322(a)

• King, Monroe Lee, TX, 1973, Making plates for counterfeiting
Federal Reserve Notes, 18 U.S.C. § 474

• Limbaugh, Ralph Lee, AL, 1974 Theft from interstate shipment, 18 U.S.C. § 659

• Maynes, Jr., George Edward , Canal Zone, 1975 Distribution of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Morgan, Charley. OK, 1964 Unlawful possession of still and manufacture of mash, 26 U.S.C.
§§ 5179(a), 5601(a)(1), 5601(a)(7)

• Morse, Linzie Murle, LA, 1973 Interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicle and selling same, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2312 and 2313

• Murrin, Charles Patrick, CA, 1988 Bank robbery, 18 U.S.C. § 2113(a)

• Ramos, Moises Jaurequi, NM, 1983 Misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4

• Richardson, William Ray, MO, 1983 Interstate transportation of stolen property,
18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 2314

• Weaver, Raymond Phillip , U. S. Navy summary court-martial 1947 Theft of four pounds of butter

• West, Bill Wayne MS, 1984 Dealing in firearms without license, 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(a)(1) and 924(a)

• Whitlock, Anita Glenn, DC, 1978 Bank embezzlement, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Williams, Jr., Edward Kenneth, IA, 1979 Receiving and selling stolen motor vehicles and aiding and abetting the same, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 2313

• Winfield, Larry Edward, AK, 1987 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Winters, Louis Anthony 1. U.S. Navy general court-martial. Unauthorized absence from duty 1969. 2. Assault with dangerous weapon, 18 U.S.C. § 1153


• Arakelian, Haig Ardash (a.k.a. Haig Arthur Arakelian), CA, 1975
Possession of marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 844

• Ashworth, Estel Edmond, TX, 1974 Theft of mail by postal employee, 18 U.S.C. § 1709

• Burgio, Vincent Anthony, CA, 1972 Possession of counterfeit Government obligations,
18 U.S.C. § 472

• Burton, Thomas Earl, VA, 1982 Attempted possession with intent to distribute cocaine,
21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846

• Cuevas, Jesse, NK, 1984 Unauthorized possession of food stamps, 7 U.S.C. § 2024(b)

• Fox, Harry Erla, U.S. Army summary and special courts- martial 1961 Absence without leave,
Article 86, U.C.M.J.

• Gardner, James William, WO, 1983 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine,
21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841(a)(1)

• Guedea , Alejandro Cruz, U.S. Army general court-martial 1949 Larceny of Government property

• Haygood, Sebraien Michael, NY, 1982 Importation of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 952(a) and 960(a)(1)

• Hultgren, Jr., Warren Curtis, TX, 1982 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine,
21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841(a)(1)

• Johnson, Sharon Sue, AK, 1986 Bank embezzlement, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Kelly, Ronald Ray, U.S. Marine Corps court-martial 1969 Unauthorized absences, escape from lawful custody, breaking restriction

• Knippling, Francis Dale, SD, 1985 Conversion of mortgaged property, 18 U.S.C. § 658

• Krukar, Michael Ray, AK, 1988 Unlawful distribution of marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Larkin, Michael Francis , MA, 1984 False statements to HUD, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1001

• McCall, Leslie Jan, OK, 1988 Use of telephone for cocaine distribution,
21 U.S.C. § 843(b)

• Miller, Bobby Joe, TX, 1982 Misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4

• Payne, William Edward, OR, 1965 Wilful attempt to evade excise tax on wagers, 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Radke, Robert Earl, CA, 1981 Wilful attempt to evade income taxes, 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Ratliff, David Walter, OK, 1981 Making false statement to the Government, 18 U.S.C. § 1001

• Reynolds, Billy Wayne, TX, 1981 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Sanchez, Jr., Benito Maldonado, TX, 1960 Possession of marijuana without payment of transfer tax, 26 U.S.C. § 4744(1)

• Seals, Vicki Lynn (a.k.a. Vicki Lynn Miller), TX, 1984 Making a false statement to a Federally insured bank while an employee of that bank, 18 U.S.C.§ 1005

• Seymour, Lewis Craig, OK, 1979 Distribution of Phencyclidine (PCP), 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Smith, Irving A, MD, 1957 Conspiracy to engage in price-fixing,
15 U.S.C. §§ 1 and 2 (Sherman Act)

• Sobin, Darrin Paul, CA, 1987 Conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Stewart, Monty Mac, OK, 1983 Conspiracy to defraud U.S. and counties within Oklahoma, mail fraud, and aiding and abetting filing a false income tax return, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 371, and 1341, and
26 U.S.C. § 7206(1)

• Teker, Kevin Lester, WA, 1989 Maliciously damaging property used in an activity affecting interstate commerce by means of an explosive, 18 U.S.C. § 844(i)

• Thompson, John Timothy, OK, 1986 Use of the telephone to facilitate cocaine distribution,
21 U.S.C. § 843(b)

• Tobin, Paul Loy, AL, 1968 Interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicle, 18 U.S.C. § 2312

• Wachter, Gerald William, PA, 1974 Conspiracy to cause stolen goods to be transported in interstate commerce, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Wolf, Marian Lane, TX, 1988 Misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4

• Woodard, Samuel Harrell, 1. U.S. Air Force summary court-martial 1. 1952 1. Absent without leave Ga. 2. 1955 2. Theft from an interstate shipment, 18 U.S.C. § 659


• Flipper, Henry Ossian U.S. Army general court-martial 1891 Conduct unbecoming an officer


• Appleton, II, Meredith Marcus, OK, 1990 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 846

• Barnett, Steven Laurence, CA, 1987 Misapplication of bank funds and aiding and abetting the same, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 657

• Clifton, Russell Carl, CA, 1977 Transmission of a false distress signal,
47 U.S.C. § 325 (misdemeanor)

• Cox, Albert McMullen, GA, 1987 Bribery of a public official, 18 U.S.C. § 201(b)

• Crandall, Bernard Earl, IL, 1985 Theft from interstate shipment, 18 U.S.C. § 659

• Del Carlo, Eugene Harold, CA, 1979 Conspiracy and blackmail,
18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 873 (misdemeanors)

• Deusterman, Kenneth Lee, MN, 1991 False statement to HUD, 18 U.S.C. § 1012 (misdemeanor)

• Els, Frank Allen, WA, 1976 Possession of an unregistered firearm, 26 U.S.C. § 5861(d)

• Evans, Arthur Neil, CA, 1954 Protecting and assisting a deserter from the U.S. Army,
18 U.S.C. § 1381

• Frederick, Elizabeth Marie (f.k.a.Elizabeth Sigmon) Dak. 1987 Distribution and possession with intent to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Gano, Jackie Lynn, IA, 1976 Receiving money or benefits through transactions of Federal credit institution with intent to defraud while officer or employee of institution, 18 U.S.C. § 1006

• Gilmour, Jr., Daniel Clifton , SC, 1985 Importation of marijuana,
21 U.S.C. §§ 952(a), 960, 963, and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Gilmour, Michael Lee, SC, 1985 Importation of marijuana,
21 U.S.C. §§ 952(a), 960, 963, and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Goodman, Theodore Avram, CA, 1981 Unauthorized sale of Government property,
18 U.S.C. § 641

• Jorgensen, Michael Charles, NM, 1981 Misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4

• Kampf, Leonard Charles, VA, 1990 Conveyance of Government property without authority,
18 U.S.C. § 641

• Knull, Kenneth Marshall, Navy general court-martial 1976 Disobeying a lawful general order, negligently suffering destruction of military property, negligently hazarding two Naval vessels, Articles 92, 108, and 110, UCMJ

• Maleki, Reza Arabian, ND, 1984 Conspiracy to make false statements to INS; false statements to INS, and aiding and abetting the same, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 371, and 1001

• McGuire, William Ronald, NY, 1978 Income tax evasion, 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Meeks, Freddie Navy general court-martial 1944 Making a mutiny during wartime

• Miller , Steven Dwayne, TX, 1985 Possession of counterfeit Federal Reserve notes with intent to sell or otherwise use, 18 U.S.C. § 474

• Moreland, Jodie David, LA, 1987 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), 841(b)(6), 846

• Odell, Lloyd Robert, WA, 1983 Theft of Government property, 18 U.S.C. § 641

• Palubicki, John Richard, WI, 1988 Conspiracy to defraud the IRS; income tax evasion, 18 U.S.C. § 371 and 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Palubicki, Patricia Ann, WI, 1988 Conspiracy to defraud the IRS; income tax evasion, 18 U.S.C. § 371 and 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Pixley, Mark Edwin, OR, 1991 Aiding in the manufacture, by cultivation, of marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Rhone, Theodore Alfred, DC, 1987 Wire fraud and aiding and abetting same,
18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1343

• Samet , Warren David, FL, 1968 Transporting, concealing, and facilitating the transportation of marijuana that was acquired without paying the tax imposed, 26 U.S.C. § 4744(a)(2)

• Skorman, Steven Elliott, GA, 1972 Distributing lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD),
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Smith, Ronald Marsh Army general court-martial 1977 Stealing mail matter, Article 134, UCMJ

• Steele, Richard Beauchamp, TX, 1989 Conspiracy to eliminate competition by fixing prices in interstate commerce, 15 U.S.C. § 1

• Summerbell, Christine Ann (f.k.a.Christine Ann McKeown), WI, 1984 Theft of mail by postal employee, 18 U.S.C. § 1709

• Suvino, Robert A, AR, 1988 Conspiracy to commit mail fraud and mail fraud,
18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1341

• Thomas, Jr., Daniel Larry, OH, 1987 Illegal use of a communication facility to distribute cocaine,
21 U.S.C. § 843

• Walraven, Howard Edwin, AR, 1968 Theft from an interstate shipment, 18 U.S.C. § 659

• Wesenberg, Martin Harry, WI, 1964 Wilfully failing to pay the special occupational tax on wagering, and aiding and abetting the same, 26 U.S.C. § 7203 and 18 U.S.C. § 2 (misdemeanor)

• West, Virgil Edwin, OK,1982 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1341


• King, Preston Theodore M.D., GA, 1961 1. Failure to appear for physical examination;
failure to appear for induction into the Armed Forces, 50 U.S.C. App. § 46 2. Ga. 2. 1962 (indicted).
2. Bail jumping, 18 U.S.C. § 3146


• Crosby, Gregory Leon, ME, 1987 Theft by postal employee, 18 U.S.C. § 1709

• Dague, Everett Gale IA, 1982 Conspiracy to obstruct commerce by extortion, extortion, demanding or receiving illegal payments on behalf of a labor union, and demanding or accepting illegal unloading fees from a motor vehicle driver,
18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1951, 29 U.S.C. §§186(b)(1) and (2)

• Duller, Terry Stephen, WI, 1990 Engaging in illegal gambling business, 18 U.S.C. § 1955; failure to pay excise tax, 26 U.S.C. § 7262

• Frye, Richard George, ME, 1973 Knowingly shipping and transporting a firearm in interstate commerce, having been convicted of a felony, 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(g) and 924

• Gregory, Jr., Edgar Allen. AL, 1986 Conspiracy to wilfully misapply bank funds, make false statements to a bank, and commit wire fraud; misapplication of bank funds by person connected with a bank, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 656, and 2

• Gregory, Vonna Jo, AL, 1986 Conspiracy to wilfully misapply bank funds, make false statements to a bank, and commit wire fraud; misapplication of bank funds by person connected with a bank, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 656, and 2

• Hamilton, Carl David. AK, 1986 Bank fraud, and conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343 and 371 Kirschner, Charles Edward, AK, 1993 Theft of bank property,
18 U.S.C. § 2113(b)

• Megla, Charles Douglas, KY,1980 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Nordine, Owen Neil, AZ, 1963 Interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle, 18 U.S.C. § 2312

• Rohring, William Thomas, MN, 1986 Forgery of U.S. Treasury check, 18 U.S.C. § 510

• Share, Lawrence David, CA, 1975 Conspiracy to commit securities fraud, sale of unregistered securities, and the use of manipulative devices in connection with the sale of securities, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 2, and 15 U.S.C. §§ 77e(a), 77q(a), 77x, 78ff, and 78j(b)

• Steinkamp, Wayne Cletus, IA, 1988 Conspiracy in restraint of trade in interstate commerce,
15 U.S.C. § 1

• Thomas, Peter John, DE, 1978 Conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute,
21 U.S.C. § 846

• Wilson, Heather Elizabeth (f.k.a.Heather Elizabeth Calvin) OK,1993 Use of telephone
to facilitate commission of drug-trafficking felony, 21 U.S.C. § 843(b)

• Yellow Owl, Donna Marie (f.k.a.Donna Marie Coursey), MT, 1988
False statements, 18 U.S.C. § 1001


• Gilbreath, Carl Stanley, GA, 1971 Interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle,
18 U.S.C. § 2312

• Goodson, Claudette Dean (f.k.a.Claudette Goodson Findeisen), 1986 Aiding and abetting embezzlement of Government funds, 18 U.S.C. §§ 641 and 2

• Hessling, Dane Robert, OH, 1987 Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 846, and distribution and possession with intent to distribute cocaine,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Hopkins, Elwood Dwight, NJ, 1962 1. Theft of Government property, 18 U.S.C. § 6412.
Mutilation of coins, 18 U.S.C. § 331

• Jones, Thomas Vernon, WO, 1989 Filing a false tax return, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1)

• Kimball, Jr., Madison Dow, AR, 1983 Bank robbery, 18 U.S.C. § 2113(a)

• LeBlanc, Cynthia Lou (f.k.a.Cynthia Lou Gallagher), TX, 1978 Conspiracy to distribute and possess methaqualone, 21 U.S.C. § 846

• Lipps, Peter Thomas, CA, 1981 Possession of counterfeit Government obligation, 18 U.S.C. § 472

• Michiaels, John Carroll, IN, 1989 Purloining and converting property of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and aiding and abetting therein, 18 U.S.C. §§ 641 and 2

• Sacchi, Richard Edwin, FL, 1989 Conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute,
21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846

• Smith, Horace Carroll, SC, 1992 Conspiracy to violate the Federal securities laws,
18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 2

• Tallant, Tammy Lawan, OK, 1991 Misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4

• Waren, Carl Dennis , AR, 1980 Interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles, 18 U.S.C. § 2314

• Warr, Robert Alexander , 1982 False statements, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 and 2

• Wetzel, Jr., James H. , LA, 1981 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine,
18 U.S.C. § 371, and 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Zeman, Diane Mae (a.k.a. Diane Mae Moseman), NY, 1981 Use of a telephone to facilitate importation of hashish oil, 21 U.S.C. § 843(b)


• Casto, III, William Oshel, WI, 1984 Embezzlement by a bank employee, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Hall, Donald Demerest, DE .1974 Misapplication of bank funds by an employee, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Little, Cheryl Ada Elizabeth, FL, 1978 Conspiracy with intent to distribute a controlled substance, 21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841(a)(1)

• McMillan, Joe Clint, 1992, Conspiracy to violate the Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1

• Rust, Jeralyn Kay, MN, 1990 Wire fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343 and 2

• Schoffstall, Jane Marie, CA, 1989 Possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Smith, Jr., William Calvin, PA, 1970 Interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle,
18 U.S.C. § 2312


• Curry, Glen David, AL, 1982 Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine, distributing and possessing with intent to distribute cocaine, and using a telephone to facilitate distribution of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), 843(b), and 846

• Hartson, III, Dave Meyer, LA, 1993 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Karstetter, Carl Edward, PA, 1992 Conversion of Government property, 18 U.S.C. § 641

• Lewis, Donald Spencer, TX, 1991 False statements to a Government agency, 18 U.S.C. § 1001

• Orlinsky, Walter Sidney, MD, 1982 Extortion under color of official right, 18 U.S.C. § 1951

• Petersen, Howard Charles, NB, 1971 Embezzlement by a bank employee and making

• false entries in a bank’s records, 18 U.S.C. §§ 656 and 1005

• Silvi, John Laurence, NJ, 1992 Conspiracy to make unlawful payments to a union official,
18 U.S.C. § 371, 29 U.S.C. § 186

• Silvi, II, Laurence John, NJ, 1992 Conspiracy to bribe a union official,
18 U.S.C. § 371, 29 U.S.C. § 186

• Vodde, John Donald, IN, 1989 Possession and distribution of cocaine, and aiding and abetting,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Vodde, Melinda Kay Stewart, IN, 1989 Distribution of cocaine, and aiding and abetting, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Winn, Philip Donald , DC, 1994, Conspiracy to give illegal gratuities, 18 U.S.C. § 371


• Allen, Jimmy Lee, AR, 1990 False statements to agency of United States, 15 U.S.C. § 714m(a)

• Baker, Virgil Lamoin, IL, 1959 Violation of the Military Training and Service Act,
50 U.S.C. App. § 462

• Barker, Garran Dee, AR, 1986 Conspiracy to commit bank and wire fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Baxter, Nancy M., VA, 1990 Tax evasion and filing a false amended tax return;
26 U.S.C. §§ 7201 and 7206(1)

• Besser, Charles N, IL, 1985 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Billings, Harlan Richard, ME, 1985 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 1,000+ pounds of marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 846

• Birdseye, Edward Raymond, CA, 1992 Unlawful use of a communication facility, 21 U.S.C. § 843(b)

• Blunt, Jr., Roscoe Crosby, Army court-martial 1945, Fraternization, Article of War 96

• Boggs, Charles Edward, AR, 1977 Receiving a stolen motor vehicle which was part of interstate commerce, 18 U.S.C. § 2313

• Bonner, Terry Coy, WV, 1986 Possession of an illegally made destructive device,
26 U.S.C. § 5861(c)

• Brown, III, Alfred Whitney, LA, 1992 Illegal sale of wildlife by allowing hunting over a baited field, 16 U.S.C. §§ 3372(a)(1), 3372(c)(1)(A), and 3373(d)(1)(B), and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Carpenter, William Robert, CA, 1991 Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• DiGirolamo, Philip Vito, CA, 1984 Conspiracy to import marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 963; wilfully subscribing to a false tax return, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1)

• Dionis, Peter Welling, NY, 1976, Conspiracy, importation, and possession with intent to distribute hashish, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), 952(a), and 963, and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Dorn, Darrin Dean, IA, 1981 Conspiracy to damage property by means and use of an explosive,
18 U.S.C. § 371

• Gimbel, Peter Bailey, NY, 1991 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 846

• Grandmaison, Philip Joseph , NH, 1996 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 1346

• Grist, Joe Robert, TX, 1990 Misapplication of funds by a bank employee, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Hartung, Jr., LeRoy Kenneth , NV, 1986 Interception of wire communications,
18 U.S.C. § 2511(1)(a)

• Hendrick, III, Joseph Riddick, NC, 1997 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Hirschberg, Judd Blair, IL, 1991 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Houston, Robert Quinn, MS, 1986 Conspiracy to obstruct commerce by extortion,
18 U.S.C. § 1951(a)

• Hughes, Martin Joseph, OH, 1987 Aiding and abetting the falsification of union records, aiding and assisting in the submission of false tax records, making false statements to a Government agency, 29 U.S.C. § 439(c) and 18 U.S.C. § 2, 26 U.S.C. § 7204, 18 U.S.C. § 1001

• Johnson, Jere Wayne, OK, 1982 Conspiracy to defraud the United States and Garfield County, Oklahoma, while serving as a county commissioner, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Johnson, Michael Thomas, MS, 1987 Filing false tax returns, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1)

• Keys, Daniel Wayne, TX, 1977 Possession with intent to distribute marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Killough, Larry Ray, AR, 1985 Unlawful distribution of prescription drugs, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Kligman, Jack, PA, 1985 Conspiracy and mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1341

• Labagnara, Hector Osvaldo, NJ, 1976 Conspiracy to transport stolen motor vehicles in interstate commerce, to receive and sell stolen motor vehicles, to transport false vehicle registrations in interstate commerce, and to receive and dispose of false vehicle registrations; receipt and sale of stolen motor vehicles; 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 2313

• Lestz, Moses Jubilee (f.k.a. Michael Eugene Lestz), AR, 1982 Forgery of United States savings bond, 18 U.S.C. § 495

• Liebscher, Leon Lee, OK, 1982 Conspiracy to defraud the United States (tax evasion),
18 U.S.C. § 371

• Mancini, Pierluigi, GA, 1985 Possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)

• McCown, Jr., John Ross, NB, 1992 Structuring of transactions to evade reporting requirements, 31 U.S.C. §§ 5324(3) and 5322(b) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• McKenna, III, Edward Francis, MS, 1993 Possession with intent to distribute anabolic steroids,
21 U.S.C. § 333(e)(1)

• Mearns, III, Andrew Kirkpatrick, DE, 1978 Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841

• Meczyk, Ralph Eugene, IL, 1987 Filing false partnership and individual Federal income tax returns, and aiding and abetting therein, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Morin, Philip James, TX, 1984 Distribution of cocaine; 21 U.S.C. §841(a)(1)

• Nash, Jr., Thomas Edward , 1988 Conspiracy to restrain interstate trade and commerce,
15 U.S.C. § 1

• Nelson, Roger Lee, NB, 1981 Aiding and abetting mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Pineda-Martinez, Jose Rene, TX, 1983 1. Entering U.S. without inspection (misdemeanor),
8 U.S.C. § 1325. 2. 1983 Transporting an illegal alien within the U.S., 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2). 3, 1984 Transporting an illegal alien within the U.S., 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)

• Raup, John Russell, Air Force general court-martial 1984 Larceny of Government property and wrongful possession of marijuana; U.C.M.J. Articles 121 and 134

• Rogers, James William, SC, 1983 Conspiracy to commit racketeering, 18 U.S.C. § 1962(d)

• Roper, II, George Wisham, VA, 1974 Conspiracy to bribe public officials and to defraud the United States Government, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Rostenkowski, Daniel, DC, 1996 Mail fraud (two counts), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 1346

• Rush, Dean Raymond, TX, 1993 False statements on a loan application, 18 U.S.C. § 1014

• Schaffer, III, Archibald R., DC, 2000, Violation of the Meat Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. § 622

• Schmidt, Anthony Andrew, KS, 1985 Conspiracy to possess and distribute cocaine,
21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846

• Sirote, Stanley, NY, 1974 Bribery of a public official, 18 U.S.C. § 201(f)

• Snider, Jr.. Dent Elwood, CO, 1981 Use of a telephone to facilitate the distribution of cocaine,
21 U.S.C. § 843(b)

• Swisher, James Lawrence, NC, 1977 Obstruction of a criminal investigation, 18 U.S.C. § 1510

• Thompson , Larry Kalvy, TX, 1988 Aiding and abetting misapplication of bank funds,
misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 4, 657

• Vetter, Stephanie Marie, NM, 1979 Possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Walker, Danny Ray AR, 1975 Interstate transportation of stolen property, 18 U.S.C. § 2316

• Warren, Thomas Andrew, FL, 1975 Conspiracy to import marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 963

• Weatherford, Michael Lynn, NC, 1986 Aiding and abetting interstate travel in aid of racketeering, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952(a) and 2

• Weinstein , Jack, NV, 1975 Conspiracy and interstate transportation of stolen property,
18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 2314, and 2

• Wilson, Robert Owen , TN, 1980 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Witherspoon, Charles Elvin, TX, 1977 Embezzlement of bank funds, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Yonce, Jr., Charles Z., SC, 1988 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and aiding and abetting therein, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), 846, and 841(b)(1)(B), and 18 U.S.C. § 2


• Allen, Verla Jean, AR, 1990 False statements to agency of United States, 15 U.S.C. § 714m(a)

• Altschul, Bernice Ruth , AZ, 1992 Conspiracy to commit money laundering, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Altiere, Nicholas M., FL, 1983 Importation of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 952(a)(1) and 960(a)(1)

• Anderson, Jr., Joe, AL, 1988 Income tax evasion, 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Anderson, William Sterling, SC, 1987 Conspiracy to defraud a Federally insured financial institution, false statements to a Federally insured financial institution, wire fraud,
18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 371, 1014, and 1343

• Azizkhani, Mansour T, OK, 1984 Conspiracy and making false statements in bank loan applications, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1014

• Babin, Jr., Cleveland Victor, OK, 1987 Conspiracy to commit offense against the United States by utilizing the U.S. mail in furtherance of a scheme to defraud, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Bagley, Chris Harmon , OK, 1989 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine,
21 U.S.C. § 846

• Bane, Scott Lynn, IL, 1984 Unlawful distribution of marijuana,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Barber, Thomas Cleveland, FL, 1977 Issuing worthless cheques, 18 U.S.C. §§ 7 and 13

• Bargon, Peggy Ann, IL, 1995 Violation of Lacey Act, violation of Bald Eagle Protection Act,
16 U.S.C. §§ 3372(a)(1), 3373(d)(2), and 668(a); 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Bhatka, Tansukhlal, AR, 1991 Filing fraudulent income tax returns, 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Blampied, David Roscoe, ID, 1979 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 26 U.S.C. § 846

• Borders, Jr., William Arthur, GA, 1982 Conspiracy to corruptly solicit and accept money in return for influencing the official acts of a Federal District Court Judge, and to defraud the United States in connection with the performance of lawful Government functions; further corruptly influencing, obstructing, impeding, and endeavoring to influence, obstruct, and impede the due administration of justice, and aiding and abetting therein; travelling interstate with the intent to commit bribery,
18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1503, 2, and 1952

• Borel, Arthur David, AR, 1991 Odometer rollback, 15 U.S.C. § 1984

• Borel, Douglas Charles, AR, 1991 Odometer rollback, 15 U.S.C. § 1984

• Brabham, George Thomas, TX, 1989 Making a false statement or report to a Federally insured bank, 18 U.S.C. § 1014

• Braswell , Almon Glenn, GA, 1. 1983 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341 2. Perjury, 18 U.S.C. § 1623. 3. 1983 Filing false income tax return, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1)

• Browder, Leonard, SC, 1990 Illegal dispensing of controlled substance and Medicaid fraud, 21 U.S.C. §§ 827(a)(3), 843(a)(3), 843(a)(4)(A), and 843(c); 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Brown, David Steven, NY, 1987 Securities fraud and mail fraud, 15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b) and 78ff; 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2; 17 C.F.R. §240.106-5

• Burleson, Delores Caroylene, OK, 1978 Possession of marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 844(a)

• Bustamante, John H, OH, 1993 Wire fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1343

• Campbell, Mary Louise, MS, 1988 Aiding and abetting the unauthorized use and transfer of food stamps, 18 U.S.C. § 2 and 7 U.S.C. § 2024(b)

• Candelaria Eloida , NM, 1992 False information in registering to vote, 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(c)

• Capili, Dennis Sobrevinas, CA, 1990 Filing false statements in alien registration,
8 U.S.C. § 1306(c)

• Chambers, Donna Denise, WI, 1986 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute cocaine, possession with intent to distribute cocaine, use of a telephone to facilitate cocaine conspiracy, 21 U.S.C. §§ 846, 841(a)(1), and 843(b)

• Chapman, Douglas Eugene, AR, 1993 Bank fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1344

• Chapman, Ronald Keith, AR, 1993 Bank fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1344

• Chavez, Francisco Larios, CA, 1986 Aiding and abetting illegal entry of aliens,
8 U.S.C. § 1325 and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Cisneros, Henry G, DC, 1999 False statement (misdemeanor), 18 U.S.C. § 1018

• Clinton, Roger, AR, 1. 1985 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 846. 2. 1985 Distribution of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Cohn, Stuart Harris, NY, 1983 Illegal sale of commodity options,
7 U.S.C. §§ 6c(c) and 13(b), and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Cooper, David M. OH, 1992 Conspiracy to defraud the Government, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Cox, Jr., Ernest Harley, AR, 1991 Conspiracy to defraud a Federally insured Savings and Loan, misapplication of bank funds, false statements, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 657, and 1014

• Cross, Jr., John F, AR, 1995 Embezzlement, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Cunningham, Rickey Lee, TX, 1973 Possession with intent to distribute marijuana,
21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• De Labio, Richard Anthony, MD, 1977 Mail fraud, aiding and abetting, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Deutch, John, DC, 2001, former DCI (CIA), information offenses charged on January 19, 2001

• Douglas, Richard, CA, 1998 False statements to a Government agent, 18 U.S.C. § 1001

• Downe, Jr., Edward Reynolds. NY, 1993 Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and to subscribe to false income tax returns, securities fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 371 and 15 U.S.C. §§ 78p and 78ff

• Dudley, Marvin Dean, NB, 1992 False statements, 18 U.S.C. § 1014

• Duncan, Larry Lee, OK, 1992 Altering an automobile odometer, 15 U.S.C. § 1984

• Fain, Robert Clinton , AR, 1982 Aiding and assisting in the preparation and filing of a false corporate tax return, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(2)

• Fernandez, Marcos Arcenio, FL, 1980 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 846

• Ferrouillet, Alvarez, LA, 1. 1997 Interstate transportation of stolen property, 18 U.S.C. § 2314; money laundering, 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1) (b)(i); engaging in a monetary transaction with criminally derived property, 18 U.S.C. § 1957; false statements to Government agents, 18 U.S.C. § 1001 2. MS, 1997 Conspiracy to make false statements to a financial institution, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1014

• Fugazy, William Denis, NY, 1997 Perjury in a bankruptcy proceeding, 18 U.S.C. § 152

• George, Lloyd Reid, AR, 1997 Aiding and abetting mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Goldstein, Louis, IL, 1985 Possession of goods stolen from interstate shipment, 18 U.S.C. § 659

• Gordon, Rubye Lee, GA, 1974 Forgery of U.S. Treasury checks, 18 U.S.C. § 495

• Green, Pincus [close associate of Marc Rich], NY, 1984 Superseding indictment Wire fraud, mail fraud, racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, criminal forfeiture, income tax evasion, and trading with Iran in violation of trade embargo, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343, 1341, 1962(c), 1962(d), 1963, and 2; 26 U.S.C. § 7201, 50 U.S.C. § 1705, and 31 C.F.R. §§ 535.206(a)(4), 535.208 and 535.701

• Hamner, Robert Ivey, IL,1986 Conspiracy to distribute marijuana, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, 21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841(a)(1)

• Handley, Samuel Price, KY, 1963 Conspiracy to steal Government property, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Handley, Woodie Randolph, KY, 1963 Conspiracy to steal Government property, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Harmon, Jay Houston, AR. 1. 1982 Conspiracy to import marijuana, conspiracy to possess marijuana with intent to distribute, importation of marijuana, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, 21 U.S.C. §§ 963, 846, 952, and 841(a) 2. 1986 Conspiracy to import cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 952, 960, and 963

• Hemmingson, John J, LA, 1997 Interstate transportation of stolen property, 18 U.S.C. § 2314; money laundering, 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1)(b)(i); engaging in a monetary transaction with criminally derived property, 18 U.S.C. § 1957

• Herdlinger, David S, AR, 1986 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341

• Huckleberry, Debi Rae (f.k.a.Debi Rae Van Denakker),UT,1986 Distribution of methamphetamine, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• James, Donald Ray, TN, 1983 Mail fraud, wire fraud, and false statements to a bank to influence credit approval, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341, 1343, and 1014

• Jobe, Stanley Pruet, TX, 1994 Conspiracy to commit bank fraud, bank fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1005, 1014, and 1344

• Johnson, Ruben H, TX, 1989 Theft and misapplication of bank funds by a bank officer or director (13 counts), 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Jones, Linda (f.k.a.Linda D. Medlar), TX, 1998 Conspiracy to commit bank fraud, to make a false statement to a bank, to launder monetary instruments, and to engage in monetary transactions in property derived from specific unlawful activity; aiding and abetting bank fraud; aiding and abetting false statements to a bank; aiding and abetting laundering monetary instruments; further assisting and abetting engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specific unlawful activity; obstruction of justice; falsifying, concealing and covering up a material fact by trick, scheme, or device; making a false statement; 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 371, 1001, 1014, 1344(1) and (2), 1503, 1956(a)(1)(A)(i) and (B)(i), and 1957

• Lake, James Howard, DC, 1998 Illegal corporate campaign contributions (two counts), wire fraud, 2 U.S.C. §§ 437g(d)(1)(A), 441b(a), and 441f, and 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 1343, and 1346

• Lewis, June Louise, OH, 1991 Embezzlement by a bank employee, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Lewis , Salim Bonnor, NY, 1989 Securities fraud, record keeping violations, margin violations,
15 U.S.C. §§ 78ff, 78g(a), 78g(f), and 78j(b), and 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Lodwick, John Leighton, MO, 1968 Income tax evasion, 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Lopez, Hildebrando, TX, Distribution of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

• Luaces, Jr., Jose Julio, FL, 1989 Possession of an unregistered firearm,
26 U.S.C. §§ 5861(d) and 5871

• Maness, James Timothy, TN, 1985 Conspiracy to distribute Valium, 21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841(a)(1)

• Manning, James Lowell, AR, 1982 Aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false corporate income tax return, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(2)

• Martin, John Robert, FL, 1987 Income tax evasion, 26 U.S.C. § 7201

• Martinez, Frank Ayala, TX, 1989 Conspiracy to supply false documents to the INS, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Martinez, Silvia Leticia Beltran, TX, 1989 Conspiracy to supply false documents to the INS,
18 U.S.C. § 371

• McCormick, John Francis, MA, 1988 Racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, aiding and abetting Hobbjay Houston Harmons Act extortion (five counts), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1962(c) and (d), 1951, and 2

• McDougal, Susan H, AR, 1996 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341; aiding and abetting in misapplication of Small Business Investment Corporation funds, 18 U.S.C. §§ 657 and 2; aiding and abetting in making false entries, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1006 and 2; aiding and abetting in making false statements,
18 U.S.C. §§ 1014 and 2

• Mechanic, Howard Lawrence (a.k.a. Gary Robert Tredway), MO, 1970 1. Violating the Civil Disobedience Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. § 213(a). 2. AZ 2000 Failure to appear, 18 U.S.C. § 3150 3. AZ, 2000 Making a false statement in acquiring a passport, 18 U.S.C. § 1542

• Mitchell, Sr., Brook K., DC, 1999 Conspiracy to illegally obtain USDA subsidy payments, false statements to USDA (two counts), false entries on USDA forms, 15 U.S.C. §§ 741m(d), 714m(a), and 714m(b)(ii); 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Morgan, III, Charles Wilfred, AR, 1984 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Morison, Samuel Loring, MD, 1985 Wilful transmission of defense information, unauthorized possession and retention of defense information, theft of Government property,
18 U.S.C. §§ 641, 793(d), and 793(e)

• Nazzaro, Richard Anthony, MA, 1988 Perjury and conspiracy to commit mail fraud,
18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1623

• Nosenko, Charlene Ann, IL, 1990 Conspiracy to defraud the United States, and influencing
or injuring an officer or juror generally, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1503

• Obermeier, Vernon Raymond, IL, 1989 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine,
distribution of cocaine, and using a communications facility to facilitate
distribution of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 846, 841(a)(1), and 843(b)

• Ogalde, Miguelina, Puerto Rico, 1981 Conspiracy to import cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 952(a) and 963

• Owen, David C, KS, 1993 Filing a false tax return, 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1)

• Palmer, Robert William, AR, 1995 Conspiracy to make false statements, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Perhosky, Kelli Anne (f.k.a.Kelli Anne Flynn), PA, 1989 Conspiracy to commit mail fraud,
18 U.S.C. § 371

• Pezzopane, Richard H, IL, 1988 Conspiracy to commit racketeering, mail fraud,
18 U.S.C. §§ 1962(d) and 1341

• Orville, Rex Phillips , TX, 1991 Unlawful structuring of a financial transaction, 31 U.S.C. § 5324

• Poling, Jr., Vinson Stewart , MD, 1980 Making a false bank entry, and aiding and abetting,
18 U.S.C. §§ 1005 and 2

• Prouse, Normal Lyle, MN, 1990 Operating or directing the operation of a common carrier while under the influence of alcohol, 18 U.S.C. § 342

• Pruitt, Jr., Willie H. H, U.S. Air Force special court-martial 1954
Absent without official leave, UCMJ

• Pursley, Sr., Danny Martin, TN, 1991 Aiding and abetting the conduct of an illegal gambling business, and obstruction of state laws to facilitate illegal gambling, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1511, 1955, and 2

• Ravenel, Charles, SC, 1996 Conspiring to defraud the United States, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Ray, William Clyde. OK, 1989 Fraud using the telephone, 18 U.S.C. § 1343

• Regalado, Alfredo Luna, TX, 1987 Failure to report the transportation of currency in excess of $10,000 into the United States, 31 U.S.C. § 5316(a)(1)(B)

• Ricafort, Ildefonso Reynes, Veterans Administration Compensation and Pension Service 1987, making false claims to Veterans Administration, 38 U.S.C. § 3503(a), codified at 38 U.S.C. § 6103(a)

• Rich, Marc , a.k.a. Hans Brand [long-range Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst intelligence agent – Editor], NY, 1984, Superseding indictment of Wire fraud, mail fraud, racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, criminal forfeiture, income tax evasion, and trading with Iran in violation of the trade embargo, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343, 1341, 1962(c), 1962(d), 1963, and 2; 26 U.S.C. § 7201, 50 U.S.C. § 1705, and 31 C.F.R. §§ 535.206(a)(4), 535.208 and 535.701

• Riddle, Howard Winfield, TX, 1989 Violation of the Lacey Act (receipt of illegally imported animal skins), 18 U.S.C. § 545

• Riley, Jr., Richard Wilson, 1993 Conspiring to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute marijuana and cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 846

• Robbins, Samuel Lee, TX, 1990 Misprision of a felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4

• Rodriguez, Joel Gonzales, TX, 1991 Theft of mail by a postal employee, 18 U.S.C. § 1709

• Rogers, Michael James, TX, 1977 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana,
21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846

• Ross, Anna Louise, TX, 1988 Distribution of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1); 18 U.S.C. § 2

• Rust, Gerald Glen, TX, 1991 False declarations before Grand Jury, 18 U.S.C. § 1623

• Rust, Jerri Ann, TX, 1991 False declarations before Grand Jury, 18 U.S.C. § 1623

• Rutherford, Bettye June, NM, 1992 Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute,
21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and (b)(1)(D)

• Sands, Gregory Lee, SD, 1990 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841 and 846

• Schwimmer, Adolph, CA, 1950 Conspiracy to violate the Neutrality Act and export control laws, and conspiracy to export arms, ammunition, etc. to a foreign country, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 88 (1946 ed.) and 371, 22 U.S.C. § 452, and 50 U.S.C. § 701

• Seretti, Jr., Albert A, NV, 1983 Conspiracy and wire fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 371, 1343

• Shaw, Patricia Campbell Hearst, CA, 1976 Armed bank robbery and using a firearm during a felony, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2113(a) and (d) and 924(c)(1)

• Smith, Dennis Joseph U.S. Army summary court-martial 1. 1951 Unauthorized absence 2. U.S. Army summary court-martial 2. 1952 Failure to obey off limits instructions 3. U.S. Army special court-martial, 1954 Unauthorized absence

• Smith, Gerald Owen, MS, 1956 Armed bank robbery, 18 U.S.C. § 2113

• Smith, Stephen A, AR, 1996 Conspiracy to misapply Small Business Administration loans,
18 U.S.C. § 371

• Speake, Jimmie Lee, TX, 1976 Conspiracy to possess and utter counterfeit $20 Federal Reserve Notes, 18 U.S.C. § 371

• Stewart, Charles Bernard, GA, 1986 Illegally destroying U.S. mail, 18 U.S.C. § 1703(a)

• Stewart-Rollins, Marlena Francisca, OH, 1989 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 846

• Symington, III, John Fife, AZ, 1996 indictment; 1997 Superseding indictment False statements to Federally insured financial institutions, wire fraud, attempted extortion, and false statements in bankruptcy proceeding, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1014, 1343, 1951, 152, 2(a) and 2(b)

• Tannehill, Richard Lee, CO, 1990 Conspiracy in restraint of trade, 15 U.S.C. § 1

• Tenaglia, Nicholas C, PA,1985 Receipt of illegal payments under the Medicare Program,
42 U.S.C. § 1395nn(b)(1)(B)

• Thomas, Gary Allen, TX, 1987 Theft of mail by postal employee, 18 U.S.C. § 1709

• Todd, Larry Weldon, TX, 1983 Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States in violation of the Lacey Act and the Airborne Hunting Act, 18 U.S.C. § 371; 16 U.S.C. §§ 3372(a)(1),
3373(d)(1)(B), and 742j-1

• Trevino, Olga C, TX, 1987 Misapplication by a bank employee, 18 U.S.C. § 656

• Vamvouklis, Ignatious, NH, 1991 Possession of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 844(a)

• Van De Weerd, Patricia A, WI, 1990 Theft by U.S. postal employee, 18 U.S.C. § 1711

• Wade, Christopher V, AR, 1995 Bank fraud and false statements on a loan application,
18 U.S.C. §§ 152 and 1014

• Warmath, Bill Wayne, TN, 1965 Obstruction of correspondence, 18 U.S.C. § 1720

• Watson, Jack Kenneth , OR, 1985 False statements of material facts to the United States Forest Service,18 U.S.C. § 1001

• Webb, Donna Lynn, FL, 1989 False entry in savings and loan record by employee,
18 U.S.C. § 1006

• Wells, Donald William , NC, 1973 Possession of an unregistered firearm,
26 U.S.C. §§ 5861(d) and 5871

• Wendt , Robert H, MO, 1982 Conspiracy to effectuate the escape of a Federal prisoner,
18 U.S.C. § 371

• Williams, Jack L., DC, 1998 Making false statements to Federal agents (two counts),
18 U.S.C. § 1001

• Williams, Kevin Arthur, NB, 1990 Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute crack cocaine,21 U.S.C. § 846

• Williams, Robert Michael, MI, 1981 Conspiracy to transport in foreign commerce securities obtained by fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 2314

• Wilson, Jimmie Lee, AR, 1990 Converting property mortgaged or pledged to a farm credit agency, and converting public money to personal use, 18 U.S.C. §§ 641 and 658

• Wingate, Thelma Louise, GA, 1991 Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2

• Wood, Mitchell Couey, AR, 1986 Conspiracy to possess and to distribute cocaine, 18 U.S.C. § 371 and 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)

• Wood, Warren Stannard, CA, 1978 Conspiracy to defraud the United States by filing a false document with the SEC, 18 U.S.C. § 371; 15 U.S.C. §§ 78m. 78n, 78ff

• Worthey, Dewey, AR, 1988 Medicaid fraud, 42 U.S.C. § 1396

• Yale, Rick Allen , IL, 1992 Bank fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1344 and 2

• Yasak, Joseph A, IL, 1988 Knowingly making under oath a false declaration regarding a material fact before a Grand Jury, 18 U.S.C. § 1623

• Yingling, William Stanley, AR, 1979 Receipt of a stolen motor vehicle, 18 U.S.C. § 2313

• Young, Philip David, LA, 1992 Interstate transportation and sale of fish and wildlife,
16 U.S.C. §§ 3372(a)(2)(A) and 3373(d)(1)(B)

Uniform Commercial Code: Article 4A – Funds Transfer: Section 4A-305:

(a) If a funds transfer is completed but execution of a payment order by the receiving bank… results in delay in payment to the beneficiary, the bank is obliged to pay interest… to the beneficiary of the funds transfer for the period of delay caused by the improper execution.

