Wednesday 1 August 2007 18:57



By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: www.worldreports.org. Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the www.worldreports.org Home Page for ‘Wantagate’ reports since April 2006. [Note: A new panel giving details of our latest publications as they are made available, has been added].

Note: The two preceding Wantagate reports are specifically recommended to those who may have missed them. They provide details of the extreme gravity of the crisis, as well as context for this latest interim report. Its central feature is that the theft of The Queen’s gold by US cadres working with UK ‘inside’ traitors, has not yet been rectified, so that the lectures being delivered to Britain by the former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, have gone down like a lead balloon.

John Bolton, now a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and formerly US Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-06) until he had to resign because his services in that role had proved excessively counterproductive, has taken it upon himself to lecture the British about the ‘special relationship’, and what he, of all people, expects of it. His latest contribution along these cynical lines appeared on page 11 of The Financial Times, London, today [1st August 2007].

For sheer unvarnished arrogance, coming from such a source, Mr Bolton’s outbursts have no diplomatic equal. Mr Bolt-on, whose corrupt Government is complicit in multiple giga-financial thefts and in stealing The Queen’s gold, is telling us what to do with the ‘special relationship’?

What world is this CIA nutcase living in?

Has Mr Bolton not yet been informed by his compartmentalised handlers about the stealing of The Queen’s gold on 29th-30th March 2007, orchestrated by the US official criminalist cadres, which has not yet been rectified?

Has Mr Bolton not yet been told by his handlers that the so-called ‘Special Relationship’ between Britain and America is dead and buried because of the serial corruption of the George W. Bush II Administration over Wantagate and the stealing of The Queen’s gold, and because Britain was blackmailed into assisting with that Baghdad bank raid in March 2003?

We know all about CIA compartmentalisation, and about the CIA confusing lies with the truth and vice versa – retailing, for instance, to its own bewildered cadres and to the international financial community that Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta was long since dead, so that his $27.5 trillion of original assets lodged in the accounts linked to his Title 18, Section 6 USG intelligence corporations were fair game for stealing, diversion, exploitation, collateralisation, hypothecation and goin’ fishin’: but allowing this blundering US ‘diplomat’ to publish articles in British newspapers LECTURING US ABOUT THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP when it is his own filthy, corrupt, DVD-penetrated gutter-snipe organisation which is specifically responsible for wrecking it, is too much.

Serial abuse is one thing: Illuminati-style double-minded, arrogance is something else.

Of course, this Editor, Author, Investigative Journalist and Publisher concurs with Mr Bolt-on that the European Union Collective, a.k.a. ‘the new European Soviet’ (1), is an institutionally corrupt arm of the New Underworld Order, as will be further exposed in the forthcoming issue of International Currency Review (Volume 33, # 1 & 2) [see below].

He also concurs that Britain has no business to be associated with and a member of this long-range DVD operation directed originally against the European component of the ‘Main Enemy’ (2), Britain.

Having actually sat in on dreary Brussels meetings of the European Parliament’s committee that is supposed to monitor the operations of OLAF, the European Commission’s anti-fraud directorate – which routinely behaves as though it exists in order to cover up all the institutionalised fraud in the European Commission structures, this Editor would go much further that Mr Bolt-on – having in fact for the past 20 years campaigned for Great Britain to leave this sinking collectivist ship as soon as possible by suspending its contributions to the EU pending a clean-up of EC corruption (which will never happen); and thereafter announcing the UK’s unilateral severance from the EU Collective inter alia citing Article 49 of the 1969 Convention on International Treaties, which provides for any deceived party to an international treaty to secede unilaterally if its adherence to the treaty was procured by deception, which was the case with Britain’s accession to the EEC in 1972.

But this stance does NOT make up for the arrogance of this Bolton fellow, who appears to think he can order the Brits around and spell out what he ‘expects’ of them, while insultingly ignoring the serial corruption and thievery of his own Government in the Wantagate connection in general, and the stealing of Her Majesty The Queen’s gold in particular.

True, the meeting between Gordon Brown and President Bush went so badly that they could hardly communicate at all – reportedly speaking at cross-purposes, with nothing being decided. This is hardly surprising, in view of the fact that Gordon Brown has a specific remit from HM The Queen to retrieve the Monarchy’s gold from the clutches of these American thieves without further ado, and the new Prime Minister’s host was the intelligence operative who may have ordered the gold to be stolen in the first place. As hostage, no doubt, against the Wantagate fallout.

Yesterday, the Editor was authoritatively informed that The Queen is furious that this outrage has not been resolved; and, for what it is worth, so is this Editor. The Queen’s gold is indeed no doubt being held hostage and may even, in part, have been alienated in the ill-informed expectation that some power or other in London would start ordering this Editor around in the Wantagate context.

If that was ever one of the crude calculations behind ‘Act of War’ against the United Kingdom committed (with inside assistance from British and Mossad-linked Israeli traitors) by the United States Government, once again there has been a serious strategic miscalculation in Washington.

For, as will have been seen from our two most recent Wantagate reports, the situation has passed the point of no return and all involved are, a respected US source tells us, ‘beyond forgiveness’.

As of last weekend, the reserves of Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank, The Bank of England, Bank of America and Citibank were understood to have been encumbered by the ‘levy’ that we described in the preceding report – necessitated by the delivery of $6.0+ trillion by the Bank of England to Bank of New York Mellon, a securities firm, of which $4.5 trillion should at once have been transferred to the securities account of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., with Morgan Stanley, New York within Citibank NA.

Any failure by those six institutions to procure the immediate transfer by Bank of New York Mellon of the $4.5 trillion to the Ambassador and his corporation as beneficiary will have implicated them as co-conspirators with Bank of New York Mellon in securities fraud. The stark reality of this state of affairs was, we understand, borne in on all concerned in Monday morning, and following our last report; but the necessary outcome remains to be revealed.

The careers of a significant number of very high-level bankers are in extreme jeopardy because of this, as is the future existence and ownership of several of the largest institutions in the world.

And all this has happened because of the relentless avarice of the Government which Mr Bolton served, and because of the criminality of the intelligence rats’ nets from which he emerged.

Instead of lecturing the Brits about his expectations of the Special Relationship, this Bolt-on fellow should crawl back into his CIA rats’ nest and campaign from the inside for a comprehensive purge of every single CIA and related US intelligence operative with current or traceable connections (of any kind) to the Nazi Abwehr and its modern-day ‘Black’ successor, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau. That would be a more constructive use of his CIA time.

Quite clearly, Mr Bolt-on doesn’t like the European Union Collective, which certainly represents the realisation of the Pan-Europa idolatry developed by the Nazis and promulgated in their blueprint compendium entitled Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (viz., European Economic Community), published in Berlin in 1942 by Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Paschke, copies of which may be viewed at the British Library, London, and in the Staastbibliothek, Berlin.

The chapter headings of this Nazi blueprint document are almost identical to the chapter headings of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union. This whole subject of the two-pronged long-range German deception strategy to achieve control and dominance over the ‘Main Enemy’ (Britain and America), as a stepping stone to achieving global hegemony – using the Bavarian Illuminati ‘cutout’ penetration offensive as cover – is addressed in the Editor’s work, The New Underworld Order [Edward Harle Limited, London & New York]: see the Intelligence Books section of this website.

So, enough already of your opinionated arrogance, Mr Bolt-on: and if you are such an influential figure, instead of slagging us off in your newspaper rampages, why don’t you start making amends to us by pressurising your corrupt colleagues to procure the restoration of The Queen’s gold, with interest to boot?

If you lack the clout to do this, leave off telling us what to do, would you?

And crawl back where you came from.

Notes and References:
(1) As confirmed by the continuing (secret) head of the KGB, Mikhail Gorbachev, during a brief visit to London on 23rd March 2000.
(2) That the EU Collective is indeed a long-range strategic deception and entanglement operation originally devised by the Nazi Pan-German intelligentsia is exposed in detail with the assistance of German Nazi documentation, in the Editor’s latest work, The New Underworld Order, Edward Harle Limited, London and New York (2007), available from the Intelligence Books section of this website.


Note: This list may be incomplete. See the preceding website report for NASD and SEC regulations breached by the securities house Bank of New York Mellon, in which Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Citibank and the Bank of England will be or may now be complicit should they fail to procure the immediate crediting by the Bank of New York Mellon of $4.5 trillion to the Morgan Stanley securities account of Ambassador Wanta’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based AmeriTrust Corporation, Inc.

Recall that in the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is no relevant Statute of Limitations:

• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminal activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and absolute contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Sir Leo Wanta’s funds.

The Directors and others listed in Part 1 of the Wantagate Listing of Institution Directors and others posted on 11th June may likewise be Accessories to the Fact of, and/or co-conspirators in, wittingly or unwittingly, the egregious violation of the laws itemised above.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

An announcement about the new Wantagate issue of International Currency Review, (544 pages) and its 48-page Supplement showing the Wanta-related documents released by the Ronald Reagan Library by consent of the National Security Agency, will be posted in the near future, on the second (Books/Subs) panel, Home Page.

The Ronald Reagan Library documents prove of course that Leo Emil Wanta advised and served President Reagan personally. In the massive forthcoming Wantagate ICR, the Editor has assembled all the Presidential Pardons dished out by President Clinton, to demonstrate that the vast majority of those pardoned by that particular criminal US President were drug dealers, money-launderers, financial criminalists, murderers-for-hire, and perpetrators of abominations familiar to students of organised crime. It was with particular interest that the Editor noticed that some of those pardoned had been imprisoned for ‘Misprision of felony’*. This section, called ‘Pardongate’ will be found in the front part of the forthcoming issue. (One poor fellow was imprisoned for stealing four pounds of butter, which adds to our perception that, on the same penal tariff, the perpetrators of the financial crimes that we have had to expose, face several lifetimes in the US GULAG each).

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review [ISSN 0020-6490] cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier Wantagate reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, malevolent suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.



Thursday 5 April 2007 01:11


1. The telecommunications problems which we kicked up a stink about in the middle of the night of 6th-7th April, invoking the assistance of British Telecom’s ‘special department’, were miraculously resolved and ALL our telecommunications have been restored (New York, London and the country private office of the Editor). Therefore, the paragraphs about the illegal NSA/CIA interference have been removed from this location and placed at the foot of this updated version of the report below, which was originally posted on 5th April 2007. It is retained at the foot of this report, for the record.

2. A further letter has been sent by Ambassador Leo Wanta’s Attorney to relevant parties following the anticipated failure of the Criminal Investigations Division of the FBI to have the courtesy to respond to Mr Henry’s previous letter, written on the Ambassador’s instructions, demanding a criminal investigation into the continuing theft, illegal diversion and exploitation of his funds.

The new letter is also appended at the foot of this posting, immediately below the Ambassador’s coordinates, which we have been publishing for general information purposes for many months. Please read this new letter, because it has served the purpose of cracking more of the thin ice upon which these criminal thieves have been skating. Further very dramatic developments are anticipated in the near future. Do not be concerned that the ‘sidestream’ media continue to ignore the biggest financial corruption crisis in world history. They are compromised, bribed and part of the problem. But an ‘end-run’ around the media, which has become irrelevant, has been achieved.