As stated in our report dated 4th October, we then calculated that the amount of interest payable to the beneficiary by Citibank, given its delay in paying out the diverted funds since June 2006, was around $350 billion. This amount is rising BY THE DAY, and is now approaching $400 billion.

• [As we revealed at the time] Citibank ‘agreed’ to pay $352 billion by way of interest, following our publication of the above statements. However, the Editor, not being a banker, merely made a rough guestimate at the amount of interest payable by Citibank, consequent upon its criminal frustration and diversion of the Settlement funds since June 2006.

• The actual amount of interest payable by Citibank as an interest penalty, if calculated on the basis of overnight rates, might approximate well over $1.0 trillion. So the institution, having been made aware of our posting dated 1st November, grabbed the Editor’s rough estimate of $350 billion, and added a couple of billion on to make the figure look different. ENDS.

We sell, as a special package, the relevant recent back issues of International Currency Review, containing a massive amount of information and back-up documentation, for a flat fee of $750.00, payable in advance. Please use the CONTACT US facility to place your order and send check to the London office: World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EF, United Kingdom. Orders may also be emailed direct to the Editor at:

• Another way of ordering this package is to (a) forward us a CONTACT US email requesting the package, and then (b) to order International Currency Review via the ultra-safe ordering facility at the World Reports Limited section of this website.

• Please state in the CONTACT US facility that you have ordered International Currency Review but that you specifically want to receive the Wantagate package only.

• Editor’s Note: We are still, from time to time, receiving emails from frustrated people seeking documentation to ‘back up’ what we publish in these reports. Such correspondents choose to overlook the well-known fact that we have published several huge issues of International Currency Review [SEE ABOVE] which contain hundreds of pages of facsimiles of relevant documents. Since we are a commercial operation, we cannot make these volumes available free of charge.

• However copies are available in many university and other libraries around the world, and of course they can be ordered via this website at any time. But the main point here is that complaints along these lines reveal lack of knowledge of the background, which is that an immense volume of relevant documents has been published in our printed intelligence services.


• We now repeat, yet again, our familiar summary of the Statutes, securities regulations and fraud information that we have appended to these reports for many months. The reason we append this information is to remind everyone of their clear responsibilities under the US Misprision of Felony legislation, and of course to provide a legal basis for these reports.

Reiteration of the fraudulent transactions involving Bank of New York Mellon – a bank so arrogant and conspicuously indifferent both to its tarnished reputation and to its grotesque breaches of US law and of N.A.S.D./S.E.C. Regulations, that it now takes first prize in the crowded competition for the title of ‘Most arrogant and corrupt financial institution in America’. At least, this was the case until the perpetration of the ‘Saturday scam’ described above and on 13th November:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• ‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent on person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957

In addition to which Bank of New York Mellon is in violation of:
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Wanta’s funds.

The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above. This list is reproduced in International Currency Review, Volume 33, #s 1 & 2, September 2007, on pages 163-168.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Wicked Pedia Update dated 2nd December 2007:

As previously reported, the Editor’s attention was drawn, in the second half of November 2007, to a pack of old lies, diversionary claptrap and disinformation posted on Wikipedia under ‘Leo Wanta’.

Although this posting appeared FOR THE FIRST TIME on 12th November 2007, it consisted almost entirely of ancient lies, including disinformation dredged out of ‘Thieves’ World’, a hatchet job published in 1994 by Simon and Schuster by the late Claire Sterling, a CIA operative.

Mrs Sterling died suddenly after being summoned for her second meeting with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, under Clinton.

The fact that the OLD Wikipedia lies appeared for the first time as late as 12th November 2007, and consisted almost totally of old, discredited lies, omitting the Master Lie that the CIA retailed after the Ambassador had been taken down, namely that he was DEAD, indicated quite clearly to the Editor and his advisers that this latest evil display of regurgitated disinformation represented a deliberate operation by the US intelligence community’s disinformation and lie machine, to begin, all over again, the process of discrediting Ambassador Leo Wanta – so that they can relieve him of his funds by some false pretext or other after a ‘gag order’ has been signed.

The definitive up-to-date information on the Ambassador’s affairs has been published on this website, and in several issues of International Currency Review, Economic Intelligence Review, Soviet Analyst and Arab-Asian Affairs, all published by World Reports Limited, for several years. Copies of these publications are in official, institutional and library hands all over the world. Therefore, any posting about Ambassador Wanta that relies upon ancient lies and fails to take account of the accurate information that we have published, can easily be demonstrated to represent yet another US intelligence community and NSA discrediting operation.

We now understand that the Principals have been advised (for the past several weeks) that they will not be allowed to reveal that they have been paid. This loony state of affairs is designed to ‘set them up’ for a future discrediting operation whereby false witness will be deployed against them to the effect that they have stolen the money, or some such pack of lies, which they will be unable to refute because they will be bound by the ‘prerequisite’ gag order that is intended. Its purpose, of course, is to ‘legitimise’ the old and new lies that the US disinformation apparat will be preparing for future use. The likelihood is that the new discrediting operation will be extended to Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as well. We are prepared for this intended onslaught.

On 19th November, the Editor posted on Wikipedia the accurate text about Leo Wanta that is now reproduced below. The Editor’s accurate text was then removed by Wikipedia, leaving the ‘old lies’ that had existed previously. When the Editor became aware of this, he reposted the accurate text below, and, given that his own copy had been deleted, he then deleted the pack of lies, leaving his own accurate text up on the Wikipedia site instead, without the lies.

On 2nd December, the Editor was advised by a monitor that the Editor’s accurate text had been removed and that the old discrediting lies had been reposted on the page by Wikipedia. When the Editor checked, he found that the page could no longer be edited because of what the site managers described as ‘vandalism’.

It was not ‘vandalism’ to delete the truth and to replace the truth by old lies, but it was ‘vandalism’ to delete ‘old lies’ and replace them by the truth.

We are therefore able to conclude from this Wicked Pedia outrage, as follows:

1. Wikipedia, which purports to ‘change the world’, prefers lies to the truth.

2. Wikipedia is therefore, by definition, a source of disinformation and lies, and cannot be trusted as a source of reliable information in any context.

3. The only category of sick society that would have any interest in disseminating lies about Ambassador Wanta, the United States’ greatest living patriot, rather than the truth, is the mentally disturbed US counterintelligence disinformation apparat (a.k.a. the US STUPIDITY COMMUNITY) which, by its actions in deleting the Editor’s ACCURATE information and replacing it with old lies, and by its illegal behaviour in ‘snipping’ our website texts as stated above, thereby reveals the desperation of its concerns, which all have to do with covering up official criminality.

4. It is now far too late for the US stupidity community to repair the damage that it has done since June 2006, when the Ambassador’s funds were first hijacked by the criminal financial operative Henry M. Paulson, US Treasury Secretary. So it is laying the groundwork for a renewed discrediting operation against Ambassador Wanta and his colleagues.

• We and others will see to it that this intention is defeated, and that such nefarious scheming is exposed for the amoral and disgusting Luciferian behaviour that it represents.

The ACCURATE text that the Editor posted on the Wikipedia site, follows. (The Editor, after all, PAID FOR AMBASSADOR WANTA’S EXIT FROM PROBATION, FOR GOODNESS SAKE, SO HE CAN HARDLY BE A SOURCE OF DISINFORMATION, CAN HE?). This information will be very widely distributed by other means, in order to provide all concerned with the necessary ‘heads-up’ as to what these US Dark Forces have in mind. They are out of their minds and in Satan’s mind:

The disinformation about Leo Wanta (Lee Wanta) below was first posted on 12th November 2007. It contains ancient CIA disinformation and long since exposed lies going back to the early 1990s, and obfuscates the truth. The report appended immediately below was added on 19th November 2007, to correct the disinformation contained in the original stub.

It was subsequently removed and is hereby replaced. This sequence of events, which suggests that egregious lies are preferred to the truth, has been recorded on, which contains all the updated and breaking Wanta material, that was ignored and traduced in the stub at the foot of this report.

This is the correct information that we posted on 19th November 2007:

The ‘information’ posted below represents a deliberately malevolent, false disinformation picture which has no bearing on reality. It is a travesty of the truth of the matter and cites Christopher Story as the author of some of the disinformation, which is libellous and implies that Story, the veteran
Editor of International Currency Review of nearly 40 years’ standing, is engaged in the egregious dissemination of lies, which is not the case.

This is such an egregiously malevolent stub of disinformation that readers should prudently dismiss it altogether; they should start afresh by accessing Christopher Story‘s website, which is:, reading from the Archive. is the authoritative source for all updated information on Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta. The source ‘Thieves’ World’ was a CIA disinformation work prepared by the late CIA disinformation operative Claire Sterling, published in 1994.

This stub regurgitates ancient lies perpetrated by the CIA, which lied for many years that Lee (Leo being his intelligence community name) Wanta was dead. The CIA proclaimed that he was dead so that corrupt cadres could ransack his funds (see below).

He ‘ceased to be dead’ with effect from 21st July 2005 after Christopher Story, a British private citizen, had paid $35,000 from his scarce private funds pro bono publico by way of ‘restitution’ to an American lawyer for onward payment to the Wisconsin State Department of Corrections, to procure Mr Wanta’s release from his illegal probation.

Despite his Ambassadorial status, Wanta had been illegally ‘taken down’ in Switzerland on 7th July 1993 without a warrant on a trumped-up Wisconsin State charge of having failed to pay $14,129 in falsely assessed Wisconsin State fabricated tax that he never owed because he had been resident in Vienna on US Presidential intelligence work since June 1988.

This data is all in the public domain, has been published for several years in International Currency Review, the Journal of the World Financial Community, and can be read on Mr Story’s website.

International Currency Review is a banking and financial journal with a worldwide circulation: ISSN 0020-6490. It is published by World Reports Limited, London.

Notwithstanding that this fabricated tax demand (orchestrated by US criminal intelligence) had been paid twice under protest by Lee Emil Wanta from abroad (in May and June 1992), the funds were improperly allocated by the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue and were never credited to the false account maintained by them for the Ambassador. (Christopher Story holds documentary
proof of both payments). They were paid a third time by Christopher Story in June 2005, which action duly procured Mr Wanta’s release from illegal probation effective 14th November 2005.

As a consequence of Wanta thus ceasing to be dead, the CIA’s lie that he was dead collapsed in chaos, and all the subsidiary old false witness lies that the CIA had perpetrated, including those assembled for disinformation purposes in the stub below (which, in line with the standard false witness used throughout by detractors, attempts to portray Christopher Story as a source of disinformation) were discredited as well.

Why was Wanta taken down? So that the criminal intelligence cadres running the US Government could ransack the $27.5 trillion of funds assembled by Leo Wanta on President Reagan’s orders, in the course of his Financial Warfare operations against the USSR.

Under Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 of 1981, US intelligence officers were permitted to establish corporations which could thereafter contract with the CIA/DIA/DEA/NSA et al for the purpose of fulfilling allotted intelligence tasks allocated to them.

The financial proceeds of operations conducted by such corporations were consequently the property of the corporations and thus of their shareholders, a legal fact of life which has never been, and cannot be, disputed. This was not a good idea because almost all US intelligence
operatives are liars and do not function on the basis of the Rule of Law at all, if they can help it.

Lee Wanta is the well-known patriotic exception to this rule: he operates solely in accordance with US law, in contrast to the behaviour of other US operatives, which is why the kakocracy* needed to remove him from the scene, as duly occurred July 1993.

Once Wanta had been illegally arrested (contrary to international law, as a diplomat) and then thrown into a stinking Swiss jail on 7th July 1993, the criminal cadres inside the US official structures immediately ransacked Mr Wanta’s bank accounts according to plan.

The history of this matter is, and has been, elaborated in great depth on Christopher Story‘s website and has been extensively published, as mentioned, in International Currency Review and other World Reports Limited intelligence publications.

Students are advised perhaps to begin with the ‘Wisconsingate’ report dated 6th August 2007, which forensically dissects, with detailed documentary back-up, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s tax fabrication operation against Wanta, stretching back for over 20 years, that has been exposed by Christopher Story in minute detail, and which formed the fabricated basis for Wanta’s illegal takedown in 1993, despite the fact that Wisconsin has no jurisdiction beyond its borders.

The overall Wantagate crisis, which is the sole and continuing underlying cause of the prevailing global financial and economic day of reckoning that the world is now facing, has been triggered by the fact that the George W. Bush Jr. White House, aided and abetted by other senior office-holders, hijacked the compromise financial settlement of $4.5 trillion that the White House itself agreed (in a classified accord that was finalised in May 2006) should be paid over to Ambassador Wanta, so that the stolen and diverted remaining $23 trillion of his funds (and the many hundreds of trillions of dollars hypothecated upon them) could be released from a de facto lien arising from the collapse of the CIA’s lie that Wanta was dead.

For clearly, since he had ceased to be dead, 100% of these funds (plus the hundreds of trillions of fiat ‘funny’ money generated by illegal leveraged operations from that base) belonged to Lee Wanta and to no-one else: a situation that the banks ‘could not handle’.

The entire narrative of what has become the worst financial corruption crisis in world history (which this stub consisting of disinformation attempts to obfuscate) is set out in great detail on Christopher Story‘s website, to which all readers are directed in order for the accurate state of affairs to be understood. As indicated, this stub below is a travesty and a disgrace, as it regurgitates long since discredited CIA lies, presents a diversionary, distorted and misleading picture, and because it malevolently incorporates Christopher Story as a source for some of this disinformation.

It is a disgusting instance of ignorant and malevolent US counterintelligence disinformation and deceit at its very worst.

All the statements in the above commentary may be verified by reference to and International Currency Review. Another publication covering this matter in detail is Economic Intelligence Review, also published by World Reports Limited, London. Wanta students should access the Archive on the Home Page.

A book devoted to Ambassador Wanta and the Wantagate crisis is in preparation

The Wanta disinformation referred to above has been deleted from this page. ENDS.

The Ambassador and his colleagues now have special diplomatic status (conferred upon them by HM The Queen in 2007), which means that the Ambassador is now an Ambassador several times over. This factor greatly complicates the intended discrediting offensive that the mad US stupidity community’s Dark Forces contemplate, their sole objective being of course to cover up their own criminality, in line with pending ‘thought crime’ legislation which has the same Nazi-style objective.

*Note: ‘Kakocracy’: Governance by a clique representing the worst elements of society, in their interests and to the exclusion of all other interests, from the Greek, kakos, meaning foul, or filthy.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Sunday 27 January 2008 17:35


The British press has a large photograph of Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, greeting Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of France, outside Number 10 Downing Strasse. Sarkozy has been reliably fingered by our very best sources as having interfered of late in the payouts, and is in league with his fellow specialist in High Crimes and Misdemeanours, President George W. Bushfraud, Jr. We are repeatedly assured that what we published recently on this subject is, in fact, accurate.

Gordon Brown has all of a sudden taken to being frightfully nice to the European Union Collective, which is a long-range anti-nation state entrapment counterintelligence operation based upon the Nazi blueprint promulgated in Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft, the compendium of papers given by Nazi intellectuals and then published by Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke in Berlin in 1942. Copies of this crucial document exist in the British Library and in the Staastsbibliothek (Preussische Staastsbibliothek), Berlin. Or you can read all about this in the Editor’s book The New Underworld Order [see the books section of this website, to order].

No doubt the copy of Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft which should be in the US Library of Congress has long since been suppressed, because it would reveal that Nazi strategy against the ‘Main Enemy’, of which Great Britain is a key component, has been successful, wouldn’t it.

Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinchaft means ‘European Economic Community’, and the chapter headings of this wartime Nazi tome are almost identical to that of the Maastricht Treaty (1992).

On 9th January, The Times, London, revealed that Gordon Brown had telephoned the Portuguese Prime Minister, Jose Socrates, to ‘insist’ that there was no need for a referendum on the European Constitution (now called ‘Reform’) Treaty in Portugal. Like Brown, Socrates had promised a popular ballot on the issue, during an election campaign.

Following Brown’s telephone call to the Portuguese Prime Minister, who should then call Socrates but our dear friend M. Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of France, who delivered precisely the same message. In light of the telephone calls from Brown and Sarkozy, Herr Socrates stood on his head and told bewildered Portuguese MPs:

‘A referendum in Portugal would jeopardise, without any reason to do so, the full legitimacy of the ratification by national parliaments that is taking place in all the other European countries’.

From all of which it may be deduced that Gordon Brown, a British intelligence operative who knows everything there is to know about the issues we discuss in these reports (and so much more), is on the same page as President Sarkozy: which means that President Sarkozy’s intervention to impede the settlements is known at Number 10 Downing Strasse, leaving a BIG question mark over what Mr Brown’s role in all this may be. Is he impeding the settlements, too?

In that connection, we would like to draw your attention to the very first report that we published on this website, dated 12th October 2005 [see the Archive], entitled ‘EU Treaties procured by Payola Corruption’, in which we stated that European leaders and ‘facilitators’ were paid $100 million each (totalling $2.5 billion) for procuring the European Constitution Treaty, with a further $100 million each (totalling a further $2.5 billion) payable when the Treaty was ratified.

We further identified the secret Nazi slush fund located in Switzerland from which these corrupt payments were distributed. There remained some confusion over whether the second tranche of corrupt payments was remitted, since the European Constitution Treaty document was not ratified after the Dutch and French electorates rejected it at their referenda. Gordon Brown is now overtly collaborating with Sarkozy to prevent a repetition of any such setback this time round.

That in turn means that Gordon Brown is working hand-in-glove with the French and German anti-nation state cadres who are hell bent on destroying the residual independence and sovereignty of all the European nations, and consolidating them into one undemocratic collective dictatorship, in accordance with the secret long-range Nazi strategy that is exposed inter alia in the Editor’s book.

• FACT: Our exposure on 12th October 2005, and in International Currency Review, of the details of the ongoing corrupt payments made to European leaders and their treacherous henchmen to sign and obtain ratification of each successive version of the escalating EU ‘stitch-up’ Treaty, has never been officially or otherwise denied; and neither have ANY one of the dramatic exposures, including recent horrible shootings, published on this website, been officially denied. Period.

It would be much too dangerous for the corrupt official forces concerned to attempt to deny what we have exposed; so the ‘safe’ course that has been adopted is to ignore our reports altogether, while from time to time trying (per their standard practice) to shoot and discredit the messenger.

• Which tells you all you need to know.

Since it has always been ‘normal practice’ for these EU slush fund payments to be distributed at the completion and ratification stages of each successive escalated version of the ongoing, rolling EU Collective’s Treaty (which is a subversive, corrupt mechanism for the final suppression of national sovereignty and identity), the question arises: Has Gordon Brown taken the German slush bribe?

If so, that would explain why, all of a sudden, his sullen indifference to the European Union and all its corrupt and nefarious works, has dissipated with the emergence of the bright winter sunshine.
And it would explain why he appears to believe that being nice to the President of France, a high-level operative who has been fingered as being engaged in corrupt financial operations, is liable to reap dividends. For Brown personally, not for the future of Britain as an independent state?

The report posted on 27th January is as follows:





By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for our ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006.

• The white panel below NEWS gives details of our intelligence titles as they are published.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing financial global corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the necessary resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Our Wantagate reports been calling all the shots, given the hijacking of Wanta’s Settlement. This is the 91st Wantagate report: over a million words to date.

What is the basis for the unspoken assumption that the criminal thefts would be liable to cease once the actual payouts have begun – assuming that is the case, which is not confirmed and which may itself be disinformation? It has no basis in common sense, surely. On the contrary, using the street bank raid model, what is the moment of the high street branch’s greatest vulnerability?

Why, it must be when the armoured cash transportation vehicle draws up outside the bank, and two helmeted couriers jump out, enter the bank and engage with the bank staff for the transfer of the funds. Is that not when the bank is most vulnerable to being robbed?

And may that not well be the situation prevailing ‘as we speak’?

Why would the most ruthless and reckless world-class Fascist-global dictatorship criminals stop their stealing and wholesale, open-ended criminality, which has been funding their grab for total global power, just because the actual payout processes, triggered by Wantagate, have begun?

Surely, they would have prepared for precisely this eventuality, and would now have switched (in accordance with their standard ‘bait and switch’ formula) to Plan B – namely the daylight robbery of the funds as they are being transferred?

All sorts of devices and ‘solutions’ to their predicament present themselves. For starters, how about the sudden discovery of vast ‘Black holes’ at banks infested with rats, such as the Societe Generale? Begin by revealing that a ‘lone’ rogue trader had been ‘caught’ in the act of trying to cover up unauthorised trades that had generated losses, initially ‘estimated’ at $7 billion.

Then add a nought onto the $7 billion, pending an imminent decision to add a further nought – so that before you can say ‘Merde’ more than once, the ‘Black hole’ has expanded to $700 billion.

Awfully convenient device, this.

Note that in the above model, the B of ‘Black’ is capitalised here. Right. Because it’s probably yet another ‘Black Operation’ – designed to ‘vanish’ in this case, $700 billion, from scrutiny.

Mind you, a rogue trader can’t do stuff like that on his tod.

Nope, there are certainly lots of rats behind the ‘Black hole’ in question.

And behind the others that will surface over the next days and weeks, you bet.

Now in any contrived ‘Black hole’ criminal financial environment, opportunities for the standard Luciferian criminal practice of DUPLICATION abound. So what, then, is going on? Well, the payout funds may have been ransacked or are being ransacked or are targeted for ransacking, have been duplicated, are being duplicated or are targeted for duplication right now.

That’s what may be going on.

So we shouldn’t just sit here complacently and think: ‘Great, this crisis is nearly over. The payouts are proceeding’, without contemplating the strong probability that the unrepentant criminal cadres have switched to Plan B and are raiding the payouts in ‘real time’.

Now, it is true that there are FOUR teams using enhanced PROMIS-based software 24/7, so that each and every illegal transaction can be and is being traced, as it occurs. Fine. But when did that knowledge prevent the crims from carrying on stealing, in any way, shape or form? It has not done so in the recent past: why would such surveillance be liable to stop the thefts at this late stage?

These people are desperate. Their bank accounts have been largely frozen. Many have fled since Wantagate became public knowledge. Others have been arrested en masse and are languishing today in such delightful locations as Belmarsh Prison at her Majesty’s Pleasure, as terrorists.

Others are on the brink of being arrested under European terrorism laws – in a delightful contra-use of the very weapon that these criminal minds invented to suppress the Rest of Us.

Senior and lesser US officials have been shot in the chest at point blank range, and others will certainly, we are led to believe, suffer a similar dreadful fate. The bloodletting that started some time ago is believed to be continuing, both figuratively and literally. So why, we must ask, should we assume that the actual payout process would not be hijacked, as well?

Doesn’t the world YET UNDERSTAND that the Germanic/Zionist Luciferian mentality we are dealing with, NEVER KNOWS WHEN THE GAME IS UP?

At Dachau, the Nazis and the Zionazis collaborate. That’s the big secret, the essence of the classic ‘sib’ operation, whereby the assumed victim is the perpetrator.

This does not implicate the Jewish and German peoples generally: only a tiny proportion of them. Unfortunately for the rest of their communities, Wantagate has compelled the Rest of the World to become more keenly aware of how far these criminal operatives are prepared to go to get their way.

‘For us the war has never stopped and, as is well known, in war every ruse is possible’ – From the Madrid Circular Letter, dated September 1950, intercepted by the Western Allies while en route to Bonn, Rome, Barcelona, Buenos Aires and South Africa. See our report dated 22nd January 2008.

So, it would be entirely in character with the nature of this unprecedented, millennial, crisis and with the Luciferian mentality of the Black perpetrators involved, for the stealing, the deception, the double-cross, the diversionary claptrap and all the other filthy devices that these people routinely use to blow smoke in our faces, to be continuing, given that they have their backs to the wall.

The Editor recalls a metaphor he used quite recently, that can be summarised as follows:

I stamp on your foot. There is no response. I stamp on your foot again. There is no response. As I stamp on your foot for the third time, I shout in your face; ‘I have just stamped on your foot’. There is no response. No, because we are dealing de facto with the ‘possessed’.

It is a fact that the possessed POSSESS great and horrifying physical strength.

They may not even know when they are being confronted, because they live in a parallel world that is 100% conditioned by their criminal mentality. It is quite possible that some of these odious people haven’t even yet realised that they are being faced down, as this has never happened before.

And because it has never happened before, and they have got away for decades with their bank raids – starting in earnest with the stealing of Ambassador Wanta’s $27.5 trillion, with which the Black Forces have been financing their global Fascist takeover offensive – they may still imagine that what they face right now is just a blip in their plans, which will be smoothed over as soon as they gain the upper hand – like when Hillary Clinton has been installed in the White House, possibly with Bill Clinton as her Veep. That’s the macro-plan, and they are sticking to it.

In the preceding report [25th January 2008], we stated that the two enforcement arms deployed to ensure that the payouts are implemented without any further stealing, are Interpol and MI6.

This hardly encourages one to have confidence in a satisfactory outcome. Interpol is believed, like all New World Order collectivist international organisations, to be thoroughly corrupt and capable of being manipulated. As for MI6, it is penetrated and divided, just like the CIA.

Furthermore, MI6 attempted, in 2004, to discredit the Editor of this service. Full details of that operation were published in International Currency Review, Volume 30, Numbers 20 and 3, on pages 27-39, dated January 2005.

What happened was as follows. The Editor visited the well-known veteran journalist and author Gordon Thomas in Bath, Somerset, on 18th November that year, for a general discussion about geopolitical developments. Instead of enjoying such a chat, the veteran journalist, who has close MI6 contacts, proceeded to divulge to the Editor that MI6 had recently distributed to the gullible British ‘mainstream’ media two packages of disinformation fairytales about the Editor.

The first concerned some farrago about a figure called Bernie Eccleston, and some motor racing venture of his in Monaco, with which the Editor was supposed to have been involved. The Editor has never participated in any venture other than his own businesses, which are self-supporting and have never accepted funding from any outside source.

The second piece of invented MI6 claptrap concerned a concocted lie about the Editor’s alleged involvement with Mark Thatcher in the aborted Equatorial Guinea scandal, the suggestion being that the Editor was among sources that had helped to finance the operation. The Editor has done NOTHING since the early 1970s, when he acquired ownership of International Currency Review, but write and produce the publications advertised on our website. He has never funded or contributed to anything other than his own wholly-owned publishing businesses.

He is not interested in any other ventures, and never has been.

The following conversation ensued with Gordon Thomas [see page 33 of International Currency Review, Volume 30, #’s 2 & 3. Date of the conversation: 18th November 2004:

Editor: ‘It’s obvious that this mad fantasy about our supposed links with Mark Thatcher and the Equatorial Guinea botch and scandal comes from the same source [as the drivel about Bernie Ecclestone], namely MI6’.

Gordon Thomas: ‘That’s right’.

Editor: ‘Who did you obtain this [Mark Thatcher libel] from: were they high-up sources?’

Gordon Thomas: ‘I heard this very recently… yes, one of them is [a high-up source]. I would describe the other as middle management’.

Editor: ‘So what makes them do something like this? What drives them to make up such ludicrous stories and lies, when they know that they can’t make anything stick’ (since the whole pack of lies is a crude and clumsy, ignorant invention. The Editor has done nothing else since 1963 but editing and publishing, which takes up 150% of his time).

Gordon Thomas: ‘It’s not necessary for them to prove anything. All they need to do is to make allegations. That’s all they need to do’.

Editor: ‘So what have they done with these lies? Have they put them out there to the press?’

Editor: ‘Yes, it’s with the press, we understand’.

Gordon Thomas was nefariously used as the messenger for these lies. The Editor recalls asking him further: ‘What was the purpose of these lies?’

Gordon Thomas: ‘To make you sit up and think’.

Now, in the light of Wantagate et seq., what could this POSSIBLY mean? It was of course a threat. If you proceed along the lines of your current investigations, we will discredit you and block off your access to the press.

Far from being intimidated, the Editor chose to expose this discrediting operation in International Currency Review, the relevant issue of which sits in offices, libraries and government departments around the world, for the record.

There are several reasons why the above matter is being exposed at this juncture. The Editor was indirectly threatened by MI6, the message being ‘cease and desist from your research into Wanta and your attempts to help him’, and ‘just for your information, we have distributed lies about you to the press so that you will never be able to access the press again’ (the Editor used to write huge Op-Ed reports for The Daily Telegraph). Gordon Thomas actually cited a case of someone to whom MI6 had earlier taken a disliking, whom they had destroyed by feeding odious information about him to one or more of the trashy newspapers. In other words, Gordon Thomas was used by MI6 to try to MAKE THE EDITOR STOP RESEARCHING WANTA. Instead of being his own man, able to make up his own mind, he allowed himself to be used for a nefarious purpose.

As is now well known, the Editor’s admittedly reckless action in paying for the Ambassador’s exit from his illegal probation in July 2005, is the precise development which triggered the events that culminated in Wantagate and which have in turn precipitated the prevailing international financial situation arising from the perverse ongoing criminality of highest-level US Government officials, all of which represent ‘unintended consequences’ arising from the Editor’s action in July 2005.

We now understand that MI6 are being, and have been, most helpful behind the scenes in certain ways towards the Ambassador and his colleagues. But the Editor would like it to be known that this was NOT PREVIOUSLY THE CASE. On the contrary, MI6 went out of its way to PREVENT THE EDITOR FROM DOING WHAT HE WOUND UP DOING IN ORDER TO ASSIST THE AMBASSADOR.

MI6 would have been aware that the Editor had visited Ambassador Wanta privately in May 2004. For the record, therefore, while one is naturally grateful that this intel organisation has finally come to its senses on this score, the historical fact is that by irresponsibly and criminally feeding empty and groundless tripe and disinformation about the Editor of this service to the British press (all of which was unfounded garbage), MI6 sought to damage this Editor’s reputation, in order to try to prevent him from attempting to assist Ambassador Wanta, whom it is now said to be helping.

It is this kind of double-mindedness, duplicity and fecklessness that has got the world into the unprecedented mess it is in, due to the mindless intelligence warfare that has been raging behind the scenes. To be frank, the Editor strongly objects to having been threatened by MI6, when later on, as a direct consequence of his intervention, they appear to be pleased with the outcome.

Not good enough.

After the Editor exposed this crass MI6 stupidity in meticulous detail in our financial journal, the operation appears to have been ‘pulled’. Of course the gullible and brainwashed UK ‘mainstream media’ retained the false information and have refused the Editor all access ever since.

But now that we have a readership up to 50 times larger than that of The Daily Telegraph, it may be an appropriate time to reveal this background to a wider public – not least since a US operative using the initials applicable also to the phrase Virtual Keyboard Device may finally understand that this Editor is precisely what he says he is (see the final paragraph at the foot of each report), is not an instrument of any intelligence or other organisation, and is not an agent for a foreign power or for anyone at all. There are vague, unsourced references ‘out there’ to ‘Story and his people’: what people, exactly? We have no ‘people’.

This is an arms’-length exposure operation that needed doing: and as this Editor is the longest-serving independent editor of a financial journal in the world, it fell, unfortunately, to him, to be faced with the task of ongoing exposure of this corruption, which is the origin of Wantagate.

This digression aside, the message of the foregoing is that we must not assume that the actual payouts represent the ‘end of the matter’. The enforcement entities, Interpol and MI6, seem to be woefully inadequate for the task, and in any case are themselves internationalist organisations working for The New Underworld Order. On the contrary, as an extremely well-informed source pointed out to the Editor overnight, ‘it’s not over yet’. No, it isn’t. It is precisely when the payouts are supposed to be taking place, that the whole lot is most vulnerable to being stolen.

That may be happening. Don’t know, but keep the possibility firmly in mind, please.

One other point before we comment upon some valuable new leakified information about DVD, Dachau (below). For some time, there has been a concerted operation to amend definitions of terms. The coffee you are drinking at Starbucks isn’t really coffee. You think it’s coffee, but really it’s a chemical mixture that tastes like coffee. Also, the mug that you’re drinking it from isn’t really a mug. It looks like a mug, but you are a mug for thinking it’s a mug, because it’s not. It’s a container. And the Starbucks you’re sitting in isn’t really Starbucks at all. It’s a Virtual Starbucks franchise, and the owners aren’t Starbucks but rather Buck Star Limited, registered in the Cayman Islands.

The US Treasury isn’t really the US Treasury at all: it’s United States New Treasury Operations, Inc. Washington DC is a corporation. The Hotel Washington, from which I am dreamily looking out at the Treasury, isn’t that same Hotel Washington which doubles its prices during IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings weekend, and where you can get the best breakfast in town: it’s New Hotel Washington Enterprises, Inc, a proprietary CIA corporation.

The Internal Revenue Service is really a private corporation which is collecting taxes illegally and has no authority whatsoever to do so. The United States Supreme Court is a subsidiary of Model Luciferian Enterprises Incorporated, and the Congress is an operation of Capitol Hill Ventures Pty, Inc., registered in Alice Springs, Australia. The Editor of this service is really Father Christmas.

The rabbit-hole we have just entered broadens out into a Black warren of illusion like the familiar tunnel with no end, in a typical bad dream. Everything inside the rabbit warren is back to front and inside out, as Alice discovered when she walked through the looking glass.

It’s called ‘redefining of terms’. Counterintelligence obfuscation par excellence.

Here’s how to deal with this offensive. Whether the Black Forces like it or not, they are stuck in the ‘real world’, as presented for public consumption, and as perceived by the general public.

Sure, they are double-minded, and live in a duplicitous parallel, virtual universe of their own crass invention. And sure, the reality as THEY perceive it is the duplicated construct that bedevils their rancid, Fascist minds. They operate on the basis of what is in THEIR minds, not ours.

And they are out of their minds, and in Lenin’s and Schicklgruber’s and Satan’s minds.

And sure, DUPLICATION HAS INDEED TAKEN PLACE and some of these false Fascist constructs exist (a huge volume of them, in fact).


Apologists for the ‘dupicated’, virtual Fascist world overlook this reality.

The fallacy underlying all this is that the purported fact of Fascist corporate duplication does not mean that the perceived world is not real. It simply means that the criminalists are double-minded and that it suits them, when the going gets tough, to try to persuade us that what we see is not the real world, that the organisations we think we are dealing with are not really what they seem but are something else entirely, and that the real world is their mad world of deception, intrigue, hatred, lies, double-dealing, ‘bait and switch’, stealing, murder and redefined terms. Welcome to MK-Ultra.

Sorry mate. The weakness of this Black MK-Uktra mind-controlled world is that it has to work within the ACTUAL world in which we live, and which it despises – the world in which the US Rule of Law is still purported to exist, even though the Black Forces have all but destroyed it; the real world in which Congress piles more and more legislation upon the multiple layers of legal gobbldegook that it has generated for decades, a world inhabited by a MAJORITY of awakened, thinking people and military personnel who WILL NOT PUT UP WITH THIS GARBAGE ANY LONGER and who will see to it that these criminal forces and the foreign powers manipulating them, are soon brought to justice, however long it may take.

• The ‘virtual world’ of criminalist, underworld ‘intelligence’ is constantly banging its dead head against the ceiling of the real world, and having to take its despised existence into account.

Let the Black Forces get this reality into their thick Black skulls before something really unpleasant happens to the skulls in question.

Now for an interesting new insight on Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau [please see our report dated 22nd January 2008]. It surfaces on a Black (literally) CIA website, where, on 25th January, the well-known operative Tom Heneghan dropped some information which connects with something that this Editor knows about.

Some considerable time ago, the Editor was explaining to Ambassador Wanta on the transatlantic telephone line that the known STASI operative Eva Teleki is actually a DVD operative, reporting to Dachau, and that STASI was a convenient cover for the DVD (actually, under Communism, it was really the old Nazi Gestapo in Communist clothing). As the Editor has reported several times, the multitude of intelligence community eavesdroppers who were insulting us with their presence on the line on that occasion GASPED LOUDLY AND OPENLY.

There were THREE such loud gasps. Ambassador Wanta is witness to this fact. Why the gasps?

Two possibilities. Either the illegal listeners-in couldn’t believe that an ‘outsider’ had worked this out for himself. Or else, they didn’t actually know this.

Now for Tom Heneghan’s latest leak. Normally one has to take what these people leak on Agency-controlled sites with a large packet of salt. But since the Editor has background information on this matter, he believes that the leak is accurate, or ballpark.

Tom Heneghan referenced the fact that the proprietary Marvelous Investments Limited (MIL) (a corporation owned and established by Ambassador Wanta and which held/holds massive funds of which Lee Wanta remains the sole principal – Editor), is today ‘headed by a counterfeiter, check bouncer and alleged terrorist Eva Telege… Telege forged Ambassador Leo Wanta’s signature to ILLEGALLY take control of MIL while Wanta was FALSELY imprisoned in Sayre, Oklahoma, from 1997 to 1998. [Note: Ambassador Wanta was shunted around the US GULAG in part so that his mail was always delayed and rarely caught up with him, before being dumped in the hideous Wisconsin State manifestation of the Stalinist US GULAG – Editor].

Heneghan’s leak continued:

‘Telege is currently in Sweden under the protection of the corrupt Swedish Monarchy. She is wanted in France, Holland and Belgium for passing bad checks and counterfeit Euro currency.