1. The BBC Six O’Clock News showed the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, walking out of Number 10 Downing Street to the waiting microphone, and stating baldly that there had been absolutely ‘no concessions or side deals’ by the British authorities that had resulted in the release of the military personnel by the Iranian authorities. Mr Blair broadcast this inaccurate statement wearing the ‘most sincere’ expression in his adaptable facial armoury.

Please be immediately advised that the British Prime Minister is a barefaced liar. The sum of money paid by Britain to Mr Dinner Jacket for the release of the British personnel, was 25 million EUROS.

2. The same BBC Six O’Clock News reported the parallel deaths of four British servicemen in Basra. The TV camera showed various pieces of pipe bombs and other bomb parts on display recently by British military officials. One of the components shown was a finely engineered component which the TV camera clearly showed was marked: LOT-116.

The Iranian, Soviet, German, French and Italian bomb manufacturers DO NOT LABEL THEIR BOMB COMPONENTS WITH THE USE OF THE ENGLISH WORD ‘LOT’. So we checked with impeccable US sources and pointed out sharply that American bombs are being used to blow British soldiers to smithereens. One source said that the bombs being used for this purpose might be Canadian, but that they are indeed almost certainly American – adding that ‘I have known about this for the past 25 years. I am not surprised at this at all’. British ‘deads’, then, are no more than ‘collateral damage’.

3. The British Government’s payment of 25 million EUROS in ransom money for the release of the British military personnel has DESTABILISED CHENEY’S PLAN TO BOMB IRAN BACK INTO THE STONE AGE AND WE LEARN THIS MORNING FROM OUR AUTHORITATIVE SOURCES THAT HE IS FURIOUS. The massacre of the four British troops in Basra with US-made bombs may have been perpetrated by the Americans in brutal retaliation for the deal made by the British with the Iranians, however sordid it was. The ‘Special Relationship’ is unravelling as collateral damage of Wantagate.

In recent weeks, the vast WANTAGATE scandal that we have been reporting since June last year has ‘matured’ behind the scenes, with prospectively decisive consequences for the United States and for the whole world. The corrupt ‘sidestream’ press, which is part of the problem, has covered up everything to date: but the reverberations of this unravelling morass of financial corruption scandals are now so extended, as to guarantee that the world can never be the same again.

We have been greatly privileged to be able to report, in something approaching ‘real time’, how the corrupt criminalist elite seized control of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta’s agreed Settlement funds of $4.5 trillion in June 2006, with the arrival of Mr Henry M. ‘Conflict-of-Interest’ Paulson as Secretary of the US Treasury, after the sudden removal of John Snow.

It is now clear that Mr Paulson came to office with the apparent intention of retaining control of the Ambassador’s funds in order to generate vast accruals of fiat ‘funny’ money, averaging $200 billion overnight, and thus aggregating more than $1.0 trillion PER WEEK; and that the May 2006 Leo Emil Wanta Settlement agreement, signed off by the US President, Supreme Court Justices, leading US legislators and other members of the corrupt DC Establishment, was deliberately negotiated with Ambassador Leo Wanta IN BAD FAITH in order to scam him on an open-ended basis. Although the financial criminals have ‘succeeded’, for a time, they are being held to the May 2006 accord, to their great anger and annoyance – even as their arrogance and theft has been progressively exposed.

As we shall see, their stolen ‘fiat money’ accruals are now being snatched from them in cyberspace.

Ladies and Gentleman: The criminal gangsters and their bankster colleagues have in recent days ALL been caught ‘in flagrante’ handling stolen funds; and their secret unreported, untaxed offshore bank accounts are in the process of being denuded of their contents ‘as we speak’.

This is exactly as we expected: and all those who complained that ‘it can’t be true because the mainstream media haven’t reported it’ are about to learn that, despite the media’s corrupt silence, WANTAGATE EXPOSES THE BIGGEST FINANCIAL CORRUPTION SCANDAL IN WORLD HISTORY. The massive nest of intelligence and banking sector mafia vipers is suddenly finding that offshore accounts are empty and credit card privileges have been abruptly withdrawn. Some of the arrogant perpetrators have been reduced to borrowing money from staff and can’t even raise enough cash to buy groceries, let alone to pay their utility bills. And Washington is buzzing with similar reports.

As WANTAGATE unravels, Governments may fall. Prominent personages may vanish from the scene. Massive financial institutions will merge and subsequently disappear. The Federal Reserve will be folded, as predicted. The sheer scale of the clean-up and the resulting purges will, over time, astonish all those who have preferred the posture of the ostrich and who have been wasting their time, and ours, trying (without success) to discredit us. Certain despicable US intelligence hacks have already had their come-uppance on this score.

So let us begin:

On Thursday 22nd March 2007, scores of police officers in and from Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Italy raided various offices inter alia at the headquarters of the institutionally corrupt European Commission in Brussels, as well as banks, corporate offices and private homes, in a coordinated series of raids at dawn. This caught the international official criminalist classes by surprise.

The International Herald Tribune reported on Tuesday 27th March 2007 that Belgian Prosecutors had indicated that the raids had been undertaken in connection with investigations into alleged corruption at the European Commission. It will be recalled that back in October 2005, International Currency Review devoted an entire issue to rampant and institutionalised corruption inside the EC structures: indeed the first report on our website Archive, dated 12th October 2005 [entitled ‘E.U. TREATIES PROCURED BY PAYOLA CORRUPTION’], gave details of our findings published in that issue. It remains posted here, and is highly relevant as background to what is happening today.

The Brussels Prosecutor’s Office said that three people had been detained in the raids, which included searches by more than 150 Belgian Federal Police officers of the European Commission’s ugly and sprawling headquarters in Brussels.

Also searched was the office of an aide to the European Parliament (which the Editor of this service attended shortly prior to his recent visit to the United States). The International Herald Tribune’s report noted that the Judge handling the case had, as of 26th March 2007, ‘not yet decided whether those who had been detained would be arrested’ (but, again: see below).

In Belgium, about 30 properties were separately raided, while some dozen properties were raided simultaneously in Italy. The Belgian Prosecutor’s Office reported that the multiple raids, in which investigators and police had seized large numbers of documents, had taken place at crack of dawn in order to preserve an element of surprise. They also promulgated a useful ‘cover story’ for public consumption purposes, which was independently confirmed to us by a prominent Member of the European Parliament, who is also a friend and colleague of ours, Ashley Mote MEP. Ashley further provided first-hand corroboration to the Editor that the raids had indeed taken place.

The ‘cover story’ (which may well be accurate as far as it goes, but which does not ‘illuminate’ what we are about to disclose) was that the raids formed elements of a three-year ongoing investigation into contracts for European Commission housing and security equipment said to be ‘required’ for the purposes of providing appropriate security and accommodation for European Commission officials ‘working’ abroad. A comprehensive catalogue of such egregious EC financial scamming was published in International Currency Review, Volume 30, #4 (Archive report: 12th October 2005).

But in addition to this ‘line’, which was retailed for public consumption and misled everyone, Belgian Prosecutors told the International Herald Tribune that investigators were examining whether European Union officials ‘have links to organised crime, have violated professional secrets and have breached public procurement legislation’.

In a statement, the Brussels Prosecutor’s Office stated that ‘the investigation involves the suspected bribery of European civil servants, forming a criminal organisation, violating professional secrecy, breaches of public tender laws, and forgery’.

Such activities have been consistently exposed by Ashley Mote MEP, a Member of the European Parliament’s Budgetary Control Committee and also a sitting Member of the European Parliament’s Committee that purports to supervise the ‘work’ of OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office, which Mr Mote has demonstrated exists for the almost exclusive purpose of masking the institutionalised fraud that bedevils this corrupt and unaccountable nomenklaturist octopus.

Ashley has submitted a damaging report to a House of Lords Committee of Enquiry into European Commission Corruption, incorporating the devastating findings of experts, including 17 specialist accountants, and concluding that evidence provided by present and former EC officials consists of a pack of egregious lies. We will be publishing the entire text of Ashley Mote’s report, together with other specific evidence of rampant EC fraud and corruption, in International Currency Review.

Separately, a French police spokesman informed Bloomberg News that two Italian Members of the European Parliament were implicated and were alleged to have connections to organised crime. In view of what is starting to unravel in the United States, where organised crime controls both the Executive AND the Legislative Branch, this revelation not only comes as no surprise to informed observers such as Ashley Mote MEP, but will be shown represent the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

The European Commission’s spokesman, Johannes Laitenberger, declined to comment on the EC corruption allegations other than via the following knee-jerk statement: ‘It would be inappropriate for the Commission to comment on any aspects of this investigation. Until the end of the enquiry and the facts are established, presumption of innocence must prevail’.

The Editor is in a position to explain at first-hand what this obfuscatory statement meant. During his recent visit to the European Parliament, he was invited by Ashley Mote MEP to attend a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee that is supposed to oversee OLAF, the EC’s (fake) ‘anti-fraud’ entity. During that and an earlier visit, he learned that the standard EC technique in face of embarrassing revelations, is to ‘open an enquiry’. After perhaps six months, another, ‘separate’ enquiry into the SAME allegations is initiated. Some further months later, a third ‘enquiry’ begins ‘its work’.

The first ‘enquiry’ then suspends its ‘work’, pending the completion of the other enquiries (which tend to multiply rapidly in number). Since there is always at least one ‘enquiry’ the ‘work’ of which remains ‘incomplete’, no actual ‘decisions’ on the case are taken – the object of the exercise being to ‘kick’ the issue beyond touch-line (namely, the end of the current Commission’s six-year term).

Then, with the arrival of the new European Commission, any fresh attempt to ‘reopen’ the case is met with the ‘that was then, this is now’ syndrome, and ‘it’s not our responsibility’. Indeed, during the Committee session attended by your correspondent in February this year, Ashley Mote’s very pointed and wounding observations on OLAF’s failure to do anything besides covering up the EC’s institutionalised corruption were met with abuse from the platform, along the lines of ‘we don’t want to hear about this any more’.

So it is not surprising that Mr Mote has been obliged to file a damaging critique of the European Commission’s endemic corruption to the House of Lords’ Committee of Enquiry, and has separately delivered two dossiers on related high-level British Government malfeasance, BBC funding and EC corruption to Mr John Yates, the Deputy Commissioner at Scotland Yard, for his specialist staff’s urgent attention with a view to launching the necessary overdue corruption investigations.

A different ‘take’ on the raids appeared in a report filed from Brussels by Mark Beunderman on 28th March 2007, seen by the Editor of this service. According to his summary, just one lone European Commission official and a single European Parliament assistant were arrested on Wednesday 28th March, facing charges of corruption in respect of European Commission tenders for its pampered delegations’ buildings in Albania and India. The two people, both of Italian nationality (see above), were held in custody by Belgian authorities following raids by Belgian Federal Police on offices at the European Commission and in the European Parliament building on the preceding day. And an Italian ‘businessman’ living just outside Brussels was also arrested on 28th March.