Telege is also wanted for questioning in the 7/7 London subway bombing; in fact Scotland Yard has issued a warrant for her arrest’.

The reference to this operative being currently located in Sweden is interesting, first because another known ‘STASI’ operative, supposedly employing the dubious double-entendre name ‘Shagwell’, reportedly an opera singer of Hungarian extraction, has also been alleged to be resident in Scandinavia. One wonders whether the two are, by any chance, one and the same.

Secondly, the Sweden reference is also interesting because a huge amount of Bushfraudulent finance was directed through the Swedish Riksbank in the 1990s. Heneghan’s designation of the Swedish Monarchy as corrupt (more specifically, Sweden’s central bank) is accurate. But one should also bear firmly in mind that the corruption poison has been distributed worldwide by the Bush-linked underworld-focused George Bush Center for Global Corruption (Langley).

Now the Editor was well aware, both from documentation that he holds in safekeeping and from comments to him personally by Ambassador Wanta, that this STASI operative appeared out of the blue while he was illegally incarcerated, and that Wanta signed a document that she proffered to him in the jail, because he was ordered to do so (and implicitly had no choice, which is perfectly reasonable given his dreadful predicament at the time).

The Ambassador has also stated to the Editor that this woman has reneged on obligations towards him that arise from the document in question. The Editor is further aware that this operative stole a sum of money belonging to the Ambassador as sole principal, amounting to between $56 billion and $69 billion (the actual number being uncertain).

Heneghan deliberately spells this woman’s name incorrectly. Of Hungarian origin, her name is spelt Teleki. By spelling the name incorrectly, Heneghan may well have intended that parties would get in touch so as to correct his spelling, while divulging further relevant information at the same time: an old intelligence community trick.

The Editor was also aware in 2005 that Ms. Eva Teleki was resident for the time being somewhere in London, and informed certain authorities of this fact. As usual, they took the information, didn’t say thank you and never elaborated further. When the 7/7 atrocities were staged in London, the Editor applied his lateral thinking skills to the situation and suggested to the same authorities that Teleki, being a STASI/DVD operative, may have been the paymaster behind the atrocities.

Heneghan has now revealed in his leak (and last November, as well) that Scotland Yard has issued a warrant for Eva Teleki’s arrest. Isn’t that interesting.

Uh, because that means that the British authorities know perfectly well that DVD was behind the 7/7 atrocities in London. Yet they are duplicitously continuing to cow-tow to the Germans by their facile adherence to and empty participation in the sterile, counterproductive European Union Collective, which is a long-range hegemony/control operation of the Nazi Abwehr (counterintelliegnce), a.k.a. Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, the perpetrators of the 7/7 atrocities.

In a related note, Tom Heneghan repeated earlier information posted on 18th November 2007 that (incorrectly spelt) agent Telege is ‘a Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate fixer [who] takes orders from daddy Bush, (CIA operative), Mrs Hillary Clinton and the illegally pardoned fugitive Marc Rich’.

Heneghan also displayed a photograph captioned ‘Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate bagman East German DVD agent and Israeli Mossad agent fugitive Zionist Marc Rich’.

• FACT: On pages 83-96 and also on page 269 of International Currency Review, Volume 31,#s 3 &4 [Fourth Quarter 2006] the Editor proved, from documents, that Marc Rich may in fact be a long-term deep-cover Deutsche Vertieidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, operative born on 4th June 1934, who emigrated from Lelbach/Waldeck uber Korbach, Germany, to Canada in 1954, and later received his Certificate of Canadian Citizenship #898013 in March 1966 under his real name, Hans Brand.

• FACT: Tom Heneghan now confirms on a CIA-owned website that Marc Rich is a DVD operative.

Heneghan’s report dated 18th November stated that ‘as far as Ms. Eva Telege is concerned, a European RED INTERPOL NOTICE has been issued for her arrest. The RED NOTICE mentions Telege as a suspect in the London subway bombing on 7/7 [2005]. Eva Telege is also wanted in France and Switzerland for passing bad checks…’.

‘If that is not enough, Ms Telege forged documents in order to ILLEGALLY transfer Power of Attorney for Marvelous Investments Ltd from Ambassador Leo Wanta to Ms. Telege’.

In his leak dated 25th January 2008, Heneghan, referencing a huge secret bank account allegedly held by the Clintons in the Cayman Islands, stated in his usual colourful language:

‘Romney [is a] business partner with Daddy Bush. This dovetails to our previous intelligence briefing linking Romney, Hillary Clinton, former President Herbert Walker Bush and John Kerry Cohen (Bushfraud’s third cousin)… all [of whom] are sitting on the Board of Directors of a CIA proprietary corporation called Marvelous Investments Ltd (MIL) [repeat: originally set up by Wanta, and of which he remains the sole owner and principal both of the corporation and of its assets to this day – Editor of this service).

No wonder the balloon went up when Ambassador Wanta ‘ceased to be dead’ after the Editor’s private funds of $35,000 (which should have been paid back to him with 7% annual interest by Escrow Trustee Attorney Steven Goodwin in June 2007, but haven’t been) procured the ending of Lee Emil Wanta’s illegal probationary confinement effective 14th November, five years earlier than stipulated. The Ambassador’s probation would otherwise have ended on 28th November 2010.

And the background of Hillary Clinton’s little visit in the 1990s to Crozier Bank in Grenada, which suddenly found itself with a ‘Black hole’ not unadjacent to $500 million, has still to be related. While Mrs Rodomski Clinton was in the bank, the institution’s video surveillance cameras miraculously failed. The stolen funds have not been declared for tax purposes. Er, no, we imagine not.

On page 358 of International Currency Review, Volume 31, #s 3 & 4, we displayed a letter that had been made available to us, dated 17th December 1998 re Marvelous Investments Limited, from Bank Crozier which states:

‘Please be advised that you currently have a balance of Five Hundred Million United States Dollars ($500,000,000) in your account designated for the purchase of Medium-term Notes’.

Let the unravelling continue. And believe this independent Editor: IT WILL

Oh, and by the way: Michael C. Cottrell M.S. and the Ambassador require ECONOMIC RECEIPT of the funds overdue to them, plus interest.

Economic receipt is the only basis of payment that is or can be acceptable, and the only basis upon which US taxes are payable. Economic receipt is ‘real world’ receipt, not ‘virtual’ i.e. ‘constructive’ receipt. Period. The Ambassador has NOT so far taken economic receipt; and since the funds that are supposed to be being paid out belong to the Ambassador in the first place, no other party can be paid until such time as the Ambassador’s hijacked ‘compromise’ $4.5 trillion has been remitted from the US criminal enterprise called Citibank to the corporate securities account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. within Morgan Stanley, and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. has taken economic receipt of it. Whether the Tier One ‘countries’ have actually been paid cannot be confirmed, either.

Suggestions made to us on 24th January that key Tier One Trustees had been or were being paid, which we carefully contrasted in the preceding report with the verified FACT that the Ambassador had NOT been paid, have not been supported since by further reliable information from ANY of our multiple sources to that effect. Their purpose, as with earlier blanishments, appears to have been to OBFUSCATE the reality, reiterated below, that no-one gets paid a red cent until the Ambassador has been paid, because Wanta retains his claim on the funds that belong to him. Period.

The possibility is that reports of payments may have been false. There were also suggestions that the payouts started, were then stopped at 2.00pm on Friday 25th January, and then started up again at 4.00pm that day. None of these suggestions have been capable of reliable confirmation. The only FACT that is verified is that the Ambassador has NOT been paid. We rely upon that FACT.

Until the Ambassador is paid, has taken economic receipt and has accordingly thereby relinquished his ongoing recognised and wholly legitimate claim to his underlying $27.5 trillion, and to the entire layered edifice of illegally accrued fiat money funds illegally generated through multiple leveraging upon the back of his stolen/diverted funds, NO-ONE ELSE CAN RECEIVE A SINGLE RED CENT.


This alone supports the argument contained in this Update report that the criminals have attacked, may be attacking or intend to attack the armoured vehicle that has arrived at the high street bank branch and is supposedly transferring the funds. ENDS

Uniform Commercial Code: Article 4A – Funds Transfer: Section 4A-305:

(a) If a funds transfer is completed but execution of a payment order by the receiving bank… results in delay in payment to the beneficiary, the bank is obliged to pay interest… to the beneficiary of the funds transfer for the period of delay caused by the improper execution.

As stated in our report dated 4th October, we then calculated that the amount of interest payable to the beneficiary by Citibank, given its delay in paying out the diverted funds since June 2006, was around $350 billion. This amount is rising BY THE DAY, and is now approaching $400 billion.

• [As we revealed at the time] Citibank ‘agreed’ to pay $352 billion by way of interest, following our publication of the above statements. However, the Editor, not being a banker, merely made a rough guestimate at the amount of interest payable by Citibank, consequent upon its criminal frustration and diversion of the Settlement funds since June 2006.

• The actual amount of interest payable by Citibank as an interest penalty, if calculated on the basis of overnight rates, might approximate well over $1.0 trillion. So the institution, having been made aware of our posting dated 1st November, grabbed the Editor’s rough estimate of $350 billion, and added a couple of billion on to make the figure look different. ENDS.

We sell, as a special package, the relevant recent back issues of International Currency Review, containing a massive amount of information and back-up documentation, for a flat fee of $750.00, payable in advance. Please use the CONTACT US facility to place your order and send check to the London office: World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EF, United Kingdom. Orders may also be emailed direct to the Editor at:

• Another way of ordering this package is to (a) forward us a CONTACT US email requesting the package, and then (b) to order International Currency Review via the ultra-safe ordering facility at the World Reports Limited section of this website.

• Please state in the CONTACT US facility that you have ordered International Currency Review but that you specifically want to receive the Wantagate package only.

• Editor’s Note: We are still, from time to time, receiving emails from frustrated people seeking documentation to ‘back up’ what we publish in these reports. Such correspondents choose to overlook the well-known fact that we have published several huge issues of International Currency Review [SEE ABOVE] which contain hundreds of pages of facsimiles of relevant documents. Since we are a commercial operation, we cannot make these volumes available free of charge.

• However copies are available in many university and other libraries around the world, and of course they can be ordered via this website at any time. But the main point here is that complaints along these lines reveal lack of knowledge of the background, which is that an immense volume of relevant documents has been published in our printed intelligence services.


• We now repeat, yet again, our familiar summary of the Statutes, securities regulations and fraud information that we have appended to these reports for many months. The reason we append this information is to remind everyone of their clear responsibilities under the US Misprision of Felony legislation, and of course to provide a legal basis for these reports.

Reiteration of the fraudulent transactions involving Bank of New York Mellon – a bank so arrogant and conspicuously indifferent both to its tarnished reputation and to its grotesque breaches of US law and of N.A.S.D./S.E.C. Regulations, that it now takes first prize in the crowded competition for the title of ‘Most arrogant and corrupt financial institution in America’. At least, this was the case until the perpetration of the ‘Saturday scam’ described above and on 13th November:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• ‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent on person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957

In addition to which Bank of New York Mellon is in violation of:
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Wanta’s funds.

The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above. This list is reproduced in International Currency Review, Volume 33, #s 1 & 2, September 2007, on pages 163-168.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Wicked Pedia Update dated 2nd December 2007:

As previously reported, the Editor’s attention was drawn, in the second half of November 2007, to a pack of old lies, diversionary claptrap and disinformation posted on Wikipedia under ‘Leo Wanta’.

Although this posting appeared FOR THE FIRST TIME on 12th November 2007, it consisted almost entirely of ancient lies, including disinformation dredged out of ‘Thieves’ World’, a hatchet job published in 1994 by Simon and Schuster by the late Claire Sterling, a CIA operative.

Mrs Sterling died suddenly after being summoned for her second meeting with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, under Clinton.

The fact that the OLD Wikipedia lies appeared for the first time as late as 12th November 2007, and consisted almost totally of old, discredited lies, omitting the Master Lie that the CIA retailed after the Ambassador had been taken down, namely that he was DEAD, indicated quite clearly to the Editor and his advisers that this latest evil display of regurgitated disinformation represented a deliberate operation by the US intelligence community’s disinformation and lie machine, to begin, all over again, the process of discrediting Ambassador Leo Wanta – so that they can relieve him of his funds by some false pretext or other after a ‘gag order’ has been signed.

The definitive up-to-date information on the Ambassador’s affairs has been published on this website, and in several issues of International Currency Review, Economic Intelligence Review, Soviet Analyst and Arab-Asian Affairs, all published by World Reports Limited, for several years. Copies of these publications are in official, institutional and library hands all over the world. Therefore, any posting about Ambassador Wanta that relies upon ancient lies and fails to take account of the accurate information that we have published, can easily be demonstrated to represent yet another US intelligence community and NSA discrediting operation.

We now understand that the Principals have been advised (for the past several weeks) that they will not be allowed to reveal that they have been paid. This loony state of affairs is designed to ‘set them up’ for a future discrediting operation whereby false witness will be deployed against them to the effect that they have stolen the money, or some such pack of lies, which they will be unable to refute because they will be bound by the ‘prerequisite’ gag order that is intended. Its purpose, of course, is to ‘legitimise’ the old and new lies that the US disinformation apparat will be preparing for future use. The likelihood is that the new discrediting operation will be extended to Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as well. We are prepared for this intended onslaught.

On 19th November, the Editor posted on Wikipedia the accurate text about Leo Wanta that is now reproduced below. The Editor’s accurate text was then removed by Wikipedia, leaving the ‘old lies’ that had existed previously. When the Editor became aware of this, he reposted the accurate text below, and, given that his own copy had been deleted, he then deleted the pack of lies, leaving his own accurate text up on the Wikipedia site instead, without the lies.

On 2nd December, the Editor was advised by a monitor that the Editor’s accurate text had been removed and that the old discrediting lies had been reposted on the page by Wikipedia. When the Editor checked, he found that the page could no longer be edited because of what the site managers described as ‘vandalism’.

It was not ‘vandalism’ to delete the truth and to replace the truth by old lies, but it was ‘vandalism’ to delete ‘old lies’ and replace them by the truth.

We are therefore able to conclude from this Wicked Pedia outrage, as follows:

1. Wikipedia, which purports to ‘change the world’, prefers lies to the truth.

2. Wikipedia is therefore, by definition, a source of disinformation and lies, and cannot be trusted as a source of reliable information in any context.

3. The only category of sick society that would have any interest in disseminating lies about Ambassador Wanta, the United States’ greatest living patriot, rather than the truth, is the mentally disturbed US counterintelligence disinformation apparat (a.k.a. the US STUPIDITY COMMUNITY) which, by its actions in deleting the Editor’s ACCURATE information and replacing it with old lies, and by its illegal behaviour in ‘snipping’ our website texts as stated above, thereby reveals the desperation of its concerns, which all have to do with covering up official criminality.

4. It is now far too late for the US stupidity community to repair the damage that it has done since June 2006, when the Ambassador’s funds were first hijacked by the criminal financial operative Henry M. Paulson, US Treasury Secretary. So it is laying the groundwork for a renewed discrediting operation against Ambassador Wanta and his colleagues.

• We and others will see to it that this intention is defeated, and that such nefarious scheming is exposed for the amoral and disgusting Luciferian behaviour that it represents.

The ACCURATE text that the Editor posted on the Wikipedia site, follows. (The Editor, after all, PAID FOR AMBASSADOR WANTA’S EXIT FROM PROBATION, FOR GOODNESS SAKE, SO HE CAN HARDLY BE A SOURCE OF DISINFORMATION, CAN HE?). This information will be very widely distributed by other means, in order to provide all concerned with the necessary ‘heads-up’ as to what these US Dark Forces have in mind. They are out of their minds and in Satan’s mind:

The disinformation about Leo Wanta (Lee Wanta) below was first posted on 12th November 2007. It contains ancient CIA disinformation and long since exposed lies going back to the early 1990s, and obfuscates the truth. The report appended immediately below was added on 19th November 2007, to correct the disinformation contained in the original stub.

It was subsequently removed and is hereby replaced. This sequence of events, which suggests that egregious lies are preferred to the truth, has been recorded on, which contains all the updated and breaking Wanta material, that was ignored and traduced in the stub at the foot of this report.

This is the correct information that we posted on 19th November 2007:

The ‘information’ posted below represents a deliberately malevolent, false disinformation picture which has no bearing on reality. It is a travesty of the truth of the matter and cites Christopher Story as the author of some of the disinformation, which is libellous and implies that Story, the veteran
Editor of International Currency Review of nearly 40 years’ standing, is engaged in the egregious dissemination of lies, which is not the case.

This is such an egregiously malevolent stub of disinformation that readers should prudently dismiss it altogether; they should start afresh by accessing Christopher Story‘s website, which is:, reading from the Archive. is the authoritative source for all updated information on Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta. The source ‘Thieves’ World’ was a CIA disinformation work prepared by the late CIA disinformation operative Claire Sterling, published in 1994.

This stub regurgitates ancient lies perpetrated by the CIA, which lied for many years that Lee (Leo being his intelligence community name) Wanta was dead. The CIA proclaimed that he was dead so that corrupt cadres could ransack his funds (see below).

He ‘ceased to be dead’ with effect from 21st July 2005 after Christopher Story, a British private citizen, had paid $35,000 from his scarce private funds pro bono publico by way of ‘restitution’ to an American lawyer for onward payment to the Wisconsin State Department of Corrections, to procure Mr Wanta’s release from his illegal probation.

Despite his Ambassadorial status, Wanta had been illegally ‘taken down’ in Switzerland on 7th July 1993 without a warrant on a trumped-up Wisconsin State charge of having failed to pay $14,129 in falsely assessed Wisconsin State fabricated tax that he never owed because he had been resident in Vienna on US Presidential intelligence work since June 1988.

This data is all in the public domain, has been published for several years in International Currency Review, the Journal of the World Financial Community, and can be read on Mr Story’s website.

International Currency Review is a banking and financial journal with a worldwide circulation: ISSN 0020-6490. It is published by World Reports Limited, London.

Notwithstanding that this fabricated tax demand (orchestrated by US criminal intelligence) had been paid twice under protest by Lee Emil Wanta from abroad (in May and June 1992), the funds were improperly allocated by the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue and were never credited to the false account maintained by them for the Ambassador. (Christopher Story holds documentary
proof of both payments). They were paid a third time by Christopher Story in June 2005, which action duly procured Mr Wanta’s release from illegal probation effective 14th November 2005.

As a consequence of Wanta thus ceasing to be dead, the CIA’s lie that he was dead collapsed in chaos, and all the subsidiary old false witness lies that the CIA had perpetrated, including those assembled for disinformation purposes in the stub below (which, in line with the standard false witness used throughout by detractors, attempts to portray Christopher Story as a source of disinformation) were discredited as well.

Why was Wanta taken down? So that the criminal intelligence cadres running the US Government could ransack the $27.5 trillion of funds assembled by Leo Wanta on President Reagan’s orders, in the course of his Financial Warfare operations against the USSR.

Under Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 of 1981, US intelligence officers were permitted to establish corporations which could thereafter contract with the CIA/DIA/DEA/NSA et al for the purpose of fulfilling allotted intelligence tasks allocated to them.

The financial proceeds of operations conducted by such corporations were consequently the property of the corporations and thus of their shareholders, a legal fact of life which has never been, and cannot be, disputed. This was not a good idea because almost all US intelligence
operatives are liars and do not function on the basis of the Rule of Law at all, if they can help it.

Lee Wanta is the well-known patriotic exception to this rule: he operates solely in accordance with US law, in contrast to the behaviour of other US operatives, which is why the kakocracy* needed to remove him from the scene, as duly occurred July 1993.

Once Wanta had been illegally arrested (contrary to international law, as a diplomat) and then thrown into a stinking Swiss jail on 7th July 1993, the criminal cadres inside the US official structures immediately ransacked Mr Wanta’s bank accounts according to plan.

The history of this matter is, and has been, elaborated in great depth on Christopher Story‘s website and has been extensively published, as mentioned, in International Currency Review and other World Reports Limited intelligence publications.

Students are advised perhaps to begin with the ‘Wisconsingate’ report dated 6th August 2007, which forensically dissects, with detailed documentary back-up, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s tax fabrication operation against Wanta, stretching back for over 20 years, that has been exposed by Christopher Story in minute detail, and which formed the fabricated basis for Wanta’s illegal takedown in 1993, despite the fact that Wisconsin has no jurisdiction beyond its borders.

The overall Wantagate crisis, which is the sole and continuing underlying cause of the prevailing global financial and economic day of reckoning that the world is now facing, has been triggered by the fact that the George W. Bush Jr. White House, aided and abetted by other senior office-holders, hijacked the compromise financial settlement of $4.5 trillion that the White House itself agreed (in a classified accord that was finalised in May 2006) should be paid over to Ambassador Wanta, so that the stolen and diverted remaining $23 trillion of his funds (and the many hundreds of trillions of dollars hypothecated upon them) could be released from a de facto lien arising from the collapse of the CIA’s lie that Wanta was dead.

For clearly, since he had ceased to be dead, 100% of these funds (plus the hundreds of trillions of fiat ‘funny’ money generated by illegal leveraged operations from that base) belonged to Lee Wanta and to no-one else: a situation that the banks ‘could not handle’.

The entire narrative of what has become the worst financial corruption crisis in world history (which this stub consisting of disinformation attempts to obfuscate) is set out in great detail on Christopher Story‘s website, to which all readers are directed in order for the accurate state of affairs to be understood. As indicated, this stub below is a travesty and a disgrace, as it regurgitates long since discredited CIA lies, presents a diversionary, distorted and misleading picture, and because it malevolently incorporates Christopher Story as a source for some of this disinformation.

It is a disgusting instance of ignorant and malevolent US counterintelligence disinformation and deceit at its very worst.

All the statements in the above commentary may be verified by reference to and International Currency Review. Another publication covering this matter in detail is Economic Intelligence Review, also published by World Reports Limited, London. Wanta students should access the Archive on the Home Page.

A book devoted to Ambassador Wanta and the Wantagate crisis is in preparation

The Wanta disinformation referred to above has been deleted from this page. ENDS.

The Ambassador and his colleagues now have special diplomatic status (conferred upon them by HM The Queen in 2007), which means that the Ambassador is now an Ambassador several times over. This factor greatly complicates the intended discrediting offensive that the mad US stupidity community’s Dark Forces contemplate, their sole objective being of course to cover up their own criminality, in line with pending ‘thought crime’ legislation which has the same Nazi-style objective.

*Note: ‘Kakocracy’: Governance by a clique representing the worst elements of society, in their interests and to the exclusion of all other interests, from the Greek, kakos, meaning foul, or filthy.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Tuesday 22 January 2008 14:02







By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006. [Note: A new panel giving details of our latest publications as they are made available, has been added].

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story‘s ongoing financial global corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the necessary resolution of the worst financial corruption and global financial crisis in history. This website has been calling the shots, because of the hijacking of Wanta’s Settlement. This is the 89th Wantagate report: over a million words to date.

At first sight, and on a superficial reading, the following report may appear not to have anything to do with Wantagate. However it will be found that, as you read on, this is very far from the case.

At 2.55pm on Friday 14th December 2007, the Editor telephoned the Press Office at Number Ten Downing Street, the Residence of the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

He asked the following question:

‘Did the Prime Minister read the European Union Treaty document that he has just signed in Portugal, before he signed it?’

The Downing Street Press Office official responded: ‘Er, I’ll get a Press Officer to call you back’.

Christopher Story: ‘Are you unable to answer my question?’

Downing Street Official: ‘I’ll get a Press Officer to call you back’.

Christopher Story: ‘When will that be?’

Downing Street Official: ‘Er, as soon as possible’.

• At 1.30pm on Tuesday 18th December 2007, the Editor telephoned the Press Office at Number Ten Downing Street, the Residence of the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

He asked the following question:

‘Did the Prime Minister read the European Union Treaty document that he has just signed in Portugal, before he signed it?’

Downing Street Official: ‘I’m sure he read it’.

Christopher Story: ‘Do you know when he read it?’

Downing Street Official: ‘No, but I can try and find out for you’.

Christopher Story: ‘You’ll call me back?’

Downing Street Official: ‘I will do, certainly’.

• At 11.30am on Tuesday 17th January 2008, the Editor telephoned the Press Office at Number Ten Downing Street, the Residence of the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

He asked the following question:

‘Did the Prime Minister read the European Union Treaty document that he has just signed in Portugal, before he signed it?’

Downing Street Official: ‘I’ll get someone to call you back. What’s your phone number, Chris?’

Christopher Story: ‘7222 3836’.

Downing Street Official: ‘I’ll get someone to give you a call back’.

The Editor of International Currency Review has been lied to by the Prime Minister’s Office.

No-one from the Downing Street Press Office had called him back with an answer to his simple, straightforward question, by the date of this posting.

One does not need to possess a first-class degree in psychology to understand why no answer has been forthcoming. Manifestly:

• If the Prime Minister read the document before he signed it, he is a traitor and is in grotesque breach of his oath of loyalty to the British Head of State, HM The Queen.

• If the Prime Minister did not read the document before he signed it, he is in dereliction of his duty to defend the interests of the British people and the Monarchy, is grossly incompetent, and should be impeached.

• If the question could not be answered, the correct and honest answer should have been:

‘We cannot answer your question’.

Obviously, officials decided that their safest course would be not to respond at all, so that (a) they cannot be accused of deception and lying, and (b) the matter is conveniently left up in the air.

That is dishonest, small-minded, scandalous and reprehensible.

The Editor of this service, being a member of the press, was entitled to a straight answer to his simple question. He has been given the usual brush-off that is meted out to anyone who has the temerity to query the duplicitous official (revolutionary, anti-nation state) ‘line’.

In the British House of Commons this week, the European Union (Amendment) Bill is undergoing its second reading. On 9th October of last year, the Labour-dominated House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee confirmed that the ‘revised’ EU Lisbon Treaty document is almost precisely the same as the European Constitution, which was rejected in referenda held in the Netherlands and France in 2005. M. Giscard d’Estaing, the self-important, opinionated patrician former President of France, who was instrumental in composing the original convoluted ‘European Constitution Treaty’, has himself explicitly acknowledged that the latest document ‘is the same as the Constitution’, with cosmetic language adjustments. The European Constitution (today, the Lisbon) Treaty essentially destroys the residual decayed sovereignty of the pathetic constituent satrap European (EU) nation states, in blind accordance with the recklessly accelerating globalist (Illuminati-driven) offensive to destroy all nationalsovereignty and to collectivise everything (Communism).

On 21st January, a posse of 35 characters who are prominent on the British business scene – led by the disgraced former BP boss, Lord Browne, the CEO of WPP, Sir Martin Sorrrell, the Chairman of Apax Partners, Sir Ronald Cohen and the Chairman of J Sainsbury, Sir Philip Hampton, published a letter in The Daily Telegraph containing the following tired and content-free language:

‘As business leaders, we believe that our instinctive [PLEASE NOTE] pro-Europe approach should be complemented by a drive for further [sic] economic reform, and for an effective single market, entailing a level playing field [sic] for all companies. Sometimes it is necessary to be critical of what the EU says and does. But this should be done in the overall context of Britain enjoying a positive relationship with the EU’.


• ‘Our support for the destruction of national sovereignty is based upon ‘INSTINCT’.

• It is not, therefore, based upon INTELLECT. Now, one might have thought that these great big, self-important businessmen were accustomed to conducting their business operations on the basis of the exercise of intellectual aptitude. Assuming that to be the case, why do they ABANDON the use of their intellects with respect to their support for the European Union?

One presumes that their intellects inform them that corruption within their own organisations is ‘a bad thing’. Why, then, do they tolerate it in the EU context? Are they all mad?


FACT: If they didn’t know even that, they are not merely guilty of failing to apply their intellects to this matter: they are ignoramuses, as well.

• ‘Drive for further economic reform’: What is the meaning of the adjective ‘further’ here? To what SPECIFIC economic reform do they refer? As close students of the European Union Collective, we are not aware of any ‘reform’. Since, therefore, no concrete, identifiably relevant ‘economic reform’ has actually taken place, why do they imagine that their call for FURTHER economic reform is in any way meaningful? You cannot have FURTHER economic reform if none has taken place to date.

In any case, these ‘Useful Idiots’ (as Lenin called such people who, wittingly or otherwise, further the evil interests of the Revolution), a political and economic collective is genetically impervious to ‘reform’. And of course, as usual, the ‘Useful Idiots’ never define their terms, do they? What do they MEAN by ‘reform’? They don’t say (because they don’t know, or care).

• ‘Level playing field’: This is a well-known collectivist term. So these supposedly free market UKbusinessmen are collectivists? That may explain why they choose to overlook the striking fact that the annual costs of EU regulation (the basic building block of Communism, by the way) across the 27 EU member States amounts to 600 billion Euros (approximately 5.5% of EU Gross Domestic Product), whereas the much-proclaimed ‘trade benefits’ of thevaunted ‘single market’ that the 35 signatories ‘enjoy’, aggregate only 160 billion Euros.

• The source of this data is Gunter Verheugen (never heard of him?), the European Commission Vice-President responsible for Industry and Enterprise.

• ‘Sometimes’ criticism of the EU is ‘necessary’: ‘Sometimes’? Excuse us!

Any objective, unbrainwashed student of the EU Collective will tell these clowns that criticism of the EU Collective is ESSENTIAL, not just ‘necessary’, 100% of the time.

The organisation is a long-range political scam (see below) and a cesspool of ongoing corruption (see below). Therefore, criticism cannot EVER be occasional, as they deceitfully suggest. It must be ongoing and permanent. Not, by the way, that ‘criticism’ will or can ever have the slightest impact upon the EU’s structures. This is a political collective, after all, and these people, who are so keen, evidently, on collectivisation, appear to have NO IDEA how a collective operates (see below).

• Finally, their ‘occasional criticism’ SHOULD, they say, be proffered in the context of ‘overall support for Britain enjoying a positive relationship with the EU’.

Consider the lazy, mindless intellectual fallacies here:

(a) The implication that one must not draw attention to the fact that this is a political scam and a cesspit of corruption, for fear of jeopardising Britain’s supposedly ‘positive relationship’, which exists only as empty dogma in their weird, naive imaginations. FACT: Britain has NEVER enjoyed a positive relationship with the EU. It has never ENJOYED this relationship. Period.

(b) The false implication that Britain NEEDS to be a member of this corrupt political collective in order to ‘enjoy’ a positive relationship with it.

True, one cannot ‘enjoy’ a positive relationship with any organisation as rotten as the European Union, so the loose language these people use here is unfit for purpose.

FACT: Since the relationship is NOT ENJOYED and is NOT POSITIVE (except in the arid imaginations of these traitors), it does not follow that non-membership would be ‘any worse’.

On the contrary, each and every EU satrap Member State would always NEED to ‘enjoy’ a positive relationship’ with a country as powerful and as important as Britain, not least given its huge market: from which it follows that bilateral, arms-length relationships would plainly fulfil all the needs and aspirations of the individual EU countries – and vice versa, of the United Kingdom.

If, by some miracle, this Editor were ever to be appointed British Foreign Secretary (!), he would immediately order his staff to produce a list of every single bilateral, collective and other external agreement that Britain has with all external entities, including residual nation states. No accords would be exempt. He would require the complacent Foreign Office staff to prepare a single sheet of paper for each accord, stating the expiry date and the period of notice that is legally required under international law to be given. He would further order all existing accords to be subject to a blanket requirement that the relevant legal notice of Britain’s intention not to renew, must be given at the commencement of the period of notice, with no exceptions.

Finally, he would leave it to the other parties to make representations to London as to why they would prefer the existing arrangements to continue; whereupon the staff would be instructed to review each case on its merits but to reach no conclusions pending decisions to be taken wholly and exclusively in accordance with Britain’s national interests (which the EU has collectivised: but this exercise would take precedence, as Britain’s EU membership is, in fact, illegal).

We have, of course, suffered 35 years of empty rhetoric from ‘Useful Idiots’ such as the 35 ‘Great and Good’ signatories of the letter to The Daily Telegraph. That newspaper was happy to publish their subversive, empty-headed propaganda, but was unwilling to publish the following letter from the Editor of this service dated Saturday, 15th December 2007, and emailed to the newspaper at 2:49pm. (Note: That hardly mattered, of course: The Daily Telegraph’s circulation is less than one million. But according to French intelligence, reports published on this website have at times attracted up to 50 million readers worldwide).

The Editor
The Daily Telegraph
111 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 0DT Fax: 020-7931 2878

Dear Sir:

At 2.55pm on Friday 14th December 2007, the Editor telephoned the Press Office at Number Ten Downing Street, the Residence of the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

He asked the following question:

‘Did the Prime Minister read the European Union Treaty document that he has just signed in Portugal, before he signed it?’

The Downing Street Press Office official responded: ‘Er, I’ll get a Press Officer to call you back’.

Christopher Story: ‘Are you unable to answer my question?’

Downing Street Official: ‘I’ll get a Press Officer to call you back’.

Christopher Story: ‘When will that be?’

Downing Street Official: ‘Er, as soon as possible’.

It is now 2.45pm on Saturday afternoon, and I have received no phone call from the Downing Street Press Office.

I and others will be interested to see whether you publish this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Story FRSA
Editor and Publisher
International Currency Review
World Reports Limited
108 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 2EF

In order to ‘combat corruption’ in the EU, the European Commission operates an outfit called OLAF (= the EC ‘Anti-Fraud Office’). The Editor has attended sessions of the OLAF Supervisory Board at the European Parliament in Brussels. His observations were as follows:

• The officials on the platform routinely spend a great deal of time congratulating each other on being on the platform because of their ‘distinguished’ records, and generally pumping each other up and massaging each other’s insufferable egos.

• Substantive matters (i.e. corruption issues) are left as late in the agenda as possible, by which time most people have long since got bored stiff and have gone home.

• When substantive internal EC corruption issues cannot be sidestepped altogether, they are routinely tackled by ‘calls for’ new ‘regulations’. Gullible Members of the European Parliament are primed in advance to ‘call for’ such regulations.

• The overall, ongoing objective of OLAF, and of its sycophantic ‘supervisory’ committee, is to kick unavoidable corruption investigations into the no-man’s land that follows the termination of each European Commission’s six-year tenure.

• By this means, when a new Commission arrives, it ‘knows nothing’ about issues facing the previous Commission, and a ‘that was then, this is now’ attitude supervenes.

• A standard obfuscation technique used by the European Commission to hide internal corruption is as follows. Open investigation A. Let it run for a month or two. Then open parallel investigation B. Let it run for some further months. Then arrange for several tame MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) to ‘call for’ investigation C. This then gives rise to ‘calls for’ investigations A and B to be suspended, a.k.a. held in abeyance, pending the outcome of investigation C. If this multi-layered obfuscation methodology fails to kick the embarrassing corruption issue into the no-man’s land between Commissions, open investigation D. Repeat the cycle as necessary.

• The basic rule of thumb is as always follows:

‘Nobody is responsible, everyone else is to blame, and who cares anyway’.

In 2006, the House of Lords’ European Committee conducted an inquiry into the management and audit of expenditure by the European Communities.

Its report, dated November 2006, was entitled ‘Financial Management and Fraud in the European Union: Perceptions, Facts and Proposals’. The damning Lords report found that the European Commission exhibited a cavalier disregard for accuracy, basic integrity and any sense of genuine responsibility for the funds that it manages. On 28th January 2007, a diligent analyst of European Union Collective aberrations, Christopher Booker, wrote as follows in his column in The Sunday Telegraph. (Note: Criticism of the EU is confined to Booker’s column. That’s how it is ‘controlled’):

‘Although the Commission’s operating revenue for 2005 was given, with implausible precision, as 107,890,098.965.56 Euros, it was impossible to discover where most of this money had come from or gone to, because the accounts do not use the double-entry system used by every corner shop. They are just a maze of meaningless figures. For instance, a figure for the EU’s ‘long-term and short-term pre-financing’ suddenly goes up from zero to 28 billion Euros, without explanation’.

Without going down rabbit-holes on this issue, and purely in order to illustrate the prevailing ethos of institutionalised EC corruption, that so-called pre-financing item should have been treated as cash. If it was not cash, then it was either a receivable debtor, or an expense.

If it was an expense, then the European Commission is paying out sums of money from its budget without completed authority. If it was a receivable debtor, then the omission of the 28 billion Euros from the accounts was either negligence or fraud. Experts have suggested that creditors/accruals are routinely inflated to justify the EC’s budgetary demands from the satrap ‘Member States’.

The controlled EC Court of Auditors (which can make quite rude noises but of course possesses no teeth) complained that taxpayers are having to pay for management and accounting errors, rather than the missing funds being recovered. It exceeded its usual mild criticism with this statement:

‘Such a practice certainly casts doubt on the EU as a community of law and justice because financial corrections do not make illegal or irregular projects and expenditure legal and regular’.

Among innumerable ‘irregularities’, the following can be cited for brief illustration purposes here:

• A massive pension debt vanished, yet the colossal accumulated liability has remained in place.

• On 12th August 2005, Hans-Martin Tillack, a journalist with Stern, reported in the EU Observer, quoted from an internal note written in March 2003 by ‘experts of the OLAF Supervisory Committee’ who alleged that OLAF conducts ‘fake investigations’ [see above].

• Since fraud is endemic within this massive unelected and accountability-free bureaucracy, it is standard practice to ‘allow’ that a certain amount of EC financial fraud takes place, so that it can be ‘cited’ in reports to provide fodder for the media. For instance, Mr Vladimir Spidler, a European Commissioner from the Czech Republic, reported that in 2004, some 266 million Euros-worth of EC allocations were suspended for irregularities. According to the OLAF itself, more than three million Euros is lost every day to EU fraud. OLAF has stated that the cost of EU fraud between 1999 and 2005 was $6.5 billion Euros. None of these data were revealed to the House of Lords’ inquiry; and these figures, as indicated, were cosmetic numbers only.

• The reader of the European Commission’s accounts, which are qualified every year by the Court of Auditors, in order for the Court to be able to retain ‘integrity’, is unable to reconcile the amounts shown on one page with those shown on another page, so that, accordingly, no reliable information is ever provided in EC Accounts documentation.

• Amounts presented are or have been obtained from inventories, which is no substitute for the proper recording of individual transactions. In fact the inventory method of accounting has no value per se at all.

A comprehensive critique of the House of Lords’ findings and of additional indications of massive ongoing European Commission financial fraud was published in International Currency Review, Volume 33, #s 1 & 2 [September 2007]. Discrepancies between the closing balances in one year and the opening balances in the next are commonplace.

The former EC Commissioner Neil Kinnock, previously the windbag leader of the Labour Party which Gordon Brown now heads, made some 15 statements to the House of Lords Committee concerning the former Chief Accountant of the EC, Mrs Marta Andreasen, which she disputed.

In order to provide its unpopular (and illegitimate) policies with fake ‘credibility’, the European Parliament stages, from time to time, what it calls an ‘agora’ (Greek for ‘marketplace’ or forum for public debate). This was the format adopted on 8-9th November 2007 by the controlled Parliament (in which speeches are usually required to be no more than one minute long, or else the MEP risks having the microphone switched off, Soviet style), for its staged informed debate’ on the recycled European Constitution Treaty.

The underlying theme of these events is that the system of one person, one vote (= ‘democracy’) needs to be augmented, a.k.a. supplanted, by ‘participative democracy’, involving so-called ‘civil society actors’ i.e. lobbying organisations (or non-governmental organisations) which turn out to be funded by the Commission itself. Thus, as Roger V. Helmer MEP has explained, ‘the Commission is spending taxpayers’ money to get itself lobbied by people it is funding itself’ – a truly scandalous arrangement that Helmer describes as ‘institutional incest’.

The Editor has attended the European Parliament. It is modelled precisely on, and looks exactly like, like the Supreme Soviet, which is what it is intended to become.

Completion of the transformation can easily be achieved by replacing the pretentious European symbols behind the podium, with a bust of Lenin, and a hammer and sickle.

Many people remain confused by the fact that the European Union Collective operates as a collective (the Communist model), and yet originated in Nazi Germany (for the purposes of this presentation, although its origins can be traced back much further). We will explain this below.

In a collective, it is intentionally the case that no-one is responsible for anything, since all are responsible collectively for everything: in other words, there is and can be no accountability.