At the Belgian Prosecutor’s Office, Mr Jos Colpin, who stated that ‘there were bribes of tens of millions of Euros for more than ten years’, confirmed that the names of the three arrested Italian nationals are as follows:

• Giancarlo Ciotti, a European Commission official, aged 46.
• Sergio Tricarico, aged 39, assistant to an Italian MEP, Gianni Rivera.
• Angelo Troiano, aged 60, a ‘general businessman’ and real estate dealer.

According to Mark Beunderman’s report, Jos Colpin continually amended and corrected earlier statements. For instance, he subsequently said that the raids on 27th March had involved only one European Commission building in Brussels, and not, as ‘reported earlier’, European Commission premises in Luxembourg, Italy and France (which none of the published reports had mentioned). In those three countries, the searches, he said, involved private individuals, banks and corporations. However the International Herald Tribune had stated, as fact, that police from the four countries participated in the raids, and that the main focus of the raids were the EC offices in Brussels.

Since some of the ‘revised’ information came from the European Commission itself, the resulting confusion may have been contrived: and we will shortly tell you why. For the record, the EC officials were now saying that the media had been incorrect in stating that the dawn raids had taken place in the EC’s Berlaymont building, but that they had occurred in a building that houses the offices of the EC’s External Relations bureaucracy (RELEX).

However, as will be seen, none of this matters, given what will be reviewed below: and in light of what follows, it would have been surprising if desperate attempts at obfuscation by the European Commission had not been attempted. After falsely narrowing the field of alleged malefactors down to a mere handful, EC sources were now suggesting that bribes from real estate and security firms were taken in respect of EC construction projects in New Delhi and Tirana, Albania. According to Stern magazine, the Italian Commission official, Giancarlo Ciotti, had had his house renovated in exchange for granting EC tenders to an Italian business contact. On 28th March, OLAF itself joined in the (by now) orchestrated obfuscation operation, with the following ponderous observation:

‘It is difficult at this stage to assess the possible financial impact on the EU Budget as the services due under the various contracts have been delivered, even though it is suspected that contracts may have been awarded in an irregular manner’.

The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that the mentioned arrests followed a tip-off by a Finnish construction company which had been asked to pay a bribe worth 345,000 Euros for the privilege of obtaining a tender for the European Commission in India. And by the end of March, the Commission was conspicuously trying to play down the raids and arrests completely, dismissing out of hand perfectly accurate comparisons with other high-profile scandals that have disgraced this corrupt collectivist institution in recent years, and which we ourselves drew to the attention of the entire compromised British ‘mainstream’ press in 2005, without success.

On 31st March, Le Figaro reported that ‘all the accomplices’ in the case ‘are yet to be identified’. It then noted that ‘several people in France had been questioned, and that bank accounts had been seized in Belgium and Luxembourg’. That was closer to the mark. But all these muddled reports left what really mattered unstated. And what really mattered has had astonishing consequences.

In reality, a total of 136 officials, bankers, ‘businessmen’ and politicians had been apprehended, arrested or interrogated in the course of these coordinated developments in various European capitals, which the press helped the European Commission’s panicking officials to obfuscate. As the Editor understands what happened, the 136 people implicated were required, at a minimum, to disgorge detailed information about financial transactions, secret offshore bank accounts, and other incriminating details about their hidden financial operations.

Furthermore, the ‘detail’ about EC housing and security contracts in India and Albania represented a facade of diversionary claptrap. For the raids and arrests were directly related to the corruption in Washington that we have been reporting for the past year. And we DO mean DIRECTLY RELATED.

For, in the course of disgorging secret banking account and transactions information to the police and investigators, the Europeans who were picked up in late March 2007 implicated people at the highest levels in Washington, DC – on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch. THIS IS THE DIRECT CONSEQUENCE OF THE EUROPEAN RAIDS. The numbers of US criminalists whose secret offshore bank accounts and transactions have been exposed as a specific consequence of this European police haul is said to be of the order of 1,500, according to several informants we have consulted. All this information has been verified prior to the publication of this report.

Earlier in March, we were also informed by our own special sources that immense bribes had been handed out left, right and centre by high US officials, so that repeated efforts to thwart the criminal theft, diversion and exploitation of the Ambassador’s funds, would continue to be frustrated. But what we have only recently learned is that several of the very highest International Court of Justice (ICJ) Judges have taken bribes, in exchange for repeatedly granting the likes of President George W. Bush Jr., Vice President Richard Cheney, Henry M. Paulson, Michael Chertoff, Dr Ben Bernanke, Alberto Gonzales, Senator Hillary Clinton and others, and the 1,500 DC politicians and their staffers, immunity from international prosecution.

(Although misguided supporters of operatives such as Cheney keep pointing out that the ICJ’s writ doesn’t run in the United States (unless authorised to be applicable by the US Supreme Court), as though we somehow never knew this, constantly running the high risk of an ICJ warrant and being arrested abroad, as happened to Mr Paulson, is a serious irritant, causes constant anxiety and lack of sleep, and prevents freedom of external movement, especially for high officials like Mr Paulson).

In a nutshell, the top criminal operatives holding high office believed that, since ICJ Judges had accepted bribes, thereby setting a precedent for the acceptance of further bribes, the criminal operatives’ immunity was guaranteed – so that all that would now be necessary would be periodic (regular?) ‘confrontations’ with the ICJ, followed by escalating transfers into secret bank accounts.

These ongoing bribes and transactions, however, were – like the underlying illegal transactions themselves – being monitored using enhancements of PROMIS software: and time was running out for the criminalist usurpers of power in the United States who have been cynically exploiting their privileged positions for personal gain and to amass ‘fiat money’ for global hegemony purposes.

The repeated ‘preparations’ for the payment of the Wanta Settlement which we have had to record for posterity in our website postings and in International Currency Review and associated journals, turn out, with the benefit of the new information and hindsight, to have been subsidiary ongoing scamming operations. Every time the payments were ‘loaded’ and were said to be ‘ready to go’, the criminal gangsters and corrupt banksters stood ready to cream vast sums off the top, having been reassured that there would always be a ‘computer glitch’ or some other ‘valid’ pretext for the Wanta Settlement payment being aborted. They have repeated this trick countless times since last June.

For instance, Senator Grassley started pontificating that the Ambassador could not be trusted with such a large sum of money – a libellous reversal of the truth of the matter, which is precisely that none of the US criminal operatives can be trusted at all, in contrast to Ambassador Leo Wanta, who was ‘taken down’ not least because he stood in the way of this cabal of corrupt banksters, officials and operatives who have since been helping themselves to Wanta’s $27.5 trillion of funds held in bank accounts belonging to his Title 18, Section 6 corporations as sole Principal.

Grassley chose to ‘forget’ that this issue should have been raised BEFORE, not after, the signature of the May 2006 Settlement accord, and that he should have raised his objections THEN. But that wouldn’t have been in the interest of these cynical people – given that the May 2006 Settlement accord (to which they are being firmly held) was negotiated by these crude reprobates in bad faith.

Grassley also overlooked the relevant fact that President Reagan trusted (for good reason) NO ONE in the US Federal Government and its structures, with the single exception of Leo Wanta. And the late President trusted Leo Emil Wanta for the straightforward reason that he could, and can, be trusted, to the Editor’s certain first-hand knowledge. Leo’s trustworthiness sets him far apart from almost all the other operatives – which is precisely why they had him removed from the stage. For he had resisted illegal demands by two Presidents for funds to be stolen for their personal benefit, and he further annotated, on a Federal Reserve print-out of financial transactions, the diversion of $1.0 billion by a Spanish institution to Panama, in favour of Pilgrim Investments and ‘Jorge’ Bush. We have repeatedly published a facsimile of this document in International Currency Review.

Reverting to the recent time-line, we understand that as soon as the bribery of ICJ Judges became known in ‘special’ circles, the Hague ‘Justice’ institution received certain visitors who demanded that the ICJ cease its prevarication forthwith – only to be told to ‘shove off’. (This, by the way, was the typically arrogant reaction of Henry M. Paulson Jr., when he was sharply confronted in London by British intelligence officers during a UK stopover earlier in March).

Upon being given this expected brush-off by the corrupted ICJ personnel, the powerful ‘visitors’ left ICJ officials pondering their parting observation that ‘there’s more than one way to skin a cat’.

On checking out the meaning of this with unimpeachable sources, the Editor was told (forgive the vernacular) that ‘They pissed off the wrong people’. You can say that again.

Because, all of a sudden, following the events in Europe in the final week of March, funds in secret US-held bank accounts began vanishing into cyberspace, followed by the sudden deactivation of credit cards. It is against this background that we have received, from several sources, anecdotal reports that well-known Beltway personalities whose secret offshore bank accounts have ‘become known’, have been encountering problems purchasing groceries, paying their utilities bills and generally making ends meet – with several instances already reported of DC personalities actually attempting to borrow money from members of their staffs. Indeed, there are corroborating reports that such information has become a main topic of anxious conversation inside the Beltway.

In a separate, closely related, development, a ‘glitch’ was reported in the United Kingdom’s B.A.C.S. electronic financial transactions processing system on 29th March 2007, preventing up to 400,000 UK people from being paid on the last Friday of the month (and of the UK financial year). Sources indicated that the B.A.C.S. had been running slowly, although the matter was expected to have been resolved by the end of that weekend. UK cash machines were also reported to have been liable to refuse withdrawals. Was this development a ‘coincidence’? NO IT WAS NOT A COINCIDENCE.

Although this huge ‘computer glitch’ occurred at the virtual end of the British financial year, its coincidence with the escalating financial implosion outlined in this report, did not go unnoticed. For it, too, was DIRECTLY RELATED to the huge crisis that is unfolding behind the scenes, and which is being hidden from the public on both sides of the Atlantic by the controlled ‘sidestream’ media. This fact has been authoritatively verified for us, like everything else in this report.

In this connection it is understood that certain parties have pressed US media outlets to release the names of prominent US personalities who have been arrested and who have misappropriated vast sums of ‘fiat’ money based on the Ambassador’s $4.5 trillion – with all such requests turned down flat, confirming of course that the controlled media are part of the corruption crisis problem.

For our part, we remain unconcerned that the so-called ‘mainstream’ media are being exposed as being Black collaborators in what has become the biggest financial corruption cover-up of all time – since an ‘end-run’ has been accomplished round the US newspapers and broadcast entities, which has left them looking compromised and ridiculous. This is not to say that our own communications have not been illegally tampered with by the US National Security Agency (NSA): they have been, but the resulting problems have been consistently overcome.

Amid this mayhem, severe warnings about dealings with Bank of America, Wachovia and Chase are being widely circulated – to which the Editor would have to add Goldman Sachs, given that Henry M. ‘Conflict of Interest’ Paulson insulted everyone’s intelligence by retaining sole signatory control for a time over Ambassador Wanta’s $4.5 trillion ‘real’ C.H.I.P.S. resources account maintained with the institution over which he had been Chief Executive Officer until he was ‘switched’ to preside over the scamming of the Ambassador’s funds under the cover provided by his position of trust as US Treasury Secretary. This is the worst conflict of interest in recorded global financial history.