The deluded former ‘Conservative’ Foreign Secretary, Lord Hurd, used to pontificate about the EU being all about ‘cooperation’. He never grasped that this is a crude deception: for ‘cooperation’, read collectivisation. The British Foreign Office, arguably the most penetrated and treacherous of all the British Government structures, labours under this elementary delusion to this day.

• Lord Hurd, by the way, was notoriously overheard, after signing the EU’s Maastricht Treaty in 1992, to have observed: ‘We’d better find out what we’ve just signed’. Downing Street, apparently, cannot even risk informing us that Gordon Brown read the subversive treaty AFTER he signed it.

Like the 35 ‘Useful Idiots’ referenced above, who fondly imagine that it is possible for Britain to have a ‘positive relationship’ with a supranational government that exists specifically in order to usurp the sovereignty of its satrap nation states (under cover of fake, contrived ‘legitimacy’), Hurd used to waffle about ‘fighting our corner in Europe’ or alteratively, ‘being at the centre of Europe’.

The man never grasped, either, that no-one can influence the behaviour of a collective, let alone be ‘at the centre’ of it. A collective is a collective. It doesn’t matter whether one is at the centre, the periphery, half-way to the centre, or on the moon. Decisions are taken collectively, which means that all EU Member States are always permanently subordinate to the collective.

This is so elementary and basic, that one wonders whether these people sit on their brains because they are brainwashed. Part of the brainwashing process conditions their minds into accepting, without any explanation, the ‘need’ for national sovereignty to be ‘shared’.

Likewise, as the late Lord Bruce of Donington, who was the ‘Mr Europe’ in the Callaghan Labour Government that preceded Mrs Thatcher’s first Administration in the 1970s, taught this Editor, the satrap EU nation states have no ‘national interests’ (as UK politicians continue to parrot) because, by definition, the national interests of all the EU nation states have been largely collectivised. The intention is that they should be 100% collectivised: didn’t these ‘Useful Idiots’ know that?

The Editor’s book ‘The New Underworld Order’, like some of our recent serials, displays an image of a very early Nazi Labour Day emblem, showing Karl Marx with a hammer and sickle, above an eagle which is standing on a swastika. Thus the symbols of Nazism (National Socialism) and Communism (International Socialism) are united in this early Nazi emblem – illustrating the dialectical reality and identity of these false, controlled geopolitical ‘opposites’.

These two scourges of mankind come out of the same globalist Illuminati sewer. At the very same time that Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Levi) was writing the ‘Communist Manifesto’ (Thesis) under the close direction of one group of revolutionary Luciferian Illuminists, Dr Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University, was developing the Antithesis to Marx’s Thesis under instructions from another cadre of the Illuminati. Ritter’s work was continued further by the nihilist German Magus and philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietsche (1844-1900) and by Heidegger and Schmitt, and was then elaborated into Fascism en route to National Socialism – thus providing the controlling Luciferian Illuminati nutcase elite with the desired dual manipulation ‘Black regime’ tools for the fomentation of the two world wars and the Soviet Revolution et seq.

We can now briefly recapitulate the basic facts confirming that the European Union is an operation of the German Nazis’ Strategic Continuum, bearing in mind that, as will be further explained in a future exposure, German and covert Soviet intelligence work closely together, and always have done (notwithstanding the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: see the Editor’s latest book, cited above). Documentary proof that the European Union Collective is a Nazi Continuum operation includes:

• Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft, a compendium of seminar papers prepared by the Nazi intelligentsia at a special symposium held in Berlin in 1941, and published there in 1942 by Haude & Spenersche Velagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke, of which a copy exists at the British Library and a copy is also available at the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek (Preussische Staastbibliothek), Berlin. The chapter headings of this document are virtually identical to those of the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, from which the European Constitution Treaty (now the Lisbon Treaty) is derived.

• Under the title ‘Generalplan 1945’, several documents were drawn up by the Nazi planners in the closing days of the Third Reich which were captured by the Allies in 1945. A document within this group, initialled by Grand Admiral Doenitz and Field Marshal Keitel, sketched out a ‘New European Order’ (‘Europaische Friedensordnung’), which is almost indistinguishable from what Dr Konrad Adenauer sold to the gullible and exhausted Allies, as ‘United Europe’.

Dr Adenauer, Germany’s first postwar Chancellor, who was approved by the Allies, was a prewar Mayor of Cologne and a close friend of Hitler’s favourite bankers, Herrn Drs. Abs and Pferdmenges.

A third captured Nazi strategic document, entitled ‘The Overcoming of the Catastrophe’, written by the Nazi High Command, specifically emphasised the solid mutual advantages of a Russo-German alliance against the West. Dr Adenauer later told the Reichstag that this basic secret must ‘never be revealed’ to the Western powers.

Following the orchestrated ‘collapse’ of the Soviet Union and its East European Empire, the cover provided by Soviet Communism that masked the continued existence of the German Nazi Strategic Continuum, was removed. The ‘takedown’ of the USSR was facilitated by American and key foreign intelligence spearheaded by Ambassador Lee Wanta’s brilliant Financial Warfare operations, but was secretly ‘intended’ by the Soviet strategists in order that their known long-range strategy of expanding westwards through the eastwards expansion of the European Union could be realised.

This strategy was explicitly predicted and explained to the CIA by Anatoliy Golitsyn, the famous Soviet defector, in his work ‘The Perestroika Deception‘, edited by this Editor and available from the books section of this website. The CIA, being controlled by the German ‘Black’ Nazi Strategic Continuum, was permanently deaf to Golitsyn’s meticulously documented intelligence.

It has since become clear that East Germany’s notorious STASI secret police apparat was actually a manifestation of the Gestapo dressed in ‘Communist’ clothing, owing secret continuing allegiance to Nazi ‘Black’ counterintelligence (see below).

Well, of course.

This all made it possible for this Editor and others somewhat belatedly to identify the continued existence of the Nazi Abwehr (strategic counterintelligence) operating, quite unbelievably, out of a nondescript building in Dachau, of all notorious locations, near Munich. This ‘Black’ entity is known in intelligence circles as the DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst). It is the primary engine of the secret long-range ‘SCISSORS’ offensive against ‘the Main Enemy’ – Britain and the United States:

• Against Britain, the DVD’s weapon (or one blade of the Nazi scissors) is the European Union Collective, which has virtually destroyed Britain’s national sovereignty, has severely corrupted the British system of governance, and has decimated the country’s industrial base and infrastructure. German corporations now control significant proportions of British energy and water supplies, while Deutsche Bahn will take over the running of certain railway systems in the near future. In innumerable other ways, which would require far too much explanation here, the EU Collective, derived from the Nazi blueprint, is calculated and designed to DESTROY Britain once and for all.

• Against the United States, the Reinhard Gehlen intelligence organisation (the other blade of the Nazi scissors) which imposed the Nazi jackboot on parts of the Soviet Union, was backed into what became the CIA after the Second World War. The Cold War was essentially invented by Nazi Abwehr General Reinhard Gehlen, and sold to the Americans, who ‘needed’ a pretext to sustain and expand their military-industrial complex. Under ‘Operation Paperclip’, whereby large numbers of Himmler’s scientists and intelligence officers penetrated the new Central Intelligence Agency, buttressed by the National Security Act of 1947 et seq (a crooks’ charter’), the CIA was duly set up to become the notorious instrument of corruption, duplicity and global revolution that we know and loathe today.

Not content with this, the Nazis actually exported Admiral Canaris, the Abwehr head, who surfaced later in Oklahoma City. He was supposed to have been hanged in the nude on 9th April 1945 (a Nazi disinformation fairytale) but resurfaced later in the United States under the name of Samuel Randall Pittmann, travelling regularly back to Germany. Canaris fell ill in 1974 and was briefly substituted for by Dr Henry (‘Henny’) Kissinger, who kept the seat warm for George Herbert Walker Bush, the long-range DVD representative, who replaced William Colby (fired by the late President Gerald Ford) as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), thereby placing the CIA under the DVD’s direct control.

Langley, the CIA’s headquarters, is known as the George Bush Center for Intelligence, a fact which presupposes that the CIA is perfectly content to be the instrument of the long-range Nazi Strategic Continuum. The Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, bombed in 1995, was the main US depository of Nazi personnel and strategic documentation in the United States.

One of the Nazis’ most lasting long-range postwar strategic deception operations involved the establishment, FOLLOWING THE SUPPOSED NAZI COLLAPSE IN 1945, of innumerable seemingly perfectly innocuous societies and groups, all working in a camouflaged way (‘getarnt’), with the intention, which was successfully realised, of elaborating the Nazi ‘Fuehrermission’ (the ‘global leadership privilege’). This tradition, perpetuated secretly by Deutsche Vertiedigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, appears to be alive and well in Davos ‘as we speak’. And before the US State Department weakly succumbed to the blandishments of the insistent pro-German lobby after the War, it clearly understood that the Nazis had a long-range plan which they were capable of implementing.

Specifically, on 30th March 1945, an official State Department release announced as follows:

‘Reliable information collected by Allied Governments clearly indicates that the Nazi regime in Germany has developed well arranged post-war plans for the perpetuation of Nazi doctrines and domination. Some of these plans have already been put into operation and others are ready to be launched on a widespread scale immediately upon termination of hostilities in Europe’.

‘The [US] Government is now in possession of photostatic copies of several volumes of German [postwar] plans… the German propaganda program is to be an integral part of the overall postwar strategy… The program will be expanded and intensified with the object of giving re-birth to all Nazi doctrines and furthering German ambitions for world domination. Unless these plans are checked, they will present a constant menace to postwar peace and security’.

The Nazi postwar plans were not checked, not least because the US State Department was itself penetrated and ‘turned’ by apologists for the Nazis. Accordingly, the Nazi long-range subversion strategy has indeed presented ‘a constant menace to postwar peace and security’, with the ghastly consequences that we observe before us today. Several years ago, in a fit of honesty, an American operative admitted to the Editor of this service that virtually ALL of the world’s problems these days could be attributed to long-range Nazi strategy, and to the CIA’s treacherous collaboration with it.

The prevailing global financial crisis reflects inter alia the shock impact of Wantagate, resolution of which effectively blocks the global fraudulent finance orgy masterminded by the long-term German DVD agent George H. W. Bush Sr. and his partner in giga-crime, Dr Alan Greenspan – who, between them, invented the ‘never-pay’ formula, whereby every ‘rectification’ payment is dependent upon superior layers of payments, so that sabotage of any superior payout blocks all payouts governed by those in higher tiers. By this means, the global ransacking, Ponzi scamming and stealing of base and fiat money funds to generate the open-ended resources with which the perpetrators’ global hegemony plans have been financed, could continue (and have continued) indefinitely.

Until now.

German Nazi long-range strategy was summarised in a secret memorandum issued by the German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid, which was established by the Nazi intelligentsia and the Gestapo in 1942. The document, captured by the Allies en route from Madrid to secret Nazi centres in Bonn, Rome, Barcelona, Buenos Aires and South Africa in the early 1950s, and referred to as the Madrid Circular Letter, was labelled ‘SG 23: Top Secret!’. It contained inter alia the following statement:

‘For us the war has never stopped and, as is well known, in war every ruse is permissible’.

This crucial document represented nothing less than a carefully considered blueprint for a ‘new’ German (secret Nazi) approach to dividing and conquering the world – beginning with the ‘Main Enemy’: Britain and the United States.

• For America, the Nazi long-range plan was expressed in the following stark terms:

‘We intend to build the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’.

The financing of this operation has been presided over by George Bush Sr. (DVD), through his massive financial fraud operations, which he masterminded with the technical assistance of his fellow arch-criminal, Dr Alan Greenspan.

In both the European and the US context, the primary postwar weapons of Nazi subversion have all along been bribery and corruption, on a scale with no historical precedent. These weapons have been buttressed by Himmlerian mind-control and ‘Psy-Ops’ offensives (MK-Ultra-style), elaborated in the Internet era by what we call ‘reverse Goebbelsism’. Dr Josef Goebbels held that a single lie, if repeated often enough, became ‘fact’. The more sophisticated, and even more diabolical, US-CIA Psy-Ops open brainwashing method involves the mass production of diversionary claptrap, behind which smokescreen of confusion the criminal geopoliticians have imagined that they can go about their sordid business with impunity. This Luciferian system is unravelling today before our eyes.


As for secret German-Soviet collaboration (at the intelligence level), ‘The Overcoming of the Catastrophe’ document annexed to the ‘Generalplan’ in Berlin on 5th April 1945, was explicit:

‘The two great peoples, the Russians and the Germans, have extraordinary possibilities for development without collision of their interests. Thus would be formed an alliance between the young Socialist forces against the old rotten entrenched powers of the West’.

Hence it can be seen that the two ‘Socialist forces’ (displayed, for instance, on that early Nazi emblem) are indeed two controlled dialectical, double-minded ‘opposites’ which have the same objectives and think along the same lines.

The Editor does NOT agree with the Nazi General Staff of 1945 that Russia and Germany can collaborate indefinitely ‘without collision of their interests’.

On the contrary, that they must collide is a certainty. This, in turn, is clearly explained in the Editor’s book ‘The European Union Collective‘ [see book section of this website for all cited titles].

But it is sufficient, for the time being, for us to understand, in Britain and America, that we have been taken for a ride, and that we had better hurry up and do something about it, before it is far too late. Resolution of Wantagate, and the associated refinancing of the United States, accompanied by the constraints on fraudulent financial transactions imposed by Basel II against the background of the Wantagate-driven on-the-books settlement, plus the tiered settlements, will greatly assist the United States’ last-minute recovery from the brink of this intended Nazi-originated, prelanned, long-range strategic catastrophe. The Settlement should be followed by a deep purge. ENDS.

We sell, as a special package, the relevant recent back issues of International Currency Review, containing a massive amount of information and back-up documentation, for a flat fee of $750.00, payable in advance. Please use the CONTACT US facility to place your order and send check to the London office: World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EF, United Kingdom. Orders may also be emailed direct to the Editor at:

• Another way of ordering this package is to (a) forward us a CONTACT US email requesting the package, and then (b) to order International Currency Review via the ultra-safe ordering facility at the World Reports Limited section of this website.

• Please state in the CONTACT US facility that you have ordered International Currency Review but that you specifically want to receive the Wantagate package only.

• Editor’s Note: We are still, from time to time, receiving emails from frustrated people seeking documentation to ‘back up’ what we publish in these reports. Such correspondents choose to overlook the well-known fact that we have published several huge issues of International Currency Review [SEE ABOVE] which contain hundreds of pages of facsimiles of relevant documents. Since we are a commercial operation, we cannot make these volumes available free of charge.

• However copies are available in many university and other libraries around the world, and of course they can be ordered via this website at any time. But the main point here is that complaints along these lines reveal lack of knowledge of the background, which is that an immense volume of relevant documents has been published, while these reports are approved where necessary and appropriate either by the Principals or by Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., before being posted.


• We now repeat, yet again, our familiar summary of the Statutes, securities regulations and fraud information that we have appended to these reports for many months. The reason we append this information is to remind everyone of their clear responsibilities under the US Misprision of Felony legislation, and of course to provide a legal basis for these reports.

Reiteration of the fraudulent transactions involving Bank of New York Mellon – a bank so arrogant and conspicuously indifferent both to its tarnished reputation and to its grotesque breaches of US law and of N.A.S.D./S.E.C. Regulations, that it now takes first prize in the crowded competition for the title of ‘Most arrogant and corrupt financial institution in America’. At least, this was the case until the perpetration of the ‘Saturday scam’ described above and on 13th November:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


• ‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent on person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957

In addition to which Bank of New York Mellon is in violation of:
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Wanta’s funds.

The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above. This list is reproduced in International Currency Review, Volume 33, #s 1 & 2, September 2007, on pages 163-168.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Wicked Pedia Update dated 2nd December 2007:

As previously reported, the Editor’s attention was drawn, in the second half of November 2007, to a pack of old lies, diversionary claptrap and disinformation posted on Wikipedia under ‘Leo Wanta’.

Although this posting appeared FOR THE FIRST TIME on 12th November 2007, it consisted almost entirely of ancient lies, including disinformation dredged out of ‘Thieves’ World’, a hatchet job published in 1994 by Simon and Schuster by the late Claire Sterling, a CIA operative.

Mrs Sterling died suddenly after being summoned for her second meeting with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, under Clinton.

The fact that the OLD Wikipedia lies appeared for the first time as late as 12th November 2007, and consisted almost totally of old, discredited lies, omitting the Master Lie that the CIA retailed after the Ambassador had been taken down, namely that he was DEAD, indicated quite clearly to the Editor and his advisers that this latest evil display of regurgitated disinformation represented a deliberate operation by the US intelligence community’s disinformation and lie machine, to begin, all over again, the process of discrediting Ambassador Leo Wanta – so that they can relieve him of his funds by some false pretext or other after a ‘gag order’ has been signed.

The definitive up-to-date information on the Ambassador’s affairs has been published on this website, and in several issues of International Currency Review, Economic Intelligence Review, Soviet Analyst and Arab-Asian Affairs, all published by World Reports Limited, for several years. Copies of these publications are in official, institutional and library hands all over the world. Therefore, any posting about Ambassador Wanta that relies upon ancient lies and fails to take account of the accurate information that we have published, can easily be demonstrated to represent yet another US intelligence community and NSA discrediting operation.

We now understand that the Principals have been advised (for the past several weeks) that they will not be allowed to reveal that they have been paid. This loony state of affairs is designed to ‘set them up’ for a future discrediting operation whereby false witness will be deployed against them to the effect that they have stolen the money, or some such pack of lies, which they will be unable to refute because they will be bound by the ‘prerequisite’ gag order that is intended. Its purpose, of course, is to ‘legitimise’ the old and new lies that the US disinformation apparat will be preparing for future use. The likelihood is that the new discrediting operation will be extended to Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as well. We are prepared for this intended onslaught.

On 19th November, the Editor posted on Wikipedia the accurate text about Leo Wanta that is now reproduced below. The Editor’s accurate text was then removed by Wikipedia, leaving the ‘old lies’ that had existed previously. When the Editor became aware of this, he reposted the accurate text below, and, given that his own copy had been deleted, he then deleted the pack of lies, leaving his own accurate text up on the Wikipedia site instead, without the lies.

On 2nd December, the Editor was advised by a monitor that the Editor’s accurate text had been removed and that the old discrediting lies had been reposted on the page by Wikipedia. When the Editor checked, he found that the page could no longer be edited because of what the site managers described as ‘vandalism’.

It was not ‘vandalism’ to delete the truth and to replace the truth by old lies, but it was ‘vandalism’ to delete ‘old lies’ and replace them by the truth.

We are therefore able to conclude from this Wicked Pedia outrage, as follows:

1. Wikipedia, which purports to ‘change the world’, prefers lies to the truth.

2. Wikipedia is therefore, by definition, a source of disinformation and lies, and cannot be trusted as a source of reliable information in any context.

3. The only category of sick society that would have any interest in disseminating lies about Ambassador Wanta, the United States’ greatest living patriot, rather than the truth, is the mentally disturbed US counterintelligence disinformation apparat (a.k.a. the US STUPIDITY COMMUNITY) which, by its actions in deleting the Editor’s ACCURATE information and replacing it with old lies, and by its illegal behaviour in ‘snipping’ our website texts as stated above, thereby reveals the desperation of its concerns, which all have to do with covering up official criminality.

4. It is now far too late for the US stupidity community to repair the damage that it has done since June 2006, when the Ambassador’s funds were first hijacked by the criminal financial operative Henry M. Paulson, US Treasury Secretary. So it is laying the groundwork for a renewed discrediting operation against Ambassador Wanta and his colleagues.

• We and others will see to it that this intention is defeated, and that such nefarious scheming is exposed for the amoral and disgusting Luciferian behaviour that it represents.

The ACCURATE text that the Editor posted on the Wikipedia site, follows. (The Editor, after all, PAID FOR AMBASSADOR WANTA’S EXIT FROM PROBATION, FOR GOODNESS SAKE, SO HE CAN HARDLY BE A SOURCE OF DISINFORMATION, CAN HE?). This information will be very widely distributed by other means, in order to provide all concerned with the necessary ‘heads-up’ as to what these US Dark Forces have in mind. They are out of their minds and in Satan’s mind:

The disinformation about Leo Wanta (Lee Wanta) below was first posted on 12th November 2007. It contains ancient CIA disinformation and long since exposed lies going back to the early 1990s, and obfuscates the truth. The report appended immediately below was added on 19th November 2007, to correct the disinformation contained in the original stub.

It was subsequently removed and is hereby replaced. This sequence of events, which suggests that egregious lies are preferred to the truth, has been recorded on, which contains all the updated and breaking Wanta material, that was ignored and traduced in the stub at the foot of this report.

This is the correct information that we posted on 19th November 2007:

The ‘information’ posted below represents a deliberately malevolent, false disinformation picture which has no bearing on reality. It is a travesty of the truth of the matter and cites Christopher Story as the author of some of the disinformation, which is libellous and implies that Story, the veteran
Editor of International Currency Review of nearly 40 years’ standing, is engaged in the egregious dissemination of lies, which is not the case.

This is such an egregiously malevolent stub of disinformation that readers should prudently dismiss it altogether; they should start afresh by accessing Christopher Story‘s website, which is:, reading from the Archive. is the authoritative source for all updated information on Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta. The source ‘Thieves’ World’ was a CIA disinformation work prepared by the late CIA disinformation operative Claire Sterling, published in 1994.

This stub regurgitates ancient lies perpetrated by the CIA, which lied for many years that Lee (Leo being his intelligence community name) Wanta was dead. The CIA proclaimed that he was dead so that corrupt cadres could ransack his funds (see below).

He ‘ceased to be dead’ with effect from 21st July 2005 after Christopher Story, a British private citizen, had paid $35,000 from his scarce private funds pro bono publico by way of ‘restitution’ to an American lawyer for onward payment to the Wisconsin State Department of Corrections, to procure Mr Wanta’s release from his illegal probation.

Despite his Ambassadorial status, Wanta had been illegally ‘taken down’ in Switzerland on 7th July 1993 without a warrant on a trumped-up Wisconsin State charge of having failed to pay $14,129 in falsely assessed Wisconsin State fabricated tax that he never owed because he had been resident in Vienna on US Presidential intelligence work since June 1988.

This data is all in the public domain, has been published for several years in International Currency Review, the Journal of the World Financial Community, and can be read on Mr Story’s website.

International Currency Review is a banking and financial journal with a worldwide circulation:
ISSN 0020-6490. It is published by World Reports Limited, London.

Notwithstanding that this fabricated tax demand (orchestrated by US criminal intelligence) had been paid twice under protest by Lee Emil Wanta from abroad (in May and June 1992), the funds were improperly allocated by the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue and were never credited to the false account maintained by them for the Ambassador. (Christopher Story holds documentary
proof of both payments). They were paid a third time by Christopher Story in June 2005, which action duly procured Mr Wanta’s release from illegal probation effective 14th November 2005.

As a consequence of Wanta thus ceasing to be dead, the CIA’s lie that he was dead collapsed in chaos, and all the subsidiary old false witness lies that the CIA had perpetrated, including those assembled for disinformation purposes in the stub below (which, in line with the standard false witness used throughout by detractors, attempts to portray Christopher Story as a source of disinformation) were discredited as well.

Why was Wanta taken down? So that the criminal intelligence cadres running the US Government could ransack the $27.5 trillion of funds assembled by Leo Wanta on President Reagan’s orders, in the course of his Financial Warfare operations against the USSR.

Under Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 of 1981, US intelligence officers were permitted to establish corporations which could thereafter contract with the CIA/DIA/DEA/NSA et al for the purpose of fulfilling allotted intelligence tasks allocated to them.

The financial proceeds of operations conducted by such corporations were consequently the property of the corporations and thus of their shareholders, a legal fact of life which has never been, and cannot be, disputed. This was not a good idea because almost all US intelligence
operatives are liars and do not function on the basis of the Rule of Law at all, if they can help it.

Lee Wanta is the well-known patriotic exception to this rule: he operates solely in accordance with US law, in contrast to the behaviour of other US operatives, which is why the kakocracy* needed to remove him from the scene, as duly occurred July 1993.

Once Wanta had been illegally arrested (contrary to international law, as a diplomat) and then thrown into a stinking Swiss jail on 7th July 1993, the criminal cadres inside the US official structures immediately ransacked Mr Wanta’s bank accounts according to plan.

The history of this matter is, and has been, elaborated in great depth on Christopher Story‘s website and has been extensively published, as mentioned, in International Currency Review and other World Reports Limited intelligence publications.

Students are advised perhaps to begin with the ‘Wisconsingate’ report dated 6th August 2007, which forensically dissects, with detailed documentary back-up, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s tax fabrication operation against Wanta, stretching back for over 20 years, that has been exposed by Christopher Story in minute detail, and which formed the fabricated basis for Wanta’s illegal takedown in 1993, despite the fact that Wisconsin has no jurisdiction beyond its borders.

The overall Wantagate crisis, which is the sole and continuing underlying cause of the prevailing global financial and economic day of reckoning that the world is now facing, has been triggered by the fact that the George W. Bush Jr. White House, aided and abetted by other senior office-holders, hijacked the compromise financial settlement of $4.5 trillion that the White House itself agreed (in a classified accord that was finalised in May 2006) should be paid over to Ambassador Wanta, so that the stolen and diverted remaining $23 trillion of his funds (and the many hundreds of trillions of dollars hypothecated upon them) could be released from a de facto lien arising from the collapse of the CIA’s lie that Wanta was dead.

For clearly, since he had ceased to be dead, 100% of these funds (plus the hundreds of trillions of fiat ‘funny’ money generated by illegal leveraged operations from that base) belonged to Lee Wanta and to no-one else: a situation that the banks ‘could not handle’.

The entire narrative of what has become the worst financial corruption crisis in world history (which this stub consisting of disinformation attempts to obfuscate) is set out in great detail on Christopher Story‘s website, to which all readers are directed in order for the accurate state of affairs to be understood. As indicated, this stub below is a travesty and a disgrace, as it regurgitates long since discredited CIA lies, presents a diversionary, distorted and misleading picture, and because it malevolently incorporates Christopher Story as a source for some of this disinformation.

It is a disgusting instance of ignorant and malevolent US counterintelligence disinformation and deceit at its very worst.

All the statements in the above commentary may be verified by reference to and International Currency Review. Another publication covering this matter in detail is Economic Intelligence Review, also published by World Reports Limited, London. Wanta students should access the Archive on the Home Page.

A book devoted to Ambassador Wanta and the Wantagate crisis is in preparation

The Wanta disinformation referred to above has been deleted from this page. ENDS.

The Ambassador and his colleagues now have special diplomatic status (conferred upon them by HM The Queen in 2007), which means that the Ambassador is now an Ambassador several times over. This factor greatly complicates the intended discrediting offensive that the mad US stupidity community’s Dark Forces contemplate, their sole objective being of course to cover up their own criminality, in line with pending ‘thought crime’ legislation which has the same Nazi-style objective.

*Note: ‘Kakocracy’: Governance by a clique representing the worst elements of society, in their interests and to the exclusion of all other interests, from the Greek, kakos, meaning foul, or filthy.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Wednesday 1 August 2007 18:57



By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006. [Note: A new panel giving details of our latest publications as they are made available, has been added].

Note: The two preceding Wantagate reports are specifically recommended to those who may have missed them. They provide details of the extreme gravity of the crisis, as well as context for this latest interim report. Its central feature is that the theft of The Queen’s gold by US cadres working with UK ‘inside’ traitors, has not yet been rectified, so that the lectures being delivered to Britain by the former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, have gone down like a lead balloon.

John Bolton, now a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and formerly US Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-06) until he had to resign because his services in that role had proved excessively counterproductive, has taken it upon himself to lecture the British about the ‘special relationship’, and what he, of all people, expects of it. His latest contribution along these cynical lines appeared on page 11 of The Financial Times, London, today [1st August 2007].

For sheer unvarnished arrogance, coming from such a source, Mr Bolton’s outbursts have no diplomatic equal. Mr Bolt-on, whose corrupt Government is complicit in multiple giga-financial thefts and in stealing The Queen’s gold, is telling us what to do with the ‘special relationship’?

What world is this CIA nutcase living in?

Has Mr Bolton not yet been informed by his compartmentalised handlers about the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007, orchestrated by the US official criminalist cadres, which has not yet been rectified?

Has Mr Bolton not yet been told by his handlers that the so-called ‘Special Relationship’ between Britain and America is dead and buried because of the serial corruption of the George W. Bush II Administration over Wantagate and the stealing of The Queen’s gold, and because Britain was blackmailed into assisting with that Baghdad bank raid in March 2003?

We know all about CIA compartmentalisation, and about the CIA confusing lies with the truth and vice versa – retailing, for instance, to its own bewildered cadres and to the international financial community that Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta was long since dead, so that his $27.5 trillion of original assets lodged in the accounts linked to his Title 18, Section 6 USG intelligence corporations were fair game for stealing, diversion, exploitation, collateralisation, hypothecation and goin’ fishin’: but allowing this blundering US ‘diplomat’ to publish articles in British newspapers LECTURING US ABOUT THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP when it is his own filthy, corrupt, DVD-penetrated gutter-snipe organisation which is specifically responsible for wrecking it, is too much.

Serial abuse is one thing: Illuminati-style double-minded, arrogance is something else.

Of course, this Editor, Author, Investigative Journalist and Publisher concurs with Mr Bolt-on that the European Union Collective, a.k.a. ‘the new European Soviet’ (1), is an institutionally corrupt arm of the New Underworld Order, as will be further exposed in the forthcoming issue of International Currency Review (Volume 33, # 1 & 2) [see below].

He also concurs that Britain has no business to be associated with and a member of this long-range DVD operation directed originally against the European component of the ‘Main Enemy’ (2), Britain.

Having actually sat in on dreary Brussels meetings of the European Parliament’s committee that is supposed to monitor the operations of OLAF, the European Commission’s anti-fraud directorate – which routinely behaves as though it exists in order to cover up all the institutionalised fraud in the European Commission structures, this Editor would go much further that Mr Bolt-on – having in fact for the past 20 years campaigned for Great Britain to leave this sinking collectivist ship as soon as possible by suspending its contributions to the EU pending a clean-up of EC corruption (which will never happen); and thereafter announcing the UK’s unilateral severance from the EU Collective inter alia citing Article 49 of the 1969 Convention on International Treaties, which provides for any deceived party to an international treaty to secede unilaterally if its adherence to the treaty was procured by deception, which was the case with Britain’s accession to the EEC in 1972.

But this stance does NOT make up for the arrogance of this Bolton fellow, who appears to think he can order the Brits around and spell out what he ‘expects’ of them, while insultingly ignoring the serial corruption and thievery of his own Government in the Wantagate connection in general, and the stealing of Her Majesty The Queen’s gold in particular.

True, the meeting between Gordon Brown and President Bush went so badly that they could hardly communicate at all – reportedly speaking at cross-purposes, with nothing being decided. This is hardly surprising, in view of the fact that Gordon Brown has a specific remit from HM The Queen to retrieve the Monarchy’s gold from the clutches of these American thieves without further ado, and the new Prime Minister’s host was the intelligence operative who may have ordered the gold to be stolen in the first place. As hostage, no doubt, against the Wantagate fallout.

Yesterday, the Editor was authoritatively informed that The Queen is furious that this outrage has not been resolved; and, for what it is worth, so is this Editor. The Queen’s gold is indeed no doubt being held hostage and may even, in part, have been alienated in the ill-informed expectation that some power or other in London would start ordering this Editor around in the Wantagate context.

If that was ever one of the crude calculations behind ‘Act of War’ against the United Kingdom committed (with inside assistance from British and Mossad-linked Israeli traitors) by the United States Government, once again there has been a serious strategic miscalculation in Washington.

For, as will have been seen from our two most recent Wantagate reports, the situation has passed the point of no return and all involved are, a respected US source tells us, ‘beyond forgiveness’.

As of last weekend, the reserves of Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank, The Bank of England, Bank of America and Citibank were understood to have been encumbered by the ‘levy’ that we described in the preceding report – necessitated by the delivery of $6.0+ trillion by the Bank of England to Bank of New York Mellon, a securities firm, of which $4.5 trillion should at once have been transferred to the securities account of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., with Morgan Stanley, New York within Citibank NA.

Any failure by those six institutions to procure the immediate transfer by Bank of New York Mellon of the $4.5 trillion to the Ambassador and his corporation as beneficiary will have implicated them as co-conspirators with Bank of New York Mellon in securities fraud. The stark reality of this state of affairs was, we understand, borne in on all concerned in Monday morning, and following our last report; but the necessary outcome remains to be revealed.

The careers of a significant number of very high-level bankers are in extreme jeopardy because of this, as is the future existence and ownership of several of the largest institutions in the world.

And all this has happened because of the relentless avarice of the Government which Mr Bolton served, and because of the criminality of the intelligence rats’ nets from which he emerged.

Instead of lecturing the Brits about his expectations of the Special Relationship, this Bolt-on fellow should crawl back into his CIA rats’ nest and campaign from the inside for a comprehensive purge of every single CIA and related US intelligence operative with current or traceable connections (of any kind) to the Nazi Abwehr and its modern-day ‘Black’ successor, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau. That would be a more constructive use of his CIA time.

Quite clearly, Mr Bolt-on doesn’t like the European Union Collective, which certainly represents the realisation of the Pan-Europa idolatry developed by the Nazis and promulgated in their blueprint compendium entitled Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (viz., European Economic Community), published in Berlin in 1942 by Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke, copies of which may be viewed at the British Library, London, and in the Staastbibliothek, Berlin.

The chapter headings of this Nazi blueprint document are almost identical to the chapter headings of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union. This whole subject of the two-pronged long-range German deception strategy to achieve control and dominance over the ‘Main Enemy’ (Britain and America), as a stepping stone to achieving global hegemony – using the Bavarian Illuminati ‘cutout’ penetration offensive as cover – is addressed in the Editor’s work, The New Underworld Order [Edward Harle Limited, London & New York]: see the Intelligence Books section of this website.

So, enough already of your opinionated arrogance, Mr Bolt-on: and if you are such an influential figure, instead of slagging us off in your newspaper rampages, why don’t you start making amends to us by pressurising your corrupt colleagues to procure the restoration of The Queen’s gold, with interest to boot?

If you lack the clout to do this, leave off telling us what to do, would you?

And crawl back where you came from.

Notes and References:
(1) As confirmed by the continuing (secret) head of the KGB, Mikhail Gorbachev, during a brief visit to London on 23rd March 2000.
(2) That the EU Collective is indeed a long-range strategic deception and entanglement operation originally devised by the Nazi Pan-German intelligentsia is exposed in detail with the assistance of German Nazi documentation, in the Editor’s latest work, The New Underworld Order, Edward Harle Limited, London and New York (2007), available from the Intelligence Books section of this website.


Note: This list may be incomplete. See the preceding website report for NASD and SEC regulations breached by the securities house Bank of New York Mellon, in which Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Citibank and the Bank of England will be or may now be complicit should they fail to procure the immediate crediting by the Bank of New York Mellon of $4.5 trillion to the Morgan Stanley securities account of Ambassador Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc.

Recall that in the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is no relevant Statute of Limitations:

• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Sir Leo Wanta’s funds.

The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

An announcement about the new Wantagate issue of International Currency Review, (544 pages) and its 48-page Supplement showing the Wanta-related documents released by the Ronald Reagan Library by consent of the National Security Agency, will be posted in the near future, on the second (Books/Subs) panel, Home Page.

The Ronald Reagan Library documents prove of course that Leo Emil Wanta advised and served President Reagan personally. In the massive forthcoming Wantagate ICR, the Editor has assembled all the Presidential Pardons dished out by President Clinton, to demonstrate that the vast majority of those pardoned by that particular criminal US President were drug dealers, money-launderers, financial criminalists, murderers-for-hire, and perpetrators of abominations familiar to students of organised crime. It was with particular interest that the Editor noticed that some of those pardoned had been imprisoned for ‘Misprision of felony’*. This section, called ‘Pardongate’ will be found in the front part of the forthcoming issue. (One poor fellow was imprisoned for stealing four pounds of butter, which adds to our perception that, on the same penal tariff, the perpetrators of the financial crimes that we have had to expose, face several lifetimes in the US GULAG each).

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review [ISSN 0020-6490] cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, malevolent suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Friday 4 May 2007 01:25

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006. [Note: The CLICK HERE panel is now: NEWS. A panel giving details of our latest publications has been added].

NOTE: Wantagate events are moving so fast now that we have to insert this report, in order to draw your attention to the ‘sting’ operation against the Principals, described herein. But our extended commentary and diary report dated 1st May 2007, entitled WANTAGATE: ‘THE SKINNING OF THE CAT’: PART 2 contains essential information and insights into the geopolitical situation with regard, in particular, to the evil expropriation of $4.8 trillion of assets from the Bank of England, an ‘Act of War’ perpetrated against the United Kingdom by the US Government as proxy for DVD. Dachau, in order to ‘bounce’ Gordon Brown into pursuing policies towards the European Union which would be the reverse of his known intentions. The White House’s criminal purpose here is to destroy the pound sterling, which stands in the way of the global hegemony ambitions of the criminal elite. As usual, these criminals ‘mess up’. Please refer back to our report dated 1st May in the ARCHIVE.

The criminal mind typically goes into overdrive when cornered, being by definition unable to ‘go straight’, to cease lying, deceiving, double-crossing, plotting and laying traps and ‘stings’ for its enemies – even when the perceived ‘need’ for such nasty behaviour is non-existent.

We saw that with Hitler, a low-life operative dragged from obscurity in Vienna, and we see this syndrome today in the reckless, unconscionable behaviour of the former MK-ULTRA controller, Vice President Richard Cheney, as he struggles to break free from the ghastly entanglements in which he finds himself due to his criminal determination to avoid paying the Wanta Settlement.

What is Cheney’s main preoccupation, as he contemplates the grim future he faces, if not yet the cockroaches that will greet him in the great American GULAG?

Why, it is as follows. How can I entice, entrap and ‘sting’ my most implacable enemy, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., who has been standing in my way and preventing me from getting away with stealing Wanta’s $4.5 trillion Settlement?

Having ordered his criminal intelligence underlings to come up with a solution to this annoying problem, Cheney’s attention has been drawn to a latent dirty trick assembled some time ago for exploitation at the appropriate time.

We refer to a ‘screen’ that has remained accessible since 9th March 2005 to anyone with the correct banking codes, at HSBC in Jersey, Channel Islands, labelled ‘Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.’, and referencing the correct address of Mr Cottrell’s corporation.

We have in our hands copies of documents issued by HSBC dated 9th March and 18th April 2005 addressed to Pennsylvania Investments, Inc, the salutation of which reads: ‘Dear Customer’. Let us stop right here, as there’s a problem.

The problem is that Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., is not a customer of HSBC and has no account with this institution. The Editor of this service contacted the internal security personnel at HSBC last year, and pointed this rather basic fact out to them, but was given the brush-off – the excuse being that the London Office has no control over the screens put up by its Jersey affiliate, HSBC Bank International Limited, Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE1 1HS, Channel Islands.

In recent weeks, Mr Cottrell has been bombarded with telephone calls from operatives, traders and other intermediaries ostensibly seeking to conduct ‘trades’ with Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., through this non-existent bank account as advertised on this unauthorised ‘screen’. Given that he and his corporation have no account with HSBC, Mr Cottrell did NOT request this ‘screen’ to be put up at HSBC’s Channel Islands office, and it has not been removed – despite our protest (which reveals that HSBC’s ‘security service’ appears to be less than effective, to put it mildly).

So what is going on?

The Channel Islands ‘screen’ was perpetrated by a CIA mole operating inside HSBC for the purpose of entrapment, a state of affairs that has been clarified by recent events. And the author of recent attempts to entrap Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., is, according to our impeccable US financial sector sources, none other than that latter-day Adolf Schickelgruber, US Vice President Cheney.

The Channel Islands ‘screen’ implying that Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., has an account with HSBC is fraudulent and was initiated without the approval and behind the back of Mr Cottrell, who has never signed any document authorising or confirming any such account.

When Mr Cottrell explained this situation, with background detail, to the Editor on Thursday 3rd May, all of a sudden the line was cut (at 10.42 am Eastern Daylight Time), as our usual cluster of fascinated NSA/GCHQ/Mossad/Munich eavesdroppers who are so enamoured of the sound of our voices, blew their cover (as they frequently do, by the way), to express their annoyance that this Editor was again being briefed on yet another nefarious financial scamming ‘sting’ operation being perpetrated by the Vice President of the United States against Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta and the Executive Vice President of his Virginia-based corporation, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

The twisted Vice Presidential thinking here is that if Michael Cottrell can somehow be enticed into placing his signature upon a document which is part of a CIA ‘sting’ operation and fraud, he can then be discredited as a fraudster, thereby enabling the payment to the Ambassador to be aborted. Fraudsters like Cheney do not relish being exposed themselves, and their natural criminal instinct is to attempt by all means at their disposal to tar their opponents with their own filthy brush.

This is of course a variation on the ‘greater crook’ principle, the only difference being here that the ‘greater crook’ is Vice President Cheney himself. So ‘greater crooks’ go about plotting to turn their targets into ‘lesser crooks’.

Sorry, Mr Veep. This ain’t gonna happen.

Before we describe in summary (and diary) format the specifics of what has been happening, we mention that the criminal cleptocracy, which lied that Leo Wanta was dead, has been resorting to old lies again, since we last reported. The lie that Leo was dead had to be abandoned when he ceased to be dead with effect from 21st July 2005, although many ‘Useful Idiots’ embedded in the monumental US intelligence community continued spewing out lies ‘attached’ to that MASTER LIE, until their handlers advised them that they had better cease and desist, given that the Ambassador had ceased to comply with the description: ‘dead’.

Now these brain-dead maniacs are disseminating feeble lies to the effect, for instance, that the Ambassador and Mr Cottrell ‘want all the money to be paid to them so that they can distribute it themselves’, an assertion of such tawdry intellectual calibre as to be hardly worthy of mention. Except that since they all fear Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., so badly, they never speak to him at all.

If the person accused of a statement actually never opened his mouth, it is hard to imagine how he made the statement attributed to him.

Throughout this nasty business, your correspondent has tried to place himself inside the mind of a serial criminal like Vice President Cheney. It is so dark in there, that one doesn’t want to try this for long. But one clear finding is that if your mind is as twisted as Cheney’s appears to be, you cannot, ever, ‘do the right thing’, because ‘the darkness does not comprehend the light’ (1).

Cheney appears to be incapable of ever doing the ‘right thing’, which is why he and his henchmen have been emitting increasingly hysterical, panicky outbursts about ‘never paying the Ambassador’ – thereby shedding further light on the criminal mind, which often seems to mimic that of a juvenile.

What we are now called upon to describe exposes a further dimension of organised criminal activity by holders of highest offices in the White House, the US Treasury, the Department of Homeland Security and Members of the US Congress against the people of the United States of America.

In this respect, there seems to be very little difference now between the Hitler regime and that of George Bush II, specifically in the sense that the Adolf Hitler regime was 100% focused on endless criminal operations, with operatives like Reinhard Heydrich (whom Cheney actually resembles more closely than his Fuehrer) spending all their time devising ‘stings’, scams, entrapment and blackmail operations against their targets, including figures inside the Nazi apparatus itself.


Here, then, are the new diary entries:

28 April: By email timed at 6:39 am, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., is approached by Mr Dominique J. Menoud, who runs a US Department of Defense-sponsored corporation registered in Dover, Delaware, called Novia Continental, Inc., but operates out of Romania.

He proposes that the Principals should enter into a foreign exchange contract involving 500 trillion Japanese yen (JPY) owned by the Chinese Government via HSBC Bank, Hong Kong, with 4% of the profits payable to unknown parties on the basis of a bank-to-bank ledger-to-ledger process. The provider of the Japanese yen would want payment in Euros. According to Mr Menoud, this approach would render ‘a special favour to the Chinese Government’.

FACT: In 2002, the National Security Agency stole a transaction worth $500 billion and the signature of Michael C. Cottrell after proposing the CIA’s Benchmark Securities Inc. transaction referenced on page 109 [Figure 3] of International Currency Review, Volume 31, Numbers 3/4 [November 2006]. Sizeable transactions were then completed fraudulently, using Mr Cottrell’s stolen signature.

The intention this time round will have been to pull off the same trick, but with the added purpose of entrapping him as stated above – something that cannot be done without Mr Cottrell’s signature on relevant documents.

28 April: Suspicious that this was indeed a malevolent ‘sting’ operation, Mr Cottrell submits details of the Japanese yen-to-Euros transaction via associates to the Chinese Government, in order to establish its authenticity.

02 May: Chinese associates confirm to AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. that:

• Vice President Cheney has bribed a banker inside HSBC, Hong Kong, to make the proposed offer to Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., via Mr Menoud.

• The intention of Vice President Cheney and of the Bush Administration is to attempt to place Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the Ambassador and associates in jeopardy by enticing them into becoming involved in a fraudulent foreign currency transaction, so that they can then be excoriated and discredited for malfeasance. It’s a typical White House set-up.

• Their motive is to create a pretext for avoiding their obligation to pay out the $4.5 trillion Wanta Settlement. The criminal mind is now focused on framing Michael C. Cottrell M.S., whom they fear.

• The Chinese authorities are of course not cooperating in this latest operation by the Bush operatives to entrap Mr Cottrell and the Ambassador. On the contrary, when the Chinese authorities are ready, a contract will be issued directly to Michael C. Cottrell, M.S./AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. and Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.

Self-evidently, the Chinese parties will deal directly with Pennsylvania Investments, Inc, not via HSBC, the Jersey office of which displays the fraudulent and spurious ‘Pennsylvania Investments, Inc.’ screen, which has been put ‘up’ by a CIA stooge inside the Jersey bank, ready (the criminalists had anticipated) to entrap Mr Cottrell in a fraudulent ‘sting’ operation, as described.

30 April: European bankers advise an associate of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., that the Bank of England, which has been scammed by the criminal American Government as revealed in our posting dated 1st May, is ‘in over their heads and too deep to be able to come back’.

The Bank of England urgently needs a massive infusion of US dollars in order to be able to remain a viable central bank, and the only source for such ‘real’ US dollars is the Wanta Settlement.

The purpose of the ‘Act of Economic Warfare’ perpetrated by the proxy Nazi American Government is to decapitate the pound sterling so that the incoming Prime Minister, Mr Gordon Brown, whose intention is to revolutionise Britain’s relationship with the European Union, will have his hands tied, and will instead be forced to ditch the pound in favour of the European Collective Currency. We have accordingly seen through this unfriendly, despicable operation, conducted clandestinely by Vice President Richard Cheney on behalf of his boss, George H. W. Bush Sr., the head of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, the ‘Black’ Nazi Continuum and strategic planning centre that is focused above all on the destruction of ‘the Main Enemy’ (Britain and the America).

The Editor has called for the US Ambassador to be kicked out of his Embassy in London and told by the Foreign Secretary to retrieve the expropriated $4.8 trillion of Bank of England assets and to procure the delayed and diverted Wanta Settlement within 14 days, in the absence of which Britain should sever diplomatic relations with the United States and order the rest of the US diplomatic staff, including its affiliated nest of spies, just like disgraced Soviet spies, to leave the British capital until such time as these matters have been resolved to London’s satisfaction.

That is what your correspondent would do if he were Foreign Secretary in this situation. So far, no-one has written in to say this is ‘going too far’, implying that the international community agrees with this sentiment. That applies to the 30+ million recipients of the email version of the posting dated 1st May 2007. Our web statistics are going through the roof, too.

When Her Majesty arrived in the United States on Thursday 3rd May, the airport personnel took an inordinate amount of time bringing the ramp to the plane, and then messed about wasting more time producing and laying the red carpet.

They then contrived to keep the Head of State and the Prince waiting for a further quarter of an hour. In her speech, Her Majesty made a pointed reference to the fact that ‘even friends can have differences’. This is diplomatic code for the Queen’s statement that a horrendous, blazing row is going on behind the scenes: which is precisely the case. And the row is about the Wanta payment and the illegal expropriation, with the assistance of corrupt elements in the Bank of England itself, of assets belonging to the British central bank worth $4.8 trillion. The Queen should have cancelled her trip and the American Ambassador should have been kicked out of his London Embassy.

Our ‘diary’ continues…

02 May: European associates forward a foreign exchange contract for the exchange of US dollars to Euros from Madrid, Spain, the relevant sponsor of which may be the so-called European Economic Development Council [EEDC], which is located at C/Panama, 12 – 28036 Madrid. The President and Chief Executive Officer of this very exotic financial distribution operation is a certain Sr. Enrique Aguirrezabala, originally from Mexico. In International Currency Review, Volume 31, pages 3 & 4, we reported (on page 136) that ‘this outlet is alleged on impeccable authority to be a primary outlet for drug-trafficking proceeds allegedly presided over ultimately by George H.W. Bush Sr’ (2).

• Associates inform AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., that the Chinese Government’s representatives advise that HSBC bank located in Hong Kong has placed the aforementioned fraudulent foreign exchange contract without the Chinese Government’s approval. This behaviour may of course jeopardise HSBC’s future within the territory.

• Although the separate contract did not target the Principals, this further intelligence reveals again that the Vice President of the United States is engaged in massive personal enrichment operations involving fraudulent financial contracts, notwithstanding the barrage of criticism of his ongoing treacherous and reprobate behaviour that has long since reached deafening proportions. Perhaps he is deaf. Although the following connections will be obscure for the general reader, this kind of fraud displays the footprint of Vice President Richard Cheney, having been observed to be practiced by ODL Securities Ltd (at 6th Floor, Salisbury House, London Wall, London EC2M 5QQ), Deutsche Bank, Bank of America (the CIA’s main bank), Wachovia/First Union (New York) and the Federal Reserve. Now we have HSBC Hong Kong engaged in similar Cheney transactions without the sanction of the Chinese Government – deals which are intended in part to enrich a sitting Vice President of the United States and his criminal associates who are abusing their high positions for personal enrichment and illegal geopolitical purposes, as explained in our posting dated 1st May.

This analysis has been appended because the Principals deemed it urgently necessary to draw the international financial community’s attention to the fact that Vice President Cheney is continuing to mastermind operations which have the objective of creating circumstances that would enable him to frame Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. and the Ambassador, in order to avoid making the $4.5 trillion payment. In this, as in all other duplicitous operations against the Wanta Settlement that Mr Cheney has presided over since this crisis began, the Vice President will fail.

The sooner he comes to his senses, if he has any, and recognises that he is simply hastening his own ‘cockroach time’ by orchestrating these serial scams, the sooner will America emerge from the darkness into which it has been plunged by these crooks, whether they survive this crisis or not.

Attention spans being typically short, it should be added that this Addendum in no way detracts from or displaces the extreme gravity of the matters displayed in our extended posting dated 1st May, especially the ‘Act of War’ involving the illegal expropriation by the US Government of assets worth $4.8 trillion from the Bank of England. This has been reported, of course, to the appropriate UK authorities, who can read our reports like anyone else.


(1) John, Chapter 1, verse 5:
‘And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not’.

(2) In the same issue of our journal, we highlighted a formal EC ‘Answer’ [Reference: E-1360/06/EN] given by the Lithuanian (‘former’ Party) operative, Mrs Grybauskaite, European Commission Budget Commissioner, on behalf of the European Commission (EC) on 31st May 2006, following a question tabled by the MEP for Southeastern England, Mr Ashley Mote, concerning the irregular use of the European Union emblem by the European Economic Development Council, an entity arrogating to itself a title that implies its close affiliation or integration with the European Union structures. The Commissioner asserted inter alia as follows: ‘In 2003, the Commission was informed by letter by a French citizen of the non-authorised use of the European emblem on the website of the European Economic Development Council [EEDC]. Via its Representation in Spain (Madrid), the Commission took action against EEDC, requesting them to change their logo (circle of 12 stars) in order to stop the illegal use of the European emblem on their website. The organisation in question subsequently changed the emblem to a logo of six stars’.

In our exposure of EEDC and ‘Enrique’, we commented as follows [page 137 of ICR, Vol. 31, 3/4]:
‘So here we have a colossal money-sink operation which has sought to ‘pass itself off’ as being linked to the European Union and has been slapped down by the European Commission for doing so, but which, apart from changing its logo from the 12 yellow stars on a blue background to six yellow stars on ditto, has basically continued to project itself in the same manner’ as before.

Note that the European Commissioner specifically used the word ‘illegal’ in her response to Mr Mote’s question (3). We stress this point, as this is what this ‘Enrique’ specialises in: illegality.

(3) International Currency Review, Volume 31, Numbers 3 & 4, November 2006, ‘New distribution networks where ‘source of funds’ is never mentioned’, pages 133-144. It is worth reading our expose of the so-called European Economic Development Council, to gain an insight into the extraordinarily crude mentality of these desperate financial operatives.

For the sake of good order, we reproduce again the list of Statutes etc. of which the officials and institutions in question remain in breach. This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and total contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s funds:


US laws breached by President Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Henry M. Paulson, Robert M. Kimmitt, Michael Chertoff, other officials previously named in these reports, all members of G. W. Bush’s Cabinet, and the Boards of Directors of Goldman Sachs and Co, Bank of America, Citibank Group, Wachovia Bank, JPMorganChase, Bank of Nova Scotia, Chemical Bank, First Union Bank and other US and foreign institutions, including the Bank of England, which have been illegally exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s tagged and earmarked $4.5 trillion Settlement money, always intended for the benefit of the American people and for the paying down of the US Treasury’s background debt:

• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC]
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions
being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [FISA]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war
Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or the earlier Wanta Crisis reports. We are a private intelligence publishing house. Subscriptions to our services may be entered by pressing SUBSCRIBE against the selected publication title, and following the ultra-safe web payment procedure. We have no subventions apart from our subscriptions and books income, and cannot spend unproductive time on Internet discussions. If you would like to enter into formal consultation arrangements with the Editor on a fee-paying basis, you need to go, in the first instance, to the Global Analysis Limited section of this website and send us details about your requirements. We charge for our time and cannot provide free advice on any of these issues. This has been a straightforward business operation since 1963, and has nothing to do with any outside sponsorship.



Sunday 22 April 2007 21:10






By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006. [Note: The CLICK HERE panel is now: NEWS. A panel giving details of our latest publications, has been added].

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Exceptionally, this ‘Wantagate’ report has not been cleared with Ambassador Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., because it contains intelligence that is (unfortunately) almost exclusive to the Editor of International Currency Review, and because it addresses certain issues that are certainly relevant to the biggest financial corruption crisis in world history but which the Editor has not been able, given communications and other practical considerations, to present to and discuss with the Principals. The Editor therefore takes full responsibility for its content, but at the same time affirms its relevance to ‘Wantagate’ and the current dramatic ‘unfolding of events’.

It is springtime in our beautiful garden deep in the English countryside. The cherry, pear and apple blossom have joined our continuing display of daffodils, tulips, grape hyacinths, primroses and scented shrubs in their magnificent annual display of the Lord’s wonderful works, made for our enjoyment and His pleasure. Truly, the English countryside is a place where He resides, vividly reminding us that although Lucifer has been ‘loosed for a season’, he is not the Author of any of this spectacular beauty, but exclusively of lies, confusion and death (which is his sole product). Lucifer, since his fall, has no knowledge of life and beauty, which is of course the Lord’s doing.

Because of this fundamental reality, all who walk in his foul ways discover that, sooner of later, the schemes they may devise with his assistance end in death, collapse, chaos and failure. For this reason, we can be 100% certain that the evil schemes that we have had to report in this space this past year, and have to elaborate further below, will likewise fail: and indeed are in the process of failing spectacularly. Despite appearances to the contrary, everything is starting to unravel.

Lucifer and his followers have indeed only one product: death, both spiritual and physical. And indeed, in the other United Kingdom, away from our beautiful countryside, Lucifer is having a ball: distributing drugs and contraceptives to schoolchildren; immersing them in yoga (mental ‘tabula rasa’ ‘therapy) at nursery school; murdering an estimated 50,000 people annually through drugs (distributed by cartels controlled by a corrupt ‘Black’ agency within MI6, labelled GO-2) while also destroying the lives of 400,000 more through drugs, compared with 5,000 in 1975; proposing drug liberalisation rather than the drastic curtailment of supply (1); decreeing from on high that children are no longer to be taught the difference between right and wrong (imposing Luciferian relativism); distributing endless officially authorised pornography to schools (2); diverting the population with a tawdry, amoral ‘celebrity culture’; failing to report the real news in favour of crass, dumbed-down reportage in the controlled broadcast media and press; undermining and blackmailing the British Monarchy (by means of a catalogue of externally-inspired and parallel ‘Black’ blackmail operations, including a dreadful scamming and blackmail operation against Prince Andrew run by the US Office of Naval Intelligence); destabilising and brainwashing UK institutions and society generally through a Psy-Ops operation calling itself ‘Common Purpose’ (3) controlled by our Bolshevik ‘Deputy Prime Minister’, John Prescott; ensuring that the stark spiritual desert cultivated by the decadent Church of England – presided over by an Archdruid of Canterbury and his odd priests and priestesses – continues to preach apostasy, homosexuality and ‘political correctness’ rather than the Word of Jesus Christ (who is hardly ever mentioned); and preventing good and serious people ever rising to the highest positions in the Government and elsewhere, in accordance with the modus operandi of the Illuminati as exposed by Professor John Robison of Edinburgh University in 1798 (4).

This ensures that only Illuminati agentur operatives, or flawed and compromised figures who have been trapped and brainwashed by them, ever get to hold a lease on power.

Now, being arrogant, deceitful and self-deluded, Lucifer and his followers have always assumed historically that they cannot be defeated and can never fail – even though everything they touch ends in death, destruction, catastrophe and failure in one way or another. Therefore, all who have been depressed by the course of events we have had to report here, should reflect that they may have allowed themselves to be brainwashed. For one of the ‘Dark Side’s’ tricks all along has been to make us believe that ‘these forces are too big for us, so there’s nothing we can do to stop them’. This is untrue, as will shortly be revealed: as usual, the Devil turns the truth upside down. For the reality is that, as stated above, all the schemes and devices of Lucifer and his followers end in death and confusion, and go no-where. What is the real meaning of the word ‘revolution’? The answer is: ‘going round and round in circles’.

The World Revolution may appear to be ‘succeeding’, but that can decisively be stated to be an illusion. By definition, its perpetrators, being Workers of Darkness, sow the seeds of their own, and their World Revolution’s, destruction: and we are true witnesses to that reality right now, although few people yet realise what is happening. They soon will!

Following the police raids in Europe reported in our last posting, the secret offshore bank account coordinates of approximately 1,500+ operatives ‘inside the Beltway’, including key operatives at the highest levels of the US Government and structures, were exposed. It will be recalled that prior to that development, certain powerful people had visited the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to ask yet again (in vain, obviously), for the assistance of its now notoriously corrupted officials and Justices in procuring that the Wanta Settlement be finally implemented – almost one year after the May 2006 agreement was reached with Ambassador Wanta and signed off in bad faith at the highest conspiratorial levels of the US Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the US Government.

It will also be recalled that when, predictably, the ‘visitors’ to The Hague were given the brush-off, they shook the dust off the soles of their feet with the loaded comment that ‘there is more than one way to skin a cat’.

Shortly afterwards, the unreported, untaxed secret offshore bank accounts of the 1,500+ or so ‘operatives inside the Beltway’ were frozen. The cat had been well and truly skinned, to cite Lenin, ‘by other means’.

Let there be no mistake here. These accounts have not been frozen as a temporary measure, but ‘permanently’. The fiat untaxed fiat money generated through the illegal exploitation inter alia and primarily of Ambassador Wanta’s funds does not ‘belong’ to the perpetrators, but is the property of Leo Wanta, the sole Principal of the original funds.

As a consequence, it is a fact that some of these people suddenly found that they couldn’t meet utilities bills, and needed to borrow money from staffers to buy groceries. Of course, the problem such people face is that they cannot complain about this state of affairs to anyone at all, not least because their frozen offshore bank accounts should have been reported to the Internal Revenue Service (and to other national tax agencies) for taxation purposes, and weren’t.

The IRS was busily squeezing tax yield out of ordinary Americans who report their tax obligations honestly (as they have been doing these past days), while letting these privileged tax evaders off the hook, even though (according to reliable information) the Federal tax authorities knew a great deal about what was happening.

And, to repeat, what was the source of much of the fiat money created by means of untaxed high-yield investment programmes with corrupt foreign counterparties, stashed away in these secret offshore bank accounts belonging to the 1,500+ ‘operatives’, unreported to the IRS et al?

Answer: The funds originally aggregating $27.5+ trillion belonging to Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta, their sole Principal and owner, the most senior US paymaster and intelligence taskmaster whose achievements included the successful implementation of the Reagan Administration’s Financial Warfare offensive against the Soviet Union.

We understand that the no longer so-secret, untaxed offshore bank accounts of which the 1,500+ operatives styled themselves or their trusts etc as beneficiaries, will now be taxed and penalised by the ‘metropolitan’ governments to which unpaid tax is said to be owed. Only after this process has been completed (and not the other way round) will the ‘beneficiaries’ then be required to divulge by what means these funds were accumulated, i.e. to disclose ‘source of funds’. Since the original funds were illicitly misdirected, largely from the Ambassador’s legitimate resources, they will be unable to do this; and the likelihood, therefore, is that 100% of these illicit ‘assets’ will be forfeit to the governments and jurisdictions concerned.

To complicate matters, and very much to the point at the present time, something close to a civil war may have broken out between ruthless competing cadres within the immense, corrupt US intelligence community, in the face of this global showdown, involving international police and judicial activity, over the Ambassador’s funds.

In earlier, necessarily simpler, analyses, we had indicated our general understanding that the co-conspiring accessories to the fact of these illicit financial operations, the banks, were actively supportive of the Wanta Settlement because the remaining original $23.0 trillion would then ostensibly be retained by the corrupt financial institutions, with the whole sordid mess promptly buried under a colossal carpet.

However the official perpetrators of this nexus of financial scams, which have frankly scandalised the entire international financial and political communities since June 2006 (notwithstanding the collaboration of many of the institutions concerned), could not ‘let go’ and have now grossly overplayed their hand, as a consequence of which they face losing ‘every red cent’ they stole and misappropriated: see above.

Furthermore, other parallel developments, some of which are revealed here and others of which may be forthcoming upon approval by the Principals in a future posting, will bring Wantagate, the biggest financial corruption crisis in world history, to its now inevitable conclusion amid much ‘wailing and gnashing of teeth’ and, in the near future, possible outbreaks of violence within the US official structures which are at last being held to account for their endless criminal behaviour.

As repeatedly explained in our earlier postings, leading financial institutions in Europe, the United States and elsewhere in the world, were, and remain, co-conspirators with corrupt US intelligence operatives, intermediaries and lawyers, and with appointed and elected current and former officials and holders of very high office, both in the United States and abroad, in the systematic diversion, misappropriation and exploitation of these funds – taking advantage of the carefully orchestrated, illegal ‘takedown’ of the Ambassador perpetrated on 7th July 1993 and sustained by the corrupt Wisconsin authorities (see posting in our Archive dated 20th March 2007). Extensive details and facsimiles showing the extent of Ambassador’s Wanta’s legal Title 18 USC Section 6 offshore bank accounts, authorised under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 and reported annually to the Government Accounting Office (5), were exclusively exposed in International Currency Review, Volume 31, 3 and 4, consisting of 480 pages of text and documents, published in late November 2006. [See this website for subscription and ordering details].

When Leo Wanta ‘ceased to be dead’ with effect from 21st July 2005 [see e.g. our posting dated 20th March 2007], contrary to the lies perpetrated by the CIA to its deluded, compartmentalised cadres and to the receptive international financial community, the criminal cadres set about devising a plan to ‘address’ the serious problem that had suddenly arisen: how on earth to ‘make Ambassador Leo Wanta go away without ‘compromising’ the $27.5+ trillion, so that the banks and their co-conspirators could keep the illegally misapplied and diverted funds, with everything being conveniently brushed under the carpet’. That way, it would be ‘business as usual’ for everyone.

So, since these people do not understand the meaning of the word ‘integrity’, they negotiated with the Ambassador in bad faith. Now Leo Emil Wanta, you will also recall, was ‘taken down’ precisely because he is a man of his word, can be trusted at all times, and honours all his undertakings – a fact acknowledged in the world’s capitals, especially in London, Paris and Beijing, where Leo Wanta is remembered and well known as the only American intelligence officer who could ever be relied upon. In this respect, the highest-level Chinese, to this day, share the opinion of President Reagan, who, for good reason, felt comfortable with no-one in the US Federal Government structures – with the single, justified, exception of Leo Wanta, to whom the late President Ronald Reagan therefore entrusted the most sensitive US intelligence operations of all.

Thus the Wanta Settlement agreement signed off in May 2006, to which the high-level signatories are being held, was viewed from the outset by the CIA officials who visited the Ambassador and devised it, as a ruse. These crooked people are incapable of dealing in a straightforward manner, but always engage in their tired ‘bait and switch’ behaviour: as on this occasion. For the Devil knows no new tricks, always playing creepy variations on the same sterile themes.

And no sooner had the accord been signed, than John Snow, who may have been out of his depth, was replaced by Mr Henry M. Paulson as US Treasury Secretary. Paulson evidently took over with instructions to hold on to the $4.5 trillion Settlement funds that the foreign banks had sent over to finance the agreement, and thus double-crossed the foreign banks. This accounts for the fact that he had handcuffs attached to his wrists when visiting Germany last December.

Collecting and transferring that $4.5 trillion to the United States generated a liquidity shortage in the banking system which was the underlying cause of the stock market wobbles that occurred in May and June 2006.

As the former Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs and Company, Mr Paulson had become interim de facto illegal ‘custodian’ of Leo Wanta’s $4.5 trillion; and when he moved to the Treasury, he corruptly retained sole signatory power over the account in question, prompting us to rename him Henry ‘Conflict-of-Interest’ Paulson – given that this official accordingly perpetrated, in open daylight, the most egregious conflict of interest in world financial history.

But that was ‘then’. Where we are now, since the European police raids, is that the secret offshore bank accounts of the 1,500+ ‘operatives’ have, as noted above, been frozen, all over the world: BY THE BANKS WHO WANT THIS CRISIS SETTLED. And nor is that all. Hedge fund accounts have been frozen too, as have the accounts of certain very large trusts. The institutions have simply inactivated the relevant accounts, so that the game for these co-conspirators is OVER.

Let us be specific: the perpetrators of these financial crimes and diversionary financial operations cannot trade, or make huge tax-free profits, as in the past. And they are furious. This, then, was indeed ‘another way to skin the cat’. Since senior officials and Justices at the International Court of Justice and the US Supreme Court had been bribed on the orders of Vice President Cheney and/or his colleagues, the cat had to be skinned by the only means that these criminalists understand: freezing their untaxed offshore bank accounts.

No crocodile tears need be shed for these people. It is TEN MONTHS since the Wanta Settlement was confirmed. They have all had ample time to curb their excesses and to reach the necessary overdue conclusions. But their greed and their corrupt internationalist agenda blinded them to the reality they would be facing. Now, at long last, they are having to face it.

Again, make no mistake. These developments will have profound and probably irreversible consequences for all dimensions of the World Revolution that these brainwashed crooks have been trying, by all devious means at their disposal, to impose upon the rest of humanity without our agreement, while enriching themselves in the process.

The carcases of the Illuminati structures, such as the parasitical European Union Collective, will continue functioning: but they will probably start to fall apart as the catastrophic financial reality, from the agentur’s perspective, progressively takes effect (unless the governments are stupid enough to use some of their taxed windfall funds to continue the World Revolution, rather than acting in their peoples’ interests by taking the funds into their national Treasuries and using them for domestic purposes, such as reducing debt and taxation burdens).

And, all of a sudden, representatives of the small, self-interested, ruthless and opinionated cliques that have been forcing the evil New World Order down our throats these past decades, will begin to ‘change sides’. Indeed, certain of their number have been doing precisely that, according to certain anecdotal information conveyed to this Editor in recent weeks. They will start writing press articles suggesting, for example, that perhaps, maybe, after all, the European Union wasn’t such a bright idea, and that the enlightened nation state may even still be the best formula.

And the consequences for the United States are likely to be even more dramatic (see below). On Sunday 22nd April, wives of prominent people in the United States were reported to be phoning round asking what has happened to their husbands, according to early intelligence received.

It had of course been naively assumed by the criminalists and their co-conspirators that bringing over the $4.5 trillion last year under cover of the Settlement, negotiated in bad faith, would enable them to continue to play indefinitely with the full diverted $27.5 trillion, given that the $4.5 trillion forming part of that original aggregate amount remained under the sole signatory control of the US Treasury Secretary. With the ‘mainstream’ US media notoriously silenced on orders from Karl Rove, the presumption had been that this would be the end of the matter: the banks would keep the $23+ trillion and Paulson and his thieving cronies at the highest levels of the US structures could play with the Ambassador’s $4.5 trillion, so that the corrupt ‘colleagues’ would enjoy ‘the best of both worlds’ ad infinitum. And the Ambassador would be ignored.

Fortunately, these fools miscalculated badly.

While the ‘sidestream’ media ignored Wantagate, an ‘end-run’ was performed around the media: so that the entire international community ‘that matters’ has been kept well informed, in general terms, of the criminal financial manoeuvres perpetrated against the Ambassador and his funds by these corrupt operatives and their financial sector co-conspirators. This was ‘never supposed to happen, you understand’. The criminalists thought they had everything under control, for ever.

In an early sign of the criminalists’ new desperation, over the Easter weekend, a CIA operative was ordered to travel to London, with instructions to contact the Editor of this service. However, in contravention of the usual norms of civilised behaviour, the high-level operative in question did not contact this writer in person. Instead, a third party emailed the Editor with the very insistent suggestion that he should get in touch with this individual during his London visit.

The email in question dropped four names, including those of an author whose work we have published, a West Coast radio talk show host on whose show the Editor was featured many years ago, plus two other (obscure) contacts – the purpose, presumably, being to make it seem that this ‘visit’ represented a nice, friendly opportunity for the Editor to expand his range of US contacts ‘in the interests of further business’.

Naturally, we made certain enquiries, establishing that the ‘visitor – who was described as running a ‘training school in Florida and in France, where he owns a farm’ – was staying in Room 37 at the Gainsborough Hotel, 7-11 Queensbury Place, South Kensington, London SW7. It is well known that US operatives are ordered to book in at secondary hotels in order to curb expenses and to avoid being too conspicuous. This is a distinctly secondary hotel.

When these blandishments, from several quarters, failed to yield the intended outcome, a further correspondent started emailing the Editor. This person actually revealed (quote) that ‘one friend of mine has CIA connections. I was told [that] a member of that organization was going to London to try to meet with you. This man is a ‘white’ operative’. However when we researched the matter, we found this ‘Florida training school proprietor’ to be associated with a curious website which has a black background, which is often a sign of Illuminati content. In any case, post-9/11, who in his right mind would have anything to do with a ‘Florida training school proprietor’?

Though cunning, it often transpires that these people are quite exceptionally stupid.

If someone wishes to meet with this Editor, he or she is at liberty to send him an email, to leave a voicemail to that effect, or to write a letter. It is neither ‘intelligent’ nor polite to approach a target indirectly via four separate intermediaries. Naturally, rather than comply, your correspondent reported this matter to a contact at the highest level of MI6.

Why do we mention this? Because we learned a few days ago, prior to the Blacksburg atrocity (see below), that sudden deaths are ‘happening’. Specifically, a financial sector friend has reported that one of his contacts stated within the past week or so that two of his associates, who were alive and ‘doing business’ two weeks earlier, are now dead. Recall again not only that Lucifer is the author of lies and confusion, but also that he has only one product: death.

Meanwhile the extraordinary situation surrounding the future of Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank and one of the instigators of the attack on Iraq, and Shaha Riza, his British-Libyan-Northern-Cypriot-Saudi girlfriend (depending on the source consulted), was quickly revealed to be nothing new. In fact the Daily Telegraph specifically went out of its way to point out that it had first reported the basic facts of this case three years earlier. Therefore, the story had nothing to do with the underlying situation, which, in part, involves the alleged complicity of the World Bank under Wolfowitz in the illegal diversion of the Ambassador’s funds.

It is this Editor’s long-standing personal experience that the professional staffs at both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the Annual and Spring Meetings of which he has attended on and off since 1977, are usually of the highest intellectual and ethical calibre. Therefore, when the female representative of the World Bank’s staff association pointed out sharply during the 2007 Spring Meetings period that the matter of favoured pecuniary treatment for Wolfowitz’s girlfriend (motivated by the fact that he tried to compensate her for loss of her World Bank tax-free status while on secondment to the State Department), represented the tip of the iceberg in terms of Wolfowitz’s breaches of trust with the staff, those ‘in the know’ understood what she meant.

Subsequent research revealed that Wolfowitz’s girlfriend was or is associated with a shadowy State Department-linked outfit calling itself The Foundation for the Future, which one of our informed sources has advised us, has been identified as a money-laundering operation.

On 16th April, we had another diversion, timed to coincide with Wantagate, in the form of the ‘Manchurian Candidate’ operation, riddled with ‘extraordinary’ anomalies, in which a ‘Monarch slave’ student murdered the geomasonically precise number of 32 victims, including a renowned Jewish Professor of Romanian background – before turning his gun on himself, to ‘complete’ the esoteric numeral of 33 deaths. The gunman, subsequently identified as 23-year-old Virginia Tech senior Cho Seung-Hui, of Korean extraction, took care to shoot each of his victims THREE times, and here’s why. Without going into any detail here about Luciferian mind-control programming practice (of Luciferian, Himmlerian, Tavistock Institute and Jesuit Illuminati origin in the modern context), it is a fact that Omega mind programming controlled inter alia by an Executive Control Board (Grand Druid Council) uses numeric codes for gaining forced access to traumatised and pre-programmed controlled ‘slave’ operatives within which the ‘trigger’ numeric code prompting the controlled operative-victim to commit murder is 3221456. Note that the first two numbers coincide with the number of Cho’s victims. The universal programming code for access to the ‘programmed internal computers’ of these intelligence sector controlled Monarch ‘slaves’ is 33123113211. Note also that the first two numerals coincide with the ‘completed’ number of dead, including the mass murderer himself, as well as ‘triggering’ him to shoot each victim THREE times. George Bush Sr., former Director of Central Intelligence and head of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst in succession to Dr Henry Kissinger and Admiral Canaris (Samuel Randall Pittmann), ‘was’ a Monarch ‘slave’ handler.

On 3rd August 1977, Admiral Stansfield Turner (Office of Naval intelligence and Director of Central Intelligence (CIA)) told a US Senate hearing that the CIA had been conducting mental control and multiple-personality (‘split’ personality) manipulation operations on thousands of unsuspecting victims for decades, like Himmler, without their knowledge or consent. Turner confirmed that 185 scientists (many of German Nazi background) and over 80 US institutions, especially US GULAG prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and 44 medical colleges and universities (including the Blacksburg campus) were involved in this satanic Himmlerian activity: and DCI Turner probably understated the true extent of the overall programme (abomination). The former Director of Central Intelligence also admitted that the notorious MK-ULTRA mind control research programme (one of a nexus of such CIA Nazi-inspired operations) had been squandering millions of dollars on the study of voodoo, witchcraft and ‘psychic’ phenomena (‘Black Arts’ code for the ‘magickal’ evocation of demonic spirits, which was what Professor Adam Weishaupt and his notorious Masonic sorcerer successor, and founder of the Palladian Rite, Albert Pike, specialised in).

Luciferian (satanic) organisations engaged in mind control, ‘slave’, and personality modification (known by ‘insiders’ as ‘The Network’ of the ‘New World Order’) include the following (asterisks denote US: some titles have successor names): Air Force Intelligence*, Army Intelligence*, Atomic Energy Commission*; the Bureau of Narcotics*; Bureau of Prisons*; Central Intelligence Agency*; Charismatic Movement; Church of Satan*; Church of Scientology*; the Country Music industry*; Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)*; Department of Justice*; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)*; Freemasonry, especially the Palladian Rite, the Thirty-third degree and all ‘higher’ degrees, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge and other affiliated Masonic organisations; German Intelligence (Shaback and Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, or DVD); Hollywood*; the House of Saud; Illuminati (‘open’ elements thereof, including Le Cercle, Moriah, Gnostics, Luciferians, Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, etc); Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)*; Ku Klux Klan (including other KKK groups)*; Mafia* and Mafiya; MI6; Modi’in; Mossad le Aliyah Beth; Mormon Church*; the US National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)*; National Security Agency (NSA)*; National Programs Office*; National Science Foundation*; Neo-Nazi groups; Oddfellows; Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)*; Ordo Templi Orientis (of which there are four groups calling themselves OTO: see above also); P4 (an elite MI6 section); Palo Mayombe; Professional Baseball elements*; the Russian/Soviet Government and its intelligence community cadres, Cheka and its successors, GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence continuum); [Note: An earlier Soviet nexus called Spetsburo #1, known as ‘Kamera’ (Chamber) in Russian, carried out drug and hypnosis mind control research, and was responsible for Soviet assassinations]; Santaria (Voodoo derivative); Satanic Hubs; the Tavistock Institute, London; Temple of Power (Set)*; Umbanda; US Army*, especially Delta Forces and the 1st Earth Battalion, USAF; The Veterans’ Administration*; the Watchtower Society*; the Werewolf Order*; Witchcraft groups beyond Satanism and Moriah* (this list being of course incomplete and, given the scarcity of reliable sources, not up to date). Note also that ALL such (mind-manipulation) organisations self-interestedly styling themselves ‘The Order’, are ‘actives’ within ‘The Network’.

As with 9/11 (6) and other such ‘MK-ULTRA’-derived controlled ‘Black Ops’ atrocities, such tell-tale numerological signs of Himmlerian CIA Psy-Ops behaviour by planted, controlled assets who can be triggered at any time by their Agency handlers – in this case, inserted to terrorise scholarship-level students destined in many cases for the military – are NEVER ‘coincidences’, but are INVARIABLY contrived in order to signal to those ‘actives’ whom Lenin called ‘the interested’, the true satanic (intelligence) origin of the Illuminati atrocity in question. The Madrid atrocities, for instance, took place 911 days after 911. There will be more to say about a future intended ‘9/11’ shortly.

For this esoteric information is included here for a critical reason that will become clearer below, and as a necessary reminder that numerology, astrology, goofy hand-signals, peculiar emblems, corporate logos and symbology play an exaggerated role as signalling mechanisms among the demented ranks of the dark underworld of global Masonic Illuminism which is clearly exposing itself through these serial controlled and preplanned abominations, which are perpetrated by the Luciferian intelligence ‘services’. The Iranian President and known ‘Savak’ intelligence operative and satanist, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been photographed performing the ‘devil’ hand-signal, which requires the conscious act of pressing the second and third fingers onto the palm of the left hand while extending its first and fourth fingers – an image that has been displayed by the analyst Henry Mackow alongside a photograph of President George W. Bush Jr. performing the identical satanic ‘hook-’em horns’ signal at his second Inauguration Ball. To serious analysts, this confirms that the current Iranian scenario is false, and is scripted by ‘The Network’.

Within 48 hours, Virginia Tech had somehow organised the mass distribution of candles and candle-holders to all the students on the Blacksburg campus, had laid on an orchestrated Nazi-style mind-bending ‘memorial’ event attended by the President of the United States, and had rolled out the sequel to the atrocities like a military operation (which is what it was). When journalists discovered that the perpetrator of the atrocity had a sister who had graduated from Princeton in 2004 and who now works in the State Department, one among their number researched the home addresses of the two, discovered them to be the same, and travelled with press colleagues to the family home in Centreville, VA – only to discover that the entire family had been abruptly moved from the location beforehand. And by Thursday 19th April 2007, the University’s website could suddenly no longer be accessed. Blacksburg is conveniently located ‘a mere’ 215 miles from Richmond, VA, where one or more US intelligence multi-tasking Psy-Ops asset handlers who are believed by this service and others to have diverted funds belonging to the Ambassador, reside. In terms of US distances, this is ‘next door’: hence the choice of this Virginia University for the timed mass Psy-Ops abomination.