It is understood that immense amounts of stolen funds have already been recovered following the European raids and arrests, and that this process is continuing. One source speaks of hundreds of billions of dollars, but we suspect that very much larger sums are being collected, as the balances in more and more illegally unreported, US-held offshore accounts duly ‘vanish into cyberspace’.

There are many who have been telling us that this would never happen. They were deluded – victims of the ‘Psy-Ops’ warfare that these criminalists have been waging against the rest of us, persuading most Americans that the permanent hegemony of such ruthlessly powerful criminal financial scamming networks has become an ‘irreversible’ fixture of human existence. The very opposite is the case. Expect the crisis to worsen, as WANTAGATE runs completely out of control.

On the contrary, far from being able to ‘complete’ their mad New World Ordnung with the impunity to which they had become accustomed, the implicated criminalists, corrupt intelligence operatives, US legislators and staffers, holders of high Executive Branch office, corrupted Justices and others, are being deprived of their stolen nest-eggs and reduced at breakneck speed to imminent poverty.

They played with Ambassador Wanta’s funds for nine months – implying possible illegal unreported, untaxed, aggregate, ‘hidden’ offshore ‘fiat’ money accruals of the order of at least $54,750 billion (EXCLUDING COMPOUNDING), of which they are now in the process of being abruptly relieved.

Yes, they ‘blew it’. And some of them may, even now, not yet understand this reality.

And that’s only a first step. According to another impeccable source, it is believed that George H. W. Bush Sr. – who combined the positions of Director of Central Intelligence and then President of the United States with his ongoing responsibility for the Nazi Continuum, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau – may actually die penniless. This is what happened to President Ferdinand Marcos of The Philippines. When the Godfather dies, his assets are stripped away from him by his ‘friends’.

As Mrs Barbara Bush is reported to have shouted at Dubya last year: ‘You have ruined our family’. Never mind that her husband has almost ruined the United States, in the service of GERMANY.

With the unravelling of WANTAGATE, the United States will finally acquire a new lease of life – since as soon as The Wanta Plan starts financial operations, the US Treasury will, as previously reported, receive an initial 35% taxation windfall of $1.575 trillion, followed by tax accruals resulting from the application of legal trading programs aggregating up to $800 billion per banking week. Meanwhile the Commonwealth of Virginia awaits its tax windfall of $270 billion, while the State of Pennsylvania is looking for large tax windfall payments as well.

And the United States’ century-long deficit-financing orgy will move into reverse, freeing future generations from the oppressive tax burden that would otherwise be inevitable and would ensure the progressive impoverishment of the country. Then, with the ‘abolition’ of financial corruption on a scale that the world has never known, perhaps American politics will ‘clean up its act’, as well.

In this connection, note that there are already many candidates crowding the 2008 US Presidential Election. Now why should this be? Simple answer: Secret Service protection. People like the former Governor of Wisconsin, Tommy Thompson, may consider that such protection is imperative over the next 18 months. And guess what: they could be right.


For the sake of good order, we reproduce again the list of Statutes etc. of which the officials and institutions in question remain in breach. This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and total contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s funds:


US laws breached by President Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Henry M. Paulson, Robert M. Kimmitt, Michael Chertoff, other officials previously named in these reports, all members of G. W. Bush’s Cabinet, and the Boards of Directors of Goldman Sachs and Co, Bank of America, Citibank Group, Wachovia Bank, JPMorganChase, Bank of Nova Scotia, Chemical Bank, First Union Bank and other US and foreign institutions, including the Bank of England, which have been illegally exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s tagged and earmarked $4.5 trillion Settlement money, always intended for the benefit of the American people and for the paying down of the US Treasury’s background debt:

• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC]
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions
being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001

Here is the text of the new letter, with a preamble by the Editor of International Currency Review:

ADDENDUM [Posted 7th April 2007]:

As expected, the letter to Alberto Gonzales from Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta requesting a criminal investigation into the illegal diversion and exploitation of his $4.5 trillion Settlement funds was not answered, indicating that Mr Gonzales is a criminal operative and that the CIA-penetrated Federal Bureau of Investigation does not exist to support the Rule of Law, but rather to protect the criminal mafia-operatives who have seized power in the United States and whose shelf-life has expired as a direct consequence of their cynical intention to avoid fulfilment of their obligations to Leo Wanta under the May 2006 agreement. Before anyone contacts the Editor to say ‘what did you expect?’, please be advised that, naturally, the Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. did not anticipate receiving any response: why would the corrupted and controlled FBI and the US Department of Injustice suddenly ‘go straight’? We are dealing with the mafia criminalist classes, after all. No, the intention was not to elicit the formal response which ought to have been forthcoming, but rather to demonstrate the reality that the FBI and the US Department of Injustice are corrupted organisations that are engaged in protecting the backsides of the criminal operatives who have stolen trillions of dollars, including the funds belonging to Ambassador Leo Wanta as sole Principal; and that their job is to keep on protecting these thieves regardless of the consequences.

The primary method used to prevent US law enforcement fulfilling its responsibilities is massive bribery, of which damning evidence is accumulating by the day, in parallel with knowledge of the perpetrators’ secret unreported, untaxed offshore bank accounts.

These criminals have all miscalculated badly, and are skating on such thin ice that many of them have fallen into freezing cold waters and will wind up paying a sky-high price for their arrogance in ways that none of them will have anticipated. Many of them will languish in jail for the rest of their lives and will experience the fate to which their illegal machinations have condemned numerous innocent opponents who suffer in the massive unreported US GULAG to this day. Large numbers of their opponents have, to use the fashionably unpleasant jargon, been ‘whacked’ for standing up to these monstrously corrupt usurpers of power and traitors to the American people.

In order to highlight the collapse of law enforcement and justice in the United States for the whole world to see, Thomas E. Henry, an Attorney at Law for Ambassador Leo Wanta, has distributed, on the Ambassador’s instructions, the following letter dated 5th April 2007 to the named recipients, to relevant State and House Judiciary Committees, to concerned national and foreign Government associated parties, and to relevant national and foreign concerned private business interests in the United States and worldwide.

The letter was only accessed by the Editor of International Currency Review on 7th April, due to the communications difficulties alluded to in this report, which were miraculously ‘resolved’ overnight of 6th-7th April, after we posted our vigorous complaint on the subject and invoked the assistance of British Telecom’s ‘special department’. [The telecommunications complaint text, posted in the middle of last night, has now been moved to the foot of this website posting].

The text of Mr Henry’s letter dated 7th April 2007 reads as follows:

Attorney at Law
[Address and coordinates withheld]

April 5, 2007-04-07

Honorable George Bush
President of the United States of America
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500

Honorable Alberto Gonzales
Attorney General of the United States
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Office of the Attorney General
Washington DC 20530

Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Madame Speaker of the House of Representatives
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515-0508

Honorable Henry A Waxman
House Office Building
2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515-0530

Honorable Richard Cheney
Vice President of the United States
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500

James H Burrus Jr.
Criminal Investigations Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20535-0001

Honorable Barney Frank
House Office Building
2252 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515-2104

Mr Glenn Fine
Inspector General
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20530-0001

Re: Circumvention and avoidance, by public (USG) and private individuals/entities acting individually, jointly and/or in conspiracy with others that illegally restrict and/or interfere with the named recipient’s (Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc) ability to take possession and/or have access to lawfully deposited monies and/or financial instruments.

Dear Mr President, Mr Vice President, Madame Speaker and Gentlepersons:

Multiple communications have been directed to law enforcement agencies, investigative bureaus and parties entrusted with enforcing the public rules, laws and regulations of this great nation.

My client’s specific purpose in writing to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies was to REPORT A SERIES OF CRIMES and request the assistance of law enforcement agencies in enforcing the “laws of the land”. Specific criminal acts have been delineated and perpetrators identified in prior communications.

My clients now reiterate their demand that appropriate parties investigate the identified crimes immediately. The criminal acts being orchestrated by USG officials/agents and cooperative private parties must be stopped and the criminals held accountable. Bringing the referenced parties before appropriate tribunals will be honored by the citizenry of the United States of America.

Each recipient of this letter is aware that the overt acts committed in furtherance of the criminal enterprise/conspiracy that has been identified by my clients restricts the immediate payment of $1.575 trillion dollars into the United States Treasury. There is no legitimate purpose that justifies the commission of criminal acts by USG officials that damages the lawful rights of each American citizen. The self-motivated acts of the identified criminal perpetrators must be stopped immediately.

The criminal acts complained of by my clients are corroborated and are subject to proffered verification by several parties. The mentioned corroborating witnesses hold positions of authority where the information they offer represents first hand knowledge. In one instance we have been advised that a nominated “Secretary” of a pertinent USG Department directed that his staff instruct a witness that the witness should refrain from assisting my clients. The mentioned witness was advised that failure to comply with the directions given by the nominated “Secretary” would result in the witness being subjected to the virtual wrath of the entirety of the “Patriot Acts”.

The claims made by my clients are not frivolously made and are not proffered premised on dreams induced by delusional euphoria. I have been assured by my clients that evidentiary confirmation that verifies the commission of the alleged crimes, by the named perpetrators, is readily available on the “home front”. Should something accidentally restrict the ability to use locally stored material then copies that are available in other environments will be retrieved.

My clients have advised that appropriate “gag orders” will be honored upon the receipt and confirmation that funds have been deposited pursuant to previously provided Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., banking coordinates. The criminal perpetrators of acts/actions that prevent my clients’ unrestricted access and freedom of control over deposited funds (which are private property) should be expunged immediately.

If the perpetrators can not be encouraged to comply with the “Rule of Law” then a meeting must be scheduled to enable evidentiary matters to be discussed, recorded and preserved for the entirety of the criminal process. It is respectfully suggested that Mr Burrus take the lead in coordinating participation as may be deemed necessary to get off the “dime” and either follow the “Rule of Law” or accept the possibility that potential disclosures in an open environment may have impact stretching beyond the borders of the United States.

Thank you in advance for your immediate attention and I look forward to your timely response.

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas E. Henry

The following notes concerning illegal NSA/CIA interference with our telecommunications in New York, London and the Editor’s country private office, were posted at the head of this report in the middle of the night of 6th-7th April; but since the problems were miraculously cured following the posting of these notes, they have been removed from the head of the posting and are ‘filed’ below for the permanent record (to be included with other materials in our printed publications):


We now have specific proof of illegal clandestine NSA/CIA tampering and interference with our telecommunications, in order to block communications between ourselves and parties in the United States. We spell out the specifics as follows:

1. Shortly after we posted the report below, we were made aware of the fact that when anyone calls our New York number 212-447 5111 (to which the toll-free 1800-661 4809 number is linked), instead of getting through either to our voicemail or to one of us personally, the telephone rings and the connection is then terminated by THREE HIGH-PITCHED BEEPS. When Verizon were contacted by us, they stated that the problem is associated with the voicemail equipment, which is untrue. There is nothing wrong with the voicemail equipment. It was in perfect order when the Editor left the New York office very recently and it has NOT developed such a fault for no reason at all. Verizon stated that the line itself is OK. The person who spoke with us was unusually aggressive.

2. Today, a US contact whom we ourselves telephoned, and to whom we had given the coordinates enabling him to telephone our London telephone number direct, reported that he had attempted to contact us twice at the London number direct from the United States, only to encounter THE SAME THREE BEEPS. We reported this at once to British Telecom. The faults operator asked the Editor to remove the equipment from the jack, which he did. The faults operator then checked the line and discovered that THERE IS A FAULT IN THE STREET. This implies that someone entered a BT box between our office and the telephone exchange, and inserted an illegal loop. Such action would have been performed either by a clandestine operative working for the CIA/NSA with access to the box in the street in question, or else by a BT operative working clandestinely for the CIA/NSA or under contract through some cutout arrangement or other. The line fault in the street has been scheduled for correction on Tuesday morning. It had better be rectified. We have the BT order number for this fault and will be in touch with BT (see below) over the weekend and on Tuesday.

3. When we reported the London line fault, and it was identified as being a fault ‘in the street’, we agreed to British Telecom’s suggestion that incoming calls should be routed to the Editor’s country office number, which is [01144]-1844 338 247. We then performed a DIRECT line test to the country location nearly 70 miles away from the London office, only to find that 01844-338 247 delivers THE SAME THREE BEEPS and no service. We then started over again and reported this separate fault to British Telecom. They confirmed our findings. The Editor then explained to the Supervisor that we are engaged in activity to expose massive financial corruption at the highest levels in the United States, going back 15 years to the THEFT of the original $27.5 trillion of Ambassador Leo Wanta’s funds, and that some 1,500 people plus other high-level operatives in the United States have been feeding off these funds illegally since 1993, when the Ambassador was ‘taken down’. The British Telecom Supervisor undertook to transfer the case to a ‘special department’ within British Telecom which will be addressing the two identical ‘faults’ that we are suffering at the London and private (country) offices. These faults are, as noted above, IDENTICAL to the THREE-BEEP ‘FAULT’ identified on the 212-447 5111 New York office telephone number.

British Telecom’s special department will now be examining all aspects of these issues starting on Saturday and we will be in regular touch with them until this matter is resolved. They are charging us for services that are being denied to us as a direct consequence of illegal foreign interference with our telecoms systems; and this is unacceptable and prospectively actionable.

4. We have excellent cooperation from British Telecom, but rude and uncouth behaviour on the part of Verizon, which is controlled by the corrupt US intelligence community. Foreign interference with our US and UK systems (by CIA/NSA) is illegal and a complaint about this matter may be made to the equally corrupt International Court of Justice. We will not tolerate such gross illegality and will keep this website posted as to the outcome of this latest aberration by these US criminals.

5. They are desperate to prevent us continuing to expose them and are resorting to clandestine, illegal means of blocking our incoming communications traffic. The NSA/CIA are operating illegally and are openly perpetrating crimes against the Editor and his publishing corporation, without a valid cause. When the Editor is privileged to visit and travel in the United States, he is treated with great courtesy, friendliness, kindness and generosity: and this has been the case for the past 30+ years. His most loyal supporters reside in the United States. There is no need for these criminals to waste time and money compromising his communications: and this latest abomination, like every other ingredient from the NSA/CIA’s Black Box of Dirty Tricks, will turn out to be counterproductive.

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or the earlier Wanta Crisis reports. We are a private intelligence publishing house. Subscriptions to our services may be entered by pressing SUBSCRIBE against the selected title, and following the ultra-safe procedure. We have no subventions apart from our subscriptions and books income, and cannot spend unproductive time on Internet discussions. If you would like to enter into formal consultation arrangements with the Editor on a fee-paying basis, you need to go, in the first instance, to the Global Analysis Limited section of this website and send us details about your requirements. We charge for our time and cannot provide free advice on any of these issues. This is a business operation, and is nothing to do with any outside sponsorship.



Friday 26 January 2007 18:46

IMPORTANT UPDATES: 27th January 2007:

1. MISSING KATRINA FUNDS: In a belated indication that the ‘mainstream’ media are not totally asleep, The Wall Street Journal carried coverage today (Saturday) on the curious matter of the missing ‘Katrina funding’, asking: ‘Where is the Katrina money?’ It is now 17 months since that (orchestrated) catastrophe, and the promised funds for rehabilitation have not yet materialised. WHERE is the Katrina money? Answer: It has been diverted and corruptly exploited for fiat money generation purposes, just like the Wanta funds. It is now understood that the Katrina money will be paid out FOLLOWING disbursement, at long last, of the Wanta $4.5 trillion taxable Settlement funds, which are to be used for numerous major, delayed US projects and for underwriting the new capital markets instruments which the corrupt antics of the DC cleptocracy have delayed. The Wall Street Journal’s enquiry indicates, at last, that this eminent newspaper has ‘smelled a rat’ (it could hardly have done otherwise), and has decided to approach the crisis from an angle which will immediately resonate with the American people.

2. U.S. OFFICIALS GIVEN A HARD TIME AT DAVOS: News from the now concluded Davos ‘World Economic Forum’ event in Switzerland: US officials were given a hard time and were hauled over the coals by senior foreign Government figures who individually and collectively expressed their disgust and anger at the continued corruption of the US authorities and of named holders of high office. The US officials have only themselves to blame, although the fashion is to blame everyone else but onself. A lot of this is going on right now.

3. PAULSON IN OFFICE BUT NOT IN POWER: Concerning holders of high office, Henry M. Paulson is still in office (at the time of posting) but is not in power. Following his arrest fiasco, his wings have been severely clipped, and he has not been in control of the financial levers for many weeks, in sharp contrast to his earlier nauseating boasts to that effect. He is expected to resign on health grounds (rheumatoid arthritis in hands and feet?). Other senior resignations are expected, but of course their timing is dependent upon how the bitter divisions at the highest levels fall out in the days and weeks ahead.

4. LAWYER’S LETTER TO DEPUTY TREASURY SECRETARY AND THE C.E.O. OF CITIGROUP ET AL NOW APPENDED: The letter dated 24th January 2007 on behalf of Ambassador Wanta, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., from the high-level Republican Party lawyer Thomas E. Henry to Mr Robert M. Kimmitt, the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Harold Damelin, the US Treasury’s Inspector General, and to Mr Charles O. Prince, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of, CITIGROUP, Inc., and Ms Pamela Johnson, of the CITIGROUP, Inc. Anti-Money Laundering office, is now appended at the foot of this updated posting [as of 11.40pm, GMT, 27th January 2007]. Note, in the penultimate paragraph, the reference to ‘the substitution of parties’ – a suitably pointed allusion to the fact, explained above, that Henry M. Paulson is in office but is not in power, and does not control the financial levers.

5. AMERITRUST GROUPE, INC. LETTER TO DEPUTY TREASURY SECRETARY AND TO THE TREASURY’S INSPECTOR GENERAL IS ALSO NOW APPENDED: A letter dated 22nd January 2007 from AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., to Mr Robert M. Kimmitt, the Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury, copied to Mr Harold Damelin, Inspector General, US Department of the Treasury, is now appended at the foot of this updated posting [as of 00.40 am GMT, 28th January 2007]. Note the intended repetition of the text of H.R. 3723, a law signed by President W. J. Clinton precisely to protect private transactions such as the $4.5 trillion Wanta Settlement. The private status of the Wanta funds specifically exposes all concerned, as previously explained, to R.I.C.O. organised crime litigation, for which at least three times damages are routine upon conviction.

6. THIS EVOLVING FINANCIAL CORRUPTION CRISIS IS NOT JUST AN AMERICAN PROBLEM: IT’S AN INTERNATIONAL CRISIS: It is no pleasure at all to observe the greatest power in the world in the throes of ‘Blowback’ from this escalating financial corruption situation. In this connection, it should be recalled that ever since the Second World War, the unreformed Nazi Abwehr Continuum, a.k.a. Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD, Dachau), has deployed bribery and corruption as its primary weapon (so much more efficient than brute military force). We were delighted to learn very recently that, as a direct consequence of our earlier exposure of the corrupt $100 million payments made to the ‘facilitators’ of each European Union so-called ‘Member State’ upon completion of the InterGovernmental Conference back in 1994 concerning the aborted European Union Constitution Treaty, all these corruption payments have been frozen – so that the corrupt, self-interested EU officials and politicians concerned cannot access ‘their’ funds. It also transpires, that as a direct further consequence of this, the next European Union Treaty will necessarily prove much harder to ram through, because the DVD’s agentur will no longer be able to deploy its dirty funds taken from the secret Swiss bank account that is used to finance these ‘Payola’ payments, in order to further Pan-German geopolitical power idolatry. Details of this particular exposure can be read in the FIRST posting on this website (dated 12th October 2005: press ARCHIVE to access it).

So, in case patriotic Americans are depressed about the exposure of the financial corruption at the heart of the US Federal and State Governments, they should understand that this corruption is not, of course, confined to the United States. It is endemic internationally: and it is unravelling ‘as we speak’. It is incumbent upon purported ‘leaders of the free world’ to set appropriate standards, not to degrade them with their own reprobate antics. Watch imminent developments, and be thankful.

7. THE INTELLIGENCE CROOKS WHO HAVE BEEN WREAKING HAVOC FOR YEARS ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE, AND TIME HAS BEEN CALLED ON THEIR CORRUPTION: To stay clearly focused on what is happening, bear in mind that the ‘Black Hats’ are running scared, and that the delays to date have been caused by their last-ditch resistance to the inevitable. It took them months to realise that their game is up, and that their Ponzi scams are being exposed. They face their come-uppance, and their arrogance is such that they never imagined this could happen. The Editor is very well aware of innocent people who have, in the past, been threatened by these crooks, for fear that they might testify against them. Such empty threats are of no consequence because the corruption has been highlighted and these people face the Grandfather of all purges. Their Ponzi Schemes have been exposed, and their corrupt exploitation of other people’s money to generate illegal, untaxed funds for stashing offshore, has been revealed – so that it will be much harder for them to continue these illegal financial manoeuvres in the future. How this crisis will evolve is not possible to predict, but that the game is up is certain – and a purge of these ruthless, pitiless crooks is inevitable.






By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: www.worldreports.org. Press CLICK HERE and the ARCHIVE Button on the www.worldreports.org Home Page for Wanta Crisis reports since April 2006.

At the State of the Union Address event on 23rd January 2007, Mr Henry M. Paulson Jr., the disgraced US Treasury Secretary who was arrested in Germany in December, as previously reported here, was present. But seated behind him were four British agents who monitor all his movements. These agents are not MI5 or MI6 operatives, but are reported by sources confidential to this service, to belong to a special group which has a large contract with a primary US Federal Government Department. Accordingly, the said US Government Department apparently cannot trust US operatives to do this job – a fact that US and foreign observers consider to be a revealing reflection of the extreme state of decadence into which the US Federal Government has fallen.

The reason that the four agents watching Mr Paulson are British, is that Paulson was released from custody in Germany into the hands of the British authorities, who conveyed him (as also previously reported) to Washington, where he entered the National Cathedral late, for President Gerald Ford’s funeral service. (The British authorities want this dangerous stand-off settled once and for all).