The sister, Sun-Kyung Cho, an economics major who ‘interned’ at the (drug-running) US Embassy in Bangkok, was revealed by The Daily Princetonian on 17th April 2007 to be employed these days as a ‘State Department contractor’ – just like Mr Wolfowitz’s girlfriend, Shaha Riza, even though, when repeatedly questioned about that mysterious, shadowy ‘Foundation for the Future’, officials at the State Department seemed to have little knowledge of it, with one spokesman saying flatly that ‘my understanding is that she (Riza) is an individual seconded by the World Bank as an adviser to the Foundation for the Future’.

Not surprisingly, there are signs that, at long last, elements of the US ‘mainstream’ media are no longer prepared to accept pre-packaged ‘official’ explanations of these successive Himmlerian US intelligence community abominations, even when masked by staged Presidential public prayers (deliberately preceded by an ‘in-your-face’ ‘reading’ from the Koran).

It should be understood that the orchestrators of such weird behaviour are out of their minds, and in the mind of the Evil One, and vice versa (a concept that your typically cynical pressman cannot easily grasp). They are all certifiably mad. Understanding the unquestionable relevance of outward numerological ‘Black Ops’ clues such as that of the number of victims at Blacksburg (32, then 33), with each of them being shot THREE times, is a necessary component of any objective arms’-length study of these Works of Darkness – which, however, can ONLY be undertaken safely provided that the serious researcher, however much he or she may obviously be a sinner in the Christian sense, gives glory to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings first, and at all times. Such investigations are NOT therefore ever to be embarked upon out of idle curiosity.

This explains why the Editor began this posting with a simple description of the beauty of the English countryside this spring, attributing this beauty to its Author.

And it also explains why we have left until now the following warning which the Editor now feels compelled to publicise, in the light of current events. In October 2004, the Editor of this service was a guest in a certain part of the United States, when he became aware that an attempt was being made to contact him by Delmart ‘Mike’ Vreeland, the Office of Naval Intelligence operative credited with accurately predicting 9/11 in August 2001, and who had met the Editor in May 2003 following the first report we published in International Currency Review on what has become Wantagate (7). The mundane circumstances of this second attempted contact by Vreeland are not of any special interest; but they have been recorded in ‘sanitised’ detail, notarised, reported to relevant US authorities, and are held in multiple locations for safekeeping.

Vreeland advised a US party on 21st October 2004 that he had information to the effect that the TWIN cities of Minneapolis-St Paul had been targeted for a devastating attack. On 22nd October 2004, Lt. Vreeland and his ‘young male companion’ were discovered, upon investigation, to be incarcerated in Hardin Country Jail, a small county jail near Eldora, Iowa. The administrator of that facility confirmed that a ‘Barry Stevens’, one of Vreeland’s many aliases, and a ‘Shane’, had been picked up and were under indictment.

The ONI operative, reported many months ago to be allegedly incarcerated in Denver, claimed to another party on 21st October 2004 that he possessed a document that he wished to hand-deliver to this Editor. As indicated above, the Editor had met Vreeland in May 2003 in Canada, in the course of his normal financial journalism investigative activity, which we are obliged to undertake so that International Currency Review can remain sharply differentiated from all other published financial sources. Incredibly, it transpired that Lt. Vreeland wished the Editor to physically transport this unknown document to Boston. The Editor was not scheduled to travel anywhere near Boston and in any case could not possibly have entertained any such activity as was being suggested; and so, rather than engage in any way with Lt. Vreeland, the matter was immediately reported both to the Minneapolis-St Paul Sherriff’s Office and to the staffers of a US Congressman and a US Senator. The Editor at once wrote, notarised and filed a detailed account of these events, as stated above.

Just as the cold blooded, programmed and triggered murder of 32 students in Blacksburg provides a significant esoteric-numerological clue, for those who ‘understand’, that the latest US campus atrocity was ‘not an accident’, and just as 911 happens to be the number one calls in an emergency in the United States, the choice of the TWIN Towers for that ‘Reichstag Fire’ operation on 9/11 has special signalling significance for these hideous US Himmlerian Luciferians who are in temporary control of the US Government. These Luciferians have a hang-up about TWINS. One of the several background factors here is their parallel Masonic preoccupation with ‘Jachin’ and ‘Boaz’, the TWIN pillars of their imaginary esoteric ‘Solomon’s Temple’.

Furthermore, twins are extensively exploited as ‘research fodder’ in Himmlerian ‘MK-ULTRA’-type personality modification and ‘slave’ operations.

The first day of the 2008 Republican National Convention will, on present plans, be held in the TWIN Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul from 1st to 4th September 2008. On the basis of the cited Babylonian numerological method into which the mind-controlled Black cadres are indoctrinated, the first date of this Convention devolves to 9/11: 9 (September) and 1 (first day of the Convention) +2 + 8 (2008) = 11 (9/11).

Vreeland informed a party on the West Coast that four nuclear weapons would be exploded in the TWIN Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul. Facts are facts. The Editor rushed immediately to prepare his notarised report in New York in October 2004 on the mistaken assumption that Lt. Vreeland’s statement referred to an event that was then imminent, and in order that it could subsequently be demonstrated that the appropriate authorities had been informed in advance. As noted, the threat was properly reported at once by others to relevant authorities, at the time – as any responsible and patriotic person with the appropriate moral orientation would be bound to do.

When the atrocity did not of course take place, the Editor simply reflected that he had wasted two days of his trip compiling his report and having it notarised, but he nevertheless returned to the United Kingdom relieved that this appeared to be the only ‘damage’ that had so far been inflicted.

But in the aftermath of Blacksburg, this historical record has been subjected to further review. The first interim conclusion we have reached is as follows.

Quite clearly, the Workers of Darkness within the corrupt and Luciferian components of the US intelligence structures remain prepared, at any time, to employ merciless and ruthless methods without regard for the consequences, in pursuit of their demonised objectives – on this occasion, obfuscation of the biggest financial corruption crisis in world history, a.k.a. Wantagate, and the numerous consequences thereof that are liable to ‘break out’ at any moment.

For instance, measures were to begin on Monday 23rd April 2007 to convene a US Grand Jury investigation and separately, to commence the predicted Federal R.I.C.O. action against evidently criminal operatives inside the Wisconsin State structures. And the involvement of Interpol, Europol and any number of national police forces in concurrent international ‘Wantagate’ investigations has seriously destabilised the mental equilibrium of these reprobate criminal intelligence cadres, who arrogantly believe that they are immune from the consequences of their criminal behaviour under the terms inter alia of the 1947 National Security Act, also known as a criminals’ charter under which their serial crimes and abominations are mysteriously ‘permitted’

In the light of all the above, we believe and hereby warn as follows:

1. An abominable atrocity has been preplanned to coincide with the US Republican National Convention in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul on 1st September 2008. Such atrocities are typically prepared many years in advance: for instance, operatives associated with the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City revealed their foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks back in 1995.

2. The purpose of the planned abomination in the Twin Cities on the next ‘9/11’ will have been to scrap the US Constitution and to install the intended (Nazi) dictatorship, in conformity with the long-range strategy pursued by Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), based at Dachau, the Black ‘Nazi Continuum’ counterintelligence strategic centre, to ‘Build the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’ – as exposed in documents from the Madrid-based German Geopolitical Centre captured after World War II and reported by this service in earlier postings on this website.

3. Following exposure here of this intended crime against humanity, we have every expectation that this diabolical ‘Reichstag Fire to end all Reichstag Fires’ will be/has been aborted.

Significantly, a US intelligence corporation engaged in the recovery of nuclear materials and which was known to have ‘lost’ certain materials at the time of the warning by Vreeland described above, subsequently ‘found’ them, some months later – in Boston. This was the same destination to which Vreeland was reported to have wanted the Editor to convey certain documents – an indirect offer (or trap) which was emphatically refused and disregarded.

At this stage of our knowledge, we are uncertain as to whether the planned atrocity mentioned above can be construed as a foreign operation against the United States, a foreign operation facilitated by domestic US intelligence cadres, a purely domestic planned abomination, or an operation of the international cabal trying vainly to establish its ‘New Underworld Order’.

But judging by the now immense domestic and international support that Ambassador Leo Wanta and his colleague, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., have recently acquired in the course of their epic struggle to do what is right for the United States in accordance with the Wanta Plan provided for under the May 2006 Settlement, we are very confident that this diabolical plan will be aborted and that the United States will not succumb to the planned dictatorship any time soon.

Our other reason for believing that the planned abomination in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul, intended to provide the pretext for the imposition of the dictatorship and to scrap the 2008 General Election, will not take place as planned, is that the New Underworld Order conspiracy has just been decisively derailed – thanks to ‘Wantagate’.

This is because offshore accounts consisting of untaxed fiat money, not just in the United States but around the world, have been frozen (permanently, according to sensitive sources: see above).

Furthermore, the severely compromised International Court of Justice, which is said to be engaged in a belated ‘housecleaning’ operation, is now, all of a sudden, insisting that the frozen fiat money must be taxed in the countries from which the funds have been hidden, and where tax is due.

In other words, the relevant components of the offshore financial system that have been financing the World Revolution fronted by the agentur of ‘The Network’ have been closed down because the funds held in the secret accounts in question represent illegal fiat money, and because of the tax evasion – ensuring that the Governments that have been deceived by these crooks will impose whatever percentage they charge on such balances, plus (no doubt) massive punitive penalties where applicable, including jail terms in accordance with local jurisdictional legislation.

Since the imposition of the New Underworld Order was being financed by this fiat money, it can well and truly be said that the World Revolution has been, or will shortly be, severely compromised and that the long-term Illuminati conspiracy to destroy our nation states is in jeopardy.

For this magnificent prospective outcome, the world will have two US heroes to thank: Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta, who has borne his long suffering with extraordinary persistence, determination, courage, faith and patience since his illegal and unjust ‘takedown’ on 7th July 1993; and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the Executive Vice President and Treasurer of the Ambassador’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based corporation, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. – who has stuck to his guns in the face of years of relentless pressure that would have destroyed most lesser men, while insisting all along that the US securities and taxation regulations must be applied with rigorous impartiality, and refusing to succumb to numerous enticing offers from criminal parties seeking to distract and entice him away from the objectives that he knows to be in the best interests of US and global financial probity and stability. The Ambassador was right to place his faith in this 100% trustworthy financial expert.

The Governments of the Group of Seven powers (excluding the reprobate United States) and the Chinese Government, have been pressing for and expecting the necessary paperwork confirming economic receipt to the Ambassador for the Leo Wanta Settlement to be presented to them at their ongoing meetings behind closed doors, by way of confirmation that the $4.5 trillion hitherto illegally diverted these past ten months has at last been properly deposited with the Securities Account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., with Morgan Stanley, New York, as should have happened back in the summer of 2006 – so that this sordid and disgraceful chapter in the United States’ financial history can begin to be brought to a delayed conclusion; and so that the deceived people of the United States can finally begin to benefit from the Wanta Plan, which will transform the present and future prospects for the US financial economy, reversing the United States’ sterile, corrosive and century-old deficit-spending orgy, thereby not only ‘refinancing’ the United States generally, but stabilising the entire world financial economy for the benefit of the whole of humanity.

In this connection, although we have heard this kind of thing before, and the whole world has learned that no high-level undertaking by the United States can be relied upon, we understand that the President of the United States has signed papers ordering the Wanta Settlement payment to be implemented. This appears to have met with the usual resistance at the highest level, prompting what we believe to be grave developments that were unfolding as this report had to be posted.

Any further trickery, chicanery and delay, evidence of which was again leaking out this weekend, will probably have catastrophic consequences. And we’re not just referring to R.I.C.O. and a Grand Jury investigation. For there are indeed many ways to skin a cat, and all of them are unpleasant.

Notes and References:

(1) Drugs are unlike any other commodity, in that demand for them depends upon supply. If the supply is withdrawn, demand declines, assuming that alternative suppliers do not replace the withdrawn supply. By contrast, demand for, say, oranges, is driven by demand for this pleasing natural fruit and food. In the case of narcotics, however, the demand (created by the supply) is artificial, because it is a consequence of chemical addiction. This addiction is fed by the supply that would otherwise not exist, because if the demand for drugs were not driven by addiction, there would be no demand for them at all. This equation makes it clear that the correct solution to the drug scourge is to throttle the supply chains. The reason that this is not happening is that corrupt intelligence cadres, including Britain’s filthy GO-2 operation buried inside MI6, are engaged in this lucrative and reprobate ‘Black’ activity. It is quite possible that the permanent freezing of certain offshore accounts may ‘interfere’ with these evil operations. The wayward Luciferian Governments concerned should immediately withdraw from this immoral activity, representing an ongoing crime against humanity, or face ever increasing pressure from exposures such as this posting.

For further insights into this ‘supply’ characteristic of the drug trade, see ‘Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West’, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass Jr., edited by this Editor, available from Edward Harle Limited (on this website).

(2) The distribution of pornography to schools has been sponsored by the British Government for at least two decades. Back in the 1980s, the late Commander Michael Blake, an intrepid activist, put on his old jeans and a gardening sweater, appeared at an address in central London from which a certain ‘sex guide’ for children was being distributed by the so-called Health Education Authority, and expressed great interest in helping them distribute this document. The agency’s staff handed him several hundred of these corrupting publications, which he then brought round in a taxi to this Editor’s office. We spent the rest of the day selecting names and addressed of the ‘Great and the Good’, starting with the Archbishop of Canterbury, senior UK Government figures in the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and prominent people throughout the Kingdom. We prepared an expression of outrage, printed out several hundred copies, labelled the envelopes and mailed the package to these people immediately. As a consequence, a woman called Virginia Bottomley MP, who was a relevant Minister at the time, announced in the House a few weeks afterwards that this document had been withdrawn. Six months later we discovered that the Health Education Authority, an official body, had transferred the rights to a large publishing house, which then proceeded to distribute the pornography to schools as originally intended.

(3) For details of this revolutionary operation, hitherto financed by untaxed, illegal fiat money, to brainwash targeted cadres of the UK official structures, industry and society, please review the second posting in this series (Archive: 3rd March 2006). It is now to be hoped that, following the permanent freezing of fiat money accounts worldwide revealed in this and the preceding posting on this website, the financing of this destructive and subversive Bolshevik-Nazi mind-manipulation revolutionary operation run by the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, may start to dry up.

(4) ‘Proofs of a Conspiracy’, by Professor John Robison, of Edinburgh University, 1798, is one of two classic authoritative contemporary exposures of the modern Illuminati cult. It focuses on the operations of Professor Adam Weishaupt, the Jesuit-educated, Jesuit-loathing necromancer and self-confessed sorcerer and ghost-raiser, who ‘reorganised’ the structures and modus operandi of the Illuminati as a ‘parasite’ sitting inside and on the back of Freemasonry, and in other parallel worldly formats. Weishaupt openly modelled the updated Illuminati structures upon Jesuit practice, starting with the obligation that all members are required secretly to spy on each other and upon everyone else. This reprobate behaviour is inculcated into bewildered novices from the outset.

Evil preoccupations of the agentur include the ‘devouring of widow’s houses’ [their estates: see Matthew, Chapter 23, at verse 14; Mark, Chapter 12, verse 40; and Luke, Chapter 20, verse 47: revealing that Jesus Christ condemned the practice of ripping-off dying widows, specialised in by the scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees (Jesuits)], providing for a member of the high agentur to be positioned alongside every targeted influential figure or holder of power, and inserting agentur into the highest positions at all times, so that any prospect of normal, honest, serious people rising to the highest levels is uniformly precluded.

This ‘Black’ modus operandi, which explains the Illuminati’s temporary grip on world affairs today, is extensively elaborated in the Editor’s new work, The New Underworld Order [see the intelligence books section of this website for ordering details]. Concerning the targeting of widows’ estates, a preoccupation of the Jesuits, this is an age-old scandalous activity to which specialist elements of US criminal intelligence give the highest priority to this day (e.g. AARP; aspartame, a ‘Black’ product of CBW research notoriously promoted in past years by Donald Rumsfeld, which has the effect of procuring that as many Americans as possible contract Alzheimer’s Disease, thereby facilitating the stealing of the dying individuals’ estates by agents for members of the agentur or corrupt ‘actives’. Similar operations are routine among the Indianapolis-based US insurance community.

The fact that Jesus’ warning against and condemnation of this foul practice appears no less than three times in the Gospels indicates how grave the problem was 2000 years ago, as remains the case today. Wherever such a warning appears in the Gospels three times, it is a grave warning indeed. Another example is Christ’s condemnation of and warning to those who corrupt children.

Christ’s specific warning against lawyers who steal ‘widow’s houses’ (estates) is expressed in Luke, Chapter 20, as follows: ‘Then, in the audience of all the people, he said unto his disciples, Beware of the scribes (= lawyers), which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; Which devour widows’ houses, and for a show make long prayers; the same shall receive greater damnation’.

In other contexts, the Lord says of such people: ‘Verily I say unto you, they have their reward’.
Luke, Chapter 20, verses 45-47.

(5) Now the General Accountability Office, following a Bush II Administration semantic change which of course implies something completely different from ‘General Accounting Office’ – devaluing the accounting dimension and thereby enlarging the scope for obfuscatory official verbiage designed to divert attention from fraud and malfeasance.

(6) 9th September 2001 was (a) the birthday of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka Illuminati and mass mind trauma bloodbath specialists, precursors of the KGB (of which Mikhail Gorbachev has remained the top-secret chief, at least until 2005); (b) precisely the 20th anniversary of the commencement of construction work on the Twin Towers; (c) the 25th anniversary of the death of Nikita Sergeyevich (Salomon) Khrushchev (Perlmutter); and (d) the same as the 911 emergency telephone number used in the United States. For these demented Luciferians, numerology is interchangeable with ‘internal computer’ numerical programming ‘technology’.

(7) International Currency Review, Volume 28, Number 4, published in March 2003. Our timing on that occasion was less than perfect because the appearance of this issue, which the Editor calls his ‘first take’ on Wantagate, was immediately swamped by the invasion of Iraq. In early May, US Navy Lieutenant Delmart ‘Mike’ Vreeland, a medicated, controlled Office of Naval Intelligence operative (as extensively revealed in other sources) contacted the Editor and asserted that he wished to discuss matters arising from the financial corruption revelations contained in that issue of our financial/currency journal. On that occasion, the Editor decided, contrary to his usual practice, to investigate this intelligence operative further, and accordingly travelled to New York and then to Niagara Falls, Canada, for this purpose. He was financially scammed by Vreeland throughout the trip, and found on his return to London that a further £1,600 had been stolen from his Visa Card which Vreeland had either removed from the Editor’s billfold while he was not looking, or (more likely) had read upside down while the Editor was paying the hotel bill (which wound up including that for Lieutenant Vreeland and his young male ‘companion’).

While Vreeland’s behaviour was criminal, and he may be ‘fortunate’ that this Editor had mercy on him in this regard, his intelligent understanding of pertinent public domain geopolitical issues was to this Editor’s detailed background knowledge very sound, focused and accurate, although this dimension cannot be elaborated here. We parted on friendly terms, but while on the Amtrak train back to New York, Vreeland ‘ordered’ the Editor off the train and demanded his return to Niagara Falls. When the Editor refused, he uttered death threats against the Editor.

For the sake of good order, we reproduce again the list of Statutes etc. of which the officials and institutions in question remain in breach. This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and total contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s funds:


US laws breached by President Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Henry M. Paulson, Robert M. Kimmitt, Michael Chertoff, other officials previously named in these reports, all members of G. W. Bush’s Cabinet, and the Boards of Directors of Goldman Sachs and Co, Bank of America, Citibank Group, Wachovia Bank, JPMorganChase, Bank of Nova Scotia, Chemical Bank, First Union Bank and other US and foreign institutions, including the Bank of England, which have been illegally exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s tagged and earmarked $4.5 trillion Settlement money, always intended for the benefit of the American people and for the paying down of the US Treasury’s background debt:

• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC]
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions
being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [FISA]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or the earlier Wanta Crisis reports. We are a private intelligence publishing house. Subscriptions to our services may be entered by pressing SUBSCRIBE against the selected publication title, and following the ultra-safe web payment procedure. We have no subventions apart from our subscriptions and books income, and cannot spend unproductive time on Internet discussions. If you would like to enter into formal consultation arrangements with the Editor on a fee-paying basis, you need to go, in the first instance, to the Global Analysis Limited section of this website and send us details about your requirements. We charge for our time and cannot provide free advice on any of these issues. This has been a straightforward business operation since 1963, and has nothing to do with any outside sponsorship.



Friday 26 January 2007 18:46

IMPORTANT UPDATES: 27th January 2007:

1. MISSING KATRINA FUNDS: In a belated indication that the ‘mainstream’ media are not totally asleep, The Wall Street Journal carried coverage today (Saturday) on the curious matter of the missing ‘Katrina funding’, asking: ‘Where is the Katrina money?’ It is now 17 months since that (orchestrated) catastrophe, and the promised funds for rehabilitation have not yet materialised. WHERE is the Katrina money? Answer: It has been diverted and corruptly exploited for fiat money generation purposes, just like the Wanta funds. It is now understood that the Katrina money will be paid out FOLLOWING disbursement, at long last, of the Wanta $4.5 trillion taxable Settlement funds, which are to be used for numerous major, delayed US projects and for underwriting the new capital markets instruments which the corrupt antics of the DC cleptocracy have delayed. The Wall Street Journal’s enquiry indicates, at last, that this eminent newspaper has ‘smelled a rat’ (it could hardly have done otherwise), and has decided to approach the crisis from an angle which will immediately resonate with the American people.

2. U.S. OFFICIALS GIVEN A HARD TIME AT DAVOS: News from the now concluded Davos ‘World Economic Forum’ event in Switzerland: US officials were given a hard time and were hauled over the coals by senior foreign Government figures who individually and collectively expressed their disgust and anger at the continued corruption of the US authorities and of named holders of high office. The US officials have only themselves to blame, although the fashion is to blame everyone else but onself. A lot of this is going on right now.

3. PAULSON IN OFFICE BUT NOT IN POWER: Concerning holders of high office, Henry M. Paulson is still in office (at the time of posting) but is not in power. Following his arrest fiasco, his wings have been severely clipped, and he has not been in control of the financial levers for many weeks, in sharp contrast to his earlier nauseating boasts to that effect. He is expected to resign on health grounds (rheumatoid arthritis in hands and feet?). Other senior resignations are expected, but of course their timing is dependent upon how the bitter divisions at the highest levels fall out in the days and weeks ahead.

4. LAWYER’S LETTER TO DEPUTY TREASURY SECRETARY AND THE C.E.O. OF CITIGROUP ET AL NOW APPENDED: The letter dated 24th January 2007 on behalf of Ambassador Wanta, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., from the high-level Republican Party lawyer Thomas E. Henry to Mr Robert M. Kimmitt, the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Harold Damelin, the US Treasury’s Inspector General, and to Mr Charles O. Prince, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of, CITIGROUP, Inc., and Ms Pamela Johnson, of the CITIGROUP, Inc. Anti-Money Laundering office, is now appended at the foot of this updated posting [as of 11.40pm, GMT, 27th January 2007]. Note, in the penultimate paragraph, the reference to ‘the substitution of parties’ – a suitably pointed allusion to the fact, explained above, that Henry M. Paulson is in office but is not in power, and does not control the financial levers.

5. AMERITRUST GROUPE, INC. LETTER TO DEPUTY TREASURY SECRETARY AND TO THE TREASURY’S INSPECTOR GENERAL IS ALSO NOW APPENDED: A letter dated 22nd January 2007 from AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., to Mr Robert M. Kimmitt, the Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury, copied to Mr Harold Damelin, Inspector General, US Department of the Treasury, is now appended at the foot of this updated posting [as of 00.40 am GMT, 28th January 2007]. Note the intended repetition of the text of H.R. 3723, a law signed by President W. J. Clinton precisely to protect private transactions such as the $4.5 trillion Wanta Settlement. The private status of the Wanta funds specifically exposes all concerned, as previously explained, to R.I.C.O. organised crime litigation, for which at least three times damages are routine upon conviction.

6. THIS EVOLVING FINANCIAL CORRUPTION CRISIS IS NOT JUST AN AMERICAN PROBLEM: IT’S AN INTERNATIONAL CRISIS: It is no pleasure at all to observe the greatest power in the world in the throes of ‘Blowback’ from this escalating financial corruption situation. In this connection, it should be recalled that ever since the Second World War, the unreformed Nazi Abwehr Continuum, a.k.a. Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD, Dachau), has deployed bribery and corruption as its primary weapon (so much more efficient than brute military force). We were delighted to learn very recently that, as a direct consequence of our earlier exposure of the corrupt $100 million payments made to the ‘facilitators’ of each European Union so-called ‘Member State’ upon completion of the InterGovernmental Conference back in 1994 concerning the aborted European Union Constitution Treaty, all these corruption payments have been frozen – so that the corrupt, self-interested EU officials and politicians concerned cannot access ‘their’ funds. It also transpires, that as a direct further consequence of this, the next European Union Treaty will necessarily prove much harder to ram through, because the DVD’s agentur will no longer be able to deploy its dirty funds taken from the secret Swiss bank account that is used to finance these ‘Payola’ payments, in order to further Pan-German geopolitical power idolatry. Details of this particular exposure can be read in the FIRST posting on this website (dated 12th October 2005: press ARCHIVE to access it).

So, in case patriotic Americans are depressed about the exposure of the financial corruption at the heart of the US Federal and State Governments, they should understand that this corruption is not, of course, confined to the United States. It is endemic internationally: and it is unravelling ‘as we speak’. It is incumbent upon purported ‘leaders of the free world’ to set appropriate standards, not to degrade them with their own reprobate antics. Watch imminent developments, and be thankful.

7. THE INTELLIGENCE CROOKS WHO HAVE BEEN WREAKING HAVOC FOR YEARS ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE, AND TIME HAS BEEN CALLED ON THEIR CORRUPTION: To stay clearly focused on what is happening, bear in mind that the ‘Black Hats’ are running scared, and that the delays to date have been caused by their last-ditch resistance to the inevitable. It took them months to realise that their game is up, and that their Ponzi scams are being exposed. They face their come-uppance, and their arrogance is such that they never imagined this could happen. The Editor is very well aware of innocent people who have, in the past, been threatened by these crooks, for fear that they might testify against them. Such empty threats are of no consequence because the corruption has been highlighted and these people face the Grandfather of all purges. Their Ponzi Schemes have been exposed, and their corrupt exploitation of other people’s money to generate illegal, untaxed funds for stashing offshore, has been revealed – so that it will be much harder for them to continue these illegal financial manoeuvres in the future. How this crisis will evolve is not possible to predict, but that the game is up is certain – and a purge of these ruthless, pitiless crooks is inevitable.






By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press CLICK HERE and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for Wanta Crisis reports since April 2006.

At the State of the Union Address event on 23rd January 2007, Mr Henry M. Paulson Jr., the disgraced US Treasury Secretary who was arrested in Germany in December, as previously reported here, was present. But seated behind him were four British agents who monitor all his movements. These agents are not MI5 or MI6 operatives, but are reported by sources confidential to this service, to belong to a special group which has a large contract with a primary US Federal Government Department. Accordingly, the said US Government Department apparently cannot trust US operatives to do this job – a fact that US and foreign observers consider to be a revealing reflection of the extreme state of decadence into which the US Federal Government has fallen.

The reason that the four agents watching Mr Paulson are British, is that Paulson was released from custody in Germany into the hands of the British authorities, who conveyed him (as also previously reported) to Washington, where he entered the National Cathedral late, for President Gerald Ford’s funeral service. (The British authorities want this dangerous stand-off settled once and for all).

On that occasion, and also at a later Cabinet meeting, Paulson was seen standing around with his hands in his pockets and, at the Cabinet meeting, staring at the floor. He is reported to have left for Israel immediately thereafter, and in subsequent days to have flown extensively around the world on an unpublished flight schedule, trying to find a way out of the mess he has created.

Likewise, following the State of the Union Address, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice flew to Europe in order to hand-deliver documents signed by President George W. Bush Jr. and Vice President Richard Cheney for the attention of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

These documents assert that the signatories will no longer interfere with the formally agreed $4.5 trillion Settlement payment to Ambassador Leo Wanta and his Commonwealth of Virginia-based Ameritrust Groupe, Inc. (as they have been illegally doing since June 2006: see previous postings on

Note that Ms Rice felt it necessary to deliver these documents physically in person. Immunity for Paulson, Cheney et al is STRICTLY CONDITIONAL UPON IMMEDIATE PAYMENT OF THE WANTA SETTLEMENT. If the payment is further delayed, there will be ‘unforeseen consequences’.

The understanding with the International Court of Justice stipulates that upon the seven-month overdue payment being made, and upon receipt and confirmation of the funds by Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Wanta’s AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the International Court of Justice will activate immunity from ICJ prosecution for Vice President Cheney and also Henry M. Paulson Jr. Neither official can in practice carry out their functions absent such immunity, since, for instance, the Vice President would be arrested if he ever set foot in Germany. The Secretary of the Treasury cannot do his job without such immunity. Moreover under H.R. 3723, both officials are in any case liable to arrest and prosecution in the United States itself.

Some minimal leeway was provided by the ICJ to enable the relevant US officials to conduct the necessary business to procure the Wanta Settlement.

It is understood that a total of 18 or 19 senior US officials are now seeking ICJ immunity from the consequences of their massive financial crimes, but that Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. are not included under this conditional immunity umbrella. For the purposes of this posting, and also pending the availability of confirming intelligence on the identities of the other US officials in question (which may or may not be forthcoming, although compiling a list of likely candidates is hardly a challenge), we deal here exclusively with Messrs Cheney and Paulson – on whose behalf Condoleeza Rice sought the ICJ’s approval for their immunity to be granted, on the above conditional basis.

On 25th January, the Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., received intelligence from the relevant European bankers who are charged with setting up the planned new capital markets instruments with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and other US agencies, which are to be underwritten by AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. – to the effect that payment of the diverted $4.5 trillion would be finalised on 25th January 2007.

Upon confirmation, the new capital market instruments system would be activated and the bankers would travel to New York to sign the necessary documents with AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

The Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., were further advised by a US Treasury Compliance Officer and other investigators in fact, that payment of the diverted $4.5 trillion would be effected at around 6.30pm Eastern Standard Time on 25th January 2007, with the ‘data burst’ scenario initiated by the US Treasury on 17th November 2006 being ‘reversed’ by the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Bank of America and Wachovia Bank, and with payment of the funds being finally made into the AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. securities account with Morgan Stanley, New York; and that the payment, when implemented, would take the form of a direct US Treasury deposit.

(Since the false, diversionary ‘data burst’ of 17th November 2006 was initiated by the US Treasury, the ‘reverse engineering’ of that diversionary and illegal financial transaction winds up back with the Treasury, which makes the payment that it falsified on 17th November 2006).

As of 10.05 am Eastern Standard Time on 26th January 2007, no such deposit had been made into the AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. securities account with Morgan Stanley, New York. Specifically, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. telephoned the Office of the Deputy US Treasury Secretary, Robert M. Kimmitt, in Room 2134 at the Treasury Building at about 9.23 am.

He was put on hold and the line was cut off.

After calling a second time, he was put through to a secretary working in the office, who had no knowledge of a letter sent by AmeriTrust Group, Inc. on 22nd January 2007 [text to be added to this posting later today] requesting advice of the delivery time for the release of the funds. Mr Cottrell explained the details and urgency of the situation to the secretary, who put him on hold; and when she returned to the telephone, she stated that her boss was on an overseas telephone call and was not available. Shortly thereafter, Mr Cottrell telephoned the Office of the Treasury’s Inspector General, whereupon someone who answered the phone said she was taking all telephone calls for Mr Kimmitt’s office today (which was of course untrue since Mr Cottrell had already spoken to two other people in the Treasury).

Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as Executive Vice President of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., then asked for a status report on the overdue $4.5 trillion US Treasury payment to the Morgan Stanley securities account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., and for an investigation as to why the payment had not been made as promised. It is the job of Mr Harold Damelin, Inspector General at the Treasury, to conduct such investigations.

It also transpired that correspondence from AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. and from one of its lawyers, had been withheld by Mr Paulson’s office. On 24th January, Mr Thomas E. Henry, Attorney at Law, had written to Mr Robert M. Kimmittt, copied to Mr Harold Damelin, Treasury Inspector General as well as to Mr Charles O. Prince, Chief Executive Officer, Citigroup, Inc. and to Pamela Johnson, head of Citigroup Global Anti-Money Laundering, demanding that the Treasury and all concerned attend immediately to the matter of the illegally diverted Wanta Settlement payment, not least to mitigate a very volatile situation with the potential for grave consequences for the world financial economy. In this connection it will have been widely noticed that whereas a few days ago, when knowledgeable global financial market participants perceived that problems with this settlement were continuing, the US dollar fell sharply on the foreign exchange markets; and that conversely, when it was thought that the matter was at last being resolved, the US dollar’s status recovered, especially against the pound sterling.

Non-resolution of this vexatious matter has the potential for plunging the whole world into financial and economic meltdown, as we explained back on 2nd September 2006.

The US Treasury will receive, on settlement, an immediate on-the-books tax windfall of $1.575 trillion, with the prospect of up to $800 billion of on-the-books tax accruals per banking week in the future, while the States of Virginia and Pennsylvania stand to gain massively from the Settlement. Accordingly, the deficit-financing Ponzi Game in which the US Treasury is engaged, will move into reverse – with immense long-term benefits worldwide.

However Vice President Cheney, Secretary Paulson and other co-conspirators in the US Federal Government and the US financial community have so far conspired to deprive the American people of the massive enduring economic benefits of this long since agreed-upon Settlement, designed by the American patriot and acknowledged financial genius, Ambassador Leo Wanta.

They have preferred self-enrichment and criminal financial operations in pursuit of a nefarious globalist agenda which has nothing to do with the welfare of the abused American people, let alone the Rest of the World – but has everything to do with their failing revolutionary global hegemony offensive, which is shredding before their jaded eyes. No doubt their continued recalcitrance is associated, in part, with their knowledge that the overdue Wanta Settlement delivers a decisive blow to their global control intentions, which the American people decisively reject.

On the other hand, further defiance will lead straight into the biggest financial and political crisis the world has ever known, with the United States’ future hobbled by a bunch of greedy criminals whose arrogance is so great that they evidently believe that they can brazenly double-cross the International Court of Justice with impunity. The Group of Eight (minus the United States), which fervently supports this overdue Settlement, has a different opinion, and will certainly not tolerate further recalcitrance by these US criminalised operatives, who have no concept of the meaning of the verb TO STOP.

In an earlier posting, we warned that the Mighty have far to fall. Henry M. Paulson has already fallen from his lofty perch of arrogance, to such an extent that he is followed around today by four agents working for another US Federal Government Department under contract, whose job it is to ensure that he fulfils his obligations.

Neither Paulson nor Cheney had, as of 11.20am Eastern Standard Time, fulfilled their solemn obligations, as stipulated in the documentation signed by President Bush Jr. and Vice President Cheney himself, which has been hand-delivered to the International Court of Justice by the US Secretary of State in person. Having jointly destroyed what remains of the reputation of the United States and its banks for probity, and having irreparably damaged the ‘Full Faith and Credit of the United States’, with their greedy transactional behaviour, they believe they are so powerful that they can thumb their noses at the international community, represented here by the International Court of Justice. And of course to play fast and loose with the world’s leading currency is to invite a global meltdown, which these people are evidently doing their very best to bring about.

In summary, Cheney and Paulson are defying the International Court of Justice while at the same time pleading with the ICJ for their immunity. They have no hope of obtaining such immunity, which they most certainly do not deserve anyway, without making the diverted and stolen $4.5 trillion Wanta payment. Yet they evidently believe that they can play games with, and lie to, the ICJ, just as they do with everyone else.

Like criminals the world over, they believe that they can get away with every ruse and deception they perpetrate, and that when they get caught ‘in flagrante’, as they have been, they can always bluff their way out of trouble. However, this time round, they are not going to get away with it.

They must deliver on their undertakings, or face getting slammed in jail for life. Next time one of these top officials is arrested, the Brits won’t be there to bail them out.

The relevant background correspondence will be added to this posting as soon as possible. For further background, please refer to earlier postings on the Home Page of, the website of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services for the world financial and intelligence communities.


[Note that this letter ‘could not be found’ inside the Treasury. We are very helpfully posting it
so that if the faxed copies have not yet been unearthed, here is the text in black and white:]

Attorney at Law
1125 South 79th Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68124

January 24, 2007

The Honorable Robert M. Kimmitt
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Office of the Treasurer/Room 2134
United States Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20220

The Honorable Harold Damelin, Esq.
Inspector General
United States Department of the Treasury

US Treasury: Via facsimile: 202-622 6464 and 202-622 0073

Mr Charles O Prince
Chief Executive Officer
153 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022

CITIGROUP Global Anti-Money Laundering
Attention: Pamela Johnson
399 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10043

CITIGROUP: Via facsimile: 212-793 9700 and 212-793 5906

Re: Apparent Circumvention and Avoidance, by both public and private individuals and entities acting either individually, jointly and/or in conspiracy with others, that prevent completion of Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

Dear Deputy Secretary Kimmitt, Mr Prince and Ms Johnson:

It is respectfully requested that immediate attention be given to the matter addressed in this letter. Irrespective of actual knowledge of the personal/corporate private business financial agreement between one or more American and foreign interests (both in the public and private sector), the named addressees by way of action and/or inaction continue to sanction an agenda contrary to the “Rule of Law” and in direct circumvention of the agreed upon business agreements.

The United States Department of the Treasury, either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), is refusing to follow the “Rule of Law” and to complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced (“Re”) matter. There is reason to believe that the violation of the “Rule of Law” by the United States Department of the Treasury is being endorsed and/or wrongfully followed by agents and/or employees of CITIGROUP. It is further reasonably believed that the United States Department of the Treasury and CITIGROUP, acting in concert and with full knowledge that the financial resources are clearly earmarked as belonging to Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., are allowing third parties to have direct and/or indirect use of the financial resources without the consent of the lawful owner of the financial resources.

All concerned parties are aware that a representative of the United States Department of the Treasury has fiduciary control over referenced settlement agreement funds located at Goldman Sachs, et al. (C.H.I.P.S.) account with CITIBANK, NYC. The violation of the “Rule of Law”, jointly subscribed to (through actions in concert) by the United States Department of Treasury and CITIGROUP amounts to a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934, and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically RICO and applicable national and international money-laundering restrictions. In addition it is further asserted that the referenced “action in concert” subjects the participating parties to a claim of violating H.R. 3723 as the same pertains to private business transactions being protected under both civil and criminal penalties.

It is assumed that all named parties are aware of multiple communications directed to Secretary Paulson and other USG and private business interests. The substitution of parties does not mitigate and only confirms that one or more parties continue to act under “Color of Law” in violation of their oath of office and/or “Rule of Law”. The United States Department of the Treasury, with the aid and assistance of CITIGROUP, is avoiding its legal obligation to complete the transfer of the referenced settlement agreement funds forthwith and without further delay.

Absent written advice that either one or all of the named parties have a legal basis to prevent delivery of funds to the rightful owner, it will be assumed that your failure to act is a knowing and intentional violation of the law. This matter requires your immediate intervention and direction to enable mitigation of a very volatile situation with the potential of serious impact on the global economy.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas E. Henry


Office of the Treasurer
1157 West 7th Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16502

22 January 2007


The Honorable Robert M. Kimmitt
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Office of the Treasurer, Room 2134
US Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20220

Cc: The Honorable Harold Damelin, Esq.
Inspector General, US Department of the Treasury

Via: Fax: (202) 622 6464; (202) 622 0073

Ref: Encl: (1) Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. corporate securities account coordinates for AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., dated 14 August 2006. [Note: These are excluded from this posting: see also below]

Re: Instructions regarding Economic Receipt of the Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Ambassador Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc:

Dear Mr Deputy Secretary

Ambassador Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and this corporation have waited for Mr Paulson, as Secretary of the Treasury, to fulfil his fiduciary responsibilities and implement and order the execution of the necessary authorizations and codes to transmit to the Morgan Stanley Securities Account coordinates submitted on 15 December 2006, 19 October 2006, 14 August 2006 – to no avail.

This corporation has been advised that the Agreed Upon Financial Settlement of Four Point Five Trillion United States Dollars ($4,500,000,000,000.00 US Dollars) are still at the coordinates via Secretary Paulson and Mr James R. Wilkinson at Bank of New York (NYC) contrary to said fiduciary instructions of the Chinese Government, et al, for delivery to Ambassador Leo E. Wanta, et al.