On that occasion, and also at a later Cabinet meeting, Paulson was seen standing around with his hands in his pockets and, at the Cabinet meeting, staring at the floor. He is reported to have left for Israel immediately thereafter, and in subsequent days to have flown extensively around the world on an unpublished flight schedule, trying to find a way out of the mess he has created.

Likewise, following the State of the Union Address, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice flew to Europe in order to hand-deliver documents signed by President George W. Bush Jr. and Vice President Richard Cheney for the attention of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

These documents assert that the signatories will no longer interfere with the formally agreed $4.5 trillion Settlement payment to Ambassador Leo Wanta and his Commonwealth of Virginia-based Ameritrust Groupe, Inc. (as they have been illegally doing since June 2006: see previous postings on www.worldreports.org).

Note that Ms Rice felt it necessary to deliver these documents physically in person. Immunity for Paulson, Cheney et al is STRICTLY CONDITIONAL UPON IMMEDIATE PAYMENT OF THE WANTA SETTLEMENT. If the payment is further delayed, there will be ‘unforeseen consequences’.

The understanding with the International Court of Justice stipulates that upon the seven-month overdue payment being made, and upon receipt and confirmation of the funds by Mr Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Wanta’s AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the International Court of Justice will activate immunity from ICJ prosecution for Vice President Cheney and also Henry M. Paulson Jr. Neither official can in practice carry out their functions absent such immunity, since, for instance, the Vice President would be arrested if he ever set foot in Germany. The Secretary of the Treasury cannot do his job without such immunity. Moreover under H.R. 3723, both officials are in any case liable to arrest and prosecution in the United States itself.

Some minimal leeway was provided by the ICJ to enable the relevant US officials to conduct the necessary business to procure the Wanta Settlement.

It is understood that a total of 18 or 19 senior US officials are now seeking ICJ immunity from the consequences of their massive financial crimes, but that Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. are not included under this conditional immunity umbrella. For the purposes of this posting, and also pending the availability of confirming intelligence on the identities of the other US officials in question (which may or may not be forthcoming, although compiling a list of likely candidates is hardly a challenge), we deal here exclusively with Messrs Cheney and Paulson – on whose behalf Condoleeza Rice sought the ICJ’s approval for their immunity to be granted, on the above conditional basis.

On 25th January, the Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., received intelligence from the relevant European bankers who are charged with setting up the planned new capital markets instruments with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and other US agencies, which are to be underwritten by AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. – to the effect that payment of the diverted $4.5 trillion would be finalised on 25th January 2007.

Upon confirmation, the new capital market instruments system would be activated and the bankers would travel to New York to sign the necessary documents with AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

The Ambassador and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., were further advised by a US Treasury Compliance Officer and other investigators in fact, that payment of the diverted $4.5 trillion would be effected at around 6.30pm Eastern Standard Time on 25th January 2007, with the ‘data burst’ scenario initiated by the US Treasury on 17th November 2006 being ‘reversed’ by the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Bank of America and Wachovia Bank, and with payment of the funds being finally made into the AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. securities account with Morgan Stanley, New York; and that the payment, when implemented, would take the form of a direct US Treasury deposit.

(Since the false, diversionary ‘data burst’ of 17th November 2006 was initiated by the US Treasury, the ‘reverse engineering’ of that diversionary and illegal financial transaction winds up back with the Treasury, which makes the payment that it falsified on 17th November 2006).

As of 10.05 am Eastern Standard Time on 26th January 2007, no such deposit had been made into the AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. securities account with Morgan Stanley, New York. Specifically, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. telephoned the Office of the Deputy US Treasury Secretary, Robert M. Kimmitt, in Room 2134 at the Treasury Building at about 9.23 am.

He was put on hold and the line was cut off.

After calling a second time, he was put through to a secretary working in the office, who had no knowledge of a letter sent by AmeriTrust Group, Inc. on 22nd January 2007 [text to be added to this posting later today] requesting advice of the delivery time for the release of the funds. Mr Cottrell explained the details and urgency of the situation to the secretary, who put him on hold; and when she returned to the telephone, she stated that her boss was on an overseas telephone call and was not available. Shortly thereafter, Mr Cottrell telephoned the Office of the Treasury’s Inspector General, whereupon someone who answered the phone said she was taking all telephone calls for Mr Kimmitt’s office today (which was of course untrue since Mr Cottrell had already spoken to two other people in the Treasury).

Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., as Executive Vice President of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., then asked for a status report on the overdue $4.5 trillion US Treasury payment to the Morgan Stanley securities account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., and for an investigation as to why the payment had not been made as promised. It is the job of Mr Harold Damelin, Inspector General at the Treasury, to conduct such investigations.

It also transpired that correspondence from AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. and from one of its lawyers, had been withheld by Mr Paulson’s office. On 24th January, Mr Thomas E. Henry, Attorney at Law, had written to Mr Robert M. Kimmittt, copied to Mr Harold Damelin, Treasury Inspector General as well as to Mr Charles O. Prince, Chief Executive Officer, Citigroup, Inc. and to Pamela Johnson, head of Citigroup Global Anti-Money Laundering, demanding that the Treasury and all concerned attend immediately to the matter of the illegally diverted Wanta Settlement payment, not least to mitigate a very volatile situation with the potential for grave consequences for the world financial economy. In this connection it will have been widely noticed that whereas a few days ago, when knowledgeable global financial market participants perceived that problems with this settlement were continuing, the US dollar fell sharply on the foreign exchange markets; and that conversely, when it was thought that the matter was at last being resolved, the US dollar’s status recovered, especially against the pound sterling.

Non-resolution of this vexatious matter has the potential for plunging the whole world into financial and economic meltdown, as we explained back on 2nd September 2006.

The US Treasury will receive, on settlement, an immediate on-the-books tax windfall of $1.575 trillion, with the prospect of up to $800 billion of on-the-books tax accruals per banking week in the future, while the States of Virginia and Pennsylvania stand to gain massively from the Settlement. Accordingly, the deficit-financing Ponzi Game in which the US Treasury is engaged, will move into reverse – with immense long-term benefits worldwide.

However Vice President Cheney, Secretary Paulson and other co-conspirators in the US Federal Government and the US financial community have so far conspired to deprive the American people of the massive enduring economic benefits of this long since agreed-upon Settlement, designed by the American patriot and acknowledged financial genius, Ambassador Leo Wanta.

They have preferred self-enrichment and criminal financial operations in pursuit of a nefarious globalist agenda which has nothing to do with the welfare of the abused American people, let alone the Rest of the World – but has everything to do with their failing revolutionary global hegemony offensive, which is shredding before their jaded eyes. No doubt their continued recalcitrance is associated, in part, with their knowledge that the overdue Wanta Settlement delivers a decisive blow to their global control intentions, which the American people decisively reject.

On the other hand, further defiance will lead straight into the biggest financial and political crisis the world has ever known, with the United States’ future hobbled by a bunch of greedy criminals whose arrogance is so great that they evidently believe that they can brazenly double-cross the International Court of Justice with impunity. The Group of Eight (minus the United States), which fervently supports this overdue Settlement, has a different opinion, and will certainly not tolerate further recalcitrance by these US criminalised operatives, who have no concept of the meaning of the verb TO STOP.

In an earlier posting, we warned that the Mighty have far to fall. Henry M. Paulson has already fallen from his lofty perch of arrogance, to such an extent that he is followed around today by four agents working for another US Federal Government Department under contract, whose job it is to ensure that he fulfils his obligations.

Neither Paulson nor Cheney had, as of 11.20am Eastern Standard Time, fulfilled their solemn obligations, as stipulated in the documentation signed by President Bush Jr. and Vice President Cheney himself, which has been hand-delivered to the International Court of Justice by the US Secretary of State in person. Having jointly destroyed what remains of the reputation of the United States and its banks for probity, and having irreparably damaged the ‘Full Faith and Credit of the United States’, with their greedy transactional behaviour, they believe they are so powerful that they can thumb their noses at the international community, represented here by the International Court of Justice. And of course to play fast and loose with the world’s leading currency is to invite a global meltdown, which these people are evidently doing their very best to bring about.

In summary, Cheney and Paulson are defying the International Court of Justice while at the same time pleading with the ICJ for their immunity. They have no hope of obtaining such immunity, which they most certainly do not deserve anyway, without making the diverted and stolen $4.5 trillion Wanta payment. Yet they evidently believe that they can play games with, and lie to, the ICJ, just as they do with everyone else.

Like criminals the world over, they believe that they can get away with every ruse and deception they perpetrate, and that when they get caught ‘in flagrante’, as they have been, they can always bluff their way out of trouble. However, this time round, they are not going to get away with it.

They must deliver on their undertakings, or face getting slammed in jail for life. Next time one of these top officials is arrested, the Brits won’t be there to bail them out.

The relevant background correspondence will be added to this posting as soon as possible. For further background, please refer to earlier postings on the Home Page of www.worldreports.org, the website of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services for the world financial and intelligence communities.


[Note that this letter ‘could not be found’ inside the Treasury. We are very helpfully posting it
so that if the faxed copies have not yet been unearthed, here is the text in black and white:]

Attorney at Law
1125 South 79th Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68124

January 24, 2007

The Honorable Robert M. Kimmitt
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Office of the Treasurer/Room 2134
United States Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20220

The Honorable Harold Damelin, Esq.
Inspector General
United States Department of the Treasury

US Treasury: Via facsimile: 202-622 6464 and 202-622 0073

Mr Charles O Prince
Chief Executive Officer
153 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022

CITIGROUP Global Anti-Money Laundering
Attention: Pamela Johnson
399 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10043

CITIGROUP: Via facsimile: 212-793 9700 and 212-793 5906

Re: Apparent Circumvention and Avoidance, by both public and private individuals and entities acting either individually, jointly and/or in conspiracy with others, that prevent completion of Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

Dear Deputy Secretary Kimmitt, Mr Prince and Ms Johnson:

It is respectfully requested that immediate attention be given to the matter addressed in this letter. Irrespective of actual knowledge of the personal/corporate private business financial agreement between one or more American and foreign interests (both in the public and private sector), the named addressees by way of action and/or inaction continue to sanction an agenda contrary to the “Rule of Law” and in direct circumvention of the agreed upon business agreements.

The United States Department of the Treasury, either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), is refusing to follow the “Rule of Law” and to complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced (“Re”) matter. There is reason to believe that the violation of the “Rule of Law” by the United States Department of the Treasury is being endorsed and/or wrongfully followed by agents and/or employees of CITIGROUP. It is further reasonably believed that the United States Department of the Treasury and CITIGROUP, acting in concert and with full knowledge that the financial resources are clearly earmarked as belonging to Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., are allowing third parties to have direct and/or indirect use of the financial resources without the consent of the lawful owner of the financial resources.

All concerned parties are aware that a representative of the United States Department of the Treasury has fiduciary control over referenced settlement agreement funds located at Goldman Sachs, et al. (C.H.I.P.S.) account with CITIBANK, NYC. The violation of the “Rule of Law”, jointly subscribed to (through actions in concert) by the United States Department of Treasury and CITIGROUP amounts to a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934, and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically RICO and applicable national and international money-laundering restrictions. In addition it is further asserted that the referenced “action in concert” subjects the participating parties to a claim of violating H.R. 3723 as the same pertains to private business transactions being protected under both civil and criminal penalties.

It is assumed that all named parties are aware of multiple communications directed to Secretary Paulson and other USG and private business interests. The substitution of parties does not mitigate and only confirms that one or more parties continue to act under “Color of Law” in violation of their oath of office and/or “Rule of Law”. The United States Department of the Treasury, with the aid and assistance of CITIGROUP, is avoiding its legal obligation to complete the transfer of the referenced settlement agreement funds forthwith and without further delay.

Absent written advice that either one or all of the named parties have a legal basis to prevent delivery of funds to the rightful owner, it will be assumed that your failure to act is a knowing and intentional violation of the law. This matter requires your immediate intervention and direction to enable mitigation of a very volatile situation with the potential of serious impact on the global economy.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas E. Henry


Office of the Treasurer
1157 West 7th Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16502

22 January 2007


The Honorable Robert M. Kimmitt
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Office of the Treasurer, Room 2134
US Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20220

Cc: The Honorable Harold Damelin, Esq.
Inspector General, US Department of the Treasury

Via: Fax: (202) 622 6464; (202) 622 0073

Ref: Encl: (1) Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. corporate securities account coordinates for AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., dated 14 August 2006. [Note: These are excluded from this posting: see also below]

Re: Instructions regarding Economic Receipt of the Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Ambassador Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc:

Dear Mr Deputy Secretary

Ambassador Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and this corporation have waited for Mr Paulson, as Secretary of the Treasury, to fulfil his fiduciary responsibilities and implement and order the execution of the necessary authorizations and codes to transmit to the Morgan Stanley Securities Account coordinates submitted on 15 December 2006, 19 October 2006, 14 August 2006 – to no avail.

This corporation has been advised that the Agreed Upon Financial Settlement of Four Point Five Trillion United States Dollars ($4,500,000,000,000.00 US Dollars) are still at the coordinates via Secretary Paulson and Mr James R. Wilkinson at Bank of New York (NYC) contrary to said fiduciary instructions of the Chinese Government, et al, for delivery to Ambassador Leo E. Wanta, et al.

This firm is also aware that the funds only await final transmittal to the above referenced securities coordinates from your office. Please advise, via telephone (814-874 3257) or via facsimile (814-453 4453) of the delivery time for said release.

Re: Instructions regarding Economic Receipt of the Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Ambassador Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc:

‘Whereas, the President of the United States of America, having signed H.R. 3723 on October 11, 1996, has protected this transaction by allowing Corporations the right to declare their Contracts, Clients, Internal Procedures and Information, and the transactions they engage in as a Corporate or Trade Secret fully protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the United States of America and the International Economic Community’.

‘Inasmuch, the names, identities, bank coordinates and other identifying information of persons or entities that are party to this transaction, contained herein, or learned hereafter, shall be a Corporate Trade Secret that shall not be disseminated or other than as provided for herein, or as allowed under applicable law. Any unauthorised Disclosure of this Private Transaction, parties to, or other material fact of, shall subject the violators to Criminal Prosecution.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.

Authorized by: [Signed] Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.
Executive Vice President and Treasurer (814) 874 3257

Authorized by: [Signed] Leo E. Wanta, Chief Executive Officer, President

(1) Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. corporate securities account coordinates for AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. dated 14 August 2006.
(2) 15 December 2006 letter to The Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr.


Cc: The Honorable George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
His Excellency, Zhou Wenzhong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China
AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Thomas E. Henry, Esq.
Mr William Bonney, Sr., C.B.I.C. Corporation
Mr Thomas J. Melville

George Orwell: ‘In an age of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act’.

J. Edgar Hoover: ‘The individual is handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists’. [As with the holocaust].

Martin Luther King: ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’.

US friend: ‘You are to be congratulated on a masterful piece of research in exposing the treason and the biggest heist in history’.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001




Wednesday 12 October 2005 00:16

By Christopher Story, Editor, International Currency Review: www.worldreports.org


• Note: Intelligence on EC/EU fraud and corruption in this report was supplied by and derived from research by Ashley Mote MEP, Paul Buitenen MEP, Marta Andreasen, and Christopher Arkell. The intelligence on Edward Heath, Geoffrey Rippon, et al, and on the EU practice of making corrupt ‘payola’ payments to key negotiators and signatories of specified EU Collective and Accession Treaties in exchange for their perverted ongoing cooperation was not obtained from them, but was provided inter alia by several intelligence agencies and was cross-checked prior to publication in International Currency Review and on this website. It is noteworthy that one month after publication of this report and of the journal, not a single statement contained herein had been challenged, denied, or commented upon by the officials, journalists and others to whom the journal and this report were sent. All hope this will ‘go away’, so that everyone will forget about it – but it won’t.

The European Union Collective is illegal and so extensively criminalised that it has become all but indistinguishable from a criminal organisation. It is illegal because key EU treaties were procured by means of slush fund payments. It is corrupt because, being born in corruption, its procedures are designed to mask the corrupt activities of many of its officials, while it publishes false accounts.

These findings are published today in the latest issue of International Currency Review, the London-based Journal of the International Financial Community.

The fraudulence of the European Commission’s accounts necessitates urgent reconsideration of its Triple-A Credit Rating by the leading Rating Agencies. Precise evidence of the fraudulence of the EC’s accounts is presented in the issue.

International Currency Review has advised the agencies accordingly, and anticipates that they will carry out the necessary overdue reassessment of the EC’s ‘integrity’. In the event that no action is taken, given the extreme gravity of the evidence of institutionalised accounting fraud presented in the journal, the integrity of the Credit Rating Agencies themselves may be called into question – not least by International Currency Review. This may have repercussions for the International Financial Community generally.

But first things first. The illegitimacy and illegality of the European Union – and thus of ALL its constituent structures, including the European Central Bank – arises from the following facts:

• The British Treaty of Accession was signed by two agents of the German ‘Black’ Nazi intelligence continuum, DVD [•see below], based in Dachau, near Munich. The two signatories, both of whom received substantial financial rewards for their ‘cooperation’, were: Edward Heath and Geoffrey Rippon. Together with the late Roy Jenkins, they were recruited/compromised by the German Abwehr while studying at Balliol College, Oxford.

That is to say, official signatories and senior policymakers/operatives have received, and routinely receive, substantial corrupt payments, remitted to their secret offshore bank accounts, in exchange for their ‘cooperation’ in pushing through successive EU treaties. The bribery funds are derived from a colossal secret ‘Black Operations’ slush fund account located in Switzerland – the title and size of which is divulged in the report. For instance:

• $5.0 billion was allocated from the Swiss slush fund to ‘procure’ the European Constitution Treaty, divided into two tranches:

1. $2.5 billion was payable (and paid) on completion of the Inter Governmental Conference [IGC], in July/August of 2004, with $100 million allocated for each of the 25 EU ‘Member States’. The corrupt bribery funds were remitted in Euros.

2. A further $2.5 billion ($100 million for each ‘Member State’) was payable on ratification of the Collective Treaty. Given the negative referendum results delivered by the French and Dutch electorates, payment of the second tranches has been a matter of understandable tension and contention ever since, not least since such ‘Black’ remittances, which are commonplace at the intergovernmental level, are illegal – and therefore ‘never happened’.

Intelligence sources have provided International Currency Review with the name of the secret Swiss bank account, the vast amount of ‘Black’ money it holds, the amounts allocated for each corrupted EU ‘Member State’, and the names of three of the most prominent alleged recipients of ‘Black’ payments, together with details of the alleged transactions concerned.

These revelations have become possible following the death of Sir Edward Heath, who was a German agent and asset for six decades, representing the longest known foreign intelligence penetration in modern history.

It is significant that the Obituary of Heath published in The Guardian on 18th July 2005, closed with the following cryptic sentence:

‘He [Heath] remained determined that he would be vindicated, until close to the end’.

This referred to the fact that when Heath visited Salzburg in 2003, ostensibly to attend the Music Festival there, the real reason for his visit was that he had been summoned to Dachau, where DVD officers warned him that British intelligence were intending to confront him with his treachery. It is reported that, on hearing this, Heath literally ‘blew a fuse’: he suffered a pulmonary embolism.

A similar fate attended the demise of Roy (Lord) Jenkins, who suffered a severe heart attack when confronted by intelligence officials with the fact that he was about to be exposed for his long-term treachery against the United Kingdom. Jenkins was one of the most lethal of all long-term German agents operating at the highest levels of the British Government. And the present allegedly deeply compromised Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is the late Lord Jenkins’ protégé.

Heath, Rippon and Jenkins were far from being the only long-term, high-level foreign penetration by the DVD – the successor ‘Black’ (continuing Nazi) intelligence organisation to the Abwehr. In the United States, the Dulles brothers were German agents, and it is believed that certain operatives who have held high office in the United States were/are German agents to this day. Substantial transfers of ‘Black Operations’ funds orginally controlled by the US authorities are known to have been transferred into the hands of the German ‘Black’ covert intelligence community. The CIA is being extensively purged of operatives with ethnic and other loyalties and ties to Germany.

Given that (a) the United Kingdom’s EEC Accession Treaty, (b) The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 and (c) The (aborted) European Constitution Treaty were among E.U. treaties that were procured by fraudulent means, THE EUROPEAN UNION IS AN ILLEGAL ORGANISATION • •.

This is because Article 49 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on Treaties, to which Britain and other EU ‘Member States’ are parties, provides as follows:

‘If a State has been induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent conduct of another negotiating State, that State may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty’.

[• • The first tranche of corrupt payments for the Constitution Treaty was paid out, but the fate of the second tranche, given the negative French and Dutch referenda outcomes, is uncertain – as well as being the subject of vicious secret controversy].

According to intelligence sources, earlier European Union Collective treaties were likewise procured by fraudulent means.

In the British case, UK membership of the European Union Collective – an illegal organisation which exists to subsume, usurp and collectivise national sovereignty under the enticing cover of ‘cooperation’ (code for collectivisation) – contravenes the 1689 Bill of Rights, which remains the law of the United Kingdom to this day and which incorporates the following oath: ‘I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority within this realm’.

In addition to exposing the illegality and illegitimacy of the European Union as a whole, the latest issue of International Currency Review demonstrates, with extensive analysis and documentation, that the European Commission is a criminal organisation. The issue has been prepared in close collaboration with Ashley Mote, Independent MEP for Southeast England, [www.ashleymote.co.uk] and Continental MEP colleagues. In October 2004, Mr Mote and Marta Andreasen, the former Chief Accountant of the European Commission, presented the UK Serious Fraud Office with two large lever-arch files contained voluminous damning information about institutionalised corruption in the Commission and related EU structures.

Among reasons for concluding that the European Union is a criminal organisation, are the following:

1. Because successive Presidents of the European Union preside over the disbursement of the corrupt ‘Black’ ‘facilitation fees’ identified, each successive (six-monthly) President is and has been aware of the corrupt mechanism used to procure the EU’s successive collective treaties.