This firm is also aware that the funds only await final transmittal to the above referenced securities coordinates from your office. Please advise, via telephone (814-874 3257) or via facsimile (814-453 4453) of the delivery time for said release.

Re: Instructions regarding Economic Receipt of the Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Ambassador Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc:

‘Whereas, the President of the United States of America, having signed H.R. 3723 on October 11, 1996, has protected this transaction by allowing Corporations the right to declare their Contracts, Clients, Internal Procedures and Information, and the transactions they engage in as a Corporate or Trade Secret fully protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the United States of America and the International Economic Community’.

‘Inasmuch, the names, identities, bank coordinates and other identifying information of persons or entities that are party to this transaction, contained herein, or learned hereafter, shall be a Corporate Trade Secret that shall not be disseminated or other than as provided for herein, or as allowed under applicable law. Any unauthorised Disclosure of this Private Transaction, parties to, or other material fact of, shall subject the violators to Criminal Prosecution.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

Authorized by: [Signed] Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.
Executive Vice President and Treasurer (814) 874 3257

Authorized by: [Signed] Leo E. Wanta, Chief Executive Officer, President

(1) Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. corporate securities account coordinates for AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. dated 14 August 2006.
(2) 15 December 2006 letter to The Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr.


Cc: The Honorable George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
His Excellency, Zhou Wenzhong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China
AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Thomas E. Henry, Esq.
Mr William Bonney, Sr., C.B.I.C. Corporation
Mr Thomas J. Melville

George Orwell: ‘In an age of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act’.

J. Edgar Hoover: ‘The individual is handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists’. [As with the holocaust].

Martin Luther King: ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’.

US friend: ‘You are to be congratulated on a masterful piece of research in exposing the treason and the biggest heist in history’.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001



Sunday 3 December 2006 20:38

























[*If you see any peculiar characters on this site – one of which may be &Bull – please be advised that these aberrations are inserted by creeps working for DHS and CIA, which is of course totally illegal, and that when we spot any of their nasty little tricks, we will make corrections asap. Also, if you see any of our posted text ‘snipped’ and deleted, please email, and we will restore the missing copy if possible. Note to the CIA/DHS: This NOT a U.S. website. Please CEASE AND DESIST. BY WRECKING OUR SITE, YOU ‘BLOW YOUR COVER’. PANICKING IDIOTS!].

The posting dated 4th December, restored at midnight London time on the 5th, begins here:

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for Wanta Crisis reports since June 2006.

Henry M. Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, is well on the way towards earning a reputation as the most dangerously complacent operative ever to have occupied his high position. His reckless and obtuse behaviour with respect to the Wanta Settlement, which he has hijacked, has wrecked any prospect of ‘business as usual’, and has virtually ensured that he and his co-conspirators will, in the course of time, find themselves arraigned for corruption, conspiracy to steal the funds of others, and as accessories to the fact of multiple felonies, listed in our earlier postings.

The factor that he and his bewildered and frightened colleagues appear to have overlooked is the small problem of INTERNATIONAL CONFIDENCE. Given the deep penetration of our postings on the Leo Wanta crisis internationally since last June, all who matter in worldwide positions of power, have had to watch speechless as the US authorities have played fast and loose with the $4.5 trillion tagged and earmarked for Ambassador Leo Wanta and his Virginia-based corporation, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., corruptly maximising these REAL US dollars for self-enrichment and ‘hole-plugging’ purposes – as the financial world awaits in horror the impending maturities in the ‘Ponzi Game’ derivatives sector, which is now believed to aggregate in the quadrillions of dollars.

Significant maturities are imminent THIS MONTH, on top of the defaults registered in London and other European centres by early November, which were then reported as amounting to some $4.275 trillion. This figure is now believed to be much higher.

Furthermore, in the past two weeks or so, a new deception has crept into the picture. Specifically, ill-informed media pundits have latched on to the depreciating dollar as indicative of a grandiose and subtle strategy being executed by Hank M. (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson in the interests of diminishing the US trade deficit, which now roughly equates, in a single year, to the $1.0 trillion value of China’s reported foreign exchange reserves. According to this perception, Hank ‘Conflict-of-Interest’ Paulson is engaged in a currency realignment engineering exercise on the basis of a measured plan that will benefit everyone, including the Man in the Moon.

Unfortunately, a review of international economic analyses by newspaper pundits on both sides of the Atlantic over the past month reveals that these people often have NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE WRITING ABOUT. The language they use is locked into outdated concepts of inflation, interest rate policy, money supply, housing market data, labour market indicators, and ‘the latest numbers’ which are variously said to please or to alarm Wall Street, depending on the time of day – thereby in some unexplained manner influencing the price of the dollar on the foreign exchanges.



On the contrary, it is 100% the consequence of the cack-handed, corrupt, devious, irregular and culpable mishandling, since last June, of the Wanta Settlement. In accordance with the agreement signed off on 12th December 2005 by the President, the Vice-President, the Treasury Secretary du jour, the Supremes, and key American legislators, it should have been implemented with effect from the beginning of July 2006 but was hijacked first by President George W. Bush while en route to the St Petersburg Summit Meeting, and later, in a series of devious and deceitful manoeuvres, by Mr Conflict-of-Interest himself.


As a consequence, the Rest of the World – which, in case some Americans have not yet realised it, IS VERY MUCH BIGGER THAN THE UNITED STATES ALONE AND IS UNDER NO CONTINUING OBLIGATION TO USE AMERICA’S DEGRADING CURRENCY AS THE WORLD’S INTERVENTION AND OIL/GAS EXPORT DENOMINATION UNIT – has realised that the crooks in charge can never be trusted again and has therefore decided to ditch its dollar holdings as quickly as possible.

This is precisely as we predicted in our posting dated 2nd September 2006*. And believe it or not, those responsible for this state of affairs have read all our reports almost immediately they have been posted. WE WARNED THEM WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THEY DIDN’T FINALISE THE LEO WANTA SETTLEMENT: AND THESE IDIOTS TOOK NO NOTICE. They stupidly thought they could continue their corrupt ‘business as usual’, and FORGOT ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL CONFIDENCE FACTOR.

MAKING THE CURRENT SITUATION FAR, FAR WORSE, IS THE GHASTLY FACT THAT THE OVERHANG OF ‘PONZI GAME’ DERIVATIVES, NOW BELIEVED TO BE IN THE QUADRILLIONS OF U.S. DOLLARS, IS FACING A BULGE OF MATURITIES THIS MONTH. There is accordingly some suspicion that certain forces in Washington have been prepared to deploy their manipulation of the Wanta Settlement crisis as a means of baiting the international financial community to dump the dollar, so that the derivatives Day of Reckoning, which is imminent, will be less devastating.

If true, this is a policy of extreme desperation which invites the prospect of the worst possible outcome – that the US dollar cascade will overshoot, driving sterling way beyond $2.0, towards $3.0, which will destroy the British economy, and will push the European Collective Currency – which is underpinned by NOTHING, since NO SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENT CONTROLS IT, whatever the aggressive Germans may believe – to a level which will tear the Eurozone apart.

Moreover the Bank of England is engaged in reckless transactions, using multiple hypothecation techniques resulting in the off-balance sheet accumulation of American dollars, which have been depreciating faster than it can accumulate them. When the black dust settles, if it ever does, this institution will need to be investigated – since it appears to be a co-conspirator, within the closed central banking system, with the official financial operatives in Washington who are systematically destabilising the international financial system for personal, untaxed gain.

Since the Rest of the World is dumping dollars because it has lost confidence in the ‘Full Faith and Credit of the United States’ as it has watched the White House, the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve play cynical games with Ambassador Wanta’s hard dollar cash, it is instructive to review, for example, what shenanigans transpired in the single month of November 2006, adding to the global disquiet. Detailed notesd are taken and retained of every development in this crisis.

Bear in mind in all this that the Chinese parties have been lied to on several occasions by Mr Henry ‘Conflict-of-Interest’ Paulson, whose former financial institution, of which he was CEO, is sitting on Ambassador Wanta’s $4.5 trillion and is make use of it irregularly and without the Ambassador’s permission for self-enrichment and ‘hole-filling’, or ‘backfilling’ purposes.

The following diary, which is published by permission of the Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe Inc., illustrates how the corrupt US bank robbers misled the Chinese authorities, the Vatican and the Ambassador and Mr Cottrell during the month of November and early December:

• 01 November 2006: Donald L Kohn (Federal Reserve and Bank for International Settlements official) and Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson actively prevent the distribution of Ambassador Wanta’s $4.5 trillion, whereas Federal Reserve Chairman Dr Ben S. Bernanke and a Mr McCurdy,
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, have jointly signed off.

• 02 November: Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta is notified by a Mr Frazier of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue that he owes $43,304.42 of State tax, which is not true. The computation even displays a sum of illegally charged State tax amounting to $14,129 which was paid twice in 1992 under protest, even though Mr Wanta had been non-resident and working abroad on US Government intelligence work on the direct instructions of President Reagan since 1985.

On hearing of this latest abomination, the Editor of this service downed tools and produced a special 24-page Supplement entitled ‘WISCONSIN TAXATION GESTAPO FRAUD’ which definitively demonstrates how the Wisconsin tax authorities have perpetrated a conspiratorial fraud against Leo Wanta since 1992, under instructions originally from the Clinton White House (1).

The Supplement displays the relevant tax documents and shows how this fraud was perpetrated. Its purpose was to provide the pretext for Wanta’s ‘takedown’, so that the ‘Box Gang’ (Clinton criminals + Bush criminals) could steal, divert, misappropriate, collateralise, and hypothecate,
with their corrupt banking and trading intermediary co-conspirators and accessories to the fact of innumerable felonies – while the CIA lied systematically that the Ambassador was long since DEAD.

When he ceased to be dead in 2005, the crooks panicked and negotiated the Wanta Settlement (with the US Government signatories evidently signing in bad faith, but nevertheless responsible for having approved the Settlement). See note (1) below, and the 24-page Wisconsin Supplement which was distributed worldwide along with International Currency Review 31, 3-4, on 22nd November (2), (3).

• 02 November: The US Treasury is notified of discrepancies in the new electronic trading system which – SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, AND YET AGAIN, SURPRISE – allows funds to be diverted off-balance sheet. In other words, the means of perpetrating officially sanctioned criminal financial operations is purposely integrated into the brand new American electronic trading system, shortly to be implemented. This will enable the financial criminalists to continue their untaxed off-balance sheet carousel ad infinitum (they had hoped),

• 04 November: The Chinese parties notify the Ambassador and his colleague, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., that they will have received the official authority to proceed with their decision to pay the $4.5 trillion to the Ambassador/AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., by 6th November 2006. It will be recalled that the Chinese parties had earlier informed the American authorities that if they did not fulfil their clear obligations to Ambassador Wanta/AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, they reserved the right to do so instead of the Americans. Their motivations include the fact that the only two Americans they trust are the Ambassador (whom they trust because of his impeccable record in fulfilling his obligations towards them many years ago), and their extreme concern that the amoral and disreputable behaviour of the US authorities will lead to a world catastrophe, in which the Chinese economy, like that of the Rest of the World, will be smashed. These fears are well grounded, and reflect inter alia our posted warnings dated 2nd September 2006*, also published in International Currency Review.

• 05 November: The respected journalist Bill Plante, of CBS News, who is investigating the crisis surrounding the US Treasury’s non-performance on the Wanta Settlement, and who is staying in Washington DC, is approached and threatened by US Government security thugs, and told to ‘get out of town’. This, by the way, is the first-ever reported information concerning an attempt by the ‘mainstream’ media to catch up with this service, and to start reporting the truth about this
high-level corruption.

• 09 November: Enforcement authorities at the Vatican inform Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. that Settlement of the Wanta $4.5 trillion will take place immediately. This suggests either than the Vatican has hard information, or else that it has been taught by the Bush Sr. operatives how to deploy their favourite little nasty trick, of indicating that all is well – promising the earth in bad
faith, with no intention of performing.

• 09 November: One of the associates of Ambassador Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., who has been helping with this Settlement, has his personal, joint and corporate bank accounts frozen by the US Treasury and the Department of Homeland Security (a.k.a. the US Ministry of State Security), on the ground that he had been professionally helping the Ambassador and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. This thuggish, Soviet-style behaviour shows to what extreme lengths the criminals in power in Washington will go to protect their interests, stolen assets and backsides. Unfortunately for all the perpetrators concerned, the worm has turned and their reprobate financial scamming operations, which they thought would never be found out, let alone publicised, are being exposed BIG TIME.

• 10 November: Ambassador Leo Wanta is informed that all the large international banks that are not engaged in nefarious carousel transactions are extremely annoyed and upset at the continuing reprobate and illegal non-performance of the US Treasury on the Wanta Settlement. This has been known for some time, but now the matter is made formally known to the Ambassador.

• 11 November: Investigators associated with the Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., advise that the following officials are seeking to prevent payment of the Wanta Settlement (and associated payments):

• Lawrence Stevens, a US Treasury official.
• Donald L. Kohn, the Federal Reserve and Bank for International Settlements official.
• Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson, US Treasury Secretary.
• Joshua Bolten, White House Chief of Staff.

Also seeking to prevent the Settlement are Wachovia, New York, & First Union Bankers, New York.

All the above were specifically identified as seeking by all means possible to prevent the Wanta Settlement. By contrast, investigators revealed that the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board,
Dr Bernanke, now (as above) wants it completed without further ado.

• 13 November: The new electronic trading system, complete with its built-in facility to enable funds to be diverted off-balance sheet so that the crooks can continue to benefit from the carousel, goes operational (United States to London and/or Berlin).

• 14 November: Someone tries to hack in to the US Treasury’s computer system, as a result of which the system is completely shut down (how convenient: see below).

• 14 November: The Vatican pressurises the White House and the US Treasury to perform on the Wanta Settlement. It is reported that Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson finally agrees to complete the Wanta Settlement. As will be shown, this ‘transformation’ turns out to be false, deceptive, devious, reprobate and illegal.

• 15 November: By authorisation, an associate of the Ambassador and of Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., submits a written communication to Senator Schumer of New York, in an attempt to establish communication with the US Treasury, which, like sulking school children, has steadfastly refused to communicate with the Ambassador and with Mr Cottrell – for the simple reason that they know they are in the wrong and they cannot face being given Grievous Bodily Harm of the Earhole by Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., who should himself be US Treasury Secretary.

• The only known response from Hank Conflict is the previously reported torrent of arrogant verbal oppression: ‘I control the show, I decide when and how to release the funds, if I decide to pay…’. This arrogance reflects inter alia the fact that President George W. Bush Jr,. whose motto is ‘You boys decide’, has delegated all his powers to Mr Conflict – making him not only Treasury Secretary, but the Chief Economic Adviser as well. It is foolish in the extreme for the holder of real power to delegate any of it. The only possible consequence is invariably that the recipient usurps the power of the donor – which is precisely what has happened, as this man continues along his path of destroying the international financial system.

• 16 November: Investigators notify Leo Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., that:

• Wachovia Bank (New York) has defied three Federal Reserve Directives and one Federal Reserve Order to make the Wanta payment (and seven other payments).

• 16 November: Auditors appear at the doors of Wachovia Bank, New York, at 8.30 am and prevent it opening. The auditors examine the books from 8.30 am to 11.00 am, when the bank opens its doors, indicating that it has no money to make the payments. This is because [see below] the funds have been illegally diverted, in collusion with the Treasury, ensuring on behalf of Mr Conflict-of-Interest, former CEO of Goldman Sachs, that Goldman hangs on illegally to the real dollar cash $4.5 trillion owned by and tagged in the names of Ambassador Wanta and his Commonwealth of Virginia-based corporation, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

• 16 November: Senator Schumer’s office personnel provide ‘cover-up services’ on behalf of the White House and the Treasury, stating that ‘no-one knows anything about’ the situation regarding the letter submitted to his office dated 15th November. Note: If Goldman Sachs is acting for the Government of Israel in an operation to retain the $4.5 trillion, then it would follow that Senator Schumer might be part of this conspiracy. Unfortunately for all perpetrators, it is not going to be possible for any of them to wriggle out of the trap they have built for themselves. Indeed, if these scams continue, every single perpetrator of financial crimes that can be identified, will be systematically exposed, as the scandal spreads wider and wider.

• 16 November: David ‘Wayne’ Smith, reportedly a close friend of Vice President Richard Cheney, attempts to ‘quieten down’ the situation. Too late! The network of official and co-conspiratorial corruption is being exposed in ‘real time’, much to the surprise and anger of all concerned – who have yet to learn the commonsense virtues of straightforwardness, transparency, honesty and good faith which are the globally acknowledged attributes and standards of Leo Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.

• 16 November: A Vatican source declares that the Wanta Settlement payment will be effected on 17th November. This raises [see below] the important question as to whether the Vatican is now part of the conspiracy. If its high officials have made the grave mistake of entering into a further pact with the Devil, they will discover in the course of time (if not very shortly) that the people they are dealing with are snakes and are liable to turn on them, or to perpetrate serial frauds against them. So the Cardinals had better do some quick thinking before they find out the worst. In this connection, they should be extremely cautious of the blandishments of Dr Henry Kissinger, who is allegedly acting as an emissary for George H. W. Bush Sr. – who allegedly succeeded him as Grand Capo of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau, the secret ‘Black’ Nazi Continuum which is the primary source of all the disturbances wracking the world today, and which formulates its global Pan-German strategy on the basis of the Madrid German Geopolitical Centre’s dictum that ‘For us, the war never ended’ [‘Fur uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei’].

• 17 November: The US Treasury sends a Data Transmittal (‘Data Burst’) for the transfer and delivery of the $4.5 trillion +++ payments: US TREASURY – FEDERAL RESERVE – BANK OF AMERICA (Los Angeles) – WACHOVIA BANK (New York) – ALL ACCOUNTS.

• 17 November: WACHOVIA BANK DIRECTS THE PAYMENTS TO HSBC (Birmingham, United Kingdom), and Deutsche Bank, Berlin, via MR ROBERT ARMENTA (so-called ‘Compliance Officer’, Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and MR DONALD TRUSLOW (Wachovia, New York). This information was provided by a US Treasury Compliance Officer.

• 17 November: Chinese parties advise associates of Ambassador Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as follows:

1. Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson had approached the Chinese authorities and the Elders with a proposal that they should accept a joint trading venture between China, the US Treasury and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, Leo Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.

2. The Chinese parties, reflecting their acutely intelligent understanding of the overall situation, responded that this might be possible ONLY if Ambassador Wanta and Mr Cottrell were to agree.
Of course, this represented yet another device by the Paulson Treasury to erect a false front with a view to scamming the Ambassador. Note however that the Treasury included the Ambassador and Mr Cottrell in their proposal, even though, like school children who have stolen their friend’s dolly, they have refused to communicate directly with the Ambassador and Mr Cottrell, because they know they are in the wrong. That is daily becoming more and more of a gross understatement.

• 18 November: The Chinese authorities advise that if AmeriTrust/Leo Wanta are not paid by 12.00 Noon on Monday 20th November 2006, they will give their expert associates the full authority to make the $4.5 trillion payment directly to Ambassador Leo Wanta and contract. Underlying this stance are two crucial factors:

1: The only Americans they trust are Ambassador Wanta, with whom they had extensive dealings many years ago, and who they know to be a financial expert who can always be relied on to meet his obligations, as he always did in his past dealings with them, and his colleague Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.. By contrast, Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson has lied to them several times – something that Chinese never forget. You should never, ever, lie to a Chinese.

2: The Chinese authorities are extremely concerned that the irresponsible and reckless behaviour of the Bush II authorities will lead to a universal financial and economic catastrophe, in the course of which their economy will be crucified. By making the payment direct to the Ambassador’s Securities Account with Morgan Stanley, New York, they will be assured that the taxed trading programmes which are ‘ready to go’ will generate the appropriate resources for global refunding and stability, preventing the catastrophe that is looming and may be only days or weeks away.

• 18 November: The so-called ‘Compliance Officer’ with Deutsche Bank, New York, admits that Las Vegas – where a sizeable group of criminalised intelligence operatives is based, given that in that city’s environment, they enjoy reliable cover as everyone there is a crook of some kind or another – is the ‘entry point’ for the money laundering of US dollars to ‘mirrored accounts’ at Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt and Berlin. Note: The 17th Floor of Deutsche Bank’s skyscraper in Frankfurt is an offshore centre, and therefore does not form part of the Federal Republic of Germany.

This revelation throws the spotlight on the nefarious drug-related operations of the George Bush Sr. (DVD Chief) component of the ‘Box Gang’, and shows how fiat and drug-trafficking funds are funnelled into the coffers of Deutsche Bank, which is the DVD’s primary operating institution – implementing the DVD’s long-range Nazi Continuum Global Hegemony Strategy, driven by bribery.

• 20 November: Chinese source advises (corroborated by a second reliable source) that President George W. Bush had been sharply urged during the Vietnam Summit Meeting on 18th November by the Chinese Finance Minister to effect the Wanta payment without any further tricks, shenanigans or deceptions. President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who was present at the meeting, concurred. He is owed $30 billion under the Reagan Protocols, which Ambassador Leo Wanta must disburse.

* 20 November: The US Treasury now wheels out its pre-arranged alibi – which is that Wachovia is uniquely responsible for effecting the payment, since Wachovia had received, and then ‘lost’, the funds. However, the funds disbursed to Wachovia were NOT the hard cash dollar cash funds ($4.5 trillion) which remain tagged and held in the name of Ambassador Leo Wanta and his Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., but rather ‘shadow’ fiat funds generated by the illegal trading of Leo Wanta’s tagged $4.5 trillion. This deception was perpetrated under the watch and authority of Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson, who has signature authority over the $4.5 trillion illegally held and traded by Goldman Sachs, New York. Unfortunately for Mr Conflict and all perpetrating co-conspirators concerned, this deception was unmasked by us in real time, and the conspirators were caught IN FLAGRANTE.

They have been flailing around like terrified rats in a sack ever since.

* 22 November: The US Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the White House are jointly and openly undermining the US dollar so that the EU Collective Currency and the pound sterling are artificially strengthened, collecting a large pool of US dollars offshore (in the United Kingdom, India and Malaysia), facilitating the generation of massive profits through undertaking trades that discount the value of the US dollar. Additionally:

* They are seeking to drag the United Kingdom and Switzerland into supporting the EU Collective Currency (which, because it is a collective currency controlled by no sovereign power, is actually backed by nothing), rather than the US dollar and/or their own currencies.

* This of course diminishes the value of the Chinese authorities’ $1.0 trillion reported pool of foreign exchange (dollar) reserves.

* These transactions also highlight the idiocy of most financial/economic reporting on the dollar crisis to date by ‘mainstream’ media pundits, who (a) have neglected our reports on this subject since June, (b) are having to run fast to catch up, (c) have still failed to factor in the collapse of confidence generated by the US authorities’ criminal financial operations and manoeuvres to avoid paying out the real hard dollar cash $4.5 trillion tagged and earmarked in the name of Ambassador Wanta and his corporation, and (d) are being intimidated by US Government thugs from reporting this crisis. {However the Editor now has several European ‘mainstream’ journalists who are anxious to ‘break’ the story, and will do so if they, too, are not intimidated likewise].

* 22 November: International Currency Review, Volume 31, Numbers 3 & 4, with the 24-page Supplement on the Wisconsin Taxation Gestapo Fraud, is collected by the Royal Mail from our London premises. It takes several hours to load the very large transporter sent to us for the purpose. The double issue, which consists of 480 pages, is devoted exclusively to the background to the biggest criminal financial conspiracy in the world, which the aforementioned operatives are trying in vain to cover up. It has a picture of Ambassador Leo Wanta, whom the CIA told the international financial community was long since DEAD, on the front cover.

The Supplement makes it clear, inter alia, that the Wisconsin authorities, who have never returned Ambassador Leo Wanta’s sealed diplomatic briefcase, have stolen US Treasury instruments worth $18 billion from it. Facsimiles of banking transactions that involve all the banks listed in our recent posting, are displayed in the journal.

* 24 November: An attempt is made, by a representative seeking to facilitate transactions, to get AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. to approve and participate in a US Treasury Buy/Sell ‘off-balance sheet’ transaction with SKS, a California corporation, via Bank of America. This approach was made to Mr Cottrell not once, but TWICE.



* 25 November: Another incredible proposition is made by an Arab intermediary, who was no doubt associated with George Bush Sr., to be involved, would you believe, in a vast currency exchange transaction switching $300 trillion into Euro. This would of course destroy the US dollar and would implode the EU Collective Currencyitself, which as indicated above is underpinned by zilch. The brazen effrontery of this latest approach makes it clear that the DVD is fully intent upon inflicting its coup-de-grace on the Americans, as it clearly sees this situation as its last chance to achieve its objective (stated in documents captured by the Allies after World War II) of ‘Building the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’.

Under the intended global system, it would not, therefore, be the US dollar that acts as the genesis of the intended New World Order global currency, but rather a revived deutschemark, or World Mark. It is worth examining this element of the conspiracy in more detail:

The provider of US dollars under this gross transaction would be a front company operating for the Federal Reserve labelled ‘GESG’ [see:] via the CIA’s captive bank, Bank of America, Los Angeles, California. The banker involved is a certain Mr Marvic. This is a Black operation of the traitorous ‘German Fifth Column’ within the CIA which, come the revolution that these people seem to be laying the groundwork for, will experience the actual harsh reality of George W. W. Bush Sr.’s reported comment: ‘If the American people knew what we had done, they would string us all up on lamp posts’. The Editor has suggested in several reports that it might not, therefore, be a bad idea to invest in the shares of a street furniture manufacturer.

Mr Cottrell informed the Editor that when the Arab intermediary put this certifiably mad proposal
to him, he responded: ‘If this suggestion comes from George Bush Sr., please inform him where
he should put it’. [The language used was actually more graphic, but since this is a respectable site, we refrain from further information]. The Arab, having apparently acquired the mentality of
his German mentor, responded: ‘Please come back to me when you are feeling better’.

[We need hardly elaborate what colossal damage this abominably reckless Teutonic proposal,
if implemented, would inflict. It would permanently destroy the US dollar and would enable the European criminalists to seize, temporarily, control of the world oil market as no-one would invoice their oil exports in dollars ever again. It shows what evil intentions DVD entertains, and why it will be urgent to ‘take out’ Dachau if things are not resolved, according to UK intelligence sources].

* 26 November: Henry (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson is reported to remain unwilling to place any relevant transaction ‘on the books’; yet it is made clear to everyone that the non-participating international banking community has lost all confidence in President Bush and Mr Conflict-of-Interest – not that this comes as any surprise, given how far these nutcases have allowed the situation to deteriorate.

* 27 November: The Vatican, acting as some kind of powerful intermediary, informs AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, that ‘Payment will be made by 1st December 2006’ – by the Chinese parties, equipped with official authority to transfer $4.5 trillion to Wanta’s Virginia-based corporation’s Securities Account at Morgan Stanley, New York.

* 27 November: The Chinese fail to follow through with this alleged undertaking. Indeed, they
stall all activity, as the US Treasury has informed them that it will effect payment by 1st December – THEIR WAY. Of course, this turns out to be nothing more than yet another stalling tactic, so the Chinese have been ‘shafted’ yet again – and lied to noch einmal by Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson.

* 27 November: European bankers concur with the Vatican that payment of the Wanta Settlement will be effected by 1st December, and that if there is another deception, and payment is not made, they will begin to dump the US dollar in earnest. Payment is not made, and the dollar starts its steep, disorderly depreciation, in precise accordance with our published warning dated 2nd September 2006*.

* 28 November: Mr James R. Wilkinson, at the White House, advises associates of the Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., that ‘it is getting done’, with reference to the effecting of the payment. Note that this assertion is made by the White House notwithstanding the fact that Mr H. M. Conflict procured a week earlier that payment was made to Wachovia, which appears to have misdirected the funds on the basis of the pre-arranged plan coordinated by Mr Conflict-of-Interest. The rats in this rotting sack are thrashing around greedily devouring new holes in the sack and getting hemp all strung up round their throats. Specifically:

* 28 November: Direct pressure is exerted on Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Board. But Wachovia Bank, which has alienated or ‘lost’ the ‘shadow’ $4.5 trillion +++, stalls, while the hard US dollar cash tagged and earmarked $4.5 trillion remains with Goldman Sachs. Notwithstanding this fiasco, the Federal Reserve Board again instructs Wachovia to make the payment.

* 28 November: The Chinese authorities formally advise the United States that it must settle the Wanta payment, or else China will promptly diversify its holdings.

* 28 November: It transpires that Prime Minister Tony Blair was informed of this situation via the United Nations Ambassador on 26th November.

* 29 November: By now, copies of International Currency Review have thudded onto the desks
of key personnel in the main Central Banks around the world, all the main international financial institutions, Treasuries, the European Central Bank, leading intelligence agencies and international investors globally. It has also landed with a thud on the desks of the following: The President of the United States, George W. Bush Jr.; Dr Alexandra Nogawa, Bank for International Settlements; The Republican National Committee; The Office of the Prime Minister of Israel; The Hon Gordon Brown, British Chancellor the Exchequer; Senator William H. Frist, Republican Presidential Task Force;
The Hon John D. Rockefeller IV; The Hon Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson himself; Mr Tom Henneghan, Venice, CA; Jay Timmons, Executive Director, Republican National Task Force; The Hon Pat Roberts; Gordon Thomas, British intelligence adviser; The President of Austria; The Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Great Britain; Senator Richard C Shelby; Senator John Warner; Senator Harry Reid; His Excellency M. Jean-Paul Levitte, Ambassador of France to the United States; Congressman Steny Hoyer; Senator John E. Sununu; Senator Paul S. Sarbanes; The Hon. Dr Condoleeza Rice, the American Secretary of State; His Excellency President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin; First Lady Nancy Reagan; Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California; The Hon Robert Gates, the Nominee Secretary of Defense; The Hon Roberto Gonzales, US Attorney General; The Hon Richard Cheney, Vice President of the United States; Senator Arlen Specter; Senator Herb Kohl; Senator Chuck Hagel; Senator Chuck Grassley; Senator Richard Durbin; Senator Charles E. Schumer; Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Senator Carl Levin; Senator Joseph I. Lieberman; Thomas E Henry, Attorney-at-Law, Omaha; Steven Goodwin, Attorney-at-Law, Richmond, VA; top Bank of England officials; and intelligence officials on both sides of the Atlantic. Copies of the journal have also of course been received by subscribing Central Banks worldwide.

A further delivery of copies leaves our office in Central London this week.

* 29 November: Following global delivery of International Currency Review, which exposes the entire conspiracy to ‘take down’ Ambassador Leo Wanta and to steal the $27.5 trillion of which he is Principal, a ‘cone of silence’ descends. The journal gives extensive details, in facsimile, of a large catalogue of massive geofinancial transactions for which Leo Emil Wanta was responsible before his ‘takedown’, thereby revealing which international banks have been illegally using the funds, now worth about $75 trillion.

* 29 November: Unreported in the somnolent ‘mainstream’ media, the Government of Iraq told President George W. Bush in Amman to ‘get out of Iraq’ within 90 days, that is to say, by the end
of February 2007. Following this shock, the US delegation packed their bags and left early. All ‘mainstream’ reporting on this matter has been largely misleading. Note: This setback comes
as an extreme blow to President Bush, since the Iraqi misadventure was a bank robbery – and the ‘black hole’ of Iraq has continued, as under Saddam Hussein, to be used to HIDE ILLEGALLY PROCURED AND UNTAXED FUNDS, WHICH WILL HAVE TO FIND ANOTHER HIDEY-HOLE WHEN THE AMERICANS LEAVE IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2007.

* 30 November: Although it has been known that Dr Henry Kissinger, with his guttural German accent, has been ‘advising’ the Vatican for some time, this curious fact becomes ‘hard copy’ in late November, following its confirmation in a US Catholic newspaper. So here we have a DVD operative talking, perhaps, to another DVD operative. Has the Vatican made yet another pact with the Devil? As suggested above, the Cardinals need to think quickly and clearly about this one.

When George Bush Sr. was ordered out of Spain as a consequence of our earlier exposures –
and told by the Bank of Spain to ‘get out and take your dirty money with you’ – George H. W. Bush Sr.’s ‘people’ appealed to the Vatican. They have to have reliable counterparties to ‘play with’,
see. The Cardinals should ponder whether their new playmates can be trusted, or whether they are snakes that will turn round and bite them, having of course scammed them dry first. This is indeed what will happen: so the Vatican will be dragged into the vortex of calamity that is looming – due to its greed and willingness to ‘do business’ with these criminal gangs, as of old under ‘Bishop’ Marcinkus, the Chicago gangster dressed up in ecclesiastical garb.

[NOTE: On 4th December, Catholic News Service issued a report headed ‘Vatican spokesman says Pope did not ask Kissinger to be his adviser’. Quite so! Kissinger barged in on the Vatican! The report noted that ‘A New York-based correspondent from the Italian newspaper ‘La Stampa’ wrote November 4 that Kissinger had told “an important member of the Italian Government” of the papal offer and that a “diplomatic source” at the Vatican had confirmed that “an important dialogue is under way between the Pope and Kissinger”‘. It is also known that Mary Ann Glendon, a US law professor and President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, has invited Kissinger to speak to the academy at the Vatican in late April. Jesus Christ dined openly with publicans and sinners, because he said that he was not come to save the righteous, but rather ‘the lost sheep
of Israel’. Whether the particular lost sheep of Israel, the alleged DVD operative Henry (‘Henny’) Kissinger, has anything appropriate to teach the Pontifical Academy seems most doubtful. In the meantime, he will no doubt have been attempting to ‘teach’ the German Pope about the ‘necessity’ to authorise the Vatican Bank to conduct illegal fiat ‘funny money’ transactions with his associate,
alleged DVD Chief, George H. W. Bush Sr., for whom he is reliably reputed to act as ‘mentor’.].

* 30 November: The Editor of this service approaches the UK Treasury and asks for an interview with the Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Voices at the other end say ‘Yes Christopher, we’ll get back to you’. Nothing at all happens, even though Gordon Brown, an operative himself, knows Ambassador Leo Wanta of old. This implies that the United Kingdom is up to its own neck in this financial criminality, which is indeed known to be the case in certain quarters.

* 30 November: European banking sources confirm that their new electronic banking system (software and hardware) will be activated by 5th or 6th December, providing for transparency. By contrast, as indicated, the new US securities trading system is explicitly provided with the means
to transfer funds off-balance-sheet. This is consistent, of course, with Mr Conflict-of-Interest’s new campaign to replace the existing (porous) ‘rules-based’ system, with a new so-called ‘principles-based’ system specifically designed to provide an India-rubber environment conducive to enabling these financial scamsters to avoid being indicted and locked up in jail for life. If Ambassador Wanta can be mercilessly slammed into jail for an intended 22 years on trumped-up, false tax charges for an illegally raised $14,129 that he arranged to be paid three times, and which was never credited
by the Wisconsin tax authorities, no doubt the serial perpetrators of these financial crimes can reasonably expect to receive lifetime sentences, which is what they deserve. They are of course relying on the usual self-serving corruption among the judiciary to spare them that fate.

* 30 November: NO PAYMENT.

* 01 December: NO PAYMENT.

* 03 December: In a conference call, Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.,
are informed that an investigator who possesses the documentation that is associated with the Treasury’s ‘data burst’ on 17th November [see above], which supposedly contains details of what was to happen to the purported payments, was suddenly visited by US Secret Service agents (operating for the Treasury), and was instructed not to release the documents to the Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. The instruction allegedly came from Mr James R. Wilkinson in the White House. Technically, the Secret Service has been merged into the Department of Homeland Security (a.k.a. the Soviet-style Ministry of State Security, which is something of a shambles), but Secret Service agents still, in practice, take their instructions from the White House. The rationale given for this clumsy intervention was that making the ‘data burst’ instructions available to the Treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., would be contrary to the national interest.



In reality, fulfilment of the Wanta Settlement is so overwhelmingly in the US national interest, and in the interest of the whole world, that nothing else matters. The Secret Service agents’ intervention gives rise to the following considerations:

1. Did the Treasury’s data burst instructions ACTUALLY contain instructions to pay the $4.5 trillion to AmeriTrust/Wanta’s Securities Account with Morgan Stanley in New York, OR did it contain deviant instructions for the ‘shadow’ fiat $4.5 trillion+++ (or whatever total was payable) to be disbursed and then alienated to other parties, WHICH IS WHY THE SECRET SERVICE HAS INTERVENED TO PREVENT THE DOCUMENTS BEING REVEALED TO THE AMBASSADOR AND MR COTTRELL?

2. After all, if the ‘data burst’ instructions were indeed concerned with payment of the Settlement, what is preventing the Treasury releasing them, since they claimed that they had fulfilled their obligations towards the Ambassador?

3. Manifestly, if the Treasury’s ‘data burst’ instructions directed Wachovia Bank to pay the funds to OTHER PARTIES, the US Treasury has AGAIN been caught IN FLAGRANTE, lying to all concerned that official instructions were given to pay the Wanta Settlement while in fact making arrangements for the funds in question to be DIVERTED AND STOLEN.

4. If this turns out to be the case, we have a corruption crisis literally with no historical precedent, which could bring down the Bush Jr. Administration.

5. Remember that this further fraud has taken place ‘within’ the outer fraud whereby Goldman Sachs retains custody of the hard dollar cash $4.5 trillion, in an apparent conspiracy with Henry (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson, who has signatory power over that account.




In the event that the Treasury instructed Wachovia Bank to disburse the ‘shadow’ $4.5 trillion other than in accordance with its stance that it has fulfilled its obligations towards the Wanta Settlement, the Treasury has been caught in the following scams:

* Conspiring to divert the ‘shadow’ $4.5 trillion illegally, WHILE:

* Deceiving relevant parties into believing that it has fulfilled its obligations with regard to the Wanta Settlement, when this is not the case.

* Employing its Secret Service to prevent exposure of its corrupt behaviour and lies, on the ground that conveying the ‘data burst’ instructions to the Ambassador and his treasurer would be against the national interest, WHEN:

* The whole world and its dog knows that fulfilment of the Wanta Settlement and the ending of this crisis is not only in the US national interest, but in that of the whole of humanity.

* Committing treason against the United States as well as breaking all the laws detailed in our earlier reports.

* Also: was the ‘computer glitch’ that was used as the pretext for the closure of the Treasury’s system shortly before this corrupt payout, actually a device to enable computer programmers to fiddle the payout instructions to perpetrate this fraud?



Mr Henry M. (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson: Your job, your whole future, the survival of the Bush II Administration, and the tarnished reputation of the entire US Federal Government and the Federal Reserve, depend on you clarifying this situation without telling any more lies.

If you do confirm that the ‘data burst’ instructions were intended to implement the Wanta Settlement, what have you to hide? If it later turns out that you have again lied, no doubt you will receive the appropriate come-uppance.

If the ‘data burst’ instructions did indeed order the funds to be illegally diverted elsewhere, your best bet will be to ‘come clean’ NOW – before the situation careers completely beyond any hope of control, and the imminent worst case scenario of a hyperinflationary runaway global financial crisis sweeps Mr Bush II and his Administration into oblivion – and you, Mr Conflict-of-Interest, into jail.

On 1st December, V. K. Durham, with deep US intelligence community connections, echoing complaints posted on this website, wrote as follows to President George W. Bush Jr., Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, US House Members and the Chairman of the US Senate Banking Committee, Charles E. Grassley:

Regarding: Obstruction of Executive Order, i.e. President Ronald Reagan to Ambassador Leo Wanta and subsequent Order of the Court to release funds; Interference with said Order of the Court; Non-Compliance with Order of the Court; and: Regarding US Debt, unauthorised derivatives and current US banking, financing and economic loss of credibility and support among the world community:

Mr President: This nation has lost all credibility along with her international Good Faith and Credit, and is currently standing on the brink of banking, financing and economic collapse due to ongoing criminalities by those representing this nation.

The Courts have ordered Ambassador Leo Wanta’s money to be released and paid immediately… Unfortunately, Mr President, Ambassador Wanta’s monies remain ‘hostage’ and ‘held up’, aside from being ‘non-paid’ in violation of said Court Order.