2. The incidence of fraud committed within the EU’s structures is so extensive and routine, that the European Commission has been condemned as condoning a ‘culture of corruption’, and presiding over a system of ‘institutionalised looting’. Scandalised EC whistleblowing officials refer to the European Commission as a ‘festering dustbin of corruption’. In 2004, there were nearly 3,500 separate cases of EC fraud.

3. When he was informed in 2004 that the EC Vice-President-designate, Jacques Barrot, had been convicted for the embezzlement of funds, and had withheld this information from the President-designate, José-Manuel Barroso, the President denied any prior knowledge of this fact, and left Barrot in place.

4. It is nothing unusual for European Commission officials to be associated with lucrative corrupt ‘side businesses’ – often using offshore accounts – from which they benefit financially, consequent upon contracts being awarded to the businesses in which they themselves have a secret pecuniary interest. For instance:

5. The Sunday Telegraph reported on 25th September that two EC employees own a Brussels sex hotel, Studio Europe, which rents out rooms for 13 euros an hour. No doubt this location is used for blackmail purposes. The EC officials were named as Carmela lo Giudice, an assistant in the EC Budget Directorate-General, and George Tzikis, a porter in the Directorate-General responsible for employment. This is the latest of innumerable EC scandals to have erupted into the public domain.

6. Unhealthy and evidently pervasive masonic links exist between EC officials and contractors, resulting in corrupt and unhealthy ‘business relationships’.

7. The European Commission’s accounting is not only shambolic, but also fraudulent. Evidence to this effect is presented, inter alia, by the well-known British forensic accountant, Christopher Arkell, FTCA, and by the former Chief Accountant of the European Commission, Marta Andreasen. She was ‘suspended’ after five months en poste, and then fired, after she queried the legitimacy of payments that Directorates-General required her to authorise. She asked awkward questions, and was effectively told to ‘shut up and just sign’. The EC’s accounting irregularities, which are glaring, include the following abuses:

• When certain accounting modifications were implemented at the end of 2004, the closing balances in 2004 and the opening balances in 2005 were not reconciled – thereby permanently embedding false accounting data for the future. This means that henceforth no EC accounts can ever be accurate (not that this has ever yet been the case).

• Even though EU ‘Member States’ have been making payments to the Commission for decades to cover the costs of pension liabilities for approximately 39,000 EC employees (as of 2005), the EU ‘Member States’ have simultaneously been charged with the liability of making/guaranteeing the resulting pension payments. Thus pension liabilities appear on both sides of the balance sheet. Proper accounting practice would require a charge to the Income and Expenditure Account of EUR 19.5 billion, and a consequent reduction in reserves. The European Commission should have been acquiring a liability for pensions throughout its existence, instead of fudging the accounts in this fraudulent and irregular manner.

• The European Commission ‘makes’ massive surpluses out of the ‘Member States’ annually, which it covers up. Surpluses are supposed, according to the EU’s own regulations, to be returned to the ‘Member States’. What happens in practice is that EC surpluses that have arisen after all accruals have been accounted for, are eliminated by the simple manipulative expedient of providing for potential expenditures not openly through the Income and Expenditure Account, but by means of corrupt adjustments to the Balance Sheet (‘Provisions’).

• This method of accounting is prohibited by all recognised accounting standards around the world as dishonest. Its use by the European Commission represents a clear fraud perpetrated upon the ‘Member States’ and their peoples.

• EC accounting records can be changed two or more years in arrears. The amount and the payee, but not the unique identifying number, can be altered, and no record whatsoever of such changes is/has been maintained in the records. This represents an open-ended invitation to scam the system, especially as it is routine for the EC’s Annual Accounts to be adjusted retrospectively.

8. The huge Eurocracy (or self-interested EU nomenklatura) has perfected subtle mechanisms for ensuring that hardly anything is ever done to stamp out corruption. These techniques include, but are not confined to, the following:

8.1 The use of ‘candour’, which is NOT to be confused with the truth. ‘Candour’ is deployed in order to disarm, mislead, divert and mollify critics, so that any underlying fraud goes undetected.

8.2 The ‘multiple investigations’ technique. What happens is that several investigations are ‘opened’ separately. More ‘investigations’ may follow. Some are then ‘closed’, or ‘suspended’, ostensibly ‘pending’ the ‘results’ of other investigations. The resulting, deliberately contrived, confusion, with successive reports contradicting others, ensures that the corruption trail is buried and lost. Report-writing is used to smother transparency, clarity, and truth.

8.3 The EC and its structures have at least 3,094 secret ‘working groups’ or committees, all of which are answerable to no-one, and the operations of which are secret.

8.4 The main objective of any EC fraud investigation is to procure that the case is ‘exported’ as quickly as possible to the ‘Member States’ concerned, so that any corruption at the EC centre is consequently hidden from scrutiny.

8.5 Wherever possible, investigations are kept unresolved until the existing Commission is replaced by its successor, when the ‘that was then, this is now’ excuse kicks in.

8.6 Innumerable other deliberate obstruction methods, identified by International Currency Review, with the guidance of Ashley Mote MEP and his colleagues, are routinely employed by the EC and related structures, to maximise the obfuscation of troubling problems. For instance, one external corporation, based in Luxembourg, in which EC officials had an interest, was ostensibly established on 29th February 1989 – a date which never even existed. When a sanitised official report on the entity’s fraudulent activities was presented to the former President of the European Commission, Signor Romano Prodi – that allegedly corrupt Italian ‘machine’ politician – the date was altered to 22nd February 1989. This further illustrates the devious standard EC technique of promulgating conflicting information in separate, contradictory reports. By this means, controversy is deflected into sterile arguments over the conflicting information, diverting attention from the looting itself.

8.7 The European Court of Auditors has given an adverse opinion for many years, on 95% of all European Commission Expenditure. It has never, ever, approved the EC’s accounts. Furthermore, evidence has surfaced of fraud in the Court’s own accounts – one of several indications that the Court itself cannot be trusted. Indeed, like the Commission’s own internal Audit Service, its main task, by open official admission, is to minimise embarrassment to the Commission.

The evidence of EC looting and serial corruption contained in this single issue of International Currency Review is sufficient to induce a terminal crisis at the European Commission.

Both Ashley Mote MEP and the journal’s Editor, Christopher Story, demand that the UK Treasury sits up, finally takes notice, and withholds further financial contributions to the EC budget pending elimination of institutionalised corruption and looting in the European Commission’s structures, which, on the basis of exprerience, will never happen.

In a letter to Ashley Mote dated 22nd October 2004, Mr Stephen Timms, the UK Treasury Minister responsible, told the MEP that withholding British payments to the EC would be illegal and would be an option ‘we would not even consider’.

But continued squandering of UK taxpayers’ funds represents a dereliction by British Ministers and their officials. of their duty of care towards UK taxpayers’ funds. Given the gravity of the situation, Ministers are believed to be at increasing risk of being sued for negligence as exposures of the European Commission’s ‘culture of corruption’ proliferate.

Moreover the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Lawson of Blaby, has told the House of Lords’ European Committee that the British Government DOES have the legal scope to give itself powers to withhold payments to the European Commission. He told the Committee:

‘You have to remember how hard it was to win the [UK] rebate… It would never have happened if we had not made it clear that if we did not get satisfaction, we would withhold our contributions. I think it was widely known that we had a draft bill printed to give us the legal authority to withhold our contributions. It was never published, but it was printed. It was discreetly made known to those who we negotiated with, that this is what would happen if we did not get satisfaction…. Without that threat to withhold our contributions, to the extent of having the UK law officers produce a bill, we would not have got [the rebate]’.

[Source: Future Financing of the European Union, House of Lords European Committee, HL Paper 62, 9th March 2005: evidence to the Committee by Lord Lawson].

But since Britain’s EU membership is illegal, because the UK Accession Treaty and successive EU Collective Treaties(notably Maastricht) were procured by fraud, it is not even technically necessary for the Government to extract that draft bill from the official pigeon-hole into which it was shoved.

The Government can walk away from the European Union tomorrow – and use the 25% of Gross Domestic Product represented by all current and future costs of EU Membership, to rebuild the public transportation system, build spanking new ‘schools’n’ospitals’ wherever demand exists, and revitalise the British economy generally – all without suffering any losses, since EU membership has brought Britain no clear benefits at all, that could not have been procured domestically. It has, however, meant that billions of UK taxpayers’ funds that the British Government should have been spending at home, have been squandered on this sterile, decaying, corrupt collectivist project.

All EU ‘Member States’, valuing the huge British market for their goods, would be compelled to negotiate arms’-length bilateral trade and other agreements with the United Kingdom, or risk losing access to UK markets. Any prospective interim disruptions could be accommodated by the British Government directing the UK taxpayers’ funds that it normally squanders with the EC’s ‘festering dustbin of corruption’, into temporarily vulnerable sectors of the UK economy.

A Free Trade Agreement linking Britain, the United States and Canada has been readied, for implementation when Britain leaves the European Community

For, contrary to what is in the public domain, contingency plans do exist for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. These were recently reviewed and ‘dusted down’, in the context of key connections made by certain intelligence circles following the 7/7 attacks, which have shown that EU ‘Member States’ that profess to be close allies of the United Kingdom, are anything but.

Exposure information for this special issue of International Currency review [Volume 30, Number 4] has been developed with the generous practical assistance of Ashley Mote MEP, Paul van Buitenen MEP, Marta Andreasen, Christopher Arkell FTCA, and US and UK intelligence sources special to the Editor, Christopher Story. For further details, see Ashley Mote’s website: www.ashleymote.co.uk.


• DVD: This is the ultra-secret German Nazi continung ‘Black Operations’ intelligence organisation based, appropriately enough, in Dachau, near Munich. Intelligence concerning the existence of this organisation was passed to the Editor of International Currency Review by a British intelligence source. The Editor then had its existence checked out by high-level US intelligence contacts, who confirmed the entity’s existence and importance. There is some uncertainty about what the initials DVD stand for – alternatively Deutsche Versicherungs Dienst [German Insurance Agency] or else Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst [German Defence Agency] – the context here being that DVD is the Abwehr-linked intelligence continuum of the Nazi International, originally established by the Nazi Abwehr as the German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid in 1942. Therefore, in this context, ‘insurance’ would mean ‘insuring the continuity of Nazi global hegemony strategy for the establishment of the controlling Thousand-Year Reich’; while ‘defence’ in this same context would mean ‘defending’ the continuing covert Nazi global hegemony strategy. DVD is not funded by the German Government and taxpayer, since it operates its own covert sources of giga-finance, but its main operations and strategy are routinely approved by the German Chancellery. Any official denial of this fact is a lie.


International Currency Review, Volume 30, Number 4, available exclusively by subscription from www.worldreports.org, was mailed to paying subscribers worldwide on 10th October 2005. Banks, corporations and other entities that use subscription agencies may subscribe to World Reports Limited serials through their usual channels, or else direct from our website, or from the addresses shown in the red panel on the www.worldreports.org Home Page.

For further information, contact:
Christopher Story FRSA, Editor, on: +44 (0)20-7222 3836.
• Ashley Mote MEP, whose coordinates are at www.ashleymote.co.uk.

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