Considering [that] James Banker III has been called back to ‘straighten’ out some of these irregularities, involving highly suspect, and unauthorised (by the owner-holder) banking, financing and economics ‘derivative’ transactions…, and Russia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Germany, France, and other ‘victim’ nations… have brought this to your attention recently: have you considered authorising the release of Ambassador Wanta’s monies… for the betterment of the nation and all concerned?

Mr President, as you are fully aware, I have supported the Constitutional Office of the President very strongly… and shall continue to do so in the future. However, Mr President, this nation is currently IN HARM’S WAY…, and, as the duly constituted outstanding, primary creditor of the United States of America and ALL debtor nations, might I suggest [that] you use your Powers of Office as the President of the United States… and ‘order’ the release of Ambassador Wanta’s funds?

In furtherance: You are aware of the amount [that] Ambassador Wanta has agreed to pay back to the Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service [the initial windfall tax amount of $1.6 trillion, which will be ON-BALANCE SHEET]. This will benefit the nation greatly, plus, it would benefit the international ‘opinion’ of this nation, and possibly go a long way in restoring the CREDIBILITY of the United States of America.

It is hopeful, Mr President, [that] you will see the wisdom behind allowing Ambassador Wanta’s monies [to be] freed up… to ‘inject’ legitimate money back to the Treasury.

By the way, Mr President: What happened to the $6.5 trillion dollar ‘U.S. and Latin American debt swap/debt conversion payment [remitted by] this Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087, which was paid in GOLD COLLATERAL, paying the US and Latin American debts back in May 2003?


V.K. Durham, C.E.O (4).

The article dated 2nd September warning of this crisis is appended below these notes. It may also be accessed via our ARCHIVE button on

(1). The 24-page Supplement published with International Currency Review, Volume 31, # 3-4, distributed worldwide on 22nd November, displays, in a step-by-step manner, and with the help of diagrammatic captions, the relevant tax documents proving the perpetration by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, of grossly oppressive, unjust, inaccurate, and arbitrary tax demands and tax collection practices against Ambassador Leo Wanta. To cite the most abominable of these malpractices, the Department issued a Delinquent Tax Warrant, which it subsequently divided into two, with the SAME DTW number, accepting certified Court Satisfaction of the (illegally charged) amount of $14,129, paid under protest in 1992, while at the same time, perpetuating the newly created component for the same amount. This represents just about the most abusive form of illegal tax oppression imaginable. Further, the illegally charged amount of $14,129 was PAID TWICE UNDER PROTEST from Singapore, where Leo Wanta was working at the time on sensitive US Government intelligence investigations, having worked abroad and being therefore non-resident in the State of Wisconsin, since 1985. In July 2005, the same amount, plus interest (representing the ‘continuation’ of the previously ‘satisfied’ amount, after the DTW had been divided in two, like an amoeba), was paid a third time, following which the Ambassador was released from all illegal restrictions with effect from 14th November 2006. On 2nd November 2006, Ambassador Wanta received a demand from the reprobate Wisconsin Department of Revenue demanding $43,304.42. In a breakdown accompanying this illegal demand, the figure of $14,129 was displayed – this being the same $14,129 that was paid in May 1992, June 1992, and July 2005.

Given that the CIA had spread the lie that Leo had been DEAD FOR MANY YEARS, one can imagine the shock that reverberated throughout the international banking and intelligence communities, when he suddenly ceased to be dead with effect from July 2005. In the wake of this huge shock, the US authorities negotiated a compromise Settlement with Wanta worth $4.5 trillion, given that, failing this payment, he remains Principal of the original $27.5 trillion (now worth around $75 trillion) raised from 200+ banks following his Financial Warfare operation to destabilise the Soviet Union, which he implemented from Vienna on President Reagan’s instructions.

The compromise Settlement aimed to get the banks off the book, since the $27.5 trillion has been illegally collateralised, misdirected, hypothecated and misused without the Ambassador’s permission, since July 1992. Under the Wanta Settlement, a veil would be drawn over the fact that the banks have stolen these funds. Absent the Settlement, the entire $27.5 trillion (now $75 trillion), is callable by the Ambassador.

In April-June 2006, the $4.5 trillion of REAL CASH DOLLARS was brought across the exchanges, and was tagged and earmarked in the name of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta and his Commonwealth of Virginia-based corporation, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.. While en route to the St Petersburg Summit in July, President George W. Bush ordered the funds not to be paid out, and they remain tagged and earmarked in an account with Goldman Sachs, New York, from where they have been traded and replicated illegally, without the owner’s permission, many times over. The Treasury Secretary, Hank M Paulson, is the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, and has signature authority over the Ambassador’s real cash funds – representing the Grandfather of all Conflicts of Interest, which is why we call him Hank (‘Conflict-of-Interest’) Paulson.

(2). Astonishingly, there are still some people ‘out there’ who raise red herrings and irrelevant issues arising from the Ambassador’s confinement (which was originally intended as a 22-year jail sentence) in the State of Wisconsin. For instance, one commentator was advised by the Editor of this service to cease and desist from asserting that the Ambassador was released from jail in 2005. Leo was not: he was released from all restrictions and house arrest in November 2005, after the third illegal amount had been settled. Notwithstanding that the Editor of this service had to correct the commentator on this score, he nevertheless continued to repeat the disinformation that the Ambassador was released from jail in July 2005. Having been authoritatively informed of the truth, the disinformation became a typically abusive intelligence lie, when repeated after the point had been corrected.

Likewise, there are still some ill-informed people who persist in developing polemical arguments around incomplete or inaccurate information on the Wisconsin dimension. As indicated, the Editor has produced a 24-page Supplement which comprehensively demolishes all lies and disinformation concerning the Wisconsin State tax authorities’ participation, on Clinton White House instructions, in the ‘takedown’ of Ambassador Wanta. Anyone who embarks on inaccurate arguments based upon false or deviant ‘information’ on this subject, is liable to make a fool of himself. Rather than risk this, you may purchase a copy of the special 24-page Supplement for US$50, which must be paid by Visa or Mastercard. We are a commercial organisation and so cannot distribute materials for free, with certain exceptions (not applicable to this offer).

To find out the truth, rather than waste time barking up the wrong tree, please use the CONTACT US facility on our website, to provide us with the necessary information so that we can mail you a copy of this work. It demolishes all the CIA’s stale lies on the subject.

(3). The Ambassador’s sealed diplomatic briefcase, which contained 18 high-value US Treasury instruments, and was subjected to a search in Wisconsin, has never been returned to him. A ‘Return of Search Warrant’ prepared and signed by a Dennis M. Mengelt, Special Agent, Division of Criminal Investigation, Wisconsin Department of ‘Justice’, and dated 11th March 1994, lists the contents of the briefcase but OMITS any reference to the 18 high-value US Treasury instruments, worth $18 billion. (It is illustrated on page one of the Supplement). The reason that the briefcase has never been returned to the Ambassador is that the Wisconsin authorities cannot do so without ensuring that the briefcase contains the 18 high-value US Treasury instruments, which have been stolen for collateralisation and hypothecation purposes.

(4). The Editor is not briefed about the matter raised by V. K. Durham in her final paragraph. However he is reliably advised that her claims (unlike those of many renegade parties) are valid, and has respect for her inclusion of this matter here.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001.

International Currency Review Volume 31, Numbers 3 & 4 was published worldwide on 22nd November 2006 and should have arrived in all parts of the globe by now. We have had confirmations that the special double issue was received – from the Reserve Bank of India, and from all parts of the United States, Canada, the UK and Europe. Also enclosed with the new journal was the 24-page Supplement mentioned above – illustrating, with tax documents, how the Wisconsin State Department of Revenue abused their powers and committed gross tax fraud against Ambassador Leo Wanta, in order to sustain the illegal and orchestrated ‘takedown’ of this great American financial genius and patriot so that the criminal gangs inside the US official structures could steal the $27.5 trillion (now worth perhaps $75 trillion) while he was ‘out of the way’ for 22 years. No other publication in the world has had the guts to cover this incredible story, which masks the worst financial crisis in world history.

Subscriptions may be entered from this website: Press Serials, SUBSCRIBE and then go through the very simple procedure, which is ultra-safe, because we have to use THREE codes to access Credit Card data.

Article posted on 2nd September 2006 warning of this $ crisis:


By Christopher Story, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review.
World Reports Limited, London and New York:
For Part 2, see Archive Button or the main ‘Click Here’ report on Home Page.

The following Notes contrast the truly massive long-term and immediate
benefits of implementation of The Wanta Plan, with the likely catastrophic
consequences of the US authorities’ cynical game-playing and bad faith by
delaying/reneging on the accord:

Prompt implementation of The Wanta Plan Settlement will have the following
minimum consequences:

* The United States Government’s finances will be transformed within a matter
of no more than a few years. Within a decade or less, depending on how the
incoming windfall tax accruals are allocated, the US Federal Government will
have paid down its ‘background’ debt.

* Banks in the United States and abroad which are currently teetering on the
brink of insolvency due to the severe financial knock-on effects of the US
authorities’ duplicity in failing to fulfil their solemn undertakings and
obligations concerning the Wanta Plan, will not go to the wall, after all.

Under The Wanta Plan, transactions blocked due to the behaviour of the White
House, the US Federal Reserve and their co-conspirators in the international
and domestic financial communities, will be released and the pressure on the
several banks that currently face bankruptcy, will unwind.

* The $4.5 trillion Settlement with Ambassador Leo E. Wanta represents a
compromise, which leaves the remaining original $23+ trillion, now worth
about $58.5 trillion, uncollected – and lets the co-conspiratorial institutions
in Europe and elsewhere that have long since assumed these funds to be
uncollectible and usable as collateral for their own purposes, off the hook.

Under The Wanta Plan, these funds will not be collected and the corrupt
banks can heave a belated sigh of relief that they will not be held to
account, and their executives will not be arrested, after all. There will
cease to be any further need for bankers fearing exposure to jump out
of their high-rise office or city apartment windows any more.

* Therefore, in the banking sector, EVERYONE WINS – which is why
foreign bankers are clicking their heels in New York waiting to know why these
long-sanctioned arrangements have not been finalised. It also explains why
they are all lined up waiting to do above-board, taxable, on-balance sheet
financing business with Ambassador Leo Wanta and Michael C. , M.s., whose
financial record, experience and expertise is unrivalled and whose joint and
individual reputations for integrity are genuinely appreciated worldwide by the
powerful parties that matter. These INCLUDE the Chinese, the Russians, the
French, the British and all the foreign partners of importance who have
recognised the significance and benefits of The Wanta Plan.

* The Republican Party – which actually deserves what will befall it if The
Wanta Plan is not executed – will gain a sudden new lease of life, because
it will become free to offer the jaded electorate whatever bribes it fancies,
starting with the abolition of the much loathed Inheritance (or ‘death’) Tax,
reductions in Income and in Corporation Tax, and whatever further electoral
inducements may be considered appropriate, given that a fresh Government
will be in a far better overall financial position than its predecessors.

This assumes that the Republicans are not relying exclusively on rigging the
election using the vote-tampering methods available to US political parties
due to electronic voting and the vulnerability of the equipment and software
to unscrupulous interference, such as occurred during the General Election
in 2004. (It is possible that the cynical and jaded GOP may be so confident
of its ability to rig all elections electronically that it prefers the comforts of the
prevailing off-balance sheet, tax-free corruption self-enrichment system to
the above-board benefits that will accrue from implementing The Wanta Plan
as agreed but so far deceitfully reneged upon).

* The deficit-financing model will become obsolete. It has hobbled the
United States with ever more onerous taxation burdens which, left
‘untreated’ by the beneficial consequences of The Wanta Plan, will reach
insupportable and intolerable levels within the lifetimes of current working
US taxpayers, whose prospects are becoming progressively gloomier.

* The US Treasury will cease to be controlled by the Federal Reserve, which is
the situation at present, since the CHIPs are controlled by the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York (FRBNY). Of course the Treasury should be in control of the
Fed, not the other way round. And since the Fed is largely owned by foreigners,
this state of affairs actually means that the Treasury is de facto controlled by
foreign interests, as well. This scandal should be anathema to all Americans.

* The US Treasury will resume its ascendancy as the primary financial
institution in the United States, and the most powerful one in the world.
Its ‘need’ for the Federal Reserve will dwindle to vanishing point; hence:

* The corrupt Federal Reserve can be nationalised, converted into a central
bank under the control of the US Treasury with appropriate independent
policymaking safeguards, or abolished. There is massive resistance to this
of course; but these are the objective facts of the matter. Alternatively, US
policymakers can simply opt to leave things as they are, which would be
unwise: but it’s up to them.

* Infrastructure projects financed by financial flows arising from The Wanta
Plan can be embarked upon without creating any new debt, as is currently
intended, and from taxation revenues. The rotting infrastructure of the
United States can thereby be renewed in the space of less than a decade.

* A properly funded back-stop welfare system can be devised to ensure
essential living standards for all without incurring debt obligations.

* Economic stimulation can be achieved, if necessary, in a sound and
balanced manner, free of debt creation.

* Because over time the US dollar will be strengthened, the permissive
deterioration of the US balance-of-payments that has become so notorious
under the Bush II Administration, continues. But under The Wanta Plan,
domestic manufacturing and prosperity gathers such positive, sustainable
momentum, that the United States’ dependence on foreign sourcing can be
sharply reduced over time by import substitution (as is routinely prescribed
for struggling Third World countries by the International Monetary Fund).
Further, although US external deficits certainly need to be curbed, their
significance as a source of instability is reduced because the beneficial
on-budget, on-balance sheet self-financing of the US Treasury’s operations
has reversed the deadening impact of endless deficit financing, which has
become obsolete, so that the overall Federal Budget is constantly improving.

This is because:

* The Wanta Plan harnesses legal dimensions of the fiat money system for
the benefit of the US Federal Budget. By contrast, the prevailing corrupt,
exotic off-budget, off-balance sheet tax-evasive arrangements are guaranteed
progressively to destroy the residual integrity of the US dollar and of both
the USD and the international financial systems, while also depriving the
Treasury of vast tax accruals – a reality to which the perpetrators of these
serial financial crimes are blinded only by their own stupendous greed.

* The stranglehold and power of financial institutions that have grown
fat on a full century of US official deficit-financing short-termism will be
diminished and ultimately broken.

Thus the interests of the big financial institutions diverge from those of
the US Federal Government (if it were to be directed by honourable people,
which is not the case) – with the parasite financial institutions flourishing by
selling and managing the US Treasury’s vast and burgeoning indebtedness,
which is constantly expanding for arithmetical reasons and because corrupt
politicians are interested only in short-term electoral considerations.

It is from this sector that the real underlying opposition to The Wanta Plan
stems; for, in order to retain their privileged official debt-management
franchise, the big financial institutions routinely co-conspire with corrupt
office-holders and officials to devise exotic off-balance sheet self-enrichment
mechanisms. This fickle community of interests between the finance houses
and the corrupt office-holders and officials contrasts with the divergence
of interests between the finance houses and the Government sector itself,
which would apply if the Federal and lesser governments and their agencies
were not perpetually in the hands of corrupt operatives and officials.

Not implementing The Wanta Plan will have the consequences indicated below,
among many others. The primary assumption underlying what follows is that a
wholly irrational and by now shambolic, terminal free-for-all has developed in
which the myriad competing parties seek their own advantage, without regard
for the broader consequences – or if they have any regard for them, place
them on one side while they cynically pursue their own interests first.

This was the prospect at the beginning of September 2006, on the assumption
that, as a result of the Chinese having AGAIN been deceived, double-crossed
and lied to by the US Treasury, they take the drastic action indicated.

So the following Notes, which summarise the ‘worst case scenario’ arising
from any non-settlement of The Wanta Plan which must be paid out with the
China payments, assume that the Chinese (both components) will have been
double-crossed by the US Government again on 7th September, with the funds
that are due to them on that date remaining, as usual, diverted and unpaid:

* To begin with, the entire mass of the international financial community
knows about this crisis – and that the American authorities have just lied,
double-crossed and deceived from the outset, that the Full Faith and Credit
of the United States and the Rule of Law in America have collapsed, and that
Bush II Administration officials are behaving like a bunch of arrogant Chicago
gangsters who believe that because the intimidated ‘mainstream’ media have
failed to pick this story up, they are protected from the consequences of
their serial criminality and duplicity.

* Therefore, the consequences of blocking The Wanta Plan itemised below are
NOT dependent, as the White House may have presumed, upon the continued
suppression of this crisis by the controlled US and UK ‘mainstream’ media.
On the contrary, the ‘mainstream’ media, which is being constantly updated
on the crisis, is liable to be caught off-balance by the devastating global
consequences of the Bush II White House continuing to block this beneficial
Settlement. Put another way, ‘they won’t know what has hit them’, and they
will have to scramble to catch up.

* Institutions in the United States and abroad which are currently teetering
on the brink of insolvency due to the severe financial knock-on effects of
the US authorities’ duplicity in failing to implement their undertakings and
obligations concerning the Wanta Plan, will go to the wall. To the extent
that these institutions are enmeshed in financial operations using Leo
Wanta’s funds or CHIPS credit, he will have a lien on their assets and will
be entitled to lodge appropriate claims in the courts.

* Deceived just once too often by the duplicitous US officials, both the
Communist and the Taiwanese Chinese – who are now, due to US official
ineptitude, working together – order all payments via the Clearing House
Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) in New York to cease (on 14th August, one
of the Chinese parties had already cancelled all its CHIPS payments, having
earlier threatened to do so).

* The Communist Chinese increase the volume of oil traded in currencies
other than the US dollar, following reports from New Delhi and elsewhere in
late August that such transactions had already started. With the failure of
scheduled payments by the American authorities, implying clearly that the US
dollar payments system has ceased to function and cannot be relied upon, the
Chinese Communists decide that they have nothing to lose by switching from
the US dollar for oil payments to other currencies.

* The Chang-Kai Shek (Taiwanese) Chinese, who have likewise been deceived,
throw all caution to the winds, and follow suit, in a chaotic, irrational environment
in which their former enemies in Peking are now their friends and the United States
has become their implacable enemy (a development with momentous regional
political repercussions, of course).

* Since President Putin has not been paid the $30 billion he is owed by
Ambassador Wanta under the Reagan Protocols, and has likewise been
deceived, he coordinates oil-trading policy with the Chinese and agrees to
accept currencies other than the US dollar in exchange for exported Russian
energy products. This relaxation is soon applied to all Russian oil and gas
exports, which the Europeans now start to pay for in the EU Collective Currency
and pounds sterling.

* The rest of the Trilaterals (Germany/France, Japan and probably Italy
and Spain) progressively abandon the dollar standard and start buying
and selling energy products using currencies other than the US dollar.

* The US dollar collapses by 50% or more. Since other key currencies are
now in greater demand, because they are needed for oil payments purposes,
their massive appreciations reflecting the US dollar’s steep devaluation are,
if anything, exacerbated further, given this sudden new demand.

* Since many US imports, including of course oil, continue to be in demand
domestically, US price inflation escalates sharply, followed by interest
rates. Indeed interest rates chase inflation upwards.

* The US housing sector, already in implosion mode, shifts into free-fall,
housing starts collapse, and large swathes of the US economy follow
downwards into unknown territory.

* Unemployment rises steeply, placing added burdens on the welfare
sector which have further cumulative adverse financial consequences.

* Although the countries and blocs that have experienced steep appreciations
in terms of the US dollar can continue for a time to trade reasonably satisfactorily
between themselves, they all encounter increased competition from dirt-cheap
American exports, which now assume the characteristics hitherto associated
with the Chinese ‘junk’ that the United States has been ravenously importing
from the 60,000+ factories that Western firms have established in China.

* The steep devaluation of the US dollar boosts US exports over time, in
due course bringing about sharp reductions and then the disappearance
of the country’s $1 trillion annual trade deficit. This process, however,
is subject to the so-called J-curve effect, whereby the US trade deficit
worsens sharply to begin with, given that essential imports in the pipeline
cannot be cancelled and still have to be paid for with steeply devalued
dollars. It is only when these overhang transactions have been unwound,
which can take years, depending on the volume of forward import contracts
placed, that the beneficial effects of the dollar’s massive devaluation start
to rebalance the country’s external accounts.

The deficit on the current account takes longer to eliminate because the
outstanding debt continues to exist and has to be paid off with steeply
devalued dollars when surpluses appear on the balance-of-payments, which
again may take several years. The immediate impact of the steep devaluation
is therefore greatly to exacerbate the US domestic recession or depression
brought about by the other adverse knock-on effects mentioned.

* Within a short space of time, Western economies, in particular, find that
their exports cannot compete, and their steep currency appreciations, while
curbing inflation and probably delivering price deflation over time, leave
exporting companies unable to compete, forced to lay off staff or to close
down altogether because their overall operations have become loss-making
or uneconomic. There will be much blood on corporate boardroom carpets.

* The US and all other stock markets experience a slump with no historical
precedent, which triggers bankruptcies throughout the business and personal
sectors, throwing very large numbers of families into distress and inducing
a sharp jump in the suicide statistics both in the United States and abroad.
Foreclosures escalate, as do factory and corporate closures and failures.

* The stock market slump and knock-on consequences in related financial
markets spread like a malicious contagion worldwide, with unpredictable
outcomes universally conducive to an initial global slump.

* As reiterated above, the $4.5 trillion Settlement with Ambassador Leo Wanta
represented a compromise, which would have left the remaining original $23+
trillion, now worth about $58.5 trillion, uncollected – and would have let the
co-conspiratorial banks in Europe, Israel and elsewhere that have long since
assumed these resources to be uncollectible and therefore usable as collateral
for their own purposes, off the hook. But since The Wanta Plan has not been
implemented, the entire original $27.5 trillion (now worth about $70+ trillion)
is collectable; and since so much of this money has been stolen, Ambassador
Leo Wanta will wind up owning a sizeable number of large financial institutions,
if the funds are not disgorged as will be required. Alternatively, sizeable banks
will go to the wall, and their supervisory central banks will be obliged to pay
Wanta what these banks owe him, to authorise control to be passed to Leo
Wanta, or else to nationalise the banks in question.

* Chaotic currency realignments proliferate. If one underlying globalist
intention had been to exploit this developing crisis to ‘call for’ a world
currency, this project, like all such globalist forward planning and
conspiracies, turns out to be a monumental failure.

Instead, what has been achieved is that:

* The world currency, financial and trading systems rapidly disintegrate,
leading to the worldwide imposition of foreign trade tariffs and to a parallel
ferocious, no-holds-barred, ruthless scramble for global energy resources that
is far more intense than the current scramble, with extreme dangers for humanity.




Wednesday 12 October 2005 00:16

By Christopher Story, Editor, International Currency Review:


• Note: Intelligence on EC/EU fraud and corruption in this report was supplied by and derived from research by Ashley Mote MEP, Paul Buitenen MEP, Marta Andreasen, and Christopher Arkell. The intelligence on Edward Heath, Geoffrey Rippon, et al, and on the EU practice of making corrupt ‘payola’ payments to key negotiators and signatories of specified EU Collective and Accession Treaties in exchange for their perverted ongoing cooperation was not obtained from them, but was provided inter alia by several intelligence agencies and was cross-checked prior to publication in International Currency Review and on this website. It is noteworthy that one month after publication of this report and of the journal, not a single statement contained herein had been challenged, denied, or commented upon by the officials, journalists and others to whom the journal and this report were sent. All hope this will ‘go away’, so that everyone will forget about it – but it won’t.

The European Union Collective is illegal and so extensively criminalised that it has become all but indistinguishable from a criminal organisation. It is illegal because key EU treaties were procured by means of slush fund payments. It is corrupt because, being born in corruption, its procedures are designed to mask the corrupt activities of many of its officials, while it publishes false accounts.

These findings are published today in the latest issue of International Currency Review, the London-based Journal of the International Financial Community.

The fraudulence of the European Commission’s accounts necessitates urgent reconsideration of its Triple-A Credit Rating by the leading Rating Agencies. Precise evidence of the fraudulence of the EC’s accounts is presented in the issue.

International Currency Review has advised the agencies accordingly, and anticipates that they will carry out the necessary overdue reassessment of the EC’s ‘integrity’. In the event that no action is taken, given the extreme gravity of the evidence of institutionalised accounting fraud presented in the journal, the integrity of the Credit Rating Agencies themselves may be called into question – not least by International Currency Review. This may have repercussions for the International Financial Community generally.

But first things first. The illegitimacy and illegality of the European Union – and thus of ALL its constituent structures, including the European Central Bank – arises from the following facts:

• The British Treaty of Accession was signed by two agents of the German ‘Black’ Nazi intelligence continuum, DVD [•see below], based in Dachau, near Munich. The two signatories, both of whom received substantial financial rewards for their ‘cooperation’, were: Edward Heath and Geoffrey Rippon. Together with the late Roy Jenkins, they were recruited/compromised by the German Abwehr while studying at Balliol College, Oxford.

That is to say, official signatories and senior policymakers/operatives have received, and routinely receive, substantial corrupt payments, remitted to their secret offshore bank accounts, in exchange for their ‘cooperation’ in pushing through successive EU treaties. The bribery funds are derived from a colossal secret ‘Black Operations’ slush fund account located in Switzerland – the title and size of which is divulged in the report. For instance:

• $5.0 billion was allocated from the Swiss slush fund to ‘procure’ the European Constitution Treaty, divided into two tranches:

1. $2.5 billion was payable (and paid) on completion of the Inter Governmental Conference [IGC], in July/August of 2004, with $100 million allocated for each of the 25 EU ‘Member States’. The corrupt bribery funds were remitted in Euros.

2. A further $2.5 billion ($100 million for each ‘Member State’) was payable on ratification of the Collective Treaty. Given the negative referendum results delivered by the French and Dutch electorates, payment of the second tranches has been a matter of understandable tension and contention ever since, not least since such ‘Black’ remittances, which are commonplace at the intergovernmental level, are illegal – and therefore ‘never happened’.

Intelligence sources have provided International Currency Review with the name of the secret Swiss bank account, the vast amount of ‘Black’ money it holds, the amounts allocated for each corrupted EU ‘Member State’, and the names of three of the most prominent alleged recipients of ‘Black’ payments, together with details of the alleged transactions concerned.

These revelations have become possible following the death of Sir Edward Heath, who was a German agent and asset for six decades, representing the longest known foreign intelligence penetration in modern history.

It is significant that the Obituary of Heath published in The Guardian on 18th July 2005, closed with the following cryptic sentence:

‘He [Heath] remained determined that he would be vindicated, until close to the end’.

This referred to the fact that when Heath visited Salzburg in 2003, ostensibly to attend the Music Festival there, the real reason for his visit was that he had been summoned to Dachau, where DVD officers warned him that British intelligence were intending to confront him with his treachery. It is reported that, on hearing this, Heath literally ‘blew a fuse’: he suffered a pulmonary embolism.

A similar fate attended the demise of Roy (Lord) Jenkins, who suffered a severe heart attack when confronted by intelligence officials with the fact that he was about to be exposed for his long-term treachery against the United Kingdom. Jenkins was one of the most lethal of all long-term German agents operating at the highest levels of the British Government. And the present allegedly deeply compromised Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is the late Lord Jenkins’ protégé.

Heath, Rippon and Jenkins were far from being the only long-term, high-level foreign penetration by the DVD – the successor ‘Black’ (continuing Nazi) intelligence organisation to the Abwehr. In the United States, the Dulles brothers were German agents, and it is believed that certain operatives who have held high office in the United States were/are German agents to this day. Substantial transfers of ‘Black Operations’ funds orginally controlled by the US authorities are known to have been transferred into the hands of the German ‘Black’ covert intelligence community. The CIA is being extensively purged of operatives with ethnic and other loyalties and ties to Germany.

Given that (a) the United Kingdom’s EEC Accession Treaty, (b) The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 and (c) The (aborted) European Constitution Treaty were among E.U. treaties that were procured by fraudulent means, THE EUROPEAN UNION IS AN ILLEGAL ORGANISATION • •.

This is because Article 49 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on Treaties, to which Britain and other EU ‘Member States’ are parties, provides as follows:

‘If a State has been induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent conduct of another negotiating State, that State may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty’.

[• • The first tranche of corrupt payments for the Constitution Treaty was paid out, but the fate of the second tranche, given the negative French and Dutch referenda outcomes, is uncertain – as well as being the subject of vicious secret controversy].

According to intelligence sources, earlier European Union Collective treaties were likewise procured by fraudulent means.

In the British case, UK membership of the European Union Collective – an illegal organisation which exists to subsume, usurp and collectivise national sovereignty under the enticing cover of ‘cooperation’ (code for collectivisation) – contravenes the 1689 Bill of Rights, which remains the law of the United Kingdom to this day and which incorporates the following oath: ‘I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority within this realm’.

In addition to exposing the illegality and illegitimacy of the European Union as a whole, the latest issue of International Currency Review demonstrates, with extensive analysis and documentation, that the European Commission is a criminal organisation. The issue has been prepared in close collaboration with Ashley Mote, Independent MEP for Southeast England, [] and Continental MEP colleagues. In October 2004, Mr Mote and Marta Andreasen, the former Chief Accountant of the European Commission, presented the UK Serious Fraud Office with two large lever-arch files contained voluminous damning information about institutionalised corruption in the Commission and related EU structures.

Among reasons for concluding that the European Union is a criminal organisation, are the following:

1. Because successive Presidents of the European Union preside over the disbursement of the corrupt ‘Black’ ‘facilitation fees’ identified, each successive (six-monthly) President is and has been aware of the corrupt mechanism used to procure the EU’s successive collective treaties.

2. The incidence of fraud committed within the EU’s structures is so extensive and routine, that the European Commission has been condemned as condoning a ‘culture of corruption’, and presiding over a system of ‘institutionalised looting’. Scandalised EC whistleblowing officials refer to the European Commission as a ‘festering dustbin of corruption’. In 2004, there were nearly 3,500 separate cases of EC fraud.

3. When he was informed in 2004 that the EC Vice-President-designate, Jacques Barrot, had been convicted for the embezzlement of funds, and had withheld this information from the President-designate, José-Manuel Barroso, the President denied any prior knowledge of this fact, and left Barrot in place.

4. It is nothing unusual for European Commission officials to be associated with lucrative corrupt ‘side businesses’ – often using offshore accounts – from which they benefit financially, consequent upon contracts being awarded to the businesses in which they themselves have a secret pecuniary interest. For instance:

5. The Sunday Telegraph reported on 25th September that two EC employees own a Brussels sex hotel, Studio Europe, which rents out rooms for 13 euros an hour. No doubt this location is used for blackmail purposes. The EC officials were named as Carmela lo Giudice, an assistant in the EC Budget Directorate-General, and George Tzikis, a porter in the Directorate-General responsible for employment. This is the latest of innumerable EC scandals to have erupted into the public domain.

6. Unhealthy and evidently pervasive masonic links exist between EC officials and contractors, resulting in corrupt and unhealthy ‘business relationships’.

7. The European Commission’s accounting is not only shambolic, but also fraudulent. Evidence to this effect is presented, inter alia, by the well-known British forensic accountant, Christopher Arkell, FTCA, and by the former Chief Accountant of the European Commission, Marta Andreasen. She was ‘suspended’ after five months en poste, and then fired, after she queried the legitimacy of payments that Directorates-General required her to authorise. She asked awkward questions, and was effectively told to ‘shut up and just sign’. The EC’s accounting irregularities, which are glaring, include the following abuses:

• When certain accounting modifications were implemented at the end of 2004, the closing balances in 2004 and the opening balances in 2005 were not reconciled – thereby permanently embedding false accounting data for the future. This means that henceforth no EC accounts can ever be accurate (not that this has ever yet been the case).

• Even though EU ‘Member States’ have been making payments to the Commission for decades to cover the costs of pension liabilities for approximately 39,000 EC employees (as of 2005), the EU ‘Member States’ have simultaneously been charged with the liability of making/guaranteeing the resulting pension payments. Thus pension liabilities appear on both sides of the balance sheet. Proper accounting practice would require a charge to the Income and Expenditure Account of EUR 19.5 billion, and a consequent reduction in reserves. The European Commission should have been acquiring a liability for pensions throughout its existence, instead of fudging the accounts in this fraudulent and irregular manner.

• The European Commission ‘makes’ massive surpluses out of the ‘Member States’ annually, which it covers up. Surpluses are supposed, according to the EU’s own regulations, to be returned to the ‘Member States’. What happens in practice is that EC surpluses that have arisen after all accruals have been accounted for, are eliminated by the simple manipulative expedient of providing for potential expenditures not openly through the Income and Expenditure Account, but by means of corrupt adjustments to the Balance Sheet (‘Provisions’).

• This method of accounting is prohibited by all recognised accounting standards around the world as dishonest. Its use by the European Commission represents a clear fraud perpetrated upon the ‘Member States’ and their peoples.

• EC accounting records can be changed two or more years in arrears. The amount and the payee, but not the unique identifying number, can be altered, and no record whatsoever of such changes is/has been maintained in the records. This represents an open-ended invitation to scam the system, especially as it is routine for the EC’s Annual Accounts to be adjusted retrospectively.

8. The huge Eurocracy (or self-interested EU nomenklatura) has perfected subtle mechanisms for ensuring that hardly anything is ever done to stamp out corruption. These techniques include, but are not confined to, the following:

8.1 The use of ‘candour’, which is NOT to be confused with the truth. ‘Candour’ is deployed in order to disarm, mislead, divert and mollify critics, so that any underlying fraud goes undetected.

8.2 The ‘multiple investigations’ technique. What happens is that several investigations are ‘opened’ separately. More ‘investigations’ may follow. Some are then ‘closed’, or ‘suspended’, ostensibly ‘pending’ the ‘results’ of other investigations. The resulting, deliberately contrived, confusion, with successive reports contradicting others, ensures that the corruption trail is buried and lost. Report-writing is used to smother transparency, clarity, and truth.

8.3 The EC and its structures have at least 3,094 secret ‘working groups’ or committees, all of which are answerable to no-one, and the operations of which are secret.

8.4 The main objective of any EC fraud investigation is to procure that the case is ‘exported’ as quickly as possible to the ‘Member States’ concerned, so that any corruption at the EC centre is consequently hidden from scrutiny.

8.5 Wherever possible, investigations are kept unresolved until the existing Commission is replaced by its successor, when the ‘that was then, this is now’ excuse kicks in.

8.6 Innumerable other deliberate obstruction methods, identified by International Currency Review, with the guidance of Ashley Mote MEP and his colleagues, are routinely employed by the EC and related structures, to maximise the obfuscation of troubling problems. For instance, one external corporation, based in Luxembourg, in which EC officials had an interest, was ostensibly established on 29th February 1989 – a date which never even existed. When a sanitised official report on the entity’s fraudulent activities was presented to the former President of the European Commission, Signor Romano Prodi – that allegedly corrupt Italian ‘machine’ politician – the date was altered to 22nd February 1989. This further illustrates the devious standard EC technique of promulgating conflicting information in separate, contradictory reports. By this means, controversy is deflected into sterile arguments over the conflicting information, diverting attention from the looting itself.

8.7 The European Court of Auditors has given an adverse opinion for many years, on 95% of all European Commission Expenditure. It has never, ever, approved the EC’s accounts. Furthermore, evidence has surfaced of fraud in the Court’s own accounts – one of several indications that the Court itself cannot be trusted. Indeed, like the Commission’s own internal Audit Service, its main task, by open official admission, is to minimise embarrassment to the Commission.

The evidence of EC looting and serial corruption contained in this single issue of International Currency Review is sufficient to induce a terminal crisis at the European Commission.

Both Ashley Mote MEP and the journal’s Editor, Christopher Story, demand that the UK Treasury sits up, finally takes notice, and withholds further financial contributions to the EC budget pending elimination of institutionalised corruption and looting in the European Commission’s structures, which, on the basis of exprerience, will never happen.

In a letter to Ashley Mote dated 22nd October 2004, Mr Stephen Timms, the UK Treasury Minister responsible, told the MEP that withholding British payments to the EC would be illegal and would be an option ‘we would not even consider’.

But continued squandering of UK taxpayers’ funds represents a dereliction by British Ministers and their officials. of their duty of care towards UK taxpayers’ funds. Given the gravity of the situation, Ministers are believed to be at increasing risk of being sued for negligence as exposures of the European Commission’s ‘culture of corruption’ proliferate.

Moreover the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Lawson of Blaby, has told the House of Lords’ European Committee that the British Government DOES have the legal scope to give itself powers to withhold payments to the European Commission. He told the Committee:

‘You have to remember how hard it was to win the [UK] rebate… It would never have happened if we had not made it clear that if we did not get satisfaction, we would withhold our contributions. I think it was widely known that we had a draft bill printed to give us the legal authority to withhold our contributions. It was never published, but it was printed. It was discreetly made known to those who we negotiated with, that this is what would happen if we did not get satisfaction…. Without that threat to withhold our contributions, to the extent of having the UK law officers produce a bill, we would not have got [the rebate]’.

[Source: Future Financing of the European Union, House of Lords European Committee, HL Paper 62, 9th March 2005: evidence to the Committee by Lord Lawson].

But since Britain’s EU membership is illegal, because the UK Accession Treaty and successive EU Collective Treaties(notably Maastricht) were procured by fraud, it is not even technically necessary for the Government to extract that draft bill from the official pigeon-hole into which it was shoved.

The Government can walk away from the European Union tomorrow – and use the 25% of Gross Domestic Product represented by all current and future costs of EU Membership, to rebuild the public transportation system, build spanking new ‘schools’n’ospitals’ wherever demand exists, and revitalise the British economy generally – all without suffering any losses, since EU membership has brought Britain no clear benefits at all, that could not have been procured domestically. It has, however, meant that billions of UK taxpayers’ funds that the British Government should have been spending at home, have been squandered on this sterile, decaying, corrupt collectivist project.

All EU ‘Member States’, valuing the huge British market for their goods, would be compelled to negotiate arms’-length bilateral trade and other agreements with the United Kingdom, or risk losing access to UK markets. Any prospective interim disruptions could be accommodated by the British Government directing the UK taxpayers’ funds that it normally squanders with the EC’s ‘festering dustbin of corruption’, into temporarily vulnerable sectors of the UK economy.

A Free Trade Agreement linking Britain, the United States and Canada has been readied, for implementation when Britain leaves the European Community

For, contrary to what is in the public domain, contingency plans do exist for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. These were recently reviewed and ‘dusted down’, in the context of key connections made by certain intelligence circles following the 7/7 attacks, which have shown that EU ‘Member States’ that profess to be close allies of the United Kingdom, are anything but.

Exposure information for this special issue of International Currency review [Volume 30, Number 4] has been developed with the generous practical assistance of Ashley Mote MEP, Paul van Buitenen MEP, Marta Andreasen, Christopher Arkell FTCA, and US and UK intelligence sources special to the Editor, Christopher Story. For further details, see Ashley Mote’s website:


• DVD: This is the ultra-secret German Nazi continung ‘Black Operations’ intelligence organisation based, appropriately enough, in Dachau, near Munich. Intelligence concerning the existence of this organisation was passed to the Editor of International Currency Review by a British intelligence source. The Editor then had its existence checked out by high-level US intelligence contacts, who confirmed the entity’s existence and importance. There is some uncertainty about what the initials DVD stand for – alternatively Deutsche Versicherungs Dienst [German Insurance Agency] or else Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst [German Defence Agency] – the context here being that DVD is the Abwehr-linked intelligence continuum of the Nazi International, originally established by the Nazi Abwehr as the German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid in 1942. Therefore, in this context, ‘insurance’ would mean ‘insuring the continuity of Nazi global hegemony strategy for the establishment of the controlling Thousand-Year Reich’; while ‘defence’ in this same context would mean ‘defending’ the continuing covert Nazi global hegemony strategy. DVD is not funded by the German Government and taxpayer, since it operates its own covert sources of giga-finance, but its main operations and strategy are routinely approved by the German Chancellery. Any official denial of this fact is a lie.


International Currency Review, Volume 30, Number 4, available exclusively by subscription from, was mailed to paying subscribers worldwide on 10th October 2005. Banks, corporations and other entities that use subscription agencies may subscribe to World Reports Limited serials through their usual channels, or else direct from our website, or from the addresses shown in the red panel on the Home Page.

For further information, contact:
Christopher Story FRSA, Editor, on: +44 (0)20-7222 3836.
• Ashley Mote MEP, whose coordinates are at

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Editor: Christopher Story FRSA